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JLo  SURVEY  the  affairs  of  contemporary  Europe  is 
bound  to  be  a  troublesome  matter  ;  for  in  the  world  to-day 
the  pace  of  change  is  disconcertingly  rapid  for  the  author, 
who  must  suffer  an  interval  between  the  writing  of  his  book, 
or  even  the  passing  of  the  final  proofs,  and  the  circulation 
of  it  to  the  public.  He  cannot  avoid  the  danger  that  some  of 
his  facts  may  be  facts  no  longer  by  the  time  his  book  appears, 
and,  worse  still,  that  some  of  his  ventures  into  prophecy — 
for  he  cannot  wholly  avoid  prophesying — may  have  been 
falsified  already  by  the  course  of  events.  There  are  some  who 
feel,  on  these  grounds,  that  contemporary  "  history  "  should 
not  be  written,  or  should  be  left  to  the  newspapers.  But  we 
believe  that  intelligent  people  do  want  a  convenient  sum- 
mary of  contemporary  happenings  and  forces  ;  and  that, 
risky  as  the  attempt  to  sum  them  up  may  be,  the  risk  is  well 
worth  taking  in  the  interest  of  a  wider  diffusion  of  inter- 
national understanding. 

In  one  sense,  our  task  of  revision  has  been  simpler  than 
it  might  have  been,  though,  in  this  matter,  we  are  sorry  for 
it  ;  for  our  good  fortune  is  not  the  world's.  This  book  had  to 
be  written  in  the  months  immediately  before  the  meeting  of 
the  World  Economic  Conference.  Until  the  Conference  met, 
some  people  hoped  that  it  would  lay  the  foundations  fat^» 
new  period  of  world  prosperity  and  a  new  system  of  inter- 
national collaboration  in  the  economic  field.  If  this  had  in 
fact  happened,  we  might  have  had  to  face  the  need  for  a 
hurried  last-minute  revision  of  the  economic  section  of  this 
book.  But  as  things  have  turned  out,  the  proceedings  of  the 
Conference  have  hardly  caused  us  to  alter  a  single  phrase, 
and  have  certainly  called  for  no  revision  of  our  general  con- 
clusions about  the  world  economic  situation.  For  the  Con- 
ference has  served,  not  to  persuade  the  nations  to  act  to- 
gether, but  rather  to  illustrate  the  Tutility  of  such  great 
gatherings  except  when  they  come  together  for  a  clearly 
defined  purpose,  and  on  a  basis  of  skilled  and  careful 
preparation.  It  has,  moreover,  brought  plainly  to  the  sur- 
face the  depth  and  difficulty  of  the  economic,  as  well  as  the 


political,  antagonisms  which  hold  the  great  countries  apart. 
Economic  Nationalism  remains  as  strong  as  ever,  or 
stronger,  for  it  has  been  reinforced  by  recent  developments 
in  the  United  States,  where  President  Roosevelt  has  been 
driven  by  the  refusal  of  other  countries  to  co-operate  with 
him  in  an  international  policy  of  reflation  to  base  his 
hopes  of  recovery  purely  on  the  domestic  market.  More- 
over, current  events  in  Europe  make  remoter  than  ever 
the  prospect  of  overcoming  it  by  an  appeal  to  the  spirit  of 
international  common  sense. 

Especially,  the  World  Economic  Conference  has  shown 
that  fear,  rather  than  hope,  is  still  the  dominant  feeling 
among  politicians  in  economic  as  well  as  in  political  affairs. 
The  fear  of  inflation  among  the  countries  still  on  the  gold 
standard,  the  fear  of  expenditure,  even  on  the  most  useful 
productive  objects,  among  the  devotees  of  balanced  budgets, 
the  fear  of  imports  among  every  sect  of  Protectionists  and 
Economic  Nationalists,  the  fear  of  higher  costs  among  em- 
ployers, the  fear  of  too  much  production  among  the  advocates 
of  restrictive  schemes — these  and  other  fears  have  been  the 
burden  of  one  Conference  oration  after  another.  The  conse- 
quence is  that  nothing  can  be  done — at  the  Conference  ; 
and  the  statesmen  go  home  to  do,  in  their  own  countries,  yet 
*  .xiore  of  the  things  they  were  called  together  to  prevent. 

In  one  country  only — the  United  States — are  active  meas- 
ures being  taken  in  the  hope  of  ending  the  depression ;  and 
the  affairs  of  that  country  fall,  except  incidentally,  outside 
the  scope  of  this  book.  What  has  become  clear  is  that  Presi- 
dent Roosevelt,  whether  his  experiment  in  controlled  Capi- 
talism be  destined  to  succeed  or  fail,  is  likely  to  be  left  to  try 
it  out  alone,  with  no  help  from  Europe.  The  gold-standard 
countries  obstruct  him,  though  they  will  be  ready  enough  to 
take  the  profit  of  his  success,  if  he  does  succeed ;  and  Great 
Britain,  poised  between  Europe  and  America,  will  sit  on  the 
fence  till  it  breaks  under  her  weight,  on  the  one  hand  declar- 
ing her  desire  to  raise  world  prices,  and  on  the  other  pro- 
claiming a  policy  of"  national  economy  "  which  thrusts  off 
upon  others  the  entire  burden  of  any  action  likely  tc*  bring 


the  desired  result  about.  As  we  write,  there  is,  largely  owing 
to  events  in  America,  some  real  improvement  in  commodity 
prices  and  even  in  employment ;  but  this  is  precarious  and 
speculative,  for  it  is  based  rather  on  the  anticipation  of  what 
America  is  going  to  do  than  on  any  real  change  in  economic 
conditions  apart  from  the  American  reflation.  But  there  is  at 
any  rate  this  of  hope  about  the  American  situation.  Mr. 
Roosevelt  is  seriously  trying  to  raise  wages,  and  does  seem 
to  realise  that,  without  this,  mere  reflation  of  credit  is  cer- 
tain to  lead  on,  by  way  of  speculation,  to  a  fresh  collapse. 

Indeed,  if  Europe  be  considered  apart,  the  outlook  has 
grown  much  more  threatening  since  we  began  to  write  this 
book  ;  for  the  Nazi  coup  came  while  we  were  in  the  middle 
of  it,  bringing  a  renewed  threat  of  European  war,  intense 
though  not  perhaps  immediate,  and  throwing  into  sharper 
relief  the  manifest  failure  of  the  Disarmament  Conference. 
As  we  write  this  preface,  the  much  amended  Four-Power 
Pact — to  be  known  henceforward  as  the  Pact  of  Rome — 
has  just  been  signed  after  negotiations  which  have  pro- 
foundly altered  its  significance  since  the  original  draft  was 
put  forward  by  Signor  Mussolini ;  for  it  is  no  longer  pri- 
marily an  instrument  for  the  revision  of  the  Treaties  of 
Peace,  but  rather,  for  the  moment  at  least,  of  Franco- 
Italian  rapprochement.  The  new  Pact  may  even  be  m,!i 
to  lessen  the  war-danger,  less  because  it  indicates  any 
change  in  the  temper  of  Nazi  Germany  than  because  there 
does  seem  to  be  a  slackening  of  the  tension  between 
Italy  and  France.  Moreover,  the  Pacts  of  Non-Aggression 
recently  made  between  the  U.S.S.R.  and  most  of  her  neigh- 
bours considerably  diminish  the  danger  of  war  in  Eastern 
Europe.  But  the  Nazi  struggle  for  Austria  goes  on  ;  and  the 
fears  of  Poland  and  the  Little  Entente  have  by  no  means 
been  stilled  by  the  reassurances  that  the  Pact  excludes 
Treaty  revision  save  on  a  basis  of  Agreement,  and  under 
the  conditions  laid  down  in  the  League  Covenant. 

For  Nazism,  denying  every  standard  of  civilised  conduct 
and  government,  is  still  running  its  revolutionary  course  in 
Germany,  persecuting  Communists,  Socialists,  Jews,  and 


even  Catholics,  and  breathing  the  sound  and  fury  of  im- 
pending war.  Nazism  may  indeed  settle  down  as  a  force  in 
the  affairs  of  Europe,  as  Italian  Fascism  seems  to  have 
done  ;  but  it  will  be  far  harder  to  quieten  a  Germany  smart- 
ing under  defeat  and  full  of  irredentist  aspirations  than 
an  Italy  merely  disappointed  of  overweening  Imperialist 
ambitions.  Moreover,  while  Nazism  has  smashed  German 
Social  Democracy  past  repair,  and  dealt  a  heavy  blow  at 
European  Socialism  as  a  whole,  who  knows  what  forces  of 
revenge  and  revolution  are  preparing  within  the  new 
Germany  of  to-day  ? 

Before  this  book  appears,  much  more  may  have  hap- 
pened. The  Nazi  Revolution,  President  Roosevelt's  con- 
trolled Capitalism — these  will  both  have  moved  on  to  new 
stages.  Dr.  Dollfuss  may  be  still  in  power  in  Austria — who 
shall  say  ?  Japan  may  have  coveted  a  fresh  slice  of  Chinese 
or  Russian  territory-  ;  and  we  may  be  able  to  see  better  how 
the  great  Russian  experiment  is  faring  in  its  present  difficult 
phase.  These  things  we  must  leave,  only  hoping  that  we 
have  given  our  readers,  within  the  scope  of  our  book, 
reasonable  means  of  estimating  the  significance  of  new 
developments  as  they  arise,  and  that  in  doing  this,  if  we  have 
not  concealed,  we  have  not  unduly  obtruded  our  own  opin- 
ir^ns,  or  allowed  them  to  distort  our  picture  of  the  facts. 

For  the  use  of  most  of  the  maps  in  this  book — some  of 
them  amended  to  suit  our  purpose — we  have  to  thank  Mr. 
J.  F.  Horrabin  ;  for,  with  his  maps  to  be  had,  who  would 
wish  to  use  others  ?  Certain  of  his  maps  have  appeared  in 
Mr.  H.  G.  Wells's  Outline  of  History  ;  and  we  have  to  thank 
Messrs.  Cassell  for  the  use  of  the  plates.  Others  are  from  Mr. 
Horrabin's  excellent  Plebs  Outlines,  or  from  his  Plebs  Adas, 
and  here  again  our  thanks  are  due  to  the  publishers. 
Finally,  in  a  book  of  this  sort,  errors  are  inevitable.  We  hope 
they  are  not  too  many  ;  but  we  apologise  for  them,  and 
shall  be  glad  to  be  told  where  they  occur. 

G.  D.  H.  C. 


July  1933.  » 


Foreword  page  13 


§i  What  is  Europe  ?  17 

2  Europe  in  the  Time  of  Charlemagne  25 

3  Medieval  Europe  35 

4  From  the  Fifteenth  to  the  Eighteenth  Century     54 

5  The  French  Revolution  and  After  77 

6  The  Age  of  Imperialism  108 

7  The  European  War  121 

8  The  Post- War  Map  of  Europe  124 


§i  Populations  and  Occupations  135 

2  Eastern  Europe  143 

3  Finland,  Estonia,  Latvia,  Lithuania  152 

4  Poland  i&jj, 

5  Roumania  179 

6  The  Balkans  186 

7  Hungary,  Austria,  Switzerland  208 

8  Czechoslovakia  224 

9  Germany  233 
10  Scandinavia  280 
n  Belgium  and  Holland  291 

12  France  299 

13  Spain  and  Portugal  315 

14  Italy  336 

15  Great  Britain  344 
i£  The  U.S.S.R.  369 



§i  The  Economic  Situation  after  the  War      page  395 

2  The  World  Slump  421 

3  The  Situation  of  European  Agriculture  437 

4  The  Debtor  Countries  of  Europe  456 

5  The  European  Monetary  Problem  467 

6  Proposals  for  Raising  the  Price-Level  476 

7  Proposals  for  Restoring  the  Gold  Standard  488 

8  The  Slump  in  European  Industry  498 

9  The  Great  Industrial  Countries  519 
i  o  The  Strangling  of  European  Trade  536 
1 1  Wages  in  Europe  55 1 


§i  The  New  Constitutions  of  Post- War  Europe  565 

2  Politics  in  Great  Britain  585 

3  Politics  in  France  602 

4  Fascism  in  Italy  610 

5  Fascism  in  Germany  638 

6  The  Challenge  of  Communism  652 

7  European  Socialism  675 


§i  Disarmament  and  Security  698 

2  The  League  of  Nations  749 

3  The  International  Labour  Organisation  790 


Bibliography  835 

Index  843 


Part  I. 

Monarchies  and  Republics  in  Europe  page  129 

Part  II. 

Populations  of  Europe  in  1930  137 

Occupations  of  the  Peoples  of  Europe  142 

Part  III. 

The  Effect  of  the  War  on  European  and  World 
Production  401 

General   Indices  of  Primary  Production,   1925- 

1931  *  403 
The  Rise  and  Fall  of  European  Industrial  Produc- 
tion, 1924-1932                                                         406-7 
The  Fall  of  Agricultural  Prices,  1924-1932               411 
The  Fall  of  Industrial  Prices  in  Great  Britain, 

1924-1932  4H 

Comparative  Declines  in  Prices  of  Various  Kinds 
of  Goods,  1929-1932  415 

Estimated  World  Stocks  of  Certain  Commodities, 

1932  417 
The  Percentage  Fall  of  Import  and  Export  Values,      , 
1928-1932  429 
The  Fall  of  Wholesale  Prices,  1930-1933  431 
European  Prices,  Currencies,  etc.,  1929-1933          433 
European  Production  and  Trade  in  Wheat              439 
Price  of  Wheat  in  Various  Countries                          441 
The  World's  Wheat-Producing  Countries  (Produc- 
tion in  1929)  441 
Shares  of  Various  Countries  in  World  Export 
Trade  in  Wheat  441 
European  and  World  Production  and  Trade  in 
Certain  Agricultural  Products  in  1930                      447 
Europe's  Trade  in  Butter,  Cheese,  Eggs,  Fruits, 
Wine  and  Olive  Oil,  1931                                      450-1 
Europe's  Trade  in  Meat,  1931                               452-3 

12        LIST   OF   TABLES,    CHARTS    AND    DIAGRAMS 

The  Debtor  Countries  of  Southern  and  Eastern 
Europe  pagt  459 

Germany's  Imports  and  Exports,  1924-1932  463 

Growth  of  German  Foreign  Debts,  1924-1932         463 
Currency  Stabilisation  after  the  War  471 

Unemployment  during  the  Depression  509 

European  Industrial  Production,  1929  and  1932  511 
Trade  during  the  Depression  517 

The  Competition  for  Exports  523 

Approximate    Movement    of  Money    and    Real 
Wages  before  and  after  the  Depression  553 

Earnings  and  Costs  in  the  European  Coal  Industry  555 

Part  IV. 

Governments  and  Parties  in  Europe  566-7 

Part  V. 

Wfhat  the  Great  Powers  Spend  on  Armaments  699 
Armament  Expenditure  as  a  Percentage  of  the 

National  Budget  699 

Armament  Expenditure  per  head  of  Population  699 

Armies  at  Peace  Strength  706 

European  Armies  in  1 93 1  707 

Fleets  of  the  Powers,  1932  709 

'Air  Fleets  of  Europe,  1 932  7 1 1 


Europe  To-day  at  end  of  book 

Part  L 

Europe  in  the  Time  of  Charles  V  page    53 

The  Empire  of  Napoleon  about  1810  83 

Europe  after  the  Congress  of  Vienna  91 

Part  II. 

The  Russian  Frontier  146 

The  Polish  Corridor  173 

The  Balkans  187 

The  Break-up  of  Austria-Hungary  209 

Germany  after  the  Peace  Treaty  of  1919  235 


THIS  BOOK  is  being  written  at  a  time  when  the 
economic  life  of  every  country  in  the  world  has  been  dislo- 
cated by  a  trade  slump  of  unprecedented  severity,  and 
everywhere  men  in  their  deep  distress  are  questioning  the 
very  foundations  of  the  economic  and  political  systems 
under  which  they  live.  By  common  consent,  while  other 
continents  are  suffering  as  greatly  as  Europe  from  the 
world-wide  depression,  it  is  in  Europe  that  the  troubles 
go  deepest,  and  the  accustomed  course  of  everyday  life  is 
being  most  profoundly  disturbed.  Europe  was  the  storm- 
centre  of  the  Great  War  :  Europe  has  been  the  scene  of  the 
most  shattering  and  challenging  Revolutions  of  the  twen- 
tieth century  ;  Europe  is  still  the  continent  in  which  the 
threat  of  renewed  wars  is  chiefly  centred,  as  well  as  the 
place  where  new  experiments  in  government  and  industry 
are  being  carried  out.  Moreover,  Europe,  despite  the  con- 
tinued dominance  and  even  the  marked  recrudescence  of 
nationalist  ideas,  is  also  the  area  where  slowly  the  new 
ideas  of  peaceful  and  constructive  internationalism  are 
taking  root. 

Internationalism,  however,  as  the  tragic  history  of  the 
League  of  Nations  has  already  shown,  cannot  strike  roots 
save  in  a  soil  prepared  for  it  by  the  growth  of  international 
knowledge  and  understanding.  The  past  few  years  have 
given  a  sufficient  demonstration  of  the  helplessness  of  mere 
Utopian  internationalism  in  face  of  the  slump.  For  nation 
after  nation,  as  the  crisis  has  swept  over  its  borders,  has 
sought  to  protect  itself  by  purely  national  measures  of 
security,  regardless  of  the  fact  that  these  measures  for  the 
most  part  only  make  worse  the  world  situation  as  a  whole, 
and  react  disastrously  upon  those  who  adopt  them.  Mount- 
ing tariffs,  drastic  restrictions  on  foreign  trade  and  on  the 
making  of  payments  across  national  frontiers,  can  at  the 


best  only  snatch  for  one  country  a  partial  and  relative 
advantage  at  the  expense  of  the  rest,  and  at  the  cost  of  in- 
flicting still  worse  poverty  on  the  world  as  a  whole.  Nor  are 
the  political  repercussions  less  disastrous  ;  for  nations  which 
live  in  perpetual  economic  fear  one  of  another  are  in- 
capable of  political  collaboration,  or  of  a  belief  in  one 
another's  good  faith.  Rising  armaments  and  repressive  dic- 
tatorships follow  mounting  tariffs  ;  and  to  the  many  futili- 
ties of  the  League  is  added  the  crowning  futility  of  the 
Disarmament  Conference. 

Meanwhile,  unemployment  stalks  across  the  world 
unchecked.  The  agriculturist,  unable  to  sell  his  product, 
eats  it,  and  relapses  to  the  primitive  for  lack  of  the  power 
to  buy  industrial  goods.  The  industrial  nations,  unable  to 
sell  their  wares,  pass  from  economic  into  financial  crisis,  and 
resort  to  desperate  measures  of  "  economy  "  in  order  to 
make  their  budgets  balance.  Prices  fall,  and  the  burden  of 
international  and  internal  debts,  public  and  private,  be- 
comes unbearable  in  consequence  of  the  changed  value  of 
money.  There  is  perpetual  wrangling  over  these  debts, 
from  reparations  and  war  debts  to  ordinary  commercial 
obligations  and  farm  mortgages ;  and  this  wrangling 
further  embitters  international  relations.  In  the  scramble 
to  sell,  standards  of  living  are  forced  down  ;  and  a  world 
infinitely  better  equipped  than  ever  before  to  supply  the 
means  of  living  to  all  its  inhabitants  acquiesces  helplessly 
in  a  continuance  of  grinding  poverty  and  unnecessary 

Under  these  economic  strains  and  stresses,  systems  of 
political  government  give  way.  The  established  methods  of 
parliamentary  government  are  more  and  more  discredited 
and  undermined.  Men  fly  from  the  older  political  parties — 
from  orthodox  Socialism  as  well  as  from  Liberalism  and 
traditional  Conservatism — to  one  extreme  or  the  other. 
On  the  one  side  Communism,  master  of  the  vast  Russian 
experiment,  stretches  out  its  hands  to  Asia  and  to  Western 
Europe  ;  and  on  the  other,  Fascism,  taking  in  each  country 
a  distinctive  shape  of  its  own,  seeks  to  rally  the  nationalist 


instincts  of  the  peoples  behind  a  programme  which  discards 
all  true  internationalism  as  fruitless. 

Such  is  the  Europe  which  this  book  sets  out  to  study,  in 
the  hope  that  better  knowledge  of  the  facts  and  tendencies  of 
to-day — of  the  much  that  is  evil  and  of  the  something  here 
or  there  that  gives  solid  ground  for  hope  in  the  future — may 
help  to  create  in  men's  minds  that  international  under- 
standing without  which  there  is  plainly  no  issue  out  of  our 
present  troubles  and  perplexities.  For  this  at  least  can  be 
said  with  confidence  where  so  much  is  doubtful — that  the 
disease  from  which  the  world  is  suffering  is  a  disease  not  of 
each  separate  country  but  of  the  whole  world,  and  de- 
mands a  cure  that  can  be  applied  only  by  courageous 
action  on  a  world-wide  scale.  To  so  much  of  bias  in  their 
presentation  the  authors  of  this  book  readily  plead  guilty  ; 
but  they  have  tried  to  present  the  facts  and  tendencies  as 
objectively  as  they  have  been  able,  not  disguising  their  own 
views,  but  seeking  to  give  full  weight  to  what  makes  against 
them,  as  well  as  to  what  tells  in  their  favour.  They  do  not 
hope  to  please  everybody  ;  but  at  least  they  hope  that  the 
honesty  of  their  purpose  and, presentation  will  be  unassailed. 


1.  What  is  Europe? 

2.  Europe  in  the  Time  of  Charlemagne 

3.  Medieval  Europe 

4.  From  the  Fifteenth  to  the  Eighteenth 


5.  The  French  Revolution  and  After 

6.  The  Age  of  Imperialism 

7.  The  European  War 

8.  The  Post- War  Map  of  Europe 

§  i.   WHAT  IS  EUROPE? 

\V  H  A  T  i  s  Europe  ?  The  Encyclopedia  Britannica  says  that 
it  is  "  the  smallest  of  those  principal  divisions  of  the  land- 
surface  of  the  globe  which  are  usually  distinguished  by  the 
conventional  name  of  continents  "  ;  and  that  definition 
may  serve  as  a  start.  But  it  is  important  to  realise  that 
"  Europe,"  in  the  sense  of  a  civilisation-group,  has  not 
always  borne  quite  the  same  meaning  at  different  periods. 
In  some  ages  the  northern  parts  of  what  we  now  call 
Europe  were  practically  not  part  of  it ;  at  other  times  por- 
tions of  Northern  Africa  and  of  Northern  or  Southern  Asia 
(or  both)  were  included  in  the  ambit  of  European  civilisa- 
tion. Even  now,  when  Europe  is  commonly  accepted  as 
being  bounded  by  the  Urals,  the  Caucasus,  the  Black  Sea, 
and  the  Mediterranean,  we  find  that  political  reasons  make 
it  necessary  for  parts  of  Northern*  Asia  to  be  brought 
within  the  scope  of  this  book. 

Europe,  also,  has  had  a  long  history.  In  point  of  civilisa- 
tion, it  is  not  the  oldest  of  the  continents  ;  there  were 
civilised  states  in  Asia  when  the  inhabitants  of  Europe  were 


still  primitive.  But,  though  European  civilisation  has  not 
had  the  longest,  it  has  had  the  most  variegated  history.  The 
history  of  European  civilisation  is  one  of  continual  change 
and  development — sometimes  in  a  progressive,  sometimes 
in  a  retrogressive  sense — and  the  political  map  of  Europe 
to-day  is  the  product  of  a  great  number  of  historical  factors. 
Europe  has  grown  rather  than  been  planned  ;  and  when,  at 
one  time  and  another,  efforts  have  been  made  to  re-plan 
Europe  by  important  treaties,  such  as  the  Treaty  of  Paris  in 
1816  or  the  Treaty  of  Versailles  in  1919,  the  results  have 
often  been  more  unfortunate  and  less  stable  than  those  of 
natural  growth. 

If,  then,  we  take  Europe  as  defined  in  our  first  para- 
graph, and  look  at  it  as  a  whole,  what  do  we  find  ?  Physic- 
ally, Europe  is  divided  into  two  main  contrasting  portions — 
the  great  plain  to  the  north,  and  the  mountain  masses  to 
the  south.  Reading  the  map  from  west  to  east,  we  find  the 
great  plain  beginning  as  a  narrowish  strip  in  Northern 
France,  continuing,  still  narrow,  through  Holland  and 
North  Belgium  into  Northern  Germany,  where  it  begins 
gradually  to  widen  out.  East  of  the  Bavarian  and  Austrian 
highlands  this  widening  becomes  much  greater,  taking  in 
the  whole  of  Poland  and  spreading  northwards  up  the 
Gulf  of  Riga,  until  we  reach  the  great  plain  of  European 
Russia  which  stretches  from  the  Arctic  Ocean  to  the  shores 
of  the  Black  Sea  and  merges  almost  imperceptibly,  save 
for  the  slow  slopes  of  the  southern  Urals,  into  the  huge 
spaces  of  central  Asia.  The  traveller  who  is  ignorant  of 
language  and  indifferent  to  the  works  of  man  will,  as  he 
looks  out  of  his  carriage-window,  find  nothing  in  the  shape 
of  the  land,  and  little  in  the  vegetation,  to  tell  him  when  he 
has  passed  from  Germany  into  Poland,  and  from  Poland 
into  Russia. 

South  of  this  great  plain  region  is  the  mountain  mass  of 
which  the  Alps  are  the  central  core.  Westward  this  moun- 
tain mass  spreads  via  Haute-Savoie  and  the /Dauphine* 
into  southern  and  central  France,  and  vj*  the  Pyrenees  to 
the  high-ridged  plateaux  of  Spain  ;  nortnward  it  flings  out 


the  Black  Forest,  the  mountains  of  South  Germany,  Austria, 
and  Czechoslovakia,  and  the  great  curving  ridge  of  the 
Carpathians  ;  southward  project  the  Apennines  and  the 
other  mountains  of  Italy,  as  well  as  submerged  ridges  which 
occasionally  rise  above  sea-level,  as  in  Corsica  and  other 
Mediterranean  islands  ;  while  eastward  an  irregular  moun- 
tain block  covers  practically  the  whole  of  the  Balkan  coun- 
tries, extends,  growing  even  more  irregular,  south  to 
Greece  and  the  -dEgean  islands,  and  reappears,  after  a  very 
brief  interruption,  across  the  Straits  in  the  highlands  of 
Asia  Minor.  This  mountain  region,  naturally,  is  not  homo- 
geneous like  the  plain.  Within  it,  separate  mountain  chains, 
upland  regions,  and  even  separate  peaks  can  be  distin- 
guished. Moreover,  there  are  a  number  of  subsidiary  plains, 
large  and  small,  enclosed  or  half-enclosed  within  the  ranges, 
of  which  the  plain  of  Hungary,  encircled  by  the  arm  of  the 
Carpathians,  is  the  most  obvious  example  ;  and  there  are 
also  many  instances  in  which  rivers,  cutting  through  the 
mountain  masses,  have  in  the  course  of  ages  turned  their 
beds  into  wide  valleys  or  plains  of  their  own.  The  Po,  whose 
valley  is  the  plain  of  Lombardy,  and  the  Rhone  in  Provence, 
are  cases  in  point ;  and  it  often  happens  that  such  minor 
plains  or  valleys,  sheltered  by  the  mountains,  are  more 
fertile  and  more  productive  than  the  unprotected  northern 
flats.  North  again,  of  the  great  plain  lie  more  mountains, 
the  highlands  of  Wales  and  Scotland — Eastern  England  is 
really  a  part  of  the  plain — and  the  great  mountain  chains 
of  Norway  and  Sweden,  which  extend  via  Finland  into  the 
northernmost  parts  of  Russia. 

We  have  said  that  the  great  plain  stretches  from  the 
coast  of  Normandy  to  central  Asia  without  a  break.  It 
should  be  observed,  however,  that  the  only  swamp  area 
of  any  size  in  Europe,  the  Pripet^  marshes  which  lie 
between  Poland  and  Russia,  though  they  do  not  make  a 
break,  do  in  effect  constitute  a  considerable  natural  barrier  ; 
while  there  is  a  somewhat  similar  barrier  in  Finland,  where 
a  very  hard  undersoil  has  caused  to  exist  a  large  number  of 
lakes.  (Most  of  the  inland  water  of  Europe  is  in  fact  to  be 


found  in  Finland.)  Furthermore,  though  there  is  no  visible 
natural  barrier  to  the  south  between  Russia  in  Europe  and 
Russia  in  Asia,  there  is  in  fact  a  perceptible,  though  not 
strictly  defined,  climatic  differentiation.  In  the  summer, 
the  warm  damp  winds  from  the  seas  and  mountains  pene- 
trate far  into  central  Russia  and  produce  a  rainfall  that  is 
more  like  that  of  Central  Europe  than  that  of  Asia,  so  that 
a  broad  wedge  of  Russian  territory  whose  apex  is  some- 
where about  Kazan  may  be  said  to  be  European  in  summer 
and  more  or  less  Asiatic  in  winter. 

Along  with  the  climatic  differences  go  differences  in 
crops.  In  the  south,  round  the  Mediterranean  regions,  is  the 
traditional  home  of  the  vine  and  the  olive,  the  former,  which 
stands  fairly  cold  winters  but  requires  sun  to  ripen  it, 
extending  further  north  than  the  latter.  North  of  the  olive 
region  comes  the  region  of  forest  trees,  mainly  beech  at 
first,  then  beech  and  oak,  then  oak  alone,  with  ash  and 
birch  extending  further  north,  and  north  of  all  pine.  North 
of  the  pine  area  comes  the  area  of  frozen  sub-soil,  where 
even  the  pine  will  not  grow,  and  the  vegetation  descends  to 
Arctic  scrub.  The  forest  region  extends  over  the  bulk  of 
Europe  except  the  steppes  of  South  Russia,  where  trees 
only  grow  along  the.  banks  of  rivers.  The  famous  "  black 
earth  belt "  of  mid-Russia  is  all  oak  country.  But,  of 
course,  not  all  the  forest  region  is  now  covered  with  forest, 
though  there  is  much  forest  remaining.  Two-fifths  of  the 
entire  area  of  Russia  and  Germany,  for  example,  is  still 

Where  the  forest  has  been  cleared,  there  follow  the  cereal 
crops — wheat,  for  the  most  part,  in  the  warmer  and  more 
sheltered  parts,  rye  north  and  east  of  the  Rhine,  the  Austrian 
Alps  and  the  Carpathians,  with  barley  and  oats  as  subsi- 
diary crops.  There  is  not,  of  course,  a  definite  boundary 
between  wheat-growing  and  rye-growing  areas  ;  but  the 
distinction  between  the  countries  which  eat  wheaten  and 
those  which  eat  rye  bread  is  fairly  marked.  Two  foodstuffs 
of  considerable  importance  have  been  introduced  from 
America,  maize  in  the  south  and  potatoes  in  the  north  of 

WHAT    IS    EUROPE?  21 

Europe  ;  and  there  has  also  in  recent  times  been  a  consider- 
able development  of  root  crops  such  as  turnips,  swedes, 
etc.  (mainly  for  feeding  cattle),  and  sugar-beet.  Tobacco  is 
grown  in  the  south  and  cotton  only  in  the  Turkestan  and 
Transcaucasian  provinces  of  Russia. 

Transport  and  Occupations.  Europe's  means  of  com- 
munication and  transport  are  on  the  whole  excellent.  The 
natural  means  are  plentiful  :  there  is  the  sea,  which  by 
many  bays  and  indentations,  and  such  great  arms  as  the 
Gulfs  of  Bothnia  and  Riga,  brings  widely  separated  districts 
within  easy  "  sea-reach  "  of  one  another  ;  and  there  are 
plenty  of  navigable  rivers,  of  which  some,  such  as  the 
Dnieper,  the  Danube,  the  Rhine  and  the  Rhone,  have  been 
highways  of  traffic  ever  since  there  was  any  traffic  to  use 
them.  The  hand  of  man  has  added  to  these  natural  advant- 
ages— there  are  large  and  important  canal  systems  in  many 
areas,  of  which  the  French  canals  are  the  best ;  and  there  is 
also,  at  least  in  the  western  and  central  parts,  a  network  of 
railways  which,  though  suffering  in  general  efficiency  from 
having  been  planned  overmuch  on  pre-war  national  lines, 
still  far  surpasses  the  railway-systems  of  any  other  continent 
but  North  America.  Roads  vary  much  more,  from  the 
magnificent  French  pattern  of  routes  nationdes  radiating  out 
from  Paris  (and  planned  and  built,  in  the  main,  to  serve  the 
military  needs  of  France)  to  the  appalling  series  of  pot-holes 
that  go  by  the  name  of  roads  in  central  Russia  and  some  of 
the  Balkan  States.  The  arrival  of  the  internal  combustion 
engine  seems  to  be  forcing  some  road  improvement  in 
Central  and  Eastern  Europe  as  the  arrival  of  the  stage- 
coach forced  it  on  eighteenth-century  England  ;  but  road- 
building  is  so  expensive,  and  the  countries  which  need  it  so 
poor,  that  any  improvement  can  only  be  very  slow.  Of 
aerial  transport  it  is  too  soon  to  speak  with  confidence.  At 
the  moment,  its  part  is  negligible  ;  air  lines  do  not  pay  ; 
where  they  exist,  they  are  subsidised  by  governments, 
mainly  from  military  motives.  At  first  sight,  the  greatest 
future  for  the  development  of  aerial  transport  would  seem 


to  be  in  Russia,  where  railway  competition  is  slight  and 
where  the  great  plain  removes  the  problem  of  landing.  But, 
of  course,  further  inventions  may  mitigate  or  wipe  out 
the  difficulties  of  landing  in  mountainous  country.  In 
the  meantime,  one  can  only  observe  that  the  develop- 
ment of  air  navigation  tends  to  concentrate  traffic  more 
on  the  capitals  of  the  several  countries,  and  to  remove, 
to  that  extent,  the  obsolete  horrors  of  the  "  frontier 

To  the  English  reader,  who  is  too  often  educated  to 
regard  Europe  as  an  over-large,  polyglot,  ill-tempered 
country  lying  to  the  east  and  south  of  England,  it  comes 
natural  to  think  of  Europe  as  primarily  industrial.  This  is 
not  so.  According  to  the  latest  available  figures  (1933)  less 
than  a  hundred  millions  out  of  its  250  millions  of  occupied 
inhabitants  get  their  living  by  ways  other  than  agriculture, 
hunting  or  fishing.  Even  if  Soviet  Russia  be  excluded,  less 
than  50  per  cent  are  so  occupied  ;  and  in  only  five  out  of  the 
28  important  States  (Great  Britain,  Belgium,  Germany, 
Holland  and  Switzerland),  do  the  industrial  workers  exceed 
the  land  workers  in  number.  The  great  majority  of  the  in- 
dustrial workers  in  Europe  are  concentrated  in  and  about 
the  coalfields,  of  which  there  are  four  main  conglomerations 
— the  English  coal-measures,  the  coalfields  of  Belgium, 
Northern  France  and  the  Ruhr,  the  Silesian  field,  and  the 
inadequately-developed  Donetz  basin  in  South  Russia. 
Of  these  fields,  two,  Silesia  and  the  Ruhr,  have  been  the 
subject  of  bitter  political  contention.  Coal  being  so  bulky 
and  expensive  to  transport,  the  tendency,  noted  by  all 
economic  historians,  to  concentrate  productive  industry, 
and  hence  population,  in  and  about  the  great  coalfields, 
has  generally  prevailed.  There  are,  however,  smaller  coal 
areas  which  have  attracted  manufactures  to  them  ;  there 
are  also  industries,  such  as  the  silk  industry  of  the  Rhone 
valley,  which  have  grown  up  independently  of  coal ;  and 
there  is,  further,  the  comparatively  recent  development  of 
hydro-electric  power  in  industry,  which  is  most  marked  in 
countries  such  as  Italy,  Switzerland,  and  Scandinavia, 

WHAT    IS    EUROPE?  23 

which  have  little  coal  but  abundance  of  water-power.  This 
development,  however,  is  as  yet  in  its  infancy,  and  its 
future  is  a  matter  of  guesswork. 

Broadly  speaking,  industrial  production  is  still  the 
preserve  of  Western  Europe.  The  only  non-agricultural 
product  in  which  Eastern  Europe  has  at  present  the  advant- 
age is  petroleum,  which  is  hardly  found  in  the  west.  It 
should  be  remembered,  however,  that  this  statement  refers 
only  to  present-day  statistics.  The  unused  mineral  resources 
of  Russia  are  enormous  ;  they  are  only  beginning  to  be 
tapped  to-day  ;  and  it  may  well  be  that  another  generation 
or  two  will  see  a  very  great  transformation  in  the  balance 
of  European  modes  of  life. 

To-day,  however,  we  must  still  regard  Europe  as  mainly 
agricultural  ;  and  Eastern  Europe  as  almost  wholly  so. 
Agricultural,  in  the  sense  of  living  off  land  crops — wheat, 
rye,  potatoes,  butter,  cheese,  etc.,  according  to  climate  and 
fertility — and  exporting,  in  the  case  of  the  east,  a  per- 
ceptible, though  not  a  very  large  surplus,  to  feed  the  mine 
and  factory  workers  of  the  west.  Certain  highly  developed 
areas  have  specialised  in  certain  products — the  dairy  pro- 
duce of  the  Danes,  and  the  vineyards  of  Southern  France, 
are  examples  which  will  occur  to  everyone.  But,  in  general, 
the  type  of"  mixed  farming  "  which  aims  at  supplying  as  a 
first  charge  the  necessities  of  the  producer  and  only  there- 
after exchanging  for  industrial  goods  prevails.  (The  English 
reader,  however,  must  beware  of  assuming  that  this  implies 
a  universal  system  of  scattered  farms  such  as  he  sees  in  his 
own  country.  The  village  community — a  phenomenon  lost 
in  England  since  the  industrial  revolution — clustering 
round  its  own  centre,  with  frequently  miles  of  unoccupied 
territory  separating  it  from  the  next  community,  is  a  far 
more  common  mode  of  organisation  in  the  peasant 
countries.)  * 

Much  of  Europe,  then,  is  peasant.  Much  of  Europe,  then, 
by  English  or  American  standards,  is  poor.  How  poor, 
relative  to  the  standard  of  an  "  advanced  industrial 
country,"  the  economic  chapters  of  this  book  will  show.  It  is 


important  to  realise,  at  the  outset,  that  the  standard  of  life 
of  a  Hungarian,  Polish  or  Yugoslavian  peasant,  even  before 
the  world  slump,  was  one  at  which  the  industrial  worker 
of  the  west  would  have  scorned  to  live,  would,  in  fact,  have 
died — probably  of  scurvy.  The  rulers  of  Soviet  Russia, 
whose  people  consist  largely  of  peasants  bred  to  the  lowest 
of  European  standards,  and  whose  quotient  of  political 
realism  is  perhaps  the  highest  in  present-day  Europe,  have 
recognised  this  fact  by  putting  the  foreign  (i.e.  imported 
Western)  industrial  worker  in  a  preferential  position 
as  regards  essential  food  supplies,  because  the  Western 
worker,  called  upon  to  live  at  the  Russian  peasant  standard, 
dies  out  of  hand.  Nevertheless,  the  European  worker, 
industrialist  or  peasant,  lives  better  than  the  worker  of 
other  continents,  save  Australia  and  North  America.  This 
book  is  not  dealing  with  the  lot  of  the  Chinese  coolie,  the 
Indian  ryot,  or  the  native  of  Kenya  Colony  ;  but  the 
existence,  in  Asia  and  Africa,  of  millions  far  outnumbering 
the  entire  population  of  Europe  in  an  economic  condition 
below  that  of  the  poorest  European  is  a  fact  which  must  not 
be  forgotten. 

For  the  last  point  which  must  be  emphasised  in  this 
opening  survey  is  that  Europe  does  not  live  of  itself  alone. 
In  spite  of  this  preponderance  of  agricultural  over  industrial 
workers,  Europe  does  not  feed  or  clothe  itself.  About  10 
per  cent  of  the  food  of  Europe,  and  a  smaller  percentage 
of  the  clothing  of  its  population,  are  annually  imported, 
to  say  nothing  of  the  raw  materials  which  the  industrial 
areas  draw  from  tropical  or  semi-tropical  regions.  Ever 
since  the  seventeenth  century,  the  import  of  primary 
products  from  other  continents,  and  the  export  to  them  of 
manufactured  goods,  has  been  an  integral  part  of  European 
economy.  Nor  can  we  quite  ignore  the  steady  export  of 
human  beings  to  the  tvest  which,  until  a  very  few  years  ago, 
formed  an  important  factor  in  keeping  up  the  European 
standard  of  life.  The  practical  closing  of  the  United  States 
to  Europe's  unwanted  mouths  has  undoubtedly  had  some 
effect  on  the  post-war  standard  of  life  in  countries,  such  as 

WHAT    IS    EUROPE?  25 

Italy  or  Roumania,  which  before  the  war  annually  exported 
a  considerable  human  surplus  across  the  Atlantic. 

More  important,  however,  for  European  history  and 
present-day  politics  is  the  business  of  material  import  and 
export,  including  the  export  of  capital,  by  which  European 
groups  which  have  a  surplus  to  invest  lend  it  overseas  for 
the  purpose  of  development  and  manufacture  in  "  un- 
developed "  or  "  uncivilised  "  countries,  and  receive  there- 
for an  annual  tribute  of  interest  whose  preservation  leads  to 
complicated  political  relationships  with  extra-European 
lands.  The  Near  East,  the  Far  East,  the  South  American 
States,  and  the  tropical  African  territories,  have  all  played 
an  increasing  part  in  the  life  of  Europe.  As  it  were  a  great 
shadow,  the  shadow  of  imperialism,  has  loomed  for  at  least 
the  last  two  hundred  years  over  all  European  events.  In 
studying  either  the  history  or  the  present  condition  of 
modern  Europe,  the  reader  will  find,  again  and  again,  that 
some  quite  minor  incident  or  dispute  appears  to  have 
attached  to  itself  national  passions  out  of  all  proportion  to 
the  issues  immediately  involved  ;  and  a  further  examination 
will  often  show  that  the  clue  lies,  not  in  Europe,  but  far 
outside,  on  the  route  to  India  or  the  upper  reaches  of  the 
Nile.  Neither  European  history  nor  European  politics  can 
be  understood  if  the  rest  of  the  world  is  forgotten. 

§  2.   EUROPE  IN  THE  TIME  OF 

As  WELL  as  being  a  physical  and  economic  entity,  Europe 
is  a  congeries  of  national  States,  having  among  them  many 
varieties  of  race,  religion,  occupation  and  political  in- 
stitutions. To  describe  these  States,*  their  likenesses  and 
differences,  will  be  the  concern  of  Part  Two  of  this  book. 
Here  we  have  now  to  consider  how  Europe  "  came  about  " 
— how  the  political  map  which  we  shall  draw  grew  to  its 
present  appearance. 


In  one  sense,  all  history  is  continuous  ;  and  it  would  be 
reasonable  to  begin  a  survey  of  European  history  in  the 
Stone  Age.  But  it  would  not  be  very  useful  for  our  purpose  ; 
it  would  take  up  a  great  deal  of  space,  and  the  bearing  of 
much  of  it  upon  the  life  of  modern  Europe  would  be  very 
slight.  It  will  therefore  be  more  sensible  to  begin  at  the 
earliest  point  at  which  we  can  think  of  Europe  as  a  whole 
without  having  to  concern  ourselves  also  with  Northern 
Africa  and  the  Levant,  at  a  point,  that  is  to  say,  when  the 
earlier  civilisation-grouping  which  centred  around  both 
shores  of  the  Mediterranean — which  in  its  last  phase  we  call 
the  Roman  Empire — had  definitely  ceased  to  exist.  Such  an 
historical  point  seems  to  lie  somewhere  between  A.D.  732, 
when  the  Frank  leader  Charles  Martel  stopped,  finally,  the 
rapid  conquests  of  the  Mohammedan  armies  at  the  battle 
of  Tours  in  Southern  France,  and  800,  when  the  Pope 
crowned  his  grandson  Charlemagne  as  Emperor  of  Catholic 
Christendom.  Let  us  therefore  begin  by  looking  at  Europe 
in  the  latter  half  of  the  eighth  century. 

The  first  essential  is  that  we  should  not  look  at  it  too  much 
from  the  standpoint  of  the  modern  Westerner.  The  rapid 
economic  advance  of  Western  Europe  since  the  discovery  of 
America,  coal,  and  steam  power,  tends  to  make  modern 
readers  think  only  in  terms  of  the  West,  and  ask  of  any  age 
first,  what  was  happening  in  Britain,  France,  Germany,  as 
though  these  were  the  areas  of  outstanding  importance. 
But  in  the  eighth  century  this  was  not  in  the  least  true.  A 
dispassionate  observer  from  another  continent  (or  another 
planet),  looking  at  eighth-century  Europe,  would  have 
certainly  selected  the  Eastern  Roman  or  Byzantine  Empire, 
centred  upon  the  splendid  city  of  Constantinople,  as  the 
most  important  political  unit.  This  Byzantine  Empire,  it  is 
true,  had  been  very  much  reduced  in  territory  during  the 
preceding  hundred  years  by  the  conquests  of  the  Arabs 
under  Mohammed  and  his  successors.  It  had  lost  Egypt, 
Northern  Africa,  Syria,  and  Mesopotamia,  and  its  hold 
upon  Asia  Minor  was  precarious.  Nevertheless,  in  Asia 
Minor,  Greece,  the  ^Egean  islands,  and  much  of  what  now 


forms  the  Balkan  States  its  territory  was  extensive,  and  it 
was,  moreover,  still  vital  and  able  to  expand  and  deliver 
the  culture  it  had  learned  from  Greece  and  the  form  of 
Christianity  known  as  Orthodox  among  the  half-civilised 
tribes  to  the  north  and  east  of  its  own  dominions.  Bulgaria, 
for  example,  and  the  communities  which  sprang  up  along 
the  Dnieper  River  and  whose  centre  was  Kiev,  were  Chris- 
tianised from  Constantinople,  and  the  extent  of  its  medieval 
influence  can  partly  be  calculated  by  seeing  in  what  modern 
countries  the  majority  of  the  population  belong  to  the  Greek 
Orthodox  Church. 

Further,  the  civilisation  of  the  Byzantine  Empire  was  a 
great  civilisation.  It  had  a  long  tradition  of  culture,  going 
back  more  than  a  thousand  years  to  the  early  Greek  cities  ; 
it  had  a  highly  developed  city  life,  with  magnificent 
buildings,  spectacles,  art,  decoration,  etc.,  etc.  Constantin- 
ople is  estimated  to  have  contained,  at  its  height,  two 
million  people — as  many  as  modern  Paris,  more  than 
Imperial  Rome  and  far  more  than  any  medieval  European 
city.  Its  reputation  spread  far  beyond  the  confines  of  the 
Empire  ;  by  the  firesides  of  Norway  and  Sweden  tales  were 
told  of  Micklegarth — the  word  means  Great  City,  and  the 
city  is  Constantinople.  Nor  was  the  civilisation,  though 
stiff  and  to  our  modern  eyes  overridden  with  formalism, 
in  any  sense  effete.  The  finance  of  Constantinople  was 
sound  ;  its  gold  besant  circulated  unquestioned  in  all 
markets  of  Europe  and  the  Near  East — no  small  achieve- 
ment in  an  age  where  debased  and  unacceptable  currencies 
were  the  rule  ;  and  in  a  military  sense  the  Empire  had 
proved  itself  again  and  again  able  to  withstand  the  attacks 
of  the  full  Moslem  force  and  to  hold  the  Straits  against 
Moslem  invasion. 

The  Byzantine  Empire,  then,  was  solid,  rich  and  splendid. 
Western  and  Central  Europe,  however,  had  fallen  into  a 
chaos  which  the  efforts  of  Charlemagne  did  little  but  throw 
into  relief.  As  the  Roman  Empire  in  the  West  declined,  so 
did  the  system  of  government  which  it  had  taught  to  its 
barbarian  subjects  decline  also.  It  became  more  and  more 


difficult  to  find  persons  who  would  undertake  the  task  of 
civil  administration  and  perform  it  with  reasonable  justice 
and  honesty  ;  more  and  more  the  Government,  instead  of 
itself  governing  or  defending  its  territories,  tended  to  "  farm 
out  "  this  function,  to  give  to  a  great  chief  or  lord  the  task 
of  himself  policing  or  defending  his  estates,  thereby  relin- 
quishing in  effect  any  right  of  control  over  his  actions  ; 
towns  began  to  decay  and  roads  to  be  unsafe  ;  and  the  class 
of  small  freemen  who  had  come  into  the  Empire  with  the 
barbarian  tribes,  like  the  remaining  middle-class  of  the  old 
regime,  began  to  be  driven  by  insecurity  more  and  more  to 
come,  willingly  or  by  force,  under  the  protection,  and  even 
under  the  absolute  power,  of  some  great  man.  Serfdom  was 

These  tendencies  were  rapidly  strengthened  when  the 
Arab  conquests  (which  included  all  Northern  Africa,  Spain, 
South  Italy  and  Sicily  and  the  Mediterranean  islands) 
practically  cut  off  Roman  Christendom  from  the  rich  lands 
of  the  Near  East.  As  the  war  was  a  religious  war,  the 
Christians  in  effect  ceased  to  trade  with  the  Moslems ;  and  of 
all  that  we  now  call  Europe  only  Spain,  Constantinople,  some 
of  the  islands,  and  Venice  (which  was  exceptional  in  many 
ways)  continued  to  participate  in  that  Mediterranean  trade 
which  had  been  the  life-blood  of  the  Roman  Empire.  The 
result  of  this  was  quickly  seen  in  the  rapid  impoverishment 
of"  Christendom."  Gold  coins  disappeared  ;  silver  coinage, 
and  that  of  every  sort  and  standard  of  refinement,  alone 
was  to  be  found  ;  but  there  was  everywhere  a  return  to 
primitive  standards  of  living  eked  out  by  barter.  The 
Roman  cities  dwindled,  and  many  of  them,  like  Verula- 
mium  and  Silchester  in  England,  simply  disappeared.  Even 
so  important  a  city  as  the  great  port  of  Marseilles  dwindled 
to  a  fraction  of  its  former  self.  City  life  had  nearly  come  to  an 
end,  and  the  rising  of  the  "  burgs  "  of  the  Dark  Ages,  which 
many  have  regarded  as  a  revival  of  city  life,  is  so  in  very 
small  degree.  For  the  majority  of  the  burgs  were  not  cities  in 
any  real  sense,  but  small  clusters  of  cottages  around  castles 
built  by  barons  or  princes  of  the  Church,  housing  the 


craftsmen — smiths,  armourers,  carpenters,  masons,  and  the 
like — who  were  necessary  to  the  upkeep  of  the  castle. 

With  the  decay  of  the  towns  and  the  impoverishment  of 
country  life  went  a  decline  in  the  arts  of  civilisation.  It  is 
hardly  necessary  to  remind  readers  that  in  this  beginning 
of  the  Middle  Ages  practically  all  that  was  preserved  of 
science,  art,  and  literature  was  preserved  by  the  monas- 
teries ;  it  should  be  noticed,  however,  that  preservation  is 
all  that  we  owe  them.  The  new  contributions  made  to  these 
subjects  during  the  period  are  of  interest  only  to  anti- 

Before  Charlemagne  it  is  somewhat  misleading  to  speak 
of  the  political  government  of  this  part  of  Europe  ;  for  there 
was  hardly  any.  There  was  a  rough  language-grouping, 
derived  from  the  tribes  who  had  originally  invaded  the 
Roman  Empire  ;  and  there  were  "  kings  "  or  "  dukes,"  or 
"  princes,"  who  were  more  or  less  sovereign  over  territories 
of  varying  extent.  But  such  political  power  as  there  was 
rested  mainly  in  the  hands  of  local  lords,  who  had  carved 
out  for  themselves  small  or  large  territorial  spheres,  in 
which  they  were  practically  supreme,  paying  some  sort  of 
service  and  tax  to  their  nominal  overlord,  ruling  over  a 
congeries  of  lesser  lords  and  peasant  farmers  who  might 
be  slaves,  serfs,  or  free  tenants,  and  living,  in  their  turn,  by 
services  and  tribute  taken  from  these  classes.  Medieval 
histories,  for  want  of  a  better  word,  speak  of  the  "  king- 
doms "  of  Neustria,  Lombardy,  and  the  like  ;  but  it  is  im- 
portant to  realise  that  such  kingdoms  bore  practically 
no  resemblance  to  the  kingdoms  of  the  modern  world,  or 
even  of  the  seventeenth  century. 

Such,  in  the  eighth  century,  was  the  condition  of  a  large 
part  of  Europe,  covering  roughly  the  area  occupied  by 
modern  France,  England,  Germany,  the  Low  Countries, 
Austria,  Switzerland,  and  Northern*  Italy.  Charlemagne, 
the  grandson  of  Charles  Martel,  made  a  great  effort  to  in- 
troduce unity  and  at  any  rate  the  rudiments  of  ordered 
government.  Beginning  with  a  counter-attack  upon  the 
Moslems  in  the  Spanish  Peninsula  (later  known  as  Moors), 


which  resulted  in  the  formation  of  a  couple  of  Christian 
principalities  just  south  of  the  Pyrenees,  he  went  on  to  unite 
under  himself  the  two  main  divisions  of  the  former  Prankish 
kingdom,  which  were  roughly  separated  by  the  Rhine,  and 
continued  by  conquering  Northern  Italy  and  parts  of 
Germany  which  had  never  been  included  in  the  Roman 
Empire  at  all,  and  were  now,  by  the  efforts  of  Charlemagne 
and  his  monks,  brought  within  the  pale  of"  Christendom." 
His  coronation,  in  the  year  800,  by  the  Pope  as  "  Holy 
Roman  Emperor  " — of  the  results  of  which  more  later — 
proclaimed  him  ruler,  in  idea  though  not  in  fact,  of  all  the 
lands  which  had  formed  part  of  the  Roman  Empire  of  the 
West,  and  filled  his  contemporaries  with  the  idea  that  a 
golden  age  for  Christendom  was  about  to  dawn. 

They  had  some  justification  for  this.  Charlemagne  tried 
hard  to  introduce  some  sort  of  order  into  his  wide  domin- 
ions ;  he  sent  round  royal  emissaries  to  check  and  control 
in  some  degree  the  behaviour  of  the  local  lords  ;  he  extended 
the  scope  of  royal  justice  ;  he  regularised,  as  far  as  possible, 
taxation  ;  and  he  laid  the  foundations  of  the  feudal  system 
under  which  much  of  Europe  lived  and  worked  for  many 
generations.  Further,  he  was  a  friend  to  culture  and  learn- 
ing, and  encouraged  education.  After  his  death,  men  looked 
back  with  longing  to  his  times.  So  in  England  they  did  to 
the  times  of  Alfred  the  Great,  who,  a  hundred  years 
after  Charlemagne,  performed,  on  a  smaller  scale,  much 
the  same  service  for  his  own  poorer  and  smaller  country. 
But  Charlemagne's  efforts  failed  politically,  partly  because 
his  empire,  like  the  Roman  Empire  in  its  later  days,  was  too 
poor  to  stand  the  expense  of  a  strong  system  of  political 
government  on  a  large  scale.  At  his  death,  his  Empire 
split  into  three  sections,  France,  Germany,  and  the  inter- 
vening strip  which  was  called  Lotharingia — the  name 
is  preserved  in  modern  Lorraine  ;  and  within  these  three 
sections  weakness  and  confusion  were  widespread.  For  a 
century  and  a  half  after  Charlemagne's  death,  the  northern 
parts  of  what  had  been  his  empire  were  helpless  to  protect 
themselves  from  Scandinavian  raiders  from  the  north  (the 


Vikings),  who  pillaged  and  settled  practically  as  they 
pleased.  Some  of  Charlemagne's  social  work  remained  ; 
the  schools  he  founded  continued,  and  the  feudal  system 
grew  and  developed.  But  the  political  legacy  of  his  reign  to 
later  Europe  was  of  very  doubtful  value  ;  it  consisted  in  two 
things,  the  Holy  Roman  Empire,  and  what  we  have  learned 
to  call  the  problem  of  Alsace-Lorraine. 

South  of"  Christendom  "  lay  the  Spanish  Peninsula,  held 
by  the  Moorish  Caliphate.  Spain  and  Portugal  at  this  time, 
therefore,  were  outside  "  Europe  "  and  linked  with  the 
Near  East.  This  meant  that  Spain  and  Portugal  were  not 
cut  off  from  either  the  trade  or  the  civilisation  on  which  the 
Roman  Empire  had  flourished  ;  and  we  find  that  the  Dark 
Age  of  which  we  were  writing  in  previous  paragraphs  was 
not  shared  by  these  countries.  The  fact  that  so  much  of  our 
medieval  history  is  derived  from  writers  of  the  Christian 
Church  who  were  bitterly  hostile  to  Islam  has  hidden  from 
the  ordinary  reader  the  fact  that  Moslem  rule  was  neither 
oppressive  nor  unenlightened.  The  Moslem  conqueror 
propagated  his  religion  by  the  sword  ;  but  once  he  had  con- 
quered a  territory  he  did  not  use  persecution  or  torture  to 
make  the  inhabitants  individually  Moslems.  It  is  true  that 
the  unbeliever  was  in  an  inferior  position  and  was  taxed 
more  highly  than  the  believer  ;  but  beyond  that  he  was  free 
to  pursue  his  normal  activities  and  to  retain  his  political  in- 
stitutions. For  the  Moslems  did  not  possess  a  developed 
political  system  of  their  own,  which  they  enforced  upon 
conquered  peoples.  It  would  be  almost  true  to  say  that  they 
had  no  political  system  at  all  ;  in  any  event,  anything  that 
could  be  called  an  Arab  Empire  collapsed  almost  as  soon 
as  it  was  made.  Practically,  the  Spanish  Caliphate  was  in- 
dependent of  any  outside  control.  Further,  the  Moslems 
were  friends  to  learning — it  was  not  Moslems,  but  monks, 
who  burnt  the  great  Greek  library  'at  Alexandria — and 
during  the  period  of  their  rule  the  Spaniards  were  in  touch 
with  all  the  culture  of  Moslem  countries  as  far  east  as  Persia 
and  India.  The  universities  of  Spain,  particularly  Cordova, 
were  famous  for  their  scholars,  and  when  learning  began 


to  revive  in  Christian  Europe,  two  centuries  and  more 
before  what  we  call  the  Renaissance,  it  was  Arab  and 
Spanish  scholars  who  played  the  leading  role. 

North  of  Christendom  lay  the  Scandinavian  countries, 
with  the  brilliant  warrior,  seafaring  civilisation  which  we 
call  Norse,  and  know  from  the  Tales  of  Edda  and  the 
Northern  Sagas.  Norway,  Sweden,  and  Denmark  were  the 
homes  of  the  Norsemen,  who  in  the  ninth  and  tenth  cen- 
turies were  pushing  outwards  in  all  directions  They  col- 
onised Iceland  and  Greenland,  and  visited  the  shores  of 
Labrador  and  possibly  places  further  south  ;  eastward  they 
colonised  the  Baltic,  entered  Russia,  spread  to  Nijni 
Novgorod,  Kiev,  and  many  other  places,  and  enlisted  them- 
selves in  the  Emperor's  bodyguard  at  Constantinople  ;  they 
overran  England,  Northern  France  and  the  shores  of  the 
North  Sea  ;  and  they  sailed  right  round  the  west  coast  of 
Europe,  founded  states  in  Sicily  and  Southern  Italy,  and 
challenged  the  Moslem  power  in  the  Mediterranean.  At 
one  time  a  Norse  prince,  Cnut  or  Canute  by  name,  was 
ruler  of  a  great  sea-kingdom  reaching  from  England  to  the 
Baltic  ;  and  when  the  wave  of  invasion  had  ceased  and  the 
Norsemen  had  settled  down  in  new  quarters,  such  as  North- 
ern England,  Normandy,  and  Sicily,  the  amount  of  re- 
vivifying energy  which  they  had  brought  with  them  began 
to  be  immediately  apparent  in  the  life  of  Europe. 

East  were  groupings  of  half-civilised  peoples  with  which 
we  need  not  detain  ourselves  for  the  moment,  except  to 
observe  that  the  great  plain  was  then,  as  it  had  been  for 
centuries,  the  home  of  a  great  variety  of  wandering  tribes 
whom  natural  cataclysms,  such  as  failure  of  crop  or  water 
supply,  every  now  and  then  drove  to  raid  the  territories  of 
their  neighbours  and  to  force  these,  in  turn,  into  the  more 
settled  western  lands.  Much  of  the  history  of  Eastern  Europe 
in  its  early  days  is  concerned  with  the  struggles  of  civilis- 
ation with  these  invaders,  as  Charlemagne  struggled  with 
the  Avars,  and  with  their  subsequent  Christianisation. 

There  remain  two  phenomena — the  city  of  Venice,  and 
the  Church  of  Rome.  Venice,  founded  in  A.D.  552  by  citizens 

EUROPE   IN    THE    TIME    OF    CHARLEMAGNE         33 

of  Roman  Italy  who  fled  from  the  invading  Lombards  into 
the  lagoons  on  which  they  built  their  city,  is  unique  in  that 
it  of  all  the  cities  of  the  west  remained  in  touch  with  the 
eastern  trade  without  being  severed  from  Christendom,  and 
that  it  was  a  free  city,  in  the  sense  of  having  no  master  (un- 
less we  count  a  shadow y  and  fluctuating  allegiance  to  the 
Emperor  of  Constantinople)  at  a  time  when  such  a  thing 
was  almost  unknown  in  the  West.  Venice,  however,  was  a 
pioneer  among  cities,  a  forerunner  of  the  true  Middle  Ages, 
and  only  as  a  pioneer  does  it  concern  us  at  this  moment. 

Last  is  the  Church  of  Rome,  which  is  not,  and  was  not,  of 
its  nature  a  political  institution,  but  which,  through  a  series 
of  circumstances,  became  one  of  the  most  important,  if  not 
the  most  important,  political  institution  of  medieval  Europe. 
This  importance  is  due  in  the  first  place  to  the  fact  that 
the  Church  survived  when  the  Empire  fell.  It  was  thus  the 
only  institution  which  kept  in  men's  eyes  continuity  with  a 
greater  and  more  prosperous  past  ;  and  to  the  prestige 
which  this  gave  it  was  added  the  fact,  already  mentioned, 
that  in  the  Church,  and  particularly  in  the  monasteries,  was 
preserved  what  little  of  culture  was  preserved  during  the 
Dark  Ages. 

Further,  the  Church  was  never  exclusively  a  spiritual 
body.  Not  only  did  the  Pope  hold  lands  of  his  own  in 
Central  Italy,  which  in  course  of  time  were  increased  until 
the  "  States  of  the  Church  "  formed  a  respectable-sized 
principality  ;  bishops  also  became  lords  and  held  estates  in 
their  own  right,  as  did  monastic  foundations. 

At  first  the  Church  was  not  so  much  a  single  institution 
as  a  federal  body  composed  of  a  number  of  autonomous 
churches.  Gradually,  however,  reforming  Popes  reduced 
this  autonomy  and  established  the  fact  that  the  Pope  was 
the  supreme  head  of  Christendom,  and  that  every  local  or 
territorial  bishop,  no  matter  how  large  his  lands  or  how 
wide  his  spiritual  jurisdiction,  was  the  subordinate  of  the 
Pope.  This,  as  will  be  easily  seen,  at  once  sowed  the  seeds 
of  infinite  political  dispute.  For,  if  the  bishop  is  a  feudal 
lord,  holding  lands  of  a  feudal  superior  such  as  a  king, 



and  at  the  same  time  the  subordinate  of  the  Pope  and 
responsible  to  him,  which  party — king  or  Pope — is  actually 
to  select  a  new  bishop,  and  which  is  he  to  obey  when  they 
are  in  dispute  ?  It  is  no  real  answer  to  say  that  the  Pope 
is  the  authority  in  spiritual,  and  the  king  in  temporal 
matters  ;  for  in  the  first  place  temporal  and  spiritual  ques- 
tions cannot  in  practice  be  separated,  and  in  the  second 
place,  the  Church  had  always  a  tendency,  whenever  it 
felt  strong  enough,  to  claim  authority  over  all  depart- 
ments of  life.  The  weapon  of  excommunication,  for  example, 
was  used  on  many  occasions,  both  by  Popes  and  bishops, 
to  punish  what  nobody  could  have  regarded  as  wholly 
spiritual  offences. 

This  question  of  final  authority  was  raised  quite  clearly 
when  the  Pope  crowned  Charlemagne  as  Emperor.  It  is 
said  that  Charlemagne  received  this  honour  unwillingly  ; 
and  well  he  might.  For  by  assuming  the  right  to  crown  the 
Emperor,  the  Pope  openly  declared  that  the  imperial 
power — the  inheritance  of  Caesar  and  Augustus — was  his 
to  confer,  and  inferentially  his  to  take  away  ;  and  this  led 
in  the  end  to  a  long  and  bitter  conflict  which  was  never 
settled,  except  by  temporary  practical  compromises,  as  long 
as  the  Holy  Roman  Empire  had  any  effective  existence. 
Nor  was  the  dispute  confined  to  Pope  and  Emperor  ; 
wherever  a  king  or  prince  and  a  bishop  existed,  the  same 
trouble  might  arise.  The  existence,  therefore,  of  the  Roman 
Church  as  an  independent  political  institution  is  of  great 
importance  in  European  history  up  to  the  Reformation 
and  even  beyond. 

It  should  be  observed  that  this  is  not  true  of  the  Greek 
Church.  The  Greek  Church  was  a  State  Church,  in  which 
the  Emperor  appointed  the  Patriarch  or  Bishop  of  Con- 
stantinople ;  and  where  other  countries  were  converted  to 
Orthodox  Christianity  the  same  procedure  was  adopted, 
and  the  Metropolitan — the  Greek  equivalent  of  an  arch- 
bishop— appointed  by  the  king.  The  problem  of  "  Church 
and  State  "  has  not  existed  in  Orthodox  countries. 



THE  DETAILED  history  of  Europe  from  the  death  of 
Charlemagne  to  the  beginning  of  the  Crusades  (end  of  the 
eleventh  century)  is  of  interest  to  nobody  but  specialists. 
There  is  an  endless  and  confusing  struggle  between  prince- 
lings whose  very  names  are  hard  and  unnecessary  to 
remember  ;  there  is  poverty,  famine,  and  a  continual  ex- 
posure to  invasion.  Nevertheless,  by  the  end  of  the  period 
we  can  see  an  improvement,  a  steadying  and  shaping 
which  is  bringing  to  birth  what  we  call  the  medieval 

First  and  foremost,  the  raids  of  the  Norsemen  have 
ceased.  The  countrymen  of  Canute  have  settled  down  in 
their  new  homes  and  brought  their  vigour,  their  enterprise 
and  their  organising  ability  to  the  service  of  the  civilisation 
they  have  entered.  They  have  become  Christianised,  which 
in  the  Middle  Ages  indicates  not  so  much  a  change  in 
religious  belief,  as  we  should  understand  it,  as  a  social 
change,  an  admission  into  the  community  which  was  called 
Christendom.  They  have  challenged  the  power  of  the 
Moslems  in  the  Mediterranean,  so  that  the  life-blood  of 
trade  begins  to  flow  back  to  Europe,  and  communities  of 
trading  merchants,  humble  at  first,  but  soon  to  grow  in 
importance,  begin  to  spring  up  on  suitable  sites — seaports, 
river  crossings,  road  junctions,  and  so  forth.  A  variety  of 
luxury  goods  (most  of  which  we  should  nowadays  term 
necessities)  becomes  available,  and  among  the  upper  classes 
the  standard  of  life  begins  to  rise. 

Meanwhile  the  worst  of  the  social  anarchy  is  being  tem- 
pered. The  Church,  now  much  stronger  and  better  organ- 
ised, is  using  its  prestige  to  endeavour  to  discourage  un- 
limited private  warfare,  and  with  the  removal  of  some  of 
the  causes  of  this  warfare  life  has  become  definitely  more 
safe.  Government  is  becoming  both  more  efficient  and  more 
responsible  ;  it  is  recognised  that  princes  and  lords  in 
general  hold  their  estates  and  their  offices  in  virtue  of  some 
function  which  they  fulfil,  and  that  if  they  do  not  fulfil  this 


function  their  power  should  be  forfeit.  The  medieval 
system,  to  which  we  shall  return  in  a  moment,  is  being 
slowly  worked  out. 

This  growing  safety  increases  the  population,  sets  men 
free  for  missionary  and  pioneering  work.  Everyone  has 
heard  of  the  Crusades,  and  knows,  more  or  less,  that  the 
immediate  cause  of  the  Crusades  was  the  interference  of 
the  Seljuk  Turks,  who  had  wrested  Asia  Minor  from  the 
Byzantine  Empire,  both  with  the  newly  restored  Levantine 
trade  and  with  the  pilgrims  making  for  the  holy  places  in 
Palestine  ;  but  everybody  does  not  realise  how  far  those 
who  went  crusading,  gentle  and  simple,  were  a  surplus 
population  produced  by  the  increased  security  of  life  and 
the  decline  in  private  war.  The  Crusades,  therefore,  were 
in  one  sense  a  remedy  for  potential  unemployment  which 
incidentally  enlarged  the  knowledge,  the  initiative,  and 
finally,  in  spite  of  their  high  cost,  the  wealth  of  Europe. 
Nor  was  the  crusading  spirit  entirely  confined  to  those  who 
set  out  for  Palestine.  To  this  time  belongs  the  formation 
by  the  Church  of  the  fighting  monastic  orders — the  Knights 
Templar,  the  Knights  Hospitaller,  the  Teutonic  Order, 
and  the  like — which,  designed  primarily  to  defend  Chris- 
tianity and  to  spread  it  by  force  of  arms  in  pagan  lands, 
also  played  a  considerable  part  in  developing  and  civilising 
those  lands.  Non-military  bodies  also,  such  as  the  monas- 
teries proper,  helped  in  the  work.  Monastic  communities 
sent  out  offshoots  to  poor  and  unreclaimed  territories,  such 
as  Eastern  Germany,  and  by  draining  the  marshes  and 
cutting  down  the  forests,  brought  a  large  area  of  practically 
useless  territory  under  cultivation,  and  so  within  civilisa- 
tion. One  may  say,  in  fact,  that  the  age  of  the  Crusades  saw 
a  large  tract  of  land  which  had  been  hitherto  only  on  the 
fringes  of  Europe  brought  well  into  the  European  group. 
Germany  beyond  the  Elbe,  Poland,  Courland,  Lithuania, 
are  cases  in  North-Eastern  Europe,  while  further  south  the 
conversion  of  the  Hungarians,  the  Bulgars,  etc.,  made  a 
Christian  bloc  which  extended  via  Kiev  well  into  Russia. 
It  should  be  remembered,  however,  that  the  Great  Plain 


has  no  certain  boundary  upon  the  east.  The  eastern  side 
was,  and  continued  insecure. 

What  was  this  Europe  which  was  shaping  itself  eight  or 
nine  hundred  years  ago  ?  Medieval  Europe  is  at  the  root 
of  the  history  of  all  European  countries  ;  but  it  is  in  many 
ways  so  different  from  the  Europe  of  our  own  times  that  it 
is  often  extremely  difficult  to  understand,  particularly,  as 
will  be  shown  later,  for  an  English  reader. 

It  is  impossible  to  understand  medieval  Europe  unless 
one  grasps,  first  of  all,  that  it  was  at  once  more  of  a  unity 
and  far  more  subdivided  than  modern  Europe,  and  further, 
that  the  subdivisions  were  not  mutually  exclusive.  In 
modern  Europe  things  are  comparatively  simple.  A  man 
is  a  citizen  of  one  country  ;  he  cannot  be  a  citizen  of  two  ; 
and  if,  by  some  chance,  he  is  a  citizen  of  a  country  of  which 
he  does  not  wish  to  be  a  citizen — as  certain  Germans  on  the 
morrow  of  the  Peace  Treaties  found  themselves  turned 
willy-nilly  into  Poles — this  may  be  annoying  and  un- 
pleasant for  him,  but  he  will  not  be  able  to  help  it.  He 
cannot  cease  to  be  a  Pole  unless  by  a  complicated  procedure 
he  re-nationalises  himself  as  a  German.  Poland  and  Ger- 
many are  mutually  exclusive  political  institutions  ;  and 
this  principle  is  accepted  throughout  Europe.  Of  course, 
there  do  exist  institutions,  or  societies,  which  cut  across 
political  boundaries,  whether  national  or  local,  from  the 
Beekeepers'  Association  of  Northern  Ireland  to  the  Inter- 
national Match  Combine.  But  these  are  in  no  sense  part 
of  the  political  machine  ;  and  it  is  assumed,  by  most  people 
at  all  events,  that  the  political,  mutually  exclusive  grouping 
is  the  one  that  matters,  and  that  any  other  grouping  or  any 
other  loyalty  is,  as  it  were,  a  side-line  which  should  be 
dropped  in  cases  of  political  necessity.1 

There  is  no  logical  need  that  this  should  be  so  ;  it  is  only 
the  exaggerated  nationalism  of  the*  nineteenth  century 
which  has  caused  it  to  be  accepted  without  question,  and 
one  of  the  best  ways  of  understanding  that  it  is  not  neces- 
sary is  to  look  at  a  Europe  which  got  along  without  it. 
1  For^the  special  case  of  the  League  of  Nations,  see  Part  V. 


The  unifying  force  in  medieval  Europe  was  mainly,  as  has 
been  already  said,  the  Church  of  Rome.  When  a  com- 
munity accepted  Christianity  it  entered  an  organisation 
which  was  European.  Not  only  did  it  receive  a  church  of 
the  same  pattern  as  other  European  churches,  with  a 
European  ritual  delivered  in  the  European  language  of 
Latin  ;  it  also  received  church  officers  who  were  at  any 
rate  in  part  under  the  control  of  a  European  head,  paid 
taxes  (as  time  went  on,  heavier  and  heavier  taxes)  for  the 
upkeep  of  a  European  court,  and  might  even  find  within 
itself  groups  of  persons,  such  as  the  various  orders  of  friars, 
who  worked  directly  under  the  instructions  of  the  Pope. 
It  is  thus  clear  that,  whatever  the  territorial  loyalty  of  the 
medieval  man,  whether  to  prince,  gild,  or  city,  it  might  at 
any  moment  conflict  with  his  European  loyalty  to  the 
Church ;  and  in  fact,  it  often  did.  But  the  point  is  that  this 
was  not  considered  as  unnatural  or  extraordinary,  but 
merely  as  inconvenient.  (In  the  Orthodox  areas,  for  the 
reasons  given  above,  this  conflict  of  loyalty  was  less  politi- 
cally apparent ;  and  we  notice  that  the  Orthodox  countries 
tended  to  be  considered  a  doubtful  part  of  Christendom.) 
So  much  for  the  unity  of  medieval  Europe.  Now  consider 
its  particularism.  Much  of  Western  Europe,  in  the  Middle 
Ages,  was  organised  feudally,  on  a  system  whose  standardised 
development  can  be  most  clearly  seen  in  France,  though  it 
spread,  as  Europe  spread,  eastward.  The  essence  of  feudal- 
ism, for  our  purpose,  is  the  idea  that  every  piece  of  territory 
is  in  the  possession  of  some  person,  to  whom  it  has  been 
granted  upon  certain  conditions  by  a  superior.  The  small 
landowner  "  holds  the  land  of"  the  large  landowner,  who 
in  turn  holds  his  of  the  duke  (or  whatever  title  he  may 
bear),  who  holds  his  of  the  prince  or  king.  In  theory,  to 
make  the  social  pyramid  perfect,  the  prince  should  also 
hold  his  lands  of  the  Emperor  ;  but  when,  in  962,  the 
Empire  (henceforward  called  the  Holy  Roman  Empire) 
was  revived  again  under  a  prince  of  German  race,  Otto  I, 
the  jurisdiction,  even  the  nominal  jurisdiction,  of  the 
Emperor  had  become  much  smaller  than  that  t  of 


Charlemagne  had  been.  Large  parts  of  Western  Christen- 
dom, such  as  France  and  Great  Britain,  never  acknowledged 
the  Imperial  authority  throughout  the  Middle  Ages. 

About  feudalism  there  are  three  main  points  to  be 
noticed.  First,  it  made  for,. and  clearly  envisaged,  divided 
allegiance.  A  feudal  lord  might  be  granted  land,  in  respect 
of  service,  by  more  than  one  overlord  ;  and  as  the  early 
forms  of  feudal  tenure  generally  included  the  promise  of 
military  support  to  the  overlord,  it  is  easy  to  see  that  a 
quarrel  between  two  of  his  overlords  might  immediately 
involve  a  vassal  in  a  difficult  moral  and  political  problem. 
Secondly,  the  lord  or  overlord,  in  any  particular  case, 
might  be  a  spiritual  person  or  body — a  bishop,  an  abbey, 
or  the  chapter  of  a  cathedral — in  which  case  difficulties 
were  bound  to  arise  between  the  duties  owed  to  the  Church 
and  the  duties  owed  to  the  temporal  power — difficulties 
which  sometimes  make  a  spectacular  appearance  in  history 
on  occasions  such  as  that  on  which  Pope  Innocent  III  put 
a  ban  upon  John  of  England  and  absolved  all  his  subjects 
from  allegiance  to  him,  but  which  in  much  smaller  guise 
run  through  much  of  medieval  life.  Nor,  curious  though  it 
may  sound  to  those  brought  up  upon  a  unitary  system, 
did  this  conflict  of  loyalties  often  result  in  a  deadlock. 

Thirdly,  the  medieval  man  did  not,  like  the  nineteenth 
century  man,  conceive  of  property  right  as  absolute.  In 
theory,  no  land  belonged  to  anybody  as  of  right,  but  only 
in  virtue  of  his  fulfilment  of  certain  obligations,  which  if 
he  failed  to  fulfil,  the  land  could  be  taken  away  from  him. 
This  again  is  hard  for  moderns  to  grasp.  We  have  slowly 
accustomed  ourselves  to  the  idea  that  a  man  may  be 
restricted  in  the  use  of  his  property  by  social  considerations, 
and  that  he  may  be  forced  to  contribute  some  part  of  it  to 
the  upkeep  of  society  ;  but  we  nevertheless  think  of  it  as 
his  property,  owned  absolutely  by  him*  and  controlled,  as  it 
were,  only  at  the  edges.  It  is  salutary  to  realise  that  over  a 
long  period  of  European  history  the  opposite  view  was 
held,  and  was  working. 

This  feudal  "  pyramid  "  was  sustained  and  fed  by  the 


labour  of  the  peasants,  the  great  mass  belonging  to  the 
"  simple  "  (i.e.  non-gentle)  class,  who  cultivated  the  land. 
These  might  be  free  cottagers,  or  tenants  on  a  number  of 
different  systems  of  tenure,  or  slaves,  or  even  day-labourers. 
But  for  the  most  part,  in  Western  Europe,  they  were  in 
that  half-free  condition  which  we  know  as  serfdom,  in 
which,  broadly  speaking,  they  lived  on  scraps  of  land  which 
they  could  not  leave  and  from  which  they  could  not  be 
driven,  whose  produce  was  their  own  after  certain  propor- 
tions and  dues  (often  very  heavy  indeed)  had  been  paid  to 
their  immediate  overlord  and  to  the  Church.  Most  of  these 
dues  were  paid  in  kind,  that  is  to  say,  either  in  produce  or 
in  labour  ;  the  medieval  agricultural  system  made  little 
use  of  money. 

Such  was  feudalism — an  agricultural  economy  affecting 
by  far  the  majority  of  Europeans,  since  Europe  then,  as  at 
any  time  prior  to  the  coming  of  the  machine  age,  was  almost 
wholly  occupied  in  agriculture.  But  feudalism  has  gone, 
and  though  it  left  important  legacies  in  the  realm  of  law 
and  the  idea  of  kingship,  we  do  not  see  much  relic  of  it,  at 
any  rate,  in  England  of  to-day.  What  we  can  still  see,  and 
what  most  people  mean  when  they  talk  of  "  the  legacy  of 
the  Middle  Ages,"  comes,  in  the  main,  from  the  medieval 

Towns  and  Gilds.  Medieval  towns,  like  modern 
towns,  were  of  very  different  sizes,  from  an  English  townlet 
that  was  no  more  than  a  glorified  village  to  great  cities  like 
Paris  or  Florence.  Some,  like  the  cities  of  Northern  Italy, 
and,  to  a  less  extent,  those  of  Flanders  and  the  Baltic 
coast,  actually  owned  or  controlled  a  large  slice  of  sur- 
rounding territory  ;  were,  in  fact,  city-states  rather  than 
cities.  But  most  of  them  had  at  least  two  factors  in  common  ; 
they  grew  mainly  bfy  trade,  and  they  were  governed,  as 
trade  and  manufacture  throughout  medieval  Europe  were 
governed,  by  groups  of  people. 

We  have  noticed  how  trade,  after  the  darkness  of  the  age 
of  Charlemagne,  began  to  creep  back  into  Western  Europe. 


Companies  of  merchants,  such  as  in  the  East  would  be 
called  "  caravans,"  began  to  move  to  and  fro,  bringing 
necessities,  such  as  salt,  and  luxuries,  such  as  silk  and  spices 
from  the  Levant,  to  the  agricultural  communities.  Gradu- 
ally, sometimes  upon  the  site  of  Roman  cities  such  as 
Lyons,  sometimes  at  such  convenient  "  natural  stops  "  as  a 
ford,  the  mouth  of  a  river,  the  meeting-place  of  two  high- 
ways of  traffic,  etc.,  these  merchant  gilds,  as  they  were  called, 
established  permanent  settlements  which  grew  up  into 
towns  ;  and,  where  towns  grew  up,  there  also  grew  up 
industry  and  manufacture  of  all  the  goods,  from  cathedrals 
to  cloth,  which  we  associate  with  medieval  times. 

Because  we  have  mentioned  merchant  gilds,  however,  it 
should  not  be  assumed  that  all  medieval  towns  were 
founded  or  governed  by  merchant  gilds,  or  that  the  mer- 
chant gild  was  the  only  type  of  gild  known.  The  medieval 
gild,  in  essence,  is  a  co-operative  association,  largely 
religious  in  origin  and  character,  for  mutual  help  and 
defence.  The  merchant  gild  is,  possibly,  the  most  noticeable 
form  of  early  gild  organisation,  as  the  craft  gild  is  of  its  later 
development  ;  but  the  gild  type  of  organisation  suited  the 
medieval  mind,  and  we  find  gild  associations  springing  up 
for  workers  in  every  sort  and  kind  of  craft,  and  even  for 
occupations  which  we  should  not  nowadays  term  crafts. 
The  great  medieval  universities,  for  example,  such  as  the 
University  of  Paris,  began  life  as  gilds.  It  was  an  army 
largely  made  up  of  the  gilds  of  Flanders  which  in  1214  at 
the  battle  of  Bouvines  put  the  feudal  cavalry  to  flight. 
Some  medieval  towns  were  governed  by  gilds  or  groups  of 
gilds  ;  the  charters  of  others  provided  them  with  a  special 
municipal  corporation.  But  in  all  cases  the  ideas  behind 
the  gild  organisation  were  so  strong  and  so  pervasive  that 
they  tended  to  colour  the  spirit  of  all  town  government, 
whatever  might  be  its  actual  form.  A  medieval  corporation, 
when  it  was  not  itself  a  gild,  looked  and  behaved  very  much 
more  like  a  gild  than  like  a  modern  City  Council. 

Two  things  should  be  noticed  about  this  gild  society  : 
first,  that  one  of  its  fundamental  ideas  was  that  of  equality 


between  brothers — not,  it  should  be  made  clear,  between  all 
members  of  the  gild,  but  between  all  members  of  the  same 
status.  The  whole  basis  of  much  of  the  gild  statutes  and 
regulations  was  that  when  once  a  man  had  secured  admis- 
sion to  his  society  (not  by  any  means  too  easy  a  thing  to 
achieve)  his  rights  were  the  same  as  those  of  any  other 
member  of  his  class  in  the  society.  He  must  not  have  his 
trade  interfered  with  by  competitors  willing  to  sell  below 
rate,  work  overtime,  use  shoddy  materials,  or  corner  sup- 
plies ;  in  fact,  most  of  what  the  nineteenth  century  called 
"  beneficent  competition  "  was  forbidden,  in  both  theory 
and  practice,  to  a  medieval  craftsman  or  merchant. 
Secondly,  the  motive  of  his  society,  the  motive  which  was 
assumed  to  underlie  all  the  regulations  by  which  he  was 
bound,  was  not  purely  "  economic  "  in  the  modern  sense. 
Medieval  political  and  economic  thought  is  rather  diffi- 
cult for  moderns  to  grasp,  partly  because  so  much  of  it  is 
stated  in  religious  terms,  with  arguments,  drawn  from  the 
Scriptures  and  the  writings  of  the  Church  Fathers,  whose 
validity  we  should  not  now  accept.  But  its  main  point  is 
easy  enough  to  seize,  viz.  that  "  economic  actions  " — pro- 
duction, buying,  and  selling,  etc. — cannot  be  decided  by 
purely  "  economic  "  arguments,  but  depend  upon  general 
views,  which  are  at  least  as  much  moral  and  political  as 
they  are  economic,  about  what  sort  of  society  is  desirable. 
This  attitude  of  mind  colours  the  whole  of  medieval  life  ; 
it  went  into  eclipse  for  a  while  when  industrial  capitalism  was 
at  its  height,  but  in  this  generation  it  seems  to  be  returning 
— with  the  difference  that  we  tend  to  judge  economic 
actions  not  by  the  standard  of  Christianity,  but  by  the 
standard,  according  to  our  particular  views  and  upbring- 
ing, of  Nationalism  or  Socialism. 

The  main  bulk  of  the  regulations  and  rights  produced 
by  this  point  of  view*  applied  to  all  gild  members  ;  the  dif- 
ference between  different  classes  in  the  same  gild  lay  rather 
in  the  government  of  the  gild  and  in  the  apportionment  of 
privileges.  To  these  class-distinctions,  which  become  more 
important  as  the  gilds  grow  richer,  as  well  as  to  the 


class-distinctions  between  gild  and  gild,  we  shall  return  in  a 
later  section.  Here  it  is  important  to  notice  that  this  town- 
and-gild  system  spread  rapidly  all  over  Western  Europe,  and 
to  a  certain  extent  eastward,  through  the  Middle  Ages  ;  and 
that  it  formed  a  part  of  the  system  of  territorial  grouping 
which  we  have  mentioned  before.  A  town  or  gild  might  be 
a  vassal,  or  an  overlord,  or  both  at  once,  or  it  might  be  a 
free  city  owing  feudal  allegiance  to  nobody — towns  often 
bought  their  freedom.  It  might  hold  its  land  of  several  lords 
at  once,  or  of  a  lord  and  his  overlord,  who  might  be  at 
loggerheads  (which  was  often  advantageous  to  the  town). 
The  point  to  grasp,  however,  is  that  it  was  the  town  which 
counted  in  a  man's  life.  We  remember  the  great  medieval 
names  as  citizens  of  Bruges,  Rouen,  or  Nuremburg,  rather 
than  as  subjects  of  the  Count  of  Flanders  or  of  some  German 

The  Rise  of  Nations.  All  this  network  of  associations, 
small  and  large,  political,  economic,  and  religious,  make  the 
history  of  the  Middle  Ages  difficult  to  follow  and,  in  detail, 
unprofitable  except  for  specialists  in  history.  Nevertheless, 
from  that  life  so  unlike  our  own,  the  modern  world  was 
shaping,  and  if  we  look  at  the  broad  lines  and  ignore  the 
details,  we  can  see  the  process. 

Slowly,  the  territorial  divisions  which  we  now  call 
countries  were  beginning  to  appear.  This  is  first  seen  in 
England,  both  because  England  has  well-defined  natural 
boundaries,  and  because  it  was  conquered  as  a  whole  by  the 
Duke  of  Normandy  in  1066  and  ruled  by  him  as  his  own 
estate  without  higher  authority — although  he  held  his 
Norman  lands  as  vassal  of  the  King  of  France.  For  some 
generations  the  poor  and  bleak  land  of  England,  to  which 
Wales  was  added  by  Edward  I,  counted  less  with  its  rulers 
than  their  possessions  in  France  ;  but*  this  situation  gradu- 
ally altered  until  by  the  end  of  the  Hundred  Years'  War 
(1453)  the  amount  of  French  territory  held  by  England  was 
negligible.  By  this  time,  also,  the  feudal  system  was  disap- 
pearing from  English  society.  Largely  because  of  the 


political  sagacity  of  William  I  in  granting  out  his  conquered 
lands  only  in  small  and  separate  parcels,  the  feudal  lords  in 
England  had  never  had  the  wealth  or  power  which  they 
attained  on  the  Continent ;  nor  were  the  towns,  which 
generally  speaking  sided  with  the  king  against  the  barons, 
of  sufficient  size  or  strength  to  become  his  rivals.  Only 
during  a  period  of  royal  weakness,  as  in  the  reigns  of 
Stephen  and  John  and  part  of  that  of  Henry  III,  did  the 
barons  really  attain  power,  and  they  had  not  unity  enough 
to  hold  it.  Edward  I,  by  appearing  as  the  defender  of  the 
towns  and  the  lesser  gentry  (i.e.  the  beginnings  of  a  middle 
class)  against  the  depredations  of  a  quarrelsome  nobility, 
was  able  to  lay  the  foundations  of  a  strong  English  monarchy 
based  on  middle-class  support,  and  his  calling  together  of 
a  Parliament  composed  of  these  elements  as  well  as  of  the 
barons  and  bishops,  on  the  understanding  that  he  would  be 
granted  supplies  in  exchange  for  redress  of  grievances,  was 
the  real  beginning  of  English  "  constitutional  monarchy." 
His  building,  however,  nearly  collapsed  owing  to  Henry  V's 
foreign  adventures  and  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  in  the 
fifteenth  century,  and  it  was  left  to  Henry  VII  and 
Henry  VIII  to  build  it  up  again.  (Scotland,  a  monarchy 
from  early  times,  resisted  efforts  to  incorporate  it  with  the 
English  system  ;  and  remained  for  generations  semi-tribal 
in  character). 

France  was  much  slower  in  breaking  down  the  medieval 
system.  The  House  of  Capet,  who  called  themselves  Kings  of 
France  from  the  end  of  the  tenth  century,  were  much 
weaker  and  controlled  far  less  territory  than  many  of  their 
large  vassals.  Not  only  were  there  the  great  provinces  held 
by  English  kings  ;  there  were  also  feudal  lords  such  as  the 
Counts  of  Flanders,  Brittany,  and  Toulouse,  and  the  Duke 
of  Burgundy,  who  were  practically  princes  in  their  own 
right.  The  French  tovvns,  also,  were  much  richer  and  more 
important  than  those  of  England,  and  could  not  by  any 
means  always  be  relied  upon  to  support  the  kings.  Slowly, 
however — assisted  in  part  by  the  advantages  of  an  un- 
broken succession — the  French  kings  ate  into  the  territories 


of  the  feudal  lords.  The  Hundred  Years'  War  disorganised 
the  country  terribly  and  delayed  the  process,  but  after  the 
defeat  and  rout  of  the  English  at  the  instigation  of  Joan  of 
Arc,  it  proceeded  rapidly,  until  by  the  death  of  Louis  XI 
(1483)  the  territories  of  the  French  Crown  included  all 
modern  France  but  Brittany,  Burgundy,  and  Calais  and 
Dunkirk  (all  of  which  were  added  shortly  afterwards).  At 
this  time  France  was  the  richest  country  in  Europe,  and  the 
French  king  the  richest  monarch.  This  was  largely  owing 
to  the  introduction,  in  1439,  of  the  taille,  a  special  tax  levied 
in  the  first  instance  to  provide  a  standing  army  to  fight  the 
English.  The  taille,  however,  rapidly  became  permanent, 
and  being  entirely  at  the  disposal  of  the  king,  put  him  in  a 
position  of  financial  independence  which  greatly  affected 
the  history  of  France  for  the  next  three  hundred  years. 
There  was,  indeed,  in  France  a  body,  called  the  States- 
General,  composed  of  the  same  elements  as  the  early 
English  Parliaments  ;  but  as  the  Crown  was  not  dependent 
upon  it  for  supplies  it  never  attained  the  same  importance. 
South  of  the  Pyrenees  little  kingdoms  grew  up,  which 
gradually  became  greater  kingdoms  under  the  spur  of  re- 
sistance to  the  Moors.  The  Spanish  Peninsula  being  the  one 
part  of  Western  Europe  which  during  the  Middle  Ages  was 
still  partly  peopled  by  men  of  alien  faith,  the  crusading 
spirit  remained  alive  there  long  after  it  had  died  out  in 
Europe  as  a  whole.  Consequently  the  discipline  and  control 
of  the  Church  was  far  stronger  in  Spain  than  in  any  other 
country.  The  Spanish  kings  were,  and  increasingly  be- 
came, above  all  other  things  faithful  servants  of  the 
Church  ;  the  Catholic  institution  which  Protestants  most 
execrate,  the  Holy  Inquisition,  was  born  in  Spain,  as  was 
the  Jesuit  Order  which  succeeded  it  as  defender  of  the 
Church.  Meantime,  the  kingdoms  grew  and  encroached 
upon  the  Moors.  The  kingdom  of  Portugal  was  set  up  in 
1140;  east  of  it,  the  kingdoms  of  Aragon,  Leon,  and 
Castile  became  of  importance.  Finally,  in  1492,  the  mar- 
riage of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella  united  the  last  three 
kingdoms  into  one,  which  by  the  conquest  of  Granada,  the 


last  Moorish  stronghold,  brought  the  whole  peninsula  under 
Christian  rule,  though  a  number  of  persons  of  Moorish  race 
continued  to  live  and  trade  there  until  their  final  expulsion 
in  1609.  The  daughter  of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella  married 
the  son  of  the  Hapsburg  Maximilian,  and  their  son,  who 
became  the  Emperor  Charles  V,  thus  brought  Spain,  the 
Netherlands,  and  Austria,  as  well  as  other  territories,  under 
a  single  Hapsburg  domination. 

The  greatest  subdivision,  in  the  Middle  Ages,  was  to  be 
found  in  the  territories  which  we  now  call  Italy  and 
Germany — Germany,  in  this  case,  covering  a  varying  area, 
but  including  at  times  Austria,  Hungary  and  Bohemia  (the 
western  part  of  modern  Czechoslovakia) .  The  central  part  of 
Italy  was  occupied  by  the  temporal  domains  of  the  Pope, 
which  increased  considerably  in  the  unrest  which  followed 
the  death  of  Charlemagne.  South  were  the  kingdoms  of 
Naples,  Apulia,  and  Sicily,  which,  wrested  from  the 
Saracens  in  the  eleventh  century  by  the  Norsemen,  re- 
mained Norman  kingdoms  or  dukedoms  for  some  time, 
though  towards  the  end  of  the  period  they  were  fought  over 
by  the  kings  of  France  and  Spain,  and  finally  came  into 
the  possession  of  the  House  of  Bourbon,  kings  of  Navarre  in 
Northern  Spain  who  succeeded  to  the  crown  of  France. 
But  the  glory  of  medieval  Italy  lay  in  the  cities  of  the  north 
and  northern  central  parts.  There  were  the  great  medieval 
city-states — greater  by  far  than  any  English  town,  greater 
than  the  growing  cities  of  Flanders  and  the  Baltic  coast,  and 
growing  gradually  greater  than  Constantinople  in  its 
decline.  Venice,  the  pioneer,  has  already  been  mentioned  ; 
but  Milan,  Pisa,  Genoa,  Florence,  Padua,  Bologna,  to  take 
only  half-a-dozen  names,  were  only  less  well  known. 
These  cities  were  states  rather  than  cities  ;  they  had  large 
territories  from  whicji  they  drew  their  sustenance  ;  they 
stood  midway  between  the  reviving  Eastern  trade  and  the 
hungry  northern  districts  ;  their  feudal  nobles  early  took  to 
merchanting  and  left  their  castles  to  build  themselves 
fortified  palaces  in  the  towns,  which  the  tourist  in  Florence 
or  Venice  can  see  to  this  day  ;  they  took  to  banking  and 


manufacture  for  export  in  advance  of  other  states  and 
peoples  ;  and,  as  everyone  knows,  their  leading  men  were 
the  great  patrons  of  art  and  the  new  learning  which  we  call 
the  Renaissance.  As  shipping  contractors  for  the  Crusaders, 
the  maritime  cities  made  a  handsome  profit,  and  the  dis- 
covery of  America  at  the  end  of  the  period,  though  financed 
by  other  Powers,  was  made  by  Italian  sailors. 

These  were  free  city-states,  sometimes  governed  by  a 
monarchical  duke  or  prince,  sometimes  by  an  oligarchy  of 
the  richest  or  most  important  men,  sometimes  possessing 
a  semi-democratic  constitution.  They  had  not,  however, 
attained  their  freedom  without  a  struggle  with  the  Em- 
peror, who  claimed  to  be  their  overlord.  The  battle  of 
Legnano  (1176),  in  which  the  Lombard  League  of  cities, 
led  by  Milan,  decisively  defeated  the  Emperor  Frederick 
Barbarossa,  was  one  of  the  earliest  blows  struck  by  the 
rising  merchant  class  against  feudal  power.  But,  having 
achieved  freedom  by  uniting,  they,  like  the  Greek  cities 
many  centuries  before,  did  not  retain  unity.  Trade  and 
territorial  rivalries  divided  them  ;  the  Genoese  sailors  hated 
those  of  Venice,  it  was  said,  more  than  they  did  the 
Saracen  corsairs.  The  strife  between  city  and  city  was  bitter, 
and  it  was  intensified  by  their  entanglement  in  the  quarrels 
between  Empire  and  Papacy  (see  next  section)  and  by 
social  disputes,  as  increasing  wealth  created  wide  class 
differences  within  the  gild  system.  In  Florence,  for  example, 
the  "  lesser  gilds  "  were  practically  shut  out  from  any  share 
in  the  government.  A  great  part  of  Dante's  Inferno  is  con- 
cerned with  civil  strife  in  Florence,  and  the  picture  which  he 
gives  of  the  social  and  political  hatreds  there  is  certainly 
vivid  enough. 

Germany  alone  presents  in  the  Middle  Ages  the  picture 
of  a  country  which  is  disintegrating  rather  than  inte- 
grating ;  and  this  is  due  as  much  to  the  existence  of  the 
Holy  Roman  Empire  as  to  any  other  single  cause.  A  period 
of  confusion,  during  which  the  feudal  system  became  fairly 
firmly  established  east  of  the  Rhine,  followed  the  break-up 
of  Charlemagne's  empire,  and  ended  in  the  election  of 


Otto  the  Great  of  Saxony,  one  of  the  half-dozen  large 
German  duchies,  as  king  of  Germany.  He  then  crossed  the 
Alps  and  in  962  was  crowned  by  the  Pope  as  Emperor. 
Henceforward,  until  its  demise  at  the  hands  of  Napoleon  in 
18065  the  Imperial  crown  was  always  held  by  a  prince  of 
German  or  Austrian  birth  ;  but  after  Charlemagne  France 
was  never  again  included  in  the  imperial  territories.  The 
German  king  thus  became  overlord  both  of  the  North 
Italian  cities  and  the  South  Italian  kingdoms  ;  but  in  addi- 
tion to  the  awkward  size  and  shape  of  his  dominions  he  had 
to  contend  with  two  great  disadvantages — his  crown  was 
elective  and  not  hereditary,  and  he  had  to  receive  the 
imperial  title  at  the  hands  of  the  Pope.  Subsequent  em- 
perors spent  much  of  their  time  and  treasure  in  (a)  securing 
their  own  crowns,  (b)  suppressing  revolts  in  either  Italy  or 
Germany  or  both,  and  (c)  struggling  for  supremacy  with 
the  Popes. 

Church  and  State.  The  last-named  struggle  is  only  one 
aspect  of  the  dispute  between  Church  and  State  which  has 
been  mentioned  earlier  ;  but  it  is  a  struggle  which  con- 
tinued throughout  medieval  history,  and  was  probably 
responsible  for  more  waste  of  life  and  substance  than  any- 
thing else.  At  first  the  Papacy,  the  older  and  better- 
organised  institution,  had  the  better  of  it.  Gregory  VII,  the 
great  reforming  Pope  of  the  eleventh  century,  who  claimed 
overlordship  of  all  Christendom,  including  the  right  to 
depose  "  wicked  "  rulers,  but  in  fact  asserted  this  preroga- 
tive mainly  in  Germany,  forced  the  Emperor  Henry  IV  to 
do  penance  in  the  snow  of  Canossa  and  to  receive  his  crown 
back  as  a  penitent  at  the  Pope's  hands.  But  gradually  the 
growth  of  nationalism  and  the  decline  in  the  prestige  of  the 
Church,  as  the  Reformation  drew  nearer,  caused  the  feeling  of 
Europe  to  turn  against  the  more  extravagant  claims  of  papal 
supremacy  ;  when  Frederick  II  in  1239  defied  excommuni- 
cation and  declared  that  "  his  cause  was  the  cause  of  every 
king  in  Europe,"  the  kings  of  France  and  England  both 
rallied  to  him  ;  and  at  the  beginning  of  the  next  century  an 


obstinate  Pope  was  carried  off  captive  by  French  troops. 
With  his  death  in  1303  the  medieval  Papacy,  with  its  claim 
to  universal  overlordship,  practically  came  to  an  end  ; 
and  when,  after  a  long  sojourn  at  Avignon  in  France,  and  a 
furious  internal  dispute,  during  which  two  rival  Popes  and 
at  one  time  three  were  engaged  in  excommunicating  one 
another,  a  united  Papacy  was  again  seen  in  Italy,  the  Pope 
had  been  practically  reduced  to  the  status  of  an  Italian 
prince — with,  however,  the  right  to  levy  tribute  upon  the 
kingdoms  of  Christendom. 

Before  Frederick  II,  however,  the  Popes  had  interfered 
heavily  in  the  elections  of  German  kings,  supporting, 
naturally,  the  candidate  who  was  likely  to  accord  most 
weight  to  their  claims  ;  and  at  times,  particularly  during  the 
twelfth  century,  half  Europe  was  involved  in  the  struggle 
between  Guelfs  (anti-papal)  and  Ghibellines  (supporters  of 
the  Pope).  That  any  kingship  remained  in  Germany  at  all, 
under  the  circumstances,  is  due  partly  to  the  fact  that  the 
old  feudal  duchies  were  rapidly  crumbling  to  pieces. 
Germany,  during  the  Middle  Ages,  was  splitting  into 
smaller  and  smaller  units — a  tendency  which  the  emperors,, 
on  the  whole,  encouraged  as  much  as  they  discouraged  the 
growth  of  towns. 

Nevertheless,  towns  did  arise,  particularly  along  the 
Rhine  and  on  the  northern  coasts,  and  even  formed  them- 
selves into  federations,  of  which  the  great  Hanseatic  League 
of  the  trading  towns  of  the  Baltic  and  the  North  Sea  is  the 
best  known.  Meantime,  and  almost  unnoticed  by  the 
emperors,  German  Christendom  was  extending  itself  east 
of  the  Elbe,  through  the  efforts  of  monks,  Orders  like  the 
Teutonic  Knights,  and  of  unnamed  agricultural  colonisers. 
German  barons  "  Christianised  "  and  took  over  lands  in 
Courland  and  Livonia,  and  many  of  the  governing  positions 
in  Lithuania,  Poland,  and  Hungary'began  to  be  held  by 
persons  of  German  birth.  While  Western  Germany  was 
collapsing  into  fragments,  new  and  more  stable  States  were 
appearing  in  the  east,  of  which  Brandenburg  under  the 
Hohenzollerns  and  Austria  under  the  Hapsburgs  were  the 


chief.  In  1273,  after  a  period  of  unusual  disorder,  a  Haps- 
burg  was  elected  Emperor,  and  a  hundred  and  fifty  years 
later  the  imperial  title  became  in  effect  hereditary  in  that 
family.  A  less  desirable  result  of  the  eastward  expansion  was 
the  introduction  of  feudalism  and  serfdom  in  an  unpleasant 
and  decaying  form  to  Eastern  Europe,  and  eventually, 
through  Poland,  to  Russia. 

In  the  fourteenth  century,  the  first  republic  of  modern 
Europe  modestly  established  itself.  Two  small  territories 
in  the  Alps,  called  the  cantons  of  Uri  and  Schwyz,  were  pur- 
chased by  Frederick  1 1  in  order  to  keep  open  the  Alpine  roads 
between  the  two  halves  of  his  empire.  For  defence  against 
aggression — particularly  aggression  by  the  Hapsburgs — 
these  two,  with  other  cantons,  formed  themselves  into  a 
confederation,  more  than  once  decisively  defeated  the  feudal 
armies  sent  against  them,  and  finally,  though  not  until  1501, 
established  the  practical  independence  of  the  Swiss  Confed- 
eration of  any  other  power  in  Europe.  The  Swiss  were  for  the 
most  part  burghers  and  small  cultivators  ;  the  first  republic 
of  modern  Europe  thus  started  as  a  republic  of  the  middle 
classes,  and  quickly  began  to  make  a  living  by  hiring  out  its 
citizens  as  mercenary  soldiers  to  belligerent  states.  (The 
production  of  waiters  and  hotel-keepers  is  a  later  develop- 

The  cities  of  Flanders  (i.e.  modern  Holland  and  Belgium, 
with  a  part  of  Northern  France)  were  of  importance  second 
only  to  the  cities  of  Italy.  It  was  the  Flemish  cloth-weavers 
who  taught  the  English  to  weave  their  home-grown  wool, 
made  possible  the  big  English  sheep  farms  of  the  fifteenth 
and  sixteenth  centuries,  laid  the  basis  of  the  fortunes  of 
great  cloth  merchants  like  Dick  Whittington,  and  founded 
the  trade  on  which  English  prosperity  rested  until  the 
industrial  revolution.  Like  the  Italian  cities  they  were  rich 
and  prosperous  and  patrons  of  art  and  literature  ;  and  like 
the  Italian  cities  they  developed  bitter  class-struggles.  The 
attempts  of  the  van  Arteveldes  in  the  fourteenth  century  to 
democratise  the  government  of  Ghent  form  one  of  the 
bloodiest  passages  of  medieval  history.  But,  unlike  the 


Italian  cities,  they  did  not  gain  their  freedom.  Subjects, 
first  of  the  Counts  of  Flanders,  and  then  of  the  Dukes  of 
Burgundy,  they  passed,  upon  the  death  of  the  last  Duke, 
into  the  possession  of  the  Hapsburg  Emperor  Maximilian  ; 
and  their  real  struggle  for  freedom  belongs  outside  the 
medieval  period. 

We  have  dealt  with  that  part  of  medieval  Europe  which 
has  received  the  most  attention  from  medieval  historians  ; 
we  must  now  briefly  consider  its  "  outlying  "  areas.  The 
Scandinavian  countries — Denmark,  Norway,  and  Sweden — 
continued  as  semi-feudal  kingdoms  differing  little,  except 
in  being  more  pacific,  from  their  Viking  days.  Sometimes 
they  were  separate,  sometimes  two  or  all  united  under  a 
single  king  ;  their  importance  in  European  history  lies 
mainly  in  their  quarrels  with  each  other  and  with  the  Hansa 
towns  over  the  Baltic  and  North  Sea  trade. 

The  history  of  Eastern  and  South-Eastern  Europe  is 
difficult  to  grasp  ;  but  the  two  words,  Turk  and  Tartar, 
are  the  key.  Kingdoms,  half  feudal  and  half  barbaric,  are 
to  be  found  in  Lithuania,  Poland,  Hungary,  Serbia,  and 
elsewhere  ;  but  their  relations  are  confusing  ;  intermarriage 
often  unites  one  to  another  ;  and  the  interest  lies  really  in 
the  pressure  from  the  East. 

The  early  advance  of  the  Seljuk  Turks,  which  all  but 
destroyed  the  Byzantine  Empire  at  the  battle  of  Manzikert 
(1076)  has  already  been  mentioned.  The  Christian  counter- 
offensive,  the  first  Crusades,  drove  the  Turks  back,  and 
founded  a  small  and  shortlived  European  settlement  in 
Palestine  and  Syria.  Thereafter  a  series  of  to-and-fro 
fluctuations  achieved  a  kind  of  equilibrium  ;  and  though 
the  Turkish  Sultan  was  regarded  as  outside  the  European 
pale,  he  became  less  and  less  of  a  dangerous  foe.  But  in  the 
middle  of  the  thirteenth  century  a  great  movement  in  the 
inner  plains  of  Asia  sent  an  invading  Mongol  people,  the 
Tartars  under  Jenghiz  Khan,  pouring  into  Europe.  They 
overran  Russia,  destroyed  the  kingdoms  of  Poland  and 
Hungary,  and  seemed  at  one  time  likely  to  reach  the  Rhine. 


But  with  the  death  of  Jenghiz  Khan  his  enormous  Tartar 
Empire  began  to  collapse,  and  in  Europe  the  Tartars 
retreated  to  Russia,  which  they  held  until,  late  in  the 
fifteenth  century,  a  non-Tartar  line  of  princes,  of  whom 
Ivan  III  was  the  most  important,  began  to  build  up  a  new 
Russian  kingdom  centred  upon  Moscow.  The  Tartars  were 
not  savages  like  the  Huns  of  Attila  ;  the  court  of  Jenghiz 
Khan  was  intelligent  and  interested  in  the  things  of  the 
mind  more  than  many  of  the  courts  of  Christendom  ;  and 
they  introduced  novelties  into  Europe,  of  which  gun- 
powder, mainly  owing  to  its  uses  in  destroying  the  castles 
of  medieval  barons,  is  perhaps  the  best  known.  As  their 
stay  in  Europe  was  so  short,  however,  their  influence  is 
rather  that  of  a  fertiliser  than  of  a  permanent  element. 
A  second  invasion,  made  a  hundred  years  later  under 
Tamurlane,  became  involved  with  the  Ottoman  Turks. 

It  was  these  Ottoman  Turks  who  finally  destroyed  the 
Byzantine  Empire,  and  brought  Turkey  really  into  Europe. 
In  1329  an  Ottoman  Empire  was  founded  at  Brusa  in  Asia 
Minor,  just  across  the  Straits  from  Constantinople,  and  the 
older  Turkish  power  collapsed  before  it.  Shortly  afterwards 
the  Turks  entered  Europe  and  set  about  encircling  Con- 
stantinople. They  conquered  Roumania  and  Serbia,  and 
began  the  practice  of  training  captured  Christian  children 
as  Moslem  cavalry — these  were  called  the  Janissaries.  For 
a  time  they  were  checked  by  the  Tartars  under  Tamurlane  ; 
but  after  his  death  in  1405  they  resumed  the  attack,  took 
Salonica,  and  hemmed  in  the  Byzantine  Empire.  It  ap- 
pealed for  help  to  the  West  ;  but  in  the  fifteenth  century 
there  was  no  crusading  spirit  left  anywhere  but  in  Spain, 
and  the  Spaniards  were  busy  with  their  own  Moslems. 
Constantinople  fell  in  1453  >  anc^  shortly  afterwards  Greece, 
Bosnia,  and  Albania  were  added  to  the  Turkish  Empire. 
From  this  time  we  have  to  add  a  new  State,  Turkey,  to  the 
States  of  Europe,  though  its  dominions  were  of  course  never 
confined  to  Europe,  and  though,  owing  to  the  religious 
difference,  it  was  for  a  long  time  scarcely  accepted  as  a 
member  of  the  European  system.  Practically,  however,  we 




may  say  that  after  the  treaty  of  Francis  I  of  France  with 
the  Sultan  in  1536,  and  still  more  after  the  failure  in  1532 
to  stir  up  a  Crusade  for  the  defence  of  Vienna  against 
Turkish  attack,  the  Turk  had  ceased  to  be  an  outsider, 
though  he  was  never  regarded  as  quite  a  gentleman. 

We  have  seen,  as  the  Middle  Ages  progressed,  national 
monarchies  arising  or  increasing  in  power  in  many  parts  of 
Europe.  The  causes  of  this  phenomenon  were  many,  partly 
the  desire,  as  trade  expanded,  for  uniform  systems  of  law 
extending  over  a  wider  area,  partly  the  need  for  larger 
political  units  and  for  stronger  government.  But  the 
principle  of  territorial  monarchy  was  not  lifted  to  the 
dignity  of  a  universal  dogma  until  the  Reformation  had 
come  to  signalise  the  final  break-up  of  the  medieval  system. 


Renaissance  and  Reformation.  Many  currents  went 
to  make  the  Reformation.  There  were,  first,  the  actual 
disputes  and  abuses  within  the  Church  itself,  which  did 
much  to  undermine  men's  faith  in  it  as  either  a  spiritual  or 
a  temporal  authority.  Three  Popes,  mutually  excommunicat- 
ing one  another,  could  hardly  enhance  respect  for  their 
holy  office  ;  and  well-fed  friars,  poisoning  cardinals,  and 
unchaste  nuns,  however  few  they  may  have  been  in  pro- 
portion to  the  total,  served  to  create  scandal  as  much  then 
as  they  would  to-day.  Secondly,  the  tendency  towards 
nationalism  inevitably  made  the  Pope  and  the  Papal  Court 
seem  more  like  a  foreign  power,  and  therefore  intensified 
the  resentment  felt  at  the  taxes  levied  throughout  Christen- 
dom for  the  upkeep 'of  the  Papacy,  and  at  the  habit  of 
transferring  legal  cases  (particularly  those  which  might  be 
remunerative)  for  trial  to  the  Papal  courts  at  Rome. 
Thirdly,  the  Humanists,  the  students  of  the  Renaissance, 
were  enraged  at  the  hostility  of  the  Church  to  the  new 


learning,  at  its  disposition  to  brand  them  as  heretics,  and 
to  punish,  even  with  death,  attempts  to  study  subjects  or  to 
think  in  terms  which  were  not  inside  its  traditional  teach- 
ing ;  and  lastly,  the  economic  structure  was  moving  away 
from  the  medieval  rules  which  the  Church  had  drawn  up 
and  sanctioned.  The  equalitarian  and  communal  system  of 
the  gilds  was  declining  ;  the  capitalist  entrepreneur,  the  big 
banker  and  trader,  or  partnership  of  bankers  and  traders, 
was  coming  to  the  fore  ;  and  these  were  unwilling  to  be 
bound  by  rules  forbidding  high  interest,  forestalling,  or 
trading  in  any  way  they  chose.  Thus  economic,  political, 
and  cultural  forces  at  the  beginning  of  the  sixteenth  century 
were  moved  by  a  common  discontent — a  discontent  which 
the  Church  did  nothing  to  meet  until  it  was  too  late. 

When  Martin  Luther  was  excommunicated  in  1521,  few 
realised  that  a  revolution  had  broken  out ;  it  was  not  until 
the  new  nationalism  really  entered  into  the  struggle — as 
evinced  by  the  conversion  of  certain  princes  to  Protestant- 
ism— that  this  became  clear.  For  a  brief  while,  also,  it 
seemed  to  some  that  religious  reform  meant  freedom  of 
thought  on  religious  matters  ;  but  this  was  by  no  means 
the  case,  as  the  German  peasants  who  in  1522  embraced  a 
form  of  Protestantism  rapidly  discovered.  They,  however, 
were  unwise  enough  to  include  in  their  religious  programme 
certain  proposals  for  social  change  which  roused  the  wrath 
of  their  masters  and  gave  rise  to  the  bloody  Peasants'  War 
in  Germany.  It  was  the  social  aspect  of  the  peasants'  claims 
that  finally  decided  Luther  against  them,  and  caused  him 
to  take  the  attitude  that  there  was  no  right  of  private 
judgment  against  princes — an  attitude  later  summed  up  in 
the  famous  phrase  Cujus  regio  ejus  religio.  But,  though  the 
Peasants'  War  (in  which,  naturally  enough,  the  peasants 
were  completely  and  savagely  crushed)  was  in  a  sense  the 
first  of  the  wars  of  religion,  its  causes  were  so  much  more 
social — resistance  to  feudal  oppression,  etc. — that  it  is  not 
usually  so  considered.  For  some  time  after  Luther's  excom- 
munication, religious  disputes  continued  without  reaching 
the  stage  of  national  or  civil  war. 


But  gradually  it  became  clear  that  the  passions  kindled 
by  religious  differences  could  not  be  resolved  without 
fighting.  About  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century  what 
are  called  "  the  wars  of  religion  "  broke  out,  and  raged  for 
a  hundred  years.  They  were  ended  finally,  partly  through 
exhaustion  of  the  combatants  and  partly  through  the 
blunting  of  the  sharp  edge  of  religious  feeling,  by  the 
Treaty  of  Westphalia  in  1648,  which  closed  the  Thirty 
Years'  War  in  Germany  ;  and  it  is  worth  noticing  that, 
unlike  some  treaties,  this  treaty  did  really  put  a  stop  to 
religious  warfare — though  not  to  religious  persecution. 
The  religious  map  of  Europe,  which  was  drawn  in  1648, 
lasted  unchanged  for  nearly  a  hundred  and  fifty  years  ; 
and  though  since  then  important  countries  such  as  France, 
Russia,  and  Spain  have  changed  their  official  religion, 
this  has  happened  in  each  case  in  connection  with  a 
social  revolution,  the  Church  being  disestablished  or 
destroyed  because  of  its  connection  with  a  discredited 
governing  class.  Nor  has  the  religious  change,  of  itself, 
led  to  war. 

The  Reformation  took  different  courses  in  the  different 
countries.  In  England  it  was,  comparatively  speaking, 
bloodless  and  not  much  concerned  with  religion.  Henry 
VIII  desired,  not  to  change  his  religion,  but  to  be  free  of 
papal  domination,  and,  in  effect,  bought  the  support  of 
his  leading  subjects  in  his  struggle  against  the  Pope  by 
granting  them  the  monastery  lands.  After  a  short  Catholic 
reaction  under  Mary,  during  which,  it  is  significant  to  note, 
the  sequestered  property  was  not  restored,  the  curious 
compromise  known  as  the  Church  of  England  was  reached  ; 
this  gave  England  a  State  Church  headed  by  the  king 
and  having  its  own  ritual,  which  was  a  Protestant  ritual 
though  with  leanings  towards  the  older  forms.  This  com- 
promise has  lasted  almost  unchanged  to  our  own  day.  In 
the  second  quarter  of  the  seventeenth  century  a  belief  that 
the  Stuart  dynasty  was  attempting  to  bring  the  country 
back  to  Rome  was  one  of  the  causes  of  the  Civil  War,  in 
which  Scottish  Calvinists  joined  with  the  lawyers  and 


middle-class  men  who  disliked  the  arbitrary  government 
of  Charles  I  and  his  advisers.  But  though  the  Court  was 
beaten  and  Charles  I  executed,  domination  by  a  Puritan 
government  did  not  prove  any  more  popular  ;  and  the 
Church  of  England  was  brought  back  at  the  Restoration 
and  confirmed  by  the  Revolution  of  1688.  Scotland,  in  the 
sixteenth  century  Catholic  and  under  a  Catholic  queen, 
who  had  for  a  time  been  married  to  the  king  of  France, 
was  converted,  mainly  through  the  efforts  of  John  Knox, 
to  an  extreme  form  of  Protestantism.  After  the  Union  of 
England  and  Scotland  in  1603,  Scottish  influence  added 
strength  to  the  reaction  against  Charles  I  ;  but  the  English 
Protestants,  though  pushed  by  the  Scots,  declined  to  be 
guided  by  them.  Nor  was  Scotland  itself  homogeneous  ; 
the  Highlands,  in  the  main,  remained  Catholic  and  loyal 
to  the  Stuarts. 

In  France  the  struggle  was  long  and  bitter.  The  Court 
was  Catholic  ;  but  the  nation  was  fairly  evenly  divided 
between  Catholics  and  Protestants  (called  Huguenots), 
and  civil  war  raged  at  intervals  from  1562  onwards. 
Eventually,  and  partly  owing  to  the  extreme  incapacity  of 
the  Court,  the  Huguenots  won  the  victory,  and  their  leader, 
Henry  Bourbon  of  Navarre,  became  king  of  France  as 
Henry  IV  (1589),  but  only,  Catholicism  being  still  so 
strong,  at  the  price  of  becoming  a  Catholic.  France  thus 
remained  Catholic  ;  but,  as  a  make-weight,  the  Edict  of 
Nantes  (1598)  granted  the  Huguenots  not  merely  freedom 
of  worship,  but  so  much  civil  and  political  self-government 
as  to  make  their  communities  semi-independent.  After 
Henry's  death,  the  French  Government  became  more 
Catholic  and  more  resentful  of  the  privileged  position  of 
the  Huguenots  ;  and  in  1685  Louis  XIV  revoked  the  Edict 
of  Nantes,  with  the  result  of  expelling  large  numbers  of  the 
Huguenots,  and  making  France  uniformly  Catholic  once 
more.  Nevertheless,  it  should  be  remembered  that  it  was  in 
France,  during  the  civil  wars,  that  the  suggestion  was  made 
that  differences  in  religion  should  be  tolerated,  in  order  that 
the  State  might  not  be  torn  to  pieces  in  the  struggle. 


In  Spain,  Portugal,  and  Italy  there  was  no  Reformation. 
The  Pope  retained  at  any  rate  his  power  in  his  home 
country  ;  and  Spain  was  the  great  stronghold  of  Catholi- 
cism, the  source  from  which  came  the  main  forces  defending 
the  Church — the  Inquisition  and  the  Jesuit  Order  founded 
in  1534  by  Ignatius  Loyola.  The  Scandinavian  countries 
went  over  to  Protestantism  with  little  difficulty.  But  in  the 
Netherlands  and  Germany  there  were  savage  conflicts. 
The  Netherlands,  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Reformation,  were 
part  of  the  dominions  of  the  Hapsburg  family,  whose  head 
was  the  Emperor  Charles  V.  The  northern  provinces,  in 
particular  Holland  and  Zealand,  became  converted  to 
Protestantism  ;  while  the  southern  ones  (modern  Belgium) 
tended  to  remain  Catholic.  On  the  death  of  Charles  V,  his 
son  Philip  (husband  of  Mary  of  England),  did  not  succeed 
to  the  Imperial  Crown  but  did  succeed  to  the  throne  of 
Spain  and  the  Hapsburg  Netherlands.  Philip  II  was 
Spanish  by  upbringing,  and  as  fanatical  a  devotee  of  the 
Catholic  Church  as  any  of  his  subjects.  He  therefore  set 
about  stamping  out  heresy  in  the  Netherlands,  reorganised 
the  Church  there  and  introduced  the  Inquisition,  thereby 
causing  to  revolt  against  him  even  his  Catholic  subjects, 
who  were  not  minded  to  be  disciplined  by  Spanish  clerics. 
The  story  of  the  fierce  resistance  of  the  Netherlanders  to 
Philip's  policy,  which  his  general  Alva  was  sent  to  enforce 
with  fire  and  sword,  has  often  been  told  ;  the  core  of  that 
resistance  was  the  maritime  provinces,  which  faced  the 
drowning  of  their  land  by  the  cutting  of  the  dykes  sooner 
than  give  in,  and  maintained  themselves  by  trade — partly 
also  by  piracy  in  the  Spanish  possessions,  in  which  they  were 
secretly  aided  by  England  ;  its  head,  acting  under  very 
difficult  circumstances,  was  William  the  Silent,  Prince  of 
Orange.  He  was  assassinated  in  1584  ;  but  the  war  con- 
tinued. Eventually  the  Catholic  south  divided  from  the 
Protestant  north  and  remained  under  the  Hapsburgs.  The 
seven  United  Provinces  of  the  north  maintained  their 
resistance,  and  were  formally  freed  from  Spain  by  the 
Treaty  of  Bergen  in  1609.  Holland  thus  became  a  nation. 


The  application  of  the  principle  Cujus  regio  ejus  religio  to 
the  German-speaking  lands  resulted,  since  they  were 
divided  among  so  many  petty  rulers,  in  a  host  of  Catholic 
and  Protestant  principalities,  animated  by  mutual  hatred  ; 
and  the  final  battles  of  the  religious  wars  were  fought  on 
German  soil.  The  original  cause  of  the  Thirty  Years'  War, 
as  this  final  phase  is  called,  was  a  dispute  over  the  succession 
to  the  Bohemian  throne,  i.e.,  whether  Bohemia  was  to  be 
Catholic  or  Protestant ;  it  rapidly  developed  into  a  struggle 
between  leagues  of  Catholic  and  Protestant  States,  and  was 
prolonged  by  the  intervention  of  Gustavus  Adolphus  of 
Sweden,  leading  what  practically  amounted  to  a  Protestant 
Crusade.  Eventually  it  terminated  in  a  kind  of  exhaustion. 
The  Treaty  of  Westphalia,  as  we  have  seen,  settled  the 
religious  map  of  Europe  on  a  territorial  basis,  and  settled  it 
for  a  very  long  time.  But  the  devastation  caused  by  the 
Thirty  Years'  War  had  meanwhile  put  back  the  social 
and  economic  development  of  large  parts  of  Germany  for 

Cujus  regio  ejus  religio  did  not  mean  religious  toleration. 
It  did  mean,  however,  that  some  possibility  of  religious 
difference  was  recognised,  since  it  was  at  any  rate  theoretic- 
ally possible  for  a  man  to  change  his  religion  by  changing  his 
country  ;  and  gradually,  in  the  Lutheran  countries  and  in 
England,  the  positive  use  of  persecution  began  to  decline. 
Men  suffered  punishment  and  disability  more  because 
their  nonconformity  with  the  State  religion,  whatever  it 
was,  appeared  to  endanger  the  State,  and  less  because  it  was 
absolutely  wicked  and  must  be  stamped  out  at  all  costs. 
But  one  of  the  Reformed  Churches  held  the  contrary  view 
as  strongly  as  any  Inquisitor.  The  city  of  Geneva  in  1541 
committed  itself  to  the  administration  of  John  Calvin,  the 
greatest  and  most  ruthless  of  all  the  leading  Reformers. 
Calvin  initiated  the  "  Rule  of  the  Saints,"  or  the  elect, 
which  demanded  and  fiercely  enforced  a  strict  conformity 
in  matters  social  and  ethical  as  well  as  religious.  Calvinism 
wherever  it  went — and  the  power  and  logic  of  Calvin's 
mind  spread  it  far  beyond  the  borders  of  Switzerland — was 


always  a  persecuting  creed,  with  the  actual  amount  of 
persecution  only  limited  by  the  strength  of  the  particular 
Calvinistic  Church.  The  civil  government,  in  the  view  of  the 
Calvinists,  should  be  ruled  by  the  elect,  and  should  enforce 
the  ideas  and  decrees  of  the  Church. 

Even  to  the  Calvinists,  however,  religious  toleration  came 
in  time  and  by  force  of  events.  Towards  the  end  of  the 
sixteenth  century  such  people  as  the  Politiques  in  France, 
Robert  Browne  in  England,  and  Arminius  in  Holland  were 
beginning  to  say  that  religious  beliefs,  if  their  holders  were 
law-abiding,  ought  not  to  be  the  concern  of  the  civil 
government ;  the  advent  of  the  Quakers,  who  resisted 
persecution  quietly  but  would  not  persecute,  added  to  the 
general  tendency,  which  was  further  reinforced  as  it  became 
slowly  clear  that  no  persecution  could  really  stamp  out, 
for  example,  Catholicism  in  the  Protestant  States.  Tolera- 
tion, therefore,  began  to  grow,  more  quickly  in  the  Protest- 
ant than  in  the  Catholic  countries  ;  but  in  all  its  growth 
was  slow,  and  the  admission  of  tolerated  persons  to  citizen- 
ship was  slower  still.  In  England,  richest  and  safest  of  all 
the  chief  Powers,  full  Catholic  emancipation  was  not 
secured  until  1829,  and  events  to-day  remind  us  how  far 
parts  of  "  civilised  "  Europe  are  from  even  tolerating  the 

The  New  World.  Simultaneously  with  the  Reforma- 
tion and  the  wars  of  religion  was  taking  place  the  political 
change  from  the  medieval  system  to  the  system  of  national 
monarchies,  to  which  we  have  already  alluded,  and  the 
economic  change  to  what  is  usually  called  Capitalism. 
Before  we  consider  either  of  these  changes,  however,  we 
must  briefly  explain  the  great  change  in  the  size  of  the  known 
world  which  took  place  at  the  end  of  the  fifteenth  and  the 
beginning  of  the  sixteenth  centuries. 

One  of  the  chief  causes,  no  doubt,  which  led  to  the  dis- 
covery of  America  was  the  closing,  by  the  fall  of  Constan- 
tinople and  the  growth  of  the  Ottoman  Empire,  of  the  trade 
routes  to  Asia.  This  gave  a  renewed  impulse  to  adventurous 


sailors  to  test  practically  both  the  old  legends — probably 
coming  in  their  origin  from  Phoenician  traders — of  a  lost 
continent  lying  far  to  the  west  of  Europe,  and  the  redis- 
covered knowledge  that  the  world  was  round  ;  and  the 
improvement  of  shipbuilding,  such  inventions  as  the 
mariner's  compass,  and  the  increased  prosperity  of  Europe 
during  the  fifteenth  century,  made  it  possible  to  finance 
and  provision  such  expeditions  with  reasonable  hope  of 
success.  But  the  actual  motive  for  the  earliest  "  voyages  of 
discovery  "  was  religious.  Dom  Henriques  of  Portugal,  often 
called  Prince  Henry  the  Navigator,  sent  his  first  expeditions 
out  to  West  Africa  as  a  semi-crusade,  to  convert  the  Moors 
and  the  native  Africans  to  Christianity.  Little  of  conversion 
was  achieved  ;  but  the  expeditions  and  the  settlements 
proved  profitable,  both  in  African  products  such  as  gold 
and  ivory,  and  in  African  natives  brought  over  to  increase 
the  labour  force  of  Portugal.  The  African  slave-trade, 
which  was  to  prove  so  tremendous  a  social  factor  in  the 
New  World,  began  with  the  Portuguese  expeditions  in  the 
latter  half  of  the  fifteenth  century. 

The  Portuguese  sailors  continued  their  explorations 
southward  from  the  mouth  of  the  Senegal  ;  they  rounded 
the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  and  in  1598  Vasco  da  Gama 
landed  in  Calicut  and  thus  established  the  "  Cape  route  " 
to  India  and  China.  Meanwhile  the  Spanish  State,  under 
Ferdinand  and  Isabella,  had  taken  the  same  course  as 
regards  the  West.  Columbus  reached  Hispaniola  (Cuba)  in 
1492  ;  the  continent  of  America  was  discovered  in  1498  ; 
Spanish  expeditions  conquered  Mexico  in  1517,  and  Peru 
in  1531  ;  in  1519  to  1522  Magellan's  voyage  completed  the 
circuit  of  the  globe.  The  immediate  result  of  the  voyage  of 
Columbus  was  the  famous  Papal  Bull  of  1493  dividing  the 
New  World  between  Spain  and  Portugal — a  bull  which  the 
Reformation  soon  made  inoperative.  * 

The  Italian  cities,  hitherto  the  leaders  of  sea-trading 
expeditions,  played  no  part  as  such  in  the  Discoveries, 
though  Columbus  and  other  navigators  were  of  Italian 
birth.  They  were  not  so  happily  placed,  geographically,  as 


the  countries  with  an  Atlantic  seaboard  ;  and  they  were 
further  occupied  in  disputes  with  one  another,  with  France 
and  the  Empire,  and  in  defending  themselves  against 
Turkish  aggression.  But  where  Spain  and  Portugal  had  led, 
other  countries,  particularly  England  and  Holland,  fol- 
lowed. The  Cabots  discovered  Newfoundland  for  England 
in  1497  ;  the  Dutch  sailed  to  Trinidad  and  Guiana,  planted 
colonists  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  and  attacked  the 
Portuguese  in  the  East  Indies ;  and  during  the  sixteenth 
century  many  attempts  were  made  to  turn  the  flank  of  the 
Portuguese  in  the  East  Indies  by  discovering  a  North- West 
or  a  North-East  Passage  to  India.  The  first  of  these  goals 
proved  hopeless  and  was  finally  abandoned  after  much 
loss  ;  the  second  led  to  the  partial  opening  up  of  Russia  to 
western  trade  via  Archangel.  But  owing  to  the  mineral 
wealth  of  South  and  Central  America  and  to  the  Reforma- 
tion, the  main  interest  of  the  Protestant  countries,  in  those 
years,  lay,  not  in  Canada  or  Moscow,  but  in  plundering 
the  Spanish  and  Portuguese  monopolies.  The  defeat  of  the 
Armada  in  1588  was  only  the  largest  single  event  in  a 
campaign  of  anti-Spanish  aggression. 

The  most  noticeable  immediate  effects  of  the  Discoveries 
were  the  great  improvement  in  seamanship  and  ship- 
building which  the  long  voyages  necessitated,  and  the  great 
influx  of  precious  metals  from  the  New  World,  which  raised 
prices,  and  made  possible  a  rapid  expansion  of  trade  and 
manufacture.  But  of  course  the  long-term  effects  were  very 
much  greater.  In  the  first  place,  the  effect  on  men's  minds 
of  the  sudden  doubling  of  the  size  of  the  known  world  can 
hardly  be  exaggerated.  Two  new  continents,  to  say  nothing 
of  India  and  the  Spice  Islands,  now  lay  open  to  exploitation, 
and  though  their  possibilities  for  the  reception  of  settlers, 
as  markets,  and  as  sources  for  raw  materials,  were  only 
slowly  realised  or  exploited,  they  were  at  once  sufficiently 
seen  to  fire  the  imaginations  and  to  alter  the  assumptions 
of  men,  particularly  those  who  lived  on  the  western  sea- 
board. The  great  change  in  the  tone  and  spirit  of  English 
literature  in  Elizabethan  days  is  sufficient  proof  of  this. 


Men  did  not  know  exactly  what  was  happening  or  what 
was  going  to  happen.  But  they  knew  that  something  was, 
and  that  it  was  enormous  and  fundamental. 

The  Rise  of  Capitalism.  Secondly,  the  New  World 
gave  additional  impetus  to  the  demand  for  new  forms  of 
economic  organisation.  This  brings  us  to  the  subject  of 
economic  change  to  which  we  referred  above.  It  is  not 
possible  to  give  any  date  for  the  introduction  of"  Capital- 
ism "  into  Europe.  All  the  features  which  we  know  as 
characteristic  of  Capitalism  (except,  of  course,  power- 
driven  machinery)  can  be  found  in  Europe  before  the 
Reformation,  and  changes  from  medieval  economy  were 
taking  place  before  Columbus  had  been  heard  of.  Never- 
theless, the  sixteenth  century  did  see  a  rapid  acceleration 
towards  new  forms.  The  gild  system  was  breaking  down, 
both  from  internal  decay  and  from  unsuitability  to  chang- 
ing conditions.  Internally,  particularly  in  districts  such  as 
Northern  Italy  and  Flanders,  where  the  gilds  had  been 
wealthiest  and  strongest,  bitter  class-divisions  had  devel- 
oped. The  gilds  had  become,  in  effect,  small  oligarchies  of 
rich  men,  keeping  under  their  control  both  the  lesser 
members  of  the  gilds — and,  in  some  cases,  whole  gilds  which 
were,  or  were  thought  to  be,  of  lesser  importance — and 
also  a  quantity  of  hired  labour  which  had  no  chance  of 
rising  to  an  independent  position.  This  had  already  begun 
to  give  rise  to  class-struggles  in  gild  cities,  particularly 
in  the  districts  mentioned  above.  Nevertheless,  the  grow- 
ing narrowness  of  the  gild  oligarchy  did  not  make  it 
more  flexible  for  undertaking  the  large-scale  and  long- 
distance operations  which  the  new  conditions  required. 
For,  though  oligarchic,  it  was  still  in  many  respects  bound 
by  unsuitable  traditions  ;  it  had  rules  as  to  equality  of  oppor- 
tunity among  its  members  which  prevented  a  would-be 
captain  of  industry  from  getting  full  play  ;  its  control  of  the 
economy  of  the  older  towns  largely  hindered  the  develop- 
ment of  new  industries  therein  ;  and  it  was  still,  in  part  at 
any  rate,  bound  by  Church  theories  about  profit,  price,  and 


the  payment  of  interest  which  seriously  interfered  with 
a  rapid  expansion  of  its  operations  elsewhere. 

To  sum  up  briefly  a  complicated  subject,  what  the 
rising  entrepreneur  of  the  sixteenth  century  wanted  was 
(a)  command  of  ready  money  for  investment  without 
restriction  in  any  enterprise  in  any  place,  and  (b)  a  mobile 
labour  force  which  could  similarly  be  employed  at  any 
time  and  place  without  gild  or  feudal  restrictions.  The  first 
he  secured  partly  through  the  great  expansion  of  the  cur- 
rency which  was  mentioned  above,  and  partly  by  means  of 
the  regulated  company,  joint-stock  company  or  partnership 
which  operated,  like  the  English  East  India  Company, 
under  charter  but  without  gild  restrictions.  The  second 
came  to  him  through  the  break-up  of  feudalism  in  Western 
Europe,  through  the  desire  of  the  landowner  to  have 
money  rather  than  hinds,  to  run  his  estate  at  a  profit  rather 
than  to  live  off  it  in  the  old  traditional  way  while  supporting 
a  large  army  of  labour  which  might  defend  or  aid  him  in 
private  war.  This  tendency  was  most  marked  in  England, 
where  a  large  part  of  the  land  was  deliberately  turned  over 
to  the  profitable  business  of  sheep-farming,  thus  setting 
"  free  "  a  large  mass  of  labour  for  employment  either  in 
new  manufacturing  enterprise  or  in  the  navy  and  merchant 
service  of  Elizabeth. 

Neither  gilds  nor  feudalism,  naturally,  died  at  once. 
Feudalism  had  received  a  blow  from  the  ravages  of  the 
Black  Death  in  1348-51.  It  had  practically  disappeared  in 
England  and  Holland  ;  but  it  survived,  though  with  de- 
creasing energy,  in  France,  and  was  actually  being  intro- 
duced, in  the  form  of  degraded  serfdom,  into  Eastern 
Europe  (Poland  in  1496,  Russia  in  1597,  Austria  in  1627). 
It  may  be  noted,  however,  that  even  Western  Capitalism 
had  no  objection  to  serfdom  as  such,  as  can  be  seen  from 
its  deliberate  introduction  into  Scotland  in  the  sixteenth 
century  to  provide  labour  for  the  Scottish  mines. 

The  gild  system  in  England,  where  it  had  never  been  very 
strong,  and  where  the  power  of  the  new  capitalists  was 
greatest  as  compared  with  that  of  the  Crown,  was  moribund 


by  the  end  of  the  sixteenth  century.  On  the  Continent  it 
remained,  varying  in  strength  and  importance  in  differ- 
ent places,  until  after  the  French  Revolution  and  Napo- 
leon's conquests.  But  the  future  was  not  with  it. 

The  new  Capitalism,  in  objecting  to  gild  regulation, 
tended  also  to  object  to  the  old  system  of  town  government 
and  customary  law,  which  was  so  bound  up  with  it.  This 
did  not  mean,  however,  that  it  desired  no  law  at  all,  but 
that  it  desired  law  more  simple,  more  uniform,  more 
suited  to  its  requirements,  and  operating  over  a  wider  area. 
Greater  uniformity  might  be  secured  by  the  reversion  to 
legal  systems  derived  in  part  from  the  old  Roman  law — 
which  did,  in  fact,  take  place  to  a  considerable  extent  ;  but 
the  widening  of  the  area  of  operation  involves  the  creation  of 
an  effective  authority  which  can  enforce  the  law.  This  fact 
placed  the  new  Capitalism  in  general  upon  the  side  of  the 
national  State  as  against  the  small,  traditional,  and  cum- 
bersome medieval  unit.  Put  concretely,  the  capitalist 
wanted  the  king's  writ  and  the  king's  arms  to  protect  his 
operations,  and  he  did  not,  fundamentally,  care  whether 
the  king  was  acting  in  accord  with  Christian  principles  or 
not,  so  long  as  he  gave  security. 

The  Growth  of  States.  We  have  already  given  an 
account  of  the  rise  of  the  national  monarchies  in  most 
European  countries,  and  there  is  little  to  add  to  it  for  the 
century  of  the  religious  wars.  Three  things  are  of  sufficient 
importance  to  merit  separate  mention  :  first,  the  disap- 
pearance, as  free  States,  of  all  but  a  few  of  the  cities  of  the 
Hansa  League  in  the  Baltic  and  the  North  Sea,  partly 
because  of  economic  decline  after  the  Discoveries  and  the 
fall  of  Constantinople  had  lessened  the  importance  of  trade 
between  the  Baltic  and  the  Levant,  and  partly  through 
conflict  with  the  national  monarchies  of  Sweden  and 
Denmark  ;  secondly,  the  rise  of  Prussia,  united  with  Bran- 
denburg in  1618,  to  a  position  among  the  German  States 
only  second  to  that  of  Austria  ;  and  thirdly,  the  expansion 
of  Russia  to  the  East.  Russia,  not  being  a  member  of  the 


Roman  communion,  was  unaffected  by  the  Reformation  ; 
but  during  that  period  she  became  appreciably  more  like 
the  Russia  we  know  to-day.  The  Tsars  of  Moscow,  par- 
ticularly Ivan  IV,  drove  the  Tartars  steadily  back,  and 
incorporated  the  Tartar  principalities  of  South  Russia,  as 
well  as  the  older  city-states,  such  as  Pskov  and  Nijni- 
Novgorod  and  the  district  of  Livonia,  in  their  empire. 
Later  in  the  century  a  great  colonisation  of  Siberia  took 
place,  and  showed,  as  has  been  shown  both  before  and 
since,  that  the  Urals  do  not  in  effect  form  any  barrier 
between  Europe  and  Asia.  The  successors  of  Ivan  had  to 
face  a  certain  amount  of  semi-feudal  revolt,  which  is 
generally  connected  with  the  name  of  Boris  Godunov  ; 
but  early  in  the  next  century  the  empire  was  secure,  and 
the  first  Romanov  succeeded  in  1613. 

More  important  than  these,  however,  was  the  appear- 
ance and  working  out  of  a  theoretical  basis  and  justifi- 
cation of  the  modern  State  (which  has  profoundly  influenced 
thought  and  action  ever  since),  and  the  defence  of  civil 
government  upon  lines  which  omitted  the  religious  argu- 
ment  altogether.  Curiously  enough,  this  justification  first 
appeared  in  a  country  which  did  not  achieve  a  national 
State  for  hundreds  of  years.  Machiavelli  the  Florentine  in 
1513  completed  The  Prince,  which  is  a  defence  of  the  civil 
State — and  of  the  employment  by  it,  in  order  to  secure 
social  order,  of  methods  which  would  be  condemned  by 
ordinary  standards  of  personal  morality — by  arguments 
which  are  wholly  secular.  The  State  must  exist,  and  must 
govern,  by  any  and  every  means,  for  the  sake  of  law  and 
security  ;  and  that  is  all  that  matters.  This  is  the  essence  of 
Machiavellianism,  and  its  simplicity  has  largely  obscured 
both  its  fundamental  nature  and  the  completeness  of  its 
break  with  the  past.  Except  for  a  brief  period  during  which 
a  childish  doctrine"  called  "  the  divine  right  of  kings  " 
attempted  vainly  to  find  a  new  religious  sanction  for 
national  monarchies,  no  defender  of  absolutism  from 
Hobbes  to  Mussolini  has  ever  gone  back  to  the  arguments 
of  religion.  Though  they  may  have  added  mystical  and 


philosophic  frills  of  varying  value,  they  are  all  in  essentials 

Some  historians  date  the  birth  of  modern  Europe  from  the 
Treaty  of  Westphalia,  some  postpone  it  to  the  outbreak  of 
the  French  Revolution  or  the  battle  of  Waterloo.  In  1648 
there  is,  at  any  rate,  much  of  modern  Europe  to  be  seen. 
The  States  which  made  the  Treaty  were  all,  except  the 
Emperor,  independent  self-governing  States  in  the  modern 
sense — and  the  Emperor,  though  he  survived,  survived  with 
sovereignty  much  curtailed.  Their  representatives  met,  for 
the  first  time,  in  a  representative  congress  upon  political 
questions.  Its  acts  were  drawn  up  in  Latin  as  being  the 
international  language — this  was  subsequently  replaced 
by  French — and  such  diplomatic  questions  as  the  order 
of  precedence  among  States  were  settled  for  the  first  time. 
Modern  diplomacy,  in  fact,  was  really  born  at  the  signing 
of  that  treaty,  a  fact  which  may  have  some  bearing  on  the 
extreme  obsolescence  of  modern  diplomacy. 

The  main  difference  between  1648  and  1815,  considered 
as  birth-dates  for  the  modern  world,  lies  in  the  idea  of 
democratic  nationalism,  the  creature  of  the  French  Revolu- 
tion. National  States,  as  we  have  seen,  appeared  in  full 
strength  during  the  Reformation  period  ;  but  they  were, 
with  but  few  exceptions,  dynastic,  autocratic  States,  among 
which  territories,  with  their  accompanying  populations, 
were  distributed  according  to  strength,  the  limits  to  the 
acquisition&of  any  particular  potentate  being  set  by  his  own 
weakness  or  the  willingness  of  his  neighbours  to  combine 
against  him.  The  principle  of  Luther  with  regard  to  religion 
was  transferred  to  politics  as  religion  waned,  and  it  was  not 
conceived  that  the  common  people  had  any  right  to  choose 
in  what  national  State  they  were  incorporated,  though  it 
was  observed,  of  course,  that  in  certain  cases  the  rule  of  an 
alien  State  might  as  a  fact  be  so  unpopular  as  to  lead  to 
rebellion — as,  under  any  form  or  theory  of  government,  a 
particular  ruler  may  prove  himself  so  obnoxious  that  he 
gets  deposed  or  assassinated.  No  political  system  of  any  kind 


can  deny  the  possibility,  though  it  may  deny  the  right,  of 
insurrection.  The  revolt  of  the  United  Provinces,  described 
in  a  previous  section,  is  a  clear  case  in  point.  Philip  of 
Spain  was  an  alien  to  the  Dutch  ;  but  it  was  not  as  an  alien 
primarily,  but  as  an  oppressive  and  unpopular  alien,  that  he 
succeeded  in  uniting  against  him  all  classes  of  his  Dutch 
subjects  in  a  resistance  which  had  in  the  end  to  be  recog- 
nised as  a  fact.  There  was  also  a  recognition  of  nationalist 
feeling  in  certain  of  the  territories  of  Eastern  Europe 
which  had  been  conquered  by  the  Ottoman  Empire 
(notably  Serbia)  ;  but  this  was  a  recognition  of  religious 
rather  than  national  oppression.  It  was  as  Christians  held 
down  by  infidels  rather  than  as  Serbs  held  down  by  Turks 
that  their  inhabitants  claimed  sympathy.  Nationalism,  in 
the  modern  sense,  together  with  political  democracy,  was 
taught  to  Europe  by  the  French  Revolution  ;  and,  except 
within  the  Soviet  Union,  the  years  since  Napoleon  seem 
only  to  have  increased  its  strength. 

The  outstanding  features  of  the  hundred  and  fifty  years 
which  followed  the  Treaty  of  Westphalia  are,  first,  the 
development  and  crystallisation  of  the  English  social 
system  to  something  very  nearly  resembling  its  present 
form  ;  second,  the  great  changes  in  the  overseas  affilia- 
tions of  the  different  countries  ;  third,  the  quarrels  of  the 
autocratic  States  in  Europe,  and  the  various  attempts  at 
hegemony,  of  which  the  French  is  the  most  important  ; 
fourth,  the  beginnings  of  those  ideals  of  democracy  and 
equality  which  shaped,  though  they  did  not  make,  the 
French  Revolution  ;  and  fifth,  the  economic  changes  which 
were  taking  place  above  all  in  England,  and  which, 
speeded  up  to  a  sudden  and  epoch-making  extent,  turned 
rapidly  into  the  machine  age. 

England  was  by  far  the  most  important  exception  to  the 
statement  that  the  national  States  of  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury were  autocratic.  Not  that  the  Tudors  and  Stuarts 
would  not  gladly  have  been  autocrats,  but  they  could  not 
for  lack  of  cash.  Henry  VIII  having  in  effect  created  a  rich 
bourgeoisie  as  a  price  for  assistance  in  breaking  free  from  the 


Pope  and  becoming  a  power  in  Europe,  in  which  he  received 
the  hearty  co-operation  of  Wolsey  with  results  unfortunate 
both  for  Wolsey  and  the  Crown,  his  successors  had  to  put 
up  with  the  situation,  and  either  rule  in  accord  with  the 
views  of  a  Parliament  of  squires  and  merchants  or  lose 
their  own  crowns  or  heads.  Charles  I,  appealing  to  tradi- 
tional loyalties,  kept  up  a  fight  for  some  time  ;  but  he  was 
beaten  as  much  by  the  power  of  the  City  of  London  as  by 
anything  else  ;  and  in  1688  it  was  actually  the  City  which 
called  William  III  to  the  throne.  Thus  was  the  consti- 
tutional monarchy  in  England  firmly  established,  safe- 
guarded by  the  king's  coronation  oath,  the  financial  control 
of  Parliament,  and  the  refusal  to  sanction  a  standing 
army  ;  and  the  merchants  and  landowners  who  had  made 
the  Revolution  agreed  not  so  much  to  share  the  spoils  of 
government  as  jointly  to  receive  and  distribute  them.  The 
new  system  was  fastened  firmly  on  the  country  by  the  in- 
stitution in  1694  of  the  Bank  of  England  and  the  National 
Debt,  which  gave  to  the  leading  Whigs  a  direct  interest  in 
the  financial  and  political  stability  of  the  country.  It  is 
significant  that,  after  the  death  of  Queen  Anne,  few  of  the 
English  Jacobites  raised  a  finger  or  put  their  hands  in  their 
purses  to  help  either  of  the  Pretenders  ;  and  after  1 745  the 
Government,  by  encouraging  road-building  and  by  a 
savage  clearance  of  the  economically  backward  Highlands, 
insured  against  a  second  repetition  of  the  invasions. 

More  interesting,  perhaps,  is  the  stereotyping  of  the  Eng- 
lish class  system  somewhere  about  the  reign  of  Anne.  A 
modern  reader,  studying  either  Locke,  the  father  of  modern 
English  political  thought,  or  Defoe,  the  first  modern 
novelist,  must  surely  feel  that  here  is  the  modern  English- 
man at  last,  a  very  different  fellow  from  passionate  con- 
troversialists like  Milton  or  Bunyan,  or  the  florid,  word- 
loving  romancier  of  the  seventeenth  ceritury.  Mind  and  tem- 
per and  language,  all  seem  to  be  changed.  How  has  this 
happened  ? 

The  clue  to  the  English  class  system  is  that,  owing  to  the 
comparative  weakness  and  the  early  break-up  of  feudalism, 


the  various  sections  of  the  bourgeoisie — landowners,  mer- 
chants, and  the  higher  ranks  of  the  army  and  the  profes- 
sions— were  all  fused  together,  often,  indeed,  all  represented 
in  the  same  family  ;  that  the  landowners,  as  a  class,  many 
of  them  being  merchants  by  origin,  treated  their  land  as  a 
property  to  be  improved  and  made  to  pay,  not  purely  as  an 
endowment  to  be  lived  off,  while  the  merchants  (who  fre- 
quently married  into  the  families  of  the  landowners), 
tended  to  put  their  money  into  the  land,  either  by  contri- 
bution or  by  purchase.  Sheep,  further,  provided  a  direct 
economic  link  between  the  merchant  and  the  landowners  ; 
the  landowner  bred  the  sheep,  whose  wool  was  the  mer- 
chant's stock-in-trade.  England,  therefore,  never  developed 
a  functionless  aristocracy,  as  did  eighteenth-century  France 
or  nineteenth-century  Russia,  and  there  was  no  real  an- 
tagonism between  the  landowning  and  merchant  classes. 
A  merchant  risen  from  humble  origins  was  readily  accepted 
into  the  governing  class,  and  there  was  no  general  bar  to 
the  acceptance  of  a  manufacturer,  though  in  the  days  of 
the  industrial  revolution  the  manufacture  of  manufacturers 
took  place  with  such  rapidity  that  they  could  not  be  ab- 
sorbed with  ease,  and  a  situation  of  momentary  difficulty 
was  created. 

In  Defoe's  time,  however,  there  was  this  wealthy  and 
homogeneous  governing  class,  sharing  the  government  out 
among  its  members,  with  the  Crown  as  a  useful  asset,  dif- 
fering at  times  over  the  spoils  of  government  and  details  of 
administration,  but  not  at  all  in  fundamentals.  Below  them 
was  a  steady  middle  class,  consisting  on  the  one  hand  of 
small  yeomen  and  tenant  farmers,  and  on  the  other  of 
small  tradesmen  and  manufacturers,  of  whom  Defoe  was 
one,  disposed,  like  the  English  middle  class  at  all  times,  to 
grumble  against  its  rulers,  but  on  the  whole  quite  con- 
tented. Below,  again,  was  a  populace  of  cottagers,  hired 
labourers,  mine-workers,  cloth-weavers,  artisans  and  un- 
skilled labourers  in  the  towns,  of  whom  no  one  cared,  save 
for  the  fear  of  strikes  or  bread  riots,  whether  they  were  con- 
tented or  not.  In  fact,  their  standard  of  living  was,  during 


the  major  part  of  the  eighteenth  century  at  all  events,  rising 
sufficiently  to  keep  them  in  acquiescent  subjection. 

This  society  was  governed  locally  by  Justices  of  the  Peace, 
and  in  some  of  the  old  towns,  also  by  closed  and  generally 
unrepresentative  corporations  deriving  from  ancient  char- 
ters ;  and  nationally  by  a  Parliament  whose  unrepresenta- 
tive character  had  been  obvious  even  by  Cromwell's  day.  A 
surprising  fact,  to  foreign  observers,  is  that  this  Parliament 
was  suffered  to  continue  to  exist  in  that  form  right  until 
1832.  The  explanation  is  quite  simply  that  as  a  governing 
body  it  worked,  and  worked  reasonably  to  satisfaction, 
until  nearly  the  end  of  the  century.  After  the  accession  of 
George  III,  it  became  for  a  time  clear  that  a  Parliament  of 
unrepresentative,  corruptible  objects  might  be  an  incon- 
venience if  the  king  decided  to  use  it  against  the  general 
will  of  the  governing  class,  and  proposals  for  reform  there- 
fore assumed  some  importance.  But  the  outbreak  of  the 
French  Revolution  frightened  the  reformers  into  realising 
that  an  unrepresentative  Parliament  was  far  preferable  to 
no  Parliament  at  all,  in  the  sense  in  which  they  had  known 
it ;  and  reform  was  therefore  postponed  until  fear  of  revolu- 
tion had  died  away,  and  the  inconvenience  of  a  Parliament 
in  which  the  manufacturing  areas  were  almost  entirely  un- 
represented, and  too  high  a  proportion  of  the  voting 
machines  were,  or  could  be,  at  the  command  of  too  few 
persons,  drove  the  manufacturing  classes  to  join  with  the 
radicals  and  their  own  employees  in  a  demand  for  reform. 
Which  reform,  though  drastic  enough  to  scandalise  its  op- 
ponents nearly  out  of  their  wits,  proved,  when  applied  to 
the  British  class-system,  to  involve  quite  small  immediate 
alterations,  and  has  been  able  to  survive,  with  alterations 
in  electorate  and  minor  adjustments  of  procedure,  right  to 
the  present  time.  Students,  and  admirers,  of  British  "  Par- 
liamentary democracy  "  too  often  foi^et  that  the  phrase 
should  be  pronounced  with  the  stress  on  the  word  Parlia- 
mentary, not  on  the  word  democracy. 


Colonies  and  Empire.  This  book  is  not  intended  to  trace 
the  history  of  Europe  overseas,  nor  should  we  have  space  to 
treat  it  adequately.  But  the  possession,  by  European  Powers, 
of  various  territories  and  interests  outside  Europe  so  much 
affects  their  policy  and  therefore  the  course  of  modern 
European  history,  that  the  facts  of  the  case  must  be  briefly 
taken  into  account.  The  main  feature  of  our  present  period 
is  the  rapid  decline  of  Spain,  the  pioneer  in  New  World  ex- 
pansion, and,  to  a  less  degree,  of  Portugal  (from  1580  to 
1640  Portugal  was  under  the  Spanish  Grown)  ;  and  the  rise 
oi  England,  Holland  and  France  as  colonial  Powers,  the 
first  of  these  becoming,  after  vicissitudes,  by  far  the  most 

The  question  of  Spain  can  be  very  shortly  dealt  with.  As  a 
State,  Spain  declined  and  declined  from  Philip  IPs  time 
onwards.  The  defeat  of  the  Armada  was  not  an  accident, 
though  luck  played  a  part  in  it,  as  the  winning  of  the  toss 
may  assist  a  cricket  team,  but  essentially  the  defeat  of  an  in- 
efficient by  an  efficient  Power.  This  was  due  in  part  to 
foolish  economic  policy,  which  rendered  the  bullion  of  the 
New  World  a  loss  instead  of  a  gain  to  the  country  which 
brought  it  in,  prevented  the  growth  of  manufacture,  and 
impoverished  the  agriculture  of  Spain ;  and  partly  to  the 
bigotry  of  the  Church  in  Spain  and  its  close  control  over 
government  policy.  These  two  factors  combined  disastrously 
at  times,  as  when  in  1609  seventy  thousand  persons  of 
Moorish  descent,  including  many  of  the  most  productive 
elements  of  the  Spanish  population,  were  driven  out  of 
Spain  by  order  of  the  Church  and  salved  by  the  Turks.  But 
the  signs  of  this  decline  were  far  more  visible  in  European 
politics  than  in  America,  partly  because  the  very  economic 
stagnation  and  poverty  drove  masses  of  Spaniards  (50,000, 
it  was  said,  in  one  year)  to  emigrate,  and  so  to  assist  in  de- 
veloping and  retaining  the  New  World  possessions.  Spanish 
America  was  still  open  to  plunder,  but  Spain  retained  all 
her  colonies  until  the  nineteenth  century,  and  even  her  ex- 
clusive right  to  trade  with  them  until  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht 
in  1713,  when  it  was  invaded  by  England.  Portugal  in  the 


seventeenth  century  lost  the  bulk  of  her  East  Indian  pos- 
sessions to  the  Dutch,  but  retained  those  on  the  African 
coast,  and  (except  for  a  brief  interval  from  1624  to  1642) 
the  vast  territory  of  Brazil. 

As  is  well-known,  the  colonial  possessions  of  England, 
until  after  the  Seven  Years'  War  (1756-1763)  consisted 
mainly  of  the  North  American  colonies,  founded  at  various 
dates  from  1621  onwards,  Newfoundland,  the  sugar  islands 
of  the  West  Indies,  of  which  Jamaica  was  the  most  import- 
ant, and  certain  trading  stations  in  other  parts  of  the  world, 
notably  on  the  Indian  and  African  coasts.  The  French  pos- 
sessions were  somewhat  similarly  distributed  ;  French 
Canada  and  Louisiana  in  North  America,  sugar  islands 
such  as  Guadeloupe  and  Martinique,  and  African  and 
Indian  trading  stations.  The  Dutch,  on  the  other  hand, 
were  all  over  the  place — in  New  Amsterdam  on  the  North 
American  continent,  in  Brazil  in  South  America,  at  the 
Cape  of  Good  Hope,  in  Van  Diemen's  Land  at  the  Antip- 
odes, and  in  various  places  in  the  East  Indies,  from  which, 
in  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century,  they  were  grad- 
ually ousting  the  Portuguese.  None  of  these  possessions, 
however,  was  nearly  as  important  as  the  Dutch  carrying 
trade,  which,  in  the  early  stages,  was  far  greater  than  that 
of  the  English.  The  Dutch  were  the  international  carriers  ; 
they  were  all  but  born  on  the  water,  and  their  ships,  par- 
ticularly after  they  were  finally  freed  from  Spain,  went 
everywhere.  Only  gradually  did  England  catch  up  to  a 
point  at  which  she  could  become  a  rival.  In  the  early  days  of 
the  English  Protectorate,  it  is  interesting  to  note,  Cromwell 
made  a  proposal  to  the  Dutch  for  the  federation  of  the  two 
Protestant,  maritime,  and  now  republican  Powers — a  pro- 
posal which  was  favourably  received  at  first,  but  broke 
down,  not  altogether  surprisingly,  upon  the  question  of  the 
headship  of  the  new  federation.  The 'English  reprisal  was 
the  Navigation  Act  of  1651,  which  forbade  English  or 
colonial  merchandise  to  be  carried  in  any  but  English 
bottoms.  This  indicates  at  any  rate  some  strength  in  English 
shipping  ;  yet  sixteen  years  later  the  Dutch  fleet  was  in  the 


Medway,  coolly  burning  English  ships  at  their  moorings. 
By  the  end  of  the  century,  however,  England,  in  spite  of 
having  accepted  a  Dutch  king,  had  definitely  gained  the 
upper  hand  ;  but  this  was  due  less  to  any  inherent  or  ac- 
quired superiority  than  to  increasing  material  wealth,  and 
still  more  to  her  island  position  freeing  her  from  constant 
fear  of  invasion  and  from  the  necessity  of  Continental  en- 
tanglements. England  could  afford  to  keep  out  of  Con- 
tinental wars  until  it  suited  her  interest  to  take  part ; 
Holland  could  not,  and  the  economic  strain  eventually 
wore  her  out. 

In  the  eighteenth  century,  then,  the  colonial  struggle 
transfers  itself  to  England  versus  France.  In  that  struggle 
France  might  be  held  to  have  many  advantages  ;  she  was 
still  the  richest  country  ;  her  colonies  enjoyed  (though  in- 
termittently, it  is  true)  more  support  from  the  home  Govern- 
ment than  did  the  English  possessions  in  America  and 
India  ;  and  her  colonists  seemed  in  many  cases  better  able 
to  secure  native  goodwill.  The  English  American  States,  for 
example,  whose  record  in  treatment  of  Indians  (with  ex- 
ceptions such  as  that  of  the  Quakers  who  ruled  Pennsyl- 
vania) is  somewhat  unsavoury,  found  that  the  French  were 
far  better  trusted,  and  lived  for  long  in  terror  of  a  French 
encirclement  from  the  St.  Lawrence  to  the  Missouri  letting 
loose  raging  tribes  of  Indians  on  their  rear. 

Nevertheless,  the  French  Government,  slipping  down  into 
the  financial  morass  which  preceded  the  Revolution,  was 
unable  both  to  hold  an  Empire  and  to  carry  out  its  European 
designs.  Dupleix  in  India,  and  Montcalm  in  Canada,  were 
both  left  without  adequate  support.  In  the  one  annus 
mirabilis  of  1 759  both  India  and  Canada  were  lost,  and  the 
French  colonial  empire  reduced  to  very  small  dimensions. 
(The  present  empire  is  nearly  all  post-Napoleonic.)  Eng- 
land became  pre-eminently  the  colonial  Power  ;  the  end  of 
the  eighteenth  century  saw  Australia  and  the  early  nine- 
teenth New  Zealand  painlessly  becoming  possessions  of  the 
British  Crown  ;  and  from  1815  onwards  Great  Britain 
takes  part  in  European  peace  conferences  with  her  eye  on 


territorial  acquisitions  not  in  Europe  but  at  the   ends  of 
the  earth. 

The  political  history  of  the  Continent  after  1648,  for  at 
any  rate  half  our  period,  centres  round  the  name  of  Louis 
XIV.  The  government  of  Henry  IV  and  his  minister  Sully 
had  successfully  united  France  and  repaired  the  economic 
losses  of  the  wars  of  religion.  Following  upon  them  a  succes- 
sion of  able  Ministers  reduced  the  nobles  and  the  towns  to 
complete  dependence  upon  the  king — the  States-General, 
the  only  body  in  France  resembling  the  English  Parliament, 
met  in  1614  for  the  last  time  before  the  Revolution  ;  and 
Louis  XIV,  at  his  accession  in  1643,  found  himself  the 
absolute  ruler  of  the  most  populous  kingdom  in  Europe, 
with  the  highest  and  most  stable  tax  revenue,  the  largest 
army,  the  most  experienced  generals  and  diplomatists,  and 
the  highest  reputation  for  art  and  culture.  Armed  with  all 
these  assets,  the  Roi  Soleil  set  out,  not  long  after  the  conclu- 
sion of  the  Treaty  of  Westphalia,  to  dominate  Europe.  The 
principal  plank  in  his  programme  was  to  be  the  uniting 
of  France  with  Spain,  which  was  already  in  a  state  of 
decline,  and  whose  king  was  a  sickly  imbecile  unlikely  to 
have  children.  This  main  object,  however,  though  his 
generals  made  minor  conquests  upon  his  eastern  borders, 
Louis  was  unable  to  achieve,  mainly  through  the  resistance 
of  Holland.  The  Dutch  intervened  first  in  1668,  when  he 
was  invading  the  Spanish  Netherlands,  and  the  ensuing 
forty  years  were  occupied  in  a  series  of  coalitions  organised 
against  him  by  the  Dutch,  much  as  Pitt  and  his  successors 
subsequently  organised  coalitions  against  Napoleon.  The 
accession  of  William  III,  by  bringing  England  into  the 
war,  finally  settled  it ;  the  victories  of  Marlborough  at 
Blenheim  and  elsewhere  (whose  importance  Southey's 
poem  seems  rather  to  under-estimale)  depleted  Louis' 
resources  and  forced  him  in  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht  to  give 
up],  both  his  conquests  and  his  pretensions  to  Spain.  Two 
years  later  he  died,  not  without  having  drained  the  French 
exchequer  to  exhaustion.  Meanwhile  Austria,  which  had 


acquired  Bohemia  in  1526,  after  a  war  with  the  Turks 
conquered  from  them  in  1699  the  great  area  of  Hungary, 
and  thus  was  formed  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire  which 
lasted  until  1918,  and  gained,  in  1713,  Belgium,  part  of 
North  Italy,  and  Naples.  Of  the  German  Powers  only  the 
united  State  of  Brandenburg-Prussia  (which  owed  a  good 
deal  to  the  wise  economic  policy  of  its  rulers)  was  at  all 
comparable  to  it  ;  and  Prussia  was  still  much  poorer  and 
weaker  than  its  neighbour. 

Late  in  the  century,  an  attempt  somewhat  similar  to  the 
French  attempt  was  made  in  Eastern  Europe  by  the  free- 
booter Charles  XII  of  Sweden,  who  endeavoured  to  make 
the  Baltic  into  a  Swedish  lake,  to  overrun  Poland,  and 
even  invaded  Russia.  Here,  however,  he  met  with  the 
obstacle  of  Peter  the  Great,  who  in  1685  had  begun  his 
colossal  task  of  westernising  Russia.  In  that  encounter 
Charles  was  completely  worsted,  and  by  his  death  Sweden 
had  lost  nearly  all  her  possessions  on  the  Baltic  except 
parts  of  Finland.  Following  up  his  advantage,  Peter  the 
Great  made  an  agreement  with  the  king  of  Poland  which 
gave  him  some  control  over  that  country.  In  his  reign,  and 
still  more  in  that  of  Catherine  II  (1762-1796),  another 
westerniser,  Russia  definitely  becomes  part  of  what  is  sub- 
sequently called  the  Concert  of  Europe.  One  may  also 
note  that  a  small  kingdom,  the  kingdom  of  Sardinia,  con- 
siderably increased  in  importance  through  the  Treaty  of 
Utrecht.  This  is  of  significance  for  later  European  and 
Italian  history. 

The  Treaty  of  Utrecht  left  France  beaten,  but  with 
French  territory  unimpaired  ;  and  the  remainder  of  the 
eighteenth  century,  until  the  Revolution,  is  occupied  with 
dreary  diplomatic  marchings  and  counter-marchings  which 
sometimes  issue  in  war.  Three  things  only  are  of  importance 
during  the  whole  pfcriod — the  survival  of  the  kingdom  of 
Prussia  under  Frederick  the  Great  from  attack  by  Austria, 
Russia,  and  France,  and  its  acquisition  of  Silesia  (a  territory 
nearly  as  much  disputed  as  Alsace-Lorraine)  from  Austria  ; 
the  alliance  between  France  and  Austria  which  may  be 


remembered   by   the   marriage   of  JWafley-^ntoinette T 
Louis  XVI  ;  and  the  first  partition! of  {Poland  , 
Prussia,  Russia,  and  Austria,  made  in  ry/2t 

§  5.   THE  FRENCH 


THE  FRENCH  Revolution  did  not  fall  ou 
as  regards  its  circumstances  or  the  theories  whicngaed  it. 
As  regards  the  circumstances,  the  most  important  are  the 
financial  bankruptcy  caused  by  the  long  wars  (and,  to  a 
much  less  extent,  the  extravagance  of  the  Court  and  the 
governmental  machine),  the  effects  of  an  absolutist  policy 
as  regards  trade  and  industry,  and  the  persistence  of  an 
outworn  feudalism  and  a  functionless  aristocracy.  The 
natural  resources  of  France  were  such  that  there  was  no 
real  reason  why  industry  and  trade  should  not  have 
developed  there  fast  during  the  seventeenth  and  eighteenth 
centuries,  and  so  created  a  solid  basis  on  which  the  Con- 
tinental wars  could  have  been  fought,  as  England  fought  the 
wars  with  Napoleon.  And  so,  from  time  to  time,  they  were 
developed.  But  trade  and  industry  in  France,  as  every- 
where except  in  England  and  Holland,  were  under  despotic 
control,  and  were  therefore  liable  to  sudden  changes  of 
policy  either  from  political  reasons  or  from  pure  caprice. 
The  classic  example  is  the  revocation  of  the  Edict  of  Nantes 
in  1685,  which  upset  the  entire  silk  industry  by  banishing 
thousands  of  Protestant  textile  workers  from  France.  As  a 
result,  French  industry,  like  French  colonial  expansion, 
was  subjected  to  alternative  over-stimulation  and  neglect, 
and  magnificent  opportunities  were  lost.  Further,  the 
remains  of  the  medieval  system  were  Admirably  calculated 
to  hamper,  discourage,  and  infuriate  that  class  of  would- 
be  merchants  and  manufacturers  whose  support  was  of 
such  importance  to  the  government  of  eighteenth-century 
England  ;  while  at  the  same  time  the  continuance  of  feudal 
dues  and  exactions  for  the  support  of  the  Church  and  a 


landed  aristocracy  which,  whether  it  resided  at  the  Court 
or  on  its  estates,  did  on  the  whole  nothing  to  earn  its  keep, 
was  felt  to  be  more  and  more  oppressive.  The  business  of 
government,  as  in  the  Roman  Empire,  became  more  ex- 
pensive as  the  taxes  grew  harder  to  collect ;  by  the  reign 
of  Louis  XVI  the  State  finances  were  in  hopeless  confusion, 
and  as  the  privileged  classes  refused  to  be  taxed  to  meet  the 
deficit,  the  only  remaining  expedient  was  to  call  together 
the  States-General.  When  the  Third  Estate  of  this  body 
(the  Commons)  refused  to  cast  their  votes  as  a  separate 
estate  and  so  be  outvoted  by  the  remaining  two  estates  of 
nobles  and  clergy,  the  Revolution  had  begun. 

To  a  considerable  extent,  at  any  rate,  these  small  bour- 
geois (many  of  them  lawyers  and  lesser  clergy)  who  made 
up  the  Third  Estate  knew  what  they  intended  to  do  as 
well  as  what  they  were  doing.  The  Revolution  did  not 
happen  without  a  great  deal  of  discussion  and  propaganda, 
some  of  it  native,  some  of  it  derived  from  English  and 
American  sources.  The  idea  of  the  Rights  of  Man  was  not 
new  in  the  eighteenth  century  ;  in  some  sort,  the  idea  of  a 
limit  beyond  which  no  Government  has  a  right  to  interfere 
with  its  subjects  goes  back  beyond  the  Absolute  State  to 
medieval  times,  and  it  turns  up  with  great  vigour  in  the 
English  Civil  War.  But  after  1688,  when  the  government 
in  England  ceased  to  be  generally  obnoxious,  this  idea 
became  more  and  more  negative,  a  mere  statement  that 
there  were  certain  points  beyond  which  government 
became  tyranny.  Discussion  did  not  altogether  cease  ;  but 
it  became  quiet  and  inconspicuous  until  the  revolt  of  the 
American  colonies  gave  a  new  and  positive  content  to  the 
idea  of  natural  rights. 

The  North  American  States,  separated  from  Great 
Britain  by  three  thousand  miles  of  sea  and  united  to  it  only  by 
a  vague  loyalty  to  the  King  and  a  Crown  governor  whose 
hopes  of  a  quiet  life  and  a  prosperous  return  depended 
largely  upon  his  conciliating  the  residents  during  his  term  of 
office,  had  been  practically  free  to  evolve  their  own  forms 
of  political  machinery,  and  many  of  them  were  composed, 


like  the  Puritan  settlements,  of  individuals  who  had  fled 
from  England  actually  to  escape  from  interference  with 
what  they  conceived  to  be  their  natural  rights.  Feudalism, 
chartered  towns,  and  other  varieties  of  privilege  had  never 
been  found  in  America  ;  on  the  contrary,  political  democ- 
racy and  complete  religious  toleration  appeared  there  long 
before  they  were  seen  in  Europe. 

Under  these  circumstances,  as  soon  as  the  conquest  of 
Canada  had  removed  the  need  for  British  protection 
against  French  aggression,  the  control  of  the  British  Parlia- 
ment began  to  be  felt  by  the  colonists  as  an  interference 
with  their  natural  rights.  The  British  Government  would 
not  make  concessions,  and  a  dispute  which  began  over  an 
unimportant  tax  resulted,  in  a  few  years,  in  open  and 
successful  war,  and  the  resounding  phrases  of  the  Declar- 
ation of  Independence.  "  We  hold  these  truths  to  be  self- 
evident  ;  that  all  men  are  created  equal ;  that  they  are  en- 
dowed by  their  Creator  with  certain  inalienable  rights  ;  that 
among  these  are  life,  liberty,  and  the  pursuit  of  happiness. 
That,  to  secure  these  rights,  governments  are  instituted 
among  men,  deriving  their  just  powers  from  the  consent 
of  the  governed  ;  and  that,  whenever  any  form  of  govern- 
ment becomes  destructive  of  these  ends,  it  is  the  right  of 
the  people  to  alter  or  abolish  it,  and  to  institute  new 
government,  laying  its  foundation  on  such  principles,  and 
organising  its  powers  in  such  form,  as  to  them  shall  seem 
most  likely  to  effect  their  safety  and  happiness." 

In  England,  these  words  struck  chords  in  the  minds  of 
Whigs  like  Burke  and  Fox  and  Radicals  like  Paine  and 
Priestley,  and  revived  on  all  sides  a  demand  for  the  reform 
of  Parliament  so  as  to  make  it  more  in  accordance  with 
natural  rights  ;  but  in  France  the  effect  was  far  greater. 
In  France,  the  government  had  long  been  obnoxious  to 
"  enlightened  persons "  as  well  as  to  those  who  were 
directly  oppressed  and  inconvenienced  ;  and  the  discussion 
of  natural  rights  and  the  prevention  of  arbitrary  oppression 
had  consequently  never  died  down.  Many  of  the  ideas  of 
Jefferson  and  others  of  the  American  revolutionists  were 


actually  derived  from  discussions  in  French  circles. 
Now,  in  1776,  the  doctrine  of  the  Rights  of  Man  was 
actually  proclaimed  by  a  nation  under  arms  as  its  primary 
objective.  The  French  Government,  in  revenge  for  its  defeat 
in  the  Seven  Years'  War,  sent  help  to  the  rebels  ;  many 
future  revolutionaries,  such  as  Lafayette,  went  out  with 
the  French  reinforcements,  and  saw  with  their  own  eyes 
this  nation  not  merely  victorious  but  preparing  to  translate 
the  Rights  of  Man  into  constitutional  terms.  (Incidentally, 
they  mostly  returned  to  France  before  some  of  the  difficul- 
ties of  this  translation  were  realised.)  American  independ- 
ence was  not  the  only  factor  in  the  situation.  In  1764 
Rousseau,  the  most  inspiring  and  influential  of  French 
thinkers,  had  published  his  Social  Contract,  and  all  over 
Europe  a  new  consciousness  of  the  existence  of  the  masses 
was  arising.  John  Wesley  discovered  that  even  colliers  had 
souls  to  be  saved  ;  movements  towards  educating  the 
ragged  poor,  towards  improving  the  lot  of  felons  and  sus- 
pected persons,  even  towards  recognising  the  humanity  of 
slaves,  were  being  born  ;  even  such  autocrats  as  Joseph  of 
Austria  and  Catherine  of  Russia  were  fain  to  call  them- 
selves "  enlightened  despots,"  and,  while  abating  no  whit 
of  their  despotism,  did  at  any  rate  do  something  to  mitigate 
brutalities  in  its  employment.  At  the  same  time,  Jeremy 
Bentham,  hardly  out  of  Oxford,  found  in  a  book  of  phil- 
osophy the  phrase  "  the  greatest  happiness  of  the  greatest 
number,"  and  set  about  applying  that  devastating  criterion 
to  the  existing  institutions  of  the  world.  Bentham,  it  is  true, 
cared  nothing  for  the  Rights  of  Man  ;  he  thought  natural 
rights  "  nonsense,"  and  natural  and  imprescriptible  rights 
"  nonsense  upon  stilts  "  ;  but  his  insistence  on  the  value  of 
the  individual  and  his  happiness  gave  additional  arguments 
for  the  destruction  of  systems  which  cared  for  neither.  In 
1 789  it  was  possible,*as  it  would  not  have  been  possible  a 
century  earlier,  to  conceive  of  the  Rights  of  Man  as  some- 
thing at  once  universal  and  positive,  to  imagine  a  state  of 
society  in  which  the  whole  people  should  really  partake  in 
the  government — and  to  set  about  bringing  it  into  being. 


Not  that  the  delegates  to  the  assembly  of  the  Third 
Estate  intended  all  this  when  they  met.  They  aimed  first 
at  the  redress  of  their  most  glaring  grievances,  and 
secondly  at  the  abolition  of  privilege  and  the  establishment, 
probably,  of  something  like  English  constitutional  govern- 
ment. Even  at  this  early  stage,  though,  the  people  of  Paris, 
by  destroying  the  Bastille  and  forming  a  National  Guard, 
had  proved  themselves  a  somewhat  alarming  ally  ;  and 
shortly  afterwards  the  peasants  throughout  the  country  set 
about  liquidating  privilege  in  their  own  way,  by  burning 
the  chdteaux  and  expelling  their  owners.  The  new  constitu- 
tion and  the  disestablishment  of  the  Church  (the  greatest 
owner  of  privilege)  were  pushed  rapidly  on  ;  and  when 
the  Court,  in  fear,  appealed  to  other  dynastic  Courts  to  help 
it  in  restraining  the  excesses  of  its  subjects,  and  the  Courts 
of  Austria  and  Prussia,  albeit  slowly,  responded,  the  Revolu- 
tion was  in  full  swing.  Republican  armies  appeared  in 
answer  to  the  foreign  invasion,  and  as  the  usual  economic 
and  financial  difficulties  of  revolution  showed  themselves, 
and  the  inevitable  counter-revolution  began  in  such  places 
as  Lyons  and  the  Vendee,  so  the  right  wing  and  moderate 
revolutionaries  found  themselves  pushed  out  by  the 
Jacobin  left,  who  were  determined  at  all  costs  to  save  the 
Revolution  by  strong  measures,  while  pushing  it  as  far  as 
it  would  go.  It  would  not,  however,  go  beyond  political 
equality  ;  its  heads  were  men  of  the  middle  class,  who 
wanted  the  abolition  of  privilege  and  the  introduction  of 
equal  political  rights.  So,  though  the  constitution  of  the 
First  Republic  gave  political  equality  to  more  persons  than 
did  the  English  Reform  Act  of  1832,  any  attempt  to  follow 
this  with  economic  equality  was  promptly  crushed,  as  in 
the  case  of  Babeuf's  Conspiration  des  Egaux  (1795). 

The  French  revolutionary  wars  began  in  1792.  At  first 
beaten,  the  armies  of  the  Revolution  then  had  a  brief 
period  of  success  ;  but,  as  the  wars,  particularly  after  the 
execution  of  the  king  and  queen,  were  more  fiercely 
prosecuted,  and  as  other  Powers,  such  as  England,  took  a 
hand,  the  revolutionary  forces  began  to  crumble.  Military 


considerations  came  to  override  others,  and  the  Jacobin 
Government  was  superseded,  first  by  the  Directory,  then 
by  Napoleon  as  First  Consul,  and  finally  by  Napoleon  as 
Emperor.  Even  after  his  first  rise,  Napoleon  had  to  spend 
some  time  in  pulling  his  forces  together  and  reorganising 
them,  in  fighting  rearguard  actions  and  indecisive  actions  ; 
it  was  not  until  after  the  battles  of  Marengo  and  Hohen- 
linden  (1800)  that  the  French  Revolutionary  army  was 
really  recognised  as  a  new  and  formidable  force.  The 
immediate  result  of  these  battles  was  the  conclusion  of 
peaces,  or  rather  truces,  between  Napoleon  and  his  chief 

Napoleon.  From  this  point  dates  the  real  drive  of  the 
French  Revolution  into  Europe,  which,  however,  soon 
becomes  indistinguishable  from  the  military  and  dynastic 
ambitions  of  Napoleon  himself.  As  has  so  often  been  the 
case  in  the  course  of  history,  Napoleon's  foreign  policy 
was  disastrously  out  of  date,  and  in  his  later  years  at  all 
events  was  simply  an  insane  revival  of  the  projects  of  Louis 
XIV.  The  idea  of  proselytising  the  Revolution  by  arms, 
however,  did  not  begin  with  Napoleon  ;  it  began  early,  as 
a  counter  to  the  invasions,  and  in  1 793  the  French  drove  the 
Austrians  out  of  Brussels,  never  effectively  to  return.  Nor 
should  it  be  forgotten  that  where  the  French  armies  went, 
fch/e  principles  of  the  Revolution  did  in  fact  go  with  them. 
Feudalism,  in  the  conquered  countries,  particularly  in  West- 
«ern  Germany,  was  brought  to  an  end  ;  republics  were  set  up 
an  such  places  as  Holland  and  the  Lombard  plain  ;  the  Code 
Napolion  was  introduced.  The  legal  uniformity  which  is  to 
be  found  to-day  over  large  parts  of  the  Continent  is  due  to 
the  French  invasions. 

At  first,  except  fof  the  defeat  at  Trafalgar,  which  con- 
clusively showed  that  French  command  of  the  sea  was  not 
to  be  achieved,  Napoleon  carried  all  before  him,  defeating 
Prussia  and  Austria,  seizing  the  latter's  Italian  possessions, 
setting  up  vassal  kingdoms  in  Holland,  Naples,  and  all  over 
Western  Germany,  destroying  the  Holy  Roman  Empire, 



capturing  the  Pope,  and  overrunning  Spain.  But  1809,  the 
year  of  Murat's  entry  into  Spain,  proved  the  highest  point 
of  Napoleon's  power.  In  Spain  the  new  French  nationalism 
raised  up  a  nationalism  equally  persistent,  and  the  Penin- 
sular War  drained  him  of  money  and  men.  Unable  to  beat 
England  at  sea  or  to  do  more  than  make  empty  threats  of 
invasion,  he  was  equally  unable  to  conquer  her  economic- 
ally, for  the  boycott  of  English  goods  introduced  by  his 
Continental  System  was  countered  by  the  Orders  in  Council 
cutting  off  supplies,  which  so  injured  his  allies  that  he  was 
obliged  to  connive  at  extensive  smuggling  in  his  own 
interests.  Further,  his  Continental  conquests  at  length 
brought  him  into  conflict  with  the  Tsar,  and  led  to  the 
disastrous  march  on  Moscow  (1812).  From  Moscow  check 
after  check  caused  him  to  fall  back  until  his  abdication  and 
the  return  of  Louis  XVIII,  under  the  protection  of  the 
Allies,  in  1814.  Even  then,  after  all  the  strain  of  war,  his 
personal  popularity  was  such  that  he  was  able  to  return  and 
fight  the  campaign  of  Waterloo  ;  but  the  immediate  effect 
of  the  Hundred  Days,  for  France,  was  a  severe  stiffening  of 
the  terms  of  peace,  and  the  fastening  upon  her  of  a  Bourbon 
regime  which  was  responsible  for  much  of  the  troubles  of 
the  next  thirty  years. 

Napoleon's  wars  have  done  much  to  obscure  in  the  minds 
of  historians  and  students  his  civil  changes ;  yet  these  were 
in  fact  no  less  great  and  more  lasting.  Mention  has  already 
been  made  of  the  Civil  Code  of  1802-3,  which  was  in  fact 
a  reaffirmatior  in  clear  and  definite  terms  of  the  social 
changes  of  the  Revolution,  though  to  a  certain  extent  its 
political  institutions,  such  as  a  greatly  restricted  franchise, 
were  borrowed  from  the  old  regime.  But,  at  the  same  time, 
Napoleon  found  opportunity  enormously  to  improve  the 
road  and  canal  system  of  France,  to  institute  an  effective 
system  of  taxation,  and  to  encourage  industry  as  it  had  not 
been  encouraged  for  a  long  time  past.  The  prosperity  and 
brilliance  of  France,  particularly  of  Paris,  just  after  the 
1802  Peace  of  Amiens,  were  sights  which  the  world  came 
to  see.  All  this,  however,  was  achieved  before  the  great 


invasions  began  ;  if  Napoleon  had  not  been  "  the  slave  of 
history,"  Germany  would  have  remained  longer  in  the 
bonds  of  feudalism  ;  but  France  would  have  been  erorm- 
ously  the  gainer. 

England  and  the  Industrial  Revolution.  Three  causes  of 
Napoleon's  failure  have  already  been  mentioned — the  failure 
to  control  the  sea,  the  provocation  of  Spanish  nationalism, 
and  the  attempt  to  make  a  French  hegemony  in  Europe.  To 
these  a  fourth  should  be  added — the  economic  and  financial 
strength  of  Great  Britain,  which  enabled  her,  not  only  to 
maintain  her  sea  power  intact  both  in  open  conflict,  as  at 
Trafalgar,  and  by  such  measures  as  the  repeated  destruction 
of  the  Danish  fleet,  but  also  to  keep  the  war  going  on  a 
number  of  fronts  (sometimes  with  singular  ill-success)  and 
to  finance,  with  money  and  supplies,  a  perpetual  opposition 
among  other  Powers.  The  European  coalition  which  finally 
forced  Napoleon's  abdication  is  called  by  historians  the 
Seventh  Coalition  ;  had  it  not  been  for  England's  persistent 
pressing  and  England's  financial  power,  the  Seventh  Co- 
alition, and  indeed  several  preceding  coalitions,  might 
easily  never  have  been  formed. 

This  economic  power  of  England  was  chiefly  the  result  of 
the  economic  development  of  the  preceding  century.  The 
extraordinary  growth  of  the  last  quarter  of  that  century, 
which  historians  call  the  beginning  of  the  industrial 
revolution,  has  obscured  the  progress  made  during  the 
earlier  years,  but  Defoe,  writing  of  England  about  1725, 
has  no  doubt  about  it.  Again  and  again,  in  his  Tour  through 
England,  he  refers  to  the  amazing  growth  of  such  towns  as 
Liverpool  in  the  previous  twenty  or  thirty  years. 

Commerce,  of  course,  rather  than  industry,  showed 
the  greatest  increase  during  the  earlicfr  part  of  the  period. 
Everyone  has  heard  of  the  mass  of  trade  done  with 
distant  parts  by  the  great  companies  such  as  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company,  the  Turkey  Company,  the  British  West 
African  Company,  and  above  all,  the  East  India  Company. 


(In  the  latter  part  of  the  eighteenth  century  the  fortunes 
made  by  servants  of  the  last-named — the  **  nabobs  " — 
actually  played  no  small  part  in  the  social  and  political 
history  of  their  native  land.)  Old  ports,  such  as  Bristol, 
and  newer  ports  such  as  Liverpool  and  Glasgow  enormously 
increased  in  size  and  importance  ;  and  there  was  an  appre- 
ciable change  in  the  diet  of  the  people  owing  to  greater 
and  more  varied  imports  of  foreign  food,  such  as  tea, 
oranges,  coffee,  and  cheap  sugar.  The  English  pudding — 
now,  as  some  think,  unfortunately  common — was  born 
under  Queen  Anne. 

But  manufacture  was  also  proceeding  rapidly,  helped  by 
greater  financial  stability  and  by  the  improvement  of  roads 
and  the  building  of  canals.  Coal,  mined  in  increasing 
quantities  since  Elizabeth's  day,  was  becoming  an  im- 
portant industry,  and  was  steadily  replacing  the  depleted 
timber  of  Sussex  and  Kent  in  the  manufacture  of  iron  ; 
metal  goods  of  all  sorts  were  being  made  in  such  centres  as 
Sheffield  and  Birmingham  :  and  there  was  a  whole  host  of 
minor  industries,  in  addition  to  the  great  woollen  trade 
which,  right  up  to  the  outbreak  of  war,  was  still  the  back- 
bone of  England's  foreign  trade.  Shipbuilding  was  improv- 
ing fast.  Meanwhile,  scientific  experimentation  (the  Royal 
Society  received  its  charter  from  Charles  II)  was  helping 
to  prepare  the  way  for  more  rapid  changes. 

After  the  first  quarter  of  the  century,  the  agricultural 
experiments  began  that  were  so  shortly  to  change  the  face  of 
agricultural  England.  "  Turnip  "  Townshend,  Bakewell, 
and  later  Coke  of  Norfolk  and  other  large  landowners 
introduced  methods  of  crop  rotation  and  systematic  stock- 
breeding  which  enormously  increased  agricultural  pro- 
ductivity. (The  value  of  Norfolk  land  was  said  to  have 
increased  tenfold  between  1730  and  1760  alone.)  At  once 
landowning  and  lai*ge-scale  farming  became  profitable 

This  had  two  results.  In  the  case  of  stock-breeding  there 
was  much  enclosure,  resembling  somewhat  the  enclosures 
of  the  sixteenth  century,  of  commons  for  pasture.  But  in 


arable  the  change  Was  more  far-reaching.  The  "  engros- 
sing "  of  arable  land  into  large  farms  under  a  single  direc- 
tion involved  the  abandonment  of  the  old  strip  system  of 
cultivation,  where  it  still  existed,  of  the  common  meadow 
and  pasture  of  the  village,  and  in  fact,  of  the  communal 
village  life  as  it  had  existed  since  the  Norman  Conquest 
and  before  ;  and  the  provisions  of  the  various  Enclosure 
Acts  usually  resulted  in  the  small  man  getting  no  part  in  the 
enclosed  land.  This  enclosure  movement  was  in  full  swing 
when  the  war  broke  out ;  it  secured,  generally  speaking,  a 
considerably  increased  level  of  production  ;  and  the  high 
war  prices,  coming  on  top  of  the  increased  production, 
sent  up  enormously  the  monetary  yield  of  agricultural 
land.  For  a  while,  farming  and  land-owning  became  highly 
profitable  pursuits  ;  and  as  for  the  dispossessed  cottagers 
and  small  yeomen,  few  cared  what  happened  to  them  as 
long  as  parish  doles  were  available  out  of  the  farmer's 
surplus  profits  to  prevent  them  actually  reaching  the  point 
of  riot.  If  their  services  were  not  required  as  agricultural 
labourers  or  for  stone-breaking  on  the  roads,  perhaps  they 
could  go  into  the  army,  or  into  the  new  factories. 

For  by  the  outbreak  of  war  the  manufacturing  age  was 
beginning  to  transform  Northern  England,  and  beginning 
to  replace  the  old  predominance  of  the  woollen  industry  by 
a  predominance  of  cotton  and  iron.  Factories  employing 
hired  labour  had  long  been  known,  particularly  in  the 
cloth-weaving  of  Western  England  ;  machines  worked  by 
water-power  had  also  been  known  to  some  extent.  (Lombe's 
silk-throwing  factory  employed  300  workers  in  1718.)  But 
now  a  great  crop  of  mechanical  inventions  enormously 
( increased  the  output  of  factory  production,  and  prepared 
the  way  for  the  age  of  steam. 

Kay's  flying  shuttle,  first  used  in  1727,  is  generally  taken 
as  the  starting-point  of  these  new  inventions,  though  it  was 
not  itself  used  for  machine  production,  but  to  increase  the 
output  of  the  domestic  weaver  ;  but  in  point  of  fact  cotton 
and  iron  progressed  side  by  side.  An  invention  which  speed- 
ed up  weaving  needed  to  be  followed  by  an  invention  to 


speed  up  spinning  ;  coal,  wanted  for  the  ironworks,  could 
not  be  mined  in  sufficient  quantities  unless  some  engine 
could  be  contrived  to  pump  the  water  out  of  the  deeper 
levels  ;  Watt's  steam-engine,  patented  in  1763,  could  not 
be  exploited  unless  it  were  possible  to  cast  iron  tubes  hard 
and  tine  ;  and  so  on. 

The  cotton  trade,  even  before  the  war,  grew  with  enorm- 
ous rapidity.  In  1781  only  5^  million  pounds  of  raw  cotton 
were  imported  ;  by  1789  the  amount  had  grown  to  32 \ 
million.  And  this  was  before  the  application  of  steam  to 
cotton  manufacture  ;  for,  though  the  steam-engine  had  been 
used  there  by  1 789,  it  was  not  in  full  use  until  the  nineteenth 
century,  while  the  woollen  trade  was  much  slower  to  adopt 
it.  Simultaneously  there  grew  up  an  entirely  new  industry, 
that  of  engineering ;  and  the  ironworks,  violently  stimulated, 
of  course,  by  the  demand  for  war  material,  increased  their 
production  many  times  over.  Experiments  with  iron  ships 
and  the  like  prepared  the  way  for  the  steam-engine,  in  the 
nineteenth  century,  to  be  adapted  to  the  haulage  of  goods 
by  land  and  sea. 

These  developments,  with  the  bubble  of  war  prices  added 
to  them,  produced  enormous  fortunes  for  men  from  the 
northern  counties,  such  as  Richard  Arkwright.  Of  the 
humblest  origins,  these  found  it  difficult,  owing  both  to  class 
and  place  of  birth,  to  get  into  the  close  corporation  of  the 
governing  group.  When,  as  not  infrequently  happened,  they 
found  themselves  at  odds  with  the  policy  of  this  governing 
group,  they  began  to  reflect  on  how  its  power  was  exercised 
and  obtained,  and  to  demand  representation  of  the  new 
industrial  centres  in  Parliament.  They  listened  to  Ben- 
thamite Radicals  who  asked  what  was  the  utility  of  this 
ancient  and  venerable  institution,  this  ancient  and  corrupt 
Church,  these  ancient  and  privileged  municipal  corpor- 
ations, and  came  to  the  conclusion  that  they  had  no  utility. 
The  fact  that  many  of  them  were  Dissenters,  and  so  suffer- 
ing under  civil  disabilities  and  social  contempt,  pointed  the 
argument.  Further,  the  policy  of  the  war  blockade,  with  the 
resulting  interference  with  trade,  and  above  all,  the 


American  War  of  1812,  angered  them  and  turned  them  into 
opponents  of  the  Government ;  though  too  many  of  them 
held  large  blocks  of  the  immense  war  debt,  or  profited  by 
large  war  contracts,  for  them  to  risk  upsetting  the  constitu- 
tion before  the  war  was  over. 

The  reform  movement,  large  before  the  end  of  the  war, 
became  larger  still  when  it  was  over.  The  new  factories  in 
the  north  were  collecting  to  work  in  them  large  supplies  of 
labour,  composed  partly  of  women  and  children,  partly  of 
paupers,  partly  of  low-grade  Irish  workers,  and  for  the  rest, 
of  unskilled  labour  of  various  sorts,  including  some  country- 
men evicted  from  the  enclosed  villages.  Herded  together  in 
towns  hastily  run  up  without  plan,  air,  or  sanitation,  and 
brutally  disciplined  within  the  factory,  these  workers 
formed  the  first  aggregations  of  industrial  proletariat  in 
England  (except  for  the  northern  miners  and  the  west- 
country  weavers)  ;  and,  as  prices  rose  and  fluctuated,  they 
were  a  source  of  perpetual  anxiety  to  the  Government.  The 
small  radical  movements  of  the  intelligent  artisans  who 
sympathised  with  the  American  and  French  revolution- 
aries and  were  working  for  the  reform  of  Parliament  and 
of  the  system  of  society  which  William  Cobbett  called  the 
Thing,  were  unimportant  and  easily  crushed  by  means  of 
repressive  laws  such  as  those  which  suppressed  the  Corres- 
ponding Societies  and  the  Trade  Unions  ;  it  was  when  the 
Radicals  (above  all,  Cobbett)  began  to  go  round  the  new 
manufacturing  districts,  preaching  to  the  new  proletariat 
that  the  existing  system  was  responsible  for  their  dear  food, 
their  ragged  clothes,  and  their  wretched  conditions,  that  a 
great  and  explosive  Radical  movement  began  to  grow  up. 
The  Government  first  countered  by  the  institution  of  the 
yeomanry,  mounted  regiments  to  keep  the  crowds  in  check  ; 
then,  as  after  the  war  the  movement  did  not  die  down  but 
rather  increased  with  post-war  unemployment,  it  took  to 
more  violent  methods  of  oppression.  It  is  then  that  we  find 
the  host  of  Acts  of  Parliament  (some  still  unrepealed) 
against  conspiracy  and  unlawful  assembly,  the  repeated 
prosecutions  of  editors  and  pamphleteers,  the  extensive 


government  system  of  spies  and  agents-provocateurs,  and 
massacres  like  that  of  Peterloo.  It  was  some  years  before  it 
was  realised  that  the  only  answer  to  Reformers  was  Reform. 

Europe  after  Waterloo.  However  undemocratic  the  per- 
sonal government  of  Napoleon,  and  however  dangerous 
and  obsolete  his  European  ambitions,  Waterloo  meant  the 
triumph  of  pure  reaction  in  Europe.  The  House  of  Bourbon 
returned  to  Paris,  it  is  truly  said,  "  having  learned  nothing 
and  forgotten  nothing  "  ;  but  it  is  not  always  emphasised 
that  they  returned  under  express  instructions  to  do  neither. 
The  end  of  the  war  gave  the  control  of  Europe  to  three 
absolute  princes,  the  rulers  of  Russia,  Prussia  and  Austria. 
Great  Britain,  whose  main  interest  in  the  peace  settlement 
lay  in  being  able  to  retain  her  non-Continental  conquests 
important  for  a  naval  power,  such  as  Malta,  Ceylon, 
Mauritius,  and  the  South  African  possessions  taken  from 
the  Dutch,  was  content  to  act  in  the  very  congenial  role  of 
policeman,  Wellington  being  put  in  command  of  the  Allied 
military  occupation  of  Paris. 

Meanwhile,  the  victorious  despots  proceeded  to  divide  up 
the  European  spoil  among  themselves  and  such  of  their 
allies  as  seemed  worthy  of  reward.  The  Tsar  Alexander 
desired  to  give  a  mystical  colouring  to  his  political  affilia- 
tions ;  and  consequently  there  arose  the  Holy  Alliance  of 
the  three  sovereigns  (to  which  Louis  XVIII  was  soon 
admitted),  by  which  they  undertook  to  regard  themselves 
as  appointed  by  Providence  to  preserve  the  post-war 
political  system  in  Europe.  This  curious  revival  of  the 
theory  of  Divine  Right  struck  men's  imaginations  at  the 
time  ;  but  it  was  a  spiritual  and  not  a  practical  alliance. 
The  practical  architect  of  the  peace  settlement  and  political 
controller  of  Europe  was  not  the  Tsar  but  the  Austrian 
foreign  minister,  Metternich. 

By  the  terms  of  the  Treaty  of  Paris,  Poland,  which 
Napoleon  had  partly  restored  in  the  Grand  Duchy  of 
Warsaw,  was  again  divided  between  the  three  despotic 
Powers.  The  last  remaining  piece,  the  district  around 



Cracow,  was  finally  absorbed  by  Austria  in  1846.  Russia  re- 
tained Finland,  conquered  from  the  Swedes,  and  Bessarabia, 
which  she  had  seized  the  opportunity  to  remove  from  the 
Turks.  Austria  received  the  northern  part  of  Italy,  i.e. 
Venetia  and  the  Lombard  plain,  but  not  Genoa,  which  was 
given  to  the  King  of  Sardinia.  Prussia  was  enlarged  by  the 
addition  of  part  of  Saxony,  Westphalia,  the  Rhine  Province, 
and  the  last  surviving  piece  of  Swedish  Pomerania  ;  the 
King  of  Bavaria  received  the  Rhenish  Palatinate  ;  and  a 
Diet  was  formed  representing  all  sovereign  States  in 
Germany.  The  minor  German  principalities  destroyed  by 
Napoleon  were  not  restored.  Finally,  Belgium  was  put  under 
the  Dutch,  whose  ruler  was  raised  to  the  status  of  King  of 
the  Netherlands,  and  the  Danes  lost  Norway,  which  was 
given  to  the  King  of  Sweden. 

More  important,  perhaps,  than  the  actual  territorial 
changes  was  the  creation,  through  the  Peace  Treaty,  of  a 
permanent  instrument  of  reaction  throughout  Europe. 
Louis  XVIII  was  promised  by  his  fellow  sovereigns  sup- 
port against  all  revolt,  whether  popular  or  Bonapartist  ; 
and  in  logical  sequence  to  this,  the  Quadruple  Alliance 
bound  itself  to  uphold  "  peace  and  quiet  " — i.e.  despotic 
government  and  the  status  quo — throughout  Europe.  For 
this  purpose,  regular  meetings  of  the  ambassadors  of  the 
four  Powers  were  held,  as  well  as  periodic  congresses  at 
which  the  necessary  action  for  suppressing  Liberal  and 
nationalist  revolts  was  decided.  Cases  in  point  were  the 
Congress  of  Troppau  (1820)  which  authorised  Austrian 
intervention  to  suppress  a  revolt  in  Naples,  and  the  Congress 
of  Verona  (1822)  which  sent  French  armies  to  uphold 
despotic  monarchy  in  Spain.  The  foreign  invasions  of 
Russia  in  the  years  immediately  following  the  establishment 
of  Communist  rule  were  only  a  revival  of  the  "  interven- 
tionist "  principles  of  1816. 

Two  qualifications  to  this  system  should  be  noticed — the 
non-adhesion  of  Great  Britain  and  the  doubtful  position  of 
Turkey.  Great  Britain,  having,  as  she  believed,  solved  her 
own  nationalist  problems  by  the  clearance  of  the  Highlands 


and  the  purchase,  in  1801,  of  the  weak-kneed  Irish 
Parliament,  was  a  constitutional  monarchy  and  proud  of  it, 
and  very  disinclined  to  force  absolutist  regimes  on  any 
European  peoples.  From  the  Treaty  she  wanted  nothing 
but  her  naval  conquests  and  the  elimination  of  Napoleon 
and  the  danger  of  French  attack.  Both  of  these  were  early 
secured  ;  and,  having  got  what  she  wanted,  Great  Britain, 
in  effect,  withdrew  from  the  Continental  bloc,  and  became, 
indeed,  a  potential  source  of  support  for  Liberal  and  nation- 
alist revolutions.  The  Sultan  of  Turkey,  partly  owing  to 
remaining  religious  prejudices  and  partly  owing  to  par- 
ticular disputes  at  the  time  of  the  signing  of  the  Treaty  of 
Paris,  was  not  a  party  to  the  Quadruple  Alliance  ;  it  was  not 
until  1856  that  Turkey  formally  became  part  of  the  Concert 
of  Europe. 

We  thus  have  Europe  nailed  into  an  absolutist  system 
in  which  territories  were  distributed  with  a  fantastic  dis- 
regard for  the  nationalist  sentiments  to  which  the  French 
Revolution  had  given  so  large  an  impetus.  The  Treaty  of 
Paris  created  seething  storm-centres  of  national  feeling,  of 
which  the  most  important  were  to  be  found  in  Belgium, 
Poland,  Northern  Italy,  parts  of  the  Austrian  Empire  such 
as  Hungary  and  Bohemia,  and  certain  of  the  Balkan  pro- 
vinces of  the  Turkish  Empire.  Side  by  side  with  these,  how- 
ever, there  existed  the  strong  Liberal  movements  in  coun- 
tries such  as  Spain,  Portugal,  France,  and  Western  Ger- 
many, where  there  was  no  foreign  oppression,  but  where  the 
inhabitants  had  seen  and  even  tasted  the  pleasures  of  con- 
stitutional government ;  and — small  now,  but  soon  to  grow 
— the  protests  of  the  new  industrial  proletariats  against 
absolutism  in  the  economic  sphere.  For  the  next  thirty 
years  the  revolutionary  movement  in  Europe  was  made  up 
of  nationalists,  Liberals,  and  Socialists  united  in  a  harmon- 
ious hatred  of  all  forms  of  oppression  ;  it  was  not  until 
much  later  that  the  differences  between  these  forces 
appeared,  and  it  became  clear  that  nationalism  triumphant 
could  be  as  illiberal  as  any  autocracy,  and  that  neither 
nationalism  nor  liberalism  was  necessarily  in  the  least 


favourable  either  to  Socialism  or  to  the  working  class.  Until 
1848,  and  indeed  for  some  time  afterwards,  Marx  and 
Mazzini  and  a  solid  English  Liberal  Trade  Unionist  of  the 
type  of  William  Allen  could  often  work  together. 

It  will  be  our  task  to  trace  the  breaking  up  of  the  system 
of  1815  until  by  1870  it  had  disappeared  for  all  practical 
purposes  ;  but  first  we  must  turn  aside  to  deal  briefly  with 
the  unique  internal  history  of  Great  Britain. 

When  the  immediate  war  reaction  was  over,  and  some 
years  before  the  Reform  Act  set  the  seal  on  change,  the 
British  system  had  moved  steadily  in  the  direction  of 
liberalism.  The  worst  of  the  repression  was  lightened  after 
1820  ;  Trade  Unions,  suppressed  in  1800,  were  restored, 
almost  casually,  in  1824-25  ;  the  Catholics  were  emanci- 
pated, and  the  political  (though  not  the  economic  or  nation- 
alist) grievances  of  the  Irish  thus  redressed,  in  1829  ;  and 
throughout  the  decade  before  the  Reform  Act  Huskisson 
and  his  colleagues,  at  the  bidding  of  the  northern  manu- 
facturers, were  gradually  removing  governmental  control 
over  trading  operations.  This  last,  of  course,  was  an  im- 
perialist as  much  as  a  Liberal  move ;  it  was  a  recognition, 
signalled  by  the  removal  of  the  embargo  upon  the  export  of 
machinery  and  of  skilled  artisans,  that  it  would  for  some 
generations  pay  Great  Britain  to  stimulate  the  economic 
development  of  other  nations  as  far  as  possible  in  order  that 
they  might  be  in  a  position  to  buy  her  increasing  surplus  of 
industrial  goods.  To  this  end  the  promotion  of  international 
trade,  the  removal  of  tariff  barriers,  and  the  elimination  of 
war  clearly  contributed  ;  and  until  the  'eighties,  at  any  rate, 
it  was  perfectly  possible  for  Liberals  of  the  Cobden  type  to 
regard  the  British  system  as  the  height  of  progressive 
liberalism,  and  the  British  navy  as  only  a  police  force  neces- 
sary to  ensure  that  this  liberalism  was  not  interfered  with  by 
persons  or  groups  o:f  illiberal  or  unprogressive  tendencies. 

The  1832  Reform  Act  was  carried  by  the  manufacturing 
classes  with  the  aid  of  a  discontented  and  hungry  pro- 
letariat— of  which  the  rural  wing,  attempting  a  protest  by 
itself  in  1830,  had  been  savagely  crushed,  thereby  clearly 


indicating  that  it  was  absolutism  and  foreign  domination, 
not  home  repression,  to  which  British  Liberals  objected. 
William  Cobbett,  who  himself  was  accused  of  complicity  in 
the  1830  risings,  was  one  of  the  few  Radicals  to  see  in  this 
the  indication  of  the  probable  attitude  of  the  middle-class 
reformers  to  their  working-class  allies  when  they  should 
have  gained  their  ends.  The  Reform  Act,  as  a  belated 
change,  was  drastic  enough  to  surprise  many.  That  is  to 
say,  it  decisively  removed  the  property  rights  of  great  land- 
owners in  Parliamentary  seats  ;  it  brought  the  new  indus- 
trial cities  into  the  Parliamentary  machine  ;  and  it  gave, 
impartially,  votes  to  all  the  new  bourgeoisie  above  a  certain 
standard  of  living.  The  fact  that  it  produced  so  little  imme- 
diate change  in  either  the  method  or  the  personnel  of  govern- 
ment, as,  indeed,  the  fact  that  it  succeeded  in  passing  with 
the  minimum  of  disorder,  is  a  tribute  to  the  adaptability  of 
the  British  governing  class.  The  political  life  of  Wellington, 
that  Iron  Duke  who  in  practice  was  such  very  malleable 
iron,  is  well  worth  studying  from  this  point  of  view. 

The  Rise  of  the  Working  Class.  But  the  working 
classes,  as  a  whole  and  immediately,  got  nothing  out  of  the 
Reform  Act.  They  did  not  get  the  vote  ;  in  fact  they  actu- 
ally lost  it  in  the  few  constituencies,  such  as  Westminster, 
where  they  had  possessed  it  before.  In  local  affairs  the 
Municipal  Corporations  Act  of  1835  initiated  a  system  of 
government  in  which  they  were  no  more  represented  than 
they  were  in  Parliament.  Wages  and  the  cost  of  living  were 
naturally  unaffected  by  the  political  change  ;  and  though 
the  Reformed  Parliament  did  make  a  small  gesture  in  the 
direction  of  public  education,  and  did,  in  the  Factory  Act 
of  1833,  pass  a  useful  measure  which  was  more  useful  after 
its  amendment  in  later  years,  the  effects  of  these  were 
small,  and  the  Parliament  was  too  much  influenced  by 
manufacturers  and  Liberals  of  the  real  laissez-faire  school 
to  interfere  either  with  the  horrible  social  conditions  of  such 
areas  as  Lancashire  and  South  Wales  or  with  the  industrial 
despotism  of  the  self-made  factory  owner.  By  far  the  most 


obvious  result  of  the  Reform  Act  to  the  working  classes  was 
the  New  Poor  Law  of  1834,  which  carried  out  an  inevitable 
economic  change,  the  removal  of  surplus  and  stagnant 
labour  from  the  villages,  by  extremely  harsh  methods.  The 
triumph  of  liberalism,  in  England,  came  to  mean  to  the 
working  classes  the  triumph  of  the  workhouse — the  English 

Under  these  circumstances,  the  working-class  organisa- 
tions, Trade  Unions,  Co-operatives,  and  political  societies, 
which  had  been  springing  up  rapidly  for  the  previous  ten 
years,  broke  into  open  revolt,  first  in  the  great  strikes  of 
1833-34,  and  then  in  the  Chartist  movement  of  1836  on- 
wards. Under  the  influence,  largely,  of  Robert  Owen,  the 
pioneer  of  factory  legislation,  the  father  of  English  Socialism 
and  Co-operation,  as  well  as  the  initiator  of  many  ideas  upon 
education,  etc.,  whose  fruit  has  yet  to  be  fully  gathered,  most 
of  these  movements  had  at  any  rate  tendencies  towards 
Socialism  in  a  pre-Marxian  sense,  i.e.  towards  equalitarian 
communities  of  self-governing  producers.  Owen's  direct 
connection  with  the  movement  ceased  with  its  industrial 
defeat  ;  but  many  of  the  Chartist  leaders  were  influenced  by 
him.  Both  protests  failed,  the  industrial  one  immediately, 
Chartism  after  a  period  of  years.  The  constitution  was  never 
really  in  the  slightest  danger  from  either.  Apart  from  the 
special  economic  circumstances  (to  which  we  shall  return) 
and  the  strength  of  the  just-cemented  alliance  between 
the  old  governing  class  and  the  new  bourgeoisie,  the  move- 
ment failed  from  insufficient  resources  and  divided  counsels. 
Particularly  in  the  case  of  the  Chartists,  the  division  between 
those  who  wished  to  educate  by  propaganda  and  those  who 
wished  to  prepare  a  revolution,  was  paralysing  to  both  groups. 
By  the  time  of  its  final  (and  somewhat  ludicrous)  demon- 
stration in  1848,  Chartism  was  practically  dead,  though 
Chartists,  and  members  of  the  now  reviving  Trade 
Unions,  provided  links  with  the  revolutionists  on  the 

Apart  from   its  inherent  weaknesses,   Chartism   failed 
partly  because  of  changes  in  economic  conditions,  and 


partly  because  some  of  its  appeal  was  stolen  by  an  organisa- 
tion which  was  middle-class  in  aims  and  leadership.  The 
Anti-Corn  Law  League,  with  its  cry  for  cheap  bread,  seemed 
to  promise  what  the  working  class  had  hoped  to  achieve 
from  Reform,  with  more  likelihood  of  success  than  through 
the  Chartists  ;  and  accordingly,  membership  fell  away  to 
take  part  in  the  great  propaganda  campaign  of  Bright  and 
Cobden.  Actually,  the  repeal  of  the  Corn  Laws,  which  was 
put  through,  under  the  immediate  stimulus  of  the  Iiish 
famine,  in  1846,  did  not  bring  cheap  bread,  for  foreign 
wheat  could  not  come  in  in  sufficient  quantities  seriously  to 
lower  the  home  price  until  transport  had  been  very  much 
improved.  All  that  free  trade  in  corn  did  for  some  time  after 
its  introduction  was  to  steady  the  level  of  prices  so  that  a 
had  British  harvest  did  not  result  in  an  immediate  rise  in 
the  price  of  bread1  ;  and,  in  fact,  as  far  as  economic  con- 
ditions were  concerned,  there  was  little  reason  why  the 
Corn  Laws  should  not  have  been  repealed  some  years  before. 
But  the  continuing  support  of  a  landowning  class  is  not 
bought  without  a  price. 

Cheap  food  did  not  come  in  1846.  But  better  conditions 
were  coming,  partly  owing  to  railway  development.  The 
middle  of  the  'forties  was  the  great  age  of  railway-building 
in  Great  Britain.  In  1842  there  were  only  1,857  miles  of 
railway  ;  by  1849  there  were  6,031,  and  by  1854,  8,954  ; 
and  the  quantity  of  unskilled  labour  required  for  the  build- 
ing of  all  this  mileage  sensibly  improved  the  state  of  em- 
ployment. Further,  the  opening  up  of  the  New  World, 
largely  with  the  help  of  British  capital,  increased  the  oppor- 
tunities for  emigration.  Money  wages  were  not  sensibly  in- 
creased until  after  1850,  and  then  not  very  fast  for  some 
time  ;  but  they  were  more  regular,  and  they  had  fewer 
mouths  to  support.  The  British  working  class  was  moving 
towards  the  comparative  prosperity  of  the  mid-century  ; 
and  its  ardour  for  revolt  was  waning.  It  did  not  receive  the 
franchise  until  1867,  or>  *n  t^ie  country  districts,  until  1884  ; 

1  With  the  exception  of  the  year  1854-55  (t^e  Vear  °f  t^ie  Crimean 
War),  in  which  there  was  a  sharp  rise. 



but  it  was  being  well  prepared  to  enter  the  bourgeois  Par- 
liamentary game  of  alternate  Liberal  and  Conservative 
Governments  which  followed  the  Reform  Act. 

Nationalism  in  the  Nineteenth  Century.  The  system  of 
1815  did  not  last  long  intact,  though  the  two  breaches  first 
made  in  it  might  be  strictly  argued  to  be  outside  the  system 
proper.  In  1822-23  the  Spanish  and  Portuguese  colonies  in 
South  America  declared  their  independence.  The  Powers, 
which  had  recently  aided  in  stamping  out  a  Liberal  in- 
surrection in  Spain,  desired  to  intervene  ;  but  the  United 
States  unexpectedly  took  a  hand,  proclaiming  in  the  Mon- 
roe Doctrine  (1823)  t^iat  intervention  by  European  Powers 
on  the  American  continent  would  no  longer  be  tolerated  ; 
and  Canning,  who  desired  to  secure  entry  for  British  goods 
into  the  South  American  market,  in  the  following  year  re- 
cognised the  revolted  States.  The  Spanish  colonial  empire 
was  thus  reduced  to  Cuba  and  the  Philippines  (which  were 
lost  in  1897  to  the  United  States)  and  a  few  possessions  on 
the  coast  of  Africa. 

In  Europe,  the  Greeks  in  1821  revolted  against  their 
Turkish  masters.  Little  notice  was  taken  at  first  until 
Mehemet  Ali,  pasha  of  Egypt  and  vassal  of  the  Sultan,  came 
to  the  rescue  of  his  overlord  and  through  his  son  Ibrahim 
began  brutally  putting  down  the  revolt.  Then  a  wave  of 
anti-Mohammedan  feeling  appeared,  and  was  reinforced, 
in  England  and  France  at  any  rate,  by  a  sentimental  re- 
publicanism which  remembered  the  great  days  of  classical 
Greece.  (From  1802  to  1816,  Lord  Elgin  had  signalised  Eng- 
lish admiration  for  Greece  by  removing  the  best  Parthenon 
sculptures  from  Athens  to  England.)  Sympathy  became 
widespread  ;  a  Greek  Loan,  most  of  which  never  reached 
the  Greeks  at  all,  was  raised  ;  the  poet  Byron  went  to  their 
assistance  and  died  at  Missolonghi  ;  and  finally  England, 
France,  and  Russia  joined  in  "  mediating  "  with  the  Sultan 
to  secure  Greek  independence.  A  small  kingdom  of  Greece, 
presided  over  by  a  son  of  the  King  of  Bavaria  and  guaran- 
teed by  all  the  Powers,  was  set  up  in  1832  ;  but  a  concurrent 


revolt  of  Mehemet  All  against  the  Sultan  had  the  un- 
expected result  of  rallying  Russia  to  the  protection  of  the 
latter  and  placing  her,  for  the  moment,  in  effective  control 
of  the  Black  Sea.  One  of  the  most  difficult  aspects  of  the 
"  Near  Eastern  Question,"  the  control  of  the  Dardanelles, 
thus  carne  to  the  front. 

Turkey  was  not  part  of  the  Concert  of  Europe,  and  the 
Spanish  colonies  were  far  away.  The  events  of  1830  to  1834, 
however,  were  more  unmistakeable.  In  France  the  reac- 
tionary rule  of  Charles  X,  stupidest  of  all  the  Bourbons, 
had  become  intolerable  to  all  but  the  extreme  Right,  and 
in  July  1830  a  brief  revolution,  accompanied  by  the  mini- 
mum of  street-fighting,  turned  him  out  and  replaced  him  by 
Louis  Philippe,  son  of  a  Revolutionist,  who  was  intended  to 
be  a  constitutional  monarch  of  the  English  type.  In  the  same 
year  the  Belgians  revolted  against  Dutch  domination. 
Great  Britain  and  the  new  French  monarchy  supported 
them,  and  the  Kingdom  of  the  Belgians,  with  Leopold  of 
Saxe-Coburg,  uncle  of  Queen  Victoria,  at  its  head,  was 
established  in  1831.  It  was  finally  recognised  by  Holland  in 
1839  in  the  Treaty  of  London — the  treaty  by  which  all  the 
leading  Powers  guaranteed  to  Belgium  "  perpetual  neutral- 
ity." Further,  in  1833-1834,  there  were  liberal  revolts  in 
Spain  and  Portugal.  These  were  successful,  again  with  the 
support  of  England  and  France  against  the  autocratic 
Powers,  who  backed  the  reactionaries — Carlists  in  Spain 
and  Miguelists  in  Portugal.  This,  however,  proved  the  end 
of  liberal  successes  for  the  time  being  ;  revolts  in  Italy  and 
some  of  the  small  German  States  failed,  and  the  Tsar  seized 
the  moment  to  take  away  most  of  the  autonomy  which  had 
been  granted  to  his  Polish  provinces.  Nevertheless,  the 
revolutionary  movements,  mostly  under  the  inspiration  of 
Mazzini,  continued  to  develop  underground. 

It  might  have  been  expected  that  after  1830,  and  still 
more  after  1832,  England  and  France  would  stand  in  close 
alliance  against  a  reactionary  Europe.  But  Louis  Philippe 
had  too  much  of  the  French  royal  tradition  in  his  blood  to 
be  an  effective  "  head  of  a  crowned  republic."  After  a  few 


years  of  indecision  his  government  in  effect  became  a  veiled 
autocracy,  which  persistently  embroiled  itself  with  England 
over  foreign  policy,  particularly  in  the  Near  East,  where 
both  countries  had  designs  upon  Egypt.  A  foolish  attempt 
on  his  part  to  emulate  the  policy  of  Louis  XIV  by  getting 
control  of  the  Spanish  throne  completed  the  division.  Nor 
did  his  ^oveinment  remain  popular  in  France  itself;  one 
party  disliked  his  liberalism,  another  his  autocracy,  while 
the  industrial  proletariat,  rapidly  increasing  in  numbers, 
was  furiously  dissatisfied  with  the  power  given  to  the  rich 
middle  class  and  eagerly  drinking  in  Socialist  doctrines  from 
the  successors  of  Saint-Simon  and  Fourier,  the  French 
counterparts  of  Robert  Owen.  The  people  of  Paris  had 
made  one  revolution  to  free  themselves  from  exploitation  ; 
they  were  quite  ready  to  make  another. 

The  events  of  1848  took  all  Europe  by  suq)rise.  1847 
was  a  year  of  great  distress  and  commercial  panic  ;  it 
was  also  the  year  when  the  first  international  Socialist 
appeal,  the  Communist  Manifesto  of  Marx  and  Engels,  was 
drafted.  (It  was  issued  in  1848.)  But  in  the  main  there  was 
no  particular  cause  for  the  "  Year  of  Revolutions,"  except 
desperate  discontent  with  the  age  of  repression.  It  began 
with  a  rising  in  Sicily,  which  was  quickly  followed  by  in- 
surrections in  Paris,  Vienna,  Prague,  Copenhagen,  Berlin 
and  many  smaller  German  cities,  a  nationalist  rising  in 
Italy,  led  by  the  King  of  Sardinia,  and  another  in  Hungary, 
led  by  Louis  Kossuth.  In  Belgium,  Holland  and  Denmark, 
minor  constitutional  changes  were  demanded  and  received, 
in  England,  as  related  above,  there  was  only  a  Chartist  de- 
monstration which  was  a  failure,  some  Irish  disturbances, 
which  corresponded  more  to  the  continental  upheavals, 
being  suppressed  easily  and  without  publicity. 

Taken  by  surprise  and  very  much  alarmed,  the  absolutist 
system  at  first  yielded.  The  Hungarians  gained  their  aut- 
onomy ;  an  Italian  Republic  was  proclaimed  in  Rome  and 
Tuscany ;  several  German  princes  hastened  to  grant 
constitutions  ;  and  a  republic,  with  avowed  Socialists 
participating  in  the  government,  was  set  up  in  Paris.  But 


reaction  came  swiftly  and  in  arms.  Everywhere,  except  in 
France,  the  risings  were  suppressed  by  the  military,  such 
concessions  as  a  popular  franchise,  freedom  of  speech  and 
freedom  of  assembly  taken  away,  and  monarchic  and 
clerical  despotism  restored.  In  France,  the  liberal  bourgeoisie 
resisted  the  attempt  of  the  workmen  and  their  leaders  to 
give  the  revolution  a  Socialist  aspect,  and  the  workers 
under  Louis  Blanc  and  his  colleagues  were  shot  down  by 
the  Liberals  under  Cavaignac.  The  republic  remained  ;  but 
the  reaction  went  so  far  as  to  enable  Louis  Napoleon, 
elected  President  in  1849,  to  make  himself  Emperor  by  the 
coup  d'etat  of  1851.  The  German  revolution  collapsed  ;  and 
the  new  Hungarian  State  was  crushed  in  1849  by  Austrian 
arms.  Nevertheless,  though  reaction  triumphed  it  did  not 
triumph  completely.  A  few  democratic  gains  remained  ; 
Napoleon  III,  elected  bv  popular  vote,  could  not  occupy 
the  position  of  a  Continental  despot,  and  England,  though 
it  had  played  so  little  part  in  the  struggle,  remained,  under 
Palmerston,  a  tranquil  home  for  exiled  and  active  revolution- 
aries from  all  countries.  (It  may  be  noted  that  in  1847  tnc 
Protestant  cantons  of  Switzerland,  by  defeating  a  Catholic 
League  supported  by  the  chief  clerical  powers  and  by  France, 
had  definitely  put  a  stop  to  reaction  in  that  country.) 

Reaction  emerged  triumphant  from  the  year  of  revolu- 
tions ;  but  as  has  been  said,  it  was  not  perfectly  complete 
or  very  violent  reaction.  Only  in  Russia  was  the  govern- 
ment entirely  unaffected  by  liberalising  ideas,  and  in 
Europe,  partly  owing  to  the  economic  conditions  to  be 
mentioned  in  the  next  section,  there  was,  for  a  time,  a 
definite  tendency  to  pacific  co-operation.  The  main  interest 
of  the  next  few  years  lies  in  the  Near  Eastern  question,  and 
the  rise  of  Germany  and  Italy. 

The  story  of  Italian  unity  is  quickly  told.  After  the 
destruction  of  Garibaldi's  Roman  Republic  in  1849,  the 
Italian  patriots  had  not  in  any  way  ceased  their  efforts, 
and  within  a  few  years,  thanks  largely  to  the  diplomacy  of 
Cavour,  they  had  gained  the  partial  support  of  Napoleon 
III,  who  until  1870  was  prone  to  regard  himself  as 


commissioned  to  redraft  the  map  of  Europe  on  democratic 
lines.  The  struggle  with  Austria,  which  began  in  1859,  was 
short  and  decisive  ;  the  Austrians  were  beaten,  and  a 
kingdom  of  Italy  set  up,  after  a  plebiscite,  with  Victor 
Emmanuel  of  Sardinia  as  its  king.  Partly  owing  to  the 
failure  of  Napoleon's  support  at  the  last  moment,  the 
unification  of  Italy  was  incomplete  ;  the  Austrians  were  left 
in  the  possession  of  Venetia  and  the  Pope  of  the  Papal 
States,  but  during  the  distraction  of  the  Franco-Prussian 
War  the  Italians  redressed  most,  if  not  all,  of  these  griev- 
ances. Italy  thus  became  a  national  State  on  the  parlia- 
mentary model  ;  but  parliamentarism,  as  can  be  seen  by 
events  since  the  war,  never  obtained  a  strong  hold  on  the 
minds  of  the  Italians. 

The  history  of  German  unity,  until  1863  at  all  events, 
is  the  history  of  the  growth  of  the  German  Zollverein  or 
Customs  Union,  and  its  gradual  control  by  Prussia.  First 
formed  in  1834,  out  of  various  smaller  Customs  Unions, 
the  Zollverein  gradually  grew  by  the  adhesion  of  more 
and  more  States,  and  developed  a  system  of  government 
and  a  policy  of  its  own.  At  first  hesitating,  this  policy  was 
firmly  taken  in  hand  by  Bismarck,  who  became  Prussian 
Chancellor  in  1862,  and  directed  towards  the  establish- 
ment of  Prussian  supremacy  and  immediately  at  the  definite 
removal  of  Austria  from  her  path.  In  1866,  a  dispute  over 
Schleswig-Holstein  (the  German-speaking  provinces  of  Den- 
mark) was  allowed  to  develop  into  a  war  in  which  Austria 
was  immediately  and  decisively  beaten,  the  neutrality  of 
the  Tsar  having  been  secured  three  years  before  by 
giving  him  Prussian  assistance  to  crush  a  Polish  rising. 
Bismarck,  however,  did  not  wish  for  permanent  enmity 
with  Austria,  and  so  demanded  no  territorial  gains  at  the 
peace,  contenting  himself  with  uniting  practically  all  the 
German  States  into  the  North  German  Confederation.  The 
German  Empire  was  now  all  but  formed. 

Its  final  consummation  needed  only  a  war,  which 
Napoleon  III  kindly  provided.  Napoleon,  in  common  with 
others,  had  been  startled  and  alarmed  by  the  revelation  of 


the  military  strength  of  Prussia.  When,  in  1870,  it  was 
announced  that  a  Hohenzollern  was  candidate  for  the 
throne  of  Spain,  Napoleon  visualised  a  new  Holy  Roman 
Empire  under  the  Hohenzollerns  instead  of  the  Hapsburgs, 
and  rushed  to  protest.  Bismarck,  who  wanted  war  and  had 
eyes,  also,  on  the  iron  mines  of  Lorraine,  situated  so  pleas- 
ingly near  to  the  German  coalfields,  let  him  trip  over  his 
own  feet.  The  Franco-Prussian  War  destroyed  the  belief 
in  French  military  power  which  had  existed  since  the  seven- 
teenth century,  gave  Alsace-Lorraine  to  Germany,  and 
created  the  German  Empire.  Bismarck  was  then  free,  with 
the  spectacular,  if  at  times  embarrassing  assistance  of 
William  II,  who  became  Kaiser  in  1887,  to  develop  a  new 
orientation  of  European  politics. 

The  Near  Eastern  question,  from  1840  onwards,  has 
always  centred  round  the  disposal  of  one  or  other  part  of 
the  Ottoman  Empire.  In  1853  the  Tsar  Nicholas  I,  having 
failed  to  secure  a  general  agreement  to  dismember  Turkey, 
acted  alone,  seized  the  Roumanian  provinces,  and  seemed 
about  to  get  control  of  the  Black  Sea.  This  brought  on  the 
Crimean  War,  in  which  the  Russians,  in  spite  of  the  fright- 
ful inefficiency  of  the  British  war  preparations,  were  finally 
defeated.  The  result  was  the  neutralisation  of  the  Black 
Sea  and  its  closing  to  ships  of  war,  the  loss  by  Russia  of  a 
portion  of  Bessarabia  including  the  mouth  of  the  Danube, 
the  admission  of  Turkey  to  the  Concert  of  Europe  (which 
meant,  in  effect,  that  the  Great  Powers  announced  that  no 
one  of  them  was  to  have  a  free  hand  in  the  Turkish  domin- 
ions) and  the  erection  of  Roumania  into  a  separate  State 
(made  independent  in  1861).  Meantime,  the  Sultan  of 
Turkey  promised  better  treatment  for  his  Christian  sub- 
jects, in  which  he  disappointed  them. 

Russia  was  indignant  at  the  Black  Sea  clauses  of  this 
treaty,  which  she  denounced  in  1870,  when  the  attention 
of  Europe  was  distracted  by  the  Franco-Prussian  War  ; 
and  she  was  also  engaged  in  promoting  Pan-Slavic  move- 
ments in  the  Balkans,  of  which  the  centre  was  Serbia,  and 
which  were  aimed,  in  the  main,  against  Austria.  In  1875 


a  Slav  revolt  in  Herzegovina  set  the  fire  alight ;  it  was 
followed  in  the  next  year  by  a  revolt  in  Bulgaria  which  the 
Turks  endeavoured  to  stamp  out  by  means  of  the  "  Bul- 
garian atrocities."  Russia  intervened,  declared  war  on 
Turkey,  and  gained  so  thorough  a  victory  that  the  Powers 
immediately  took  action  to  prevent  her  reaping  the  fruits. 
The  Treaty  of  Berlin  (1878),  which  Disraeli  described  as 
"  Peace  with  Honour,"  settled  the  Near  Eastern  question 
in  such  a  manner  as  to  set  the  stage  for  the  outbreak  of  1914. 
The  main  interest  of  the  Treaty  lay  in  its  treatment  of 
the  Balkan  States,  which  were  left  in  great  discontent. 
Roumania,  though  independent,  was  forced  to  cede  the 
strip  of  Bessarabia  gained  in  1856  to  Russia  ;  Bulgaria  was 
practically  cut  in  half,  the  northern  part,  Bulgaria  proper, 
being  made  autonomous  but  tributary  to  Turkey,  while 
Eastern  Rumelia  was  left  under  direct  Turkish  govern- 
ment ;  Serbia  and  Montenegro  fnow  both  parts  of  Yugo- 
slavia) were  made  independent  Turkish  vassal  States,  but 
Serbia  was  in  effect  cut  off  from  both  Montenegro  and  the 
sea  by  an  Austrian  protectorate  over  Bosnia  and  Herze- 
govina and  an  Austrian  garrison  in  the  Sanjak  of  Novi- 
bazar.  Great  Britain,  by  a  secret  Treat},  laid  hold  of 
Cyprus,  and  with  that  and  her  shares  in  the  newly  made 
Suez  Canal,  was  full  set  to  dominate  Egypt  and  control 
the  new  route  to  India 

Economic  Changes.  The  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury was  marked  by  the  spreading  of  the  industrial  revolu- 
tion from  England  to  the  Continent,  the  gradual  removal  of 
serfdom  with  its  tying  of  men  to  the  land,  and  the  simplifica- 
tion and  lightening  of  tariff  barriers.  In  France,  it  is  true, 
industrialisation  had  begun  to  a  certain  extent  before  the 
Revolution  ;  the  Creusot  ironworks,  oldest  of  armament 
firms  in  Europe,  was  founded  in  1 780.  But  the  Revolution 
had  caused  a  great  set-back,  and  all  Napoleon  Fs  passionate 
care  for  industry  could  not  make  France  anything  like  the 
equal  of  England.  Belgian  industrial  development  also 
started  early,  especially  (owing  to  her  rich  iron  and  coal 

THE    FRENCH    REVOLUTION    AND    AFTER       105 

resources)  the  iron  industry.  During  the  Napoleonic  wars 
Belgium,  then  under  French  control,  was  largely  used  as 
an  arsenal  for  the  French  armies.  But  Belgium  was  a  small 
country  ;  during  the  early  part  of  the  nineteenth  century 
Great  Britain  had  no  effective  rival.  After  the  war,  however, 
and  still  more  after  1830,  French  machine-production  went 
ahead  rapidly.  Germany  did  not  effectively  "  commence 
industrialist "  till  the  'fifties,  and  Russia  not  until  the 

To  make  any  sort  of  factory  production  possible,  however, 
it  is  necessary  that  there  should  be  "  free  labour,"  not  tied 
to  the  soil,  but  capable  of  being  transferred  to  factory  em- 
ployment wherever  the  factory  is  set  up.  This  meant  that 
the  remains  of  feudalism  and  serfdom  had  to  be  destroyed, 
and  the  peasant  worker  given  complete  freedom  oi  move- 
ment. In  those  parts  of  Europe  where  Napoleon  I  had  held 
effective  control  this  had  been  done,  and  serfdom  was 
not  restored  after  his  fail ;  in  other  parts,  however,  emanci- 
pation was  more  slow.  It  gradually  spread  in  Eastern  Ger- 
many mainly  through  the  efforts  of  Stein  and  Hardenburg 
in  the  first  half  of  the  century  ;  the  Austrian  serfs  were  freed 
in  1848,  and  the  Russian  in  1867.  But  this  did  not  neces- 
sarily solve  the  peasant's  problems,  for  the  annual  charge 
which  his  land  (in  countries  other  than  France)  had  to 
bear  in  order  to  redeem  the  feudal  dues — more  simply,  the 
tribute  he  had  to  pay  to  the  landlords — was  apt  to  be  so 
heavy  that,  where  there  was  no  factory  immediately  ready 
for  him  to  work  in,  he  was  often  worse  off  immediately 
after  emancipation  than  before.  So,  in  all  the  great  countries 
but  Russia,  considerable  efforts  were  made  to  improve  the 
land  and  to  encourage  the  peasant  to  greater  productivity. 
And  there,  at  any  rate,  the  labourer  was,  freed  and  ready 
to  work ;  and  industrialisation  began  to  advance. 

Alongside  of  industrialisation  went  the  reduction 
and  simplification  of  tariffs.  This  can  be  regarded  in 
three  aspects,  the  first  of  which  is  the  gradual  aboli- 
tion of  the  numerous  and  vexatious  local  tolls  and  tariffs 


which,  like  serfdom,  were  relics  of  medieval  Europe, 
and  no  more  than  a  tiresome  hindrance  to  economic  de- 
velopment. Second  comes  the  abolition  of  tariffs  be- 
tween independent  economic  units,  of  which  the  German 
States  are  the  great  example.  The  German  Customs  Union 
played  a  larger  part  than  any  other  single  factor  in  bringing 
about  German  unity.  Last  was  the  lowering  of  tariffs 
between  the  great  nations.  Of  this  the  Anglo-French  com- 
mercial treaty  of  1860  is  the  principal  instance.  Strong  in  the 
knowledge  of  the  rapid  progress  of  French  industry,  largely 
upon  lines  with  which  British  products  did  not  compete, 
and  anxious  to  maintain  the  role  of  world  architect  of 
peace,  Napoleon  III  carried  through  this  treaty,  largely 
against  the  opinion  of  his  subjects,  who  regarded  the 
economic  ruin  of  France  as  the  only  possible  result. 

This  result  did  not,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  occur.  French 
prosperity  continued  to  increase  ;  and  for  the  next  few  years 
commercial  treaties,  with  lowered  tariffs,  became  the 
fashion  among  both  politicians  and  economists.  Of  all  econ- 
omists, only  the  German,  List,  was  opposed  to  free  trade  ; 
and  List's  influence  at  the  time  was  slight.  Bismarck, 
indeed,  was  not  as  whole-hearted  as  many,  fearing  the 
flooding  in,  over  the  eastern  borders  of  Germany,  of 
Russian  grain  exported  at  low  prices  to  pay  for  the  building 
of  the  railways  which  the  Crimean  War  had  shown  to  be 
so  urgently  needed.  But  in  the  late  'seventies  there  came 
a  change  which  caused  nearly  all  European  countries 
rapidly  to  reverse  their  policy. 

This  change  was  immediately  due  to  the  improvement 
of  railways  and  ocean  transport,  and  at  one  remove  to  the 
inventions  which  made  possible  the  production  of  steel  on 
a  large  scale  (such  as  the  Bessemer  process,  patented  in 
1865,  and  the  Gilchrist-Thomas  process  of  1876).  The 
building  of  steel  hulls,  with  far  more  effective  engines, 
thus  became  practicable,  and  cargoes  became  bigger  and 
voyages  shorter  and  more  profitable  for  perishable  goods. 
Concurrently,  the  building  of  railways  in  the  United 
States,  largely  with  European  capital,  opened  up  the  great 


corn-growing  areas  of  the  Middle  West.  The  first  American 
transcontinental  line  was  opened  in  1869,  and  steel  rails, 
with  a  life  many  times  that  of  iron  rails,  were  effectively 
used  in  the  'seventies. 

Immediately  mass-produced  corn,  garnered  at  amaz- 
ingly small  cost,  began  to  pour  into  Europe.  In  1846  the 
cost  of  bringing  corn  from  Odessa  into  London  had  been 
estimated  as  equal  to  a  IO.T.  per  quarter  preference.  Now 
this  was  swept  away,  and  a  study  of  the  price  of  corn  on 
the  English  market,  year  by  year  from  1875  to  1900,  even 
when  allowance  is  made  for  the  fall  in  the  general  price- 
level,  will  give  some  indication  of  the  meaning  of  American 
grain  to  Europe. 

At  once  the  countries  with  peasant  populations  dyked 
up  against  the  flood,  not  merely  for  reasons  of  pure  econ- 
omics, but  also  because  no  country  which  intends,  as  both 
Germany  and  France  after  1870  intended,  to  keep  up  a  large 
land  army  with  a  great  reserve  of  possible  conscripts,  can 
afford  to  let  its  peasantry  be  ruined.  England  alone,  with 
no  land  frontiers  to  defend  and  a  large  city  population 
delighting  in  cheap  food,  raised  no  tariffs.  Besides,  England 
had  in  effect  no  peasantry,  and  her  landowners,  being  to 
start  with  comparatively  well  off  and  with  access,  in  many 
cases,  to  alternative  sources  of  income  in  commerce  or 
manufacture,  were  in  a  better  position  to  cope  with  rapidly 
falling  prices.  They  were  hard  hit,  it  is  true,  both  by  the 
wheat  imports,  and  in  the  next  decade,  after  the  invention 
of  cold  storage,  by  the  competition  of  frozen  meat  from 
South  America  and  the  Antipodes ;  but  they  were  not  ruined. 
As  to  the  agricultural  labourer,  his  wages  could  not  be 
lowered,  for  they  were  so  low  already  ;  but  he  could  be 
reduced  in  numbers.  He  could  go  into  the  cities,  or  he 
could  emigrate  ;  and  he  did.  Only  in  one  part  of  the  British 
Isles — Ireland — was  there  a  peasant  population  ;  and  there 
the  British  Government  had  in  the  end  to  come  to  the  rescue 
of  the  peasant  by  providing  him  with  money  both  to  buy 
his  landlord  out  and  to  enable  him  to  produce  for  himself. 

The  German  tariff,  the  first  example  of  this  change  of 


policy,  was  passed  in  1879,  after  an  appallingly  bad  harvest. 
French  opinion  was  moving  in  the  same  direction,  and  the 
French  tariff  of  1881  was  also  protective.  Neither  tariff  was 
high  ;  but  they  increased  gradually  after  1900,  when  the 
age  of  really  high  tariffs  begins.  But  these  tariffs  were  not 
intended  by  any  means  solely  for  the  protection  of  agri- 
culture. Both  France  and  Germany  were  developing  iron 
and  steel  manufactures  of  their  own  (which,  like  the  land 
armies,  the  Franco- Prussian  War  seemed  to  make  more  and 
more  desirable),  and  were  afraid  of  British  competition. 
Other  industries,  such  as  French  silk,  threatened  since  the 
opening  of  the  Suez  Canal  by  competition  from  Japan, 
joined  in  the  demand  ;  and  the  tariffs  of  these  countries, 
reinforced  by  such  additions  as  preferential  railway  rates, 
were  in  fact  general  tariffs.  Thus,  by  the  early  'nineties,  in 
one  of  the  quickest  changes  known  to  history,  practically 
the  whole  of  Europe,  except  Great  Britain,  had  gone 
Protectionist.  The  United  States,  Protectionist  from  the 
start,  after  a  brief  experiment  in  the  lowering  of  tariffs, 
returned  to  high  protection  after  the  Civil  War  of  1861. 


THE  NEW  tariff  policy,  however,  was  only  one  indication 
of  the  arrival  of  the  age  of  economic  nationalism  and 
imperialism,  whose  beginning — in  so  far  as  the  beginning  of 
an  epoch  can  be  dated — is  commonly  set  by  historians  at 
about  1880.  Another  sign  is  the  great  increase,  in  the  older 
industrial  countries,  of  the  production  of  iron  and  steel 
and  of  what  are  called  "  constructional  "  goods.  This  is  not 
to  imply  that  consumption  goods  are  not  produced  in  ever 
increasing  quantities  ;  but  the  prosperity  of  British  industry 
as  a  whole,  for  example,  comes  to  depend  more  upon  the 
condition  of  the  coal,  iron  and  steel  and  engineering  trades 
than,  as  fifty  years  back,  upon  that  of  cotton  and  woollen 
textiles.  As  the  former  both  require  more  fixed  capital, 
proportionately,  and  also  have  to  face  a  more  fluctuating 


demand,  the  result  is  a  growing  instability  of  industry, 
reflected,  for  a  large  part  of  the  working  class,  in  consider- 
ably increased  ups-and-downs  of  employment.  Further- 
more, the  rapid  increase  and  improvement  of  European 
production  as  a  whole  demands  wider  markets  outside 
Europe,  secure  access  to  sources  of  raw  materials  not  found 
within  the  European  continent,  and  governmental  protec- 
tion for  the  nationals  of  any  country  which  engages  in 
overseas  trade,  whether  of  their  persons  or  their  invested 
funds.  For  one  of  the  largest  items  of  European  export, 
particularly  in  the  case  of  Britain  in  the  latter  part  of  the 
century,  was  the  export  of  capital,  and  its  export  not,  as 
previously,  to  developing  countries  like  the  United  States, 
but  to  countries  practically  undeveloped.  This  had 
unlooked-for  results.  Capital  goods,  and,  to  a  less  extent, 
goods  of  immediate  consumption,  cannot  be  sold  outright 
to  a  totally  undeveloped  country,  which  will  not  be  able  to 
use,  or,  still  more,  to  pay  cash  for  them.  Docks,  harbours 
and  railways  are  essential  to  a  country  which  is  to  be 
brought  within  the  ambit  of  commerce  ;  but  docks,  har- 
bours, and  railways  are  expensive.  It  is  therefore  necessary 
for  the  country  which  desires,  say,  to  sell  locomotives  and 
railway  equipment  to  the  Argentine,  first  to  lend  the  Ar- 
gentine the  money  to  pay  for  them — money  which  will  only 
be  repayable  in  instalments  over  a  long  period,  as  the  rail- 
way begins  to  earn  a  profit.  In  point  of  fact,  the  industrial 
and  transport  development  of  Russia,  the  South  American 
States,  China,  and  many  other  areas  was  largely  financed 
by  European  capitalists,  who  lent  money  in  order  to  help 
provide  a  market  for  the  goods  which  they  or  their  fellows 
had  to  sell.  This  was  more  true  of  Great  Britain  than  any 
other  country,  for  the  profits  made  by  British  industry  in 
the  mid-Victorian  period  were  so  great  that  there  was  more 
capital  available  than  was  required  to  finance  home  de- 
velopment, and  as  the  surplus  was  not  used  to  raise  the 
standard  of  life  of  British  workers,  much  of  it  had  to  seek 
investment  overseas.  It  followed  that  those  European 
countries  whose  nationals  had  lent  money  were  continually 


interested  in  the  financial  and  political  stability  of  the 
countries  to  which  it  had  been  lent,  in  order  that  the 
capital  might  be  safe  and  the  interest  punctually  paid  ; 
and  a  great  deal  of  imperialist  interference,  both  by  diplo- 
matic pressure  and  by  direct  threat  of  war,  is  attributable 
to  the  export  of  capital. 

Along  with  political  interference  for  the  sake  of  preserving 
interest  rights  went  political  interference  in  order  to  safe- 
guard supplies  of  essential  raw  materials,  to  secure  exclusive 
rights  of  selling  in  a  particular  area,  or  simply  to  hold 
points  that  would  be  "  strategic  "  in  the  event  of  war  or 
any  other  interference  with  trading  operations.  We  deal 
with  this  more  fully  in  a  later  section  ;  here  we  need  only 
observe  that  it  is  all  part  of  a  growing  view,  which  is  in 
direct  contrast  to  the  views  of  Cobden  and  the  Free  Traders, 
that  it  is  the  right  and  duty  of  Governments  to  act,  both 
positively  and  negatively,  so  as  to  promote  the  economic 
interests  of  their  subjects.  The  shift  of  opinion  with  regard 
to  colonial  possessions,  which  in  the  mid-century  were 
regarded  in  the  main  as  nuisances  which  would  "drop 
away  when  ripe"  without  causing  the  mother  country  any 
inconvenience  or  diminution  of  trade,  is  a  striking  illustra- 
tion. By  the  'eighties,  the  desire  to  possess  colonies  was 
stronger  among  all  Powers  than  it  had  been  since  the 
sixteenth  century. 

Lastly,  we  may  note  the  tendency  towards  paternalism 
as  well  as  to  predatoriness  on  the  part  of  Governments — an 
inclination  to  foster  infant  industries  by  means  of  subsidies, 
rebates,  etc.,  as  well  as  by  tariffs,  to  regulate  trades  and 
associations  within  trades,  and  even,  led  by  Bismarck,  to 
secure  the  consent  of  the  workers  by  such  devices  as  social 
insurance.  But  present-day  Communist  and  Fascist  Govern- 
ments have  gone  so  much  farther  in  the  direction  of  univer- 
sal State  activity  that  this  development  may  well  be  left 
to  a  later  chapter. 

Within  the  several  countries,  the  growth  of  large-scale 
industrialism  led  immediately  to  combinations,  both  of 
capital  and  of  labour  ;  but  in  Great  Britain  at  any  rate 


the  working  class  fared  rather  differently  from  its  continental 
neighbours.  In  Great  Britain  the  workers  had  long  been 
emancipated,  and  they  participated  to  a  certain  extent  in 
the  general  liberalising  of  institutions.  Trade  Unions  were 
legal,  and,  though  frowned  upon  when  they  sought  to 
constrain  men  to  act  in  concert  in  defiance  of  their  em- 
ployers, in  so  far  as  they  could  be  looked  upon  as  friendly 
societies — and  in  mid-Victorian  days,  after  the  collapse  of 
Chartism,  the  friendly  society  aspect  was  very  strong  among 
them — they  were  encouraged  as  examples  of  the  great  Vic- 
torian virtue  of  mutual  thrift.  Money  wages,  and  still  more 
real  wages,  improved  steadily  after  the  middle  of  the  century, 
and  the  Trade  Unions  became  more  and  more  "  pillars 
of  society. "  Even  after  the  great  depression  of  the  late 
'seventies,  which  opened  their  eyes  again  to  the  possibilities 
of  unemployment  and  starvation,  and  even  after  the  rise, 
from  1889  onwards,  of  "  new  "  Unions  of  unskilled  and 
semi-skilled  workers  led  by  men  who  were  definitely  hostile 
to  Capitalism,  the  element  of  stolidity  remained  very  large. 
Though  they  took  part  in  Labour  politics  the  Unions,  as 
a  whole,  were  not  Socialist  even  at  the  outbreak  of  the 
European  war.  Nevertheless,  partly  as  a  result  of  the  ten- 
dencies which  were  making  for  State  paternalism  on  the 
Continent,  and  partly  as  a  development  of  the  theories  of 
liberal  thinkers  such  as  John  Stuart  Mill,  a  peculiarly 
insular  form  of  Socialism,  mainly  represented  by  the  Fabian 
Society,  did  arise  in  England,  and  resulted,  at  the  close  of  the 
century,  in  the  formation  of  the  Labour  Party,  Trade  Union 
in  its  composition  and  support,  Fabian  in  its  main  ideas. 
The  Continental  workers — except,  to  a  certain  extent,  the 
French — had  never  had  this  freedom  ;  in  some  countries 
they  had  been  serfs,  released  from  serfdom  only  to  serve  in 
the  factories.  In  Germany  and  France,  during  the  latter 
part  of  the  nineteenth  century,  restrictions  on  combinations 
were  to  a  certain  extent  removed  ;  but  in  the  main  it  is 
still  true  that  the  continental  worker  was  flung  into  an 
industry  run  on  despotic  lines.  Of  the  continental,  far  more 
than  of  the  British  worker — and  of  the  Russian  worker 


most  of  all — Marx's  words  were  true  :  "  You  have  nothing 
to  lose  but  your  chains." 

Under  these  circumstances,  and  particularly  after  1850, 
Continental  Trade  Unionism  and  Socialism  grew  up  in  an 
atmosphere  of  bitter  conflict,  where  working-class  activity 
might  at  any  moment  end  in  imprisonment,  death  or  exile. 
Its  prophet  and  adviser  was  Karl  Marx,  who  explained 
steadily  the  existence  of  the  class-war,  based  on  robbery  by 
the  owning  class  of  the  fruits  of  the  labourer's  efforts,  and 
its  inevitable  termination  in  the  conquest  of  power  by  the 
proletariat  ;  most  of  the  Continental  Socialist  Parties  are 
Marxian  in  their  origin  and  terminology.  In  the  realm  of 
ideas,  they  had  nothing  in  common  with  the  British  Labour 
movement  ;  they  started  with  a  different  conception,  and 
the  attempt,  in  the  'eighties,  to  introduce  Marxism  into 
Great  Britain  barely  gained  a  hearing.  But  the  British 
worker  knew  a  fellow-worker  when  he  saw  one,  even  though 
he  did  not  understand  what  he  said ;  and,  besides,  he  was 
by  all  training  a  liberal  and  an  opponent  of  oppression, 
especially  by  foreigners.  British  Trade  Unionists,  then, 
willingly  co-operated  with  Marx  in  the  foundation  of  the 
First  International  in  1864,  and  indignantly  sympathised 
with  the  victims  of  the  1871  Commune  of  Paris,  the  first 
attempt  to  set  up  a  purely  Socialist  government — though 
they  did  not  support  the  attempt  itself.  The  attempt,  made 
in  the  desperate  circumstances  of  the  end  of  the  Franco- 
Prussian  War,  \\  as  hopeless  from  the  start,  and  was  speedily 
crushed  ;  but,  such  as  it  was,  it  has  provided  inspiration 
ever  since  for  Communists  all  over  the  world. 

The  years  between  the  Treaty  of  Berlin  and  the  outbreak 
of  the  European  War  make  more  and  more  ironical  reading. 
It  is  impossible  not  to  contrast  the  armed  camp  of  European 
diplomacy,  with  its  growing  fears  and  suspicions  and  its 
armaments  increasing  to  the  point  at  which  alarmists 
even  began  to  make  feeble  attempts  to  curtail  war  prep- 
arations and  national  sovereignty,  and  the  steady  par- 
celling out  of  the  whole  available  world  into  colonial 

THE    AGE    OF    IMPERIALISM  1 13 

possessions,  "  spheres  of  influence,"  and  areas  of  plain 
grabbing,  with  the  enormous  increase  of  productive  power 
and  material  well-being  producing  on  the  one  hand  a  much 
greater  variety  of  life  and  freedom  of  choice  and  movement 
within  a  restricted  area,  and  on  the  other  a  conviction  born 
of  prosperity  that  this  freedom  was  bound  to  increase  and 
that  trifling  difficulties  such  as  imperialist  rivalries  would 
very  soon  be  smoothed  away.  A  small  but  very  competent 
book  published  in  1912  ends  with  the  words,  "  we  can  now 
look  forward  with  something  like  confidence  to  the  time 
when  war  between  civilised  nations  will  be  considered  as 
antiquated  as  the  duel,  and  when  the  peace-makers  shall 
be  called  the  children  of  God."  Within  two  years  Europe 
was  at  war. 

The  salient  features  of  these  years  are  three  :  the  pushing- 
on  of  imperialist  expansion  until  there  is  no  part  of  the 
world  which  is  not  the  scene  of  imperialist  rivalry  in  one 
form  or  other,  the  "  armed  peace  "  in  Europe  which  drew 
by  one  "  incident  "  after  another  closer  to  war,  and,  during 
the  latter  part,  the  increasing  unrest,  visible  in  all  countries^ 
of  the  working  classes. 

British  imperialism,  by  an  accident,  began  rather  early, 
when  in  1857  the  Indian  Mutiny  forced  the  British  Govern- 
ment to  remove  the  East  India  Company,  and  to  bring 
its  Indian  possessions  directly  under  the  British  Grown.  But 
it  was  not  until  after  1876,  when  Disraeli  gave  Queen 
Victoria  the  title  of  Empress  of  India,  that  the  rapid  expan- 
sion of  British  rule  in  that  country  really  began.  The  French, 
in  the  next  decade,  followed  suit  by  acquiring  vast  territories 
in  Indo-China.  But  the  i^reat  field  of  imperialism  in  the 
'eighties  was  the  African  continent.  The  explorations  of 
Stanley  on  the  Congo,  published  in  1878,  discovered  enor- 
mous new  possibilities  of  exploitation  ;  the  International 
Congo  Association,  under  Belgian  influence,  was  formed  in 
1882,  and  within  ten  years  the  continent  was  practically 
divided  up  between  the  principal  European  Powers,  the 
only  serious  set-back  to  imperialism  being  the  defeat  of 
Italy  by  the  Abyssinians  in  1896.  For  the  most  part,  the 


partition  of  Africa,  except  north  of  the  Sahara,  was  achieved 
without  difficulty  and  without  spectacular  fighting  ;  but 
in  1899  Great  Britain,  becoming  involved  with  the  Cape 
Dutch  in  a  quarrel  which  really  derived  from  the  discovery 
thirteen  years  earlier  of  the  huge  gold  deposits  on  the  Rand, 
entered  upon  the  Boer  War — the  first  important  case  in 
which  imperialism  had  involved  war  between  whites.  Small 
in  itself,  the  Boer  War  was  important  because  of  the  interest 
it  aroused  and  because  of  its  plain  disclosure  of  what 
imperialist  policies  were  bound  to  lead  to  sooner  or  later. 
On  the  north  coast,  imperalism  had  begun  with  the  French 
conquest  of  Algiers  in  1830.  Gradually,  and  not  without 
many  crises,  the  former  possessions  of  Turkey  along  the 
coast  were  divided  between  Spain,  France,  Italy,  and  Great 
Britain.  The  share  of  the  last-named  was  the  protectorate 
over  Egypt,  which  she  established  in  1882  jointly  with 
France  ;  but  France  became  in  effect  only  a  sleeping 

The  new  German  Empire,  coming  late  into  the  field  and 
finding  the  best  parts  of  Africa  already  in  the  hands  of  other 
Powers,  but  needing,  none  the  less,  raw  materials,  markets, 
and  outlets  for  capital  investment,  turned  its  eyes  eastward, 
through  the  Balkans  to  the  Asiatic  possessions  of  Turkey. 
The  two  most  spectacular  incidents  were  the  speech  of  the 
Kaiser  at  Damascus  in  1898,  proclaiming  himself  "  the 
friend  of  three  hundred  million  Moslems,"  and  the  pro- 
jection in  1902  of  the  Bagdad  Railway,  which  was  in- 
tended to  provide  a  German-controlled  route  to  Persia  and 
the  East.  It  was  firmly  believed,  both  before  and  during  the 
European  War,  that  Germany  intended,  through  control  of 
the  Sultan,  to  put  herself  at  the  head  of  a  world-wide 
Moslem  movement. 

In  the  case  of  the  Far  East,  where  effective  imperialism 
began  in  the  'nineties,  Germany  was  not  left  behind.  India 
being  closed,  the  most  obvious  field  of  exploitation  was  the 
helpless  Chinese  Empire,  into  which  European  Powers 
had  been  slowly  pushing  their  way  since  the  'forties.  But 
in  the  Far  East  there  was  Japan  to  be  reckoned  with.  Japan, 


after  the  visit  of  Commodore  Perry  of  the  United  States 
navy  in  1854  had  forced  her  to  open  herself  to  European 
traders,  had  rapidly  transformed  herself  into  a  Power  on  the 
western  model.  It  is  true  that  Japan,  in  spite  of  her  indus- 
trial growth,  remained  and  still  remains  overwhelmingly 
agricultural  as  regards  the  occupations  of  her  population  ; 
it  is  true  that  her  standard  of  living  is  far  below  that  of  the 
west,  and  that  paternalism  and  the  State  control  of  eco- 
nomic life  in  Japan  has  been  much  greater  even  than  in 
Germany.  Nevertheless,  as  far  as  desire  for  markets,  outlets 
for  surplus  population,  opportunities  for  exploitation,  and 
a  strong  naval  and  military  force  were  concerned,  Japan, 
by  the  'nineties,  closely  resembled  a  Western  Power,  and  the 
Sino-Japanese  War  of  1894-1895,  with  its  result  in  the 
practical  seizure  of  Korea  by  Japan,  made  this  plain  to  the 
West.  Great  Britain,  which  had  already  recognised  Japan, 
made  an  alliance  with  her  in  1902. 

The  success  of  Japan  in  the  war  roused  the  European 
Powers  to  make  an  effort  to  check  Japanese  penetration 
into  China,  and  a  further  scramble  for  concessions  began. 
Russia,  attempting  to  seize  Manchuria  in  1903,  was  badly 
beaten  in  the  Russo-Japanese  War,  which  startled  the  other 
Powers,  including  the  United  States,  into  full  realisation 
of  the  economic  and  military  strength  of  Japan.  It  proved, 
however,  impossible  to  partition  China  as  Africa  had  been 
partitioned,  partly  because  of  the  jealousy  of  the  Powers, 
and  partly  because  the  possible  spheres  of  influence  would 
not  have  been  of  anything  like  equal  economic  value.  Nor 
could  the  immense  population  of  China,  poor  and  ill- 
governed  as  it  was,  be  handed  about  like  the  almost  unin- 
habited African  territories.  In  1912,  therefore,  mainly 
owing  to  the  influence  of  the  United  States,  a  Six-Power 
Consortium  was  formed  to  exploit  China  under  rules  to  be 
agreed.  The  opportunity  for  Japan  did  not  recur  until  the 
European  War  had  distracted  the  attention  of  most  of  her 
colleagues.  Meantime,  in  Central  Asia,  apart  from  the 
German  plans,  Russia  and  Great  Britain  squabbled  over 
Persia,  Afghanistan  and  neighbouring  areas. 


Except  in  so  far  as  the  Balkan  situation  (which  is  attached 
to  the  Near  Eastern  problem)  is  concerned,  political  events 
in  Europe  were  little  more  than  a  shadow  of  imperialist 
rivalries.  In  1878  there  were  five  Great  Powers — Great 
Britain,  France,  Germany,  Russia  and  Austria-Hungary; 
and  the  main  question  at  issue  was  how,  in  the  event  of 
war,  these  Powers  would  be  aligned.  (Italy,  poor,  ill- 
equipped  for  industrialism,  and  suffering  perpetual  parlia- 
mentary crises,  remained,  as  it  were,  only  upon  the  fringe 
of  the  Concert  of  Europe.)  The  tradition  of  Great  Britain 
since  1815,  relying  upon  her  sea-frontiers  and  her  much 
greater  wealth,  had  been  to  keep  free  of  continental  alliances 
except  for  purely  ad  hoc  purposes,  and  to  pursue  her  own 
policy  ;  but  the  coming  of  imperialism  had  altered  all  that. 
In  Germany — and  to  a  less  extent  in  the  United  States — 
Great  Britain  saw  a  Power  whose  industrial  development 
might  make  serious  inroads  on  her  foreign  trade,  par- 
ticularly since  the  development  of  coal-mining  in  Germany 
had  begun  to  threaten  an  export  of  which  she  had  hitherto 
had  a  practical  monopoly.  Moreover,  German  naval  develop- 
ment, as  exemplified  in  the  Von  Tirpitz  programme  of  1900, 
was  taken  as  a  direct  menace,  aimed  at  cutting  off  British 
food  supply  in  time  of  war.  It  was  too  late  now  to  reverse  the 
Free  Trade  policy  so  as  to  make  Great  Britain  self-support- 
ing ;  Chamberlain's  Tariff  Reform  scheme  of  1903,  which 
was  rejected,  only  sought  to  secure  to  the  British  people  at 
any  rate  the  reversion  of  the  food  surpluses  oi  the  Dominions. 
But  without  command  of  the  sea  these  would  have  been 

On  the  other  hand,  the  traditional  hostility  between 
France  and  Britain  was  declining.  French  industry  had  de- 
veloped on  such  different  lines  that  it  hardly  competed  at 
all  with  British  ;  the  fear  of  French  invasion  or  of  French 
domination  of  Europe  had  finally  vanished  ;  and  except  in 
the  Nile  valley,  where  the  Fashoda  "incident"  of  1898 
nearly  led  to  war,  the  two  States  were  not  seriously  at  odds 
outside  Europe.  The  inevitable  rapprochement  was  delayed 
a  little  owing  to  the  Germanic  sympathies  of  Queen 


Victoria  ;  but  after  her  death  events  moved  rapidly  to  the 
Entente  Cordiale  of  1904.  The  major  points  of  disagreement 
were  removed  by  the  British  Government's  agreeing  to  sup- 
port France  in  Morocco  in  exchange  for  a  free  hand  in 

Germany  and  Austria  were  fairly  firmly  united,  pursuing, 
on  the  whole,  a  joint  policy  as  regards  the  Near  East.  There 
remained  the  question  of  Russia.  The  natural  affinities  of 
the  Tsar  were  with  the  government  of  Bismarck  and  the 
Kaiser  ;  but  there  were  personal  difficulties  on  both  sides, 
and  there  was  also  the  strong  desire  on  the  part  of  France, 
fearing  Germany  and  as  yet  unallied  with  Great  Britain,  to 
obtain  an  ally  in  Europe.  (French  capital,  incidentally, 
played  a  great  part  in  the  industrialisation  of  Russia.)  For 
nearly  thirty  years  Russian  policy  wavered  to  and  fro, 
making  alliances  and  "  understandings  "  (some  secret  and 
some  open)  now  with  this  side  and  now  with  that.  Even- 
tually, in  1907,  the  Triple  Entente  was  concluded  between 
England,  France  and  Russia,  and  Edward  VII  visited  the 
Tsar  at  Reval.  This  Entente  gave  rise  to  great  suspicion 
among  English  Liberals,  and  it  did  not  remove  the  causes 
of  friction  between  England  and  Russia  in  the  Middle 
East  ;  nevertheless,  the  stage  was  now  set  for  the  war. 

Lastly,  \ve  come  to  the  Balkans.  The  provisions  of  the 
Treaty  of  Berlin  were  early  infringed  by  the  union  of 
Bulgaria  and  Eastern  Rumelia  in  1885.  In  1894  the 
Turkish  massacres  of  Christians  in  Armenia  caused  British 
and  French  protests,  of  which,  however,  nothing  came  ;  in 
1897  the  Greeks  went  to  war  with  Turkey  in  order  to  in- 
corporate Crete  in  the  Greek  kingdom.  The  Greeks  were 
defeated,  but  through  the  intervention  of  the  Powers  Crete 
was  put  under  a  Greek  High  Commissioner.  Disputes  be- 
tween the  Balkan  States  about  the  territory  of  Macedonia 
were  also  becoming  acute  ;  in  1903  the  Macedonians  re- 
volted and  for  five  years  a  portion  of  Macedonia  was  ad- 
ministered jointly  by  Russia  and  Austria. 

The  Young  Turk  revolution  of  1908  brought  matters  to  a 
crisis.  In  essence,  the  revolution  made  no  change  in  the 


constitution  or  foreign  policy  of  Turkey,  but  merely  sub- 
stituted a  strong  government  for  a  weak  one.  There  were 
even  massacres  of  Christians  in  1909.  Under  the  circum- 
stances, it  became  doubtful  whether  the  system  of  semi- 
vassalage  in  the  Balkans  and  other  parts  of  the  Turkish 
dominions  could  continue  ;  and  interested  parties  took  im- 
mediate action.  Austria,  supported  by  Germany,  definitely 
incorporated  Bosnia-Herzegovina  in  her  Empire  ;  Bul- 
garia proclaimed  its  independence,  and  Crete  its  union  with 
Greece.  Three  years  later,  when  Germany  had  nearly  pre- 
cipitated war  by  sending  a  gunboat  to  Agadir  to  protest 
against  the  French  protectorate  of  Morocco,  Italy,  in 
return,  occupied  Tripoli  and  declared  war  against  the 
Sultan.  The  war,  which  might  have  dragged  on  for  some 
time,  was  hastily  settled  by  the  yielding  of  Turkey,  which 
was  now  faced  with  a  greater  danger.  Italy  retained  Tripoli, 
Rhodes,  and  the  Dodecanese. 

For  some  time  the  Christian  States  of  the  Balkans  had 
been  discussing  common  action  in  view  of  their  fear  of 
renewed  oppression  by  the  Young  Turk  Government. 
Early  in  1912  Greece,  Serbia  and  Bulgaria,  with  the 
cognisance  of  the  Tsar,  signed  mutual  treaties  for  the  parti- 
tion of  the  Turkish  possessions  in  Europe,  and  in  October, 
after  the  outbreak  of  a  rising  in  Albania,  the  various  mem- 
bers of  the  Balkan  League  declared  war.  In  the  First 
Balkan  War  the  Turks  were  completely  defeated,  and  the 
subsequent  treaty  gave  the  allies  all  their  demands  except 
that,  owing  to  the  intervention  of  the  Great  Powers,  in 
particular  Austria,  at  the  settlement,  Albania  was  made 
into  an  independent  guaranteed  principality.  But  the  allies 
fell  out  over  the  spoils  ;  the  Second  Balkan  War  (1913) 
found  Bulgaria  ranged  against  Greece,  Serbia  and  Rou- 
mania.  Bulgaria  was  defeated  in  her  turn,  and  the  Treaty 
of  Bucharest  took  away  her  gains  of  1912.  Nevertheless,  the 
other  States  were  not  satisfied,  particularly  Serbia,  which 
while  receiving  large  accessions  of  territory  in  Macedonia 
and  Novibazar,  had  to  allow  Greece  to  take  southern  Mace- 
donia and  Salonica,  thus  losing  access  to  the  JEgean.  The 


desire  of  the  Serbs,  stimulated  by  success  in  war  and  by 
the  sympathy  of  Russia  towards  Pan-Slavic  ambitions,  was 
for  the  eastern  Adriatic  coast,  which  was  in  the  hands  of 
Austria-Hungary.  The  subsequent  years  were  years  of 
definite  economic  war  between  Austria-Hungary  and 
Serbia,  much  to  the  disadvantage  of  both. 

It  is  in  some  ways  paradoxical  that,  in  the  period 
while  nationalism  and  imperialism  were  growing  so 
fast,  there  should  yet  have  been  a  fairly  steady  trend  to- 
wards greater  personal  freedom  among  the  subjects  of 
those  nationalist  and  imperialist  Powers.  No  liberal  revolu- 
tions took  place  during  the  period  except  in  Portugal, 
where,  in  1910,  King  Carlos  was  assassinated  and  a  re- 
public established  ;  the  revolutionary  attempt  in  Russia 
which  followed  the  Russo-Japanese  War  (1905)  was 
crushed.  Yet  throughout  Europe,  even  in  Russia,  there  was 
a  general  movement  towards  democratisation  of  govern- 
ment, towards  meeting  the  grievances  of  subject  nationali- 
ties— and  of  women  ! — and  towards  greater  recognition  of 
Trade  Unions  and  working-class  activities.  Labour  and 
Social-Democratic  Parties  rose  into  prominence  in  many 
countries,  and  during  the  later  years  strikes,  successful  and 
unsuccessful,  became  frequent.  Imperialist  Capitalism,  still 
rich  in  spite  of  the  saturation  of  some  markets  and  the  be- 
ginning of  Eastern  competition,  as  industrialism  grew  in 
India,  China  and  Japan,  could  yet  spare  enough  to  give  the 
working  class  a  share  in  prosperity,  and  neither  war  nor  the 
threat  of  war  was  strongly  enough  felt  to  demand  the  cur- 
tailment of  freedom  where  it  had  been  won.  There  was 
superficial  reason  for  believing  that  continental  countries 
were  in  due  course  all  destined  to  follow  in  the  path  of  Great 

The  economic  situation  was  not  wholly  satisfactory.  Up 
to  the  end  of  the  nineteenth  century  prices  continued  to 
fall,  and  real  wages  therefore  to  rise.  In  Great  Britain  the 
fall  in  prices  was  checked  about  1896,  and  real  wages  fell 
slightly  from  1900  to  1910.  In  practical  effect,  this  fall  was 
offset  by  the  social  gains  of  the  first  years  of  the  Liberal 


Government — old  age  pensions,  an  amended  scheme  of 
workmen's  compensation,  free  meals  for  school-children, 
etc.  But  as  the  reforming  energy  of  the  Government  died 
down  and  as  its  policy  became  in  effect  dictated  by  the 
Irish  vote,  the  working  classes  began  to  lose  patience,  and 
their  resentment  at  the  failure  of  a  radical  victory  to  im- 
prove their  standard  of  life  found  expression  in  the  great 
series  of  strikes  which  began  in  1911. 

Nor  was  this  strike  wave  without  a  guiding  theory  of  its 
own.  In  part,  it  expressed  simple  mistrust  of  political 
action,  and  was  under  the  influence  of  Syndicalist  theories 
from  France.  The  French  Syndicalist  movement  was  revolu- 
tionary, had  no  use  for  politics,  and  believed  in  overturning 
Capitalism  by  means  of  an  infinite  series  of  sudden  strikes 
in  different  areas  and  industries.  Alongside  of  Syndicalism 
went  a  set  of  theories  formulated  by  American  left-wing 
Trade  Unionists,  which  also  looked  to  strike  action  as  a 
means  of  social  change,  but  contemplated  as  a  method  the 
organisation  of  all  workers  into  a  single  body — the  One 
Big  Union — which  would  then  seize  the  power.  Guild 
Socialism,  a  British  Socialist  doctrine  influenced  by 
Syndicalism,  also  appeared  in  1912-13.  Strikes  were 
not  confined  to  Great  Britain,  but  took  place  in  varying 
degrees  all  over  Europe.  In  Sweden  there  was  even  a 
general  strike.  Where  these  strikes  were  serious  they  were 
generally  defeated  ;  in  the  French  railway  strike  of  1910  the 
one-time  Socialist  Minister  Briand  called  the  strikers  to  the 
colours  ;  but  they  indicated  a  general  social  ferment  which 
made  several  of  the  Governments,  in  1914,  doubtful  of  the 
attitude  of  their  working  classes  to  the  war. 

It  should  be  noted  that  in  1900,  the  various  Social- 
Democratic  Parties  had  formed  a  loose  international  feder- 
ation, the  International  Socialist  Bureau,  which  was 
officially  opposed  to  war.  Upon  various  occasions,  notably 
at  the  Stuttgart  Congress  of  1907,  this  "  Second  Inter- 
national "  made  great  efforts  to  frame  a  policy  which  in 
the  event  of  war  between  nations  could  be  adopted  by  the 
working  classes  of  the  world.  The  difficulties,  however, 


were  too  great ;  the  resolutions  passed  were  not  based  on  a 
sufficiently  clear  internationalist  faith,  and  proved  inoper- 
ative in  the  crisis  of  1914. 

As  has  been  said,  Portugal  was  the  only  country  to  go 
through  a  revolution  during  the  early  years  of  the  twentieth 
century.  Nationalist  feeling,  however,  was  growing  in  all 
States  where  nationalities  were  oppressed.  But  for  the  out- 
break of  war,  a  nationalist  rising  would  very  probably  have 
taken  place  in  Ireland. 


THE  EUROPEAN  War  broke  out  on  July  28th,  1914.  The 
immediate  cause  was  the  assassination  of  the  Austrian 
Archduke  Francis  Ferdinand  at  Sarajevo,  the  capital  of 
Bosnia,  with  weapons  supplied  from  Serbian  sources.  The 
Austrian  Government  seized  the  opportunity  to  issue  a 
violent  ultimatum  to  Serbia,  which  the  Serbian  Government 
accepted  in  part,  but  not  in  whole.  Germany  and  Russia 
both  temporised,  the  former  not  desiring  to  interfere 
unduly  \\ith  Austria,  the  latter  wishing  to  uphold  the 
Pan-Slav  cause.  The  nttitude  of  Great  Britain  was  publicly 
uncertain,  but  privately  she  was  committed  to  assist  France, 
the  ally  of  Russia,  if  war  broke  out,  and  if  France  were 
drawn  in. 

Events  moved  with  ^reat  speed.  On  July  28th,  Austria 
declared  war  on  Serbia  ;  on  the  3Oth  the  Tsar  ordered  a 
general  mobilisation,  i.e.  a  mobilisation  against  the  German 
as  well  as  the  Austrian  frontier.  This  was  interpreted  in 
Germany  as  a  definite  act  of  aggression,  and  the  German 
Socialists  voted  the  war  credits.  On  August  ist  both  Germany 
and  France  mobilised.  The  British  Government  hesitated, 
being  uncertain  of  public  opinion  ;  but  on  August  3rd  the 
German  army,  in  order  to  attack  the  French  before  the 
Russians  were  ready,  crossed  the  frontier  of  Belgium, 
thereby  violating  the  1 839  Treaty  of  London  and  providing 
an  excellent  public  war-cry.  Great  Britain  declared  war  on 


August  4th  ;  Japan,  as  Britain's  ally,  on  August  23rd. 
During  the  progress  of  the  war  the  combatants  were 
reinforced  on  both  sides  ;  the  Central  Powers  by  Turkey 
in  November  1914,  and  by  Bulgaria  in  September  1915  ; 
the  Allies  by  Italy  in  April  1915  (though  she  did  not  declare 
war  on  Germany  until  the  following  year),  Roumania  in 
August  1916,  Greece,  after  much  vacillating,  in  1917  and 
the  United  States  in  January  1917.  Most  of  the  South 
American  States,  as  also  China  and  Siam,  took  the  same 
course,  but  without  having  any  effect  on  the  military 

Early  in  the  war  the  Allied  Powers  held  conferences  in 
which  they  bound  themselves  not  to  make  peace  separately, 
and  by  the  secret  clauses  of  the  Treaty  of  London  (April 
1915)  and  other  agreements  decided  how,  in  the  event  of 
victory,  the  spoils  should  be  divided.  The  Central  Powers, 
on  their  side,  were  making  equally  fantastic  plans.  Japan, 
however,  in  the  meantime  seized  the  German  port  of 
Kiao-Chou,  and  presented  various  demands  to  China. 

The  military  events  of  the  war  barely  concern  us  here. 
The  Allies  held,  almost  from  the  start,  a  naval  supremacy 
which  the  German  use  of  submarines,  though  it  caused 
anxiety  about  food  supplies,  did  little  to  break.  The  navies 
of  the  Central  Powers  were  useless  except  to  keep  the  Allied 
fleet  occupied,  and  it  was  thus  fairly  easy  to  blockade 
Germany  and  Austria  from  the  sea.  Similarly  the  German 
air-raids  were  a  demonstration  with  no  practical  effect  save 
to  invite  Allied  reprisals.  Essentially,  the  war  was  won 
through  the  exhaustion  of  the  Central  Powers  by  the  length 
and  cost  of  the  struggle  ;  and  the  entry  of  the  United  States, 
with  immense  fresh  resources  of  men  and  finance,  at  a 
moment  when  the  Allies  were  near  to  financial  collapse, 
made  it  impossible  for  the  Central  Powers  to  win.  There 
were  other  actions  fought,  some  to  capture  the  German 
colonies  in  Africa,  some  in  the  attempt  to  cut  off  the  Central 
Powers  from  communication  with  the  east ;  but  the  import- 
ant field  of  war  was  always  the  Western  Front. 

Attempts  at  peace  were  made  long  before  the  Armistice, 

THE    EUROPEAN    WAR  123 

and  President  Wilson  was  always  ready  to  mediate.  The 
first  suggestion  came  from  Germany  in  December  1916, 
and  its  rejection  was  followed  by  the  unrestricted  use  of 
submarines  against  merchant  and  passenger  vessels  and 
the  entry  of  the  United  States  into  the  war.  During  the 
following  spring  the  Austrian  Government,  which  feared 
a  Slav  revolt,  and  believed  that  the  Allied  Powers  desired 
to  preserve  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire,  made  various 
peace  overtures  ;  in  July  the  German  Reichstag  passed  a 
resolution  in  favour  of  peace  by  negotiation  ;  and  in  August 
the  Pope  endeavoured  to  mediate.  All  these  efforts  came  to 
nothing.  Meanwhile,  in  March  1917,  the  Tsarist  regime  in 
Russia  had  fallen  ;  a  weak  Provisional  Government  came 
into  office  ;  and  the  attempt  of  the  Allies  to  force  Russia 
to  continue  the  war  resulted,  immediately,  in  the  complete 
failure  of  the  June  offensive,  and,  a  few  months  later,  in 
the  Communist  Revolution  of  October.  Russia  then 
concluded  an  armistice  with  Germany  and  her  allies,  and 
with  Roumania,  which  had  been  defeated  in  the  preceding 
year — an  appeal  for  a  general  armistice  having  been  re- 
jected. After  a  certain  amount  of  negotiation,  during  which 
it  became  clear  that  the  Capitalist  Powers  would  soon  be 
ready  to  attack  the  Socialist  State,  the  Russians  were  forced, 
in  February  1918,  to  sign  the  treaty  of  Brest-Litovsk,  by 
which  Courland,  Lithuania  and  Russian  Poland  were  given 
up  to  the  Central  Empires,  and  independence  promised  to 
Finland,  Estonia,  Livonia,  the  Ukraine  and  parts  of  Cau- 
casia. Russia  was  thus  removed  from  the  war,  but  the 
relief  came  too  late  for  the  Central  Empires.  The  Slav 
propaganda,  aided  by  Italy,  was  threatening  to  disrupt 
Austria  ;  the  French,  English  and  American  governments 
recognised  as  a  separate  nation  the  Czechoslovak  Council 
in  Paris,  presided  over  by  President  Masaryk  ;  the  German 
offensive  of  March  1918,  failed  ;  and  Bulgaria,  Turkey  and 
Austria  all  announced  their  inability  to  face  another  winter 
of  war.  The  Bulgarians  were  granted  an  armistice  in 
September  and  the  Turks  in  October.  On  November  i  ith, 
after  General  Ludendorff  had  tried  in  vain  to  organise  a 


final  resistance,  and  the  Kaiser  had  fallen,  the  Provisional 
Government  of  Germany  signed  an  armistice  which  was  in 
effect  a  complete  surrender. 


No  EVENT,  in  all  European  history,  has  brought  about 
such  enormous  changes  in  the  political  map  of  Europe,  as 
regards  both  its  boundaries  and  its  methods  of  government, 
as  the  war  of  1914-18,  and  the  five  Peace  Treaties1  which 
followed  it.  In  the  first  place,  by  the  end  of  the  war  there 
were  only  six  neutral  States  in  Europe — Spain,  Switzerland, 
Holland,  Norway,  Sweden  and  Denmark.  All  the  rest  had 
joined  in  on  one  side  or  the  other  ;  and  as  the  Armistice 
constituted  a  virtual  surrender  by  the  Central  Powers,  in 
the  hope  (but  under  no  guarantee)  that  the  influence  of 
the  United  States  would  mitigate  the  final  terms,  the  Allies 
were  practically  in  a  position  to  dictate  the  peace.  Only 
Turkey,  of  all  the  ex-German  allies,  resisted  the  terms 

This  meant  that  there  were  a  very  large  number  of 
claimants  for  the  spoils,  once  a  victory  of  spoliation  had 
been  assumed,  for  the  number  of  Entente  Powers  was 
increased  by  the  presence  of  certain  "  oppressed  nation- 
alities," notably  the  Poles  and  the  Czechs,  to  whom  freedom 
and  territory  had  been  promised.  It  is  true  that  Russia, 
having  not  merely  concluded  a  separate  peace  but  gone  over 
to  Socialism,  could  now  be  reckoned  as  an  enemy  Power  and 
available,  therefore,  for  spoliation  ;  but  even  so  there  were 
difficulties,  not  lessened  by  the  fact  that  certain  secret 
treaties  and  agreements  made  to  induce  States  to  enter  the 
Allied  coalition  contained  terms  that  subsequent  events  had 
made  it  exceedingly  difficult  to  fulfil.  Notably  was  this  the 
case  with  regard  to  Italy,  where  the  fulfilment  of  the  lavish 

1  Treaty  of  Versailles,  with  Germany;  of  St.  Germam-en-Laye,  with 
Austria;  of  Trianon,  with  Hungary;  of  NeuiJly,  with  Bulgaria;  of  Sevres, 
with  Turkey.  The  last-named  was  never  ratified,  and  has  since  been  re- 
placed by  the  Treaty  of  Lausanne  (1923). 

THE    POST-WAR    MAP    OF    EUROPE  125 


promises  of  the  Treaty  of  London  would  have  created  great 
difficulties  with  both  Serbia  and  Greece,  to  say  nothing 
of  France. 

The  story  of  the  Versailles  Conference,  with  its  final 
imposing  of  the  harshest  possible  terms  upon  the  defeated 
countries,  has  been  told  more  than  adequately  by  Mr. 
Keynes  in  his  Economic  Consequences  of  the  Peace.  Here  we  are 
only  concerned  to  note  its  effect  upon  the  general  appear- 
ance of  Europe. 

Five  of  the  six  neutral  countries  remained  unchanged. 
So  did  Great  Britain,  which  received  its  compensation  for 
war  services  elsewhere,  in  the  African  possessions  of  Ger- 
many handed  over  under  mandate,  and  in  certain  Pacific 
islands  and  New  Guinea.  Other  Powers  gained  by  Ger- 
many's colonial  losses,  but  their  share  was  insignificant 
compared  with  the  British.  The  sixth  neutral,  Denmark, 
received  the  German-speaking  part  of  Schleswig,  which 
had  been  promised  a  plebiscite  more  than  fifty  years  before. 
All  the  Allied  States  obtained  accessions  of  territory. 
Belgium  got  some  Flemish-speaking  cantons  which  had 
been  left  in  Prussian  hands  in  1815  ;  France  took  back 
Alsace-Lorraine  ;  Italy,  though  disappointed  of  some  of  her 
claims,  got  I  I  alia  irredenta  (the  Trcntino),  the  German- 
speaking  South  Tyrol,  and  part  of  Dalmatia.  Still  unsatis- 
fied, the  Italians  in  1920  seized  Fiume  from  the  Serbs.  In 
South-Eastern  Europe  considerable  changes  were  made. 
Greece  secured  part  of  Macedonia,  the  Thracian  coast 
practically  up  to  Constantinople,  and  the  coast  of  Asia 
Minor  with  Smyrna  and  its  hinterland.  But  the  Turkish 
revolution  and  revival  of  1922  made  it  impossible  for  the 
Greeks  to  hold  their  new  territories  ;  they  were  driven  out 
of  Asia  Minor  arid  in  Thrace  back  as  far  as  the  Maritza 
River,  leaving  the  Turks  in  possession  of  Adrianople. 
Roumania  gained  enormously  in  territory  and  consider- 
ably in  resources  by  the  addition  of  Bessarabia,  seized 
from  Russia,  and  the  transference  under  the  Treaties  of 
Transylvania  and  the  Banat  from  Austria-Hungary.  On  the 
west  of  the  Balkan  Peninsula,  the  small  pre-war  State  of 


Serbia,  by  uniting  to  itself  the  still  smaller  pre-war  State  of 
Montenegro,  with  Bosnia-Herzegovina,  Croatia,  part  of 
Styria,  the  rest  of  Dalmatia,  and  other  Austro-Hungarian 
territories,  reappeared  as  the  comparatively  large  State  of 
Yugoslavia,  and  thus,  much  to  the  annoyance  of  Italy, 
realised  the  pre-war  Serbian  aspirations  of  free  access  to 
the  Adriatic.  Albania  remained  as  an  independent  State, 
though  "  independence,"  in  the  case  of  a  country  situated 
in  so  strategic  a  position  and  having  so  poor  and  ignorant 
a  population,  may  well  be  independence  in  little  more  than 

All  these  territorial  accessories,  as  well  as  the  land 
occupied  by  the  new  States,  came  out  of  the  territory  of 
the  defeated  Powers.  Of  these  Bulgaria  suffered  relatively 
least,  losing  some  small  areas  to  Yugoslavia  on  the  west,  and 
the  eastern  part  of  Thrace.  (The  latter  loss,  however,  cut 
Bulgaria  off  from  the  ^Egean.)  Turkey,  by  the  original 
settlement,  was  not  merely  to  be  confirmed  in  the  loss  of  all 
her  possessions  in  Europe  except  Constantinople  itself,  and 
to  lose  large  parts  of  the  Near  East,  but  also  to  be  deprived 
of  the  western  part  of  Asia  Minor.  The  Turkish  revolution- 
aries under  Mustapha  Kemal,  however,  succeeded  in 
reconquering  Asia  Minor  and  the  part  of  Thrace  round 
Adrianople.  Germany,  in  addition  to  the  territories  trans- 
ferred to  Belgium,  France  and  Denmark,  lost  West 
Prussia,  Posen,  the  part  of  Upper  Silesia  which  was  given 
to  Poland  after  a  deferred  plebiscite,  the  Polish  Corridor 
to  Danzig,  and  for  a  time,  the  Saar  mining  area.  Danzig 
became  a  "  Free  City,"  as  did  for  a  time  Memel,  later 
acquired  by  Lithuania.  Russia  lost  all  her  border  States, 
including  the  Polish  provinces,  part  of  White  Russia,  and 
Bessarabia.  At  one  time  she  had  also  lost  the  Ukraine  ;  but 
this,  in  spite  of  Polish  attacks,  was  reconquered.  As  to 
Austria-Hungary,  that  Empire  was  completely  dismem- 
bered. All  the  parts  which  did  not  speak  German  or  Magyar 
were  taken  away,  and  the  remaining  partners,  German 
Austria  and  Hungary,  received  separate  treaties,  which 
left  one  of  them  a  small  State  with  one  huge  city  (Vienna) 

THE    POST-WAR    MAP    OF    EUROPE  127 

and  practically  no  hinterland,  and  reduced  the  other  to  less 
than  one  half  of  its  former  size  and  population,  many 
Magyar-speaking  districts  being  transferred  to  alien  rule. 

Besides  all  these  changes,  we  have  to  note  the  appearance 
of  six  new  States.  Four  of  these,  Finland,  Estonia,  Latvia 
and  Lithuania,  were  created  directly  out  of  the  old  Tsarist 
Empire.  Poland,  made  out  of  the  Polish  provinces  of  Russia, 
Prussia  and  Austria,  with  additional  increments  sliced  by 
the  Russo- Polish  war  of  1920—21  off  the  western  borders  of 
Russia  proper,  was  yet  denied  the  "  historic  boundaries  " 
which  she  demanded  at  the  Peace  Conference  ;  while  the 
long  and  land-locked  State  of  Czechoslovakia  was  formed 
almost  entirely  out  of  the  former  possessions  of  Austria- 

A  comparison  of  the  pre-  and  post-war  maps  of  Europe 
will  make  all  these  changes  clear,  and  may  also  suggest 
certain  other  reflections.  Before  the  war  there  were  five 
Great  Powers,  of  approximately  equal  weight,  in  Europe — 
Great  Britain,  France,  Russia,  Germany  and  Austria- 
Hungary,  with  Italy  as  a  doubtful  sixth.  Now  Austria- 
Hungary  has  disappeared  ;  Russia  has  vanished  from  the 
Concert  of  Europe  ;  and  Germany,  though  still  a  large 
State,  has  remained  officially  a  beaten  and  partly  tribu- 
tary foe.  There  thus  remain  two  Great  Powers,  with  two 
of  rather  lesser  importance.  Against  this,  one  must  notice 
the  increase  among  States  of  moderate  size.  Poland, 
Roumania,  Czechoslovakia  and  Yugoslavia  have  all  joined 
the  category  of  Spain  ;  whereas  against  eleven  small  States 
there  are  now  sixteen,  including  four  carved  off  Russia, 
the  autonomous  Irish  Free  State,  and  two  which  were  the 
brains  of  the  great  Austro-Hungarian  Empire,  and  now 
find  themselves  reduced  below  Yugoslavia  in  importance. 
Iceland  was  made  autonomous  in  1918  under  the  Danish 
crown.  This  process  has  been  sometimes  described  as  the 
balkanisation  of  Europe  ;  it  should  not  be  forgotten  that 
it  is  also  the  expansion  of  the  Balkans.  Roumania  and 
Yugoslavia  cannot  any  longer  properly  be  described  as 
Balkan  States. 


In  addition  to  their  retaliatory  aspects,  the  Treaties,  as 
is  indicated  by  the  creation  of  the  new  States,  were  intended 
to  redraft  the  map  of  Europe  more  in  accordance  with 
ethnic  and  language  boundaries.  In  some  cases,  this 
principle  appears  to  have  been  deliberately  flouted,  as 
when  the  Germans  of  the  South  Tyrol  were  put  under 
Italy,  and  large  Magyar-speaking  districts  detached  from 
Hungary  ;  but  at  any  rate  efforts  were  made  to  carry  it 
out.  The  task,  however,  is  obviously  impossible,  having 
regard  to  the  way  in  which  persons  of  different  race  and 
language  live  mixed  up  together  in  the  States  of  Eastern 
and  Central  Europe.  The  reader  who  turns  to  the  descrip- 
tion of  any  one  of  these  States  in  Part  Two  will  find  abun- 
dant examples.  Nor  would  ethnic  tidying  always  be  in 
accordance  with  the  wishes  of  the  inhabitants  ;  in  spite  of 
the  great  strength  of  nationalist  feeling  men  are  still  occa- 
sionally influenced  by  other  than  nationalist  motives.  There 
are  Poles  who  would  rather  live  in  Germany  than  in 
Poland  ;  there  are  persons  of  Turkish  race  who  do  not  want 
to  live  in  Turkey.  Something  can  be  done  to  adjust  a  few  of 
the  difficulties  by  plebiscites  in  particular  areas,  or  by  ex- 
change of  the  nationals  of  one  State  for  the  nationals  of 
another,  as  in  the  case  of  Greece  and  Bulgaria.  But,  what- 
ever is  done,  there  must  remain,  in  practically  every  State, 
a  minority,  sometimes  several  mutually  hostile  minorities, 
which  are  not  homogeneous  in  language,  race,  religion,  or 
all  three,  with  the  governing  majority,  and  which,  there- 
fore, nationalism  being  what  it  is,  will  need  special  protec- 
tion if  the  purpose  of  the  Treaties  is  to  be  carried  out.  Only 
Soviet  Russia,  of  all  States  in  Europe,  has  had  the  courage 
to  grant  to  her  racial  minorities  full  cultural  autonomy, 
and  to  allow  them  freely  to  teach,  write  and  print  in  their 
own  languages.  This  is  because  the  uniting  power  of  a 
common  Communist  creed  and  Communist  institutions  is 
believed  by  the  rulers  of  Russia  to  be  strong  enough  to 
override  the  disruptive  forces  of  nationality  and  of  religious 

Accordingly,   much  of  the  activity  of  the   League   of 



Nations  has  been  directed  to  carrying  out  the  provisions  of 
the  Treaties  for  the  protection  of  minorities,  to  arranging 
conventions,  and,  equally  if  not  more  important,  to  seeing 
that  these  conventions  are  carried  out.  In  the  case  of  those 
victorious  Powers  which  received  little  or  no  accession  of 
territories,  the  services  of  the  League  of  Nations  have  not 
been  in  request.  Great  Britain,  after  a  short  period  of  civil 





Hungary  (Regency) 


Italy  (Fascist  Dictatorship) 






Roumania  (Monarchist  Dictatorship) 


Yugoslavia  (Monarchist  Dictatorship) 

United  Kingdom 

Austria  (Christian  Social 

Danzig  (Nazi  Government) 

Germany  (Nazi  Dictatorship) 

Poland  (semi-dictatorship) 
San  Marino 


Turkey  (semi-dictatorship) 
U.S.S.R.  (Communist) 

war,  yielded  to  the  demands  of  her  strong  racial  minority, 
and  set  up  the  Irish  Free  State,  an  autonomous  Dominion 
within  the  Empire,  which  is  at  present  demanding  the 
right  of  secession.  The  problem  of  the  Alsatians  in  France, 
of  the  Flemings  in  Belgium,  and  of  the  Catalans  and  other 
minorities  in  Spain  is  being  handled  by  these  States  without 
outside  interference.  But  in  the  new  States  of  the  east  and 
south,  there  are  all  sorts  of  arrangements  and  suggestions  for 
the  protection  of  minorities,  some  of  which  appear  to  be 
working  moderately  well,  some  very  badly  indeed.  Instances 


of  peculiar  difficulty  are  the  welter  of  nationalities,  claimed 
by  Greece,  Bulgaria  and  Yugoslavia,  which  is  to  be  found 
in  Macedonia,  the  condition  of  the  Ukrainian  and  Russian 
minorities  in  Poland,  and  the  almost  insoluble  problem  of 
the  Polish  Corridor,  which  in  order  to  give  Poland  an  outlet 
to  the  sea  divides  the  Germans  in  East  Prussia  from  their 
neighbours  on  the  west. 

Not  only  has  the  political  map  changed  ;  the  political 
complexion  of  the  States  has  also  altered  enormously. 
Before  the  war  there  were  only  three  republics  in  Europe 
(Switzerland,  Portugal  and  France),  and  nineteen  mon- 
archies. Now,  since  the  Spanish  Revolution,  there  are 
fifteen  republics  and  only  twelve  monarchies,1  even  if 
Hungary,  which  has  a  regent  but  no  king,  be  included 
with  the  monarchical  States.  All  the  new  States  except 
Albania,  which  acquired  a  king  in  1928,  are  republics  ;  and 
among  the  monarchies  which  have  disappeared  are  the 
three  ancient  dynasties  of  the  Romanovs,  the  Hohenzol- 
lerns,  and  the  Hapsburgs,  as  well  as  the  House  of  Castile. 

But  a  mere  division  of  the  States  of  Europe  into  republics 
and  monarchies  does  not  adequately  represent  the  situation. 
The  position  of  the  King  of  Italy,  for  example,  is  very 
different  since  Mussolini's  seizure  of  pov\er  in  1922  ;  and 
we  must  therefore  add  a  new  political  category,  that  of 
dictatorship.  Dictators  are  to  be  found  in  States  nominally 
monarchical  as  well  as  in  States  nominally  republican  ; 
Mussolini  in  Italy,  and,  till  recently,  Primo  de  Rivera 
in  Spain,  found  their  respective  monarchs  no  obstacle 
to  their  rule  ;  in  certain  of  the  Balkan  countries,  such 
as  Roumania,  the  king  himself  has  assumed  dictatorial 
powers  ;  Horthy's  regime  in  Hungary  may  be  described  as 
dictatorship  or  monarchy  according  to  choice  ;  Pilsudski  in 
Poland  dictates  through  republican  forms  ;  while  recently 
Hitler  in  Germany  must  be  added  to  the  list  of  dictators  in 
countries  nominally  republican.  Greece  has  had  a  trial  of 
several  forms  of  government,  monarchy,  dictatorship,  and 

1  Excluding  the  Irish  Free  State  and  States  with  under  one  million 

THE    POST-WAR    MAP    OF    EUROPE  13! 

constitutional  republicanism.  Of  dictators,  some,  like 
Hitler  and  Mussolini,  are  heads  of  a  definitely  Fascist  order 
of  society  ;  others  are  despots  unadorned.  Mustapha  Kemal 
in  Turkey  perhaps  stands  in  a  category  all  by  himself ;  he  is 
dictator,  but  dictator  of  a  country  which  has  undergone 
violent  social  change.  Turkish  political  institutions  are  not 
Communist ;  but  Kemal  has  more  affinity  with  the  Com- 
munist Party  in  Russia  than  with  any  of  the  above  instances. 
Nor  are  all  of  the  republics  by  any  means  alike.  An  old- 
established  republic,  such  as  France  or  Switzerland,  re- 
sembles more  in  character  the  republic  of  the  United 
States,  or,  indeed,  the  British  constitutional  system  if  the 
King  were  removed.  At  the  other  extreme  stands  the  Union 
of  Socialist  Soviet  Republics,  which  is  not  merely  a  federal 
republic  but  a  Socialist  Federal  Republic,  under  the  dicta- 
torship of  the  proletariat  exercised  through  the  Communist 
Party,  with  an  economic  system  quite  different  from  the 
rest  of  the  world,  and  representative  institutions  (the 
Soviets)  constituted  on  an  entirely  different  basis.  No  other 
State  in  Europe  has  so  far  followed  the  Soviet  example  with 
success,  though  short-lived  attempts,  as  in  Hungary  and 
Bavaria  immediately  after  the  Armistice,  have  been  made. 
Midway  come  various  Liberal-Democratic  republics 
founded  with  the  aid  of  the  Social  Democrats  of  the  Right, 
of  which  Germany  was,  until  recently,  the  chief  example. 
These  arose,  mainly,  out  of  conditions  of  defeat  and 
economic  collapse  similar  to,  though  less  catastrophic  than, 
those  which  produced  the  1917  Provisional  Government  in 
Russia.  That  is  to  say,  these  Governments  were  brought  to 
power  by  a  working  class  in  revolt  against  its  old  rulers,  and 
had  therefore  to  begin  by  aiming  at  an  economic  restor- 
ation of  the  working  class.  Thus,  even  when  these  republics 
were  governed  by  coalitions  between  the  right-wing 
Socialists  and  the  bourgeois  parties,  something  had  to  be 
done  to  satisfy,  at  least  in  part,  the  workers'  demands. 
Hence  the  great  increase  of  unemployment  relief  and  social 
amenities,  for  example,  in  post-war  Germany,  the  remark- 
able housing  schemes  of  Socialist  Vienna,  and  so  on.  But 


as  the  general  economic  situation  proved  an  obstacle  to  a  real 
increase  in  standards  of  life  while  nationalist  and  capitalist 
rivalries  continued  to  exist,  Governments  of  this  type  have 
found  their  task  more  and  more  impossible,  and  have  either 
been  driven  out  by  violent  reaction,  as  happened  in  Fin- 
land, or  been  forced  to  coalesce  with  other  parties  and 
become  less  and  less  socialistic.  A  clear  example,  in  a  non- 
republican  country,  was  the  1931  defeat  of  British  Labour. 
The  Russian  Revolution  was  made  by  the  joint  action  of 
workers  and  peasants,  but  there  has  been  no  case  of  a  purely 
peasant  Government  (though  there  have  been  peasant 
risings)  since  the  failure  of  Stambuliski  in  Bulgaria  in  1923. 
Details  about  the  constitutions  of  the  various  States,  their 
parties,  and  their  working,  will  be  found  in  Part  II.  It 
may,  however,  be  stated  as  a  generalisation  that,  in  the 
realm  of  politics,  Europe  has  been  and  is  being  profoundly 
influenced  by  the  two  new  ideas  of  Fascism  and  Com- 
munism. Of  all  the  political  tmeutes  which  have  disturbed 
Europe  during  the  past  fifteen  years,  with  the  exception  of 
the  revolution  in  Turkey,  which  is  hardly  now  a  European 
Power,  and  the  long-delayed  Spanish  revolution,  of  which 
it  is  too  soon  to  speak  with  confidence,  there  are  only  three 
that  are  of  real  interest,  the  Fascist  revolution  in  Italy,  the 
Nazist  revolution  in  Germany,  and  the  Communist  revolu- 
tion in  Russia.  Nationalism,  during  and  since  the  war,  has 
grown  out  of  all  recognition,  and  has  even  made  its  appear- 
ance outside  the  European  system,  to  the  embarrassment 
of  certain  Powers  with  colonial  empires.  (We  may  yet  see 
the  European  system  profoundly  influenced  by  the  growth 
of  nationalist  imperialism  in  the  East.)  But  it  is  important 
to  observe  that  it  is  a  nationalism  which  has  been  fostered 
and  increased  during  a  time  of  great  economic  insecurity 
and  economic  decline,  and  that,  therefore,  the  mass  of  the 
people  have  looked  to  nationalism  to  give  them  bread  as 
well  as  freedom.  The  fear  of  starvation  has  reinforced  the 
fear  of  oppression.  This  and  the  belief  in  the  force  of 
arms,  which  the  war  induced  and  the  Peace  Treaties 
approved,  have  produced  an  age  of  violence  in  Europe 

THE    POST-WAR    MAP    OF    EUROPE  133 

unprecedented  since  the  Treaty  of  Westphalia.  The  settle- 
ment of  1816  resulted  in  a  system  of  grim  and  secret  oppres- 
sion, that  of  1918  in  open  and  wholesale  murder,  both  by 
individuals  and  by  organised  groups.  Under  the  system  of 
Metternich,  persons  obnoxious  to  the  ruling  powers  disap- 
peared into  the  dungeons  of  King  Bomba  or  the  distant 
parts  of  Siberia  ;  under  that  of  Versailles  they  are  shot  by 
their  political  opponents,  beaten  up  in  droves  by  Fascist  or 
Nazi  thugs,  or  invaded,  should  the  obnoxious  group  be  in 
command  of  a  State,  by  their  neighbours.  The  system  of 
setting  bandits  loose  upon  a  State  began  in  the  middle  of 
1918,  when  such  White  generals  as  Denikin,  Kolchak, 
Wrangel  and  Yudenich  were  encouraged  to  attack  the 
Russian  Communist  Government  ;  but  it  has  not  stopped 
there,  and  against  this  tendency  to  violence,  stimulated  in 
part,  as  far  as  nationalist  movements  are  concerned,  by  the 
international  activities  of  armament  firms,  the  pacifist  ele- 
ments, whether  individual  recusants,  peace  societies,  or 
disarmament  conferences,  have  so  far  struggled  in  vain. 
Even  in  countries  which  have  not  suffered  revolution  or 
invasion  there  is  visible  an  intensification  of  nationalist 
feeling  and  a  distinct  tendency,  in  part  a  legacy  of  wartime 
regulations,  to  restrict  the  individual  and  group  liberties 
associated  with  pre-war  days,  to  control  far  more  strictly  the 
entry,  movements  and  activities  of  foreigners,  and  to  take 
or  retain  reserve  powers,  as  exemplified  in  the  British 
Emergency  Powers  Act  used  in  the  1926  General  Strike,  for 
coping  rapidly  and  without  formalities  with  any  social  up- 
heaval. This  type  of  legislation  by  decree  has  gone  much 
further  on  the  continent  than  in  Great  Britain.  Poincare*,  in 
1926,  secured  a  considerable  extension  of  the  power  to 
govern  by  emergency  decree  even  in  France.  Bruning, 
under  the  stress  of  world  depression  and  in  face  of  a  sharp 
conflict  of  opinion  in  the  Reichstag,  practically  governed 
Germany  by  the  extensive  use  of  emergency  powers  of 
presidential  decree  between  1930  and  1932  ;  and  Pilsudski 
in  Poland  largely  superseded  the  Seym  by  obtaining  large 
and  undefined  powers  of  government  by  administrative 


edict.  All  over  Europe,  the  effective  authority  of  Parlia- 
ments has  been  weakened  ;  and  Governments,  under  stress 
of  the  emergency,  have  claimed  the  power  to  act  even 
without  parliamentary  sanction,  in  what  they  conceive  to 
be  the  national  interest. 


1.  Populations  and  Occupations 

2.  Eastern  Europe 

3.  Finland,  Estonia,  Latvia,  Lithuania 

4.  Poland 

5.  Roumania 

6.  The  Balkans 

7.  Hungary,  Austria,  Switzerland 

8.  Czechoslovakia 

9.  Germany 

10.  Scandinavia 

11.  Belgium  and  Holland 

12.  France 

13.  Spain  and  Portugal 

14.  Italy 

15.  Great  Britain 

16.  The  U.S.S.R. 


LET  us  begin  with  a  few  elementary  facts. 

The  Continent  of  Europe,  including  its  islands,  covers  an 
area  of  4,400,000  square  miles  and  had  in  1930  about 
506,000,000  inhabitants.  Of  this  total  area  the  European 
territory  of  the  U.S.S.R.  alone  occupies  more  than  one 
half,  and  the  total  territory  of  the  U.S.S.R.,  including  its 
territory  in  Asia,  is  nearly  four  times  the  size  of  the  rest  of 


the  European  countries  put  together.  One  quarter  of  all 
the  inhabitants  of  Europe  live  in  the  U.S.S.R.,  and  the 
total  population  of  the  U.S.S.R.,  including  those  who  live 
in  Asia,  exceeds  by  about  thirteen  millions  the  combined 
populations  of  Germany,  France  and  Italy.  In  terms  of 
population  the  U.S.S.R.  is  the  third  largest  country  in  the 
world,  surpassed  only  by  China  and  India.  It  has  nearly 
forty  million  more  people  than  the  United  Stales,  and  its 
territory  is  nearly  three  times  as  large.  The  U.S.S.R.  covers 
not  far  short  of  one-sixth  of  the  world's  land  surface  and 
includes  not  far  short  of  one-twelfth  of  the  world's  in- 

Apart  from  the  U.S.S.R.,  the  territory  of  Europe  is  broken 
up  among  a  very  large  number  of  separate  and  independent 
States  of  extraordinarily  varying  sizes.  There  are  four 
"  Great  Powers,"  each  with  a  population  of  more  than 
forty  millions.  Of  these,  Germany,  despite  her  territorial 
losses  after  the  war,  still  comes  easily  first  in  number  of 
inhabitants,  with  sixty-five  million  people  ;  but  her  area  is 
now  smaller  than  that  of  France,  with  her  forty- two 
millions,  or  even  Spain,  with  only  twenty-four  millions. 
Next  to  Germany  in  size  of  population  comes  Great 
Britain,  with  an  area  less  than  half  that  of  either  France  or 
Spain,  and  not  much  more  than  half  that  of  Germany. 
The  United  Kingdom,  excluding  the  Irish  Free  State,  has 
about  forty-six  million  people.  Then  come  France  and, 
rapidly  outdistancing  France,  Italy,  with  forty- two  millions 

These  are  the  "  Great  Powers."  Next  them  in  number  of 
inhabitants  stands  Poland  with  thirty-two  million  people, 
and  then  Spain  with  her  twenty-four  millions.  The  area  of 
Poland,  a  State  re-created  after  the  war,  is  larger  than  that 
of  Italy  or  the  United  Kingdom  ;  and  Spain,  as  we  have 
seen,  is  larger  than  any  European  country  except  the 
U.S.S.R.  and  France.  Next  in  order  of  population  follow 
Roumania  with  eighteen  million  people,  Czechoslovakia 
with  fifteen  millions,  and  Yugoslavia  with  fourteen  millions. 
No  other  European  country  has  more  than  ten  million 





inhabitants,  unless  account  is  taken  of  Turkey's  fourteen 
millions,  of  whom  only  about  one  million  live  in  Europe. 

Excluding  Turkey,  but  including  the  U.S.S.R.,  we  have 
so  far  five  "  Great  Powers  "  in  Europe,  and  five  secondary 
Powers,  each  with  more  than  ten  million  inhabitants. 
Next  comes  a  substantial  group  of  eight  countries  with 
populations  exceeding  five  millions.  These  range  from 
Hungary  with  its  nine  millions  to  Sweden  and  Bulgaria 
with  a  fraction  over  six  millions  each.  Three  more  countries 
have  between  three  and  five  million  inhabitants  ;  four, 
including  the  Irish  Free  State,  between  two  and  three 
millions  ;  and  two  others  about  one  million.  Next  follows 
a  group  of  miscellaneous  territories  of  varying  degrees  of 
independence,  with  populations  ranging  from  800,000  in 
the  case  of  the  Saar  territory  to  100,000  in  that  of  Iceland  ; 
and  finally  the  rear  is  brought  up  by  those  territories  with 
populations  of  less  than  25,000,  from  Monaco  with  about 
24,000  to  Andorra  with  5,000  inhabitants.  This  makes  in 
all  thirty-nine  separate  political  units  in  Europe,  including 
Turkey,  or,  if  no  account  is  taken  of  countries  with  under 
a  million  inhabitants,  a  total  of  twenty-eight,  ranging  in 
size  and  population  from  the  U.S.S.R.  with  its  161  millions 
(127  millions  in  Europe)  to  Albania  and  Estonia  with  one 
million  each. 

Each  of  these  twenty-eight  self-governing  territories  (and 
some  of  the  others)  possesses  its  own  customs  administration 
and  its  carefully  guarded  frontier,  and  in  each  there  is  a 
separate  Government  claiming  and,  save  in  the  case  of  the 
Irish  Free  State,  actually  exercising,  complete  and  indepen- 
dent political  sovereignty.  Each  of  these  twenty-eight 
countries  has  its  own  taxes,  its  own  monetary  system,  its 
own  railways,  its  own  armed  forces,  and  last  but  not  least  its 
own  native  supply  of  politicians  and  vested  interests.  Most 
of  them  have  their  own  languages,  often  more  than  one, 
and  their  own  separate  and  often  aggressively  nationalist 
systems  of  education.  Many  of  them  are  troubled  with 
"  minority  "  problems,  and  a  number  of  the  newer  States 
are  devoting  a  large  part  of  their  energies  to  an  attempt  to 


create  a  vigorous  national  consciou 

geneous  elements  which  the  Pe 

under  a  common  and  exclusive 

the  twenty-eight  leading  Europ 

unitary  States,  governed  with  varyinl 

tion  from  a  common  centre,  while  othli 

at  any  rate  up  to  1933,  and  the  U.S.S 

include  within  their  territories  smaller"1 

varying  degrees  of  autonomy  and 

machines  of  their  own.  The  only  safe  generalisation  to  make 

about  them  all  is  that  they  are  all  intensely  suspicious  one 

of  another  and  sufferine;  severely  from  the  evil  effects  of  the 

world   economic   depression,   and   all   busily   engaged   in 

trying  to  thrust  off  as  much  as  possible  of  the  common 

trouble    upon    their    neighbours    in    the    hope,    doomed 

inevitably  to  frustration,  of  bearing  a  lighter  share  of  it 


These  various  countries  are  naturally  very  far  from 
homogeneous  in  their  social  and  economic  structure. 
Indeed,  within  the  borders  of  Europe  are  found  countries 
at  almost  every  stage,  from  the  intensified  industrialisation 
of  Great  Britain  and  Belgium  to  the  overwhelmingly  pre- 
ponderant dependence  on  agriculture  of  certain  of  the 
States  of  Eastern  Europe.  In  more  than  half  the  European 
countries  for  which  figures  are  available — these  include  all 
the  most  advanced — over  50  per  cent  of  the  occupied  pop- 
ulation is  still  engaged  in  agriculture  and  fishing.  Accord- 
ing to  the  latest  available  figures  (which  are  in  some  cases 
rather  old)  the  proportion  so  engaged  in  two  countries — 
the  U.S.S.R.  and  Bulgaria — is  still  over  four-fifths  of  the 
whole  occupied  population,  and  four  other  countries — 
Roumania,  Yugoslavia,  Lithuania  and  Poland — have  nearly 
four-fifths  of  their  occupied  population  engaged  in  agricul- 
tural pursuits.  In  Estonia,  Latvia  and  Finland  the  proportion 
is  over  two-thirds,  and  in  Hungary,  Portugal,  Spain,  Greece 
and  the  Irish  Free  State  over  one  half.  Italy,  also,  despite 
the  development  of  industrialisation  in  recent  years,  has 
still  more  than  half  its  occupied  population  engaged  in 


agriculture.  At  the  other  extreme,  in  Great  Britain  the  agri- 
cultural and  fishing  population  is  only  about  eight  per  cent 
of  the  total,  whereas  industry,  commerce  and  transport 
together  account  for  over  two-thirds.  Belgium  again  has 
two-thirds  of  her  occupied  population  engaged  in  industry, 
commerce  and  transport,  and  Switzerland  nearly  two- 
thirds,  while  Holland,  Germany  and  France  all  have  over 
one  half  so  engaged.  In  an  intermediate  group  between  the 
industrialised  countries  of  Western  Europe  and  the  pre- 
dominantly agricultural  countries  of  Eastern  Europe  stand 
the  Scandinavian  States,  Sweden,  Norway  and  Denmark, 
and  also  Austria  and  Czechoslovakia,  which  have  inherited 
the  greater  part  of  the  industrial  equipment  of  the  pre-war 
Austro-Hungarian  Empire.  All  these  countries  have  be- 
tween forty  and  fifty  per  cent  of  their  occupied  populations 
engaged  in  industry,  commerce  and  transport  as  against 
between  thirty  and  forty  per  cent  in  agriculture  and  fishing. 
They  therefore  approach  nearly  in  terms  of  population  to 
what  is  sometimes  called  a  "  balanced  economy  "  ;  but 
as  the  purchasing  power  of  the  urban  classes  considerably 
exceeds  that  of  the  rural  population,  all  these  countries 
have  in  fact  a  considerable  surplus  of  industrial  products  to 
export,  and  need  to  import  foodstuffs  as  well  as  raw  mater- 
ials for  their  industries.  In  fact  the  conception  of  a  balanced 
economy  is  far  more  nearly  realised  in  such  a  country  as 
France,  with  fifty  per  cent  of  the  occupied  population  in 
industry,  commerce  and  transport  as  against  thirty-eight 
per  cent  in  agriculture.  Germany,  with  fifty-eight  per  cent 
in  the  former  and  only  thirty-one  per  cent  in  the  latter 
group,  comes  into  a  different  class  and  has  been  hitherto 
far  more  dependent  than  France  on  the  export  of  manu- 
factures in  exchange  for  foodstuffs  as  well  as  raw  materials, 
though  of  late  high  agricultural  protection  has  brought  her 
much  nearer  to  autarchy. 

The  social  structure  of  these  various  countries  is  further 
illustrated  by  the  distribution  of  the  remainder  of  their 
occupied  populations.  The  percentage  of  the  occupied 
population  engaged  in  the  armed  forces  ranges  from  a  tiny 


fraction  of  one  per  cent  in  Austria  and  Switzerland  to  a 
maximum  of  two  and  a  half  per  cent  in  Poland  and  Hun- 
gary ;  and  the  great  majority  of  countries  have  between  one 
and  two  per  cent  of  their  occupied  populations  under  arms. 
Much  wider  variations,  illustrating  the  broad  differences  of 
social  structure  between  the  more  and  less  developed 
countries,  are  to  be  found  in  the  percentages  of  the  occupied 
population  engaged  in  the  professions,  in  public  administra- 
tion and  in  domestic  service.  The  proportion  engaged  in 
professions  and  public  administration  is  highest  in  Austria, 
where  the  latest  available  figure  gave  it  as  eleven  per  cent ; 
for  Austria  inherited  the  large  administrative  equipment 
and  professional  personnel  of  the  effective  political  and 
economic  capital  of  the  old  Austro-Hungarian  Empire. 
But  the  proportion  is  little  lower  in  England  and  Wales, 
where  it  is  ten  per  cent,  though  incidentally  it  is  only  six 
per  cent  for  Scotland.  At  the  other  extreme  Portugal, 
Roumania  and  the  U.S.S.R.  have  only  two  per  cent  of  their 
occupied  populations  in  this  group  according  to  the  latest 
available  figures,  and  Lithuania  only  one  and  a  half  per 
cent.  After  Austria  and  Great  Britain,  the  highest  percent- 
ages, seven  and  a  half  and  seven,  are  found  in  Holland  and 
Belgium;  while  France,  Germany  and  Denmark  have  all 
about  six  per  cent. 

The  figures  for  domestic  service  tell  much  the  same  tale. 
In  this  case  Denmark  with  thirteen  per  cent  shows  the 
highest  figure,  but  this  may  be  affected  by  the  inclusion  of 
farm  servants.  England  and  Wales  comes  next  with  twelve 
per  cent,1  and  then  again  Austria  with  eleven  per  cent.  On 
the  other  hand  Poland,  Greece,  Finland  and  Estonia  have 
only  two  per  cent,  and  Bulgaria  only  one  per  cent.  Norway, 
Holland  and  Sweden  with  nine,  eight  and  seven  per  cent 
come  next  after  England  and  Wales  ;  and  again  France  and 
Germany  with  four  and  four  and  a  half  per  cent  respectively 
occupy  an  intermediate  position.  Apart  from  the  special 
case  of  Austria,  the  proportion  of  the  occupied  population 
engaged  in  these  latter  groups  serves  as  a  fairly  accurate 
1  Scotland  nine  per  cent. 




~  and       Trade,  and 
Fishing     Transport 

and          Forces 

Austria  (1920) 





Belgium  (1920) 





Bulgaria  (1926) 





Czechoslovakia  (1920) 





Denmark  (1921) 





England  and  Wales  (1921) 





Estonia  (1922) 





Finland  (1930) 





France  (1926) 





Germany  (1925) 





Greece  (1928) 





Holland  (1920) 





Hungary  (1920) 





Iceland  (1920) 





Irish  Free  State  (1926)      . 





Italy  (1921)    . 





Latvia  (1925) 





Lithuania  (1923) 





Norway  (1930) 




—  (i) 

Poland  (1921) 





Portugal  (1911) 





Roumania  (1913)    . 





Scotland  (1921) 





Spain  (1920) 





Sweden  (1920) 





Switzerland  (1920) 




—  (0 

U.S.S.R.  (1926)       . 





U.S.A  (1930) 





Sessions   Armed      Domestic    Others 



















(1)  Included  in  previous  column. 

(2)  Not  included. 

(3)  Including  clerks. 


indicator  of  the  size  and  wealth  of  the  middle  class  in 
relation  to  the  whole  population  of  the  country.  The  figures 
are  of  course  subject  to  a  certain  margin  of  error,  as  they 
have  not  been  compiled  on  a  precisely  uniform  basis  for  all 
countries,  nor  do  the  latest  figures  relate  always  to  the  same 
year.  But  the  discrepancies  arising  from  these  causes  are 
not  likely  to  be  serious  enough  to  invalidate  the  broad 
conclusions  drawn  in  the  preceding  paragraphs. 


IN  1930  Aristide  Briand,  then  Foreign  Minister  of  the 
French  Republic,  launched  his  project  of  the  United  States 
of  Europe,  in  a  memorandum  which  was  sent  simultane- 
ously to  all  European  Governments.  What  the  French 
proposed,  in  terms  kept  carefully  vague,  was  a  federal 
organisation  of  all  the  States  of  Europe,  designed  both  for 
the  promotion  of  security  and  the  prevention  of  war  and 
for  the  furtherance  of  positive  political  and  economic 
collaboration.  The  Briand  project  was  conceived  mainly 
in  political  terms  ;  for  the  French  idea  was  that,  if  some  sort 
of  political  federation  could  be  established  among  the 
European  States,  economic  co-operation  between  them 
would  surely  follow  the  achievement  of  political  solidarity. 
Accordingly,  the  project  in  its  first  form  contained  no 
proposals  for  actual  economic  unification,  but  only  for  the 
building  up,  side  by  side  with  the  League  of  Nations,  of  a 
far  closer  political  body  among  the  States  of  Europe  alone. 
The  relations  of  this  new  body  to  the  League  were  not 
clearly  defined,  but  it  was  to  act  somehow  within  the 
League  framework  ;  and  the  Committee  for  European 
Union,  which  was  formed  as  a  result  of  Briand's  initiative 
to  study  the  project  further,  was  brought  into  existence  as 
a  committee  of  the  League  of  Nations. 

When  Briand  launched  his  project,   he  was  thinking 
primarily,  not  of  the  whole  area  of  Europe  in  a  geographical 

144  TH£    COUNTRIES    OF    EUROPE 

sense,  but  rather  of  all  those  countries  of  Continental  Europe 
which  lie  between  the  Union  of  Socialist  Soviet  Republics 
on  the  east  and  the  Atlantic  Ocean  on  the  west.  It  is  true 
that  Great  Britain  as  a  European  member  of  the  League  of 
Nations  was  invited  to  take  part  in  the  discussions  on  Euro* 
pean  union  and  her  entry  into  the  proposed  Union  was 
contemplated  as  a  possibility.  But  it  had  to  be  recognised 
at  the  outset  that  Great  Britain,  in  face  of  her  vast  interests 
in  other  continents  and  of  her  imperial  connections,  stood 
to  some  extent  apart  from  the  nations  of  Continental 
Europe  ;  for  these,  even  when  they  had  empires  of  their 
own,  stood  to  them  in  a  relation  substantially  different  from 
that  of  Great  Britain  to  Canada  or  Australia  or  South 
Africa.  Great  Britain  was  but  a  doubtful  and  hesitant 
attendant  at  the  discussions  on  European  union.  Perplexed 
between  her  lively  interest  in  the  development  of  political 
tranquillity  and  economic  prosperity  on  the  Continent  and 
her  fears  of  entering  into  any  exclusive  European  arrange- 
ment that  might  prejudice  her  connections  elsewhere,  she 
could  not  be  reckoned  on  as  a  whole-hearted  member  of 
any  European  family  of  States. 

At  the  opposite  end  of  the  European  continent  stood  the 
U.S.S.R.,  not  a  member  of  the  League  of  Nations  and  in 
some  sense  the  potential  rallying  point  for  a  rival  group  of 
Continental  forces.  Briand  was  accused  of  endeavouring  to 
make  a  bloc  of  Continental  countries  against  Russia  rather 
than  a  pacific  federation  of  European  countries  for  co- 
operative action  in  the  political  and  economic  field. 
Whether  this  was  true  or  not,  it  is  certain  that  Russian 
participation  in  the  United  States  of  Europe  was  neither 
expected  nor  desired.  The  federation  was  to  have  been  one 
of  countries  living  at  one  or  another  stage  of  economic 
development  under  the  forms  of  government  and  economic 
organisation  to  which  the  Russian  Communists  had  thrown 
put  their  fundamental  challenge. 

For  certain  purposes  it  is  therefore  best  to  think  of  Europe 
as  a  whole  as  divided  into  three  sections — Great  Britain,  the 
U.S.S.R.,  and  the  rest ;  for,  despite  their  continual  bickering 


and  the  strong  tendencies  towards  economic  national- 
ism which  they  have  manifested  in  recent  years,  the 
countries  of  Continental  Europe  up  to  the  new  Russian 
border  do  display  to  a  considerable  degree  a  real  homo- 
geneity of  outlook.  Between  the  democratic  constitutions 
of  France  and  many  of  the  new  post-war  States  on  the  one 
hand,  and  the  Fascist  or  similar  dictatorships  of  Italy, 
Germany,  Yugoslavia  and  to  some  extent  Poland  the  cross 
is  far  less  wide  in  mental  outlook  than  between  any  of  these 
systems  and  the  quite  different  social  arrangement  which 
has  come  into  being  in  the  U.S.S.R.  From  this  standpoint 
Great  Britain  forms  of  course  a  part  of  the  European  bloc  ; 
but  even  in  this  respect  she  stands  to  some  extent  outside 
the  concert  of  Continental  anti-Bolshevism.  British  Social- 
ism, for  example,  reformist  as  it  is,  has  never  shared 
in  the  ferocious  anti-Bolshevism  of  most  of  the  Continental 
Social  Democratic  Parties,  and  on  the  other  hand,  Com- 
munism in  the  Russian  sense  has  found  so  far  very  little 
foothold  among  the  British  workers.  Let  us  therefore  begin 
our  survey  by  leaving  aside  for  the  time  being  Great  Britain 
on  the  one  hand  and  the  U.S.S.R.  on  the  other  as  far  as 
their  internal  conditions  are  concerned,  and  let  us  deal  first 
of  all  with  the  narrower  Europe  that  lies  between  the 
Russian  frontier  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  Atlantic  Ocean 
and  the  North  Sea  on  the  other. 

Down  the  entire  length  of  Continental  Europe  in  the 
east,  from  the  Arctic  regions  to  the  Black  Sea,  stretches  the 
land  frontier  of  the  U.S.S.R.  Along  this  eastern  frontier  of 
Briand's  Europe  lie  five  States,  four  of  them  newly  created 
by  the  treaties  of  peace  after  the  war,  and  the  fifth  so 
enlarged  in  area  and  population  as  to  be  virtually  a  new 
country.  These  five  States  are,  from  north  to  south,  Finland, 
Estonia,  Latvia,  Poland  and  Roumania.  In  addition,  two 
other  States — Lithuania  and  Czechoslovakia — come  within 
a  comparatively  narrow  distance  of  the  Russian  frontiflfc ; 
and  Lithuania,  at  least,  is  only  held  apart  from  direct 
contact  with  Russia  by  a  territory  placed  on  very  question- 
able grounds  of  nationality  under  the  Polish  State.  In  the 





case  of  Czechoslovakia,  the  territory  nearest  Russia  is 
occupied  mainly  by  Ruthenians,  closely  akin  in  culture  and 
nationality  to  the  populations  both  of  the  neighbouring 
portions  of  the  U.S.S.R.  and  to  those  of  the  Polish  territory 
which  lies  between.  Both  Lithuania  and  Czechoslovakia, 
as  well  as  the  five  border  States,  are  therefore  closely 
interested  in  the  problems  of  the  Russian  frontier.  Nor  does 
this  exhaust  the  geographical  contacts  of  the  U.S.S.R.  with 
nations  which  have  a  foothold  on  the  European  Continent. 
To  the  south,  Soviet  territory  marches  with  that  of  Turkey 
in  the  Transcaucasian  region  ;  and  the  Turks,  astride  both 
sides  of  the  exit  from  the  Black  Sea,  command  Russia's 
principal  maritime  outlet.  Bulgaria,  too,  with  her  territory 
reaching  the  shore  of  the  Black  Sea,  can  fairly  be  regarded 
as  another  of  Russia's  geographical  neighbours.  Again  in 
the  north,  where  Russia's  sea  outlet  is  by  way  of  the  Baltic, 
Germany  and  the  Scandinavian  countries  find  themselves 
closely  concerned  in  the  problem  of  Russia's  contacts  with 
the  West. 

Let  us,  however,  for  the  moment  leave  aside  these  wider 
contacts,  and  consider  only  the  position  of  the  countries 
lying  along  or  near  the  western  frontier  of  the  U.S.S.R.  It 
is  important  to  realise  at  the  outset  that  this  enormously 
long  land  frontier  is  for  the  most  part  merely  a  line  drawn 
on  the  map,  and  is  not  marked  by  any  natural  features 
which  serve  as  clear  physical  boundaries  between  one 
geographical  region  and  another.  The  border  between 
Russia  arid  Finland  does  indeed  follow  in  the  north  for  long 
distances  the  line  of  hills  and  mountain  ranges,  while  in 
the  south  great  lakes  form  to  some  extent  a  natural  boun- 
dary. Estonia,  too,  is  partly  cut  off  from  Russia  by  the  long 
expanse  of  Lake  Peipus,  and  in  Central  Poland  the  Pripet 
marshes  serve  for  some  distance,  as  was  clearly  shown  in 
the  late  war,  as  a  powerful  geographical  obstacle  to  mili- 
tary operations.  Roumania,  again,  is  parted  from  the  terri- 
tory at  present  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  U.S.S.R.  by  the 
River  Dniester.  But  for  long  stretches  of  this  eastern  frontier 
of  Briand's  Europe  there  are  no  natural  boundaries  at  all. 


Nor  are  there  clear  cultural  or  ethnical  frontiers.  The 
line  of  post-war  Russia  has  been  pushed  back  a  long  way 
east  of  that  of  the  pre-war  Russian  Empire  ;  and,  while 
this  has  been  done  largely  in  accordance  with  the  principle 
of  national  self-determinatipn,  the  new  frontiers  include 
within  the  area  of  the  Boi/der  States  very  many  Russians 
and  Ukrainians  and  other  peoples  far  more  closely  akin  in 
culture  and  outlook  to  the  peasants  of  the  U.S.S.R.  than 
to  the  national  majorities  under  whose  political  control 
they  have  been  left  by  the  Treaties  of  Peace  and  by  the 
turmoils  of  the  years  immediately  after  the  Great  War. 
Finland,  indeed,  includes  only  a  few  Russians  ;  but  in 
Estonia  they  form  about  eight  per  cent  of  the  population, 
in  Latvia  fourteen  per  cent,  in  Poland  probably  twenty 
per  cent,  and  in  Roumania  also  a  considerable  though  not 
easily  ascertainable  fraction.  Czechoslovakia,  as  we  have 
seen,  also  contains  a  substantial  Ruthenian  population 
closely  akin  to  the  Russians,  and  difficult  to  assimilate  to 
the  very  different  culture  of  the  Czechs.  Anyone  who  takes 
the  trouble  to  look  at  one  of  the  ethnographical  maps  of 
Europe  and  to  compare  it  with  the  political  maps  of  1914 
and  of  to-day  will  speedily  realise  that  the  application  in 
the  Peace  Treaties  of  the  principle  of  national  self-deter- 
mination— as  far  as  it  was  applied — has  by  no  means 
solved  the  problem  of  racial  and  national  minorities  in 
Eastern  Europe.  Indeed,  this  was  so  far  recognised  in  the 
Treaties  themselves  that  the  new  and  enlarged  States  of 
post-war  Europe  have  been  compelled  to  include  in  their 
constitutions  safeguards  for  the  rights  of  minorities,  and 
these  rights  are  supposed  to  be  upheld  by  international 
guarantees  under  the  League  of  Nations.  That  they  are 
by  no  means  completely  upheld  the  discontent  in  Poland, 
Roumania,  Yugoslavia  and  several  other  States  shows  all 
too  plainly. 

*We  have,  then,  along  the  eastern  borders  of  Briand's 
Europe  a  group  of  new  countries  whose  frontiers  are  arti- 
ficial both  from  the  geographical  and  from  the  ethnical 
point  of  view.  They  were,  moreover,  when  they  were 


originally  drawn,  even  more  artificial  from  the  economic 
standpoint.  The  border  States  which  we  are  considering 
are  all  predominantly  agricultural  and  inhabited  mainly 
by  peasants,  though  there  were,  at  the  time  when  the  post- 
war settlements  were  made,  large  differences  between  area 
and  area  in  the  proportion  of  land  cultivated  in  small 
holdings  by  peasant  proprietors  and  that  in  the  possession 
of  large  landed  proprietors.  But  in  the  early  years  after  the 
war  the  breaking  up  of  large  estates  and  the  division  of  the 
land  among  the  peasants,  while  it  was  carried  out  in  differ- 
ent countries  under  widely  varying  conditions,  tended 
everywhere  to  bring  about  a  great  increase  in  the  propor- 
tion of  small  peasant  holdings.  This  happened  both  in 
Russia  and  in  the  border  States  ;  and  until  the  Russians 
began  their  intensive  drive  for  the  socialisation  of  agri- 
culture three  years  ago  the  peasants  on  both  sides  of  the 
national  frontiers  continued  to  live  under  economic  con- 
ditions which  were  very  largely  the  same.  The  socialisation 
of  agriculture  in  the  U.S.S.R.  may  now  be  in  process  of 
creating  a  real  economic  frontier  between  it  and  the  border 
States,  but  certainly  no  such  economic  frontier  existed  at 
the  time  when  the  new  frontiers  were  made. 

It  follows  from  what  has  been  said  that  the  process  of 
frontier-making  in  Eastern  Europe  was  difficult  in  practice 
as  well  as  in  theory  ;  for  the  politicians  at  the  Peace  Con- 
ference, surrounded  by  rival  nationalist  experts  in  ethno- 
graphy, could  not  in  fact  make  frontiers  simply  in  accord- 
ance with  their  interpretation  of  the  principles  of  national 
self-determination  as  laid  down  by  President  Wilson.  They 
had  to  consider  what  was  actually  happening  in  each  of  the 
territories  which  they  were  attempting  to  assign  ;  and 
more  than  once,  after  they  had  made  their  decision,  it  had 
to  be  altered  in  haste  in  face  of  a  successful  coup  d'etat  by 
nationalists  on  the  spot.  The  Poles  got  Vilna  and  the 
largely  Lithuanian  territory  around  it  in  the  first  place  by 
forceful  and  unauthorised  occupation.  Lithuania  got  a  bit 
of  her  own  back  by  seizing  Memel,  and  her  coup  duly 
received  the  recognition  of  the  European  Powers.  The  Pole 


Korfanty  seized  a  disputed  area  in  Upper  Silesia  ;  and 
successful  Polish  occupation  undoubtedly  affected  the  sub- 
sequent decision  of  the  Powers.  Moreover,  before  the  new 
juridical  frontiers  were  drawn/ at  the  Peace  Conference, 
military  occupation  by  nationalist  forces  had  in  many  areas 
already  determined  the  issue.  For  some  time  after  the 
collapse  of  the  Central  Powers  in  the  autumn  of  1918  force 
and  not  diplomacy  was  successfully  shaping  the  political 
structure  of  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe. 

Whenever  an  old  empire  or  an  old  country  is  broken  up 
as  a  political  unit,  and  new  States  are  created  out  of  pre- 
viously dependent  areas,  very  difficult  problems  of  economic 
as  well  as  political  reorganisation  are  bound  to  arise. 
Frontiers,  on  whatever  principle  or  lack  of  principle  they 
are  drawn  up,  are  almost  bound  to  cut  across  economic 
areas  which  have  hitherto  possessed  a  high  degree  of  inter- 
dependence. Railway  systems,  even  if  their  construction 
has  not  been  guided  largely  by  considerations  of  military 
strategy,  are  almost  always  so  devised  as  to  bear  a  close 
relation  to  the  political  unity  of  the  territories  within  which 
they  are  built.  If  national  frontiers  are  altered  railway 
systems  cease  to  correspond  to  economic  and  social  condi- 
tions ;  and  this  is  much  more  the  case  if  the  new  States, 
animated  by  ideas  of  economic  nationalism,  proceed  to 
build  up  high  tariff  walls  around  the  territories  placed 
under  their  control.  The  creation  of  a  new  country  means 
the  establishment  of  a  new  capital,  not  only  as  a  seat  of 
Government  but  also  as  the  headquarters  of  a  new  Central 
Bank,  and  an  elaborate  set  of  financial  institutions  working 
in  conjunction  with  it.  The  capital  city  almost  inevitably 
becomes  to  some  extent  an  economic  and  financial  as  well 
as  a  purely  political  capital.  In  the  older  countries  railway 
systems  and  road  systems  converge  upon  the  capital  cities 
and  upon  the  leading  ports  and  other  commercial  centres 
falling  within  the  national  territory.  But  when  new  States 
are  set  up  it  is  commonly  found  that  their  railway  systems 
and  their  other  means  of  communication  are  orientated 
not  to  their  own  capitals,  or  their  own  ports  and  commercial 


centres,  but  to  the  ports,  capitals  and  commercial  centres 
of  the  political  units  of  which  they  previously  formed  a 
part.  Thus  the  railway  systems  and  the  ports  of  Latvia  and 
Estonia  were  essentially  designed  to  serve  the  needs  of 
Russian  industry,  commerce  and  administration.  Riga  and 
Reval  were  Russian  ports  engaged  in  the  handling  of 
imports  and  exports  on  behalf  of  the  trading  communities 
of  pre-war  Russia.  In  these  countries  the  change  of  political 
sovereignty  has  involved  and  been  accompanied  by  a  tre- 
mendous change  in  the  currents  of  trade  ;  and  the  equip- 
ment for  transport  lying  within  the  territories  of  these  new 
Republics  does  not  correspond  at  all  closely  with  their  own 
conception  of  their  new  needs.  Again,  in  Poland,  built  up 
as  she  has  been  out  of  territories  previously  divided  between 
the  three  state  systems  of  Russia,  Germany  and  Austria- 
Hungary,  the  inherited  system  of  transport  is  orientated 
not  towards  Warsaw  as  a  national  centre,  but  in  separate 
sections  towards  Moscow,  Kiev,  Budapest,  Vienna  and 
Berlin,  as  well  as  towards  Danzig  and  the  Baltic  ports  of 
her  northern  neighbours.  Enlarged  Roumania  finds  her 
capital,  away  in  the  southern  part  of  the  country,  quite 
inadequately  linked  up  with  her  new  territories  on  the  other 
side  of  the  Transylvanian  Alps  ;  while  Yugoslavia,  the 
successor  of  pre-war  Serbia  and  Montenegro,  is  in  the  worst 
position  of  all  in  her  efforts  to  create  a  national  economic 
unity  based  on  a  nationally  unified  system  of  transport. 

Moreover,  in  face  of  the  uncertainties  of  the  political 
future,  and  of  the  clash  of  economic  and  political  systems 
all  along  the  frontier  between  Russia  and  the  border  States, 
it  is  impossible  for  economic  development  and  reorganisa- 
tion to  proceed  without  a  close  regard  for  military  consid- 
erations. Kiev  is  over  150  miles  distant  from  the  Polish 
frontier,  but  one  reason  why  Ukrainian  industry  under  the 
successive  Five-Year  Plans  of  the  Soviet  Union  is  being 
centred  upon  Kharkov  rather  than  Kiev  is  that  Kharkov 
is  well  out  of  reach  of  the  threat  of  frontier  wars.  Russia  is 
aiming  at  building  up  her  new  industrial  system  as  far  as 
she  can  out  of  the  reach  of  her  neighbours.  Her  leaders  even 


speak  of  moving  in  process  of  time  the  economic  capital  of 
the  U.S.S.R.  from  Moscow  to  the  Urals,  as  they  have 
moved  it  already  from  Leningrad  to  Moscow.  All  this 
frontier  between  the  U.S.S.R^and  Briand's  Europe  is  still 
essentially  an  armed  frontie*C  and  on  both  sides  of  it  the 
economic  handling  of  thei  territories  which  lie  along  it 
continues  to  be  governed,  despite  the  conclusion  of  more 
and  more  pacts  of  non-aggression,  by  the  sense  of  political 
instability  and  the  threat  of  impending  military  conflict. 
This  applies  not  only  to  the  U.S.S.R.  but  with  equal  force 
to  the  new  States  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  frontier.  They, 
too,  want  to  put  industrial  development  as  far  as  possible 
out  of  the  reach  of  warlike  action  by  their  neighbours. 
Accordingly,  save  under  the  most  powerful  and  imperative 
inducements  of  economic  opportunity,  lands  lying  near  the 
Russian  frontier  are  likely  for  some  time  to  remain  indus- 
trially undeveloped,  and  to  be  given  over  to  peasant 
agriculture,  based  on  small  peasant  holdings  on  one  side 
of  the  dividing  line,  and  socialised  farming  on  the  other. 


Finland,  The  most  northerly  of  Russia's  neighbours  is 
Finland,  for  more  than  a  century  a  partly  autonomous  but 
discontented  territory  of  the  pre-war  Russian  Empire. 
When  Finland  was  separated  from  Sweden  and  united  to 
Russia  in  1809  it  was  allowed  to  retain  autonomy  in  the 
management  of  its  internal  affairs.  But  as  the  century 
advanced  the  Russian  Empire  became  more  and  more 
aggressive  in  its  attitude  towards  Finnish  independence  and 
in  attempts  to  bring  about  the  Russification  of  the  country. 
This  movement  of  Russian  aggression  went  so  far  as  to 
abrogate  in  1899  the  legislative  power  of  the  Finnish  Diet, 
and  Finland,  by  means  of  a  "  national  strike,"  played  an 
important  part  in  the  Russian  revolutionary  movement  of 


1905.  Thereafter  the  powers  of  the  Diet  were  restored  and 
Finland  was  able  to  some  extent  to  reassert  its  political 
liberty  ;  and  the  system  of  Parliamentary  government 
with  a  single  Chamber  set  up  in  1906  prepared  the  way  for 
the  creation  of  an  independent  Finnish  Republic  when  the 
Russian  Empire  collapsed  in  1917.  But  in  the  years  imme- 
diately before  the  war  the  Russian  Government  renewed 
its  attempts  at  Russification,  and  the  outbreak  of  war  in 
1914  found  Finland  in  a  condition  of  acute  national  dis- 
content. It  was  impossible  to  compel  the  Finns  to  serve  in 
the  Russian  army,  and  Finland  remained  in  effect  outside 
the  sphere  of  military  operations. 

When  the  Russian  army  broke  down  in  1917,  the  Pro- 
visional Government  set  up  after  the  first  Revolution  at 
once  restored  Finnish  rights  and  representative  govern- 
ment, and  a  temporary  body  based  on  equal  representation 
of  the  Socialist  and  middle-class  parties  assumed  power. 
Immediately  after  the  Bolshevik  Revolution  this  body  pro- 
claimed Finland's  complete  independence,  which  was  at 
once  recognised  by  the  Bolshevik  Government  ;  but  there- 
after a  fierce  struggle  for  power  began.  The  Brest- Li tovsk 
Treaty  of  March  1918  included  a  recognition  of  Finnish 
independence  ;  but  whereas  the  majority  of  the  Finnish 
Socialists  sympathised  with  Communism,  and  desired  to 
establish  a  Red  Republic,  the  Finnish  upper  classes  were 
on  the  side  of  Germany,  and  called  in  German  help  against 
the  Communist  Revolution.  Through  the  spring  of  1918 
civil  war  raged  in  Finland.  This  ended  with  the  victory  of 
the  White  Army  led  by  General  Mannerhein  and  aided  by 
the  Germans  ;  and  in  the  ensuing  White  Terror  fifteen 
thousand  Finnish  Socialists  and  Communists  were  slaugh- 
tered, and  no  less  than  seventy-four  thousand  put  in  prison. 
The  new  Finnish  Diet,  which  met  in  June  1918,  altogether 
excluded  the  Socialists.  It  was  strongly  pro-German,  and 
decided  to  offer  the  crown  of  Finland  to  a  German  prince, 
brother-in-law  of  the  Kaiser.  He  accepted,  but  a  few 
months  later  the  collapse  of  the  Central  Powers  altered  the 
entire  situation.  The  Germans  were  compelled  to  withdraw 


from  Finland,  and  General  Mannerhein  became  Regent 
and  organised  a  coalition  bourgeois  Government,  which 
was  maintained  in  power  by  a  civic  guard  a  hundred 
thousand  strong. 

The  elections  of  1919,  despite  the  disfranchisement  of 
many  Socialist  voters,  gave  the  Social  Democrats  eighty 
out  of  the  two  hundred  seats  in  the  new  Chamber  ;  and  in 
face  of  the  changed  political  complexion  of  Europe  Finland 
decided  to  become  a  republic  and  began  gradually  to 
settle  down  to  constitutional  government  on  much  the  same 
lines  as  the  majority  of  the  other  new  States  of  post-war 
Europe.  The  White  anti-Socialist  Government  remained 
in  power  up  to  192 i,  when  it  was  displaced  by  an  Agrarian- 
Progressive  coalition  which  at  length  passed  an  amnesty 
on  behalf  of  those  convicted  after  the  Civil  War.  Thereafter 
Finnish  Communism  revived,  and  secured  a  substantial 
representation  in  the  Parliament  of  1922  and  the  following 
years.  The  Social  Democrats  continued,  however,  as  the 
strongest  party,  and  were  able  to  form  a  Socialist  Govern- 
ment supported  by  the  moderate  bourgeois  parties  from  1925 
to  1927.  The  fall  of  the  Socialist  Government  in  that  year 
was  followed  by  the  return  to  power  of  the  Agrarians,  who 
have  since  governed  the  country.  Communism  has  again 
been  suppressed  in  Finland,  but  continues  as  a  powerful 
force  underground.  Near  neighbourhood  to  Russia,  and  the 
sharp  division  of  political  forces  within  the  country,  make 
the  stability  of  Finnish  politics  continuously  uncertain. 
Since  1920,  when  the  Treaty  of  Dorpat  was  concluded, 
Finland  has  maintained  diplomatic  relations  with  the 
U.S.S.R.,  but  her  policy  has  been  one  of  rejecting  com- 
mittal alliances  with  her  neighbours.  In  1922,  Finnish 
rejection  was  responsible  for  bringing  to  nothing  the  pro- 
posed neutrality  agreement  with  Estonia,  Latvia  and 
Poland,  and  the  country  has  since  tended  to  fall  into  line 
in  its  foreign  affairs  rather  with  the  Scandinavian  countries 
than  with  the  border  States.  For  some  time  close  relations 
with  Scandinavia  were  made  impossible  by  the  quarrel 
with  Sweden  over  the  Aaland  Islands,  and  the  position  of 


the  Swedish  minority  in  Finland.  But  the  Aaland  Islands 
question  was  settled  by  the  League  of  Nations,  which  recog- 
nised Finland's  claim,  but  laid  down  conditions  for  the 
cultural  autonomy  of  the  Swedish  population.  The  Swedes 
in  Finland,  who  comprise  about  eleven  per  cent  of  the  total 
population,  still  maintain  a  separate  party  of  their  own 
with  over  twenty  members  in  the  Finnish  Chamber. 
But  in  recent  years  the  animosity  between  the  two  nationa- 
lities has  to  a  great  extent  died  down.  The  Swedes,  who 
belong  mainly  to  the  more  well-to-do  sections  of  the  com- 
munity and  are  concentrated  in  the  south  of  the  country, 
now  work  in  alliance  with  the  other  bourgeois  parties,  and 
constitute  a  markedly  conservative  influence  in  Finnish 

Economically,  Finland  is  a  poor  country  greatly  depen- 
dent on  the  prosperity  of  the  timber  trade.  Of  her  land  area, 
not  including  the  great  lakes  which  are  dotted  about  the 
whole  of  her  central  region,  over  ninety  per  cent  consists 
of  woods  and  forests,  and  under  seven  per  cent  of  arable 
land.  She  is  therefore  largely  dependent  on  agricultural 
imports  for  the  feeding  of  her  population,  though  she 
exports  butter  and  cheese  as  well  as  timber,  wood-pulp  and 
paper.  Timber  forms  over  one  half  of  her  total  exports, 
and  paper  and  wood-pulp  together  a  further  third.  Despite 
her  necessity  to  import  foodstuffs,  Finland  now  maintains, 
under  the  dominant  influence  of  the  Agrarians,  a  protective 
tariff  in  favour  of  agriculture  as  well  as  industry.  A  good 
deal  of  redistribution  of  land  in  favour  of  peasant  holdings 
has  taken  place  since  the  war,  and  there  is  a  powerful 
movement  of  agricultural  co-operation. 

Whereas  Great  Britain  has  been  in  the  past  the  chief 
buyer  of  Finnish  exports,  Finland  has  always  drawn  a  large 
proportion  of  her  imports  from  Germany.  Thus  in  1930 
she  sent  nearly  forty  per  cent  of  her  exports  to  Great 
Britain,  but  drew  therefrom  only  fourteen  per  cent  of  her 
imports,  whereas  thirty-seven  per  cent  of  her  imports  came 
from  Germany,  which  took  only  twelve  and  a  half  per 
cent  of  her  exports.  These  two  countries  preponderate 


overwhelmingly  in  Finland's  external  trade.  Her  only  other 
important  source  of  imports  is  the  United  States,  and  her 
trading  relations  both  with  Scandinavia  and  the  border 
States  and  with  Russia  are  comparatively  small.  Hence 
her  policy  of  refraining/from  close  political  commitments 
to  her  immediate  neighbours  and  her  anxiety  to  maintain 
satisfactory  relations  with  both  Great  Britain  and  Ger- 
many. Her  relations  with  Russia  are  indeed  greatly  affected 
by  the  competition  of  the  two  countries  in  the  timber 
market  ;  and  it  is  from  Finland,  allied  in  this  matter  with 
Sweden,  that  the  most  lurid  accounts  of  conditions  in  the 
Russian  timber  camps,  and  the  bitterest  complaints  about 
Russian  dumping,  regularly  emanate. 

The  Finnish  regular  army  consists  of  only  twenty-five 
thousand  men  ;  but  in  addition  the  White  Guard  formed 
at  the  time  of  the  Civil  War  maintains  its  existence  as  a 
Civic  Guard  a  hundred  thousand  strong.  Finland,  in  short, 
while  she  has  settled  down  politically  of  late  years,  has  still 
too  lively  a  memory  of  the  embittered  civil  conflict  of  1918 
and  of  the  ensuing  White  Terror  to  be  comfortable  under 
her  existing  political  system.  She  is,  moreover,  at  present 
suffering  acutely  from  the  world  depression,  which  reduced 
the  gold  value  of  her  exports  by  more  than  one  half  between 
1928  and  1932,  while  her  imports  over  the  same  period 
have  fallen  by  almost  three-quarters,  giving  her  what  is 
known  as  a  "  favourable  balance  of  trade  "  during  the 
slump  only  at  the  cost  of  a  great  contraction  of  necessary 
imports,  and  a  consequent  fall  in  the  standard  of  life  of  her 
people.  Despite  this  improvement  in  the  trade  balance, 
Finland's  dependence  on  exports  to  Great  Britain  forced 
her  off  the  gold  standard  in  1931  in  common  with  the  rest 
of  the  Scandinavian  countries,  and  thus  decreased  her 
power  to  purchase  imports  from  Germany,  which  remained 
tied  to  gold.  These  conditions  foreshadowed  some  readjust- 
ment in  the  direction  of  Finnish  trade,  but  this  is  now 
liable  to  be  influenced  in  an  opposite  direction  by  the 
Ottawa  agreements  concluded  by  Great  Britain  in  1932. 


Estonia.  On  the  opposite  side  of  the  Gulf  of  Finland, 
which  commands  the  approach  to  Leningrad,  lies  the  small 
Republic  of  Estonia,  with  a  total  population  of  little 
more  than  one  million  persons.  The  Estonians  are  a  people 
of  Finnish  descent,  and  their  language  and  culture  are  of 
Finnish  type.  Native  Estonians  form  about  eighty-eight  per 
cent  of  the  population  of  this  new  State,  but  within  its  boun- 
daries are  included  minorities  of  Russians  (8  per  cent),  and 
Germans  (2  per  cent).  The  country  is  predominantly  agri- 
cultural, and  about  two- thirds  of  its  occupied  population  live 
by  agriculture,  as  against  thirteen  per  cent  engaged  in  in- 
dustry. Estonia  exports  butter,  bacon,  potatoes,  flax  and 
linseed,  but  is  an  importer  of  cereals.  Her  chief  customers 
are  Great  Britain  and  Germany,  and  she  draws  her  imports 
chiefly  from  Germany  and  the  United  States. 

Estonian  nationalism  is  a  product  of  modern  times,  and 
can  hardly  be  said  to  have  made  its  appearance  before  the 
Russian  Revolution  of  1905,  when  the  demand  for  national 
autonomy  was  put  forward  by  Estonian  representatives  in 
the  Russian  Duma.  But  this  does  not  mean  that  Estonian 
political  history  has  been  uneventful  ;  on  the  contrary  the 
territory  has  been  handed  to  and  fro  for  many  centuries 
from  one  conqueror  to  another.  In  the  thirteenth  century 
it  was  shared  between  Denmark  and  the  Knights  of  the 
Sword  ;  thereafter  until  the  sixteenth  century  it  was  under 
German  control  ;  it  then  passed  to  Sweden,  and  was  finally 
ceded  by  Sweden  to  Russia  in  1721.  Thereafter  it  formed 
part  of  the  Russian  Empire,  and  its  history  in  the  nine- 
teenth century  was  marked  by  a  series  of  small  peasant 
revolts  and  by  a  strong  attempt  at  Russification  by  the 
Tsarist  Government.  The  first  Revolution  of  1 9 1 7  was  imme- 
diately followed  by  the  growth  of  a  nationalist  movement. 
In  July  of  that  year  an  Estonian  Diet  met,  and  prepared  a 
scheme  for  an  autonomous  Estonia  under  Russian  sover- 
eignty, but  immediately  after  the  Bolshevik  Revolution 
the  Estonians  proclaimed  their  independence  and  the 
Russian  Government  retaliated  by  dissolving  the  Estonian 
Diet.  A  large  part  of  the  country  was  at  this  time  owned  by 


great  German  landowners — the  so-called  Baltic  Barons — 
and  this  section  of  the  population,  in  face  of  the  opposition 
of  the  national  Diet,  called  for  German  help.  At  this  point 
the  Estonian  nationalists  were  successful  in  driving  the 
Bolsheviks  out  of  Reval,  and  a  republic  was  definitely  pro- 
claimed. But  this  success  was  immediately  followed  by  the 
occupation  of  the  country  by  the  Germans  in  the  interests 
of  the  Baltic  Barons.  Russia  was  compelled  to  renounce  her 
rights  in  Estonia  under  the  Brest-Litovsk  Treaty  ;  but  after 
the  German  collapse  of  the  autumn  of  1918  the  German 
forces  had  to  withdraw,  and  the  Russians  promptly  invaded 
the  country.  The  Finns  thereupon  came  to  the  help  of  the 
Estonians,  and  a  British  fleet  arrived  at  Reval  and  took  the 
new  Republic  under  its  protection.  With  the  aid  of  large 
forces  of  Russian  "  Whites  "  the  Bolsheviks  were  driven 
out,  and  in  1919  Estonia  was  used  as  a  base  by  the 
'  Whites  "  for  an  unsuccessful  invasion  of  Russia.  At  the 
same  time  an  irregular  German  army  from  Latvia,  under 
the  command  of  General  von  der  Goltz,  invaded  Estonia, 
but  was  successfully  flung  back  with  British  help.  An  armis- 
tice with  Russia  was  arranged  at  the  end  of  1919,  and 
peace  definitely  concluded  at  Dorpat  in  1920.  Full 
Allied  recognition  of  the  Estonian  Republic  followed  in 

Before  this,  Estonia  had  begun  to  settle  down  to  dealing 
with  her  own  internal  problems.  A  law  for  the  division  of 
the  large  estates  hitherto  held  by  the  Baltic  Barons  was 
passed  in  1919,  some  measure  of  compensation  for  dis- 
possessed owners  being  finally  afforded  in  1926.  Under  the 
new  conditions  the  peasants  became  definitely  the  domi- 
nant force  in  the  country,  but  Communism  retained  con- 
siderable strength  in  the  urban  centres,  and  especially  in 
the  large  port  of  Reval  (since  rechristened  Tallinn)  which 
served  as_an  important  outlet  for  Russian  produce  and  as  a 
direct  railway  connection  widi  Leningrad  and  Moscow. 
At  the  end  of  1924  there  was  at  Reval  a  Communist 
rising,  and  its  defeat  was  followed  by  the  suppression  of  the 
Communist  Party  and  the  creation  of  a  permanent  Civic 


Guard  of  thirty  thousand  men  on  the  Finnish  model. 
Politically,  Estonia  maintains  very  close  relations  with  her 
neighbour  Latvia,  including,  since  the  Treaty  of  1923,  a 
defensive  alliance  and  a  unified  tariff  system.  She  is  also 
in  treaty  relations  with  the  U.S.S.R.  and  closely  dependent 
politically  on  Great  Britain.  Estonia  received  a  League  of 
Nations  loan  in  1926  for  the  purpose  of  stabilising  her  cur- 
rency, and  unlike  her  northern  neighbour  she  maintained 
the  gold  standard  after  the  crisis  of  1931.  She  has  been 
governed  of  late  by  a  coalition  between  the  Agrarians  and 
a  bourgeois  Centre  Party,  with  a  fairly  strong  Socialist  con- 
tingent forming  the  opposition. 

Latvia.  To  the  south  of  Estonia  lies  the  Latvian  Re- 
public, including  the  great  ice-free  port  of  Riga,  also  known 
to  all  newspaper  readers  as  the  chief  centre  from  which 
news  about  the  impending  collapse  of  the  Soviet  system 
has  been  assiduously  circulated  in  recent  years.  Latvia, 
like  Estonia,  is  a  predominantly  agricultural  country,  and 
more  than  two-thirds  of  her  total  population  depend 
directly  on  agriculture  for  a  living.  Three-quarters  of  her 
people  are  Letts  by  nationality,  but  she  also  includes  a 
strong  Russian  minority  of  about  14  per  cent  and  sub- 
stantial fractions  of  Jews  and  Germans.  The  majority  of 
the  people  are  Protestants,  but  there  is  a  Roman  Catholic 
minority  of  nearly  25  per  cent,  and  the  Orthodox  Church 
has  also  a  considerable  number  of  adherents.  Latvia  lost 
nearly  40  per  cent  of  her  population  during  the  war  and 
the  period  of  acute  disturbance  which  followed  it  ;  for  com- 
paratively few  of  those  who  fled  during  this  period  ever 
returned,  and  a  great  number  of  them  actually  perished. 
Her  population  is  now  rather  less  than  two  millions  in  all. 
Economically  she  has  much  in  common  with  Estonia.  Her 
leading  exports  are  timber,  flax  and  butter,  and  she  needs 
to  import  cereals.  Her  chief  source  of  imports  is  Germany, 
and  Germany  also  takes  the  leading  place  among  her 
markets,  followed  by  Great  Britain  and  Russia.  Latvian 
industries  were  severely  damaged  because  all  the  available 
plant,  including  most  of  the  rolling  stock  of  her  railways, 


was  removed  to  Russian  territory  during  the  war  or  destroyed 
in  the  course  of  the  civil  troubles. 

Latvia,  like  Estonia,  was  under  German  control  during 
the  greater  part  of  the  Middle  Ages.  In  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury her  territory  was  parted  between  Poland  and  Den- 
mark, and  in  the  seventeenth  century  one  of  her  provinces, 
Livonia,  was  annexed  by  Sweden.  Livonia  passed  to  Russia 
in  1710,  and  by  the  end  of  the  century  Latgalia  and  Cour- 
land  had  also  been  added  to  the  Russian  Empire.  The 
usual  discontents  marked  Latvia's  connection  with  Russia 
during  the  nineteenth  century.  At  the  time  of  the  Revolu- 
tion of  1905,  there  was  a  vigorous  national  insurrectionary 
movement,  which  was  savagely  put  down.  In  the  Great 
War  Lettish  units  served  under  a  separate  command  in  the 
Russian  army,  and  after  the  Bolshevik  Revolution  of  1917 
this  Lettish  army  became  a  revolutionary  force.  The 
nationalist  elements  opposed  to  Bolshevism  thereupon 
formed  a  Landwehr  under  British  leadership  to  fight  the 
"  Reds,"  and  this  body  gradually  got  control  of  the  northern 
part  of  the  country.  Meanwhile  the  Latvian  representatives 
at  the  Russian  Constituent  Assembly  put  forward  a  demand 
for  independence  ;  but  the  Germans,  under  the  Treaty  of 
Brest-Li  to  vsk,  annexed  and  occupied  Courland,  the  south- 
western province  of  Latvia,  and  proceeded  to  make  an 
attempt  at  intensive  German  colonisation.  The  collapse  of 
Germany  was  followed  by  a  Bolshevik  invasion  of  the 
country  at  the  end  of  1918,  and  thereafter  by  a  devastating 
and  tangled  civil  war  between  von  der  Goltz's  German 
irregulars,  the  Russians,  and  the  Lettish  national  forces. 
Courland,  the  great  stronghold  of  the  Baltic  Barons,  was 
von  der  Goltz's  chief  base  of  operations  ;  and  not  until  his 
forces  and  the  Bolsheviks  had  both  been  driven  out  with 
Allied  help  was  Latvia  in  a  position  to  settle  down  to 
dealing  with  her  domestic  problems. 

The  Republic  had  been  definitely  proclaimed  at  the  end 
of  1918  ;  but  the  first  Latvian  regular  Parliament  was  not 
able  to  meet  until  1922.  In  this  Parliament  and  in  its  suc- 
cessors the  characteristic  feature  of  Latvian  politics, 


aggravated  by  the  system  of  proportional  representation 
which  all  the  new  States  of  Europe  have  incorporated  into 
their  constitutions,  has  been  the  division  of  political  forces 
into  a  large  number  of  separate  parties.  In  the  first  Latvian 
Parliament  the  Social  Democrats  formed  the  largest  homo- 
geneous group,  with  a  membership  of  more  than  one- 
third  of  the  Chamber.  Since  then  Socialism  has  lost  ground, 
and  a  system  of  consolidation  among  other  parties  has  made 
more  stable  Governments  possible.  In  the  Chamber  of  1933 
the  Agrarians  are  the  leading  party  and  exercise  the  chief 
control  in  the  Government.  But  there  are  in  addition  to 
the  Social  Democrats  a  number  of  smaller  conservative  and 
bourgeois  parties,  and  also  a  number  of  separate  parties 
representing  the  various  national  minorities.  Latvia,  as  we 
have  seen,  is  in  close  treaty  relations  with  Estonia,  includ- 
ing the  conclusion  of  a  unified  customs  tariff.  The  large 
estates  which  covered  a  great  part  of  the  country  before 
the  war  have  been  divided  up  among  the  peasants,  and  the 
domination  of  the  Baltic  Barons  brought  finally  to  an  end. 
The  social  and  economic  structure  of  the  country  is  thus 
closely  akin  to  that  of  her  immediate  neighbours.  Latvia, 
like  Estonia,  is  a  Republic  of  small  peasant  proprietors 
attempting  to  apply  in  her  government  the  orthodox  sys- 
tem of  democratic  Parliamentary  institutions.  These 
institutions,  however,  with  no  tradition  behind  them,  and 
no  strong  hold  upon  the  great  mass  of  the  people,  possess 
little  vitality  ;  and  in  Latvia  as  well  as  Estonia  and  Fin- 
land, the  politics  of  government  continue  to  be  dominated 
by  fear  of  Russia. 

Lithuania.  Lithuania,  to  the  south  of  the  Latvian 
Republic,  is  not  strictly  a  border  State  of  Russia,  being  cut 
off  from  direct  contact  with  the  Russians  by  the  northern 
extremity  of  Poland.  According  to  the  original  settlement  of 
Lithuanian  territory  after  the  war,  this  separation  between 
Lithuania  and  Russia  was  accomplished  by  assigning  to 
Poland  a  long  narrow  stretch  of  territory  running  the 
entire  length  of  the  Lithuanian  eastern  border  and  obviously 


designed  with  the  deliberate  object  of  pushing  a  wedge 
between  the  small  Lithuanian  Republic  and  her  great 
eastern  neighbour.  Since  the  forcible  seizure  of  the  city  and 
province  of  Vilna  by  the  Poles  in  1920  the  distance  between 
Lithuania  and  Russia  has  become  much  greater,  save  at 
the  extreme  north.  But  the  territorial  settlement  between 
the  three  countries  has  in  it  no  element  of  finality,  and 
Lithuanian  politics  and  external  relations  continue  to  be 
dominated  by  the  question  of  Vilna  and  of  the  border 
territories  which  shut  the  country  off  from  direct  contact 
with  the  U.S.S.R.  On  the  west  Lithuania  adjoins  East 
Prussia,  and  her  chief  trade  both  as  importer  and  as  ex- 
porter is  with  Germany.  She  is  predominantly  an  agri- 
cultural country,  and  nearly  80  per  cent  of  her  population 
are  directly  dependent  on  agriculture  for  a  living.  Her 
chief  exports  are  flax,  linseed,  timber,  butter  and  pigs,  and 
by  far  her  largest  imports  are  coal,  other  mineral  products, 
and  agricultural  fertilisers  and  manures.  Nearly  half  the 
whole  area  of  the  country  consists  of  arable  land  and 
another  quarter  of  grass  land,  the  forest  area  being  rela- 
tively small.  By  religion  over  four-fifths  of  the  people  are 
Roman  Catholics,  Protestants  predominating  only  in  the 
German  city  of  Memel,  which  the  Lithuanians  seized  in 
1923  partly  by  way  of  retaliation  for  the  act  of  the  Con- 
ference of  Ambassadors  in  recognising  the  Polish  claim  to 

Lithuania,  unlike  Latvia  and  Estonia,  possesses  a  national 
history  which  lends  strength  to  the  nationalism  of  modern 
Lithuanian  politics.  She  was  a  Grand  Duchy  in  the  thir- 
teenth century,  and  from  the  fourteenth  to  the  fifteenth 
century  extended  the  great  period  of  Lithuanian  po^er, 
when  her  dominions  spread  from  the  Baltic  to  the  Black 
Sea.  In  the  sixteenth  century  Lithuania  was  united  with 
Poland,  and  fell  gradually  under  Polish  domination, 
passing  finally  under  Russian  rule  towards  the  end  of  the 
eighteenth  century  in  connection  with  the  partition  of  the 
old  Polish  kingdom. 

The  history  of  modern  Lithuania,  as  of  her  neighbours, 


begins  with  her  part  in  the  Russian  Revolution  of  1905.  At 
that  time  the  Lithuanians  rose  in  revolt  ;  and  they  shared 
in  the  repression  of  the  following  years.  During  the  war  the 
Germans  invaded  Lithuania  from  East  Prussia,  and  created 
a  dependent  Lithuanian  State  under  promise  of  inde- 
pendence. In  1917  Russia  was  compelled  to  renounce  all 
claim  to  Lithuania  under  the  Treaty  of  Brest-Litovsk,  and 
the  Lithuanian  State  Council  put  forward  a  demand  for 
independence,  and  actually  proclaimed  a  republic  in 
February  1918.  The  German  withdrawal  later  in  the  year 
was  followed  by  war  with  the  Russians,  who  occupied 
Vilna  and  caused  the  removal  of  the  Lithuanian  national 
Government  to  Kovno.  In  the  course  of  the  subsequent 
war  between  Russia  and  Poland  the  Poles  captured  Vilna, 
only  to  be  driven  out  again  by  the  Russians,  who  in  turn 
handed  over  the  province  to  the  Lithuanians  in  1920  in 
order  to  save  it  from  the  Poles  in  the  course  of  their  retreat 
after  their  unsuccessful  attack  on  Warsaw.  But  the  Lithuan- 
ians were  not  long  left  in  possession  ;  for  despite  the  provi- 
sional assigning  of  the  area  to  Lithuania,  it  was  occupied 
later  in  the  year  by  General  Zeligowski's  irregulars  on 
behalf  of  Poland,  and  in  1923  this  act  of  aggression  was 
legalised  by  the  Conference  of  Ambassadors,  which  gave 
recognition  to  the  Polish  occupation.  The  Lithuanian 
Government,  however,  refused  to  accept  this  decision  ;  and 
right  up  to  1927  Lithuania  maintained  a  formal  state  of  war 
with  the  Polish  Government,  only  agreeing  in  that  year  to 
bring  this  condition  to  an  end  under  strong  pressure  from 
the  League  of  Nations. 

In  the  meantime,  as  we  have  seen,  the  Lithuanians  found 
partial  compensation  for  their  loss  of  Vilna  by  the  forcible 
seizure  of  the  town  and  territory  of  Memel,  which  had  been 
constituted  a  free  city  at  the  end  of  the  war  ;  and  this  act  of 
aggression,  which  gave  the  Lithuanians  an  outlet  to  the 
Baltic,  was  also  legally  recognised  in  1924  by  the  formal 
cession  of  Memel  to  the  Lithuanian  Republic.  Hostility  to 
Poland  was  largely  responsible  for  the  early  conclusion  of 
peace  between  Lithuania  and  Russia  in  July  1920,  on 


terms  which  included  Russian  recognition  of  Lithuania's 
claim  to  Vilna.  Largely  on  account  of  her  attitude  on  this 
question  Russia's  relations  with  Lithuania  have  been 
throughout  much  better  than  with  the  other  border 
States  ;  but  Lithuania  has  also  entered  into  close  relations 
with  her  northern  neighbours,  and  from  1924  has  formed 
part  of  one  customs  system  with  Latvia  and  Estonia. 
Hostility  to  Poland  and  the  desire  to  regain  Vilna,  which  is 
regarded  as  the  historical  capital  of  the  Lithuanian  Re- 
public, dominate  Lithuanian  politics.  Before  1926  Lithu- 
ania was  governed  for  a  time  by  a  coalition  of  parties  of  the 
Left,  which  in  that  year  concluded  a  pact  of  non-aggression 
with  Soviet  Russia,  but  was  immediately  afterwards  over- 
thrown by  a  military  coup  d'ttat.  This  was  followed  by  the 
formation  of  a  strongly  nationalist  Government  with  a 
predominantly  clerical  complexion,  under  the  leadership 
of  Professor  Valdcmaras.  But  this  Government  was  essen- 
tially dependent  on  military  support,  and  the  rule  of 
Professor  Valdemaras  became  in  effect  a  dictatorship. 
Since  his  overthrow  power  has  been  held  by  a  coalition  of 
nationalist  parties  with  a  predominantly  Agrarian  com- 
position, the  Social  Democrats  and  the  various  national 
minorities  forming  the  principal  elements  in  the  opposition. 

§  4.  POLAND 

THE  FRONTIER  between  Russia  and  Poland  stretches 
in  a  long  curving  line  from  a  point  almost  level  with  the 
northern  part  of  Lithuania  at  one  extreme  to  the  confines  of 
Bessarabia  in  the  south.  Save  where  the  Pripet  marshes 
form  near  the  middle  of  this  long  line  a  great  natural 
barrier,  the  frontier  is  from  the  geographical  point  of  view 
almost  everywhere  purely  artificial,  neither  rivers,  nor 
mountains,  nor  even  hills  running  along  it  for  any  con- 
siderable distances.  In  the  south  it  cuts  through  the  middle 
of  the  uplands  of  the  Ukraine  and  Eastern  Galicia  ;  and  in 

POLAND  165 

the  north  it  is  an  arbitrary  line  drawn  across  the  plain  which 
stretches  right  from  the  Urals  to  the  North  Sea.  Nor  does 
the  Russo- Polish  border  correspond  to  any  real  division  of 
races  or  peoples.  In  the  north,  White  Russia  extends  racially 
right  across  Polish  territory  to  the  neighbourhood  of  Vilna, 
and  further  south,  around  the  Pripet  marshes,  there  is  an 
inextricable  mixture  of  races,  in  which,  for  a  long  way  west 
of  the  existing  frontier,  Poles  form  only  a  tiny  minority 
among  White  Russians  and  Ukrainians.  Only  in  the 
extreme  south  do  Poles  live  in  large  numbers  near  the 
frontier,  and  in  this  area  they  are  mingled  with  a  Ruthenian 
majority,  though  the  predominant  culture  of  Galicia,  unlike 
its  racial  affiliations,  can  be  regarded  as  mainly  Polish. 
Even  Lemberg,  however,  is  but  an  island  of  Polish  nation- 
ality set  in  the  midst  of  a  predominantly  Ruthenian  country- 
side, and  the  entire  belt  up  to  the  frontier,  in  which  Poles 
and  Ruthenians  live  mingled  together,  cuts  in  between  the 
Russians  of  the  Ukraine  and  the  closely  kindred  Ruthenians 
of  the  eastern  part  of  Czechoslovakia.  The  new  Polish 
State,  even  according  to  the  Polish  statistics,  contains 
racial  minorities  amounting  to  over  thirty  per  cent  of  the 
population.  Fourteen  per  cent  of  the  population  are 
Ruthenians  and  Ukrainians,  a  further  four  per  cent  White 
Russians,  four  per  cent  in  the  western  part  of  the  country 
Germans,  and  eight  per  cent  Jews. 

This  startling  inclusion  of  seven  million  Russians  and 
Ukrainians  within  the  new  Poland  arises  in  part  out  of  the 
action  of  the  Allied  Governments  at  the  Peace  Conference, 
but  also  out  of  the  circumstances  in  which  the  Russo-Polish 
frontier  was  defined  in  1920-21.  The  Treaty  of  Riga,  en- 
tered into  at  the  close  of  the  war  between  Poland  and  the 
U.S.S.R.,  pushed  the  Polish  frontier  far  to  the  east  of  the 
line  originally  contemplated  by  the  Allies  at  Versailles.  For 
Poland,  after  her  success,  with  Allied  help,  in  beating  back 
the  Russian  advance  upon  Warsaw,  was  in  no  mood  to  forgo 
the  opportunities  for  territorial  aggrandisement  which  were 
presented  to  her  by  the  military  and  economic  embarrass- 
ments of  the  Soviet  Union.  She  had  claimed  at  Versailles 


her  historical  frontiers — a  claim  which  would  have  involved 
the  passing  under  her  political  control  of  vastly  larger 
national  minorities  than  are  included  in  her  present  area. 
The  Poles  had  been  greatly  dissatisfied  with  the  reception 
accorded  at  Versailles  to  their  claims,  despite  the  backing 
which  France  gave  to  their  pretensions  in  accordance  with 
the  desire  of  her  statesmen  to  establish  a  powerful  State  in 
Eastern  Europe,  both  as  a  counterpoise  to  Soviet  Russia  and 
as  a  permanent  menace  to  Germany  along  her  eastern  fron- 
tiers. Disappointed  at  Versailles,  the  Poles,  helped  by 
France  to  roll  back  the  Russians  from  Warsaw,  seized 
their  opportunity  and  thereby  created  for  themselves  an 
even  more  difficult  and  dangerous  minorities  problem  than 
was  bound  to  arise  in  any  event  out  of  the  inextricable 
mingling  of  races  in  Eastern  Europe.  There  has  been 
constant  trouble  ever  since  1918  over  the  treatment  of 
racial  minorities  by  the  new  Polish  State  ;  for  the  Poles, 
strcngly  nationalist  in  outlook,  want  as  far  as  possible  to 
unify  their  country  by  imposing  a  Polish  culture  and  outlook 
on  all  the  minorities  over  which  they  rule.  This  has  led  to 
endless  trouble  and  constant  wrangling  before  the  Minorities 
Commission  of  the  League  of  Nations,  which  in  this  as  in 
other  cases  has  been  able  to  do  all  too  little  to  protect  the 
minority  groups,  despite  the  safeguards  included  on  their 
behalf  in  the  Peace  Treaties.  It  was  a  tragic  irony  that 
caused  Poland  to  appear,  in  1933,  as  the  champion  of  the 
oppressed  Jews  against  their  still  worse  treatment  in  Nazi 
Germany.  For  Poland  contains  a  very  large  Jewish  popula- 
tion, estimated  at  3,000,000  ;  and  there  are  close  connec- 
tions between  Polish  and  German  Jews  all  along  the 
Polish-German  frontiers  and  above  all  in  Upper  Silesia. 

More  than  a  hundred  years  had  passed  since  the  disap- 
pearance of  Poland  as  a  nation  at  the  final  partition  of 
1795  when  the  Poles  found  in  the  Great  War  an  oppor- 
tunity for  the  reassertion  of  their  national  claims.  Napoleon 
had  indeed  revived  for  a  short  time  the  Grand  Duchy  of 
Warsaw  ;  but  Napoleon's  new  Poland  was  swept  away  in 
the  Peace  Settlement  of  1815,  and  thereafter  Poland  was  a 

POLAND  167 

country  divided  under  three  distinct  imperial  sovereignties. 
Warsaw  and  the  largest  part  of  the  country  belonged  to 
Russia,  Austria-Hungary  held  Galicia,  and  Germany 
Posen.  Of  these  three  areas  Galicia  alone  had  obtained 
under  Austrian  rule  some  measure  of  autonomy  ;  and  there 
the  Polish  elements  in  the  population  dominated  the 
country  with  its  partly  Ruthenian  peasant  population.  The 
outbreak  of  the  Great  War  thus  found  the  Poles  enlisted  in 
the  armies  of  all  the  three  Great  Powers  of  Eastern  Europe  ; 
but  the  Russian  part  of  the  country  was  speedily  overrun  by 
the  Austro-German  armies,  and  from  1915  onwards  prac- 
tically all  Poland  fell  under  the  occupation  of  the  Central 
Powers.  These  Powers  were  well  aware  of  the  importance 
from  their  point  of  view  of  keeping  the  country  quiet,  and  in 
1916  Germany  and  Austria-Hungary  united  in  promising 
some  sort  of  Polish  independence  after  the  war  as  a  reward 
for  loyalty.  In  1917  a  Polish  Regency  Council  was  set  up 
under  the  auspices  of  the  Central  Powers,  and  thereafter 
Polish  nationalism  found  itself  sharply  divided  between  the 
elements  in  the  country  which  were  looking  for  the  realisa- 
tion of  their  independence  to  a  German  victory,  and  a 
Polish  National  Committee  sitting  at  Paris  which  based 
its  hopes  rather  on  a  French  triumph.  Marshal  Pilsudski, 
who  became  after  the  war  dictator  of  Poland,  belonged  to 
the  former  group.  In  1914  he  led  the  private  Polish  army 
which  he  had  been  organising  for  years  before  in  Galicia  into 
Russian  territory,  and  in  1916  he  continued  to  act  on  the 
side  of  the  Central  Powers.  But  in  July  of  that  year  he  fell 
foul  of  the  German  and  Austrian  authorities  then  in  control 
of  the  territory  of  Poland,  and  proceeded  to  open  up  nego- 
tiations with  the  Allied  Powers.  He  was  nevertheless  per- 
suaded to  become  Minister  of  War  in  the  Council  of  State 
formed  by  the  Central  Powers  to  administer  Poland,  and 
set  to  work  to  form  his  secret  military  organisation,  which 
was  able  to  take  control  of  the  country  in  1918.  Before  long 
he  again  quarrelled  with  the  Central  Powers  ;  and  he  was 
arrested  and  imprisoned  in  Germany  until  his  release  by  the 
German  revolutionary  authorities  at  the  end  of  the  war.  He 


then  returned  to  Poland  and  was  at  once  elected  Chief  of 
State  with  dictatorial  powers,  his  military  record  and  his 
long  period  of  revolutionary  activity  making  him  the 
natural  leader  of  the  new  State. 

There  is  no  need  to  enter  here  into  the  extraordinarily 
tangled  history  of  Polish  affairs  in  the  years  immediately 
following  the  war.  It  is  enough  to  say  that  when  Marshal 
Pilsudski  assumed  power  the  future  borders  of  the  Polish 
State  were  still  utterly  unknown  and  indefinite.  There  was 
no  agreed  settlement  of  the  frontier  with  Russia  ;  for  the 
terms  of  the  Brest-Litovsk  Treaty  had  been  wiped  out  by  the 
defeat  of  the  Central  Powers.  The  relations  of  the  Ukraine 
with  Russia  were  still  uncertain,  and  in  Eastern  Galicia  an 
attempt  was  being  made  under  the  leadership  of  Petliura 
to  establish  an  independent  Ukrainian-Ruthenian  State. 
There  was  incredibly  confused  and  many-sided  warfare 
throughout  1919  ;  but  the  consolidation  of  the  Russian 
power  gradually  reduced  the  combatants  to  two.  Early  in 
1920  the  Poles  launched  an  offensive  against  Russia,  ad- 
vanced far  into  the  Ukraine,  and  actually  took  Kiev.  This 
onslaught  was  a  material  factor  in  unifying  Russian  senti- 
ment, and  it  was  followed  by  a  Soviet  counter-offensive 
which  brought  the  Russian  armies  almost  to  Warsaw. 
This  counter-invasion  in  turn  roused  the  Poles  to  an  intense 
national  effort,  and  the  French,  who  saw  in  the  impending 
collapse  of  Poland  the  death-blow  to  the  European  system 
which  they  had  endeavoured  to  establish  at  Versailles, 
rushed  munitions  and  military  advisers  to  the  assistance  of 
the  Polish  Government.  The  British  Government,  domin- 
ated by  anti-Bolshevik  sentiment,  was  also  on  the  side  of  the 
Poles  ;  but  the  suggestion  of  British  intervention  on  behalf 
of  Poland  was  met  by  the  threat  of  the  Labour  and  Socialist 
bodies  to  declare  a  general  strike,  and  Great  Britain,  unlike 
France,  gave  only  passive  support.  The  French  aid,  how- 
ever, sufficed  to  enable  the  Poles  to  drive  back  the  Russians 
in  disorder  ;  and  it  was  under  these  circumstances  that  the 
Soviet  Union  was  compelled  to  agree  to  the  preposterous 
frontier  laid  down  in  the  Riga  Treaty. 

POLAND  169 

Thereafter  the  relations  between  the  U.S.S.R.  and  Poland 
were  those  rather  of  an  armed  truce  than  of  a  definitive 
peace.  Poland,  intensely  nationalistic,  dominated  in  her 
politics  by  social  classes  which  fear  more  than  anything 
else  the  penetration  of  Communist  influence  among  the 
Polish  masses,  and  conscious  of  the  weakness  engendered  by 
the  presence  of  large  dissatisfied  national  minorities  in  her 
midst,  lives  in  permanent  fear  of  Russia  ;  while  France,  her 
political  projects  reaffirmed  by  the  defeat  of  the  Russians, 
continued  until  lately  to  fortify  her  eastern  dependent  with 
both  diplomatic  and  financial  assistance — an  association 
likely  to  be  renewed  in  face  of  the  recrudescence  of  German 
militarism.  A  Treaty  between  France  and  Poland  was 
concluded  in  1 92  r  ;  and  in  the  dispute  with  Germany  over 
the  partition  of  Upper  Silesia  the  Poles  could  always  count 
on  French  sympathy.  Not  until  1924  were  diplomatic 
relations  established  between  Poland  and  the  U.S.S.R., 
and  even  to-day,  despite  the  conclusion  of  a  mutual  pact 
of  non-aggression,  Poland  remains  an  armed  camp  watch- 
ing jealously  the  movement  of  events  in  both  Russia  and 
Germany,  and  garrisoned  against  discontents  within  as  well 
as  against  her  larger  neighbours.  Since  1921  she  has  been 
allied  with  Roumania,  which  needs  her  help  over  the  Bes- 
sarabian  question.  Indeed,  these  two  countries  have  formed 
together  the  instruments  of  the  French  policy  of  the  cordon 
sanitaire,  designed  to  keep  off  the  Russian  menace  from 
Western  Europe. 

The  situation  along  the  eastern  frontier  of  Poland  is  thus 
unsettled  enough  to  account  for  the  persistence  of  a  strongly 
militaristic  attitude  on  the  part  of  the  governing  classes  in 
the  new  Polish  State  ;  for,  whatever  treaties  and  non- 
aggression  pacts  may  be  concluded,  nothing  can  remove  the 
essential  insecurity  of  a  settlement  so  obviously  devoid  of 
principle  as  that  which  resulted  from  the  Polish-Russian 
conflict  of  the  years  following  the  conclusion  of  the  Great 
War.  Poland's  army  of  well  over  a  quarter  of  a  million  men 
at  peace  strength  and  her  heavy  expenditure  on  armaments 
are  in  existing  circumstances  and  in  the  existing  temper  of 


European  politics  the  inevitable  outcome  of  her  uncertain 
situation.  Nor  are  her  problems  confined  to  the  east.  In  the 
north,  there  is  the  vexed  question  of  Danzig  and  the  Polish 
"  Corridor  "  ;  and  in  the  south,  as  we  have  seen,  there  is 
an  inextricable  mingling  of  races.  There  too  the  question  of 
frontiers  has  been  settled  without  any  regard  either  to 
national  conditions  or  to  natural  boundaries  or  even  to  the 
unity  of  economic  areas.  Poland  sticks  down  like  a  wedge 
between  the  Ruthenians  of  eastern  Czechoslovakia  and 
the  kindred  peoples  of  the  Ukraine.  In  the  Teschen  area 
an  extraordinary  frontier  has  been  drawn,  giving  the  Poles 
the  town  and  the  head  waters  of  the  Vistula,  and  the 
Czechs  the  valuable  coal  mines  in  the  immediate  vicinity. 
On  the  west  the  Polish  frontier  is  even  more  arbitrary  and 
extraordinary,  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  free  city  of 
Danzig  and  in  Upper  Silesia,  emergency  arrangements 
which  have  about  them  no  guarantee  of  permanence  or 
successful  working  have  had  to  be  concluded. 

Upper  Silesia  presented,  indeed,  the  most  difficult  of  the 
problems  of  territorial  adjustment  at  the  end  of  the  war,  for 
in  this  region,  with  its  valuable  coal  mines  and  iron  and 
other  mineral  deposits  developed  by  German  enterprise 
before  the  war,  Germans  and  Poles  live  mixed  up  together 
over  a  wide  indeterminate  area  for  which  both  countries 
put  forward  insistent  claims.  The  Allied  Governments 
attempted  to  deal  with  this  vexatious  problem  by  ordering 
a  plebiscite  to  be  taken  in  the  disputed  area  ;  but  when  this 
resulted  in  a  majority  of  votes  for  union  with  Germany  the 
question  was  referred  to  the  Council  of  the  League  of 
Nations,  which  proceeded,  instead  of  assigning  the  entire 
territory  to  either  disputant,  to  draw  a  boundary  clean 
through  the  middle  of  this  industrial  area,  using  as  its  chief 
canon  of  judgment  the  votes  recorded  in  each  distinct  town 
or  administrative  district.  While  these  readjustments  were 
in  progress  the  Poles  attempted  to  deal  with  the  situation  in 
the  same  way  as  they  had  dealt  with  the  Lithuanian  claims 
to  Vilna.  Polish  irregulars  under  Korfanty  occupied  Upper 
Silesia  with  the  idea  of  presenting  the  Council  of  the 

POLAND  171 

League  with  an  accomplished  fact.  But  in  this  case,  in  view 
of  the  result  of  the  plebiscite,  it  was  not  possible  for  the 
Poles  successfully  to  sustain  their  claim  to  the  entire  area. 
In  the  event  they  got  most  of  the  coal  mines  (53  out  of  67, 
or,  in  terms  of  output  24  million  tons  out  of  31  million),  and 
Poland  thus  became  one  of  the  leading  coal  producing  and 
coal  exporting  countries  of  Europe.  Poland  further  got  over 
two-thirds  of  the  zinc  and  lead  mines  and  a  full  half  of  the 
important  iron  and  steel  industry  of  Upper  Silesia.  But  the 
settlement  did  not  succeed  in  solving  at  all  the  problem  of 
national  minorities.  Over  half  a  million  Poles  were  left  on 
the  German  side  of  the  frontier  and  over  350  thousand 
Germans  on  the  Polish  side.  This  may  appear  as  if  Poland 
came  out  of  the  settlement  worse  than  Germany,  but  it  has 
to  be  remembered  not  only  that  the  Upper  Silesian  in- 
dustrial area  was  a  vital  component  part  of  the 
German  industrial  system,  but  also  that  many  persons  of 
Polish  nationality  voted  in  favour  of  Germany  rather  than 
Poland  because  they  hoped  to  enjoy  under  German  sove- 
reignty more  stable  government  and  a  higher  standard  of 
life.  For  Polish  wages  are  low,  and  Polish  social  institutions 
inchoate,  and  from  the  standpoint  of  the  workers  the 
economic  considerations  often  overrode  the  nationalistic. 
Similarly,  when  the  plebiscite  was  taken  in  the  frontier 
districts  of  Marienwerder  and  Allenstein  in  East  Prussia, 
a  predominantly  Polish  population  voted  for  remaining 
under  Germany  rather  than  for  union  with  the  new  Polish 

Apart  from  Upper  Silesia,  the  chief  problem  of  the  Polish 
frontier  in  the  west  is  presented  by  the  Polish  Corridor 
leading  to  the  free  port  of  Danzig.  The  Polish  Corridor  is  a 
long  thin  ribbon  of  territory  designed  to  give  Poland  a 
direct  outlet  to  the  Baltic.  In  order  to  do  this  it  has  to  cut 
clean  across  German  territory,  dividing  the  essentially 
German  province  of  East  Prussia  from  the  rest  of  the 
German  Reich.  Across  this  narrow  belt  of  Polish  territory 
run  the  main  railway  lines  from  east  to  west,  so  that 
German  trains  passing  from  East  Prussia  to  other  parts  of 


Germany  have  to  cross  the  Corridor.  This  has  necessitated 
a  highly  complicated  arrangement  for  the  transference  of 
goods  as  well  as  great  difficulties  of  passenger  travel.  It 
would  be  clearly  impossible  to  subject  to  the  high  Polish 
tariff  goods  passing  in  purely  internal  trade  from  one  part 
of  Germany  to  another  ;  but  unless  all  goods  could  go  by 
sea  they  must  be  given  the  right  of  free  railway  passage  by 
the  Poles.  The  problem  has  been  settled  none  too  satis- 
factorily by  the  device  of  allowing  free  transit  in  sealed 
trains  ;  but  trouble  is  still  constantly  arising  over  the 
movement  of  both  goods  and  passengers,  and  the  vexatious 
frontier  regime  sets  up  a  permanent  sense  of  irritation 
between  Poland  and  Germany. 

Moreover,  there  is  constant  trouble  over  the  status  and 
rights  of  self-government  of  the  free  city  of  Danzig,  which, 
with  its  surrounding  countryside,  was  formed  into  an 
autonomous  State  under  the  direct  supervision  of  the 
League  of  Nations,  but  united  with  Poland  for  postal  and 
certain  other  services,  and  brought  within  the  Polish 
customs  system.  Danzig  is  predominantly  a  German  city, 
and  the  complexion  of  its  elected  authorities  is  overwhelm- 
ingly German.  There  has  been  constant  friction  between  it 
and  the  Poles  ;  and  the  League  of  Nations  has  had  none  too 
easy  a  job,  even  before  the  advent  of  the  Nazis,  in  maintain- 
ing at  all  the  precarious  settlement  reached  at  the  end  of 
the  war.  Nor  is  Poland,  which  wants  to  make  Danzig  an 
integral  part  of  its  own  territory,  by  any  means  content 
with  the  present  situation.  For  some  time  the  Poles  en- 
deavoured by  one  device  after  another  to  reduce  to  nullity 
the  nominal  freedom  of  Danzig.  When  this  proved  im- 
possible they  began  the  construction  of  a  new  port  of  their 
own  on  the  Baltic  in  the  near  neighbourhood  of  Danzig, 
but  lying  within  the  territorial  area  of  the  Polish  Corridor. 
This  port,  Gdynia,  is  now  in  operation,  and  threatens 
Danzig  with  the  loss  of  an  increasing  part  of  its  external 
trade.  For  the  Danzigers,  cut  off  from  the  main  part  of 
Germany  by  the  Polish  Corridor,  cannot  resume  their  old 
position  in  relation  to  the  areas  of  the  west ;  and  trade  with 






East  Prussia  also  involves  considerable  difficulties,  as  it  has 
to  be  conducted  across  the  artificial  political  frontier.  The 
situation  of  Danzig  must  thus  be  added  to  the  list  of  the 
dangerous  and  unsolved  problems  of  Poland  in  the  west. 

Nor  is  the  position  in  the  Polish  Corridor  itself  at  all 
satisfactory  ;  for  while  in  the  northern  part  of  the  Corridor 
the  population  is  predominantly  Polish-speaking,  there  cuts 
right  across  it  at  its  southern  end  a  belt  of  German-speaking 
people  living  along  the  valley  of  the  Vistula  and  to  the 
west  of  Bromberg.  Further  German  enclaves  are  scattered 
over  a  large  part  of  the  Corridor,  and  in  these  circum- 
stances it  is  most  unlikely  that  the  Germans  will  accept  as 
final  a  situation  which  divides  their  territory  into  two  un- 
equal parts,  and  leaves  the  great  agricultural  province 
of  East  Prussia  in  an  impossible  position  of  economic 
isolation.  The  two  problems  of  Upper  Silesia  and  the  Polish 
Corridor,  with  the  closely  related  problem  of  Danzig,  stand 
as  fatal  obstacles  to  the  establishment  of  peaceful  or  secure 
relationships  between  Germany  and  Poland — all  the  more 
now  that  violent  Nationalism  is  again  in  power  in  Germany. 
Nor  can  such  settlements  as  the  German-Polish  Arbitration 
Treaty  of  1925  remove  the  sense  of  insecurity  which  makes 
the  western  as  well  as  the  eastern  frontier  of  the  new  Polish 
State  a  powerful  cause  of  the  continuance  of  military  pre- 
paredness in  Europe. 

Economically,  Poland  is  a  country  of  contrasts.  The 
greater  part  of  its  territory  is  economically  undeveloped  ; 
but  it  includes,  especially  in  Upper  Silesia  and  in  the 
industrial  areas  of  pre-war  Austrian  Poland,  highly 
developed  centres  of  industry  and  population  which  the 
new  frontiers  of  the  Polish  State  have  cut  off  from  their 
old  contacts  and  assigned  to  the  political  control  of  a 
Government  representing  mainly  areas  far  more  backward 
in  an  economic  sense.  Taken  as  a  whole,  Poland  is  pre- 
dominantly an  agricultural  country.  Almost  half  her  whole 
area  consists  of  arable  land,  and  not  far  short  of  a  fifth  in 
addition  of  pasture,  most  of  the  remainder  being  forest. 
She  exports  large  quantities  of  agricultural  products, 

POLAND  175 

especially  meat  and  eggs,  and  she  is  also  an  important 
exporter  of  timber.  But  in  addition  to  her  agricultural 
exports,  she  is  in  a  position,  thanks  mainly  to  the  territories 
annexed  from  Germany,  to  export  coal  and  iron  in  large 
quantities,  and  she  has  also  substantial  export  trades  in 
textile  goods  and  in  sugar  based  on  the  domestic  production 
of  sugar-beet.  While  Polish  exports  find  from  Danzig  and 
Gdynia  a  substantial  and  increasing  outlet  through  the 
Baltic  to  Western  Europe,  in  the  nature  of  things  the  most 
natural  market  for  a  large  proportion  of  Polish  exports  is 
Germany  ;  and  Germany  is  also  the  most  natural  supplier 
of  the  main  bulk  of  Poland's  industrial  requirements.  So 
urgent  is  the  need  for  exchange  across  the  newly  established 
frontiers  of  Poland  in  the  west,  that  trade  is  bound  to 
continue  on  a  large  scale  in  spite  of  acute  political  animos- 
ities. Nevertheless  these  animosities,  combined  with  the 
desire  of  the  Poles  to  build  up  their  own  industries  behind 
a  high  tariff  wall,  have  led  to  constant  friction  in  the  trading 
relations  between  Germany  and  Poland,  and  since  1925 
the  two  countries  have  been  engaged  almost  continually 
in  a  tariff  war,  interrupted  by  periodical  attempts  to 
negotiate  a  satisfactory  settlement.  The  failure  of  these 
attempts  and  the  constant  measures  of  economic  retaliation 
on  the  frontier  have  been  especially  disastrous  to  the 
German  province  of  East  Prussia  and  to  the  mixed  German- 
Polish  population  on  both  sides  of  the  frontier  in  Upper 
Silesia.  It  is  true  that  in  Upper  Silesia  itself,  as  far  as  local 
trade  across  the  new  frontier  is  concerned,  special  emerg- 
ency arrangements  have  been  entered  into  and  for  the  most 
part  observed,  and  a  limited  freedom  of  movement  across 
the  frontier  has  also  been  established.  Indeed,  without  this, 
Upper  Silesian  industries  could  hardly  carry  on  at  all. 
But  much  of  the  trade  of  Upper  Silesia  is  concerned  with 
external  markets  ;  and  this  trade,  as  well  as  the  efficiency  of 
production,  has  been  continuously  hampered  by  the 
division  of  the  area  and  the  establishment  of  quite  different 
economic  and  social  conditions  on  the  two  sides  of  the 
unnatural  frontier. 


Poland,  we  have  seen,  is  for  the  most  part  an  economic- 
ally undeveloped  country.  She  has,  however,  great  pos- 
sibilities of  economic  growth,  for  in  addition  to  her  resources 
of  coal  and  iron  and  timber  and  her  plenty  of  good  agri- 
cultural land,  she  is  self-sufficient  in  her  supplies  of  oil,  and 
possesses  a  considerable  surplus  available  for  export.  She  is 
hampered  gieatly  in  her  development  by  defective  means 
of  communication.  Poland  has  in  all  only  about  eleven 
thousand  miles  of  railway  to  serve  her  vast  area  and  rapidly 
growing  population.  Whereas  Belgium,  for  example,  with 
little  more  than  one-twelfth  of  the  area  of  Poland,  has  one 
mile  of  railway  for  every  ten  square  kilometres,  Poland  has 
less  than  one  for  every  thirty.  Nor  must  it  be  forgotten  that 
the  Polish  railway  system,  such  as  it  is,  was  developed  to 
serve  the  needs  not  of  a  unified  territory,  but  of  areas 
forming  part  of  three  different  States.  It  is  therefore  ill- 
adapted  to  the  needs  of  Poland's  present  territories,  and 
there  is  an  urgent  necessity  for  the  re-planning  of  existing 
communications  as  well  as  for  the  building  of  new  lines. 
If  Poland  could  get  the  capital  she  could  profitably  employ 
very  large  sums  in  the  development  of  her  railway  system  ; 
for  there  is  little  danger  of  the  railways  in  her  extensive 
territory  being  rapidly  superseded  by  the  growth  of  road 
transport.  It  would  be  a  far  costlier  business  to  equip 
Poland  with  an  adequate  road  system  than  to  put  her 
railways  on  a  satisfactory  footing. 

But  under  present  conditions  there  is  little  chance  of  the 
capital  even  for  the  reorganisation  of  the  railways  being  ob- 
tained. The  Polish  people  is  far  too  poor  to  provide  the 
money  out  of  its  own  resources  and  the  foreign  investor  far 
too  shy  both  of  railway  finance  and  of  lending  to  new  States 
as  to  whose  political  future  he  is  justifiably  uncertain  to  be 
willing  to  risk  the  large  sums  that  would  be  required.  Poland 
has  therefore  to  carry  on  as  best  she  can  with  her  existing 
railways,  supplemented  by  the  comparatively  small  exten- 
sions which  she  can  afford  to  make  out  of  her  own  resources 
and  such  foreign  loans  as  France,  for  example,  is  willing  to 
extend  to  her  mainly  for  political  reasons.  Fortunately  she 

POLAND  177 

has  an  extensive  system  of  water-ways  to  help  her.  But 
Poland  is  emphatically  to  be  ranked  among  those  countries 
which  can,  at  any  rate  under  their  present  political  systems, 
develop  at  all  fast  in  an  economic  sense  only  if  they  are  in  a 
position  to  borrow  large  sums  of  capital  from  abroad. 

The  political  situation  in  Poland  is  one  of  considerable 
confusion.  The  Seym,  the  Polish  Parliament,  is  at  present 
dominated  by  the  supporters  of  Marshal  Pilsudski,  grouped 
in  a  bloc  under  the  title  of  the  Non-Party  Union  with  247 
members.  Against  this  pro-Pilsudski  majority  is  arrayed  a 
medley  of  smaller  parties,  ranging  from  the  conservative 
National  Democrats  with  62  members  and  the  Peasants' 
Party  with  48  members  to  the  separate  parties  representing 
the  various  national  minorities  and  the  Communists  who, 
completely  suppressed  in  most  areas,  still  manage  to  return 
a  tiny  handful  of  members.  The  official  Socialist  Party  has 
24  members,  and  there  are  also  dissident  Labour  and 
Socialist  fractions.  The  position  is  complicated  by  the  fact 
that  Pilsudski  himself  was  formerly,  in  his  days  as  a  revolu- 
tionary agitator,  the  leader  of  the  Socialists,  and  that  he 
now  occupies  an  anomalous  position  between  left  and 
right.  He  is  opposed  by  the  extreme  conservative  elements 
in  the  country  as  well  as  by  the  Socialists,  and  he  hovers  un- 
certainly between  attempting  to  dominate  the  country  by 
means  of  a  parliamentary  majority  such  as  he  now  possesses 
and  the  desire  to  govern  by  dictatorial  methods  in  face  of 
Parliamentary  obstruction.  He  has  recently  imprisoned 
most  of  the  leaders  of  the  opposition  parties. 

The  Polish  Constitution,  as  it  was  formulated  immedi- 
ately after  the  war,  was  a  thing  of  checks  and  balances  de- 
signed, while  establishing  a  democratically  elected  Par- 
liament chosen  on  the  system  of  proportional  representation, 
to  limit  the  use  of  parliamentary  power  by  the  establish- 
ment of  special  machinery  for  supervising  the  activities  both 
of  the  Seym  and  of  the  government.  This  system,  and  es- 
pecially the  adoption  of  proportional  representation,  pre- 
vented in  the  years  after  the  war  the  establishment  of  any 
strong  government,  for  there  arose  a  maze  of  parties  each 


representing  some  particular  sectional  interest  or  point  of 
view.  This  state  of  things  was  largely  responsible  for  Pil- 
sudski ss  coup  d'ttat  of  May  1926,  which  placed  him  in  a  posi- 
tion of  dictatorial  power.  But  Pilsudski  was  not  then  pre- 
pared to  become  an  absolute  dictator.  He  contented  him- 
self with  insisting  on  modifications  of  the  Constitution,  ex- 
tending the  power  of  the  President  and  conferring  on  him 
the  right  of  legislation  by  decree  in  case  of  national  emer- 
gency. Thereafter  a  sort  of  Parliamentary  regime  was  re- 
established ;  but  the  alignment  of  parties  was  changed  by 
the  coup  d'etat,  which  enabled  the  friends  of  Pilsudski  to 
gain  a  clear  parliamentary  majority.  The  Non-Party  Union, 
however,  is  itself  not  a  unified  party  following  a  clearly  de- 
fined policy,  but  an  aggregation  of  separate  groups  often 
mutually  suspicious  and  inconsistent  in  their  aims,  though 
they  all  follow  Pilsudski's  leadership.  Kis  prestige  as  a 
national  liberator  for  the  moment  holds  the  majority  ele- 
ments together  ;  but  the  removal  of  his  unifying  force  would 
almost  certainly  be  followed  by  a  relapse  to  the  conditions 
which  existed  before  1926. 

The  dissociation  of  Pilsudski  from  the  Socialist  Party 
has  greatly  weakened  the  forces  of  Socialism  in  Polish 
politics,  while  the  virtual  suppression  of  Communism, 
which  had  gained  largely  at  the  Socialists'  expense,  has 
rendered  politically  inarticulate  a  large  mass  of  working- 
class  discontent.  There  have  been  repeated  rumours  of  the 
imminence  of  working-class  revolution  in  Poland  under 
Communist  auspices  ;  but,  strong  as  Communism  is  among 
the  industrial  workers,  there  are  great  difficulties  in  the  way 
of  any  effective  Communist  uprising.  The  great  industrial 
areas  of  Poland  are  in  Upper  Silesia,  Teschen  and  other 
districts  which  formed  before  the  war  part  of  the  German 
and  Austro-Hungarian  Empires.  These  regions  are  far 
distant  from  Warsaw,  and  a  working-class  rising  in  them 
would  find  itself  to  a  great  extent  isolated  from  the  rest  of 
the  country,  and  above  all  unable  to  secure  possession  of 
the  capital  and  thus  take  the  authority  of  government 
directly  into  its  hands.  If  the  Russians  had  captured 

POLAND  179 

Warsaw  in  1920  Poland  would  in  all  probability  have  gone 
over  to  Communism.  But  for  the  present  at  least  there  is 
little  likelihood  of  a  successful  Polish  revolution  organised 
from  within. 

§  5.  ROUMANIA 

RUSSIA'S  southernmost  neighbour  along  her  western 
frontier  is  the  now  large  and  powerful  State  of  Roumania, 
which  more  than  doubled  both  area  and  population  as 
a  result  of  the  redistribution  of  territory  after  the  war.  Under 
the  Treaties  of  Peace  Roumania  acquired  from  the  Austro- 
Hungarian  Empire  the  great  upland  territory  of  Trans- 
sylvania,  and  the  rich  agricultural  lands  of  the  Banat  and 
Bukovina.  She  further  took  advantage  of  her  opportunities 
during  the  war  to  seize  the  border  province  of  Bessarabia, 
which  is  still  in  dispute  between  herself  and  the  U.S.S.R., 
and  to  complete  her  possession  of  the  Dobruja,  the  stretch 
of  country  lying  on  the  Black  Sea  between  Bulgarian  Varna 
in  the  south  and  the  mouths  of  the  Danube  in  the  north. 
Roumania  is  thus  to-day  in  population  easily  the  largest  of  the 
countries  of  South-Eastern  Europe,  despite  the  growth  of  pre- 
war Serbia  into  the  new  enlarged  kingdom  of  Yugoslavia. 
This  accession  of  new  territory  was  not  accomplished 
without  placing  considerable  racial  minorities  under  the 
political  sovereignty  of  the  Roumanian  State.  Roumanians 
to-day  account  for  roughly  70  per  cent  of  the  population — 
nearly  thirteen  millions  out  of  a  total  of  eighteen.  The  rest 
of  the  people  are  divided  among  a  large  number  of  different 
nationalities.  By  far  the  most  numerous  group  are  the 
Magyars  of  Transylvania,  whose  number  has  been  greatly 
swollen  by  the  pushing  west  of  the  Roumanian  border  to 
include  not  only  the  Transylvanian  uplands  but  the  towns 
and  railway  lines  at  the  edge  of  the  plain,  which  furnish  the 
principal  lines  of  communication  from  north  to  south. 
Germans,  also  mainly  in  Transylvania,  number  about  a 
million,  and  Jews  another  million.  Russians  and  Ukrainians 
arc  numerous  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  country  and 


especially  in  the  disputed  province  of  Bessarabia.  There  are 
Bulgarians  and  Turks  mainly  in  the  Dobruja  and  the  ad- 
jacent regions,  while  a  certain  number  of  Czechs  and  Slo- 
vaks are  to  be  found  in  the  northern  part  of  the  country 
near  the  Ruthenian  border.  The  Roumanian  minorities 
problem,  however,  despite  its  complexity,  is  not  quite  as 
difficult  as  that  of  Poland  ;  for  in  a  serious  form  it  exists 
mainly  in  Transylvania  and  Bessarabia,  and  the  minorities 
outside  this  area  possess  comparatively  little  coherence  or 
power  of  common  action.  The  Germans  and  the  Magyars 
have  organised  separate  national  parties  of  their  own 
within  the  Roumanian  State,  and  there  is  also  a  small  party 
representing  the  Bulgarians.  But  the  large  Ruthenian  and 
Russian  minorities  have  not  so  far  been  able  to  organise 
themselves  along  party  lines.  Nationalist  differences  are, 
however,  apt  to  be  aggravated  because  of  their  coincidence 
with  differences  of  religious  affiliation.  The  bulk  of  the 
people  belong  to  the  Russian  Orthodox  Church  ;  but  the 
Greeks  and  the  Roman  Catholics  have  each  over  a  million 
and  a  half  adherents,  and  the  Protestant  Church  has  not 
far  short  of  this  number,  while  the  Jews,  as  we  have  seen, 
number  about  a  million. 

The  Roumanian  State  has  grown  from  small  beginnings 
to  its  present  dimensions  in  comparatively  recent  times.  Its 
history  as  a  country  begins  with  the  recognition  of  the 
autonomy,  followed  shortly  by  the  union,  of  the  two  former 
Turkish  provinces  of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia  which  con- 
stituted Roumania  up  to  the  Balkan  Wars  of  1912-13. 
Moldavia  and  Wallachia,  autonomous  from  1856  and  united 
in  1 86 1,  finally  proclaimed  their  independence  of  Turkey  in 
1877,  an(*  tnis  independence  was  recognised  in  the  Berlin 
Treaty  of  1878. 

Thereafter  Roumania,  aided  by  the  richness  of  her 
natural  resources,  grew  rapidly  in  wealth  and  prosperity, 
especially  after  the  development  of  the  oil  fields  near  the 
Transylvanian  border.  The  peasants,  however,  remained 
exceedingly  poor,  and  there  was  a  large  landless  popula- 
tion, more  than  half  the  area  of  the  country  being  held  in 


large  estates  by  a  comparatively  small  class  of  rich  land- 
owners. These  conditions  were  responsible  for  the  serious 
agrarian  rising  of  1907,  and  had  led  to  a  persistent  demand 
even  before  the  war  for  the  reform  of  the  system  of  land- 
holding.  On  the  outbreak  of  the  first  Balkan  War  in  1912, 
when  the  remainder  of  the  Balkan  countries  united  to  attack 
Turkey,  the  Roumanians  kept  neutrality,  but  were  prompt 
to  demand  territorial  compensation.  As  a  result  of  die  first 
Balkan  War  they  obtained  from  Bulgaria  an  extension  of 
their  territory  to  the  south  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
Dobruja  ;  and  when  the  victorious  Balkan  Allies  fell  out 
over  the  distribution  of  the  spoils  of  their  victory  over  Turkey, 
the  Roumanians  joined  in  the  coalition  against  Bulgaria 
which  took  shape  in  the  second  Balkan  War,  immediately 
occupied  the  southern  part  of  the  Dobruja,  and  were  suc- 
cessful in  retaining  it  in  the  Peace  Treaty  which  ensued. 

In  the  Great  War  Roumania  at  first  remained  neutral, 
hovering  uncertainly  between  the  rival  offers  of  the  Allies 
and  the  Central  Powers.  But  in  1916,  in  return  for  large 
promises,  including  the  acquisition  of  Transylvania  and 
the  Banat  from  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire,  Roumania 
joined  the  Allies,  and  thus  found  herself  once  again  at  war 
with  her  old  antagonist  Bulgaria.  The  Central  Powers 
promptly  met  this  challenge  by  invading  the  country  at  the 
end  of  1916,  and  the  whole  of  Roumania  was  before  long  in 
their  hands,  the  oil  wells  being  destroyed  by  the  retreating 
Allies  in  order  to  prevent  them  from  falling  into  the  hands 
of  the  Central  Powers.  Thus  put  out  of  action,  Roumania 
at  the  end  of  1917  accepted  the  terms  of  an  armistice  with 
Germany  and  Austria-Hungary  ;  and  this  was  followed  by 
a  dictated  peace  under  which  the  Roumanians  had  to  agree 
to  cede  important  frontier  territories  to  the  Central  Powers. 
Austria-Hungary  was  to  acquire  a  strip  of  frontier  land 
running  all  round  the  borders  of  Transylvania  ;  Bulgaria 
was  to  regain  the  territory  lost  in  1913  ;  and  the  northern 
part  of  the  Dobruja  was  to  be  left  at  the  subsequent  disposal 
of  the  Central  Powers.  This  settlement,  however,  was 
jspeedily  annulled  when  the  armies  of  Germany  and 


Austria-Hungary  were  compelled  to  evacuate  the  country 
in  the  course  of  1 9 1 8  ;  and  with  the  collapse  of  German  re- 
sistance the  Roumanians  were  free  to  put  forward  claims  to 
a  great  enlargement  of  their  territory.  The  question  was 
not,  however,  settled  without  further  fighting  ;  for  in  1919 
war  broke  out  between  Roumania  and  Hungary,  and  the 
Roumanians  advanced  into  Hungarian  territory  and  for  a 
time  occupied  Budapest.  This  victory  over  disarmed  arid 
dismembered  Hungary  completed  the  post-war  settlement 
and  left  the  Roumanians  free  to  turn  their  attention  to 
the  administration  of  their  greatly  enlarged  territory. 

Apart  from  the  problem  of  national  minorities  the 
question  most  obviously  demanding  immediate  attention 
was  that  of  the  land.  Already  in  1917  the  first  steps  towards 
land  reform  had  been  taken  by  the  passing  of  a  Land  Law 
for  the  expropriation  with  compensation  of  the  great 
estates  ;  and  this  process  of  agrarian  reform  was  carried 
further  in  the  years  after  the  conclusion  of  the  war,  until 
the  greater  part  of  the  country  had  been  divided  up  into 
small  peasant  holdings.  Roumania  is  now  essentially  a 
peasant  country,  dependent  above  all  on  the  export  of 
cereals,  timber,  animals  and  meat,  though  the  export  from 
her  oil  wells  is  also  an  important  factor  in  her  trade 
balance.  Of  her  total  territory  about  44  per  cent  is  arable, 
about  14  per  cent  grass  land,  and  about  25  per  cent  forest, 
the  richest  agricultural  areas  lying  partly  in  the  old 
provinces  of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia  and  partly  in  the 
Banat  and  the  new  eastern  provinces  of  Bessarabia  and  the 
Dobruja.  The  Transylvanian  uplands  are  comparatively 
infertile  and  sparsely  populated,  save  for  a  broad  belt  of 
territory  lying  on  their  western  fringe.  The  Danubian 
country  of  Wallachia  still  forms,  especially  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Bucharest,  the  most  densely  populated  area  of 
the  country  ;  but  the  population  is  also  dense  and  rela- 
tively prosperous  in  the  new  territories  acquired  from 
Austria-Hungary  in  the  north  and  in  the  Banat  to  the  west. 

Roumanian  politics  are  still  dominated  to  a  great  extent 
by  the  question  of  the  land.  Between  1919  and  the 

ROD  MAN  I A  183 

establishment  of  the  present  dictatorship  by  the  King  the 
government  of  the  country  alternated  between  the  Liberals, 
led  by  Bratianu  until  his  death  in  1927,  and  the  Peasant 
Parties  under  the  leadership  of  Dr.  Maniu,  with  an  inter- 
lude of  government  by  General  Avcrescu  at  the  head  of  a 
coalition  dependent  on  peasant  support.  But  the  handling 
of  the  land  question  and  also  of  the  problem  of  minorities 
in  Transylvania  and  elsewhere  has  been  hampered  by 
dynastic  troubles  centring  round  the  personality  of  King 
Carol,  the  last  Hohenzollern  to  retain  a  European  throne. 

Post-war  politics  in  Rournania  have  been  throughout 
extraordinarily  involved  and  perplexing  to  the  outsider. 
The  enlargement  of  the  country  and  the  recognised  neces- 
sity for  a  large  measure  of  agrarian  reform  and  for  the  recog- 
nition of  universal  suffrage  broke  up  most  of  the  older  parties 
and  gave  rise  to  the  development  of  numerous  fresh  poli- 
tical combinations.  Of  the  historical  Roumanian  parties  the 
Liberals  alone  remain  in  being  ;  but  for  a  time  after  the 
conclusion  of  the  war  they  were  in  opposition  and  the 
government  was  carried  on  by  a  series  of  coalitions.  The 
Democratic  Coalition  of  the  Transylvanian  Vaida-Voevod 
soon  gave  way  to  the  administration  of  General  Averescu, 
which  was  chiefly  responsible,  under  traditional  conserva- 
tive auspices,  for  carrying  through  the  agrarian  reforms 
which  General  Averescu's  ambiguous  position  of  authority 
among  the  conservatives  combined  with  great  popularity 
amongst  the  peasants  put  him  in  the  best  position  to  under- 
take. But  no  sooner  was  the  land  reform  an  accomplished 
fact  than  the  Liberals  under  Bratianu  persuaded  the  King 
to  dismiss  the  Government  and  reinstate  them  in  power, 
and  it  was  under  their  auspices  that  the  new  Constitution 
of  post-war  Roumania  was  adopted  and  the  country  admin- 
istered on  highly  dictatorial  lines  from  1921  to  1926.  During 
this  period  the  opposition  parties  for  the  most  part  boycotted 
Parliament,  and  there  was  continual  unrest  in  the  country, 
including  repeated  Communist  uprisings  in  Bessarabia. 

In  1926  political  excitements  flared  up  in  consequence  of 
Prince  Carol's  dramatic  renunciation  of  his  right  to  the 


throne.  For  the  opposition,  at  loggerheads  with  the  King 
over  the  maintenance  of  the  Liberal  dictatorship,  refused 
to  recognise  the  situation  created  by  Prince  Carol's  act. 
Meanwhile  the  Liberal  Government,  in  imitation  of  Fascist 
models,  carried  through  an  extraordinary  electoral  law, 
under  which  any  party  which  received  40  per  cent  of  the 
votes  cast  at  a  general  election  was  to  receive  50  per  cent 
of  the  seats  in  Parliament  over  and  above  its  proportion  of 
the  other  50  per  cent,  which  were  to  be  distributed  in 
accordance  with  the  voting.  This  measure,  designed  to 
ensure  the  success  of  the  Government  at  the  forthcoming 
elections,  actually  led  to  the  downfall  of  the  Liberal  Party. 
For  before  the  elections  were  held  the  state  of  feeling  had 
become  so  strong  that  the  King  was  compelled  to  dismiss  the 
Liberals  and  call  on  General  Averescu  to  form  a  Govern- 
ment supported  by  the  peasants  as  well  as  i  >y  the  remainder 
of  the  opposition  parties.  In  the  ensuing  election  General 
Averescu's  party  got  four-fifths  of  the  seats  in  the  Chamber 
and  the  Liberals  were  almost  wiped  out.  But  in  the  follow- 
ing year  the  Averescu  conservatives  quarrelled  with  the 
peasants,  and,  after  an  attempt  to  form  a  non-party  Govern- 
ment, ttye  Liberals  came  back  to  power  and  conducted  a 
new  general  election  in  which  they  in  turn  wiped  out 
General  Averescu's  party.  The  Liberal  triumph  was, 
however,  short-lived,  for  after  King  Ferdinand's  death  in 
1927  the  Regency  dismissed  the  Liberal  Government,  and 
the  peasant  leader,  Dr.  Maniu,  formed  a  new  Ministry. 
The  general  election  which  followed  pursued  the  usual 
course  ;  the  Liberals  \\ere  overwhelmingly  defeated,  and 
the  peasants  returned  with  an  overwhelming  majority,  and 
thereafter,  with  temporary  interruptions  due  to  internal 
disputes,  maintained  their  hold  upon  the  country  until 
King  Carol  succeeded,  despite  his  earlier  renunciation  of 
the  throne,  in  resuming  power  with  the  help  of  the  mili- 
tary, and  thereafter  made  himself  virtual  dictator  in  1931. 

These  facts  are  given  at  some  length  in  order  to  illustrate 
the  extraordinary  working  of  the  Roumanian  political 
system.  For  even  the  astonishing  electoral  law  of  1 926  is  by 


no  means  enough  to  account  for  the  swing  over  of  votes  at 
successive  general  elections.  It  is  clear  on  the  facts  that 
under  present  political  conditions  in  Roumania  whoever 
has  control  of  the  governmental  machine  wins  the  election, 
and  under  the  electoral  system  the  victorious  party  is  certain 
of  returning  with  an  overwhelming  majority.  This  ob- 
viously makes  the  democratic  character  of  the  franchise 
largely  illusory,  and  adds  greatly  to  the  effective  power  of 
the  Crown.  For  as  the  Crown  can  dismiss  the  Ministry  and 
put  another  in  its  place,  and  as  the  Government  can  be 
certain  of  winning  the  election,  this  means  that  the  Crown 
can,  under  normal  conditions,  practically  dictate  the  com- 
position of  the  Parliament.  There  are  doubtless  limits  to  the 
Crown's  power  if  it  seeks  to  stand  out  against  an  overwhelm- 
ing body  of  public  opinion  or  to  maintain  a  thoroughly 
unpopular  Government  in  power  ;  but  short  of  this, 
Roumania,  as  the  circumstances  of  King  Carol's  return  in 
1930  and  the  subsequent  government  of  the  country  have 
clearly  shown,  is  far  nearer  to  being  an  absolute  monarchy 
than  a  constitutional  monarchy  in  the  west  European  sense. 
In  external  politics,  Roumania's  attitude  is  determined 
mainly  by  her  fears — the  fear  of  Russia  in  the  east  and  the 
fear  of  Hungary  in  the  west.  Bulgaria  to  the  south  may 
some  day  be  again  regarded  as  a  menace  ;  but  for  the  time 
being  Bulgaria  is  too  weak  to  cause  the  Roumanians  serious 
anxiety.  Their  fears  are  centred  on  Bessarabia  and  Transyl- 
vania, and  their  desire  ever  since  the  war  has  been  to  find 
as  broad  a  basis  as  possible  for  alliances  designed  to  pre- 
serve the  territorial  status  quo.  Roumania  is  joined  with 
Czechoslovakia  and  Yugoslavia  in  the  Little  Entente, 
which  exists  mainly  in  order  to  maintain  the  post-war 
settlement  of  the  Hungarian  frontier  and  to  prevent  the 
restoration  of  the  Hapsburg  Empire.  Shortly  after  the 
formation  of  the  Little  Entente  she  set  on  foot  negotiations 
for  broadening  it  by  the  inclusion  of  other  border  States, 
especially  Poland  ;  but  these  negotiations  fell  through,  as 
the  Czechoslovaks  and  Yugoslavs  were  by  no  means 
willing  to  become  entangled  unnecessarily  in  the  problems 


of  the  Russian  border.  Roumania  thereupon  concluded  a 
separate  agreement  with  Poland,  directed  evidently  against 
Russia.  The  dispute  over  Bessarabia  still  stands  in  the  way 
of  any  final  adjustment  of  her  relationships  with  the 
U.S.S.R.  ;  for,  though  the  Russians  have  followed  up  their 
earlier  pledges  to  prevent  incursions  into  Bessarabia  from 
Russian  territory  by  a  plain  declaration  that  they  will  not 
use  force  of  arms  for  the  recovery  of  the  province,  they 
refuse  emphatically  to  renounce  their  claims  or  to  recognise 
Bessarabia  as  Roumanian  territory.  In  fact,  while  the 
U.S.S.R.  is  pledged  not  to  go  to  war  in  order  to  get  Bessa- 
rabia back,  it  is  not  pledged  to  refuse  to  admit  Bessarabia 
to  the  Soviet  Union  should  it  be  able  by  its  own  efforts  to 
regain  its  freedom  of  action. 

In  the  summer  of  1933,  however,  the  U.S.S.R.  entered 
with  Roumania,  as  well  as  with  Poland,  the  other  countries 
of  the  Little  Entente,  and  a  number  of  other  States,  into 
treaties  which  not  only  give  mutual  pledges  against  aggres- 
sion but  also  plainly  define  the  "aggressor"  so  as  to  exclude 
all  forms  of  military  action. 

§  6.  THE  BALKANS 

OUR  STUDY  of  the  States  lying  along  the  western 
frontier  of  the  U.S.S.R.  has  carried  us  from  Scandinavia 
in  the  north  to  the  Balkan  countries  in  South-Eastern 
Europe.  In  this  region,  as  well  as  further  north,  there  has 
been,  as  a  result  of  the  wholesale  redistribution  of  terri- 
tory and  populations,  a  pronounced  change  in  the  poli- 
tical and  economic  situation.  The  expansion  of  Roumania 
arid  Yugoslavia  and  to  a  less  extent  of  Greece,  the  defeat  of 
Bulgaria,  and  the  recreation  of  Turkey  on  the  basis  of  her 
Asiatic  possessions  under  the  leadership  of  Kemal  Pasha 
have  changed  profoundly  the  distribution  of  forces,  not  only 
by  altering  the  relative  strength  of  the  various  Balkan 
Powers,  but  also  by  modifying  very  greatly  their  relation  to 
the  rest  of  Europe.  Roumania,  enlarged  almost'  beyond 





recognition  and  brought  into  close  contact  with  her  new 
and  powerful  neighbour  Poland,  ceases  to  be  predominantly 
a  Balkan  State  and  acquires  a  major  interest  in  the  prob- 
lems of  Central  rather  than  of  South-Eastern  Europe. 
Yugoslavia,  stuck  none  too  securely  together  out  of  pre-war 
Serbia  and  Montenegro  and  the  Austro-Hungarian  pro- 
vinces of  Croatia,  Slovenia,  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina,  runs 
up  to  the  Italian  boundary  on  the  Adriatic,  and  is  brought 
by  contact  with  Italy  and  Vienna  into  far  closer  touch 
with  Western  Europe.  Greece,  despite  the  defeat  of  her 
aspirations  towards  an  all-Hellenic  ^Egean  Sea,  has 
gained  a  considerable  accession  of  territory  and  an  added 
importance  in  world  trade.  Only  Bulgaria  and  Albania 
remain  as  purely  Balkan  States  in  the  old  sense  of  the 
word  ;  and  Bulgaria,  once  the  leader  in  Balkan  affairs,  is 
now  helpless  in  the  midst  of  her  aggrandised  and  victorious 
neighbours.  For,  though  her  loss  of  territory  during  the 
war  was  not  in  itself  great,  the  increase  in  the  size  and  popu- 
lation of  her  neighbours  has  left  her  easily  the  smallest  of  the 
Balkan  States  except  Albania,  and  set  back  indefinitely  her 
pre-war  hopes  of  expansion. 

The  Balkan  Wars.  In  considering  the  post-war  situation 
of  the  Balkan  States,  it  is  essential  to  remember  that  these 
States  became  involved  in  the  World  War  immediately 
after  their  emergence  from  two  successive  regional  wars 
of  their  own.  In  the  first  Balkan  War  of  1912,  Bulgaria, 
Serbia,  Montenegro  and  Greece  were  united  against 
the  Turk,  and  succeeded,  as  long  as  they  were  able  to 
maintain  their  unity,  almost  to  the  point  of  driving  the 
Ottoman  Empire  clean  out  of  Europe.  But  the  lalling  out 
over  the  spoils  of  victory  which  .speedily  followed  this 
success,  and  took  shape  in  the  second  Balkan  War  of  1913, 
not  only  reasserted  the  power  of  the  Turks  in  Europe  but 
also  resulted  for  Bulgaria  in  a  serious  set-back  to  her  hopes. 
What  the  Bulgarians  wanted  above  all  was  a  secure  means 
of  access  to  the  ^Egean  for  their  commerce,  and  the  posses- 
sion of  the  Macedonian  lands  largely  inhabited  by  peoples 

THE    BALKANS  189 

akin  to  themselves,  as  against  the  rival  claims  of  the  Greeks. 
After  the  first  Balkan  War  the  first  of  these  aims  seemed  to 
have  been  definitely  realised,  and  it  was  largely  over  the 
second  that  the  victorious  Balkan  Allies  fell  out.  The  second 
Balkan  War  lost  Bulgaria  the  Dobruja,  which  she  had  held 
since  her  recognition  as  an  autonomous  principality  in 
1878,  and  left  her  with  only  a  short  stretch  of  coast-line  on 
the  ^Egean,  including  the  small  port  of  Dedeagatch,  instead 
of  the  much  larger  territorial  accessions  for  which  she  had 

The  outbreak  of  the  Great  War  thus  found  the  Bulgarians 
in  a  mood  of  acute  resentment  against  their  immediate 
Balkan  neighbours,  and  avid  to  regain  what  they  had  lost 
as  a  result  of  the  second  Balkan  War.  They  had  already  in 
1914  turned  towards  Germany  for  financial  support  in  the 
hour  of  defeat,  and  had  obtained  from  the  Berlin  Diskonto- 
gesellschaft  a  loan  of  capital  in  return  for  which  German 
finance  acquired  substantial  concessions  in  the  country, 
especially  for  the  development  of  coal  mines  and  the  im- 
provement of  the  railway  system.  It  was  as  natural  in  the 
circumstances  for  Bulgaria  to  enter  the  war  on  the  side  of 
the  Central  Powers  as  it  was  for  her  rival  Serbia  to  be  pitted 
against  Austria-Hungary.  The  Bulgarians  thus  backed  the 
wrong  horse  yet  again,  and  the  territorial  settlement  after 
1918  cut  them  off  from  the  ^Egean,  with  only  an  unsatis- 
factory promise  of  special  facilities  for  the  building  of  a 
railway  to  Dedeagatch  and  the  establishment  of  a  zone  of 
their  own  at  that  none  too  eligible  port.  Territorially, 
Bulgaria  was  left  with  no  outlet  to  the  sea  save  on  the  east, 
and  under  the  necessity,  unless  Dedeagatch  could  be  made 
an  effective  outlet  in  face  of  the  political  and  geographical 
difficulties,  of  sending  her  sea-borne  commerce  to  Western 
Europe  by  way  of  the  Straits. 

Bulgaria.  Bulgaria,  with  her  forty  thousand  square 
miles  of  territory  and  her  six  million  people,  is  overwhelm- 
ingly an  agricultural  country.  Geographically,  the  land  is 
divided  into  two  parts  by  the  Balkan  mountains,  which  run 


right  across  the  country  almost  to  the  sea  ;  while  in  the 
south  the  Rhodope  range  parts  her  from  the  coast  lands  of 
the  /Egean  and  from  Macedonia  and  Thrace.  Mountainous 
in  the  centre  and  in  the  south,  she  possesses  large  tracts  of 
agricultural  land  on  both  sides  of  the  Balkan  range.  36  per 
cent  of  her  land  is  arable  and  only  about  3  per  cent  per- 
manent pasture,  with  roughly  30  per  cent  of  forest  country. 
For  the  most  part,  the  land  is  tilled  by  peasants,  who  make 
up  80  per  cent  of  the  total  population,  on  very  small 
holdings-  small  even  according  to  the  standards  prevailing 
in  Sou th-Eas tern  Europe.  Agricultural  methods  are  very 
primitive,  though  there  have  been  considerable  attempts  at 
improving  them  since  the  war.  Before  the  war  wheat  was  the 
chief  crop,  and  the  mainstay  of  the  export  trade.  But  after 
the  war  there  \\as  a  great  development  of  the  cultivation  of 
tobacco,  which  soon  accounted  for  not  far  short  of  half  of 
the  total  exports,  whereas  the  export  trade  in  wheat  shrank 
considerably  for  a  time,  and  has  only  revived  during  the 
present  slump.  The  cultivation  of  tobacco  had  been 
extended,  especially  during  the  period  when  Greece  and 
Turkey  were  largely  out  of  the  market  owing  to  disturbed 
political  conditions  and  to  the  Greco-Turkish  War.  With 
the  re-entry  of  these  countries  into  world  trade  other  forms 
of  agricultural  production  had  to  be  developed,  and  the 
Bulgarians  turned  more  largely  to  the  cultivation  of  sugar- 
beet,  sesame  seed,  cotton  and  maize.  But  tobacco  still 
predominates  ;  and  this  gives  the  Bulgarians,  in  common 
with  the  Turks  and  the  Greeks,  an  attitude  in  economic 
matters  differing  substantially  from  that  of  their  wheat 
exporting  neighbours. 

While,  however,  Bulgaria  has  suffered  less  than  these 
other  countries  from  the  sharp  fall  in  the  world  price  of  raw 
foodstuffs,  she  has  had  gicat  economic  difficulties  of  her 
own  to  face.  It  has  been  estimated  that  the  immigration  of 
Bulgarian  refugees,  including  Macedonians,  from  the 
surrounding  territories  has  increased  her  population  by 
nearly  a  million,  thus  adding  to  the  congestion  on  her  tiny 
peasant  holdings  and  to  the  unsatisfied  hunger  for  land. 


In  these  circumstances  production  per  worker  engaged  in 
agriculture  has  fallen  off,  though  it  has  shown  some 
tendency  to  rise  again  during  the  past  few  years.  In  dealing 
with  the  refugee  problem  the  Bulgarians  have  been  helped 
by  the  League  of  Nations  Refugee  Loan  of  1926  ;  but 
although  something  has  been  done  to  increase  land  settle- 
ment, the  problem  has  been  by  no  means  completely 
solved,  and  especially  in  the  south-west  part  of  the  country 
on  the  borders  of  Yugoslavia  and  Greece  the  disturbed 
political  conditions  caused  by  the  strength  and  lawlessness 
of  the  Macedonian  revolutionary  organisations  have  been 
greatly  aggravated  by  the  difficulty  and  persistence  of  the 
refugee  problem. 

Modern  Bulgaria,  like  the  rest  of  the  Balkan  States,  has  a 
comparatively  short  life  as  an  independent  country.  The 
old  Bulgarian  Empire  of  the  twelfth  to  fourteenth  centuries, 
after  a  period  of  subordination  to  Serbia,  came  under 
Turkish  rule  in  the  latter  part  of  the  fourteenth  century, 
and  thereafter  Bulgaria  disappeared  from  the  map  of 
Europe  until  the  fruits  of  the  nationalist  revival  of  the  early 
nineteenth  century  were  garnered  with  Russian  help  at  the 
close  of  the  Russo-Turkish  War  in  1878.  The  Treaty  of 
Berlin  established  Bulgaria  as  an  autonomous  principality, 
still  nominally  under  Turkish  rule,  but  not  including 
Eastern  Rumelia,  to  which  Bulgarian  nationalists  had  laid 
claim.  Eastern  Rumelia,  however,  was  occupied  in  1885 
by  a  coup  dc  main  and  thereafter  administered  by  the  Bul- 
garian prince  as  a  vassal  of  Turkey.  Not  until  1908  did 
Ferdinand  proclaim  Bulgarian  independence  and  unite 
the  two  areas  in  a  single  country,  taking  the  title  of  Tsar 
as  a  sign  of  Bulgarian  pretensions  to  revive  the  ancient 
Empire.  Thereafter,  as  we  have  seen,  Bulgaria  speedily 
became  involved  in  conflict  with  her  neighbours  ;  for  her 
people,  warlike  and  primitive,  were  easily  roused  to  a 
fervour  of  nationalism,  and  the  existence  of  large  Bulgarian 
populations  beyond  the  frontiers  of  the  new  State  gave  this 
nationalism  a  definite  political  objective,  even  though 
Bulgaria's  success  in  acquiring  the  territories  which  she 


coveted  would  only  have  created  fresh  problems  of  irre- 
dentism  among  her  neighbours  because  of  the  inextricable 
mingling  of  races  and  nationalities  in  the  disputed  areas. 

To-day  about  80  per  cent  of  the  population  of  the  country 
are  Bulgarians  and  about  1 1  per  cent  Turks,  Now  that  the 
Dobruja  has  been  lost,  the  number  of  Russians  in  the 
country  is  comparatively  small  ;  and  there  are  not  many 
Jews.  By  religion  the  mass  of  the  people  belong  to  the 
Bulgarian  Orthodox  Church  ;  but  there  is  also  a  substantial 
Moslem  population,  and  the  Roman  Catholics  are  numer- 
ous enough  to  have  some  influence. 

In  the  period  of  re-settlement  after  the  war  the  agrarian 
question  dominated  Bulgarian  politics.  The  election  of 
1920  was  won  by  the  Agrarians  under  Stambuliski,  who  for 
the  next  few  years  governed  the  country  practically  as  a 
dictator  with  the  support  of  the  left-wing  groups  and  in 
face  of  the  strong  hostility  of  the  older  parties.  An  Agrarian 
Law  was  at  once  passed  for  the  division  of  Church  and 
Crown  lands  among  the  peasants.  But  there  were  few  large 
estates  in  private  possession,  and  the  amount  of  land  avail- 
able for  division  was  far  too  small  to  meet  the  demand. 
In  1923  Stambuliski  was  overthrown  by  a  coup  d'ttat 
organised  by  the  conservative  elements  in  the  country  in 
alliance  with  the  discontented  Macedonians,  with  whom 
Stambuliski  had  quarrelled.  His  murder  in  the  course  of 
the  coup  d'ttat  left  the  Agrarians  without  an  effective  leader 
and  brought  to  an  end  his  dream  of  a  Green  International 
of  peasants  to  dominate  the  political  situation  of  South- 
Eastern  Europe.  The  coup  d'tiat  was  followed  by  a  situation 
not  far  off  civil  war,  in  the  course  of  which  the  new  Tsankoff 
Government  rigorously  suppressed  the  Communist  and 
Socialist  elements  in  the  country.  In  1926  a  form  of  demo- 
cratic government  was  restored  under  Liapchev  ;  and  in  the 
following  year  the  Constitution  was  amended  to  provide 
for  proportional  representation,  with  the  usual  results  of 
multiplying  parties  and  making  government  by  coalitions 
inevitable.  Communism,  suppressed  under  Tsankoff,  re- 
vived in  the  guise  of  a  new  Workers'  Party  which  won  a 

THE    BALKANS  193 

substantial  number  of  seats  in  the  general  election  of  1931. 
But  after  the  fall  of  Stambuliski  the  prospect  of  a  workers' 
and  peasants'  alliance  had  disappeared  ;  and  the  Agrarian 
Party  now  joins  in  governing  the  country  with  the  bourgeois 
parties  of  the  right,  centre  and  left. 

Yugoslavia.  Bulgaria's  immediate  neighbour  to  the 
west  is  Yugoslavia — the  new  Kingdom  of  the  Serbs,  Croats 
and  Slovenes  created  at  the  end  of  the  war  out  of  the  old 
kingdoms  of  Serbia  and  Montenegro  and  the  neighbouring 
parts  of  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire  inhabited  by 
peoples  of  Slavonic  race  and  speech.  The  Serbs,  by  adding 
to  their  pre-war  kingdom  the  Austro-Hungarian  provinces 
of  Croatia,  Slovenia,  Bosnia,  Herzegovina  and  Voyvodina, 
made  themselves  dominant  partners  in  a  country  with  a 
territory  of  over  94,000  square  miles  and  a  population  of 
nearly  fourteen  million  people,  whereas  pre-war  Serbia 
had  a  territory  of  only  34,000  square  miles  and  a  population 
of  four  and  a  half  millions.  But  even  Serbia  as  she  existed 
in  1914  was  a  new  country,  for  she  had  only  just  emerged 
from  the  Balkan  Wars  of  1912-14,  and  in  the  course  of  these 
wars  she  had  nearly  doubled  her  area  and  added  one-third 
to  her  previous  population.  Before  there  had  been  any  time 
to  devise  a  new  administrative  system  or  to  face  the  prob- 
lems of  government  and  administration  in  this  enlarged 
territory,  Serbia  became  involved  in  a  new  and  greater 
war  during  which  practically  the  whole  of  her  territory 
was  conquered  and  occupied  by  hostile  armies  and  her 
national  Government  forced  to  retire  to  alien  territory  in 
the  island  of  Corfu,  while  Austria-Hungary  and  Bulgaria 
with  their  armies  of  occupation  actually  governed  the 
country.  Thus  in  1918,  when  the  Serbian  Government  was 
able  to  resume  occupation  of  the  evacuated  territory,  it 
was  faced  simultaneously  with  the  problem  of  reorganisa- 
tion within  the  pre-war  area  and  of  uniting  the  old  kingdom 
with  the  vast  new  territories  emancipated  from  the  control 
of  Austria-Hungary.  Hardly  less  than  for  Poland  was  the 
creation  of  Yugoslavia  the  making  of  a  new  State  ;  and  the 


fact  that  there  were  the  already  existing  Serbian  monarchy 
and  Serbian  Government  and  party  system  to  be  reckoned 
with,  so  far  from  simplifying  the  problem,  only  added  to  its 

Even  before  the  new  kingdom  had  been  established 
at  all,  the  struggle  had  begun  between  the  old  Serbs,  who 
wished  to  make  it  simply  old  Serbia  writ  large,  and  to 
govern  the  new  provinces  by  a  centralised  system  under 
exclusive  Serb  dominance,  and  the  National  Committees 
and  Assemblies  of  the  emancipated  Austro-Hungarian 
provinces,  which  demanded  a  solution  based  on  full 
equality  for  all  die  elements  to  be  included  in  the  new 
State,  and  on  a  considerable  measure  of  regional  devolution, 
if  not  actual  federalism,  designed  to  safeguard  the  rights  of 
distinct  racial  and  religious  groups. 

For  post-war  Yugoslavia,  though  it  is  appropriately 
described  as  the  kingdom  of  the  southern  Slavs,  is  never- 
theless a  very  heterogeneous  group  of  territories.  The  Serbs 
themselves  form  hardly  more  than  a  third  of  the  total 
population  ;  there  are  now  living  in  Yugoslav  territory  over 
three  million  Croats,  a  million  Slovenes,  half  a  million 
Germans,  nearly  half  a  million  Magyars  and  almost  as 
many  Albanians,  and  a  quarter  of  a  million  Roumanian- 
speaking  people.  These  differences  of  race  and  language 
are  deeply  complicated  by  differences  of  religion  ;  for 
whereas  the  Serbs  belong  to  the  Orthodox  Church,  the 
Croats  are  Catholics,  and  in  the  total  population  the 
Catholics  claim  39  per  cent  as  against  47  per  cent  belonging 
to  the  Orthodox  Church.  Apart  from  these  two  major 
groups  there  are  large  numbers  of  Moslems  both  in  the 
south  of  the  country  and  in  Bosnia,  amounting  in  all  to  no 
less  than  1 1  per  cent  of  the  population,  while  in  Voyvodina 
along  the  Hungarian  border  there  is  a  large  element  of 
Protestants  among  the  German  and  Magyar  communities. 
Jews  arc  relatively  unimportant,  numbering  only  about 
73,000  in  the  country  as  a  whole. 

Nor  are  the  differences  which  lead  to  an  intense  demand 
for  local  autonomy  racial  and  religious  alone  ;  they  are  also 


to  a  large  extent  cultural.  The  inhabitants  of  the  old  Austro- 
Hungarian  provinces,  and  especially  of  Croatia,  Slovenia 
and  Voyvodina,  had  assimilated  to  a  great  extent  the 
culture  of  the  old  Empire,  and  are  in  social  matters  far  in 
advance  of  the  Serbian  population  further  south.  In  addi- 
tion, whereas  Serbia  herself  is  almost  purely  agricultural 
and  inhabited  almost  exclusively  by  peasants — old  Serbia 
contained  no  large  town  with  the  exception  of  Belgrade — 
the  people  of  Croatia  are  much  more  urbanised,  and  there 
has  been  a  considerable  development  of  mining  and  manu- 
factures in  both  Croatia  and  Slovenia.  Yet  again,  whereas 
Serbian  agriculture  is  still  essentially  primitive,  in  Voy- 
vodina a  high  level  of  agricultural  technique  exists,  especi- 
ally among  the  Germans  and  Magyars,  who  live  to  a  large 
extent  in  concentrated  communities  of  their  own.  Voy- 
vodina is  the  most  closely  populated  section  of  the  country, 
with  a  density  of  over  180  to  the  square  mile  ;  Slovenia 
comes  next  with  about  170,  and  Croatia  not  far  behind 
with  over  1 60  ;  whereas  Serbia  has  a  density  of  only  about 
no,  and  the  average  for  Yugoslavia  as  a  whole  is  only 
about  125. 

In  these  circumstances  the  more  advanced  peoples  of  the 
new  northern  provinces  keenly  resent  a  form  of  centralised 
government  which  has  involved  in  practice  the  domination 
of  the  old  Serbs,  and  an  almost  complete  disregard  of  the 
demand  for  local  autonomy  and  the  adaptation  of  methods 
of  government  to  the  differing  needs  of  the  various  prov- 
inces. This  question  of  centralisation  versus  some  degree  of 
local  autonomy  has  dominated  Yugoslav  politics  ever  since 
the  creation  of  the  enlarged  kingdom. 

Nor  is  it  even  nearing  settlement  to-day.  It  arose,  as  we 
have  seen,  when  the  constitution  of  the  new  State  was 
under  consideration  at  the  end  of  the  war.  Upon  the  collapse 
of  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire  the  former  Austro- 
Hungarian  provinces  at  once  proclaimed  their  independ- 
ence and  passed  temporarily  under  the  control  of  pro- 
visional administrations,  pending  a  definite  settlement 
concerning  their  future.  They  did  not  feel  strong  enough  to 


stand  alone,  and  they  were  ready  from  the  first,  on  terms, 
to  enter  into  a  new  combined  State  of  the  southern  Slavs. 
But  they  were  not  willing  simply  to  be  annexed  to  Serbia, 
and  to  be  governed  from  Belgrade  by  the  old  Serbian 
politicians  without  any  consideration  of  their  special  needs. 
The  old  Serbs,  on  the  other  hand,  under  the  leadership  of 
Pasic,  were  by  no  means  willing  to  give  up  their  power  or  to 
share  it  on  equal  terms  with  the  representatives  of  the  new 
provinces.  They  stood  for  a  pan-Serbian  policy  of  unifica- 
tion, and  they  were  acutely  suspicious  both  of  the  Catholi- 
cism and  of  the  more  industrialised  outlook  of  the  Croatian 
and  Slovenian  leaders.  Regarding  Austria-Hungary  as  their 
traditional  enemy,  they  disliked  especially  the  influence  of 
Austro-Hungarian  culture  in  the  new  provinces  ;  and  they 
wanted  Serbian  control  of  the  educational  system  as  well  as 
of  the  government  as  a  means  of  Serbianising  the  country 
as  a  whole.  It  was  only  after  considerable  difficulties  and 
long  delays  that  agreement  to  form  a  unified  State  was 
secured  between  the  provisional  bodies  in  the  Austro- 
Hungarian  provinces  and  the  old  Serbs  ;  and  this  agree- 
ment by  no  means  settled  the  problem  of  the  future  govern- 
ment of  the  country.  A  temporary  coalition  was  indeed 
patched  up  between  the  old  Serbian  governmental  party, 
known  as  the  Radicals,  and  the  new  Democratic  party 
formed  by  a  fusion  of  certain  sections  of  the  opposition  in 
Serbia  with  the  Liberal  groups  in  Croatia  and  the  other  new 
provinces.  This  coalition  governed  the  country  during  the 
years  immediately  after  the  war,  in  face  of  a  highly  mixed 
opposition  consisting  on  the  one  hand  of  a  large  body  of 
Communists  and  on  the  other  of  the  extreme  right  and  the 
extreme  left  among  the  Croatian  parties — the  Croatian 
clericals  and  Radic's  Croatian  peasant  party.  In  this 
uneasy  coalition  the  Serbs  were  successful  in  retaining  their 
dominance,  and  in  1921  they  pushed  through  the  Con- 
stituent Assembly  a  highly  centralised  constitution  provid- 
ing for  the  completely  unified  government  of  the  whole 
Yugoslav  State.  The  Croatian  peasant  opposition,  unwisely 
perhaps,  refused  to  recognise  the  validity  of  the  Constituent 


Assembly  and  abstained  from  attendance,  and  Communist 
opposition  was  effectively  got  under,  first  by  cancelling 
the  mandates  of  the  Communist  deputies,  and  then  by  the 
suppression  of  the  party  itself  after  the  murder  of  one  of  the 
Ministers  by  a  Communist  fanatic. 

The  immediate  effect  of  the  new  constitution  was  to 
strengthen  the  hand  of  the  old  Serbian  Radicals.  The 
coalition  was  broken  up,  and  a  purely  Radical  Ministry 
under  Pasic  governed  the  country  until  1924.  Then  at 
length  the  growth  of  opposition  to  the  Radical  policy  of 
unification,  reinforced  by  the  return  to  Parliament  of  the 
Croatian  deputies,  compelled  Pasic  to  resign.  For  a  few 
months  a  Democratic  Government  held  ofiice  ;  but  before 
long  the  Democratic  groups  fell  out  among  themselves, 
largely  in  consequence  of  the  intransigence  of  Radic  and 
his  Croatian  Peasant  Party.  Pasic  returned  to  power  and 
followed  up  his  suppression  of  the  Communists  by  suppres- 
sing the  Peasant  Party  as  well,  and  inaugurating  a  still  more 
highly  centralised  regime.  There  followed  a  period  of 
extraordinary  confusion.  Radic  executed  a  sudden  volte  face 
and  entered  into  a  coalition  with  Pasic  ;  but  this  soon  broke 
down,  and  in  1927  the  Radicals  coalesced  with  the  Demo- 
crats, while  Radic  resumed  his  leadership  of  the  opposition. 
This  was  followed  in  1928  by  the  disastrous  incident  in  the 
Chamber  in  which  Radic  and  several  of  his  followers  were 
shot  by  a  fanatical  Radical  deputy.  The  Croatians  at  once 
withdrew  in  protest  from  the  Chamber,  and  a  period  of 
complete  political  confusion  ensued,  until  the  King  cut 
the  knot  by  the  coup  cTttat  of  1929. 

In  the  course  of  the  coup  d'Stat  King  Alexander  made 
promises  of  decentralisation  in  order  to  pacify  the  opposi- 
tion. In  the  meantime  the  Constitution  of  1921  was  abroga- 
ted by  royal  decree  and  a  purely  Democratic  Government 
installed.  All  existing  political  parties  were  completely 
suppressed,  and  forbidden  ever  to  reform.  The  country, 
which  under  the  previous  Constitution  had  been  divided 
into  a  large  number  of  administrative  districts  carefully 
designed  to  break  up  the  old  Austro-Hungarian  provinces 


and  so  ensure  the  success  of  the  policy  of  centralisation,  was 
redistributed  into  a  smaller  number  of  new  areas  to  be 
called  Banats.  Each  of  these  was  to  be  under  a  Ban  ap- 
pointed by  the  Crown,  with  the  aid  of  a  provincial  Diet. 
In  1931  a  new  Constitution  was  brought  into  operation  by 
royal  decree  and  the  new  system  of  provincial  government 
made  definite.  This  new  Constitution  presents  some  extra- 
ordinary features.  Under  it  the  power  of  legislation  is  to  be 
exercised  jointly  by  the  Crown  and  by  a  National  Congress 
consisting  of  two  Chambers  with  co-equal  powers.  If  the 
Chambers  disagree  the  Crown  has  the  power  of  deciding 
between  them.  Of  the  Upper  Chamber  one  half  is  elected 
and  the  other  half  appointed  directly  by  the  Crown,  which 
has  thus  the  power  of  controlling  almost  absolutely  its 
dominant  complexion.  The  popular  Chamber,  on  the  other 
hand,  is  wholly  elected  under  universal  suffrage,  but  by  a 
system  so  extraordinary  as  to  reduce  to  complete  impotence 
all  the  various  provincial  minorities.  No  candidate  is 
allowed  to  stand  for  election  unless  his  name  is  entered  on 
a  rational  list,  and  no  list  is  admitted  to  be  valid  unless  it 
includes  a  representative  nominated  from  every  electoral 
division  in  the  country.  It  follows  that  no  group  formed 
upon  a  regional  basis — e.g.  no  purely  Croatian  party — can 
nominate  a  candidate  at  all,  unless  it  can  coalesce  to  form  a 
list  with  other  regional  groups  in  every  division — virtually 
an  impossible  condition.  Indeed,  at  the  elections  of  1931 
under  the  new  Constitution  only  one  list  was  able  to  comply 
with  the  required  conditions  and  all  the  members  appearing 
on  this  list  were  accordingly  returned  without  opposition. 
The  Parliament,  when  it  met,  thus  presented  a  spectacle  of 
unanimity  in  singular  contrast  to  the  Parliaments  elected 
under  the  system  of  proportional  representation  which 
prevails  over  the  greater  part  of  Europe.  There  were  no 
parties,  for  all  the  old  parties  were  still  prohibited  ;  but  the 
new  members  proceeded  to  remedy  this  defect  by  forming 
themselves  into  a  single  party — the  Yugoslav  Party,  to 
which  they  all  belong.  The  Yugoslav  State  has  thus  been 
made  *'  safe  for  democracy  "  without  the  disadvantages  of 


an  organised  opposition.  Far  more  completely  even  than 
the  Russian  system  the  new  Yugoslav  Constitution  ensures 
the  dominance  of  a  single  party  in  the  affairs  of  State. 
There  has  been  so  far  no  sign  that  this  dominant  party,  or 
the  King,  who  in  effect  controls  it,  is  prepared  to  make  any 
real  concessions  to  the  demand  for  local  freedom  by  expand- 
ing the  autonomous  powers  of  the  new  Diets  formed  for 
each  separate  administrative  area.  Yugoslavia  exists  under 
a  rigid  dictatorship  :  some  of  the  opposition  leaders  are  in 
prison,  and  the  rest  silenced.  Revolution  threatens  in 
Croatia  ;  and  there  is  a  vast  mass  of  discontent  even  in  old 
Serbia.  Politically,  relations  with  Italy  are  bad,  and  the 
temper  of  the  Government  is  strongly  militarist.  It  is 
impossible  to  believe  that  Yugoslavia  can  hold  together 
permanently  under  anything  resembling  her  present 
artificial  system  of  centralised  dictatorship. 

Greece.  To  the  south  of  Bulgaria  and  Yugoslavia  lies 
the  kingdom  of  the  Hellenes,  now  including  not  only  the 
Greek  mainland  but  also  the  greater  part  of  Macedonia 
and  Thrace  to  the  north  of  the  ^Egean  Sea,  together  with 
Crete  and  the  ^Egean  islands,  except  Imbros  in  the  north 
and  Rhodes  and  the  Dodecanese  off  the  south  of  Asia 
Minor.  Post-war  Greece  thus,  as  we  have  seen,  cuts  off 
Bulgaria  and  Yugoslavia  completely  from  the  ,/Egean  Sea  ; 
but  the  international  guarantees  in  respect  of  the  use  of 
Salonica  provide  Yugoslavia  with  an  outlet,  while  Bulgaria, 
as  we  saw,  has  certain  rights  in  the  small  port  of  Dedca- 
gatch  further  east. 

In  no  country  were  the  territorial  confusions  and  read- 
justments of  the  post-war  period  greater  than  in  the  Greek 
lands.  In  1919  the  Greeks  claimed,  in  addition  to  the 
territories  which  they  at  present  possess,  the  whole  western 
coast-line  of  Asia  Minor,  together  with  a  good  slice  of  the 
interior  and  the  stretch  of  territory  running  eastward  from 
Thrace  and  the  Black  Sea,  including  the  command  of  the 
Sea  of  Marmora.  This  would  have  brought  the  Greek  lands 
practically  to  the  gates  of  Constantinople,  and  in  Asia 


Minor  would  have  shut  up  the  Turks  far  away  in  the 
mountainous  interior  of  the  country.  In  addition  the  Greeks 
claimed  Rhodes  and  the  Dodecanese,  still  held  by  Italy, 
and  Cyprus,  held  by  Great  Britain. 

Even  the  boundaries  granted  to  Greece  by  the  Allies  in 
1920  were  a  good  deal  more  extensive  than  the  territory 
which  she  at  present  holds.  For  the  Allies  contemplated  the 
ultimate  cession  of  the  Dodecanese,  though  not  of  Rhodes, 
and  the  transference  from  Turkey  to  Greece  of  Smyrna  and 
a  considerable  hinterland  halfway  down  the  coast  of  Asia 
Minor.  Only  the  utter  defeat  of  the  Greek  armies  at  the 
hands  of  the  Turks  in  1921-22  compelled  Greece  to 
retire  within  the  territories  which  she  at  present  occupies 
and  to  leave  the  coast  of  Asia  Minor  under  Turkish 

Even  so,  Greece  gained  substantially  in  territory  and 
population  as  a  result  of  the  World  War  ;  and  these  gains 
were  in  addition  to  the  considerable  accession  of  territory 
which  came  to  her  as  a  result  of  the  Balkan  Wars  of  1912- 
13.  Indeed,  the  modern  Greek  State  is  the  result  of  a 
gradual  growth  extending  over  almost  a  century.  Greek 
independence  was  established  in  the  eightcen-twenties  in 
the  course  of  her  revolt  against  the  Ottoman  Empire  ;  and 
the  independent  existence  of  the  Greek  kingdom  under  the 
joint  guarantee  of  Great  Britain,  France,  and  Russia  was 
definitely  recognised  in  the  settlements  of  1830  and  1832. 
The  kingdom  of  Greece  at  this  stage  included  no  more  than 
the  Morea,  or  Peloponnese,  together  with  the  lands  im- 
mediately north  of  the  Gulf  of  Corinth,  and  the  islands  in 
the  western  part  of  the  ^Egean  Sea.  The  Ionian  Islands  off 
the  west  coast  were  ceded  by  Great  Britain  in  1863  ;  and 
in  1878  the  plain  of  Thessaly  was  added  to  the  Greek 
dominions.  Thereafter  Greek  expansion  ceased  for  the 
generation  preceding  the  Balkan  Wars.  In  1910  she  had  an 
area  of  about  24,400  square  miles,  and  to  this  the  Balkan 
Wars  added  about  21,600  square  miles,  almost  doubling  the 
land  surface  of  the  country  by  the  addition  of  Southern 
Epirus,  the  greater  part  of  Macedonia  and  Western  Thrace. 


After  the  Great  War  the  Greeks  gained  most  of  the  remain- 
der of  Thrace  and  a  large  territory  in  Asia  Minor  ;  but  of 
all  these  gains  they  retained  only  about  3,000  square  miles, 
giving  the  country  a  total  area  at  the  present  time  of  rather 
under  50,000  square  miles,  and  a  population  of  rather  under 
six  and  a  half  millions  as  against  five  millions  in  1913. 

The  territorial  changes  give,  however,  a  very  incomplete 
picture  of  the  change  in  the  Greek  State  in  consequence  of 
the  war.  For  there  has  been  since  1918  a  wholesale  migra- 
tion and  exchange  of  populations  between  the  territories 
now  under  Greek  control  and  those  of  Bulgaria  and 
Turkey.  In  1913  the  Greek  population  of  Macedonia  and 
Thrace  was  only  40  per  cent  of  the  total  ;  in  the  area  at 
present  under  Greek  control  it  is  now  90  per  cent  in  Mace- 
donia and  about  65  per  cent  in  Thrace,  as  a  result  of  an 
organised  system  of  exchange  and  settlement  carried 
through  with  the  financial  assistance  of  the  League  of 
Nations  and  under  the  auspices  of  the  International 
Refugee  Settlement  Commission  set  up  in  1923.  Thus, 
although  Greece  failed  to  make  good  her  claim  to  those 
territories  in  Asia  Minor  and  Eastern  Thrace  which  were 
largely  inhabited  by  Greeks,  the  area  now  under  her 
political  control  has  come  to  include  the  great  majority  of 
the  Greek  people,  and  the  alien  •elements  within  it  have  been 
very  greatly  reduced.  Greek  aspirations  have  not,  indeed, 
been  by  any  means  completely  or  finally  satisfied  ;  for  the 
Greek  claim  to  Cyprus,  Rhodes  and  the  Dodecanese  holds 
the  same  position  as  the  Greek  claim  to  Crete  used  to  hold 
before  the  war.  The  Greeks  will  not  be  satisfied  until  the 
Italians  implement  their  pledge  that  the  occupation  of  the 
Dodecanese  should  be  purely  temporary  and  give  up 
Rhodes,  and  until  Great  Britain  agrees  to  the  inclusion  of 
Cyprus  within  the  Hellenic  State.  But  as  far  as  Thrace  and 
the  mainland  of  Asia  Minor  are  concerned,  exchange  of 
populations  seems  to  have  gone  far  towards  achieving  a 
final  settlement  of  the  territorial  problem. 

Every  since  her  achievement  of  independence  in  the 
cightcen-twentics,  Greece  has  had  a  troubled  history.  The 


Bavarian  king  donated  to  her  by  the  Great  Powers  in  1830 
was  expelled  in  1862  as  the  result  of  a  military  revolt,  and 
thereafter  a  constitutional  monarch  was  elected  and  a 
unicameral  system  of  parliamentary  government  instituted. 
But  neither  Greek  monarchism  nor  Greek  parliamentarism 
ever  worked  smoothly,  and  there  was  constant  friction  over 
both  internal  and  external  affairs.  Greece  was  and  is  an 
exceedingly  poor  country,  and  she  has  been  from  the  first 
largely  in  the  hands  of  foreign  bondholders,  with  whom 
her  inability  to  meet  her  accumulating  burden  of  debts  has 
led  to  repeated  quarrels.  Her  financial  difficulties  have  been 
aggravated  again  and  again  by  war.  Both  after  the  Greco- 
Turkish  War  of  1897,  in  which  the  Greeks  got  much  the 
worst  of  it,  and  after  the  Balkan  Wars  of  1912-13,  in  which 
they  and  their  allies  were  victorious,  the  national  finances 
were  thrown  into  serious  confusion,  and  the  mounting  debt 
burden  was  already  a  serious  problem  before  1914.  More- 
over the  Cretan  question  was  a  continuous  source  of  dis- 
turbance. In  1897  lne  Cretans  finally  secured  autonomy 
under  the  Ottoman  Empire  ;  but  this  in  no  way  satisfied 
their  nationalist  aspirations  towards  union  with  Greece, 
and  in  1908  the  Cretans  definitely  proclaimed  themselves 
a  part  of  the  Greek  State.  The  Greek  Government,  fearful 
of  international  complications  and  possible  military  defeat, 
hesitated  to  endorse  the  Cretan  move,  and  the  consequence 
was  a  military  revolt  in  Athens  which  overthrew  the 
Government  and  placed  the  country  for  a  time  under  the 
authority  of  a  military  league.  Under  the  auspices  of  this 
body  Eleftherios  Venizelos,  whose  activities  form  an 
integral  part  of  all  Greece's  subsequent  history,  first  came 
to  power.  In  1912  the  Cretan  question  was  at  last  solved  by 
the  union  of  Crete  and  Greece  in  the  course  of  the  first 
Balkan  War.  In  the  following  year  the  assassination  of 
King  George  brought  to  the  throne  King  Corustantine,  who 
speedily  came  to  f>e  at  loggerheads  with  Venizelos.  On  the 
outbreak  of  the  Great  War,  Venizelos,  in  the  interest  of 
Greek  irredentism,  proposed  that  the  country  should  join 
the  Allied  Powers  ;  but  the  King,  who  was  a  partisan  of  the 


Germans,  thereupon  dismissed  him  from  the  ministry,  and 
in  1916  Venizelos  seceded  to  Salonica,  then  in  Allied 
possession,  and  set  up  there  a  rival  Provisional  Government. 
Under  pressure  of  the  Allies,  who  supported  Venizelist 
claims,  King  Constantine  was  forced  to  abdicate  in  1917 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Alexander,  the  effective 
control  of  affairs  passing  back  into  the  hands  of  Venizelos. 
Under  his  auspices  the  convention  with  the  Bulgarians  for 
the  exchange  of  populations  between  the  two  countries 
was  arranged  in  1919  ;  and  in  the  same  year,  at  the  request 
of  the  Allies,  the  Greek  army  landed  at  Smyrna  and 
occupied  the  western  central  part  of  Asia  Minor.  But  in 
1920  King  Alexander  died,  and  in  the  following  confusion 
Constantine  was  able  to  return  and  to  expel  Venizelos. 

This  change  in  Greece's  political  orientation  made  the 
victorious  Allies  far  less  sympathetic  to  Greek  aspirations, 
and  the  support  of  the  Greek  claim  to  Asia  Minor  was  with- 
drawn in  connection  with  the  repudiation  of  the  Sevres 
Treaty  between  the  Allies  and  Turkey.  The  Greeks,  how- 
ever, refused  to  give  way,  and  in  1921-22  suffered  complete 
defeat  at  the  hands  of  the  Turks,  who,  since  the  Franco- 
Turkish  agreement  of  1921,  were  receiving  the  active 
diplomatic  support  of  France.  Smyrna  was  recaptured  by 
the  Turks,  and  the  Greek  army  evacuated  in  disorder,  and 
no  less  than  1,350,000  Greek  inhabitants  were  expelled 
from  Asia  Minor  by  the  victorious  Turks,  while  a  parallel 
movement  for  the  removal  of  Turkish  inhabitants  from 
Macedonia  and  Thrace  was  organised  on  the  Greek  side. 
In  1922  these  mutual  expulsions  were  regulated  by  a 
Greco-Turkish  convention  for  the  exchange  of  popu- 
lations on  the  lines  of  the  Greco-Bulgarian  convention  of 

The  national  defeat  in  Asia  Minor  produced  powerful 
reactions  in  Greece  itself.  A  new  revolution  broke  out  and 
King  Constantine  was  forced  again  to  abdicate.  In  the 
heat  of  the  national  disgrace  the  Greek  leaders  who  were 
supposed  to  have  been  responsible  for  the  defeat  were 
executed  in  spite  of  protests  from  other  countries.  King 


George  II  replaced  Constantine,  but  was  speedily  com- 
pelled to  leave  the  country.  In  1924  it  was  decided  by 
plebiscite  to  constitute  Greece  a  republic,  and  the  work  of 
drafting  a  new  constitution  was  begun.  For  a  brief  period 
in  1926  General  Pangalos  succeeded  in  establishing  a 
dictatorship,  but  after  his  overthrow  a  new  republican  con- 
stitution was  brought  into  force,  and  thereafter  the  country 
was  governed  by  a  bicameral  system  of  the  familiar  type. 
The  president  of  the  Republic  is  elected  as  in  France  by 
two  Chambers  sitting  together,  and  has  much  the  same 
powers  as  the  French  President.  The  lower  Chamber  is 
chosen  for  four  years  by  manhood  suffrage  ;  but  since 
1930  women  have  been  granted  the  municipal  vote.  Three 
quarters  of  the  members  of  the  Upper  Chamber  are  also 
directly  elected,  and  the  remaining  quarter  chosen  partly 
by  the  two  Chambers  together  and  partly  by  special  bodies 
such  as  Chambers  of  Commerce  and  Universities.  But  it 
is  doubtful  whether  parliamentary  institutions  can  be 
regarded  as  at  all  securely  established  on  Greek  soil.  By 
far  the  strongest  personality  in  Greek  politics  is  Venizelos, 
and  political  affairs  are  dominated  mainly  by  the  quarrels 
between  his  supporters  and  opponents.  At  the  moment  of 
writing,  he  has  been  defeated  at  a  General  Election,  and 
an  attempt  of  some  of  his  partisans  to  make  a  military 
revolution  has  been  overthrown. 

Economically  Greece  is  mainly  an  agricultural  country. 
Before  the  Balkan  Wars  she  had  little  good  agricultural 
land  except  in  the  islands  of  the^Egean,  and  she  was  largely 
dependent  on  island  produce  for  essential  supplies.  Her 
territorial  expansion  has  now  given  her  excellent  agricul- 
tural land  in  Macedonia  as  well  as  in  the  further  islands 
added  to  her  domain.  She  is  not,  however,  by  any  means 
sclf-fufficient  in  foodstuffs.  Wheat  and  other  cereals  have 
to  be  largely  imported  from  abroad,  while  she  exports 
large  quantities  of  currants  from  her  older  territories  and 
tobacco  from  Macedonia.  Wheat,  oats,  barley,  maize, 
vines  and  olives  are  cultivated  on  a  substantial  scale  in 
addition  to  currants  and  tobacco,  and  there  has  also  been 

THE   BALKANS  2 05 

an  extension  in  other  types  of  fruit  growing  and  in  the 
cultivation  of  cotton  in  recent  years,  while  some  rice  is 
grown  in  the  northern  part  of  the  country.  There  has  been 
some  industrialisation  since  the  war  under  the  stimulus  of 
a  high  protective  tariff,  but  even  to-day  at  least  three- 
quarters  of  the  population  live  by  agriculture,  and  less 
than  one-third  are  in  urban  areas.  Greece  has  consistently 
both  before  and  since  the  war  had  a  large  adverse  visible 
trade  balance  ;  but  to  a  substantial  extent  her  surplus  im- 
ports have  been  covered  by  emigrant  remittances  from  the 
United  States,  to  which  there  used  to  be  a  very  large  emi- 
gration of  Greek  nationals  ;  to  some  extent  her  accumulat- 
ing financial  difficulties  of  recent  years  have  been  due  to  the 
fall  in  these  balances  on  account  both  of  declining  emigra- 
tion and  of  the  world  slump. 

Greece's  financial  difficulties  have,  however,  not  been 
by  any  means  wholly  due  to  this  cause.  The  war  with 
Turkey  in  1921-22  was  financed  only  by  great  inflation  of 
the  currency,  which  after  the  disaster  at  Smyrna  fell  to 
six  per  cent  of  its  par  value  in  terms  of  gold.  The  settle- 
ment of  refugees,  which  was  accomplished  by  the  breaking 
up  of  the  great  estates  as  well  as  by  the  exchange  of  peasant 
holdings,  involved  heavy  additional  overseas  borrowing  in 
1924,  when  Greece  had  to  submit  to  drastic  control  by  an 
International  Financial  Commission  in  connection  with  the 
League  of  Nations  Refugee  Loan.  An  attempt  had  been 
made  to  stabilise  the  finances  and  balance  the  budget  by 
means  of  a  capital  levy  and  of  additional  taxation  levied 
in  1923,  and  there  was  further  deflation  under  the  orders 
of  the  International  Commission  in  1924  and  1925  ;  but 
the  short-lived  dictatorship  of  General  Pangalos  in  1926 
afforded  the  opportunity  for  fresh  inflation,  and  the  new 
Government  of  1926  had  again  to  appeal  for  outside  help. 
This  was  granted  subject  to  still  further  foreign  control  of 
the  Greek  finances  under  the  League  of  Nations  Stabilisa- 
tion Loan  of  1928  ;  and  the  United  States  Government 
also  granted  Greece  a  loan  hi  connection  with  the  settle- 
ment of  the  war  debt  problem.  Thereafter  up  to  the 


outbreak  of  the  world  slump  Greek  finances  appeared  to  be 
in  a  better  position,  but  the  slump  soon  brought  to  light 
the  instability  of  the  settlement  which  had  been  achieved. 
The  great  mass  of  Greek  overseas  debts  are  payable  in 
gold,  and  the  fall  in  the  price-level  speedily  rendered  them 
intolerable  and  led  to  a  default  accompanied  by  a  new 
quarrel,  which  is  still  in  progress,  with  the  foreign  bond- 
holders. Indeed,  ever  since  1898  Greece  has  been  without 
real  financial  autonomy.  She  has  been  compelled  to  assign 
a  substantial  part  of  her  national  revenue  to  meet  overseas 
debt  claims,  and  to  submit  to  the  authority  of  a  Financial 
Commission  of  delegates  representing  the  leading  creditor 
countries.  Since  then  her  burdens  have  become  more  and 
more  topheavy  ;  and  so  far  from  succeeding  in  building  up 
an  export  surplus,  she  has  continued  to  import  more  than 
she  exports.  Potentially,  Greece,  since  the  acquisition  of 
Macedonia  and  the  ^Egean  islands,  is  substantially 
wealthier  than  she  used  to  be  ;  but  she  is  economically 
undeveloped,  and  the  heavy  burden  of  her  existing  debts, 
incurred  mainly  for  non-productive  purposes,  makes  it 
impossible  for  her  to  borrow  from  abroad  on  favourable 
terms  the  capital  needed  for  the  internal  development  of 
the  country. 

Albania.  Bordering  upon  Greece  to  the  south  and 
upon  Yugoslavia  to  the  east  and  north  lies  the  small 
independent  State  of  Albania,  with  a  population  of  well 
under  a  million.  The  Albanians  are  in  general  the  most 
primitive  of  all  the  European  peoples.  The  greater  part  of 
their  country  is  mountainous  ;  and  the  narrow  belt  of  flat 
land  along  the  coast  is  malarial  and  for  the  most  part  un- 
inhabited. There  is  only  a  tiny  proportion  of  arable  land 
in  the  country,  and  the  population  lives  mainly  by  the 
raising  of  sheep  and  goats  and  to  a  less  extent  cattle.  There 
are  no  large  towns  and  no  industries.  The  standard  of  life, 
especially  in  the  southern  part  of  the  country,  is  exceed- 
ingly low  ;  and,  although  the  people  live  by  raising  stock, 
the  great  majority  are  vegetarians,  and  meat,  wool  and 


hides  form  die  chief  articles  of  export.  To  a  great  extent 
each  household  continues  to  be  self-sufficient,  producing 
its  own  textile  goods  as  well  as  its  own  food  without  recourse 
to  the  market.  More  than  two-thirds  of  the  inhabitants  arc 
Moslems,  a  legacy  from  the  long  period  of  Turkish  rule ; 
for  Albania  only  became  an  independent  State  in  1913.  In 
the  north,  which  is  the  more  civilised  part  of  Albania, 
Roman  Catholicism  has  some  hold,  while  the  Albanian 
Orthodox  Church  is  active  in  the  southern  part  of  the 
country.  But  religious  differences  are  said  to  count  for 
little  among  this  primitive  people,  with  its  civilisation  still 
based  more  upon  the  family  than  upon  any  larger  social 

Albania  gained  her  independence  as  a  result  of  the  first 
Balkan  War.  In  1912  there  was  a  general  rising  against 
the  Turks  :  and  after  an  offer  of  autonomy  had  been  made 
by  the  Ottoman  Empire  the  Albanians  proclaimed  their 
independence  with  the  support  of  Italy  and  Austria- 
Hungary.  In  1913  the  Powers  recognised  Albanian  inde- 
pendence and  equipped  the  country  with  a  foreign  king, 
Prince  William  of  Wied,  who  was  never  in  fact  able  to 
establish  his  position  in  face  of  the  intrigues  of  the  rival 
Powers  which  were  scrambling  for  influence  over  the 
country.  During  the  war  Albania  was  occupied  from  the 
north  by  the  Allies  and  from  the  south  by  the  Greeks,  who 
were  anxious  to  incorporate  the  southern  part  of  the 
country  with  the  rest  of  Epirus  in  the  Hellenic  State.  In 
1915  the  partition  of  Albania  was  agreed  upon  in  one  of  the 
secret  treaties  made  between  the  Allied  Powers  ;  but  in  the 
following  year  the  Austrians  and  Bulgarians  succeeded  in 
occupying  the  country.  In  1917,  however,  the  Italians  pro- 
claimed an  independent  Albanian  republic  under  Italian 
protection  ;  and  in  1918,  upon  the  collapse  of  Austria- 
Hungary,  a  Provisional  Government  was  instituted  under 
the  auspices  of  the  Allies.  This  Government  was  unable  to 
establish  its  authority  in  face  of  the  opposition  of  the 
people,  and  in  1920  a  revolt  broke  out  and  a  rival  National 
Government  was  set  up.  After  some  hesitation  the  Italians 


decided  to  recognise  the  National  Government  and  to 
evacuate  Albania,  upon  which  the  Yugoslavs  made  an 
incursion  from  the  east  and  only  withdrew  when  they  were 
stopped  firmly  by  an  ultimatum  from  the  Allies.  Thereafter 
until  1924  Ahmed  Zogu  was  at  the  head  of  the  Govern- 
ment. But  in  1924  he  was  driven  to  resign  and  forced  to  fly 
from  the  country  by  an  insurrectionary  movement  under 
Monsignor  Fan  Noli.  Zogu  thereupon  retired  to  Yugoslavia 
where,  with  Yugoslav  aid,  he  organised  an  army,  invaded 
the  country  and  reassumed  power.  In  1925  a  new  constitu- 
tion was  adopted  with  Zogu  as  president,  and  in  1928  he 
changed  his  status  and  became  King  Zog.  At  the  time  of 
his  return  Zogu  had  been  inclined  to  rely  upon  Yugoslav 
assistance  ;  but  once  established  in  power  he  turned  to 
Italy  for  help,  and  it  was  under  Italian  auspices  that  the 
new  constitution  of  1925  was  adopted.  Italy  provided  the 
resources  for  establishing  the  National  Bank  of  Albania 
and  the  Corporation  for  the  Economic  Development  of 
Albania,  which  was  designed  to  help  in  the  civilisation  of 
the  country.  Since  then  Albania  has  been  for  the  most  part 
under  Italian  influence,  which  has  served  to  keep  in  check 
the  aspirations  of  Greece  and  Yugoslavia  for  the  partition- 
ing of  the  territory,  and  at  the  same  time  to  subdue  those 
irredentist  tendencies  in  Albania  itself  which  look  to  an 
extension  of  its  boundaries  to  include  the  Albanians  still 
living  under  Greek  and  Yugoslav  sovereignty. 


THE  PRE-WAR  Austro-Hungarian  Empire,  with  its  fifty- 
one  million  people  and  its  261,000  square  miles  of  territory, 
was  divided  territorially  between  the  two  co-equal  domi- 
nant partners,  Austria  and  Hungary,  which  had  separate 
Parliaments  and,  since  the  re-arrangement  of  1867,  had 
been  united  under  the  Hapsburgi  by  a  purely  personal 




union.  Bosnia-Herzegovina,  under  Austro-Hungarian  ad- 
ministration since  1878,  and  finally  annexed  in  1908,  was 
held  under  the  common  auspices  of  the  Dual  Monarchy. 
From  almost  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century 
Hungary,  previously  subject  to  Austria,  enjoyed  a  con- 
siderable measure  of  autonomy.  But  there  grew  up  in 
the  first  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  that  strong  move- 
ment for  national  independence  which  culminated  in  the 
revolution  led  by  Louis  Kossuth  in  1848,  and  the  pro- 
clamation of  an  independent  Hungarian  Republic  in  the 
following  year.  The  defeat  of  the  Hungarian  Revolution 
was  followed  by  nearly  twenty  years  of  Hungarian  sub- 
jection to  Austrian  rule  ;  but  after  the  exclusion  of  Austria 
from  the  German  sphere  of  influence  it  became  necessary 
to  make  fresh  concessions  to  Hungarian  demands,  and  the 
new  constitution  making  Austria  and  Hungary  co-equal 
partners  in  the  Hapsburg  Empire  was  finally  granted. 
Certain  services,  however,  including  the  army,  remained 
under  joint  administration  ;  and  the  dominance  of  Austrian 
influences  in  the  combined  departments  continued  to  give 
rise  to  trouble,  which  was  accentuated  during  the  war  as 
the  subject  nationalities  of  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire 
began  to  assert  themselves,  and  the  unity  of  the  Empire 
as  a  whole  to  give  way. 

Hungary.  When  in  1918  the  Austro-Hungarian 
Empire  finally  dissolved,  and  National  Councils  and 
Provisional  Governments  assumed  authority  in  its  various 
provinces,  the  greater  part  of  Hungary  passed  under  the 
authority  of  a  National  Council  headed  by  Count  Karolyi, 
and  Karolyi  had  at  once  to  face  the  problem  raised  by  the 
proclamation  of  national  independence  in  the  non-Magyar 
territories  previously  under  Hungarian  control.  Almost  at 
once  Roumanian,  Czechoslovak,  and  other  national  forces 
began  to  occupy  parts  of  the  area  of  pre-war  Hungary  ; 
and  even  after  the  armistice  the  Roumanians  were  allowed 
by  the  Allies  to  extend  considerably  their  occupation  of 
Hungarian  territory.  In  March  1919  Count  Karolyi, 


unable  to  sustain  his  authority  in 
without  and  Socialist  and  Comimj 
resigned  office  and  handed  over 
Communist  groups,  which  procee 
form  of  government  under  Bela  Ku 
of  Bela  Kun  was  followed  by  a 
particularly  in  the  country  districts,^ 
endeavoured  to  assert  their  authority^ 
owners,  who  had  a  strong  hold  over 
peasantry.  But  the  Hungarians  were  not  left  to  settle  their 
internal  differences  alone.  In  the  summer  of  1919  the 
Roumanians  resumed  their  advance  into  Hungary,  and  the 
Bela  Kun  Government  was  overthrown.  Kun  himself  fled 
to  Russia,  and  the  Pcidl  Socialist  Government,  which 
attempted  to  take  over  authority,  was  destroyed  a  week 
later  by  a  coup  d'etat.  The  Hapsburg  Archduke  Joseph 
thereupon  assumed  power  as  Governor  ;  but  the  Rou- 
manians countered  by  a  further  advance  and  occupied 
Budapest.  Under  Allied  pressure  the  Archduke  was  com- 
pelled to  retire,  and  in  November  the  Roumanians  with- 
drew from  Budapest  after  doing  a  great  deal  of  damage, 
and  took  with  them  in  their  withdrawal  as  much  of  the 
movable  property  and  instruments  of  production  of  the 
Hungarians  as  they  were  able  to  lay  hands  upon.  The  Allies 
meanwhile  attempted  to  set  up  a  cabinet  representing  all 
the  Hungarian  parties  ;  but  Admiral  Horthy  at  the  head 
of  an  irregular  force  speedily  occupied  Budapest  and 
assumed  the  controlling  power.  The  National  Assembly 
elected  in  1 920  equipped  Hungary  with  a  new  constitution, 
to  the  accompaniment  of  a  White  Terror  directed  against 
those  who  had  taken  part  in  the  Socialist  Governments  of 
the  previous  year.  In  protest  against  the  slaughter  of  work- 
ing class  leaders  the  Labour  and  Socialist  International 
attempted  in  June  1920  to  organise  an  international  boy- 
cott of  Hungary ;  but  this  was  unsuccessful,  and  the 
country  began  to  settle  down  under  the  new  regime  with 
Admiral  Horthy  as  Regent.  In  1921  the  Archduke  Charles 
twice  attempted  to  return  to  Hungary  and  assume  the 


(crown,  but  on  both  occasions  he  was  compelled  to  with- 
draw by  the  threats  of  the  Little  Entente  (Roumania, 
Czechoslovakia  and  Yugoslavia)  to  invade  the  country  if 
any  'attempt  was  made  to  restore  the  Hapsburgs  to  the 
throne  ;  %r  the,  Succession  States  of  Austria-Hungary  felt 
a  Hapsburon  the  Hungarian  throne  would  be  a  per- 

,  jnagpht  jnenace  to  their  new-found  independence. 

garian  Government  had  been 
compelled  'to  sign  the  Trianon  Treaty  with  the  Allies,  and 
to  agree  to  a  dictated  demarcation  of  the  new  frontiers  of 
the  Hungarian  State.  These  frontiers  were  so  drawn  as  to 
confine  post-war  Hungary  within  very  narrow  limits.  The 
pre-war  area  of  Hungary  was  125,000  square  miles  ;  and 
of  this  no  less  than  90,000  square  miles  had  under  the 
Treaty  of  Trianon  to  be  ceded  to  other  States.  From  a  pre- 
war population  of  twenty-one  millions  Hungary  was  re- 
duced in  1  920  to  a  population  of  between  eight  and  nine 
millions  ;  and  her  new  frontiers  were  so  drawn  as  to  leave 
in  the  ceded  territories  not  less  than  3,300,000  Magyars,  or 
nearly  a  third  of  the  total  number  of  the  Magyar  nation. 
Magyars  had  constituted  54  per  cent  of  the  population  of 
pre-war  Hungary  ;  in  the  new  post-war  State  they  consti- 
tuted as  much  as  90  per  cent,  the  balance  being  made  up  of 
7  per  cent  of  Germans  and  a  small  number  of  Slav  peoples, 
chiefly  Slovaks.  Hungary  is  thus  now  a  State  possessing  a 
very  high  degree  of  national  uniformity  in  its  population  ; 
but  the  exclusion  of  nearly  one-third  of  the  Magyar  people 
from  its  territory  serves  to  keep  in  being  a  strong  irredentist 
spirit  and  a  very  great  unwillingness  to  regard  as  perma- 
nent the  territorial  settlement  of  1920.  Any  map  showing  the 
political  and  ethnical  divisions  of  post-war  Europe  will 
reveal  that  only  on  the  west  do  the  territorial  frontiers  of 
*  post-war  Hungary  coincide  with  the  frontier  drawn  accord- 
ing to  ethnical  divisions.  All  along  the  north  there  is  a  long 
stretch  of  territory  with  a  Magyar  majority  that  has  been 
assigned  to  Czechoslovakia  ;  down  most  of  the  eastern 
frontier  there  is  a  similar  stretch  of  territory  assigned  to 
Roumania  ;  in  the  south  large  bodies  of  Magyars  in  the 


lands  round  the  river  Tisa  are  now  under  Yugoslav  rule  ; 
and  finally  in  central  Transylvania,  cut  off  from  the  rest  of 
the  Magyars  by  a  broad  belt  of  territory  inhabited  chiefly 
by  Roumanians,  there  are  considerable  enclaves  of  Magyar 
population  under  Roumanian  rule.  Even  if  Transylvania, 
with  its  Magyar  enclaves,  must  be  regarded  as  permanently 
lost  to  the  Hungarian  State,  it  is  inevitable  that  Hungary 
should  look  covetously  across  her  restricted  frontiers  to 
the  immediately  contiguous  territories  in  which  Magyar 
populations  predominate. 

This  narrowing  of  the  frontiers  of  the  new  Hungary 
beyond  what  could  possibly  be  justified  on  ethnical  grounds 
arose  mainly  from  economic  considerations.  For  example, 
the  boundary  between  Roumania  and  Hungary  has  been 
so  drawn  as  to  include  in  Roumania  the  railway  lines 
running  along  the  valley  to  the  west  of  the  Transylvanian 
uplands,  on  the  ground  that  these  railways  form  the  most 
natural  means  of  communication  between  the  upland 
areas.  In  the  north  railway  communications  were  also  an 
important  factor  in  determining  the  new  boundaries  ; 
but  especially  in  the  east  important  parts  of  Hungary's 
pre-war  resources  of  iron  and  coal  were  also  taken  away 
and  assigned  to  Czechoslovakia  in  defiance  of  national  con- 
siderations. There  was  also  a  strategic  element  in  the 
drawing  of  the  new  boundaries,  which,  being  drawn  in 
accordance  with  the  claims  of  the  new  succession  States, 
gave  Hungary  no  natural  defences  and  made  her  a  great 
plain  easily  open  to  invasion  from  the  mountain  regions 
which  surround  her  on  almost  every  side. 

Confined  to  this  central  plain,  post-war  Hungary  is  pre- 
dominantly an  agricultural  country  engaged  in  arable 
cultivation.  Sixty  per  cent  of  her  area  consists  of  arable 
land,  and  18  per  cent  of  meadow  and  pasture  ;  and  three- 
quarters  of  the  arable  land  is  normally  under  cereals.  She 
is  an  important  exporter  of  wheat  and  other  cereals  and 
also  of  sugar  and  to  a  less  extent  of  animals  and  meat. 
Accordingly  she  has  felt  very  seriously  the  effects  of  the  agri- 
cultural depression,  not  only  because  the  price  of  wheat  has 


fallen  very  low,  but  also  because  of  the  barriers  erected 
against  her  exports  by  neighbouring  countries  for  the  pro- 
tection of  their  own  agricultural  interests.  Industrially  post- 
war Hungary  is  in  a  very  difficult  position.  She  lost  under  the 
Peace  Treaty  four-fifths  of  her  iron  ore  and  a  substantial 
fraction  of  her  coal  ;  and  she  now  requires  to  import  most 
of  her  coal  and  a  large  proportion  of  the  manufactured 
goods  needed  for  domestic  consumption.  She  retained, 
indeed,  especially  in  Budapest,  the  majority  of  the  large 
factories  existing  in  the  country  ;  but,  as  these  had  been 
cut  off  from  many  of  the  sources  from  which  they  used  to 
draw  their  raw  materials,  there  has  been  great  difficulty  in 
keeping  them  at  work,  and  Hungary  was  suffering  seriously 
from  unemployment  even  before  the  world  depression. 
Nevertheless,  she  had  managed  with  the  aid  of  her  agri- 
cultural exports  to  balance  her  trade  and  build  up  in  1930 
a  small  export  surplus.  Her  chief  markets  are  Austria, 
Czechoslovakia  and  Italy  ;  and  the  restriction  of  imports 
into  these  countries  has  since  hit  her  very  hard.  She  has 
also  been  hit  by  the  diversion  to  other  routes  of  a  large  part 
of  the  through  traffic  which  used  to  go  by  way  of  the 
Hungarian  railways  ;  and  ever  since  the  war  her  financial 
position  has  been  precarious  in  the  extreme. 

Hungary  made  her  first  attempt  to  regulate  her  own 
financial  situation  in  1 92 1 ,  when  the  Hungarian  Government 
established  a  new  State  institution  for  the  issue  of  bank 
notes.  But  in  1923  her  financial  difficulties  compelled  her  to 
appeal  to  the  League  of  Nations  for  help  of  the  same  sort 
as  had  been  afforded  to  Austria  in  the  previous  year.  A 
guaranteed  League  loan  of  the  type  that  had  been  given  to 
Austria  was  refused  ;  but  the  Hungarians  were  compelled  to 
accept  a  large  measure  of  foreign  financial  control,  includ- 
ing the  establishment  of  a  new  Bank  of  Issue  under  foreign 
advice,  and  in  return  for  this  submission  they  were  allowed 
to  raise  a  market  loan  of  fifty  million  dollars  subscribed 
chiefly  in  Great  Britain,  the  United  States,  Italy  and 
Switzerland.  Thereafter  the  work  of  stabilisation  went  on 
rapidly,  and  in  1926  the  Special  Commissioner  appointed 


by  the  League  of  Nations  was  able  to  resign  on  completion 
of  the  task  assigned  to  him.  But  the  world  crisis  of  1929  and 
the  following  years  soon  plunged  the  finances  of  Hungary 
again  into  chaos,  in  face  of  the  falling  money  yield  of  her 
exports  and  the  rapidly  increasing  real  burden  of  her 
external  debts.  The  League  was  driven  again  to  intervene, 
and  fresh  loans  had  to  be  made  to  help  the  Hungarians 
through.  The  effect  of  these  loans  is  discussed  elsewhere  in 
this  book  in  connection  with  the  measures  taken  by  the 
League  to  assist  other  distressed  European  countries 
through  the  financial  crisis. 

It  is  easy  to  see  that  Hungary  within  her  new  frontiers  is 
very  unhappily  placed  in  an  economic  as  well  as  in  a  poli- 
tical sense.  Budapest,  with  its  million  inhabitants,  was 
formerly  the  capital  of  a  State  with  twice  the  population 
of  present-day  Hungary  and  more  than  three  times  the 
area.  The  industries  of  Budapest  had  been  built  up  to 
supply  the  needs  of  this  extensive  area,  and  could  not  well 
be  readjusted  without  serious  difficulties  to  the  contracted 
internal  market  of  post-war  Hungary.  Hungarian  manu- 
factured products  were  excluded  by  high  tariffs  from  the 
surrounding  areas  ;  and  the  chief  industries — flour  milling 
and  sugar  refining — suffered  especially  from  the  desire  of 
her  neighbours  to  appropriate  these  food-preparing  trades 
for  themselves.  The  position  of  Budapest  was  not  quite  so 
difficult  as  that  of  Vienna,  but  it  was  difficult  enough  to 
present  a  very  serious  problem.  Moreover,  Hungary  more 
than  any  other  country  suffers  from  the  national  enmities 
of  her  neighbours  as  well  as  from  their  desire  to  build  up 
for  themselves  systems  of  economic  self-sufficiency.  The 
countries  of  the  Little  Entente  live  in  perpetual  fear  of 
Hungary  growing  again  strong  enough  to  attempt  to  re- 
assert her  pre-war  domination.  Conscious  that  the  post-war 
restriction  of  her  territory  cannot  be  justified  on  national- 
istic grounds,  they  are  determined  to  keep  her  under  by 
main  force  ;  while  among  the  Hungarian  people  resent- 
ment at  national  losses  mingles  with  the  relics  of  the  pre- 
war imperialistic  temper  to  maintain  nationalist  spirit  at 


a  dangerous  heat.  The  status  quo  in  Hungary  is  therefore 
permanently  unstable  ;  and  while  the  country,  disarmed 
under  the  Treaties  of  Peace  and  restricted  within  largely 
indefensible  military  frontiers,  is  in  no  position  to  take  the 
offensive,  there  remain  in  the  strained  relations  between  the 
Magyars  and  their  neighbours  all  the  potential  seeds  of 
future  territorial  trouble.  No  one  can  reasonably  regard  the 
post-war  settlement  of  Hungary  as  fair,  and  no  one  can 
confidently  say  that  it  possesses  any  of  the  essential  elements 
of  lasting  stability. 

Austria.  Post-war  Austria  is,  like  Hungary,  a  pre- 
dominantly Catholic  country  with  a  population  possessing 
a  high  degree  of  national  homogeneity.  But  whereas  the 
Magyars  constituted  a  nationality  apart,  97  per  cent  of  the 
population  of  post-war  Austria  are  German-speaking,  and 
of  the  same  race  and  culture  as  their  neighbours  across  the 
national  frontiers  in  the  German  State.  For  this  reason, 
whereas  Hungarian  aspirations  are  centred  upon  an  en- 
largement of  the  Hungarian  State,  a  large  section  among 
the  Austrians,  placed  in  an  even  more  difficult  position  by 
the  Treaties  of  Peace,  thinks  rather  in  terms  of  political  and 
economic  union  with  Germany.  It  was  manifest  in  1918,  and 
it  is  manifest  to-day,  that  Austria  cannot  possibly  build  up 
for  herself  a  balanced  national  life  within  her  restricted 
frontiers,  and  especially  that  Vienna,  once  the  capital  of  a 
great  Empire  and  now  reduced  to  the  capital  of  a  small  and 
predominantly  agrarian  State,  is  doomed  to  decay  and 
semi-starvation  as  long  as  she  remains  isolated  economically 
on  all  sides  by  tariff  barriers  and  other  artificial  restrictions 
in  the  way  of  international  trade  and  intercourse.  The 
problem  of  Austria  is  above  all  the  problem  of  Vienna,  and 
of  the  relations  of  Vienna  with  the  small  and  infertile 
agricultural  territory  which  alone  was  left  to  her  by  the 
Treaties  of  Peace. 

Pre-war  Austria,  the  dominant  partner  in  the  Austro- 
Hungarian  Empire,  had  a  population  of  over  thirty 
millions  and  a  territory  of  1 16,000  square  miles.  The  Peace 


Treaties  reduced  her  to  a  population  of  six  and  a  half 
millions  and  a  territory  of  32,000  square  miles.  But  even 
these  figures  do  not  completely  measure  her  declension,  for 
Vienna  was  in  effect  the  banker  and  Austrian  industry  to 
a  great  extent  the  supplier  of  the  needs  of  the  pre-war  terri- 
tory of  Hungary  as  well.  Moreover,  Austria  has  lost  her  old 
access  to  the  sea,  and  her  ports  at  Trieste  and  Pola  and  in 
Dalmatia,  as  well  as  the  coast  of  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina. 
Austria  is  now  a  purely  inland  State  with  a  territory  mainly 
mountainous  and  not  permitting  of  any  high  degree  of 
cultivation.  Over  90  per  cent  of  her  total  area  can  be 
fairly  described  as  mountainous,  and  nearly  40  per  cent  con- 
sists of  forest.  Less  than  a  quarter  of  the  total  land  area  is 
under  cultivation  in  any  form.  Vienna,  with  its  population 
approaching  two  millions,  contains  not  far  short  of  a  third 
of  the  total  population  of  the  country  ;  and  the  feeding  of 
this  vast  urban  population  involves,  in  face  of  the  shortage 
of  agricultural  land,  a  large  importation  of  cereals.  Austria 
must  therefore  export  if  she  is  to  live.  But  she  has  lost  in  the 
territories  ceded  to  her  neighbours  many  of  the  raw  ma- 
terials on  which  she  used  to  rely.  She  has  little  coal  within 
her  frontiers,  though  she  has  iron  ore  in  plenty,  and  her 
abundant  timoer  resources  furnish  materials  for  the  wood 
and  paper  industries  that  supply  an  appreciable  part  of  her 
exports.  In  the  absence  of  tariff  barriers  the  textile,  metal, 
timber  and  paper  industries  might  enable  Austria  to  live 
by  exchange  at  a  satisfactory  standard  of  life.  But,  like 
Hungary,  she  is  ringed  round  by  a  group  of  countries 
anxious  to  sell  her  their  exports  and  exceedingly  reluctant 
to  take  her  own  in  exchange.  Consequently,  despite  the 
most  drastic  restrictions  on  imports,  Austria  has  suffered 
steadily  from  a  large  adverse  balance  of  trade,  the  con- 
tinuance of  which  has  been  rendered  possible  only  by 
means  of  repeated  borrowing  from  abroad.  In  as  far  as  she 
has  been  able  at  all  to  meet  the  service  of  her  heavy  ex- 
ternal debts  this  has  been  done  only  with  the  aid  of  fresh 
loans.  Again  and  again  since  1922,  when  her  first  appeal  for 
help  to  the  League  of  Nations  was  granted  and  a  loan  of 


twenty-five  millions  provided  mainly  by  Great  Britain, 
France,  Italy  and  Czechoslovakia,  she  has  had  to  appeal  for 
further  help  and  to  submit  her  finances  and  her  internal 
policy  to  rigorous  external  control  under  the  auspices  of  the 
League  of  Nations.  Austria's  finances  are  at  present  under 
the  control  of  a  League  Commissioner  ;  and  she  is  enabled 
to  carry  on  at  all  only  with  the  aid  of  fresh  doles  grudgingly 
accorded  by  her  creditors,  who  are  not  willing  to  face  the 
political  consequences  of  leaving  her  in  the  lurch. 

As  in  the  case  of  Hungary,  the  break-up  of  the  Austro- 
Hungarian  Empire  towards  the  end  of  the  war  led  to  the 
proclamation  of  national  independence  over  a  large  part 
of  pre-war  Austrian  territory.  In  Austria  itself  the  National 
Assembly,  which  met  in  1919,  desired  to  merge  what  was 
left  of  the  country  with  the  new  German  Republic  ;  and  this 
attempt,  promptly  vetoed  by  the  Allies,  who  were  unwilling 
to  sanction  an  extension  of  German  influence  into  southern 
and  eastern  Europe,  was  renewed  with  no  better  success  in 
1920  and  1921.  It  was  made  clear  to  the  Austrians  that  the 
Allies,  and  above  all  France,  would  on  no  account  agree  to 
a  political  union  between  Austria  and  Germany,  and  that 
the  Austrians  must  reconcile  themselves  for  the  time  at 
least  to  making  the  best  of  national  independence  within 
their  restricted  area.  A  definite  renunciation  of  the  policy 
of  union  with  Germany  was  made  a  condition  of  the  League 
loan  of  1922,  and  thereafter  the  Austrians  had  to  struggle  on 
as  best  they  could  under  Allied  financial  dictation.  Their 
difficulties  were  made  the  more  acute  by  the  pronounced 
differences  of  political  complexion  between  Vienna  and  the 
rest  of  the  country.  Vienna  was,  and  has  remained,  a  Socialist 
city  >  governed  by  a  Socialist  municipality  which  has  shown 
itself,  in  face  of  all  its  troubles,  the  most  enterprising 
municipal  government  in  Europe.  But  the  impoverished 
peasants  who  constitute  the  main  part  of  the  population  of 
Austria  outside  Vienna  are  by  no  means  Socialists.  They 
have  been  so  far  mainly  under  the  influence  of  the  Catholic 
Christian  Social  Party,  and  disposed  to  look  with  extreme 
jealousy  on  any  sign  of  Viennese  domination.  In  the  period 


immediately  after  the  war  Vienna  was  almost  starved 
through  the  refusal  of  the  peasants  to  send  in  supplies  ;  and 
the  constitution  of  post-war  Austria  as  a  federal  State,  with 
Vienna  as  one  of  its  nine  largely  autonomous  provinces, 
has  by  no  means  settled  the  problem  of  the  hostility  between 
town  and  country.  At  first  after  the  war  the  Socialists  were 
able  to  control  the  Government,  but  subsequently  they 
were  driven  out  except  in  Vienna  ;  and  the  country  has 
been  governed  by  the  Christian  Socials  in  alliance  with  the 
smaller  bourgeois  parties.  More  than  once  Austria  has  been 
threatened  with  an  actual  Fascist  revolution,  and  in  1927 
the  country  was  for  some  time  on  the  verge  of  civil  war,  the 
strikes  among  the  Socialist  workers  being  broken  by  military 
violence  with  the  aid  of  the  peasant  population.  The  Social 
Democrats  have  indeed  constituted  the  largest  party  in  the 
Austrian  Assembly,  but  they  have  never  been  able  to  regain 
a  clear  majority  over  the  Christian  Socials  and  the  pre- 
dominantly pan-German  Agrarian  League. 

In  1931  the  Austrians,  driven  to  the  verge  of  despair  by 
the  effects  of  the  world  depression,  renewed  their  attempt 
to  bring  about  some  form  of  union  with  Germany,  and  in 
agreement  with  Dr.  Briming's  Government  in  Germany  the 
proposal  was  brought  forward  for  an  Austro-German 
Customs  Union — in  other  words  for  complete  economic 
but  not  political  union  between  the  two  countries.  But  this 
proposal  too  was  promptly  vetoed  by  the  French,  and  pres- 
sure was  put  upon  the  Germans  as  well  as  the  Austrians  to 
withdraw  it.  The  question  of  its  consistency  with  Austria's 
and  Germany's  obligations  under  the  Treaties  of  Peace  was 
finally  referred  to  the  Hague  Court  for  settlement ;  but  it 
was  made  clear  that  whatever  the  Court  said  France  would 
not  tolerate  an  economic  union  which  her  politicians  re- 
garded as  the  first  step  towards  a  political  amalgamation. 
Under  Allied  pressure  the  Germans  were  compelled  to  re- 
nounce the  project ;  and  Austria,  in  desperate  straits 
financially,  was  made  to  give  further  guarantees  of  good 
behaviour  as  a  condition  of  receiving  additional  temporary 
assistance  from  the  League  of  Nations. 


Since  then,  the  position  has  been  further  complicated  by 
the  rise  of  an  Austrian  Nazi  movement  in  close  touch  with 
the  South  German  Nazis.  Hitler  is  himself  an  Austrian  by 
origin ;  and  the  inclusion  of  Austria  in  the  German  Reich  has 
been  from  the  first  one  of  the  aims  of  the  Nazi  movement. 
For  the  present,  the  path  of  the  Nazis  to  power  is  barred  by 
the  Christian  Social  Government  of  Heir  Dollfuss,  sup- 
ported by  the  irregular  force  known  as  the  Heimwehr,  which 
corresponds  to  some  extent  to  the  German  Stahlhelm.  The 
Government  has  imposed  a  rigid  dictatorship,  and  abro- 
gated the  powers  of  Parliament ;  and  it  has  sought  to  enrol 
the  help  of  the  Pope  and  of  Fascist  Italy  in  resistance  to  a 
Nazi  revolution.  As  the  western  part  of  Austria  is  the  only 
obstacle  to  continuity  between  Italian  and  German  ter- 
ritory, it  might  be  supposed  that  the  two  Fascist  Govern- 
ments would  be  united  in  desiring  its  absorption  in  Ger- 
many. But  Mussolini,  fearing  the  complications  in  Central 
Europe  which  a  Nazi  triumph  in  Austria  might  arouse, 
has  so  far  refused  his  aid,  and  has  firmly  given  encourage- 
ment to  the  Dollfuss  Government.  This,  however,  holds 
power  only  by  a  precarious  tenure  ;  and  it  is  impossible 
to  foretell  the  future  of  Austria  even  for  a  few  months. 
In  face  of  a  Nazi  coup,  the  Austrian  Socialists,  who  are  very 
well  organised,  might  be  expected  to  put  up  a  better  resist- 
ance than  the  Germans ;  but  Herr  Dollfuss  has  disarmed  their 
irregular  forces,  and  it  is  doubtful  if  they  could  maintain 
themselves  in  face  of  their  weakness  in  the  country  districts. 

Switzerland.  Adjoining  Austria  on  the  west,  with  the 
tiny  principality  of  Liechtenstein1  tucked  in  between,  lies 
the  Federal  Republic  of  Switzerland,  mountainous  like  her 
eastern  neighbour,  but  by  contrast  very  highly  developed 

1  Before  the  war,  Liechtenstein,  while  preserving  its  independence, 
was  associated  in  customs  and  other  matters  with  Austria-Hungary. 
Since  the  war,  without  entering  into  the  Swiss  Republic,  it  has  handed 
over  to  Switzerland  the  administration  of  its  posts  and  telegraphs,  and 
has  become  a  part  of  the  Swiss  customs  area.  It  has,  however,  only  the 
tiny  population  of  10,000,  though  it  ranks  as  an  independent  sovereign 


both  industrially  and  commercially,  and  suffering  from  no 
such  disadvantage  as  the  swollen  proportions  of  the  capital 
city  in  relation  to  the  hinterland.  Switzerland  is  indeed, 
after  Great  Britain  and  Belgium,  the  most  highly  indus- 
trialised country  in  Europe.  Over  50  per  cent  of  the  oc- 
cupied population  are  engaged  in  industry  and  trade,  and 
another  7  per  cent  in  the  transport  services,  and  only  27 
per  cent  live  by  agriculture  in  all  its  forms.  Switzerland  is  a 
considerable  importer  on  balance  of  cereals  and  other  food- 
stuffs, which  she  pays  for  partly  by  her  exports  of  manu- 
factured goods  and  partly  with  the  profits  of  her  important 
tourist  traffic.  The  relative  magnitude  of  "  tourism  "  in 
furnishing  employment  to  the  population  of  Switzerland 
is,  however,  often  exaggerated.  2,700,000  tourists  were  re- 
corded as  visiting  Switzerland  in  1929,  the  year  before  the 
world  slump  began  ;  but  the  total  number  of  persons  em- 
ployed in  Swiss  hotels  of  all  kinds  was  only  63,000  as  against 
224,000  employed  in  the  metal  and  engineering  trades 
alone.  "  Tourism  "  is  a  vital  element  in  the  economic  life  of 
Switzerland,  and  one  great  factor  in  enabling  her  to  import 
far  more  goods  than  she  exports  ;  but  she  is  primarily  an 
industrial  country  and  not  merely  a  holiday  resort.  Her 
metallurgical  industries  are  on  a  large  scale  and  highly  ad- 
vanced, though  they  are  based  to  a  great  extent  on  imported 
raw  materials.  She  has  an  export  of  cotton  goods  and  of 
silks,  and  also  of  dyestufis  ;  and  only  of  woollen  goods  does 
she  import  more  than  she  exports.  The  trade  in  clocks  and 
watches  also  plays  an  important  part  in  her  external  com- 
merce, but  it  is  far  less  important  than  her  metallurgical 
and  textile  industries.  Of  agricultural  products  she  exports 
cheese  and  condensed  milk  ;  but  her  imports  of  all  the 
staple  foodstuffs  far  exceed  her  exports. 

The  league  which  formed  the  basis  of  the  Swiss  Con- 
federation goes  back  to  the  thirteenth  centur^.  Switzer- 
land's history  is  one  of  gradual  expansion  through  the 
inclusion  of  new  areas  in  the  Confederation.  In  1815  her 
neutrality  was  jointly  guaranteed  by  Austria,  Great  Britain, 
Prussia  and  Russia,  and  with  the  addition  of  three  new 


cantons  by  the  Pact  of  Zurich  modern  Switzerland  assumed 
her  present  form.  The  year  of  revolutions,  1848,  brought 
her  a  new  constitution  after  the  internecine  conflict  of  1847 
between  the  Protestant  and  the  Catholic  districts  ;  and 
with  some  amendments,  especially  in  1874,  the  constitution 
of  1848  remains  in  force  to-day.  It  is  based  on  the  principle 
of  federation.  Each  of  the  twenty-two  Swiss  cantons  (or 
rather  twenty-five,  for  three  of  the  cantons  are  divided) 
exists  in  constitutional  theory  as  an  independent  sovereign 
State,  which  has  only  yielded  up  to  the  Confederation  cer- 
tain definite  powers  of  unified  government.  There  remains 
great  jealousy  on  the  part  of  the  independent  cantons 
against  any  encroachment  by  the  federal  power  ;  but  stress 
of  circumstances  has  led  in  practice  during  the  past  half 
century  to  a  great  increase  in  the  authority  of  the  Con- 
federation, as  new  services  have  had  to  be  developed  and 
old  services  unified  under  federal  control.  Up  to  1914  the 
Radical  Party,  which  stood  for  a  centralising  tendency,  was 
always  in  a  majority  in  the  Federal  Government,  but  since 
the  war  the  introduction  of  proportional  representation  has 
destroyed  this  majority  and  caused  Governments  to  be 
based  on  coalitions  of  parties.  The  Radicals  still  form  in 
1933  the  largest  party,  but  they  are  followed  closely  by  the 
Social  Democrats,  with  the  Catholics,  who  stand  for  the 
maintenance  of  local  rights,  not  far  behind.  The  Agrarians 
have  also  a  substantial  representation. 

Thus  in  Switzerland,  as  in  other  countries,  proportional 
representation  has  led  to  a  multiplication  of  parties,  and  to 
the  carrying  on  of  government  by  the  balancing  of  minority 
forces.  In  Switzerland,  however,  the  system  does  not  work 
out  in  quite  the  same  way  as  in  other  countries,  owing  to 
the  use  made  of  the  referendum.  Switzerland  has  applied 
this  method  far  more  largely  than  any  other  country  ;  and 
in  general  its  influence  on  her  politics  has  been  markedly 
conservative.  Most  proposed  innovations  have  been  reject- 
ed, and  the  necessity  of  an  appeal  to  a  direct  vote  of  the 
electorate  has  restrained  Governments  from  bringing  for- 
ward proposals  for  drastic  change.  Switzerland  has  thus 


enjoyed  up  to  now  the  most  stable  and  unchanging  political 
system  of  any  country  in  Europe  ;  but  it  has  been  mainly 
because  of  her  special  position  that  she  has  been  able  to 
maintain  her  internal  tranquillity  hi  face  of  the  inflexibility 
of  her  political  system.  The  Swiss  constitution  is  eminently 
unfriendly  to  innovation  and  to  political  extremes.  Of  late, 
however,  following  upon  the  growth  of  Socialism,  there  has 
been  a  considerable  swing  towards  Fascism  among  the 
middle  classes,  which  form  an  important  element  in  the 
population  ;  and  there  has  been  more  than  one  suggestion 
of  a  Nazi  revolution  in  some  of  the  German  cantons. 

Switzerland  has  a  total  population  of  rather  over  four 
millions,  predominantly  German-speaking.  Nineteen  of 
her  twenty-five  cantons  have  German-speaking  majorities, 
five  French-speaking  majorities  and  one  an  Italian-speaking 
majority.  In  terms  of  population  over  two  and  three-quarter 
millions  of  her  population  speak  German,  about  800,000 
French,  under  a  quarter  of  a  million  Italian,  and  the  rest 
other  languages,  including  the  curious  Romansch  dialect. 
But  it  should  also  be  observed  that  there  are  over  400,000 
foreigners  resident  in  the  country,  apart  from  tourists.  In 
religion  there  is  a  preponderance  of  Protestants  over  Roman 
Catholics,  the  Protestants  forming  about  57  per  cent  of 
the  total  population  and  the  Roman  Catholics  about  41 
per  cent.  The  division  between  the  two  groups  is  largely 
geographical.  The  Swiss  are  thus  without  either  racial  or 
religious  unity  ;  but  their  long  tradition  of  common  govern- 
ment has  given  them  a  keen  sense  of  nationality  even  with- 
out these  bonds  of  cohesion.  Switzerland's  foreign  policy 
has  been  guided  above  all  by  the  conception  of  neutrality. 
This,  as  we  have  seen,  was  jointly  guaranteed  by  the  leading 
Powers  in  1815,  and  the  fear  that  her  neutrality  might  be 
prejudiced  held  Switzerland  back  from  entering  the  League 
of  Nations  immediately  after  the  war.  When  in  1920  she  did 
enter  the  League  and  afford  a  home  for  its  headquarters, 
this  was  done  only  on  the  explicit  pledge  that  her  neutrality 
should  be  in  no  way  prejudiced  by  her  acceptance  of  the 


As  the  headquarters  of  the  League  Switzerland  has  un- 
doubtedly gained  in  international  economic  importance. 
Besides  her  high  degree  of  industrial  development  she  pos- 
sesses a  very  highly  organised  banking  system  and  has  taken 
a  large  part  in  recent  years  in  international  financial 
operations.  She  has  built  up  for  herself  a  gold  reserve  very 
large  in  relation  to  the  size  of  the  country  and  of  its  com- 
merce ;  and  this  gold  reserve  actually  grew  in  1931  to  five 
times  as  large  as  it  had  been  five  years  before,  through  the 
flight  of  capital  from  other  countries  and  the  action  of  the 
Central  Bank  in  converting  its  holdings  of  foreign  exchange 
into  gold  as  a  protection  against  the  effects  of  financial  in- 
stability. Switzerland  is  also  important  economically  as  the 
centre  of  a  considerable  number  of  international  combines, 
especially  in  the  metal  and  engineering  industries.  Switzer- 
land's metallurgical  development  would  undoubtedly  be 
even  greater  than  it  is  but  for  her  lack  of  coal.  She  has  en- 
deavoured to  make  up  for  this  by  a  very  great  development 
of  water  power,  which  is  employed  largely  in  her  industries 
as  well  as  in  transport.  Indeed,  the  development  of  electri- 
fication in  recent  years  has  helped  greatly  to  enhance 
Switzerland's  economic  importance,  though  during  the  past 
few  years  her  export  trade  has  been  seriously  curtailed  by 
the  maintenance  of  the  gold  standard,  and  she  suffered  in 
the  years  immediately  after  the  war  from  the  high  valuation 
of  her  currency  in  terms  of  foreign  moneys.  Accordingly 
there  has  been  a  considerable  amount  of  unemployment 
in  Switzerland,  and  this  has  led  to  a  growth  of  Socialism 
and  working-class  unrest,  with  the  consequence,  as  we 
have  seen,  of  provoking  a  counter-growth  of  Fascism  among 
the  middle  classes  and  the  peasants. 


CZECHOSLOVAKIA,  with  her  population  of  nearly  fifteen 
millions  and  her  area  of  55,000  square  miles,  is  economically 
the  most  important  of  the  new  States  carved  out  of  the 


pre-war  Empire  of  Austria-Hungary.  In  the  old  Empire 
Bohemia,  Moravia  and  Silesia  formed  part  of  Austria, 
whereas  Slovakia  and  Ruthenia  to  the  east  were  in  Hun- 
garian territory.  The  State  of  the  Czechoslovaks  was,  in 
fact,  born  in  exile  during  the  Great  War  ;  for  from  the 
beginning  of  the  war  a  triumvirate,  led  by  President 
Masaryk,  set  out  deliberately  to  win  the  favour  of  the  Allied 
Powers  for  the  creation  of  a  Czechoslovak  National  State. 
This  triumvirate  (Masaryk,  Benes  and  Stefanik)  had  its 
headquarters  for  the  most  part  in  Paris  ;  but  throughout 
the  war  Masaryk  and  his  colleagues  went  to  and  fro  from 
one  Allied  capital  to  another  seeking  support  for  their  essay 
in  the  making  of  a  nation.  They  organised  on  the  Allied 
side  an  army  composed  of  exiles  and  deserters  from  the 
Austro-Hungarian  forces  ;  and  this  Czechoslovak  national 
army  saw  service  on  many  fronts  and  especially  as  an 
auxiliary  to  the  Tsarist  forces  in  Russia.  When  Russia 
went  out  of  the  war  after  the  Revolution  of  1917,  the 
Czechoslovaks  found  themselves  isolated  far  from  home  and 
cut  off  from  the  support  of  the  Allies.  The  Russians,  after 
the  Bolshevik  Revolution,  fearful  of  the  presence  of  this 
potentially  hostile  army  within  their  territory,  attempted  to 
disarm  the  Czechoslovak  troops  ;  but  the  Czechoslovaks 
resisted  disarmament  and,  helped  by  the  Allies  with 
munitions  and  supplies,  held  for  a  time  a  vast  area  of 
Russian  territory  in  Siberia  and  on  the  Volga,  thus  cutting 
off  the  new  Russian  Government,  and  incidentally  the 
Germans,  from  the  possibility  of  securing  food  supplies  from 
the  east.  The  Czechoslovaks  thus  came  to  be  an  important 
factor  in  the  civil  war  fought  on  Russian  territory  after  the 
conclusion  of  the  Great  War,  and  their  final  evacuation,  by 
way  of  the  Far  East,  was  long  delayed. 

Meanwhile  in  October  1918  the  Czechoslovaks  in  Austro- 
Hungarian  territory  had  proclaimed  their  independence  ; 
and  with  the  conclusion  of  the  war,  Masaryk  and  his 
colleagues  were  able  to  return  to  their  own  country  and 
set  to  work  upon  the  formal  establishment  of  the  new 
„  State,  which  received  prompt  recognition  from  the  Allied 



Powers.  When  the  new  frontiers  came  to  be  drawn  the 
Allies  were  in  a  mood  to  be  generous  to  the  Czechoslovaks  ; 
and  in  the  territorial  adjustments  under  the  Treaties  of 
Peace  only  very  tiny  minorities  of  Czechs  or  Slovaks  were 
left  outside  the  territory  of  Czechoslovakia,  while  near  the 
frontiers  substantial  elements  of  other  nationalities  were 
included — Germans  in  the  west  and  north,  Magyars  along 
the  frontier  of  Hungary,  and  Ruthenians  in  the  east.  The 
result  was  a  long  narrow  land-locked  State,  extending  for 
600  miles  from  east  to  west,  but  only  50  miles  across  from 
north  to  south  at  its  narrowest  part  and  125  miles  at  its 
broadest.  Czechoslovakia  has  thus  an  immensely  long  land 
frontier,  exceedingly  difficult  to  defend  against  attack.  She 
borders  upon  five  States — Austria,  Hungary,  Roumania, 
Poland  and  Germany — and  only  in  the  case  of  Poland  is 
there,  along  the  range  of  the  Carpathians,  a  sharply  defined 
frontier.  Czechoslovakia  is  accordingly  most  unwilling  to 
stand  alone,  and  her  foreign  policy  ever  since  the  war  has 
been  governed  largely  by  the  desire  to  ally  herself  with 
powerful  enough  neighbours  to  ensure  her  from  attack. 
Acutely  suspicious  of  the  irredentist  aspirations  of  dis- 
membered Hungary,  she  has  formed  part  of  a  bloc,  known 
as  the  Little  Entente,  in  which  she  is  allied  with  Roumania 
and  Yugoslavia,  largely  with  the  object  of  preserving  the 
territorial  settlement  laid  down  in  the  Peace  Treaty  with 
Hungary.  With  Austria  her  relations  have  been  far  less 
unfriendly,  but,  as  we  have  seen,  she  lives  in  permanent 
fear  of  an  attempt  to  restore  the  old  Austro-Hungarian 
Empire  ;  and  she  was  successful  in  the  years  immediately 
following  the  war  in  preventing  more  than  once  the  return 
of  the  Hapsburgs  to  the  Hungarian  throne. 

For  a  long  time  the  Little  Entente  has  been  regarded  in 
Europe  as  belonging  to  the  bloc  of  Central  and  East  Euro- 
pean nations  under  the  political  influence  of  France.  But  of 
late  the  growing  uncertainty  of  France's  political  orienta- 
tion has  tended  to  make  her  eastern  allies  draw  more  closely 
together  among  themselves,  and  rely  more  largely  upon 
their  own  combined  resources.  Thus  in  February  1933  the 


Little  Entente  was  considerably  strengthened  by  the  signing 
of  a  new  Treaty  between  the  three  States  concerned. 
Czechoslovakia,  Roumania  and  Yugoslavia  bound  them- 
selves to  follow  a  common  foreign  policy  and  to  enter  into 
no  external  obligations  except  by  general  consent.  Under 
the  new  arrangement  a  permanent  council  consisting  of 
the  three  Ministers  for  Foreign  Affairs  has  been  set  up  to 
direct  foreign  policy  with  the  assistance  of  a  permanent 
bureau,  one  section  of  which  will  sit  continuously  at 
Geneva.  There  is  to  be  also  a  joint  economic  council  of  the 
three  countries  ;  and  it  is  proposed  as  rapidly  as  may  be  to 
bring  the  existing  political  treaties  of  the  three  into  the 
greatest  possible  uniformity.  Joint  action  is  to  be  taken  in 
respect  of  the  navigation  of  the  Danube,  the  co-ordination 
of  railway,  air  and  postal  services,  and  the  adjustment  of 
tariffs  on  a  preferential  basis.  There  is  also  to  be  close 
banking  collaboration  among  the  three  Central  Banks 
concerned.  Czechoslovakia,  Roumania  and  Yugoslavia 
have  thus  taken  a  long  step  towards  the  creation  of  a 
political  confederation*,  which  may  turn  at  a  later  stage 
into  an  economic  confederation  as  well.  Whether  this  close 
union  among  three  of  the  succession  States  can  later  be 
broadened  out  into  a  confederation  wide  enough  in  effect 
to  reconstitute  pre-war  Austria-Hungary  as  an  economic 
unit,  by  the  inclusion  of  the  new  States  of  Austria  and 
Hungary  within  its  scope,  must  remain  for  the  present 
doubtful ;  for  the  Little  Entente  has  been  based  so  far  on  a 
sharp  hostility  to  Hungary  which  it  will  take  long  to  over- 
come, and  the  Hungarians  have  by  no  means  renounced 
their  aspirations  for  a  reconsideration  of  the  terms  of  the 
Peace  Treaty.  But  undoubtedly,  the  coming  together  of  the 
countries  of  the  Little  Entente  into  a  much  closer  and  more 
lasting  relationship  is  the  most  important  step  that  has  yet 
been  taken  in  Central  and  Eastern  Europe  towards  over- 
coming the  tendency  for  economic  as  well  as  political 
nationalism  to  entrench  itself  within  areas  so  small  as  to 
result  inevitably  in  a  strangling  of  economic  activity  and  a 
serious  lowering  of  the  European  standard  of  life. 


Czechoslovakia  inherited  a  very  large  proportion  of  the 
industrial  equipment  of  the  old  Austro-Hungarian  Empire. 
It  has  been  estimated  that  no  less  than  four-fifths  of  the 
industrial  resources  of  pre-war  Austria-Hungary  fell  to  the 
share  of  the  new  Czechoslovak  State.  Czechoslovakia  is 
therefore  by  far  the  most  important  industrially  of  the  new 
countries  created  by  the  Peace  Treaties.  Her  neighbours  to 
the  south  and  east  are  mainly  agricultural  countries  which 
need  to  export  large  quantities  of  foodstuffs  in  order  to  pay 
their  debts  and  meet  the  cost  of  necessary  imports,  whereas 
Czechoslovakia  is  a  large-scale  exporter  of  coal  and 
manufactured  products.  In  these  circumstances  it  would  be 
natural  for  her  trade  to  be  carried  on  largely  with  her 
agricultural  neighbours  ;  but  in  fact  her  closest  trading 
relations  have  been  with  Germany,  largely  owing  to  the 
restricted  purchasing  power  of  the  agricultural  countries  of 
Eastern  Europe  and  her  own  close  approach  to  self-suffici- 
ency in  food  supply.  Nevertheless  her  trade  with  Hungary 
and  Roumania  and  Poland  comes  next  in  importance  after 
her  trade  with  Germany,  and  may  be  expected  to  grow 
rapidly  if  settled  conditions  are  restored  in  Eastern  Europe. 
Owing  to  her  position  as  a  purely  inland  State,  Czecho- 
slovakia is  dependent  for  her  outlets  to  the  sea  upon  her 
share  in  the  navigation  of  certain  important  rivers  and  on 
her  rights  at  certain  ports.  The  Peace  Treaty  gave  her 
important  rights  in  the  navigation  of  the  Elbe  and  Oder  ; 
and  she  is  also  greatly  interested  in  the  navigation  of  the 
Danube.  Hamburg  is  the  port  through  which  the  largest 
quantity  of  Czechoslovak  goods  passes  to  overseas  markets  ; 
but  Trieste,  Fiume,  Stettin  and  Danzig  are  also  considerable 
outlets  for  her  commerce. 

Thanks  to  her  ability  to  supply  her  population  with 
foodstuffs  grown  at  home,  Czechoslovakia  has  been  able 
hitherto  to  maintain  a  favourable  balance  of  trade.  She 
needs  to  import  some  of  her  raw  materials,  especially  iron 
ore  from  Sweden  ;  but  these  imports  are  far  more  than 
balanced  by  her  exports  of  coal  and  manufactured  goods. 
She  is  important  as  a  producer  of  iron  and  steel  and 


engineering  products.  She  has  large  and  well-organised 
textile  industries  in  almost  all  branches  of  textile  production 
— cottons,  woollen  goods,  flax  and  jute,  silk  and  artificial 
silk.  In  addition  she  is  a  large  producer  of  refined  sugar  on 
the  basis  of  her  developed  agricultural  output  of  sugar  beet. 
Her  industries  are  mainly  centred  in  the  Czech  end  of  the 
country,  with  Slovakia  as  an  important  source  of  raw 
materials  as  well  as  food,  and  Ruthenia  in  the  east  as  a 
comparatively  undeveloped  agricultural  province.  Forty- 
two  per  cent  of  her  area  is  arable,  18  per  cent  pasture  and 
meadow,  and  roughly  33  per  cent  forest ;  and  her  forest 
area  makes  her  an  important  producer  and  exporter  of 
timber  and  wood  products.  In  common  with  the  other 
succession  States,  Czechoslovakia  has  enacted  important 
land  laws  breaking  up  big  estates,  especially  in  Slovakia. 
Under  the  Act  passed  by  the  National  Assembly  in  1920 
something  like  half  a  million  families  were  settled  in 
peasant  holdings  on  land  previously  occupied  by  great 
landlords.  But,  except  in  Ruthenia,  standards  of  cultivation 
are  relatively  high,  and  agriculture  is  pursued  on  fairly 
scientific  lines. 

Czechoslovakia,  however,  counts  in  the  affairs  of  Europe 
far  more  as  an  industrial  than  as  an  agricultural  country. 
As  we  have  seen,  she  is  well  equipped  with  coal  and  able  to 
export  a  surplus  beyond  her  own  requirements,  and  she  has 
also  abundant  water  supplies  which  she  has  used  in  recent 
years  as  the  basis  of  a  rapid  development  of  electrification. 
In  addition  to  her  steel  and  engineering  industries  and  her 
textiles,  she  is  growingly  important  as  a  producer  and 
exporter  of  light  industrial  products.  Her  glass  and  porce- 
lain industries  command  a  world  market ;  and  the  famous 
Bata  boot  factories  have  a  large  export  trade,  especially  to 
the  countries  of  Central  Europe.  Czechoslovakia  thus 
combines  a  high  degree  of  self-sufficiency  in  the  matter  of 
supplies  with  a  manufacturing  equipment  designed  essen- 
tially for  a  wide  export  market.  She  is  therefore  deeply 
interested  in  the  removal  of  the  existing  barriers  in  the  way 
of  external  trade,  especially  in  manufactured  goods  ;  but 


the  agricultural  element  in  her  population  is  large  enough 
to  make  her  unwilling  to  sacrifice  the  agricultural  interests 
in  order  to  expand  her  industrial  exports.  This  hampers  her 
in  entering  into  arrangements  with  the  agricultural  States 
of  Eastern  Europe  for  the  freer  exchange  of  goods.  For 
Czechoslovakia  is  in  the  position  of  an  industrialised  State 
which  is  also,  though  only  to  a  small  extent,  a  debtor  on 
international  account,  and  therefore  desires  to  export  more 
than  she  imports.  She  has  been  able  to  a  substantial  extent 
to  force  her  way  into  world  markets  on  a  basis  of  mass 
production  and  low  wages  ;  and  the  careful  administration 
of  her  finances  has  enabled  her  to  escape  from  the  alternat- 
ing periods  of  inflation  and  deflation  through  which  most 
other  countries  in  Europe  have  had  to  pass.  Czechoslovakia 
is  potentially  a  very  rich  country,  but  she  can  hardly  hope 
to  garner  her  potential  wealth  until  conditions  allow  her  to 
raise  the  standard  of  living  of  her  inhabitants  without 
dangerously  imperilling  her  export  trade.  Her  statesmen 
are  therefore  among  the  influences  making  most  strongly 
for  stabilisation  in  European  political  and  economic  affairs, 
and  her  foreign  policy,  continuously  in  the  hands  of  Dr. 
Benes  through  a  long  succession  of  Governments,  has  been 
more  consistent,  perhaps  also  more  opportunist,  than  that  of 
any  other  important  country. 

Czechoslovakia  has,  however,  very  difficult  internal 
problems  to  face.  She  is  a  country  of  greatly  mixed  nation- 
alities. Of  her  total  population  Czechs  and  Slovaks,  between 
whom  there  are  important  cultural  differences,  together 
constitute  about  two- thirds  ;  but  Germans  are  nearly  a 
quarter,  and  there  are  also  important  minorities — Magyars 
5 J  per  cent,  Ruthenians  3^  per  cent,  Jews  i  £  per  cent  and 
Poles  £  per  cent.  By  religion  the  great  mass  of  the  people 
are  Roman  Catholics,  more  than  three-quarters  of  the 
total  population  belonging  to  the  Roman  Church,  whereas 
only  7  per  cent  are  Protestants,  and  the  remainder  divided 
among  a  number  of  other  Churches.  National  rather  than 
religious  differences  therefore  present  the  main  problem. 
When  the  new  Czechoslovak  State  was  first  created  the 


German  minorities  refused  to  recognise  the  accomplished 
fact,  or  to  take  any  share  in  the  government ;  and  for  a  long 
while  there  was  a  duplication  of  party  cleavages  along  both 
national  and  economico-political  lines.  Each  of  the  main 
parties  among  the  Czechoslovak  elements  in  the  population 
had  its  counterpart  in  a  corresponding  party  among  the 
Germans,  and  in  some  cases  there  were  also  separate 
Magyar  parties.  The  Communists  alone,  from  the  time 
when  they  split  away  from  the  Social  Democrats  in  1920, 
formed  a  unified  party  without  regard  to  national  differ- 
ences. Only  in  1926  did  the  German  parties  belonging  to 
the  bourgeois  bloc  agree  to  enter  into  coalition  with  the 
Czechoslovak  parties  for  the  conduct  of  the  government. 
Since  then,  although  the  national  parties  have  maintained 
their  separate  existence,  the  fundamental  cleavages  have 
tended  to  be  in  terms  of  economic  and  political  rather  than 
national  differences.  This  is  an  important  sign  of  the  con- 
solidation of  the  new  State  within  its  frontiers  as  defined  by 
the  Treaties  of  Peace. 

There  still  remain,  however,  difficult  problems  of  nation- 
ality within  Czechoslovakia's  frontiers.  The  most  difficult 
problem  of  all  arises  out  of  the  position  of  the  Ruthenians 
in  the  east  of  the  country,  for  the  Ruthenians,  who  belong, 
as  we  have  seen,  to  the  same  racial  group  as  the  Ukrainians, 
are  peasants  living  at  a  low  standard  of  life  and  culture,  and 
having  very  little  in  common  with  either  the  Czechoslovaks 
or  the  Germans.  The  Ruthenian  National  Council  voted 
in  1918  for  union  with  Czechoslovakia,  and  the  Czecho- 
slovaks promised  to  concede  autonomy  to  the  Ruthenians 
within  the  new  State.  But  this  promise  has  never  been  at  all 
completely  carried  out,  though  a  form  of  federal  admin- 
istration was  finally  established  in  1927,  with  some  degree 
of  provincial  autonomy  in  local  matters.  The  real  reason 
for  uniting  Ruthenia  with  Czechoslovakia  had  very  little 
to  do  with  nationality  :  the  object  was  rather  to  link  the 
Czechoslovak  State  to  Roumania,  and  thus  to  make  the 
encirclement  of  Hungary  more  effective.  It  is  true  that 
no  other  State  except  Russia  could  have  established  any 


better  claim  than  Czechoslovakia  to  annex  Ruthenia ;  and 
of  course  annexation  to  Russia  would  not  be  considered  in 
face  of  the  political  alignment  of  post-war  Europe.  The 
Ukrainians  of  Ruthenia  are  in  fact  cut  off  from  Russia, 
as  we  have  seen  earlier,  by  territories  of  mixed  popu- 
lation assigned  to  Roumania  and  Poland.  Doubtless  union 
with  Czechoslovakia  offers  the  Ruthenians  some  material 
compensation,  in  that  union  with  the  industrial  part  of  the 
country  provides  an  outlet  for  Ruthenian  agricultural 
produce  within  a  single  tariff  area,  and  also  means  more 
rapid  economic  development  than  would  be  likely  to  occur 
if  Ruthenia  had  become  a  part  of  either  Poland  or 
Roumania  or  had  remained  attached  to  Hungary.  But, 
short  of  the  adoption  of  truly  federal  institutions,  the 
Ruthenians  are  not  likely  to  settle  down  contentedly  under 
the  new  conditions.  Nor  is  Ruthenia  the  only  area  in  which 
there  is  a  demand  for  autonomy  ;  for,  while  the  Czechs 
and  Slovaks  are  closely  allied  in  race  and  culture,  there  are 
none  the  less  significant  differences  between  them,  and  there 
has  arisen  in  recent  years  a  demand  for  self-government  in 
Slovakia  as  well.  The  political  problems  of  the  Czecho- 
slovak State  cannot  be  regarded  as  in  any  way  finally 
settled  by  the  reforms  of  1927,  though  the  forces  of  disrup- 
tion are  less  strong  than  in  most  of  the  other  succession 

In  the  period  immediately  after  the  war  Czechoslovakia 
was  governed  by  a  coalition  between  the  Socialists  and  the 
Agrarians  ;  and  it  was  under  the  auspices  of  this  coalition 
that  the  new  constitution  of  1920  was  adopted  and  various 
advanced  measures  of  social  reform  instituted,  including  a 
levy  on  capital  and  a  breaking  up  of  the  great  estates.  This 
coalition,  however,  was  brought  to  an  end  by  a  split  among 
the  Socialists.  Strong  Communist  groups  arose  among  the 
Czechoslovak  industrial  workers,  and  in  1920  a  split  oc- 
curred in  the  ranks  of  the  Social  Democratic  Party.  Before 
the  split  the  Social  Democrats  resigned  from  the  Govern- 
ment, and  the  coalition  cabinet  was  replaced  temporarily 
by  a  non-party  Government  of  officials.  But  when  the 


Social  Democratic  Party  had  definitely  split  into  two  sec- 
tions— a  Social  Democratic  majority  and  a  Communist 
minority — the  majority  resumed  their  place  in  the  Govern- 
ment, though  their  forces  had  been  considerably  weakened 
by  the  quarrel.  The  third  Socialist-Agrarian  coalition  of 
1921  was  replaced  in  1922  by  a  predominantly  Agrarian 
Government  kept  in  office  by  Socialist  support ;  and  this 
Government  continued  until  1925.  The  elections  of  that 
year  were  marked  by  a  serious  set-back  to  the  Social 
Democrats  ;  and  the  Government  was  then  reconstituted 
on  the  basis  of  an  Agrarian-Catholic  coalition  which  was 
broadened  out  in  the  following  year  into  a  general  anti- 
Socialist  bloc.  This  bloc  retained  office  until  the  two  major 
parties — the  Catholics  and  the  Agrarians,  quarrelled  in 
1929.  In  the  general  election  which  followed  the  Socialists 
made  considerable  gains  ;  and  a  new  Government  was 
formed  on  the  basis  of  a  general  coalition  of  Socialist  and 
non-Socialist  parties,  with  the  Communists  as  the  leading 
opposition  group.  This  anomalous  coalition  has  since  con- 
tinued to  govern  Czechoslovakia  ;  but  through  all  the 
changes  of  the  post-war  years  Czechoslovak  policy,  especi- 
ally in  international  affairs,  has  in  effect  maintained  a  very 
high  degree  of  continuity,  irrespective  of  the  political  com- 
plexion of  the  Government;  in  power. 

§  9.   GERMANY 

IN  OCTOBER  1918  the  long  sustained  military  resistance 
of  the  German  Empire  abruptly  collapsed,  and  the  Great 
War  ended  with  the  Armistice  of  the  following  month  and 
the  Allied  victory  which  had  been  inevitable  from  the 
moment  when  the  United  States  declared  war  upon  the 
Central  Powers.  For,  despite  the  attitude  of  President 
Wilson,  and  his  famous  Fourteen  Points,  there  was  not, 
from  the  moment  of  the  American  declaration  of  war,  any 
real  prospect  that  the  Allies  would  accept  a  negotiated 


peace  based  on  no  annexations  or  indemnities,  and  thus 
agree  to  forgo  the  anticipated  division  of  the  spoils  of 

The  collapse  of  1918  brought  to  an  end  the  great  German 
Empire  which  had  been  consolidated  in  the  course  of  the 
nineteenth  century  under  Prussian  leadership,  and  in- 
volved the  establishment  of  a  new  Germany,  shorn  of  its 
colonies  and  of  an  important  part  of  its  territory  in  Europe, 
and  equipped  with  republican  institutions,  not  so  much 
because  it  had  deliberately  chosen  a  republic  in  preference 
to  a  monarchy  as  because  the  continued  rule  of  the  Hohen- 
zollerns  had  been  made  impossible.  This  Weimar  Republic, 
set  up  on  the  morrow  of  the  war,  endured  until  the  Nazi 
coup  of  1933,  when  it  collapsed  no  less  abruptly  than  it  had 
come  into  being,  leaving  the  Nazis  to  work  out,  with  results 
which  it  is  impossible  to  anticipate  at  present,  the  struc- 
ture of  a  new  German  State. 

We  have  thus  three  different  Germanics  to  consider  ;  for, 
although  both  the  pre-war  German  Empire  and  the  Weimar 
Republic  may  seem  to  have  passed  away,  they  are  both 
very  relevant  to  any  consideration  of  Germany's  future. 
Was  the  short-lived  German  Republic  only  an  episode,  and 
is  Germany  now  heading  straight  for  a  restoration  of  the 
pre-war  imperial  system,  or  is  the  new  Germany  which  is 
being  born  under  Nazi  rule  to  be  something  radically  differ- 
ent both  from  the  pre-war  Empire  and  from  the  post-war 
Republic  ?  Or,  again,  will  the  Nazi  revolution  fail  to  pro- 
vide a  permanent  basis  for  the  new  German  society,  and 
give  place  to  yet  another  revolution,  which  will  establish 
a  fourth  form  of  German  State  ? 

Before  we  set  out  to  consider  any  of  these  distinct  political 
Germanics,  we  must  say  something  of  the  underlying  Ger- 
many which  persists  through  all  the  changes  in  political 
structure  and  organisation.  For  although  the  economic  con- 
figuration of  the  German  territories  changed  with  extra- 
ordinarily swiftness  in  the  course  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
and  the  country  was  transformed  from  a  predominantly 
agrarian  into  a  great  industrial  State,  there  are  certain 




underlying  characteristics  of  the  German  people  and  the 
territories  which  they  inhabit  which  form  the  indispensable 
basis  for  any  judgment  upon  their  political  and  economic 

In  the  first  place  a  very  large  part  of  Germany  is,  from 
the  agricultural  point  of  view,  poor  soil.  There  is  no  great 
fertile  black  belt  like  that  of  Russia.  In  the  north-east 
especially  the  season  for  agriculture  is  short,  and  the  cold 
winters  make  impossible  the  forms  of  cultivation  which 
exist  further  south  and  west.  In  the  west,  though  climatic 
conditions  are  more  favourable,  much  of  the  land  is  of 
inferior  quality.  There  are  great  mountain  areas,  and  a 
large  part  of  the  land  surface  is  covered  with  forests. 
The  response  of  nature  to  the  efforts  of  the  cultivator 
is  meagre,  until  he  brings  to  his  aid  the  resources  of 
modern  science.  In  some  respects  the  most  remarkable 
achievement  of  Germany  in  the  nineteenth  century 
was  her  rapid  success  in  improving  the  yields  of  the 
leading  crops  without  losing,  through  the  extension  of 
arable  cultivation,  her  importance  as  a  producer  of 
livestock.  In  this  transformation  the  emancipation  of 
the  serfs,  the  enclosure  and  redistribution  of  the  land, 
the  development  of  the  agencies  for  co-operative  credit, 
the  growth  and  application  to  agriculture  of  the  chemical 
industries,  and  the  subsidising  of  the  cultivation  of  sugar- 
beet,  all  played  an  important  part.  Germany,  in  adopting 
over  a  large  part  of  her  surface  intensive  systems  of  agricul- 
tural production,  and  in  raising  her  crop  yields  per  acre 
to  a  point  well  above  those  secured  in  countries  with  far 
more  naturally  fertile  land,  accomplished  an  astonishing 
agricultural  revolution  without  which  she  could  certainly 
not  have  brought  about  the  great  advance  of  her  industries 
during  the  latter  part  of  the  nineteenth  century.  But  in 
face  of  all  these  achievements  the  poverty  of  the  land 
remains  an  abiding  fact ;  and  this  is  especially  important 
in  those  areas  in  the  north-east  where  agricultural  difficul- 
ties arise  from  climate  rather  than  from  soil,  and  can  least 
be  overcome  by  the  application  of  scientific  methods. 


Of  great  importance  through  the  history  of  all  the  suc- 
cessive Germanics  which  we  shall  have  to  consider  is  the 
broad  distinction  between  east  and  west,  with  the  Elbe  as 
the  approximate  dividing  line.  West  of  the  Elbe,  and  to  the 
south,  Germany  is  for  the  most  part  a  land  of  small  peasant 
cultivators,  though  there  are  some  large  estates  in  the  north- 
west. These  peasants  till  the  land  themselves  with  little  or 
no  aid  from  hired  labour.  Their  standard  of  life  is,  and  has 
always  been,  low  in  relation  to  that  of  the  urban  popula- 
tion ;  and  their  social  attitude  has  much  in  common  with 
that  of  peasants  in  other  Western  countries,  with  the 
difference  that,  largely  under  State  tutelage,  they  have  far 
more  capacity  for  co-operative  organisation  than  the 
peasants  of  France,  or  of  any  other  West  European  coun- 
try. The  Raffeisen  system  of  credit  banks  goes  back  to 
1849  ;  and  there  are  approximately  twenty  thousand  rural 
credit  societies  in  Germany  to-day,  in  addition  to  over 
thirty  thousand  co-operative  societies  of  other  kinds.  The 
German  peasants  have  learnt  to  act  together  economically, 
and  they  learnt  this  lesson  earlier  than  the  peasants  in  any 
other  country,  even  Denmark,  though  they  have  not 
pushed  co-operation  anything  like  so  far  in  the  field  of 
marketing  as  the  Danes  have  done  in  modern  times. 

On  the  other  hand,  eastern  Germany  is,  and  has  been  for 
centuries,  an  area  of  large  agricultural  estates.  This  is  the 
home  of  the  Junkers,  and  of  the  landless  labourers  who  live 
by  working  upon  the  land  of  the  great  proprietors.  The 
country  is  for  the  most  part  poor,  and  the  landlords  have 
always  been  exorbitant  in  their  claims.  The  land  workers, 
unorganised  and  with  a  quite  recent  tradition  of  serfdom 
behind  them,  have  had  little  power  of  self-protection,  and 
their  standards  of  living  have  remained  much  below  those 
even  of  the  peasants  of  western  Germany.  A  little  was  done 
under  the  Weimar  Republic  to  break  up  some  of  these 
great  estates  and  to  settle  peasant  cultivators  upon  them  ; 
but  even  to-day  the  underlying  difference  between  the 
agricultural  economies  of  eastern  and  western  Germany 
remains  unaltered.  The  Junkers  have  not  been  driven  from 


their  strongholds  by  the  Weimar  Republic,  although 
economically  they  have  had  a  bad  time,  and  most  of  them 
are  heavily  in  debt,  both  to  the  State  and  to  a  less  extent  to 
private  creditors. 

Pre-war  Germany  had  an  area  of  about  209  thousand 
square  miles,  whereas  the  Germany  of  to-day,  including  the 
Saar  district,  has  an  area  of  about  182  thousand  square 
miles.  Thus,  although  the  German  losses  as  a  result  of  the 
war  were  considerable  when  they  are  reckoned  in  terms  of 
economic  resources,  territorially  they  lopped  off  only  a 
small  part  of  the  total  land  surface  of  the  country,  certainly 
not  enough  to  modify  from  the  agricultural  point  of  view 
the  broad  generalisations  which  we  have  just  advanced. 
We  can,  therefore,  without  the  risk  of  making  seriously 
misleading  statements,  ignore  the  difference  between  pre- 
war and  post-war  Germany  in  considering  the  general 
agricultural  situation  of  the  country.  Of  the  total  land  sur- 
face of  post-war  Germany,  one  of  the  German  States, 
Prussia,  alone  includes  about  62  per  cent,  and  nearly  61 
per  cent  of  the  total  German  population  lives  in  Prussian 
territory.  Prussia  still  occupies,  as  she  has  occupied  since 
Germany  became  more  than  a  geographical  expression, 
the  position  among  the  German  States  of  unquestionable 
predominance  in  area  and  population.  Of  the  total  area 
of  Germany  rather  more  than  a  quarter  consists  of  forest 
land,  about  half  as  much  again  of  arable,  and  about  a 
sixth  of  pasture  and  meadow.  She  has  a  total  population  of 
about  65  millions,  and  throughout  the  nineteenth  century 
the  birth-rate  was  exceedingly  high  ;  so  that  there  was 
strong  pressure,  despite  emigration,  which  was  directed 
largely  to  the  United  States,  to  improve  standards  of  culti- 
vation. Apart  from  this,  it  would  have  been  impossible  to 
maintain  and  raise  the  standard  of  living  for  the  rapidly 
increasing  population,  in  face  of  the  poverty  of  the  soil  and 
the  absence  until  recently  of  a  developed  industrial  system 
by  means  of  which  the  country  could  afford  to  pay  for  large 
foreign  imports  of  foodstuffs.  But  for  the  rapid  rate  of 
agricultural  improvement,  the  situation  of  the  German 


people  would  have  been  throughout  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury very  serious  indeed  ;  and  for  this  reason,  as  we  have 
seen,  the  strongest  endeavours  of  the  State  have  been 
continually  directed  to  the  development  of  scientific 
methods  of  cultivation  and  of  the  process  of  agricultural 

Industrial  Germany  is  not  very  rich  in  natural  resources, 
and,  as  we  shall  see,  is  appreciably  poorer  now  than  she  was 
before  the  war.  But  her  great  potash  deposits,  a  large  part  of 
which  she  still  retains,  were  a  most  important  factor  in 
enabling  her  to  improve  agricultural  yields  despite  the 
poverty  of  her  soil.  Her  coal  is  largely  concentrated  in  the 
Ruhr  area,  which  produces  now  nearly  four-fifths  of  the 
total  domestic  supply  of  hard  coal,  excluding  lignite.  Iron 
resources  she  had  in  abundance  before  the  war  ;  but  most 
of  these  were  lost  when  Alsace-Lorraine,  acquired  in  1871, 
was  taken  back  by  France  in  1918.  She  has,  however, 
considerable  supplies  of  iron  left  within  her  own  territories  ; 
and  it  is  upon  her  resources  of  coal  and  iron  as  well  as  upon 
her  potash  and  other  mineral  deposits  that  her  modern 
industrial  system  has  been  primarily  based.  Germany 
needs  more  now  than  she  did  in  the  nineteenth  century  to 
import  large  quantities  of  raw  materials  for  the  conduct  of 
her  manufacturing  industries,  but  she  does  possess,  even 
shorn  of  her  lost  territories,  the  fundamental  requisites  for 
the  carrying  on  of  an  advanced  system  of  capitalist  pro- 
duction centred  upon  the  heavy  industries.  But  in  accord- 
ance with  the  concentration  of  her  coal  supply  her  indus- 
trial population  is  highly  concentrated  upon  a  few  densely 
populated  areas,  above  all  the  Ruhr,  and  to  a  less  extent 
Upper  Silesia  and  Saxony.  Any  average  figure  of  the  density 
of  population  of  Germany  gives  an  entirely  misleading 
picture  of  the  real  distribution  of  the  people. 

Apart  from  the  underlying  economic  conditions,  religious 
differences  are  of  importance.  North  Germany  is  mainly 
Protestant,  though  Prussia  includes  a  considerable  Catholic 
minority.  Saxony,  Brunswick,  Thuringia,  and  the  Mecklen- 
burgs  are  also  mainly  Protestant.  On  the  other  hand,  the 


south,  including  both  Bavaria  and  the  great  industrial  area 
of  the  Rhineland,  is  mainly  Catholic,  and  so  is  Upper 
Silesia.  Prussian  leadership  in  the  country  as  a  whole  has 
tended  to  give  the  German  Empire  a  predominantly 
Protestant  colour  ;  and  this  has  been  one  of  the  factors 
making  against  the  completion  of  the  process  of  centralisa- 
tion. For  Catholic  Bavaria,  insisting  strongly  upon  her 
autonomy,  constituted  herself  the  leader  of  Catholic 
opinion  in  Germany  as  a  whole.  German  Protestantism  is 
overwhelmingly  Lutheran,  and  the  great  majority  of 
German  Protestants  are  united  in  the  Evangelical  Church 
Union,  over  which  the  Nazis  are  now  making  a  determined 
effort  to  establish  a  complete  control ;  but  the  Protestants, 
being  in  a  position  of  predominance,  have  never  needed 
to  unite  into  any  political  parties  of  their  own,  whereas  the 
Catholics  have  organised  politically  as  well  as  culturally, 
and  have  been  throughout  the  history  of  Germany  an  in- 
fluential and  organised  minority  taking  their  own  line  in 
political  affairs . 

Geographically,  Germany  is  essentially  a  Central 
European  Power,  and  her  contacts  with  other  countries  are 
of  importance  in  north,  south,  east  and  west  alike.  To  the 
north,  her  frontiers  lie  along  the  Baltic,  and  she  is  brought 
into  close  association  with  the  Scandinavian  countries,  with 
whose  history  that  of  North  Germany  is  inextricably  inter- 
twined. To  the  west  she  is  the  neighbour  of  France,  and 
along  the  short  coastline  looks  out  across  the  North  Sea 
towards  Great  Britain  ;  and  her  great  ports,  and  especially 
Hamburg,  have  very  close  commercial  and  financial  asso- 
ciations with  London  and  with  the  other  financial  centres 
of  the  West.  To  the  south  she  stretches  down  to  the  borders 
of  Austria,  once  an  important  member  of  the  predominantly 
German  group  of  States  forming  the  Holy  Roman  Empire, 
and  still,  in  her  post-war  impotence,  the  connecting  link 
between  Germany  and  Italy.  Since  the  war,  however, 
Germany  meets  in  the  south  not  one  State  but  many, 
founded  upon  the  ruins  of  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire. 
Both  economically  and  politically,  and  also  culturally,  her 


connections  with  Czechoslovakia  as  well  as  Austria  are 
close  ;  for  there  is  in  Czechoslovakia  a  large  German  ele- 
ment in  the  population,  and  this  element  until  quite 
recently  refused  to  accept  the  fait  accompli  of  the  new 
Czechoslovak  State,  and  many  of  its  members  still  continue 
to  think  in  terms  of  pan-German  unity.  To  the  east  pre-war 
Germany  had  a  long  frontier  line,  marching  with  that  of 
Russia  ;  but  now  she  is  cut  off  from  direct  contact  with 
Russia  by  Poland  and  by  the  new  small  States  bordering 
upon  the  Baltic.  But,  as  we  have  seen  in  an  earlier  section, 
there  were  never  natural  frontiers  on  the  eastern  side  of 
Germany  ;  for  the  great  plain  stretches  right  across  eastern 
Germany  and  Poland  far  into  Russia  without  any  clearly 
marked  geographical  differentiation.  Moreover,  further 
north,  East  Prussia,  now  separated  from  the  rest  of  Germany 
by  the  Polish  Corridor,  lies  far  to  the  east,  and  Germany's 
interest  in  the  Baltic  brings  her  near  to  Russia  by  sea,  des- 
pite the  disappearance  of  a  common  frontier  by  land. 

Thus  centrally  placed,  Germany  is  bound  to  be  con- 
cerned in  practically  every  problem  of  international  im- 
portance that  arises  in  Europe.  This  was  the  case  even 
before  Germany  could  be  said  to  exist  at  all  as  a  nation  ; 
for  throughout  the  Middle  Ages  the  Holy  Roman  Empire, 
the  temporal  symbol  of  the  unity  of  Christendom,  was 
mainly  a  German  Empire,  and  the  Emperors  most  often 
had  their  seats  in  Austria  or  in  one  of  the  numerous  German 
States.  There  is  thus  a  long  tradition  of  political  association 
between  Germany  and  Austria  and  the  rest  of  Southern 
Europe  ;  and  this  tradition  still  reasserts  itself  as  a  living 
force  in  the  European  politics  of  to-day.  Probably  the 
notion  of  a  German  hegemony  in  Central  Europe  would 
never  have  taken  the  form  which  it  did  during  the  World 
War  had  it  not  been  for  the  existence  of  this  tradition  ;  and 
it  is  certain  that,  in  the  new  Germany  which  is  being 
formed  now,  the  traditional  connection  of  the  German 
State  with  Southern  Europe  is  destined  again  to  assume  a 
position  of  importance.  One  aim  of  the  Treaties  of  Peace 
was  to  cut  off  Germany  from  contact  with  the  south  ;  but 


it  is  already  clear  that  this  is  one  of  the  provisions  of  the 
Peace  Treaty  which  the  movement  of  irresistible  forces 
will  decisively  alter. 

Pre-War  Germany.  With  these  preliminary  comments 
we  can  turn  to  consider  very  briefly  the  rise  of  modern 
Germany  and  the  evolution  of  that  German  Empire  which 
collapsed  in  1918.  It  is  above  all  necessary  to  remember,  in 
considering  the  development  of  modern  Germany,  that  she 
emerged  from  the  Middle  Ages  far  later  and  far  less  com- 
pletely than  the  other  countries  of  Western  Europe.  Long 
after  Great  Britain  had  become  predominantly  a  capitalist 
country,  and  almost  every  relic  of  the  medieval  system  had 
disappeared,  Germany  was  still  a  land  of  serfs  and  gilds, 
and  of  industry  and  commerce,  as  well  as  agriculture, 
carried  on  mainly  under  very  primitive  conditions.  After 
France  had  established  a  regime  of  personally  free  peasant 
cultivators  and  had  developed  large-scale  industry  and 
commerce  and  a  strongly  centralised  national  State, 
Germany  was  still  governed,  as  far  as  she  was  governed  at 
all,  by  an  infinity  of  petty  princelings,  and  only  Prussia, 
under  strongly  despotic  rule,  at  all  resembled  a  national 
State  in  the  modern  sense.  German  industry,  based  on  the 
technique  of  machine  production,  grew  up  almost  wholly 
in  the  latter  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  ;  and  even  the 
emancipation  of  the  serfs  in  a  purely  personal  sense,  apart 
from  their  freeing  from  labour  dues  and  inferiority  of 
status  as  land  holders,  was  deferred  until  the  early  years  of 
the  nineteenth  century.  The  German  Empire  did  not  be- 
come a  fully  accomplished  fact  until  1870  ;  and  even  the 
Zollverein,  which  prepared  the  way  for  it,  was  not  effectively 
in  being  until  1834. 

In  the  historical  evolution  of  modern  Germany  the 
contrast  between  east  and  west  is  again  of  predominant 
importance.  For,  whereas  in  the  west  the  manorial  system 
decayed  and  serfs  took  on  gradually  the  character  of  free 
cultivators  by  stages  roughly  corresponding  to  those  of  the 
similar  evolution  in  the  other  countries  of  Western  Europe, 


in  the  east  serfdom  in  the  most  extreme  form  was  often 
positively  imposed  at  a  time  when  in  the  more  advanced 
areas  of  Europe  it  was  being  mitigated  or  abolished.  The 
imposition  of  the  most  extreme  form  of  serfdom  in  respect 
of  personal  status  as  well  as  of  labour  dues  upon  the  German 
population  east  of  the  Elbe  came  about  largely  in  the 
sixteenth  century,  whereas  from  that  time  in  the  west  the 
severities  of  serfdom  were  being  at  least  somewhat  relaxed. 
The  Thirty  Years'  War  in  the  first  half  of  the  seventeenth 
century  greatly  impoverished  most  parts  of  Germany,  and 
was  followed  by  a  rapid  process  of  consolidation  of  large 
estates,  especially  in  the  east ;  and  the  backwardness  of 
Germany  in  both  an  economic  and  a  political  sense  was 
largely  the  legacy  of  this  impoverishment.  In  the  middle  of 
the  eighteenth  century,  Frederick  the  Great  did  much,  not 
only  to  follow  up  the  work  of  the  Great  Elector,  Frederick 
William,  a  century  earlier,  in  consolidating  the  power  of 
Prussia  and  bringing  his  scattered  territories  under  a  more 
unified  administration,  but  also  to  promote  industrial  im- 
provement. But  the  beginnings  of  modern  Germany  in  an 
economic  sense  date  essentially  from  the  Napoleonic  era. 
Between  the  sixteenth  century  and  the  eighteenth  century 
many  serfs  in  the  west  had  been  given  their  personal  free- 
dom ;  but  Napoleon  totally  abolished  serfdom  in  the 
subordinate  kingdoms  which  he  set  up  on  German  territory 
at  the  height  of  his  power,  and  though  he  did  not  succeed 
in  making  his  system  permanent,  the  results  of  his  work  both 
in  breaking  down  the  isolation  of  the  tiny  German  States 
and  in  sweeping  away  many  of  the  relics  of  medievalism 
over  a  large  part  of  Germany  left  an  abiding  mark  on  the 
institutions  of  the  whole  country. 

It  was  largely  under  the  influence  of  the  French  Revolu- 
tion and  the  Napoleonic  system  that  the  freeing  of  the  Prus- 
sian serfs  was  carried  through,  and  that  the  status  of 
serfdom  was  definitely  abolished  by  the  Prussian  Edict  of 
1807.  Thereafter  one  German  State  after  another  made  an 
end  of  the  personal  status  of  serfdom,  though  in  many  cases 
the  requirements  of  service  by  the  peasant  as  a  condition  of 


his  land-holding  survived  much  longer,  and  these  relics  of 
the  old  servile  status  were  only  got  rid  of  gradually  during 
the  nineteenth  century,  partly  by  commutation  for  pay- 
ments in  money  and  partly  by  the  surrender  of  an  appre- 
ciable fraction  of  the  land  occupied  by  the  peasants  to  the 
nobles.  Even  in  1914  the  peasants  in  some  parts  of  Germany 
had  not  finished  paying  off  the  annuities  by  which  they 
were  compelled  to  redeem  the  burdens  arising  out  of  their 
past  condition  of  serfdom. 

From  1807,  however,  with  Prussia  taking  the  lead, 
serfdom  was  being  gradually  done  away  with,  and  the 
change  in  the  status  of  the  peasant  was  being  followed  up  by 
measures  for  the  redistribution  and  enclosure  of  the  land, 
and  the  improvement  of  the  methods  of  cultivation.  Enclo- 
sure came  in  Germany  long  after  the  corresponding  move- 
ment in  Great  Britain  ;  and  even  so  its  progress  in  the  west 
was  relatively  slow  owing  to  the  great  difficulties  en- 
countered in  the  broken  and  mountainous  country  in  which 
many  of  the  holdings  lay.  At  the  same  time  Prussia  was 
taking  the  lead  in  a  movement  for  the  sweeping  away  of 
medieval  restrictions  on  the  conduct  of  industry  and  trade. 
Prussia  began  the  process  of  municipal  reform  in  1 808,  and 
in  1810  the  power  of  the  gilds — associations  of  small  masters 
invested  with  local  monopolies  for  the  conduct  of  industry 
and  commerce — was  drastically  curtailed.  This  process  was 
continued  in  subsequent  enactments,  until  in  1845  the  Efl& 
jurisdiction  practically  lapsed,  while  the  other  German 
States  carried  on  a  corresponding  process  of  reform,  lagging 
in  many  cases  some  way  behind  what  was  done  in  Prussia. 
In  the  eighteenth  and  early  nineteenth  centuries,  despite 
the  strangling  effect  of  the  innumerable  separate  tariff 
barriers  maintained  by  the  different  German  States,  nothing 
was  done  to  promote  freer  trade  over  Germany  as  a  whole  ; 
and  even  in  Prussia  Frederick  the  Great  made  no  attempt 
at  unification  of  tariffs.  But  early  in  the  nineteenth  century, 
first  by  internal  unification  within  States,  then  by  agree- 
ments between  particular  groups  of  States,  and  finally  on 
a  wider  basis  in  the  Zollvcrcin  of  1834,  freedom  of  internal 


trade  over  Germany  as  a  whole  was  gradually  achieved. 
Fresh  members  one  by  one  joined  the  Zollverein,  which 
was  renewed  in  1853  and  again,  in  1865  ;  but  Austria  was 
kept  outside  lest  her  influence  might  counteract  that  of 
Prussia,  and  so  prevent  the  building  up  of  a  unified  German 
State  under  Prussian  leadership.  By  the  'sixties,  under 
strong  State  encouragement,  largely  influenced  by  the 
doctrine  of  economic  nationalism  preached  by  List  and  his 
followers,  German  industry  was  beginning  to  take  on  a 
more  modern  form,  and  the  coal  and  iron  trades  were 
being  strongly  developed.  The  Zollverein,  the  emancipa- 
tion of  the  serfs,  and  the  strengthening  of  Prussia's  hold  over 
the  rest  of  Germany  had  made  the  way  plain  for  the  crea- 
tion of  the  German  Empire  ;  and  the  Prussian  wars  of  the 
i86o's  completed  the  preparatory  process.  With  their 
culmination  in  the  Franco- Prussian  War  of  1870,  Bismarck 
brought  the  new  German  Empire  to  full  achievement. 

With  the  iron  fields  of  Lorraine  added  to  her  previous 
industrial  resources,  Germany  was  in  a  position  to  advance 
rapidly  to  the  status  of  a  fully  developed  industrial  power 
— the  more  so  because  the  new  discoveries  of  Gilchrist  and 
Thomas  in  the  1 870*5  made  the  Lorraine  ores  a  far  more 
satisfactory  basis  for  the  producing  of  steel  on  competitive 
terms.  From  1865  to  the  end  of  the  'seventies  the  new 
Germany,  largely  in  imitation  of  the  Free  Trade  policy 
which  seemed  to  have  been  so  successful  in  Great  Britain, 
pursued  her  economic  development  under  a  liberal 
industrial  regime.  Internal  tariff  barriers  had  been  swept 
away,  and  external  barriers  were  kept  definitely  low  ;  but 
the  onset  of  the  industrial  depression  of  the  middle  'seven- 
ties altered  the  situation  from  the  standpoint  of  indus- 
trialists and  agriculturists  alike,  and  combined  pressure 
from  the  Junkers  and  the  great  industrialists  resulted  in  the 
tariff  of  1879,  under  which  the  industrialists  consented  to 
agricultural  protection  on  condition  of  securing  higher  pro- 
tection for  their  own  products.  The  continued  fall  of  agri- 
cultural prices  in  the  'eighties,  and  the  rapidly  increasing 
competition  of  cereals  from  the  New  World,  soon  made  the 


protection  accorded  in  1879  inadequate  from  the  stand- 
point of  the  Junker  landowners  ;  and  in  the  middle  'eighties 
they  insisted  on  a  sharp  rise  in  the  rates  of  duties  on 
agricultural  goods.  The  industrial  tariff  still  remained  low 
according  to  post-war  notions  ;  and  in  1892,  with  the  revival 
of  industrial  prosperity,  both  industrial  and  agricultural 
duties  were  again  lowered.  But  in  1902  Germany  finally 
went  over  to  a  system  of  high  protection  for  industry,  com- 
bined with  a  relatively  high  tariff  upon  agricultural 

Through  all  this  period,  under  high  and  low  tariffs  alike, 
German  industrialism  had  been  advancing  at  an  extra- 
ordinarily rapid  rate.  Between  1871  and  1901  German 
coal  production  rose  from  32  million  to  89  million  tons,  pig 
iron  production  from  under  2  million  to  over  6£  millions, 
and  steel  production  from  an  almost  negligible  amount 
to  5  million  tons.  German  exports  of  domestic  goods  rose 
in  money  value  by  more  than  60  per  cent  over  the  same 
period,  and  the  establishment  of  the  gold  standard  in  1873 
definitely  signalised  Germany's  advance  to  the  status  of  a 
great  industrial  country.  This  advance  continued  no  less 
rapidly  in  the  early  part  of  the  twentieth  century.  In  1913 
Germany  produced  nearly  190  million  tons  of  coal,  about 
i6J  million  tons  of  pig  iron,  and  over  17  million  tons  of 
steel,  whereas  Great  Britain  produced  287  million  tons  of 
coal,  only  io\  million  tons  of  pig  iron,  and  rather  over  7^ 
million  tons  of  steel.  In  the  heavy  industries  Germany  had 
thus  forged  ahead  at  an  unprecedentedly  rapid  pace,  and 
had  easily  displaced  Great  Britain  from  her  position  as  the 
world's  greatest  producer  of  iron  and  steel,  though  of  course 
her  total  output  was  in  1913  far  behind  that  of  the  United 

Politically  no  less  than  industrially,  Germany  was  during 
this  period  proclaiming  with  ever-growing  insistence  her 
right  to  be  considered  as  a  Great  Power  ;  and  that  rivalry 
between  Germany  and  Great  Britain  which,  added  to  the 
old  enmity  between  Germany  and  France  and  the  desire 
of  the  French  to  regain  the  provinces  lost  in  1871,  led  up 


to  the  Great  War,  was  taking  an  ever  more  menacing  turn. 
Germany,  late  in  the  field  as  a  Great  Power,  was  at  a 
serious  disadvantage  in  attempting  to  build  up  for  herself 
in  imitation  of  her  rivals  an  extensive  colonial  empire  ; 
and  in  pursuance  of  this  object,  as  well  as  of  the  status 
which  she  desired,  she  set  out  to  rival  Great  Britain  by  sea 
as  well  as  France  by  land.  The  history  of  this  rivalry  and  of 
its  culmination  in  the  Great  War  has  been  told  in  outline 
in  an  earlier  section  of  this  book  ;  and  there  is  no  need 
to  repeat  it  here.  It  is  enough  to  say  that  Germany,  with  a 
population  far  exceeding  that  of  either  France  or  Great 
Britain,  and  growing  at  a  more  rapid  rate  than  either, 
with  a  rapidly  developing  economic  system  which  had 
already  brought  her  practically  to  an  equality  with  Great 
Britain  and  the  United  States  as  an  exporting  country, 
and  with  a  political  system  which  still  retained  from  its 
development  out  of  Prussian  autocracy  pronounced 
features  of  militarism,  was  in  no  mood  to  accept  the  position 
of  world  inferiority  which  she  considered  as  enforced  upon 
her  by  the  maintenance  of  the  status  quo,  while  Great 
Britain  and  France  regarded  with  growing  misgivings  and 
hostility  the  rapid  development  of  a  power  which  was  felt 
as  a  menace  to  their  own  established  position  in  Europe 
and  in  the  world  as  a  whole. 

Germany  during  the  War.  When  war  came,  the 
Germans  hoped  to  end  it  rapidly  by  taking  the  offensive. 
Their  entire  strategy  had  been  planned  upon  this  basis  ; 
for  they  recognised  that  if  they  were  compelled  to  fight  a 
defensive  war  against  the  combination  of  nations  likely  to 
be  arrayed  against  them  they  would  be  placed  at  a  serious 
disadvantage  by  their  dependence  on  imported  foodstuffs 
and  raw  materials.  They  knew  that  they  were  not  strong 
enough  to  command  the  seas  by  challenging  the  combined 
British  and  French  fleets  in  open  battle  ;  and  this  meant 
that,  if  the  war  was  to  be  won  rapidly,  it  must  be  won  on 
land,  by  a  swift  offensive  against  France  before  there  was 
time  for  either  Great  Britain  or  Russia  to  bring  their 


potential  land  resources  into  the  field.  When  once  this  hope 
of  a  speedy  triumph  over  the  French  army  had  disappeared 
with  the  successful  checking  of  the  great  German  advance 
towards  Paris,  it  became  plain  that  Germany  would  have 
to  accept  the  consequences  of  a  defensive  struggle,  and  the 
war  had  accordingly  to  be  fought  under  the  disadvantages 
imposed  on  Germany  by  a  powerful  blockade,  which 
both  involved  a  drastic  restriction  in  the  supplies  available 
for  the  civil  population  and  demanded  intense  efforts  to 
maintain  even  the  most  necessary  supplies  of  munitions 
and  foodstuffs  for  the  armies  at  the  front.  That  this  effort 
could  be  sustained  over  a  period  of  four  years,  and  that  it 
was  not  broken  in  the  end  until  the  American  armies  had 
begun  to  make  their  weight  felt  upon  the  battlefields  of 
Europe,  indicates  the  intensity  of  the  national  effort  made 
by  the  German  Government,  and  of  the  sufferings  which 
the  highly  disciplined  German  people  was  prepared  to 
undergo  without  breaking  out  into  open  revolt. 

There  was  indeed  much  discontent  in  Germany  as  the 
war  was  prolonged  and  the  promises  of  victory  still  made 
by  the  military  leaders  carried  less  and  less  conviction 
among  the  mass  of  the  people.  Autocratic  methods  of 
internal  government  had  in  1917  to  be  to  some  extent 
modified,  and  the  forms  of  civil  government  which  had 
been  largely  superseded  on  the  outbreak  of  war  had  to  be 
reinstated.  In  June  1917  the  Reichstag  adopted  the  famous 
resolution  in  which,  while  pledging  itself  to  the  continued 
defence  of  the  Fatherland,  it  declared  its  desire  for  a  peace 
based  on  an  accommodation  without  annexations  or 
indemnities.  Despite  the  failure  of  the  indirect  peace 
negotiations  of  1917,  the  publication  in  January  1918  of 
President  Wilson's  Fourteen  Points  greatly  strengthened 
the  demand  for  peace  within  Germany  ;  and  this  became 
more  active  as  the  impending  collapse  of  the  Austro- 
Hungarian  resistance  became  more  manifest,  as  the  suffer- 
ings of  the  German  people  increased,  and  as  the  intensified 
submarine  campaign  failed  to  produce  the  anticipated 
results  in  stopping  the  supply  of  men  and  munitions  to  the 


Allied  armies,  or  in  starving  out  the  civil  population  of 
Great  Britain.  By  September  1918  the  military  leaders  had 
become  aware  not  merely  of  the  inevitability  of  defeat,  but 
also  of  the  impossibility  of  continued  resistance  for  more 
than  a  very  little  longer.  Their  reserves  of  troops  were  ex- 
hausted, and  they  realised  that  at  any  moment  the  fighting 
line  might  break. 

When  at  the  beginning  of  October  Prince  Max  of  Baden 
was  made  Chancellor,  and  the  more  radical  parties  hoped 
that  their  chance  to  bring  about  a  negotiated  peace  had 
come  at  last,  it  was  only  to  be  confronted  immediately  on 
assuming  office  with  the  news  from  the  military  leaders 
that  peace  must  at  all  costs  be  made  without  a  day's  delay, 
no  matter  what  the  terms  enforced  on  Germany  might  be. 
The  despairing  attempt  to  lead  out  the  German  navy  to 
a  pitched  battle  with  the  British  fleet  led  immediately  to 
the  refusal  of  the  sailors  to  fight  ;  for,  kept  in  harbour 
through  the  long  years  of  war,  the  navy  even  more  than 
the  army  at  the  front  had  developed  strong  pacifist  tenden- 
cies and  was  in  no  mood  to  throw  its  lives  away  at  the  call 
of  the  military  leaders.  The  naval  mutiny  at  Kiel  on 
October  3Oth  was  the  real  beginning  of  the  German 
Revolution  ;  and  it  is  significant  that  the  task  of  keeping 
the  revolutionaries  quiet  was  instantly  entrusted  to  a 
leading  member  of  the  Social  Democratic  Party.  Noske, 
who  became  famous  later  as  the  protector  of  the  German 
Republic  against  Communist  and  left-wing  Socialist 
revolts,  was  sent  to  Kiel  to  deal  with  the  situation  created 
by  the  mutiny. 

By  this  time  it  was  plain  that  the  maintenance  intact  of 
the  German  front  in  the  west  could  only  be  a  matter  of 
days,  and  that  the  break-up  of  the  German  forces  was 
bound  to  come  speedily  unless  an  armistice  could  be  con- 
cluded. The  Kaiser,  who  had  left  the  capital  in  panic  in 
order  to  confer  with  the  military  leaders,  alternated  be- 
tween desperate  hopes  of  re-establishing  his  position  in 
Germany  by  force  of  arms,  and  a  willingness  to  listen  to 
the  advice  of  those  who  were  pressing  him  to  abdicate  on 


both  internal  and  external  grounds.  For  it  was  widely 
held  in  Germany  that  the  Allies  would  never  make 
peace  on  tolerable  terms  as  long  as  the  Kaiser  remained 
upon  the  German  throne,  whereas  his  abdication  might 
prepare  the  way  for  an  honourable  peace  on  the  lines  of 
President  Wilson's  Fourteen  Points.  It  was,  moreover,  held 
that  public  opinion  in  Germany  would  prove  too  strong 
for  the  existing  form  of  government  to  be  maintained,  and 
accordingly  that  the  abdication  of  the  Kaiser  might  clear 
the  way  for  a  compromise  which  would  preserve  the 
Hohenzollern  succession  and  save  the  country  from  either 
a  plunge  into  anarchy  or  the  establishment  of  a  Socialist 
Republic  on  the  Russian  model.  But  the  Kaiser  was  unable 
to  make  up  his  mind  ;  and  finally  the  Chancellor,  Prince 
Max  of  Baden,  had  to  proclaim  his  abdication  without 
receiving  his  positive  consent.  By  this  time  matters  had 
gone  too  far  for  any  constitutional  compromise  to  be 
possible.  Max  of  Baden  realised  that  his  position  had 
become  untenable,  and  resigned  power  into  the  hands  of 
the  Socialists  ;  and  the  Social  Democrats,  far  less  because 
they  desired  to  make  a  revolution  than  because  they  were 
well  aware  that,  unless  they  proclaimed  the  revolution  as 
an  accomplished  fact,  power  would  speedily  pass  out  of 
their  hands  into  those  of  the  extremists  on  their  left,  finally 
took  the  step  of  proclaiming  the  birth  of  the  German 
Republic.  By  this  means  they  hoped  both  to  re-establish 
internal  order  and  to  put  the  Allies  into  a  mood  to  treat 
with  leniency  a  Germany  publicly  dissociated  from  the 
German  Empire  which  was  held  responsible  for  the  war. 
Ebert,  accordingly,  became  the  provisional  President  of 
the  new  German  State,  and  Scheidemann  the  effective 
leader  of  a  new  Provisional  Government,  which  was  to  be 
responsible  for  the  conclusion  of  the  Armistice  and  for 
settling  the  outlines  of  the  new  German  system. 

But  the  Armistice  terms,  when  they  were  received  from 
the  Allies,  proved  to  violate  every  one  of  President  Wilson's 
Fourteen  Points,  and  even  the  Social  Democrats  toyed  for 
a  while  with  the  idea  of  resuming  armed  resistance.  The 


military  leaders,  however,  made  it  clear  that  this  was  out 
of  the  question,  and  that  any  terms,  no  matter  how  onerous, 
had  to  be  accepted  if  the  armed  forces  were  not  to  break 
up  in  sheer  disorder.  In  these  circumstances  the  Armistice 
was  signed,  and  the  withdrawal  of  the  German  forces  was 
at  once  begun.  Despite  the  permeation  of  the  army  by 
pacifist  feeling  and  acute  social  unrest,  Hindenburg  suc- 
ceeded by  a  remarkable  effort  in  withdrawing  the  armed 
forces  into  Germany  in  good  order.  He  was  well  aware 
that,  if  discipline  were  once  relaxed,  the  entire  German 
fighting  machine  might  break  up  at  a  touch  into  scattered 
units  beyond  any  kind  of  co-ordinated  control.  But  the 
Social  Democrats  were  as  anxious  as  he  was  to  avoid  dis- 
order, and  they  accordingly  collaborated  with  him  to  the 
full  in  carrying  through  the  retreat,  and  in  accomplishing 
the  subsequent  disbandment  of  the  armed  forces. 

The  Weimar  Republic.  The  German  Social  Demo- 
crats, with  power  thus  thrown  upon  them,  found  them- 
selves under  the  necessity  of  immediately  formulating  their 
proposals  for  the  constitution  of  the  new  German  State. 
But  they  were  not  in  a  position  to  act  alone  ;  for  they  had 
to  take  account  of  the  working-class  groupings  further  to 
the  left,  and  of  the  possibility,  if  they  failed  to  retain  the 
leadership  of  the  working-class  movement,  that  the  revolu- 
tion might  pass  out  of  their  hands  and  under  the  control 
of  the  left-wing  leaders — which  they  evidently  regarded  as 
the  most  terrible  thing  that  could  possibly  happen. 

Before  the  outbreak  of  war,  German  Social  Democracy 
had  formed  a  united  party,  but  this  unity  had  already 
begun  to  break  up  in  1914.  Karl  Liebknecht  alone  voted 
against  the  war  credits  in  the  Reichstag  in  1914  ;  but  in 
the  private  meeting  of  the  Social  Democratic  Party  which 
preceded  the  decision  to  vote  the  credits,  fourteen  members 
of  the  party  voted  in  the  minority,  and  this  group  formed 
the  nucleus  of  an  opposition  which  became  more  and  more 
articulate  as  the  war  went  on.  Until  1917  the  Socialists 
who  were  definitely  opposed  to  the  war  remained  within 


the  Social  Democratic  Party  ;  but  in  that  year  they  found 
continued  association  with  the  majority  no  longer  possible, 
and  the  Independent  Socialist  Party  was  constituted  as  a 
separate  body.  There  had  been  large-scale  strikes  in  the 
German  munition  works  as  early  as  1916,  and  in  the  spring 
of  1917  these  strikes  were  renewed  on  a  larger  scale.  More- 
over, in  July  1917  the  first  mutiny  broke  out  in  the  German 
navy.  In  the  early  months  of  1918  there  was  a  still  more 
widespread  strike  among  the  German  munition  workers  ; 
but  this,  like  the  earlier  movements,  was  crushed  by  the 
opposition  of  the  Majority  Socialists  and  the  continued 
loyalty  of  the  German  Trade  Union  leaders  to  the  cause  of 
the  Central  Powers.  As  the  year  1918  advanced,  and  the 
last  reserves  were  combed  out  of  the  factories  into  the 
army,  unrest  at  home  caused  the  German  Government  to 
endeavour  to  remove  the  more  active  working-class  leaders 
by  sending  them  to  the  trenches  ;  but  this  policy  only 
resulted  in  spreading  unrest  to  the  army,  and  thus  helped 
greatly  to  prepare  the  way  for  the  November  Revolution. 
When  the  Revolution  broke  out,  the  whole  situation  was 
so  uncertain  that  each  party  was  hesitant  how  to  act.  The 
general  mass  of  working-class  opinion  was  undoubtedly  in 
favour  of  some  form  of  Socialism  ;  but  the  working  classes 
were  sharply  split  between  the  Majority  Socialists,  the 
Independents,  and  the  Spartacists  under  the  leadership  of 
Karl  Liebknecht  and  Rosa  Luxemburg,  who,  while  they 
remained  still  within  the  Social  Democratic  Parties,  had 
moved  much  further  to  the  left,  and  had  taken  the  lead  in 
stirring  up  unrest  among  the  workers  and  soldiers.  The 
Majority  Socialists,  when  control  of  the  State  was  handed 
over  to  them  by  Prince  Max  of  Baden  on  the  dissolution  of 
the  imperial  regime,  had  to  decide  upon  their  course  in  the 
light  of  an  immediate  threat  of  revolution  from  the  left.  Even 
in  the  opinion  of  the  bourgeois  leaders  it  was  at  that  moment 
out  of  the  question  for  anything  except  a  Socialist  Govern- 
ment to  attempt  to  govern  the  country.  But  the  Independ- 
ent Socialists  were  unwilling  to  participate  in  any  Govern- 
ment unless  it  was  clearly  laid  down  that  it  would  seek  to 


establish  Socialism  in  the  form  of  a  Socialist  Republic 
largely  modelled  upon  the  Russian  system,  and  to  this  the 
Majority  Socialists,  with  their  belief  in  constitutional 
government,  were  entirely  unwilling  to  agree.  The  result 
was  a  highly  ilnsatisfactory  and  unstable  compromise.  The 
Majority  Socialists,  under  pressure,  declared  in  favour  of  a 
"  Socialist  Republic,"  and  agreed  to  the  formation  of  an 
inner  Cabinet  of  Ministers  or  Council  of  Commissars — it 
was  not  quite  clear  which — consisting  entirely  of  Socialists. 
But  they  insisted  on  drawing  the  departmental  Ministers 
from  the  old  official  classes  ;  and  the  control  of  the  Cabinet 
over  these  non-Socialist  Ministers  was  to  a  large  extent 
nominal  in  departmental  matters.  The  Cabinet  itself  con- 
sisted of  three  Majority  Socialists  and  three  Independents  ; 
but  from  the  first  the  Majority  Socialists  acted  coherently 
together  in  close  consultation  with  the  non-Socialist 
Ministers,  and  the  Independents  found  themselves  largely 
excluded  from  an  effective  share  in  the  control  of  policy. 
Moreover,  there  arose  between  the  two  sections  of  the 
Cabinet  an  immediate  quarrel  over  the  question  whether 
a  Constituent  Assembly  should  be  elected  by  universal 
suffrage  to  decide  the  form  of  the  new  State  ;  while  the 
Spartacists,  under  Liebknecht's  leadership,  passed  into 
more  and  more  open  hostility  to  the  Provisional  Govern- 
ment, and  insisted  more  and  more  energetically  on  the  need 
for  a  further  revolution  which  would  definitely  institute  a 
Socialist  system. 

Before  the  end  of  the  year  the  differences  between  the 
Majority  Socialists  and  the  Independents  had  become  too 
acute  for  further  collaboration  to  be  possible.  The  Inde- 
pendent Socialists  resigned  from  the  Government,  leaving 
the  Majority  Socialists  a  free  hand  ;  and  significantly, 
Noske  at  this  point  joined  the  Cabinet,  and  shortly  after- 
wards assumed  control  of  the  military  organisation  of 
Germany.  Meanwhile  the  excluded  Independents  joined 
forces  with  the  Spartacists  in  an  attempt  to  seize  power, 
though  some  of  the  more  moderate  Independents  refused  to 
associate  themselves  with  this  movement,  and  from  this 


tiipe  began  to  retrace  their  steps  towards  the  Majority 
Socialist  Party.  After  desultory  fighting  in  Berlin  and  else- 
where the  Spartacist  attempt  was  defeated,  largely  by  means 
of  an  improvised  organisation  got  together  by  Noske  under 
the  leadership  of  anti-Socialist  officers  of  the  old  army  ; 
and  in  the  course  of  this  struggle  Liebknecht  and  Rosa 
Luxemburg,  having  been  arrested  by  Noske's  reaction- 
aries, were  deliberately  murdered,  though  it  was  publicly 
put  out  that  they  had  been  killed  in  the  course  of  an  attempt 
to  escape  from  the  authorities.  The  death  of  the  leaders 
brought  the  immediate  movement  in  Berlin  to  an  end,  and 
left  the  Spartacist  forces  disorganised.  But  this  was  by  no 
means  the  end  of  the  struggle,  and  throughout  the  succeed- 
ing months  there  occurred  a  series  of  revolutionary  strikes 
in  many  parts  of  Germany — ruthlessly  suppressed  by  Noske 
and  the  growingly  confident  body  of  reactionaries  whom  he 
had  called  in  to  aid  the  Social  Democrats  in  restoring  order. 
Meanwhile  the  elections  for  the  Constituent  Assembly 
were  carried  through  under  universal  suffrage.  Of  the  42 1 
seats  the  Majority  Socialists  with  the  aid  of  their  powerful 
organisation  secured  163,  while  the  Independents,  with  no 
adequate  party  machine  behind  them,  got  only  22.  The 
Spartacists,  having  boycotted  the  Assembly,  were  not 
candidates,  and  the  combined  Socialist  parties  found  them- 
selves in  a  minority  in  the  Assembly  as  a  whole.  Of  the 
remaining  seats  42  fell  to  the  Nationalists,  the  more  extreme 
representatives  of  the  old  regime,  and  2 1  to  the  People's 
Party,  which  stood  mainly  for  the  great  industrialists.  Both 
these  parties  refused  to  accept  the  new  Republic  as  an 
accomplished  fact,  and  were  therefore  clearly  ineligible  for 
participation  in  a  Government  designed  to  set  it  up  on  a 
permanent  basis.  Apart  from  10  seats  which  fell  to  the  small 
fractional  parties,  this  left  163  seats,  a  number  precisely 
equal  to  that  held  by  the  Majority  Socialists,  shared  between 
the  Centre  Party,  representing  the  Catholics,  and  the 
Democrats,  formed  on  the  basis  of  a  coalition  of  the  more 
liberal  bourgeois  groups.  The  Social  Democrats,  faithful  to 
their  principle  of  parliamentary  democracy  and  insisting 


that  the  time  could  not  be  ripe  for  the  establishment  of 
Socialism  until  a  clear  Socialist  majority  of  the  electorate 
had  been  secured,  immediately  preceded  to  reconstitute 
the  Government  on  the  basis  of  a  coalition  with  the  Centre 
and  Democratic  Parties.  Ebert  remained  provisional 
President,  and  the  Social  Democrat,  Scheidemann,  became 
Chancellor  in  the  new  Government ;  but  seats  in  the 
Cabinet  were  equally  shared  between  the  Majority  Social- 
ists on  the  one  hand  and  the  combined  bourgeois  parties  on 
the  other,  and  it  was  under  the  auspices  of  this  Coalition 
Government  that  the  National  Assembly  proceeded  to  the 
drafting  of  the  new  Weimar  Constitution.  Weimar,  in- 
cidentally, was  selected  as  the  place  of  meeting  for  the 
National  Assembly  largely  in  order  to  enable  it  to  get  away 
from  the  disturbed  conditions  prevailing  in  Berlin  and  the 
other  great  industrial  centres,  where  it  might  have  been 
more  under  the  control  of  the  Soldiers'  and  Workers' 
Councils  set  up  during  the  revolution. 

Moreover,  the  drafting  of  the  new  Constitution  was 
undertaken  not  by  a  Socialist  but  by  Herr  Preuss,  a  well- 
known  official  of  the  Prussian  Ministry  of  the  Interior ; 
and  under  his  draftsmanship  it  took  the  form  by  no  means 
of  the  constitution  for  a  Socialist  Republic  which  the 
Independents  and  the  Spartacists  desired,  but  of  an  eclectic 
bourgeois  democratic  system  of  government,  based  on  a 
mingling  of  the  Parliamentary  precedents  set  by  the 
Constitutions  of  Great  Britain,  France  and  the  United 
States.  The  formation  of  the  new  Coalition  Government 
and  the  drafting  of  the  Weimar  Constitution  made  perfectly 
definite  the  breach,  already  implicit  in  the  suppression  of 
the  January  insurrection,  between  the  Majority  Socialists 
and  those  who  wished  to  turn  the  collapse  of  the  old  order 
in  Germany  into  an  immediate  Socialist  revolution. 

While  the  Constitution  was  being  drafted  at  Weimar,  the 
Allies  at  Versailles  were  elaborating  the  Treaty  of  Peace. 
When  their  proposals  were  presented  to  the  German 
Government  the  Majority  Socialists  were  at  first  unable  to 
believe  that  such  terms  were  really  to  be  forced  upon  them, 


and  made  an  attempt  to  negotiate  for  improved  conditions 
by  beginning  with  an  indignant  refusal.  But  it  was  speedily 
made  plain  to  the  German  Government  that  the  Allies 
meant  what  they  said,  and  were  determined  upon  the 
imposition  of  a  peace  embodying  the  principle  of  the 
"  spoils  to  the  victors,"  and  involving  the  almost  complete 
disarmament  of  Germany  as  well  as  the  payment  of  very 
heavy,  though  still  unspecified,  sums  in  reparations  for 
war  damage.  The  leader  of  the  Majority  Socialists,  Scheide- 
mann,  having  committed  himself  to  an  indignant  refusal  of 
these  terms,  refused  to  change  his  attitude  even  when  it  was 
made  plain  that  nothing  better  could  be  secured,  and  the 
Democrats  also  left  the  Government,  which  was  then 
reconstructed  in  June  1919  under  Gustav  Bauer — another 
Majority  Socialist  and  Trade  Union  leader — as  a  coalition 
between  the  Social  Democrats  and  the  Centre  Party.  This 
Government  signed  the  Peace  Treaty  under  protest,  and 
instituted  the  policy  of  "  fulfilment  "  which  came  in  later 
years  to  be  chiefly  associated  with  the  name  of  Stresemann. 
In  the  meantime  Noske  was  continuing  his  work  in  the 
active  suppression  of  the  left-wing  Socialists.  In  order  to 
give  a  clear  account  of  his  activities  it  is  necessary  to  retrace 
our  steps  and  consider  what  had  been  happening  in  Bavaria 
while  the  movements  already  described  had  been  going  on 
in  the  rest  of  Germany.  The  revolution  in  Munich  was 
among  the  first  in  Germany  to  assume  a  definite  shape,  and 
even  before  the  Armistice  had  been  signed  the  old  royal 
family  had  been  excluded  and  a  left-wing  Socialist  Govern- 
ment, under  the  Independent  Socialist,  Kurt  Eisner,  as 
President,  had  assumed  control.  This  Government,  follow- 
ing the  example  of  the  Social  Democrats  in  the  Reich, 
proceeded  to  the  election  of  a  Bavarian  Constituent  As- 
sembly, with  the  result  that  an  anti-Socialist  majority, 
based  mainly  on  the  Catholic  peasantry,  was  returned. 
Disputes  speedily  followed  within  the  Bavarian  Socialist 
Government,  and  on  February  2  ist  Kurt  Eisner  was  assassi- 
nated by  a  reactionary  fanatic.  There  followed  a  period 
of  utter  confusion.  The  Majority  Socialists  constructed 


a  new  right-wing  Socialist  Government  ;  but  this  was 
unable  to  maintain  its  authority  in  Munich,  where  an 
extremist  revolution  broke  out  towards  the  end  of  February 
under  an  adventurer  named  Lipp.  The  rapid  overthrow  of 
his  Government  was  followed  by  the  creation  of  a  Com- 
munist Government  under  the  leadership  of  Axelrod.  But 
the  Majority  Socialists  in  Bavaria,  in  combination  with  the 
reactionary  parties,  now  invoked  the  assistance  of  Noske  ; 
and  on  May  ist,  Reich  government  troops  captured  Munich, 
and  the  Communists  underwent  bloody  suppression. 

At  the  same  time  revolutionary  movements  were  being 
actively  suppressed  by  Noske  in  other  parts  of  Germany, 
and  by  the  middle  of  the  year,  thanks  to  Noske's  activities, 
the  Workers'  Councils  had  been  almost  completely  sup- 
pressed save  in  a  few  areas,  and  the  Majority  Socialists 
and  their  bourgeois  allies  had  the  situation  well  in  hand. 

So  matters  dragged  on  through  the  rest  of  1919,  with  no 
vital  change  save  that  after  the  signature  of  the  Peace 
Treaty  the  Democrats  came  back  into  the  Government. 
But  in  the  meantime  the  forces  got  together  by  Noske  and 
the  remnants  of  the  old  reactionary  parties  had  begun  to 
reassert  themselves  in  political  matters.  Confident  that  they 
had  now  thoroughly  suppressed  the  extreme  Socialist  left, 
they  began  to  bring  pressure  to  bear  upon  the  Social 
Democrats  for  a  more  definitely  reactionary  policy.  On 
March  loth,  1920,  General  von  Luttwitz  and  other  generals 
presented  an  ultimatum  to  the  Social  Democratic  members 
of  the  Government  ;  and  the  rejection  of  this  ultimatum  was 
immediately  followed  by  the  outbreak  of  the  Kapp  Putsch. 
Under  the  leadership  of  Kapp,  a  Prussian  official,  the 
counter-revolutionaries  marched  on  Berlin  and  captured 
the  city.  The  coalition  Government  fled  to  Stuttgart,  and 
there  summoned  the  National  Assembly  to  meet.  They 
further  endeavoured  at  this  moment  of  danger  to  invoke 
against  the  reactionaries  the  forces  which  they  had  hitherto 
been  endeavouring  to  suppress.  At  the  orders  of  the  Trade 
Unions  a  General  Strike  was  declared,  with  the  participa- 
tion of  almost  the  whole  of  the  German  working  class,  the 



Catholic  Trade  Unions  associated  with  the  Centre  Party 
taking  part  in  it  along  with  the  Socialist  Unions.  With  this 
aid  furnished  by  the  workers,  the  position  of  the  leaders  of 
the  Kapp  Putsch  was  speedily  made  untenable  ;  and, 
realising  that  they  had  no  chance  of  success,  they  disbanded 
their  forces  and  surrendered  to  the  Government.  But  al- 
though the  Kapp  Putsch  thus  signally  failed  it  undoubtedly 
exerted  an  important  influence  in  weakening  still  further 
the  hold  of  the  Majority  Socialists  upon  the  Government. 
Immediately  after  it  the  Bauer  Government  resigned,  and  a 
new  Government  based  on  the  same  parties  as  before  was 
formed  under  another  Social  Democrat,  Miiller,  solely  as 
an  interim  administration  pledged  to  the  holding  of  new 
elections.  These  elections,  held  in  June,  resulted  in  serious 
Socialist  losses,  and  immediately  afterwards  a  new  coalition 
Government  was  formed  under  the  leadership  of  Fehren- 
bach  of  the  Centre  Party,  on  the  basis  of  a  bourgeois  coalition 
from  which  the  Socialists  were  excluded.  In  the  meantime 
there  had  been,  in  the  month  following  the  Kapp  Putsch, 
a  serious  rising  in  the  Ruhr  under  Communist  leadership — 
the  Spartacists  and  certain  of  the  Independents  having  by 
now  united  to  form  the  Communist  Party.  This,  like  pre- 
vious movements  on  a  smaller  scale,  was  promptly  sup- 
pressed by  Noske — almost  the  last  act  of  the  Social  Demo- 
cratic Government  before  its  fall.  Thus,  when  the  Social 
Democrats  handed  over  power  to  a  bourgeois  coalition,  they 
were  able  to  congratulate  themselves  that  they  had  success- 
fully broken  the  forces  of  the  revolutionary  working-class 
movement  in  Germany,  and  that  the  country  could  once 
more  be  governed,  even  by  non-Socialists,  on  strictly 
constitutional  lines. 

We  have  told  in  some  detail  the  story  of  the  successive 
phases  of  the  German  revolution  up  to  1920,  because  an 
understanding  of  what  happened  to  Germany  during  these 
eighteen  months  is  essential  to  a  realisation  of  the  basis 
upon  which  the  Weimar  Republic  rested.  The  new  German 
Constitution,  set  up  at  Weimar,  was  the  work  of  a  coalition 
of  middle  parties,  Social  Democrats,  Centre,  and  Democrats, 


carried  through  in  face  of  a  strong  opposition  from  the 
adherents  of  the  old  regime  on  the  one  hand  and  from  the 
Independent  Socialists,  Spartacists,  Communists,  and 
Workers'  and  Soldiers'  Councils  on  the  other.  The  left-wing 
groups  wanted  to  proceed  at  once  to  a  Socialist  republic, 
and  to  leave  the  election  of  a  Constituent  Assembly  and  the 
drawing  up  of  a  definitive  new  Constitution  in  abeyance 
until  the  Socialists  had  definitely  established  their  power  on 
the  basis  of  the  Workers'  and  Soldiers'  Councils  created 
during  the  November  Revolution.  They  held  that  the  first 
step  should  be  to  make  the  power  of  the  Socialist  movement 
secure  in  Germany,  and  that  questions  of  the  form  of 
government  could  only  be  considered  when  the  country 
had  at  least  to  some  extent  settled  down  under  a  definitely 
Socialist  regime. 

The  parties  of  the  right  and  the  remnants  of  the  old 
official  classes  and  the  old  army  leaders  were  at  bottom  no 
less  hostile  than  the  left-wing  Socialists  to  the  Weimar  Con- 
stitution. But,  realising  that  it  was  for  the  time  impossible 
for  them  to  assume  office  themselves  or  to  constitute  a  State 
more  to  their  own  liking,  they  threw  their  weight  on  the 
side  of  the  middle  parties  and  the  Social  Democrats  with  the 
object  of  suppressing  the  left  wing,  with  the  mental  reserva- 
tion that  when  once  the  left  had  been  sufficiently  dealt  with 
they  would  be  free  to  resume  activities  on  their  own  behalf. 
The  Kapp  Putsch,  instituted  by  a  number  of  the  more 
extreme  among  the  reactionary  elements,  was  clearly  pre- 
mature, and  received  no  united  support  even  from  those 
who  sympathised  wholly  with  its  objects.  In  1919  and  1920 
the  adherents  of  the  old  regime  were  still  playing  a  waiting 
game,  and  using  the  Social  Democrats  to  do  the  work  of 
preventing  Socialism  which  they  were  not  strong  enough 
to  do  for  themselves. 

Between  these  two  extremes  stood  the  two  middle 
bourgeois  parties  and  the  Majority  Socialists.  The  Democrats 
were  for  the  most  part  sincere  republicans,  desirous  of 
turning  Germany  into  a  constitutional  republic  on  the 
model  of  France  or  the  United  States.  Largely  supported 


by  the  Jews  and  by  the  intellectual  classes,  they  were 
unable  at  any  time  to  command  a  really  large  popular 
following  ;  but  they  were  able  to  give  important  help  to  the 
other  middle  parties  in  carrying  through  the  new  Consti- 
tution and  keeping  a  "  moderate  "  regime  securely  in  power. 
The  Centre  Party  differed  from  the  Democrats  in  that  it 
stood  predominantly  for  the  interests  of  the  Catholic  Church, 
and  was  based  largely  on  the  votes  of  the  Catholic  peas- 
antry and  the  smaller  middle  classes  in  the  Catholic  parts 
of  Germany,  while  it  had  also  a  large  number  of  ad- 
herents among  the  Catholic  Trade  Unionists,  especially 
in  the  Ruhr.  Collectively,  the  Centre  Party  can  hardly  have 
been  said  to  have  had  on  most  matters  any  policy  at  all. 
It  ranged  in  social  and  economic  doctrines  from  right  to 
left,  and  was  held  together  rather  by  its  common  allegiance 
to  Catholicism  than  by  any  clear-cut  principles  of  political 
or  economic  action.  In  the  circumstances  of  1919  and  1920 
it  wished  to  create  and  preserve  the  Weimar  Republic  ; 
for  it  had  no  love  for  the  old  Empire  based  on  the  hege- 
mony of  Protestant  Prussia,  and  it  was  also  acutely  hostile 
to  any  attempt  at  the  establishment  of  Socialism.  With  these 
two  parties  the  Social  Democrats  were  compelled  to  col- 
laborate if  they  were  determined  to  base  their  actions  on 
constitutional  and  Parliamentary  principles  ;  for  only  with 
the  aid  of  the  Democrats  and  Centre  were  they  in  a  posi- 
tion to  command  a  majority  in  the  Constituent  Assembly 
or  to  maintain  their  power  at  all.  The  attitude  of  the  Social 
Democrats  was  that,  while  they  professed  to  be,  and  doubt- 
less believed  themselves  to  be,  Socialists,  they  held  that  any 
immediate  attempt  to  establish  Socialism  would  be  both 
contrary  to  democratic  principles  and  likely  to  provoke  a 
serious  reaction  at  a  later  stage.  For,  in  their  view,  Germany 
could  only  become  ripe  for  Socialism  when  a  majority  of  the 
German  people  had  been  converted  to  Socialist  views. 
Finding  themselves  called  upon  to  assume  power  with  only 
the  alternative  of  handing  it  over  to  the  extreme  left,  under 
circumstances  in  which  this  condition  was  clearly  not  real- 
ised, they  refused  to  go  further  than  to  attempt  to  constitute 


a  thoroughly  democratic  bourgeois  republican  State,  in 
the  hope  that  this  would  provide  a  basis  on  which  they 
would  be  able  at  a  later  stage  to  build  up  Socialism  when 
the  majority  had  become  converted  to  their  point  of  view. 
But  in  practice  this  middle  policy  involved  them,  as  we 
have  seen,  in  invoking  the  aid  not  only  of  the  bourgeois 
parties  but  also  of  armed  reactionary  forces  for  the  sup- 
pression of  their  fellow-Socialists  further  to  the  left  ;  and 
the  more  bitter  the  struggle  became  the  more  the  Social 
Democrats  were  tempted  to  depart  from  their  Socialist 
principles,  and  the  greater  grew  the  hatred  between  them 
and  the  left-wing  forces,  now  becoming  concentrated  in  the 
Communist  Party.  For  when  men  have  fought  with  one 
another  in  the  streets,  when  Socialist  has  killed  Socialist 
across  the  barricades,  it  is  no  longer  much  use  talking  about 
Socialist  unity  ;  and  in  fact  the  unity  of  the  German  work- 
ing class,  broken  in  the  early  days  of  the  revolution,  has 
never  been  successfully  re-established,  with  the  consequence 
that  the  Nazi  movement,  when  its  time  arrived,  was  able 
to  mount  rapidly  in  influence  and  in  the  end  to  scatter  the 
disunited  Socialist  forces  without  their  offering  any  effec- 
tive resistance.  The  seeds  of  the  German  Socialist  collapse 
of  1933  were  sown  in  the  months  immediately  following  the 
November  Revolution  of  1918. 

Between  1920  and  1923  Germany  appeared  to  be 
gradually  settling  down.  Governments  alternated  between 
different  party  groupings.  In  1921  Fehrenbach's  non- 
Socialist  Ministry  was  replaced  by  a  new  coalition  under 
Wirth  of  the  Centre  Party,  including  the  Socialists.  But  by 
this  time  the  Socialists,  instead  of  half  the  seats,  had  little 
more  than  a  third.  In  1922,  Wirth  was  replaced  by  Cuno,  at 
the  head  of  another  Coalition  Government  of  the  bourgeois 
parties,  from  which  the  Socialists  were  again  excluded.  Then 
in  1923  the  Socialists  returned  as  members  of  a  Government 
under  Stresemann  of  the  People's  Party,  a  grand  coalition 
extending  further  to  the  right  than  any  previous  Govern- 
ment in  which  the  Socialists  had  agreed  to  take  part.  To- 
wards the  end  of  1924,  when  Stresemann  gave  place  to 


Marx,  the  Socialists  were  again  left  outside  the  Govern- 
ment, and  did  not  resume  their  participation  in  it  until 

These  successive  changes  of  Government  are  closely  con- 
nected with  the  movement  of  events  both  in  Germany 
itself  and  in  the  relations  between  Germany  and  the  Allied 
Powers.  In  January  1921  the  total  demanded  from  the 
Germans  in  reparations  was  first  fixed — at  a  fantastic 
figure  which  had  to  be  modified  out  of  all  recognition  in 
later  years.  In  1921,  too,  a  further  blow  was  struck  at  the 
new  German  State  by  the  handing  over  of  a  considerable 
area  in  Upper  Silesia  to  the  Poles  after  the  plebiscite  con- 
ducted under  the  auspices  of  the  League  of  Nations.  There 
was  a  Communist  rising  in  Saxony,  easily  suppressed,  and 
on  the  other  hand  the  reactionary  Government  now  in 
power  in  Bavaria  offered  strong  resistance  to  disarmament, 
and  Munich  became  the  chief  refuge  of  the  reactionary 
extremists  who  had  been  associated  with  the  Kapp  Putsch 
and  with  other  movements  directed  against  the  Weimar 
Constitution.  Erzberger,  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  Centre 
Party,  who  had  been  the  chief  promoter  of  the  Reichstag 
peace  resolution  of  1917  and  the  most  active  negotiator  of 
the  Treaty,  was  murdered  by  reactionaries  who  escaped 
from  the  country  unpunished  ;  and  the  campaign  of 
political  assassination  was  thus  extended  from  the  extreme 
left  to  members  of  the  middle  parties  unpopular  with  the 
reactionary  elements.  But  the  Wirth  Government  on  the 
whole  attempted  to  pursue  a  moderate  and  conciliatory 
policy  in  home  affairs,  and  at  the  same  time  to  improve 
relations  with  the  Allied  Powers.  Its  outstanding  figure,  the 
great  Jewish  industrialist,  Walther  Rathenau,  was  the  chief 
agent  of  the  Treaty  signed  at  Rapallo  between  Germany 
and  Russia  in  April  1922,  and  Rathenau  also  made  heroic 
efforts  to  re-establish  German  prestige  abroad  by  asserting 
her  freedom  to  follow  an  independent  foreign  policy  with- 
out a  positive  break  with  the  Allied  Powers.  But  Rathenau, 
despite  the  great  services  which  he  had  performed  as  the 
organiser  of  the  German  munitions  industries  during  the 


war,  was  desperately  unpopular  with  the  extremists  of  the 
right,  and  in  June  1922  he  shared  the  fate  of  Erzberger  and 
Liebknecht,  being  assassinated  in  Berlin  in  broad  daylight. 
The  murders  of  Erzberger  and  Rathenau  were  the  chief 
cause  of  the  formation  towards  the  end  of  1922  of  the 
Reic/isbanner,  a  semi-military  organisation  of  Social  Demo- 
crats and  Centre  Party  supporters  for  the  defence  of  the 
Republic  against  reactionary  extremists.  But  the  murders 
weakened  the  position  of  the  middle  parties,  and  the 
establishment  of  the  Cuno  Government  in  November  1922 
with  the  participation  of  the  People's  Party  was  definitely 
a  move  to  the  right. 

Reparations,  the  Ruhr,  Inflation  and  Recovery.  Mean- 
while a  serious  crisis  was  developing  over  the  question 
of  reparations.  The  Germans  maintained  that  they  had 
been  making  every  possible  effort  to  fulfil  the  enormous 
demands  made  upon  them  by  the  Allies  both  for  the  pay- 
ment of  money  and  for  deliveries  in  kind  ;  but  towards 
the  end  of  1922  the  strain  became  too  great  to  be  borne, 
and,  after  deliveries  had  fallen  definitely  behind,  the  Cuno 
Government  made  a  demand  for  a  moratorium,  while  the 
Reparations  Commission  established  under  the  Peace 
Treaty  definitely  announced  that  a  German  default  had 
taken  place.  In  these  circumstances  Great  Britain  was 
willing  to  negotiate  for  an  adjustment  of  the  terms  imposed 
on  Germany  ;  but  the  French  and  Belgians,  in  a  majority 
on  the  Reparations  Commission,  refused  any  accommoda- 
tion, and  in  January  1923  marched  into  Germany  and 
occupied  the  Ruhr,  thus  beginning  a  struggle  which  lasted 
though  the  greater  part  of  the  year.  For  the  Germans,  main- 
taining that  the  occupation  was  contrary  to  the  terms  of  the 
Treaty,  decided  upon  a  course  of  passive  resistance,  and 
endeavoured  to  mobilise  the  entire  forces  of  the  country 
behind  the  movement.  A  proposal,  with  this  object,  once 
more  to  include  the  Socialists  in  the  Government  led  to  an 
ultimatum  from  Bavaria,  now  under  wholly  reactionary 
control ;  but  the  proposal  was  not  persisted  in  at  the  time, 


and  for  some  months  longer  the  situation  in  Bavaria  hung 
in  the  balance.  Meanwhile  passive  resistance  in  the  Ruhr, 
which  involved  the  necessity  of  supporting  a  large  part  of 
the  population  out  of  public  funds  in  view  of  the  suspension 
of  productive  activities,  placed  a  tremendous  strain  on  the 
German  public  finances,  which  were  already  in  a  bad 
enough  condition  owing  to  the  large  payments  made  to  the 
Allies  and  the  disorganisation  of  German  industries  in 
consequence  of  the  war  and  the  subsequent  blockade. 

There  was  only  one  way  in  which  the  costs  of  the  Ruhr 
defence  could  possibly  be  met,  and  this  was  inflation. 
During  the  months  for  which  passive  resistance  continued — 
between  January  and  August  1923 — internal  prices  in  Ger- 
many rose  to  an  unexampled  height,  and  the  German 
mark  depreciated  still  more  rapidly  in  external  value. 
During  the  previous  years  the  German  currency  had 
already  become  seriously  depreciated.  In  May  1921  the 
current  rate  of  exchange  was  62  marks  to  the  dollar,  but 
by  September  of  that  year  it  had  fallen  to  105.  The  Upper 
Silesia  award  caused  a  further  serious  depreciation,  and  by 
the  end  of  November  1921  the  mark  was  at  270  to  the 
dollar,  or  only  i$  per  cent  of  its  par  value.  There  for  a 
time  depreciation  was  arrested  ;  but  in  1922,  in  face  of  the 
effort  to  make  large  payments  to  the  Allies,  and  of  the  fears 
caused  abroad  by  the  assassination  of  Rathenau,  the  mark 
began  again  to  depreciate  heavily.  In  July  1922  it  was  at 
493  to  tne  dollar,  and  in  August  at  1,200.  Then,  with  the 
beginning  of  the  quarrel  with  the  Allies  which  led  to  the 
Ruhr  occupation,  it  shot  up  to  over  8,000  in  the  middle  of 
November,  and  a  flight  from  the  German  currency  by 
German  nationals  as  well  as  by  foreigners  set  in. 

But  even  this  depreciation  was  as  nothing  to  that  which 
followed  the  Ruhr  occupation.  The  mark,  which  had 
recovered  a  little  from  the  low  speculative  level  reached  in 
November  1922,  soared  in  January,  the  first  month  of  the 
occupation,  to  over  40,000  to  the  dollar.  There  it  was  for 
the  moment  held  again  by  strong  efforts  on  the  part  of  the 
German  Government  and  the  Reichsbank  ;  but  before  long 


the  resources  at  the  disposal  of  the  Germans  for  maintain- 
ing the  external  value  of  their  currency  were  exhausted, 
and  between  May  and  November  1923  the  mark-dollar 
exchange  reached  a  fantastic  degree  of  depreciation,  until 
in  the  latter  month  a  dollar  was  valued  at  the  astonishing 
figure  of  4,200,000,000,000  marks.  In  other  words,  in  the 
course  of  the  Ruhr  struggle  the  external  value  of  the  mark 
to  all  intents  and  purposes  totally  disappeared,  and  over 
the  same  period  prices  in  Germany  also  reached  a  level 
hitherto  undreamed  of  in  any  country.  At  the  end  of  the 
war  in  1918  they  reached  four  times  the  pre-war  level  ;  in 
1920  nearly  fifteen  times,  and  in  1921  over  nineteen  times. 
At  that  point  the  real  depreciation  began.  The  average  for 
1922  was  34,000  times  that  of  1913,  and  in  1923  price  levels 
became  as  fantastic  as  foreign  exchange  quotations  and 
the  official  index  recorded  a  figure  of  16,620,000,000,000, 
as  compared  with  100  in  1913.  This  process  obviously 
could  not  go  on  indefinitely.  While  it  lasted  it  inflicted 
tremendous  hardship  on  all  those  classes  whose  incomes 
were  relatively  fixed,  and  compelled  everyone  into  whose 
possession  any  money  came  to  spend  it  instantly  in  the 
knowledge  that  if  he  waited  even  an  hour  it  was  likely  to 
lose  a  large  part  of  its  value.  Wage  rates  had  to  be  recal- 
culated daily  in  accordance  with  new  price  levels  ;  but  by 
the  time  they  had  been  paid  out  price  levels  had  risen  much 
further  still.  All  debtors  benefited  to  the  extent  that, 
however  large  the  sums  which  they  had  borrowed  before 
the  inflation  might  be,  these  could  soon  be  paid  off  with 
the  price  of  half  a  dozen  eggs  or  even  a  postage  stamp. 
Consequently  the  owners  of  real  capital  assets  as  distinct 
from  money  made  enormous  gains,  in  that  mortgages 
could  be  completely  written  off,  and  actual  goods  had  come 
to  be  the  sole  recognised  economic  values.  Germans  who 
could  sent  their  money  abroad  and  changed  it  into  foreign 
currencies,  and  immense  profits  as  well  as  losses  were  made 
by  speculation  in  marks  as  the  inflation  proceeded. 

But  while  some  classes  profited  by  the  inflation,  its  con- 
tinuance soon  threatened  to  bring  all  business  to  a  stand-still. 


For  no  one  could  in  the  circumstances  venture  to  make 
any  forward  contract  in  terms  of  money,  or  even  to  promise 
to  deliver  goods  at  a  fixed  price  in  a  week's  or  a  day's  time. 
The  whole  German  economic  system  was  accordingly 
threatened  with  utter  collapse,  and  when  this  became  too 
plain  to  be  any  longer  ignored  the  passive  resistance  in  the 
Ruhr  had  to  be  abandoned.  A  new  currency,  the  Renten- 
mark,  based  nominally  on  the  value  of  landed  property, 
was  introduced  to  replace  the  now  valueless  mark  cur- 
rency, and  Germany  reconciled  herself  to  coming  to  terms 
with  the  Allies,  and  agreeing,  as  the  price  of  peace,  to  any 
terms  which  she  could  hope  even  temporarily  to  meet. 

The  Ruhr  occupation,  while  it  was  disastrous  to  the 
German  finances,  was  a  burdensome  expense  to  the  Allies, 
and  the  German  resistance,  though  it  had  in  the  end  to  be 
given  up,  had  sufficed  to  show  up  the  absurdity  of  Poin- 
care*'s  policy  of  endeavouring  to  exact  reparations  by 
violence.  For  it  was  plain  that  the  ability  of  Germany  to 
pay  reparations  must  depend  on  her  internal  prosperity, 
and  that  if  in  the  future  she  was  to  be  able  to  pay  anything 
at  all  her  finances  must  somehow  be  established  on  a 
sounder  basis,  and  the  value  of  her  currency  restored. 
Under  these  circumstances  the  Allies  became  willing  to 
come  to  terms  with  Germany  ;  and,  after  an  international 
expert  committee  under  the  presidency  of  the  American 
General  Dawes  had  reported  upon  Germany's  ability  to 
pay,  it  became  possible  to  secure  general  acceptance  of  the 
Dawes  Plan,  under  which  the  Allied  claims  to  reparations 
were  considerably  staled  down,  and  a  new  loan,  to  be 
raised  in  the  Allied  countries,  was  conceded  to  Germany 
as  the  means  of  re-establishing  her  financial  position. 
Under  this  plan,  moreover,  the  temporary  Rentenmark 
was  displaced  by  a  new  unit  of  currency,  the  Reichsmark, 
based  upon  gold  and  possessing  the  same  gold  value  as  the 
pre-war  mark.  Prices  in  terms  of  the  new  currency  were 
sharply  brought  down  to  somewhere  near  the  pre-war 
level,  and  by  a  method  of  severe  deflation  some  sort  of 
equilibrium  was  restored  to  the  German  economic  system. 


From  1924  onwards,  Germany  entered  definitely  on  a 
new  phase  of  her  post-war  history.  Under  the  Govern- 
ments of  Stresemann  (August  1923),  Marx  (November 
1924),  Luther  (January  1925)  and  Marx  (May  1926),  the 
policy  of  fulfilment  under  the  conditions  laid  down  by  the 
Dawes  Plan  was  systematically  pursued  ;  while  Stresemann, 
in  control  for  the  most  part  of  German  foreign  policy,  helped 
greatly  in  rebuilding  Germany's  international  position  from 
a  political  point  of  view.  To  this  period  belongs  the  Locarno 
Treaty  of  December  1925,  which  is  discussed  in  another 
section.  Before  this,  in  July  1925,  the  French  and  Belgians 
had  evacuated  the  Ruhr  ;  and  three  years  later,  in  1928,  the 
Armies  of  Occupation  were  also  withdrawn  from  the 
northern  Rhineland.  At  the  same  time,  under  the  new 
conditions  created  by  the  stabilisation  of  the  mark  and  the 
Dawes  Loan,  it  became  possible  for  Germany  to  embark 
upon  a  thorough-going  policy  of  industrial  reorganisation, 
carried  out  largely  with  the  aid  of  foreign  capital.  For  the 
effect  of  the  Dawes  Plan  and  of  the  Locarno  Treaty  was  to 
restore  the  belief  of  foreign  investors,  especially  in  the 
United  States,  in  Germany's  economic  future  ;  and  there 
was,  as  we  shall  see  in  a  later  section,  a  tremendous  out- 
pouring of  American  capital  into  Germany.  This  was  used 
largely  for  the  reconstruction  and  rationalisation  of  the 
German  heavy  industries  ;  but  large  sums  were  also 
borrowed  by  the  German  States  and  municipalities,  and 
applied  to  the  execution  of  great  schemes  of  public  works. 
At  the  same  time  the  flight  of  German  capital  definitely 
came  to  an  end  with  the  stabilisation  ;  and  the  German 
people  began  out  of  their  own  resources  to  supply  consider- 
able amounts  of  new  capital  for  the  development  of 

It  has  often  been  suggested  that  much  of  this  borrowed 
money  which  flowed  into  Germany  in  an  uninterrupted 
stream  between  1924  and  1928  was  wastefully  used,  and 
that  the  reorganisation  of  the  German  economic  system  was 
carried  through  with  quite  unnecessary  extravagance. 
This  charge  is  made  both  in  respect  of  the  sums  borrowed 


by  the  States  and  municipalities,  which  imposed  a  large 
burden  on  the  German  taxpayers,  and  of  the  sums  applied 
to  industrial  development  in  private  hands.  But  it  has  to  be 
remembered  that  in   1924  and   the  following  years  the 
Germans  were  basing  their  calculations  of  what  they  could 
afford  to  borrow  on  the  anticipation  that  the  world  would 
continue  to  advance  rapidly  in  economic  prosperity,  and 
that  prices  would  remain,  if  not  stable,  at  any  rate  high 
enough  not  to  cause  serious  dislocation,  or  greatly  to  exag- 
gerate the  burden  of  current  borrowings.  Above  all  they 
calculated  on  a  continued  ability,  as  long  as  their  own  con- 
ditions remained  stable,  to  go  on  borrowing  money  in  the 
United  States  until  the  increase  in  their  productive  re- 
sources enabled  them  to  supply  for  themselves  the  new 
capital  they  required,  and  to  meet  out  of  their  own  resources 
the  necessary  payments  for  interest  and  sinking  fund  on 
what  they  had  borrowed.  It  was  the  sharp  cutting  off  of 
the  American  investments  in  Germany  in  the  course  of  the 
American  boom  of  1929  that  brought  the  perilous  economic 
structure  of  the  reconstructed  German  system  crashing 
down,    and    made    impossible    the    maintenance    of   the 
unstable  equilibrium  that  had  existed  during  the  previous 
four  years. 

In  the  light  of  later  events  it  is  clear  enough  that  Germany 
did  over-borrow  and  was  extravagant  in  the  reconstruction 
of  her  economic  system.  But  it  is  difficult  to  blame  the 
Germans  over  much  for  this,  as  they  only  shared  with  other 
capitalist  countries,  and  above  all  with  their  chief  creditor, 
the  United  States,  the  belief  that  the  economic  difficulties 
which  were  the  legacy  of  the  war  had  been  successfully 
overcome,  and  that  industry  could  rely  upon  a  steadily 
increasing  return  for  some  time  to  come.  Nor  is  it  easy  to  see 
how,  when  the  Germans  had  once  accepted  the  policy  of 
endeavouring  to  fulfil  the  Peace  Treaty  and  to  meet  the 
revised  Allied  claims  for  reparations  embodied  in  the 
Dawes  Plan,  they  could  have  managed  at  all  without  an 
amount  of  borrowing  from  abroad  which  was  bound  to 
become  a  top-heavy  burden  in  face  of  any  serious  fall  in  the 


level  of  world  prices.  It  is  easy  to  be  wise  after  the  event, 
but  it  is  not  at  all  surprising  that  Germany  borrowed  all  she 
could  in  view  of  her  intense  shortage  of  capital  and  the 
great  opportunities  for  industrial  activity  which  seemed  to  be 
opening  up  before  her.  It  is  perhaps  rather  more  surprising 
that  the  American  investors  were  willing  to  put  so  many 
eggs  into  the  German  basket  ;  but  in  this  case  too  the  ex- 
planation lies  in  the  widespread  belief  that  the  world  had 
entered  on  a  new  phase  of  advancing  productivity  which 
nothing  was  likely  to  interrupt. 

The  new  phase  in  German  politics  which  began  with  the 
adoption  of  the  Dawes  Plan  was  also  marked  for  a  consider- 
able period  by  a  disappearance  of  the  internal  conflicts 
which  had  persisted  ever  since  1918.  In  1923,  while  the 
struggle  in  the  Ruhr  was  still  going  on,  there  had  been 
a  serious  quarrel  between  Bavaria  and  the  Reich,  and  in 
Bavaria  numerous  reactionary  plans  for  a  German  Revolu- 
tion had  been  hatched.  In  that  year  Bavaria  was  under  the 
practically  dictatorial  rule  of  von  Kahr,  who  was  mainly 
concerned  to  preserve  the  autonomy  of  Bavaria  against 
interference  by  the  Reich.  But  there  were  other  forces  in 
Bavaria  which  were  intent  on  planning  a  new  German 
counter-revolution  ;  and  Hitler,  who  had  become  in  1921 
leader  of  the  Nazis  and  as  early  as  that  year  had  begun 
planning  with  General  Ludendorff  a  new  march  on  Berlin, 
chose  the  later  months  of  1923  for  an  attempt  at  insurrection 
in  Munich.  He  succeeded  in  capturing  the  Bavarian 
dictator,  von  Kahr,  who  escaped  and  raised  the  country 
against  him.  The  Hitlerite  insurrection  was  suppressed 
without  very  much  difficulty,  and  von  Kahr  resumed  his 
authority.  In  other  parts  of  Germany,  too,  there  had  been 
in  1923  serious  threats  of  insurrection  from  both  right  and 
left,  and,  in  August,  General  Gessler  had  been  given  dicta- 
torial military  powers  over  the  Reich  as  a  whole.  A  Socialist- 
Communist  coalition  under  Dr.  Zeigner  came  into  power  in 
Saxony,  and  the  Reich  Government  promptly  demanded  its 
resignation.  In  face  of  its  refusal  to  give  way  the  Reich 
forces  marched  upon  Saxony  and  suppressed  the  Saxon 


Government,  installing  a  right-wing  Social  Democratic 
Government  in  its  place.  There  were  similar  troubles  on 
a  smaller  scale  in  other  parts  of  Germany.  General  Gessler, 
however,  and  his  successor,  von  Seeckt,  appointed  in 
November  1923,  succeeded  in  overcoming  the  forces  of 
unrest,  and  suppressed  by  decree  both  the  Communist 
Party  and  the  Nazis.  Thereafter  the  conclusion  of  the  Ruhr 
struggle  and  the  acceptance  of  the  Dawes  Plan  introduced 
more  settled  conditions  ;  and  with  the  revival  in  industrial 
activity  and  the  restoration  of  the  price  system,  Germany 
settled  down  to  a  more  tranquil  period  of  internal  develop- 
ment. In  February  1924  the  von  Seeckt  dictatorship  came 
to  an  end  ;  but  this  adoption  of  the  method  of  military 
dictatorship  in  1923-24  clearly  presaged  the  resort  to  extra- 
constitutional  methods  of  government  which  has  been 
renewed  in  later  years. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  follow  in  detail  the  revival  of  German 
economic  prosperity  during  the  years  between  1924  and 
1929.  Despite  the  slightly  falling  level  of  prices,  Germany 
during  this  period  increased  the  value  of  her  exports  from 
6 1  milliards  of  Reichsmarks  to  over  13  \  milliards,  and 
turned  an  unfavourable  balance  of  commodity  trade  of 
over  2  J  milliards  into  one  of  under  400  millions,  while  there 
was  actually  a  rising  favourable  balance  during  the  next  two 
years.  It  is  true  that  most  of  this  decline  in  the  unfavourable 
balance  came  only  in  1929,  after  the  falling  off  of  borrow- 
ings from  abroad,  and  that  in  1927  and  1928  the  unfavour- 
able trade  balance  was  larger  than  it  had  been  in  1924. 
But  this  was  due  to  large  capital  imports  from  America  ; 
and  the  really  significant  figure  is  that  of  the  rise  in  the 
value  of  German  exports.  The  figures  of  tonnage  for  exports 
are  no  less  significant.  In  1924  they  were  under  16  million 
metric  tons,  and  in  1929  nearly  55  millions.  Obviously  the 
rationalisation  of  German  industry  had  already  produced 
an  enormous  effect  in  increasing  German  productive 
capacity  and  competitive  power. 

Germany  thus  seemed  after  1924  to  be  definitely  settling 
down  under  the  new  post-war  conditions  and  accommodating 


herself  to  her  new  position  in  Europe.  The  German 
Republic  seemed  to  be  growing  stronger  at  the  expense  of 
both  the  extreme  right  and  the  extreme  left ;  and  it 
seemed  reasonable  to  argue  that,  as  long  as  economic 
prosperity  could  be  maintained,  there  was  no  serious  threat 
of  revolution  from  either  side.  But  this  was  only  the  calm 
before  the  renewed  storm  ;  for,  with  the  coming  of  the 
world  depression,  Germany's  economic  position  speedily 
deteriorated  in  face  of  the  continued  claims  of  the  Allies  for 
reparations  and  of  the  large  burden  of  foreign  payments 
which  had  to  be  met. 

The  position  on  the  eve  of  these  renewed  troubles  is 
fairly  well  illustrated  by  the  representation  of  parties  after 
the  Reichstag  elections  of  1928.  Of  the  parties  discussed 
earlier  in  this  section,  the  Independent  Socialists  had  now 
disappeared  ;  some  of  them  had  gone  over  to  the  Com- 
munists, while  the  right  wing  had  rejoined  the  Social 
Democratic  Party,  which  had  become  less  clearly  a  reac- 
tionary force  after  the  German  economy  had  begun  to 
settle  down.  In  1928  the  Social  Democrats  were  easily  the 
strongest  party  in  the  Reichstag,  with  153  seats  out  of 
a  total  House  of  489  members.  They  had  thus  rather  less 
than  one  third  of  the  total  number  of  seats.  The  Com- 
munists on  the  extreme  left  had  54.  The  three  parties  which, 
either  together  with  the  Social  Democrats  or  without  them, 
had  formed  the  main  support  of  the  successive  Governments 
of  the  new  German  Republic  had  between  them  144  seats, 
or,  if  the  Bavarian  People's  Party,  usually  allied  with  the 
Catholic  Centre,  is  included,  161.  Of  these,  the  Centre 
Party  had  61  seats  and  the  Bavarian  People's  Party  17,  the 
People's  Party  45  seats,  and  the  Democratic  or  State 
Party  25.  Forty-four  seats  went  to  various  minor  parties, 
chiefly  representing  the  Peasant  Right,  while  the  National- 
ists, still  in  opposition  to  the  established  regime,  had  78,  and 
the  Nazis,  still  at  the  very  beginning  of  their  great  growth 
under  the  influence  of  economic  depression,  had  only  12. 
It  was  thus  clear  that  on  the  balance  of  parties  there  was  no 
majority  either  for  Socialism  or  for  a  right-wing  attempt 


to  overturn  the  Republic  ;  for  even  if  the  People's  Party, 
which  was  not  republican  in  theory,  be  counted  in  with 
the  Nationalists  and  certain  of  the  smaller  groups,  they  did 
not  together  command  as  many  seats  as  the  Social 
Democrats  alone,  and  not  many  more  than  the  Centre, 
Democrats  and  Bavarians  combined.  In  these  circum- 
stances it  was  evident  that  there  was  a  majority  in  favour  of 
a  middle  Government,  designed  to  preserve  the  Republic 
against  both  extremes  ;  and  the  Majority  Socialists  were 
fully  prepared,  as  they  had  been  in  the  troubled  years 
before  1924,  to  play  their  part  in  maintaining  a  Govern- 
ment of  this  type.  As  the  largest  party,  the  Social  Demo- 
crats were  called  upon  to  form  a  Ministry  ;  and  their 
leader,  Miiller,  became  Chancellor  in  a  mixed  Govern- 
ment including  the  People's  Party,  the  Democrats  and  one 
representative  of  the  Centre. 

Germany  in  the  World  Slump.  Now  contrast  tins 
position  with  that  which  arose  in  1930.  At  the  Reichstag 
election  of  that  year  the  Social  Democrats  lost  10  seats  and 
the  Communists  gained  23.  The  Centre  and  the  Bavarian 
People's  Party  together  registered  a  gain  of  10  seats,  while 
the  Democrats  lost  3.  The  Nationalists  sank  by  37,  and  the 
People's  Party  by  15.  These  losses  of  the  old  right-wing 
parties  were  the  result  of  the  rapid  rise  of  the  Nazis,  \\ho 
returned  107  members  as  against  only  12  in  the  Reichstag 
of  two  years  before.  It  should  be  observed  that  under  the 
German  electoral  system  there  is  no  fixed  number  of  seats, 
the  number  of  members  returned  depending  on  the  total 
votes  cast,  so  that  in  1930  the  increased  poll  resulted  in  a 
corresponding  increase  in  the  total  number  of  seats  to  be 
allotted  among  the  parties. 

The  explanation  of  this  change  is  obviously  to  be  found 
in  the  earlier  effects  of  the  world  economic  depression, 
which  had  strengthened  the  extreme  right  and  the  extreme 
left  at  the  expense  of  the  parties  standing  nearest  to  them, 
without  correspondingly  affecting  the  Catholic  Centre.  In 
March  1930  Muller's  Government  resigned,  and  a  new 


Government  was  formed  under  Dr.  Briining,  and  armed 
with  large  emergency  powers,  exercised  through  the  Presi- 
dent (Marshal  Hindenburg  had  become  President  in  1925 
on  the  death  of  the  Socialist,  Ebert).  This  change  of 
Government  took  place  before  the  General  Election  of 
1930  ;  but  after  the  election  Briining  formed  a  new  Govern- 
ment, and  continued  to  govern  the  country  with  growingly 
stringent  emergency  measures  as  the  economic  depression 

Now  take  the  third  picture — that  of  the  General  Elec- 
tion of  July  1932,  representing  the  state  of  feeling  at  a  far 
more  advanced  stage  of  the  economic  depression.  Again 
the  Social  Democrats  lost  seats,  sinking  by  another  10  to 
133.  Again  the  Communists  gained  seats,  from  77  to  89. 
But  these  changes  were  relatively  small,  as  were  the  changes 
in  an  opposite  direction,  in  the  strength  of  the  Centre 
Party,  which  was  reinforced  by  having  one  of  its  leading 
members,  Dr.  Briining,  in  control  of  the  Government.  The 
Centre  gained  6  seats,  and  its  Bavarian  allies  3,  raising 
them  to  75  and  22  respectively.  The  Democrats  were 
practically  wiped  out,  sinking  from  22  to  4.  The  Nation- 
alists maintained  their  position,  losing  one  seat  only.  But  the 
People's  Party,  which  stood  nearest  to  them,  almost  shared 
the  fate  of  the  Democrats,  sinking  from  30  to  7.  Several  of 
the  smaller  parties  were  completely  wiped  out.  But  at  this 
election  the  Nazis  returned  230  members  as  against  107  in 
1930  and  only  12  in  1928.  Clearly  economic  depression  had 
produced  a  remarkable  revulsion  of  feeling  towards  the 
Nazi  movement. 

It  is  true  that  after  this  extraordinarily  rapid  advance 
the  Nazis  lost  ground  at  the  second  election  held  only  a  few 
months  later,  in  November  1932.  On  that  occasion  their 
seats  fell  from  230  to  196,  while  the  Nationalists  rose  from 
40  to  54,  and  the  People's  Party  from  7  to  1 1 .  But  there  was 
no  corresponding  gain  upon  the  left.  The  Communists 
indeed  gained  n  seats  and  returned  100  members  ;  but 
the  Social  Democrats  lost  12,  the  Centre  5,  the  Bavarians  2, 
and  the  Democrats  2  more,  reducing  their  total  strength  to 


only  2  members.  It  was  confidently  predicted  at  the  time 
that  this  Nazi  setback  meant  a  permanent  reverse  and  the 
beginning  of  the  decline  of  the  Nazi  movement.  But  these 
predictions  were  soon  to  be  falsified  by  the  coup  of  January 
1933,  and  by  the  new  elections  held  under  Hitler  as  Chan- 

The  rise  of  the  Nazi  movement  is  discussed  in  more  detail 
in  a  later  section  of  this  book,  and  no  more  has  been  said 
about  it  here  than  is  necessary  to  explain  the  immediate 
political  reactions  of  the  depression  in  Germany,  and  to 
show  the  close  connection  which  exists  between  the  rise  of 
Nazism  and  the  increasing  economic  troubles  of  the  German 
Republic.  Nor  need  we  at  this  stage  pursue  the  history  of 
the  German  economy  during  the  depression  in  any  detail. 
It  is  necessary  only  to  single  out  for  treatment  those  features 
which  were  peculiar  to  Germany,  and  involved  her  in  the 
taking  of  special  measures  differing  from  those  which  were 
common  to  most  of  the  countries  of  Europe. 

We  shall  see  elsewhere  the  tremendous  efforts  made  by 
Germany  under  the  Briining  Government  to  maintain  ex- 
ports and  to  keep  down  the  volume  of  imports  in  order  to 
meet  external  claims  without  going  off  the  gold  standard. 
Here  we  are  concerned  with  the  effects  of  this  tremendous 
strain  upon  the  structure  of  the  German  economic  system. 
In  effect  it  became  necessary,  in  order  to  prevent  a  general 
collapse  of  the  German  economy,  for  the  Reich  to  extend 
enormously  the  field  of  its  economic  control.  The  collapse 
of  the  Credit  Anstalt  in  Austria  in  May  1931  had  serious  re- 
percussions upon  the  position  of  the  German  banks.  Already 
in  September  1930  the  success  of  the  Nazis  at  the  elections 
had  been  an  important  factor  in  causing  the  withdrawal  of 
foreign  short-term  credits  from  Germany  ;  and  in  the 
autumn  of  that  year  the  Reichsbank  had  to  provide  nearly 
1,000  million  Reichsmarks  in  gold  and  foreign  exchange  in 
order  to  meet  withdrawals.  In  the  early  months  of  1931  the 
position  was  for  a  time  somewhat  easier,  but  the  collapse 
of  the  Credit  Anstalt  at  once  caused  a  new  run  on  the  Ger- 
man banks,  and  in  June  and  the  first  half  of  July  over  3,000 


million  Reichsmarks  were  withdrawn  abroad.  In  spite  of 
the  help  given  by  the  Reichsbank,  one  of  the  leading  Ger- 
man banks,  the  Danat  bank,  was  obliged  to  suspend  pay- 
ment on  July  1 3th,  1931,  and  a  run  on  the  German  banking 
houses  made  it  indispensable  to  declare  a  moratorium.  The 
Government  thereupon  had  to  come  to  the  assistance  of  the 
German  banks,  and  especially  of  the  Danat  bank,  and  also 
to  negotiate  in  August  the  Basle  Standstill  Agreement, 
under  which  the  foreign  creditors  of  Germany  agreed 
drastically  to  limit  the  withdrawal  of  money  from  the 
country.  But  it  was  impossible  for  State  intervention  in  the 
affairs  of  the  German  banks,  having  once  begun,  to  stop  at 
that  point,  and  stage  by  stage,  in  order  to  ensure  their 
solvency,  the  German  Government  had  practically  to  take 
over  control  of  them  and  supply  out  of  its  own  limited  re- 
sources enough  money  to  enable  them  to  carry  on.  Drastic 
limitations  were  imposed  on  the  withdrawal  of  funds,  es- 
pecially for  foreign  payments  ;  and  the  German  banking 
system  came  after  1931  to  be  virtually  a  part  of  the  State 
machinery  of  the  Reich. 

Nor  could  the  Government  stop  short  in  the  field  of 
banking  ;  for,  in  face  of  the  world  crisis  and  of  their  heavy 
capital  obligations,  the  leading  rationalised.  German  in- 
dustries were  also  getting  into  more  and  more  serious 
financial  difficulties.  The  Government  was  compelled  to 
come  to  their  assistance  as  well  ;  so  that  during  the  past 
two  years  an  elaborate  system  of  State  control  has  been  ex- 
tended over  many  of  the  greater  industrial  concerns  in 
Germany,  and  reorganisation,  accompanied  by  a  consider- 
able writing  down  of  capital,  has  been  carried  through  under 
the  direct  auspices  of  the  State.  It  has  often  been  suggested 
that  this  means  in  effect  that  Germany  has  now  passed  over 
to  a  virtual  system  of  Socialism  conducted  under  the  aus- 
pices of  anti-Socialists.  But  there  is  in  reality  the  greatest 
possible  difference  between  a  Socialism  embarked  upon 
voluntarily  by  people  who  believe  in  it  and  even  the  most 
drastic  forms  of  State  control  imposed  unwillingly  in  con- 
sequence of  an  extreme  emergency  by  a  Government  which 


retains  an  undiminished  faith  in  the  merits  of  private  enter- 

During  this  period  unemployment  was  rising  sharply,  and 
a  large  part  of  the  huge  plants  erected  during  the  previous 
years  was  laid  idle  by  the  impossibility  of  rinding  markets 
abroad,  and  by  the  cessation  of  constructional  activity  at 
home.  But  it  is  one  of  the  features  of  large-scale  rationalisa- 
tion that  it  is  economic  only  if  the  great  plants  can  be  kept 
running  at  full  speed,  in  order  to  spread  the  high  capital 
costs  involved  in  them  over  the  largest  possible  quantity  of 
goods.  The  highly  equipped  German  economic  system  was 
therefore  even  less  well  able  than  less  highly  rationalised 
industries  in  other  countries  to  stand  up  to  the  conditions 
of  world  depression.  In  a  sense,  Germany  suffered  from 
being  too  efficient  as  a  producer  ;  for  her  calculations  of 
efficiency  had  left  out  of  account  that  flaw  in  the  world 
economic  system  which  prevents  it  from  rinding  an  assured 
market  for  all  the  goods  that  it  is  equipped  to  produce. 

In  the  meantime,  under  the  terms  of  the  Hoover  mora- 
torium, the  payment  of  reparations  had  been  definitely 
suspended  for  a  year  in  the  spring  of  1 93 1 ,  and,  as  we  have 
seen,  this  suspension  had  been  followed  by  a  series  of 
Standstill  Agreements  in  respect  of  Germany's  short-term 
foreign  debts,  though  she  had  still  to  find  the  interest  on 
long-term  capital  invested  in  Germany,  and  especially  on 
the  Reconstruction  Loans  carried  through  in  connection 
with  the  Dawes  and  Young  Plans.  A  moratorium  in  respect 
of  these  long-term  borrowings  was  only  declared  in  the 
summer  of  1933  >  an<^  even  then  payments  on  the  Dawes 
Loan  of  1924  were  maintained  intact,  and  interest,  as  dis- 
tinct from  sinking  fund,  payments  were  kept  up  on  the 
Young  Loan  of  1930  as  well. 

The  Young  Plan  of  1929  had  been  intended  further  to 
modify  the  claims  of  the  Allies  for  reparations,  and  to  in- 
volve a  definite  advance  on  the  terms  embodied  in  the 
Dawes  Plan  of  1924.  But,  owing  to  one  fatal  omission,  the 
Plan  of  1 929  actually  turned  out  less  favourable  to  Germany 
than  the  continuance  of  the  Dawes  Plan  would  have  been  ; 


for,  whereas  the  Dawes  Plan  had  included  a  provision  for 
scaling  down  payments  in  correspondence  to  any  serious 
fall  in  the  level  of  world  prices,  this  clause  was  excluded  from 
the  Young  Plan.  This  omission  showed  extraordinary  lack 
of  foresight,  in  that,  when  the  Young  Plan  agreements  were 
made,  the  world  depression  and  the  serious  fall  in  prices 
which  accompanied  it  were  already  well  on  the  way.  It  is 
doubtful  whether  Germany  could  in  fact  have  made,  under 
the  conditions  of  the  world  depression,  any  payments  at  all 
on  account  of  reparations,  however  drastically  these  might 
have  been  scaled  down,  if  she  had  at  the  same  time  to  main- 
tain payments  on  her  commercial  borrowings  abroad.  But 
in  any  event  the  annuities  provided  for  in  the  Young  Plan 
were  obviously  far  beyond  her  ability  to  pay,  either  under 
the  circumstances  of  depression  or  even  in  the  event  of  a 
world  recovery,  except  by  the  old  unreal  method  of  bor- 
rowing from  the  United  States  what  she  then  transferred 
to  the  Allies — for  them  in  turn  to  transfer  the  most  part  of  it 
to  the  United  States  in  payment  of  war  debts.  The  Young 
Plan,  even  more  obviously  than  the  Dawes  Plan  before  it, 
was  bound  to  break  down  in  the  long  run  ;  but  it  broke 
down  far  sooner  than  most  people  had  expected,  because 
of  the  rapid  onset  of  the  world  slump. 

These  conditions  had  at  least  one  good  result ;  they  com- 
pelled the  Allies,  years  after  they  ought  to  have  done  so,  at 
last  to  face  realistically  the  reparations  question,  and  to  re- 
cognise that  all  hope  of  collecting  any  substantial  sum  in 
reparations  from  Germany  had  totally  disappeared.  It  had 
been  possible  to  get  money  out  of  Germany  as  long  as  the 
Americans  were  prepared  to  lend  it,  but  it  was  not  possible 
for  a  moment  longer.  It  still  took  some  time  after  the  de- 
claration of  the  Hoover  moratorium  for  the  Allies,  and  es- 
pecially the  French,  to  become  ready  to  recognise  this 
truth.  But  by  the  middle  of  1932,  when  the  Hoover  year 
expired,  they  had  been  driven  to  recognise  it  ;  and  the 
Lausanne  settlement  of  July  1932  was  utterly  different  from 
any  settlement  that  would  have  stood  a  chance  of  accept- 
ance at  any  earlier  date.  For,  whereas  every  previous  plan 


had  been  based  on  the  continued  payment  by  Germany  of 
large  annuities  over  a  long  period  of  years,  the  Lausanne 
agreement  was  based  on  the  new  principle  of  accepting  a 
far  smaller  sum  in  final  payment  of  all  reparations  claims  ; 
and  the  principle,  hitherto  maintained  even  by  Great 
Britain,  of  endeavouring  to  collect  from  Germany  enough 
to  meet  the  instalments  due  on  the  Allied  debts  to  the 
United  States  was  definitely  abandoned.  Before  the  Lau- 
sanne agreement  the  aggregate  instalments  due  from 
Germany  under  the  Young  Plan  amounted  to  a  capital  sum 
of  approximately  25,000  million  dollars.  The  Lausanne 
payments,  even  if  they  were  exacted  in  full,  could  not 
amount  to  more  than  2,000  million  dollars,  while  there  was 
to  be  a  complete  moratorium  on  all  payments  for  four  years. 
In  fact,  few  people  believed  after  Lausanne  that  Germany 
would  ever  make  any  further  reparations  payments  at  all  ; 
and  although  the  Allies  were  not  prepared  to  wipe  the  slate 
quite  clean,  those  who  signed  the  settlement  must  have  been 
conscious  that  this  was  for  all  practical  purposes  what  they 
were  doing.  To-day,  at  any  rate,  no  one  expects  even  the 
Lausanne  payments  or  any  part  of  them  actually  to  be 
made.  The  reparations  question  was  thus  at  last  detached  in 
effect  from  the  settlement  of  the  American  debt,  although 
it  must  of  course  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  agreement 
reached  at  Lausanne  was  in  form  only  conditional  on  a 
satisfactory  adjustment  of  war  debt  claims  with  America, 
and  that  it  has  not  even  to-day  been  ratified  by  the  Allied 

Germany  is  a  country  dependent  for  her  prosperity 
almost  as  much  as  Great  Britain  on  her  export  trade. 
Moreover,  her  exports  are  even  more  highly  concentrated 
than  those  of  Great  Britain  upon  a  comparatively  narrow 
range  of  industries.  Her  textile  trades  are  far  less  important 
than  Great  Britain's  in  the  world  market,  and  her  exports 
of  coal  are  relatively  small.  She  depends  to  a  very  high 
degree  upon  her  ability  to  export  steel,  engineering  and 
electrical  goods,  and  the  products  of  the  chemical  trades. 
This  means  that  the  demand  for  German  exports  depends 


very  greatly  upon  world  activity  in  the  constructional 
industries,  although  she  is  also  to  an  important  extent  a 
producer  of  minor  metal  goods  and  the  cheaper  luxury 
goods  purchased  by  the  private  consumer.  This  last  class 
of  goods,  is,  however,  one  against  which  in  any  emergency 
practically  every  country  is  likely  to  adopt  the  expedient  of 
high  protection  ;  so  that  in  general  the  dependence  of 
Germany  upon  her  metal,  electrical  and  chemical  trades 
remains  the  outstanding  factor  in  her  economy  from  the 
external  point  of  view.  This  gives  her  a  tremendous  econ- 
omic interest  in  a  revival  of  world  prosperity  ;  for  there  is  no 
chance,  despite  the  great  effort  which  she  has  made  in 
recent  years  to  reduce  her  dependence  on  imports,  that  she 
can  live  of  her  own  at  a  satisfactory  standard  of  life,  or 
establish  a  balanced  economy  based  on  the  exchange  within 
her  own  markets  of  industrial  and  agricultural  products.  To 
do  this  would  mean  producing  foodstuffs  at  exceedingly 
high  costs  in  relation  to  world  prices,  even  if  it  could  be 
done  at  all  ;  and  it  would  involve  further  a  complete 
reconstruction  of  her  industrial  system  and  the  sacrifice  of 
a  very  large  part  of  her  existing  capital  assets.  She  has  thus 
economically  the  strongest  possible  motives  for  pursuing  a 
policy  designed  to  restore  the  freedom  of  international 
exchange,  or  at  any  rate  to  give  her  assured  markets  in 
foreign  countries  and  especially  in  Europe,  which  is  by  far 
the  most  important  market  for  her  exports.  At  the  present 
time  this  strong  interest  which  the  German  economic 
system  possesses  in  creating  conditions  favourable  to  the 
tranquil  development  of  European  industrial  activity  is 
overlaid  by  the  aggressive  nationalism  which  has  swept 
across  the  country  as  a  by-product  of  economic  adversity. 
But  it  can  hardly  fail  to  reassert  itself  in  the  long  run,  under 
whatever  political  rule  German  affairs  may  be  carried  on. 
Even  Nazism,  if  it  remains  in  power,  will  be  bound  to 
accommodate  itself  to  the  requirements  of  the  German 
economic  system,  since  it  will  be  no  more  able  than  any 
other  political  authority  to  stand  the  cost  of  maintaining  a 
vast  mass  of  unemployed  workers,  or  to  forgo  the  revenues 


from  a  large  part  of  the  national  industrial  plant.  It  may 
take  some  time  for  these  underlying  economic  forces  to 
assert  their  predominance  ;  but,  failing  a  world  war,  it  will 
be  impossible  for  them  to  be  ignored  for  any  long  period. 

§  10.    SCANDINAVIA 

To  THE  north-west  of  Europe,  and  connected  with  it  only 
by  land  bridges,  lie  the  three  countries  which  are  commonly 
grouped  together  under  the  name  of  Scandinavia — Norway, 
Sweden  and  Denmark.  This  grouping  is  based  upon  a  racial 
and  cultural  rather  than  a  geographic  similarity  ;  for  the 
three  countries  show  considerable  differences  of  climate, 
and  whereas  Denmark  is  a  small,  flat,  agricultural  land 
supporting  a  fairly  dense  population,  Norway,  at  the  other 
extreme,  is  large  and  thinly-populated  and  so  mountainous 
that  the  major  part  of  its  soil  is  returned  as  "  totally  un- 
productive." The  racial  unity  is,  however,  very  real.  The 
population  of  all  three  countries  is  descended  from  the  Norse- 
men mentioned  in  Part  One,  with  very  slight  admixture. 
(The  Swedes  are  probably  the  ethnically  purest  stock  in 
Europe  ;  and  the  problem  of  minorities  is  practically  non- 
existent in  Scandinavia,  apart  from  Finland  and  the  Ger- 
man minority  in  Slesvig.)  At  various  times  in  the  history  of 
Europe  the  three  countries,  or  two  of  them,  have  been 
united  under  a  single  crown  ;  but  since  the  dissolution  in 
*9O5  of  the  union  between  Norway  and  Sweden  they  have 
been  under  separate  Governments.  Scandinavian  rule, 
following  the  Norse  explorations  of  the  ninth  and  tenth 
centuries,  at  one  time  extended  far  beyond  Scandinavia 
proper  ;  but  of  this  empire  all  that  now  survives  of  any 
importance  is  the  union  of  Iceland  with  Denmark  under 
the  Danish  Crown,  Norway's  possession  of  Spitzbergen  in 
the  Arctic  Ocean,  and  the  rights  of  Norway  and  Denmark 
on  the  Continent  of  Greenland,  a  dispute  about  which  was 
finally  settled  in  1933. 
The  most  interesting  fact  about  the  Scandinavian  Powers 


is  their  development  from  an  adventurous  freebooting  past 
to  a  present  of  pacifism,  high  culture  and  liberal  institutions. 
To  the  student  of  history  the  names  of  Denmark,  Norway 
and  Sweden  call  up  pictures  of  Viking  raids,  of  Canute's 
wide  empire,  of  the  Stockholm  Blood-bath,  and  of  the 
conquering  expeditions  of  Gustavus  Adolphus  and  Charles 
XII  ;  but  the  observer  of  the  twentieth  century  is  more 
likely  to  think  of  Ibsen's  plays,  of  Nansen  exploring  the 
Arctic  or  directing  famine  relief  for  the  victims  of  the 
European  War,  of  Danish  co-operation  and  Danish  high- 
schools,  or  of  the  electoral  law  or  prison  system  of  Norway. 
All  three  countries  were  neutral  during  the  European  War, 
and  it  seems  in  the  highest  degree  improbable  that  any  one 
of  them  will  ever  take  part  in  another.  One  (Denmark)  has 
even  declared  for  total  disarmament,  and  all  three  have 
submitted  territorial  disputes,  not  only  with  one  another, 
to  international  arbitrament.  In  their  case,  and  in  their 
case  only,  it  appears  that  the  national  vigour  which  formerly 
went  into  maritime  and  military  adventures  has  been  able 
to  turn  itself,  without  being  weakened  or  dissipated,  into 
peaceful  pursuits. 

Norway.  Norway,  the  northernmost  of  the  three 
countries,  is  a  long  mountainous  strip  of  land  running 
through  thirteen  degrees  of  latitude  and  terminating  at  its 
northern  end  well  within  the  Arctic  Circle.  In  the  town  of 
Hammerfest  the  sun,  during  the  summer  months,  never 
sinks  below  the  horizon,  and  much  of  Norway,  owing  to  the 
long  twilight,  has  practically  no  night  at  all  in  summer. 
Though  it  is  so  far  north,  however,  the  Gulf  Stream,  which 
sweeps  close  around  the  coast  of  Norway,  keeps  the  temper- 
ature extraordinarily  even,  especially  as  the  mountains 
afford  protection  from  the  dry  continental  cold  of  Russia. 
This  fact,  as  well  as  its  natural  beauties,  has  brought  to 
Norway  a  considerable  and  growing  amount  of  summer 
tourist  traffic. 

The  average  height  of  Norway  above  sea-level  is  60  per 
cent  greater  than  the  average  height  of  Europe  as  a  whole. 


This  is  not  due  to  the  presence  of  very  high  mountains,  for 
the  highest  peaks  are  only  six  thousand  feet  odd,  but  to  the 
enormous  proportion  of  mountainous  over  flat  land.  This 
feature  is  continued  into  the  sea,  giving  the  long  fiords  and 
the  thick  flurry  of  islands  which  fringes  all  the  coast.  The 
actual  coast-line  of  Norway,  with  all  the  indentations 
included,  is  roughly  six  times  the  length  it  appears  to  be 
on  the  map.  Hence  Norway's  enormous  fishing  industry, 
and  her  large  mercantile  marine.  The  mountain  slopes  also 
give  rise  to  many  rivers  of  great  speed,  which  are  or  will  be 
available  for  hydro-electric  power.  It  is  calculated  that  there 
are  about  twelve  millions  of  horse-power  available  from 
Norwegian  rivers,  of  which  ten  millions  are  as  yet  un- 
exploited.  This  will  in  due  time  go  far  to  make  up  for 
Norway's  deficiency  in  coal. 

This  immense  mountain  area  means,  of  course,  that  a 
great  deal  of  the  soil  of  Norway  is  uninhabitable  and  useless 
for  economic  purposes.  The  population  is  nearly  three 
millions,  distributed  in  the  ratio  of  22$  per  square  mile — a 
density  lower  than  that  of  any  European  country  but 
Russia.  One  town  only,  Oslo,  has  over  a  hundred  thousand 
inhabitants.  Only  2.5  per  cent  of  the  total  land  area  is 
arable,  24.2  per  cent  is  wood  or  forest,  and  72  per  cent  is 
returned  as  "  totally  unproductive."  A  little  grain,  mostly 
oats  and  barley,  is  grown  in  Norway,  but  the  principal 
agricultural  crop  is  potatoes. 

It  follows  that  Norway  is  a  heavily  importing  country. 
Nearly  all  her  breadstuff's  must  come  from  abroad,  and  she 
also  requires  to  import  a  great  deal  of  coal,  of  which  some 
conies  from  Spitzbergcn,  which  is  an  almost  uninhabited 
territory  in  the  Arctic  Ocean  belonging  to  Norway.  Other 
Norwegian  imports  of  considerable  size  are  textile  manu- 
factures and  vehicles  ;  her  mineral  imports  are  mainly 
coal,  as  she  has  a  considerable  native  output  of  iron  and 
silver.  Great  Britain  and  Germany  provide  the  largest  share 
of  imports,  with  the  United  States  a  long  way  behind. 
Norway  pays  for  her  imports  by  a  large  export  of  timber, 
wood-pulp  and  paper,  and  of  fish  and  fish-products,  the 


latter  forming  25  per  cent  of  total  exports.  The  canning  in- 
dustry— principally,  of  course,  the  canning  of  fish — has  been 
going  ahead  rapidly,  as  have  electro-metallurgical  indus- 
tries of  various  kinds.  Great  Britain  is  the  chief  buyer  of 
Norwegian  goods.  Norway  has  also  a  large  carrying  trade, 
which  helps  to  reduce  the  apparent  adverse  balance  be- 
tween imports  and  exports.  The  Norwegian  mercantile 
marine  is  enormous  in  proportion  to  the  population  (over 
four  million  tons  in  1931)  ;  and  when  it  is  remembered  that 
it  suffered  tremendously  severe  losses  during  the  submarine 
campaigns  of  the  war,  the  figures  are  all  the  more  remark- 

Norway's  population  is  very  nearly  homogeneous,  the 
main  exceptions  being  about  20,000  Lapps,  and  a  few  Finns 
in  the  extreme  north.  97  per  cent  of  the  inhabitants  are 
Lutherans  ;  but  religious  toleration  is  universal  except  for 
Jesuits.  The  general  level  of  literacy  is  very  high,  and  the 
penal  system  remarkable  for  its  humaneness. 

Vigorous  and  important  during  the  early  Middle  Ages, 
Norway  was  subsequently  for  many  centuries  the  weakest 
of  the  three  Scandinavian  countries.  After  the  Union  of 
Kalmar  (1397)  had  united  all  three  under  the  Danish 
Crown,  Norway,  unlike  Sweden,  remained  in  subjection  to 
Denmark  until  the  end  of  the  Napoleonic  Wars,  when  the 
victorious  Allies  transferred  her  to  Sweden,  in  order,  partly, 
to  punish  Denmark  for  her  attitude  during  the  wars.  Reviv- 
ing Norwegian  national  feeling,  however,  found  this  Union 
more  and  more  irksome,  despite  large  concessions  of  self- 
government  ;  and  in  1905,  after  a  long  period  of  disputes 
centring  mainly  around  the  appointment  of  diplomatic  and 
consular  representatives,  it  was  annulled.  Since  then 
Norway  has  been  a  separate  sovereign  State  ;  she  was 
neutral  during  the  European  War,  and  has  recently  made 
new  trading  treaties  with  various  countries,  including 
Great  Britain. 

Norway  is  a  limited  hereditary  monarchy,  with  a  Parlia- 
ment, the  Storting,  elected  by  proportional  representation, 
everyone  over  23  having  the  right  to  vote.  Norway  was  one 


of  the  first  countries  to  grant  the  franchise  to  women  (1907). 
The  Storting  is  elected  as  a  whole,  but  when  elected  divides 
into  two  Chambers,  one-fourth  of  the  members  forming 
the  Lagting,  and  the  other  three-fourths  the  Odelsting.  The 
two  Chambers  meet  and  discuss  separately  ;  but  if  they 
disagree  twice  the  Storting  meets  as  a  whole  to  settle  the 
issue.  There  are  150  members  of  the  Storting,  elected  so  that 
the  proportion  of  town  to  country  representatives  is  two  to 
one.  The  members  are  paid,  and  must  be  at  least  thirty 
years  old.  The  King  has  a  veto,  but  it  can  be  overridden. 
Norwegian  local  government  is  unusually  free  from  central 

The  present  Norwegian  Cabinet  is  Liberal  Left,  having 
succeeded  a  Peasants'  Party  Cabinet  in  1933.  As  is  com- 
mon in  countries  with  proportional  representation,  most 
Norwegian  Governments  hold  office  either  in  coalition  or 
virtual  coalition  with  other  parties.  The  Norwegian  Labour 
Party,  however,  does  not  enter  into  coalitions.  It  is  remark- 
able in  being  the  only  left-wing  Socialist  party  in  Europe 
with  any  great  Parliamentary  strength — it  is  the  largest 
single  party  in  the  Storting.  It  is  strongly  Marxist  in  its  views, 
and  was  for  some  time  affiliated  to  the  Third  International, 
from  which  it  broke  away  in  1923  ;  it  remains,  however 
revolutionary  in  aim,  and  has  not  linked  up  with  the  Second 
International.  In  1927,  for  a  brief  while,  the  Norwegian 
Labour  Party  formed  a  Socialist  Government,  which,  how- 
ever, was  brought  down  by  a  financial  panic,  Mowinckel, 
the  present  Premier,  taking  its  place. 

Sweden.  Sweden,  the  largest  of  the  three  Scandinavian 
countries,  has  a  population  of  6  millions,  almost  all  Swedes, 
distributed  in  the  ratio  of  35.4  to  the  square  mile.  Stock- 
holm, the  capital,  has  nearly  half  a  million  inhabitants,  and 
there  are  three  towns  with  more  than  a  hundred  thousand. 
Sweden  has  much  less  mountain  area  than  Norway,  and  is 
more  continental  in  climate  ;  the  Russian  winds  sweep 
over  it  from  the  east,  freezing  the  Baltic  in  winter  and 
causing  considerable  variations  of  temperature  on  the 


Swedish  mainland.  Sweden  has  more  productive  resources 
than  Norway ;  9.3  per  cent  of  the  land  is  cultivated,  and  over 
half  of  the  whole  area  is  forest,  providing  enormous  resources 
for  the  Swedish  timber  and  paper  trades.  Large,  however, 
as  the  forest  area  is,  there  are  indications  of  exhaustion, 
and  a  policy  of  afforestation  has  become  necessary. 

Sweden  is  not  self-sufficing  as  regards  foodstuffs.  Much 
grain  has  to  be  imported,  though  Sweden  is  fairly  well 
provided  as  regards  animal  products,  and  does,  as  a  matter 
of  fact,  export  a  certain  quantity  of  butter  and  bacon.  About 
three-quarters  of  Swedish  farmers  own  their  own  land  ; 
there  are  a  good  number  of  small  farms,  though  not  nearly 
so  many  as  in  Denmark.  Just  under  one-third  of  the  popu- 
lation lives  in  the  country.  Besides  foodstuffs,  Sweden  has  to 
import  a  great  deal  of  coal,  as  she  has  only  very  limited 
home  supplies.  Before  the  war,  coal  was  imported  mainly 
from  Great  Britain  ;  but  during  the  war  German  coal  was 
largely  substituted,  and  this  has  still  been  the  position  up 
to  the  present,  though  the  British  Trade  Agreement  of  1933 
is  designed  to  restore  British  coal  to  the  Swedish  markets. 
Textile  manufactures  also  form  a  large  proportion  of  Swed- 
ish imports. 

Swedish  imports  and  exports  tend  on  the  whole  to 
balance.  The  two  principal  groups  of  exports  are  timber 
products  and  iron.  The  timber  comes  from  the  great  forest 
areas,  and  is  floated  down  over  the  20,000  miles  of  inland 
waterways  which  Sweden  possesses  ;  it  is  then  sold  as 
timber,  or  wood-pulp,  or  paper,  or  matches.  The  great 
Swedish  Match  Combine,  made  famous  recently  by  the 
suicide  of  Ivar  Kreuger,  is  responsible  for  a  very  high 
proportion  of  Europe's  consumption  of  matches.  As  to  the 
iron,  Swedish  iron  has  been  famous  for  centuries.  The 
northern  mines,  in  the  Lapp  region,  produce  some  of  the 
richest-bearing  ore  in  the  world,  and  four-fifths  of  the 
product  is  exported.  Swedish  production  of  iron  and  steel 
has,  however,  been  declining  in  recent  years.  For  exports  as 
a  whole,  Great  Britain  is  Sweden's  best  customer,  but 
Sweden  imports  more  from  Germany. 


The  Swedes,  like  the  Norwegians,  were  brought  under 
the  Danish  Crown  in  1397  ;  but  in  the  sixteenth  century, 
under  the  leadership  of  Gustavus  Vasa,  they  freed  them- 
selves, partly  by  means  of  the  massacre  that  was  known  as 
the  Stockholm  Blood-bath.  Thereafter  Sweden  grew  to  the 
position  of  a  great  Baltic  Power,  and  played  an  important 
part  in  European  politics,  particularly  during  the  seven- 
teenth century.  Gustavus  Adolphus  was  one  of  the  leading 
figures  in  the  Thirty  Years'  War,  and  at  the  end  of  the 
century  Charles  XII  made  an  attempt  to  turn  the  Baltic 
into  a  completely  Swedish  lake,  and  invaded  Russia.  Like 
other  and  later  invaders  of  Russia,  he  failed,  and  Sweden 
lost  most  of  her  Baltic  possessions,  though  she  retained  Fin- 
land and  part  of  Pomerania  until  the  end  of  the  Napoleonic 
Wars,  when  those  districts  were  given  to  Russia,  Sweden 
receiving  Norway  in  compensation.  During  the  nineteenth 
century,  partly  owing  to  her  small  population,  Sweden 
declined  in  importance  as  a  Power.  She  maintained  neu- 
trality during  the  European  War  ;  but  as  one  of  the  prin- 
cipal avenues  of  entry  for  goods  into  Germany,  she  found 
this  position  at  times  difficult,  and  the  Allied  countries 
were  upon  more  than  one  occasion  inclined  to  be  sus- 
picious. Sweden  is  bounded  by  Norway  on  the  western, 
and  Finland  on  the  eastern  side.  The  Norwegian  boundary 
presents  few  difficulties,  though  provision  has  to  be  made 
for  nomadic  Lapps,  who  know  and  care  nothing  for 
national  boundaries,  but  drive  their  reindeer  impartially 
to  and  fro  ;  as  regards  Finland,  the  principal  dispute,  that 
concerning  the  Aaland  Islands,  was  settled  in  1921  in 
favour  of  the  Finns. 

Sweden,  like  Norway,  is  a  limited  monarchy,  adminis- 
tered under  a  constitution  drawn  up  in  1809  an<^  amended 
in  1919,  when  the  franchise  was  given  to  women.  The 
Lower  Chamber  of  the  Parliament  or  Riksdag  consists  of 
230  members  elected  for  four  years  by  all  over  twenty- 
three  ;  the  Upper  of  150  members  of  over  thirty-five, 
elected  for  eight  years  by  the  members  of  the  provincial 
councils.  There  is  a  property  qualification  for  members  of 


the  Upper  Chamber,  and  elections  to  both  are  conducted 
by  proportional  representation.  If  the  two  Chambers  dis- 
agree upon  a  question  of  finance  they  hold  a  joint  session 
at  which  decision  is  reached  by  a  majority  vote.  Much  of 
the  business  of  the  Riksdag  is,  however,  transacted  through 
standing  committees,  which  have  very  wide  powers  of  dis- 
cussion and  amendment. 

As  in  Norway,  no  party  holds  a  clear  majority  in  the 
Riksdag.  The  largest  single  party  in  both  Chambers  is  the 
Social  Democratic  Party,  founded  in  the  'eighties  of  last 
century  and  long  led  by  Hjalmar  Bran  ting,  which  upholds 
a  moderate  Socialist  policy.  There  have  been  several  Social 
Democratic  Governments  since  the  war,  including  the 
present  one,  which  came  into  office  in  September  1932. 
There  is  also  a  Right  Wing  Party,  and  an  Agrarian  Party  ; 
but  the  Swedish  Liberals  have  split  on  the  question  of 

Prohibition  and  the  liquor  trade  generally  is  in  fact  a 
bitterly  debated  question  in  Sweden,  where  from  1775  a 
government  monopoly  of  the  trade  resulted  for  a  time  in 
a  great  promotion  of  drinking,  especially  spirit-drinking. 
The  Swedes  had  for  long  an  unenviable  reputation  for 
drunkenness.  This  does  not,  however,  appear  to  affect 
adversely  the  health  or  culture  of  the  population.  The  death- 
rate  in  Sweden  is  one  of  the  lowest  in  Europe,  and  the  level 
of  education  among  the  highest.  The  enormous  number  of 
telephones — i  to  every  14  of  the  population,  as  against 
i  to  40  in  Great  Britain — is  perhaps  one  indication  of  a 
certain  level  of  education.  Ninety-nine  per  cent,  of  the 
Swedes  are  Lutherans  ;  there  are  therefore  no  religious,  as 
there  are  no  racial,  minorities  to  cause  difficulties. 

Denmark.  Denmark  consists  of  the  major  part  of  the 
peninsula  jutting  out  northwards  between  the  Baltic  and 
the  North  Sea,  together  with  three  islands  in  the  Baltic. 
The  Faroe  Islands,  north  of  the  Orkneys,  are  part  of  the 
Danish  possessions,  and  the  King  of  Denmark  is  also  King 
of  Iceland,  which  is  now  an  independent  State.  In  1920, 


after  a  plebiscite  had  been  taken,  the  Danish-speaking 
part  of  Slesvig,  which  had  previously  been  under  German 
rule,  was  transferred  to  Denmark.  Apart  from  the  Germans 
in  Slesvig,  among  whom  the  German  Nazis  seem  at  the 
moment  to  be  trying  to  stir  up  unrest,  there  are  no  racial 
minorities  in  Denmark.  The  population  is  three  and  a  half 
millions,  distiibuted  over  an  area  of  16,576  square  miles. 
Copenhagen  is  the  only  large  town.  The  established  religion 
of  Denmark  is  Lutheran.  A  tiny  minority  (less  than  2  per 
cent)  belong  to  other  communions  ;  but  there  is  complete 
religious  toleration. 

The  main  interest  of  Denmark  is  that  it  has  totally 
changed  its  character,  as  a  community,  during  the  past 
hundred  years.  Other  countries  have  altered  in  various 
ways  and  have  gained  or  lost  in  importance  ;  but  Denmark 
has  completely  changed.  Medieval  Denmark  was  a  power- 
ful, fighting,  feudal  monarchy.  In  the  tenth  century  Sweyn 
conquered  for  his  son  Canute  a  vast  maritime  empire 
stretching  from  England  to  the  borders  of  Poland.  This 
fell  to  pieces  ;  but  again  in  1397,  by  the  Union  of  Kalmar, 
Denmark,  Norway  and  Sweden  \\ere  united  under  a  Danish 
king,  and  Denmark  was  an  important  Baltic  Power  for 
many  centuries.  In  the  Napoleonic  Wars,  Denmark, 
though  officially  neutral,  was  in  fact  sympathetic  to 
Napoleon  ;  and  Great  Britain,  fearing  lest  the  Danish  fleet 
should  be  used  against  her,  demanded  its  surrender  and 
bombarded  Copenhagen.  At  the  Peace  of  Paris,  Denmark 
was  punished  by  the  removal  of  Norway,  which  was  placed 
under  the  Swedish  Crown.  Thereafter  Denmark  became 
less  and  less  important  as  a  European  Power.  In  1866,  after 
a  useless  attempt  to  resist,  she  was  forced  to  acquiesce  in 
the  Prussian  occupation  of  Slesvig-Holstein,  though  the 
Powers  at  the  same  time  agreed  to  guarantee  Danish  terri- 
tory and  the  Danish  Crown.  A  liberal  constitution  had  been 
granted  in  1849  ;  but  this  had  been  seriously  modified  in 
the  direction  of  giving  more  power  to  the  landowners,  and 
there  was  a  great  deal  of  unrest. 

The  great  economic  change   came   when   the  Danish 


farmer  took  to  co-operation,  in  order  both  to  reduce  the 
power  of  the  landlords  and  middlemen,  and  to  build  up 
Danish  agriculture  on  a  new  basis  so  that  it  should  not  be 
ruined  by  American  cereal  production. 

The  first  co-operative  dairy  was  started  in  Jutland  in 
1 882  ;  but  political  and  economic  education  of  the  Danish 
people  had  begun  long  before,  mainly  owing  to  Bishop 
Grundtvig  and  his  programme  of  People's  High  Schools, 
of  which  the  first  was  founded  as  early  as  1844.  The  Danish 
peasant  was  thus  far  better  equipped  than  the  average 
European  agricultural  producer  for  understanding  the 
economic  purpose  of  co-operation  and  for  putting  it  into 

Danish  co-operation,  once  started,  went  ahead  rapidly. 
Co-operative  dairies  are  fast  ousting  the  remaining  private 
dairies  ;  and  co-operative  societies  and  dairies  have  been 
followed  by  co-operative  factories  for  pig  products  and 
co-operative  egg  so  leties.  The  result  of  this  is  that  Danish 
exports  of  these  goods  have  enormously  increased,  while  at 
the  same  time  the  adoption  of  intensified  methods  of  pro- 
duction and  co-operative  purchase  have  greatly  increased 
the  yield  of  arable  land.  Denmark,  however,  though  an 
agricultural  country,  is  not  completely  self-supporting  as 
regards  food  ;  a  considerable  quantity  of  cereals  is  imported. 
It  should  be  noted,  of  course,  that  Danish  agriculture  is 
based  upon  highly  intensive  cultivation  and  stall-fed 

Side  by  side  with  the  growth  of  co-operative  association 
has  gone  the  division  of  the  land  among  the  people,  much 
speeded  up  by  a  law  of  1919.  There  are  now  hardly  any 
large  estates  in  Denmark  ;  the  land  is  divided  up  into  small 
farms  (many  of  them  the  tiniest  possible  patches  of  groundj. 
Tenancy  is  rapidly  disappearing  ;  nearly  90  per  cent  of  the 
land  is  owned  outright.  Denmark  is  the  only  State  which 
has  succeeded  in  making  a  society  of  peasant  farmers 
effectively  self-governing.  This  is  partly  due  to  the  wide 
understanding  and  appreciation  of  the  principles  under- 
lying voluntary  co-operation,  and  partly  to  the  very  high 



level  of  education.  Elementary  education  has  been  com- 
pulsory since  1814  ;  but  the  chief  feature  of  the  Danish 
educational  system  is  the  "  People's  High  Schools," 
institutions  for  the  continued  education  of  adults,  which 
are  privately  run,  though  in  receipt  of  grant  from  State 
funds.  These  High  Schools,  together  with  the  many  agri- 
cultural schools  and  other  institutions — in  fact  the  Danish 
system  of  education  as  a  whole — have  attracted  the  interest 
and  admiration  of  educationalists  all  over  the  world. 

Denmark  is  mainly  an  agricultural  country,  only  about 
400,000  persons  being  employed  in  shops  and  factories. 
Her  exports  of  animal  products — butter,  cheese,  bacon  and 
eggs — enormously  exceed  all  her  other  exports  put  together. 
She  imports  her  other  requirements,  principally  textile 
goods,  coal  (of  which  she  has  none),  metal  goods  and 
machinery,  and  some  cereals.  There  is  a  mercantile  marine 
of  considerable  size. 

Denmark  exports  to  Great  Britain  far  more  than  to  any 
other  country  ;  for  Danish  agriculture  has  been  built  up 
largely  for  the  supply  of  the  British  market,  above  all  with 
dairy  produce  and  bacon.  Especially  for  the  latter  there  is 
no  possible  alternative  market  for  exports  on  anything  like 
the  present  scale  ;  for  Great  Britain  is  the  only  really  large 
importer  of  pig-products  in  Europe.  Accordingly,  Denmark 
is  in  keen  competition  with  the  British  Dominions,  and 
especially  with  New  Zealand,  in  the  British  market.  She 
went  off  the  gold  standard  with  Great  Britain  in  1931  ; 
and  when,  after  the  threat  to  her  exports  arising  out  of  the 
Ottawa  agreements,  New  Zealand  proceeded  to  a  further 
devaluation  of  her  currency  in  order  to  bring  it  down  to  the 
same  value  as  that  of  Australia,  Denmark  was  compelled 
to  follow  suit  with  a  corresponding  further  devaluation  of 
the  Danish  krone. 

Hitherto,  Denmark  has  drawn  the  largest  part  of  her 
exports  from  Germany  ;  but  the  new  trade  agreement 
negotiated  with  Great  Britain  in  1933  is  designed,  like  the 
similar  agreements  with  the  other  Scandinavian  countries, 
to  increase  the  proportion  of  imports — especially  coal — 


derived  from  Great  Britain  ;  for  Denmark  cannot  afford  to 
risk  her  position  in  the  British  market  by  refusing  conces- 
sions to  the  British  exporters. 

The  increase  in  the  number  of  small  farmers  for  many 
years  caused  political  difficulties,  owing  to  the  weight  of 
landowners  in  the  Government ;  and  the  constitution 
was  revised  in  1915.  Under  the  present  constitution  Den- 
mark is  a  limited  monarchy,  in  which  the  king  appoints 
the  ministers,  but  cannot  make  war  or  peace  without  the 
consent  of  the  Riksdag.  The  Riksdag  is  divided  into  two 
Chambers,  the  Folketing  of  149  members  elected  by  all  men 
and  women  over  twenty-five  on  the  system  of  proportional 
representation,  and  the  Landsting  of  78  members,  56  elected 
by  Folketing  voters  of  over  thirty-five  through  electoral 
colleges,  and  19  by  the  pre-igi5  Landsting.  If  the  two 
Chambers  disagree  and  the  Folketing  persists  in  its  views 
after  a  fresh  election,  the  Landsting  may  be  dissolved.  The 
King's  consent  to  a  law  is  necessary.  The  largest  party  in 
the  Folketing  are  the  Social  Democrats,  who  represent  the 
town  workers,  the  few  agricultural  labourers  and  the 
smaller  peasants  ;  the  present  government  was  formed  in 
1929  by  a  coalition  of  the  Social  Democrats  with  the 
Radical  Liberal  Party. 

Denmark  entered  the  League  of  Nations,  and  in  1932 
decided  to  disarm  herself  entirely. 


BETWEEN  France  and  Germany,  on  the  north  coast  of 
the  European  Continent,  lie  the  Low  Countries,  Holland 
and  Belgium,  which  have  the  distinction  of  being  the  most 
fought-over  area  in  Europe.  Not  only  does  the  southern 
part  of  this  area  lie,  as  students  of  history  have  again  and 
again  to  notice,  right  athwart  the  path  of  any  landward 
expansion  of  the  two  great  neighbouring  Powers  ;  the  Low 
Countries  also  contain  the  mouths  of  some  of  the  most 
important  rivers  of  Western  Europe.  Both  of  these  facts  have 


made  for  war.  Of  the  famous  battlefields  of  European  his- 
tory, a  great  many,  of  which  Bouvines,  Gourtrai,  Blenheim, 
Neerwinden,  Waterloo  and  Ypres  may  serve  as  examples, 
lie  on  Belgian  soil,  and  the  question  of  the  navigation  of  the 
Scheldt  has  troubled  Europe  almost  as  much  as  the  ques- 
tion of  Alsace-Lorraine. 

In  the  Middle  Ages  the  Low  Countries  were  linked  to- 
gether, but  the  wars  of  religion  drove  them  sharply  apart, 
the  northern  portion  achieving  independence,  while  the 
southern  remained  under  the  domination  of  one  or  other 
larger  Power  until  well  on  in  the  nineteenth  century.  For 
a  brief  period  after  the  Napoleonic  Wars,  Belgium  was 
placed  under  a  Dutch  king  ;  but  this  proved  one  of  the 
least  stable  parts  of  that  unstable  settlement,  and  was 
reversed  in  1830-31,  since  when  both  countries  have  been 
independent  States.  Both  are  thickly  populated  and  highly 
developed,  Belgium  industrially,  Holland  more  on  agri- 
cultural lines  ;  both  are  too  small  and  too  vulnerable  by 
land  to  be  great  European  Powers  ;  and  both  have  large 
colonial  possessions,  though  the  great  days  of  Dutch 
colonial  empire  are  past. 

Belgium.  Belgium  is  the  most  crowded  country  in  Europe. 
Its  population  of  8  millions  is  distributed  in  the  ratio  of  688 
to  the  square  mile  ;  but  this  general  figure  minimises  the 
actual  density,  as  the  western  provinces  are  comparatively 
empty,  whereas  in  Brabant,  for  example,  the  density  rises 
to  1,325  per  square  mile.  Nor  is  this  due  to  the  existence  of 
enormous  towns.  Brussels  has  850,000  inhabitants,  and  Ant- 
werp just  under  300,000 ;  but  there  are  only  two  other  towns 
with  over  100,000.  It  is  the  great  cluster  of  smaller  towns 
and  hamlets  which  accounts  for  the  bulk  of  the  population. 

As  might  be  expected  from  the  foregoing,  Belgium  is 
primarily  an  industrial  country,  in  fact,  one  of  the  oldest 
industrial  countries  in  Europe.  The  coal  of  the  Liege  region 
was  known  in  the  late  Middle  Ages,  and  the  iron  and  steel 
industry  was  developing  by  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  cen- 
tury ;  Napoleon  I  made  great  use  of  Belgium  (then  in 


French  hands)  as  an  arsenal  for  his  continental  wars,  and 
since  that  date  her  industrial  development  has  gone  steadily 
ahead.  The  most  important  Belgian  products  at  the  present 
time  are  coal  and  iron  and  steel  ;  but  she  also  produces 
zinc,  lead,  glass  and  textiles  in  large  quantities,  and  is  one 
of  the  main  centres  of  the  diamond  industry.  Being  so 
highly  industrialised,  she  is  naturally  not  self-sufficient  in 
the  matter  of  food  production.  Over  one-half  of  the  land 
is  cultivated  (18  per  cent  is  forest),  of  which  40  per  cent  is 
under  cereal,  and  40  per  cent  under  forage  crops  ;  but  under 
half  a  million  are  employed  in  agriculture,  as  against  over 
two  million  in  industry  and  commerce.  The  main  crops  are 
potatoes  and  sugar-beet,  though  some  wheat  and  rye  are 
also  grown  :  imports  of  wheat  are  very  large,  and  there  is 
also  some  import  of  maize  and  barley.  In  general,  Belgian 
exports  (mainly  of  manufactured  goods,  especially  steel) 
tend  more  or  less  to  balance  her  imports  ;  Great  Britain  is 
her  best  customer,  and  France  the  chief  source  of  her  im- 

Belgium,  not  altogether  through  her  own  fault,  has  had  a 
chequered  and  violent  history.  In  the  sixteenth  century  the 
area  of  modern  Belgium  came,  along  with  Holland,  into 
the  possession  of  the  Hapsburg  Emperor  Maximilian,  and 
so  to  his  grandson,  Philip  II  of  Spain.  The  Belgian  provinces 
joined  in  the  revolt  against  Philip  ;  but  their  alliance  with 
the  United  Provinces — modern  Holland — was  always  un- 
easy. They  were  Catholic,  and  unsympathetic  to  the  Cal- 
vinism of  the  Dutch  ;  and  they  eventually  broke  away,  and 
after  the  fall  of  Antwerp  in  1585,  returned  to  the  yoke  of 
Spain,  where  they  remained,  much  fought-over  in  Marl- 
borough's  wars,  until  in  1713  they  were  handed  over  to  the 

1  The  Grand  Duchy  of  Luxembourg,  with  its  population  of  300,000, 
was  before  the  war  included  in  tht  German  Customs  Union  In  1919, 
given  the  choice  between  entering  the  French  or  the  Belgium  customs 
system,  it  chose  the  latter ;  and  Belgium  and  Luxembourg  now  form  a 
single  customs  area.  Luxembourg  is  important  industrially  as  a  producer 
of  iron  ore,  of  which  it  had  in  1929  an  output  of  seven  and  a  half 
million  metric  tons,  and  of  steel,  of  which  it  produces  from  two  to  three 
million  tons  a  year.  About  a  third  of  the  population  is  engaged  in 


Austrian  Haps  burgs.  Some  measure  of  autonomy  had  been 
secured  for  Belgium  both  under  Spain  and  under  Austria  ; 
but  towards  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  this  was  at- 
tacked, and  there  were  Belgian  revolts  against  Austria  at 
the  time  of  the  French  Revolution. 

The  immediate  result  of  the  Revolution  was  the  "  free- 
ing "  of  Belgium,  which  from  1 795  onwards  was  made  part 
of  France,  and  provided,  not  entirely  to  her  satisfaction, 
with  French  revolutionary  institutions  ;  after  the  downfall 
of  Napoleon  she  was  removed  from  France  and  put  under 
the  King  of  Holland,  from  whom  she  successfully  revolted 
in  1830,  choosing  as  King  Leopold  of  Saxe-Coburg.  The 
success  of  the  Belgian  revolt  was  due  largely  to  the  friendly 
attitude  of  France  and  England ;  but  the  international  status 
of  Belgium  was  not  cleared  up  until  1839,  when  by  the 
Treaty  of  London  the  principal  European  Powers  guar- 
anteed the  inviolability  of  her  territory  in  time  of  war.  This 
Treaty  was  the  "  scrap  of  paper  "  torn  up  by  Germany 
in  1914.  Since  the  European  War,  the  principal. object  of 
Belgium  has  been  to  find  other  means  of  safeguarding  her 
territory,  and  her  attitude  towards  international  problems 
and  affairs  has  been  governed  by  this  one  aim. 

By  the  Versailles  Treaty  Belgium  gained,  as  well  as  a 
populous  mandated  portion  of  German  East  Africa,  Ruanda- 
Urundi,  a  small  area  on  the  German  frontier  consisting 
of  Malmedy,  Eupen,  and  Moresnet,  and  containing  about 
64,000  people.  She  is  not,  however,  entirely  satisfied  with 
her  territorial  boundaries,  particularly  as  regards  the 
Dutch  frontier.  She  would  very  much  like  to  possess 
southern  Limburg,  and  still  more  the  whole  of  the  south 
bank  of  the  Scheldt,  for  she  regards  the  Dutch  control 
there  as  giving  the  Dutch  port  of  Rotterdam  an  unfair 
advantage  over  Antwerp.  More  important,  however,  is 
Belgium's  own  internal  problem  of  nationalities. 

This  cannot  be  called  a  problem  of  minorities,  for  the 
Flemings  at  least  equal  the  French  Belgians  in  numbers, 
though  they  are  not  nearly  so  influential.  The  French 
ascendancy  dates  mainly  from  the  French  revolutionary 


occupation  ;  and  during  the  nineteenth  century  French 
was  the  dominant  language,  and  the  French-speaking 
Belgians  held  all  the  important  posts.  The  racial  difference 
is  only  in  part  a  difference  of  religion  ;  both  sides  are 
Catholic,  but  the  Flemings  tend  to  belong  to  the  old  or 
conservative  Catholic  tradition.  It  is,  however,  partly  a 
class  difference  ;  the  Flemings  are  mainly  working-class 
and  " small  men."  There  was  great  unrest  among  the 
Flemings  before  the  war  ;  and  during  the  war,  when  the 
Belgian  Government  had  moved  to  Havre,  a  section  of  the 
Flemings  under  Dr.  Borms  (called  "  Activists  ")  planned 
to  establish  a  Flemish  Belgium  with  German  aid.  This 
movement  was  supposed  to  have  died  down  after  the  war  ; 
but  it  revived,  and  in  1928  a  bye-election  returned  Dr. 
Borms,  then  in  prison,  with  an  enormous  majority,  and 
rendered  necessary  the  "  flamandisation  "  of  the  University 
of  Ghent,  and  some  further  concessions.  The  situation, 
however,  is  as  yet  unresolved ;  the  Flemish  separatist  party 
(now  called  the  "  Front  Party  ")  has  1 1  seats  in  the  House 
of  Representatives,  and  5  in  the  Senate. 

Belgium  is  a  monarchy,  with  universal  voting  since  1893, 
Flemings  having  been  admitted  to  the  franchise  in  1898. 
Women  vote  in  the  communal  elections,  but  for  the  House 
of  Representatives  only  if  they  are  war-widows  or  lost  sons 
during  the  war.  The  Lower  Chamber,  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentativespis  elected  for  four  years  under  P.R.,  and  voting 
is  compulsory  ;  of  the  Upper  House  or  Senate,  one-third 
is  elected  from  persons  over  forty,  one-third  chosen  by  the 
provinces,  while  one-third  is  composed  of  distinguished 
persons  selected  by  the  Senate.  From  1884  until  the  end  of 
the  war  the  Catholic  Party  was  almost  continually  in  the 
ascendant ;  but  since  then  other  parties  have  grown  to 
strength,  and  the  present  Government,  which  took  office 
in  1932,  is  a  Liberal-Catholic  coalition.  The  Belgian 
Labour  Party,  which  is  one  of  the  most  moderate  Labour 
Parties  in  Europe,  was  revived  in  the  'eighties.  Trade 
Unionism  is  strong  in  Belgium  ;  the  three  divisions  of  the 
working-class  movement — Trade  Unionism,  Socialism, 


and  Co-operation — are  there  more  closely  united  than  in 
any  other  European  country  but  Russia,  and  Belgium  has 
provided  many  officials  for  the  various  Internationals. 

The  great  overseas  possession  of  Belgium  is  the  Belgian 
Congo.  Thi%  after  providing  a  world  scandal  of  native 
exploitation  in  the  'eighties,  has  been  drastically  reformed, 
and  is  now  as  good  as,  if  not  better  than,  any  European 
tropical  administration. 

Holland.  Holland  is  almost,  though  not  quite,  as 
thickly  populated  as  Belgium.  Her  population  is  just  under 
8  millions,  and  the  density  625.5  Per  square  mile.  But  a 
large  part  of  Holland  consists  of  water,  and  the  greatest 
density  is  in  the  provinces  of  North  and  South  Holland, 
which,  with  Zeeland,  formed  the  core  of  the  Dutch  State 
in  its  early  days.  The  death-rate  is  low  and  the  birth-rate 
high,  so  that  the  population  is  rapidly  increasing. 

The  area,  and  particularly  the  cultivable  area,  of  Hol- 
land, has  varied  at  different  dates,  according  to  the  en- 
croachment of  the  sea  and  the  Dutch  defences  against  it. 
In  the  Middle  Ages,  for  example,  there  \vere  great  inun- 
dations, some  of  which  created  the  Zuider  Zee,  and  greatly 
reduced  the  total  area.  In  modern  times,  however,  there 
has  been  much  reclamation.  The  polder ,  or  patch  of  land 
reclaimed  from  the  sea  and  then  drained  so  as  to  make  it 
cultivable,  is  a  characteristic  feature  of  Dutch  agriculture, 
and  the  largest  reclamation  scheme  in  the  world — that 
which  proposes  to  drain  a  great  part  of  the  Zuider  Zee — 
was  begun  in  1924,  and  has  already  advanced  some  dis- 
tance. Much  of  Holland,  however,  is  only  protected  from 
inundation  by  dykes,  which  can  still  be  cut  as  they  were  in 
the  sixteenth  century,  to  check  an  invader.  Holland  still 
relies  less  on  fortresses,  of  which  she  has  few,  than  on  the 
help  of  the  sea  to  defend  her. 

Rather  more  than  half  the  population  of  Holland  live 
in  the  country.  The  largest  town  is  Amsterdam,  with  three- 
quarters  of  a  million  inhabitants  ;  then  come  Rotterdam 
and  the  Hague,  with  half  a  million  each.  28  per  cent  of 


the  land  is  arable,  and  40  per  cent  is  grass  and  pasture. 
Holland  has  very  little  forest  area.  Over  half  the  farms 
are  freehold,  and  nearly  all  of  them  small  or  medium- 
sized  ;  there  are,  however,  some  large  estates  in  Holland, 
Zeeland  and  Groningen.  The  production  per  cultivated 
acre  is  remarkably  high.  As  everyone  knows,  animal  pro- 
ducts, particularly  cheese,  butter  and  eggs,  form  the  chief 
item  in  Holland's  agricultural  production  ;  she  does,  how- 
ever, grow  some  cereals,  of  which  rye  is  the  chief,  and  has 
a  large  crop  of  sugar-beet  and  potatoes.  (One-fourth  of  the 
potato  crop  is  used  for  industrial  purposes.) 

Holland  was  comparatively  slow  in  taking  to  industry, 
the  lack  of  sufficient  coal  supplies  being  a  handicap.  She 
has  now,  however,  a  fair-sized  industry,  employing  in  1920 
a  million  out  of  a  total  of  sf  million  occupied  persons.  The 
textile  trades,  a  large  part  of  whose  product  is  exported, 
are  the  most  important  ;  tobacco  is  manufactured  as  well, 
and  Holland  is  also  the  chief  centre  of  the  diamond-cutting 
industry.  But,  of  course,  the  great  strength  of  Holland  lies, 
as  it  has  always  lain,  not  in  her  native  industries,  but  in  her 
commerce.  The  Dutch  carrying  trade  is  not  now,  as  in  the 
seventeenth  century,  the  great  carrying  trade  of  the  world  ; 
but  it  is  still  very  important.  The  Dutch  mercantile  marine 
was  estimated,  in  1932,  at  4  per  cent  of  the  world's  total 
tonnage.  In  particular,  an  enormous  transit  trade  with 
Germany -passes  through  Dutch  ports — which  fact  very 
seriously  disorganised  the  Dutch  economic  system  during 
the  European  war.  This  carrying  trade  is  the  chief  factor 
in  balancing  Holland's  imports  and  exports  ;  as  regards 
specific  items,  she  imports  wheat,  coal  and  timber  in  large 
quantities,  and  also  a  certain  amount  of  cattle  food  such 
as  maize  and  linseed.  She  exports  a  certain  quantity  of 
textiles  ;  but  her  main  standby  for  exports  is  animal  pro- 
ducts of  all  sorts.  (The  trade  in  bulbs,  though  an  interesting 
item,  is  of  small  value  in  comparison.)  The  bulk  of  Dutch 
trade  is  done  with  Germany,  but  Great  Britain  eats  a  large 
quantity  of  her  butter  and  cheese. 

Holland,  as  a  country,  dates  from  the  sixteenth  century, 


when  the  fierce  Calvinism  of  the  maritime  provinces,  led, 
for  a  time,  by  William  the  Silent  of  Orange,  and  secretly 
supported  by  Elizabeth,  held  out  against  all  the  forces 
which  Spanish  fanaticism  could  bring  to  bear.  Indepen- 
dence of  Spain  was  finally  achieved  in  1609,  and  thereafter 
Holland  was  a  leading  Power,  in  both  Europe  and  the 
world,  for  nearly  a  century.  The  costs  of  political  strife  on 
the  Continent,  however,  particularly  with  Louis  XIV, 
proved  too  heavy  for  this  small  country  to  sustain,  even 
after  William  Ill's  accession  to  the  English  throne  had 
secured  her  English  aid  ;  and  the  eighteenth  century 
proved  a  period  of  economic  decline,  aided  by  political 
instability  in  the  home  government.  Many  of  the  Dutch 
overseas  possessions,  particularly  in  the  New  World  and  in 
Africa,  were  lost  ;  but  she  kept  the  great  Malay  territories 
which  she  had  conquered  from  Portugal  in  the  preceding 
century.  The  Dutch  East  Indies  still  form  a  tropical  empire 
many  times  the  size  of  Holland. 

The  French  Revolution  overran  Holland  as  it  did  Bel- 
gium. The  Scheldt  was  opened  to  navigation  in  1792,  and 
from  1795-98  there  was  a  Batavian  Republic  built  on  the 
French  model,  though  the  battle  of  Camperdown  (1797) 
indicated  that  Holland  might  not  be  so  easy  to  hold  as 
Belgium.  At  the  end  of  the  war  William  I  was  raised  by  the 
Allies  to  the  dignity  of  King  of  the  Netherlands  ;  but  he  had 
to  acquiesce,  with  what  grace  he  could,  in  the  subsequent 
revolt  of  Belgium.  Since  then,  Holland  has  kept  clear  of 
continental  entanglements,  and  she  remained  neutral, 
though  not  without  considerable  inconvenience,  in  the 
European  war. 

The  present  constitution  of  Holland  really  dates  from 
1848  ;  it  was  revised  in  1917  so  as  to  include  universal 
suffrage.  The  States-General  consists  of  two  Houses,  of 
which  the  Lower  consists  of  a  hundred  members  elected 
en  bloc  every*  four  years  by  proportional  representation,  and 
the  Upper  of  fifty  members  elected  by  the  provinces  for  six 
years,  half  at  a  time.  The  eleven  provinces  have  each  an 
assembly  of  their  own,  which  meets  twice  annually,  a 


permanent  paid  council  of  administration,  and  a  com- 
missioner appointed  by  the  Crown.  There  are  also  com- 
munal councils  ;  but  the  mayor,  who  is  appointed  by  the 
Crown,  controls  the  communal  police,  and  can,  if  he 
chooses,  suspend  the  sittings  of  the  commune. 

There  are  no  racial  minorities  in  Holland.  There  is 
religious  toleration  ;  but  there  are  also  religious  difficulties. 
The  Dutch  Reformed  Church,  which  is  Calvinist  and 
directly  descended  from  those  Reformers  who  made  the 
Dutch  Republic,  represents,  to  many  people's  minds,  the 
religion  of  the  Dutch.  Actually  it  is  almost  equalled  in 
numbers  by  the  members  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Com- 
munion, and  other  Protestant  Churches  account  for  half 
as  many  more.  There  are  115,000  Jews.  All  these  creeds 
receive  subventions  from  the  national  budget  according  to 
their  importance  ;  but  their  existence  confuses  political  and 
economic  groupings.  The  Dutch  Trade  Union  movement, 
for  example,  has  long  been  divided  between  Christian 
(i.e.  Catholic)  Trade  Unions  and  others  ;  and  the  same  can 
be  said,  to  a  certain  extent,  of  political  parties.  The  present 
Government,  which  has  held  office  since  1929,  is  a  coali- 
tion of  the  Catholics  with  the  Right. 

§  12.   FRANCE 

FRANCE,  the  traditional  home  of  revolutionary  move- 
ments since  1789,  now  seems  by  contrast  the  most  stably 
organised  of  all  the  nations  of  Continental  Europe.  From 
1789  to  1 87 1.  France  ran  the  entire  gamut  of  revolutionary 
activities,  and  passed  under  almost  every  conceivable  kind 
of  government.  Reorganised  as  a  democratic  State  in 
accordance  with  the  principle  des  droits  de  Vhomme  et  da 
citoyen  in  the  years  immediately  after  the  revolution  of  1789, 
she  passed  over  rapidly  to  Napoleon's  military  dictatorship, 
itself  an  outstanding  revolutionary  force  in  its  effects  over 
the  entire  Continent  of  Europe.  Then  came  the  Bourbon 


restoration  of  1815,  passing  into  a  more  extreme  form  in  the 
despotism  of  Charles  X.  This  provoked  in  turn  the  revolu- 
tion of  1830,  and  the  experiment  with  bourgeois  monarchy 
under  Louis  Philippe.  But  the  bourgeois  monarch  tried  to  be 
a  monarch  as  well  as  a  bourgeois,  and  his  reign  ended  with  the 
Radical  Revolution  of  the  Year  of  Revolutions,  1848.  The 
revolutionaries  of  1848  were,  however,  sharply  divided  in 
mind  and  temper.  The  attempt  to  turn  the  1848  Revolution 
into  a  Socialist  revolution  was  crushed  in  blood,  as  the 
Paris  and  Lyons  Socialist  risings  of  1832  had  been  at  an 
earlier  stage.  The  uncertainty  of  the  Republican  forces  gave 
Napoleon  III  his  opportunity  for  the  coup  (Tttat  of  1851  and 
the  establishment  of  the  Second  Empire.  But  Napoleon  Ill's 
Empire  went  down  in  ignominious  defeat  at  the  hands  of 
Prussia  in  1870,  and  the  Third  Republic  was  proclaimed 
while  the  Prussian  armies  were  investing  Paris.  This,  how- 
ever, was  not  the  end  ;  for  the  Paris  population,  given  arms 
in  order  to  resist  the  Prussians  and  full  of  resentment  at  the 
ignominious  peace,  rose  and  proclaimed  the  Commune, 
and  thus  set  up  for  its  short  life  of  a  couple  of  months  the 
first  Socialist  Government  in  Europe.  The  suppression  of 
the  Commune  of  1871  by  Thiers  and  his  mixed  following 
of  monarchists  and  bourgeois  republicans  was  even  bloodier 
than  that  of  the  Socialist  risings  of  the  years  1832  and  1848  ; 
and,  when  the  monarchist  majority  accepted  the  Third 
Republic  in  default  of  a  possible  candidate  for  the  throne, 
few  supposed  that  France  had  settled  down  to  a  lasting 
regime  of  republican  democracy.  Nevertheless,  the  Paris 
Commune  has  been,  up  to  the  present  time,  the  last  French 
Revolution,  and  there  was  less  si#n  in  France  than  in  any 
other  European  country  of  a  revolutionary  temper  on  the 
morrow  of  the  Great  War.  Even  to-day,  while  the  French 
Socialists  form  a  powerful  party  and  French  Communism  has 
a  considerable  following,  the  bourgeois  Republic  seems  more 
stable  in  its  structure  than  any  other  Continental  State,  and 
Socialism  seems  less  likely  in  France  than  in  Great  Britain. 
France  is  the  outstanding  example  among  European 
countries  of  a  balanced  economy.  Among  her  41 J  million 


people  there  is  a  great  diversity  of  economic  activity. 
Large-scale  industries  of  the  most  modern  kind  are  to  be 
found  within  her  borders,  side  by  side  with  a  very  wide- 
spread system  of  industrial  production  on  a  small  scale. 
Industry,  large  and  small,  is  neatly  balanced  with  agri- 
culture, so  as  to  make  the  French  national  economy  as  a 
whole  relatively  self-sufficient — not  mainly  as  a  result  of 
artificial  measures,  but  as  the  outcome  of  a  fairly  natural 
process  of  growth.  Of  the  occupied  population  about 
50  per  cent  are  engaged  in  industry  and  commerce  and 
about  40  per  cent  in  agriculture.  France  is  thus  appreciably 
less  industrialised  than  the  other  great  nations  of  Western 
Europe,  Great  Britain  and  Germany.  Indeed  she  is  indus- 
trialised only  to  about  the  same  extent  as  Czechoslovakia 
and  the  Scandinavian  countries,  though  of  course  far  more 
than  Italy  or  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe.  This  balanced 
character  of  her  economy  exerts  a  profound  influence  upon 
her  social  and  political  life  ;  for  it  means  that  public 
opinion  in  France  is  also  neatly  balanced  between  industrial 
and  agricultural  claims.  Moreover,  the  strength  and  per- 
sistence of  small-scale  industry  mean  that  France's  indus- 
trialists do  not  speak  with  the  same  voice  to  anything  like  the 
same  extent  as  the  industrialists  of  Great  Britain  and 
Germany.  There  is  a  divergence  of  interest  and  point  of 
view,  not  only  between  the  agriculturists  and  industrialists, 
but  also  between  die  representatives  of  large-  and  small- 
scale  industry.  The  Comite  des  Forges,  the  leading  representa- 
tive of  large-scale  industrialism  in  France,  has  by  no  means 
the  same  attitude  as  the  great  mass  of  small  industrial 
producers  scattered  all  over  the  country.  Moreover,  France 
is  a  country  far  more  of  small  towns,  near  neighbours  to  the 
countryside,  than  of  great  industrial  cities.  Paris,  with  not 
far  short  of  3  million  inhabitants,  is  the  only  really  great 
city  ;  next  to  it  come  Marseilles,  with  no  more  than 
650,000,  and  Lyons,  with  not  much  more  than  half 
a  million  ;  and  then  there  is  a  considerable  gap,  the  next 
largest  cities  being  Bordeaux,  with  a  quarter  of  a  million, 
and  Lille,  with  200,000  inhabitants.  Thus  the  urban 


population  of  France  largely  retains  the  characteristic 
qualities  of  the  small  town,  and  actually  as  much  as  half  the 
total  population  of  the  country  lives  not  in  towns  at  all  but 
in  the  rural  areas.  There  is,  moreover,  in  all  the  towns  of 
France,  both  large  and  small,  a  very  considerable  rentier 
class,  living  on  small  savings  at  a  standard  of  expenditure 
very  low  in  relation  to  that  of  the  British  or  American 
middle  classes  ;  and  this  large  class  of  small  capitalists 
exerts  a  profound  influence  on  the  entire  structure  of  the 
French  political  and  social  system.  French  politics  and 
French  economic  policy  are  bound  to  reflect  this  diversity 
in  the  population.  It  is  out  of  the  question  for  France  either 
in  economics  or  in  politics  to  pursue  a  policy  which  will 
outrage  the  feelings  either  of  the  great  mass  of  peasants  or  of 
the  large  bodies  of  small  town  dwellers  dependent  mainly 
upon  small-scale  industry  and  commerce  or  upon  small 
savings.  The  great  industrialists  may  be  successful  in 
pressing  their  claims  beyond  what  their  relative  importance 
in  the  national  economy  would  justify  ;  but  there  is  a  point 
beyond  which  no  French  Government  can  venture  to 
follow  them.  France  is  thus,  in  the  modern  sense,  a  far  less 
capitalistic  State  than  either  Germany  or  Great  Britain  ; 
and  her  political  system  possesses  a  high  degree  of  stability 
based  on  the  conservative  attitude  of  the  petite  bourgeoisie 
in  both  economic  and  social  questions. 

Of  those  who  get  their  living  by  the  land,  the  majority 
own  the  land  which  they  cultivate  or  belong  at  any  rate  to 
a  land-owning  family.  The  Revolution  of  1 789  established 
the  class  of  peasant  owners  far  more  firmly  in  France  than 
it  is  established  in  any  other  great  European  country. 
Among  those  on  the  land  the  number  of  owners  greatly 
exceeds  that  of  agricultural  wage-workers,  in  the  propor- 
tion of  rather  more  than  5  to  3.  Among  the  agricultural 
owners  and  also  among  the  land  workers  there  is  a  very 
high  proportion  of  women,  partly  as  a  result  of  the  heavy 
casualties  sustained  by  France  during  the  war,  and  also 
partly  as  a  result  of  the  system  of  land  holding  and  the 
large  measure  of  recognition  accorded  to  women  in  the 

FRANCE  303 

economic  though  not  in  the  political  sphere.  Small  land 
holdings  are  naturally  the  rule,  and  there  are  few  big  estates 
left.  Strip  holdings,  scattered  over  the  area  of  the  village 
land,  remain  widespread  ;  and  there  has  been  no  complete 
consolidation  such  as  occurred  in  Great  Britain  with  the 
disappearance  of  the  peasantry.  Agricultural  co-operation 
is  strong,  and  encouraged  by  the  State,  which,  in  1920, 
co-ordinated  the  movement  through  the  formation  of  a 
national  fund  for  agricultural  credit.  This  fund  is  worked 
through  ninety  regional  agricultural  banks  and  about 
5,500  local  agricultural  banks.  Cultivation  reaches  a  high 
standard,  and  both  agricultural  operations  and  village 
and  small  town  industries  have  been  greatly  helped  in 
recent  years  by  the  rapid  development  of  rural  electrifica- 
tion. Agricultural  progress  has  also  been  advanced  by  the 
acquisition  under  the  Versailles  Treaty  of  the  important 
potash  deposits  of  Alsace-Lorraine. 

Until  the  coming  of  the  world  depression  France  was 
short  of  labour  for  both  agriculture  and  industry,  and  there 
had  been  during  the  post-war  years  a  considerable  im- 
portation of  workers  from  abroad.  Thus,  until  recently 
there  were  in  France  over  800,000  Italians,  half  a  million 
Belgians,  over  400,000  Spaniards,  about  350,000  Poles, 
140,000  Swiss,  and  about  90,000  Russians,  to  say  nothing 
of  an  appreciable  number  of  labourers  imported  from 
North  Africa.  The  shortage  of  labour  arose  mainly  from 
the  very  low  rate  of  increase  of  the  French  population.  The 
French  birth-rate  is  one  of  the  lowest  in  Europe  after  that 
of  Sweden — about  18  per  thousand  on  the  average  of  recent 
years  as  against  a  death-rate  averaging  about  17.  Such 
increase  as  has  taken  place  in  the  population  of  late  years 
is  therefore  mainly  the  product  of  immigration.  Alsace- 
Lorraine  added  about  1,700,000  in  1919  ;  but  even  so  the 
population  of  France  in  1921  was  slightly  lower,  on 
account  of  war  casualties,  than  it  had  been  before  the 
war,  when  it  stood  at  about  39  millions.  By  1926  it  had 
reached  40!  millions,  and  by  1932  about  41  £  millions. 
But  there  has  probably  been  some  fall  since  then,  for  the 


economic  depression  resulted  in  a  certain  amount  of 
repatriation  of  alien  workers  ;  indeed,  by  dispensing  with 
some  of  her  imported  labour,  France  was  able  to  get 
through  the  earlier  stages  of  the  depression  without  any 
substantial  rise  in  unemployment,  thus  transferring  the 
burden  of  maintaining  the  displaced  workers  to  their 
countries  oi  origin. 

The  re-annexation  of  Alsace-Lorraine  brought  to  France, 
in  addition  to  the  potash  deposits  mentioned  already,  the 
valuable  iron  deposits  which  had  provided  the  basis  for 
a  large  section  of  the  German  steel  industry,  an  appreciable 
amount  of  coal,  and  also  a  considerable  cotton-spinning 
industry.  Alsace-Lorraine  added  2^  per  cent  to  the  terri- 
tory and  4  per  cent  to  the  population  of  France,  for  it  is 
more  densely  populated  than  pre-war  France  taken  as 
a  whole.  But  the  re-annexation  also  brought  with  it  a  poli- 
tical problem  ;  for  the  attempt  to  assimilate  the  government 
of  Alsace-Lorraine  wholly  to  that  of  France  involved  oppo- 
sition from  a  substantial  proportion  of  the  population,  and 
this  has  more  than  once  given  rise  to  serious  troubles, 
especially  those  of  1928  which  led  to  the  arrest  and  im- 
prisonment of  a  number  of  autonomist  leaders.  Economic- 
ally the  annexation  strengthens  the  position  of  large-scale 
industrialism  in  France,  for  the  iron  and  steel  works  and 
coal  mines  taken  over  from  Germany  were  organised  on  a 
basis  of  large-scale  capitalism.  France,  through  the  posses- 
sion of  Alsace-Lorraine,  advanced  to  the  position  of  one  of 
the  most  important  European  steel  producers,  and  many 
people  predicted  in  1919  that  there  would  be  a  speedy 
shift  over  to  large-scale  industrialism  over  the  country  as 
a  whole.  But  the  French  economic  system,  with  its  tendency 
to  concentrate  on  supplying  local  markets  or  on  the  pro- 
duction of  luxury  goods  for  the  world  market,  has  proved 
strongly  resistant  to  change.  French  industry  depends  very 
greatly  on  quality  and  artistic  finish  in  the  products  which 
it  sells  in  world  markets,  and  these  are  more  easily  secured 
under  a  system  of  small-scale  production  than  within  a 
more  rationalised  capitalist  structure. 

FRANCE  305 

In  agriculture  France  meets  most  of  her  own  needs,  but 
has  very  little  surplus  of  any  important  commodity  for 
export.  Even  in  the  case  of  wine,  which  most  people  think 
of  as  predominantly  a  French  export,  the  quantities  im- 
ported are  actually  ten  times  as  great  as  those  exported 
from  the  French  vineyards.  Imported  wine  comes,  however, 
largely  from  Algeria,  which  forms  virtually  part  of  the 
French  productive  system.  The  chief  agricultural  imports 
are  wheat  and  maize,  and  there  is  also  some  importation  of 
sugar.  For  though  France  grows  both  wheat  and  sugar- 
beet  on  a  large  scale — indeed  these  form,  together  with 
oats,  her  principal  crops — she  needs  to  import  in  most 
years  a  considerable  quantity  of  both  commodities  in  order 
to  meet  the  needs  of  domestic  consumption.  In  1931  the 
imports  on  which  France  spent  most  were  first  of  all  coal 
and  coke,  secondly  cereals,  mainly  wheat,  and  third,  only 
a  little  way  behind  cereals,  wine,  whereas  her  most  im- 
portant exports  were  chemical  products,  iron  and  steel,  and 
silk  and  cotton  textiles,  in  that  order.  She  was  thus  mainly 
an  exporter  of  manufactured  goods,  and  an  importer  of 
certain  foodstuffs,  and  of  one  vital  raw  material,  coal. 

In  industrial  production  she  is  handicapped  by  her 
deficiency  of  coal,  despite  her  accessions  in  Alsace-Lorraine 
and  her  rights  since  the  war  over  the  output  of  the  Saar 
coalfield.  This  deficiency  makes  her  important  as  a  market 
for  British  coal,  and  there  has  been  in  recent  years  sharp 
rivalry  between  the  British,  German,  Polish  and  Belgian 
coal  mines  in  meeting  the  French  demand,  complicated  at 
one  time  by  the  imposition  of  special  duties  on  British  coal 
to  offset  the  depreciation  of  the  pound.  But  although 
shortage  of  coal  handicaps  France  industrially,  especially 
in  the  iron  and  steel  trades,  she  has  done  a  great  deal  to 
make  up  for  her  shortage  of  mineral  fuel  by  the  develop- 
ment of  electricity  based  on  water  power.  There  has  been 
a  rapid  increase  in  the  total  output  of  electrical  energy  in 
recent  years,  and  nearly  a  third  of  the  present  output  is 
hydro-electric.  Electricity  supplies  to  an  increasing  extent 
the  source  of  power  for  the  small  industries  remote  from  the 


great    northern    industrial    area    round    Lille    and    the 
Lorraine  iron  fields. 

After  chemicals  and  iron  and  steel,  the  two  industries  for 
which  the  acquisition  of  Alsace-Lorraine  has  been  most 
important,  France  depends  largely  on  her  textile  trades. 
Her  silk  goods  easily  lead  the  way  in  the  markets  of  the 
world,  though  she  is  to  an  increasing  extent  in  competition 
in  this  field  not  only  with  the  cheaper  silk  goods  of  Japan, 
but  also  with  rayon  products  made  in  Italy,  Germany 
and  Great  Britain,  and  there  has  been  a  very  sharp  fall  in 
her  exports  of  silks  during  the  past  two  or  three  years.  In 
the  cotton  trade,  which  is  only  less  important  than  that  of 
silk,  she  is  also  largely  engaged  in  quality  production, 
specialising  in  fancy  cotton  goods  with  marketable  qualities 
of  artistic  design.  She  also  exports  clothing  on  a  very  large 
scale,  again  concentrating  mainly  upon  quality  products  ; 
but  this  trade  has  suffered  even  more  seriously  than  any  of 
the  others  in  consequence  of  the  world  depression,  the 
export  of  clothing  falling  in  value  from  1,662  million  francs 
in  1930  to  691  millions  in  1931.  Her  production  and  export 
of  automobiles  are  also  large,  and  next  to  them,  and  to  the 
high  quality  wines  which  she  sends  abroad,  comes  in  her 
list  of  exports  the  trade  in  soaps  and  perfumes.  Thus  the 
French  export  trade  depends  to  a  very  great  extent  on  the 
demand  for  luxury  goods,  and  is  therefore  especially  liable 
to  feel  the  effects  of  world  depression.  It  is  in  these  circum- 
stances remarkable  that  France  was  actually  longer  in 
feeling  the  consequences  of  the  slump  than  any  other  leading 
country.  Certain  of  her  most  important  exports  did  indeed 
fall  off  sharply,  creating  a  considerable  amount  of  local 
unemployment ;  but  France's  dependence  on  the  world 
market  is  on  the  whole  so  much  less  than  that  of  either 
Germany  or  Great  Britain  that  she  was  able  to  stand  up  to 
the  loss  of  a  large  part  of  these  markets  with  relatively  little 
disturbance  to  her  economic  system,  especially  as  she  had 
abundant  resources  of  money  abroad  to  meet  all  necessary 
claims  for  the  purchase  of  imports.  Only  as  world  depression 
deepened  in  1932  did  unemployment  in  France  assume 

FRANCE  307 

really  large  dimensions  ;  and  even  then  the  comparative 
smallness  of  the  scale  of  industry  and  the  comparative 
nearness  of  the  French  population  to  the  land  made  the 
amount  of  suffering  involved  appreciably  less  than  it  would 
have  been  in  similar  circumstances  in  other  industrial 
countries.  For  Fuance,  unlike  Great  Britain  and  Germany, 
has  no  system  of  unemployment  insurance,  the  relief  of  the 
unemployed  being  left  to  local  effort.  This  has  undoubtedly 
meant  that  the  individual  worker  who  falls  out  of  a  job  and 
is  not  able  to  go  back  to  his  family  in  the  village  has 
suffered  more  seriously  than  the  unemployed  workers  in 
countries  where  insurance  systems  exist.  But  some  counter- 
poise to  the  advance  of  unemployment  in  France  was  made 
by  the  expenditure  of  considerable  sums  by  the  State  upon 
the  national  programme  of  economic  development  laid 
down  in  1926,  when,  the  reconstruction  of  the  devastated 
areas  having  been  more  or  less  completed,  the  French 
Government  embarked  on  a  large  plan  of  loan  expenditure 
especially  in  the  field  of  electrical  development  for  the 
expansion  of  the  national  productive  resources.  France 
has  not  been  able  in  the  long  run  to  escape  the  consequences 
of  the  world  slump,  particularly  since  growing  budgetary 
difficulties  and  the  exhaustion  of  the  available  credits 
have  caused  a  slowing  down  in  public  expenditure  on 
works  of  development  ;  but  even  now  her  position  is  less 
vulnerable  than  that  of  other  countries  because  of  the 
strength  of  her  financial  situation — though  not  of  her 
public  finance — and  the  comparatively  balanced  nature  of 
her  national  economy. 

It  was  suggested  earlier  that  this  balanced  national 
economy  was  to  a  great  extent  natural,  and  not  merely  the 
result  of  artificial  measures  ;  but  it  has  of  course  been 
deliberately  preserved  by  national  policy.  France  is  a 
country  with  a  high  tariff  on  those  classes  of  imports  most 
likely  to  compete  with  her  domestic  industries  ;  and  she  has 
also,  at  the  cost  of  keeping  the  price  of  wheat  far  above  the 
world  level,  imposed  a  stiff  system  of  protection  in  the 
interests  of  her  agricultural  producers.  What  is  meant, 


then,  by  suggesting  that  the  balanced  economy  which 
exists  in  France  is  natural  rather  than  artificial  is  not  that  it 
would  have  been  able  to  survive  in  the  absence  of  a  State 
policy  designed  to  support  it,  but  only  that  State  policy  has 
needed  only  to  maintain  an  existing  balance  and  not  to 
set  up  one  which  had  been  previously  overthrown. 

The  French  tariff  system  differs  from  those  of  other 
countries  in  being  based  far  more  upon  discrimination 
between  products  according  to  their  place  of  origin.  The 
post-war  system  of  tariffs  in  France  has  been  built  up 
largely  not  by  Parliamentary  enactment,  but  by  separate 
commercial  treaties  with  different  countries,  made  under  a 
general  authority  conferred  upon  the  executive  Govern- 
ment. France  negotiates  with  each  country  a  separate  trade 
treaty  laying  down  the  terms  on  which  its  imports  are  to  be 
admitted  into  the  French  market;  and  this  results  in  the 
existence  for  many  products  of  a  number  of  distinct  rates 
of  duty  applying  to  goods  consigned  from  different  countries. 
The  French  tariff  system  also  embodies  a  schedule  of  general 
rates  of  duty  applicable  in  the  absence  of  special  treaty 
arrangements  ;  but  these  general  rates  apply  in  practice 
only  to  a  fraction  of  the  total  imports.  It  is  thus  very 
difficult  to  measure  accurately  the  height  of  the  French 
tariff,  or  to  compare  it  with  those  in  force  in  other  countries. 
What  can  be  done  by  way  of  general  measurement  will  be 
found  set  out  in  a  later  section  of  this  book. 

Politics  and  Finance.  France  since  1918  has  had  an 
exceedingly  chequered  financial  history.  The  war  was 
financed  almost  exclusively  by  means  of  loans  without  any 
substantial  increase  in  the  level  of  taxation,  which  would 
indeed  have  been  difficult  to  achieve  in  view  of  the  grave 
disturbance  to  the  national  economy  caused  by  the  foreign 
occupation  of  some  of  the  most  important  industrial  dis- 
tricts, and  by  the  calling  up  of  a  very  high  proportion  of  the 
able-bodied  workers  for  military  service.  After  the  war  this 
process  of  borrowing  continued,  and  a  large  part  of  the 
French  debt  to  the  United  States  was  incurred  after  1918. 

PRANCE  309 

Since  then  taxes  have  been  raised  to  a  substantially  higher 
level ;  but  each  increase  in  the  level  of  taxation  has  in- 
volved acute  political  controversy,  and  there  is  still  a  very 
marked  reluctance  on  the  part  of  French  Governments  to 
incur  the  odium  of  increasing  the  taxes,  and  on  the  part  of 
the  French  taxpayers  to  meet  the  tax-gatherers'  demands. 
Tax  evasion  has  been  reduced  appreciably  by  stiffening  up 
the  methods  of  collection  in  recent  years  ;  but  it  still  goes 
on  to  a  substantial  extent,  especially  in  the  case  of  the  tax 
on  incomes,  which  is  exceedingly  unpopular  with  the 
French  tax-paying  classes.  Largely  for  this  reason,  the 
French  raise  a  high  proportion  of  their  total  tax  revenue  in 
indirect  taxation.  Thus  in  recent  years,  whereas  more  than 
half  the  total  tax  revenue  of  Great  Britain  has  been  drawn 
from  direct  taxation,  or  as  much  as  60  per  cent  if  taxes  on 
inheritance  are  included,  France  has  drawn  until  quite 
recently  only  about  one-fifth  of  her  revenue  from  income 
tax,  and  not  much  more  than  a  third  from  all  direct  taxes, 
including  the  tax  on  inheritance,  as  against  50  per  cent 
from  the  customs,  excise,  and  business  turnover  taxes,  and 
a  further  14  per  cent  from  registration  and  stamp  duties 
and  similar  imposts.  Despite  the  increase  in  taxation  in 
recent  years,  the  French  budget  is  still  by  no  means  bal- 
anced. The  Daladier  Government  has  recently  done  what 
it  dares  by  way  of  raising  taxes  and  increasing  the  stringency 
of  collection  ;  but  even  so  it  has  been  compelled  to  budget 
for  a  substantial  deficit  in  the  current  year,  even  after  sus- 
pending the  Sinking  Fund  on  the  National  Debt. 

The  French  financial  situation  thus  presents  the  paradox 
of  an  inability  of  the  Government  to  make  both  ends  meet, 
combined  with  a  very  high  degree  of  national  strength  in 
the  financial  sphere.  The  coffers  of  the  Bank  of  France  are 
filled  to  overflowing  with  gold  :  and  it  is  hard  for  the 
depositors'  money  to  earn  a  tolerable  rate  of  interest. 
Money  is  so  plentiful  in  relation  to  the  opportunities  for 
its  use  that  it  seems  absurd  to  suggest  that  France  is 
unable  10  meet  her  debts  to  the  United  States.  But  the 
idle  resources  of  the  Bank  of  France  and  the  other 


banks  belong  not  to  the  French  Government,  but  to 
the  French  public,  and  to  some  extent  to  foreign  depositors  ; 
and  no  means  has  yet  been  found  of  extracting  them  for  the 
service  of  the  State.  For  it  must  be  remembered  that,  de- 
spite this  appearance  of  wealth,  France  taken  as  a  whole  re- 
mains a  poor  country  in  comparison  with  either  Great 
Britain  01  the  United  States  ;  and  the  ability  of  the  great 
mass  of  her  people  to  bear  taxation  is  far  lower  than  the 
corresponding  ability  in  these  countries.  In  relation  to  the 
average  national  income  France  is  already  highly  taxed, 
and  it  is  not  easy  to  tap  the  surplus  wealth  which  does  un- 
doubtedly exist  in  the  hands  of  a  very  limited  class. 

It  is  the  more  difficult  to  place  French  public  finance  on  a 
satisfactory  footing  because  of  the  experiences  through  which 
the  very  powerful  class  of  small  property  owners  has  passed 
since  1914.  In  the  years  immediately  following  the  war  the 
French  franc  underwent  a  process  of  rapid  depreciation, 
never  of  course  pushed  to  anything  like  the  same  extremes 
as  the  depreciation  of  the  German  mark  even  before  the 
Ruhr  occupation,  but  sufficient  to  reduce  the  gold  value  of 
French  money  to  less  than  one-fifth  of  what  it  had  been 
before  the  war,  and  its  purchasing  power  to  an  even  greater 
extent.  French  wholesale  prices  stood  in  1926  at  more  than 
seven  times  the  pre-war  level,  and  even  the  cost  of  living 
had  risen  to  more  than  five  times  what  it  was  in  1914.  When 
stabilisation  of  the  franc  was  at  last  achieved  by  the  Poin- 
care  Government  in  1926-27,  the  new  gold  value  given  to  it 
was  only  one-fifth  of  the  pre-war  parity,  so  that  in  terms  of 
gold  pre-war  holders  of  monetary  claims  found  the  value  of 
their  property  scaled  down  by  four-fifths.  Even  at  the  end  of 
1932  French  wholesale  prices  were  still  more  than  four  times 
as  high  as  before  the  war,  and  French  retail  prices  more  than 
five  times  as  high,  the  higher  level  of  retail  prices  being 
largely  accounted  for  by  the  protection  accorded  to  French 

This  confiscation  of  a  large  part  of  the  pre-war  savings 
of  the  French  public,  including  the  large  body  of  small 
rentiers,  has  engendered  an  exceedingly  strong  suspicion  in 

FRANCE  311 

France  of  any  policy  likely  to  lead  to  further  depreciation 
of  the  value  of  money.  The  French  public  has  been  prepared 
to  endorse  measures  of  protection  designed  in  the  interests  of 
French  industry  and  agriculture,  even  where  these  have  re- 
sulted in  some  rise  in  internal  prices  ;  but  there  has  been 
acute  suspicion  of  any  attempt  to  bring  about  a  concerted 
rise  in  the  general  level  of  prices  throughout  the  world,  on 
the  ground  that  this  might  result  in  a  further  depreciation 
in  the  value  of  French  savings.  This  has  caused  the  Bank 
of  France  and  successive  French  Governments  to  adopt  for 
the  most  part  a  policy  of  opposition  to  projects  for  relieving 
the  world  from  its  present  difficulties  by  any  measures  par- 
taking of  the  nature  of  inflation,  though  they  have  been  pre- 
pared to  collaborate  in  measures,  such  as  those  projected 
at  the  Stresa  Conference,  for  raising  the  prices  of  particular 
products  in  the  interests  of  the  distressed  agricultural 
countries.  For  the  adoption  of  the  Stresa  recommendations 
for  raising  the  price  of  wheat  would  only  bring  the  world 
price  nearer  to  the  price  already  ruling  inside  France,  and 
would  thus  not  add  to  the  cost  of  living  of  the  French 
people.  This  whole  question  of  the  raising  of  prices  is  dis- 
cussed in  a  later  section,  and  need  not  be  further  developed 

One  marked  effect  of  the  experience  of  inflation  during 
the  years  between  1918  and  1926  has  been  to  make  the 
French  set  a  very  high  value  on  the  stability  of  their  cur- 
rency.- Above  all  other  countries  they  are  the  devotees  of 
the  gold  standard.  This  accounts  for  the  avidity  with  which 
they  have  accumulated  in  recent  years  an  enormous  reserve 
of  gold,  even  though  the  maintenance  of  this  large  reserve 
as  a  non-earning  asset  involves  them  in  considerable  losses 
in  interest  upon  their  capital.  In  economics  as  well  as  in 
politics  French  fears  customarily  outweigh  French  hopes, 
and  France's  currency  policy  is  marked  by  an  extreme 
caution  which  stands  in  the  way  not  only  of  her  co-opera- 
tion in  any  scheme  of  world  reflation,  but  also  of  a  resump- 
tion of  foreign  lending  as  an  outlet  for  the  surplus  supply  of 
capital.  For  the  French,  having  been  bitten  once  in  Russia, 


are  not  at  all  inclined  to  risk  their  money  in  doubtful  ven- 
tures abroad  in  an  unstable  capitalist  world.  They  prefer 
to  keep  it  at  home,  even  if  for  the  time  being  it  earns  them 
next  to  nothing. 

French  fears,  we  have  said,  tend  to  outweigh  French 
hopes.  To  what  an  extent  this  sense  of  fear  has  dominated 
French  foreign  policy  since  the  war  is  analysed  in  the  sec- 
tion of  this  book  dealing  with  the  political  problems  of 
Europe.  That  French  fears  seem  to  be  largely  justified  by 
the  existing  European  situation  is  sufficiently  obvious.  The 
only  question  is  whether  the  policies  which  have  emerged 
from  the  sense  of  fear  have  been  such  as  to  remove  the 
causes  of  fear,  and  not  to  make  them  more  real  and  urgent. 
If  France,  despite  her  fears  of  a  German  militarist  revival, 
had  in  the  years  immediately  after  the  war  collaborated  in 
the  restoration  of  Germany,  and  endeavoured  to  set  the 
staggering  German  Republic  firmly  on  its  feet,  the  imme- 
diate outlook  for  Europe  might  have  been  far  more  hopeful 
to-day  than  even  the  most  inveterate  optimist  can  pretend 
that  it  is.  But  it  is  easy  to  understand  the  French  attitude 
and  to  see  that  many  Frenchmen  to-day  are  likely  to  regard 
themselves  as  abundantly  justified  by  the  event.  This  vie\\ 
may  be,  and  we  think  is,  fundamentally  wrong  ;  but  that 
does  not  prevent  it  from  being  in  the  circumstances  a 
natural  attitude. 

For  the  French,  though  they  succeeded,  with  British  help, 
in  keeping  the  Germans  out  of  Paris  in  1914,  have  not  for- 
gotten to  what  an  extent  German  forethought  in  the  strategy 
of  war  had  exceeded  their  own.  They  had  planned  all  their 
military  operations  in  terms  of  a  short  offensive  and  vic- 
torious war  ;  they  were  ill-equipped  with  munitions,  and 
had  made  no  preparations  for  the  carrying  on  of  a  prolonged 
war  of  attrition.  No  wonder  they  lost  confidence  in  them- 
selves, and  no  wonder  their  fears  of  Germany  are  deeply 
rooted  after  the  experience  of  four  years'  occupation  of  a 
large  part  of  their  territory.  It  is  true  that  more  than  once 
since  the  war  the  French  have  made  a  real  attempt  at  col- 
laboration in  the  rebuilding  of  Europe.  After  the  disastrous 

FRANCE  313 

Ruhr  struggle  of  1923-24 — disastrous  for  France  as  well  as 
for  Germany — the  advent  to  power  of  the  Herriot  Govern- 
ment in  July  1924  did  inaugurate  a  period  of  greatly  im- 
proved relations  between  France  and  Germany  ;  and  even 
Herriot's  fall  in  April  1925  did  not  involve  any  substantial 
departure  from  the  foreign  policy  which  he  had  instituted. 
Briand  carried  on  this  policy  under  the  subsequent  Govern- 
ments. When  Poincare  came  back  to  power  in  1926  he  was 
a  different  Poincare  from  the  Prime  Minister  who  had  been 
responsible  for  the  Ruhr  occupation  ;  for  his  return  to  form 
a  new  Government  of  National  Union  reminiscent  of  the 
Bloc  National  of  the  post-war  years  was  due  to  the  demand 
for  a  strong  hand  in  restoring  the  financial  situation  rather 
than  to  any  shift  in  foreign  policy.  Poincare's  Government 
of  1926  included  Herriot  and  other  Radicals,  until  their 
support  was  withdrawn  under  the  definite  orders  of  the 
Radical-Socialist  Conference  of  1928  ;  and  this  Poincare 
Government  of  National  Union  was  able  not  only  to  sta- 
bilise the  franc  but  also  to  carry  through  the  long-postponed 
process  of  ratifying  the  American  debt  agreement.  Only 
after  the  withdrawal  of  the  Radicals  did  the  Governments 
of  Poincare's  successors  in  1929  and  the  following  years 
show  signs  of  reverting,  especially  after  Briand's  retire- 
ment and  death,  to  the  strongly  anti-German  policy  of  the 
years  before  1924.  The  Tardieu  and  Laval  Governments  of 
1929-32  were  definitely  reactionary ;  and  when  these 
gave -place  in  1932  to  a  new  succession  of  Radical  Govern- 
ments dependent  upon  Socialist  support,  the  return  to  a 
more  accommodating  attitude  in  European  politics  came 
too  late.  The  Nazi  movement  in  Germany  had  already 
passed  beyond  control,  and  the  hopes  based  on  the  simul- 
taneous existence  of  pacific  Governments  in  London  and 
Paris  could  no  longer  be  fulfilled  ;  for  the  second  British 
Labour  Government  of  1929  had  already  fallen  a  victim  to 
the  financial  crisis  of  September  1931.  In  Great  Britain  in 
1931,  as  in  France  six  years  earlier,  finance  had  been  the 
undoing  of  a  Government  of  the  left.  It  remains  to  be  seen 
whether  the  combination  of  revived  militarism  in  Germany 


and  growing  financial  difficulties  in  France  will  be  too  much 
for  the  Radical  Government  of  M.  Daladier  in  1933. 

Yet,  though  France  may  be  in  danger  of  a  militarist  re- 
action, there  seems  to  be  little  present  chance  of  her  nation- 
alism taking  the  aggressive  form  associated  with  it  in  Ger- 
many, or  even  Italy.  The  French,  having  recovered  Alsace- 
Lorraine,  have  no  further  ambitions  of  conquest :  their 
militarism,  as  far  as  it  exists,  is  defensive  and  the  product 
of  fear  and  not  of  the  glorification  of  war.  Above  all,  the 
French  want  to  be  let  alone.  Regarding  themselves,  not  un- 
justifiably, as  the  most  highly  civilised  people  in  Europe, 
they  want  tranquillity  to  till  their  soil  and  develop  their 
social  life  in  their  own  way.  In  economic  matters  they  are 
apt  to  be  strong  individualists,  as  is  natural  among  a  people 
of  peasant  proprietors  and  small-scale  industrial  producers, 
with  a  large  middle  class  interested  in  the  maintenance  of 
the  status  quo.  But  their  individualism  is  tempered  in  social 
matters  by  the  high  sense  of  family  solidarity  ;  and  the  im- 
portance of  the  family  as  a  unit  of  French  life  and  thought 
cannot  easily  be  exaggerated.  Women  in  France  have 
shown  so  far  little  inclination  to  agitate  for  political  rights  ; 
and  this  may  be,  at  least  in  part,  because  their  social  rights 
are  already  so  important  and  far-reaching.  French  culture 
is  extraordinarily  strong  and  persistent  in  its  distinctive 
qualities  ;  and  the  strongly  established  traditions  of  French 
family  life  and  of  the  French  agrarian  and  industrial  sys- 
tems stand  formidably  in  the  way,  not  only  of  the  victory  of 
Socialism,  but  also  of  the  rise  in  France  of  any  powerful 
Fascist  or  anti-parliamentary  movement.  France  is  a  Pro- 
tectionist country  ;  but  she  uses  her  tariffs  to  forward  a 
domestic  policy  of  social  and  economic  laissez-faire  in 
marked  contrast  to  the  authoritarian  government  of  the 
ancien  regime  of  Louis  XIV. 



SPAIN,  with  an  area  of  over  190,000  square  miles,  is  the 
third  largest  of  all  the  States  of  Europe,  being  not  very  much 
smaller  than  France  and  substantially  larger  than  post-war 
Germany.  But  in  population  she  is  still  much  behind  the 
other  great  States  of  Western  Europe.  For  she  has  only  be- 
tween 23  and  24  million  inhabitants  as  against  over  40 
millions  in  France  and  67  millions  in  Germany.  This  thin- 
ness of  population  is  accounted  for  partly  by  the  undevel- 
oped character  not  only  of  Spanish  industry,  but  also  of  the 
methods  of  agricultural  production.  But  these  are  closely 
connected  with  the  nature  of  the  country  itself.  For  Spain 
consists  largely  of  high  upland  areas  suffering  for  the  most 
part  from  a  serious  deficiency  of  rainfall  ;  and  the  most 
densely  populated  districts,  which  lie  round  the  coast  and 
along  the  course  of  the  principal«rivers,  are  shut  off  one  from 
another  by  mountain  ranges  which  make  communications 
difficult  and  tend  to  isolate  one  region  from  another  in 
sentiment  as  well  as  in  economic  development.  Railway 
communications  are  bad  over  the  greater  part  of  the  country, 
and  there  are  large  tracts  of  land  which  cannot  be  cultivated 
effectively  until  big  sums  of  money  have  been  spent  on  ir- 
rigation and  other  methods  of  improvement.  If  this  were 
done,  the  country  could  support  a  far  larger  population 
than  it  has  to-day. 

But  hitherto  both  the  forms  of  government  and  the 
systems  of  land  tenure  have  been  exceedingly  unfavourable 
to  economic  improvement.  Huge  tracts  of  land  were,  until 
the  Revolution  of  1 93 1 ,  and  for  the  most  part  are  still,  in  the 
possession  of  great  landowners,  who  feel  small  incentive 
to  provide  for  any  improvement  in  their  cultivation.  The 
masses  of  the  peasantry  are  ignorant,  living  at  a  very  low 
standard  of  life,  and  entirely  shut  off  from  the  means  of 
learning  how  to  improve  their  agricultural  methods  ;  and 
successive  Governments,  though  they  have  made  from  time 
to  time  sporadic  attempts  at  educational  reform  and  at 
capital  expenditure  on  improving  the  use  of  the  land,  have 


until  the  coming  of  the  Revolution  of  1931  achieved  prac- 
tically nothing  either  to  educate  the  peasant  population,  or 
to  help  it  improve  its  standard  of  life.  Since  1931  the  revolu- 
tionary Governments,  based  on  coalition  between  the 
Socialists  and  the  bourgeois  Republican  parties,  have  begun 
seriously  to  introduce  a  general  system  of  education  and  to 
set  on  foot  schemes  of  agricultural  improvement.  But  there 
has  been  no  time  as  yet  for  these  reforms  to  become  effec- 
tive ;  for,  although  many  new  schools  have  been  opened 
since  1931,  and  the  process  of  redistributing  and  improving 
the  land  has  in  certain  areas  been  set  seriously  on  foot,  it 
will  take  time  for  any  tangible  improvements  to  result  from 
measures  of  this  sort.  The  Agrarian  Law  which  forms  the 
basis  of  the  Republic's  attempt  to  tackle  the  land  prob- 
lem was  only  passed  in  September  1932  ;  and  the  pro- 
cess of  actual  redistribution  of  the  land  is  barely  more  than 
begun  to-day,  and  has  not  been  applied  at  all  in  many 

In  the  meantime  the  peasants  in  Spain  as  elsewhere  have 
suffered  seriously  from  the  effects  of  the  world  depression  ; 
for  Spanish  exports,  which  consist  mainly  of  agricultural 
products,  have  fallen  heavily  in  price,  and  the  instability  of 
the  Spanish  currency  has  added  to  the  difficulties  of  the 
agricultural  population  in  purchasing  imported  industrial 
goods.  Under  any  circumstances  Spain  would  be  to-day 
an  exceedingly  poor  country  ;  but  her  poverty  is  the 
greater  and  the  difficulties  of  the  new  Republic  are  gravely 
aggravated  by  the  co-existence  of  the  world  crisis  with  the 
attempt  to  set  the  new  Republic  firmly  on  its  feet. 

Spain,  we  have  said,  consists  largely  of  upland  country, 
suffering  from  a  severe  deficiency  of  rainfall.  Most  of  the 
country  consists  of  high  plateaux,  rising  at  certain  points 
to  considerable  mountain  ranges.  Madrid  stands  in  the 
centre  of  a  great  plateau,  shut  off  from  the  north  by  the 
Sierra  da  Guadarrama.  The  greater  part  of  the  low-lying  and 
more  fertile  area  of  the  peninsula  lies  in  the  south  of  Por- 
tugal ;  Spain  herself  has  fertile  and  low-lying  land  only  in 
the  valley  of  the  Guadalquivir  from  Linares  to  Seville  and 


Sanlucar  in  the  south  and  along  the  valley  of  the  Ebro  in 
the  north-east,  apart  from  the  coastline  from  Catalonia  in 
the  north  to  Murcia  in  the  south,  and  a  very  narrow  strip 
along  the  north  coast  and  in  Galicia  in  the  extreme  north- 
west. Moreover,  even  a  large  tract  of  the  more  low-lying 
part  of  the  country  is  seriously  lacking  in  rainfall.  The 
peninsula  as  a  whole  is  divided  between  a  humid  area  con- 
sisting of  Portugal,  Galicia  and  a  strip  along  the  north,  and 
a  much  larger  arid  part,  covering  all  central  and  practically 
all  southern  Spain.  In  these  circumstances  the  chief  areas 
of  population,  apart  from  Madrid,  are  in  the  south  and 
along  the  east  coast,  and  there  are  few  towns  of  any  con- 
siderable size  in  the  central  area,  except  Saragossa  on  the 
Ebro,  and  Bilbao  on  the  north  coast. 

Spain  is  thus  a  predominantly  agricultural  country,  cul- 
tivated for  the  most  part  at  a  very  low  standard  of  efficiency 
and  without  any  attempt,  except  in  the  fertile  areas  in  the 
south  and  east,  to  apply  scientific  methods  of  agricultural 
production.  Cereals  are  nevertheless  produced  on  a  con- 
siderable scale,  especially  wheat  and  barley.  But  Spain 
has  no  surplus  of  these  commodities  for  export,  and  she 
needs  to  import  a  large  quantity  of  maize.  Her  agricul- 
tural exports,  on  which  she  chiefly  depends  for  purchasing 
the  industrial  imports  which  she  needs  in  considerable 
quantities,  are  wine,  olive  oil  and  fruit  ;  but  she  also  ex- 
ports a  considerable  quantity  of  raw  materials,  especially 
lead  and  copper,  and  certain  high-grade  iron  ores.  She 
produces  superphosphates,  and  could  develop  out  of  her 
own  resources  the  means  of  greatly  improving  her  agricul- 
tural standards  by  the  application  of  chemical  manures. 
She  has  some  iron  and  steel  production  of  her  own,  and  a 
large  production  of  cement ;  while  among  other  manu- 
factured exports,  cotton  goods  occupy  the  most  important 
place.  But  she  needs  to  import  most  of  her  coal,  and  by  far 
the  greater  part  of  her  machinery,  motor-cars,  electrical 
goods  and  other  products  of  the  metal-working  industries. 
She  is  also  a  producer  of  raw  silk  ;  but  the  silk  manufac- 
turing industry  is  at  present  undeveloped.  On  the  whole 


Spain  has  had  in  recent  years  a  small  adverse  balance  of 
trade ;  but  this  has  never  reached  really  large  dimensions, 
and  the  import  of  capital  in  recent  years  has  not  been  on  a 
large  scale.  A  substantial  part  of  her  diversified  mineral 
resources  are,  however,  exploited  at  present  by  foreign 
companies,  and  this  foreign  ownership  of  the  Spanish  mines 
stands  in  the  way  of  the  development  of  native  industries, 
which  are  further  hampered  by  the  absence  of  any  adequate 
supply  of  coal. 

For  some  time  to  come  Spain  is  certain  to  remain  mainly 
agricultural  ;  and  the  great  task  ahead  of  her  Republican 
Government  is  undoubtedly  the  improvement  of  the 
methods  of  agricultural  production,  especially  in  the  great 
central  areas  which  have  hitherto  been  left  undeveloped 
in  the  hands  of  the  large  landowners.  In  the  more  fertile 
parts  of  the  country  landed  property  is  more  divided,  and 
the  standards  of  cultivation  are  considerably  higher,  especi- 
ally in  the  southern  areas,  where  oranges  and  lemons  are 
produced  in  large  quantities,  and  vineyards  and  olive 
groves  are  intensively  developed. 

The  Spanish  land  system,  as  we  have  seen,  has  greatly 
aggravated  the  natural  disadvantages  under  which  the 
Spanish  peasant  is  compelled  to  work.  When  the  report  of 
1928  on  the  condition  of  Spanish  agriculture  was  drawn  up, 
over  90  per  cent  of  the  land  holdings  were  found  to  con- 
sist of  less  than  10  hectares,  whereas  one  grandee  alone 
had  an  estate  of  95,000  hectares ;  no  less  than  120,000  kilo- 
metres of  land  belonged  to  a  group  of  100,000  owners, 
while  nearly  i\  million  middle-sized  owners  held  between 
them  60,000  kilometres.  The  great  landlords  who  held  the 
vast  estates  for  the  most  part  paid  very  little  attention  to 
their  cultivation.  The  peasants,  however,  depended  for 
their  living  on  the  great  landowners,  and  before  the  Revo- 
lution some  of  them  were  giving  their  labour  in  return  for 
nothing  more  than  their  food,  while  many  were  working 
at  a  wage  not  exceeding  three  pesetas  a  day.  The  large 
landowners  had  put  up,  and  to  a  great  extent  are  still 
putting  up,  a  powerful  resistance  to  any  measures  of 


agrarian  reform  ;  and  it  was  plain  that  only  a  courageous 
handling  of  the  land  question  could  give  the  new  Republic 
any  chance  of  settling  down  upon  a  firm  basis.  But  for  some 
time  after  the  Revolution  it  remained  highly  uncertain 
whether  the  Government  would  be  prepared  to  face  the 
very  strong  opposition  which  any  large-scale  agrarian 
reforms  were  bound  to  provoke,  and  it  was  not  until  the 
Government  of  Senor  Zamora  had  been  replaced  by  that 
of  Senor  Azafia,  in  which  the  Socialists  exercised  a  larger 
influence,  that  any  real  beginning  could  be  made.  The  fact 
that  during  the  past  year  the  Government  has  endeavoured 
at  length  seriously  to  tackle  the  land  question  is  undoubtedly 
one  of  the  principal  reasons  for  the  intensive  efforts  which 
were  being  made  by  the  opposition  during  the  early  months 
of  1933  to  throw  out  the  Socialists  and  secure  instead  a 
Government  of  Republican  concentration  likely  to  be  more 
favourable  to  the  claims  of  property. 

These  difficulties,  as  indeed  many  other  of  the  difficulties 
of  Republican  Spain,  have  a  source  far  back  in  history.  The 
natural  configuration  of  Spain,  the  river- valleys  divided  by 
mountain  ranges,  and  the  high  and  separate  plateaux, 
have  always  made  for  separation  rather  than  unity  ;  the 
caliphate  set  up  by  the  Moslem  invasions  very  soon  fell  to 
pieces,  and  when  the  Moslems  began  to  be  pressed  back  the 
Christian  kingdoms  which  rose  to  replace  them  were  small 
and  separate.  Only  at  the  end  of  the  fifteenth  century  did 
the  union  of  Castile  and  Aragon  under  Ferdinand  and 
Isabella  succeed  in  creating  a  kingdom  strong  enough  to 
bring  the  whole  of  Spain  under  one  rule  ;  and  this,  as  is 
well  known,  was  the  prelude  to  the  most  brilliant  period 
of  Spanish  history.  Poverty,  however,  in  spite  of  the  Dis- 
coveries and  the  treasures  of  the  Spanish  Main,  was  close 
at  hand  ;  the  grandee,  drawing  a  monetary  tribute  but 
caring  nothing  for  improving  the  yield  of  his  own  estates 
or  the  lot  of  the  peasants,  dates  back  to  the  sixteenth 
century  ;  and  the  development  of  manufactures,  which 
might  have  brought  prosperity,  was  prevented  by  the  refusal 
of  the  grandee  to  soil  his  hands  as  well  as  by  the  religious 


fanaticism  which  drove  into  exile  the  industrious  Jews  and 
Moriscos.  Spain,  in  the  seventeenth  century,  was  one  of  the 
poorest  and  worst-governed  countries  in  Europe.  Famine 
was  frequent,  and  the  casual  traveller  could  hardly  get  bed 
or  food.  Eighteenth-century  attempts  at  reform  did  little 
to  mend  matters,  and  though  the  revolts  of  1833,  which 
the  Concert  of  Europe  was  unable  to  suppress,  inaugurated 
a  rather  more  liberal  regime,  the  heavy  hand  of  the  Spanish 
Church  and  the  constant  dynastic  quarrels  kept  the  country 
at  a  very  low  political  level. 

Before  the  Revolution  of  1931  Spain  had  existed  for  eight 
years  under  a  system  of  military  dictatorship,  following 
upon  the  Royalist  coup  of  General  Primo  de  Rivera  in 
1923.  But  even  before  this  Spain,  although  she  possessed  in 
form  a  constitutional  Government,  was  in  fact  ruled  for  the 
most  part  autocratically — where  she  was  ruled  at  all. 
Alfonso  XIII  from  the  moment  when  he  reached  his 
majority  and  took  control  of  affairs  into  his  own  hands 
made  plain  his  dislike  of  constitutionalism  and  his  deter- 
mination to  base  the  government  of  the  country  chiefly 
upon  the  Church  and  the  Army.  Politicians  came  and 
went,  and  Conservative  alternated  with  so-called  Liberal 
Governments  ;  for  Spain,  like  other  countries,  possessed  her 
party  system,  and  her  politicians  bore  the  appropriate  party 
labels.  But  in  practice  the  parties  were  weak,  ill-organised, 
and  divided  into  small  fractions  under  the  influence  of  rival 
leaders,  and  their  control  over  affairs  was  very  narrowly 
limited,  not  only  by  the  royal  power  but  also  by  fear  of  the 
overriding  authority  of  the  Army  and  the  Church.  Soci- 
alism and  Syndicalism  acquired  a  considerable  hold  on  the 
urban  workers  in  the  latter  part  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
especially  in  Catalonia  ;  and  after  1900  they  began  to 
spread  in  some  of  the  rural  areas  as  well,  especially  in  the 
relatively  fertile  south.  Spanish  Socialism  has  shown  from 
the  outset  strong  tendencies  towards  Anarchism  ;  and 
Syndicalism  and  Trade  Unionism  have  been  until  lately 
more  Anarchist  than  Socialist  in  their  attitude  and  policy. 
This  is  both  cause  and  consequence  of  the  pronounced 


localism  of  the  Spanish  working-class  movement,  which 
has  made  it  powerful  in  holding  up  industry  by  sudden 
strikes  in  particular  areas,  but  relatively  weak  as  a  con- 
structive force  operating  over  the  country  as  a  whole. 

The  political  history  of  Spain  during  the  nineteenth 
century  is  indeed  largely  the  history  of  successive  acts  of 
military  aggression.  When  the  Army  and  the  Church  have 
been  united  they  have  had  no  difficulty  in  getting  their 
own  way,  whatever  Constitution  might  be  temporarily  in 
force.  But  in  fact  they  have  not  been  consistently  united, 
and  the  Army  has  appeared  on  a  number  of  occasions  as  a 
force  apparently  on  the  side  of  democracy.  Again  and  again 
in  the  century  before  Primo  de  Rivera's  coup  some  Spanish 
general  had  issued  a  pronunciamento,  and  taken  power  into 
his  own  hands,  sometimes  for  the  purpose  of  overthrowing 
a  nominally  liberal  Constitution  already  in  force,  but  also 
on  occasion  for  the  purpose  of  establishing  a  more  liberal 
regime.  But  in  practice,  generals,  whatever  their  original 
political  allegiance,  commonly  used  their  power,  while  it 
lasted,  for  the  establishment  of  some  form  of  personal 
autocracy;  and  the  extreme  instability  of  Spanish 
political  institutions  is  explained  largely  by  the  rise  and 
fall  of  a  succession  of  ambitious  generals.  In  the  years 
before  Primo  de  Rivera's  coup,  there  had  been  for  some 
time  a  lull  in  the  succession  of  military  pronunciamentos  ;  but 
this  did  not  mean  that  the  Army  had  been  inactive  in 
political  affairs.  Spain  was  in  fact  maintaining  a  very  large 
Army,  and  the  officers  of  this  Army  had  organised  them- 
selves into  a  series  of  military  juntas  which  monopolised 
lucrative  positions,  dictated  conditions  of  pay  to  the  civil 
Government,  and  generally  ordered  the  Government  about 
with  a  supreme  disregard  for  the  Constitution  supposed  to 
be  in  force.  The  King  sided  with  the  Army,  and  used  it,  as 
well  as  the  Church,  as  an  instrument  for  destroying  the 
Constitution,  and  establishing  his  own  autocratic  authority  ; 
and  it  was  primarily  to  save  the  Crown  from  its  unpopu- 
larity in  the  country  and  to  make  the  royal  autocracy 
everywhere  effective  and  complete  that  Primo  de  Rivera, 



then  Captain-General  of  Barcelona,  made  the  military 
revolution  of  1923. 

From  1923  to  1929  Primo  de  Rivera  continued  to  govern 
the  country.  The  structure  of  his  Government  was  at  first 
purely  military  ;  but  in  face  of  its  growing  unpopularity  he 
recognised  before  long  the  need  for  giving  it  a  less  exclu- 
sively military  appearance,  and  in  1925  he  restored  a 
civilian  Cabinet,  which  consisted  of  his  own  nominees  and 
remained  entirely  under  his  own  control.  In  1927  some 
further  steps  were  taken  to  give  his  administration  a  more 
constitutional  appearance,  without  restoring  the  sus- 
pended constitutional  guarantees  or  summoning  any  sort 
of  Parliament  ;  and  towards  the  end  of  his  dictatorship 
Primo  de  Rivera  experimented  with  an  imitation  Parlia- 
ment not  elected  but  nominated  from  above,  and  thus 
totally  ineffective  as  an  expression  of  the  real  attitude  of  the 
country.  Primo  de  Rivera,  despite  his  autocratic  methods, 
seems  not  to  have  desired  to  establish  himself  as  a  per- 
manent dictator,  but  rather  to  re-introduce  some  less 
authoritative  form  of  government  as  soon  as  he  felt  that  the 
position  of  the  Crown,  Church  and  Army  had  been  ade- 
quately secured.  But  his  small  concessions  to  the  principles 
of  Parliamentarism  and  civilian  government,  coupled  with 
his  failure  to  tackle  effectively  any  of  the  economic  problems 
besetting  the  country  or  to  prevent  a  serious  depreciation 
of  the  Spanish  currency,  before  long  made  his  position  in- 
creasingly difficult.  Even  so,  he  was  too  liberal  for  the 
King  ;  and,  when  his  growing  unpopularity  became  mani- 
fest, the  King  in  1930  demanded  his  resignation,  and  re- 
placed him,  not  by  a  constitutional  Cabinet,  but  by  another 
military  leader,  General  Berenguer. 

Meanwhile,  the  growing  discontent  was  assuming  a  more 
and  more  revolutionary  form.  On  the  working-class  side 
there  were  many  strikes,  mostly  sporadic  and  short-lived, 
which  were  suppressed  with  growing  difficulty.  But  the 
potential  revolutionary  forces  were  still  sharply  divided 
among  themselves,  not  only  because  there  was  no  basis  of 
agreement  between  Syndicalists  and  Socialists,  Radicals  and 


Agrarians,  discontented  elements  among  the  Conservatives 
and  the  other  Parliamentary  fractions,  but  also  because, 
while  one  section  of  the  revolutionaries  wished  to  create 
a  united  Spanish  Republic  based  on  strong  centralised 
government,  another  section  desired  to  split  up  the  country 
into  a  number  of  independent  or  at  least  autonomous 
States,  joined  together  if  at  all  only  by  some  loose  bond  of 
federal  union. 

This  demand  for  dismemberment  came  chiefly  from  the 
advocates  of  Catalonian  independence,  for  the  Catalans, 
speaking  a  language  different  from  that  of  the  greater  part 
of  Spain,  and  possessing  to  some  extent  a  culture  and 
outlook  also  distinct,  have  for  a  long  time  possessed  a 
strong  nationalist  movement  of  their  own.  The  Catalan 
Nationalists,  who  had  their  main  strength  among  the 
middle  classes  and  the  peasants,  were  in  sharp  opposition  to 
the  working-class  leaders  of  Barcelona,  who  desired  the 
creation  of  a  unified  Spanish  Republic.  But  by  the  middle  of 

1930  the  unpopularity  of  the  dictatorship  under  General 
Berenguer  had  become  so  extreme  that  an  agreement  for 
joint  action  was  reached  between  the  Catalan  Nationalists 
and  the  other  Radical  and  revolutionary  groups,  including 
even  some  of  the  Conservatives.  In  face  of  this  alliance  it 
became  plain  that  the  dictatorship  could  not  last.  But  the 
revolt  which  broke  out  at  the  aerodrome  of  Cuatri  Ventos 
in  December  1930  was  successfully  repressed,  and  most  of 
the  Republican  leaders  were  placed  under  arrest.  The 
Government   meanwhile   promised   to   hold   elections   in 
March  1931,  with  a  view  to  placing  the  State  once  more 
upon  a  semi-constitutional  foundation.  But  the  Liberal, 
Socialist  and  Republican  parties,  knowing  that  under  the 
conditions  existing  in  Spain  the  elections  were  likely  to  be 
a  farce  and  to  result  in  the  return  of  most  of  the  Govern- 
ment's nominees  despite  its  unpopularity,  announced  that 
they  would  boycott  the  elections  even  if  they  were  held. 

Under  this  threat,  King  Alfonso  was  driven  in  February 

1931  to  restore  the  constitutional  guarantees,  and  the 
Liberals  were  by  this  means  persuaded  to  withdraw  their 


ban.  But  their  chief  leader,  Count  Romanones,  announced, 
with  the  support  of  the  Catalans,  that  he  would  ask  for  a 
Constituent  Assembly  with  power  to  draw  up  a  new  Consti- 
tution. Upon  this  announcement  the  Government  cancelled 
the  elections,  and  the  Cabinet,  unable  to  maintain  itself  any 
longer,  was  compelled  to  resign.  There  followed  on  the 
King's  part  a  struggle  to  form  a  new  Government  capable  of 
maintaining  the  dictatorship  ;  and  this  was  at  last  done 
under — for  a  change — not  a  general  but  an  admiral,  by 
name  Aznar.  But  this  Government  had  been  less  than  two 
months  in  office  when  at  the  municipal  elections  of  April 
1931  the  Republicans  won  practically  everywhere  in  the 
towns  an  overwhelming  victory,  the  immediate  conse- 
quence of  which  was  the  collapse  of  the  dictatorship,  and 
the  proclamation  on  April  I4th  of  a  Spanish  Republic. 
King  Alfonso  fled  from  the  country,  announcing  at  the 
same  time  that  he  refused  to  abdicate  or  to  give  up  his 
lights  ;  a  provisional  Government  was  formed  under  Don 
Alcala  Zamora  ;  and  a  Constituent  Cortes  was  promptly 
summoned  to  meet. 

The  Revolution  was  practically  bloodless,  for  everywhere 
before  it  came  the  props  of  the  dictatorship  had  fallen 
away.  The  Army  equally  with  the  rest  of  the  country  had 
withdrawn  its  countenance  from  the  successive  military 
dictators,  and  was  in  a  condition  of  pronounced  unrest. 
The  Church,  hitherto  regarded  as  all-powerful  in  the 
country  districts,  and  as  too  strong  for  its  leadership  to  be 
effectively  challenged  over  Spain  as  a  whole,  crumbled  at 
the  instant  of  the  proclamation  of  the  Republic.  The  head 
of  the  Spanish  Church  fled  to  Rome,  whence  he  was 
promptly  ordered  back  by  the  Pope  ;  and  the  immense 
load  of  unpopularity  which  Spanish  Catholicism,  with  the 
huge  drain  which  it  involved  upon  the  very  limited  national 
resources,  had  raised  up  against  itself  became  manifest  in 
the  pronouncedly  anti-clerical  character  which  the  revolu- 
tion took  from  the  very  start. 

The  new  Cortes  speedily  got  to  work  upon  the  drafting 
of  a  Constitution.  Within  the  Government,  based  on  a 


coalition  of  many  parties,  from  Socialists  to  dissident  Con- 
servatives, there  was  no  agreement  at  all  about  the  basis 
on  which  the  new  State  ought  to  rest.  In  these  circum- 
stances, instead  of  drawing  up  and  putting  forward  a  Con- 
stitution of  its  own,  the  Government  handed  over  the  task 
to  a  non-political  committee  of  experts,  which  prepared  a 
draft  scheme  generally  known  as  the  AnUproyecto.  When  this 
was  received,  it  was  handed  over  by  the  Government  to  the 
Cortes  without  any  recommendation  ;  and  the  Cortes 
thereupon  referred  it  to  a  committee  representative  of  all 
the  revolutionary  parties,  which  in  turn  drew  up  the 
Proyecto,  upon  which  the  Constitution  was  ultimately  based. 
The  Socialists  were  represented  upon  this  committee,  but 
were  in  a  decisive  minority,  so  that  the  structure  of  the  new 
Spanish  Republic  was  not  that  of  a  Socialist  State,  but 
rather  of  a  democratic  bourgeois  Republic  like  France. 
Features  were,  however,  borrowed  from  a  number  of  other 
Constitutions  ;  and  the  Spanish  Constitution  differs  from 
other  bourgeois  democratic  instruments  of  government  both 
in  the  far  greater  stress  that  it  lays  on  internationalism,  and 
in  the  more  definite  and  fully  worked  out  statement  of 
public  rights  and  duties  which  it  embodies.  In  framing  these 
clauses  the  Socialists  did  undoubtedly  exert  a  very  sub- 
stantial influence  ;  but  they  did  not  secure  any  form  of 
government  designed  to  make  Spain  definitely  a  Socialist 
country.  They  accepted,  in  fact,  the  common  Social  Demo- 
cratic view  that  Socialism  should  be  left  to  evolve  through 
the  working  of  the  bourgeois  parliamentary  system.  What 
they  did  secure  was  that  the  new  Constitution  should  be 
based  on  an  advanced  form  of  parliamentary  democracy. 
Thus  the  new  Spanish  Cortes  consists  of  only  one  Chamber 
and  is  elected  by  universal  suffrage,  including  both  men 
and  women.  Spain  is  thus  the  first  Latin  country  to  give 
women  the  vote. 

The  new  Constitution  was  approved  in  November  1931  ; 
but  before  this  difficulties  had  arisen  between  the  various 
elements  forming  the  revolutionary  Government.  The  un- 
popularity of  the  wealthy  Spanish  religious  orders  led  to  an 


insistence  by  the  Socialists,  with  the  support  of  the  more 
Radical  elements  in  the  other  parties,  on  the  expulsion  of 
the  Jesuits  and  the  nationalisation  of  their  property.  The 
approval  of  this  measure  by  the  Cortes  in  October  1931  led 
to  the  resignation  of  the  first  revolutionary  Government 
and  especially  of  its  leader,  Zamora,  and  of  the  chief  Con- 
servative supporter  of  the  Revolution,  Maura.  The  Govern- 
ment was  then  re-formed  under  Azana,  with  the  Socialists 
in  a  somewhat  stronger  position,  but  still  in  a  minority  ;  but 
the  continued  solidarity  of  the  revolutionary  forces  was 
affirmed  when  the  Cortes,  immediately  after  the  coming 
into  force  of  the  new  Constitution,  elected  Zamora  as 
President  of  the  Republic.  At  the  same  time  Azana 
re-formed  his  Government  as  the  first  Cabinet  working 
under  the  new  constitutional  system. 

Even  when  the  Constitution  had  been  adopted  much 
remained  to  be  done  in  providing  for  the  government  of 
the  country.  In  November  the  Cortes  had  adjudged  ex- 
King  Alfonso  guilty  of  high  treason  and  had  declared  him 
an  outlaw  and  confiscated  the  very  large  property  belong- 
ing to  the  Crown,  which,  together  with  the  property  taken 
from  the  Jesuits,  provided  at  least  the  nucleus  of  a  supply 
of  land  for  distribution  among  the  hard-pressed  peasants. 
But  before  the  Government  could  go  on  seriously  to  the 
task  of  agrarian  reform  it  had  to  dispose  of  the  question  of 
Catalonia  ;  for  the  Catalans  had  been,  from  the  very 
outbreak  of  the  Revolution,  pressing  strongly  for  the  recogni- 
tion of  their  complete  autonomy  within  the  new  Spanish 
State,  and  threatened  to  proclaim  their  independence 
unless  their  demands  were  met.  This  claim  in  its  extreme 
form  was  explicitly  rejected  by  the  Constitution,  which 
made  Spain  a  unitary  State,  and  conferred  wide  powers 
on  the  Central  Government  for  dealing  with  all  those 
matters  which  seemed  to  need  uniform  treatment  over  the 
whole  area.  Thus  not  only  foreign  relations,  including 
commercial  relations,  military  affairs  and  public  finance, 
but  also  general  legislation  on  questions  of  labour,  educa- 
tion and  social  welfare,  were  placed  under  the  authority  of 


the  Central  Government.  But  in  order  to  placate  the 
Gatalonian  opposition  it  was  also  laid  down  in  the  Consti- 
tution that  the  Cortes  should  proceed  at  once  after  its 
adoption  to  draw  up  a  series  of  statutes  granting  a  wide 
degree  of  autonomy  to  the  individual  provinces  of  the 
Spanish  Republic.  These  provinces  were  to  have  rights  of 
legislation  concurrently  with  the  Central  Government,  and 
were  to  be  empowered  both  to  adopt  additional  laws  to 
meet  their  own  needs  and  to  take  over  by  agreement  the 
administration  of  specified  services  from  the  central  body. 
It  was,  however,  provided  that  the  statutes  embodying 
provincial  autonomy  should  be  passed  by  the  Cortes  and 
revocable  by  it,  and  should  not  be  embodied  in  the  Con- 
stitution so  as  to  become  absolute  and  beyond  the  reach  of 
amendment.  The  Catalans,  while  the  extreme  National- 
ists among  them  would  have  liked  to  go  much  further  than 
this,  were  driven  to  accept  the  compromise  by  the  existence 
in  Catalonia  itself  of  a  strong  body  of  opinion,  especially 
among  the  workers,  hostile  to  any  policy  that  would  have 
resulted  in  a  weakening  of  the  unified  forces  of  the  Spanish 

Having  dealt  with  the  question  of  Catalonia,  the  Cortes 
and  the  Government  found  themselves  more  free  to  tackle 
the  vital  need  for  economic  reform.  The  Agrarian  Law  of 
September  1932  added  further  to  the  amount  of  land  readily 
available  for  distribution  among  the  peasants,  by  expro- 
priating without  compensation  the  vast  estates  belonging 
to  the  Spanish  grandees,  and  also  the  landed  property  of 
those  monarchists  who  had  been  implicated  in  General 
Sanjurgo's  unsuccessful  counter-revolutionary  outbreak  of 
August.  Apart  from  these  exceptional  cases,  power  was 
assumed  under  the  Agrarian  Law  to  take  over  with  com- 
pensation unused  or  ill-cultivated  lands,  lands  requiring 
special  measures  of  irrigation,  land  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  towns  wherever  it  was  not  being  cultivated  by  its 
owners,  and  all  estates  over  certain  sizes — which  were 
left  to  be  determined  province  by  province  at  any  figure 
between  a  hundred  and  six  hundred  hectares  in  accordance 


with  the  local  conditions  and  the  use  made  of  the  land. 
While  compensation  was  to  be  paid,  its  amount  was  to  be 
strictly  limited.  Under  the  old  regime  the  landowners  had 
made,  for  the  purposes  of  taxation,  returns  in  which  they 
declared  the  value  of  their  property  ;  these  were  now 
taken  as  the  maximum  values  in  fixing  compensation 
claims  :  a  highly  satisfactory  arrangement  from  the  stand- 
point of  the  State,  as  the  landowners  were  not  likely  to 
have  erred  in  over-estimating  the  real  value  of  their 

The  land  thus  taken  was  to  be  available  for  distribution 
among  the  needy  peasants  either  individually  or  organised 
in  syndicate  or  societies.  Peasant  co-operation  had,  in  the 
period  before  the  Revolution,  grown  up  to  a  certain  extent 
under  the  auspices  of  the  more  radical  section  of  the 
Catholics  as  well  as  of  the  Socialists  ;  and  the  aim  of  the 
Socialist  Minister  of  Agriculture  was  to  secure  that  as  far 
as  possible  the  redistributed  lands  should  pass  into  col- 
lective rather  than  into  individual  control,  as  he  hoped 
that  this  method  would  be  the  more  effective  both  in 
raising  the  standards  of  cultivation  and  in  improving  the 
political  education  of  the  peasantry.  It  is  too  soon  yet  to 
say  how  far  this  aspiration  will  be  fulfilled,  for  the  process  of 
redistribution  is  still  at  an  early  stage,  and  no  returns  are 
available  showing  on  what  basis  the  land  has  actually  been 
parcelled  out. 

At  the  same  time  a  second  Socialist  Minister,  de  los  Rios, 
was  actively  reforming  the  Spanish  educational  system, 
which  had  been  extremely  inefficient,  especially  at  its 
elementary  stage,  and  almost  entirely  under  the  domination 
of  the  Church.  Something  had  indeed  been  done  to  pro- 
mote higher  education  in  Spain  under  the  auspices  of  the 
Committee  for  the  Defence  of  Studies,  originally  estab- 
lished in  1907  ;  and  some  of  the  Spanish  universities  had  a 
high  reputation,  although  their  work  had  been  seriously 
interfered  with  under  the  dictatorship,  because  repeated 
revolutionary  movements  among  the  students  had  caused 
Primo  de  Rivera  to  spend  most  of  his  time  alternately 


closing  them  and  allowing  them  to  be  re-opened.  But  for 
elementary  education  practically  nothing  had  been  done  ; 
and  Spain  had  and  has  an  extremely  high  percentage  of 
illiteracy  for  a  European  country.  The  Socialists,  even  before 
the  war,  had  been  active  in  endeavouring  to  promote  edu- 
cational reform,  largely  under  the  inspiration  of  Ferrer,  the 
Anarchist  leader,  who  was  executed  in  the  course  of  the 
Barcelona  revolt  of  1909.  Many  of  the  Socialist,  Syndicalist 
and  Anarchist  bodies  conducted  active  educational  move- 
ments of  their  own  ;  but  these  were  of  course  quite  unable 
to  touch  the  great  mass  of  the  people,  and  were,  moreover, 
subjected  to  constant  persecution  at  the  instigation  of  the 
Church.  Since  1931  the  Government  has  been  spending 
large  sums  in  the  building  of  new  schools  in  an  endeavour 
to  combat  Church  influence  by  the  establishment  of  a  uni- 
versal system  of  secular  elementary  education.  But  this  too 
is  bound  to  take  time  on  account  both  of  the  poverty  of  the 
country  and  of  the  shortage  of  suitable  teachers,  which  has 
to  be  remedied  by  the  establishment  of  special  training 
colleges  and  other  institutions. 

In  these  two  fields  Socialist  influence  in  the  Spanish 
Government,  backed  to  a  large  extent  by  the  more  extreme 
groups  among  the  Radicals,  has  succeeded  in  making  a 
sound  beginning  ;  and  steps  have  also  been  taken  to  equip 
Spain  with  at  least  the  rudiments  of  a  code  of  labour 
legislation  and  factory  inspection.  But  all  these  measures 
have  aroused  an  increasing  amount  of  opposition  among  the 
bourgeois  elements  included  in  the  republican  majority  in 
the  Spanish  Cortes.  The  old  monarchist  parties  have  indeed 
disappeared  ;  but  the  place  of  these  parties,  which  were 
swept  completely  away  in  the  dibdde  of  1931,  has  been 
assumed  by  those  bourgeois  parties  which  represent  primarily 
the  Spanish  industrialists  and  the  more  conservative 
elements  in  the  middle  class.  These  have  found  in  Lerroux's 
Radical  Party  a  new  rallying-point ;  and  for  some  time  past 
the  followers  of  Lerroux,  with  the  backing  of  the  entire 
Right,  have  been  pressing  strongly  for  the  exclusion  of  the 
Socialists  from  the  Government,  and  the  formation  of  a 


purely  bourgeois  coalition.  The  elections  held  at  the  end  of 
April  1933  for  the  small  local  authorities  throughout  rural 
Spain  resulted  in  the  return  of  a  large  body  of  representa- 
tives belonging  to  the  opposition  parties,  though  both 
Socialists  and  Radicals  now  gained  a  foothold  for  the  first 
time  in  these  backward  areas  ;  and  although  these  author- 
ities do  not  represent  the  towns,  which  provided  the  main 
driving  force  for  the  Revolution,  the  elections  furnished  an 
immediate  excuse  for  demands  that  the  Government 
should  resign,  and  give  place  to  a  Cabinet  more  in  line  with 
the  alleged  distribution  of  opinion  in  the  country. 

The  Prime  Minister,  Azafta,  met  this  demand  with  an 
offer  to  compromise.  He  was  prepared,  he  said,  to  limit 
the  further  legislation  to  be  introduced  by  the  Government 
to  the  carrying  through  of  the  measures  already  approved  in 
principle  by  the  Cortes,  above  all  the  execution  of  the  land 
law,  and  of  the  measures  of  educational  reform  and  social 
legislation  already  accepted.  In  return  for  this  concession 
he  asked  the  Opposition  to  abandon  the  tactics  of  Parlia- 
mentary obstruction  which  they  had  been  pursuing  for  some 
time,  and  to  allow  the  Government  to  complete  its  immediate 
programme,  with  the  implied  promise  that  it  would  then 
be  prepared  to  hand  over  its  powers  to  a  new  combination 
based  on  the  real  distribution  of  political  opinion — what- 
ever that  might  prove  to  be.  This  offer  was,  however, 
promptly  rejected  by  the  Opposition,  which  decided  to 
continue  the  tactics  of  obstruction  in  the  hope  of  forcing  the 
Government's  hand.  In  the  summer  of  1933,  immediately 
after  the  passing  of  the  law  directed  against  the  Catholic 
Church,  Zamora,  a  devout  Catholic,  who  was  excom- 
municated for  signing  the  law,  dismissed  the  Azana  Govern- 
ment, and  endeavoured  to  replace  it  by  a  new  Ministry, 
including  the  bourgeois  Opposition.  But  this  attempt  failed  ; 
and  the  President  was  forced  to  recall  Azana,  who  formed  a 
new  Government  on  practically  the  same  lines  as  before. 
The  Socialists  thus  continue  for  the  present  in  the  Ministry, 
but  the  outlook,  as  we  write,  is  exceedingly  uncertain ;  for  it 
is  quite  impossible  to  say  how  long  the  present  coalition 


will  be  able  to  maintain  itself  in  power  in  face  of  the  grow- 
ing bourgeois  agitation  against  its  continuance. 

This  agitation  does  not  come  entirely  from  the  Right. 
For  there  is  among  the  Spanish  Socialists  themselves  a 
substantial  minority  which  holds  that  the  cause  of  Socialism 
is  being  prejudiced  by  the  policy  of  compromise  involved 
in  maintaining  the  coalition.  At  the  last  Socialist  Congress 
the  governmental  Socialists  had  no  difficulty  in  defeating 
this  opposition,  but  it  is  undoubtedly  gaining  strength  in 
the  party.  The  main  body  of  Socialists  recognised  the  need 
for  coalition  in  order  to  consolidate  the  Republic,  and 
to  secure  that  its  early  legislative  measures,  including  the 
adoption  of  the  Constitution  and  the  handling  of  the  two 
great  questions  of  the  Church  and  the  land,  should  be 
carried  through  on  the  most  advanced  lines  that  were 
possible.  But  many  of  them  hold  that,  now  the  Constitution 
is  in  force  and  the  main  lines  of  Church  and  land  reform 
have  been  laid  down,  it  is  more  desirable  for  the  Socialists 
to  pass  into  opposition  than  to  compromise  themselves  by 
continued  adherence  to  a  partly  bourgeois  Government. 

One  ground  on  which  this  is  strongly  argued  is  that 
continuance  in  the  coalition  is  seriously  prejudicing  the 
propaganda  of  the  Socialists  among  the  workers,  who  are 
being  induced  to  follow  the  lead  of  the  Anarchist-Syndical- 
ists rather  than  the  Socialist  Party.  The  Anarchist-Syndical- 
ists have  from  the  first  refused  to  recognise  the  new  central- 
ised Republic  as  satisfying  even  temporarily  the  demands 
of  the  Revolution.  They  are  opposed  to  centralised  Govern- 
ment altogether,  and  want  a  localised  system  of  control 
based  on  Workers'  and  Peasants'  Syndicates  and  Councils 
throughout  the  country.  They,  in  opposition  to  the  Socialist 
Trade  Unions,  have  been  mainly  responsible  for  the 
repeated  strikes  which  have  broken  out  during  the  past 
year  ;  and  the  Socialists,  being  the  Government  party,  and 
therefore  responsible  for  the  maintenance  of  order,  have 
necessarily  incurred  a  considerable  amount  of  unpopularity 
in  repressing  political  strike  movements.  The  Socialist  left 
wing  holds  that  if  this  state  of  affairs  continues  much  longer 


a  large  proportion  of  the  Spanish  workers  will  drift  away 
from  supporting  the  Socialist  Party  and  the  Socialist  Trade 
Unions  and  will  join  the  Anarchist-Syndicalist  forces,  with 
the  consequence  that  the  control  of  the  revolution  will  pass 
entirely  into  the  hands  of  those  bourgeois  parties  which 
desire  to  make  France  rather  than  any  Socialist  system  the 
model  for  the  new  Spanish  Republic. 

For  the  Anarchist-Syndicalists,  however  effective  they 
may  be  as  an  opposition,  seem  unlikely  to  be  able  to  take 
control  into  their  own  hands.  Their  repudiation  of  central- 
ised leadership  and  of  strong  government  makes  them 
largely  incapable  of  acting  together,  and  causes  them  to 
dissipate  their  strength  upon  a  series  of  local  movements 
with  little  coherence  and  little  chance  of  national  success. 
Moreover,  the  chief  strength  of  the  Anarchist-Syndicalists 
is  in  Barcelona  and  the  neighbouring  towns  and  in  some  of 
the  country  districts  ;  they  have  little  strength  in  the  other 
industrial  centres  of  Spain.  This  division  in  the  Spanish 
working-class  forces  has  already  made  the  consolidation  of 
the  Socialist  elements  in  the  revolution  far  harder  than  it 
would  otherwise  have  been,  and  the  argument  of  those  who 
wish  the  Socialists  to  secede  from  the  Government  is  that 
they  will  do  better  at  this  stage  by  becoming  an  organised 
opposition,  and  thus  trying  to  rally  the  main  part  of  the 
working-class  forces  behind  them,  than  by  aggravating 
the  divisions  inside  the  ranks  of  the  working-class  movement. 
The  division  between  the  Socialists  and  the  Anarchist- 
Syndicalists  is  reflected  in  the  distribution  of  Trade  Union 
forces  in  Spain.  The  Socialists  have  behind  them  the 
General  Union  of  Workers  led  by  Besteiro  and  Largo 
Caballero  ;  and  this  body  gained  ground  enormously  in  the 
early  months  after  the  success  of  the  revolution.  From  only 
about  a  quarter  of  a  million  members  in  1930  it  rose  to  well 
over  a  million  in  1932.  Meanwhile  the  rival  Anarchist- 
Syndicalist  body,  the  National  Confederation  of  Labour, 
lost  strength  very  greatly  in  consequence  of  its  opposition 
to  the  Socialists  in  the  early  stages  of  building  up  the  new 
Republic.  More  recently  this  tendency  is  said  to  have  been 


reversed,  and  the  National  Confederation  of  Labour 
has  been  profiting  by  the  criticisms  levelled  at  the  Socialists 
for  their  participation  in  the  Government.  But  over  Spain 
as  a  whole  the  Socialists  are  the  stronger  of  the  two  bodies. 
It  seems  likely  that,  as  soon  as  they  feel  assured  that  the 
^foundations  of  land  and  labour  reform  and  of  anti-clerical 
legislation  have  been  well  and  truly  laid,  in  opposition,  they 
will  be  only  too  glad  to  leave  the  Government  and  devote 
themselves  to  the  consolidation  of  the  working  class  as  a 
political  force.  They  are  certain,  however,  to  find  great 
difficulties  in  pursuing  this  policy  ;  for  Anarchist-Syndical- 
ism has  taken  deep  roots  in  the  Spanish  working-class 
movement  and  will  not  be  easily  defeated.  There  is  in 
Spain  a  strong  historical  tradition  of  hostility  to  centralised 
government,  and  a  strong  tendency  to  split  apart  and  take 
action  on  provincial  or  regional  lines  ;  for  centralised 
government  is  connected  in  people's  minds  with  the  cen- 
tralising tendency  of  the  old  absolutism,  and  with  the 
domination  of  Castile  over  the  other  provinces.  This 
Anarchist-Syndicalist  tendency  makes,  of  course,  against 
the  rise  in  Spain  of  any  strong  Communist  party  ;  for  the 
Communists  go  further  in  the  direction  of  centralised 
control  even  than  the  Socialists.  At  present  Anarchist- 
Syndicalism  appears  as  a  force  upon  the  extreme  left ;  but 
in  the  event  of  any  great  accession  of  strength  to  the  Social- 
ists or  of  the  possibility  of  their  gaining  full  control  over 
Spanish  political  affairs,  it  is  more  than  possible  that  some 
elements  of  Anarchist-Syndicalism  would  appear,  as  they 
seem  to  have  done  already  in  Portugal  in  the  spring  of 
i933>  as  an  influence  on  the  side  of  Fascism  against  both 
Communism  and  Social  Democracy.  There  is,  indeed,  no 
overt  sign  of  this  at  present  ;  but  it  must  not  be  forgotten 
that  Italian  Fascism  recruited  some  of  its  strength  from  the 
Anarchist-Syndicalist  forces  which  had  previously  regarded 
themselves  as  the  extreme  left  wing  of  the  Italian  working- 
class  movement,  while  extreme  Syndicalism  in  France 
under  the  leadership  of  Sorel  has  also  flirted  with  the 
opposite  extreme  of  monarchist  reaction,  which  has  in 


France  a  strongly  Fascist  tendency,  plainest  in  the  Camelots 
du  Roi.  In  these  circumstances  the  interest  of  the  Spanish 
working  class  seems  clearly  to  lie  in  consolidation  upon  the 
basis  of  the  Socialist  Party  and  the  General  Union  of 
Workers  ;  and  this  consideration  is  likely  in  the  long  run 
to  take  precedence  of  the  attempt  to  influence  the  course 
of  legislation  by  remaining  inside  a  coalition  Govern- 
ment with  the  left-wing  bourgeois  parties.  But  it  would  be 
unreasonable  to  cast  at  the  Spanish  Socialists,  because  of 
their  continued  participation  in  the  Government  up  to  the 
present  time,  charges  similar  to  those  which  have  been 
cast  at  other  Socialist  parties  for  their  willingness  to  enter 
into  coalition  with  bourgeois  groups.  For  the  Spaniards  had, 
on  the  morrow  of  the  Revolution,  to  deal  with  a  very  differ- 
ent situation,  in  face  of  the  clear  necessity  in  a  country  as 
yet  industrially  undeveloped  of  consolidating  the  gains  of 
the  Revolution  by  a  frontal  attack  upon  the  land  system 
and  upon  the  overweening  powers  of  the  Church. 

Portugal.  Portugal,  that  small  western  portion  of  the 
Iberian  peninsula,  looks  at  first  sight  as  though  it  should  be 
part  of  Spain,  and,  but  for  the  accidents  of  history,  it  would 
probably  have  been  so.  But  in  the  disintegration  of  the 
Moorish  kingdoms  already  referred  to,  Portugal  early 
achieved  independence,  and,  since  the  twelfth  century, 
with  the  exception  of  sixty  years'  subjugation  by  Spain,  she 
has  maintained,  albeit  precariously,  a  separate  existence. 

Portugal  combines  a  distinguished  past  history  with  a 
highly  undistinguished  present.  First  in  the  fifteenth-century 
field  of  exploration,  she  had  at  one  time  an  immense 
colonial  empire,  but  her  Eastern  possessions  have  been  lost 
to  the  Dutch  and  the  British  ;  her  New  World  influence 
practically  disappeared  with  the  nineteenth-century 
secession  of  Brazil ;  and  all  that  are  now  left  to  her  are 
the  African  territories  of  Angola  and  Mozambique,  which 
enjoy  the  distinction  of  being  the  worst  administered 
African  territories  except  Liberia.  In  Europe,  Portugal, 
since  the  Methuen  Treaty  of  1 703,  has  been  practically  a 


dependency  of  Great  Britain  ;  Wellington's  armies  in  the 
Peninsula  were  based  on  and  provisioned  from  Portugal, 
and  Portugal  obediently  joined  the  Allies  in  the  European 

The  occupations  of  the  six  and  a  half  million  Portuguese 
— for  these  purposes  Madeira  and  the  Azores  are  included 
with  the  mainland — are  mainly  agricultural.  Eighty-five 
per  cent  of  the  Portuguese  live  in  the  country,  and  the 
only  large  towns  are  Lisbon  with  half  a  million  and  Oporto 
with  a  quarter  of  a  million  inhabitants.  The  only  manu- 
facturing industry  of  any  size  is  the  textile  trade,  which 
employs  about  50,000  people;  37.4  per  cent  of  the  land 
is  used  for  pasture  and  cereal  production,  28  per  cent 
is  forest,  25  per  cent  waste,  5.2  per  cent  vineyard,  and 
6.2  per  cent  under  fruit  of  other  sorts.  Wheat,  maize  and 
potatoes  are  grown,  but  the  standard  of  cultivation  is  very 
low,  the  average  yield  for  wheat,  for  example,  being  less 
than  one-half  that  of  Italy,  and  lower  than  that  of  any 
country  in  Europe  (including  Russia)  except  Greece.  The 
chief  article  of  export  is,  of  course,  wine,  though  there  is 
also  some  export  of  fruit,  corks,  and  fish  (mainly  sardines) . 
As  there  is  so  little  manufacture  and  a  very  low  production 
of  minerals,  coal  and  manufactures  have  *to  be  imported 
in  large  quantities,  mainly  from  Great  Britain.  There  is 
also  a  considerable  import  of  cereals,  and  a  heavy  adverse 
trade  balance. 

The  -Portuguese  peasant  lives  at  a  very  low  standard. 
The  death-rate  is  high,  and  the  illiteracy  rate  one  of  the 
highest  in  Europe.  The  Constitution  (drawn  up  in  1911)  is 
republican  and  democratic,  with  universal  franchise  for 
males  over  21  ;  but  the  government  of  Portugal  is  as 
liable  to  upheavals  as  the  city  of  Lisbon  is  to  earthquakes. 
The  Portuguese  Chamber  is  in  a  chronic  condition  of 
suspension.  The  present  Government  was  formed  in  July 
1932  by  a  sort  of  national  party  known  as  the  Estudo  Novo, 
whose  programme  is  mainly  support  of  the  British  alliance 
and  the  initiation  of  a  policy  of  electrification.  So  far, 
however,  nothing  particular  has  been  heard  of  the  latter. 


There  are  frequent  strikes  in  Portugal,  and  a  small  Fascist 
movement,  which  the  Government  has,  at  the  time  of 
writing,  just  decided  to  suppress. 

§  14.  ITALY 

ITALY  was  the  latest  of  the  great  countries  of  pre-war 
Europe  to  achieve  national  unity  and  independence  ;  for 
although  the  Italian  national  State  was  set  up  ten  years 
before  the  formal  creation  of  the  German  Empire,  Germany 
had  gone  far  towards  unity  under  the  Zollverein  long 
before  the  Empire  was  formally  proclaimed.  Italian  national 
unity,  established  in  1860  on  the  basis  of  the  older  kingdom 
of  Sardinia,  was  not  completed  until  the  Franco- Prussian 
war  of  1870  gave  the  Italians  their  chance  of  occupying 
Rome  and  so  providing  their  national  State  with  its 
traditional  capital.  Emerging  thus  late  as  an  important 
Power,  Italy  was  throughout  the  latter  part  of  the  nine- 
teenth century  struggling  to  achieve  a  fuller  recognition 
from  the  other  great  nations  of  Western  Europe.  But  she  can 
hardly  be  said,  even  up  to  1914,  to  have  realised  anything 
like  complete  equality  of  status  with  the  three  great  western 
Powers,  Great  Britain,  Germany  and  France,  to  which  she 
was  inferior  in  population  as  well  as  in  economic  develop- 

The  war  to  a  great  extent  gave  Italy  her  opportunity  to 
achieve  the  desired  equality,  though  she  was  bitterly  dis- 
appointed with  the  territorial  gains  which  accrued  to  her 
from  the  Treaty  of  Versailles.  For  she  had  hoped,  as  a  result 
of  her  participation  on  the  side  of  the  Allies,  to  be  able  to 
build  up  a  great  colonial  empire  corresponding  to  those  of 
the  other  leading  Powers.  Actually,  she  was  unable  to 
establish  her  position  on  the  coast  of  Asia  Minor,  where  she 
holds  only  Rhodes  and  the  Dodecanese,  the  latter  to  the 
continued  acerbation  of  Greek  national  feeling.  Her  entire 
colonial  empire,  which  lies  mainly  in  Africa,  has  a  popu- 
lation of  only  two  millions,  and  offers  relatively 

ITALY  337 

poor  opportunities  for  economic  development.  Italy's 
Tripoli  adventure  has  been  up  to  the  present  time  an 
expensive  business,  from  which  she  has  reaped  little  by  way 
of  economic  reward.  But  her  colonial  empire,  relatively 
poor  though  it  is,  counts  for  much  in  her  eyes  as  a  symbol  of 
national  greatness  and  of  imperial  claims  corresponding  to 
those  of  Great  Britain  and  France. 

Italy  is,  however,  severely  handicapped  in  her  endeavour 
to  rank  as  a  great  Power  side  by  side  with  the  other  leading 
Powers  of  the  world  by  the  relative  poverty  of  her  indus- 
trial resources.  In  an  economic  sense  she  is  far  less  developed 
than  any  other  country  with  at  all  equivalent  pretensions. 
Much  of  her  soil  is  poor  ;  for  a  large  part  of  Italy  is  moun- 
tainous and  difficult  to  cultivate,  and  there  are  also  con- 
siderable marsh  areas  which  require  a  high  expenditure 
of  capital  before  they  can  be  brought  into  effective  use. 
Moreover,  in  an  industrial  sense  she  is  poor  in  the  raw 
materials  required  for  the  characteristic  industries  of 
modern  capitalism.  She  has  hardly  any  coal,  and  only  a 
small  supply  even  of  lignite.  Her  resources  in  most  of  the 
important  metals  are  scanty,  and  accordingly  she  has  to 
import  very  large  quantities  not  only  of  coal  but  also  of 
iron  for  the  use  of  her  industries.  Such  industrial  develop- 
ment as  she  has  achieved  has  therefore  been  mainly  in  the 
lighter  industries.  In  the  metal  trades  she  has  attained  to  a 
large  measure  of  success  as  a  producer  of  motor-cars,  which 
she  exports  on  a  considerable  scale.  But  she  has  to  import 
large  quantities  of  machinery  and  finished  metal  goods  as 
well  as  of  raw  materials,  and  it  is  mainly  upon  the  textile 
trades  that  her  position  as  an  industrial  exporter  depends. 
Among  these  the  cotton  trade  at  present  occupies  the  lead- 
ing position,  having  displaced  silk  in  recent  years  from  its 
previous  pre-eminence.  Italy  has  of  course  to  import  raw 
cotton  for  the  use  of  her  cotton  industry  ;  but  she  has  man- 
aged nevertheless  not  only  to  supply  her  home  require- 
ments but  also  to  win  an  important  place  in  the  world 
market  for  cotton  goods.  In  the  silk  trade  she  is  of  great 
importance  as  an  exporter,  both  of  silk  and  of  manufactured 


silk  goods  ;  and,  confronted  with  the  competition  of  arti- 
ficial silk  in  recent  years,  she  has  also  begun  to  build  up  an 
important  rayon  industry  of  her  own.  Her  woollen  trade, 
though  considerable,  is  based  on  small-scale  enterprise, 
and  partly  dependent  on  imported  raw  wool  ;  for  her  own 
wool  is  deficient  in  quality.  She  supplies,  however,  in  these 
days  almost  the  whole  of  her  home  market  for  woollen 
goods,  though  she  has  not  yet  built  up  any  very  substan- 
tial export  trade.  Among  agricultural  products  she  ex- 
ports on  a  considerable  scale  fruit  and  vegetables,  olive 
oil  and  cheese.  But,  although  she  has  made  great  efforts 
in  recent  years  to  increase  her  own  cereal  production, 
she  is  still  under  the  necessity  of  importing  wheat  and 
other  cereals  in  order  to  meet  the  home  demand.  Maize, 
as  well  as  wheat,  has  to  be  imported  to  a  considerable 

The  efforts  to  increase  the  area  under  cereals  have  met 
with  a  substantial  amount  of  success,  partly  at  the  expense 
of  other  crops,  but  also  in  some  degree  by  bringing  unculti- 
vated land  into  use  ;  and  further  progress  is  looked  for  from 
the  substantial  drainage  schemes  now  in  progress  in  the 
marshy  areas  with  the  object  of  bringing  additional  land 
under  cultivation.  Moreover  the  Italians  have  been  trying 
hard  to  improve  the  quality  of  farming  as  well  as  the  crop 
area.  The  Fascist  Government  has  been  active  in  the  field 
of  agricultural  education,  and  a  National  Grain  Commis- 
sion has  been  specially  entrusted  with  the  supply  of  seeds 
to  the  farmers  and  also  with  improving  the  supply  of  fer- 
tilisers, of  which  the  home  production  has  advanced  very 
greatly  during  the  past  few  years.  Italy  produces  substan- 
tially more  foodstuffs  now  than  she  did  a  few  years  ago  ; 
but  her  production  is  still  not  very  much  above  the  pre-war 
standard,  for  there  had  been  a  substantial  falling  off  in  the 
years  immediately  after  the  war. 

This  intensive  drive  to  increase  agricultural  production 
is  explained  largely  by  the  needs  of  a  rapidly  expanding 
population.  In  recent  years  the  population  of  Italy  has  been 
increasing  extraordinarily  fast,  and  the  surplus  of  births 




over  deaths  has  been  at  the  rate 
year.  This  fecundity  meets  with 
Fascist  State  ;  for  Italy  is  striving  j 
in  industrial  resources  by  inc 
is  basing  her  claim  to  count  as 
upon  the  virility  of  her  people 
strength.  Italians  are  proud  of  the 
with  nearly  43  million  people,  is  now 
which  had  before  the  war  considerably 

But  the  rapid  increase  of  the  Italian  people  in  recent 
years  is  not  due  solely  to  growing  fecundity.  Before  the  war 
there  was  a  very  large  amount  of  emigration  from  Italy, 
not  only  to  the  United  States,  but  also  to  the  Argentine 
and  other  parts  of  South  America,  and  to  France.  Between 
1901  and  1914  over  8£  million  Italians  emigrated,  and  of 
these  nearly  5  millions  went  to  America,  and  over  3^  mil- 
lions to  other  parts  of  Europe  or  to  the  Mediterranean 
littoral.  After  the  war  the  rate  of  emigration  was  very 
greatly  decreased  ;  and  during  the  past  few  years,  in  con- 
sequence of  the  world  depression,  it  has  practically  stopped, 
so  that  the  Italian  population  is  increasing  by  die  full 
amount  of  the  natural  surplus  of  births  over  deaths.  More- 
over, there  has  been  some  repatriation  of  Italian  labourers 
from  France  since  1930.  This  rapid  increase  of  population, 
welcome  though  it  is  from  a  national  point  of  view,  obvi- 
ously raises  for  the  Italians  serious  economic  problems. 
The  Italian  density  of  population  exceeds  340  per  square 
mile,  although,  as  we  have  seen,  a  considerable  part 
of  the  country  is  unsuitable  for  cultivation,  at  least  30  per 
cent  of  the  total  area  being  recognised  as  incapable  of 
economic  development,  at  any  rate  without  a  heavy  ex- 
penditure of  capital.  Nevertheless,  the  Italian  Government, 
in  its  anxiety  to  increase  the  strength  of  the  country,  defin- 
itely restricts  emigration  and  encourages  the  highest  pos- 
sible birth-rate.  This  is  recognised  as  imposing  upon  the 
Government  the  necessity  for  taking  measures  for  the 
development  of  Italian  industry  as  well  as  agriculture  ; 


and  under  the  Fascist  regime  there  has  been  a  consider- 
£ble  extension  not  only  of  the  protective  system  designed  to 
foster  economic  self-sufficiency,  but  also  of  measures  in- 
tended to  place  the  resources  of  the  State  at  the  disposal  of 
industry  and  agriculture. 

For  Italy  is  a  gbor  country,  and  suffers  from  a  serious 
deficiency  of  capital.  The  amount  of  domestic  saving  is 
relatively  small,  and  any  rapid  advance  of  industrialisation 
demands  an  importation  of  capital  from  abroad.  But  for 
this  Italy  is  not  well  equipped  to  pay,  especially  as  long  as 
the  world  depression  lasts  ;  for  it  is  difficult  for  her  to 
stimulate  exports  beyond  the  point  necessary  in  order  to 
meet  the  increasing  cost  of  imports  which  are  urgently 
needed.  Nevertheless,  despite  increasing  population  and  the 
bad  harvest  of  1930,  Italy  has  succeeded  in  face  of  the  world 
slump  in  greatly  reducing  her  adverse  balance  of  trade. 
This  was  very  considerable  in  1928  and  1929,  when  capital 
was  being  to  some  extent  imported  from  abroad  ;  but  it 
has  been  cut  down  within  manageable  proportions  in  the 
subsequent  years,  so  that  it  has  been  possible  for  the  lira 
to  be  kept  upon  the  gold  standard. 

In  addition  to  encouraging  the  increased  cultivation  of 
cereals,  Italy  has  embarked  under  the  Fascist  regime  on  a 
considerable  scheme  of  afforestation.  Previously  the  Italian 
forests,  which  cover  not  far  short  of  one-fifth  of  the  land 
area,  had  been  seriously  depleted  without  any  attempt 
being  made  to  replace  them  ;  but  in  the  more  mountainous 
parts  of  the  country  afforestation  is  now  proceeding  apace, 
again  under  the  direct  auspices  of  the  Fascist  State.  It 
cannot  be  denied  that  the  Fascist  Government,  despite  the 
poverty  of  the  national  resources,  has  made  very  great 
efforts  for  the  economic  development  of  the  country,  or 
that  economic  progress  has  been  far  more  substantial  under 
Fascism  than  it  was  under  the  Parliamentary  regime. 

But  although  one  declared  object  of  the  Fascist  system 
on  coming  into  power  was  the  improvement  of  the  standard 
of  life  and  the  guarantee  of  a  minimum  standard  of  living 
for  the  Italian  workers,  very  little  has  yet  been  done  to 

ITALY  341 

realise  this  object  Italian  industrial  wages  remain  exceed- 
ingly low  in  relation  to  the  standards  prevailing  not  merely 
in  Great  Britain,  but  even  in  France  or  Belgium,  and  cheap 
labour  is  still  available  for  Italian  industry  because  of  the 
still  lower  standard  of  life  among  the  Italian  peasantry. 
The  land,  as  in  France,  is  in  the  north  divided  into  very 
small  holdings,  and  while  large  estates  still  exist  in  many 
parts  of  Italy,  especially  in  the  south,  the  standard  of  cul- 
tivation remains  low  on  the  whole.  There  had  been  before 
the  advent  of  the  Fascist  regime  a  large  development  of 
the  Co-operative  movement  ;  and  this  had  taken  several 
different  forms,  including  both  the  co-operation  of  small 
individual  peasant  holders  in  the  purchase  of  requisites 
and  the  marketing  of  their  products  and  in  the  collective 
provision  of  finance,  and  also  the  co-operative  farming  of 
large  estates  by  groups  of  workers,  many  of  whom  had  also 
small  holdings  of  their  own  on  which  they  laboured  when 
their  work  was  not  required  upon  the  co-operative  farm. 
The  Fascist  Government  evicted  many  of  the  leaders  of 
this  older  Co-operative  movement,  which  they  then  took 
over  and  reorganised  on  Fascist  lines,  in  the  same  way  as 
they  took  over  the  Trade  Unions  of  the  industrial  workers. 
Co-operation,  recognised  and  encouraged  by  the  Fascist 
State,  exists  also  in  certain  branches  of  industrial  produc- 
tion, notably  building  and  road  construction.  But  here  too 
the  movement  has  passed  out  of  the  hands  of  the  previous 
leaders,  and  under  the  control  of  the  Fascists. 

The  Fascist-controlled  organisations,  Co-operative  and 
Trade  Union,  offer  the  workers  certain  advantages.  But 
they  are  by  no  means  effective  instruments  for  the  preser- 
vation of  wage  standards.  Strikes  in  Fascist  Italy  are  not 
allowed.  Instead,  wages  are  regulated  when  disputes  arise 
by  State  authority,  and  the  Fascist  Unions  are  under  a 
leadership  amenable  to  Fascist  discipline,  and  therefore 
not  likely  to  push  matters  to  extremes.  There  exists  un- 
doubtedly among  the  Italian  workers  a  large  mass  of  dis- 
content, which  is  inarticulate  only  because  of  the  suppres- 
sion of  all  independent  working-class  activity.  Nor  is 


Fascism  likely  to  be  able  to  raise  wages  in  the  near  future  ; 
for  the  Italian  industrial  system  works  under  grave  com- 
petitive disadvantages,  and  is  able  to  establish  its  exports  in 
the  world  market  only  with  the  aid  of  low  labour  costs, 
which  depend  essentially  upon  low  rates  of  wages.  The 
maintenance  of  these  exports  is  essential  to  the  Italian 
State  because  of  its  dependence  on  imported  foodstuffs  and 
raw  materials,  and  accordingly  the  exigencies  of  inter- 
national competition  press  hard  upon  the  Italian  workers, 
who  are  to  some  extent  compelled  to  accept  low  wage 
standards  in  order  to  force  the  pace  of  agricultural  develop- 
ment, and  thus  increase  the  food  supply  available  for  the 
expanding  population.  For  Fascism  is  far  tenderer  to  the 
agricultural  than  to  the  industrial  sections  of  the  people. 
It  found  its  main  support  in  the  days  before  its  rise  to  power 
among  the  lower  middle-classes  in  the  towns  and  among 
the  agricultural  workers,  and  it  is  far  more  inclined  to 
direct  its  efforts  to  improving  the  position  of  agriculture 
and  of  the  agricultural  population  than  to  raising  urban 
wages.  This  is  the  case  above  all  because,  whereas  improv- 
ing conditions  for  the  agricultural  population  involve  an 
expansion  of  output,  the  output  of  Italian  industry,  which 
has  to  be  sold  to  a  considerable  extent  in  the  world  market, 
is  more  likely  to  expand  under  conditions  of  low  wages  than 
if  the  industrial  standard  of  living  is  permitted  to  rise. 

Nevertheless,  Fascism  has  done  something  to  improve  the 
economic  condition  of  the  Italian  people  in  the  towns  as 
well  as  in  the  country.  But  it  has  done  this  rather  by  the 
provision  of  social  services  than  by  the  raising  of  industrial 
wages.  There  is  in  Italy  no  general  system  of  unemploy- 
ment insurance  ;  but  there  has  been  under  Fascism  an 
increasing  development  of  various  institutions,  especially 
the  Instituzioni  di  Dopo  Lavoro,  for  the  promotion  of  welfare 
services  among  the  workers.  These  services  have,  however, 
to  be  kept  within  bounds  set  by  the  need  of  the  Fascist 
State  to  live  within  its  somewhat  exiguous  means,  and  a 
large  part  of  the  available  financial  resources  is  being 
directed  rather  to  schemes  of  economic  development  than 

ITALY  343 

to  the  relief  of  the  unemployed  or  the  provision  of  social 
services  on  the  British  model.  What  has  been  done  in  this 
field  of  industrial  development  through  the  various  institu- 
tions which  have  been  set  up  for  the  provision  of  finance  for 
Italian  industry  with  the  aid  of  the  State  is  briefly  discussed 
in  a  later  section  of  this  book.  Italian  industrialists  have 
sometimes  criticised  these  activities  of  the  Fascist  State  as 
involving  a  definitely  socialistic  policy  ;  and  there  is  no 
doubt  that  Fascism  is  fully  prepared,  in  what  it  conceives 
to  be  the  interests  of  national  economic  expansion,  to  inter- 
fere largely  with  the  rights  of  private  enterprise.  But  its 
interference  is  always  designed  rather  to  provide  help  for 
the  private  employer  than  to  supersede  his  activities  by 
State  action,  and  Mussolini  was  probably  quite  sincere 
when,  in  reply  to  the  criticisms  of  the  Italian  industrialists, 
he  disclaimed  all  socialistic  intentions  in  the  measures 
which  he  had  introduced  for  centralising  under  State  con- 
trol the  provision  of  capital  for  Italian  industry. 

Italian  Parliamentarism,  which  had  to  grow  up  in  a  back- 
ward country  with  a  peasant  population  including  a  large 
number  of  illiterates  and  working  at  a  very  low  standard 
of  life,  was  always  a  plant  of  exceedingly  tender  growth. 
The  Italian  Constitution  is  still  based  on  the  Statute  of 
1848  which  granted  constitutional  government  within  the 
kingdom  of  Sardinia.  Up  to  1919  the  Parliament  was  still 
elected  under  the  restricted  franchise  of  1882,  and  there 
were  in  1919  only  3  million  voters  out  of  a  population 
approaching  40  millions.  Universal  suffrage  and  propor- 
tional representation,  introduced  in  1919,  did  little  to  give 
Italian  Parliamentarism  firm  roots  in  the  life  of  the  country. 
Parties  continued  to  be  weak  and  unrepresentative  ;  and 
with  the  growth  of  Fascism  such  strength  as  Parliamen- 
tarism possessed  easily  melted  away.  The  March  on  Rome 
disposed  finally  of  the  bourgeois  Parliamentary  State  which 
the  Italians  had  introduced  in  imitation  of  the  more  ad- 
vanced countries  of  Western  Europe.  Such  opposition  to  the 
Fascist  coup  d'ttat  as  did  exist  came  not  from  the  bourgeois 
Parliamentarians,  or  even  from  Socialists,  wedded  to  the 


Parliamentary  system,  but  from  a  working  class  which 
thought  far  more  readily  in  Syndicalist  and  Anarchist  than 
in  Social  Democratic  terms. 

Accordingly,  having  crushed  the  working-class  move- 
ment, Mussolini  found  few  obstacles  to  the  building  up  of 
the  new  Fascist  State  with  the  support  of  the  Italian  upper 
and  middle  classes.  There  was  widespread  discontent  with 
the  working  of  Parliamentarism  and  a  readiness  among 
these  classes  to  accept  an  alternative  form  of  political  or- 
ganisation without  any  feelings  of  regret  at  the  disap- 
pearance of  Parliamentary  democracy.  The  growth  of 
Fascism  and  the  changes  which  it  has  introduced  in  the 
structure  and  working  of  the  Italian  political  system  are 
discussed  in  a  later  section.  Here  it  is  only  necessary  to 
emphasise  the  point  that  the  victory  of  Fascism  in  Italy 
came  far  more  easily  and  was  likely  to  encounter  far  less 
effective  challenge  than  the  Nazi  coup  d'ttat  which  brought 
the  German  Republic  to  an  end.  Parliamentary  institutions 
were  doubtless  weak  in  Germany  as  well  as  in  Italy  ;  but 
they  were  far  stronger  even  in  the  short-lived  Weimar 
Republic  than  they  had  ever  become  among  the  Italian 
people,  and  for  this  reason  Mussolini's  successful  main- 
tenance of  power  and  crushing  out  of  all  effective  opposition 
over  a  period  of  twelve  years  is  no  indication  that  the 
German  Nazis  will  be  equally  successful  in  impressing  their 
own  peculiar  form  of  dictatorship  lastingly  upon  the 
German  people. 

§  15.   GREAT  BRITAIN 

AMONG  the  States  of  Europe,  Great  Britain  stands 
third  in  population  but  only  twelfth  in  area.  Highly 
industrialised  except  in  the  northern  half  of  Scotland,  she 
has  a  dense  population.  Only  two  countries  in  Europe — 
Belgium  and  Holland— have  their  people  thicker  on  the 
ground,  while  Italy  and  Germany  come  next  after  Great 
Britain  in  terms  of  density  of  population.  Her  total  popula- 
tion of  45  millions,  or,  with  Northern  Ireland,  rather  over 


46  millions,  is  well  below  Germany's  63  millions,  and  far 
below  the  160  millions  of  the  Soviet  Union.  But  Great 
Britain  is  well  ahead  in  population  of  either  France  or 
Italy,  which  come  next  on  the  list ;  and  in  terms  of  wealth 
per  head  she  has  a  long  lead  over  any  other  European 
country.  Any  attempt  to  estimate  national  wealth  neces- 
sarily involves  a  large  amount  of  uncertainty  ;  but  one 
recent  calculation,  made  by  Professor  J.  W.  Angell  in  his 
work  on  The  Recovery  of  Germany,  puts  British  national 
income  in  1924  at  435  dollars  a  head,  as  against  231  dollars 
for  Germany  in  1928,  223  dollars  for  Belgium  in  1926, 
218  dollars  for  France  in  1927,  and  140  dollars  for  Italy  in 
J925'  Ignoring  the  differences  of  date,  and  taking  the 
income  for  Great  Britain  as  100,  this  would  give  for  Ger- 
many 53,  for  Belgium  51,  for  France  50,  and  for  Italy  32. 
Professor  Angell's  comparative  figure  for  the  United  States 
works  out  at  150.  Thus  on  the  basis  of  these  figures,  which 
are  probably  accurate  enough  for  our  present  purpose, 
national  wealth  per  head  in  Germany,  France  and  Belgium 
has  been  in  recent  years  about  half  that  in  Great  Britain, 
and  national  wealth  per  head  in  Italy  about  one  third. 

This  high  level  of  national  wealth,  in  comparison  with  the 
other  countries  of  Europe,  has  of  course  been  achieved  by 
means  of  an  intensive  process  of  industrialisation  extending 
over  more  than  two  centuries.  Great  Britain  is  easily  the 
most  highly  industrialised  country  in  Europe,  not  even 
excluding  Belgium.  Of  her  total  occupied  population  seven 
work  in  industrial  occupations  for  every  one  who  works  in 
agriculture,  whereas  for  Belgium,  which  comes  next,  the 
proportions  are  six  and  a  half  to  two,  and  for  Switzerland 
and  Holland  about  six  to  two  and  a  half.  Germany, 
despite  the  high  degree  of  industrialisation  which  she  has 
reached,  has  only  two  persons  in  industrial  occupations  for 
every  one  in  agriculture,  and  in  France  the  proportion 
is  five  to  four. 

With  this  high  degree  of  industrialisation  goes  naturally 
a  very  high  degree  of  dependence  on  imported  foodstuffs. 
It  has  been  estimated  that,  on  the  average  of  the  post-war 


years  up  to  the  beginning  of  the  world  depression,  Great 
Britain  was  importing  from  abroad  over  60  per  cent  of  her 
total  food  supply  in  terms  of  values  as  against  less  than 
40  per  cent  produced  at  home.  Since  the  world  depression 
the  proportion  of  imports  has  undoubtedly  become  greater 
in  volume,  though  not  in  relative  value.  Of  the  imports 
from  abroad  39  per  cent,  or  almost  as  much  as  is  produced 
at  home,  has  been  drawn  in  recent  years  from  foreign 
countries,  and  under  22  per  cent  from  countries  within  the 
Empire.  This  dependence  on  imported  foodstuffs  is  of 
course  very  much  greater  for  some  commodities  than 
for  others.  During  the  post-war  period  up  to  the  world 
slump  Great  Britain  was  producing  at  home  only  about 
15  per  cent  of  her  wheat,  about  44  per  cent  of  her  meat, 
rather  less  than  half  her  poultry,  eggs  and  dairy  produce, 
about  70  per  cent  of  her  vegetables,  and  about  60  per  cent 
of  her  fish.  Moreover,  on  the  average  of  the  pre-slump 
years,  Great  Britain  was  importing  fruit  to  a  value  of  about 
£54,000,000  a  year  as  against  about  £8,500,000  produced 
at  home  ;  for  the  most  widely  consumed  fruits  are  mainly 
imported  products.  In  the  case  of  sugar  only  6  per  cent  of 
the  raw  material  used  up  in  domestic  consumption  was 
produced  at  home  ;  and  even  this  was  secured  only  with  the 
aid  of  a  large  subsidy  to  the  growers  of  sugar-beet.  There 
was  also  a  considerable  importation  of  margarine,  and  of 
course  the  entire  supplies  of  tea,  coffee  and  raw  cocoa  were 
imported  from  abroad. 

Great  Britain  is  not  only  very  highly  industrialised,  but 
also  highly  specialised  to  certain  particular  groups  of 
industries.  She  depends  to  a  tremendous  extent  on  her 
exports  of  a  comparatively  narrow  range  of  goods.  Food- 
stuffs in  a  raw  state  she  practically  does  not  export  at  all, 
and  her  export  trade  in  manufactured  foodstuffs  is  rela- 
tively unimportant.  Among  raw  materials,  coal  is  the  only 
really  important  export  ;  and  the  great  bulk  of  her  export 
trade  is  done  in  manufactured  goods.  Among  these,  even  in 
1929,  the  trade  in  cotton  goods,  despite  the  great  post-war 
decrease  in  exports  to  the  Far  East,  still  stood  easily  first, 


accounting  for  £135,000,000  out  of  total  exports  of 
£729,000,000.  Next  in  order  came  iron  and  steel,  with 
£68,000,000,  followed  by  machinery,  £54,000,000,  woollen 
goods,  £53,000,000,  and  coal,  £49,000,000.  These  were 
easily  the  leading  groups  ;  but  other  textiles  and  clothing 
taken  together  accounted  for  over  £52,000,000,  chemicals 
for  £27,000,000,  and  other  manufactures  of  metal,  includ- 
ing electrical  goods,  for  over  £40,000,000.  There  was  thus 
a  very  high  degree  of  concentration  upon  the  textile  and 
metal  industries,  with  coal  standing  third  and  chemicals 
fourth  in  the  list  of  exports.  These  figures,  based  on  exports, 
do  not  of  course  correspond  to  the  relative  importance  of 
the  various  trades  in  the  total  productive  economy  of  the 
country.  The  textile  trades  export  a  far  higher  proportion  of 
their  total  product  than  the  others — especially  the  cotton 
industry,  which  has  in  the  past  exported  over  four-fifths  of 
its  total  output.  Exported  coal  is  only  a  small  fraction  of  the 
total  production  ;  but  coal  enters  largely  into  the  costs  of 
producing  exported  manufactures,  especially  iron  and 
steel.  In  all,  it  has  been  estimated  that  in  1929,  of  the 
total  number  of  workers  engaged  in  manufacturing  pro- 
cesses in  Great  Britain,  as  distinct  from  transport,  distribu- 
tion and  other  services,  38$  per  cent  were  engaged  in 
producing  for  export,  whereas  in  1930  and  subsequently 
this  proportion  fell  below  one-third,  or  to  substantially  less 
than  one  quarter  of  the  total  occupied  population,  even 
after  an  estimate  has  been  made  of  the  number  of  workers 
in  distribution  and  transport  working  for  the  export  trades. 
Even  one-third  or  one  quarter  of  the  total  manufactur- 
ing or  of  the  total  occupied  population  is,  however,  an 
exceedingly  high  proportion  to  be  employed  in  producing 
for  export  ;  and  it  is  clear  on  the  basis  of  these  figures  that 
Great  Britain  depends  to  an  enormous  extent  for  the  main- 
tenance of  her  present  industrial  system,  as  well  as  for 
feeding  her  population,  on  finding  markets  for  a  large 
quantity  of  exports  overseas.  Up  to  the  crisis  she  had, 
under  her  Free  Trade  system,  sought  these  markets  im- 
partially over  the  whole  world,  though  she  has  enjoyed 


since  the  beginning  of  the  twentieth  century  a  substantial 
amount  of  tariff  preference  both  in  the  self-governing 
Dominions  and  in  certain  of  her  colonies  and  protectorates. 
In  1913  Great  Britain  sold  37  per  cent  of  her  exports  within 
the  Empire,  and  63  per  cent  in  foreign  countries.  In  1929 
there  had  been  a  substantial  shifting  of  the  balance  in 
favour  of  Empire  countries,  and  in  that  year  44^  per  cent 
of  British  exports  were  sold  within  the  Empire  as  against 
55^  Per  cent  i*1  foreign  countries.  This  change  was,  how- 
ever, due  not  to  an  increase  in  the  volume  of  Empire  trade, 
but  to  a  severe  decline  in  the  volume  of  trade  with  foreign 
countries.  In  the  case  of  imports,  25  per  cent  were  derived 
in  1913  from  Empire  and  75  per  cent  from  foreign  sources, 
whereas,  in  1929,  27  per  cent  came  from  within  the  Empire 
and  73  per  cent  from  abroad.  There  was  thus  compara- 
tively little  shifting  in  the  sources  of  British  imports  in  com- 
parison with  the  pre-war  period.  Great  Britain  still  con- 
tinued to  depend  to  an  overwhelming  extent  on  imports  of 
both  foodstuffs  and  raw  materials  from  foreign  countries  ; 
and,  despite  the  decline  in  her  exports  to  foreign  countries, 
these  still  absorbed  in  the  aggregate  a  substantially  larger 
proportion  of  her  total  exports  than  the  Empire. 

It  is  important,  however,  to  bring  out  not  only  the  relative 
dependence  of  the  British  economic  system  on  Empire  and 
foreign  trade  respectively,  but  also  the  closeness  of  its  con- 
nections with  Europe.  Thus  in  1929  Great  Britain  received 
nearly  40  per  cent  of  her  total  imports  from  European 
countries  and  sold  them  29  per  cent  of  her  exports,  whereas 
all  America  together  accounted  for  less  than  29  per  cent  of 
imports  and  not  much  more  than  16  per  cent  of  exports. 
Among  European  countries  Great  Britain's  largest  trade 
was  with  Germany,  which  took  5  per  cent  of  her  exports 
and  supplied  6  per  cent  of  her  imports.  Denmark  supplied 
5  per  cent  of  imports,  but  took  only  i\  per  cent  of  exports. 
For  France  both  figures  were  round  about  4 \  per  cent,  with 
a  slight  surplus  on  the  import  side.  Next  in  importance 
came  Holland  and  Belgium,  each  with  4  per  cent  of  imports 
and  3  per  cent  of  exports.  No  other  single  European 


country  except  Italy  took  more  than  2  per  cent  of  British 
exports,  and  only  the  U.S.S.R.  supplied  as  much  as 

2  per  cent  of  British  imports.  These  figures,  it  should  be 
observed,  take  no  account  of  the  Irish  Free  State,  which 
supplied  4  per  cent  of  British  imports  and  took  5  per  cent  of 
exports.  The  United  States,  on  the  other  hand,  supplied 
i6|  per  cent  of  total  imports,  but  took  only  6J  per  cent  of 
exports  in  return  ;  while  the  Argentine,  which  came  next 
in  importance,  supplied  7^  per  cent,  and  took  4  per  cent. 
Of  other  countries  India  was  by  far  the  most  important 
market  of  all  for  British  exports,  taking  xof  per  cent  of  the 
total,  whereas  less  than  4^  per  cent  of  British  imports  came 
from   India.   Australia   took   7^  per   cent  and   supplied 
4  per  cent ;  Canada  took  rather  under  5  per  cent  and 
supplied  about  4  per  cent,  while  South  Africa  took  4^  per 
cent  and  supplied  4  per  cent,  and  New  Zealand  took 

3  per  cent  and  supplied  rather  over  3^  per  cent. 

Empire  Trade.  These  figures  cover  enough  countries  to 
give  a  fair  idea  of  the  distribution  of  British  exports  im- 
mediately before  the  world  slump.  They  show  that,  despite 
the  rise  in  the  relative  importance  of  exports  to  Empire 
countries,  Europe  was  still  a  market  of  the  most  vital  im- 
portance to  British  industry,  and  that  any  attempt  to  make 
the  Empire  self-supporting  on  the  lines  of  Empire  Free 
Trade  would  be  bound  to  involve  the  most  drastic  redistri- 
bution of  industries  ;  for  it  is  inconceivable  that  for  a  very 
long  time  to  come  Empire  markets  for  the  types  of  goods 
which  Great  Britain  is  at  present  equipped  to  supply  could 
expand  to  anything  like  the  extent  required  to  replace  the 
European  market.  For  these  reasons,  though  it  may  be 
possible  for  Great  Britain,  while  other  countries  are  busily 
engaged  in  raising  their  tariffs  and  placing  obstacles  in  the 
way  of  imports,  to  arrive  at  preferential  arrangements  with 
countries  within  the  Empire  and  to  gain  on  balance  tem- 
porarily as  a  result  of  these  arrangements,  it  is  clearly  very 
much  to  her  interest  to  do  all  she  can  to  get  the  European 
markets  re-opened  to  her  manufactures.  This  is  in  the  long 


run  a  far  more  important  consideration  from  the  standpoint 
of  her  industries  than  any  benefits  which  they  could  possibly 
derive  from  an  extension  of  Imperial  preference.  Moreover, 
certain  of  the  Empire  countries,  and  above  all  Canada  and 
Australia,  are  fully  determined  upon  the  development  of 
their  own  industries  ;  and  the  discussions  at  Ottawa  in 
1932  very  plainly  showed  that  the  Canadian  industrialists 
especially  were  by  no  means  prepared  to  tolerate  any  lower- 
ing of  tariff  barriers  which  would  be  likely  to  allow  British 
goods  to  come  in  on  terms  damaging  to  their  own  position 
in  the  Canadian  market.  They  were  prepared  to  give 
Empire  preference  only  by  raising  still  higher  against 
foreign  countries  the  already  high  protective  duties  estab- 
lished in  the  interests  of  Canadian  industry  ;  so  that  the 
British  exporter  could  at  the  most  only  look  forward  to  the 
prospect  of  displacing  a  certain  proportion  of  the  imports 
into  Canada  from  foreign  countries,  especially  the  United 
States,  and  not  to  securing  the  major  part  of  the  Canadian 
market  either  now  or  in  the  future.  The  same  considerations 
apply  with  slightly  less  force  to  Australia,  only  because  the 
Australian  tariff  had  already  before  the  Ottawa  negotiations 
been  raised  to  such  heights  that,  quite  apart  from  the 
question  of  Imperial  preference,  there  was  a  wide 
recognition  in  Australia  of  the  need  for  some  lowering  of 
barriers  in  the  interests  of  the  consumers. 

The  Ottawa  agreements  must  therefore  be  regarded  far 
less  as  the  first  step  towards  the  setting  up  of  a  self-contained 
Empire  than  as  temporary  arrangements  forced  on  Great 
Britain  by  the  very  high  tariffs  and  other  restrictions  in  the 
way  of  trade  which  have  been  established  in  Europe  as  a 
consequence  of  the  world  slump.  This  is  not  to  say  that 
Empire  preference,  once  established  in  Great  Britain,  can 
easily  be  removed.  For,  even  if  it  could  be  shown  to  be 
clearly  contrary  to  British  economic  interests  to  maintain 
it,  there  would  be  considerable  political  difficulties  in  the 
way  of  its  removal  now  that  it  has  once  been  established. 
But,  though  Imperial  preference  may  remain  for  some  time, 
it  is  most  unlikely  that  public  opinion  in  Great  Britain  will 


tolerate  any  considerable  extension  of  it  unless  the  existing 
tariff  situation  in  Europe  becomes  even  more  prohibitive 
than  it  is  now,  or  Europe  draws  together  in  some  sort  of 
tariff  union  to  the  exclusion  of  Great  Britain.  That,  indeed, 
might  force  upon  Great  Britain  a  further  attempt  to  develop 
the  Empire  market  by  an  extension  of  Imperial  preferences 
and  mutual  trading  arrangements  ;  but  it  would  be  an 
attempt  to  save  something  from  the  wreck  of  British  foreign 
trade,  and  by  no  means  a  satisfactory  contribution  to  the 
re-establishment  of  British  or  of  world  prosperity.  It  is  far 
more  to  Great  Britain's  interest  as  a  trading  country  to 
work  for  a  lowering  of  tariff  and  similar  barriers  in  Europe 
than  to  enter  into  any  agreements  with  Empire  countries 
that  might  prejudice  her  position  in  the  European  market. 

Moreover,  it  is  highly  doubtful  whether  the  policy  of  the 
Empire  countries,  which  showed  at  Ottawa  their  extreme 
reluctance  to  grant  concessions  at  all  corresponding  to  those 
which  they  expected  Great  Britain  to  grant  to  their  own 
exports,  would  justify  Great  Britain  on  economic  grounds  in 
granting  them  additional  exclusive  advantages.  A  great 
attempt  was  made  by  the  British  Government  to  represent 
the  Ottawa  agreements  as  a  resounding  victory  for  the 
cause  of  Imperial  economic  unity  ;  but  everyone  knew 
that  in  fact  these  agreements  had  shown  conclusively 
the  extreme  difficulties  in  the  way  of  securing  any  con- 
siderable, expansion  of  British  exports  within  the  Empire. 
Such  relative  expansion  as  has  taken  place  of  late  seems  in 
fact  to  be  due  more  to  the  depreciation  in  the  external 
value  of  sterling  in  comparison  with  gold  than  to  the  tariff 
concessions  made  by  the  Empire  countries  at  Ottawa  ;  and 
this  remains  true  despite  the  "  anti-dumping "  duties 
imposed  in  Canada. 

British  Tariff  Policy.  It  is  easy  to  appreciate  the 
motives  which  led  Great  Britain  in  the  mid-nineteenth 
century  to  adopt  Free  Trade  as  the  basis  of  her  commercial 
policy.  She  had  then  over  a  wide  range  of  industries  a  great 
advantage  over  all  other  countries  in  the  efficiency  of 


production.  She  needed  no  protection  for  her  own  industries 
in  the  home  market ;  for  save  in  a  few  cases  such  as  silk, 
these  industries  were  not  in  the  least  afraid  of  any  foreign 
competition  they  were  likely  to  encounter.  Great  Britain 
let  the  silk  trade  go  without  regret  because  there  were 
plenty  of  other  trades  in  which  she  saw  abundant  prospects 
of  expansion.  She  needed,  moreover,  even  at  that  time, 
considerable  imports  of  raw  materials  for  the  use  of  her 
industries  ;  and  it  was  clearly  an  uneconomic  policy  to 
impose  dudes  on  the  importation  of  these  materials.  In  the 
case  of  foodstuffs,  over  which  the  main  battle  was  fought, 
there  was  a  case  for  Protection  ;  for  the  British  agricultural 
interest  was  still  numerous  and  politically  powerful,  and 
there  was  a  political  as  well  as  an  economic  case  for  en- 
deavouring to  keep  a  substantial  proportion  of  the  popu- 
lation at  work  on  the  land.  But  in  the  great  Free  Trade 
agitation  of  the  'thirties  and  'forties  these  arguments 
of  the  agriculturists  were  completely  overborne  by  the 
manufacturers,  who  wanted  cheap  food  just  as  much  as 
they  wanted  cheap  material,  in  order  to  keep  down  the 
costs  of  industrial  production — for  was  not  cheap  food 
for  the  workers  just  as  much  as  cheap  material  for  the 
factories  a  raw  material  of  manufacturing  industry  ? 
Accordingly,  Bright  and  Cobden  and  the  Anti-Corn  Law 
League  carried  the  day  with  the  support  of  most  of  the 
workers,  who  saw  in  Free  Trade  the  prospect  both  of 
increased  industrial  employment  and  of  a  lower  cost  of 
living.  In  1846,  when  the  Corn  Laws  were  repealed,  the 
case  for  Free  Trade  in  Great  Britain  was  overwhelm- 
ingly strong  ;  and  for  a  long  time  afterwards  the  vast 
majority  of  the  people  in  Great  Britain  saw  no  reason 
for  changing  their  minds  about  the  wisdom  of  the  step  which 
had  been  taken. 

But  as  the  nineteenth  century  advanced  and  new  nations 
entered  the  race  of  competitive  manufacturing  production 
the  situation  ceased  to  be  as  simple  as  it  had  been  in  1846. 
There  was  almost  no  revival  at  first  of  the  demand  for 
agricultural  protection ;  but  with  the  development  of 


industry  on  the  Continent  and  especially  in  Germany, 
the  demand  for  the  protection  of  manufacturing  industry 
was  resumed.  Still  for  a  long  time  the  "  fair  trade  "  cause 
made  little  headway,  and  it  was  not  until  it  was  reinforced 
by  the  sentimental  as  well  as  the  economic  appeal  of  the 
new  Imperialism  that  it  became  formidable.  Joseph  Cham- 
berlain in  the  years  after  1 903  made  Tariff  Reform  a  reality 
in  British  politics  ;  and,  though  his  crusade  failed  and 
was  largely  responsible  for  the  overwhelming  victory  of 
the  Liberals  in  1905—6,  he  did  succeed  in  the  long  run  in 
committing  the  Conservative  Party  to  the  cause  of  Pro- 
tection, and  thus  prepared  the  way  for  the  new  British 
tariff  policy  of  1931  and  the  following  years. 

Nevertheless  up  to  1914  Great  Britain  did  not  look  at  all 
likely  to  adopt  Protection  in  the  near  future  ;  and  even  after 
the  war,  although  there  had  been  some  departure  from  the 
rigidity  of  the  Free  Trade  system,  the  defeat  of  the  Con- 
servatives in  1923  showed  that  the  main  bulk  of  British 
opinion  was  still  Free  Trade  in  sentiment.  By  this  time, 
indeed,  the  arguments  in  favour  of  a  Protectionist  system 
had  become  at  any  rate  more  plausible,  if  not  really 
stronger  ;  for  there  had  been  a  marked  decline  in  British 
exports,  and  German  competition,  submerged  for  a  time 
after  the  war,  was  again  becoming  an  important  factor  in 
world  trade.  Moreover,  the  rise  in  the  level  of  tariffs  all 
over  the  world  and  especially  in  Europe  and  the  United 
States  was  giving  point  to  the  argument  that,  whereas  Great 
Britain  could  afford  to  maintain  a  system  of  Free  Trade 
while  the  rest  of  the  world  kept  its  tariffs  at  a  moderate 
level,  Free  Trade  was  becoming  an  unworkable  system  as 
tariffs  elsewhere  became  more  and  more  prohibitive. 
The  cry  for  imperial  economic  unity  was  strongly  revived, 
and  the  Tariff  Reformers  stood  now  on  the  one  leg  of  arguing 
that  Great  Britain  must  aim  at  building  up  a  self-sufficient 
Empire,  and  now  on  the  other  that  until  Great  Britain 
made  a  loud  Protectionist  noise  at  the  rest  of  the  world  the 
policy  of  lowering  world  tariffs  would  stand  no  chance  of 
success.  These  two  arguments  were  of  course  in  reality 



contradictory  ;  but  both  of  them  made  their  contribu- 
tion to  the  conversion  of  a  growing  number  of  the  manu- 
facturing and  trading  classes  to  the  Protectionist  cause. 
Even  so,  the  opportunity  to  introduce  Protection  on 
any  considerable  scale  did  not  arise  until  after  the  world 
slump  and  the  economic  crisis  of  1931  ;  and  when  a  full- 
blooded  tariff  was  finally  introduced  it  was  necessary  for 
those  who  introduced  it  to  begin  by  pretending  that  it  was 
merely  an  emergency  measure  designed  to  redress  the 
balance  of  trade,  and  only  when  they  had  got  it  through 
by  these  means  to  admit  that  it  was  meant  as  a  permanent 
departure  in  policy. 

Even  now  it  is  clear  that  the  British  attitude  remains 
highly  uncertain  ;  for  while  some  Ministers  go  about 
singing  hymns  in  praise  of  the  beauties  of  the  tariff  system, 
and  demanding  further  measures  for  the  establishment  of 
imperial  economic  unity,  others  still  stress  mainly  the 
intention  to  use  the  new  British  tariff  as  an  instrument  of 
commercial  bargaining  with  other  nations.  Readers  must 
take  their  choice  which  Ministers  to  believe,  and  must 
make  up  their  own  minds  whether  Great  Britain  is  in 
fact  heading  for  a  permanent  regime  of  high  Protection,  or 
sincere  in  her  willingness  to  lower  her  own  tariffs  as  part  of 
a  general  movement  toward  lower  tariffs  in  Europe  and 
over  the  world  as  a  whole. 

As  we  have  seen,  the  new  British  tariff  of  1931-32  was 
defended  largely  as  an  indispensable  measure  for  restoring 
the  balance  of  trade.  There  had  been,  even  before  the 
beginning  of  the  world  slump,  a  considerable  increase  in 
the  adverse  balance  of  British  merchandise  trade  (imports 
and  exports)  as  compared  with  the  years  before  the  war, 
and  also  a  decline  in  the  amount  of  British  capital  avail- 
able for  investment  overseas.  Thus  in  1913,  according 
to  the  estimates  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  the  adverse  balance 
in  respect  of  merchandise  and  bullion  was  £158,000,000, 
whereas  between  1924  and  1929  it  was  always  as  much 
as  £350,000,000,  and  nearer  £400,000,000  in  both  1925 
and  1927.  1926,  the  year  of  the  coal  dispute  and  the  General 


Strike,  showed  an  adverse  balance  of  £475,000,000  ;  but 
this  was  of  course  quite  abnormal. 

To  set  against  this  adverse  balance  there  were  large 
credit  items,  including  the  net  revenue  derived  from  British 
shipping,  the  income  from  overseas  investment  and  from 
financial  services  performed  on  behalf  of  foreigners  on  the 
London  money  market,  and  certain  minor  items.  After 
account  has  been  taken  of  these  other  sources  of  income, 
the  Board  of  Trade  figures  show  for  1913  an  approximate 
credit  balance  available  for  overseas  investment  of  over 
£180,000,000.  This  figure  was  never  reached  in  any  post- 
war year.  In  1924-25  the  available  surpluses  were 
£86,000,000  and  £54,000,000.  After  the  abnormal  year, 
1926,  in  which  the  credit  balance  sank  to  only  £9,000,000, 
there  was  a  rapid  improvement  to  £114,000,000  in  1927 
and  £137,000,000  in  1928.  The  year  1929  was  already  to 
some  extent  affected  by  the  world  depression,  and  the 
balance  was  reduced  to  £103,000,000 — all  these  figures 
being  of  course,  in  relation  to  the  level  of  prices,  greatly 
below  the  surplus  available  in  1913.  On  the  advent  of  the 
world  slump,  despite  the  heavy  fall  in  the  prices  of  the 
leading  British  imports,  the  position  became  very  much 
worse.  Revenue  from  overseas  investment  and  from 
shipping  services  was  sharply  reduced,  and  there  was  also 
a  fall  in  receipts  from  financial  services.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  adverse  balance  of  merchandise  trade  increased  because 
British  exports  fell  off  very  sharply  indeed.  For  1930 
as  a  whole,  the  credit  balance  was  reduced  to  only 
£23,000,000,  and  in  1931,  even  after  the  export  of 
£35,000,000  of  gold  has  been  included  on  the  credit  side, 
there  is  a  net  adverse  balance  of  £75,000,000,  due  prin- 
cipally to  a  further  sharp  decline  in  all  classes  of  invisible 
exports,  and  to  a  further  fall  in  exports  of  merchandise. 

It  has  therefore  to  be  admitted  that  the  economic  situa- 
tion of  Great  Britain  in  1931  was  sufficiently  serious  to  call 
for  measures  of  readjustment,  though  the  financial  crisis  of 
September  1 93 1  was  directly  due,  not  to  the  adverse  balance 
of  current  payments  but  to  a  large-scale  withdrawal  of 


capital  sums  from  Great  Britain  on  account  of  an  inter- 
national loss  of  confidence  in  the  pound.  Some  people  argue 
that,  when  Great  Britain  had  gone  off  the  gold  standard, 
the  balance  of  payments  could  safely  be  left  to  right  itself, 
because  the  effect  of  the  depreciation  of  the  pound  sterling 
would  necessarily  be  to  make  imports  more  expensive 
and  exports  cheaper  until  the  balance  had  been  auto- 
matically righted.  But  in  the  first  place  this  view  depends 
for  its  soundness  on  the  willingness  of  the  British  financial 
authorities  to  allow  the  pound  to  fall  in  external  value 
without  any  attempt  to  control  it  ;  and  secondly  it 
assumes  that  there  is  so  strong  a  self-acting  tendency  for 
the  volume  of  payments  to  balance  that  the  free  movement 
of  the  exchanges  will  speedily  bring  about  an  equilibrium 
by  reducing  imports  and  expanding  exports.  In  fact,  neither 
of  these  things  is  necessarily  true.  The  pound,  after  the 
departure  from  gold,  was  not  left  free  to  move  ;  and  in  the 
existing  state  of  world  confidence  the  value  placed  upon  it 
in  terms  of  foreign  currencies  depends  far  less  on  the  current 
payments  which  need  to  be  made  between  countries  on 
account  of  visible  and  invisible  exports  than  on  fluctuations 
in  business  confidence  affecting  the  movement  of  capital 
sums  from  one  country  to  another.  The  depreciation  of 
sterling  did  undoubtedly  stimulate  British  exports,  in  the 
sense  that  it  prevented  them  from  falling  as  far  or  as  fast  as 
they  would  have  fallen  if  the  pound  had  been  maintained 
at  its  previous  gold  value.  But  there  was  little  falling  off  in 
the  volume  of  imports  until  protective  tariffs  reinforced  the 
effects  of  exchange  depreciation.  For  to  go  on  buying  the 
same  quantity  of  imports  as  before  did  not  cause  the 
pound  to  depreciate  further  in  face  of  the  lack  of  confidence 
felt  by  comparison  in  the  financial  situation  in  other 
countries,  and  of  the  preference  of  their  nationals  for  moving 
their  money  to  London  in  spite  of  the  unfixed  exchanges. 
This  movement  of  money  prevented  the  pound  from 
depreciating  so  as  to  achieve  a  balance  corresponding 
to  the  current  balance  of  visible  and  invisible  imports  and 


This  situation  in  practice  considerably  diminished  the 
internal  pressure  to  reduce  the  British  standard  of  life. 
Those  who  held  that  British  wages  were  too  high  in  relation 
to  wages  in  other  countries  believed  that  the  enhanced  cost 
of  imports  would  speedily  cause  a  rise  in  prices,  and  thus 
indirectly  bring  about  a  fall  in  the  working-class  standard 
of  living,  and  a  redistribution  of  the  real  national  income. 
But  this  did  not  happen  to  any  appreciable  extent  in  the 
case  of  the  employed  workers  ;  and  there  was  accordingly 
a  case,  in  view  of  the  continued  adverse  balance  of  pay- 
ments, for  endeavouring  to  reduce  imports  by  artificial 
means.  This  was  the  case  put  up  by  the  advocates  of 
the  tariff  when  it  was  first  introduced  as  an  emergency 
measure  in  the  winter  of  1931.  For  the  National  Govern- 
ment began,  not  with  a  general  tariff  on  a  permanent 
basis  such  as  it  has  enacted  since,  but  with  special  measures 
nominally  directed  against  "  abnormal  importations." 
The  effect  of  these  measures,  combined  with  the  depre- 
ciation of  the  pound  sterling,  was  seen  in  the  figures 
for  the  balance  of  trade  and  the  balance  of  payments 
in  1932.  The  adverse  balance  of  commodity  trade  (exclud- 
ing gold  bullion  movements)  fell  from  £408,000,000  in 
1931  to  £289,000,000  in  1932  ;  and  the  adverse  balance  of 
payments,  including  the  invisible  items,  but  still  ex- 
cluding imports  and  exports  of  bullion,  was  reduced  from 
£104,000,000  to  £59,000,000.  It  is  possible  to  argue  that 
on  this  ground  the  British  tariff  has  justified  itself  as  an 
emergency  measure  made  inevitable  by  the  world  slump 
and  by  the  restrictive  policy  adopted  by  other  countries  ; 
but  it  is  quite  impossible  to  support  on  the  basis  of  this 
argument  any  permanent  change  by  Great  Britain  to  a 
protective  system.  Nor  can  such  special  measures  as  the 
Wheat  Quota — more  properly  to  be  called  a  subsidy — 
introduced  in  the  interests  of  English  wheat  producers,  or 
the  similar  measures  now  being  brought  in  under  the  guise 
of  marketing  schemes,  logically  be  defended  in  one  and 
the  same  breath  as  steps  rendered  necessary  by  the  world 
slump  and  the  abnormal  condition  of  the  trade  balance  and 


as  permanent  measures  designed  to  establish  British 
economic  prosperity  upon  a  secure  foundation. 

In  saying  this,  it  is  not  suggested  that  Great  Britain  will 
or  should  revert  to  a  Free  Trade  system  in  any  complete 
sense,  but  only  that  the  arguments  for  a  tariff  in  the  present 
emergency  are  not  necessarily  arguments  for  a  permanent 
tariff  when  the  emergency  has  passed  away.  In  that  matter 
the  future  of  British  policy  must  depend  largely  on  what 
happens  in  other  countries,  and  especially  on  the  extent 
to  which  the  European  countries  draw  together  either 
unitedly  or  in  distinct  groups  into  customs  unions  or  mutual 
tariff  arrangements.  Such  developments  in  Europe  might 
force  on  Great  Britain  the  maintenance  of  some  sort  of 
Protectionist  policy,  operated  perhaps  not  by  means  of 
tariffs,  but  rather  by  means  of  some  system  of  Import 
Boards  and  licenses  or  quotas.  But  this,  like  the  continu- 
ance of  the  present  system  of  Empire  preference,  must  be 
regarded,  in  view  of  the  special  dependence  of  Great  Britain 
on  world  markets  and  particularly  on  the  markets  of 
Europe,  rather  as  a  step  forced  upon  her  by  circumstances 
beyond  her  control  than  as  in  itself  a  desirable  policy  for 
British  capitalism.  There  is  doubtless  a  case  for  the  regula- 
tion of  external  trade  by  the  State  as  against  the  unregulated 
system  of  Free  Trade  ;  but  this  is  fundamentally  a  case  for  a 
Socialist  system  of  mutual  exchange  and  barter  based  on 
international  agreement  and  not  for  a  protective  system 
designed  to  aid  one  country  against  another  in  a  competi- 
tive scramble  for  markets. 

Parties  and  Politics.  We  have  so  far  been  dealing 
entirely  with  the  economic  situation  in  Great  Britain,  as  it 
is  affected  by  her  dependence  on  external  trade.  We  have 
now  to  turn  to  her  internal  political  situation.  Before  the 
war  Great  Britain  was  ruled  alternately  by  two  great 
political  parties  both  of  which  went  back,  though  their  form 
had  been  substantially  changed  in  the  meantime,  to  the 
eighteenth  century.  Whigs  and  Tories,  and  their  successors, 
Liberals  and  Conservatives,  alternately  controlled  the 


government  of  Great  Britain  during  the  whole  period  of 
her  development  as  a  modern  capitalist  power  up  to  1914. 
Between  these  two  great  parties,  after  their  transformation 
by  the  Reform  Act  of  1832,  which  brought  the  industrial 
middle  class  to  a  position  of  supreme  political  influence, 
no  fundamental  division  ever  arose.  However  they  might 
differ  on  secondary  issues  they  were  agreed  concerning  the 
basis  on  which  social  institutions  ought  to  rest,  and  con- 
cerning the  form  of  such  vital  underlying  institutions  as 
those  of  property  and  class  and  the  structure  of  the  political 
system  required  for  sustaining  these  economic  realities. 
Up  to  the  'forties  the  Tories  were  mainly  Protectionist, 
while  the  Whigs  had  more  tendencies  towards  Free  Trade  ; 
but  it  was  a  Tory  Prime  Minister  who  repealed  the  Corn 
Laws,  and  the  subsequent  distribution  of  party  allegiances 
showed  that  there  was  no  fundamental  division  between  the 
two.  In  1867  the  urban  artisans  were  given  the  vote  ;  but, 
though  on  the  whole  the  Whigs  had  been  the  party  with  a 
greater  inclination  towards  the  extension  of  the  franchise, 
it  was  a  Tory  Government  that  passed  the  Reform  Act  of 
1867,  and  in  the  following  years  both  parties  in  equal 
measure  adapted  their  policies  and  methods  to  meet  the 
claims  of  the  newly  enfranchised  class.  In  the  spate  of 
social  reform  legislation  between  1867  anc^  the  late 
'seventies  it  is  impossible  to  distinguish  any  clear  difference 
of  policy  between  the  measures  passed  by  Whigs  and 
Tories,  or,  as  it  is  now  more  appropriate  to  call  them, 
Liberals  and  Conservatives.  It  is  true  that  in  the  course  of 
the  great  depression  the  reforming  zeal  of  both  parties  died 
out  as  it  became  both  harder  to  find  money  for  reforms  and 
easier  to  discount  the  claims  of  the  working-class  voters. 
But  the  Liberals,  largely  because  of  their  close  contacts 
with  Nonconformity  and  industry,  and  their  lesser  degree 
of  entanglement  with  the  higher  privileged  classes,  were 
the  more  successful  in  attaching  to  themselves  the  working- 
class  voters,  and  especially  those  who  belonged  to  the  Trade 
Unions  and  Co-operative  Societies.  Labour  began  to 
emerge  to  political  importance  as  a  satellite  of  the  Liberal 


Party  ;  and  even  when,  in  1900,  the  Labour  Party  declared 
its  independence,  it  continued  in  practice  to  operate  as  an 
ally  of  the  Liberals,  and  remained  right  up  to  1914  far  too 
weak  to  provide  even  the  nucleus  of  a  Government  of  its 
own,  and  far  too  closely  allied  to  Liberalism  to  offer  it 
any  effective  national  challenge. 

The  war,  however,  was  fatal  to  the  position  of  the  great 
Liberal  Party  ;  and,  as  we  shall  see  in  a  later  section,  the 
break-up  of  Liberalism  pitchforked  the  Labour  Party  into 
a  position  of  primary  political  importance.  But  it  needs  to  be 
emphasised  that,  though  Liberalism  as  a  party  broke  up  into 
a  number  of  quarrelling  groups,  Liberalism  in  a  non-party 
sense  remained  the  political  creed  of  a  very  high  proportion 
of  the  British  people,  not  only  among  the  lower  middle 
classes — the  upper  middle  classes  went  over  largely  to 
Conservatism — but  also  among  the  black-coated  workers 
and  even  among  the  more  highly  paid  manual  workers. 
The  Labour  vote,  after  the  disruption  of  Liberalism, 
included  an  exceedingly  high  proportion  of  electors  who 
were  far  more  Liberal  than  Socialist. 

Through  the  period  during  which  the  two  great  political 
parties  alternately  governed  Great  Britain,  there  was  for 
the  most  part  fundamental  unity  in  matters  of  foreign  policy 
as  well  as  in  home  affairs.  In  the  eighteenth  century  the 
dominant  factor  in  British  external  politics  had  been  the 
rivalry  between  Great  Britain  and  France.  This  disappeared 
with  the  fall  of  Napoleon  in  1815,  and  there  was  no  reason 
for  renewing  it  when  the  danger  of  French  domination  in 
Europe  had  vanished,  especially  as  the  development  of 
French  industrialism  followed  so  different  a  course  from 
that  of  Great  Britain  as  to  make  the  two  countries  mainly 
non-competitive  in  world  trade.  After  1815  Great  Britain 
shaped  her  foreign  policy  so  as  to  avoid  as  far  as  possible 
entanglements  in  the  affairs  of  Europe.  She  withheld 
her  effective  support  from  the  Holy  Alliance  and  from 
the  European  reaction,  and  as  far  as  possible  kept  her  hands 
free  for  developing  her  economic  opportunities  over  the 
world  as  a  whole.  For  a  long  time  no  situation  developed 


in  Europe  of  a  sort  likely  to  induce  her  to  modify  this 
policy  ;  for  it  was  not  until  the  rise  of  Germany  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  century  that  any  other  Power  threatened  either 
to  make  a  bid  for  European  domination  or  to  compete 
really  seriously  with  British  exports  in  the  world  market. 
The  rise  of  Germany  as  a  world  Power  and  as  an  industrial 
country  coincided  in  time  with  the  advent  of  Economic 
Imperialism,  based  largely  on  the  development  of  the  heavy 
industries  ;  and  Great  Britain,  which  had  come  into  posses- 
sion almost  by  accident  of  by  far  the  largest  colonial  Empire 
in  the  world,  felt  herself  challenged  by  the  rise  of  Germany 
in  a  political  as  well  as  an  economic  sense.  For  the  Germans 
naturally  wanted,  for  both  economic  and  political  reasons, 
to  build  up  an  Empire  of  their  own,  and  to  secure  adequate 
markets  and  assured  supplies  of  raw  materials  in  the  less 
developed  countries.  This  rivalry,  which  prepared  the  way 
for  the  World  War,  led  to  a  re-entry  of  Great  Britain  into 
European  entanglements,  culminating  in  the  Entente 
Cordiale  with  France  in  1903-4,  and  the  Triple  Entente 
with  France  and  Russia  in  1907. 

But,  having  helped  to  bring  about  the  defeat  of  Germany 
in  the  World  War,  Great  Britain  had  for  the  moment  no 
more  to  fear  from  her  ;  and  accordingly  her  attitude  to  the 
Germans  rapidly  changed,  more  especially  as,  in  the  post- 
war situation  of  Europe,  a  military  hegemony  of  France 
seemed  for  a  time  foreshadowed  by  the  system  of  alliances 
which  the  French  were  proceeding  to  build  up  with  the  new 
States  of  post-war  Europe.  Accordingly,  in  the  post-war 
treatment  of  Germany,  Great  Britain  usually  took  the  side 
of  leniency,  though  she  was  not  prepared  to  push  her  atti- 
tude to  the  point  of  provoking  a  quarrel  with  France. 
Meanwhile  the  French,  by  no  means  so  sure  that  the 
German  menace  was  over  and  done  with,  missed  the  oppor- 
tunity of  helping  in  the  successful  establishment  of  the  new 
German  Republic,  and  must  bear  a  large  share  of  the 
blame  for  provoking  the  German  militarist  reaction  in  1933. 

In  this  post-war  situation  it  was  impossible  for  Great 
Britain,  though  she  tried  tentatively  to  keep  out  of  the 


affairs  of  Europe,  to  avoid  commitments.  She  was  a  member 
of  the  League  and  thereby  committed  in  general  terms  to  the 
maintenance  of  the  settlement  reached  at  Versailles  and  in 
the  other  Treaties  of  Peace.  She  carefully  avoided  enter- 
ing into  any  further  commitments  for  the  preservation  of  the 
status  quo  in  Eastern  Europe,  and  refused  all  invitations  to 
become  a  party  to  an  "  Eastern  Locarno."  But  she  was 
led  by  her  recognition  of  the  need  for  the  re-establishment 
of  economic  prosperity  in  Europe,  and  above  all  for  the 
rehabilitation  of  Germany,  to  sign  the  Locarno  Treaty, 
which  aimed  at  guaranteeing  the  permanence  of  the  peace 
settlement  in  the  West.  Moreover,  her  rulers  shared  with 
those  of  the  other  European  capitalist  States  an  intense 
hostility  to  the  new  Socialist  system  established  in  Russia. 
Great  Britain  played  her  part  in  the  fomenting  of  civil  war 
in  Russia  in  the  years  immediately  after  the  Russian 
Revolution ;  and,  although  subsequently  her  attitude 
towards  Russia  alternated  with  changes  of  Government, 
for  the  most  part  she  could  be  reckoned  as  a  member  of  the 
consortium  of  capitalist  nations  designed  to  resist  the  spread 
of  Communist  ideas. 

Ireland.  The  external  political  situation  of  Great 
Britain  in  the  years  after  the  war  was  greatly  complicated 
by  difficulties  within  the  British  Empire.  The  century-old 
Irish  demand  for  Home  Rule  led  during  the  war  to  the 
Irish  Rebellion  of  1916  ;  and  though  this  movement  was 
successfully  crushed  it  became  impossible  after  the  war 
for  Great  Britain  to  resist  any  longer  the  demand  for  Irish 
self-government.  After  an  abortive  attempt  to  hold  down 
the  Irish  by  military  force  Great  Britain  recognised  the 
inevitable,  and  in  1921  consented  to  the  establishment  of 
the  Irish  Free  State  as  a  self-governing  member  of  the 
British  Commonwealth  of  Nations.  Ratified  in  the  Irish 
agreement  of  1922,  the  Constitution  of  the  Irish  Free  State 
gave  Ireland  practically  complete  autonomy,  though 
causes  of  dispute  remained  in  the  Oath  of  Allegiance  still 
exacted  from  the  Irish  Parliament,  and  in  the  provision  for 


the  payment  of  annuities  to  Great  Britain  in  respect  of 
money  supplied  in  the  past  for  the  improvement  of  the 
position  of  the  Irish  farmers.  The  right  of  secession  from  the 
Empire  was  denied  to  the  Irish  Free  State  ;  and  in  1932 
there  was  a  bitter  quarrel  between  the  two  countries  over 
the  refusal  of  de  Valera's  Government  to  keep  up  payments 
of  the  annuities  in  face  of  the  severe  agricultural  depression. 
Great  Britain  retaliated  by  imposing  heavy  tariff  duties  on 
imports  from  Ireland  ;  and  the  Irish  in  their  turn  declared 
their  intention  of  resisting  British  dictation  to  the  last,  and 
set  to  work  under  de  Valera's  influence  to  turn  their 
country  into  a  self-supporting  economic  unit  based  on  the 
principle  of  economic  nationalism. 

As  the  Irish  Free  State  had  been  accustomed  to  export, 
mainly  to  Great  Britain,  almost  45  per  cent  of  the  products 
of  her  agricultural  industries,  especially  livestock,  the 
barring  out  of  a  large  proportion  of  her  goods  from  the 
British  market  resulted  in  great  economic  distress;  and  the 
fall  in  the  purchasing  power  of  the  farmers  also  reacted  to 
increase  the  amount  of  urban  unemployment.  Moreover, 
the  Irish  Free  State,  though  a  large  exporter  of  agricultural 
produce,  is  by  no  means  self-sufficient  even  in  respect  of 
food.  The  Irish  farmers  grow  potatoes  and  produce  large 
quantities  of  turnips,  mangolds  and  hay  for  the  feeding  of 
stock;  but  they  produce  hardly  any  wheat  and  not  a  very 
large  quantity  of  any  cereal  except  oats.  The  total  value  of 
the  crops  averages  less  than  one-third  of  the  value  of  the 
output  of  livestock  ;  so  that  if  Ireland  loses  her  export 
trade  she  loses  with  it  the  power  to  buy  necessary  foodstuffs 
as  well  as  imported  manufactures. 

As  we  write,  no  solution  has  yet  been  found  of  the  dispute 
between  Great  Britain  and  the  Irish  Free  State,  and  the 
economic  future  of  the  country  remains  in  these  circum- 
stances highly  uncertain.  Irish  Labour,  largely  on  national- 
ist grounds,  has  so  far  given  its  support  to  de  Valera's 
policy  ;  but  the  Irish  workers  as  well  as  the  farmers  are 
becoming  restive  under  economic  adversity,  and  are  making 
demands  for  help  from  the  State  which  the  Government 


finds  it  difficult  to  meet  out  of  its  diminished  resources. 
Clearly  Ireland  is  not  economically  strong  enough  to 
stand  alone  without  involving  herself,  at  any  rate  for  some 
time  to  come,  in  a  serious  fall  in  the  standard  of  living 
of  the  people.  The  mutual  trade  between  Great  Britain  and 
the  Irish  Free  State  is  undoubtedly  of  economic  advantage 
to  both  countries  ;  and  economic  nationalism  in  Ireland 
has  its  roots  in  political  passions  rather  than  in  any  real 
economic  needs.  It  is  to  be  hoped  therefore  that  the  present 
dispute  will  be  settled,  though  the  attitude  of  the  British 
Government  has  so  far  been  one  of  extreme  intransigence, 
not  unprovoked  by  the  fanatical  fervour  of  de  Valera's 
nationalist  principles. 

India.  The  second  great  imperial  problem  which  has 
troubled  Great  Britain  since  the  war  is  that  of  India.  But 
this  falls  outside  the  scope  of  the  present  volume  ;  for  it 
would  be  impossible  to  deal  adequately  with  the  relations 
between  Great  Britain  and  India  without  considering 
other  aspects  of  the  Eastern  question.  It  suffices  to  say  that 
the  rise  of  Indian  Nationalism  and  the  still  unsolved  prob- 
lems which  a  new  Indian  Constitution  presents  have  raised 
acute  issues  for  the  British  economic  system  as  well  as 
for  the  British  Empire  as  a  political  unit.  For  India  is,  as  we 
have  seen,  the  largest  market  for  British  exports,  and  above 
all  for  cotton  goods.  During  the  war  there  was  a  consider- 
able advance  of  cotton  production  in  India  itself ;  and  since 
1918  this  advance  has  continued,  and  there  has  also  been 
a  considerable  import  into  India  of  cheap  cotton  goods 
produced  in  Japan.  The  Indian  manufacturers  want  pro- 
tection for  their  own  industry  against  both  British  and 
Japanese  imports  ;  and  Great  Britain  has  been  compelled 
to  concede  the  principle  of  tariff  autonomy  to  the  Indian 
Government,  which  of  course  she  still  finally  controls,  and 
actually  to  permit  in  response  to  strong  pressure  from  the 
Indian  manufacturers  the  imposition  of  protective  duties  on 
British  goods.  Under  the  Ottawa  agreements  the  Indian 
Government  agreed  to  give  preference  to  British  imports^ 


and  the  British  manufacturer  thus  enjoys  a  more  favour- 
able position  in  the  Indian  market  than  his  Japanese  rival  ; 
but  the  protection  accorded  to  the  home  manufacturer 
remains  substantial,  and  there  has  been  strong  objection  in 
India  to  the  granting  of  any  preference  at  all. 

Moreover,  India,  like  China,  uses  the  boycott  as  one  of 
her  most  powerful  political  weapons,  and  there  has  been 
from  time  to  time  a  definite  boycott  of  Lancashire  products 
by  the  Indian  importers,  even  apart  from  Gandhi's  cam- 
paign in  favour  of  the  use  of  Indian  cloth  produced  upon 
the  handloom.  Great  Britain  can  obviously  ill  afford  any 
further  contraction  in  the  Indian  market.  A  large  part  of 
the  trade  in  cheap  cotton  goods  is  already  lost,  and  is  most 
unlikely  ever  to  be  recovered  ;  but  there  remains  a  suffi- 
ciently large  volume  of  exports  to  India  to  exercise  an 
important  influence  on  the  political  policy  of  Great  Britain 
in  dealing  with  Indian  Nationalist  claims.  The  Diehards 
in  Great  Britain  wish  so  to  crush  the  Indian  Nationalist 
movement  as  to  keep  the  Indian  market  open  to  British 
goods  by  force  ;  but  the  majority  of  British  politicians  and 
the  exporters  interested  in  the  Indian  trade  strongly  doubt 
the  practicability  of  this  course,  and  therefore  favour  more 
conciliatory  methods.  It  remains  to  be  seen  whether  the 
Round  Table  Conferences  and  the  further  discussions  now 
in  progress  for  the  elaboration  of  a  new  Indian  Constitu- 
tion will  result  in  a  working  compromise.  They  may  do  so  ; 
for  the  Indians  neither  possess  at  present  the  coherent  power 
required  for  open  rebellion,  nor  agree  in  desiring  an  abso- 
lute and  immediate  withdrawal  of  the  British.  The  Indians 
want  self-government ;  but  they  are  prepared  to  com- 
promise if  Great  Britain  will  meet  them  half-way,  and 
Indian  opinion  is  so  divided,  especially  over  the  differences 
between  Mohammedans  and  Hindus,  as  to  make  at  least 
a  temporary  compromise  more  likely  than  an  open  rup- 
ture, unless  Great  Britain  becomes  involved  in  a  new 
European  war.  Moreover,  the  position  of  the  Indian 
princes,  who  have  no  desire  for  democratic  institutions 
to  be  installed  in  their  territories  under  the  aegis  of  the 


Indian  Nationalist  movement,  strengthens  Great  Britain  in 
resisting  the  claims  of  the  more  intransigent  Indian 
Nationalists.  Nor  can  it  be  forgotten  that  Indian  Nation- 
alism is  torn  asunder  by  conflicting  class  interests  as  well  as 
by  racial  and  religious  differences.  The  Indian  Nationalist 
cotton  employers  have  no  desire  to  unloose  among  their 
exceedingly  ill-paid  workers  forces  too  strong  to  be  con- 
trolled ;  and  this  is  a  further  factor  making  on  the  side  of  at 
least  a  temporary  compromise. 

Imperialism  and  Investment.  With  the  Imperial  prob- 
lem as  a  whole  this  book  does  not  set  out  to  deal  ;  and  the 
case  of  India  has  been  mentioned  only  because  of  its  pro- 
found effect  upon  the  internal  economic  situation  in  Great 
Britain.  The  wider  problem  of  Imperial  economic  rela- 
tionships has  been  dealt  with  earlier  in  this  section  and 
will  recur  in  the  section  devoted  to  European  economic 
problems,  where  it  arises  in  connection  with  the  project  of 
a  European  Economic  Union,  and  the  difficult  situation  of 
Great  Britain,  which  desires  to  maintain  and  develop 
economic  connections  with  both  Europe  and  the  Empire. 
It  should,  however,  be  added  here  that,  while  the  British 
Empire  is  by  far  the  oldest  of  the  great  colonial  Empires  of 
the  European  Powers,  Great  Britain  has  been  by  no  means 
behindhand  in  adding  to  the  territory  under  her  political 
control  in  recent  times.  During  the  last  thirty  years  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  the  British  Empire  grew  in  size  by  over 
4f  million  square  miles,  with  an  estimated  population  of 
88  millions.  One-third  of  the  total  area  of  the  Empire  and 
one-quarter  of  its  total  population  were  thus  acquired 
during  these  thirty  years  alone.  This  process  was  continued 
in  the  twentieth  century,  until  in  1914  the  Empire  had  an 
area  of  i  ij  million  square  miles  and  an  estimated  popula- 
tion of  417  millions,  of  whom  315  millions  were  in  British 
India,  and  less  than  60  millions  were  white.  The  war  added 
further  large  territories  to  the  Empire  under  the  guise  of 
mandated  areas  ;  and  in  1933,  including  these  post-war 
acquisitions,  the  Empire  has  a  population  of  more  than 


450  millions  and  a  total  territory  of  well  over  13,000,000 
square  miles.  It  is  thus  far  larger  in  both  extent  and  popula- 
tion than  any  of  the  other  colonial  Empires,  though  the 
French  showed  tremendous  vigour  during  the  thirty  years 
before  the  outbreak  of  war  in  adding  to  their  territories, 
especially  in  Africa  and  Indo-China,  and  they  too  acquired 
after  1918  mandates  over  a  considerable  part  of  the 
pre-war  German  Empire. 

This  growth  of  Imperialism  in  Great  Britain,  even  more 
than  in  other  imperialist  countries,  has  gone  side  by  side 
with  an  enormous  expansion  in  the  volume  of  British  over- 
seas investment.  Overseas  investment  was  indeed  no  new 
thing  in  the  last  quarter  of  the  nineteenth  century.  It  began 
on  a  significant  scale  immediately  after  the  Napoleonic 
Wars  ;  and  it  has  been  estimated  that  by  1875  the  total 
value  of  British  capital  invested  overseas  amounted  to 
about  £1,200,000,000.  By  1914  this  had  increased  to  well 
over  £4,000,000,000,  and  Great  Britain  was  thus  by  far 
the  greatest  creditor  nation,  her  total  overseas  investment 
having  been  approximately  doubled  between  1900  and 
1914.  The  French,  who  came  next,  had  foreign  invest- 
ments valued  in  all  at  about  £1,800,000,000  ;  and  the 
Germans,  who  had  started  much  later  than  the  French  to 
invest  abroad,  had  already  about  £1,250,000,000.  The 
United  States  was  on  balance  still  a  debtor  country,  im- 
porting capital  for  the  enormously  rapid  expansion  of  her 
own  economic  system. 

Of  these  foreign  holdings  of  capital,  from  which  Great 
Britain  draws  an  annual  tribute  which  enables  her  to  meet 
the  cost  of  a  substantial  part  of  her  merchandise  imports, 
nearly  half  was  in  1914  invested  inside  the  British  Empire. 
Quite  half  was  in  America,  including  about  one-fifth  of  the 
total  in  the  United  States,  and  the  remainder  in  Canada 
and  Latin  America.  Investments  in  Europe  were  relatively 
tiny,  amounting  to  little  more  than  £200,000,000  in  all. 
On  the  other  hand,  France  had  more  than  sixty  per  cent 
of  her  total  investments  in  European  countries,  and  Ger- 
many had  also  invested  far  more  heavily  in  Central  and 


Eastern  Europe  than  elsewhere.  There  was  thus  no  very 
great  competition  in  the  field  of  overseas  investment 
between  Great  Britain  and  the  other  leading  Continental 
countries  ;  and  this  situation  has  been  largely  maintained 
since  the  war,  in  that  Great  Britain  has  disposed  of  the 
reduced  sums  available  for  investment  mainly  within  the 
Empire  and  in  Latin  America,  and  to  a  less  extent  in  the 
Far  East,  and  has  not  made  any  considerable  long-term 
loans  to  Europe.  Her  debtors  in  Europe  are  for  the  most 
part  short-term  debtors,  whose  obligations  arose  either  out 
of  commercial  transactions  or  from  loans  by  the  British 
banks  to  the  Continental  banks,  especially  those  of  Ger- 
many. As  an  investor  of  capital  overseas,  Great  Britain  is 
therefore  dependent  far  more  on  the  prosperity  of  the 
Empire  and  of  Latin  America  than  on  Europe  ;  and  as  the 
countries  in  which  she  has  invested  most  of  her  resources  are 
primarily  agricultural  producers  the  burden  of  their  debts 
to  Great  Britain  has  been  enormously  enhanced  by  the 
fall  in  agricultural  prices. 

There  has  been,  however,  in  respect  of  fixed-interest 
bearing  obligations  remarkably  little  default  despite  the 
long  continuance  of  the  depression.  There  would  certainly 
have  been  much  more  had  Great  Britain  remained  upon  the 
gold  standard  ;  for  the  effect  of  the  depreciation  of  sterling 
was  to  relieve  to  some  extent  the  burden  upon  the  debtors, 
because  most  of  the  loans  had  been  made  in  terms  of  ster- 
ling, and  not  of  gold  or  of  the  currencies  of  the  debtor 
countries.  This  of  course  meant  that  Great  Britain,  in  allow- 
ing sterling  to  depreciate,  forwent  some  part  of  her  claims 
upon  her  external  debtors  ;  but  it  is  probable  that  she 
gained  more  than  she  lost  by  doing  this,  for  if  default  had 
once  started  on  any  serious  scale  it  would  have  been  very 
difficult  to  check.  It  is,  however,  doubtful  how  much 
longer,  if  the  world  depression  continues,  agricultural 
countries  in  extreme  difficulties  will  be  prepared  to  go  on 
paying  even  the  present  reduced  tributes  to  their  creditors 
in  Great  Britain  ;  and  the  large  dependence  of  Great 
Britain  on  her  income  from  overseas  investment  gives  her 


a  very  strong  interest  in  the  restoration  of  the  prosperity 
of  the  agricultural  parts  of  the  world.  This  interest  far 
more  than  offsets  the  advantage  which  she  at  present  gains 
from  the  cheap  rates  at  which  she  is  able  to  purchase  many 
of  her  imports,  though  this  has  of  course  to  be  taken  into 
account  as  a  factor  tending  to  give  her  substantial  relief, 
and  largely  explaining  the  reduction  in  her  adverse  bal- 
ance of  commodity  trade. 

§  16.   THE  U.S.S.R. 

far  the  largest  country  in  Europe,  even  if  its  European  terri- 
tories only  are  taken  into  account.  The  whole  area  of  the 
Soviet  territories  is  8£  million  square  miles,  more  than  twice 
the  size  of  the  whole  of  Europe,  including  European  Russia, 
and  considerably  larger  than  the  whole  of  North  America. 
This — its  immense  size — is  the  first  factor  which  must  be 
taken  into  account  in  any  consideration  of  modern  Russia. 
Though  Russia  lost  more  land  by  the  war  than  any  other 
combataht,  all  her  losses  taken  together  only  amounted  to 
3  per  cent  of  the  total. 

Within  this  vast  area  live  162  million  people — rather  more 
than  live  in  North  America,  but  far  fewer  than  live  in  the 
rest  of  Europe.  The  density  of  population  in  Russia  is  only 
1 8  per  square  mile,  less  than  that  of  any  European  country 
except  Iceland  ;  but  this  figure  is  misleading  if  it  is  taken 
to  mean  that  the  population  of  Russia  is  spread  over  the 
country  in  that  ratio.  European  Russia  is  more  thickly 
populated  than  Asiatic  Russia  ;  there  are  large  tracts  of  the 
latter  where  practically  nobody  lives.  In  European  Russia, 
the  great  cities,  Moscow  and  Leningrad  in  particular,  are 
more  crowded  than  any  other  city  in  the  West ;  and  even  in 
the  countryside  the  Russians  live  clustered  in  villages,  often 
with  miles  of  unoccupied  country  dividing  one  village  from 
the  next.  Thus  life  in  many  parts  of  Russia  is  not  nearly  as 
isolated  as  it  would  seem  to  be  from  these  figures  ;  and  the 


age-old  migratory  habits  of  the  Russian,  agriculturalist 
as  well  as  pastoral  worker,  reduce  this  isolation  still  further. 

This  population  is  divided  into  many  races,  speaking  an 
infinity  of  languages.  Over  seventy  per  cent  of  the  popu- 
lation are  Slavs  of  one  type  or  another,  speaking  Great  Rus- 
sian or  tongues  resembling  it.  As  under  the  Tsars  Great 
Russian  was  the  only  official  language,  the  only  language 
recognised  for  publications  or  taught  in  the  schools,  it  used 
to  be  assumed  that  practically  all  the  inhabitants  of  Russia 
except  the  vocal  minorities  were  Russians.  This  the  Revo- 
lution has  shown  to  be  untrue.  Of  other  Indo-European 
races  in  Russia  the  most  important  are  the  Germans,  of 
whom  there  is  a  large  colony  on  the  Volga,  and  the  Ar- 
menians in  the  south,  though  members  of  many  other 
nations  are  to  be  found  there.  East  of  the  Volga,  and 
stretching  far  into  Central  Asia,  are  the  great  groups  of 
mixed  Turkish  and  Tartar  peoples,  with  various  types  of 
Mongols  to  the  north  of  them.  Then  there  are  the  Georgians 
in  the  south,  a  group  of  peoples  akin  to  the  Finns  in  the 
north-west,  and  smaller  race  and  language  units,  some  of 
great  obscurity,  stretching  away  along  the  frozen  terri- 
tories into  Northern  Siberia.  It  is  calculated  that  in  the 
Institute  of  the  Northern  Peoples  at  Leningrad  teaching 
is  given  in  no  less  than  fifty  languages.  Finally  there  are  the 
Jews,  heavily  persecuted  by  Tsardom,  of  whom  there  are 
about  five  millions.  Under  the  Tsars,  the  Jews  were  forced 
to  live  in  an  enclave  or  pale  which  stretched  from  Poland 
into  Great  Russia  ;  but  since  the  Revolution  they  have 
been  allowed  to  move  about  freely,  and  in  particular  large 
agricultural  colonies  of  Jews  have  been  settled  in  the 

The  official  religion  of  the  Soviet  State  is  atheism.  Before 
the  Revolution  the  majority  of  the  population  belonged  to 
the  Greek  Orthodox  Church,  with  a  small  Roman  Catholic 
element,  particularly  in  the  west,  a  group  of  Lutherans  in 
the  north,  a  large  group  of  Moslems,  and  a  sprinkling  of 
Buddhists.  Since  1931,  the  discouragement  of  religion  has 
been  less  strong,  and  adherents  of  all  these  five  creeds,  and 

THE    U.S.S.R.  371 

of  any  others,  are  allowed  to  practise  them,  though  the 
numbers  are  naturally  not  known. 

Russia  is  thus  full  of  minorities.  But  the  vigorous  encour- 
agement given  to  non-Russian  cultures,  and  the  right  of 
secession  granted  to  the  constitutent  Republics  by  the  Con- 
stitution of  1923,  has  rendered  the  minority  problem  in 
Russia  something  very  different  from  the  same  problem, 
say,  in  Roumania.  It  would  not  be  true  to  say  there  is  no 
separatist  feeling  at  all ;  it  can  be  found  in  the  Ukraine  and 
Georgia,  and  perhaps  elsewhere  ;  but  it  is  neither  strong 
nor  widely  diffused. 

Russia  is  predominantly  an  agricultural  country,  over 
80  per  cent  of  the  population  making  its  living  off  the  land. 
But  not  by  any  means  all  of  Russia  is  cultivated  or  cultiv- 
able. About  two-fifths  of  Russia's  whole  area — two  thousand 
million  acres — is  forest,  of  which  a  quarter  is  in  European 
Russia  ;  and  north  of  the  forest,  in  the  extreme  Arctic 
regions,  is  tundra  where  not  even  forest  will  grow.  The 
cultivated  area  of  Russia  is  nearly  350  million  acres,1  in- 
cluding the  "  black  earth  "  belt,  and  to  this  must  be  added, 
for  purposes  of  food  production,  the  millions  of  acres  of 
pasturage  in  the  southern  steppes,  Central  Asia,  and 
Siberia.  Much  of  this  grassland,  particularly  in  Asia,  is, 
as  it  has  always  been,  dependent  upon  fluctuating  rainfall, 
so  that  estimates  of  the  extent  of  Russian  pasture  land 
would  bear  little  relation  to  the  facts.  Of  the  agricultural 
land  nearly  three-quarters  is  under  grain,  wheat  and  rye 
being  the  principal  crops.  Only  about  a  tenth  is  used  for 
"  industrial  "  crops,  of  which  sunflower,  flax,  cotton  and 
sugar  beet,  in  the  order  named,  are  the  most  important. 
The  number  of  livestock  is  enormous,  but  has  fallen  seri- 
ously during  the  past  few  years. 

Of  other  commodities,  the  production  of  timber,  oil, 
hides  and  fish  are  the  most  important.  The  output  of  coal 
and  other  minerals,  though  growing,  is  still  small  as  com- 
pared with  that  of  industrial  countries.  Under  twenty 
million  Russians  are  employed  in  factory  work  ;  and  since 
1  Including  pasture  in  "  mixed  "  farms. 


the  Five-Year  Plan  began,  attention  has  been  concentrated 
on  heavy  rather  than  on  light  industry.  A  certain  amount 
of  non-agricultural  production  is  still  carried  on,  as  it  used 
to  be  carried  on,  by  "  artels  "  of  villagers  ;  but  very  much 
less  than  formerly.  The  external  trade  of  Russia,  owing  to 
political  obstacles,  is  still  not  great  ;  the  main  exports 
are  agricultural  products  and  the  commodities  mentioned 
at  the  beginning  of  this  paragraph.  The  main  import  is 
machinery  of  all  types. 

It  is  idle  to  try  and  estimate  the  productive  possibilities 
of  Russia,  for  they  are  only  just  being  discovered  to-day. 
The  mineral  wealth  of  the  Urals,  for  example,  has  barely 
been  tapped.  In  some  cases,  such  as  that  of  timber,  the 
approximate  extent  of  the  resources  is  known ;  but  for  lack 
of  transport  they  cannot  be  utilised.  Transport  in  Russia 
is  bad,  partly  because  of  the  enormous  distances  and  the 
poverty  of  the  country.  Railways  can  only,  for  these  reasons, 
very  slowly  be  made  to  pay  ;  and  it  should  be  noticed  that 
though  the  absence  of  gradients  over  the  enormous  plain 
simplifies  in  one  sense  the  task  of  railway  engineers  in 
Russia,  they  have  other  difficulties  to  contend  with.  For 
instance,  much  of  the  bed  of  the  Trans-Siberian  Railway 
had  to  be  blasted  out  of  permanently  frozen  soil.  Western 
Russia  is  comparatively  well  supplied  with  railways  ;  but 
in  the  east  large  areas  are  totally  without  railway  commu- 

There  is  a  great  deal  of  navigable  waterway,  useful  for 
internal  communication,  but  less  so  for  external  trade, 
since  the  long  rivers  mostly  flow  either  into  the  landlocked 
Caspian,  or  into  seas  that  are  icebound  for  months  in  the 
year.  Even  the  rivers  themselves  are  often  partly  icebound. 
The  endeavour  to  gain  access  to  a  warm  water  port  has 
occupied  a  great  deal  of  the  energies  of  Russian  statesmen 
during  the  past  hundred  and  fifty  years,  and  accounts 
partly  for  the  anxiety  felt  about  Vladivostok.  Roads  are 
also  bad  ;  there  is  little  stone  or  even  gravel  available  for 
road-building,  and  whereas  in  winter  when  the  snow  is 
frozen  a  good  deal  of  sledge  travelling  is  possible,  in 

THE    U.S.S.R.  373 

autumn  and  spring  many  of  the  roads  are  quite  impassable, 
and  in  summer  full  of  dust  and  holes.  Some  parts  of  Russia 
have  scarcely  got  beyond  the  stage  of  cameltracks.  Aerial 
transport  is  beginning,  but  the  traffic  is  as  yet  infinitesimal. 

It  follows  that  one  cannot  speak  of  Russia  as  self-support- 
ing. It  is  potentially  self-supporting,  but  only  if  there  is 
sufficient  transport  available  to  carry  supplies  over  a 
wide  area.  If  the  crop  is  good,  the  black-earth  belt  has  a 
surplus  to  send  to  the  northern  parts  which  cannot  feed 
themselves  ;  but  only  if  transport  is  available.  Similarly, 
the  resources  of  timber,  minerals,  cotton,  etc.,  can  only  be 
made  available  if  there  is  capital  provided  for  their  develop- 
ment and  transport.  Until  that  is  done,  Russia  will  be  bound 
to  remain  at  a  low  standard  of  life,  and  liable  to  recurrent 
local  or  general  shortages. 

One  of  her  greatest  assets,  however,  is  her  man-power, 
increasing  every  year  at  the  rate  of  two  and  a  half  millions, 
particularly  since  the  Soviet  system  of  child  care  has  so 
much  reduced  the  rate  of  infantile  mortality.1  This  man- 
power may  not  be  at  the  highest  grade  of  skill  ;  but  it  is 
adaptable,  mobile  and  numerous.  The  great  ease  with  which 
all  rulers  of  Russia  have  raised  enormous  armies — the 
conscripted  soldiers  at  the  time  of  the  fall  of  the  Tsar  were 
said  to  number  fourteen  millions — is  an  illustration. 

The  salient  feature  of  modern  Russia  is  that  it  is  Com- 
munist. To  this  we  shall  return  in  the  description  of  its 
political  institutions  ;  but  we  must  note  that  there  are 
certain  features  of  Russian  tradition  which  have  facilitated 
the  transition  to  Communism,  hard  though  it  may  have 
been  in  other  respects.  "  The  dictatorship  of  the  prole- 
tariat "  came  easily  to  a  people  habituated  since  the 
fifteenth  century  to  autocratic  government  ;  nor  did  the 
idea  that  government  should  concern  itself  in  every  depart- 
ment of  life  seem  at  all  strange  to  the  descendants  of  those 

1  In  1910  the  infantile  mortality  rate  for  European  Russia  was  28.5 
per  cent ;  it  had  declined  by  1927  to  18.4  per  cent,  and  was  consid- 
erably lower  in  the  large  towns. 


who  had  known  Peter  the  Great  and  Catherine  II.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  extraordinary  gift  of  the  ordinary  Russian 
for  communal  co-operation  has  made  the  Soviet  system  a 
natural  growth  ;  and  the  absence  of  anything  like  a  trading 
and  manufacturing  bourgeoisie  and  its  substitution  by  an 
"  intelligentsia  "  of  writers  and  State  officials  who  were 
peculiarly  open  to  the  influence  of  ideas  removed  at  any 
rate  one  of  the  difficulties  which  confronts  every  Socialist 
Party  in  Western  Europe. 

Tsarist  Russia.  Civilisation,  in  some  parts  of  Russia, 
is  very  old  indeed.  Kiev  was  a  flourishing  city  in  the  ninth 
century  before  it  was  christianised  ;  Nijni-Novgorod  was 
settled  by  Scandinavians  in  the  tenth  century  and  became 
a  great  trading  centre  ;  and  these  were  only  two  of  many 
cities.  (The  ancient  caravan  ports  of  Central  Asia,  such  as 
Bokhara  and  Samarkand,  were  at  this  date  part  of  Asia, 
not  of  "  Europe.")  But  this  city  civilisation  was  washed 
under  by  the  Tartar  invasions  of  the  thirteenth  century, 
and  the  modern  history  of  Russia  really  begins  with  the 
establishment  in  the  fifteenth  century  of  a  fighting  dynasty 
in  Moscow.  Ivan  III  and  Ivan  IV  (the  "  Terrible  ")  of  that 
dynasty  drove  back  the  Tartars,  added  large  parts  of 
southern  and  northern  Russia  to  the  Russian  Empire  and 
began,  through  expeditions  of  Cossacks,  the  settlement  of 
Siberia.  But  the  system  of  the  Russian  Tsars  was  completely 
autocratic  ;  after  the  reduction  by  Ivan  IV  of  cities  such 
as  Pskov  and  Nijni  there  was  no  local  autonomy  left.  There 
were  no  representative  institutions  ;  the  Duma  was  an 
advisory  body  only  ;  and  there  was  no  check  on  the  power 
of  the  Tsar  except  the  ancient  "  privileges  "  of  the  nobles. 
Russia's  history  thereafter,  until  the  Revolution,  has  two 
main  interests,  the  spread  of  the  Russian  Empire,  and  the 
various  attempts  at  Westernisation.  Peter  the  Great  con- 
quered the  Crimea,  and  the  Swedish  possessions  on  the 
Baltic,  and  built  St.  Petersburg  (Leningrad)  as  a  port  for 
the  west ;  Catherine  II  seized  Russian  Poland,  and  made 
of  Russia  a  recognised  European  Power  ;  the  settlement  of 

THE    U.S.S.R.  375 

1815  added  Finland  and  Bessarabia  ;  during  the  nineteenth 
century  the  incorporation  of  Siberia  proceeded  rapidly  ; 
while  between  1864  and  1879  great  areas  of  Central  Asia 
were  removed  from  tribal  rule  and  placed  under  the  Tsar. 
The  conquest  of  Asiatic  Russia  was  complete  by  the  end  of 
the  century,  and  the  Trans-Siberian  Railway  begun  in 
1900  ;  but  an  attempt  to  seize  Manchuria  failed  and  led  to 
the  Russo-Japanese  War — the  first  serious  check  to  Russian 
expansion.  It  is  not  always  realised,  however,  that  the  wide 
growth  of  the  Russian  Empire  is  of  comparatively  recent 
date  ;  Odessa,  for  example,  the  great  Black  Sea  port,  was 
only  built  in  1 794. 

This  vast  empire  has  been  the  subject  of  periodic  attempts 
at  Westernisation,  of  which  the  Soviet  industrial  policy  is 
only  the  latest  of  a  series.  The  first  was  made  by  Ivan  IV  in 
the  sixteenth  century  when  the  British  Muscovy  Company 
had  opened  up  trading  relations.  Foreign  workers  were 
brought  in,  a  beginning  made  of  education,  and  an  attempt 
made  to  reform  the  alphabet,  the  coinage,  and  the  Eastern 
habits  of  the  population.  But  these  reforms  did  not  go  deep  ; 
the  greatest  change  which  the  sixteenth  century  brought  to 
Russia  was  the  introduction,  in  1597,  of  a  serfdom  which 
came  much  nearer  to  slavery  than  the  medieval  serfdom 
of  the  West. 

Much  more  important  was  the  reign  of  Peter  the  Great 
(1685-1725),  who  set  about  deliberately  to  transform 
Russia  into  a  Western  State.  Factories  and  shipbuilding 
yards  were  set  up,  a  system  of  education  introduced,  and 
many  other  reforms,  some  very  much  against  the  grain  of 
Russian  habits,  enforced  by  the  personal  efforts  of  the  Tsar. 
It  should  be  observed  that  Peter's  reforms,  like  those  of 
Catherine  II  after  him,  were  made  practically  single- 
handed.  What  one  man  could  do,  he  did,  not  without 
violent  cruelty  at  times  ;  but  he  had  hardly  any  collabor- 
ators, and  had  to  wage  an  unceasing  war  not  merely  against 
corruption  and  inefficiency,  but  against  definite  opposition 
to  the  basis  of  his  ideas.  "  Slavophilism,"  that  school  of 
thought  which  absolutely  denies  the  value  of  Western 


civilisation  to  Russia,  then  first  made  its  appearance.  It  was 
powerful  in  the  nineteenth  century,  and  the  Social  Revolu- 
tionary Party  was  largely  under  its  influence  ;  but  it  appears 
to  have  died  down  since  the  Revolution.  The  recent  conflict 
between  Stalin  and  Trotsky  had  nothing  to  do  with 
Slavophilism,  but  was  a  dispute  about  revolutionary  tactics. 

In  spite  of  these  efforts,  Russia  before  1850  was  still  an 
extraordinarily  backward  country,  living  largely  by  barter. 
The  few  industrial  establishments  which  existed  were 
either  State  factories  or  "  estate  "  factories  run  by  the  great 
nobles,  and  staffed,  in  either  case,  partly  by  foreign  labour 
and  partly  by  serfs.  This  low-grade  serf  labour  was  commonly 
housed  and  fed,  after  a  fashion,  entirely  by  the  factory 
which  employed  it.  The  factory  kitchen,  the  factory  club, 
and  the  factory  housing  estate  are  not  new  ideas  in  modern 
Russia,  though  their  administration  is  new.  But  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  century  considerable  efforts  were  made.  The 
serfs  were  freed  in  the  'sixties  ;  and  many  new  developments, 
of  which  the  most  important  is  Count  Witte's  immense 
railway  building  programme,  were  set  on  foot. 

All  this  development,  however,  had  to  take  place  with 
the  aid  of  foreign  capital.  Russia  was  always  extremely  poor, 
and  could  not  possibly  finance  her  own  works.  The  external 
debt  became  enormous  ;  and  in  order  to  pay  the  interest, 
the  Russian  Government  had  to  export  quantities  of  grain — 
quantities  which  had  to  be  increased  when  in  the  last 
quarter  of  the  century  the  competition  of  grain  from  the 
New  World  caused  a  break  in  prices.  (Cf.  the  events  of  the 
years  1930-32.)  This  export  had  to  be  subtracted  from 
the  low  standard  of  life  of  the  Russian  peasant,  already 
burdened  with  emancipation  dues  and  unable,  under  the 
communal  control  of  the  mir,  or  village  group,  to  improve 
or  increase  production.  The  economic  situation  of  the 
Russian  peasant  at  the  end  of  the  nineteenth  century  was 
very  bad  indeed.  The  condition  of  the  town  worker  was  not 
much  better,  and  he  was  forbidden  to  combine. 

The  failure  of  the  Russo-Japanese  War  caused  a  collapse. 
Strikes  broke  out  in  the  large  towns,  and  there  were 

THE    U.S.S.R.  377 

agrarian  riots  in  many  parts  of  the  country.  In  St.  Peters- 
burg and  other  large  towns  the  strikes  turned  quickly  into 
revolutionary  movements,  and  for  a  while  the  Soviet,  i.e. 
the  Council  of  Workers'  and  Soldiers'  Deputies,  held  the 
power  in  St.  Petersburg.  The  Tsar  and  his  advisers  appeared 
to  yield,  and  promised  reforms.  A  Duma,  which  contained 
a  large  membership  drawn  from  the  Kadets  (-Con- 
stitutional-Democrats) and  from  the  various  Socialist 
Parties,  was  hastily  called  together  ;  but  when  once  the 
danger  was  over  its  views  were  consistently  flouted.  The 
revolutionary  aspect  of  the  movement  was  put  down  ; 
Stolypin,  the  Prime  Minister,  carried  out  repression  with  a 
vigorous  hand  ;  and  those  Socialists  who  were  not  jailed 
or  sent  to  Siberia  for  the  most  part  fled  abroad. 

Such  was  the  situation  when  the  European  war  broke 
out  :  and  the  war,  by  straining  beyond  breaking  point  the 
inefficient  and  wasteful  Tsarist  system,  finally  brought  about 
its  downfall.  Millions  of  men  were  put  under  arms,  of 
whom  only  about  a  third  were  at  any  time  anywhere  near 
the  enemy  ;  and  transport  broke  down  so  hopelessly  that 
many  of  them  could  not  be  fed,  clothed  or  armed.  Before 
the  end  of  1916  there  was  a  clamour  for  bread  and  peace. 
In  March  1917,  a  general  strike,  led  by  the  Soviet  of 
Workers'  and  Soldiers'  Deputies,  broke  out  in  Petrograd, 
and  the  Tsar's  Goverment  promptly  fell.  It  was  succeeded 
by  a  Provisional  Government  of  moderate  views,  which  in 
May  became,  by  the  inclusion  of  representatives  from  the 
Soviets,  a  Coalition  Government  under  Kerenskv. 

The  Russian  Revolution.  The  centre  of  power  lay,  how- 
ever, not  in  the  Provisional  or  the  Coalition  Government, 
but  in  the  Soviets  which  existed  or  were  rapidly  formed  all 
over  Russia.  These  however,  though  preached  to  by  Lenin 
and  other  members  of  the  Bolshevik  section  of  the  Social 
Democratic  Party,  who  returned  from  exile  in  April,  had 
as  yet  no  definite  policy,  though  they  had  a  Conference  and 
a  Central  Executive.  (A  Congress  of  Peasant  Soviets  was 
held  at  the  beginning  of  June,  and  elected  an  Executive 


which  co-operated  with  the  Executive  of  the  town  workers.) 
The  hope  of  all  Russian  workers  was  for  peace  and  bread  ; 
but  they  did  not  know  how  to  get  it. 

The  unfortunate  Kerensky  Government  was  forced  by  the 
Allies  in  June  to  undertake  an  offensive  which  was  a  com- 
plete and  disastrous  failure,  the  troops  deserting  wholesale. 
In  July  a  strike  wave  in  Petrograd  was  put  down,  and  gave 
the  Government  the  opportunity  to  take  reprisals  against 
the  Bolsheviks  ;  though  it  did  not  dare  to  suppress  them 
completely  for  fear  of  their  influence  among  the  working 
classes.  All  through  the  summer  Bolshevik  ideas  were 
growing  among  the  Soviet  delegates  all  over  the  country,  a 
fact  which  made  it  possible  in  the  autumn  for  the  Bolsheviks 
to  raise  the  cry  "  All  Power  to  the  Soviets." 

Early  in  September,  while  interminable  discussions  about 
the  policy  and  methods  of  summoning  a  Constituent 
Assembly  were  going  on,  Admiral  Kornilov  attempted  a 
counter-revolution.  This  was  defeated,  almost  before  it  had 
begun,  by  the  spontaneous  efforts  of  bodies  of  workers.  The 
result  was  the  formation  of  the  Red  Guard.  Prices  were 
rising  fast,  and  there  were  agrarian  raids  on  the  great 
estates  in  many  parts  of  Russia.  In  October  Lenin  recom- 
mended the  Bolshevik  Party  to  put  themselves  at  the  head 
of  an  insurrection.  They  were  doubtful  ;  but  within  a  fort- 
night revolution  came.  The  Winter  Palace  fell  ;  Kerensky 
fled  ;  and  within  ten  days,  almost  without  fighting,  the 
revolution  was  established.  Foreign  journalists,  bred  on  a 
tradition  of  barricades  and  fierce  street  fighting,  could  not 
really  believe  that  a  revolution  had  taken  place.  There 
was  not  enough  blood. 

The  Bolshevik  Party  took  control  of  the  Revolution 
because  it  had  secured  control  of  the  Red  Guard  and  the 
Petrograd  Soviet  (of  which  Trotsky  was  the  chairman), 
because  it  was  the  party  which  had  opposed  the  hated 
offensive,  and  had  been  persecuted  by  the  discredited 
Coalition  Government,  but  most  of  all  because  it  was  the 
only  party  which  had  a  clear  and  definite  policy.  It  could 
not  count  on  the  co-operation  of  other  Socialists  ;  tKe 

THE    U.S.S.R.  379 

Mensheviks,  the  other  fraction  of  the  old  Social  Democratic 
Party,  were  definitely  hostile  ;  and  of  the  big  Social  Revolu- 
tionary Party,  the  right  wing  was  hostile,  and  the  left  only 
came  over  by  degrees.  But  it  could  count  on  the  town 
workers,  amongst  whom  Bolshevik  ideas  had  been  spreading 
rapidly,  and  on  the  fighting  forces,  to  whom  it  had  promised 
peace.  Through  the  soldiers,  mostly  peasant-born,  and 
drifting  back  in  masses  to  the  villages,  it  could  to  a  certain 
extent  influence  the  peasants,  i.e.  the  mass  of  the  Russian 
people  ;  but  the  general  attitude  of  the  peasants  was  doubt- 
ful. At  the  end  of  November,  a  Congress  of  Peasant  Soviets 
split,  the  left  half  going  with  the  Bolsheviks. 

The  support  of  half  the  peasantry  was  no  good.  Accord- 
ingly, Lenin,  chairman  of  the  Council  of  People's  Com- 
missars (the  executive  body  set  up  by  the  Revolution) 
promulgated  on  November  8th  the  famous  decree  which 
nationalised  all  the  land  of  Russia,  thus  keeping  the 
Socialist  framework,  but  gave  it  to  the  peasants  to  hold. 
Thus,  at  one  stroke,  the  support  of  the  bulk  of  the  peasants 
was  assured  during  all  the  troubles  to  come. 

These  troubles  were  not  long  in  making  their  appearance. 
Immediately  upon  assuming  power,  the  Bolsheviks  issued 
to  all  the  combatants  a  suggestion  for  a  general  armistice. 
When  that  was  rejected,  they  began  to  negotiate  for 
peace  with  the  German  and  Austrian  Governments.  At 
first  the  negotiations  appeared  to  be  conducted  in  good 
faith  ;  but  gradually,  it  became  clear  that  the  Germans,  at 
any  rate,  intended  to  treat  Russia  as  a  beaten  enemy.  A 
renewal  of  hostilities  resulted  in  the  dictated  treaty  of  Brest- 
Litovsk  (March  1918),  by  which  Russia  gave  up  all  the 
border  provinces  including  the  Ukraine,  and  recognised 
Turkish  claims  in  the  Caucasian  area.  Meanwhile,  the 
opponents  of  the  Revolution  were  not  slow  either  in  taking 
to  arms  or  in  claiming  outside  support.  Kornilov  in  January 
raised  a  White  Army  in  the  Don  area — his  place  was  later 
taken  by  Denikin.  In  April  the  British  sent  an  expedition 
to  Murmansk  and  Archangel ;  the  Japanese  invaded  the 
Far  Eastern  frontier  ;  the  Bandit  Petliura  began  operations 


from  Galicia  ;  and  the  Czechoslovak  regiments  in  Siberia 
and  on  the  Volga  were  encouraged  by  the  Allies  in  the  dis- 
putes which  arose  between  them  and  the  new  Russian  State. 
These  subsidised  attempts  at  counter-revolution  took  no 
heed  of  the  conclusion  of  European  peace  ;  Wrangel  in  the 
Crimea,  Yudenich  in  Estonia,  and  Kolchak  in  Siberia 
(most  brutal  of  all  the  White  Generals)  must  be  added  to  the 
list ;  in  the  south  the  would-be  independent  republics  of 
Armenia,  Georgia  and  Azerbaijan  were  hastily  recognised 
by  the  European  Powers  ;  and  the  final  effort,  made  after 
most  of  the  other  attempts  had  failed,  was  the  Polish  invasion 
of  1920.  From  1918  to  the  beginning  of  1921  the  Russian 
Government  was  fighting  half  a  dozen  civil  wars  and  in- 
vasions at  once. 

The  writings  of  Winston  Churchill,  who  cannot  be  sup- 
posed to  be  over-sympathetic  to  the  Communist  cause, 
throw  sufficient  light  upon  the  political  impossibility  of  these 
White  groups,  their  hopeless  lack  of  unity  and  their  political 
incapacity,  as  is  evidenced  by  Kolchak's  violent  treatment 
of  Siberian  peasants  and  Denikin's  promise  to  give  back 
seventy-five  per  cent  of  the  land  to  its  former  owners. 
Taken  severally,  not  one  of  them  had  a  chance  of  success  ; 
and  gradually  they  were  all  defeated,  the  Poles  not  without 
a  counter-offensive  which  all  but  captured  Warsaw.  But 
the  price  paid  was  naturally  heavy.  The  first  need  was  an 
army  to  defend  the  Revolution,  which  Trotsky  organised 
with  great  success.  But  the  Red  Army,  and  the  town  workers 
who  had  made  the  Revolution,  had  to  be  fed,  and  fed  in  a 
country  which  economically  had  collapsed  a  year  before, 
and  to  which  the  European  Powers  had  applied  a  blockade 
similar  to  that  employed  against  the  Central  Empires  in  the 
last  years  of  the  war.  The  only,  and  the  obvious,  thing  to  do 
was  to  ration  out  strictly  the  supplies,  seeing,  as  far  as 
possible,  that  those  whose  services  were  essential  to  the 
defence  of  the  Revolution  were  first  considered.  The 
policy  of"  War  Communism,"  as  enforced  between  1918 
and  1921,  is  essentially  no  more  than  the  policy  of  rationing 
and  State  control  which  most  of  the  European  belligerent 

THE    U.S.S.R.  381 

had  adopted  before  the  end  of  the  war,  raised  to  the  nth. 
The  Bolsheviks  were  not  in  nearly  so  much  of  a  hurry  to 
socialise  everything  as  is  sometimes  supposed  ;  their  first 
economic  controlling  body,  Vesyenka,  was  set  up  in  Decem- 
ber 1917  ;  but  corn  and  merchant  shipping,  those  vital 
points,  were  not  nationalised  until  the  following  February, 
and  foreign  trade  not  until  June.  Various  parts  of  industry 
were  nationalised  from  time  to  time  ;  but  the  general 
decree  nationalising  the  whole  of  industry  was  not  passed 
until  July  1918,  and  then  partly  in  order  to  combat  sabot- 
age and  inefficiency. 

For  the  enthusiasts  of  the  Revolution,  assuming  that  the 
old  regime  had  gone,  and  a  new  system  of  workers5  control 
was  to  be  instantly  inaugurated,  had  in  many  cases  rushed 
to  seize  the  factories  and  put  them  under  the  control  of 
"  factory  committees  "  whose  revolutionary  zeal  consider- 
ably outran  their  organising  capacity.  Further,  such  middle- 
class  technicians  as  had  existed  in  pre-revolutionary  Russia 
had  almost  all  taken  sides  against  the  Revolution,  and  had 
either  fled  the  country,  or,  where  they  remained,  were  less 
inclined  to  work  the  new  system  than  to  promote  its  speedy 
collapse — in  which  they  were  cordially  encouraged  by  the 
outside  world.  Russia,  in  the  summer  of  1918,  was  full  of 
enthusiastic  but  incompetent  revolutionaries,  spies  and 
counter-revolutionary  agents  of  all  kinds,  as  well  as  many 
who  honestly  believed  that  the  Revolution  was  a  hopeless 
failure.  Against  these  the  stern  measures  of  centralised 
factory  control  and  the  reprisals  which  are  associated  with 
the  word  Cheka  were  put  into  force.  The  "  Red  Terror  " 
did  not  seriously  begin  until  September  1918  ;  it  preserved 
the  Revolution  by  putting  to  death  or  banishing  or  other- 
wise getting  rid  of  its  principal  wreckers,  but  at  the  price, 
inevitable  under  the  circumstances,  of  losing  a  large 
proportion  of  native  organisational  skill.  The  Russian 
worker  had  to  set  about  learning  his  industry  from  the 
beginning,  unhelped. 

After  1 920-2 1 ,  however,  the  external  situation  eased.  The 
blockade  was  lifted  ;  treaties  were  made  with  the  Baltic 


States  (1921)3  with  Turkey  (1921)  after  the  three  southern 
border  States  had  been  absorbed  into  the  Soviet  system, 
with  Poland  (1921),  and  with  Germany  (1922).  Further- 
more, the  States  which  did  not  make  formal  treaties  began 
to  admit  the  existence  of  Russia  as  an  economic  neighbour. 
The  Anglo-Soviet  Trade  Agreement  was  signed  in  March 
1921  and  lasted  until  its  suspension  in  April  1933,  when 
negotiations  for  its  renewal  were  broken  off,  and  Anglo- 
Russian  trade  was  temporarily  suspended  by  Great  Britain 
as  a  reprisal  against  the  trial  and  imprisonment  of  two 
British  engineers  by  the  Soviet.  The  embargo  ended,  and 
negotiations  for  a  new  agreement  were  resumed  in  July.  At 
the  same  time  negotiations  for  American  trade  credits  in 
Russia  were  opened  in  London  in  connection  with  the 
World  Economic  Conference.  Other  countries  which  have 
recognised  Russia,  either  fully  or  for  trade  purposes,  include 
Germany,  Austria,  Italy,  Hungary,  France,  Japan,  the 
Scandinavian  States,  Turkey,  Persia  and  Afghanistan. 

The  establishment  of  peaceful,  if  uneasy,  relations  with 
the  world  made  it  possible  for  the  system  of  War  Com- 
munism to  be  abandoned,  as  indeed  was  desirable,  for  a 
system  of  control  so  stringent  in  intention  could  not  have 
been  continued.  The  grain  requisitions  which  were  made 
of  the  peasantry  in  order  to  keep  the  Red  Army  and  the  city 
workers  alive  were  beginning  to  be  bitterly  resented,  par- 
ticularly as  the  collapse  of  industrial  production  meant  that 
the  peasant  could  not  be  provided  with  manufactures  in 
exchange  for  his  grain.  The  chaos  of  the  currency  added  to 
the  confusion.  Lenin's  New  Economic  Policy,  therefore, 
launched  in  1921,  gave  a  temporary  licence  to  private 
traders,  thereby  enabling  the  peasant  to  sell  his  products 
for  what  he  could  get  ;  and  a  beginning  was  made  of 
stabilising  the  currency.  (The  gold  chervonetz  was  first  issued 
in  1922.)  For  a  time  this  considerably  eased  the  situation. 
But  the  peasant,  stimulated  by  the  high  prices  which  he 
received  immediately  from  the  hungry  towns,  increased 
his  production  sharply  ;  and  as  industrial  productivity — 
which  requires  capital — could  not  rise  so  fast,  the  result 

THE    U.S.S.R.  383 

was  a  sharp  increase  in  the  price  of  manufactured  goods  to 
the  peasants — the  "  scissors  crisis  "  of  1923-24.  This  was 
temporarily  met  by  various  measures  ;  but  the  root  diffi- 
culty remained.  In  January,  1924,  Lenin  died,  of  paralysis 
following  attempted  assassination  ;  and  his  ideas  had  to  be 
carried  out  by  his  successors. 

The  root  difficulty  is  simply  the  poverty  of  Russia.  An 
abundant  supply  of  manufactured  goods,  which  is  necessary 
to  raise  the  standard  of  life,  cannot  be  produced  unless 
there  is  plenty  of  capital  and  a  surplus  of  food  wherewith 
the  workers  to  be  employed  in  industry  can  be  supported. 
This  surplus  must  be  supplied  by  the  peasant ;  but  under 
systems  of  individualist  production  he  has  been  for  the 
most  part  unwilling  to  do  so,  because  the  price  of  industrial 
goods  (owing  to  the  shortage  of  production)  has  been  too 
high  to  make  it  worth  his  while.  The  position  in  regard  to 
capital  supply  is  broadly  similar.  Russia  cannot  make  a 
substantial  advance  without  the  expenditure  of  large  sums 
on  "  fixed  capital  " — railways,  manufacturing  plant,  elec- 
tnfication,  and  so  on.  The  normal  way  in  which  a  poor 
country  finances  its  development  is  by  borrowing  abroad  ; 
but  Russia  has  been  unable  to  borrow,  mainly  because  of 
the  strong  external  prejudice,  which  showed  itself,  for 
instance,  in  a  demand  that  the  Soviet  Government  should 
make  itself  responsible  for  the  enormous  burden  of  Tsarist 
debt  before  any  fresh  money  could  be  lent.  In  order  to 
obtain  the  necessary  capital  resources,  therefore,  the  Soviet 
Government,  unable  to  borrov\  abroad,  has  had  to  "  save  " 
die  necessary  money  out  of  the  very  slender  resources  of  its 
citizens  in  order  to  buy  the  foreigners5  goods.  This  in- 
volves the  export  of  foodstuffs  as  well  as  oil  and  timber  to 
pay  for  them,  which  again,  as  in  the  later  years  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  falls  upon  the  peasant. 

The  Five- Year  Plan.  In  1928  the  Five-Year  Plan  was 
begun,  which  in  essence  means  the  adoption  of  the  first  of 
these  alternatives.  A  Western  industrial  system  was  to  be 
created,  in  the  main  out  of  Russia's  own  resources,  with  the 


aid  of  such  short-term  foreign  credits  as  could,  be  secured. 
An  exhaustive  survey  of  the  possibilities  had  been  in  hand 
throughout  the  preceding  year,  and  a  plan  was  drawn  up 
which  laid  down  the  ground  which  each  industry  was 
supposed  to  cover  during  the  five  ensuing  years.  Naturally, 
the  main  stress  of  the  first  Five- Year  Plan  was  laid  upon  the 
heavy  industries,  the  foundation  of  an  industrial  nation. 
At  the  same  time  a  drive  in  the  direction  of  increased  pro- 
duction, and  particularly  socialised  production,  was  to  be 
given  in  agriculture.  The  motive  for  this  was  partly  political. 
The  original  granting  of  the  land  to  the  peasants  had  always 
been  recognised  as  a  temporary  measure  ;  the  Communists, 
and  Lenin  as  much  as  any,  were  entirely  opposed  to  the 
establishment  of  a  society  of  peasant  proprietors  in  Russia, 
such  as  the  French  Revolution  had  created  in  France.  At 
first  they  hoped,  by  the  setting  up  of  large  State  farms  as 
examples,  to  bring  the  peasantry  over  to  belief  in  socialised 
methods  ;  but  this  hope  was  disappointed,  and  the  New 
Economic  Policy  had  definitely  made  the  peasants  less 
socialistic  and  intensified  the  difference  between  the  richer 
peasants  (kulaki)  and  the  poorer  (ceredniaki  and  bedniaki}. 
Accordingly,  the  Five- Year  Plan  for  agriculture  not  merely 
envisaged  a  great  extension  of  farming  on  a  collective  basis, 
but  further  aimed  at  a  drive  towards  equality  in  the  villages 
by  discriminating,  and  encouraging  the  villagers  to  discrim- 
inate, heavily  between  the  kulaki  and  their  poorer  neighbours 
— in  fact,  by  treating  the  kulak  as  a  criminal. 

It  may  be  stated  at  once  that,  as  far  as  industry  was 
concerned,  the  Five- Year  Plan  succeeded  on  the  whole  far 
more  than  any  observer  thought  it  would.  While  in  some 
cases  the  estimated  total  has  not  been  reached,  and  while 
there  have  been  mistakes  and  the  quality  of  production  is 
still  far  below  the  standard  of  advanced  Western  nations, 
nevertheless  the  measure  of  achievement  has  been  astonish- 
ing. (A  Second  Five-Year  Plan,  with  greater  attention  paid 
to  transport  and  to  the  lighter  industries,  was  launched  at 
the  end  of  1932.)  With  regard  to  agriculture,  the  Plaa  has 
been  less  successful.  The  attempt  to  socialise  the  villages, 

THE    U.S.S.R.  385 

which  began  at  the  end  of  1929,  was  too  sudden  and  too 
vehement,  and  had  to  be  modified  in  the  spring  of  1930, 
but  not  before  a  sort  of  "  stay-in  strike  "  on  the  part  of 
many  peasants  had  resulted  in  a  lowering  of  production  and 
a  catastrophic  slaughter  of  livestock.  At  the  same  time,  the 
collapse  of  world  agricultural  prices  meant  that  a  much 
higher  export  of  foodstuffs  was  necessary  to  purchase  the 
same  quantity  of  machinery.  Many  of  the  State  farms  or 
grain  factories  proved  wasteful  and  impossible  to  manage  ; 
and  though  the  "  collective  "  farm  seems  more  in  keeping 
with  the  traditional  habits  of  the  peasant,  Russian  agri- 
culture suffered  a  serious  setback  in  1930-33,  and  it  is 
too  soon  to  say  whether  a  quick  recovery  is  likely. 

Meantime,  external  relations  were  proceeding  none  too 
happily.  Trade  agreements,  as  has  been  said,  had  been 
concluded  with  a  number  of  countries,  and  a  sort  of  grudg- 
ing recognition  of  Russia  thereby  accorded  ;  but  it  was  a 
recognition  of  the  fact,  proved  in  1919  and  1920,  that  the 
Soviet  system  could  not  be  overthrown  by  invasion  and  was 
unlikely  to  be  overturned  at  home,  and  in  no  sense  implied 
any  cordiality,  or  even  any  general  acceptance  of  the 
regime.  "  Incidents,"  such  as  the  British  Arcos  raid  of 
1926,  kept  on  occurring,  produced  partly  by  plain  hos- 
tility to  Russia  and  partly  by  resentment  at  the  activities 
of  the  Third  International.  Russia's  refusal  to  ask  for 
admission  to  the  League  of  Nations  seemed  to  the  Euro- 
pean Powers  impertinent,  and  though  Russian  plenipo- 
tentiaries have  been  seen  at  various  international  con- 
ferences, such  as  the  1927  Disarmament  Conference  and 
the  World  Economic  Conference  of.  the  same  year,  their 
speeches,  based  upon  an  entirely  different  conception  of 
society,  have  more  than  once  dismayed  and  annoyed  their 

Russian  revolutionary  propaganda  abroad  has  very  much 
diminished  since  the  early  days.  At  first  it  was  assumed  by 
the  Communists  that  the  Revolution  in  Russia  could  only 
succeed  as  part  of  a  world- wide  revolution  in  which  Russia 



would  merely  lead  the  way  ;  and  the  revolutionary  out- 
breaks which  immediately  followed  the,  war  seemed  mo- 
mentarily to  confirm  that  view.  Accordingly,  the  Third 
International  (see  p.  683)  devoted  a  great  deal  of 
energy  tb  endeavouring  to  promote  revolution  in  other 
countries  Gradually  it  became  apparent  that  these 
measures  were  not  bringing  world  revolution  any  nearer, 
and  were,  on  the  other  hand,  tending  to  lessen  the  possi- 
bility of  the  peaceful  trading  relations  which  Russia  so 
much  needed  ;  and  during  the  period  of  the  New  Economic 
Policy,  though  the  language  of  the  Third  International 
continued  as  violent* as  ever,  its  activities  were  actually 
considerably  curtailed.  This  position  aroused  the  fears  of 
Trotsky,  Zinoviev,  and  other  Communists,  who  held  to  the 
original  view,  and  maintained,  moreover,  that  the  attempt 
to  carry  the  Revolution  through  in  Russia  alone  could  only 
be  done  by  bribing  the  peasant,  by  making  him,  in  fact, 
a  bourgeois  proprietor  ;  and  they  pointed  to  the  growth  of 
the  kulak  under 'the  N.E.P.  as  an  illustration.  After  a  Jong 
struggle  within  the  Communist  Party,  the  adherents  of 
Trotsky  were  beaten  by  the  adherents  of  Stalin,  its  present 
secretary,  and  Trotsky  was  expelled  in  1927.  Immediately 
afterwarHs  followed  the  Five- Year  Plan,  the  great  attempt 
to  make  Russia  self-sufficient,  and  the  drive  against  the 
kulaki,  designed  partly  to  guard  against  the  dangers  which 
Trotsky  had  pointed  out. 

Russia,  during  the  last  few  years,  has  been  definitely  set 
towards  self-sufficiency  and  peaceful  relations  with  other 
Powers  ;  hence  a  generally  conciliatory  attitude  towards 
such  countries  as  Japan  and  Poland.  But  this  does  not  mean 
that  the  Russians  ha\«e  ceased  to  fear  war.  They  feel  that  the 
capitalist  Powers  have  not  abated,  only  ceased  to  give  rein 
to  their  hostility,  that  any  moment  another  concerted 
attack  upon  Russia  may  be  made  ;  and  this  feeling  is  in- 
creased by  the  fact  that  the  majority  of  their  European 
contacts  are  made  with  diplomats  who  still  live  in  the 
atmosphere  of  international  war.  Such  incidents  as  the  trial, 
in  April  1933,  of  the  British  engineers  in  Moscow,  and  the 

THE    U.S.S.R.  387 

attitude  taken  up  by  the  British  Press  and  politicians,  with 
its  calm  assumption  that  the  prisoners  were  completely  in- 
nocent and  would  certainly  not  receive  a  fair  trial,  do 
nothing  to  abate  it. 

Hence  every  now  and  then  a  wave  of  war  panic  overcomes 
the  Government,  strengthening  the  Red  Army  and  the 
revolutionary  defences  ;  hence,  also,  the  .removal  of  the 
heavy  industry  and  the  munition  plants  to  long  distances 
from  the  frontiers  ;  and  hence  the  proposal,  made  from  time 
to  time,  that  the  actual  capital  itself  should  be  shifted  from 
Moscow  to  somewhere  in  the  Urals.  Russia  still  is,  and  feels 
herself  to  bej  a  beleaguered  State  ;  and  the  present  shortage 
of  foods tufis  intensifies  this  belief.  The  period  of  War  Com- 
munism has  not  been  left  very  far  behind. 

The  Soviet  Constitution.  The  U.S.S.R.  is  a  federal 
republic,  made  up  of  seven  sovereign  republics,  the  Russian 
Socialist  Federal  Soviet  Republic  (which  is  much  the 
largest  of  the  members),  the  White  Russian,  Ukrainian  and 
Transcaucasian  Republics,  and  the  Republics  of  Turkmen- 
istan, Uzbekistan  and  Tajikistan.  Some  of  these  include  in 
their  territories  "  autonomous  republics,"  such  as  the 
German  Volga  Republic,  the  Far  Eastern  Republic  and 
the  Tartar  Republic  in  the  R.S.F.S.R.,  and  the  Republics 
of  Georgia,  Armenia  and  Azerbaijan  in  Transcaucasia. 
There  are  also  "  autonomous  regions  "  with  rather  less 
autonomy.  Under  the  constitution  of  1923,  the  seven 
republics  are  sovereign,  except  where  powers  have  been 
assigned  to  the  Union  ;  but  the  assigned  powers  are  so  wide 
and  so  numerous,  including,  for  example.,  foreign  trade  and 
foreign  relations,  defence,  the  direction  of  national  eco- 
nomic policy  and  internal  trade,  taxation  and  labour 
legislation,  as  to  give  the  main  controlling  direction  to  the 
All-Union  Government,  though  there  is  a  great  deal  of 
republican  autonomy  in  such  matters  as  public  health.  In 
1932  the  question  of  the 'demolition  of  redundant  churches 
was  made  an  affair  of  the  central  government. 

Civil  rights,  including  the  franchise,  are  enjoyed,  broadly 

388  TfcE    COUNTRIES    OF    EUROPE 

speaking,  by  all  persons  of  either  sex  over  18  years  of  age 
who  earn  their  own  living.  The  classes  debarred  from  civil 
rights  consist  of  persons  employing  hired  labour  for  profit 
(this  includes  kulaki),  or  living  on  unearned  income  ; 
monks  and  priests,  imbeciles,  and  former  agents  of  the 
Tsarist  regime  ;  but  special  cases  may  be  considered,  and 
exceptions  made,  by  provincial  election  commissions.  It 
is  commonly  estimated  that  about  8  millions  of  the  popula- 
tion fall  into  one  or  other  of  these  classes.  Deprivation  of 
civil  rights  means,  in  effect,  much  more  than  disfranchise- 
ment  ;  it  also  involves  loss  of  Trade  Union  membership, 
ration  card,  and  ether  essentials.  It  commonly  follows 
conviction  for  any  serious  offence  ;  and  punishments  in 
Russia  (except  for  counter-revolutionary  activities)  are  so 
light  as  compared  with  those  of  other  countries  that  the 
loss  of  civil  rights  is  often  felt  more  heavily  than  the  actual 

The  Governmental  machine  is  in  form  a  pyramid,  based 
on  the  Soviet  system  and  built  up  by  delegation  from  below. 
The  lowest  rank  is  that  of  the  small  town  and  rural  Soviets, 
including  Soviets  representative  of  large  factories.  (The 
rural  population  is  considerably  more  lightly  represented 
than  the  town  workers.)  Delegates  from  these  bodies  come 
together  to  form  the  rayon  or  district  Soviets.  Above  these  is 
the  Oblast  or  provincial  Congress  of  Soviets.  This  Congress 
elects  an  Executive  of  45 1  persons,  which  meets  three  or 
four  times  in  the  year,  and  with  the  Council  of  Nationalities 
(representative  of  all  the  republics  and  autonomous  dis- 
tricts) chooses  a  Presidium  of  27.  The  Presidium,  together 
with  the  Council  of  People's  Commissars,  a  body  consisting 
of  the  heads  of  the  principal  State  departments  and  so 
resembling  in  composition  the  British  Cabinet,  makes  up  the 
governing  body  of  Russia.  In  the  early  days,  when  Lenin 
was  its  chairman,  the  Council  of  Commissars  was  the  most 
important  body  ;  but  under  the  new  constitution  it  was 
subordinated  in  important  respects  to  the  Presidium. 
Under  the  Council  of  Commissars  is  the  "  Council  of 
Labour  and  Defence,"  in  effect  its  Economic  Committee, 

THE    U.S.S.R.  389 

which  decides  upon  the  plans  for  industry  and  finance 
submitted  to  it  by  the  State  Planning  Department 
(Gosplan),  and  below  again  are  many  Commissions  and 
Committees  for  dealing  with  one  or  other  part  of  the  State 
activities  ;  but  these  are  so  numerous  and  also  change  their 
name  and  function  so  often  that  it  would  be  impossible  to 
attempt  to  describe  them  here. 

Such  is  the  constitutional  machinery  of  the  Soviet 
Republic.  But  a  mere  description  of  the  machinery  is 
worthless  and  misleading  unless  it  takes  account  of  two 
factors  of  primary  importance — the  Communist  Party  and 
the  immense  network  of  tiny  groups  which  may  com- 
pendiously be  called  "  the  collectives."1 

The  Communist  Party  is  the  body  which  in  Russia 
exercises  the  dictatorship  of  the  proletariat  ;  but  it  does 
this,  not  by  virtue  of  any  special  place  under  the  constitu- 
tion, but  by  virtue  of  its  past  history  and  its  present  mem- 
bership. During  the  Revolution,  as  has  been  stated,  the 
Communists  were  the  only  party  with  a  policy  ;  it  was  thiis 
necessary,  in  order  to  carry  the  Revolution  through,  to  put 
Communists  in  all  the  positions  of  strategic  importance,  and 
to  see  that  they  there  carried  out  the  orders  of  the  Party. 
This  position,  substantially,  still  remains.  Of  the  nearly  two 
million  members  of  the  Communist  Party  in  Russia,  not 
all,  of  course,  are  in  positions  of  importance,  and  high  posi- 
tions, further,  are  occupied  by  Russians  who  are  not  Party 
members  ;  but  the  really  key  places  are  still  held  by  Com- 
munists, and  their  instructions  as  to  policy  and  behaviour 
are  given  them  by  the  Congress  of  the  Communist  Party, 
or,  between  Congresses,  by  its  Politburo  of  nine  mem- 
bers, whose  secretary  is  Stalin.  It  follows  that  the  debates 
which  really  influence  the  direction  of  Russian  policy 
are  those  conducted  at  the  Congresses  of  the  JCommunist 

But  the  Communist  Party  is  more  than  this  ;  it  is  a  dedi- 
cated Order,  to  which  men  and  women  are  only  admitted 
after  a  searching  examination  and  a  period  of  probation 
1  Not  the  same  as  the  collective  farms. 


while  their  conduct  is  under  close  scrutiny  by  their  future 
fellow-members,  and  from  which  they  may  be  expelled  if 
they  fail  to  come  up  to  standard.  (During  one  of  the  biggest 
"  purges,"  that  which  took  place  in  the  summer  of  1930, 
130,000  persons*  were  so  expelled.)  As  far  as  is  humanly 
possible,  the  Communist  Party  does  its  best  to  see  that  both 
in  intellectual  understanding  and  in  personal  character, 
its  members  are  fitted  for  their  task  of  being  pivots  of  the 
new  system.  Generally  speaking,  a  member  of  the  Com- 
munist Party  must  be  prepared  to  put  himself  at  the  service 
of  the  State  ;  he  must  be  ready  to  do  overtime  work  and  to 
undertake  all  sorts  of  additional  activities  at  the  behest  of 
his  Party  call.  The  standard  of  personal  service  and  of 
personal  conduct  is  high  and  strictly  enforced.  Until 
recently,  though  this  restriction  has  since  been  relaxed,  the 
upper  limit  of  salary  for  a  Communist  was  low.  Further- 
more, he  must  obey  decisions  of  the  Party  on  theory  and 
policy  when  they  have  been  made.  Until  they  have  there  is 
enormous  latitude  of  discussion  (vide  all  the  reports  of 
Communist  Party  Congresses)  ;  but  when  an  idea  or 
policy  has  been  definitely  rejected,  no  Communist  can 
continue  to  hold  it. 

The  Communist  Party  is  thus  the  driving  and  directing 
force  of  new  Russia.  Even  where  Communists  are  not  in 
direct  control,  there  is  Communist  influence,  as  in  the 
famous  "  Red  Triangle,"  to  be  found  in  all^  factories, 
whereby  a  representative  of  the  Communist  Party  sits 
with  a  representative  of  the  factory  committee  and  with 
the  manager  to  determine  factory  policy.  But  it  should  not 
be  assumed  that  the  only  Communists  in  Russia  are  the 
members  of  the  Communist  Party.  In  the  first  place,  there 
are  all  the  Russians  under  twenty-four  (for  whom,  it  is 
true,  there  are  Communist  youth  organisations  available)  ; 
in  the  second  place,  there  is  always  a  large  number 
qualifying  for  membership  ;  and  thirdly,  and  most  im- 
portant, there  is  a  vast  mass  of  people  who,  while  heartily 
agreeing  with  the  Communist  policy,  either  do  not  want  or 
think  they  would  be  unable  to  pass  the  stiff  tests  demanded 

THE    U.S.S.R.  391 

of  entrants.  Some  of  the  most  vocal  Communist  supporters 
are  not  Party  members. 

Against  this  discipline  and  centralised  control  of  the 
Communist  Party,  however,  there  has  to  be  set  an  enor- 
mous amount  of  almost  spontaneous  grouping  for  self- 
government  and  criticism,  which  alone  could  make  the 
system  workable  by  human  beings.  The  first  impression  of 
many  visitors  to  Russia  is  not  of  an  iron  discipline  but  of  an 
endless  clatter  of  tongues,  all  discussing,  making  suggestions, 
pouring  out  criticisms  of  the  working  of  particular  parts  of 
the  system,  and  even  modifying  it,  to  an  extent  which  would 
and  does  horrify  an  English  government  official,  in  order 
to  make  it  suit  local  or  special  conditions.  In  the  adminis- 
tration of  justice,  for  example,  there  is  no  country  in  which 
the  Mikado's  practice  of  making  the  punishment  fit  the 
crime  is  more  earnestly  followed.  Russian  laws,  except 
where  they  are  held  to  concern  the  safety  of  the  State,  are 
not  laws  so  much  as  general  guiding  principles  ;  their 
detailed  administration  in  practice  is  left,  not,  as  in  Eng- 
land, to  the  official  of  some  ministry  or  other,  but  to  a 
"  collective,"  i.e.  a  local  committee,  of  a  factory,  for 
example,  of  tenants  of  a  group  of  flats,  of  parents  of  children 
in  a  school,  even  of  prisoners  in  a  prison.  Where  there  is 
a  Russian,  there  appears  to  be  a  "  collective  "  ;  it  even 
seems  difficult  to  remove  a  drunk  man  from  the  middle  of 
the  highway  without  an  impromptu  committee  arising  to 
discuss  it. 

Further,  complaints  and  criticisms  are  vigorously  en- 
couraged by  the  central  authorities.  The  newspapers  are 
full  of  them  ;  and  there  is  even  a  body,  called  the  Workers' 
and  Peasants'  Inspectorate,  whose  sole  duty  it  is  to  receive 
and  investigate  complaints,  which  is  independent  of  any 
government  department,  and  which  may  descend  at  any 
moment  in  order  to  see  whether  a  charge,  particularly  a 
charge  of  inefficiency,  corruption,  or  bureaucracy  is  well- 
founded.  Of  course,  this  system  is  open  to  abuse  ;  where 
complaints  are  encouraged  there  is  room  for  petty  spite  to 
find  vent ;  and  there  is  undoubtedly  too  much  complaining 


in  Russia  at  the  present  time,  and  too  much  nagging  at 
people  in  responsible  posts.  Charges  of  corruption  and 
sabotage  are  very  easily  made.  The  underlying  belief  is  that 
where  consciousness  of  collaboration  in  a  great  and  im- 
portant work  is  strong  enough  petty  spite  will  disappear  ; 
and  undoubtedly  the  sense  of  common  purpose,  in  the  towns 
at  any  rate,  is  enormously  strong,  though  the  strain  of  the 
building  of  a  new  society  on  a  low  food  ration  is  liable  to 
produce  explosions  of  hysteria  and  bad  temper  which  do 
harm.  In  the  meantime,  however,  the  institution  is  a 
valuable  safety-valve  for  discontent. 

At  this  point  mention  must  be  made  of  the  State  Political 
Department  (G.P.U.)  Set  up  in  1922,  this  body  is  the  direct 
descendant  of  the  Ctieka.  It  is  the  only  police  force  which 
operates  throughout  Russia,  the  others  being  simply  local 
forces  ;  it  is  also  entrusted  with  the  work  of  defence  against 
counter-revolution  from  within  the  State,  the  Red  Army 
being  mainly  for  external  defence.  As  such,  it  is  respon- 
sible for  the  great  State  prosecutions  for  sabotage,  espion- 
age, etc.  ;  it  has  also  very  wide  powers  of  secret  action  ; 
and  it  has  a  large  staff,  both  uniformed  and  un-uniformed, 
the  latter  being  employed,  often  unknown  to  their  fellows, 
in  ordinary  employment.  It  is  not  an  institution  which 
sounds  pleasant  to  English  ears,  though  Continental  coun- 
tries are  more  accustomed  to  the  use  of  secret  police  ;  it 
should,  however,  be  mentioned  that  it  performs  many 
other  functions  which  are  more  positively  social.  For  in- 
stance, the  entire  organisation  for  the  reclamation  of  the 
"  homeless  children  " — a  splendid  piece  of  imaginative 
work — was  initiated  and  carried  out  by  the  G.P.U. 

Even  a  description  of  the  working  of  her  political  insti- 
tutions does  not,  however,  adequately  describe  Russia  to- 
day ;  the  complete  social  changes  involved  in  the  abolition 
of  private  property,  the  institution  of  State  planning  and 
the  exaltation  of  the  productive  worker  over  the  recipient 
of  unearned  increment  go  so  deep  that  only  a  book  would 
suffice  to  expound  them.  The  visitor  to  Russia  is  continu- 
ally receiving  shocks,  continually  being  reminded  that  he 

THE    U.S.S.R.  393 

is  in  a  topsy-turvy  country,  a  country  where  the  ideals 
which  are  accepted  over  the  whole  of  the  rest  of  Europe 
and  America  are  simply  rejected,  and  a  new  set  of  ideals  is 
in  force.  Russia  may  not  be  a  Socialist  country,  and  her 
present  rulers  would  certainly  admit  that  she  is  not ; 
but  her  face  is  set  towards  Socialism,  and  that  involves  a 
re-orientation  of  the  whole  of  life  and  a  denial  of  the  values 
upon  which  capitalist  civilisation  is  based. 

Furthermore,  this  drive  towards  Socialism  is  based  upon 
the  conscious  and  passionate  co-operation  of  millions  of 
Russian  citizens.  Citizenship,  in  Russia,  means  far  more 
than  the  passive  casting  of  a  vote  at  intervals  ;  it 
involves  a  continuous  participation  in  the  task  of  build- 
ing up,  as  rapidly  as  may  be,  the  Socialist  State  of 
the  future.  Opinions  differ  as  to  the  extent  to  which  a 
knowledge  and  understanding  of  the  aims  of  the  Soviet 
State  is  diffused  among  its  citizens  ;  but,  leaving  on  one 
side  the  minority  who  are  treated  as  social  enemies  (and 
who  will  continue  to  be  so  treated  as  long  as  Russia  feels 
heiself  a  beleaguered  city)  there  is  no  doubt  that  wide  and 
deep  among  her  citizens,  and  particularly  among  the  young 
persons  and  the  children,  this  "  State-consciousness  "  is 
alive  and  active.  Russia  alone,  of  all  States  in  the  world 
to-day,  has  succeeded  in  re-creating  some  of  the  spirit 
which  was  to  be  found  among  the  citizens  of  ancient 
Athens  ;  and  the  contrast  between  this  spirit,  and  the  dull 
and  dead  apathy,  alternating  with  moods  of  blind  and  vio- 
lent revolt,  which  is  to  be  found  among  the  populations  of 
Central  and  Eastern  Europe — who  live,  for  the  most  part, 
actually  at  a  higher  standard  than  the  majority  of  Russians 
— has  struck  observers  who  cannot  be  accused  of  any 
sympathy  with  Communism. 

The  fight  against  illiteracy,  and  the  cjamour  of  the 
Russian  proletariat  for  education,  which  makes  it  almost 
impossible  to  buy  a  book  or  a  newspaper  in  spite  of  the 
tremendous  increase  in  the  production  of  both  since  the 
Revolution,  is  only  one  aspect  of  this  enthusiasm.  So  also 
is  the  enlistment  of  millions  of  Russian  women,  on  equal 


terms  with  men,  in  productive  industry  and  government 
service,  although  the  social  effects  and  implications  of  the 
sex  equality  introduced  by  the  Revolution  go  far  beyond  a 
mere  drive  for  increased  production.  The  treatment  of 
children,  on  the  other  hand,  must  be  admitted  to  be  far 
more  Socialist  than  productive  in  intention.  The  Soviet 
laws  relating  to  child-life  and  labour  are,  in  intention,  the 
most  generous  in  the  world  ;  and  one  great  aim  of  Soviet 
policy  is  to  secure  that  the  new  industrial  State  of  Russia 
shall  not  be  built,  as  the  European  industrial  system  was 
built,  at  the  expense  of  the  growing  generation.  Whether 
the  resources  of  the  Union  will  be  consistently  adequate  to 
maintain  the  high  initial  standard  of  child-care  and  educa- 
tion which  has  been  set,  depends  of  course  in  the  last  resort 
upon  the  economic  progress  of  the  Union  as  a  whole  ;  of 
the  effort  and  intention,  however,  there  is  no  doubt. 


1.  The  Economic  Situation  After  the  War 

2.  The  World  Slump 

3.  The  Situation  of  European  Agriculture 

4.  The  Debtor  Countries  of  Europe 

5.  The  European  Monetary  Problem 

6.  Proposals  for  Raising  the  Price-Level 

7.  Proposals  for  Restoring  the  Gold  Standard 

8.  The  Slump  in  European  Industry 

9.  The  Great  Industrial  Countries 

10.  The  Strangling  of  European  Trade 

11.  Wages  in  Europe 


1  N  T  H  E  minds  of  many  people  who  lived  through  the  war 
as  civilians  in  Great  Britain  or  the  United  States  the  years 
between  1914  and  1918  are  connected  above  all  with  mem- 
ories of  an  unwonted  economic  plenty.  For  during  the  war, 
though  an  immense  part  of  the  man  power  in  all  the  bellig- 
erent countries  was  away  fighting  and  a  large  fraction  of 
those  who  remained  were  producing  not  commodities  for  the 
satisfaction  of  normal  human  needs  but  munitions  of  war 
to  be  shot  away  or  trodden  into  mud  on  one  or  another  of 
the  long  fighting  fronts,  on  the  whole  in  both  Great  Britain 
and  the  United  States  the  populations  that  were  left  behind 
lived  better  than  they  had  ever  lived  before.  Prices  were 


high,  and  rose  higher  ;  but  earnings  rose  too,  and  there  was 
no  unemployment  to  depress  the  standard  of  living.  Of 
some  things  there  was  indeed  a  shortage  ;  and  in  Great 
Britain  rationing  schemes  had  to  be  introduced  and  be- 
came more  severe  during  the  last  period  of  the  war  in  con- 
sequence of  the  intensified  submarine  campaign  and  the 
scarcity  of  tonnage.  But,  when  all  allowance  has  been  made 
for  rationing  and  the  limitations  imposed  by  it  on  the  con- 
sumer's range  of  choice,  the  fact  remains  that  in  both  Great 
Britain  and  America  the  years  of  war  were  from  the  stand- 
point of  the  ordinary  consumer  years  of  prosperity — years 
to  which  men  look  back  with  wonder  now  that  they  have 
experienced  the  pinch  of  peace. 

While  this  is  true  to  a  great  extent  of  the  civil  populations 
of  Great  Britain  and  the  United  States,  it  is  certainly  not 
true  of  the  populations  of  most  of  the  belligerent  countries 
of  Continental  Europe.  Russians,  Germans,  Belgians,  Poles, 
Austrians,  Serbs  and  Hungarians  have  certainly  no  cause 
to  look  back  on  the  experience  of  the  years  of  war  with  any 
sense  of  economic  regret.  In  Russia  the  comparatively  un- 
developed and  highly  inefficient  organisation  of  industry 
and  transport  broke  down  completely  under  the  strain  of 
warfare.  Town  dwellers  suffered  acutely  ;  and  the  peasants 
were  largely  cut  off  from  supplies  of  industrial  goods,  while 
the  market  even  for  their  produce  became  more  and  more 
disorganised  as  the  war  advanced,  and  larger  and  larger 
masses  of  men  were  enrolled  in  military  service.  Germany, 
experiencing  the  rigid  blockade  of  her  frontiers,  went 
shorter  and  shorter  even  of  the  elementary  needs  of  life  as 
the  struggle  continued  ;  and  the  disastrous  reactions  on  the 
physical  welfare  of  the  German  people  have  by  no  means 
yet  been  overcome.  Belgium  under  German  occupation 
went  through  the  same  experience  of  acute  shortage  and 
under-nourishment  ;  and  the  same  fate  befell  the  territories 
further  east  which  were  under  the  occupation  of  the  Central 
Powers.  In  the  actual  theatres  of  war  production  became 
impossible,  and  the  means  of  living  of  millions  of  people 
were  ruthlessly  destroyed.  In  Great  Britain  or  the  United 


States  one  can  sometimes  hear  men  only  half  in  jest  asking 
for  another  war  as  a  means  of  curing  unemployment, 
stopping  wage  reductions,  and  ushering  in  a  new  period  of 
economic  prosperity.  But  over  the  greater  part  of  Europe 
men  cherish  no  such  illusions.  If  they  are  in  a  mood  to  go 
to  war  again,  it  is  not  because  they  think  of  the  last  war 
as  an  automatic  dispenser  of  economic  prosperity. 

Continental  Europe,  taken  as  a  whole,  emerged  from  the 
war  far  less  productive  than  it  had  been  in  1914.  There  had 
been  indeed  in  all  the  belligerent  countries  a  great  develop- 
ment of  those  industries  which  minister  directly  to  the 
needs  of  war  ;  but  this  development  had  been  forced  arti- 
ficially and  was  dependent  upon  military  demand,  so  that 
much  of  the  productive  plant  which  had  been  built  between 
1914  and  1918  was  not  readily  adaptable  to  meeting  the 
needs  of  communities  endeavouring  to  "  return  to  normal 
conditions."  Such  stimulation  as  the  war  had  applied  to 
particular  industries  was  far  more  than  offset  by  the  general 
deterioration  of  the  industrial  machine  and  by  the  dispro- 
portion between  producing  capacity  in  different  branches 
of  industry.  Moreover,  the  land  had  suffered,  not  only  in 
the  devastated  areas,  but  also  to  some  extent  elsewhere,  as 
a  result  of  the  shortage  of  men  and  of  manures.  There  had 
been  in  many  areas  much  slaughtering  of  beasts,  and  over 
large  parts  of  Europe  the  old  agrarian  systems  were  mani- 
festly breaking  down  ;  while  in  the  new  States  that  were 
being  set  up  on  the  ruins  of  the  pre-war  Russian  and  Austro- 
Hungarian  Empires,  the  basic  questions  of  land  ownership 
and  the  rights  of  cultivation  were  still  unsettled,  and  secure 
conditions  for  the  productive  use  of  the  land  were  still  to 

Immediately  after  the  conclusion  of  hostilities,  many 
people  thought  that  the  broken-down  economy  of  Conti- 
nental Europe  stood  in  such  obvious  need  of  wholesale 
rebuilding  as  to  ensure  for  years  to  come  a  large  sustained 
demand  for  the  products  which  the  more  fortunate  coun- 
tries were  able  to  supply,  and  a  complete  immunity  from 
unemployment  while  the  necessary  work  of  reconstruction 


was  being  carried  through.  These  hopes,  however,  speedily 
faded  away.  There  was  indeed  the  short-lived  hectic  post- 
war boom  of  1919  and  the  first  half  of  1920,  during  which 
prices  soared  far  above  the  highest  points  which  they  had 
reached  during  the  years  of  war,  and  huge  fortunes  were 
made  by  businesses  which  were  able  to  supply  both  the 
capital  goods  and  the  consumers'  goods  that  were  most 
urgently  required  both  by  the  stricken  nations  for  the 
rebuilding:  of  their  shattered  resources,  and  by  the  new 
States  for  the  construction  of  the  necessary  equipment  for 
national  economic  life.  The  post-war  boom,  however,  was 
even  at  its  height  never  a  boom  in  the  sense  in  which  a 
boom  implies  a  real  accession  of  prosperity.  It  was  a  boom 
in  prices  and  not  in  production.  Huge  fortunes  were  made 
not  by  selling  large  quantities  of  goods  but  rather  by 
charging  fantastically  high  prices  for  an  exceedingly  short 
supply.  The  illusory  prosperity  of  1919  and  1920  was  based 
on  scarcity,  and  not  on  plenty,  and  its  collapse  was  in- 
evitable as  soon  as  men  began  to  realise  that  in  face  of  the 
real  scarcity  there  existed  in  the  nations  which  stood  most 
urgently  in  need  of  supplies  no  real  and  present  capacity 
to  pay. 

During  this  short-lived  boom  output  in  relation  to  the 
number  of  men  employed  remained  at  a  very  low  level  ; 
there  was  a  scarcity  of  up-to-date  plant  adapted  to  meeting 
the  needs  of  the  post-war  world,  and  neither  employers  nor 
workers  were  in  a  mood  to  give  really  efficient  service.  The 
employer,  finding  money  come  easy  as  prices  rose — for  in 
those  days  only  the  veriest  fool  could  avoid  making  high 
profits — was  under  no  compulsion  to  exert  himself  in 
cutting  down  the  costs  of  production  or  in  making  his 
methods  more  efficient.  If,  as  was  often  the  case,  he  had 
worked  at  high  pressure  during  the  war,  he  wanted  a  rest, 
and  he  took  the  easy  conditions  of  money-making  as  they 
came  without  much  thought  for  the  future,  even  where  he 
did  not  plunge  into  orgies  of  financial  speculation  based  on 
the  unreal  expectation  of  a  continuance  of  demand  at 
steadily  rising  prices.  The  workman,  for  his  part,  had  also 


been  at  a  strain  either  in  the  workshops  or  in  the  trenches 
during  the  years  of  war  ;  and  he  too  was  inclined  to  take 
things  easy  as  long  as  the  boom  lasted.  Trade  Unions  were 
powerful  then,  and  there  was  in  most  industries  little  fear 
of  the  sack  to  keep  men  up  to  the  mark.  The  idea  that 
everything  would  come  right  on  the  morrow  of  the  war  had 
been  dinned  into  the  ears  of  all  classes  in  all  the  belligerent 
nations,  and  in  the  Allied  countries  it  was  difficult  to 
destroy  quickly  the  expectations  which  patriotic  statesmen 
had  aroused  in  the  course  of  war  propaganda. 

In  the  defeated  countries  the  situation  was  in  this  respect 
very  different.  There  too  the  peoples  had  been  led  to 
expect  an  epoch  of  abounding  prosperity  after  the  war  ; 
but  this  expectation  had  been  based  on  the  assurance  of 
victory,  and  in  Germany  and  Austria  men,  facing  the 
knowledge  of  defeat,  sank  deeper  and  deeper  into  despair 
as  the  news  came  through  of  more  and  more  onerous  terms 
being  imposed  by  the  victorious  Allies.  Moreover,  in  these 
countries  the  physical  vigour  of  the  workers  as  well  as 
their  morale  had  been  seriously  impaired  by  the  long 
struggle,  and  the  industrial  equipment  had  been  much  more 
seriously  damaged  than  that  of  the  victorious  Powers.  Low 
production  was  in  their  case  inevitable,  quite  apart  from  the 
psychological  causes  which  tended  to  bring  it  about  in  the 
victorious  countries. 

In  the  latter  part  of  1920  the  illusory  post-war  boom 
definitely  broke.  Prices  in  terms  of  gold  fell  with  unparal- 
leled sharpness,  so  that  in  all  the  countries  which  either 
remained  upon  or  were  intent  on  returning  to  the  gold 
standard  a  rapid  and  destructive  process  of  deflation  set  in. 
This  deflation,  wherever  it  occurred,  intensified  the  diffi- 
culties of  the  economically  weaker  countries,  and  led  in 
their  case  to  a  precisely  contrary  tendency.  In  the  new 
States  of  Europe,  in  Germany,  and  before  long  in  France 
and  Italy  as  well,  the  machinery  of  government  could  be 
kept  at  work  only  by  printing  the  money  required  to  meet 
the  immediate  expenses  of  the  State  ;  and  the  inflationary 
process  thus  begun  speedily  communicated  itself  to  the 


operations  of  industry,  causing  a  wave  of  speculative  activity 
in  both  internal  and  international  business  dealings.  Thus 
prices  in  different  countries  pursued  an  erratic  and  dis- 
similar course,  as  some  followed  the  path  of  deflation  on 
their  way  back  to  the  gold  standard,  while  others  hovered 
between  attempts  at  stabilising  their  currencies  at  varying 
levels  of  exchange,  and  renewed  plunges  into  inflation  as 
their  difficulties  began  again  to  accumulate. 

Post- War  Recovery.  From  die  standpoint  of  Europe 
as  a  whole  the  period  since  the  war  can  be  divided  roughly 
into  four  distinct  phases.  There  comes  first  the  short-lived 
and  deceptive  boom  of  1919  and  1920,  during  which 
something  was  done  to  meet  the  most  urgent  needs  of 
reconstruction,  but  done  without  much  attempt  to  count 
the  cost,  or  to  place  the  economic  systems  of  the  European 
States  on  a  sound  or  permanent  footing.  The  second  phase 
extends  from  the  collapse  of  the  boom  in  1920  to  about 
1923.  These  were  years  of  depression,  unemployment, 
unrest  and  falling  standards  of  life,  accompanied,  as  we 
have  seen,  in  most  of  the  countries  of  Continental  Europe  by 
great  instability  of  the  currency  and  great  uncertainty  as  to 
the  economic  future.  But  from  1924  onwards  Europe  was 
recovering  in  an  economic  sense  ;  production  was  increasing 
fast,  and  one  currency  after  another  was  being  at  least 
provisionally  stabilised,  although  there  were  still  to  be 
many  set-backs,  and  in  some  cases  currencies  were  stabil- 
ised only  to  be  upset  and  re-stabilised  several  times  over. 
Trade  as  well  as  production  was  increasing  as  the  States  of 
Europe  began  to  settle  down  within  their  new  frontiers,  and 
to  build  up  the  new  relationships  based  on  the  changed 
political  divisions  of  the  post-war  world.  This  period  of  real 
reconstruction,  as  contrasted  with  the  unreal  reconstruction 
of  1919  and  1920,  lasted  at  least  in  appearance  until  thi 
coming  in  1929  of  the  great  slump  under  which  Europe  is, 
still  prostrate. 

Some  measure  of  the  situation  which  existed  in  Europe 
on  the  eve  of  the  period  of  recovery  between  1924  and  1929 



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can  be  secured  by  looking  at  the  figures  published  by  the 
League  of  Nations  showing  roughly  the  movements  in 
the  production  of  raw  materials  and  foodstuffs  and  in  the 
volume  of  international  trade  for  the  leading  Continental 
groups  of  the  world.  These  figures  cannot  of  course  pretend 
to  any  high  degree  of  accuracy  ;  but  they  do  sufficiently 
indicate  general  tendencies  and  bring  out  the  contrast 
between  the  consequences  of  the  war  in  different  parts  of 
the  world. 

In  the  above  diagram  the  first  thing  to  be  noticed  is  the 
sharp  contrast  up  to  1923  between  the  development  of  pro- 
duction and  trade  in  Europe  and  in  the  rest  of  the  world.  In 
the  world  as  a  whole  production  was  in  1923  about  6  percent 
greater  than  it  had  been  in  1913,  whereas  population  had 
risen  by  about  5  per  cent.  In  other  words,  there  had  been  no 
significant  change  in  the  world's  output  of  foodstuffs  and 
raw  materials  taken  together  per  head  of  population.  It 
will,  however,  be  seen  that,  whereas  the  output  of  raw 
materials  per  head  of  population  had  risen  for  the  world 
as  a  whole,  that  of  foodstuffs  had  to  a  small  extent 

These  figures  for  the  world  as  a  whole  give,  however,  a 
very  misleading  impression  of  the  real  situation.  Whereas 
some  parts  of  the  world  had  very  greatly  increased  their 
output  of  both  foodstuffs  and  raw  materials,  in  other  areas 
there  had  been  a  sharp  decline.  In  Europe  as  a  whole, 
including  the  U.S.S.R.,  production  of  foodstuffs  and  raw 
materials  was  16  per  cent  less  in  1923  than  it  had  been  in 
1913,  although  population  had  slightly  increased.  European 
international  trade  had  fallen  off  scarcely  less  than  the 
volume  of  production.  But  even  these  figures  for  Europe  as 
a  whole  do  not  adequately  show  what  had  happened  ;  for 
whereas  in  Western  and  Southern  Europe  the  decline  in 
production  was  only  about  4  per  cent,  in  Eastern  and 
Central  Europe,  excluding  the  U.S.S.R.,  it  was  no  less  than 
22  per  cent,  and  in  the  U.S.S.R.  even  greater  than  this, 
whereas  population  had  risen  in  Europe  as  a  whole,  exclud- 
ing the  U.S.S.R.,  by  4  per  cent. 















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(  i  o  countri 









These  figures  serve  to  reveal  the  very  real  poverty  of  the 
European  countries,  and  especially  of  Eastern  and  Central 
Europe,  in  the  years  immediately  after  the  war  ;  and  this 
fundamental  fact  of  poverty  is  seen  still  more  clearly  when 
the  figures  for  Europe  are  contrasted  with  those  for  other 
Continents.  Thus  in  North  America  production  had  risen 
by  29  per  cent  and  population  by  19  per  cent,  while  in 
Central  America,  as  against  a  rise  of  only  7  per  cent  in 
population,  production  was  actually  up  by  64  per  cent  on 
the  pre-war  figures.  Even  Asia  showed  a  rise  of  i  o  per  cent 
in  production  as  against  5  per  cent  in  population. 

It  is  unfortunately  not  possible  to  give  any  corresponding 
figures  showing  what  had  happened  between  1913  and  1923 
to  the  output  of  manufactured  goods  ;  but  there  is  good 
reason  to  suppose  that  the  course  of  manufacturing  pro- 
duction had  been  over  this  period  much  the  same  as  that  of 
the  production  of  foodstuffs  and  raw  materials  ;  for  although 
there  has  been  in  recent  years  a  considerable  economy  in  the 
quantity  of  materials  needed  to  produce  a  given  output  of 
finished  commodities,  it  is  practically  certain  that  the 
greater  part  of  this  economy  was  achieved  after  1923.  It 
can  therefore  be  taken  as  at  any  rate  a  fair  approximation 
to  the  truth  that  in  Europe  as  a  whole  the  standard  of 
wealth  had  fallen  by  at  least  15  per  cent  in  the  decade 
which  ended  in  1923,  and  that  in  Eastern  and  Central 
Europe  the  fall  in  the  standard  of  wealth  was  probably  as 
much  as  25  per  cent — a  truly  desperate  situation  in  view  of 
the  pre-war  poverty  of  most  of  the  countries  concerned. 

At  the  same  time  the  figures  given  above  show  that 
after  1923  a  rapid  recovery  did  set  in  ;  and  this  is  made 
even  clearer  by  the  table  on  p.  403  which  carries  on  the 
record  on  a  somewhat  different  basis  past  the  coming  of  the 
slump  in  1929. 

On  the  basis  of  these  further  figures  it  will  be  seen  that\ 
between  1925  and  1929  the  production  of  foodstuffs  and 
raw  materials  rose  in  the  world  as  a  whole  by  about  12 
per  cent,  whereas  in  Europe  the  rise  was  no  less  than  18 
per  cent.  Taking  foodstuffs  alone,  world  production  rose 


between  these  years  by  6  per  cent,  and  European  production 
by  1 2  per  cent,  while  for  raw  materials  the  rise  was  in  both 
cases  very  much  greater,  amounting  in  the  world  as  a  whole 
to  2 1  per  cent,  and  in  Europe  to  no  less  than  30  per  cent. 
It  is  a  significant  fact  that  during  these  years,  despite  all 
that  was  said  about  the  tremendous  wave  of  prosperity  in 
the  United  States,  the  actual  rise  of  production  was  con- 
siderably slower  in  North  America  than  in  Europe,  so  that 
as  against  the  rise  of  18  per  cent  in  total  production  in 
Europe,  North  America  showed  a  rise  of  only  6  per  cent. 
This  discrepancy  was  partly  due  to  the  bad  harvests  in 
America  in  1929  ;  but  even  if  we  take  the  figures  for  raw 
materials  alone,  the  advance  in  the  United  States  between 
1925  and  1929  was  only  15  per  cent,  or  half  the  advance 
recorded  in  Europe  for  the  same  period.  Even  in  1928, 
despite  the  large  harvests  in  the  New  World,  the  production 
of  foodstuffs  in  North  America  was  only  8  per  cent  greater 
than  in  1925.  It  is  thus  clear  that  in  the  years  immediately 
before  the  world  slump  Europe  had  not  only  regained  and 
surpassed  as  a  whole  the  pre-war  standard  of  production, 
but  was  also  advancing  at  a  substantially  faster  rate  than  the 
rest  of  the  world,  though  in  comparison  with  the  pre-war 
situation  the  advance  in  production  in  Europe  was  still 
very  much  less  than  the  advance  in  the  world  as  a  whole. 
On  this  point  no  figures  are  available  as  a  basis  for  direct 
comparison  between  1913  and  1929,  but  a  comparison  can 
be  made  between  1913  and  1928.  On  this  basis,  in  the  world 
as  a  whole  population  ha(J  risen  by  10  per  cent,  and  pro- 
duction by  25  per  cent,  made  up  of  a  rise  of  16  per  cent  in 
the  output  of  foodstuffs  and  of  40  per  cent  in  that  of  raw 
materials.  For  Europe,  excluding  the  U.S.S.R.,  the  increase 
of  population  was  6  per  cent  and  that  of  production  1 1 
per  cent,  or,  including  the  U.S.S.R.,  8  per  cent  in  popula- 
tion and  10  per  cent  in  production.  On  the  other  hand,  in 
North  America  population  had  risen  by  26  per  cent,  and 
production  by  35  per  cent.  In  Asia,  the  corresponding 
figures  are  7  per  cent  and  24  per  cent,  and  in  South  America 
43  per  cent  and  56  per  cent.  Europe  in  fact  had  made  up 


1924  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32       1924  25  26  27    26  29  30  31  32 


20  — 
















































Official  Production  Indices  of  the  various 

Gt.  Britain 

1924  1925  1926  1927  1928  1929  1930  1931  1932 

69    80    81  101  100  100  90  74    6f\ 

86    85     99      87  100  109  1 10  98     76 

95    —    —  101  100  106  98  89    88 

30    50    70      82  100  124  156  189  200 

77     75    86      94  100  100  90  79    68 

1924  25   26  27  26  29    30  31 J2        1924  25  26  27   28  2     80  31  32 


120       —    • 

•—  ^X 




40  —     •"  • 




on                 J 

-"  \ 

80            ^ 



20            jr 

>  LAND 

1     '  ^ 








y  _ 




S  S-R 







Average  c 

S  A  

f  12  Industrial 


Countries  (Production  in  1928  =  100) 

1924  1925  1926  1927  1928  1929  1930  1931  i 

Czechoslovakia                74    79     77      9<>  ">o  i»4  9*       8l  59 

Poland                             —    73    7'      88  IO°  I0°  8a      69  54 

U.S.A.                             86    94    97      96  IO°  IO7  87      73  58 

12  Industrial  Countries   —    87    88      95  100  108  93      80  — . 


some  of  the  leeway  of  the  war  and  immediate  post-war 
years  ;  but  the  total  economic  advance  in  Europe  was 
considerably  less  than  in  most  other  parts  of  the  world. 

This  conclusion  is  also  borne  out  by  the  League  of  Nations 
figures  showing  the  percentage  distribution  of  world  trade 
by  Continental  groups.  Before  the  war,  Europe,  including 
Russia,  did  nearly  59  per  cent  of  total  world  trade,  whereas 
in  1928-29  this  proportion  had  fallen  to  52  per  cent,  mainly 
as  a  result  of  the  relative  expansion  of  American  and 
Asiatic  foreign  trade. 

But  while  in  comparison  with  pre-war  conditions  Europe 
still  lagged  behind  the  rest  of  the  world  the  considerableness 
of  her  economic  achievement  between  1924  and  1929  needs 
to  be  recognised.  For  this  period  it  is  possible  to  corroborate 
the  League  of  Nations  figures  relating  to  the  production  of 
foodstuffs  and  raw  materials  from  other  sources  ;  for  from 
about  1 924  most  of  the  leading  industrial  countries  began 
to  publish  statistics  designed  to  measure  the  general 
fluctuations  of  industrial  production.  Some  of  the  figures  set 
out  in  the  above  diagram  show  how  rapidly  production  in 
industry  had  risen  between  1 924  and  1 929.  Even  if  we  leave 
out  of  account  the  abnormal  increase  in  industrial  produc- 
tion in  the  U.S.S.R.  under  the  stimulus  of  the  Five- Year 
Plan,  it  will  be  seen  that  each  of  the  leading  capitalist 
countries  for  which  figures  are  available  largely  increased 
its  output  of  industrial  goods  during  these  years.  The 
increase  was  smallest  in  Great  Britain,  which  continued  to 
suffer  from  serious  unemployment  through  the  decay  of  the 
great  pre-war  exporting  industries,  especially  textiles, 
coal  and  metals — a  situation  aggravated  by  the  deflationary 
policy  pursued  by  successive  Governments  and  by  the  Bank 
of  England,  in  connection  with  the  return  to  the  gold 
standard  at  the  pre-war  basis  of  parity  between  the  pound 
sterling  and  the  United  States  dollar.  But  even  in  Great 
Britain  industrial  production  rose  by  12  per  cent  between^ 
1924  and  1929  ;  while  in  Germany,  under  the  influence  of 
the  great  influx  of  foreign  capital  in  the  five  years  following 
the  Dawes  Plan  of  1924,  the  increase  actually  amounted  to 


nearly  48  per  cent,  accompanied  by  a  still  greater  expansion 
in  the  volume  and  value  of  German  industrial  exports. 

Agriculture  and  Industry.  It  is  beyond  doubt  that 
during  these  years  there  was  not  only  a  sharp  increase  in 
total  European  production,  but  also  a  really  considerable 
advance  in  industrial  efficiency.  The  years  between  1924 
and  1929  were  in  Europe  as  a  whole  a  time  of  great  activity 
in  the  constructional  trades,  and  the  heavy  industries 
especially  were  largely  re-equipped  on  a  basis  of  increasing 
mechanisation  which  greatly  increased  the  output  per 
worker  employed.  This  process  was  going  on  all  over  the 
world,  and  was  probably  proceeding  at  a  substantially  more 
rapid  rate  in  the  United  States  than  in  Europe,  despite  the 
larger  advance  during  the  period  in  total  European  pro- 
duction. For  in  the  United  States  an  unemployment 
problem,  concealed  by  the  absence  of  any  statistics  or  any 
system  of  unemployment  relief,  was  already  coming  into 
existence  even  during  the  period  of  the  greatest  apparent 
economic  prosperity.  Nor  was  the  development  of  mechan- 
isation and  of  the  rationalisation  of  economic  processes 
confined  to  the  manufacturing  and  extractive  industries. 
It  was  going  on  with  at  least  equal  speed  in  agriculture  in 
the  countries  of  the  New  World,  where  farming  was  being 
carried  on  with  a  rapidly  increasing  use  of  mechanical 
appliances  and  economy  in  the  employment  of  labour. 
This,  however,  was  not  the  case  over  the  greater  part  of 
Europe.  For  in  most  of  the  European  countries  and  especi- 
ally in  the  new  States,  there  had  arisen  after  the  war  from 
the  peasants  and  land-workers  an  irresistible  demand  for 
the  division  of  the  land  ;  and  this  had  led  in  one  country 
after  another  to  the  passing  of  new  land  laws  under 
which  a  great  many  of  the  large  estates  were  broken  up  into 
small  peasant  holdings. 

This  process  of  breaking  up  the  great  estates,  whatever 
may  be  thought  of  its  social  consequences,  undoubtedly 
reacted  for  the  time  adversely  on  agricultural  production  ; 
for  peasant  cultivation  is  in  a  technical  sense  usually  very 


backward,  and  there  was  little  opportunity  on  the  new 
peasant  holdings  for  the  adoption  of  those  labour-saving 
devices  which  were  rapidly  increasing  the  productivity  of 
agriculture  in  the  New  World.  In  most  of  the  States  of 
Central  and  Eastern  Europe  there  was  a  decline  in  the 
average  production  per  acre,  accompanied  by  a  larger  use 
of  labour  on  the  land — in  other  words  by  an  increase  in  the 
real  though  not  necessarily  in  the  money  costs  of  agricultural 
production.  This  decrease  in  agricultural  productivity  over 
a  large  part  of  Europe,  occurring  simultaneously  with  a 
great  rise  in  productivity  in  the  New  World,  made  con- 
ditions inevitably  difficult  for  the  small  peasant  farmer  ; 
and  the  position  was  further  aggravated  by  the  burden  of 
debt  by  which  many  of  the  European  peasant  populations 
were  weighed  down.  This  burden  was  heaviest  where  the 
terms  on  which  the  peasants  got  the  land  involved  the  pay- 
ment of  large  sums  in  compensation  to  the  former  owners, 
as  in  Tsarist  Russia  ;  but  even  apart  from  this  the  peasants 
were  mostly  burdened  with  debts  incurred  at  a  time  when 
capital  was  scarce  and  commanded  an  abnormally  high 
rate  of  interest,  and  on  a  basis  of  agricultural  prices  which 
could  no  longer  be  sustained  under  competitive  inter- 
national conditions  in  face  of  the  growing  productivity  of  the 
large-scale  agriculture  of  the  New  World.  These  conditions, 
as  we  shall  see,  led  to  the  adoption  in  one  country  after 
another,  in  the  hope  of  enabling  the  peasants  to  go  on 
paying  their  debt  charges  without  facing  absolute  starva- 
tion, of  measures  of  high  agricultural  Protection  designed 
to  keep  up  the  domestic  price  of  agricultural  produce  even 
in  face  of  the  sharp  fall  in  the  world  prices  of  the  leading 
agricultural  goods.  But  of  course  no  merely  domestic 
measures  of  Protection  could  help  those  peasants  who  were 
compelled  to  look  to  foreign  markets  to  absorb  a  consider- 
able proportion  of  their  supplies.  Indeed,  the  growth  of 
agricultural  Protectionism  in  Europe  steadily  worsened  the 
position  of  the  peasants  in  the  food-exporting  countries, 
and  led,  not  only  to  desperate  financial  measures  designed 
to  save  these  countries  from  complete  economic  collapse, 












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i  • 















End  of  Year 
2  N.  Manitoba 

;lish  Gazette,  averag 

2     2 


5  8! 






oT    " 


iglish  Wethers,  shilli 








ish  Southdown,  was 


















•.      W3 








but  also  to  dictatorships  of  increasing  severity  directed 
against  the  hunger  movements  and  economic  unrest  among 
the  impoverished  peasants. 

The  extent  to  which  agricultural  prices  were  already 
falling  in  the  years  before  the  coming  of  the  world  slump 
can  be  shown  by  selecting  from  the  available  British  statis- 
tics a  few  outstanding  instances.  Thus,  if  we  compare 
prices  in  1924  with  prices  in  1929  we  find  that  Canadian 
wheat  (Number  2,  North  Manitoba)  had  fallen  from  73*. 
a  quarter  in  December  1924  to  55^.  6d.  in  December  1929. 
English  wheat,  meanwhile,  had  fallen  from  I2J.  zd.  to 
9^.  6d.  a  hundredweight,  English  barley  from  14?.  $d.  to 
Ss.  &/.,  and  English  oats  from  95.  6d.  to  7*.  Meanwhile,  the 
price  of  maize  landed  in  England  had  fallen  from  48^.  a 
quarter  to  $is.  Danish  butter  was  down  from  244?.  6d.  a 
hundredweight  to  i8oj.,  and  Danish  bacon  from  113^.  to 
105^.  In  the  case  of  meat,  however,  the  fall  was  in  general 
far  less  severe  than  in  that  of  cereals.  English  beef  had 
fallen  only  from  6-2J.  per  8  Ibs.  to  5-7^.,  and  Argentine 
chilled  beef  had  actually  risen  slightly  in  price.  But  English 
mutton  was  down  from  8«8j.  per  8  Ibs.  to  7^.,  and  New 
Zealand  frozen  mutton  from  5-8^.  to  4-8*.  In  cheese  there 
had  been  relatively  little  decline  ;  in  the  case  of  Canadian 
Cheddar  from  iooj.  per  cwt.  to  gjs.  But  wool  prices  (English 
Southdown)  had  fallen  tremendously — from  y.  id.  per  Ib. 
at  the  end  of  1924  to  u.  nd.  at  the  end  of  1929. 

In  the  meantime  there  had  been  a  sharp  increase  in  the 
stocks  of  such  agricultural  commodities  as  are  capable  of 
being  stored.  On  ist  August  1926  the  stock  of  wheat  in  the 
world  was  estimated  at  under  6J  million  metric  tons  ;  by 
August  1929  it  had  risen  to  over  15  million  metric  tons,  and 
these  figures  in  both  cases  under-estimate  the  accumulation, 
as  they  include  only  stocks  in  four  countries — Canada,  the 
United  States,  the  Argentine  and  Australia. 

There  had  been  a  similar  sharp  fall  in  the  years  between 
1924  and  1929  in  the  prices  of  many  of  the  leading  raw 
materials.  Thus  American  middling  cotton  had  fallen  from 
13-6  pence  per  Ib.  at  the  end  of  1924  to  9-4  pence  at  the  end 


of  1929  ;  and  Egyptian  cotton  even  more  sensationally 
from  nearly  30  pence  to  14-2  pence.  Italian  silk  was  down 
from  2&r.  a  Ib.  in  1924  to  i&»gs.  at  the  end  of  1929,  and 
Livonian  flax  from  £121  a  ton  to  £58.  Cleveland  pig  iron 
fell  from  81  -55.  a  ton  to  72*55.,  and  Welsh  Admiralty  Steam 
coal  from  27?.  to  a  little  over  2OJ.  Durham  coal  descended 
from  22J.  to  i6.r.  9^.,  and  Sheffield  house  coal  from  27?.  to 
2u.  a  ton.  Portland  cement  was  down  from  60^.  gd.  a  ton 
to  47^.  Certain  of  the  lesser  metals  showed  an  even  more 
considerable  fall.  Tin  fell  from  £267  a  ton  in  1924  and  over 
£300  a  ton  in  1926  to  £178  at  the  end  of  1929  ;  and  lead, 
from  £45  in  1924  to  £23  in  1929.  Copper,  on  the  other  hand, 
owing  to  strong  combination  among  the  producers,  was 
actually  a  fraction  higher — £68  as  against  £67 — in  1929 
than  in  1924. 

There  had  been  no  corresponding  fall  in  the  prices  of 
finished  industrial  goods,  though  these  too  had  shown  in 
certain  cases  a  downward  tendency.  In  the  case  of  cotton 
goods  there  had  been  a  very  sharp  fall  indeed.  The  price 
of  cotton  yarn,  for  example  (32  twist),  fell  from  24-5  pence 
at  the  end  of  1924  to  13-9  pence  at  the  end  of  1929  ;  and 
cotton  cloth  (39  inch  shirtings)  fell  from  i8j.  a  piece  to  135. 
Everywhere,  manufactured  goods  had  become  much 
dearer  than  before  the  war  in  relation  to  both  foodstuffs  and 
raw  materials,  as  the  accompanying  table  very  plainly 

In  face  of  this  situation  there  was  developing  during  the 
years  of  advancing  prosperity  which  immediately  preceded 
the  world  slump  a  serious  disequilibrium  between  the  prices 
of  manufactured  commodities  and  those  of  foodstuffs  and 
raw  materials,  as  well  as  a  further  discrepancy  between 
the  factory  prices  of  finished  goods  and  the  prices  of  the 
same  goods  passing  into  the  hands  of  the  consumer  by  way 
of  retail  trade.  It  is  a  familiar  fact  that  in  periods  of  falling 
prices  the  wholesale  prices  of  commodities  usually  fall  faster 
than  the  retail  prices  which  measure  the  main  elements  in 
the  cost  of  living,  and  that  there  also  tends  to  be  a  lag 
between  the  fall  in  the  prices  of  manufactured  goods  at 






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wholesale,  and  those  of  raw  materials,  which  are  the  first 
to  feel  the  full  effects  of  adverse  trade  conditions.  But  in  the 
present  case  to  these  familiar  phenomena  of  a  falling  price- 
level  there  was  added  a  wholly  abnormal  fall  in  the  relative 
purchasing  power  of  the  agricultural  section  of  almost 
every  community  in  the  world,  owing  to  the  exceptional 
severity  of  the  fall  in  the  prices  of  primary  foodstuffs  as  well 
as  agricultural  raw  materials.  The  important  point  is  not 
that  the  agricultural  populations  of  the  world  suffered  most 
as  a  consequence  of  the  world  slump  of  1929  and  the 
following  years,  but  that  the  disproportion  between  their 
purchasing  power  and  that  of  the  industrial  population 
had  already  begun  to  make  itself  manifest  during  the  pre- 
ceding years  of  apparent  industrial  prosperity. 

In  some  quarters  this  fall  in  the  relative  prices  of  farm 
goods  has  been  attributed  to  agricultural  over-production, 
and  the  enormous  increase  in  the  cultivation  of  wheat  in 
Canada  has  been  cited  as  an  outstanding  example  of  this 
tendency.  But,  as  we  have  seen  earlier,  the  production  of 
foodstuffs  in  the  world  as  a  whole  was  actually  advancing 
at  a  considerably  less  rapid  rate  than  that  of  raw  materials 
destined  for  use  in  industry.  Some  of  these  raw  materials 
are  of  course  of  agricultural  origin,  so  that  the  prosperity 
of  the  agriculturists  depends  on  the  demand  for  industrial 
raw  materials  as  well  as  on  the  demand  for  foodstuffs.  But 
even  when  this  is  taken  into  account  there  is  certainly  no 
evidence  that  the  output  of  agricultural  commodities  was 
expanding  faster  than  the  output  of  raw  materials  not 
derived  from  the  cultivation  of  the  land.  The  explanation 
of  the  decline  cannot  therefore  be  found  in  an  expansion  of 
agricultural  output  beyond  the  general  average  of  the 
expansion  of  output  of  primary  commodities  of  all  kinds. 

It  is,  however,  suggested  that  as  the  world's  standard  of 
living  rises  the  relative  demand  for  foodstuffs  tends  to 
contract,  as  people  spend  a  smaller  proportion  of  their 
incomes  on  the  elementary  needs  of  life,  and  have  a  larger 
amount  left  to  spend  on  more  diversified  classes  of  goods 
and  services  largely  derived  from  industrial  production. 














Undoubtedly  this  is  to  some  extent  true.  To  the  extent  to 
which  the  world's  standard  of  living  rises  a  smaller  propor- 
tion of  total  income  in  the  more  advanced  countries  will  be 
spent  on  commodities  of  all  sorts,  and  a  larger  proportion 
on  various  forms  of  personal  service  ;  and  of  the  income 
which  is  spent  on  commodities  a  smaller  proportion  again 
will  be  devoted  to  elementary  mass  consumption  and  a 
larger  proportion  to  more  diversified  products,  largely  those 
of  the  lighter  industries.  There  will  also  be  within  the  range 
of  the  consumption  of  agricultural  products  a  diversion  of 
expenditure  from  the  cheaper  foodstuffs  to  the  more  diver- 
sified and  costly  products  of  specialist  agriculture.  There 
is,  for  example,  ample  evidence  to  show  that  in  the  more 
advanced  industrial  countries  the  demand  for  bread  has 
not  kept  pace  with  the  rise  in  population,  while  the  demand 
for  fruit,  vegetables,  milk  and  other  specialist  agricultural 
products  was  tending  to  expand  at  an  increasing  rate  up 
to  the  coming  of  the  world  slump.  But  it  is  impossible  to 
generalise  on  the  basis  of  the  experience  of  a  few  of  the 
most  advanced  and  wealthy  industrial  countries.  For  there 
are  far  more  countries  in  the  world,  including  many  in 
Europe,  in  which  a  rise  in  the  standard  of  living  would 
still  have  mainly  the  effect  of  increasing  the  demand  for 
elementary  foodstuffs.  Even  in  the  case  of  wheat  there  is 
a  contrast  between  those  West  European  countries  which 
tend  to  eat  less  wheaten  bread  as  their  standard  of  living 
rises  and  the  poorer  countries  of  Eastern  and  Southern 
Europe,  which  tend  to  eat  more. 

Nevertheless  the  accumulation  of  vast  stocks  of  wheat 
and  certain  other  primary  foodstuffs  and  the  artificial  re- 
strictions which  had  to  be  imposed  on  the  supply  of  meat 
in  order  to  prevent  the  glutting  of  the  market  do  appear  to 
show  a  tendency  towards  relative  over-production  of  the 
more  standardised  types  of  foods  tuffs.  In  one  sense  it\is 
undoubtedly  true  that  this  tendency  existed.  Indeed, 
the  mere  accumulation  of  stocks  and  artificial  restrictions 
upon  the  killing  of  beasts  for  food  sufficiently  demonstrated 
its  presence.  But  these  phenomena  demonstrated  the 


existence  of  over-production  only  in  a  purely  market  sense, 
that  is  to  say  in  relation  to  the  amounts  that  could  actually 
be  sold  at  prices  at  which  the  holders  were  prepared  to  dis- 
pose of  them.  When  we  ask  why  the  market  was  thus 
limited  we  are  driven  back  again  on  the  absence  of  adequate 
purchasing  power  in  those  countries  in  which  the  rise  in 
the  standard  of  life  might  still  be  expected  to  cause  an 
increase  in  the  demand  for  standard  foodstuffs.  The  peoples 
of  these  countries  were  so  impoverished  that  they  could 
not  afford  to  buy  more,  and  by  buying  more  to  offset  the 
declining  tendency  of  demand  per  head  of  population  in 
the  more  advanced  countries.  But  why  did  their  demand 
fail  to  expand  ?  Largely  because  the  inflated  burden  of  debt 
at  the  declining  level  of  general  prices  caused  a  curtailment 
in  the  purchasing  power  both  of  the  agriculturists  and  of 
the  industrial  workers  in  the  poorer  countries.  Thus,  when 
once  the  demand  for  elementary  foodstuffs  failed  to  expand 
at  an  adequate  rate  in  the  advanced  countries  which  had 
a  sufficiency  of  purchasing  power,  the  fall  in  prices  caused 
by  this  failure  reacted  upon  the  position  of  the  less  wealthy 
countries,  and  so  decreased  their  purchasing  power  as  to 
exaggerate  the  falling  tendency  of  prices  and  make  their 
situation  worse. 

In  face  of  these  conditions  the  economic  situation  of  the 
world  was  essentially  unstable,  even  before  the  coming  of 
the  world  slump  in  1929.  Nor  was  the  worsening  position 
of  the  agriculturists  the  only  prominent  cause  of  disequi- 
librium in  the  world's  economic  affairs.  As  we  have  seen 
during  the  period  from  1924  to  1929  production  in  Europe 
was  expanding  substantially  faster  than  production  in  the 
United  States,  despite  the  boom  conditions  prevailing  on 
Wall  Street  and  in  the  real  estate  market,  and  the  wide- 
spread "  prosperity  psychology "  among  the  American 
people.  The  American  level  of  money  wages  was  expand- 
ing but  slowly,  while  prices  were  being  held  steady  by  the 
monetary  policy  of  the  Federal  Reserve  System.  At  the 
$ame  time  the  farmers'  purchasing  power  was  falling  off 
sharply  ;  and  the  number  of  workers  employed  in  both 


industry  and  agriculture  was  declining  as  a  result  of 
economies  in  the  methods  of  production.  It  is  certain  that 
the  pay  roll  of  American  agriculture  was  substantially 
lower  in  1929  than  it  had  been  some  years  before,  and 
hardly  less  certain  that  the  total  sum  distributed  in  indus- 
trial wages  was  quite  failing  to  keep  pace  with  the  increase 
in  productive  capacity.  The  enormous  speculative  gains 
made  in  the  United  States  boom  by  the  purchase  and  re- 
sale of  securities  and  real  estate  were  based  not  on  any 
corresponding  expansion  in  the  output  of  industrial  goods, 
much  less  in  the  available  market  for  them,  but  on  a  false 
anticipation  of  the  future  course  of  American  prosperity, 
which  ignored  the  real  limitation  of  the  market  for  mass- 
produced  goods  resulting  from  the  decline  in  the  total 
purchasing  power  of  farmers  and  industrial  workers  alike. 
Instalment  purchase  pressed  to  prodigious  lengths  did  some- 
thing to  cover  up  the  deficiency  in  effective  demand  out 
of  income  ;  but  despite  this  artificial  infusion  of  additional 
consuming  power  American  production  had  begun  to  sag 
some  time  before  the  crisis  on  Wall  Street  occurred. 

The  utterly  fictitious  character  of  the  valuations  placed 
on  securities  and  real  estate  during  the  boom  could  be  seen 
even  at  the  time  in  the  absurd  discrepancy  between  the 
market  prices  of  industrial  stocks  and  shares  and  the  in- 
come yield  from  these  same  stocks  and  shares  even  under 
the  prevailing  boom  conditions.  American  stock  market 
and  real  estate  prices  were  discounting  in  advance  an 
assumed  increase  of  national  prosperity  far  beyond  what 
had  been  actually  achieved  at  the  height  of  the  boom. 
They  w£re  based  on  a  complete  ignoring  of  the  real  con- 
ditions of  production  and  consumption,  and  an  entire 
failure  to  realise  that  the  prosperity  of  industry  is  bound  up 
with  the  distribution  to  the  main  body  of  working-class 
and  agricultural  consumers  of  a  sufficient  volume  of  pur- 
chasing power  to  enable  the  rapidly  increasing  output  of 
commodities  to  be  sold  at  a  remunerative  price.  The  policy 
of  maintaining  the  general  level  of  prices  stable  in  face  of 
rapidly  declining  real  costs  of  production  in  both  industry 


and  agriculture  could  only  have  worked  at  all  if  means 
had  been  found  of  placing  the  additional  purchasing  power 
brought  into  existence  by  the  inflationary  action  of  the 
banks  in  the  hands  of  those  classes  of  consumers  who  would 
have  used  it  to  buy  the  increasing  supply  of  goods  which 
industry  and  agriculture  were  in  a  position  to  produce.  As 
this  was  not  done,  partly  because  less  men  were  being  em- 
ployed, and  partly  because  of  the  declining  purchasing 
power  of  the  agriculturists,  the  new  money  issued  in  the 
form  of  additional  credits  through  the  banking  system  in- 
evitably lapped  over  into  speculation  in  the  hands  of  the 
richer  sections  of  the  community,  and  this  prepared  the  way 
for  an  inevitable  smash  as  soon  as  the  disproportion  between 
the  power  to  produce  and  the  disposition  to  buy  had  be- 
come manifest. 

§  2.   THE  WORLD   SLUMP 

I  T  H  A  s  been  necessary,  in  a  book  dealing  primarily  with 
European  conditions,  to  discuss  the  situation  in  America 
during  the  boom  of  1928-29  because  the  American  boom 
and  the  slump  which  followed  inevitably  upon  it  had  such 
tremendous  reactions  upon  the  situation  in  Europe.  Both 
the  boom  and  the  slump  reacted  adversely  on  the  European 
economic  situation  ;  and,  if  now  men  are  more  disposed  to 
blame  the  slump  because  its  consequences  are  nearer  to 
them  and  more  obvious,  it  is  still  necessary  to  remember 
that  Europe's  troubles  began  with  the  boom  and  were 
serious  in  certain  cases  even  before  the  coming  of  the  Wall 
Street  crash. 

The  American  boom  reacted  on  the  situation  in  Europe 
chiefly  by  causing  both  a  precipitate  withdrawal  of  Ameri- 
can capital  from  investment  in  Europe,  and  also  to  some 
extent  a  diversion  of  European  capital  to  the  United  States 
in  the  hope  of  a  share  in  the  extravagant  profits  of  American 
speculation.  How  this  happened  can  be  seen  at  a  glance 
by  studying  the  figures  published  by  the  League  of  Nations 


to  show  the  approximate  magnitude  of  the  exports  of  capital 
from  the  principal  creditor  countries  and  the  imports  of 
capital  into  the  principal  debtor  countries  during  the  years 
between  1924  and  1929.  In  the  five  years  from  1924  to 
1928  the  United  States  exported  to  foreign  countries  well 
over  3,000  million  dollars  of  capital,  and  well  over  1,000 
million  dollars  were  exported  in  the  one  year  1928.  In  the 
following  year,  1929,  the  export  of  American  capital  fell 
sharply  from  1,100  million  dollars  to  a  little  over  200 
million  dollars,  thus  creating  a  sudden  void  in  the  supply 
of  capital  on  which  Europe  had  been  basing  the  expansion 
of  its  industrial  production. 

The  effects  of  this  withdrawal  of  American  capital  can 
be  seen  in  the  figures  showing  the  import  of  capital  into 
the  leading  European  countries.  In  this  connection  by  far 
the  greatest  significance  attaches  to  the  situation  in  Ger- 
many. In  the  five  years  from  1924  to  1928  the  total  import 
of  capital  into  Germany  is  estimated  to  have  amounted  to 
over  3j5°°  million  dollars,  of  which  over  1,000  million 
dollars  was  imported  in  each  of  the  years  1927  and  1928. 
In  1929  the  import  of  capital  into  Germany  fell  sharply 
to  550  million  dollars,  and  in  1930  to  less  than  150  million 
dollars,  thus  bringing  the  movement  of  German  ration- 
alisation abruptly  to  an  end,  and  creating  the  conditions 
which  led  a  little  later  to  the  complete  suspension  of  re- 
paration payments  and  the  freezing  of  ordinary  commercial 
debts.  These  reactions  were  inevitable,  in  spite  of  the 
tremendous  efforts  which  the  German  Government  made 
to  curtail  imports  while  expanding  exports  at  an  unpre- 
cedented rate,  in  both  cases  at  the  expense  of  a  severe  fall 
in  the  standard  of  living  of  the  German  people.  In  the  same 
way  the  import  of  capital  into  Hungary  iell  from  91  million 
dollars  in  1928  to  38  million  in  1929  and  24  million  in 
1930  ;  and  the  import  of  capital  into  Poland  from  1^4 
million  dollars  in  1928  to  67  million  in  1929  ;  while  Yugo- 
slavia, which  had  imported  27  million  dollars  in  1928, 
actually  turned  in  the  following  year  into  a  net  exporter 
of  capital.  There  was  a  similar  fall  in  the  imports  of  capital 


into  many  of  the  non-European  borrowing  countries  ;  thus 
the  Argentine,  which  had  imported  181  million  dollars  in 
1928,  practically  ceased  in  1929  to  import  capital  at  all  ; 
and  Japan,  which  had  imported  80  million  dollars  in  1928, 
became  a  small  net  exporter  of  capital  in  the  following 

The  devastating  effects  on  Europe  of  this  sharp  falling  off 
in  the  importation  of  capital,  a  large  part  of  which  had 
been  drawn  in  the  preceding  years  from  the  United  States, 
was  only  gradually  felt,  for  to  some  extent  the  gap  caused 
by  the  cessation  of  long-term  loans  and  commercial  ad- 
vances from  America  was  made  good  for  the  time  being 
by  the  diversion  of  British  lending  to  Europe  and  by  the 
straining  of  the  resources  of  the  European  banking  system 
in  the  attempt  to  provide  extended  credits  for  industries 
left  in  the  lurch.  But  these  attempts  to  maintain  the  supply 
of  credit  in  face  of  the  tremendous  fall  in  the  volume  of 
American  lending,  while  they  staved  off  trouble  for  a  time, 
only  served  to  aggravate  the  collapse  when  it  did  come. 
The  banks  which  had  granted  credit  for  short  periods 
found  the  money  which  they  had  advanced  irrecoverable, 
and  were  compelled  to  resort  to  various  forms  of  standstills 
and  moratoria  as  the  alternatives  to  complete  and  open 
collapse.  It  was  gradually  realised  to  what  an  extent 
Europe  in  general  and  Germany  in  particular  had  been 
living  during  the  years  before  1929  on  American  loans, 
and  what  disastrous  consequences  the  withdrawal  of  these 
loans  was,  under  the  existing  conditions  of  international 
relationships,  bound  to  have  upon  the  economic  structure 
of  the  European  Continent. 

For  the  withdrawal  of  American  lenders  from  Europe 
brought  to  light  the  inherent  absurdity  of  the  situation 
which  had  existed  even  during  the  period  of  apparent  pros- 
perity before  the  world  slump.  Europe  taken  as  a  whole 
imported  from  the  United  States  far  more  goods  than  the 
United  States,  behind  a  high  tariff  wall,  was  willing  to 
receive  in  exchange.  And  although  the  difference  was  to 
some  extent  decreased  by  third-party  trade — that  is  to  say, 


by  American  imports  from  non-European  countries  paid 
for  by  European  exports  to  these  countries — as  well  as  by 
tourist  expenditure  and  immigrant  remittances,  there  re- 
mained, even  after  making  allowance  for  these  factors,  a 
heavy  adverse  balance  against  the  European  importing 
countries.  But  at  the  same  time  these  countries  were  due  to 
pay  to  the  United  States,  not  only  interest  at  high  rates  on 
the  large  and  accumulating  loans  of  American  capital 
which  had  been  made  during  the  post-war  years,  but  in 
addition  claims  to  debt  interest  and  repayment  of  principal 
arising  out  of  public  loans  made  by  the  United  States  to 
European  countries  in  connection  with  the  World  War. 
The  balance  of  trade  being  what  it  was,  there  was  clearly 
no  possibility  that  Europe  could  meet  these  enormous 
American  claims.  In  the  attempt  to  meet  them  gold  was 
exported  from  many  of  the  European  bank  reserves  to  the 
United  States  ;  and  the  gold  reserve  of  the  American 
Federal  Reserve  System  mounted  up  by  leaps  and  bounds. 
This  increase  in  the  American  stock  of  gold  would  have 
been  far  greater  had  it  not  been  for  the  special  position  of 
France.  For  the  French,  especially  during  the  period  of  the 
flight  from  the  franc  in  consequence  of  inflation,  had  built 
up  large  private  balances  in  the  United  States,  and  the 
repatriation  of  these  balances  set  up  a  reverse  flow  of  gold 
from  the  United  States  into  the  cellars  of  the  Bank  of 
France.  For  the  most  part,  however,  this  reverse  flow  came 
later,  after  the  onset  of  the  world  slump  ;  and  the  imme- 
diate effect  of  the  withdrawal  of  American  capital  from 
investment  in  Europe  was  a  great  accumulation  of  gold 
stocks  in  America,  accompanied  by  a  decline  in  the  gold 
resources  of  most  of  the  European  countries. 

In  these  circumstances  far  more  people  began  to  realise — 
what  had  been  apparent  previously  only  to  a  few — that 
Europe  had  been  living  economically  during  the  post-wa> 
years  in  a  quite  unreal  world.  To  all  appearances  Germany 
had  been  paying  reparations,  and  European  countries  had 
been  meeting,  mainly  out  of  the  sums  paid  as  reparations, 
American  claims  to  debt  interest  and  interest  on  commercial 


loans.  But  it  now  became  clear  that  Germany  had  only 
paid  reparations  at  all  to  the  extent  that  she  had  bor- 
rowed from  America  the  wherewithal  to  pay,  and  that  in 
effect  the  payments  made  by  Europe  as  a  whole  to  America 
had  been  nothing  more  than  a  handing  back  of  a  part  of  the 
sum  simultaneously  lent  by  the  American  investors  to 
a  variety  of  European  borrowers,  both  public  and  private. 
It  became  apparent  that  America  could  only  receive  pay- 
ment of  the  sums  which  she  claimed  from  Europe  as  long 
as  she  was  prepared  to  go  on  lending  to  Europe  the  money 
with  which  to  pay,  and  thereby  to  swell  year  by  year  the 
total  of  the  claims  which  would  have  to  be  met  in  future. 
The  Americans  could  have  their  money  on  paper — on  the 
express  condition  that  they  never  received  any  of  it,  but 
rather  continued  to  lend  Europe  each  year  substantially 
more  than  European  debtors  were  even  supposed  to  repay. 
For  there  was  also  the  large  adverse  balance  of  commodity 
trade  against  Europe  to  be  taken  into  account. 

Unless  the  Americans  were  willing  to  sacrifice  not  only 
their  claims  in  respect  of  war  debts  but  also  a  substantial 
part  of  the  capital  which  they  had  invested  in  Europe  since 
the  war,  there  was  only  one  way  out  of  this  difficulty.  They 
would  have  so  to  lower  their  tariffs  as  to  admit  into  their 
markets  an  enormously  increased  quantity  of  European 
goods.  But  this  American  big  business,  supported  by  a  large 
body  of  opinion  among  both  investors  and  workers,  was 
wholly  unwilling  to  do  ;  for  it  appeared  to  menace  the 
profits  of  the  most  securely  entrenched  American  manufac- 
turing industries,  and  also  the  vaunted  "  American  stand- 
ard of  life  "  of  the  workers  employed  in  these  industries. 
Accordingly,  the  Americans,  willing  neither  to  modify  their 
trade  policy  nor  to  give  up  their  claims,  were  driven  into  the 
same  expedients  of  moratoria  and  standstill  arrangements 
as  were  arising  in  the  European  countries. 

These  realities  existed  just  as  much  before  the  Wall 
Street  crash  of  1929  as  after  it ;  but  until  the  crash  had 
actually  occurred  comparatively  few  people  realised  how 
momentous  for  Europe  the  consequences  of  the  contraction 


of  American  overseas  investment  had  already  been.  It 
was  hoped  that  the  interruption  of  American  lending  was 
only  temporary,  and  that  some  sort  of  equilibrium  would 
be  speedily  restored  ;  and  few  economists  and  still  fewer 
statesmen  or  business  men  were  prepared  at  that  stage 
to  look  squarely  at  the  realities  of  the  situation.  Only  in 
Germany,  on  which  the  full  brunt  of  the  disaster  fell,  was 
there  an  early  awakening  to  the  full  gravity  of  the  crisis 
which  was  facing  Europe  ;  for  the  Germans  could  hardly 
help  being  aware  that  their  ability  to  fulfil  the  terms  of  the 
Versailles  Treaty  was  dependent  entirely  on  the  mainten- 
ance of  the  large-scale  borrowing  in  which  they  had  been 
engaged  continually  since  the  adoption  of  the  Dawes  Plan 
in  1924.  But  even  the  Germans,  making  an  intensive  effort 
at  fulfilment  for  the  time  being  in  the  hope  that  political 
conditions  would  so  change  as  to  make  possible  a  clearer 
appreciation  of  economic  realities,  were  not  concerned  to 
pull  the  underlying  facts  out  into  the  light  of  day.  They 
were  still  following  up  the  policy  of  Herr  Stresemann,  still 
endeavouring  to  fulfil  their  Treaty  obligations,  not  with  any 
expectation  that  these  could  in  the  long  run  be  fulfilled,  but 
in  the  hope  that  a  few  years  of  fulfilment  at  whatever  cost 
would  so  re-establish  Germany's  position  and  confirm  the 
security  of  post-war  Europe  as  to  make  possible  rational 
reconsideration  of  the  Versailles  Treaty. 

So  matters  stood  when,  in  the  autumn  of  1929,  the 
American  boom  collapsed  in  the  sensational  panic  on  Wall 
Street,  and  the  artificially  inflated  values  of  American 
securities  and  real  estate  began  to  be  written  down  at  the 
rate  of  many  millions  of  dollars  a  day.  Of  the  speculators, 
American  and  foreign,  who  had  been  active  in  the  stock 
markets  on  the  eve  of  the  collapse,  a  very  few  got  out  while 
the  going  was  good,  and  a  substantially  larger  number, 
mistrustful  of  the  confident  prophecies  that  the  collapse 
would  be  of  short  duration  and  the  boom  be  resumed 
before  long,  cut  their  losses  and  escaped,  damaged  but  not 
completely  wrecked  by  their  experiences.  But  many  others 
held  on,  to  incur  further  huge  losses,  as,  after  a  brief  and 


partial  recovery  of  prices  in  the  early  months  of  1 930,  the 
slump  deepened  and  deepened  during  the  following  years. 
Among  those  who  made  heavy  losses  on  the  American 
stock  markets  in  1929  and  1930  were  many  European 
speculators  ;  and  their  losses  further  aggravated  the  diffi- 
culties of  European  industry  and  commerce  in  the  following 
months.  But  far  more  serious  than  the  losses  of  the  specu- 
lators were  the  collapse  of  the  American  market  for  Euro- 
pean exports  and  the  reactions  of  this  collapse  on  the 
demand  for  European  goods  in  those  non-European 
countries  which  had  largely  paid  for  their  manufacturing 
imports  by  exporting  raw  materials  to  the  United  States. 
There  was  everywhere  on  the  morrow  of  the  American 
collapse  an  immense  contraction  in  the  volume  of  transac- 
tions in  raw  materials  ;  and  there  followed  before  long 
a  sharp  fall  in  the  sales  of  manufactured  goods  all  over  the 
world.  But  in  addition  to  the  decline  in  the  volume  of 
world  trade  which  came  hard  on  the  heels  of  the  American 
collapse,  there  was  also  a  sharp  fall  in  the  level  of  prices  of 
practically  every  type  of  commodity,  except  those  which 
were  temporarily  protected  by  the  policy  of  powerful 
combines  or  by  the  holding  up  of  prices  of  particular  goods 
in  certain  home  markets  with  the  aid  of  high  tariffs  and 
other  restrictions  on  the  freedom  of  importation. 

The  extent  of  the  decline  of  world  trade  cannot  unfor- 
tunately be  measured  effectively  in  terms  of  actual  volume 
except  for  a  very  few  commodities  ;  for  the  tonnage  figures 
of  imports  and  exports  published  by  a  number  of  countries 
in  fact  convey  very  little  information.  It  is  therefore  neces- 
sary to  fall  back  upon  the  statistics  of  prices,  though  of 
course  in  using  these  it  has  to  be  remembered  that  the 
decline  in  the  volume  of  world  trade  was  far  less  than  the 
decline  in  monetary  values,  owing  to  the  sharp  fall  in  prices 
which  was  both  cause  and  consequence  of  the  decline.  In 
comparing  values  it  is  necessary  to  adopt  some  common 
currency  unit  for  measuring  the  movements  of  trade  in 
different  countries,  and  it  is  best  here  to  follow  the  statistics 
compiled  by  the  League  of  Nations  which  measure  the 


trade  of  the  world  in  terms  of  gold  dollars.  From  the  accom- 
panying table  it  will  be  seen  that  if  the  year  1928  is  com- 
pared with  the  year  1932  the  value  of  world  trade  has 
fallen  in  all  by  over  60  per  cent  in  these  four  years.  But  this 
decline  was  very  unevenly  spread  among  different  countries, 
and  in  the  case  of  particular  countries  between  imports  and 
exports.  Thus  in  Europe  the  heaviest  decline  in  the  value 
of  exports  was  in  the  case  of  Poland,  reaching  75  per  cent, 
followed  by  Austria  and  Estonia  with  66  per  cent,  Czecho- 
slovakia and  Spain  with  65  per  cent,  and  Great  Britain 
with  64  per  cent  (U.S.A.  68  per  cent) ;  but  whereas  Spain's 
and  Estonia's  imports  declined  quite  as  heavily  as  their 
exports,  in  the  case  of  Great  Britain  the  decline  in  imports 
was  only  56  per  cent  as  against  64  per  cent  for  exports. 
In  the  case  of  imports,  four  European  countries — Hungary, 
Finland,  Estonia  and  Latvia — contracted  their  purchases 
in  terms  of  gold  dollars  by  more  than  70  per  cent  between 
1928  and  1932  ;  and  eight  others,  including  Germany, 
Italy  and  Czechoslovakia,  by  more  than  60  per  cent. 
Most  of  these  were  agricultural  countries  ;  but  Germany's 
imports  fell  by  67  per  cent  as  against  a  decline  of  55  per 
cent  in  exports — yet  another  sign  of  the  intensive  effort 
made  by  the  Germans  to  maintain  their  precarious  position 
in  face  of  the  withdrawal  of  American  capital  from  invest- 
ment in  Germany.  Among  other  developed  countries, 
Italy  reduced  her  imports  by  nearly  two-thirds  as  against 
a  fall  of  56  per  cent  in  exports,  while  Czechoslovakia  and 
Austria  both  suffered  a  fall  of  two-thirds.  At  the  other  end 
of  the  scale  stands  the  Soviet  Union,  which  experienced 
a  decline  of  only  30  per  cent  in  exports,  and  27  per  cent  in 
imports.  France,  on  the  other  hand,  contracted  her  im- 
ports by  44  per  cent  as  against  a  fall  of  62  per  cent  in  the 
value  of  her  exports.  Over  Europe  as  a  whole,  the  gold 
value  of  exports  fell  in  these  years  by  58  per  cent,  and  that 
of  imports  by  56  per  cent. 

It  is  interesting  to  compare  these  figures  with  the 
experience  of  the  United  States  over  the  same  four  years. 
As  we  have  seen,  in  the  world  as  a  whole  the  gold  value  of 

THE   WORLD   SLUMP                                   429 


Balance  of  Commodity  Trade 
in  millions  of  dollars* 










Great  Britain 





Germany    . 




















Holland      . 





Czechoslovakia    . 





Denmark    . 



—  2 



























U.S.S.R.     . 




—  6 



—  / 



—  2 









—  2 










—  12 


Hungary     . 













—  2 












Lithuania   . 



















—  119 

1  Monthly  averages 


import  and  export  trade  fell  by  something  over  60  per  cent. 
In  the  case  of  the  United  States  the  fall  was  substantially 
larger,  reaching  considerably  over  68  per  cent  on  both 
sides  of  the  account — the  same  figure  for  both  imports  and 
exports.  But  whereas  the  United  States  exports  in  all  only 
a  small  fraction  of  its  total  output — about  10  per  cent  in 
normal  times — and  therefore  the  direct  effect  of  even  a  fall 
of  two-thirds  in  the  value  of  exports  need  not  have  been 
very  considerable  if  conditions  had  been  maintained  in  the 
home  market — which  of  course  they  were  not — it  is  easy  to 
see  how  catastrophic  must  be  the  effect  of  a  fall  of  over 
two- thirds  in  the  value  of  the  United  States  purchases  from 
abroad.  For  America  is,  or  rather  was  before  the  slump,  the 
world's  greatest  market  for  raw  materials,  the  second 
largest  market — only  a  little  behind  Great  Britain — for 
manufactured  goods,  and  the  third  largest  market  for 
imports  of  foodstuffs.  In  1928  the  United  States  imported 
4,078  million  dollars'  worth  of  goods,  but  in  1932  this 
total  had  fallen  to  1,322  million  dollars  ;  meanwhile,  in 
face  of  all  the  restrictions  in  force  in  Europe,  the  corres- 
ponding contraction  of  European  imports  was  from 
19,455  million  dollars  to  8,466  millions.  Nevertheless,  so 
great  was  the  fall  in  United  States  exports  over  the  same 
period  that  the  favourable  trade  balance  due  to  America 
had  shrunk  from  over  950  million  dollars  in  1928  to  under 
300  millions  in  1932. 

The  extraordinary  changes  effected  by  the  world  slump 
in  the  trading  position  of  the  leading  European  countries 
can  be  further  illustrated  by  its  reactions  on  the  commodity 
balance  of  trade.  In  1928,  before  the  withdrawal  of  Ameri- 
can capital,  Germany  had  an  adverse  visible  trade  balance 
of  over  3,300  million  Reichsmarks.  This  adverse  balance 
shrank  to  about  360  million  Reichsmarks  in  1929.  In  1930 
there  was  actually  a  favourable  balance  of  nearly  1,000 
million  Reichsmarks,  and  in  1931  this  favourable  balance 
had  risen  to  nearly  3,500  millions.  But  in  1932  the  fall  in 
exports  reduced  it  to  about  1,070  millions.  France,  on  the 
other  hand,  had  in  1927  a  favourable  balance  of  over 


(1929  =  100) 








France      ..... 





Belgium    .         .           ... 





Switzerland        .... 










Unweighted  average  of  above 







Germany            .... 

























Bulgaria   ..... 





Estonia     ..... 





Latvia       ..... 





Unweighted  average  of  above 











Canada    ..... 







Great  Britain     .... 





Denmark           .... 





Norway    ..... 





Sweden    ..... 












Austria     ..... 





Hungary  ..... 
















1,700  million  francs  ;  by  1929  this  had  turned  into  an 
adverse  balance  of  over  8,000  millions,  and  by  1931  the 
adverse  balance  had  risen  to  over  22,000  millions — to  fall 
again  to  about  10,000  millions  in  1932.  Italy,  on  the  other 
hand,  had  reduced  her  unfavourable  balance  from  nearly 
7,400  million  lire  in  1928  to  1,440  millions  in  1932. 

In  order  to  relate  these  figures  showing  the  fall  in  the 
value  of  trade  to  the  volumes  of  commodities  passing 
between  countries,  it  is  necessary  to  take  account  of  the 
change  in  the  level  of  prices  over  the  four  years  covered  by 
the  statistics.  On  the  average,  world  wholesale  prices  fell 
during  these  four  years  by  about  one-third  in  terms  of  gold 
currencies,  the  fall  being  about  33  per  cent  in  the  United 
States  and  34  per  cent  in  France,  as  against  as  much  as 
25  per  cent  in  Great  Britain,  despite  the  depreciation  of 
sterling.  These  figures  of  course  measure  the  general  move- 
ment of  wholesale  prices  and  thus  lay  the  main  stress  on 
those  foodstuffs,  raw  materials  and  semi-manufactured 
articles  whose  values  most  readily  admit  of  comparative 
measurement.  The  fall  in  the  prices  of  manufactured 
goods  was  substantially  less  than  this,  and  the  fall  in  food- 
stuffs and  raw  materials  slightly  greater  and,  in  the  case 
of  certain  commodities  of  vital  importance  to  particular 
countries,  considerably  greater.  In  the  case  of  agricultural 
prices,  the  magnitude  of  the  fall  up  to  the  end  of  1932  can 
be  measured  by  the  accompanying  table  giving  selected 
British  quotations  for  the  prices  of  a  number  of  leading 

The  separate  index  numbers  of  prices  compiled  by  a 
limited  number  of  countries  for  raw  materials  and  manu- 
factured goods  make  it  possible  for  the  relative  magnitude 
of  the  fall  in  prices  to  be  at  least  approximately  estimated. 
Thus  in  Germany  between  the  beginning  of  1929  and  the^ 
beginning  of  1932  agricultural  prices  fell  by  30  per  cent, 
prices  of  raw  materials  by  31  per  cent  and  prices  of  manu- 
factured goods  by  only  2 1  per  cent,  whereas  in  the  United 
States  the  corresponding  figures  are  50  per  cent  for  agri- 
cultural goods,  39  per  cent  for  raw  materials  and  26  per  cent 

•THE   WORLD   SLUMP  433 


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for  manufactured  goods.  These  changes  in  the  relative 
prices  of  different  classes  of  commodities  are  further 
reflected  in  the  difference  between  the  decline  experienced 
by  particular  countries  in  the  values  of  the  goods  which 
they  import  and  export.  Thus  from  1929  to  1931  the  aver- 
age value  of  German  imports  declined  by  33  per  cent,  and 
that  of  German  exports  by  only  18  per  cent  ;  and  in  the  case 
of  the  United  Kingdom  import  prices  fell  by  31  per  cent 
and  export  prices  by  only  14  per  cent,  whereas  in  Yugo- 
slavia export  prices  fell  by  45  per  cent  and  import  prices 
by  32  per  cent,  and  in  Latvia  export  prices  by  35  per  cent 
and  import  prices  by  24  per  cent.  Again  in  Germany  the 
prices  of  imported  raw  materials  fell  between  1929  and 
January  1932  by  48  per  cent,  and  the  prices  of  raw  materials 
manufactured  at  home  by  only  1 7  per  cent,  while  in  Czecho- 
slovakia the  general  price  level  of  imports  fell  by  35  per 
cent,  and  that  of  home-produced  goods  by  only  22  per  cent. 
Por  France  the  corresponding  falls  were  59  per  cent  for 
imports  and  25  per  cent  for  home-produced  goods.  These 
differences  of  course  reflect  to  a  considerable  extent  the 
protective  measures  adopted  to  shelter  home  markets  from 
the  competition  of  cheap  imports  from  abroad.  That  the 
same  result  can  be  secured  by  industrial  combination 
within  a  particular  country  is  shown  by  the  official  German 
statistics  dealing  with  the  relative  prices  of  goods  subject 
to  the  control  of  cartels  and  those  still  sold  under  relatively 
competitive  conditions.  Between  January  1929  and  January 
1932  the  prices  of  non-cartelised  goods  in  Germany  fell  by 
one  half,  whereas  the  prices  of  goods  subject  to  the  control 
of  cartels  fell  by  only  one-fifth. 

Differences  in  national  policy  in  meeting  the  slump 
resulted  naturally  in  corresponding  differences  in  the 
internal  price  movements  in  the  various  countries.  Practic^ 
ally  everywhere  the  fall  in  wholesale  prices  was  very  much 
larger  than  the  fall  in  the  cost  of  living,  though  in  one  or 
two  predominantly  agricultural  countries  the  difference 
between  the  two  figures  was  not  very  great.  Latvia  and 
Estonia  are  examples  of  a  fairly  uniform  rate  of  fall,  while 


in  Finland,  owing  to  currency  depreciation,  the  cost  of 
living  has  actually  fallen  substantially  more  than  the  level 
of  wholesale  prices. 

These,  however,  are  exceptional  cases,  as  the  accompany- 
ing table  clearly  shows.  Thus  in  France  the  fall  in  wholesale 
prices  has  been  almost  five  times  as  great  as  the  fall  in  the 
cost  of  living,  owing  to  the  effect  of  measures  of  domestic 
Protection.  In  Switzerland  and  Italy  wholesale  prices  have 
fallen  twice  as  much  as  the  cost  of  living,  and  in  Holland 
nearly  three  times  as  much  ;  while  in  Great  Britain  and 
Denmark  abo  the  reduction  in  wholesale  prices  is  about 
twice  the  fall  in  living  costs  ;  and  in  Czechoslovakia 
actually  eight  times  as  great.  As  these  figures  are  to  some 
extent  affected  by  the  depreciation  of  certain  currencies 
in  1932  after  the  abandonment  of  the  gold  standard  a 
column  has  been  added  to  the  table  showing  for  January 
1933  the  approximate  percentage  of  currency  depreciation 
in  the  countries  affected  by  this  factor. 

These  differences  between  the  movements  of  wholesale 
and  retail  prices  must  not  of  course  be  taken  as  measuring 
the  changes  in  the  ability  of  industry  to  pay  wages  or  make 
profits  in  the  process  of  production  ;  for  the  wholesale  price 
figures  refer,  as  we  have  seen,  chiefly  to  raw  materials,  raw 
foodstuffs  and  some  semi-manufactures,  and  must  not  be 
taken  as  an  indication  of  the  prices  charged  by  the  pro- 
ducer for  manufactured  goods  leaving  the  factory.  The  fall 
in  the  prices  of  manufactured  goods  lies  at  a  point  inter- 
mediate between  the  fall  in  retail  prices  and  that  of  the  cost 
of  living,  with  great  differences  between  one  industry  and 
another  in  the  extent  to  which  manufacturers  have  found 
it  possible  to  maintain  prices  by  means  of  combination, 
with  or  without  the  aid  of  tariffs  and  other  measures  of 
Protection.  The  difficulty  of  the  manufacturers  has  been 
that  they  have  had  to  choose  between  lowering  their  prices 
and  attempting  to  maintain  them  in  a  falling  ma»ket. 
The  latter  policy  could  be  pursued  only  at  the  cost  of  a 
severe  contraction  in  the  demand  for  their  goods,  so  that  a 
policy  of  high  prices  has  resulted  in  much  less  being  sold  ; 


whereas  a  policy  of  lower  prices  has  been   exceedingly 
difficult  to  carry  into  effect  in  face  of  the  determination  of 
the  wage-earners  to  maintain  money  rates  of  payment 
with  as  little  diminution  as  possible,  and  even  more  in  face 
of  the  immense  burden  of  debt  arising  out  of  money  bor- 
rowed and  expended  at  a  time  when  prices  were  at  a  far 
higher  level  and  rates  of  interest  were  ruling  high.  Inevit- 
ably the  assets  bought  with  this  borrowed  money  have 
depreciated  very  seriously  in  value  in  consequence  of  the 
slump,   while   the   rates   of  interest  which   business   men 
undertook  to  pay  before  the  coming  of  the  slump  are  now 
out  of  all  relation  to  the  current  value  of  borrowed  money. 
In  the  case  of  purely  short-term  borrowings  it  has  been 
possible  in  some  cases  for  businesses  to  pay  off  their  existing 
obligations  and  replace  them  by  new  money  borrowed  at  a 
substantially  lower  rate  of  interest.  But  this  has  not  been 
possible  in  the  countries  which  have  been  suffering  from  a 
severe  shortage  of  working  capital  and  seriously  menaced  by 
the  instability  of  their  economic  systems  in  face  of  large 
external  debt  burdens  and  of  a  sharp  fall  both  in  the  prices 
of  their  exports  and  in  their  ability  to  find  markets  for  them. 
Consequently,  the  more  distressed  a  country  has  been,  the 
heavier  have  been  the  debt  burdens  under  which  it  has  been 
compelled  to  stagger.  Even,  however,  if  it  had  been  possible 
to  reduce  interest  to  substantially  lower  rates  this  would  not 
really  have  cured  the  difficulty.  For  it  would  have  remained 
true  that  the  capital  assets  created  by  means  of  the  borrowed 
money  no  longer  possessed  anything  like  the  value  origin- 
ally invested  in  them,  so  that  the  payments  due  on  the  debts 
had  become  an  almost  unbearable  burden.  Something  has 
been  done,  by  way  of  standstill  agreements,  moratoria  and 
similar  methods  of  deferring  payment,  to  ease  the  immediate 
burden  of  the  excessive  interest  charges  ;  but  these  measures^ 
which  have  at  most  only  been  pressed  far  enough  to  tide 
the*  distressed  countries  over  their  immediate  difficulties, 
cannot  in  any  case,  unless  there  is  a  sharp  recovery  in  the 
level  of  world  prices,  affect  the  larger  question  of  the 
disproportion  between  the  sums  owing  by  businesses  in 


respect  of  their  past  borrowings  and  the  current  value  of 
the  assets  which  provide  the  sole  means  of  off-setting  these 
charges.  Standstills  and  moratoria  can  only  be  conceivably 
of  any  use  in  dealing  with  a  purely  temporary  emergency. 
They  are  based  on  the  assumption  of  a  speedy  recovery, 
not  only  of  world  trade  but  in  the  prices  at  which  world 
trade  is  done,  to  a  level  corresponding  far  more  closely  to 
the  levels  at  which  capital  debts  were  originally  incurred. 
Failing  a  very  considerable  rise  in  the  level  of  world  prices, 
cancellation  or  repudiation  of  pre-slump  debts  is  bound  to 
occur  on  a  very  large  scale  over  by  far  the  greater  part  of 
Europe  ;  and  this  applies  no  less  to  commercial  debts  than 
to  the  international  and  domestic  debts  of  States  and  other 
public  bodies. 


NATURALLY,  apart  from  the  complicating  factor  of  exter- 
nal debts,  which  has  been  of  outstanding  importance 
especially  in  the  case  of  Germany,  the  countries  which  have 
suffered  most  acutely  as  a  result  of  the  world  slump  have 
been  those  which  rely  for  the  means  of  paying  for  their 
imports  on  the  sale  of  the  agricultural  goods  and  raw 
materials  which  have  declined  most  sharply  in  value.  Of 
all  commodities  that  which  affects  the  largest  number  of 
countries  is  wheat  ;  and  it  is  on  wheat  above  all  other 
classes  of  goods  that  attention  has  been  concentrated  in  the 
attempt  to  restore  the  position  of  certain  of  the  struggling 
countries  of  Eastern  Europe. 

Of  the  twenty-four  European  countries  which  are  of 
importance  to  the  trade  in  wheat  as  either  importers  or 
exporters,  only  seven  are  normally  exporting  countries,  as 
against  fifteen  countries  which  normally  require  a  net 
import  of  wheat.  By  far  the  largest  wheat  exporter  of 
Europe  is  the  Soviet  Union,  followed  at  a  long  distance  by 


Roumania,  Hungary,  Czechoslovakia  and  Bulgaria.  Poland 
and  Lithuania  both  export  wheat  in  some  years,  but  only 
to  a  quite  small  extent.  The  Soviet  Union,  before  the  war  of 
overwhelming  importance  in  the  wheat  market  of  Europe, 
practically  dropped  out  during  and  immediately  after  the 
war,  and  even  on  the  average  of  the  years  1923-27  was  only 
exporting  about  5^  million  quintals  a  year  out  of  a  total 
domestic  wheat  production  of  about  189  million  quintals  ; 
but  by  1930  production  in  the  Soviet  Union  had  risen  to 
nearly  270  million  quintals,  and  exports  in  this  and  again 
in  the  following  year  reached  25  million  quintals.  As  com- 
pared with  these  totals  the  six  other  wheat  exporting 
countries  of  Europe  together  exported  on  the  average  of 
the  years  1923-27  under  5^  million  quintals,  or  about  the 
same  as  the  Soviet  Union  during  the  same  years.  In  1931, 
thanks  to  a  bumper  harvest  in  Roumania,  the  exports  of 
these  other  six  countries  rose  to  nearly  20  million  quintals  ; 
but  even  so  their  total  exports  were  well  below  the  total 
exports  of  the  Soviet  Union.  Including  Russia,  European 
countries  had  on  the  average  of  1923-27  under  n  million 
quintals  of  wheat  available  for  export,  and  in  1 93 1  under 
45  million  quintals. 

On  the  other  hand,  Great  Britain  alone  imported  on  the 
average  of  1923-27  over  52^  million  quintals,  and  in  1931 
nearly  6o£  million  ;  so  that,  if  Great  Britain  had  set  out  to 
meet  her  needs  for  \\heat  from  the  European  rather  than 
from  Empire  markets,  she  could  have  absorbed  and  could 
still  absorb  the  entire  European  surplus.  The  four  next 
largest  wheat  importers — Italy,  Germany,  France  and 
Belgium — together  imported  on  the  average  of  1923-27 
about  62  million  quintals,  and  in  1931  56 £  millions,  the 
fall  being  accounted  for  mainly  by  the  reduction  of  German 
wheat  imports  from  14  million  quintals  to  5  millions,  an^ 
the  Italian  from  23  millions  to  15,  as  against  an  expansion 
of  the  French  imports  from  13^  millions  to  23 J  millions. 
Thus,  even  if  Great  Britain  were  out  of  the  European 
market  as  a  buyer  of  wheat,  Italy,  Germany,  France  and 
Belgium  could  together  absorb  the  entire  European  surplus 



















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without  making  any  allowance  for  the  imports  of  the  smaller 
countries.  In  all,  the  European  import  market  amounted 
on  the  average  of  1923-27  to  137  million  quintals  a  year, 
and  in  1931  to  135  million  quintals,  or  more  than  three 
times  the  total  quantity  available  for  export  from  the 
European  countries  possessing  a  surplus,  even  including 
the  U.S.S.R.  Even  if  Great  Britain  is  excluded  from  the 
calculation,  owing  to  her  relation  to  the  wheat  market  in 
America  and  Australia,  there  still  remains  in  the  rest  of 
Europe  a  sufficient  net  demand  for  wheat  to  absorb  the 
entire  output  of  the  European  exporting  countries  and  then 
buy  nearly  as  much  again  from  the  producing  countries 
outside  Europe. 

In  these  circumstances  there  has  been  strong  pressure 
from  the  countries  chiefly  concerned  in  the  export  of  wheat 
to  secure  a  preferential  outlet  for  their  surplus  in  the  Euro- 
pean markets.  These  countries  want  of  course  not  merely 
a  market  for  their  exportable  supplies  of  \vheat,  but  a 
market  at  a  price  substantially  above  that  ruling  over  the 
world  as  a  whole.  For  this  price,  determined  partly  by  the 
more  favourable  conditions  of  production  in  the  New 
World,  and  still  more  of  late  by  the  existence  of  large 
stocks  of  unsold  wheat  which  have  hung  continuously  over 
the  market  with  a  permanently  depressing  effect  upon 
prices,  is  far  too  low  to  enable  the  peasant  cultivators  of 
the  European  producing  countries  to  exist  at  a  tolerable 
standard  of  living,  above  all  in  face  of  the  heavy  burdens 
of  debt  by  which  they  are  weighed  down.  The  project  of 
securing  a  guaranteed  market  for  the  exportable  surplus 
of  wheat  from  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe  has  come  up 
during  the  past  two  years  at  a  whole  series  of  conferences, 
beginning  with  consultative  action  by  certain  of  the  export- 
ing countries  without  the  U.S.S.R.,  and  broadening  out^ 
into  an  attempt  to  tackle  the  wheat  problem  on  European 
lines  through  the  Special  Committee  on  European  Union 
formed  under  the  auspices  of  the  League  of  Nations  as  the 
outcome  of  Briand's  proposal  for  a  tentative  advance  to- 
wards a  United  States  of  Europe. 






The  wheat  exporting  countries  included  in  the  League 
want  a  form  of  preferential  treatment  which  will  secure 
them  a  price  substantially  above  the  world  price  for  their 
wheat,  and  they  are  encouraged  to  demand  this  because 
of  the  drastic  protective  measures  which  many  European 
countries  dependent  on  wheat  imports  have  been  com- 
pelled to  take  by  the  pressure  of  their  own  wheat  producers. 
These  countries,  while  they  buy  their  necessary  imports  of 
wheat  at  the  world  price,  either  subject  imports  to  high 
tariffs,  or  by  other  measures  such  as  subsidies  to  the  home 
growers  and  import  monopolies  shelter  their  own  farmers 
in  some  degree  from  the  effects  of  the  fall  in  world  prices. 
What  extraordinary  results  these  protective  measures  have 
produced  upon  the  relative  levels  of  wheat  prices  in  different 
countries  can  be  seen  clearly  from  the  figures  given  in  the 
League  of  Nations  World  Economic  Survey  for  1931-32.  It  will 
be  seen  from  the  accompanying  diagram  that  there  had  been 
from  the  coming  of  the  world  slump  up  to  the  end  of  1 93 1 
a  quite  extraordinary  divergence  in  the  domestic  price  of 
wheat  in  various  European  countries  ;  and  since  then  the 
discrepancy  has  become  in  some  cases  considerably  greater. 
It  will  be  seen  that  in  the  great  overseas  producing  countries 
the  price  of  wheat  per  bushel  in  January  1932  was  between 
44  and  60  cents,  largely  in  accordance  with  differences 
in  quality.  Hungary,  as  a  large  wheat  exporter,  was  com- 
pelled to  sell  her  wheat  at  the  world  price,  and  Great 
Britain  among  exporting  countries  was  still  buying  her 
wheat  at  world  prices.  On  the  other  hand,  if  we  take  60 
cents  as  the  highest  possible  figure  for  the  world  price,  we 
find  that  the  price  of  wheat  in  France  was  actually  three 
times  as  high,  and  in  Germany  and  Italy  about  two  and  a 
half  times  as  high  ;  while  even  in  Czechoslovakia  the  price 
was  more  than  twice  as  high  as  the  world  price.  N 

Nor  is  this  situation  at  all  surprising  in  face  of  the  fact 
that  in  July  1931,  when  the  price  of  wheat  was  about  12 
gold  francs  a  quintal  at  most,  the  import  duty  in  Germany 
had  already  reached  nearly  31  gold  francs  a  quintal.  In 
fact,  in  those  States  where  domestic  wheat  growing  is 


important  but  not  on  a  sufficient  scale  to  meet  the  entire 
demand,  the  home  consumers  are  being  compelled  in  the 
interests  of  farmers  threatened  with  ruin  to  pay  exceedingly 
high  prices  for  the  absolute  necessaries  of  life. 

In  these  circumstances  it  seemed  to  the  wheat-exporting 
countries,  especially  in  view  of  the  smallness  of  their  avail- 
able surplus  in  relation  to  the  volume  of  European  demand, 
by  no  means  out  of  the  question  to  claim  preferential  treat- 
ment for  their  exports  to  those  European  countries  to  which 
they  were  most  nearly  allied  by  their  political  interests.  The 
Stresa  Conference  of  1932  worked  out  a  scheme  for  a 
European  effort  to  raise  the  price  of  wheat  by  means  of  a 
Guarantee  Fund,  and  with  the  aid  of  a  preferential  system 
for  European  imports.  But  Great  Britain,  relatively  little 
interested  in  wheat  from  the  standpoint  of  domestic  pro- 
duction, and  finding  substantial  relief  to  the  strain  on  her 
balance  of  payments  from  the  abnormally  low  price  at 
which  she  was  able  to  buy  wheat  from  overseas,  was  not 
at  all  likely  to  go  into  a  European  agreement  designed  to 
raise  prices  in  the  interests  of  the  peasant  cultivators  of 
Eastern  Europe.  She  had  indeed,  owing  to  her  long-  and 
short-term  investments  abroad,  an  interest  in  saving  some 
of  these  countries  from  financial  collapse  ;  but  it  was  most 
unlikely  that  this  interest  would  outweigh  her  interest  in 
buying  her  wheat  supplies  at  the  cheapest  possible  rate, 
especially  as  she  was  proposing,  in  connection  with  the 
Imperial  Economic  Conference  at  Ottawa,  to  offer  such 
preferences  in  the  wheat  trade  as  she  was  prepared  to  give 
at  all  to  those  Empire  countries  which  had  far  larger  sur- 
pluses than  Europe  to  dispose  of.  She  had,  of  course,  already 
protected  the  domestic  growers  by  means  of  a  subsidy  dis- 
guised as  a  quota  scheme. 

The  European  wheat  exporting  countries  associated  with 
the  League  of  Nations  had  in  their  minds  in  endeavouring 
to  secure  preferential  arrangements  on  a  European  basis 
not  only  the  competition  of  wheat  from  the  New  World, 
but  to  at  least  an  equal  extent  the  increasing  re-entry  of  the 
Soviet  Union  into  the  world  market  for  wheat.  As  we  have 


seen,  Russia  was  before  the  war  by  far  the  largest  European 
wheat  exporter  ;  and  even  after  the  war  she  speedily 
recovered  the  first  place  in  European  exports,  though  the 
quantities  which  she  was  able  to  export  still  remained  far 
below  the  pre-war  volume.  In  the  meantime,  her  place  as 
an  exporter  had  been  supplied  by  the  enormous  growth  of 
wheat  output  in  the  New  World,  and  especially  in  Canada, 
so  that  the  sudden  re-entry  of  the  Soviet  Union  on  a  large 
scale  into  the  world  trade  in  wheat  in  1930  and  1931 
raised  an  acute  problem  for  those  exporters  who  had 
regarded  her  disappearance  as  permanent.  The  Russians, 
for  their  part,  stood  in  sore  need  of  industrial  imports 
required  for  the  purposes  of  the  Five  Year  Plan  ;  and  apart 
from  oil  and  timber  there  was  no  commodity  except  wheat 
which  they  could  export  on  a  large  scale  in  payment  for 
their  imports.  They  had  therefore  the  strongest  possible 
incentive  to  increase  the  production  and  export  of  wheat 
from  Russia,  despite  the  unfavourable  conditions  prevailing 
in  the  world  wheat  market.  For  Russian  external  trade, 
carried  on  by  means  of  a  State  monopoly,  is  not  quite  in 
the  same  position  as  the  external  trade  of  other  countries. 
The  Russians  were  in  a  position  to  sell  their  wheat  for  what 
they  could  get  for  it  irrespective  of  its  cost  of  production  in 
Russian  money.  The  less  they  received  for  it  the  less  im- 
ports they  were  in  a  position  to  buy,  and  the  higher  was 
the  price  at  which  these  imported  goods  had  to  be  sold  in 
Russia  or  accounted  for  by  the  Russian  industries  to  which 
they  were  consigned. 

The  Russians,  even  more  than  the  peasant  cultivators 
of  the  other  exporting  States,  were  therefore  in  a  situation 
in  which  the  lower  the  price  they  could  get  for  their  wheat 
the  stronger  became  their  incentive  to  sell  an  increased 
quantity.  Only  the  difficulties  experienced  as  a  consequence 
of  the  too-hasty  collectivisation  of  a  large  part  of  Russian 
agriculture  and  the  deficiency  of  the  1932  Russian  harvest 
temporarily  eased  the  situation  created  in  the  world  market 
by  the  revivial  of  Russian  competition. 

The  other  exporting  countries  of  Eastern  Europe  want, 


then,  to  keep  Russian  as  well  as  overseas  wheat  out  of  the 
markets  of  the  European  importing  countries,  which  they 
hope  to  be  able  to  influence  until  their  own  surpluses  have 
been  absorbed  at  a  satisfactory  price.  But  the  divergence  of 
interests  among  the  European  States  has  so  far  been  |po 
great  for  the  wheat  exporting  countries  to  gain  their  point ; 
and,  although  France  has  been  sympathetic  to  their  claims, 
there  has  been  no  readiness  to  act  upon  the  suggestions  of 
the  Stresa  Conference  for  an  inclusive  European  wheat 
pact  at  the  expense  of  the  U.S.S.R.  and  the  New  World. 
The  project  will  doubtless  come  up  again  ;  but  the  growing 
acuteness  of  political  differences  among  the  European 
States  makes  the  likelihood  of  any  effective  action  being 
taken  upon  it  even  more  remote  than  it  seemed  when  it  was 
first  put  forward  two  years  ago. 

Meanwhile,  at  the  World  Economic  Conference,  an  at- 
tempt has  been  made  to  secure  an  agreement  between  the 
four  leading  non-European  wheat  producing  countries  to 
restrict  their  acreage,  as  the  first  step  towards  a  general  at- 
tempt to  raise  prices  by  the  restriction  of  supply.  It  is,  how- 
ever, difficult  to  believe  that,  save  perhaps  in  the  United 
States,  such  restriction  can  be  successful,  even  if  it  was  de- 
sirable ;  for  if  the  Canadian  farmer  or  the  European  peasant 
is  forbidden  to  grow  wheat,  what  is  he  to  grow  instead,  and 
who  is  to  compensate  him  if  he  has  to  leave  his  land  un- 
tilled  ?  As  we  write,  the  recovery  of  wheat  prices  in  the  U.S.A. 
under  the  influence  of  reflation,  is  cooling  the  ardour  of  the 
wheat  interests  elsewhere  for  restriction  schemes  ;  and  it  is 
to  be  hoped  that  the  idea  will  have  been  dropped  before 
this  book  appears. 

Wheat  is  not  the  only  cereal  which  is  of  importance  to 
the  agricultural  countries  of  Europe.  Barley,  oats,  rye,  and 
maize  also  play  an  important  part  in  the  agricultural 
economy  of  Eastern  Europe.  Thus  in  the  case  of  barley,  five 
countries  besides  the  U.S.S.R.  export  considerable  quan- 
tities, and  there  has  been  a  sharp  increase  in  the  total 
European  exports  during  the  past  few  years.  On  the  average 
of  1923-27  Roumania,  Czechoslovakia,  Poland,  Hungary 


and  Bulgaria  together  exported  nearly  8  million  quintals 
of  barley,  and  this  total  rose  in  1931  to  nearly  13  mil- 
lion quintals.  Corresponding  figures  for  the  U.S.S.R.  at 
the  two  dates  are  3^  millions  and  g£  millions.  The  total 
ne£  imports  of  barley  into  Europe  amounted  for  these  two 
dates  to  20  million  quintals  and  24  million  quintals  respec- 
tively, so  that  if  the  U.S.S.R.  is  excluded,  European  ex- 
porters supplied  only  about  half  the  total  demand  of  the 
European  importers,  and  even  with  the  inclusion  of  the 
U.S.S.R.  at  the  relatively  high  level  reached  in  1931 
Europe  was  not  self- sufficient  in  its  supply. 

In  the  case  of  oats,  the  international  trade  between 
European  countries  is  of  considerably  less  magnitude.  On 
the  average  of  1923-27  only  five  countries,  including  the 
U.S.S.R.,  exported  oats  on  any  considerable  scale,  and  the 
total  exports  of  these  countries  came  to  only  2.3  million 
quintals,  of  which  600,000  quintals  came  from  the  U.S.S.R. 
In  1931  the  total  exportation  was  larger,  amounting  to  4.4 
million  quintals,  but  of  this  total  no  less  than  3.9  millions 
came  from  the  U.S.S.R.  As  against  these  total  exports  the 
net  total  import  into  Europe  amounted  on  the  average  of 
the  earlier  years  to  over  1 1  million  quintals,  and  in  1931 
to  nearly  13^  million  quintals.  The  position  is  different  in 
the  case  of  rye,  of  which  Europe  is  by  far  the  most  important 
producer.  Total  imports  of  rye  amounted  on  the  average 
of  1923-27  to  2.4  million  quintals  from  Bulgaria,  Hun- 
gary, Poland,  Roumania,  and  Yugoslavia  taken  together, 
and  4.8  millions  from  the  U.S.S.R.,  and  in  1931  to  3.7 
millions  from  the  same  group  of  countries  and  over  1 1 
millions  from  the  U.S.S.R.,  making  Europe  more  than  self- 
sufficient  in  this  cereal.  On  the  other  hand,  in  the  case  of 
maize,  there  is  a  very  large  net  import  into  Europe  from 
the  New  World,  the  net  European  importation  averagings 
nearly  54  million  quintals  between  1923  and  1927,  and  no 
less  than  93  millions  in  1 93 1 .  The  chief  European  exporters 
of  maize  are  Roumania,  Yugoslavia,  Bulgaria  and  Hun- 
gary, Roumania  having  by  far  the  largest  export.  These 
four  countries  together  exported  nearly  16  million  quintals 






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on  the  average  of  1923-27  and  13  million  quintals  in 
1931.  The  U.S.S.R.  is  comparatively  unimportant  as  an 
exporter  of  maize,  averaging  only  i£  million  quintals  in 
1923-27  and  i  million  quintals  in  1931. 

It  was  proposed  at  the  Stresa  Conference  to  provide 
guaranteed  markets  for  all  these  cereals  in  the  European 
importing  countries.  The  proposed  convention  was  based  on 
the  granting  by  the  importing  countries  of  special  facilities 
for  the  import  of  cereals  up  to  an  aggregate  tonnage  equal 
to  the  average  exports  of  the  exporting  countries  between 
1929  and  1931.  This  would  have  given  a  total  of  18  million 
quintals  of  barley,  16  million  quintals  of  wheat,  13^  mil- 
lion quintals  of  maize,  4  million  quintals  of  rye  and  I 
million  quintals  of  oats.  It  was  proposed  that  all,  or  nearly 
all,  European  countries  should  participate  in  the  conven- 
tion by  making  a  financial  contribution  in  aid  of  the  re- 
establishment  of  agricultural  conditions  in  the  exporting 
areas.  This  contribution  was  to  amount  to  75  million  gold 
francs  a  year,  to  be  devoted  to  the  revalorisation  of  cereals, 
the  contributions  made  by  the  various  States  being  sub- 
ject to  reduction  "  in  proportion  to  the  effective  operation 
of  the  advantages  granted  to  the  selling  countries  under 
bilateral  treaties  for  the  importation  of  the  above-mentioned 
cereals."  The  fund  was  to  be  administered  by  an  Interna- 
tional Committee  representing  both  the  importing  and  the 
exporting  countries,  and  this  Committee  was  to  have  some 
power  to  supervise  the  use  made  by  the  agricultural  States 
of  the  sums  received  from  the  fund.  But  as  we  have  seen, 
there  appears  to  be  little  chance  of  any  proposal  on  these 
lines  being  accepted  by  a  sufficient  number  of  the  import- 
ing countries  to  allow  it  to  become  operative.  Nor  is  it  by 
any  means  clear  how  it  would  in  fact  work,  or  what  re- 
actions the  attempt  to  close  the  European  cereal  market  as  a 
whole  to  supplies  from  abroad,  except  to  meet  the  com- 
bined needs  of  Europe  after  absorbing  the  exportable 
surplus  of  the  East  European  countries,  would  be  likely 
to  set  up.  It  is  at  any  rate  highly  unlikely  that  Great  Britain, 
in  view  of  her  commitments  at  Ottawa  to  her  own 


Dominions,  would  agree  to  participate  in  any  scheme 
giving  preferential  treatment  to  cereal  imports  from  Con- 
tinental Europe  ;  while  it  is  clear  that  the  adoption  of  the 
proposed  convention  would  have  serious  consequences  for 
the  U.S.S.R.,  which  is  bound  to  depend  largely  on  the 
export  of  cereals  for  the  purchase  of  necessary  imports. 

The  plan  elaborated  at  the  Stresa  Conference  dealt  only 
with  imports  of  cereals  from  the  countries  of  Central  and 
Eastern  Europe,  and  did  not  attempt  to  provide  any 
special  assistance  for  the  producers  of  other  types  of  agri- 
cultural goods.  Of  these  other  types  of  goods  the  most  im- 
portant from  the  European  standpoint  are  meat,  butter  and 
cheese.  In  these  cases  too  there  has  been  during  the  world 
slump  a  very  sharp  fall  in  prices,  following  in  most  cases  on 
a  gradual  decline  during  the  preceding  years.  Thus  in  the 
case  of  beef  the  average  end  of  the  year  British  price  fell 
from  5-7^.  per  8  Ibs.  in  1929  to  4-5^.  in  1932.  Argentine 
chilled  beef  actually  rose  in  price  between  1924  and  1929, 
largely  owing  to  the  successful  operations  of  a  ring,  but 
after  1929  there  was  a  sharp  fall  from  5-2^.  per  8  Ibs.  to 
3-85-.  In  the  case  of  English  mutton  the  fall  in  price  was  even 
more  severe — from  *js.  in  1929  to  4-8^.  in  1932,  while  New 
Zealand  mutton  fell  from  4  8j.  to  2-9^.  Danish  bacon  was 
129^.  6d.  in  1925,  but  fell  to  79^.  6d.  in  1927,  and  then,  after 
a  rise  in  1929  to  1055.,  to  only  655.  in  1932.  Meanwhile 
Danish  butter  fell  from  i8oj.  a  cwt.  in  1929  to  122^.  in  1932. 
And  there  was  also  a  sharp  fall,  though  not  quite  of  the 
same  steepness,  in  the  prices  of  the  various  types  of  cheese. 

These  declines  in  prices,  though  they  were  by  no  means 
uniform  in  the  different  European  countries,  everywhere 
exposed  the  countries  exporting  meat  and  dairy  produce  to 
serious  financial  difficulties.  The  country  in  Europe  which 
possesses  by  far  the  largest  number  of  livestock  is  the 
U.S.S.R.,  which  is  far  ahead  of  all  other  countries  in  the 
number  of  horses,  cattle,  sheep  and  goats,  and  second  only 
to  Germany  in  pigs.  The  socialisation  of  Russian  agri- 
culture is  said  to  have  caused  a  very  large  fall  in  the 
number  of  livestock,  on  account  of  slaughtering  by  the 






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peasants  during  the  collectivisation  campaign ;  but 
Russia  remains  even  so  by  far  the  largest  livestock  pro- 
ducer. She  is,  however,  quite  unimportant  in  the  trade  in 
either  cattle  or  meat,  though  she  exports  butter  on  a  con- 
siderable scale.  Next  to  Russia  the  chief  countries  in  terms 
of  numbers  of  livestock  are  Germany  and  France  for 
cattle,  Great  Britain,  Spain  and  Roumania  for  sheep, 
Germany,  France,  Poland,  Denmark  and  Spain  for  pigs, 
and  Greece  and  Spain  for  goats. 

But  these  figures  by  no  means  correspond  to  the  relative 
importance  of  the  various  countries  in  external  trade.  For 
example,  by  far  the  largest  cattle  exporter  of  Europe  is  the 
Irish  Free  State,  which  sent,  until  the  recent  dispute  over 
the  land  annuities,  most  of  her  cattle  to  the  British  market. 
Next,  but  a  long  way  behind,  comes  Denmark,  which  is 
also,  unlike  Ireland,  a  large  exporter  of  beef.  Then,  after 
a  considerable  gap,  come  Yugoslavia,  Poland,  and  Rou- 
mania, exporting  both  beef  and  cattle,  and  after  them 
Lithuania  and  Hungary,  also  concerned  with  the  export  of 
both  live  cattle  and  meat,  and  Bulgaria  as  an  exporter  of 
cattle  alone.  By  far  the  largest  importer  of  both  cattle  and 
meat  is  Great  Britain,  followed  at  a  long  distance  by 
Germany  and  France.  Italy  and  Belgium  are  also  fairly 
important  importers,  and  the  U.S.S.R.  has  been  importing 
cattle  in  recent  years  for  the  improvement  of  her  native 
breeds,  and  for  the  replacement  of  recent  losses.  Mutton  is 
of  relatively  little  importance  in  the  trade  of  most  of  the 
European  countries,  only  Poland  having  any  considerable 
exports,  while  in  the  export  of  pigs  and  bacon  Denmark 
takes  easily  the  leading  place  with  her  great  bacon  exports, 
followed  at  a  long  distance  by  Holland  and  Poland  as 
exporters  of  bacon,  and  by  Poland,  Roumania,  Yugoslavia^ 
Ireland  and  Italy  as  exporters  of  pigs.  Great  Britain  is  the 
only  considerable  importer  of  bacon,  but  Germany  and 
France  as  well  as  Great  Britain  import  pigs  upon  a  sub- 
stantial scale. 

In  the  export  of  butter,  the  leading  place  is  easily  held  by 
Denmark.  In  most  recent  years  Holland  has  occupied  the 


second  place,  but  her  exports  are  seldom  more  than  a 
quarter  of  the  Danish.  Recently  there  has  been  a  large 
increase  in  the  exports  of  butter  from  the  U.S.S.R.,  which 
in  1931  exceeded  Holland's.  Other  exporters  of  some  im- 
portance include  Sweden,  Latvia,  Ireland,  Finland,  Es- 
tonia, Poland,  and  Lithuania,  while  Holland  is  the  principal 
exporter  of  cheese,  followed  at  a  long  distance  by  Italy  and 
Switzerland.  For  both  butter  and  cheese,  by  far  the  most 
considerable  importer  is  once  more  Great  Britain,  followed 
by  Germany  at  a  long  interval,  and  then,  again  at  a  con- 
siderable distance,  by  Belgium,  France,  and  Switzerland. 

There  is  of  course  no  question  of  the  power  of  the 
European  market  to  absorb,  if  it  is  prepared  to  grant  prefer- 
ential treatment,  the  entire  available  supply  of  meat  pro- 
duced in  Europe.  In  the  case  of  cattle  and  beef,  even  if  the 
entire  British  market,  which  is  much  larger  than  all  the  rest 
of  the  European  market  put  together,  is  left  out  of  account, 
the  requirements  of  the  importing  countries  of  Europe  were 
in  1931  many  times  as  great  as  the  total  exports  of  the 
exporting  countries.  In  mutton  both  the  import  and  the 
export  trade  are,  apart  from  Great  Britain,  on  a  quite 
small  scale  in  relation  to  the  total  consumption  ;  but  in 
this  case  too  there  is  a  net  import  into  Continental  Europe. 
In  the  case  of  bacon  alone  Great  Britain  is  the  only  substan- 
tial importer,  and  it  would  be  impossible  for  the  Conti- 
nental market  to  make  itself  self-sufficient  apart  from  the 
British  demand.  Denmark  and  Holland,  and  to  a  less  extent 
Poland  and  Lithuania,  must  sell  their  bacon  in  the  British 
market  or  outside  Europe  if  they  are  to  maintain  their 
present  position.  Denmark,  for  example,  would  lose  the 
entire  basis  on  which  her  present  economic  system  has 
been  built  up  if  she  were  to  be  shut  out  from  the  British 
bacon  market ;  for  it  would  be  utterly  impossible  for  her  to 
find  in  Continental  Europe  an  alternative  market  for  even 
a  tiny  percentage  of  the  displaced  supplies.  Denmark's 
economic  fortunes  are  therefore  intimately  bound  up  with 
her  position  in  the  British  market,  and  any  preferential 
system  which  threatens  to  expand  British  imports  from 


Empire  countries  such  as  New  Zealand,  or  any  attempt  to 
make  Great  Britain  herself  more  self-sufficient  in  her  bacon 
supply,  constitutes  a  desperately  serious  threat  to  Danish 
prosperity.  This  applies  to  butter  as  wrll  ;  for  here  too 
Danish  exports  are  on  a  scale  for  which  it  would  be  im- 
possible to  find  an  outlet  if  the  British  market  were  closed  or 
seriously  restricted.  In  193 1 ,  for  example,  no  Euiopean  coun- 
try except  Germany  imported  even  one-tenth  of  the  quan- 
tities exported  by  Denmark,  and  the  en  tire  German  market 
would  only  absorb  a  little  over  half  the  Danish  exports. 

If  any  European  agreement  on  the  lines  of  the  Stresa 
project  were  to  be  attempted  for  the  marketing  of  meat 
supplies  and  dairy  produce  as  well  as  cereals,  it  is  clear  that 
Denmark  could  not  be  a  party  to  it  except  in  the  very  un- 
likely event  of  Great  Britain  also  agreeing  to  come  in.  Any 
such  agreement,  in  order  to  be  of  use  to  the  States  of 
Eastern  and  Central  Europe,  would  have  to  apply  pri- 
marily to  the  trade  in  cattle  and  beef.  For  it  seems  unlikely, 
in  view  of  the  preponderant  importance  of  Denmark  and 
Holland,  that  any  agreement  could  be  even  projected  in  the 
case  of  either  butter  or  cheese.  Probably  the  realisation  of 
the  extreme  difficulties  standing  in  the  way  of  such  an 
agreement,  even  in  the  case  of  cattle  and  beef,  prevented 
the  Stresa  Conference  or  subsequent  meetings  of  the  Central 
and  East  European  countries  from  putting  forward  any 
proposal  for  a  guaranteed  market  for  the  European  cattle- 
raising  industries.  If,  however,  the  Stresa  proposals  in  rela- 
tion to  cereals  were  actually  carried  out,  their  success  would 
probably  be  followed  up  by  an  attempt  to  raise  the  question 
of  meat  and  dairy  supplies  as  well. 


THE  PLAN  for  the  revalorisation  of  cereals  was  only 
a  part  of  the  project  elaborated  at  Stresa  for  the  rendering 
of  assistance  to  the  distressed  countries  of  Central,  Eastern 


and  Southern  Europe.  The  Stresa  Conference  was  con- 
cerned chiefly  with  the  position  of  eight  countries — Austria, 
Bulgaria,  Czechoslovakia,  Greece,  Hungary,  Poland, 
Rou mania,  and  Yugoslavia — though  some  consideration  was 
also  given  to  the  position  of  Turkey.  These  eight  countries, 
according  to  the  reports  presented  to  the  Conference,  had, 
taken  together,  an  external  debt,  including  both  public 
and  private  and  both  long-  and  short-term  obligations,  of 
well  over  24,000  million  Swiss  francs,  involving  an  annual 
payment  of  over  1,300  million  Swiss  francs.  But  this  debt 
was  very  unequally  divided  between  the  eight  countries 
concerned.  The  largest  aggregate  sums  were  owed  by 
Roumania  and  Poland,  followed  by  Yugoslavia  and  Hun- 
gary, and  then  at  a  further  distance  by  Greece,  Austria  and 
Czechoslovakia  ;  the  Bulgarian  external  debt  was  rela- 
tively small.  But  if  these  debts  are  considered  not  as  absolute 
amounts,  but  in  relation  to  the  abilities  of  the  various 
countries  to  pay,  the  position  appears  in  a  rather  different 
light.  The  most  useful  way  of  measuring  the  debt  in  relation 
to  ability  to  pay  is  to  consider  the  relation  which  the  debt 
service  bears  to  the  value  of  the  exports  of  the  countries 
concerned.  On  this  basis  both  Greece  and  Hungary  had  in 
1931  external  obligations  which  swallowed  up  almost  half 
the  total  sums  due  to  them  in  payment  for  their  exports,  and 
Yugoslavia  and  Roumania  nearly  30  per  cent.  For  Poland 
tne  corresponding  figure  was  24  per  cent,  and  for  Austria 
22  per  cent,  for  Bulgaria  16  per  cent,  and  for  Czechoslo- 
vakia only  5  per  cent.  Clearly  the  burden  upon  Czecho- 
slovakia as  a  developed  industrial  country  is  by  no  means 
excessive ;  but  all  the  other  countries,  and  especially 
Greece,  Hungary,  Yugoslavia,  and  Roumania,  have  plainly 
been  placed  in  a  position  that  cannot  be  sustained  in  face  of 
the  sharp  fall  in  prices  and  above  all  in  the  prices  of  those 
goods  which  they  principally  export.  Moreover,  their 
position  in  19312  is  very  much  worse  than  it  was  a  year 
before,  owing  to  the  further  fall  in  the  value  of  their  exports. 
If  we  turn  now  to  the  actual  state  of  trade  in  these  coun- 
tries in  relation  to  the  balance  existing  between  their 


imports  and  exports,  we  shall  find  still  further  reason  for 
understanding  the  impossibility  for  them  of  maintaining 
the  payments  upon  their  external  debts.  Thus  Greece  has 
not  only  an  exceedingly  heavy  net  burden  of  debt,  but  also 
a  heavy  adverse  balance  of  commodity  trade.  In  1929  this 
adverse  balance — that  is  to  say,  the  excess  of  imports 
over  exports — amounted  to  no  less  than  428  million  Swiss 
francs,  or  three  times  the  total  burden  of  the  external  debt. 
In  1931  this  adverse  balance  had  been  reduced  to  259 
million  Swiss  francs  ;  but  clearly  Greece,  as  a  debtor  on 
trading  account,  had  no  resources  for  the  meeting  of  debt 
claims  save  as  a  result  of  fresh  borrowing.  Austria  was  in  an 
even  worse  position.  In  1929  she  had  an  adverse  balanre 
of  commodity  trade  amounting  to  782  million  Swiss  francs, 
and  even  in  1931  this  had  only  been  reduced  to  622  millions, 
or  again  nearly  three  times  as  much  as  the  total  sum  re- 
quired for  the  service  of  the  external  debt.  Austria,  as  a 
country  requiring  to  import  foodstuffs  and  faced  with 
countless  obstructions  in  the  way  of  her  exports  of  industrial 
goods,  is  in  an  even  worse  position  than  Greece  for  the 
re-establishment  of  her  economy.  Even  the  disappearance 
of  her  entire  external  debt  would  by  no  means  enable  her 
to  make  her  accounts  balance,  though  she  still  derives  some 
relief  from  the  financial  services  which  she  continues  to 
perform,  albeit  to  a  far  less  extent  than  in  the  days  of  the 
Austro-Hungarian  Empire,  for  other  parts  of  Southern  and 
Eastern  Europe. 

Greece  and  Austria  are  the  two  extreme  cases  ;  but  the 
position  is  serious  in  several  other  countries  as  well.  Thus 
in  the  case  of  Yugoslavia,  imports  and  exports  about 
balanced  in  both  1929  and  1931,  but  this  left  no  funds 
available  for  the  payment  of  external  debts.  Hungary  had% 
a  small  adverse  trade  balance  in  1929  and  a  very  small 
favourable  balance  in  1931  ;  but  this  favourable  balance 
was  only  one-fifteenth  of  the  sum  required  for  the  service 
of  the  external  debt.  Poland,  which  had  an  adverse  balance 
of  trade  of  176  million  Swiss  francs  in  1929,  had  converted 
this  by  1931  into  a  favourable  balance  of  242  millions  ; 




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but  even  this  amount  was  less  by  26  millions  than  the 
sum  required  to  meet  the  debt  service.  Roumania  again 
had  a  small  unfavourable  balance  in  1929  and  a  favourable 
balance  of  192  million  Swiss  francs  in  1931  ;  but  this 
balance  fell  1 1  millions  behind  the  sum  required  for  the 
service  of  the  debt,  and  in  1932  the  favourable  balance  of 
trade  was  very  greatly  reduced  without  any  corresponding 
diminution  in  the  volume  of  debt.  Bulgaria  was  in  a  better 
position.  She  had  converted  an  unfavourable  balance  of 
69  million  Swiss  francs  in  1929  into  a  favourable  balance 
of  47  millions — 12  millions  more  than  the  cost  of  her  debt 
service — in  1931.  But  in  1932  this  favourable  balance  was 
not  sustained,  and  the  country  was  again  plunged  into 
serious  difficulties.  Czechoslavakia  alone  of  the  countries 
under  discussion  has  had  throughout  a  favourable  trade 
balance.  This  amounted  to  78  milliorj  Svxiss  fiancs  in  1929, 
and  213  millions  in  1931,  so  that  in  the  latter  year  the 
service  of  the  external  debt  was  covered  more  than  twice 
by  the  balance  of  exports. 

Even  these  figures  do  not  present  by  any  means  an 
adequate  picture  of  the  difficulties  which  are  being  ex- 
perienced by  the  agricultural  countries  of  Eastern  Europe, 
for  the  improvement  which  they  have  brought  about  in 
their  trade  balances  has  been  achieved  only  by  the  most 
drastic  curtailment  of  imports,  necessarily  at  the  expense 
both  of  the  equipment  of  industry  and  agriculture,  and 
still  more  of  the  standard  of  life  of  their  populations.  Thus 
Hungary  practically  halved  the  value  of  her  imports 
between  1929  and  1931,  and  reduced  them  in  1932  to  a 
third  of  what  they  had  been  in  1929.  Poland  curtailed  her 
imports  to  an  even  greater  extent  than  Hungary.  Bulgaria 
almost  halved  hers,  and  even  Czechoslovakia  reduced 
imports  from  well  over  3,000  million  Swiss  fiancs  in  1929 
to  i, 800  millions  in  1931,  with  a  further  sharp  fall  in  1932. 
Roumanian  imports  fell  from  over  900  millions  in  1929  to 
well  under  500  millions  in  1931,  with  a  further  sharp  fall 
in  1932,  and  Yugoslavian  imports  fell  from  700  millions  to 
435  millions.  Even  Austria,  which  was  in  the  worst  position 


for  curtailing  imports  owing  to  her  dependence  on  imported 
foodstuffs,  reduced  their  value  from  2,380  millions  in  1929 
to  1,580  millions  in  1931,  and  this  was  followed  by  sharp 
further  curtailment  in  1932. 

The  position  of  the  countries  which  we  have  been  dis- 
cussing in  relation  to  the  rest  of  the  world  can  be  visualised 
even  more  plainly  if  their  trade  one  with  another  is  elimin- 
ated, and  the  total  balance  of  their  trade  with  the  rest  of 
the  world  considered  in  relation  to  the  magnitude  of  their 
external  debts,  and  of  the  annual  debt  service.  In  1929 
this  group  of  countries  taken  together  imported  7,474 
million  Swiss  francs'  worth  from  other  countries,  and 
exported  to  other  countries  6,103  millions — a  total  adverse 
balance  of  1,378  millions.  In  1931  their  combined  imports 
from  other  countries  had  fallen  to  4,442  million  Swiss 
francs,  and  their  combined  exports  to  4,286  millions.  The 
adverse  balance  had  thus  been  reduced  to  136  million 
Swiss  francs,  or  less  than  one-tenth  of  what  it  had  been 
two  years  before.  But  the  service  of  the  external  debt  for 
the  same  countries  taken  as  a  group  amounted  in  1931-32 
to  1,337  million  Swiss  francs  and  the  total  amount  of  their 
public  and  private  external  debts  to  24,360  millions.  In 
other  words,  under  pressure  of  the  sums  due  to  other 
countries,  these  debtor  States  had  stopped  buying  from 
abroad  everything  with  which  they  could  possibly  dispense, 
with  disastrous  results  on  the  exports  of  the  industrial 
countries.  But  even  so  they  had  not  succeeded  in  establish- 
ing a  favourable  balance  of  trade,  or  in  providing  any  sum 
of  money  derived  from  exports  for  meeting  the  enormous 
requirements  of  their  foreign  debts. 

Under  these  circumstances,  when  the  inflow  of  foreign 
capital,  which  had  up  to  1928  preserved  an  apparent 
ability  to  pay,  ceased  abruptly  in  1929  and  the  following 
years,  a  crisis  was  certain  to  occur,  and  either  there  was 
bound  to  be  currency  depreciation  of  a  most  alarming 
sort,  or  steps  would  have  to  be  taken  both  to  restrict 
dealings  in  foreign  exchange  and  to  suspend  to  some  extent 
the  payments  due  upon  the  external  debts.  If  the  exchanges 


had  been  left  free  and  the  currencies  of  these  countries 
allowed  to  depreciate,  this  could  not  possibly  have  been  a 
means  of  straightening  out  their  finances  ;  for  every  fall  in 
the  external  value  of  their  currencies  would  have  been 
accompanied  by  a  sharp  rise  in  the  effective  debt  burden 
falling  upon  their  populations.  In  view  of  the  magnitude 
of  their  external  debts  it  was  inevitable  that  they  should 
make  every  possible  effort  to  remain  upon  the  gold  standard 
at  whatever  external  sacrifice  in  order  to  avoid  this  multi- 
plication of  their  debts.  Accordingly  they  were  driven  one 
after  another  to  impose  drastic  restrictions  on  foreign 
exchange,  in  addition  to  limiting  imports  by  means  not 
only  of  tariffs,  but  also  of  quotas  and  embargoes  of  the 
most  far-reaching  character.  Thus,  Austria,  after  a  pro- 
longed attempt,  with  the  aid  of  the  Central  Banks  of  other 
countries,  to  avoid  exchange  restrictions,  had  finally  to 
restrict  dealings  in  October  1931.  In  the  same  month 
Bulgaria  made  foreign  exchange  dealings  an  absolute 
monopoly  of  the  National  Bank,  and  introduced  a  drastic 
system  of  control  over  imports  by  this  means.  Greece 
restricted  foreign  exchange  in  September  1931  ;  and  in  the 
following  months  her  system  of  control  became  more  and 
more  drastic,  until  foreign  exchange  was  granted  solely 
for  the  purchase  of  absolutely  indispensable  food  imports. 
But  even  this  method  was  not  effective,  and  in  April  1932 
Greece  was  driven  off  the  gold  standard  despite  the  disas- 
trous effects  of  a  depreciation  of  the  drachma  on  the 
domestic  burden  of  her  foreign  debts.  Hungary  restricted 
foreign  exchange  in  July  1931,  and  Roumania  in  February 
1932,  and  more  drastically  in  May  1932.  Yugoslavia,  which 
only  stabilised  her  currency  early  in  1931,  and  only  theq 
abandoned  her  earlier  restrictions  on  foreign  exchange, 
had  to  reintroduce  restrictions  in  October  1931,  and  to 
establish  direct  State  control  over  certain  classes  of  imports 
at  the  beginning  of  1932.  Of  the  countries  under  consider- 
ation Poland  alone  had  not  up  to  the  date  of  the  Stresa 
Conference  imposed  any  restrictions  on  foreign  dealings. 


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The  difficulties  just  described  have  not  of  course  been 
confined  to  the  group  of  countries  whose  situation  came 
under  discussion  at  the  Stresa  Conference  ;  and  the  measures 
for  the  control  of  imports  and  the  restrictions  on  foreign 
exchange  have  been  applied  over  a  far  wider  field.  Germany, 
despite  the  disappearance  of  reparations  payments,  first 
under  the  Hoover  moratorium  and  subsequently  in  accord- 
ance with  the  settlement  reached  at  Lausanne,  is  still  a 
very  heavy  debtor  on  international  account.  As  we  have 
seen  earlier,  the  Germans  imported  capital  on  a  very  large 
scale  between  1924  and  1928.  According  to  the  estimates 
made  for  the  London  Conference  of  1931,  Germany  in 
1926  already  owed  abroad  over  11$  milliards  of  Reichs- 
marks  as  against  German  investments  abroad  of  about  8 
milliards.  By  1929  German  investments  abroad  had  in- 
creased to  10  milliards  ;  but  foreign  investments  in 
Germany  were  as  much  as  25  milliards,  of  which  over 
n$  milliards  were  in  the  form  of  short-term  borrowings. 
Foreign  investments  in  Germany  had  thus  more  than 
doubled  between  1926  and  1929,  and  the  meeting  of  the 
annual  claims  arising  out  of  these  borrowings,  even  apart 
from  claims  on  account  of  reparations,  involved  a  serious 
strain  on  the  German  financial  system.  Moreover,  Germany 
had  re-lent  to  foreign  debtors,  mainly  with  the  object  of 
stimulating  her  export  trade,  more  than  half  of  the  sums 
which  she  had  borrowed  at  short-term  from  abroad  ;  and 
where  these  sums  had  been  advanced  to  the  necessitous 
countries  of  Eastern  Europe,  the  difficulties  which  we  have 
described  in  the  case  of  these  countries  meant  for  Germany 
the  impossibility  of  recovering  what  she  was  owed,  and 
therefore  of  meeting  claims  for  the  repayment  of  the  short- 
term  loans  out  of  which  she  had  made  the  advances  in 
question.  ^ 

Germany  in  fact  had  been  borrowing,  in  the  anticipation 
of  the  continued  prosperity  of  international  trade,  very 
heavily  at  both  long  and  short  term  ;  and  when  to  the 
withdrawal  of  American  capital  was  added  the  world 
slump,  it  was  impossible  for  her,  despite  the  most  intensive 


efforts,  to  keep  up  her  international  payments.  She  had, 
however,  like  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe,  a  very  strong 
incentive  for  remaining  upon  the  gold  standard,  in  order  to 
avoid  increasing  still  further  the  burden  of  her  external 
debts,  and  she  had  accordingly,  no  less  than  the  countries 
of  Eastern  Europe,  to  resort  to  the  most  drastic  measures 
for  improving  her  balance  of  trade,  and  for  restricting  the 
movement  of  money  out  of  the  country.  If  this  had  not 
been  done,  there  would  have  been  added  to  the  heavy 
burden  of  the  current  claims  upon  her  a  growing  attempt 
by  foreign  creditors  to  withdraw  their  resources  as  her 
financial  position  became  more  and  more  unstable,  and 
almost  certainly  a  flight  from  the  mark  by  German  owners 
of  capital. 

Germany,  as  we  have  seen,  made  a  tremendous  effort  to 
meet  the  situation  at  least  in  part  by  the  stimulation  of 
exports.  In  1929  total  German  exports  were  valued  at 
968  million  Reichsmarks  a  month,  and  in  1930,  despite  the 
slump,  the  monthly  average  was  actually  increased  to 
1,055  millions.  Even  in  1931,  despite  the  sharp  further 
fall  in  prices  and  in  the  total  of  world  trade,  Germany  still 
succeeded  in  exporting  over  767,000  million  Reichsmarks' 
worth  of  goods,  and  it  was  not  until  1932  that  this  intensive 
effort  failed,  in  face  of  the  intensification  of  the  world 
slump,  and  the  total  of  German  exports  fell  to  a  monthly 
average  of  478  million  Reichsmarks.  In  the  meantime 
imports  had  been  curtailed  to  a  quite  extraordinary  extent  ; 
in  1928  they  were  valued  at  a  monthly  average  of  1,167 
million  Reichsmarks,  but  by  1931  this  total  had  been 
reduced  to  under  561  millions,  and  in  1932  to  under  389 
millions.  Germany  thus  converted  an  unfavourable  visible 
trade  balance  of  200  million  Reichsmarks  a  month  in  1928 
into  a  favourable  trade  balance  of  over  200  millions  a 
month  in  1931.  But  in  1932  this  favourable  balance,  despite 
all  her  efforts,  fell  to  89  millions  a  month,  and  in  the  open- 
ing months  of  1933  feH  catastrophically  to  under  25  millions, 
recovering  to  about  60  millions  in  the  spring.  In  the  mean- 
time she  succeeded  in  paying  off  a  part  of  her  short-term 


foreign  debt,  and  in  converting  a  further  part  of  it  from 
short  to  long  term.  But  her  total  indebtedness  remained  at 
the  end  of  1931  in  the  neighbourhood  of  23  milliards  of 
Reichsmarks  as  against  25  milliards  in  1929,  while  there 
had  been  a  fall  in  her  own  investments  abroad  practically 
equivalent  to  the  reduction  in  her  foreign  debt,  so  that  her 
net  position  was  hardly  any  better,  in  spite  of  all  the  priva- 
tions which  her  people  had  been  forced  to  suffer.  In  1933, 
Germany  still  owed  creditors  in  the  United  States  over 
£400,000,000,  in  Holland  over  £170,000,000,  in  Swit- 
zerland £135,000,000,  and  in  Great  Britain  about 
£111,000,000,  apart  from  smaller  debts  to  creditors  else- 
where. In  these  circumstances  the  Germans  were  forced,  in 
the  summer  of  1933,  to  declare  a  moratorium  on  their 
foreign  debt  payments  at  long  as  well  as  short  term. 

Germany,  in  addition  to  intensive  measures  to  expand 
exports  and  to  the  raising  of  tariffs  to  a  very  high  level  in 
order  to  exclude  imports,  was  compelled  to  resort  to  the 
control  of  foreign  exchange.  All  transactions  in  foreign 
exchange  were  centralised  in  the  hands  of  the  Reichsbank, 
and  all  persons  becoming  possessed  of  foreign  exchange, 
whether  in  payment  for  exports  or  in  any  other  way,  were 
compelled  to  hand  over  their  holdings  to  the  Reichsbank. 
Foreign  owners  of  securities  who  attempted  to  sell  them 
in  the  German  market  were  no  longer  able  to  take  the 
proceeds  out  of  the  country  ;  nor  could  short-term  creditors 
recover  the  sums  due  to  them,  as  withdrawals  were  strictly 
regulated  under  the  provisions  of  the  Standstill  Agreements, 
which  have  been  regularly  renewed  since  their  conclusion 
at  the  time  of  the  Hoover  moratorium.  At  the  same  time, 
owing  to  the  difficulties  of  the  German  banks,  the  Govern- 
ment of  the  Reich  has  been  compelled  both  to  regulate 
their  operations  by  drastic  Government  measures,  ana 
largely  to  accept  responsibility  for  the  security  of  their 
deposits  and  to  invest  fresh  capital  in  them  in  order  to 
enable  them  to  carry  on,  and  so  avert  a  complete  collapse 
of  the  internal  economic  system. 



DRASTIC  interferences  with  the  free  movement  of  goods 
and  money  across  national  frontiers  have,  however,  not 
been  limited  to  the  debtor  countries.  Practically  every 
country  has  in  the  course  of  the  world  slump  repeatedly 
raised  its  tariff  rates  either  generally  or  on  particular  classes 
of  goods,  and  a  number  of  countries,  including  France 
(which  remains  upon  the  gold  standard),  have  added  to 
their  ordinary  rates  of  duty  special  discriminating  duties 
against  imports  from  countries  whose  currencies  have 
fallen  in  international  value.  Again,  a  very  large  number 
of  countries,  including  creditor  as  well  as  debtor  States, 
have  adopted  quota  or  licence  systems  for  the  restriction  of 
wide  classes  of  imports.  Belgium  has  done  this  for  wheat, 
coal,  and  a  number  of  other  commodities  ;  Czechoslovakia 
for  meat,  butter,  and  other  food  products  and  for  all  classes 
of  luxury  goods  ;  France  for  wheat,  meat,  and  other  food 
products,  and  also  for  coal,  iron  and  steel,  machinery,  and 
a  number  of  other  manufactured  imports  ;  Holland  for 
meat,  clothing,  and  luxury  goods  ;  Sweden  for  wheat  and 
sugar  ;  Switzerland  for  wheat  ;  and  so  on,  for  the  list  could 
be  considerably  prolonged.  In  effect,  all  over  Europe  even 
the  most  drastic  raising  of  tariffs  has  been  found  inadequate 
for  the  protection  of  the  national  economy  of  each  country 
against  the  consequences  of  the  world  slump,  and  resort 
has  been  had  to  all  manner  of  other  devices  designed  both 
to  improve  the  balance  of  trade  and  to  shelter  the  home 
producers  of  a  wide  range  of  goods  against  the  consequences 
of  the  fall  in  world  prices. 

But  of  course  each  of  these  measures,  while  it  may  do 
something  immediately  to  improve  the  trade  balance  or  the 
position  of  a  particular  group  of  producers  in  whose  interests 
it  is  carried  out,  is  bound  to  react  so  as  to  worsen  the 
world  situation  as  a  whole,  and  by  provoking  measures 
of  retaliation  and  counter-protection  in  the  long  run  to 
cause  a  further  decline  in  the  general  trading  position  of 


the  countries  which  resort  to  it.  It  may  be  possible  by  these 
means  for  some  countries  to  improve  their  trade  balances 
at  the  expense  of  others,  and  to  increase  the  volume  of 
employment  in  certain  special  industries  to  which  they  give 
a  large  measure  of  protection  ;  but  this  can  be  done  only 
at  the  expense  of  a  declining  total  of  world  trade,  and  of 
raising  the  average  costs  of  production  of  commodities  by 
promoting  artificially  their  production  under  less  favourable 
conditions  than  could  be  secured  if  trade  remained  even  as 
open  as  it  \\  as  three  or  four  years  ago. 

In  certain  instances  a  country  may  be  justified  in  desiring 
at  all  costs  to  maintain  a  particular  branch  of  production 
within  its  national  frontiers,  even  if  this  involves  a  higher 
cost  of  the  commodity  to  the  home  consumer.  In  a  larger 
number  of  instances  it  was  impossible  to  expect  that 
countries  faced  with  the  closing  of  their  traditional  markets 
would  refrain  from  an  endeavour  to  protect  themselves 
by  retaliatory  measures  ;  and  it  can  be  argued  that  in  the 
existing  circumstances  the  drastic  restrictions  imposed  on 
international  commerce  were  inevitable  from  the  stand- 
point of  each  country  which  put  them  into  force.  But  it 
cannot  possibly  be  argued  that  their  total  effect  on  the 
world  as  a  whole  and  on  every  country  individually  has 
been  anything  except  disastrous.  For  whatever  has  been 
done  to  help  particular  interests  or  for  the  improvement  of 
one  country's  balance  of  trade  as  against  another's  has  been 
far  more  than  offset  by  the  general  decline  in  production 
and  employment  which  has  necessarily  resulted  from  the 
restrictive  systems  now  in  force  over  practically  the  whole 
of  the  world. 

The  debtor  countries,  as  we  have  seen,  have  had  under 
the  circumstances  of  the  past  few  years  very  strong  reason^ 
for  remaining  upon  the  gold  standard,  even  where  this 
could  be  done  only  by  imposing  the  most  drastic  restrictions 
on  foreign  exchange.  For,  if  they  had  attempted  to  re- 
establish their  trade  balances  by  allowing  the  external 
value  of  their  currencies  to  fall,  any  advantage  which  they 
could  have  secured  by  this  method  would  have  been  far 


more  than  counteracted  by  the  sharp  rise  which  would  have 
taken  place  in  their  foreign  indebtedness.  Thus,  in  addition 
to  France,  Belgium,  Holland  and  Switzerland,  which  have 
remained  upon  the  gold  standard  by  virtue  of  the  strength 
of  their  international  financial  position,  the  great  majority 
of  the  States  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe  have  also 
preserved  the  nominal  parity  of  their  currencies,  even 
where  this  has  been  done  only  by  foreign  exchange  control 
of  the  most  drastic  kind  through  their  Central  Banks,  and 
sometimes  at  the  cost  of  causing  transactions  on  what  is 
called  the  "  Black  Bourse  "  at  rates  very  different  from  those 
nominally  in  force. 

From  the  standpoint  of  the  status  of  their  national 
currencies,  European  countries  can  now  be  divided  roughly 
into  four  groups.  First  come  the  real  gold  standard  countries, 
mentioned  above,  to  which  should  be  added  Italy,  and 
doubtfully,  Poland  ;  second  comes  the  group  of  countries 
which  have  followed  Great  Britain  off  the  gold  standard, 
and  pegged  the  values  of  their  currencies  more  or  less  in 
relation  to  the  pound  sterling.  This  group  includes  the 
Scandinavian  countries,  Denmark,  Norway  and  Sweden, 
together  with  Finland — though  there  the  amount  of  de- 
preciation is  somewhat  greater — and  also  Portugal  ; 
thirdly,  there  is  the  group  which  remains  nominally  on 
the  gold  standard,  but  under  a  system  of  drastic  exchange 
control  ;  besides  Germany  this  group  includes  Bulgaria, 
Estonia,  Hungary,  Latvia,  Lithuania,  Roumania,  Czecho- 
slovakia, and  in  effect  Turkey,  for  although  the  Turkish 
currency  is  heavily  depreciated  in  terms  of  gold,  the  de- 
preciation is  no  greater  now  than  it  was  in  1929.  Fourthly, 
we  have  the  group  of  countries  which,  after  endeavouring 
for  some  time  during  the  slump  to  remain  at  least  nominally 
upon  gold,  have  been  driven  to  measures  of  currency 
depreciation.  This  group  includes  Greece  and  Yugoslavia, 
and  in  effect  Austria,  and  with  it  must  be  classed  Spain, 
which  can  alternatively  be  treated  as  standing  by  itself, 
in  that  the  Spanish  currency  has  fallen  between  1929  and 
1 933  from  a  nominal  depreciation  in  terms  of  gold  of  24 


per  cent  to  one  of  57  per  cent.  It  is  clear  that  if  the  slump 
continues  much  longer  the  number  of  countries  in  group 
three  is  bound  to  decrease  as  other  States  find  themselves 
compelled  to  follow  the  example  set  by  Greece  and  Yugo- 
slavia in  1932  and  to  allow  their  currencies  to  depreciate 
in  external  value. 

This  instability  of  European  currency  systems  introduced, 
even  before  the  sudden  abandonment  of  the  gold  standard 
by  the  United  States,  considerable  complications  into  the 
working  of  international  trade.  The  present  situation  means 
in  effect  that,  largely  on  account  of  the  enormous  burden  of 
European  debts,  currencies  are  being  pegged  by  exchange 
control  at  purely  artificial  values,  which  could  not  possibly 
be  sustained  if  the  free  movement  of  money  from  country 
to  country  were  to  be  again  allowed.  For  despite  the  main- 
tenance of  a  nominal  parity  of  exchange,  there  exists  no 
real  balance  in  the  international  economy  of  the  countries 
concerned,  so  that  the  freeing  of  the  exchanges  would  be 
certain  to  result  immediately  in  heavy  depreciation.  This, 
of  course,  could  not  occur  if  these  countries  were  really, 
as  they  still  pretend  to  be,  on  the  gold  standard — that  is, 
if  they  were  really  prepared  to  give  gold  in  exchange  for 
national  currency  at  a  fixed  value.  But  this  is  altogether 
outside  the  bounds  of  possibility.  For  most  of  the  countries 
in  question  have  already  lost  the  greater  part  of  their  gold 
in  their  attempts  to  maintain  gold  payments  during  the 
earlier  stages  of  the  slump,  and  not  one  of  them  has  resources 
in  any  way  sufficient  to  meet  even  a  tithe  of  the  claims  that 
would  be  made  upon  them  if  they  attempted  to  resume 
gold  payments  under  the  existing  conditions.  As  we  have 
seen,  they  have  no  real  balance  of  exports  out  of  which 
to  meet  the  claims  of  their  external  creditors.  \ 

Nor  have  they  for  the  most  part  any  large  invisible 
imports  to  set  against  these  claims.  Certain  of  the  debtor 
countries  of  Southern  and  Eastern  Europe  used  indeed  to 
have  large  invisible  imports  in  the  form  of  remittances  sent 
home  by  emigrants  who  had  settled  abroad,  chiefly  in  the 
United  States.  But  although  these  remittances  are  still 



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maintained  to  a  certain  extent,  the  American  slump  has 
caused  an  exceedingly  sharp  fall  in  their  total  amount ; 
and  this  factor  has  been  added  to  the  withdrawal  of 
American  capital  from  Europe,  and  has  caused  a  further 
discrepancy  in  the  balance  of  payments  between  European 
countries  and  the  United  States.  Some  of  the  debtor 
countries  have  also  been  able  in  the  past  to  derive  a  certain 
revenue  in  invisible  imports  from  tourist  traffic  ;  but  this 
too  has  declined  very  greatly  in  consequence  of  the  slump, 
so  that  their  unfavourable  trading  position  taken  in  relation 
to  the  volume  of  their  external  debts  gives  by  no  means  a 
misleading  impression  of  their  total  ability  to  pay.  In 
present  circumstances  any  effective  restoration  of  the  gold 
standard  in  any  of  these  countries  is,  by  itself,  totally  out 
of  the  question.  Some  of  them  may  succeed  in  remaining 
nominally  on  gold  for  some  time  to  come,  because  it  seems 
better  to  them  to  do  this  than  to  run  the  risks  of  a  currency 
depreciation  to  which  they  can  see  no  limit.  But  they  can 
only  remain  even  nominally  upon  gold  at  the  cost  of  a 
continuation  of  the  existing  high  tariffs,  of  the  quotas  and 
embargoes  and  of  the  exchange  restrictions  \\  hich  are  more 
and  more  strangling  world  trade  as  the  slump  becomes 
intensified.  And  it  is  even  more  doubtful  whether  they  can 
keep  their  exchanges  pegged  at  all  now  that  the  United 
States  has  deliberately  allowed  the  gold  value  of  the  dollar 
to  fall. 

Nevertheless  it  is  constantly  being  argued  that  the  world 
ought  to  make  a  combined  effort  to  return  to  the  gold 
standard.  This  insistence  on  the  necessity  for  a  return  to 
gold  is  based  on  the  belief  that  the  stability  of  the  inter- 
national value  of  national  currencies  is  essential  for  the 
carrying  on  of  world  trade,  in  that  the  instability  of  curren^ 
cies  in  terms  one  of  another  necessarily  introduces  into 
all  international  transactions  an  element  of  uncertainty 
which  converts  ordinary  trading  operations  into  highly 
speculative  affairs.  There  must,  it  is  urged,  be  some  inter- 
national standard  in  terms  of  which  all  national  currencies 
can  be  (stably  measured  ;  and  although  many  suggestions 


have  been  put  forward  for  some  other  international 
standard  as  an  alternative  to  gold,  there  exists  at  present 
no  other  standard  likely  to  command  any  sufficient  measure 
of  general  consent  to  secure  its  international  adoption,  or 
likely  to  work  well  or  smoothly  even  if  the  nations  of  the 
world  could  be  persuaded  to  adopt  it. 

These  arguments  in  favour  of  a  return  to  the  gold  standard 
raise  a  number  of  distinct  considerations.  In  the  first  place, 
as  we  have  seen,  whatever  may  be  thought  about  the 
desirability  of  a  general  return  to  the  gold  standard,  no 
such  return  is  at  present  possible  in  any  real  sense  for  the 
great  majority  of  countries.  Let  us  suppose  for  the  moment 
that  all  countries  are  agreed  upon  the  desirability  of  going 
back  to  the  gold  standard,  as  they  were  in  effect  agreed, 
as  far  as  the  politicians  and  bankers  were  concerned,  in  the 
period  immediately  before  the  world  slump.  What,  then, 
would  be  the  difficulties  standing  in  the  way  of  a  general 
return  ?  The  first  fundamental  difficulty  would  be  that,  at 
the  present  levels  of  world  prices,  debt  burdens  are  alto- 
gether out  of  proportion  to  national  ability  to  pay,  so  that 
any  attempt  to  return  to  the  gold  standard  would  involve 
heavy  and  continued  external  payments  by  a  large  number 
of  debtor  countries  which  could  not  possibly  hope,  at 
present  price-levels,  to  meet  their  debt  claims  out  of  a 
surplus  of  exports.  Even  if  these  countries,  which  at  present 
have  for  the  most  part  hardly  any  gold  reserves,  were 
equipped  somehow  with  a  fresh  supply  of  gold  sufficient 
to  enable  them  to  meet  external  claims  for  a  year  or  two  to 
come,  this  would  in  no  way  meet  the  difficulty  ;  for  there 
is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  in  a  year  or  two's  time  they 
would  not  again  have  lost  the  new  gold  supplied  to  them, 
and  be  once  more  unable  to  meet  external  claims  arising 
out  of  their  adverse  balances  of  payments.  But  in  these 
circumstances  who  is  going  to  supply  them  with  the  gold, 
or  alternatively  with  the  foreign  exchange  as  a  substitute 
for  gold,  which  they  would  need  in  order  to  return  even 
temporarily  to  the  gold  standard  ?  The  answer  is  that  no 
one  in  his  senses  is  going  to  supply  them  on  these  terms ; 


for  to  do  so  would  be  only  to  reproduce  on  an  infinitely 
larger  scale  the  situation  which  has  existed  for  some  time 
past  in  Austria,  which  has  been  provided  with  new  credits 
under  the  auspices  of  the  League  on  a  scale  just  sufficient 
to  prevent  default  on  her  existing  obligations,  without  any 
result  in  improving  her  ability  to  meet  in  future  years  the 
undiminished  volume  of  claims  still  outstanding. 

It  is  clear  in  these  circumstances  that  no  effective  return 
to  gold  is  possible  for  most  of  the  debtor  countries  unless 
either  or  both  of  two  conditions  can  be  satisfied.  Either 
existing  debts  must  be  cancelled,  or  so  drastically  scaled 
down  as  to  come  again  within  the  ability  of  the  debtors 
to  pay  without  fresh  capital  borrowing  for  the  purpose  of 
payment  ;  or  prices  must  be  so  raised  that  the  existing 
debts  come  to  represent  a  greatly  reduced  quantity  of  goods 
of  those  kinds  which  the  debtors  are  in  a  position  to  export. 
This  second  condition  would  not  necessarily  be  satisfied 
by  a  general  rise  in  the  level  of  world  prices  unless  this  rise 
were  very  considerable  indeed.  For  what  most  of  the  debtor 
countries — Germany  is  in  this  case  an  exception — need 
most  of  all  is  a  sharp  rise  in  the  prices  of  agricultural 
products,  and  to  a  less  extent  other  raw  materials  ;  and  a 
moderate  rise  in  the  general  level  of  prices  would  not  have 
nearly  enough  effect  materially  to  increase  their  ability 
to  make  external  payments  unless  it  were  so  distributed  as 
to  increase  the  purchasing  power  of  their  exports  not  only 
generally  but  also  specifically  in  terms  of  industrial  imports. 

What  seems  to  be  needed  from  the  standpoint  of  these 
countries  is  not  only  an  absolute  rise  in  the  price  level, 
but  at  least  equally  a  rise  in  the  prices  of  agricultural 
goods  in  relation  to  those  of  the  manufactures  which  they 
chiefly  require  to  import.  To  achieve  this  was  of  course  th^ 
principal  object  of  the  proposals  for  the  revalorisation  of 
cereals  put  forward  at  the  Stresa  Conference — at  which, 
incidentally,  Turkey,  Greece  and  Bulgaria  also  urged  the 
claims  of  tobacco  for  inclusion  in  the  scheme.  But  if,  as  the 
Stresa  proposals  involved,  this  revalorisation  were  to  be 
accomplished  by  a  mere  discrimination  in  favour  of  the 


exports  of  the  agricultural  countries  of  Eastern  and  South- 
ern Europe,  excluding  the  U.S.S.R.,  and  not  by  a  rise  in 
the  world  level  of  prices  for  cereals  and  other  agricultural 
products  and  raw  materials,  the  advantages  secured  by  it 
would  necessarily  be  conditional  on  the  maintenance  of 
the  system  of  high  tariffs  and  import  quotas  and  embargoes 
which  is  widely  regarded  as  a  powerful  obstacle  in  the  way 
of  any  general  recovery  of  world  trade  as  a  whole.  Any 
advantages  secured  by  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe 
by  this  method  would  therefore,  from  the  standpoint  of 
the  world,  and  even  of  Europe  as  a  whole,  be  purchased 
only  at  a  very  high  cost,  and  at  the  expense  of  perpetuating 
conditions  which  must  be  swept  away  if  there  is  to  be  any 
general  recovery  under  the  capitalist  system. 

It  follows  that,  if  an  escape  from  the  existing  difficulties 
is  to  be  sought  under  the  capitalist  system  by  way  of  a 
recovery  in  prices,  this  recovery  must  be  brought  about  not 
by  an  artificial  raising  of  the  prices  of  certain  particular 
classes  of  goods  through  preferential  tariffs  or  similar 
devices,  but  by  some  method  compatible  with  the  recovery 
of  a  greater  degree  of  freedom  in  international  exchange. 
This  clearly  involves  in  the  first  instance  an  attempt  to 
raise  prices  generally  by  monetary  means,  as  the  only 
possible  alternative  to  widespread  bankruptcy  and  default 
on  the  part  of  the  debtor  countries. 

The  alternative  in  whole  or  in  part  to  action  designed  to 
raise  prices  is  the  writing  off  of  a  very  large  part  of  the 
existing  debts,  including  not  only  external  debts,  but  also 
those  internal  debts  which,  at  the  lower  prices  now  pre- 
vailing, arc  out  of  all  relation  to  the  ability  of  the  debtors 
to  pay.  But  hardly  a  beginning  has  yet  been  made  towards 
a  constructive  solution  of  this  problem.  For  it  appears  to 
have  been  conceived  throughout  from  the  standpoint  of 
the  creditors  rather  than  the  debtors,  and  with  the  object 
of  preserving  as  far  as  possible  the  existing  structure  of  debt, 
on  the  ground  that  any  widespread  departure  from  it  would 
be  a  serious  blow  at  the  whole  conception  of  the  sanctity 
of  contract.  It  is  repeatedly  stressed  that  "  respect  for 


undertakings  entered  into  is  an  essential  factor  "  in  the  re- 
turn of  confidence,  and  that  such  readjustments  of  debt  as 
are  required  ought  to  be  effected  not  by  any  general  scaling 
down  over  the  whole  field  but  only  by  separate  arrange- 
ments entered  into  directly  between  the  parties  to  each 
contract  in  accordance  with  the  ability  of  the  debtors  to 
pay.  But  it  seems  altogether  Utopian  to  suppose  that  the 
method  of  separate  negotiations  could  bring  about  any 
scaling  down  of  the  kind  required,  save  as  a  result  of  wide- 
spread default  on  the  part  of  the  debtors  spread  over  a 
considerable  period  of  time.  In  effect,  if  this  is  to  be  the 
method  of  settlement,  it  is  likely  to  come  about  only  at  the 
end  of  a  considerable  period  of  further  deflation,  and  rather 
as  a  recognition  of  accomplished  bankruptcy  than  as  a 
means  of  re-establishing  the  prosperity  of  the  world. 


THE  QUESTION  then  is  whether  there  is  a  real  chance 
both  of  devising  measures  likely  to  be  effective  in  raising 
general  price-levels  throughout  the  world  and  of  persuading 
a  sufficient  number  of  nations  to  put  these  measures  into 
force.  Let  us  confine  ourselves  for  the  moment  to  the  ques- 
tion whether  such  measures  can  be  devised,  without  raising 
the  further  question  whether,  even  if  satisfactory  action 
along  these  lines  is  possible  in  theory,  it  stands  any  con- 
siderable chance  of  acceptance  in  the  near  future.  A  large 
number  of  different  schemes  have  been  put  forward  by 
economists  in  the  various  countries  during  the  past  two  OT 
three  years.  At  one  extreme  we  have  those  economists  who 
believe  that,  if  the  Central  Banks  in  the  leading  countries 
were  simultaneously  to  pursue,  by  means  of  open  market 
operations  on  a  very  large  scale,  the  expansion  of  the  basis 
of  credit,  and  if  the  currency  laws  of  the  countries  con- 
cerned were  to  be  so  modified  as  to  make  this  possible, 


the  mere  increase  in  the  supply  of  money  would,  without 
any  further  action,  be  effective  in  raising  prices,  so  that 
it  would  only  be  necessary  to  secure  that  the  expansion  of 
the  basis  of  credit  should  take  place  at  the  right  relative 
rates  in  the  different  countries.  It  is  very  difficult  to  believe 
in  the  probable  efficacy  of  this  method  under  the  existing 
circumstances.  Even  if  it  is  not  disputed  that  the  expansion 
of  the  basis  of  credit  can  by  itself  raise  prices  at  a  time 
when  trade  and  industry  are  either  pursuing  a  normal 
course  or  are  definitely  on  the  up  grade,  there  is  no  reason 
whatever  for  believing  that  in  a  period  of  intense  slump 
and  lack  of  confidence  among  business  men  a  similar  effect 
is  at  all  likely  to  follow.  On  the  contrary  such  a  method  is 
certain  to  fail  both  for  lack  of  the  willingness  to  borrow 
among  business  men  and  because  the  banks  as  lenders 
will  have  under  it  no  greater  reason  to  believe  in  the 
solvency  of  potential  borrowers  than  they  have  at  present. 
If,  for  some  quite  other  reason,  the  confidence  of  business 
men  were  on  the  increase  the  infusion  of  an  additional 
supply  of  available  credit  might  be  effective  in  stimulating 
business  activity  ;  but  it  is  quite  irrational  to  hold  that  a 
mere  announcement  of  the  readiness  of  Governments  and 
Central  Banks  in  the  leading  countries  to  broaden  the 
basis  of  credit  would  by  itself  suffice  to  bring  this  increased 
confidence  into  being,  especially  in  the  existing  disturbed 
political  as  well  as  economic  conditions. 

An  expansion  in  the  basis  of  credit  need  not  mean  any 
expansion  at  all  in  the  volume  of  credit  actually  being  used. 
Of  course,  if  the  basis  of  credit  is  expanded  without  the 
additional  supplies  of  money  finding  an  outlet,  this  creates 
an  awkward  situation  for  the  banks,  which  find  themselves 
with  a  supply  of  unusable  money  on  their  hands,  and  there- 
fore unable  to  earn  profits  at  the  levels  to  which  they  have 
become  accustomed.  But  it  does  not  follow  that  the  conse- 
quent pressure  upon  the  banks  to  expand  their  loans  will 
achieve  any  substantial  result  unless  there  are  willing  and 
solvent  borrowers  ready  to  take  up  the  money.  The  only 
result  that  is  likely  to  follow  from  such  a  situation  is  a 


pressure  of  money  into  the  markets  for  gilt-edged  securities, 
the  prices  of  which  will  be  forced  up  by  the  competition 
to  buy,  so  that  the  rates  of  long-term  interest  will  tend  to 
fall,  as  has  happened  in  Great  Britain  very  notably  during 
the  past  year  or  so.  This  will  facilitate  conversion  operations 
in  those  countries  whose  financial  standing  is  still  relatively 
good  ;  and  it  will  accordingly  to  some  extent  ease  the 
burden  of  public  debts,  especially  where  there  are  large 
masses  of  war  debts  available  for  conversion.  It  will  also 
enable  a  certain  number  of  business  men  to  replace  borrow- 
ings at  a  high  rate  by  money  at  a  lower  rate  of  interest, 
and  will  thus  do  something  to  reduce  business  losses,  or 
even  to  increase  profits.  But  its  effects  in  this  latter  field 
are  likely  to  be  very  limited,  and  are  most  unlikely  to  result 
in  any  expansion  of  business  activity,  as  the  new  money 
will  pass  chiefly  into  the  hands  of  banks  and  financial 
institutions  or  of  the  owners  of  capital,  and  will  not 
necessarily  be  transferred  to  the  public  for  increased 

It  is  therefore  necessary  to  reject  the  idea  that  under 
present  conditions  world  prices  can  be  raised  or  world 
business  activity  increased  by  the  mere  broadening  of  the 
basis  of  credit  in  the  leading  industrial  countries  through 
the  action  of  their  Central  Banks,  unless  this  broadening 
of  the  basis  of  credit  is  accompanied  by  deliberate  measures 
designed  to  increase  the  demand  for  actual  credits  to  be 
applied  to  the  purposes  of  production.  If  this  further 
requirement  can  be  satisfied,  no  doubt  monetary  expansion 
can  be  made  to  serve  a  very  useful  purpose  in  raising  the 
levels  of  prices.  But  the  satisfaction  of  it  involves  a  con- 
siderable increase  in  the  willingness  of  Governments  to 
spend  both  on  capital  account  and  upon  current  serviced. 
Such  a  policy  of  expanded  Government  spending  is 
obviously  inconsistent  with  the  "  economy  "  policies  which 
practically  all  Governments  have  been  pursuing  to  an 
increasing  extent  each  year  since  the  coming  of  the  world 
slump.  In  practically  every  field  of  public  expenditure, 
with  the  exception  of  expenditure  upon  armaments,  there 


has  been  throughout  the  world  and  above  all  in  Europe  a 
determined  attempt  to  cut  down  outgoings  in  the  hope  of 
balancing  budgets  heavily  unbalanced  on  account  of  the 
decreased  yield  of  taxation  and  the  increase  in  the  cost  of 
maintaining  the  unemployed.  The  salaries  of  public 
employees  have  been  reduced  ;  normal  programmes  of 
expansion  in  the  services  of  health  and  education  have  been 
indefinitely  postponed,  and  even  the  existing  forms  of 
provision  have  been  pared  to  the  bone  in  the  attempt  to 
save  money.  At  the  same  time  housing  schemes  have  been 
drastically  curtailed,  and  there  has  been  a  check  to  the 
expenditure  upon  road  construction  and  road  improvement, 
which  had  been  rising  rapidly  during  the  years  imme- 
diately before  the  slump.  Even  schemes  of  long-term 
capital  development  such  as  afforestation  and  the  develop- 
ment of  electrical  power  resources,  or  in  Great  Britain 
the  electrification  of  the  main  line  railways,  have  been 
abandoned  or  postponed  on  the  plea  that  the  States  con- 
cerned clearly  cannot  afford  them.  All  these  measures  have 
resulted  together  in  a  sharp  decrease  in  the  volume  of 
consumers'  demand  ;  for  they  have  both  thrown  people 
out  of  work  in  large  numbers  and  decreased  the  purchasing 
power  of  those  who  have  remained  in  employment.  They 
have  furthermore,  as  far  as  abandoned  schemes  of  capital 
development  are  concerned,  reacted  indirectly  to  cause 
additional  unemployment  and  business  losses  in  the  in- 
dustries in  which  activity  would  have  been  stimulated  by 
the  execution  of  Government  works. 

It  has  been  attempted  in  all  countries  to  justify  these 
measures  of  "economy"  on  the  plea  that  taxation  is  already 
far  too  high,  and  that  high  taxation  is  strangling  enterprise. 
It  has  been  suggested  that,  if  States  will  but  push  their 
economies  far  enough,  the  benefits  of  the  tax  reductions 
which  they  will  be  able  to  allow  will  bring  about  a  revival 
of  industrial  activity.  It  is  of  course  quite  true  that  taxes 
are  at  present,  in  relation  to  the  tax  levels  to  which  countries 
have  been  used  in  the  past,  exceedingly  high,  and  that  high 
taxation  is  bound  to  have  at  least  some  discouraging  effect 


on  business  enterprise,  though  this  effect  is  often  greatly 
exaggerated  by  business  men.  For  the  chief  adverse  conse- 
quence of  high  taxation  on  business  enterprise  arises  through 
its  tendency  to  discourage  fresh  investment  of  capital  in 
industry.  But  at  a  time  of  slump  investment  has  already 
reached  so  low  a  level  that  not  much  further  discouragement 
is  possible  as  a  result  of  the  height  of  taxes.  High  taxation 
is  in  fact  far  more  likely  to  slow  down  the  rate  of  industrial 
activity  in  times  of  boom,  when  such  a  slowing  down  is  far 
less  open  to  objection,  than  at  a  time  of  slump.  The  fact 
of  course  remains  that  during  a  slump  the  ability  of  the 
community  to  bear  taxation  without  hardship  is  less  ; 
and  this  applies  especially  where  States  raise  a  large  part 
of  their  revenue  by  indirect  taxes.  The  pressure  to  get  taxes 
reduced  is  therefore  perfectly  natural  ;  but  it  is  quite 
mistaken  to  suppose  that  any  reduction  in  taxation  that 
is  likely  to  be  brought  about  by  economies  of  the  kinds 
at  present  contemplated  can  have  any  material  effect  in 
stimulating  industry.  Indeed,  if  the  lowering  of  taxes  is 
accomplished  by  way  of  economies  in  the  social  services 
and  in  public  capital  expenditure,  its  effect  on  industry 
is  likely  on  balance  to  be  markedly  adverse. 

When  Governments  decide  on  measures  of  economy  and 
look  round  for  means  of  making  their  decision  effective, 
they  are  always  apt  to  single  out  the  social  services  for 
special  attention.  Attempts  to  reduce  military  expenditure 
meet  always  with  strong  resistance,  and  to-day  encounter 
exceptionally  strong  opposition  because  of  the  increasingly 
disturbed  political  state  of  Europe.  There  remain  as  possible 
fields  for  economy  only  the  social  services  and  the  service 
of  the  public  debt.  But  although  something  can  be  done — 
as  it  has  been  done  with  marked  success  in  Great  Britain 
during  the  past  year  or  so — to  reduce  debt  charges  by  means 
of  conversion  operations,  and  although  a  substantial  further 
saving  is  automatically  achieved  by  the  low  rates  of  interest 
possible  on  the  short-term  debt  at  a  time  when  there  is 
little  demand  except  from  the  Government  for  short-term 
funds,  by  far  the  greater  part  of  the  debt  is  not  open  to 


these  forms  of  treatment,  since  it  consists  of  relatively  long- 
term  obligations  not  immediately  open  to  conversion. 

This  part  of  the  debt  can  be  made  less  onerous  only  if  the 
Government  is  prepared  to  break  the  contractual  obliga- 
tions into  which  it  has  entered  with  the  bondholders  ; 
and  this  capitalist  Governments  are  exceedingly  reluctant 
to  do,  except  when  they  are  driven  right  up  against  the 
wall,  as  Australia  was  in  her  recent  financial  crisis.  A 
capital  levy  being  virtually  impossible  at  the  bottom  of  a 
tremendous  slump,  the  contractual  debt  burden  could  be 
reduced  only  by  legislative  measures  lowering  the  rates  of 
interest  in  breach  of  the  existing  contracts.  This  lowering 
of  rates  would,  in  the  opinion  of  many  people,  be  amply 
justified  on  the  ground  that  the  real  interest  payable  on  the 
debt  has  risen  to  an  enormous  extent  during  the  past 
few  years,  as  a  consequence  of  the  fall  in  prices.  But  any 
attempt  at  compulsory  reduction  of  interest  rates  would  be 
certain  to  meet  with  very  strong  resistance  from  the  monied 
classes,  who  would  be  backed  up  in  their  opposition  by  a 
very  large  number  of  small  debtholders,  unless  it  were 
proposed  to  discriminate  between  large  and  small  owners, 
and  also  to  continue  payment  in  full  of  the  interest  on  blocks 
of  debt  held  by  such  bodies  as  Friendly  Societies,  and  other 
collective  institutions  standing  mainly  for  the  interests  of 
relatively  poor  people.  No  capitalist  Government,  until  it 
is  driven  near  to  desperation  by  the  magnitude  of  its 
financial  burdens,  is  therefore  likely  to  be  willing  to  adopt 
this  remedy. 

Consequently,  when  economies  are  made  by  Govern- 
ments in  difficulty,  the  social  services  have  usually  to  bear 
the  brunt.  But  it  is  difficult  in  practice  to  achieve  large  net 
economies  in  this  field  because,  even  if  expenditure  on 
health  and  education  is  drastically  curtailed,  the  growing 
burden  of  unemployment  is  bound  to  involve  a  heavy 
additional  cost  to  the  State  in  one  form  or  another,  even 
after  the  sums  paid  in  relief  to  those  out  of  work  have  been 
cut  down  as  far  as  public  opinion  will  allow.  One  Govern- 
ment after  another  starts  out  with  promises  of  very  large 


net  "  economies,"  only  to  find  that  it  can  in  practice  do  little 
more  than  prevent  expenditure  from  rising  higher,  as 
unemployment  grows.  If,  however,  the  effect  of  its  supposed 
"  economies  "  is  to  make  unemployment  grow  still  faster, 
it  may  well  be  that  there  is  in  fact  no  net  decrease  at  all 
in  what  the  Government  spends.  It  has  merely  ceased  to 
spend  money  in  a  more  desirable  so  as  to  be  compelled  to 
spend  it  in  a  less  desirable  way. 

It  has  of  course  to  be  admitted  that  it  would  be  difficult 
at  the  present  time  for  any  Government  to  extend  to  any 
significant  extent  its  spending  out  of  revenue.  If  Govern- 
ments are  to  spend  more  in  an  effort  to  stimulate  trade 
revival,  this  additional  spending  must  be  done,  unless  there 
is  to  be  direct  inflation  on  Government  account,  mainly 
in  the  form  of  additional  expenditure  out  of  borrowed 
money.  The  State  must  go  into  the  market,  or  to  the  banks, 
and  borrow  additional  capital  resources,  which  it  will  then 
employ  in  setting  men  to  work  directly,  and  in  placing 
with  contractors  orders  which  will  result  in  their  setting 
additional  men  to  work.  The  spending  power  thus  placed 
in  the  hands  of  workers  at  present  unemployed  will  be  in 
part  offset  by  decreased  expenditure  in  unemployment 
relief,  and  this  will  of  course  relieve  the  budget  as  far  as 
relief  expenditure  falls  at  present  upon  national  funds. 
But  men  in  work  will  be  receiving  larger  incomes  than  the 
unemployed,  and  there  will  accordingly  be  a  net  increase 
in  the  amount  of  spending  power  distributed  in  the  com- 
munity. The  direct  expenditure  incurred  by  the  Govern- 
ment will  thus  be  passed  on  through  its  immediate  recipients 
into  other  hands,  and  the  stimulus  originally  applied  to  the 
industries  to  which  the  Government  gives  out  its  orders 
will  be  diffused  through  the  entire  community,  with  the 
effect  of  increasing  business  activity  over  a  wide  field. 

It  is  often  suggested  that  this  policy  is  bound  to  result 
in  a  rise  in  prices  ;  and  indeed,  to  achieve  a  rise  in  prices 
is  under  existing  conditions  one  of  its  principal  objects. 
But  it  is  probable  that  the  increase  in  Government  spending 
would  have  to  be  pushed  to  considerable  lengths  before  it 


would  in  fact  result  in  any  material  rise  in  the  price  level, 
on  account  of  the  large  mass  of  productive  resources  now 
lying  unused.  For  this  reason  it  is  entirely  within  the  power 
of  a  single  Government  in  a  financially  strong  country  to 
carry  a  policy  of  reflation  by  increased  Government  spend- 
ing to  considerable  lengths  without  fear  of  any  adverse 
reactions  on  the  external  value  of  the  national  currency. 
For  these  reactions  could  come  into  being  only  if  the  policy 
did  lead  to  a  rise  in  prices  within  one  country,  unaccom- 
panied by  a  corresponding  rise  elsewhere.  A  national 
policy  of  reflation,  accompanied  by  the  necessary  increase 
in  Government  expenditure,  can  therefore  be  used  to  a 
certain  extent  even  by  a  single  country  acting  alone  as  a 
means  of  reducing  unemployment  and  stimulating  indus- 
trial activity  within  its  own  borders.  But  while  the  pursuit 
of  such  a  policy  by  the  Government  even  of  one  only  of 
the  leading  countries  in  world  trade  would  have  some 
stimulating  effect  on  conditions  elsewhere  and  so  help 
towards  the  re-establishment  of  confidence,  it  is  unlikely 
that  it  could  have  any  material  result  in  raising  the  level 
of  world  prices  unless  the  same  policy  were  being  pursued 
by  other  leading  countries  as  well. 

If,  therefore,  the  policy  which  we  have  just  been  dis- 
cussing is  to  be  used  as  an  instrument  for  raising  world 
prices,  it  must  be  pursued  internationally  by  agreement 
among  the  leading  Governments  ;  and  this  agreement  must 
include  not  only  the  broadening  of  the  basis  of  credit  by 
means  of  the  Central  Banks,  but  also  the  initiation  by  all 
the  Governments  concerned  of  a  policy  of  public  spending, 
and  a  reversal  of  the  "  economy  "  measures  at  present  in 
force.  If  this  were  done  by  the  Governments  of  the  leading 
countries  acting  together,  there  is  every  reason  to  believe  that 
it  could  be  effective  in  bringing  about  a  rise  in  world  prices. 

It  will,  however,  be  urged  that,  while  the  leading 
creditor  countries  are  in  a  position  to  institute  a  policy  of 
this  sort,  the  same  conditions  do  not  apply  to  the  debtor 
countries,  since  these  countries  are  compelled,  in  their 
intensive  efforts  to  arrest  national  bankruptcy,  to  impose 


drastic  restrictions  on  imports,  whereas  the  policy  of  national 
expansion  obviously  involves  in  all  countries  which  are  not 
fairly  self-sufficient  in  raw  materials  and  machinery  the 
admission  of  additional  imports  of  these  classes.  It  must 
be  agreed  that  the  debtor  countries,  now  held  firmly  in  the 
grip  of  their  respective  bondholders,  are  not  in  a  position 
to  embark  upon  measures  of  reflation  ;  and  yet  it  may  be 
held  that  if  the  leading  industrial  countries  did  seriously 
carry  out  the  policy  suggested  above,  the  eflect  would  be 
so  to  improve  the  position  of  the  debtor  countries  as  ex- 
porters, both  through  the  rise  in  prices  which  would  follow 
its  adoption  and  through  the  increased  demand  for  their 
goods,  as  greatly  to  improve  their  position  <M&1  increase 
their  ability  to  meet  their  debts.  But  it  is  highly  questionable 
whether  the  debtor  countries  can  be  expected,  if  a  policy 
of  reflation  is  carried  through  on  these  terms,  to  consent 
to  the  benefit  of  it  being  transferred  almost  wholly  to  the 
foreign  bondholders  at  the  expense  of  a  continuance  of 
poverty  for  their  own  populations.  They  could  only  be 
expected  to  agree  willingly — though  it  is  true  they  might  be 
coerced  against  their  will  on  other  terms — if,  side  by  side 
with  the  proposed  measures  of  reflation  and  Government 
spending,  an  international  agreement  were  reached  for  the 
scaling  down  of  their  external  debts  to  a  figure  well  within 
their  re-established  capacity  to  pay. 

But  can  the  nations  of  the  world  be  persuaded  to  accept 
an  international  scheme  for  the  raising  of  prices,  even  if 
such  a  scheme  can  be  devised  on  sound  working  principles  ? 
On  this  point  there  is  bound  to  be  grave  doubt.  For  the 
entire  idea  is  workable  only  on  the  assumption  that  there 
is  general  agreement  among  a  sufficient  number  ^f  the 
leading  countries  that  world  prices  ought  to  be  raised  if  it 
is  possible  to  raise  them.  But  there  are  still  in  a  number 
of  countries  powerful  forces  which  are  opposed  to  any  such 
attempt,  however  feasible  it  may  be  ;  and  these  forces 
have  up  to  the  present  been  especially  powerful  in  France, 
though  the  French  attitude  has  of  late,  under  a  more 
Radical  Government,  shown  some  sign  of  weakening. 


Broadly  the  contention  of  those  who  are  hostile  to  an 
attempt  to  raise  world  prices  is  that,  unpleasing  as  the 
prospect  may  be,  the  only  way  to  recover  from  the  present 
slump  lies  through  a  drastic  scaling  down  of  costs  so  as  to 
bring  them  into  conformity  with  the  prices  at  present 
ruling,  or  even  with  the  lower  prices  which  are  certain  to 
come  into  being  if  this  deflationary  policy  is  ruthlessly 
pursued  to  the  end.  These  critics  of  reflation  hold  above  all 
that  the  existing  world  levels  of  wages  are  far  too  high,  and 
that  there  can  be  no  recovery  of  prosperity  until  wages 
have  been  brought  down  in  correspondence  with  the  fall 
in  the  level  of  wholesale  prices  in  recent  years.  They  hold 
obstinately  to  this  view  despite  the  fact  that  the  world  has 
at  present  a  vast  unused  surplus  of  productive  power  which 
appears  to  most  people  to  require  not  a  scaling  down  of 
wages  but  rather  a  larger  and  more  generous  distribution 
of  consuming  power  to  the  great  mass  of  the  people.  Their 
answer  to  this  criticism  is  that,  if  wages  are  sufficiently 
reduced,  there  will  be  an  increase  in  the  volume  of  em- 
ployment— so  that  more  money  will  be  distributed  in  wages 
at  the  new  lower  rates  than  is  being  distributed  at  the  high 
rates  now  prevailing — and  further  that  the  purchasing 
value  of  the  wages  will  increase  as  prices  fall,  and  as  the 
margin  between  wholesale  and  retail  prices  is  reduced  on 
account  of  the  fall  in  interest  rates  as  well  as  in  the  wages 
paid  in  distribution. 

This  argument  is  highly  questionable,  for  it  is  improbable 
that  any  reductions  in  wages  which  could  be  achieved 
without  tremendous  friction  in  almost  every  country  would 
result  in  any  considerable  expansion  in  the  volume  of 
employment.  Moreover,  the  trades  in  which  it  is  easiest 
to  reduce  wages  are  precisely  those  in  which  wages  have 
already  fallen  most  severely,  and  the  resisting  power  to 
wage  decreases  differs  very  greatly  from  trade  to  trade,  so 
that  the  attempt  to  re-establish  equilibrium  by  these 
means  would  be  likely  to  result  in  practice  in  making  the 
existing  disequilibrium  even  worse.  Apart  from  this,  the 
process  of  scaling  down  costs  so  as  to  adjust  them  to  existing 


price-levels,  or  rather  to  the  still  lower  price-levels  which 
the  pursuit  of  such  a  deflationary  policy  would  certainly 
involve,  would  be  bound  to  take  a  very  long  time,  and  would 
in  the  interval  condemn  the  world  to  a  continuance  and 
intensification  of  the  existing  depression.  Even  if  theoreti- 
cally this  method  could  succeed  in  the  long  run,  it  is  most 
unlikely  that  it  could  succeed  in  practice  ;  for  long  before 
it  could  have  produced  the  required  effects  European 
civilisation  would  almost  certainly  have  crumbled  into 

Nevertheless  the  hostility  to  the  attempt  to  raise  prices 
by  international  action  finds  influential  support,  not  only 
among  deflationary  economists  but  also  among  certain 
sections  of  the  public  in  each  country.  Co-operators,  for 
example,  wedded  to  the  consumer's  point  of  view,  are 
exceedingly  apt  to  oppose  the  suggestion  that  Govern- 
ments should  do  anything  to  raise  prices  ;  and,  especially 
in  France,  there  is  a  very  powerful  and  quite  intelligible 
sentiment  of  opposition  amongst  the  large  body  of  small 
rentiers  who  form  one  of  the  most  influential  sections  of 
French  public  opinion.  These  small  rentiers  have  already 
passed  through  one  period  of  inflation,  as  a  result  of  which 
a  large  part  of  their  savings  has  been  in  effect  taken  away 
from  them.  They  regard  the  stabilisation  of  the  franc  at 
one-fifth  of  its  pre-war  gold  value  as  meaning  in  effect 
that  someone  has  stolen  four-fifths  of  their  savings  ;  and 
they  are  determined  to  hang  on  desperately  to  the  one- 
fifth  that  they  feel  to  be  left  them,  and  accordingly  to 
oppose  any  measures  that  savour  of  renewed  inflation  or 
attempt  by  raising  prices  to  decrease  the  purchasing  value 
of  their  money.  These  small  rentiers  have,  to  be  sure,  gained 
considerably  in  purchasing  power  during  the  past  few 
years  as  a  result  of  the  fall  in  world  prices,  though  their 
gains  from  this  source  have  been  reduced  by  the  protec- 
tionist measures  adopted  in  the  interests  of  the  French 
producers.  They  might  be  reconciled  to  an  attempt  to 
raise  the  level  of  international  prices  if  they  thought  that 
it  would  be  accompanied  by  an  at  least  equivalent  fall  in 


those  French  prices  which  are  at  present  artificially  raised 
by  protective  measures  ;  but  without  some  such  guarantee 
as  this  they  are  likely  to  remain  suspicious  of  any  effort 
to  raise  prices  by  means  of  international  reflation. 

Until  quite  recently  the  influence  of  the  bondholders 
seemed  likely  to  be  decisive  in  determining  French  financial 
policy  ;  and  as  long  as  France  remained  relatively  immune 
from  the  consequences  of  the  world  slump  there  was  little 
chance  of  persuading  any  French  Government  to  act  in 
any  way  inconsistent  with  the  bondholders'  point  of  view. 
But  during  the  past  year  France  has  discovered  that  her 
comparative  immunity  from  the  consequences  of  world 
depression  cannot  be  maintained  in  face  of  the  prolongation 
and  intensification  of  the  slump  throughout  Europe.  The 
worsening  of  economic  conditions  in  France  has  already 
produced  some  change  of  attitude.  It  is,  however,  very 
doubtful  whether  even  to-day  France  could  be  persuaded 
to  come  wholeheartedly  into  any  scheme  of  the  kind 
suggested.  She  would  almost  certainly,  even  if  she  agreed 
to  come  in  at  all,  seek  to  make  her  participation  conditional 
on  the  scheme  being  accompanied  by  special  measures  in 
the  interests  of  the  smaller  countries  of  Central  and  Eastern 
Europe  with  which  she  has  been  so  largely  associated  in  a 
political  sense.  In  other  words,  she  would  probably  try  to 
make  the  adoption  of  the  Stresa  scheme  for  revalorisation  of 
cereals  a  quid  pro  quo  for  her  participation  in  any  world 
monetary  agreement  having  a  reflationary  object.  Even 
this  implies  a  great  modification  of  her  present  attitude, 
which  is  still  based  on  a  fanatical  adhesion  to  the  gold 
standard,  and  a  faith  in  the  efficacy  of  plans  for  raising 
commodity  prices  by  the  artificial  restriction  of  output. 

Could  then  Great  Britain  and  the  United  States,  even 
in  the  absence  of  French  co-operation,  carry  out  a  modified 
scheme  on  the  lines  of  that  which  has  been  discussed  above  ? 
It  might  be  possible  for  Great  Britain  and  the  United  States, 
acting  together,  to  set  going  measures  of  international 
reflation  through  an  expansion  in  the  basis  of  credit  in 
their  own  countries,  and  so  to  stimulate  activity  in  the  rest 


of  the  world  ;  but  it  would  not  be  possible  without  French 
collaboration  to  place  adequate  resources  at  the  disposal 
of  the  debtor  countries. 


PRACTICALLY  all  the  schemes  which  are  now  being 
put  forward  in  responsible  quarters  for  the  restoration  of 
prosperity  by  international  action  involve  the  ultimate 
restoration  of  the  gold  standard,  if  not  in  its  old  form,  at 
any  rate  in  some  form  guaranteed  to  restore  stability  to 
the  international  exchanges.  But  it  is  by  no  means  clear 
that  those  who  demand  this  return  to  gold  have  for  the 
most  part  envisaged  clearly  the  differences  between  the 
pre-war  situation  and  that  of  to-day.  For  in  effect  the  gold 
standard  as  it  existed  in  the  nineteenth  century  and  before 
the  war  was  to  a  very  great  extent  a  sterling  standard  as 
well.  London  occupied  a  position  of  such  predominance 
in  the  world's  financial  system  as  a  clearing-house  for  inter- 
national transactions  of  any  and  every  sort  that  the  gold 
standard  was  in  effect  operated  from  London  and  in  accord- 
ance with  the  needs  of  London  as  a  financial  centre,  though 
by  no  means  always  in  accordance  with  the  needs  of 
British  industry.  There  vsas  little  criticism  of  the  gold 
standard  as  long  as  it  was  worked  in  this  way  ;  for  London's 
predominance  secured  in  effect  its  management  under  the 
auspices  of  a  single  authority  with  sufficient  pouer  in  its 
hands  to  control  the  situation.  But  since  the  war  these 
conditions  no  longer  exist.  The  control  of  the  world's 
financial  affairs  is  divided  between  a  number  of  great 
financial  centres  ;  and,  although  London  has  continued  to 
hold  its  position  of  preponderance  in  the  market  for  trade 
bills,  it  has  lost  its  old  position  in  the  market  for  new  capital 
issues,  and  is  no  longer  the  great  reservoir  of  money  for 
supplying  the  needs  of  the  whole  world. 

In  these  changed   circumstances   no  one   country  can 


control  the  gold  standard.  The  attempt  has  been  made  to 
control  it  by  creating  in  each  country  a  Central  Bank  on  an 
approximately  uniform  basis,  and  bringing  together  the 
leading  personalities  of  these  Central  Banks  by  means  of 
regular  consultations,  as  well  as  through  the  Bank  for 
International  Settlements,  which  has,  however,  hitherto, 
occupied  a  position  of  relatively  minor  importance.  This 
system  of  consultation  among  independent  Central  Banks 
has  never  worked  well  or  smoothly,  and  cannot  be  expected 
to  work  well  in  face  of  the  very  difficult  problems  which 
the  post-war  economic  situation  has  presented  to  those 
responsible  for  the  world's  monetary  management.  There 
have  been  at  work  forces  upsetting  the  monetary  equil- 
ibrium of  each  separate  country  and  of  the  world  as  a  whole. 
There  has  been  no  real  balance  in  the  volume  of  payments 
due  to  and  from  country  and  country.  War  debts  and 
reparations  have  again  and  again  upset  the  normal  working 
of  the  financial  system.  There  has  been  a  mass  of  migratory 
money  moving  from  one  financial  centre  to  another  in 
search  now  of  a  higher  return,  and  now  not  of  any  return 
in  the  form  of  interest  or  profits  but  only  of  security  against 
loss.  The  successful  management  of  the  world's  money 
under  these  conditions  has  demanded  a  quite  different 
administration  of  the  gold  standard  from  that  which 
existed  before  the  war,  and  has  called  for  far  stronger  and 
more  unified  control  if  the  standard  is  to  work  smoothly 
in  accordance  with  the  pre-war  rules.  But  it  was  out  of  the 
question  to  create  any  international  agency  strong  enough 
to  exercise  this  control,  for  no  great  country  was  prepared 
to  let  the  control  of  its  monetary  affairs  pass  out  of  its  hands. 
Accordingly,  what  we  have  got  has  been  neither  strong 
and  effective  national  management  nor  strong  and  effective 
international  management,  but  rather  weak  national 
management  complicated  by  ineffective  international 

It  is,  however,  so  important  for  the  carrying  through  of 
international  transactions  that  there  should  be  a  common 
standard  linking  together  the  different  national  currencies 


that  we  cannot,  on  account  of  the  very  real  difficulties  in 
the  way,  agree  permanently  to  abandon  the  gold  standard 
unless  and  until  we  can  find  some  satisfactory  international 
alternative.  For  a  world  in  which  the  relative  value  of 
different  national  currencies  is  liable  to  constant  fluctuation 
is  a  world  in  which  every  transaction  involving  international 
payments  is  bound  to  contain  a  very  large  speculative 
element,  and  one  in  which  financiers  and  traders,  in  their 
attempts  to  protect  themselves  against  these  speculative 
risks,  try  to  safeguard  their  transactions  by  methods  (e.g. 
the  gold  clause  in  many  American  contracts)  which  are 
apt  to  become  extremely  oppressive  in  their  working,  and 
to  throttle  trade  instead  of  giving  it  air  to  breathe.  If, 
then,  we  are  to  have  an  international  standard,  and  there 
is  in  practice  no  alternative  to  gold  as  a  basis  for  this 
standard,  the  question  we  have  to  consider  is  whether  the 
gold  standard  can  be  so  modified  as  to  avoid  the  over- 
whelming difficulties  which  have  arisen  in  its  working 
since  the  war. 

In  the  first  place,  it  is  clear  that  a  return  to  the  gold 
standard  by  any  country  which  has  been  driven  off  it  during 
the  present  crisis  does  not  at  all  imply  a  return  to  the 
previous  parity.  There  is  no  reason  at  all  why,  if  Great 
Britain  or  Scandinavia  goes  back  to  the  gold  standard,  they 
should  go  back  on  the  basis  of  equating  the  pound  sterling 
or  the  crown  to  the  same  amount  of  gold  as  these  currencies 
represented  before  September  1931.  It  is  perfectly  open 
to  any  country  to  return  to  the  gold  standard  at  a  quite 
different  parity — for  example,  by  stabilising  its  currency 
at  the  parity  now  existing  between  it  and  those  currencies 
which  are  still  based  really  as  well  as  nominally  Vpon 
gold — in  relation  to  the  franc  value  of  the  pound  sterling, 
for  example.  It  would  indeed  be  madness  even  to  consider 
a  return  to  the  gold  standard  under  present  conditions  in 
any  other  sense  than  this  ;  for  an  attempt  to  write  up  the 
value  of  the  pound  to  what  it  was  worth  in  terms  of  gold 
before  1931  would  be  a  repetition — far  more  disastrous  and 
far-reaching  in  its  effects — of  the  profound  mistake  which 


Great  Britain  made  in  the  terms  of  the  return  to  the  gold 
standard  in  1925.  Let  us  assume  therefore  that  if  the  world 
is  to  return  to  gold  at  all  the  return  will  be  made  on  a  basis 
of  a  substantial  devaluation  of  the  pound  sterling  and  of 
the  currencies  of  those  other  countries  which  have  gone 
off  gold  since  the  beginning  of  the  crisis — even  including  the 
United  States.  For,  though  the  U.S.A.  was  not  driven  off 
gold  by  any  adverse  balance  of  international  payments, 
she  may  well  desire  to  write  down  permanently  the  gold 
value  of  the  dollar  in  order  to  raise  her  internal  prices  and 
reduce  the  real  burden  of  farm  mortgages  and  other 
internal  debts. 

On  this  basis,  a  return  to  the  gold  standard  is  practicable 
without  disaster,  provided  certain  other  conditions  are 
satisfied.  These  conditions  are  of  two  kinds  ;  some  of  them 
are  conditions  which  must  be  met  before  the  return  to 
gold  can  be  safely  carried  into  effect,  while  others  are 
conditions  for  the  subsequent  working  of  the  gold  standard 
under  the  changed  circumstances  of  world  economy.  Let 
us  take  this  second  set  of  conditions  first.  Hitherto  it  has 
been  assumed  that  the  adoption  of  the  gold  standard 
involves  the  keeping  of  a  large  reserve  of  gold  against  the 
internal  issue  of  currency,  and  accordingly  that  the  basis 
of  the  national  issue  of  credit  must  fluctuate  in  accordance 
with  the  supply  of  gold  in  the  possession  of  the  Central 
Bank  of  the  country  concerned.  It  has  further  been  assumed 
that  the  value  of  the  national  currency  in  terms  of  gold 
must  be  fixed  definitely  once  and  for  all,  and  that  no 
provision  must  be  made  for  changing  this  value  under  any 
conditions.  If  we  are  to  restore  the  gold  standard  both 
these  assumptions  ought  to  be  definitely  given  up. 

In  the  first  place  there  is  clearly  no  real  need  for  keeping 
a  reserve  of  gold  against  the  purely  internal  issue  of  currency, 
or  for  maintaining  any  fixed  relation  or  proportion  between 
the  volume  of  currency  issued  for  internal  use  and  the 
supply  of  gold  in  the  possession  of  the  Central  Banks.  It 
is  imagined  that  such  an  internal  reserve  is  necessary  only 
because  paper  money  has  been  evolved  gradually  as  a 


substitute  for  the  direct  use  of  coined  gold  as  a  medium  of 
exchange,  and  there  is  still  felt  to  be  something  wrong  in 
treating  paper  money  as  having  a  value  of  its  own  unless 
it  is  definitely  representative  of  a  stock  of  gold  lying  some- 
where for  which  it  can,  at  least  in  theory,  be  exchanged. 
The  existence  of  this  supply  of  gold  and  of  a  definite 
statutory  requirement  that  the  issue  of  currency  shall  bear 
a  fixed  maximum  proportion  or  relation  to  it  is  further  felt 
to  be  a  safeguard  against  the  manipulation  of  the  national 
money  by  a  Government  which  desires  to  inflate.  But  no 
one  suggests  that  the  reserve  of  gold  held  against  the 
internal  issue  of  currency  is  of  any  real  use  except  as  a 
means  of  giving  people  confidence  in  the  currency,  and  of 
acting  as  a  barrier  in  the  way  of  inflation. 

The  first  of  these  arguments  is  now  obsolete  The  existence 
of  a  stock  of  gold  serving  nominally  as  a  basis  for  the  internal 
issue  of  currency  is  no  longer  the  necessary  foundation  for 
confidence  in  the  national  issue  of  money  or  any  real 
foundation  at  all.  For  it  has  been  amply  demonstrated  that 
the  existence  of  a  stock  of  gold  is  no  guarantee  that  if  a 
crisis  really  arises — and  it  is  only  in  a  crisis  that  men  are 
likely  to  "go  for  gold  "  in  preference  to  paper — the  holders 
of  paper  money  will  be  actually  allowed  to  change  it  into 
gold,  or  that  the  previously  existing  parity  of  the  paper 
money  with  gold  will  be  even  nominally  preserved. 
Countries  will  go  off  the  gold  standard,  however  they  may 
be  committed  to  it  by  legislation,  if  they  find  themselves 
unable  to  maintain  it  without  disaster. 

Under  modern  conditions  a  country  needs  a  stock  of  gold 
only  for  the  purpose  of  meeting  the  normal  requirements  for 
export — that  is  to  say,  for  settling  such  balances  as  cannot 
be  settled  in  other  ways,  and  for  correcting  when  occasion 
arises  the  tendency  towards  undesirable  minor  fluctuations 
in  the  external  value  of  the  national  money.  It  is  impossible 
to  use  gold  for  the  purpose  of  preventing  major  fluctuations  ; 
for,  as  the  history  of  the  world  during  the  past  few  years 
has  amply  demonstrated,  it  is  quite  beyond  the  power  of 
the  great  majority  of  countries  to  carry  a  stock  of  gold 


sufficient  to  meet  a  real  financial  crisis  without  a  suspension 
of  the  right  to  export  it.  Gold  as  a  means  of  settling  inter- 
national balances  can  only  be  used  provided  that  these 
balances  are  manageable  in  size  and  arise  out  of  temporary 
and  not  permanent  disequilibria  in  the  financial  relations 
between  countries. 

Accordingly,  a  country  needs  only  enough  gold  to  meet 
potential  demands  for  gold  export,  excluding  such  abnormal 
demands  as  are  liable  to  arise  in  connection  with  any  serious 
international  crisis.  To  hold  a  stock  of  gold  larger  than  this 
requirement  dictates  is  wasteful  ;  for  it  means  locking  up 
resources  in  the  holding  of  non-earning  assets.  Given  a 
stock  of  gold  adequate  within  these  limits,  there  is  no 
reason  why  the  internal  issue  of  currency  should  not  be 
wholly  divorced  from  any  quantitative  relation  to  the  stock 
of  gold — in  other  words,  why  countries  should  not  adopt 
in  their  internal  issues  of  currency  and  credit  a  policy  of 
pure  monetary  management.  This  does  not  mean  that  a 
country  would  be  free  to  inflate  ad  lib. ;  for  it  would  still 
be  governed  in  its  internal  monetary  policy  by  its  adhesion 
to  the  international  gold  standard  in  terms  of  the  parity 
laid  down  for  the  time  being  by  its  Central  Bank,  and  it 
would  be  under  the  necessity  of  so  regulating  its  internal 
issues  of  currency  as  to  keep  its  internal  levels  of  prices  in 
equilibrium  \\ith  the  price-levels  of  other  countries  adhering 
to  the  common  standard,  in  order  to  avoid  the  possibility 
of  a  drain  of  gold.  What  is  suggested  is,  not  that  countries 
should  be  set  free  to  inflate  as  much  as  they  like,  but  that 
their  policy  in  the  issue  of  currency  and  credit  should  be 
related  to  the  need  for  preserving  the  established  parity 
of  their  money  and  preventing  a  drain  of  gold,  and  not  by 
means  of  a  definite  statutory  relationship  between  the  total 
quantity  of  gold  held  and  the  amount  of  currency  erected 
upon  it. 

But  it  is  here  necessary  to  propose  a  further  modification 
in  the  international  gold  standard  as  it  has  been  hitherto 
conceived.  It  is  desirable  in  the  interests  of  international 
trade  to  establish  short-term  stability  in  the  relative  values 


of  different  national  currencies  ;  but  there  is  no  reason  why 
the  gold  parity  of  any  currency,  or  accordingly  its  external 
value,  should  be  fixed  definitely  for  all  time.  It  would  be 
far  better  to  give  the  Central  Bank  the  same  power  as  it 
now  possesses  in  varying  the  rate  of  discount  and  re-discount 
to  regulate  the  gold  value  of  the  national  currency  by 
changing  from  time  to  time  its  buying  and  selling  prices  for 
gold.  It  would  indeed  be  highly  undesirable  to  make  fre- 
quent changes  in  the  gold  parity  of  the  national  currency, 
or  to  use  the  power  to  alter  this  parity  except  in  accordance 
with  long-run  changes  in  the  economic  structures  of  the 
different  countries.  But,  provided  that  the  short-term 
stability  of  the  external  value  of  a  currency  were  sufficiently 
guaranteed,  there  would  be  no  handicap  to  external  trade 
in  recognising  the  possibility  of  rare  changes  in  the  gold 
parity  as  the  alternative  to  financial  crises  accompanied 
by  the  suspension  of  the  gold  standard.  It  would  be  far 
better  for  the  trader  to  know  that  the  Central  Bank,  in 
consultation  with  the  Government,  had  the  power  of 
varying  the  rate  of  parity  and  so  preventing  a  crisis  than 
to  pass  once  again  through  the  experience  which  he  under- 
went in  1931. 

In  other  words,  we  must  not  expect  too  much  of  the  gold 
standard,  or  be  prepared  to  put  in  it  an  absolute  and  un- 
qualified trust.  We  must  use  it,  if  we  use  it  at  all,  as  an 
instrument  of  which  we  recognise  the  fallibility  ;  and  we 
must  not  be  so  scared  of  the  fallibility  of  bankers  and 
Governments  as  to  fly  from  our  fear  of  their  mistakes  to  an 
absolute  reliance  upon  an  automatic  standard  which  has 
of  late  served  us  exceedingly  ill. 

These  are  the  two  conditions  which  should  be  lai&  down 
for  the  working  of  the  gold  standard  in  the  future,  if  it  is 
to  be  restored  as  a  basis  for  international  monetary  trans- 
actions. Let  us  be  sure  that  we  have  them  clear  in  our  minds. 
They  are,  first,  that  countries  should  cease  to  regulate  their 
internal  issues  of  currency  and  credit  in  any  definite  pro- 
portion or  relation  to  the  stocks  of  gold  in  the  possession 
of  their  Central  Banks,  and  should  aim  at  keeping  gold 


reserves  sufficient  only  to  meet  normal  demands  for  export. 
And  secondly,  that  the  gold  parity  of  each  national  currency, 
or  in  other  words,  each  Central  Bank's  buying  and  selling 
prices  for  gold,  should  be  fixed  in  future  not  absolutely 
and  for  all  time,  but  subject  to  modification  at  long  intervals 
in  order  to  adjust  the  relative  values  of  national  currencies 
to  long-term  changes  in  the  national  economies  of  the 
different  countries. 

There  are,  however,  as  we  have  seen,  other  conditions 
than  these  which  have  to  be  satisfied  before  any  return  even 
to  such  a  modified  gold  standard  can  safely  be  made  by  the 
countries  which  have  departed  from  it  during  the  past 
few  years.  No  gold  standard,  however  modified,  can  possibly 
work  if  there  are  in  the  economic  relations  between  countries 
such  permanent  disequilibria  as  are  bound  to  set  up  a 
drift  of  gold  from  one  group  of  countries  to  another  group, 
or  in  the  absence  of  free  movement  of  gold  certain  to  cause 
a  permanent  disequilibrium  in  the  balance  of  payments  due 
from  country  to  country.  Such  disequilibria  are,  however, 
bound  to  exist  as  long  as  prices  remain  at  anything  like 
their  present  levels,  and  further  as  long  as  huge  masses  of 
international  debt  not  representative  of  real  productive 
assets  have  still  to  be  met.  In  other  words,  any  effective 
return  even  to  a  modified  gold  standard  pre-supposes 
either  a  rise  in  prices  so  substantial  as  to  make  present  debt 
burdens  nugatory — and  this  for  many  and  sufficient  reasons 
no  one  is  likely  to  contemplate — or,  in  the  alternative,  some 
rise  in  prices  combined  with  a  drastic  scaling  down  of 
existing  international  debts  both  public  and  private.  It 
is  not  possible  in  this  matter  to  isolate  war  debts,  or  to 
claim  that  when  once  war  debts  and  reparations  have  been 
got  safely  out  of  the  way  matters  will  speedily  right  them- 
selves without  further  readjustment.  For  even  if  these 
aggravations  of  the  trouble  disappeared  there  would  remain 
commercial  debt  burdens  which  are  impossibly  heavy 
either  at  present  prices  or  at  any  level  of  prices  which  is  at 
all  likely  to  be  established  by  international  action  of  the 
kind  discussed  earlier  in  this  section. 


If  these  prior  conditions  could  be  satisfied,  there  would  be 
a  great  deal  to  be  said  for  an  attempt  to  work  a  modified 
gold  standard.  For  all  sensible  people  want  the  countries  of 
the  world  to  be  drawn  economically  more  closely  together, 
and  to  weaken  the  forces  of  economic  nationalism  which 
have  grown  so  strong  in  recent  years.  And  most  people 
realise  that  the  absence  over  the  whole  world  during  most 
of  the  period  since  the  war  of  an  effective  international 
monetary  system  has  been  one  of  the  principal  causes 
leading  to  the  rise  of  nationalism  in  the  economic  field. 
If  we  can  get  a  workable  international  monetary  standard, 
we  shall  by  doing  this  be  erecting  a  framework  within 
which  it  will  be  far  easier  than  it  can  be  at  present  for 
a  system  of  international  economic  co-operation  to  be  built 
up.  Even  those  who  have  no  love  at  all  for  the  gold  standard 
in  the  forms  in  which  the  world  has  known  it  hitherto 
may  well  see  very  strong  reasons  against  adding  to  the 
existing  potency  of  nationalism  in  the  world  the  reinforce- 
ment of  a  purely  nationalist  monetary  policy  in  each 

To  this  some  people  would  reply  that  the  case  for  the 
gold  standard  is  sufficiently  answered  by  the  obvious  fact 
that  the  available  world  supply  of  gold,  even  apart  from  its 
existing  mal -distribution,  is  inadequate  to  serve  as  the  basis 
for  the  exchange,  even  at  the  present  prices,  of  the  greatly 
increased  emission  of  goods  and  services  which  is  possible 
with  the  aid  of  our  rapidly  expanding  productive  resources. 
But  there  is  no  real  reason  for  supposing  that  the  supply  of 
gold  in  the  world  is  inadequate,  provided  that  this  supply 
is  rightly  used.  Changes  in  the  working  of  the  gold  standard, 
such  as  a  drastic  reduction  in  the  quantities  of  gold  which 
the  laws  of  the  various  countries  compel  Central  Banks  to 
keep  as  reserve  against  currency,  would  in  themselves 
result  in  very  large  economies  in  the  total  world  demand 
for  monetary  gold  ;  and  there  is  no  reason  why  these 
economies  should  not  be  pushed  further  and  further  as  the 
world  gets  more  used  to  the  working  of  the  new  system. 
Moreover,  there  is  no  reason  at  all  why  the  supply  of  gold 


should  not  be  reinforced  to  any  extent  that  may  be  needed 
either,  as  has  been  suggested,  by  the  creation  of  a  new  in- 
ternational paper  currency  which  countries  will  agree  to 
treat  as  the  equivalent  of  gold,  or  by  the  use  of  silver,  or  in 
a  variety  of  other  ways.  Any  required  expansion  in  the  gold 
basis  of  the  world's  credit  economy  could  be  made  by  these 
methods  without  interfering  at  all  with  the  operation  of  the 
gold  standard. 

It  is,  however,  sometimes  urged  that,  if  the  world  does 
go  back  to  gold,  its  demand  for  the  actual  metal  will  be 
found  to  be  not  less  but  greater  than  it  was  before  the  crisis 
of  1 93 1 .  For  up  to  1931  a  number  of  the  smaller  countries 
kept  a  large  part  of  their  resources,  not  in  the  form  of  actual 
gold  in  the  cellars  of  their  Central  Banks  but  in  gold 
exchange — that  is  to  say,  in  the  form  of  deposits  of  money 
in  the  gold  standard  countries.  This  system,  it  is  said, 
economised  considerably  in  the  use  of  gold,  because  it 
meant  in  effect  that  the  same  gold  reserve  was  being  used 
to  back  the  issues  of  currency  and  credit  both  in  the  country 
which  actually  had  the  gold  and  in  the  countries  which 
adopted  the  "  gold  exchange  "  method  of  working  the  gold 
standard.  But,  it  is  said,  after  the  experiences  of  1931, 
countries  will  never  again  be  persuaded  to  treat  gold 
exchange  as  the  equivalent  of  gold.  Each  country  will 
want  to  pile  up  its  own  gold  reserve,  as  Switzerland, 
Holland  and  Belgium  as  well  as  France  have  piled  up  their 
reserves  since  1929.  For,  if  a  country  holds  its  reserve  not 
in  gold  but  in  foreign  exchange,  it  stands  to  lose  if  the 
country  in  which  the  whole  or  part  of  its  reserve  is  held 
goes  off  gold,  or  under  the  proposed  new  gold  standard 
system  decides  to  modify  the  gold  value  of  its  currency. 
This  is,  of  course,  true  enough.  But  the  objection  would  not 
apply  if  the  smaller  countries  were  prepared  definitely  to 
peg  their  own  currencies  to  those  of  one  or  another  of  the 
leading  financial  nations.  For  example,  if  Scandinavia  and 
certain  of  the  countries  within  the  British  Empire  were  to 
agree  to  enter  a  sterling  area,  they  could  continue  to  operate 
the  gold  exchange  standard,  provided  they  kept  their 


balances  in  London  or  in  some  other  centre  falling  within 
the  area.  Similarly,  some  of  the  smaller  European  countries 
could,  if  they  so  desired,  peg  their  currencies  to  the  French 
franc,  and  some  of  the  South  American  countries  could 
peg  theirs  to  the  American  dollar.  It  is,  however,  true  that 
the  gold  exchange  standard  is  not  likely  to  work  in  future 
unless  there  is  either  a  general  return  to  the  gold  standard 
by  the  leading  nations  on  the  old  pre-crisis  terms  (which 
seems  both  unlikely  and  undesirable)  or  a  definite  linking 
by  certain  of  the  smaller  countries  of  the  fortunes  of  their 
currencies  to  the  currency  of  one  of  the  great  financial 
nations.  A  third  alternative  would  of  course  be  the  creation 
of  a  consortium  of  the  smaller  countries  to  manage  a  com- 
bined currency  of  their  own  on  the  basis  of  a  common  gold 
reserve.  This  might,  for  example,  work  in  the  case  of 
Scandinavia,  but  it  is  certainly  unworkable  amid  the 
existing  antagonisms  of  the  countries  of  Central  and 
Eastern  Europe. 


IT  is  NOW  time  to  turn  from  the  predominantly  agricul- 
tural countries  of  Southern  and  Eastern  Europe  to  the 
industrial  nations  of  the  west,  and  to  see  how  these  countries 
have  fared  during  the  world  depression  and  what  are  their 
economic  problems  to-day.  In  predominantly  agricultural 
countries  the  onset  of  depression  makes  itself  felt  directly 
in  a  fall  in  the  standard  of  living  among  the  general  mass 
of  the  population.  The  peasant  finds  himself  able  to  buy 
less  industrial  goods  ;  and  as  these  goods  are  chiefly  im- 
ported from  abroad,  imports  fall  off,  and  the  whole  country 
readjusts  itself  to  a  lower  standard  of  living.  Unemployment 
does  of  course  arise  in  such  industries  as  exist  within  the 
national  frontiers  ;  but  where  a  substantial  part  of  the 
industrial  products  used  in  the  country  is  normally  im- 
ported from  abroad,  this  unemployment  can  be  to  some 


extent  kept  down  by  the  imposition  of  high  protective 
tariffs  and  restrictions,  which  secure  a  larger  share  of  the 
domestic  market  for  the  home  producers.  Under  these 
circumstances,  the  effects  of  adversity  are  widely  spread 
among  the  mass  of  the  population.  Where  the  general  body 
of  the  peasants  is  heavily  burdened  with  debts  contracted 
at  a  higher  level  of  prices,  the  slump  of  course  hits  the 
peasant  population  exceptionally  hard,  and  reacts  less, 
and  indeed  may  not  react  at  all,  on  the  standard  of  living 
of  the  creditor  classes  within  the  country.  How  it  will 
react  upon  the  industrial  workers  will  depend  largely  on 
the  question  whether  the  national  industries  are  producing 
exclusively  for  the  home  market,  and  can  therefore  be 
effectively  protected,  or  are  working  also  for  export,  and 
therefore  subject  to  strong  pressure  from  employers  to 
accept  reduced  wages  in  the  interests  of  more  effective 
international  competition.  Trade  Unions  in  these  agricul- 
tural countries  are  usually  too  weak  to  resist  demands  for 
wage  reductions  if  they  are  seriously  pressed,  and  there 
is  usually  no  form  of  public  provision  for  the  unemployed  ; 
and  where  industrial  workers  are  recruited  from  a  much 
larger  mass  of  peasants,  who  are  themselves  suffering  from 
severe  impoverishment  on  account  of  the  slump,  there  is 
usually  a  huge  reserve  of  blacklegs  on  whom  the  employers 
can  draw  if  the  workers  attempt  to  resist  their  claims. 
Wages  in  industry  are  therefore  likely  to  be  pressed  down  to 
a  very  low  level  wherever  the  national  manufacturing 
industries  are  working  under  conditions  of  international 
competition.  Where,  however,  the  protective  system  is  such 
as  to  afford  complete  shelter  to  native  industries,  and 
production  no  more  than  suffices  to  meet  the  restricted 
demand  of  the  home  market,  this  may  not  occur ;  and  in  this 
event  the  industrial  workers  will  only  suffer  as  a  result  of 
the  increase  in  the  cost  of  living  which  is  certain  to  follow 
the  adoption  of  a  high  protective  policy. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  the  industrial  countries  the  effects 
of  a  slump  make  themselves  manifest  first  of  all  not  in  a 
fall  in  the  general  standard  of  living  of  the  population 


but  rather  in  an  increase  of  unemployment.  Industrialists, 
finding  the  demand  for  their  products  restricted,  cut  down 
output  more  readily  than  they  reduce  selling  prices,  and  are 
indeed  apt  to  find  that  even  a  willingness  to  reduce  prices 
to  a  considerable  extent  produces  relatively  little  expansion 
in  the  demand  for  their  goods  in  the  overseas  markets  on 
which  they  have  been  accustomed  to  rely.  For  the  further 
the  depression  goes  the  more  the  overseas  countries  shut 
themselves  up  behind  high  tariff  walls  erected  in  the  interests 
of  the  home  producers,  and  for  the  improvement  of  their 
national  balances  of  payments.  Unemployment  on  a  large 
scale  is  therefore  the  habitual  accompaniment  of  indus- 
trial depression  in  the  more  advanced  countries.  In  these 
countries,  moreover,  Trade  Unions  are  usually  powerful 
enough,  save  in  the  industries  most  exposed  to  foreign  com- 
petition, and  most  adversely  affected  by  the  slump,  to  put 
up  a  strong  resistance  to  the  attempt  to  cut  wages  drasti- 
cally ;  and  even  if  the  Unions  are  compelled  in  the  end 
to  accept  substantial  wage  reductions,  there  is  almost 
always  a  lag  between  the  incidence  of  the  depression  and 
the  acceptance  of  the  reduced  rates.  The  workers  who  are 
able  to  retain  full-time  employment  in  the  advanced 
countries  may  even  gain  in  purchasing  power  as  a  result 
of  the  depression,  and  this  applies  especially  to  those 
trades  which  are  least  subject  to  fluctuation  in  the  demand 
for  their  products.  The  so-called  "  sheltered  "  industries,  in 
which  the  demand  is  as  a  rule  relatively  well  maintained, 
therefore  tend  to  gain  at  the  expense  of  the  unsheltered, 
and  the  greater  part  of  the  economic  loss,  as  far  as  it  falls 
upon  the  workers,  is  transferred  to  those  employed  in  the 
unsheltered  industries,  and  to  those  workers  in  other 
industries  who  either  retain  only  part-time  employment 
or  are  thrown  completely  out  of  work. 

Most  of  the  advanced  countries  have  some  form  of  public 
provision  for  the  maintenance  of  the  unemployed,  either 
through  a  national  system  of  unemployment  insurance — 
which  may  or  may  not  extend  over  the  whole  industrial 
population — or  by  some  locally  organised  system  of  relief. 


As  the  numbers  unemployed  or  under-employed  increase  in 
the  course  of  a  depression,  the  burden  falling  upon  the 
State  or  upon  the  local  authorities,  in  as  far  as  they  are 
responsible  for  the  maintenance  of  the  unemployed,  rises 
very  greatly.  This  increase  may  be  concealed  where  the 
charge,  or  a  large  part  of  it,  is  met  out  of  a  separate  unem- 
ployment fund  contributed  to  by  employers  and  workers 
as  well  as  by  the  State.  In  such  cases  something  may  be 
done  to  meet  the  increased  charge  for  the  maintenance 
of  the  unemployed  by  raising  the  contributions  levied  upon 
workers  and  employers,  and  this  at  the  same  time  reduces 
indirectly  the  wages  of  those  still  in  employment,  and  places 
an  additional  part  of  the  cost  of  maintaining  the  un- 
employed as  a  charge  upon  the  productive  system.  Germany, 
for  example,  which  has  an  inclusive  scheme  of  unemploy- 
ment insurance,  pursued  this  policy  during  the  early  years 
of  the  slump  to  the  fullest  possible  extent,  raising  the 
contributions  of  employers  and  workmen  to  the  unem- 
ployment fund  very  greatly  indeed,  and  provoking  thereby 
strong  protests  from  both  sides  against  the  unfairness  of  the 
impost.  But  even  Germany  reached  before  long,  as  unem- 
ployment continued  to  grow,  the  limits  of  the  resources 
which  could  be  raised  by  this  method,  and  was  compelled 
to  accept  a  greatly  increased  budgetary  charge  for  keeping 
the  unemployed  ftoin  starvation. 

In  Great  Britain,  which  has  also  a  fairly  inclusive  scheme 
of  unemployment  insurance,  something  was  done  by  way 
of  raising  contributions,  but  for  a  long  time  the  increased 
cost  was  mainly  borne  by  according  permission  for  the 
unemployment  fund  to  borrow  money  in  anticipation  of 
a  coming  recovery  of  trade,  which  would  reduce  the  number 
of  the  unemployed  not  only  within  the  current  ability  of 
the  fund  to  meet  the  cost,  but  to  such  an  extent  as  would 
enable  it  to  repay  the  debts  incurred  during  the  depression. 
This  method  relieved  the  budget  of  an  additional  charge, 
but  did  this  only  at  the  cost  of  placing  upon  the  unem- 
ployment fund  a  debt  which  was  never  in  fact  likely  to  be 
repaid  ;  so  that  in  the  end  Great  Britain,  like  Germany, 


was  compelled  to  accept  the  greater  part  of  the  charge  as 
a  budgetary  burden. 

In  both  these  countries  this  burden  became,  as  the  slump 
continued,  so  heavy  as  to  cause  a  great  outcry  among  the 
richer  tax-payers.  It  was  said  that  many  people  were 
getting  relief  without  having  any  real  right  to  it,  on  the 
ground  that  they  were  "  not  genuinely  seeking  work,"  that 
unemployment  benefit  was  on  an  unnecessarily  generous 
scale  in  view  of  the  fall  in  the  cost  of  living,  and  above  all 
that  the  existence  of  unemployment  benefits  to  which  the 
workless  were  entitled  as  of  right  was  a  most  powerful 
cause  in  preventing  the  readjustment  of  wages  to  the 
changed  levels  required  by  the  world  depression,  because 
it  prevented  a  stampede  for  work  at  any  price  from  breaking 
down  the  established  Trade  Union  conditions  and  the 
bargaining  strength  of  the  Trade  Union  movement. 

Germany,  in  far  greater  financial  difficulties  than  Great 
Britain,  and  confronted  with  an  unbalanced  budget  at  a 
time  when  extensive  State  borrowing  was  virtually  im- 
possible owing  to  financial  stringency,  had  by  far  the 
strongest  inducement  for  making  all  possible  "  economies  " 
at  the  expense  of  the  unemployed  ;  and  as  the  crisis 
advanced,  the  scaling  down  of  benefits,  the  weeding  out  of 
those  whose  claims  were  open  to  question,  and  the 
transference  of  the  chronically  unemployed  to  a  different 
form  of  relief  at  a  much  lower  scale  of  payment  proceeded 
apace.  But  Great  Britain  was  not  long  in  following  Ger- 
many's example.  Even  before  the  financial  crisis  of  1931 
the  Labour  Government  of  Great  Britain  had  so  far 
responded  to  the  attacks  of  the  newspapers  upon  the 
unemployment  insurance  scheme  as  to  pass  an  Anomalies 
Act,  designed  to  weed  out  undeserving  applicants  and  to 
revise  the  conditions  of  relief  so  as  to  exclude  a  substantial 
number  of  claimants  who  were  legally  entitled  to  it  as  the 
scheme  stood.  This  measure  effected  a  financial  saving, 
especially  at  the  expense  of  women,  above  all  married 
women,  who  were  adjudged  to  be  no  longer  genuinely 
seeking  work.  But  after  the  financial  crisis  of  1 93 1  and  the  fall 


of  the  Labour  Government,  far  more  drastic  "  economies  " 
at  the  expense  of  the  unemployed  were  speedily  introduced. 
The  system  under  which  unemployed  workers  had  been 
entitled,  practically  without  limitation  of  period,  to  benefit 
at  a  standard  rate,  was  swept  away,  and  on  the  German 
model  a  differential  system  of  relief,  subject  to  a  "  means 
test,"  was  introduced  for  those  whose  idleness  had  extended 
over  a  protracted  period.  By  this  measure,  which  created 
widespread  resentment  in  the  industrial  districts,  a  sub- 
stantial saving  in  budgetary  expenditure  on  the  unem- 
ployed was  brought  about,  though  some  part  of  the  charge 
repudiated  by  the  State  had  to  be  taken  over  by  the  local 
authorities,  which  found  themselves  compelled  more  and 
more  to  relieve  the  sheer  necessities  of  workers  whom  the 
State  either  declined  to  maintain  at  all  or  relieved  on  an 
obviously  inadequate  scale.  Undoubtedly  a  further  effect 
of  the  "  means  test,"  besides  the  privation  which  it  caused 
to  large  masses  of  workers  who  had  been  for  a  long  time 
out  of  a  job,  was  to  weaken  the  power  of  the  Trade  Unions 
in  resisting  wage  reductions,  by  making  available  a  large 
mass  of  labour  which  was  prepared  to  take  a  job  at  prac- 
tically any  wage.  A  similar  result  followed  to  an  even 
greater  extent  the  "  reforms  "  introduced  into  the  German 
system  of  unemployment  insurance. 

In  the  countries  which  have  no  general  system  of  public 
maintenance  for  the  unemployed  an  increase  of  unemploy- 
ment is  bound  to  result  immediately  in  a  far  larger  amount 
of  economic  distress.  In  these  countries,  though  there  may 
be,  as  in  France,  some  system  of  local  relief,  the  unem- 
ployed worker  is  left  without  any  assured  income  at  all, 
and  any  relief  accorded  to  him  through  public  or  private 
agencies  is  generally  at  best  only  on  the  poorest  subsistence 
scale.  He  begins  by  using  up  any  savings  he  may  possess, 
and  by  getting  such  assistance  as  he  can  from  relatives  or 
friends  ;  but  when  these  resources  are  exhausted  he  has 
nothing  to  fall  back  upon  except  the  soup  kitchen  and  the 
meagre  help  extended  to  him  out  of  local  funds.  In  coun- 
tries in  which,  though  they  are  considerably  industrialised, 


there  remains  in  being  a  large  peasant  population,  a  certain 
fraction  of  the  unemployed  industrial  workers  is  usually 
able  to  go  back  to  the  land,  and  share  in  the  reduced 
standard  of  living  available  for  the  peasant  population  in 
face  of  the  depression.  This  to  some  extent  relieves  the 
pressure  of  indigent  populations  in  the  industrial  centres  ; 
but  those  who  are  unable  to  return  to  the  country  usually 
suffer  in  such  countries  the  most  desperate  privations  of  all. 
They  are  not  numerous  enough  to  be  able  to  force  redress 
for  their  grievances,  and  they  are  left  to  live  in  a  condition 
close  to  sheer  destitution  by  picking  up  such  scraps  as  they 
can.  Most  of  the  larger  industrial  towns  in  the  less  indus- 
trialised countries  of  Europe  have  thousands  of  people 
living  in  them  to-day  on  the  very  verge  of  starvation, 
miserably  clothed  and  housed,  and  deteriorating  further 
and  further,  men,  women  and  children  alike,  in  health 
and  physical  efficiency  as  the  slump  drags  on.  These  un- 
fortunates are  strong  enough  at  times  to  make  a  riot,  but 
they  are  far  too  weak  to  secure  any  effective  repress.  They 
are  ready  to  turn  to  anyone  who  will  offer  them  food  and 
shelter,  and  they  can  accordingly  be  found  allying  them- 
selves now  with  Communism  and  now  with  the  extremest 
sort  of  Fascism,  according  to  the  hopes  which  are  held  out 
to  them  from  either  left  or  right.  They  are  too  far  "  down 
and  out  "  to  afford  the  luxury  of  real  political  or  economic 
convictions  ;  all  they  are  looking  for  is  some  way,  they 
care  not  what,  out  of  the  desperate  situation  in  which  they 
are  compelled  to  live. 

The  more  advanced  industrial  countries  have  no  such 
pockets  of  utter  misery  as  these  in  their  midst.  But  even 
in  their  case  the  position  becomes  sufficiently  serious  when 
over  a  prolonged  period  a  large  part  of  their  industries  is 
shut  down.  The  situation  would  not  be  quite  so  bad  if  the 
unemployment  were  fairly  evenly  spread  over  industry  as 
a  whole  ;  for  in  that  case  it  would  probably  take  the  form 
of  spells  of  unemployment  between  jobs  for  a  large  pro- 
portion of  the  total  body  of  workers  rather  than  of  chronic 
unemployment  year  in  and  year  out  for  a  more  limited 


number.  What  happens  in  fact  is  that  unemployment, 
falling  very  unevenly  upon  different  industries,  also  bears 
very  differently  upon  different  areas  ;  for  the  heavy  indus- 
tries, in  which  for  the  most  part  unemployment  has  been 
most  severe,  are  usually  localised  in  particular  districts 
especially  round  the  coalfields  and  the  iron  deposits,  and 
in  both  Great  Britain  and  Germany  there  are  many  almost 
derelict  areas  in  which  the  greater  part  of  the  population 
has  been  unemployed  for  years  on  end. 

Both  in  areas  of  this  sort  and  elsewhere  the  privations  of 
the  German  workers  have  been  far  worse  than  those  of  the 
British,  both  because  German  wage  levels  have  fallen  more 
sharply  and  because  the  pressure  on  the  German  economic 
system  has  caused  a  more  drastic  curtailment  of  benefits 
and  relief.  But  even  in  some  parts  of  Great  Britain  the 
position  is  bad  enough.  In  South  Wales,  in  Durham,  and 
in  some  areas  in  Lancashire,  there  are  industrial  centres  in 
which  practically  the  v^holc  population  is  living  on  some 
form  of  public  relief  which  barely  suffices  to  keep  families 
fed  and  housed,  without  providing  any  surplus  for  the 
purchasing  of  new  clothing,  much  less  for  any  of  the 
ordinary  amenities  of  life.  These  conditions  have  caused  in 
more  than  one  country  dangerous  divergences  of  point  of 
view,  and  even  antagonisms,  to  develop  between  the  em- 
ployed and  the  chronically  unemployed  sections  of  the 
working  class.  The  latter  have  been  driven,  in  despair, 
either  towards  Communism  or  towards  Fascism,  whereas 
the  employed  have  for  the  most  part  remained  within  the 
ranks  of  the  older  parties. 

It  is  often  urged  by  industrialists  and  even  by  some 
economists  that  the  provision  of  unemployment  benefit  on 
anything  like  a  living  scale  serves  to  exaggerate  depression 
because  of  the  high  taxation  which  it  involves  at  a  time 
when  profits,  and  accordingly  the  ability  of  the  rich  to 
meet  taxes,  are  low.  But  against  this  contention  must  be 
set  the  fact  that  the  distribution  of  a  large  mass  of  purchas- 
ing power  among  the  unemployed  is  a  most  important 
factor  in  maintaining  the  domestic  demand  for  consumers' 


goods,  and  therefore  in  checking  depression  in  the  indus- 
tries producing  these  goods.  If  the  sums  levied  in  taxation 
for  the  maintenance  of  the  unemployed  were  left  in  the 
pockets  of  their  original  recipients  it  is  exceedingly  likely 
that  a  substantial  part  of  them  would,  under  the  prevailing 
conditions  of  depression,  not  be  spent  at  all  either  on  con- 
sumers' goods  or  by  way  of  investment  as  new  capital  in 
industry.  The  money,  or  a  large  part  of  it,  might  be  accumu- 
lated instead  in  idle  bank  balances  or  in  some  other  way 
diverted  from  any  use  which  would  serve  as  a  stimulus  to 
industry  and  employment.  It  is,  on  the  other  hand,  certain 
that  its  distribution  in  the  form  of  unemployment  benefit 
will  cause  most  of  it  to  be  spent  immediately  on  the  pur- 
chase of  necessary  products,  and  that  the  money  so  spent 
will  thereby  be  made  to  circulate  among  the  general  body 
of  the  community,  stimulating  further  demand  in  the 
course  of  its  circulation.  It  is  surely  evident  that  the 
economic  position  in  Great  Britain  would  be  a  great  deal 
worse  than  it  is  but  for  the  existence  of  a  general  system 
of  maintenance  of  the  unemployed,  and  that  the  "  econ- 
omies "  made  in  this  maintenance  by  the  National  Govern- 
ment in  1931,  so  far  from  improving  the  economic  situation, 
tended  to  make  it  worse.  It  is  at  any  rate  a  fact  that  most 
people  have  been  surprised  at  the  success  with  which 
demand  in  the  British  home  market  has  been  maintained 
during  the  worst  period  of  the  depression  ;  and  it  is  difficult 
to  find  for  this  any  sufficient  cause  apart  from  the  partial 
preservation  of  the  purchasing  power  of  the  unemployed 
which  the  system  of  compulsory  State  insurance  has 
brought  about. 

This  assertion  of  the  beneficent  influence  of  a  system  of 
adequate  maintenance  for  the  unemployed  still  seems  to 
fill  many  people  with  surprise.  But  why  should  it  ?  It  is 
obvious  that  the  present  world  crisis  is  not  the  result  of  any 
shortage  in  the  world's  means  of  producing  wealth.  The 
poverty  and  unemployment  which  the  crisis  has  brought 
into  being  co-exist  with  a  productive  power  far  more  abun- 
dant than  the  world  has  possessed  at  any  previous  time. 


There  is  no  lack  of  physical  or  of  human  resources  for  the 
achieving  of  a  higher  standard  of  living  for  everybody. 
The  flaw  in  our  present  economic  system  lies  in  its  failure 
to  find  means  of  creating  an  adequate  demand  for  the  goods 
which  it  is  well  able  to  produce.  In  these  circumstances 
it  is  not  at  all  surprising  that  a  distribution  of  purchasing 
power  in  a  form  in  which  it  is  certain  to  result  in  an  in- 
creased demand  for  the  products  of  industry,  so  far  from 
worsening  the  economic  situation  of  the  country  which 
adopts  it,  should  help  to  preserve  that  country  from  the 
worst  consequences  of  the  slump. 

It  is  not  of  course  suggested  that  the  mere  adoption  of  a 
system  of  provision  for  the  unemployed  even  on  the  most 
adequate  scale  can  be  a  remedy  for  trade  depression.  For 
the  existence  of  unemployment  implies  a  fall  in  the  real 
income  of  the  community  below  what  its  productive  re- 
sources are  sufficient  to  create.  Even  if  purchasing  power 
over  consumable  goods  is  maintained  by  adequate  grants 
for  maintenance,  the  money  required  for  these  grants,  in 
as  far  as  it  is  raised  by  taxation,  comes  out  of  someone's 
pocket  and  subtracts  from  the  purchasing  power  of  one 
section  of  the  community  what  it  adds  to  the  purchasing 
power  of  another  section.  In  the  circumstances  of  a  trade 
depression  this  will  probably  result  in  an  increase  in  the 
amount  actually  being  spent,  and  so  prevent  the  depression 
from  going  as  far  as  it  otherwise  would.  But  it  will  not  avail 
to  turn  a  depression  into  prosperity  ;  for  this  involves  not 
merely  a  diversion  of  purchasing  power  from  one  section 
of  the  community  to  another,  but  an  increase  in  the 
aggregate  amount  of  purchasing  power,  combined  with  a 
fuller  utilisation  of  the  available  resources  of  production. 

Let  us  now  look  at  the  actual  situation  of  the  leading 
industrial  countries  of  Europe  from  the  standpoint  of  the 
effects  of  the  slump  upon  the  volume  of  employment 
and  production.  There  are  unfortunately  no  complete 
statistics  available  of  the  unemployment  existing  even  in 
the  industrial  countries  of  Europe.  For  whereas  Great 
Britain  and  Germany  have  fairly  adequate,  though  not 


complete,  figures,  France  has  no  records  covering  more  than 
a  fraction  of  the  unemployed,  while  some  of  the  smaller 
countries  have  either  no  statistics  at  all  or  only  very  incom- 
plete figures.  But  some  idea  of  the  effect  of  the  world 
depression  on  the  volume  of  unemployment  in  Europe  can 
be  gathered  from  such  statistics  as  are  available.  The  com- 
bined figures  for  22  countries  for  which  statistics,  com- 
plete or  incomplete,  can  be  secured,  show  that  the  average 
number  recorded  as  unemployed  in  1928  for  all  these 
countries  taken  together  was  well  under  3  \  millions ;  and 
of  this  total  Great  Britain  and  Germany  together  accounted 
for  about  2^  millions.  As  against  this  at  the  end  of  1932 
the  total  numbers  registered  as  unemployed  in  the  same 
group  of  countries  had  risen  to  over  13^  millions.  Germany 
alone  had  over  6  millions  and  Great  Britain  nearly  3  mil- 
lions out  of  this  total,  while  Italy  had  over  1,200,000. 
Unemployment,  as  far  as  it  is  revealed  by  the  European 
statistics,  had  thus  risen  fourfold  as  a  consequence  of  the 
world  slump,  and  almost  every  country  had  recorded  a  very 
large  increase  in  the  numbers  out  of  work.  In  Great  Britain 
the  number  of  registered  unemployed  had  been  multiplied 
by  two  and  a  half  and  in  Germany  and  Italy  and  Sweden  by 
four ;  while  in  Belgium,  France,  Holland  and  Czechoslo- 
vakia the  percentage  increase  was  many  times  as  great  as 
in  any  of  these  countries. 

It  is  not  of  course  suggested  that  a  large  percentage  in- 
crease necessarily  indicates  an  exceptional  severity  of  un- 
employment, for  that  depends  on  the  level  from  which  the 
figures  start.  But  a  glance  at  the  accompanying  table  will 
suffice  to  show  that  almost  every  country  engaged  in  indus- 
trial production  was  suffering  from  unemployment  at  a 
level  which  implied  a  severe  restriction  in  the  quantity  of 
the  national  production  and  a  considerable  strain  on  the 
financial  resources  of  the  community  where  any  system  of 
public  provision  for  the  unemployed  was  in  force.  Unem- 
ployment is  most  spectacular  in  Germany,  but  in  relation 
to  some  of  the  other  countries  the  smaller  totals  recorded  as 
unemployed  represent  an  even  greater  loss  in  production 



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Great  Britain 

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1   .I]  Illi  n 

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o      i£|pSnQcoo»i£< 

Irish  Free  State 







and  an  even  more  serious  decline  in  national  purchasing 
power.  The  1,225,000  unemployed  in  Italy,  the  873,000  in 
Czechoslovakia,  the  403,000  in  Belgium,  the  397,000  in 
Austria,  the  351,000  in  Holland,  to  say  nothing  of  the 
smaller  totals  for  countries  with  relatively  tiny  industrial 
populations,  reveal  the  intensity  of  the  economic  crisis 
through  which  European  industry  as  well  as  European 
agriculture  has  been  passing.  The  352,000  unemployed 
recorded  for  France  represent  only  a  relatively  small  pro- 
portion of  the  total  numbers  out  of  work  in  that  country  ; 
but  it  is  unfortunately  not  possible  to  make  any  inclusive 
estimate.  Some  idea,  however,  of  the  magnitude  of  French 
unemployment  can  be  secured  from  the  fact  that  in  1931, 
when  the  number  recorded  as  unemployed  was  only 
75,000,  a  writer  in  the  Economist  estimated  that  the  real 
number  out  of  work  was  already  well  over  a  million. 

Unemployment  on  this  scale  obviously  implies  a  con- 
siderable fall  in  the  volume  of  production,  and  the  exist- 
ence of  such  a  fall  is  borne  out  by  the  indices  of  industrial 
production  published  by  a  number  of  the  leading  countries. 
We  have  already  seen  to  what  an  extent  these  indices  had 
shown  a  rising  tendency  in  the  European  countries  in  the 
years  immediately  before  the  slump,  and  we  have  now  to 
study  their  decline  during  the  past  few  years.  If  we  take 
the  position  in  the  last  quarter  of  1932,  or  the  nearest 
available  figure,  we  see  that  production  in  Germany  had 
fallen  since  1928  by  nearly  40  per  cent,  and  production  in 
Poland  by  as  much  as  46  per  cent.  For  Austria  the  fall  is  as 
much  as  a  third,  and  for  Belgium  and  Hungary  nearly  a 
third.  For  France  and  Sweden  it  is  a  quarter  ;  and  Great 
Britain  is  the  only  country  for  which  figures  are  available 
where  the  decline  is  relatively  moderate,  amounting  to  no 
more  than  10  per  cent  in  spite  of  the  serious  falling  off  in 
British  exports. 

These  figures  relate  to  the  general  volume  of  industrial 
production,  including  all  those  industries  for  which  it  is 
possible  to  compile  adequate  figures.  It  is  perhaps  worth 
while  to  set  beside  them  the  separate  indices  for  two  highly 


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important  classes  of  manufactured  goods — textiles  and 
machinery.  In  the  case  of  textiles,  output  in  both  Germany 
and  Great  Britain  had  been  relatively  well  maintained  ; 
but  it  has  of  course  to  be  remembered  that  in  Great  Britain 
employment  and  production  in  the  textile  trades  were 
already  at  a  low  level  before  the  world  slump  began,  and 
it  should  be  further  noted  that  there  was  a  sharp  recovery 
in  the  volume  of  British  textile  production  from  1931  to 
1932,  almost  wholly  as  a  result  of  the  bonus  to  British  ex- 
ports which  followed  the  departure  from  the  gold  standard. 
The  French  textile  industries,  supplying  to  a  large  extent 
luxury  goods,  fell  off  much  more  than  the  German  or  the 
British  ;  and  the  decline  was  still  more  serious  in  the  textile 
trades  of  Poland  and  Czechoslovakia,  these  falls  reflecting 
the  decreased  purchasing  power  of  the  consumers  in  Eastern 
and  Central  Europe. 

In  the  case  of  machinery,  indices  are  available  for  four 
countries  only.  But  the  figures  for  these  countries  are  of  the 
highest  significance.  Again  it  is  Great  Britain  which  shows 
the  smallest  aggregate  fall — 24  per  cent  ;  but  in  this  case 
the  maintenance  of  output  cannot  be  attributed  mainly  to 
the  departure  from  the  gold  standard  or  to  the  new  tariff 
policy  inaugurated  in  1931-32,  as  the  figures  for  1932  are 
substantially  below  those  for  1931  and  the  previous  years. 
The  explanation  is  to  be  found  partly  in  activity  in  the 
British  electrical  industry  in  connection  with  the  construc- 
tion of  the  new  "  grid  "  system,  partly  in  the  relative  success 
of  the  British  motor  trade  in  standing  up  against  depression, 
and  partly  again  in  the  effects  of  the  maintenance  of  the 
general  volume  of  consumers'  demand  in  keeping  the 
demand  for  machinery  and  miscellaneous  metal  goods  at 
a  not  unsatisfactory  level.  But  here  again  it  must  be  remem- 
bered that  Great  Britain  had  a  large  volume  of  unemploy- 
ment in  the  machine-making  industries  before  1929. 

France,  with  a  fall  of  nearly  a  third  in  the  volume  of 
machine  production,  stands  next  to  Great  Britain  in  her 
success  in  resisting  the  slump  ;  but  again  a  study  of  the 
figures  shows  that  in  France  demand  was  well  maintained 


up  to  1931  and  then  showed  a  very  sharp  falling  off,  which 
was  still  continuing  in  1933.  The  two  remaining  countries, 
Germany  and  Poland,  both  show  an  appallingly  heavy 
decline  in  the  volume  of  machine  construction.  Polish 
machine  output  has  fallen  since  1928  by  56  per  cent,  and 
German  by  no  less  than  62  per  cent.  These  figures  of  course 
reflect  directly  the  cessation  of  the  great  movement  of 
rationalisation  and  re-equipment  with  the  aid  of  borrowed 
capital  which  was  taking  place  in  Germany  and  to  a  less 
extend  in  Poland  before  the  withdrawal  of  America  from 
the  European  capital  market. 

It  is  unfortunately  not  possible  to  present  corresponding 
figures  for  other  manufacturing  industries  ;  but  it  is  worth 
while  to  set  beside  the  above  figures  the  statistics  showing 
the  production  of  two  commodities  which  are  both  vital 
to  the  economy  of  the  developed  nations  of  Western  Europe. 
It  will  be  seen  from  the  accompanying  table  that  the  output 
of  coal  in  Europe  stood  at  a  monthly  average  of  about  46 
million  tons  for  the  eight  chief  producing  areas  in  1928, 
and  that  in  1932  this  monthly  average  had  fallen  to  rather 
under  37 J  million  tons.  This  decline  is  considerably  less 
in  most  countries  than  the  decline  in  the  general  volume  of 
industrial  production,  the  difference  being  largely  due  to 
the  maintenance  at  a  relatively  high  level  of  the  demand 
for  household  coal  and  coal  used  in  transport  and  public 
utility  services,  and  also  in  certain  of  the  industries  pro- 
ducing consumers'  goods.  It  will  be  seen  that  in  this 
case  too  the  decline  is  considerably  greater  in  Germany 
than  in  either  the  United  Kingdom  or  France  ;  for  in 
Germany  there  has  been  both  a  heavy  falling  off  in  the 
coal-using  industries  and  a  serious  decline  in  consumers' 

The  figures  for  steel  naturally  show  a  considerably 
larger  reduction  than  those  for  coal,  in  that  a  large  pro- 
portion of  the  output  of  steel  is  designed  for  use  in  the  con- 
structional trades,  which  are  always  the  most  seriously 
affected  by  an  industrial  depression.  Taking  together  the 
eleven  leading  steel-producing  countries  in  Europe,  with 



.the  exception  of  the  U.S.S.R.,  we  find  that  in  1928  their 
average  monthly  production  of  steel  was  just  under  4 
million  tons.  In  1932  this  average  monthly  production  had 
fallen  to  less  than  2j  million  tons,  though  there  was  a  small 
rise  in  the  final  quarter  of  the  year.  Again  the  fall  in  output 
was  more  serious  in  Germany  than  in  any  of  the  other 
leading  countries,  as  the  table  on  page  5 1 1  shows.  But 
among  the  smaller  producing  countries,  Poland  and 
Czechoslovakia  showed  a  decline  comparable  in  severity 
with  that  which  occurred  in  Germany.  The  paralysis  in 
the  constructional  industries  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe 
is  thus  abundantly  illustrated. 

It  is  interesting  to  compare  the  incidence  of  the  world 
slump  on  European  production,  as  measured  by  these 
statistics,  with  the  experience  of  the  United  States.  In  the 
United  States  the  index  of  general  industrial  production 
fell  between  1928  and  the  last  quarter  of  1932  by  41  per 
cent — a  larger  fall  than  occurred  in  any  of  the  European 
countries  v\  ith  the  exception  of  Poland.  On  the  other  hand, 
in  the  case  of  textiles  the  fall  in  America  between  the  same 
dates  was  only  12  per  cent  ;  but  this  was  the  result  of  a 
sharp  recovery  in  American  textile  output  in  the  later  part 
of  1932,  and  for  the  year  as  a  whole  the  fall  in  textile  pro- 
duction was  23  per  cent.  Even  this  last  figure,  however, 
shows  American  textile  output  to  have  been  maintained 
better  than  that  of  any  of  the  European  countries  with  the 
exception  of  Germany  and  the  United  Kingdom. 

In  the  case  of  machinery,  there  is  unfortunately  no 
comparable  index  available  for  the  United  States  ;  but  the 
American  figures  ol  coal  and  iron  production^  tell  with 
sufficient  clearness  the  tale  of  prostration  in  the  heavy  in- 
dustries. In  1928  the  average  monthly  production  of  coal 
in  the  United  States  was  over  46^  million  tons,  but  it  fell  in 
1932  to  under  27  million  tons  ;  while  for  steel  the  fall  was 
enormously  greater,  from  nearly  3$  million  tons  in  1928 
and  over  3^  millions  in  1929  to  under  three-quarters  of  a 
million  tons  in  1932.  Europe  had  thus  fared  in  the  heavy 
industries  infinitely  better  than  America,  and  had  also  done 


appreciably  better  on  the  whole  in 
general  volume  of  industrial  produc 

The  above  statistics  have  through 
periencc  of  the  U.S.S.R.,  as  this  runs  < 
of  the  capitalist  countries,  at  any 
quarter  of  1932.  Thus,  between  1928! 
production  in  the  U.S.S.R.  rose,  accordil 
figures,  by  no  less  than  89  per  cent  ; 
quarter  of  1932  the  rise  exceeded  100  per 
there  is  known  to  have  been  a  falling  off;  but  the  figures  for 
the  last  quarter  of  1932  are  not  yet  available.  Similarly  in 
the  case  of  coal  a  monthly  output  of  three  million  tons  in 
1928  rose  to  one  of  over  5^  millions  in  1932,  and  the  monthly 
output  of  steel  from  354,000  tons  in  1928  to  482,000  tons 
on  the  average  of  the  first  ten  months  of  1932.  Of  course 
these  figures  reflect  the  intensive  effort  made  by  the 
U.S.S.R.  to  carry  through  the  rapid  industrialisation  of  the 
country  under  the  first  Five- Year  Plan  ;  and  Russia,  start- 
ing from  a  very  low  level  of  industrial  production,  was 
naturally  able,  by  applying  all  her  energies  to  the  increase 
of  production,  to  record  a  very  large  percentage  increase. 
But  the  fact  remains  that  for  several  years  in  which  produc- 
tion over  the  rest  of  the  world  was  falling  at  an  unexampled 
rate,  the  U.S.S.R.  alone  was  able  to  go  forward  rapidly  on 
the  basis  of  a  planned  economy  under  Socialist  control. 

Even  if  in  1 933  the  process  of  Russian  industrialisation 
appeared  to  be  suffering  a  setback,  it  is  clear  that  this 
tendency  arose  from  quite  different  causes  from  those 
operating  in  other  countries  ;  for  there  can  never  be  under 
the  Russian  system  any  question  of  the  lack  of  an  adequate 
demand  for  all  the  goods  that  Russian  man-power  can 
produce,  though  it  is  of  course  possible  for  the  Russians  to 
make  mistakes  by  applying  a  disproportionate  part  of  their 
limited  resources  to  certain  kinds  of  capital  equipment, 
and  it  is  arguable  that  they  have  done  this  in  recent  years 
in  the  giant  power-stations  which  they  have  installed.  A 
Russian,  however,  would  probably  reply  that,  even  if 
provision  has  been  made  for  the  generation  of  electricity 


on  a  scale  far  exceeding  present  or  immediately  prospective 
requirements,  this  is  only  reasonable  foresight  designed  to 
avoid  the  necessity  for  the  reconstruction  of  plants  in  the 
near  future  as  industrialisation  continues  its  rapid  advance. 
This  argument  may  be  open  to  question,  or  it  may  be  held 
that  it  has  tye^n  pushed  too  far  in  practice  ;  and  there  has 
undoubtedly  beg/some  setback  in  Russia  at  the  beginning 
of  the  secdhdJfive-Year  Plan.  But  the  point  is  not  that  all 
is  going  well  in  Russia,  but  that  in  as  far  as  things  go  ill  the 
cause  is  to  be  found  not  in  lack  of  markets  but  in  lack  of 
skill  and  power  to  organise  production  under  the  totally 
new  conditions  which  the  Russians  have  set  themselves  to 
master  at  a  prodigious  pace. 

It  is  possible  to  get  some  further  light  on  the  effects  of 
the  slump  in  Europe  by  considering  the  amount  of  freight 
traffic  being  carried  over  the  various  European  railway 
systems.  This  is  shown  in  the  accompanying  table,  which 
again  brings  out,  despite  the  serious  financial  plight  even 
of  the  British  railways,  the  relative  immunity  of  Great 
Britain  from  the  most  serious  consequences  of  the  slump  in 
depressing  the  volume  of  internal  trade.  For  here  again  the 
decline  is  far  more  serious  in  Germany  than  in  most  of  the 
other  countries  for  which  statistics  are  available.  Roumania, 
thanks  to  the  construction  of  new  lines,  shows  an  advance 
in  total  freight  traffic  over  the  figures  for  1928.  But  every- 
where else  the  decline  is  very  serious  indeed,  reflecting 
directly  both  the  fall  in  the  volume  of  external  trade  and 
the  decline  in  the  internal  demand  for  commodities  and 
therefore  in  the  standard  of  living  of  the  people.  The  figures 
of  shipping  clearances  tell  for  the  most  part  A  the  same 
story.  It  is  unfortunate  that  comparable  figures  are  not 
available  for  Germany  for  1928  and  193-2.  It  is,  however, 
possible  to  get  comparable  figures  for  1930  and  1932  ;  and 
these  show  an  exceedingly  heavy  rate  of  decline,  from 
2,409,000  tons  in  1930  to  under  2  million  tons  in  1932. 
The  figures  showing  the  amount  and  proportion  of  tonnage 
laid  up  idle  in  the  leading  countries  in  the  latter  part  of 
1932  tell  the  same  tale.  France  and  United  States  had  about 


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30  per  cent  of  their  total  tonnage  laid  up  at  these  dates, 
Poland  26  per  cent,  and  Germany  22  per  cent,  as  against 
1 6  per  cent  in  the  case  of  the  United  Kingdom,  although 
even  the  British  position  was  serious  enough,  with  a  total 
of  over  3  million  gross  tons  out  of  use. 

Enough  has  been  said  to  show  clearly  the  disastrous 
effects  which  the  world  slump  has  had  on  the  industries 
of  the  leading  European  countries.  This  decline  in  industry 
has  of  course  reflected  itself,  as  the  corresponding  decline 
in  agriculture  has  reflected  itself  in  Eastern  Europe,  in 
serious  budgetary  difficulties  in  all  the  industrial  States. 
For  declining  production  at  falling  prices  has  meant  every- 
where a  narrowing  of  profit  margins  and  therefore  a  de- 
creased yield  of  existing  taxes,  and  especially  of  taxes 
levied  upon  the  incomes  derived  from  profits.  In  the  case 
of  taxes  falling  upon  the  rentier  classes  the  position  is  some- 
what different,  since  the  proportion  of  the  national  income 
falling  to  these  classes  has  considerably  increased  as  a 
result  of  the  drop  in  prices.  Rentier  incomes  as  a  whole 
have  been  comparatively  well  maintained  ;  for,  despite  the 
widespread  difficulties  of  the  debtor  countries,  the  amount 
of  absolute  default  on  existing  debts  has  been  in  most  of 
the  industrial  countries  kept  within  fairly  narrow  limits, 
and  even  the  needy  agricultural  States  have  to  a  large 
extent  kept  up  their  interest  payments  on  their  external 
debts.  Rentier  incomes  have  indeed  been  reduced  to  a 
certain  degree  by  conversion  operations  carried  through 
by  Finance  Ministers  under  the  favourable  conditions 
created  by  the  fall  in  interest  rates  ;  and  the  same  result 
has  been  secured  by  reborrowing  at  lower  rates  o^short- 
dated  commercial  debentures  and  other  loans.  But  these 
reductions  in  rentier  incomes  have  been  by  no  means 
sufficient  to  offset  the  relative  advantages  which  rentiers 
have  gained  as  a  result  of  the  fall  in  prices.  Accordingly, 
rentier  incomes  have  become  for  most  countries  an  increas- 
ingly important  source  of  tax  revenue,  though  there  has 
been  surprisingly  little  attempt  to  impose  any  special 
taxation  upon  them,  despite  the  relative  improvement  in 


their  ability  to  pay.  The  special  position  of  wage  incomes 
will  be  discussed  later  in  this  Part.  It  suffices  to  say  here 
that,  while  particular  groups  of  wage-earners  have  doubt- 
less gained  as  a  result  of  the  fall  in  prices,  the  general  effect 
of  this  fall  upon  wage  incomes  has  been  fully  offset  and  in 
some  countries  much  more  than  offset  by  the  extension  of 
unemployment  and  short  time.  It  has  therefore  not  been 
possible,  even  apart  from  the  resistance  certain  to  be 
offered  by  the  wage-earners  to  attempts  either  to  tax  them 
directly  or  to  increase  heavily  the  burden  of  indirect 
taxation,  to  make  budgets  balance  by  additional  taxation 
levied  either  upon  wage-earners  or  upon  commodities  of 
necessary  consumption,  though  the  effect  of  rising  tariffs 
throughout  Europe  has  undoubtedly  been  to  transfer  to 
the  general  mass  of  consumers  a  considerable  part  of  the 
costs  of  the  depression. 


So  FAR  we  have  been  considering  the  effects  of  the 
world  slump  upon  the  industrial  countries,  but  it  is  clearly 
necessary,  apart  from  this,  to  attempt  to  give  some  sort  of 
picture  of  the  industrial  situation  in  Europe  apart  from  the 
abnormal  influences  exerted  upon  it  by  the  world  crisis. 
For  we  are  concerned  with  the  economic  situation  in 
Europe  not  only  as  it  exists  to-day  at  the  bottom  of  the 
depression,  but  as  it  existed  in  1914  and  as  it  might  be 
expected  to  exist  again  if  the  efforts  of  the  world  to  bring 
the  depression  to  an  end  met  with  some  real  measure  of 
success.  We  must,  then,  look  at  the  position  of  the  leading 
industrial  countries  of  Europe  on  the  eve  of  the  world 
slump,  when,  as  we  have  seen,  most  of  them  had  settled 
down  or  appeared  to  have  settled  down  on  a  basis  of 
stabilised  currencies,  and  to  be  going  forward  with  an 
increase  of  productive  activity  corresponding  to  the 
changed  economic  conditions  of  post-war  Europe.  The 


leading  industrial  countries  which  it  seems  necessary  to 
consider  in  this  connection  are  Great  Britain,  Germany, 
France,  Belgium,  Holland,  Italy,  and  for  some  purposes 
Czechoslovakia.  The  first  six  of  these  countries,  excluding 
Czechoslovakia,  for  which  no  pre-war  figures  are  of  course 
available,  were  responsible  in  1913  for  45  per  cent  of  the 
total  export  trade  of  the  world,  and  for  over  50  per  cent  of 
the  world's  net  imports.  In  1929,  on  the  eve  of  the  world 
slump,  their  share  in  the  world's  exports  had  fallen  to  about 
35  per  cent,  while  their  share  in  imports  was  about  41  per 
cent.  In  the  meantime  the  United  States  had  increased  its 
share  of  world  exports  from  ia£  to  nearly^  per  cent,  and 
of  net  imports  from  8£  to  12  per  cental  therefor**  rest  of 
Europe,  excluding  the  U.S.S.R.,  ha<^pecia?Jced  from  a 
share  of  10  per  cent  to  one  of  13  per  V^rm  exports,  and 
from  12  per  cent  to  14  per  cent  in  net  imports.  Meanwhile 
the  share  of  the  U.S.S.R.  had  fallen  from  4  per  cent  to  less 
than  i  £  per  cent  in  net  exports,  and  from  3^  per  cent  to  not 
much  more  than  i  per  cent  in  net  imports. 

Among  the  leading  countries  there  had  been  considerable 
shifts  in  relative  importance.  Thus  Great  Britain  had 
actually  increased  her  proportion  of  net  imports  from  15  to 
over  1 6  per  cent  of  the  world  total,  but  if  trade  with  the 
Irish  Free  State  is  excluded,  her  proportion  remained  about 
the  same.  On  the  other  hand,  her  share  in  net  exports  had 
fallen  from  13  per  cent  to  under  12  per  cent,  or,  excluding 
trade  with  the  Irish  Free  State,  to  less  than  u  per  cent.1 
Germany  had  suffered  a  decline  in  her  share  of  both  im- 
ports and  exports,  from  12.3  per  cent  to  9  per  cent  in  the 
case  of  imports  and  from  12.4  per  cent  to  just  undeV  10  per 
cent  in  the  case  of  exports.  France  too  had  lost,  despite  her 
increased  territory,  with  a  fall  roughly  from  y£  per  cent  to 
6  per  cent  of  the  world  total  of  imports,  and  7  to  6  per  cent 
of  world  exports.  Italy  retained  her  share  of  both  imports 
and  exports  practically  unchanged,  while  Belgium  and 

1  Trade  between  Great  Britain  and  the  Irish  Free  State  did  not  count 
as  external  trade  before  the  war,  and  the  foreign  imports  and  exports  of 
the  Iriiih  Free  State  were  then  included  in  the  United  Kingdom  totals. 


Holland  had  both  suffered  considerable  declines  ;  but  most 
of  the  countries  registering  a  decline  in  their  external  trade 
had  been  to  some  extent  regaining  their  position  during  the 
years  immediately  before  the  world  slump. 

If  we  analyse  somewhat  more  in  detail  the  composition 
of  the  export  trade  of  the  leading  European  countries,  the 
immense  dependence  of  most  of  the  leading  countries  on 
exports  of  manufactures  at  once  becomes  plain.  Thus  in 
1929,  of  total  British  exports  amounting  to  £729  million, 
£563  million  were  accounted  for  by  manufactured  goods  as 
against  £  1 1 8  million  for  raw  materials  (largely  coal)  and 
only  £46  million  for  food  and  drink.  Germany,  out  of  total 
exports  valued  at  £660  million,  exported  £481  million's 
worth  of  manufactures  as  against  £143  million's  worth  of 
raw  materials  and  only  £34  million's  worth  of  food  and 
drink.  France's  total  exports  were  valued  at  £403  million, 
and  these  included  £273  millions'  worth  of  manufactured 
goods,  £79  million's  worth  of  raw  materials,  and  £48 
million's  worth  of  food  and  drink.  Italy  exported  in  all  £161 
million's  worth  of  commodities,  and  of  these  over  £100 
million's  worth  were  manufactures,  £40  million's  worth 
food  and  drink,  and  £20  million's  worth  raw  materials. 
Czechoslovakia  exported  £89  million's  worth  of  manu- 
factures out  of  total  exports  of  £124  million,  and  only  £14 
million's  worth  of  food  and  drink  and  £2 1  million's  worth 
of  raw  materials. 

These  figures  show  to  what  an  extent  the  more  indus- 
trialised countries  depend  on  the  sale  abroad  of  manufac- 
tured goods,  whereas  their  imports  consist  to  a  very  large 
extent  of  foodstuffs  in  a  raw  state  and  of  materials,  including 
some  semi-manufactures,  necessary  for  the  carrying  on  of 
their  industries.  It  used  to  be  held  that,  especially  under 
Free  Trade  conditions,  each  country  would  tend  to  develop 
a  range  of  industries  corresponding  to  its  special  productive 
opportunities,  and  that  accordingly  world  trade  would  tend 
to  benefit  buyers  and  sellers  alike  by  promoting  the  produc- 
tion in  each  country  of  those  goods  for  which  it  enjoyed 
the  maximum  comparative  advantage.  Tariffs,  of  course, 


interfere  to  a  considerable  extent  with  these  desirable 
forms  of  specialisation  ;  but  even  apart  from  tariffs  it  is  a 
marked  characteristic  of  the  modern  productive  system 
that  each  country  which  advances  to  the  possession  of  a  de- 
veloped industrial  system  tends  to  direct  its  efforts  largely  to 
the  manufacture  of  the  same  types  of  commodities,  so  that 
each  of  the  highly  industrialised  countries  is  in  fact  trying 
to  sell  in  the  world  market  very  largely  the  same  classes  of 
goods,  and  not  different  goods  according  to  the  different 
productive  advantages  which  it  possesses.  Each  advanced 
country  depends  in  a  high  degree  for  the  maintenance  of  its 
exports  on  a  comparatively  narrow  range  of  industries — iron 
and  steel,  engineering,  and  textiles  above  all  others — and 
there  is  growingly  keen  competition  to  sell  the  products  of 
these  industries  in  the  less  industrialised  parts  of  the  world, 
as  well  as  a  tendency  for  each  country  to  protect  its  home 
market  against  the  products  of  its  rivals. 

It  is  of  course  true  that  within  this  broad  grouping  of 
industries  there  is  room  for  a  large  amount  of  specialisation 
upon  particular  products.  It  does  not  follow,  because  Great 
Britain  and  Germany  and  Belgium  are  all  trying  to  export 
steel,  that  they  are  all  producing  exactly  the  same  kinds  of 
steel  ;  and  especially  in  the  higher  qualities  of  production 
a  considerable  degree  of  specialisation  does  exist  between 
one  country  and  another.  But  over  an  increasingly  wide 
range  of  products  there  is  competition  in  the  production 
and  marketing  abroad  of  exactly  the  same  types  of  goods  ; 
for  any  country  which  desires  to  carry  through  a  process  of 
advanced  industrialisation  necessarily  sets  itself  to  develop 
many  of  the  same  products,  and  the  differential  advantages 
which  in  the  nineteenth  century  were  held  to  count  for  so 
much  in  determining  the  forms  of  national  specialisation 
are  in  practice  nowadays  of  a  good  deal  less  account  than 
they  once  were.  For  it  is  often  possible  artificially  to  repro- 
duce, as  in  the  case  of  the  cotton  industry,  the  atmospheric 
conditions  which  once  gave  predominance  to  a  particular 
area,  while  the  evolution  of  machine  technique  and  the 
development  of  supplies  of  raw  materials  unworked  in  the 




nineteenth  century  have  combined  with  the  improvement 
of  transport  to  make  it  easier  to  carry  on  a  wide  range  of 
industrial  production  in  almost  any  country  which  possesses 
a  seaboard  and  adequate  supplies  of  a  few  primary  materials 
in  reasonable  proximity  to  the  sea. 

In  these  circumstances,  international  competition  be- 
tween the  industrial  countries  necessarily  becomes  more 
acute,  and  the  differences  between  them  tend  to  disap- 
pear, or  at  least  are  narrowed,  while  the  contrast  between 
their  position  and  that  of  the  primary  agricultural  countries 
becomes  sharper  with  the  advance  of  industrialisation.  The 
truth  of  this  can  be  seen  in  broad  outline  by  comparing  the 
position  in  production  and  export  of  certain  of  the  leading 
commodities  of  the  great  industrial  nations  of  Western  and 
Central  Europe.  Take  first  the  case  of  iron  and  steel. 
Germany,  France,  and  Great  Britain  are  all  important  steel- 
producing  countries,  and  of  the  lesser  Powers,  Belgium 
also  occupies  an  important  position  in  this  trade.  Every 
highly  industrialised  country  in  the  modern  world  in- 
evitably desires  to  produce  steel  on  a  substantial  scale, 
although  some  countries  are  unable  to  do  so  on  a  sound 
economic  basis  owing  to  the  lack  of  the  necessary  materials 
— especially  coal.  France,  before  1918,  was  fatally  hampered 
in  this  respect  by  lack  of  both  coal  and  iron  ore  ;  but  the 
acquisition  of  Alsace-Lorraine,  and  temporarily  of  the  Saar 
coalfield,  has  raised  her  to  a  position  of  practical  equality 
in  the  world  steel  trade  with  her  pre-war  rivals.  These 
four  countries— the  United  Kingdom,  Germany,  France, 
and  Belgium  (with  which  Luxembourg  must  ndw  be  in- 
cluded in  view  of  the  Customs  Union  concluded  at  the  end 
of  the  war)  are  in  sharp  competition  in  the  steel  markets  of 
the  world.  Three  of  them  consume  at  home  the  greater 
part  of  the  steel  which  they  produce  ;  but  the  fourth, 
Belgium,  is  under  the  necessity  of  exporting  the  greater  part 
of  her  output  owing  to  the  narrow  limitations  of  her  own 
home  market.  In  1929  these  four  countries  shared  among 
them  in  not  unequal  proportion  the  greater  part  of  the 
steel  trade  of  the  world  ;  for,  although  the  United  States 


produced  almost  as  much  steel  as  ail  Europe  put  together, 
by  far  the  greater  part  of  this  steel  was  consumed  at  home, 
and  America  was  of  relatively  little  importance  in  the 
export  market. 

In  1929  Germany  led  the  way  in  European  steel  output 
with  an  export  of  over  5  million  tons.  Belgium  came  next 
with  4J  millions,  and  France  and  the  United  Kingdom  had 
both  over  4^  millions,  as  against  less  than  2$  million  tons 
exported  by  the  United  States.  These  four  countries  were 
largely  producing  the  same  types  of  commodities  and 
attempting  to  sell  them  in  acute  rivalry  in  the  markets  of 
the  world.  Three  of  them,  Germany,  France,  and  Belgium, 
belonged  to  the  Continental  Steel  Cartel,  and  had  entered 
into  an  agreement  among  themselves  and  with  certain  of  the 
smaller  producing  countries  for  a  limitation  of  the  total 
quantities  produced  in  accordance  with  a  quota  system, 
allotting  a  definite  maximum  output  to  each  national 
group,  with  fines  for  exceeding  the  permitted  quantities. 
Great  Britain  remained  outside  the  Cartel,  not  so  much  as 
a  matter  of  principle  as  because  the  British  manufacturers 
had  been  unable  to  reach  any  satisfactory  agreement  with 
their  Continental  rivals  concerning  the  quota  which  ought 
to  be  allowed  them.  The  British  manufacturers  claimed 
a  virtual  monopoly  of  the  Empire  markets,  but  wished  to  be 
free  to  export  a  considerable  quantity  of  steel  to  Europe  as 
well,  whereas  the  Continental  manufacturers,  while  they 
were  prepared  to  grant  Great  Britain  her  predominant 
position  in  the  British  Empire,  wished  drastically  to  limit 
the  quantities  ol  British  steel  which  could  be  exported  to 
the  markets  of  Europe.  In  all  these  countries  productive 
capacity  was  in  1 929  considerably  ahead  of  actual  output, 
for  the  steel  industry  v\as  among  those  most  expanded  in 
each  country  as  a  result  of  the  war,  and  the  territorial 
readjustments  after  1918  had  the  effect  of  inducing  each 
country  to  try  to  build  up  within  its  own  territories  an 
extensive  and  self-sufficing  steel  industry  of  its  own.  This 
applies  especially  to  Germany,  which,  finding  herself  de- 
prived of  a  large  part  of  her  pre-war  resources  in  the  iron 


and  steel  trades,  set  to  work  to  create  a  new  industry  with 
the  aid  of  the  most  modern  processes  of  production  on  a 
scale  fully  commensurate  with  that  which  had  existed 
within  her  pre-war  territories. 

This  redundancy  of  productive  capacity  naturally  accen- 
tuated the  competitive  struggle  between  Great  Britain  and 
the  groups  belonging  to  the  Continental  Cartel,  and  in 
this  struggle  the  lower  wage  rates  prevailing  on  the  Con- 
tinent, and  especially  in  Belgium  and  France,  acted  to  the 
detriment  of  the  British  producers,  especially  as  post-war 
developments  of  technique  had  tended  to  reduce  the  quali- 
tative advantage  previously  possessed  by  the  general  mass 
of  British  steel  over  the  Continental  product.  Great  Britain 
still  retained  to  a  large  extent  her  supremacy  in  the  manu- 
facture of  the  most  highly  priced  special  steels  ;  for  in  these 
her  qualitative  advantage  remained  almost  intact.  But  in 
the  cheaper  types  of  steel  she  was  definitely  losing  ground, 
especially  in  relation  to  Belgium.  Before  the  war,  in  1913,' 
Belgian  exports  of  steel,  not  including  those  from  Luxem- 
bourg, for  which  no  separate  figures  are  available,  only 
amounted  to  i£  million  tons  against  the  4^  millions  of 
1929,  whereas  the  British  exports  had  fallen  from  almost 
5  million  tons  in  1913  to  4,380,000  in  1929. 

There  was  keen  competition  between  the  leading  indus- 
trial countries,  not  only  in  the  various  branches  of  iron  and 
steel  manufacture,  but  to  an  equal  extent  in  the  machine- 
making  trades  which  use  steel  as  their  principal  material. 
In  this  field,  too,  the  advance  of  modern  technique  has 
tended  to  reduce  the  differential  advantage  possessed  by 
this  or  that  country  for  the  manufacture  of  particular  types 
of  product,  and  international  competition  to  sell  the  same 
classes  of  goods  has  become  more  intense.  In  1929,  Ger- 
many, Great  Britain,  and  France  were  the  leading  exporters 
of  machinery,  with  Belgium,  Sweden,  and  Holland  coming 
next,  but  a  long  way  behind.  The  German  export  of 
machinery,  other  than  electrical  machinery,  reached  in 
1929  a  total  of  700,000  tons.  Great  Britain  came  next 
with  over  half  a  million  tons,  and  France  third  with  over 


200,000.  Belgium  and  Luxembourg  exported  over  80,000 
tons,  Sweden  58,000,  and  Holland  54,000.  In  electrical 
machinery  Great  Britain  occupied  the  leading  position, 
closely  followed  by  Germany,  with  Sweden  and  Switzer- 
land next,  then  France  and  then  Belgium.  Great  Britain's 
export  in  1929  was  not  far  short  of  40,000  tons,  Germany's 
about  35,000,  that  of  Sweden  and  Switzerland  about  1 1,000 
in  each  case,  France's  6,500  and  Belgium's  3,000.  Once 
again,  while  each  country  had  to  some  extent  its  own 
specialities,  these  exports  were  directly  competitive  over  a 
very  wide  range  of  goods,  and  the  same  considerations  as 
in  the  case  of  steel  largely  applied,  in  that  Great  Britain's 
comparative  advantage  was  tending  to  some  extent  to  dis- 
appear except  in  the  range  of  the  highest  quality  products. 

Or  take  again  motor-cars,  a  field  in  which  the  entire 
European  output  is  dwarfed  by  that  of  the  United  States, 
and  European  exports  are  exceedingly  small  even  in  relation 
to  the  volume  of  European  production.  As  a  producer, 
France  in  1929  led  the  way  among  the  European  countries, 
closely  followed  by  Great  Britain,  with  Germany  a  bad 
third  and  Italy  a  long  way  behind.  In  exports,  France 
also  took  the  leading  place,  followed  fairly  closely  by  Great 
Britain,  with  Italy  third  at  a  considerable  distance  and 
Germany  relatively  unimportant.  In  all  these  cases  by  far 
the  greater  part  of  the  output  was  actually  marketed  within 
the  country  of  origin,  and  British  sales  for  export  were  very 
small  indeed  in  the  European  market,  which  was  mainly 
filled  by  the  United  States,  France,  and  Italy. 

The  chemical  industry  was  a  further  field  of  intense 
competitition  between  the  leading  European  Powers.  In 
this  case  there  seem  to  be  no  satisfactory  figures  on  a 
comparable  basis  for  any  year  later  than  1925.  In  that  year 
Germany  had  the  largest  share  in  the  world  trade  in 
chemical  products — 23  per  cent  of  total  world  trade  as 
against  28  per  cent  before  the  war,  whereas  her  share  of 
world  production  had  fallen  from  24  per  cent  to  17  per 
cent.  The  United  States  came  next  with  16  per  cent 
of  world  exports  as  against  only  10  per  cent  before  the 


war  ;  and  the  United  States  share  in  world  production  had 
actually  risen  from  about  a  third  to  almost  half  of  the  total. 
Great  Britain  stood  third  with  14  per  cent  of  total  exports 
as  against  16  per  cent  before  the  war,  but  France  was  only 
a  very  little  behind  with  an  export  percentage  of  13  as 
against  10  per  cent  in  1913.  It  will  be  seen  that  the  British 
share  in  world  exports,  like  the  German,  had  actually 
fallen  ;  but  this  fall  had  been  accompanied  by  a  substantial 
improvement  in  the  British  position  in  the  matter  of  dye- 
stuffs.  Before  the  war,  Germany  had  more  than  four-fifths 
of  the  total  production  of  aniline  dyes,  whereas  in  1925 
her  share  was  less  than  one  half.  Great  Britain  had  mean- 
while increased  her  percentage  of  the  world  total  from  5 
to  12,  and  France  hers  from  i  per  cent  to  9  per  cent.  In 
view  of  the  increasing  importance  of  the  chemical  industries 
from  both  an  industrial  and  a  military  standpoint  there  has 
naturally  been  keen  rivalry  to  develop  them  within  each 
national  area  ;  and  special  measures  of  protection,  of  which 
the  British  Dyestuffs  Act  is  an  example,  have  been  instituted 
with  this  object.  In  the  sphere  of  chemical  as  well  as  in  that 
of  metal  goods,  productive  capacity  is  a  long  way  ahead  of 
world  consumption,  so  that  in  this  field  too  the  various 
countries  which  are  largely  producing  the  same  types  of 
products  are  in  keen  competition  one  with  another. 

So  much  for  the  group  of  trades  usually  known  as  the 
heavy  industries.  Let  us  now  turn  to  the  textile  trades, 
as  the  outstanding  example  of  international  competition  in 
the  sphere  of  consumers'  goods.  The  textile  trades  have 
declined  in  relative  importance  in  the  economy  of  the  lead- 
ing industrial  nations  since  the  rise  of  the  metal  industries 
during  the  past  half  century  ;  but  they  still  occupy  a  posi- 
tion of  very  great  prominence,  and  despite  the  sharp  fall 
in  British  exports  of  cotton  goods,  these  are  still  by  far  the 
largest  single  item  in  the  total  of  British  exports.  Before  the 
war  Great  Britain  occupied  a  position  of  practically  undis- 
puted pre-eminence  in  the  world  trade  in  cotton  piece  goods, 
her  exports  of  which  far  exceeded  those  of  all  the  other 
European  countries  put  together.  Even  in  1929  she  retained, 


though  to  a  reduced  extent,  her  position  of  suprem- 
acy, with  an  export  of  over  8,000  million  square  yards 
of  piece  goods  as  against  i  ,000  millions  each  exported  by 
Italy  and  France,  her  two  nearest  rivals.  But  there  had 
been  a  sharp  reduction  in  the  total  volume  of  British  ex- 
ports. This  was  due  to  a  considerable  extent  to  the  rise  of 
cotton  production  in  the  Far  East,  and  especially  in  Japan. 
During  the  war  the  British  cotton  trade  was  largely  shut 
down,  owing  to  the  impossibility  of  affording  tonnage 
either  for  the  supply  of  necessary  raw  materials  or  for  ex- 
ports on  the  old  scale,  and  also  on  account  of  shortage  of 
labour.  During  this  temporary  absence  of  British  exporters 
from  the  Far  Eastern  market,  the  production  of  cotton 
goods  for  domestic  use  was  extended  very  greatly  in  both 
India  and  China  ;  and  Japan  not  only  equipped  herself 
for  supplying  most  of  her  own  requirements,  but  also  em- 
barked upon  an  active  policy  for  the  expansion  of  her 
exports.  Consequently,  when  the  British  producers  at- 
tempted to  re-enter  the  markets  which  they  had  lost,  they 
found  themseves  confronted  with  the  competition  of  Far 
Eastern  production,  based  on  exceedingly  ill-paid  labour 
working  with  the  aid  of  the  most  up-to-date  technical 
machinery.  Man  for  man,  the  British  cotton  operative  re- 
mained more  productive  than  his  Far  Eastern  rival  ;  but 
in  the  cheaper  classes  of  goods  the  superiority  of  Great 
Britain  in  terms  of  costs  had  been  so  narrowed  as  to  make 
it  increasingly  difficult  to  compete  with  the  low-wage  pro- 
ducts of  the  Far  Eastern  countries,  especially  when,  as  in 
Japan,  exporters  received  the  active  aid  of  the  Govern- 
ment. Under  these  changed  conditions  a  substantial  part 
of  the  pre-war  market  could  not  be  regained,  and  in  the 
years  after  the  war  the  continued  expansion  of  Far  East- 
ern production  menaced  the  Lancashire  cotton  trade  to 
an  ever-increasing  extent.  At  the  same  time,  European 
countries,  intent  on  expanding  their  production,  raised 
their  protective  duties  in  the  interests  of  home  manufac- 
tures ;  and  this  rendered  more  difficult  the  access  of 
British  goods  to  the  Continental  markets,  while  production 


in  the  United  States  was  also  increasing  fast,  mainly  for  the 
fulfilment  of  domestic  needs,  for  even  in  1929  the  United 
States  remained  quite  unimportant  as  an  exporter  of  cotton 

The  raising  of  tariffs  in  Europe  was,  however,  far  more 
important  in  relation  to  the  wool  and  worsted  trades  than 
to  the  trade  in  cotton  goods  ;  for  the  great  bulk  markets 
for  cotton  piece  goods  lie  outside  Europe,  whereas  in  the 
case  of  woollens  the  European  market  is  of  primary  import- 
ance. Great  Britain  remained  in  1929  the  principal  country 
in  the  export  trade  for  the  leading  types  of  woollen  goods. 
In  the  sphere  of  woven  goods  of  wool  and  worsted  her 
exports  were  considerably  more  than  twice  as  large  as 
those  of  any  other  country,  with  Germany  and  France  as 
her  nearest  rivals,  and  Italy  and  Czechoslovakia  some 
further  distance  behind.  But  in  the  trade  in  semi-finished 
materials,  wool  tops  and  yarn,  though  Great  Britain 
occupied  the  leading  position,  France  was  not  far  behind 
her,  and  Germany  and  Czechoslovakia  were  also  of  sub- 
stantial importance.  All  these  countries,  as  well  as  the 
smaller  European  producers,  had  adopted  systems  of  tariff 
protection  in  the  interests  of  their  own  industries,  and  they 
were  all  in  keen  competition  to  export  their  goods  to  the 
markets  of  the  agricultural  countries.  The  exports  of  the 
different  countries  were  not  indeed  entirely  competitive, 
both  France  and  Great  Britain  concentrating  to  a  consid- 
erable extent  on  the  finer  qualities,  whereas  Germany 
and  Czechoslovakia  were  more  concerned  with  the  trade  in 
the  cheaper  classes  of  goods.  In  the  artificial  silk  Trade,  there 
was  also  sharp  rivalry  among  much  the  same  group  of 
countries,  Great  Britain,  Italy,  France,  and  Germany  all 
competing  for  a  share  in  the  European  as  well  as  in  the 
world  market  in  this  growingly  important  form  of  textile 

The  purpose  of  this  analysis  of  certain  of  the  major  in- 
dustries of  Europe  has  been  to  bring  out  the  growingly 
competitive  tendency  of  modern  industrial  countries. 
Internally  the  tendency  in  each  country  has  been  away  from 


unregulated  competition  and  towards  closer  forms  of  com- 
bination among  the  different  producers,  with  the  object  of 
regulating  both  output  and  prices  ;  but,  in  the  international 
field,  competition  has  become  more  intense  as  each  country, 
on  reaching  an  advanced  stage  of  industrial  development, 
has  equipped  itself  with  much  the  same  range  of  industries 
and  entered  into  the  world  market  with  directly  competi- 
tive goods  for  sale.  It  is  perfectly  true  that  this  intensifica- 
tion of  international  competition  has  led  in  a  number  of 
trades,  notably  steel,  to  the  development  of  international 
cartels  between  rival  national  groups  of  producers,  and  that 
sometimes  large  combines  have  been  created  directly  upon 
an  international  basis,  with  affiliated  organisations  in 
each  country  for  the  exploitation  of  that  particular  market. 
This  tendency  may  in  the  long  run  considerably  limit  the 
competitive  character  of  international  capitalism.  But  it 
is  quite  a  mistake  to  suppose  that  international  capitalist 
combination  has  yet  in  most  industries  reached  such  a 
point  as  seriously  to  limit  national  rivalries  or  competition 
between  rival  national  groups  of  producers  in  the  world 
market.  Despite  the  counter- tendency  towards  international 
combination,  the  general  movement  has  been  in  the  direc- 
tion of  intensified  competition  on  a  national  basis,  with  an 
increasing  element  of  support  from  each  national  State 
for  its  own  producers.  Indeed,  the  tendency  towards  inter- 
national combination  has  arisen  only  because  of  the 
adverse  effect  on  the  profits  of  the  various  national  groups 
of  unregulated  competition  in  the  world  market.  It  is 
therefore  a  sign  of  the  strength  of  the  competitive  tendency 
and  a  reaction  to  it,  and  by  no  means  a  sign  that  Capitalism 
is  of  itself  becoming  progressively  more  international. 

How,  indeed,  could  competition  fail  to  be  intensified  in 
face  of  the  influence  of  technical  invention  on  the  industrial 
systems  of  the  leading  countries  ?  If  each  country  sets  out  to 
produce  much  the  same  classes  of  goods,  and  if  the  im- 
provement of  technique  over  the  world  as  a  whole  is  such  as 
to  give  a  great  advantage  in  respect  of  cost  to  large-scale 
production  and  to  make  possible  the  creation  of  huge 


producing  plants  with  a  capacity  considerably  ahead  of  the 
total  consuming  power  of  the  world  market,  it  is  inevitable 
that  the  national  groups  of  producers,  each  desirous  of 
taking  the  fullest  possible  advantage  of  these  productive 
opportunities,  should  compete  more  and  more  aggres- 
sively one  with  another — at  least  up  to  the  point  at  which 
they  find  that  a  continuance  of  competition  is  likely  to  drive 
prices  down  to  a  ruinous  level,  even  in  face  of  the  economies 
that  they  have  been  able  to  achieve  by  the  application  of 
the  newest  productive  methods.  For  it  is  characteristic  of 
these  new  methods  of  large-scale  production  that,  \\hile 
the  new  factories  can  produce  far  more  cheaply  than  their 
older  rivals  as  long  as  they  can  be  kept  working  up  to  their 
full  capacity,  as  soon  as  they  fall  below  this  capacity  costs 
of  production  in  them  rapidly  increase.  This  happens 
largely  because  modern  plants  are  designed  in  relation  to 
a  definite  optimum  output,  so  that  if  they  produce  either 
more  or  less  than  this  some  of  the  advantages  of  their 
efficiency  are  lost  ;  and  it  is  also  because  their  equipment 
with  heavy  machinery  of  a  very  expensive  sort  makes  the 
capital  costs  of  constructing  them  very  great.  These 
capital  costs  have  to  be  met  out  of  the  selling  price  of  the 
product  ;  and  they  can  be  kept  down  only  if  they  can  be 
spread  over  a  very  large  quantity  of  output.  If,  then,  in  the 
producing  countries  taken  together,  the  total  productive 
capacity  is  considerably  ahead  of  the  total  \\orld  demand 
at  the  prevailing  prices,  and  if,  further,  efficiency  does  not 
differ  very  greatly  from  one  country  to  another,  it  follows 
that,  in  default  of  agreement,  the  trade  is  likely  to  be  so 
shared  out  as  to  keep  the  industry  of  each  country  working 
at  an  uneconomic  level — unless  indeed  the  producers  in 
a  particular  country  are  able  so  to  press  down  the  wages 
of  their  employees  as  to  gain  a  comparative  advantage  in 
terms  of  costs,  even  if  they  have  no  real  superiority  in 

Under  these  circumstances  strong  inducements  arise  for 
the  rival  national  groups  of  producers  to  get  together  and 
try  to  reach  some  sort  of  accommodation.  But  even  the  case 


of  steel,  in  which  this  has  been  done,  serves  to  illustrate  the 
extreme  difficulty  of  making  a  durable  working  agreement 
of  this  sort.  There  is  almost  certain  to  be  continual  quarrel- 
ling over  quotas  and  allocation  of  markets,  even  in  so  com- 
paratively simple  a  case  as  that  of  steel,  while  in  most  in- 
dustries the  far  greater  diversity  of  the  products  renders  it 
much  harder  to  draw  up  and  apply  any  system  of  quotas 
at  all.  Consequently  in  most  industries  competition  between 
national  groups  of  producers  and  exporters  remains  in 
force,  comparatively  little  affected  by  those  tendencies  to- 
wards international  cartels  or  agreements  which  have 
manifested  themselves  in  those  branches  of  the  heavy 
industries  where  products  are  most  standardised,  and  output 
most  easily  measurable. 

In  default  of  international  combination  among  the 
national  groups  of  producers,  it  becomes  highly  important 
to  each  national  group  to  retain  to  the  fullest  possible 
extent  a  monopoly  in  its  own  home  market  ;  and  the  very 
difficulty  of  arriving  at  international  agreement  is  therefore 
one  of  the  factors  which  tend  to  increase  the  pressure  for 
protective  tariffs  in  the  interests  of  the  home  manufac- 
turers. But  protective  tariffs,  while  they  may  be  of  con- 
siderable advantage  to  industries  whose  home  markets  are 
able  to  absorb  a  high  proportion  of  their  total  output  of 
a  particular  class  of  goods,  can  do  little  for  industries,  like 
the  British  cotton  trade,  which  have  been  accustomed  to 
sell  the  greater  part  of  their  total  output  in  foreign  markets. 
Under  these  circumstances  industries  highly  developed  for 
purposes  of  export,  and  countries  largely  dependent  upon 
such  industries,  suffer  relatively  to  those  which  have  not 
pushed  industrial  specialisation  to  so  advanced  a  point. 

In  view  of  what  has  been  said  about  the  similarity  of  the 
productive  systems  and  of  the  exports  of  the  leading  indus- 
trial countries,  it  is  perhaps  worth  while  to  set  out  by  way  of 
a  table  a  very  rough  statement  of  the  composition  of  the 
export  trade  of  certain  of  the  leading  countries  according 
to  the  values  of  1930.  The  figures  given  on  page  523  show 
the  values  of  certain  of  the  main  classes  of  exports  as  a 


percentage  of  the  total  value  of  each  country's  exports  in  that 
year.  It  will  be  seen  that  in  Great  Britain,  Germany,  France 
and  Belgium — that  is  to  say,  in  the  four  most  industrialised 
countries — the  two  groups  of  metals  and  textiles  occupied 
a  predominant  position,  but  there  is  some  difference  in  their 
relative  importance  in  the  various  countries.  Thus,  in 
Great  Britain  metals  and  textiles  stand  about  on  an 
equality,  whereas  in  Germany  and  Belgium  metals  are 
much  more  important  than  textiles,  and  in  France,  as  also 
in  Italy  and  Czechoslovakia,  this  position  is  reversed. 
Next  in  importance  comes  in  the  leading  countries  the 
chemical  group.  This  is  most  important  in  Germany  and 
France,  but  substantial  in  Great  Britain  and  Belgium  as 
well,  whereas  in  the  industrially  less  developed  countries, 
Italy  and  Czechoslovakia,  this  group  of  exports  is  of 
smaller  relative  importance.  In  the  case  of  Poland,  which  is 
industrialised  only  in  a  very  minor  degree,  metals  stand 
first  among  the  manufactured  exports,  and  textiles  second. 
But  both  these  groups  are  still  small  in  relation  to  the 
exports  of  coal  and  agricultural  products.  Figures  for  the 
United  States,  given  for  purposes  of  comparison,  show 
that  there  too  the  metal  group  now  stands  easily  first  ;  but 
after  metals,  the  most  important  exports  of  the  United 
States  are  foodstuffs,  raw  cotton  and  oil,  and  American 
manufactured  exports  are  still  of  relatively  little  importance 
save  in  the  metal  and  engineering  industries. 

Naturally,  all  the  most  highly  industrialised  countries, 
with  the  exception  of  Germany,  show  an  excels  of  imports 
over  exports  ;  for  these  are  the  countries  which  have  had 
time  to  grow  wealthy  on  a  basis  of  industrialisation,  and  to 
build  up  for  themselves  by  the  export  of  capital  claims  to  an 
annual  revenue  from  abroad.  Such  a  situation  normally 
expresses  itself  in  what  is  sometimes  called  an  "  adverse  " 
balance  of  trade.  Germany  alone  among  the  advanced 
countries  of  Europe  has  built  up  for  herself  in  recent  years 
a  surplus  of  exports  ;  and,  as  we  have  seen  earlier,  she  has 
achieved  this  only  by  means  of  a  drastic  curtailment  of 
imports  at  the  expense  of  her  domestic  standard  of  life — 


a  measure  forced  upon  her  partly  by  the  exaction  of 
reparations,  but  to  an  even  greater  extent  by  the  loss  of  her 
pre-war  foreign  holdings  of  capital  and  the  magnitude  of 
her  post-war  borrowings  for  purposes  of  economic  recon- 
struction. Of  the  remaining  countries  Great  Britain  has  by 
far  the  greatest  excess  of  imports — five  times  as  great  in 
1929  as  that  of  any  other  European  country.  Great  Britain 
was  able,  up  to  the  coming  of  the  world  slump,  to  sustain 
this  enormous  excess  of  imports  partly  because  she  had  by 
far  the  largest  holdings  of  capital  abroad,  and  partly 
because  she  derived  a  large  net  revenue  annually  from  her 
mercantile  marine,  and  from  the  services  performed  by  the 
City  of  London  in  the  financing  of  world  trade.  Italy, 
which  had  the  next  largest  excess  of  imports  in  1921,  was 
only  able  to  balance  her  payments  by  a  considerable  net 
import  of  capital,  while  France  and  Holland,  which  stood 
next  in  excess  of  imports,  were  both  countries  owning  a 
large  amount  of  capital  abroad.  In  the  case  of  France,  the 
excess  of  imports  was  far  less  than  the  actual  balance  of 
current  payments  would  have  allowed  ;  and  the  account 
was  being  squared  by  the  deposit  of  considerable  sums  of 
French  money  abroad,  and  also  by  the  accumulation  of 
gold  in  the  Bank  of  France.  Apart  from  Germany,  the  only 
country  at  all  advanced  in  industrialisation  which  pos- 
sessed a  surplus  of  exports  was  Czechoslovakia,  and  in  this 
case  the  export  surplus  was  so  small  as  to  be  of  little  signi- 
ficance. Czechoslovakia  had  roughly  a  balanced  industrial 
system  in  respect  of  her  external  claims  and  payments.  The 
U.S.S.R.  which,  owing  to  large  exports  of  wheat  and 
timber,  had  in  1929  a  small  export  surplus,  had  converted 
this  by  1931  through  short-term  foreign  credits  into  a 
considerable  surplus  of  imports.  But  it  is  also  noticeable  that 
several  of  the  less  developed  countries  which  had  in  1929 
a  surplus  of  imports  had  by  1931  so  reversed  the  position  as 
to  have  an  export  surplus  instead.  This  applies  to  Poland 
and  to  the  group  of  less  advanced  countries  in  South- 
Eastern  Europe. 



MUCH  ATTENTION  has  been  drawn  to  the  disastrous 
effects  of  the  tangle  of  restrictions  on  trade  which  country 
after  country  has  built  up  in  the  years  since  1929,  and  more 
especially  during  die  past  two  years.  This  restrictive 
policy  has  been  in  the  circumstances  practically  inevitable, 
in  that  each  country  has  found  itself  faced  with  a  set  of 
circumstances  in  which  there  has  seemed  to  be  no  alterna- 
tive to  a  purely  nationalist  policy  of  sauve  qui  peut.  It  is  of 
course  quite  true  that  the  world  was  seriously  afflicted  by 
economic  nationalism  even  before  the  coming  of  the  world 
slump.  When  the  first  World  Economic  Conference  met  in 
1927  the  chief  object  before  it  was  that  of  removing  or 
reducing  restrictions  on  world  trade  which  had  already 
risen  to  heights  unparalleled  in  pre-war  times.  Even  then, 
European  tariffs  were  in  most  cases  far  above  the  tariffs 
which  existed  before  the  war,  and  many  countries  were 
operating  side  by  side  with  their  tariffs  systems  of  import 
control  and  regulation  designed  both  to  protect  their 
domestic  industries  and  to  improve  the  balance  of  trade,  or 
even,  in  certain  instances,  to  discriminate  against  the  pro- 
ducts of  countries  with  which  they  were  on  bad  terms. 

But  in  1927  most  of  the  delegates  to  the  World  Economic 
Conference  regarded  these  restrictions  rather  as  signs  of  the 
continued  dislocation  arising  out  of  the  war  tl^m  as  indica- 
tive of  the  considered  policy  of  post-war  Europe.  The  pro- 
cess of  returning  to  the  gold  standard  and  of  stabilising  the 
currencies  of  the  post-war  nations  was  not  yet  complete  ; 
and  as  long  as  currencies  remained  unstable  the  work  of 
building  up  the  post-war  system  of  international  economic 
relationships  could  hardly  be  carried  through  to  a  satis- 
factory conclusion.  The  World  Economic  Conference  of 
1927  was  conceived  as  the  direct  successor  to  the  Genoa 
Conference,  which  had  dealt  with  the  stabilisation  of  cur- 
rencies and  the  return  to  the  gold  standard.  It  was  to  be 


an  important  stepping-stone  towards  the  re-establishment 
of  normal  trading  relations  between  the  nations  of  the 
world  on  the  basis  of  the  work  already  done  for  the  re- 
establishment  of  normal  financial  relationships.  The  various 
quotas,  restrictions  and  embargoes  which  then  existed  were 
thought  of  as  in  process  of  disappearance  as  European  con- 
ditions became  more  stable,  and  the  Conference  actually 
adopted  a  draft  convention  aiming  at  the  complete  abolition 
of  all  restrictions  and  embargoes  on  the  import  and  export 
of  goods  except  by  way  of  tariff  duties  and  in  the  excep- 
tional case  of  State  monopolies.  This  convention  was  in 
fact  never  brought  into  force  ;  for  it  failed  to  secure  the 
required  number  of  ratifications.  But  most  people  supposed 
in  1927  that  even  if  embargoes  and  quotas  could  not  be 
at  once  altogether  swept  away  they  were  destined  for  the 
most  part  to  disappear  before  long. 

Moreover,  the  World  Economic  Conference  of  1927 
strongly  recommended  an  international  effort  for  the 
reduction  of  tariffs,  and  the  Tariff  Truce  negotiations 
initiated  by  the  British  Labour  Government  in  1929 
followed  logically  upon  the  work  of  the  Conference  in  this 
field.  Between  1927  and  1929  the  actual  accomplishment  in 
the  reduction  of  tariffs  was  almost  nil  ;  but  it  is  probable 
that  the  effect  of  the  Conference  of  1927  was  to  slow  down 
the  growth  of  economic  nationalism  by  preventing  tariffs 
from  rising  during  the  next  two  years  as  fast  as  they  would 
have  risen  if  it  had  not  been  held.  Even  as  late  as  1929 
most  people  thought  that,  currency  stabilisation  having  now 
been  virtually  completed  by  the  adhesion  de  jure  or  de  facto 
of  practically  all  the  important  trading  nations  except 
China  to  the  gold  standard,  most  countries  would  speedily 
go  on  to  the  establishment  of  more  liberal  trading  relation- 
ships on  the  stable  financial  basis  thus  ensured. 

The  coming  of  the  world  slump  swept  away  all  these 
hopes  of  a  re-establishment  of  world  Capitalism  on  the 
basis  of  an  economic  liberalism  approximating  to  that  of 
the  nineteenth  century.  Very  soon  after  the  Wall  Street 
crash  of  1929  tariffs  began  again  to  rise  sharply,  and  the  new 


development  was  most  marked  in  the  case  not  of  manu- 
factured goods  but  of  agricultural  products.  For  the  distress 
of  the  agriculturists  led  in  one  country  after  another  to 
special  measures  designed  to  raise  the  domestic  prices  of 
cereals  and  other  foodstuffs  beyond  the  world  level,  which 
was  set  by  conditions  in  the  exporting  countries  of  the 
New  World.  Before  long,  tariffs  on  manufactures  also  began 
to  rise  again ;  and  as  the  crisis  deepened,  especially  in 
I93i>  tariffs  began  to  be  used  in  a  new  way  and  to  be 
reinforced,  as  we  have  seen  earlier,  by  all  manner  of  new 
restrictions  on  the  importation  of  goods.  After  September 
1931,  when  the  world  had  ceased  to  have  any  effective 
common  monetary  standard,  there  was  added  to  high  tariffs 
and  restrictive  embargoes  on  trade  the  new  factor  of  a  far 
more  drastic  control  of  foreign  exchange,  through  the  cen- 
tralisation in  many  countries  of  practically  all  foreign  ex- 
change transactions  in  the  hands  of  the  Central  Banks. 

All  these  measures,  from  tariffs  to  the  control  of  foreign 
exchange,  were  deliberately  used  by  countries  with  the 
object  of  sheltering  themselves  from  the  effects  of  the  world 
depression,  and  more  specifically  of  improving  their 
balances  of  payments  in  relation  to  other  countries. 
Normally,  a  protective  tariff,  or  any  substitute  for  it  in  the 
form  of  a  regulation  of  imports  by  licence  or  quota,  is 
designed  to  foster  the  production  in  a  country  of  goods 
that  would  otherwise  be  imported  from  abroad.  But  under 
the  new  conditions  this  object  became  for  many  countries 
secondary,  and  was  replaced,  or  rather  complemented,  by 
the  quite  different  object  of  preventing  imports,  irrespective 
of  the  possibility  of  manufacturing  the  goods  in  question 
at  home.  The  object  was  now  to  sell  more  exports  and  to 
buy  less  imports  in  order  to  have  a  balance  available  for 
meeting  external  claims,  above  all  the  service  of  the  growing 
burdensome  external  debts,  as  well  as  to  protect  home 
producers  against  the  consequences  of  sharply  falling  world 
prices.  Of  course  in  practice  these  two  essentially  different 
objects  could  not  be  kept  distinct,  in  that  a  protective 
tariff  may  tend  to  restrict  imports  more  than  exports  and 


thereby  to  improve  the  trade  balance,  while  a  tariff 
designed  to  keep  out  imports  in  the  interests  of  the  trade 
balance  may  also  stimulate  to  some  extent  production  of 
the  excluded  goods  at  home.  But,  though  the  two  aims  of 
the  policy  pursued  during  the  crisis  intermingle,  it  is 
important  to  keep  the  distinction  between  them  in  mind. 
Protectionism  became  Protectionism  run  mad  because  its 
objects  were  no  longer  merely  Protectionist  in  rhe  familiar 
sense  of  the  term. 

It  is  unfortunately  quite  impossible  to  make  any  quanti- 
tative measurement  of  the  new  restrictions  on  trade  which 
have  developed  since  the  beginning  of  the  world  slump. 
In  1927,  for  the  purpose  of  the  World  Economic  Conference, 
an  approximate  measurement  was  made  of  the  changes  in 
tariffs  which  had  taken  place  between  1913  and  1925.  This 
showed  that  in  some  countries  the  ad  valorem  incidence  of 
the  general  rates  of  duty  in  force  was  substantially  lower 
than  before  the  war,  largely  as  a  consequence  of  the  higher 
prices  prevailing  for  goods  on  which  the  duty  was  levied 
at  a  fixed  money  rate.  Thus  both  France  and  Denmark  had 
in  1929  tariff  levels  lower  by  30  per  cent  on  the  average 
of  their  ad  valorem  incidence  than  the  tariffs  in  force  before 
the  war,  while  in  Sweden  there  was  a  fall  of  20  per  cent, 
and  in  Austria  one  of  35  per  cent.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
German  tariff  was  up  by  25  per  cent,  theDxitch,  Hungarian, 
and  Spanish  tariffs  by  30  per  cent,  the  Belgian  tariff  by 
35  per  cent,  and  the  Swiss  tariff  by  no  less  than  70  per  cent. 
These  percentages  of  course  do  not  indicate  the  absolute 
height  of  the  tariff  barriers  imposed  by  the  countries 
mentioned.  For  a  comparatively  small  increase  in  tariff 
rates  means  a  large  percentage  increase  in  the«rates  of  low 
tariff  countries  such  as  Switzerland.  Absolutely,  the  highest 
tariff  in  1925  was  that  of  Spain,  which  was  estimated  at 
44  per  cent  ad  valorem  on  the  average  of  all  classes  of  imports. 
As  against  this,  the  French  and  Austrian  tariffs  were  only 
12  per  cent,  and  the  German  15  per  cent,  while  the  Danish 
tariff  was  as  low  as  6  per  cent,  and  the  Dutch  and  British 
only  4  per  cent,  the  latter  of  course  then  consisting  of 


relatively  high  duties  on  a  narrow  range  of  goods.  The 
tendency  towards  high  tariffs  in  the  new  countries  of 
Southern  and  Eastern  Europe  can,  however,  be  seen  from 
the  fact  that  the  tariff  levels  of  Hungary,  Poland,  and 
Yugoslavia  were  all  estimated  as  averaging  23  per  cent 
ad  valorem,  and  that  of  Czechoslovakia  as  averaging  19 
per  cent.  Italy,  with  a  17  per  cent  tariff,  had  maintained 
the  average  ad  valorem  incidence  unaltered  from  what  it 
had  been  before  the  war.  It  should,  however,  be  borne  in 
mind  in  considering  these  figures,  which  relate  to  1925,  that 
in  1926  the  French  tariff  was  raised  by  two  increases,  each 
of  30  per  cent,  in  view  of  the  depreciation  of  the  franc. 

Up  to  1925,  and  indeed  for  some  time  afterwards,  the 
increase  in  tariff  rates  had  been  mainly  applicable  to 
manufactured  goods.  If  the  average  ad  valorem  rates  for 
manufactures  alone  are  considered,  instead  of  the  rates 
averaged  over  all  classes  of  imports,  both  the  post-war 
tariffs  of  Europe  and  the  increase  in  relation  to  the  pre-war 
levels  work  out  a  good  deal  higher.  Thus  for  Germany, 
whereas  the  general  rate  of  increase  was  only  25  per  cent, 
the  rate  for  manufactured  goods  only  was  higher  by  54  per 
cent  than  before  the  war.  For  France,  duties  on  manu- 
factured goods  were  higher  by  5  per  cent,  as  compared  with 
a  fall  of  30  per  cent  in  the  duties  on  all  classes  of  goods, 
even  before  the  additional  increases  of  1926.  In  Belgium  the 
rise  was  67  per  cent  for  manufactures  as  against  35  per  cent 
for  goods  of  all  sorts  ;  while  Hungary  was  taxing  manu- 
factures at  a  rate  50  per  cent  above  that  of  19^3  compared 
with  30  per  cent  for  all  goods,  and  Italy  had  raised  her  rates 
on  manufactures  by  22  per  cent,  while  admitting  foodstuffs 
and  raw  materials  at  lower  rates  than  before  the  war. 

Between  1925  and  1929  a  substantial  further  rise  oc- 
curred. Holland  and  Great  Britain,  both  starting  from  a 
very  low  level,  more  than  doubled  their  average  rates  of 
duty  on  goods  of  all  classes.  Denmark  raised  rates  by  more 
than  two-thirds,  and  Belgium  by  one  half.  The  French  rates 
rose  by  more  than  a  third,  and  the  German  by  nearly  a  third, 
and  Switzerland  and  Sweden  also  showed  small  increases. 


On  the  other  hand,  the  Italian,  Polish,  Yugoslav,  Czecho- 
slovak, and  Hungarian  tariffs  all  fell  to  some  extent,  and  the 
Spanish  tariff  was  nominally  reduced  to  a  considerable 
extent ;  but  in  this  case  the  reduction  was  in  fact  offset 
by  special  additional  charges  of  various  kinds.  It  is  not 
possible  for  the  years  between  1925  and  1929  to  calculate 
accurately  the  relation  between  the  general  rise  in  tariff 
levels  and  the  rise  on  manufactured  goods  taken  alone.  But 
it  seems  clear  that  during  these  years  the  upward  movement 
of  agricultural  tariffs  was  even  more  marked  than  the  rise 
in  the  rates  charged  on  other  classes  of  commodities. 

After  1929,  as  we  have  seen,  tariffs  rose  faster  still.  But 
it  is  neither  possible,  nor  would  it  be  of  much  use,  to  measure 
their  rise  by  any  attempt  to  continue  to  the  present  time 
the  tariff  level  indices  compiled  for  the  use  of  the  World 
Economic  Conference  of  1927.  For  after  1929  the  absolute 
height  of  a  country's  tariff  or  the  change  in  its  tariff  rates 
no  longer  measures  with  any  degree  of  accuracy  the  extent 
of  the  barriers  which  it  places  in  the  way  of  imports. 
Especially  after  the  abandonment  of  the  gold  standard  by 
a  considerable  group  of  countries,  the  rates  payable  on 
imports  were  in  many  cases  subject  to  additions  designed  to 
offset  the  effects  of  currency  depreciation  in  the  exporting 
countries  ;  while  direct  restrictions  and  embargoes,  and 
even  more  in  the  countries  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe 
the  control  of  foreign  exchange,  came  to  be  instruments  of 
restriction  far  exceeding  in  their  effects  even  the  high  tariff 
rates  which  were  now  in  force.  There  wras  in  addition  a 
growing  tendency  towards  tariff  discrimination  according 
to  the  origin  of  the  imported  products,  though  this  tendency 
was  kept  in  check  to  a  great  extent  by  the  operation  of  the 
Most  Favoured  Nation  Clause,  which  appears  in  a  very 
large  number  of  commercial  treaties,  including  practically 
all  the  treaties  concluded  by  Great  Britain  and  the  United 
States.  For  the  Most  Favoured  Nation  Clause  secures  that 
any  concession  made  10  a  particular  country  shall  be  ex- 
tended, if  it  takes  the  form  of  a  tariff  preference,  to  all 
countries  which  have  commercial  treaties  including  the 


Clause  with  the  country  granting  the  preference.  This  of 
course  does  not  prevent  discrimination  in  the  form  of  a 
higher  rate  of  duty  at  the  expense  of  a  country  with  which 
there  is  no  commercial  treaty,  or  none  embodying  the  Most 
Favoured  Nation  Clause  ;  but  it  has  served  to  limit  the 
extent  to  which  discrimination  can  be  carried. 

It  is,  however,  highly  questionable  whether,  in  the  cir- 
cumstances of  Europe  to-day,  this  check  on  the  power  to 
discriminate  has  in  practice  been  a  good  thing.  For,  while 
the  Most  Favoured  Nation  Clause  has  a  liberalising  in- 
fluence in  extending  to  a  wider  range  of  countries  any 
concession  made  in  a  particular  bilateral  treaty  by  one 
country  to  another,  the  mere  fact  that  this  is  so  may  prevent 
countries  from  making  actual  tariff  concessions  which  they 
would  be  prepared  to  make  if  these  concessions  could  be 
confined  exclusively  to  their  mutual  relations.  Again  and 
again  it  has  been  suggested  that  the  best  hope  of  escape 
from  the  existing  regime  of  high  tariffs  in  Europe  lies  not  in 
an  attempt  to  get  countries  to  reduce  their  general  tariff 
rates  for  the  benefit  of  all  nations,  but  rather  in  the  con- 
clusion  of  bilateral   or  multilateral   commercial    treaties 
between  neighbouring  countries  which  have  a  great  deal 
to  gain  from  freeing  their  mutual  economic  intercourse. 
This  applies  especially  to  the  new  States  created  by  the 
Peace  Treaties  ;  for  in  many  cases  the  frontiers  of  these 
States,  drawn  primarily  in  relation  to  ethnical  factors,  cut 
clean  across  previously  unified  economic  areas,  and  the 
pursuit  of  purely  nationalist  tariff  policies  by  the  separate 
countries  results  in  serious  economic  loss  through  the  dis- 
location of  established  industries  and  the  added  costs  of 
production   where   raw   materials   or  semi-manufactured 
goods  have   to  pay  duty   on   passing   across   a   national 
frontier.  If,  for  example,  the  Danubian  Slates,  or  some  of 
them,  could  be  induced  to  modify  their  existing  tariffs  so 
as  to  encourage  trade  among  themselves,  even  perhaps 
ultimately  to  the  point  of  constituting  a  complete  Customs 
Union,  this  would  obviously  minister  to  their  collective 
prosperity    and    increase    their    collective    power    in    the 


European  economic  system.  Or  if,  again,  the  Scandinavian 
countries,  or  any  other  neighbouring  groups,  could  agree 
to  modify  their  internal  tariffs,  even  without  altering  the 
degree  of  Protection  accorded  to  their  combined  industries 
in  relation  to  the  outside  world,  this  could  be  made  the 
means  of  improving  the  economic  condition  of  their  own 
peoples  to  the  advantage  of  the  world  as  a  whole. 

In  practice,  however,  any  attempt  to  negotiate  a  bilateral 
or  multilateral  arrangement  on  these  lines  between  a  group 
of  countries  at  once  leads  to  objection  on  the  part  of  those 
countries  which  use  the  Most  Favoured  Nation  Clause  as 
an  instrument  of  international  economic  bargaining.  During 
the  past  few  years  several  promising  attempts  at  mutual 
tariff  reduction,  or  at  the  conclusion  of  arrangements 
designed  to  facilitate  the  exchange  of  goods  between 
neighbouring  countries,  have  been  brought  to  nothing  by 
the  objection  of  other  powers  to  any  departure  from  the 
strict  letter  of  the  Most  Favoured  Nation  Clause.  Great 
Britain  has  taken  a  prominent  part  in  the  raising  of  objec- 
tions on  this  ground  ;  for  the  traditional  bargaining  asset 
of  British  commercial  policy  has  for  a  long  time  been  the 
negotiation  of  commercial  treaties  based  on  Most  Favoured 
Nation  treatment.  As  long  as  Great  Britain  was,  to  all 
intents  and  purposes,  a  Free  Trade  country,  she  had  a 
strong  claim  to  demand  the  admission  of  her  goods  into  all 
markets  on  the  most  favourable  terms  consistent  with  the 
national  attitude  of  the  importing  country — that  is  to  say 
with  its  determination  to  protect  any  or  all  of  its  own 
industries.  But  when  Great  Britain  became  not  merely  a 
Protectionist  country,  but  a  country  with  a  high  protective 
tariff  based  on  preferential  treatment  for  her  own  Domin- 
ions and  Colonies,  the  force  of  her  old  arguments  for  Most 
Favoured  Nation  treatment  largely  disappeared,  and  the 
sole  ground  on  which  she  could  base  a  continued  claim  for 
such  treatment  came  to  be  her  economic  power  in  the 
world  market. 

It  seems  clear  that  under  these  conditions  no  Protec- 
tionist country  can  reasonably  stand  in  the  way  9  those 


neighbouring  countries  which  are  prepared  to  conclude 
bilateral  or  multilateral  treaties  among  themselves.  The 
Most  Favoured  Nation  Clause  is  bound  in  the  near  future 
to  be  modified  ;  and  there  is  much  to  be  said  for  the  view 
that  the  agreement  to  modify  it  is  much  the  most  effective 
step  that  can  be  taken  towards  the  reduction  of  world  tariffs. 
For,  with  Europe  in  its  present  condition,  any  frontal 
attack  upon  high  tariffs,  or  for  that  matter  upon  the  other 
forms  of  restriction  which  stand  even  more  than  tariffs  in 
the  way  of  an  expansion  of  world  trade,  is  practically 
certain  to  fail,  whereas  there  might  be  a  real  chance  for  the 
conclusion  of  arrangements  for   the  freer   movement  of 
goods  between  neighbouring  countries.  The  past  two  years 
have,  however,  afforded  ample  evidence  of  the  difficulties 
in  the  way  of  making  effective  progress  along  these  lines. 
First  the  attempt  of  the  Scandinavian  countries  to  negotiate 
mutual    arrangements    among    themselves    for    economic 
consolidation    and    a    mutual    basis    for    tariff  relations 
reached  towards  the  end  of  1 930  the  favourable  point  of  a 
positive  though  limited  agreement,  and  a  convention  was 
signed  at  Oslo  by  the  representatives  of  Denmark,  Holland, 
Norway,    Sweden    and    Belgium,    which    both    stabilised 
mutual  tariff  relationships  and  provided  for  the  notification 
of  any  suggested  changes  in  tariffs  in  the  future  by  each  of 
the  signatories  to  the  rest.  This  seemed  to  be  a  favourable 
beginning  for  the  attempt  to  build  up  a  system  of  multi- 
lateral arrangements  between  particular  countries.  But  the 
next  stages  of  the  process  afford  far  less  ground  for  satisfaction. 
With  the  encouragement  of  France,  the  mainly  agri- 
cultural countries  of  Eastern  Europe  set  about  considering 
the  possibility  of  mutual  trade  arrangements  designed  to 
enable  goods  to  pass  more  freely  within  their  combined 
frontiers.  But  at  an  early  stage  very  serious  difficulties  arose. 
Of  the  States  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe  which  have  to 
be  considered  in  connection  with  any  proposal  for  mutual 
tariff  arrangements  on  a  basis  of  multilateral  treaties,  the 
great    majority    are    agricultural    countries.    But    two — 
Austria  and  Czechoslovakia — are  also  industrial  producers 


on  a  considerable  scale.  The  agricultural  countries  want  an 
outlet  for  their  goods  in  the  markets  of  the  industrial 
countries  ;  but  even  if  both  Austria  and  Czechoslovakia 
were  totsupply  their  total  demand  for  agricultural  imports 
from  inside  this  group  of  countries,  there  would  still  remain 
a  considerable  surplus  of  agricultural  goods  to  be  marketed 
elsewhere.  The  agricultural  States  want  to  secure  preferen- 
tial arrangements  for  the  marketing  of  this  surplus  in  other 
importing  countries,  for  example,  in  Italy  and  Germany. 
But  these  countries  will  obviously  not  consent  to  give  the 
required  preferential  treatment  except  in  return  for  similar 
treatment  for  their  own  industrial  exports.  On  the  other 
hand,  Czechoslovakia  is  only  prepared  to  consider  a  closer 
customs  relationship  with  her  agricultural  neighbours 
because  she  hopes  thereby  to  secure  a  preferential  outlet 
for  the  products  of  her  industries  ;  and  if  the  more  strongly 
organised  industries  of  Germany  were  to  be  given  the  same 
treatment  as  her  own  the  value  of  the  preference  would  be 
from  her  standpoint  largely  nullified.  Czechoslovakia, 
therefore,  is  willing  to  consider  multilateral  arrangements 
with  her  agricultural  neighbours,  but  is  not  prepared  to 
consider  any  wider  tariff  union  or  system  of  preference 
which  would  include  Germany  or  any  other  highly  in- 
dustrialised nation.  On  jhe  other  hand,  the  Great  Powers 
have  no  desire  to  see  mutual  tariff  arrangements  which 
might  be  the  precursors  of  a  complete  customs  union  be- 
tween the  countries  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe  on  any 
terms  which  might  involve  the  exclusion  of  their  industrial 
products  from  these  markets,  or  build  up  these  countries 
into  a  powerful  political  bloc  not  susceptible  to  their 
respective  influences.  The  Italians  would  by  no  means  allow 
such  a  bloc  to  arise  under  conditions  which  might  bring  it 
within  the  German  sphere  of  influence,  nor  would  the 
Germans  tolerate  it  on  terms  which  might  strengthen  the 
hand  of  Italy  or  France. 

In  these  circumstances,  the  attempt  to  make  an  approach 
to  a  customs  union,  or  at  any  rate  to  a  preferential  tariff 
convention,  among  the  Danubian  countries  and  their 



agricultural  neighbours  broke  down,  both  because  of  the 
internal  differences  and  hostilities  of  the  countries  directly 
concerned,  and  because  of  the  mutual  suspicions  of  the 
Great  Powers,  which  insisted  that  no  scheme  must  he  drawn 
up  without  regard  to  their  political  and  industrial  interests 
in  the  Danubian  and  Balkan  areas.  In  addition,  any 
chance  that  the  project  of  a  Danubian  customs  union  might 
have  liad  was  almost  completely  wrecked  when  Austria 
and  Germany,  in  the  midst  of  the  discussions,  announced 
the  decision  to  create  an  Austro-German  Customs  Union  ; 
for  this  project,  the  alternative  for  Austria  to  inclusion  in 
some  sort  of  Danubian  economic  union,  was  regarded  by  the 
French  as  a  first  move  in  the  direction  of  the  political 
absorption  of  Austria  into  Germany,  and  as  a  violation 
both  of  the  terms  of  the  Peace  Treaty  and  of  the  under- 
taking entered  into  by  Austria  in  return  for  the  financial 
assistance  given  to  her  under  the  auspices  of  the  League  of 
Nations.  The  announcement  of  the  projected  Austro- 
German  Customs  Union  therefore  caused  an  international 
political  crisis.  It  was  made  clear  to  the  Austrians  that  they 
could  no  longer  expect  any  help  from  the  League  if  they 
persisted  in  the  project,  and  to  the  Germans  that  persistence 
on  their  side  would  involve  the  disappearance  of  any  hope 
of  an  accommodating  disposition  on  the  part  of  the  Allied 
signatories  to  the  Peace  Treaty  in  the  matter  of  reparations 
and  Treaty  revision.  In  these  circumstances  both  Germany 
and  Austria  were  coerced  into  the  abandonment  of  the 
projected  Union,  which  was  subsequently  declared  by  the 
Hague  Court  to  be  inadmissible  on  the  ground  of  under- 
takings previously  entered  into  by  the  Austrian  Govern- 

This  question  of  the  Austro-German  Customs  Union, 
coming  in  the  middle  of  the  negotiations  for  a  mutual 
economic  arrangement  among  the  Danubian  and  Balkan 
countries,  further  emphasised  the  interrelation  of  political 
and  economic  forces  in  the  precarious  post-war  settlement 
of  Europe.  Germany,  Italy  and  France  had  taken  up  diver- 
gent attitudes  in  the  Danubian  negotiations,  and  Germany 


and  France  again  fell  foul  of  each  other  over  the  Austro- 
German  Customs  Union.  It  soon  became  clear  that  progress 
along  these  lines  was  to  all  intents  and  purposes  hopeless 
for  the  present ;  and  even  if  the  intensification  of  the 
world  economic  crisis  in  1931  had  not  further  prejudiced 
the  position,  it  is  clear  that  the  attempt  to  promote  any 
sort  of  economic  unification  among  the  Danubian  States 
would  have  been  bound  to  break  down.  In  the  event,  the 
intensification  of  the  crisis  after  the  collapse  of  the  Credit 
Anstalt  in  Austria,  the  subsequent  difficulties  of  the  German 
banks,  and  the  run  on  the  pound  and  the  suspension  of  the 
gold  standard  in  Great  Britain,  so  added  to  the  economic 
difficulties  of  each  of  the  countries  directly  concerned  as  to 
make  them  more  intent  on  the  erection  of  further  trade 
restrictions  designed  to  safeguard  their  respective  balances 
of  payments  than  on  attempting  to  build  up  any  wider 
union  favourable  to  the  re-establishment  of  international 

During  this  period,  side  by  side  with  the  attempt  to 
build  up  closer  economic  relationships  between  particular 
groups  of  countries,  the  League  of  Nations,  and  its  auxiliary, 
the  Committee  for  European  Union,  were  discussing  the 
proposal  originally  put  forward  by  Briand  in  1930  for  a 
closer  political  relationship  among  all  the  States  of  Europe 
belonging  to  the  League.  At  the  outset,  the  Committee  for 
European  Union,  which  met  for  the  first  time  in  January 
I93l>  was  concerned  largely  with  discussing  the  special 
difficulties  of  the  agricultural  countries  in  Eastern  Europe. 
But  later,  when  the  difficulties  in  the  way  of  success  in  this 
field  had  become  manifest,  the  discussions  of  the  Committee 
turned  largely  on  the  pact  of  economic  non-aggression 
suggested  by  M.  Litvinov  on  behalf  of  the  Soviet  Union. 
This  project  had  no  better  fate,  though  the  policy  which 
lay  behind  it  did  result  in  the  negotiation  of  a  substantial 
number  of  political  non -aggression  pacts,  accompanied  in 
some  cases  by  commercial  treaties  between  the  Soviet 
Union  and  other  European  countries,  and  in  particular  in 
a  substantial  improvement  in  the  relations  between  Poland 


and  the  U.S.S.R.  Apart  from  this,  the  Committee  for 
European  Union  accomplished  nothing.  In  May  1931 
sixteen  States  did  sign  a  draft  scheme  for  the  establishment 
of  an  international  agricultural  credit  association,  designed 
to  ease  the  financial  difficulties  of  agricultural  producers 
in  Eastern  Europe  ;  but  this  scheme  was  also  submerged, 
before  it  had  ever  become  effective,  in  the  intensified 
economic  crisis  of  the  latter  part  of  the  year.  The  Committee 
for  European  Union  continues  to  meet  and  to  discuss,  but 
it  has  shown  no  signs  as  yet  of  any  ability  to  grapple  with 
the  difficult  situations  which  confront  it. 

It  is  indeed  doubtful  whether  in  the  present  condition  of 
Europe  any  body  which  attempts  to  negotiate  inclusive 
economic  pacts  for  the  whole  of  the  Continent  stands  any 
chance  of  success.  The  political  conditions  of  stability 
which  are  indispensable  as  the  basis  for  such  pacts  simply 
do  not  exist,  and  it  is  beyond  the  power  of  the  Committee 
for  European  Union  to  call  them  into  being.  In  its  political 
aspects,  Briand's  project  for  a  United  States  of  Europe  in- 
volved the  assumption  that  the  existing  States  of  Europe 
could  be  taken  as  stable  entities,  strong  enough  and  settled 
enough  in  their  established  constitutions  and  within  their 
existing  frontiers,  to  become  the  units  of  a  permanent 
federal  organisation.  In  other  words,  Briand's  proposal  for 
a  federal  Europe  rested  on  the  assumption  that  the  settle- 
ment of  European  sovereignties  imposed  by  the  Treaties 
of  Peace  would  endure,  and  that  countries  could  be  per- 
suaded to  reach  mutual  arrangements  based  on  the  recog- 
nition of  the  permanence  and  inviolability  of  the  existing 
frontiers.  At  the  time  when  the  project  was  originally  put 
forward,  there  appeared,  superficially  at  least,  to  be  some 
warrant  for  this  view  ;  but  subsequent  events  in  Europe 
have  largely  knocked  away  the  foundations  on  which  it 
rested,  and  revealed  the  insecurity  of  the  political  as  well 
as  the  economic  structure  of  the  European  States. 

All  the  negotiations  of  the  past  few  years  have  therefore 
produced  no  real  effect  in  removing  the  barriers  in  the  way 
of  international  intercourse,  which  have  on  the  contrary 


become  more  and  more  obstructive  and  difficult  to  sur- 
mount as  the  economic  crisis  has  deepened,  and  as  political 
suspicions  have  become  more  intense.  Vainly  has  one 
conference  after  another,  and  one  expert  committee  after 
another,  proclaimed  by  universal  consent  the  desirability 
of  resuming  more  normal  international  economic  relations 
and  of  sweeping  away  a  large  number  of  the  restrictions 
which  at  present  exist.  These  aspirations  have  remained 
wholly  ineffective  in  influencing  the  actual  policy  of  the 
European  States.  They  were  nevertheless  repeated  almost 
without  modification  in  the  Report  of  the  Preparatory 
Committee  for  the  World  Economic  Conference,  and  the 
States  of  Europe  were  once  more  adjured  to  declare  in 
favour  of  the  things  they  have  declared  in  favour  of  on  at 
least  a  dozen  occasions  already.  But  it  is  surely  obvious 
that  the  restrictive  system  which  now  exists  is  a  symptom 
of  the  world's  disease,  and  that  accordingly  there  is  no 
hope  of  removing  it  unless  the  causes  which  underlie  it 
cease  to  operate.  These  causes  are  two-fold — economic  and 
political.  Economically,  the  outstanding  causes  are  those 
which  we  have  discussed  already  in  this  book — the  sharp 
and  unequal  fall  in  world  prices,  and  the  existence  of  funda- 
mental disequilibria  in  the  balances  of  payments  due  from 
country  to  country  and  in  an  altogether  top-heavy  burden 
of  both  internal  and  international  debts.  Politically,  the 
causes  are  to  be  found  in  the  growingly  articulate  and  open 
dissatisfaction  with  the  settlement  reached  at  the  conclusion 
of  the  war,  and  the  increasing  determination  of  the  defeated 
countries  to  reassert  themselves  in  European  affairs,  and  to 
reverse  at  least  in  part  the  sentence  passed  upon  them  in  the 
hour  of  defeat. 

These  political  causes  are  doubtless  largely  aggravated  by 
economic  factors.  If  Europe  had  been  prosperous  and  ad- 
vancing in  wealth  and  economic  prosperity,  far  less  would 
have  been  heard  of  the  demand  for  Treaty  revision,  and 
militaristic  nationalism  would  have  far  less  room  for 
growth.  Nazism  in  Germany  would  never  have  risen  to 
power  had  there  not  been  a  vast  .mass  of  economic  distress 


and  discontent  on  which  it  was  able  to  work.  The  Balkan 
countries  would  probably  never  have  passed  under  largely 
military  dictatorships  if  they  had  not  been  plunged  into 
economic  difficulties  by  the  world  crisis.  Even  Hungary, 
which  has  most  cause,  on  purely  nationalist  grounds,  to 
resent  the  Peace  settlement  and  to  demand  territorial 
redress,  would  probably  have  stayed  quiet  if  there  had  not 
been  a  marked  recrudescence  of  militarism  over  Europe. 
When  the  economic  foundations  of  society  are  utterly  in- 
secure, and  men  are  in  despair  of  finding  remedies  for  their 
economic  troubles,  they  are  apt  to  turn  to  militarism  and 
nationalism  as  a  way  of  escape  from  sheer  wretchedness, 
and  to  make  political  conditions  the  scapegoats  of  economic 

The  moral  is  that  if  Europe  is  to  be  lifted  out  of  the  present 
depression,  and  some  greater  measure  of  freedom  restored 
to  international  trade,  this  cannot  possibly  be  accomplished 
by  a  direct  attack  on  tariffs,  embargoes,  exchange  restric- 
tions and  the  other  secondary  phenomena  of  national  dis- 
tress, but  only  by  a  courageous  attempt  to  remove  the 
underlying  economic  causes  of  the  trouble.  Nothing  will 
be  achieved  by  international  economic  action  umtil 
countries  are  prepared  to  concentrate  their  attentkjp 
mainly  upon  an  attempt  to  raise  world  prices,  and  to  pro- 
vide a  more  satisfactory  basis  for  the  issue  of  currency  and 
credit,  with  the  object  of  promoting  in  each  country  effec- 
tive national  action  to  stimulate  demand  and  set  the  pro- 
ductive system  once  more  at  work,  to  raise  the  standard  of 
living  of  the  employed  population,  and  to  bring  the  un- 
employed back  into  useful  economic  activity.  Unless  this 
can  be  done,  we  must  expect  a  continuance  of  the  existing 
restrictions  on  trade  and  commerce,  and  even  a  further 
intensification  of  them  as  lesser  measures  fail  to  achieve 
their  purpose.  A  little  may  indeed  be  done  by  bilateral 
negotiations  between  particular  countries,  such  as  the 
mutual  arrangement  for  the  gradual  reduction  of  tariffs 
arrived  at  between  Belgium  and  Holland  in  1932  ;  but 
there  seems  to  be  little  hope  that  measures  of  this  sort  will 


in  the  existing  conditions  be  adopted  by  most  of  the  States 
which  are  in  the  worst  economic  situation,  most  exposed  to 
the  interplay  of  political  and  economic  causes  of  friction, 
and  most  at  the  mercy  of  the  jealousies  and  antagonisms 
of  the  Great  Powers. 

§  ii.  WAGES  IN  EUROPE 

SOME  REFERENCE  has  been  made  in  the  foregoing 
sections  to  the  importance  of  relative  wage-levels  in  their 
effects  upon  the  competition  between  the  leading  indus- 
trial countries  of  Europe.  The  purpose  of  the  present  sec- 
tion is  both  to  throw  what  light  can  be  thrown  upon  the 
relative  levels  of  wages  in  these  countries,  and  to  say  some- 
thing about  the  movements  of  wages  during  the  world 
slump.  Unfortunately,  it  is  exceedingly  difficult  to  make 
any  reliable  comparisons  between  either  the  money  wages 
paid  in  the  various  countries  or  the  real  value  of  these 
wages  in  terms  of  purchasing  power  ;  and  it  is  still  harder 
to  compare  wages  in  the  different  countries  as  elements 
in  die  cost  of  production.  These  difficulties  arise  partly 
filfB  the  absence  of  the  necessary  statistics,  and  partly 
from  the  fact  that  international  statistical  measurement  of 
wages  and  of  their  purchasing  power  is  a  problem  of  ex- 
treme complexity  even  where  figures  are  available. 

There  seem  to  be  no  reliable  figures  by  means  of  which 
the  general  levels  of  money  wages  in  the  various  European 
countries  before  the  war  can  be  compared.  The  only  com- 
parisons that  seem  to  be  available  are  in  terms  of  real 
wages,  and  not  of  money.  The  Ministry  of  Labour  in  Great 
Britain  has  attempted  a  rough  comparison  of  the  real 
wage  levels  existing  in  1914.  According  to  these  figures, 
real  wages  in  Berlin  were  rather  more  than  four-fifths  of 
real  wages  in  London,  while  real  wages  in  Paris  were 
rather  less  than  three-quarters  of  the  London  rates.  Pro- 
vincial rates  in  France  were  a  long  way  below  the  Paris  rates. 
Belgian  real  wages  were  appreciably  lower,  at  about 


three-fifths  of  the  British  level,  real  wages  in  Scandinavia  a 
little  higher  than  in  France,  while  real  wages  in  Italy  were 
little  more  than  half  the  London  rates,  and  in  Spain  substan- 
tially less  than  half.  On  the  other  hand,  industrial  wages  in 
the  United  States  and  Canada  were  between  80  and  90 
per  cent  higher  than  the  corresponding  rates  in  Great 

For  the  post-war  period  a  somewhat  more  authoritative 
comparison  is  available  from  the  figures  compiled  by  the 
International  Labour  Office.  These  figures  are  based  on 
taking  the  actual  money  wages  in  the  various  countries, 
and  then  assessing  their  purchasing  power  by  a  somewhat 
complicated  process  in  terms  of  the  cost  of  a  standard 
basket  of  commodities,  making  allowance  for  the  different 
standards  of  consumption  in  the  various  countries.  Accord- 
ing to  these  figures,  in  the  middle  of  1929  German  wages 
were  about  70  per  cent  of  the  British,  and  French  wages 
about  53  per  cent,  while  wages  in  Spain  and  Austria  were 
only  about  45  per  cent  of  the  British  level,  and  wages  in  Italy 
only  42  per  cent.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Dutch  level  was 
85  per  cent  of  the  British,  and  wages  in  Scandinavian 
countries,  calculated  on  a  somewhat  different  basis,  since 
the  original  figures  represent  earnings  and  not  rates  of 
wages,  were  as  high  as  wages  in  Great  Britain.  Thus,  since 
1914  real  wages  in  Germany,  France  and  Italy  had  all 
fallen  substantially  in  relation  to  real  wages  in  Great 
Britain.  In  the  meantime  the  relative  levels  of  real  wages 
in  Great  Britain  and  the  United  States  had  undergone 
little  change,  American  wages  being  in  1929  rather  more 
than  90  per  cent  higher  than  British  wages  in  terms  of 
purchasing  power. 

Let  us  turn  now  from  real  wages  reckoned  in  relation  to 
the  cost  of  living  to  the  actual  money  wages  paid  in  the 
various  countries.  Again  let  us  take  1928  as  the  most  con- 
venient date  for  studying  the  wage  position  before  the 
coining  of  the  world  slump.  In  that  year  wages  in  Great 
Britain,  according  to  the  calculations  of  the  Ministry  of 
Labour,  were  from  70  to  74  per  cent  higher  than  pre-war 











































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wages  ;  wages  in  Germany  were  from  50  to  60  per  cent 
higher  ;  and  in  France  the  rise  was  from  25  to  35  per  cent, 
after  allowance  has  been  made  for  the  fall  in  the  gold  value 
of  the  franc.  In  Switzerland,  wages  had  rather  more  than 
doubled,  and  in  Sweden  substantially  more  than  doubled  ; 
while  in  Denmark,  where  the  figures  are  based  on  hourly 
earnings,  and  therefore  exaggerate  the  increase,  the  rise  was 
over  150  per  cent.  Unfortunately  no  particulars  are  avail- 
able for  Italy  or  for  most  of  the  smaller  European  countries  ; 
but  in  the  United  States  the  various  published  indices 
show  that  wage  rates  had  on  the  average  rather  more  than 
doubled  between  1914  and  1928.  Thus  the  rise  in  money 
rates  of  wages  was  higher  in  the  United  Kingdom  than  in 
Germany  or  France,  but  in  both  Scandinavia  and  the 
United  States  money  wages  had  advanced  at  a  substantially 
more  rapid  rate  than  in  Great  Britain. 

For  one  trade  only  is  it  possible,  as  the  result  of  a  special 
investigation,  to  present  an  estimate  of  the  relative  wages 
paid  in  each  of  the  chief  producing  countries.  These  figures 
are  taken  from  a  Report  on  the  Conditions  of  the  Steel  Trade  in 
Continental  Europe,  made  by  a  British  mission  of  investigation 
in  1930.  In  that  year  the  average  wages  of  steel  workers  of 
all  grades  in  Great  Britain  were  about  GOJ.  a  week,  in 
Germany  about  51*.,  in  France  about  37^.,  in  Belgium  and 
Luxemburg  from  355.  6d.  to  365.  6d.,  and  in  Chechoslovakia 
only  305.  6d.  These  figures  illustrate  the  amount  of  leeway 
which  the  British  steel  industry  had  to  malfe  up  by  means 
of  higher  efficiency  in  order  to  offset  the  lower  wages  paid  in 
the  various  Continental  countries.  It  should,  however,  be 
observed  that  the  chief  competition  with  British  steel  in 
foreign  markets,  except  for  the  cheapest  grades,  came  not 
from  the  countries  with  the  lowest  wages,  but  from  Ger- 
many, where  the  rates  most  near]/  approached  those  in 
force  in  Great  Britain.  This  fact  illustrates  the  impossibility 
of  measuring  wage-costs — i.e.  the  amount  of  wages  involved 
in  producing  each  unit  of  product* — by  the  sum  paid  out 
in  money  wages  per  hour  or  per  wfeek  to  each  worker  em- 
ployed* For  wage-costs  depend  not  [only  on  the  efficiency  of 


the  workers,  but  also  to  a  large  extent  on  that  of  the  plant 
upon  which  they  are  employed,  and  of  the  management  in 
all  its  aspects.  High  wages  are  not  necessarily  a  handicap  if 
they  go  with  high  personal  efficiency  on  the  part  of  the 
workers,  and  a  high  level  of  plant  equipment  and  adminis- 
trative capacity  on  the  managerial  side. 

A  similar  conclusion  arises  from  the  figures  published  by 
the  International  Labour  Office  showing  for  the  coal  in- 
dustries of  the  various  European  countries  both  the  relative 
wage-levels,  in  terms  of  a  common  currency,  and  the  labour- 
cost  per  ton  of  coal  extracted.  The  figures,  which  relate  to 
1929,  bring  out  the  wide  disparity  between  the  labour-costs 
per  ton  and  the  relative  daily  earnings  of  the  miners. 

Daily  earnings    Labour-cost 
per  ton 

Great  Britain 

Ruhr      . 
Upper  Silesia 
France   . 

Poland  . 











This  comparison,  of  course,  takes  no  account  of  the 
quality  of  the  coal  produced  or  of  the  ease  of  production  as 
distinct  from  the  efficiency  of  the  industry.  Nor  does  it  take 
any  account  of  the  differences  in  working  hours. 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  movement  of  wages  during  the 
world  slump.  It  is  unfortunately  impossible  in  this  field  to 
present  really  up-to-date  comparable  particulars,  and  no 
attempt  has  been  made  to  carry  the  comparison  beyond  the 
third  quarter  of  1932,  or  to  take  account  of  the  serious 
wage  reductions  which  have  been  made  since  then  in 
certain  countries,  notably  in  Germany  and  the  United 
States.  Using  as  a  basis  the  wages  paid  in  1928,  which  we 
took  as  representative  of  the  wage  levels  existing  on  the  eve 
of  the  world  slump,  we  find  that  in  the  summer  of  1932 
there  were  two  countries  in  which,  despite  the  fall  in  the 


level  of  world  prices,  money  wages  were  slightly  higher  in 
1932  than  they  had  been  four  years  before.  These  two 
countries  were  Czechoslovakia  and  Denmark.  In  all  the 
other  countries  for  which  particulars  are  available  there 
had  been  a  fall  in  money  wages  ;  but  the  fall  was  very 
different  in  the  various  countries.  In  the  United  Kingdom 
it  was  only  4  per  cent,  whereas  in  Germany  it  was  already 
15  per  cent,  and  in  Italy  13  per  cent.  In  the  case  of  the 
United  States  the  fall  in  weekly  wage  rates  was  only  about 
12  per  cent ;  but  the  figures  of  weekly  earnings  showed  a 
reduction,  in  comparison  with  the  earnings  of  1928,  of  no 
less  than  42  per  cent,  largely  as  a  result  of  widespread 
short-time  working.  In  the  case  of  France  no  particulars 
seem  to  be  available. 

If,  however,  we  consider  the  movement  of  wages  during 
the  world  slump  in  terms,  not  of  the  amount  of  money  paid 
out  or  of  the  weekly  rates  of  money  wages,  but  of  the  pur- 
chasing power  of  these  wages,  we  get  a  very  different  situ- 
ation ;  for  in  all  the  countries  for  which  particulars  are 
available  real  wages  for  full-time  work  as  distinct  from 
money  wages  were  higher  in  1932  than  in  1928.  The  rise 
was  highest  in  Denmark,  where  it  amounted  to  15  per 
cent ;  but  Czechoslovakia  with  13  per  cent  and  Great 
Britain  with  12  per  cent  were  not  far  behind.  Poland,  for 
which  statistics  are  available  only  in  terms  of  real  wages, 
showed  a  rise  of  19  per  cent,  on  account  of  the  very  heavy 
fall  in  prices,  and  was  thus  actually  ahead  of  Denmark  and 
Czechoslovakia.  In  the  case  of  the  United  Sjtates,  figures 
are  available  only  for  earnings.  Weekly  earnings  had  fallen 
by  23  per  cent  owing  to  short-time  working,  but  hourly 
earnings  had  risen  by  8  per  cent.  Thus  in  all  countries  the 
workers,  to  the  extent  to  which  they  were  able  to  find 
regular  employment,  had  benefited  between  1928  and  1932 
by  the  fall  in  the  cost  of  living.  But  for  the  working 
class  as  a  whole  this  benefit  was  more  than  counteracted 
by  the  great  increase  in  unemployment  and  under- 

On  the  basis  of  these  figures  it  is  possible  for  employers  to 


argue  that  wages  have  remained  too  high  in  face  of  the  fall 
in  prices,  so  that  wages  costs  are  now  disproportionate  to  the 
selling  prices  of  goods,  and  are  a  cause  of  maintaining  the 
prices  of  finished  commodities  and  goods  at  retail  too  far 
above  the  prices  of  raw  and  semi-manufactured  commod- 
ities. According  to  this  view,  wage-rates  ought  to  be  re- 
duced at  least  in  proportion  to  the  fall  in  the  cost  of  living, 
if  not  actually  in  proportion  to  the  much  greater  fall  in  the 
level  of  wholesale  prices.  Many  employers  and  some 
economists  contend  that,  if  this  were  done,  the  effect  would 
be  to  cause  an  expansion  of  employment,  by  making  it 
profitable  for  firms  to  carry  on  production  where  they  are 
at  present  unable  to  produce  at  a  profit.  It  cannot  of  course 
be  disputed  that  if,  in  a  particular  country  which  exports 
a  substantial  proportion  of  its  products,  wage-rates  are 
reduced  without  corresponding  falls  in  wages  in  other 
countries,  the  country  which  reduces  its  wages  will  be  in 
a  position,  other  things  being  equal,  to  capture  some  trade 
from  its  rivals  in  the  markets  of  the  world.  But  this  "  advan- 
tage "  to  the  country  which  reduces  its  wages  is  conditional 
upon  other  countries  not  following  its  example,  whereas  in 
practice  a  faD  in  wages  beginning  in  the  exporting  indus- 
tries of  one  country  will  usually  be  communicated  before 
long  to  the  competitive  industries  of  other  countries,  so  as  to 
restore  something  like  the  old  relation  between  the  cost- 
levels  of  the  two  groups  of  employers. 

When  this  has  happened  there  is  no  reason  to  suppose 
that  any  country  will  benefit  as  a  result  of  the  reduction  of 
wages  ;  for  any  tendency  for  more  goods  to  be  sold  when  the 
fall  in  wages  is  passed  on  to  the  consumers  in  the  form  of 
lower  prices  will,  if  the  change  in  wage  rates  is  generalised 
over  industry  as  a  whole,  be  likely  to  destroy  so  much 
purchasing  power  in  the  hands  of  the  main  body  of  con- 
sumers as  to  leave  the  total  demand  for  the  products  of  most 
industries  no  higher  at  the  lower  prices  than  it  was  when 
both  prices  and  incomes  were  at  a  higher  level.  Indeed,  this 
is  an  understatement ;  for,  as  we  have  seen  in  our  dis- 
cussion of  the  effects  of  unemployment  insurance,  one 


highly  desirable  result  of  the  provision  of  adequate  main- 
tenance for  the  unemployed  is  to  keep  up  consuming  power 
in  the  domestic  market,  and  this  advantage  applies  fully  as 
much  to  the  maintenance  of  wage-rates  as  to  the  provision 
of  unemployment  benefits.  This  desirability  of  maintaining 
wages  during  a  slump  holds  with  especial  force  in  those 
countries,  such  as  the  United  States,  which  rely  on  their 
home  markets  for  the  sale  of  a  high  proportion  of  their 
output.  Its  force  is  somewhat  less  in  the  case  of  the  exporting 
countries,  at  any  rate  where  there  is  a  real  prospect  that 
they  will  be  able  to  reduce  wage-rates  faster  than  their 
rivals.  But  any  gain  secured  to  an  exporting  country  by  the 
application  of  this  policy  will  clearly  be  secured  only  at 
some  other  country's  expense,  and  so  far  from  helping 
towards  the  recovery  of  world  trade  as  a  whole  will  be 
likely  to  intensify  the  general  depression.  Low  wages  are 
assuredly  no  cure  for  business  depression  ;  for  their  effect  is 
to  diminish  demand,  whereas  what  is  needed  is  a  stimulus 
to  additional  production  and  employment. 

This  argument  would  lose  some  of  its  force  if  in  fact 
reductions  of  wages  were  accompanied  by  a  corresponding 
fall  in  the  prices  of  consumers'  goods.  But  this  is  prac- 
tically never  the  case.  Even  if  prices  at  the  factory  were  to 
be  reduced  by  the  whole  amount  of  the  wage  reduction — 
itself  a  most  unlikely  supposition  when  wage  reductions  are 
made  on  the  plea  that  industry  is  becoming  unprofitable — 
this  fall  in  factory  prices  would  practically  never  be  re- 
flected in  a  corresponding  fall  in  the  prices  pf  goods  to  the 
retail  consumer.  There  is  always  a  lag  between  the  fall  of 
wholesale  and  that  of  retail  prices  ;  and  even  after  this  lag 
retail  prices  never  rise  so  much  as  wholesale  prices  during 
a  boom,  or  sink  so  much  in  the  course  of  a  slump,  owing  to 
the  many  fixed  charges  which  have  to  be  met  in  the  course 
of  the  passage  of  goods  from  the  factory  to  the  consumer. 
Accordingly  a  reduction  in  wages  tends  to  reduce  the  funds 
available  in  the  hands  of  consumers  for  the  purchase  of 
finished  commodities  by  more  than  it  tends  to  decrease  the 
unit  cost  of  these  commodities  to  the  consumers  ;  and  it  thus 


usually  brings  about  a  net  decrease  in  the  real  volume  of 
demand  for  consumers'  goods. 

Nevertheless,  it  has  of  course  to  be  admitted  that,  while 
countries  continue  to  rely  on  the  incentive  of  profit  for 
getting  production  carried  on  at  all,  it  is  impossible  for  them 
in  the  long  run  to  sustain  a  level  of  wages  which  makes 
production  unprofitable.  But  the  remedy  is  to  be  sought  not 
in  reducing  wages  and  so  destroying  yet  more  purchasing 
power,  but  rather  in  so  stimulating  demand  as  to  provide 
fiiller  employment  for  industry,  and  make  possible  a  reduc- 
tion in  the  costs  of  producing  goods  by  enabling  employers 
to  spread  their  overhead  charges  over  a  larger  volume  of 
output.  If  this  is  not  sufficient,  then  it  is  far  better  to  allow 
factory  prices  to  rise  to  a  somewhat  higher  level  through  the 
stimulation  of  demand  than  to  attempt  to  accommodate 
wage  incomes  to  a  level  of  prices  which  is  unduly  low. 

Under  conditions  of  modern  technological  development 
in  industry  all  the  more  advanced  industrial  countries  in 
Europe  have  of  late  years  been  achieving  very  large 
economies  in  the  use  of  manual  labour.  Each  successive 
census  in  these  advanced  countries  shows  a  diminishing 
proportion  of  the  total  population  engaged  directly  in 
productive  industry,  and  a  higher  proportion  occupied  in 
the  various  auxiliary  services,  such  as  transport  and  dis- 
tribution, and  in  professional,  administrative  and  technical 
occupations.  At  the  same  time,  the  proportion  of  the 
national  income  paid  out  in  salaries  tends  to  rise,  while  the 
proportion  paid  in  wages,  despite  the  increase  in  average 
wage-rates,  remains  practically  constant.  These  are  the 
inevitable  results  of  the  process  of  rationalisation,  which  to 
an  increasing  extent  substitutes  machinery  for  human 
labour  in  the  carrying  out  of  standardised  productive  opera- 
tions and  also  results  in  the  elimination  of  waste  labour 
through  the  more  scientific  organisation  of  industry.  It  is 
a  question  much  disputed  how  far  the  present  height  of 
unemployment  in  the  world  is  the  consequence,  not  only  of 
the  slump  conditions  at  present  prevailing,  but  also  of  what 
is  called  "  technological  "  unemployment — that  is  to  say, 


of  the  supersession  of  human  labour  by  machines  and  by 
more  scientific  industrial  organisation.  Undoubtedly,  there 
existed  even  at  the  height  of  the  boom  in  the  United  States 
a  considerable  amount  of  industrial  as  well  as  agricultural 
unemployment.  Great  Britain  and  Germany  both  had 
serious  unemployment  problems  even  before  the  coming  of 
the  world  slump  ;  and  while  a  large  part  of  the  British 
unemployment  was  undoubtedly  due  to  the  decline  in  the 
great  British  export  industries,  a  substantial  part  of  the 
unemployment  in  Germany  seems  to  have  been  the  result 
of  the  intensive  campaign  of  technical  rationalisation  which 
was  carried  through  in  the  German  coal  mines  and  heavy 
industries  between  1924  and  1929. 

Indeed,  it  stands  to  reason  that  if  widespread  substitution 
of  machinery  for  labour  occurs  in  the  industries  which 
have  hitherto  employed  the  largest  quantity  of  labour, 
considerable  unemployment  will  result.  For,  even  if  it 
is  possible  ultimately  to  re-employ  the  displaced  operatives 
in  other  rising  industries,  and  to  receive  into  these  industries 
the  fresh  recruits  who  leave  school  each  year,  there  is  bound 
to  be  a  considerable  interval  of  dislocation  while  the  neces- 
sary readjustments  in  the  economic  system  are  being  made. 
This  interval  is  likely  to  be  longest  where  the  industrial 
system  is  carried  on  at  haphazard  and  not  in  accordance 
with  any  co-ordinated  national  plan  for  directing  the 
available  resources  into  the  right  channels.  Above  all,  under 
these  conditions  a  large  amount  of  unemployment  of  an 
obstinately  prolonged  character  is  likely  to  ^anse  in  those 
areas  which  have  in  the  past  specialised  chiefly  in  the  trades 
whose  demand  for  labour  is  falling  off.  Obvious  examples 
are  the  areas  in  which  coal  mines,  iron  and  steel  manu- 
facture and  the  cotton  industry  are  chiefly  carried  on. 
Moreover,  during  this  period  of  dislocation  there  will  be  a 
marked  tendency  to  displace  from  industry  the  older 
workers  ;  so  that  when  men  or  women  of  middle  age  once 
lose  a  job  it  is  exceedingly  difficult  for  them  to  find  alterna- 
tive employment.  The  new  industries  tend  to  recruit  chiefly 
the  younger  workers,  and  the  older  workers  find  it  harder 


to  sacrifice  their  acquired  skill  and  adapt  themselves  to 
totally  new  methods  of  production. 

In  these  circumstances,  the  registers  of  unemployment  in 
the  advanced  industrial  countries  come  to  include  a  large 
number  of  older  workers  who  are  not  likely  to  find  jobs  at 
all  ;  and  it  has  repeatedly  been  urged,  with  obvious  justice, 
that  the  right  way  of  dealing  with  these  older  workers  is  to 
take  them  off  the  unemployment  registers,  and  provide 
them,  at  the  expense  either  of  industry  or  of  the  community 
as  a  whole,  with  adequate  pensions.  It  is,  however,  usually 
impossible  to  place  this  charge  directly  upon  the  industries 
in  which  the  displacement  of  workers  chiefly  arises,  because 
these  industries  include  many  which,  owing  to  the  decline 
in  the  demand  for  their  products,  lack  the  ability  to  meet 
any  additional  charges.  Accordingly,  the  greater  part  of  the 
burden  has  to  be  shouldered  by  the  community  as  a  whole. 

The  existence  of  a  large  mass  of  unemployed  workers 
eager  to  find  jobs  is  in  itself  a  factor  likely  to  result  in  the 
depression  of  wage-rates.  This  is  especially  the  case  where 
the  State  does  not  make  adequate  provision  for  the  main- 
tenance of  the  unemployed  ;  whereas,  as  we  have  seen,  the 
effect  of  an  adequate  system  of  maintenance  for  those  out  of 
work  helps  the  Trade  Unions,  where  they  are  well 
organised,  to  maintain  wages  even  under  adverse  conditions. 
Accordingly,  in  periods  of  depression  wages  tend  to  fall 
fastest  in  those  countries  which  (a)  are  most  subjected  to 
competitive  pressure  in  the  marketing  of  their  products, 
(b)  have  the  weakest  Trade  Union  movements,  and  (c)  make 
least  provision  for  the  public  maintenance  of  the  unem- 
ployed. Not  all  these  conditions  need  to  be  satisfied  at  once  ; 
in  the  United  States,  for  example,  international  competi- 
tion is  a  relatively  unimportant  factor,  but  Trade  Unionism 
is  weak  in  most  trades,  and  there  is  no  system  of  public 
maintenance  for  the  unemployed.  In  Germany,  because  of 
the  exceptional  financial  situation,  which  compelled  the 
forcing  of  exports  on  the  world  market  at  any  price,  the 
existence  of  strong  Trade  Unions  and  a  system  of  unem- 
ployment insurance  have  not  availed  in  the  long  run  to 


protect  wages,  though  they  did  considerably  delay  the  fall, 
which  only  began  in  1931  and  became  really  serious  in 
1932.  In  Great  Britain  and  in  Scandinavia  wages  have 
been  relatively  well  maintained,  despite  competitive 
stringency,  because  Trade  Unionism  and  public  provision 
for  the  unemployed  have  combined  to  strengthen  the 
workers'  povver  of  resistance. 

The  tendency  towards  rationalisation  and  the  displace- 
•  ment  of  productive  labour  in  the  industries  of  the  most 
advanced  countries  has  highly  significant  effects  upon  the 
class  structure  of  these  countries.  It  increases  the  numbers  of 
salary  earners,  including  not  only  clerks,  but  also  the  more 
highly  paid  technical  and  administrative  staffs  attached  to 
the  various  forms  of  industry  and  service.  At  the  same  time 
the  relative  decline  in  the  old  basic  industries  and  the  rise  of 
newer  industries  of  a  highly  mechanised  type  gradually 
undermine  the  strength  of  the  older  Trade  Unions,  which 
have  grown  up  principally  in  the  basic  industries.  The 
strongholds  of  Trade  Unionism  in  all  the  advanced  coun- 
tries of  Europe  are  in  the  coal-mines,  the  iron  and  steel 
works,  and  the  engineering  and  textile  factories  ;  and  the 
relative  weakening  of  the  position  of  these  industries 
inevitably  affects  Trade  Union  bargaining  power.  Mean- 
while the  newer  industries  grow  up  largely  in  areas  remote 
from  the  older  centres  of  Trade  Union  strength.  They 
employ  a  much  smaller  proportion  of  highly  skilled  labour, 
and  rely  largely  on  the  services  of  semi-skilled  machine- 
minders,  including  a  higher  proportion  of  women.  These 
workers  are  less  readily  susceptible  to  Trade  Union 
influence.  A  high  proportion  of  the  women  do  not  expect 
to  remain  permanently  in  industry,  and  have  therefore  not 
the  same  abiding  interest  in  their  industrial  conditions  as 
the  male  workers,  while  even  among  the  men  the  smaller 
proportion  of  highly  skilled  workers  to  the  total  number 
employed  tends  to  make  Trade  Union  organisation  less 
stable  ;  for  it  is  among  the  skilled  craftsmen  that  the 
strongest  Trade  Unions  have  for  the  most  part  hitherto 
been  built  up. 


-The  Trade  Union  movement  may  in  process  of  time  be 
able  to  overcome  these  difficulties  and  adapt  its  methods 
and  organisation  to  the  needs  of  the  new  industrialism.  But 
it  is  already  evident  that  considerable  adaptation  will  be 
required  if  Trade  Unionism  is  not  permanently  to  lose 
strength  as  a  result  of  the  modern  changes  in  industrial 
technique.  Above  all  it  seems  clear  that  the  Trade  Unions, 
in  order  to  retain  their  power,  will  have  to  organise  in  future 
far  less  on  exclusive  craft  lines,  and  far  more  in  such  a  way 
as  to  bring  together  in  one  closely  knit  organisation  the 
whole  mass  of  workers,  skilled  and  unskilled,  employed  in 
a  particular  industry,  as  well  as  to  co-ordinate  the  Unions 
in  the  various  industries  for  closer  common  action.  It  is 
also  clear  that  under  these  changed  circumstances  Trade 
Unionism  is  bound  to  become  far  more  political,  in  the  sense 
of  seeking  the  realisation  of  its  objects  to  a  greater  extent 
than  in  the  past  by  securing  protective  industrial  legislation. 
This  has  already  become  manifest  in  the  strengthening  of 
the  movement  for  the  passing  both  of  minimum  wage  laws 
and  of  laws  limiting  the  duration  of  the  working  day.  But 
it  goes  further  than  this  ;  for  under  modern  conditions, 
wage-rates  and  the  treatment  of  the  unemployed  come  to  be 
inseparably  connected  problems,  and  Trade  Unionists 
come  more  and  more  to  realise  that  they  cannot  hope  to 
secure  their  position  unless  they  are  able  to  exercise  poli- 
tical as  well  as  economic  pressure.  Trade  Unionism  thus 
becomes  to  an  increasing  extent  a  political  force,  and  in- 
dustrial disputes  take  on  more  and  more  the  added  character 
of  political  conflicts.  This  was  seen  in  the  highest  degree 
in  the  British  General  Strike  of  1926  ;  but  it  also  appeared 
very  clearly  in  the  relation  of  the  German  Trade  Unions 
to  the  successive  Republican  Governments  up  to  the  date 
of  the  Hitler  coup.  For  it  was  by  using  the  State  as  an  instru- 
ment for  the  enforcement  of  wage  rates  rather  than  by  their 
unaided  industrial  strength  that  the  German  Trade  Unions 
were  able  to  maintain  wage  rates  through  1930  and  1931. 
Fascism,  in  its  special  aspect  of  a  movement  directed  against 
the  independence  of  the  Trade  Unions,  and  helped  with 


this  end  in  view  by  the  great  industrialists,  is  among  other 
things  an  attempt  to  defeat  these  claims  of  the  Trade 
Unions  to  political  power  as  a  necessary  instrument  of  in- 
dustrial protection.  And  it  is  already  clear  from  the  experi- 
ence of  Italy  during  the  past  ten  years  that  the  tame  Fascist 
Unions  created  within  the  structure  of  the  Corporative 
State  are  highly  ineffective,  and  indeed  are  meant  to  be 
highly  ineffective,  instruments  for  the  preservation  of  the 
workers'  standard  of  life. 


1.  The  New  Constitutions  of  Post- War  Europe 

2.  Politics  in  Great  Britain 

3.  Politics  in  France 

4.  Fascism  in  Italy 

5.  Fascism  in  Germany 

6.  The  Challenge  of  Communism 

7.  European  Socialism 


POST-WAR  EUROPE  has  been  a  laboratory  of  acw 
experiments  in  the  art  of  politics.  Before  the  war  ended, 
Russia  had  led  the  way,  passing  in  her  two  Revolutions  of 
1917  swiftly  from  Tsarist  autocracy  to  the  dictatorship  of 
die  proletariat.  In  Germany,  the  Bismarckian  system  had 
begun  to  crumble  some  time  before  the  military  collapse  ; 
and  there  had  been  concessions  to  popular  sentiment  which 
helped  to  prepare  the  way  for  the  new  order.  The  compli- 
cated political  adjustments  of  the  Austro-Hungarian  Empire 
had  lost  their  perilous  balance  long  before  1918.  And 
finally  the  German  occupation  of  Poland  and  the  confusion 
in  the  other  territories  severed  from  Russia  under  the 
Treaty  of  Brest-Litovsk  had  already  raised  in  an  acute  form 
the  question  of  constitution-making  for  brand-new  States, 
mostly  of  uncertain  boundary  and  highly  doubtful  political 
complexion.  During  the  last  year  of  the  struggle  between  the 
Allies  and  the  Central  Powers  civil  war  went  on  side  by 


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side  with  international  war ;  and  civil  war  raised  everywhere 
the  problem  of  the  organisation  of  government. 

Europe  plunged  into  an  orgy  of  constitution-making 
when  most  men — even  most  statesmen — had  no  clear  vision 
of  the  needs  or  situation  of  the  countries  for  whose  political 
future  they  were  called  upon  to  provide.  Except  in  Russia, 
where  the  break  with  the  past  was  as  complete  as  it  could 
be  made,  and  Lenin  and  his  associates  were  setting  to  work 
to  apply  a  definite  theory,  statesmen  as  a  rule  continued  to 
think  of  the  problem  of  the  constitution  in  terms  of  pre- 
war ideas  and  policies.  The  established  countries  were  only 
adapting  their  pre-war  constitutions  in  various  secondary 
ways — by  wide  extensions  of  the  franchise,  for  example  ; 
and  even  Germany,  though  she  did  make  a  brand-new 
constitution  for  herself,  built  largely  on  the  foundations 
of  the  German  Empire,  and  almost  wholly  on  ideas  and 
programmes  of  pre-war  vintage.  In  the  new  States — 
Czechoslovakia,  Austria,  Hungary,  the  Baltic  countries — 
the  problem  of  constitution-making  was  eti  "a  -v^ed  mainly  as 
that  of  imitating  the  familiar  features  oft  CJ  £  lie-systems  al- 
ready existing  in  the  established  politica1  des  of  Western 
Europe  and  in  the  United  States — on  if  fx>asis  of  an  eclectic 
choice  of  methods  and  machinery  from  among  the  reper- 
tory of  these  societies,  with  only  secondary  additions  or 
adaptations  ;  and  even  those  were  taken  from  pre-war 
programmes  of  constitutional  reformers.  Proportional 
representation,  adopted  almost  universally  by  the  new  and 
reconstructed  States,  was  the  chief  innovation  upon  the 
older  parliamentary  models  ;  and  there  was  assuredly 
nothing  novel  about  the  idea  of  P.R. 

In  these  circumstances,  the  constitution-making  of  the 
post-war  settlement  showed  in  most  countries  a  singular 
lack  of  originality.  The  Germans  used  the  opportunity  of 
defeat,  carrying  with  it  the  collapse  of  Kaiserdom,  to 
realise,  at  any  rate  on  paper,  the  pre-war  programmes  of 
the  democratic  parliamentary  parties  ;  and  statesmen  in 
the  new  States,  eager  to  secure  recognition  from  the  Great 
Powers  and  to  keep  Bolshevism  beyond  the  pale,  saw  the 


safest  hall-mark  of  national  respectability  in  the  traditional 
parliamentary  regime.  They  set  up  in  business  as  good 
bourgeois ;  and  if  they  often  succeeded  in  equipping  them- 
selves with  parliamentary  institutions  based  rather  on  the 
academic  theory  than  on  the  political  practice  of  pre-war 
Parliamentarism,  this  was  hardly  their  fault.  For  the  par- 
liamentary institutions  of  Great  Britain,  France,  Holland, 
Belgium,  Scandinavia,  and  Switzerland  have  grown,  and 
not  been  made  in  a  few  months  by  a  convention  of  pro- 
fessors and  politicians  ;  and  often  the  most  vital  elements 
in  them  appear  least  in  their  formal  structure. 

Except  in  the  case  of  Russia,  the  really  interesting  features 
of  post-war  political  experiment  occurred,  not  when  States 
were  re-making  their  constitutions  in  1918  and  1919,  but 
later,  when  they  had  had  some  experience  of  the  conditions 
of  the  new  world  into  which  they  had  been  born.  Even  then 
the  originality  came  mainly,  not  from  the  new  States  set 
up  on  the  basis  of  the  Peace  Treaties,  but  from  older  States 
which  found  their  established  constitutions  unsatisfactory 
or  inefficient.  Fascism  came  first  in  Italy,  and  not  in  any  of 
the  new  States,  or  in  Germany.  Another  sort  of  dictatorship 
invaded  Spain,  the  last  stronghold  of  an  obsolete  feudal 
and  religious  autocracy.  The  example  of  dictatorship  no 
doubt  became  contagious  ;  but  the  minor  dictatorships 
of  Southern  and  Eastern  Europe  furnished  no  fresh  enlight- 
enment in  the  art  of  governing. 

To  the  observer  who  set  out  to  sum  up,  in  the  immediate 
post-war  years,  the  consequences  of  the  struggle  in  terms 
of  constitutional  structure  and  practice,  it  must  have  seemed 
that,  apart  from  the  giant  exception  of  Russia,  there  had 
been  a  resounding  victory  for  the  cause  of  parliamentary 
government.  Had  not  enthusiastic  Liberal  propagandists 
on  the  side  of  the  Allies — including  many  who  deemed 
themselves  Socialists — repeatedly  proclaimed  that  the  war 
was  "  a  war  for  democracy  "  as  well  as  "  a  war  to  end  war  "  ? 
Had  not  the  two  great  Empires  of  Central  Europe — two 
out  of  the  three  chief  strongholds  of  autocracy — fallen, 
and  been  replaced  by  "  democratic"  parliamentary  systems 


modelled  on  Great  Britain  and  France  ?  Had  not  Tsardom 
too  gone  the  way  of  all  tyrannies  ;  and  would  not  the 
obvious  and  inherent  instability  of  the  new  Soviet  regime 
speedily  lead  to  its  replacement  by  yet  another  imitation 
of  English  or  French  Parliamentarism  ?  For  most  respect- 
able people  in  1920  were  prophesying  without  hesitation 
the  imminent  collapse  of  Bolshevism  ;  and  the  Great  Powers 
were  still  helping,  by  blockade  and  assistance  to  "  White  " 
invaders,  to  give  it  a  few  stout  pushes  in  the  required 
direction.  The  first  Russian  Revolution  had  been  pro- 
claimed by  Mr.  Bonar  Law  in  the  British  House  of  Commons 
as  heralding  the  reorganisation  of  the  Russian  Empire  on 
impeccably  British  lines  ;  and  much  the  same  view  of  it 
was  taken  in  the  United  States  and  other  democratic 
countries,  except  that  in  each  country  the  imitation  was 
thought  of  in  terms  of  its  own,  rather  than  anyone  else's, 
democratic  institutions. 

The  hopes  centred  on  Prince  Lvov  and  Kerensky  were 
disappointed  ;  but  it  was  difficult  for  opinion  in  Western 
Europe  or  in  America  to  believe  that  Communism  had  come 
to  stay.  For  respectable  opinion — including  that  of  most 
Socialists — all  over  Western  Europe  and  North  America 
had  come  to  believe  that,  in  broad  terms,  the  central 
problem  of  the  art  of  politics — that  of  the  right  basis  of 
government  for  a  right-minded  State — had  been  settled 
for  generations  to  come,  if  not  for  all  time.  States  ought  to 
be  democratic,  which  was  taken  as  meaning  that  they 
ought  to  have  political  institutions  based  on  Representative 
government  with  the  backing  of  a  wide  popular  franchise. 
They  ought  to  have  Parliaments,  preferably  of  two  Cham- 
bers, though  the  right  form  for  the  less  powerful  Chamber 
was  a  matter  of  difficulty  and  disagreement,  and  there 
were  some  who  held  to  the  theory  of  two  co-equal  Chambers. 
These  Parliaments  were  to  "represent"  the  country,  so  that 
legislation  passed  by  them  could  be  regarded  as  expressing 
the  real  will  of  the  electorate — even  on  those  occasions 
when  most  of  the  electors  appeared  to  be  indifferent,  or 
even  hostile.  In  addition  to  its  Parliament,  each  State  ought 


to  have  an  executive — a  Government — possessing  the 
"confidence  of  the  country."  There  was  a  difference  of 
opinion  over  the  question  whether  the  executive  ought  to 
be  chosen  separately  by  the  people,  as  the  President  of 
the  United  States  is  chosen,  or  in  effect  by  the  Parliament, 
or  subject  to  the  veto  of  the  Parliament,  as  it  is  chosen 
in  the  French  Republic  and  in  the  constitutional  monarchy 
of  Great  Britain.  But  in  Europe  the  latter  system  in  general 
prevailed  ;  and  it  became  the  model  for  the  democratic 
constitutions  of  the  new  post-war  States. 

There  was  a  wider  difference  of  opinion  over  the  question 
of  the  "head  of  theState."  Could  a  right-minded  democratic 
State  consistently  have  a  King  or  Emperor,  or  ought  it 
necessarily  to  be  a  Republic  ?  Most  of  the  new  States  of 
Europe  had  little  choice  in  this  matter  ;  for,  with  the  Haps- 
burgs  and  the  Hohenzollerns  ruled  out,  as  well  as  dis- 
credited, there  was  something  of  a  famine  in  eligible 
monarchs.  Germany,  from  among  her  princelings  and  their 
families,  had  been  willing  enough  to  provide  when  she  was 
planning  in  advance  her  distribution  of  the  fruits  of  victory. 
But  in  the  actual  post-war  constitution-making  the  question 
of  monarchy  hardly  arose.  Only  Hungary,  after  expelling 
her  Bolsheviks,  equipped  herself  with  a  Regent  in  lieu  of 
the  Hapsburg  monarch  she  was  not  allowed  to  have.  Else- 
where the  problem  was  settled  on  republican  lines,  but 
as  a  matter  of  convenience  rather  than  principle.  The  new 
Republics  had  Presidents  ;  but  in  most  cases  they  were 
meant  to  be  rather  ceremonial  figure-heads  than  actual 
governors,  and  in  some  the  Prime  Minister  was  allowed  to 
double  the  parts.  There  was  no  imitation  of  the  American 
system  of  a  President  independent  of  the  legislature  and 
at  the  head  of  the  executive.  Where  President  and  Prime 
Minister  are  united  in  the  same  person,  as  they  are  in 
Estonia  and  the  Irish  Free  State,  the  latter  position  is  the 
source  of  power,  and  the  holder  of  the  office  gets  it  as  the 
leader  of  a  parliamentary  majority  or  working  coalition, 
and  not  by  direct  election  at  the  hands  of  the  people. 

The  problem  of  Constitutional  Monarchy  versus  Republic 


was,  however,  commonly  regarded  as  of  secondary  im- 
portance, and  as  not  affecting  the  real  character  of  the 
State's  government.  For  in  theory,  though  the  surviving 
monarchs  in  democratic  countries  still  had  very  wide 
powers  according  to  the  letter  of  the  constitution,  they  were 
to  exercise  these  powers  only  at  the  will  and  under  the 
orders  of  the  Government.  The  Ministers  might  be,  accord- 
ing to  the  letter  of  the  law,  "the  King's  Ministers" ;  but 
in  practice  the  King  was  to  be  "the Ministers' King. "His 
functions,  apart  from  his  duty  of  getting  himself  revered 
and  loved  by  his  people,  were  to  be  mainly  those  of  a 
mannequin  combined  with  a  ventriloquist's  dummy.  This 
theory  of  the  functions  of  constitutional  monarchy  was 
naturally  nowhere  fully  operative — for,  after  all,  Kings  are 
men — but  it  is  hardly  an  overstatement  to  say  that  it 
represents  accurately  the  attempt  of  democratic  theorists 
to  reconcile  to  themselves  the  inconsistency  of  remaining 
monarchists.  They  defended  monarchy  on  the  ground  that 
it  did  not  exist,  save  only  as  a  harmless  and  convenient 
fiction  useful  for  cementing  the  bonds  of  Empire,  upholding 
the  respect  of  common  democrats  for  their  betters,  and 
above  all  avoiding  the  danger  of  a  too  powerful  President. 
The  State,  it  was  said,  must  have  a  head  ;  so,  in  the  name 
of  democracy,  let  that  head  be  empty. 

The  accepted  pre-war  view  of  the  right  constitution 
for  a  right-minded  State  thus  left  aside  the  secondary 
question  of  Monarchy  versus  Republic,  and  concentrated  on 
what  were  regarded  as  the  essential  political  institutions. 
The  core  of  the  problem  was  the  form  to  be  given  to  the 
institution  of  Parliament.  The  new  States  were  thought  of 
as  coining  into  existence  by  virtue  of  the  will  of  their  in- 
habitants ;  and  this  will  must  be  provided  with  the  means 
of  making  itself  effective,  first  in  setting  up  the  formal 
institutions  of  the  nascent  communities,  and  then  in  en- 
suring the  continued  conformity  of  these  institutions  to 
their  will.  There  must  be  some  sort  of  Constituent  Assembly; 
and  by  fiat  of  this  Assembly  must  arise  a  Parliament  and 
the  means  of  periodically  renewing  its  life.  For  both 


Assembly  and  Parliament  the  franchise  ought  to  be  wide  ; 
for  all  citizens  not  excluded  by  some  special  disqualification 
ought  to  have  their  share  in  making  and  working  the  new 
State.  There  remained  open  the  question  whether  women 
ought  to  have  votes  ;  for,  in  face  of  a  difference  of  opinion 
between  Great  Britain  and  France  on  the  problem  whether 
women  are  political  beings,  the  world  was  unable  to  dog- 
matise on  so  grave  a  matter.  But  at  any  rate  all  adult  men, 
save  for  very  special  reasons  shown,  ought  to  vote  ;  and  in 
fact  women  at  once  got  votes  under  all  the  new  constitu- 
tions except  that  of  Yugoslavia,  where  the  question  was 
left  over  to  be  settled  later  by  ordinary  legislation.  Finland, 
the  first  country  to  grant  woman  suffrage  (in  1906), 
Denmark,  Holland,  and  Norway  had  given  women  votes 
before  the  war  ;  and  Great  Britain  had  followed  their 
example  before  the  war  was  over.  In  this  matter,  the  new 
States  took  Great  Britain  rather  than  France  as  their 

Even  woman  suffrage,  however,  was  commonly  regarded 
as  a  secondary  issue.  The  democratic  theory  plainly  in- 
volved that  everybody  had  the  right  to  vote,  unless  some 
very  special  reason  for  exclusion  could  be  advanced.  The 
sole  question  was  whether  women  were  persons  capable  of 
citizenship.  France,  under  no  compulsion  to  change  her 
constitution,  might  continue  to  ignore  the  obvious  answer  ; 
but  new  States  engaged  in  constitution-making  could  not, 
unless  they  were  prepared  to  depart  consciously  and  mani- 
festly from  the  democratic  principle.  Accordingly,  almost 
everywhere  women  got  the  vote. 

The  gospel  of  the  new  democracies  can  therefore  be  said 
to  begin  with  Universal  Suffrage — since  the  latter  days  of 
the  eighteenth  century  the  first  article  in  the  international 
democratic  creed.  The  second  part  of  the  gospel  is  Parlia- 
mentarism, based  on  the  idea  of  popular  representation. 
The  people,  having  votes,  are  to  use  them  primarily  for 
the  choice  of  a  representative  Chamber,  which  is  to  be  the 
chief  source  of  all  legislation.  In  some  cases  there  were  to 
be  two  Chambers  ;  but  let  us  confine  ourselves  in  the  first 


instance  to  the  more  directly  popular  of  the  two.  For  on  the 
attitude  of  this  Chamber  the  complexion  of  the  Govern- 
ment was  to  depend  ;  and  it  was  meant  to  embody  the  idea 
of  popular  sovereignty. 

In  the  pre-war  systems  of  the  leading  countries,  two 
broadly  differing  ways  of  organising  parliamentary,  or 
congressional,  government  were  in  evidence.  In  Great 
Britain  and  in  the  United  States,  the  political  forces  strong 
enough  to  count  in  determining  the  complexion  of  the 
Government  were  organised  mainly  in  two  great  rival 
parties,  so  that  one  or  other  of  these  two  was  always  in  a 
position  of  dominance.  It  was  indeed  possible  under  the 
American  system  for  the  executive  to  be  in  the  hands  of 
one  party  and  the  legislature  of  the  other ;  but  this  "  lame- 
duck"  situation  was  exceptional,  and  seldom  of  long  con- 
tinuance. Such  a  paralysis  of  the  working  of  the  State 
machine  was  not  possible  where,  as  in  France  and  Great 
Britain,  there  was  no  application  of  the  principle  of  the 
"separation  of  powers";  for  in  these  countries  the  execu- 
tive could  remain  in  office  only  as  long  as  it  could  command 
a  parliamentary  majority.  In  Great  Britain,  despite  the 
dominant  position  of  the  two  traditional  parties — Liberals 
and  Conservatives — it  was  possible  for  a  Government  to 
hold  office  without  having  an  independent  majority  at 
its  back  ;  for  the  Irish  Nationalists  formed  a  powerful 
minority  party,  which  could  sometimes  either  keep  a 
Government  in  office  or  turn  it  out,  and  after  1900  the 
Labour  Party  appeared  as  a  second  rrtinority  group. 
Actually,  between  1910  and  1914  the  Liberal  Government 
owed  its  continuance  in  office  to  the  support  of  these  two 
smaller  parties.  But  there  was  never,  before  1914,  any 
question  of  a  Government  being  formed  by  any  party 
except  the  two  traditional  antagonists  ;  and  Great  Britain 
alternated  between  Liberals  and  Conservatives  as  the 
United  States  alternated  between  Democrats  and  Repub- 
licans— with  the  difference  that  there  was  a  sharper,  though 
still  narrow,  cleavage  of  policies,  along  well-known  lines, 
between  the  British  than  between  the  American  parties. 


In  France  the  situation  was  very  different ;  for  there 
panics  were  far  more  numerous  and  loosely  organised,  so 
that  Governments  had  always  to  be  formed  on  the  basis 
of  coalitions  among  a  number  of  distinct  political  groups. 
It  was  easier  for  groups  to  dissolve,  and  for  new  groups  to 
appear,  as  situations  changed  ;  and  there  were  always  a 
number  of  individual  deputies  whose  allegiance  was  doubt- 
ful, and  a  number  of  middle  parties  capable  of  entering 
into  temporary  combinations  either  to  the  Right  or  to  the 
Left.  Moreover,  the  arrangement  of  parties  in  the  Senate — 
the  Second  Chamber — did  not  necessarily  coincide  with 
that  in  the  Chamber  of  Deputies  ;  and  it  was  far  more 
possible  than  in  Great  Britain  or  the  United  States  for  a 
particular  deputy  to  ally  himself  with  the  Government  of 
the  day  without  necessarily  either  committing  his  party 
or  leaving  it.  The  French  system  was  thus  far  more  flexible 
and  easily  changeable  than  the  British. 

The  different  practice  of  the  two  countries  about  disso- 
lutions and  General  Elections  was — and  is — closely  con- 
nected with  this  difference  of  party  systems.  Where  a 
Government  can  hold  office  only  as  long  as  it  has  the  support 
of  Parliament,  and  most  of  the  Members  of  Parliament 
belong  to  one  or  other  of  the  two  great  parties,  it  follows 
that,  given  the  composition  of  Parliament,  there  is  only 
one  possible  Government.  What,  then,  is  to  happen  if 
this  Government,  owing  either  to  differences  in  its  own 
ranks  or  to  the  manifest  unpopularity  of  its  policy  in  the 
country,  is  unable  to  carry  on  ?  Clearly  there  must  be  a 
dissolution  of  Parliament,  followed  by  a  General  Election 
designed  to  resolve  the  difficulty  by  declaring  the  will  of 
the  electorate.  Under  the  French  system,  on  the  other  hand, 
no  such  necessity  exists.  For,  when  the  Parliament  is  split 
up  among  a  number  of  groups,  and  varying  combinations 
are  possible  among  these  groups  and  their  members,  it 
is  not  the  case  that  there  is  only  one  possible  Government. 
If  one  group  of  Ministers  cannot  carry  on,  it  may  be  quite 
practicable  to  find  another  group  that  can,  without  any 
necessity  for  an  appeal  to  the  electors.  Consequently, 


whereas  the  British  Parliament  is  practically  always  dis- 
solved in  connection  with  a  change  of  Government,  the 
French  Chamber  nearly  always  remains  in  being  for  the 
full  term  for  which  it  was  first  elected,  and  usually  outlives 
in  the  course  of  this  term  a  whole  succession  of  different 
Governments.  Of  course,  the  distribution  of  seats  may  be 
such  that,  in  a  particular  Chamber,  any  possible  Govern- 
ment must  have  either  a  "Right  "or  a  "Left"  inclination, 
as  the  case  may  be.  But  within  this  condition  many  varia- 
tions are  possible. 

It  is  out  of  the  question,  in  this  matter,  to  disentangle 
cause  and  effect.  If  pre-war  France  had  been  politically 
dominated  by  two  big  parties,  like  Great  Britain,  she  would 
have  been  compelled  to  provide  for  the  "  right  of  disso- 
lution " — that  is  to  say,  to  allow  a  change  of  Government, 
actual  or  prospective,  to  be  accompanied  by  an  "  appeal 
to  the  country."  But  was  it  because  France  had  not  two 
big  parties,  but  many  groups,  that  she  did  not  recognise  in 
her  constitution  this  "  right  of  dissolution  "  ?  Or  was  her 
group  system,  at  least  in  part,  the  result  of  the  "  right 
of  dissolution  "  not  being  recognised  ?  If  Great  Britain  had 
possessed,  instead  of  two  big  parties,  numerous  small  and 
far  less  coherent  groups,  she  could  not  have  allowed  a 
General  Election  every  time  she  needed  a  change  of 
Government ;  for  General  Elections  are  expensive  and 
unpopular  if  they  come  too  close  together.  But  is  the  two- 
party  system  cause  or  consequence  of  the  recognition  of 
the  Prime  Minister's  right  to  demand  a  dissolution  ? 

At  any  rate,  the  two  systems  existed  ;  and  there  can  be  no 
doubt  what,  in  general  terms,  the  consequences  were.  The 
British  system  tended  to  make  Governments  strong,  and  the 
French  tended  to  make  them  weak.  For  under  British 
conditions  the  Government  not  only  had  as  a  rule  a  clear 
majority  of  its  own  supporters  behind  it,  but  was  also  able 
to  mitigate  the  ardours  of  the  critics  within  its  own  ranks, 
or  of  allied  smaller  parties,  by  threatening  a  dissolution 
which  would  cost  the  individual  Member  of  Parliament 
money,  and  might  lose  him  his  seat.  The  French  deputy, 


on  the  other  hand,  stood  in  far  less  fear  of  the  Government, 
because  it  had  not  the  right  to  appeal  to  the  electorate  ; 
and  the  French  Ministry  had  always  to  be  conciliating  the 
divergent  groups  on  which  it  depended  for  support,  and 
was  apt  to  find  in  inactivity  the  line  of  least  resistance. 
Moreover,  the  life  of  a  French  Cabinet  was  very  often  too 
short  to  make  possible  the  following  of  any  consecutive  or 
constructive  policy. 

Accordingly,  the  case  for  the  British  and  French  systems 
could  almost  be  re-stated  as  the  case  for  strong  and  weak 
parliamentary  institutions.  The  advocates  of  strong  govern- 
ment and  of  vigorous  party  policies  upheld  the  British 
arrangement,  while  those  who  believed  that  the  best  guar- 
antee of  individual  freedom  is  weak  government  greatly 
preferred  the  French.  It  is  true  that  the  government  of 
France  was — and  is — a  great  deal  more  bureaucratic  than 
that  of  Great  Britain  ;  but  that  is  a  matter  of  the  adminis- 
trative rather  than  the  legislative  system,  and  it  is  with 
legislation  alone  that  we  are  at  present  concerned. 

If  the  new  States  of  post-war  Europe  had  been  able  to 
choose  freely  between  the  British  and  French  parliamentary 
systems,  it  is  not  easy  to  say  which  they  would  have  chosen. 
Actually,  their  choice  went  everywhere  in  favour  of  methods 
which  resulted  in  reproducing  something  far  more  akin 
to  French  than  to  British  parliamentary  conditions.  For, 
in  deciding  in  favour  of  proportional  representation,*  as 
they  did  with  singular  unanimity,  they  were  adopting  an 
electoral  arrangement  clearly  calculated  to  lead  to  the 
multiplication  of  parties,  and  therefore  to  the  group  basis 
of  French  politics  rather  than  the  strong  party  government 
of  Great  Britain. 

But  they  had  not,  in  reality,  an  open  choice  on  the  main 
issue.  For  the  British  system  implies  the  prior  existence, 
or  immediate  potentiality,  of  two  parliamentary  parties 
capable  of  forming  a  Government  and  a  major  Opposition. 
But  nowhere  in  Europe  did  such  parties  exist,  nor  could  they 
be  called  into  existence  under  the  prevailing  conditions. 
There  were,  and  there  were  bound  to  be  at  least  for  some 



time  to  come,  a  considerable  number  of  separate  groups  in 
the  Parliaments  of  the  new  States.  Governments  were  bound 
to  depend  for  their  majorities  on  coalitions  among  these 
groups  ;  and  it  was  impossible  to  give  such  coalitions  the 
stability  of  consolidated  parties.  A  close  approximation  to 
the  French  system  therefore  arose  naturally  out  of  the 
circumstances  ;  and  the  new  Chambers,  while  they  tried 
sometimes  to  model  their  behaviour  on  the  "  Mother  of 
Parliaments,"  operated  in  fact  far  more  like  the  French 
Chambre  des  Deputes. 

This  situation  was  due  in  part  to  the  development  of 
Socialism.  For  in  most  of  the  new  countries  the  Socialists 
formed,  if  not  the  largest,  at  least  one  of  the  two  largest 
parties  in  the  first  post-war  Parliaments.  They  were  not, 
however,  strong  enough  to  win  a  clear  majority  ;  and 
accordingly  they  either  constituted  the  main  opposition 
to  a  broad  alliance  of  bourgeois  and  other  non-Socialist 
groups  which  together  formed  the  Government,  or  they 
themselves  entered  into  coalitions  with  the  more  "  progres- 
sive "  of  the  non-Socialist  parties.  These  other  parties  were 
never  closely  enough  agreed  to  form  a  solid  combination  ; 
for  they  ranged  from  representatives  of  landowning 
interests,  large  capitalist  interests,  clerical  interests,  petty 
bourgeois  interests,  peasant  interests,  and  so  on,  to  still  more 
sectionalised  groups  standing  for  the  rights  and  claims  of 
the  'racial  arid  national  minorities  scattered  plentifully  over 
the  territories  of  most  of  the  new  States.  This  situation,  in 
which  everything  had  to  be  settled  de  novo^and  there  were 
no  clear  precedents  to  go  by,  was  one  which  made  every 
sectional  interest  exceedingly  anxious  to  secure  direct 
representation,  as  a  source  of  bargaining  strength.  It  there- 
fore made  for  the  vitality  of  a  large  number  of  small  parties, 
each  identified  with  some  sectional  point  of  view.  Some- 
times, as  in  Czechoslovakia,  the  series  of  parties  based  on 
conflicting  class  interests  was  duplicated  for  the  distinct 
nationalities  ;  and  in  other  cases  party  divisions  were  based 
on  religious  as  well  as  political  or  class  groups.  But  more 
often  there  was  one  series  of  class-interest  parties  drawn 


mainly  from  the  national  elements  forming  the  majority 
of  the  population,  and  a  second  series  of  nationalist  groups, 
each  representing  a  confusing  medley  of  class  interests. 
Moreover,  this  clamjamfry  of  parties  was  perpetuated  and 
reinforced  by  the  adoption  of  P.R.,  which  was  adopted  by 
the  new  States  less  as  a  matter  of  democratic  principle 
according  to  John  Stuart  Mill  than  because  each  sectional 
group  saw  in  it  the  assurance  of  its  own  representation  and 

Stable  Governments  were,  under  these  circumstances, 
exceedingly  hard  to  form  ;  and  the  democratic  Govern- 
ments of  post-war  Europe  have  been  for  the  most  part  very 
unstable.  The  new  States  have  carried  on  somehow  ;  and 
most  of  them  have  not  substantially  altered,  though  several 
of  them  have  in  fact  suspended,  the  constitutions  drawn 
up  on  the  morrow  of  the  war.  But  it  will  hardly  be  main- 
tained that  these  constitutions  have  worked  well,  or  bid 
fair  to  serve  as  permanently  satisfactory  instruments  of 
government.  The  most  that  can  be  said  for  them  is  that,  in 
the  circumstances  which  existed  in  1919  and  1920,  there 
was  practically  no  choice.  The  local  Communists  lacked 
the  strength  to  take  control,  the  Socialists  were  unable  to 
gain  a  clear  majority,  and  the  sectional  interests  were  too 
sharply  divided  for  a  firm  anti-Socialist  combination  to 
be  created  ;  and  accordingly  the  only  possible  course  was 
to  recognise  the  group  system.  At  least  until  the  new  States 
had  had  plenty  of  time  to  settle  down,  and  to  deal  with  the 
vast  number  of  conflicting  claims  which  faced  them,  the 
claims  of  minorities  \\erc  certain  to  play  a  major  part  in 
shaping  the  political  system.  Proportional  representation 
won  the  day  because  it  was  the  most  thorough  embodi- 
ment of  the  "  minority  "  spirit. 

What  has  been  said  above  applies  fully  as  much  to 
Germany  as  to  new  States  such  as  Czechoslovakia  or  Poland. 
For  post-war  Germany  seemed  to  most  Germans  virtually 
a  new  State,  or  at  any  rate  one  in  which  there  had  to  be  a 
new  fundamental  settlement  of  the  claims  of  conflicting 
classes  and  sections.  Germany,  more  than  any  other  State, 


because  her  combined  difficulties  in  domestic  and  external 
politics  were  greater,  felt  during  the  post-war  years  the 
repercussions  of  a  political  system  designed  to  make  difficult 
the  creation  of  a  solid  parliamentary  majority.  The  German 
political  situation  is  discussed  in  detail  elsewhere  ;  here 
we  are  only  pointing  out  that  P.R.  exaggerated  the  diffi- 
culties inheient  in  the  political  situation. 

For  P.R.  amounts,  above  all  else,  to  the  giving  of  con- 
stitutional sanction  to  the  representation  of  sectional 
interests.  The  case  put  forward  on  its  behalf  is  that  it  follows 
logically  from  the  conception  of  representative  government  ; 
for  if  the  voters  are  to  be  represented,  each  of  them  ought 
to  be  given  the  largest  possible  chance  of  helping  to  elect 
someone  who  really  represents  his  point  of  view.  The 
system  of  single-member  constituencies  and  that  of  the 
scrutin  de  lisle  without  P.R. — i.e.  the  method  of  voting  in 
larger  constituencies  for  party  lists  of  candidates  en  bloc — 
are  alike  in  ruling  out  the  representation  of  such  minorities 
as  live  scattered  among  the  rest  of  the  population,  so  that 
their  votes  are  not  numerous  enough  to  cany  the  day 
in  any  particular  constituency.  The  second  ballot  and  the 
alternative  vote  are  further  means  of  wiping  out  the  minority 
parties.  Under  these  systems,  say  the  advocates  of  P.R., 
many  votes  are  wasted  ;  for  the  minority  groups  must  either 
vote  for  their  own  men  without  hope  of  securing  their 
election,  or  vote  for  someone  who  does  not  represent  them, 
or  not  vote  at  all.  P.R.,  properly  worked,  ensures  that  no 
vote  is  wasted,  and  gives  each  group,  lar^e  or  small,  a 
representation  corresponding  to  the  number  of  votes  cast 
on  its  behalf.  A  P.R.  Parliament,  and  no  other,  therefore 
really  represents  the  nation.  It  is,  or  should  be,  a  perfect 
mirror  of  the  national  consciousness. 

So  far,  so  good  ;  and  if  the  aim  of  Parliaments  were  simply 
to  hold  the  mirror  up  to  national  divisions  of  opinion  the 
case  for  P.R.  would  be  unanswerable.  But  one  object — not 
the  least  important — in  electing  a  Parliament  is  to  provide 
the  community  with  a  workable  and  effective  legislative 
machine.  What  if  the  two  aims  prove  to  be  inconsistent  ? 


Which  is  to  be  given  up  ?  Is  Parliament  to  become 
less  a  legislative  instrument  in  order  to  be  a  better  mirror, 
or  a  worse  mirror  in  order  to  legislate  more  efficiently  ? 
The  "  perfect  mirror  "  theory  is  tenable  only  by  those  who 
believe  that,  on  the  whole,  individuals  and  smaller  groups 
within  the  State  are  best  left  to  manage  their  own  affairs, 
and  that  the  concentration  of  power  in  the  hands  of  the 
central  State  authority  is  an  evil.  Anyone  who  holds  that 
the  State  has  wide  functions  of  intervention,  and  that  it  is 
necessary  for  men  to  be  strongly  governed,  is  bound  to 
aim  at  securing  an  effective  instrument  of  legislation,  even 
at  some  cost  in  its  reflecting  quality. 

In  other  words,  the  mirror  theory  might  do  well  enough 
in  a  society  so  settled  in  the  general  character  of  its  social 
and  economic  life,  and  so  unvexed  by  major  problems,  that  it 
could  get  on  comfortably  enough  without  much  controversial 
legislation,  and  under  the  aegis  of  a  weak  and  unstable 
Government.  Pre-war  France  was  on  the  whole  in  this 
condition  ;  and  perhaps  Holland  is  in  it  now.  But  a  mirror 
is  essentially  passive  :  it  reflects,  but  it  does  not  originate 
or  decide.  A  Parliament  which  mirrors  the  kaleidoscopic 
opinions  of  a  diversified  community  is  most  unlikely  to  be 
good  at  settling  major  conflicts  of  interest  among  the  diver- 
gent groups  which  it  represents.  But,  unhappily,  these 
groups  are  most  likely  to  be  insistent  on  separate  repre- 
sentation at  times  when  their  divergencies  are  most  acute, 
and  the  problems  raised  by  their  conflicts  most  difficult 
and  fundamental. 

These  conditions  go  far  towards  explaining  the  almost 
general  dissatisfaction  of  to-day  with  the  working  of  the 
parliamentary  system.  The  strength  of  Parliamentarism — 
above  all  of  British  and  French  Parliamentarism — in  the 
latter  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  lay  pre-eminently  in 
the  fact  that  it  was  being  used  to  work  a  securely  established 
system,  on  the  fundamentals  of  which  nearly  all  articulate 
opinion  was  in  agreement.  The  differences  between  the 
recognised  parties  did  not  go  down  to  first  principles  :  and 
therefore  a  broad  continuity  of  aims  and  policy  was  possible 


between  the  rival  parties.  Neither  Conservatives  nor 
Liberals  in  Great  Britain,  neither  Republicans  nor  Demo- 
crats in  the  United  States,  wanted  or  proposed  to  do  any- 
thing which  seemed  to  their  rivals  so  dreadful  as  to  threaten 
the  disruption  of  the  body  politic,  or  the  dissolution  of  the 
social  contract.  The  battle  of  words  might  wax  fast  and 
furious,  and  politicians  might  call  one  another  the  most 
dreadful  names  ;  but  all  the  same  the  amount  of  common 
ground  between  them  was  far  more  extensive  than  their 
areas  of  dispute. 

Nor  was  this  all.  In  the  pre-\\ar  democratic  countries, 
men  were  working  on  the  basis  of  an  existing  system  of 
settled  rights  and  claims.  They  might  wish  to  modify  these 
in  one  or  another  particular  ;  but  apart  from  the  particular 
projects  of  reform  over  which  they  wrangled  they  took  the 
existing  conditions  for  granted.  This  greatly  reduced  the 
pressure  from  organised  sectional  interests,  and  made  it 
possible  for  each  of  the  great  rival  parties  to  put  up  a 
plausible  claim  that  it  stood  for  the  totality  of  the  national 
interests.  But  in  post-war  Europe  nothing  could  be  taken 
for  granted,  because  there  was  nothing  securely  established. 
Everything  had  to  be  affirmed  or  denied  afresh  ;  and  a 
thousand  problems  were  demanding  immediate  settlement. 
Were  the  old  landowners  or  the  peasants  to  have  the  land  ? 
Was  the  State  to  base  its  policy  on  Economic  Nationalism, 
or  on  Internationalism  ?  Was  it  to  go  Socialist,  or  at  any 
rate  how  much  of  State  Socialism  was  it  to  embody  in  its 
new  economic  system  ?  Was  it  to  have  an  established 
Church,  or  to  treat  all  religions  alike  ;  and,  if  the  latter, 
how  was  it  to  treat  them  ?  Was  it  to  compensate  those  who 
had  lost  their  savings  through  the  inflation  of  the  currency  ? 
Was  it  to  grant  political  autonomy  to  provinces  possessing 
a  distinct  racial,  cultural,  economic,  or  religious  character 
of  their  own  ?  Was  it  to  allow  racial  minorities  their  own 
languages,  schools,  cultural  conditions  ?  These  and  a  host 
of  other  questions  buzzed  like  flies  round  the  heads  of  the 
statesmen  of  the  new  Republics  ;  and  every  question 
furnished  a  reason  for  the  existence  of  a  fresh  political  party. 


Parliamentarism,  then,  could  not  be  expected  to  work  in 
post-war  Europe  as  it  had  worked  in  Great  Britain  when 
the  British  social  system  had  the  solidity  of  Victorian 
mahogany,  or  in  France  when  the  life  of  peasant  and  small- 
scale  industrialist  went  on  almost  unaffected  by  the  doings 
of  the  politicians  in  Paris.  In  the  post-war  period,  politics 
were  bound  to  affect  everybody  ;  and  in  every  community 
there  were  political  differences  too  deep  for  easy  recon- 
ciliation. This  applied  even  in  the  States  which  were  not 
compelled  to  build  up  their  political  institutions  afresh  from 
the  bottom.  British  Parliamentarism  could  no  longer  be  the 
same  with  three  parties,  instead  of  two,  contending  for 
office,  and  one  of  these  challenging,  at  least  in  words,  the 
ark  of  the  capitalist  covenant.  The  oft-expressed  desire  for 
the  final  elimination  of  the  Liberals  was  based  far  less  on 
a  desire  to  clear  the  ground  for  a  straight  fight  between 
Capitalism  and  Socialism — which  was  not  at  all  desired  by 
most  people — than  on  a  hankering  to  get  back  to  the  old 
simplicity  of  the  two-party  system.  For,  with  only  two  major 
parties,  each  capable  of  securing  an  independent  majority, 
British  people  both  knew  how  their  political  system  worked 
and  believed  in  its  efficiency  for  the  limited  tasks  it  had 
been  called  upon  to  perform  before  the  war.  They  did  not 
like  at  all  the  prospect  of  a  succession  of  Parliaments  in 
which  no  party  would  be  able  to  command  a  majority. 
But  in  fact  the  old  conditions  could  not  be  recalled  ;  and 
the  creakings  and  groanings  of  the  old  parliamentary 
system,  now  called  upon  to  adapt  itself  to  a  new  situation, 
were  soon  plainly  audible. 

Great  Britain,  howrever,  like  France,  could  in  the  short 
run  carry  on  with  relatively  little  difficulty,  because  she 
did  not  have  to  settle  everything  at  once,  and  also  because 
British  Socialism  remained  Socialism  on  paper,  but  was 
only  social  reform  in  practice — a  continuation  and  extension 
of,  rather  than  a  rupture  with,  the  Liberal  tradition.  Though 
the  cleavage  between  the  parties  raised  more  fundamental 
questions  than  before,  it  did  not  raise  them  in  forms  im- 
peratively demanding  immediate  solutions.  Very  slowly, 


the  old  British  economic  and  social  system  was  beginning 
to  disintegrate  ;  but  for  the  time  being  it  was  perfectly 
possible  to  carry  on  without  any  deep  disturbance  of  class 
relationships  or  established  ways  of  life.  The  "  Mother  of 
Parliaments  "  lost  much  of  her  glamour  ;  but  she  did  not 
lose  her  ability  to  survive  and  "  manage  "  somehow.  Even 
less  was  French  Parliamentarism  shaken  by  the  war — that 
is,  shaken  visibly  and  at  once.  And  the  American  political 
system  remained,  to  all  outward  seeming,  totally  unaffected. 
Where,  as  in  Italy,  Parliamentarism  was  a  plant  of 
tenderer  and  more  exotic  growth,  things  fell  out  differently. 
United  Italy,  poor  and  industrially  undeveloped,  provided 
herself  with  a  Parliament  as  the  symbol  of  national  unity 
and  respectable  Statehood  far  more  than  because  her 
citizens  had  any  faith  in,  or  understanding  of,  the  working 
of  parliamentary  institutions.  Cavour  had  no  successors  : 
Italy  developed  neither  strong  and  coherent  political 
parties  on  the  British  model,  nor  the  power  to  make  a 
group  system  in  the  image  of  the  national  character,  as  it 
came  to  be  in  France.  Italian  politics  remained  an  affair 
of  superficial  dexterities  and  manipulations,  such  as 
Giolitti  was  adept  in,  with  little  relation  to  the  real  currents 
of  public  opinion  or  to  the  real  forces  shaping  the  national 
life.  Socialism  in  Italy  became  an  important  political 
force  far  less  because  it  was  strong  than  because  the  rest 
were  weak  ;  and  it  never  became  confident  enough  of  its 
hold  to  master  the  country.  After  the  war,  Don  Sturzo, 
with  his  Popolari,  challenged  it  in  the  field  of  social  reform, 
and  made  a  real  attempt  to  build  up,  in  face  of  Papal 
suspicion,  a  closely  knit  Catholic  Party  transcending  class- 
differences.  But  Italian  Parliamentarism  was  of  too  weak 
and  imitative  a  growth  to  stand  up  against  the  storms  and 
stresses  of  the  post-war  years.  Confronted  for  the  first  time 
with  fundamental  cleavages  of  opinion  in  the  country, 
it  could  not  make  itself  the  arbiter  of  these  differences. 
The  rival  factions  did  battle  outside  Parliament,  in  the 
streets  and  in  the  factories,  and  not  in  orderly  debates  or 
election  meetings  ;  and  the  Government,  having  no  idea 


how  to  hold  the  contending  forces  in  cheqjc,  before  long 
simply  gave  up  trying  to  govern  at  all.  For  some  time  before 
the  Fascists  marched  on  Rome,  Italy  had  been  in  effect 
a  country  without  government. 

The  demonstrated  failure  of  Italian  Parliamentarism, 
and  its  fate,  served  as  a  salutary  warning  against  the  facile 
optimism  of  post-war  Liberal-Democratic  theory.  For 
though  the  Fascists  were  ostensibly  making  war  upon 
Communism  and  Internationalism,  it  was  the  Liberal- 
Democratic  State  that  they  actually  overthrew.  Their 
antagonist  was,  no  doubt,  this  form  of  State  at  its  weakest 
and  least  successful  in  realising  the  principles  of  Liberal 
Democracy.  But  the  warning  was  none  the  less  salutary  ; 
for  it  was  a  warning  against  the  danger  of  assuming  that 
parliamentary  institutions,  set  up  in  the  less  economically 
developed  countries,  would  work  out  as  they  had  worked 
out  in  Great  Britain  or  France,  or  would  be  in  fact  either 
liberal  or  democratic  in  practice.  It  was  a  warning  against 
the  fallacy  of  generalising  about  the  right  forms  of  govern- 
ment, and  against  constitutions  made  by  imitative  eclec- 
ticism instead  of  the  creative  impulse  of  an  original  and 
appropriate  creed.  It  was  an  ironic  fortune  that  equipped 
the  new  States  of  Eastern  Europe  with  the  complete  para- 
phernalia of  a  political  system  of  which  its  originators  in 
Western  Europe  were  growing  more  sceptical  every  year. 


SOMETHING  has  been  said  both  of  the  greater  strength 
of  Parliamentary  institutions  in  those  countries  in  which 
the  idea  of  responsible  Parliamentary  Government  was 
already  well  established  in  the  nineteenth  century  and  of 
the  difficulties  which  Parliamentarism  has  encountered 
even  in  those  countries  since  the  war.  It  was  pointed  out 
that  countries  such  as  Great  Britain  and  France  had  been 
able  to  carry  on  without  any  serious  challenge  to  their 


Parliamentary  systems  despite  the  growing  creakiness  of 
the  Parliamentary  machine  because  of  two  things — first 
because  in  these  countries  economic  problems,  though 
pressing,  were  nothing  like  so  insistent  as  they  were  in  the 
new  States  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe,  and  secondly, 
because  the  Parliamentary  system  was  far  more  deeply 
rooted  in  the  habits  and  ideas  of  the  people.  There  has 
been  since  the  war  much  grumbling  at  the  ineffectiveness 
of  parliamentary  government  in  both  Great  Britain  and 
France  ;  but  there  has  been  no  widespread  desire  hitherto 
to  tear  up  Parliamentarism  by  the  roots  in  order  to  sub- 
stitute for  it  some  quite  different  form  of  government.  In 
France,  indeed,  the  Parliamentary  State  has  been  subjected 
to  a  growing  fire  of  criticism  from  both  Right  and  Left.  The 
Communists  have  been  able  to  build  up  a  party  of  some 
size,  and  there  has  been  a  revival  of  anti-republican  and 
anti-democratic  agitation  on  the  extreme  Right.  But  neither 
the  Communists  nor  the  Camel ots  du  Rot  and  the  Action 
Franfaise  have  been  able  to  shake  the  solid  mass  of  support 
behind  the  Parliamentary  parties,  ranging  from  Conserva- 
tive Republicans  to  orthodox  Socialists.  In  England  there 
has  been  even  less  of  a  challenge  from  either  side  to  the 
established  institutions  of  the  Parliamentary  State.  Com- 
munism has  so  far  never  risen  higher  than  the  return  of  one 
solitary  member  to  the  House  of  Commons,  and  Fascism 
has  made  its  appearance  only  in  a  succession  of  movements 
more  suggestive  of  opera  boujfe  than  of  serious  counter- 
revolutionary activity. 

Nevertheless,  even  in  the  countries  most  used  to  trad- 
itional democratic  institutions  and  to  the  Parliamentary 
system,  there  has  been  a  growing  recognition  that  this 
system  is  on  the  defensive.  In  the  United  States,  for  example, 
while  no  third  party  has  succeeded  in  challenging  effectively 
the  far-reaching  machinery  of  the  two  traditional  parties, 
much  less  in  rallying  any  large  measure  of  support  behind 
a  proposal  to  change  the  character  of  the  State,  there  has 
been  a  very  great  increase  of  discontent  with  the  working 
of  the  party  system  in  both  Federal  and  State  affairs,  and 


a  marked  tendency  to  dispense  with  the  institutions  of 
nineteenth  century  democracy  in  the  running  of  the  local 
government  machine.  The  vastness  of  the  territory  and 
population  of  the  United  States,  and  the  existence  of  a  host 
of  separate  centres  each  possessed  by  a  strong  spirit  of 
localism,  have  stood  powerfully  in  the  way  of  the  national 
self-expression  of  the  forces  of  criticism  which  have  been 
growing  up,  and  there  has  been  something  of  a  temptation 
for  Americans  radically  discontented  with  the  existing 
political  institutions  of  their  country  to  turn  their  backs 
on  political  affairs  with  a  despairing  shrug  of  the  shoulders, 
and  give  themselves  up  to  the  collection  of  Americana  in  a 
spirit  of  purely  unconstructive  satire.  There  has  been  much 
"  muck-raking  "  and  much  denunciation  of  the  unfettered 
authority  of  big  business  on  the  one  hand,  and  on  the  other, 
much  outcry  at  the  activities  of  Communists,  "  criminal 
Syndicalists  "  and  agitators  of  foreign  origin.  But  in  terms 
of  the  constructive  rebuilding  of  political  and  economic 
policy  all  the  criticism  had  amounted  to  very  little  up  to  the 
moment  of  President  Roosevelt's  assumption  of  office  in 
1933.  Then,  indeed,  the  American  political  system  under- 
went changes  as  start  line;  and  sudden  as  any  country  has 
ever  yet  experienced  without  a  revolution  ;  but  it  falls  out- 
side the  scope  of  this  book  to  attempt  even  such  evaluation 
of  these  changes  as  is  possible  at  the  present  stage. 

Let  us  begin  with  an  attempt  to  evaluate  the  development 
of  the  political  situation  in  post-war  Britain.  As  we  have 
seen,  right  up  to  1914  British  politics  were  still  being  con- 
ducted in  effect  on  the  basis  of  a  two-party  system.  There 
were,  indeed,  in  the  House  of  Commons  four  parties  and 
not  two  ;  but  only  the  two  great  traditional  parties,  Liberals 
and  Conservatives,  were  in  a  position  to  aspire  to  the  right 
of  forming  either  His  Majesty's  Government  or  His  Majesty's 
Opposition.  The  Labour  Party,  though  it  had  proclaimed 
its  complete  independence,  was  still  in  effect  little  more 
than  a  group  on  the  left  of  the  Liberals,  and  aimed  necessarily 
at  using  them  as  the  instrument  for  satisfying  its  immediate 
aspirations.  The  Irish,  following  a  more  independent 


line  in  some  respects,  were  also  tied  to  the  Liberal  Party 
as  the  only  instrument  through  which  they  could  hope 
to  achieve  Home  Rule.  Neither  Labour  nor  Irish  Nation- 
alism offered  any  challenge  to  the  basis  of  the  Liberal- 
Democratic  State,  and  even  the  theoretical  Socialism  of  the 
Labour  Party  was  still  doubtful.  Labour  was  only  beginning 
to  emerge  from  its  swaddling  clothes  as  an  independent  party. 

It  is  obvious  that  this  arrangement  presented  from  the 
merely  administrative  point  of  view  very  considerable 
advantages.  For  it  is  much  easier  to  manage  a  Parliamen- 
tary machine  when  all  changes  of  sentiment  can  be  made 
effective  merely  by  the  Government  and  the  Opposition 
changing  places.  But,  as  we  have  seen,  the  smooth  working 
of  this  two-party  arrangement  depends  on  the  existence 
between  the  contending  parties  of  a  large  amount  of 
common  ground.  If  Government  is  to  succeed  Government 
with  a  smooth  alternation  between  party  and  party,  both 
the  rival  parties  must  be  in  agreement  on  the  fundamental 
nature  of  the  State  and  the  leading  institutions  which  it  is 
to  sustain  and  develop.  Where  such  agreement  exists  a 
change  of  Government,  or  the  election  of  a  new  Parlia- 
ment with  a  different  party  complexion,  will  not  involve 
to  any  considerable  extent  the  tearing  up  of  the  legislation 
enacted  under  the  authority  of  the  preceding  Govern- 
ment. Both  sides  will  be  prepared  for  the  most  part  to  accept 
accomplished  facts,  and  changes  will  go  on  by  the  method 
of  small  deviations  to  the  right  or  to  the  left  rather  than  by 
sharp  and  sudden  jerks  of  policy.  If  each  incoming  Govern- 
ment is  really  determined  to  undo  most  of  the  things  that 
its  predecessor  has  done,  and  does  really  regard  its  rival's 
policy  as  threatening  the  destruction  of  the  country,  the 
Parliamentary  system  at  once  ceases  to  be  workable. 
Parliamentary  Democracy  is  in  fact  a  workable  system 
only  on  the  assumption  that  the  great  majority  of  those  who 
are  actually  in  a  position  to  influence  the  march  of  events 
find  themselves  in  substantial  agreement  about  the  matters 
which  lie  at  the  root  of  political  and  economic  activity. 

In  Great  Britain,  as  in  all  other  belligerent  countries 


except  the  United  States,  the  war  seriously  upset  the  old 
arrangement  of  parties.  There  were  national  coalitions 
claiming  to  represent  the  country  as  a  whole,  and  these 
coalitions  were  the  easier  to  arrange  because  on  the  main 
issues  most  of  the  representatives  of  all  the  parties  did  find 
themselves  in  agreement.  In  view  of  this  fundamental 
agreement,  there  was  little  difficulty  in  arranging  for  the 
temporary  suspension  of  party  strife,  and  concentrating 
upon  the  measures  necessary  for  the  prosecution  of  the  war. 
A  tiny  handful  of  Liberals,  including  one  or  two  Liberal 
Ministers,  dropped  out  in  1914  when  war  was  declared, 
and  a  small  minority  of  the  Labour  Party,  basing  itself 
on  the  definitely  Socialist  Independent  Labour  Party, 
took  up  an  ant i- war  attitude  and  passed  into  opposition. 
But  even  the  I.L.P.  did  not  sever  its  formal  affiliation  to 
the  Labour  Party  despite  its  disagreement  on  policy.  Apart 
from  these  defections,  up  to  the  end  of  1916  Great  Britain 
was  governed  on  non-party  lines — that  is  to  say,  on  the 
basis  of  a  suspension  of  all  changes  not  rendered  necessary 
by  the  exigencies  of  war.  This  solid  front  of  the  constitu- 
tional parties  was  broken  up  at  the  end  of  1916,  when  Mr. 
Lloyd  George  drove  Mr.  Asquith  from  office  and  replaced 
him  at  the  head  of  a  new  coalition  from  which  some  of  the 
old  Liberal  politicians  were  excluded  ;  and  there  was  a 
further  rift  from  1917  onwards  as  a  larger  section  of  the 
Labour  Party  passed  into  opposition  on  account  of  the 
refusal  of  the  Government  to  enter  into  negotiations  for 
a  peace  based  on  compromise.  Moreover,  in  the  last  year 
of  the  war,  anti-war  sentiment  was  spreading  rapidly  among 
the  industrial  workers  in  Great  Britain,  as  well  as  in  other 
countries,  as  the  pressure  of  the  long  struggle  came  to  be 
more  acutely  felt  and  the  "  combing  out "  of  more  and  more 
men  from  the  factories  provided  a  stream  of  increasingly 
reluctant  and  unwarlike  recruits  to  the  armed  forces. 
Nevertheless  Great  Britain  finished  the  war  under  a 
coalition  from  which  the  Labour  Party  had  not  even  at  that 
stage  officially  withdrawn  ;  and  although  the  Labour  Party 
did  withdraw  and  pass  into  formal  opposition  as  soon  as  the 


Armistice  was  signed,  the  "  Coupon  "  election  of  1918  was 
fought  on  the  basis  of  a  continued  coalition  between  the 
Conservatives  and  Mr.  Lloyd  George's  Liberal  followers. 

After  the  election  of  1918  two  things  were  apparent. 
First,  it  was  clear  that  the  Liberal  Party  had  been  damaged, 
if  not  irretrievably,  at  any  rate  very  severely  indeed,  by  the 
rift  between  Mr.  Lloyd  George's  followers  and  the 
Asquithites.  Secondly,  the  Labour  Party,  despite  its  un- 
preparedness  and  the  big  differences  which  existed  within 
its  ranks,  found  itself  called  upon  to  assume  the  role  of  His 
Majesty's  Opposition  in  face  of  the  cleavage  in  the  Liberal 
ranks,  and  began  for  the  first  time  to  look  forward  to  the 
day  when  it  would  be  in  a  position  to  take  over  the  govern- 
ment of  the  country.  Henceforth  there  were  three  claimants 
for  the  two  positions  of  Government  and  Opposition.  The 
old  simplicity  of  the  two-party  system  was  for  the  time 
irretrievably  lost, 

For  Liberalism,  divided  in  counsel  and  impotent  in 
action  as  it  was  during  the  post-war  years,  was  still  an 
electoral  force  to  be  reckoned  with.  If,  indeed,  the  Liberals 
associated  with  the  Government  had  been  prepared  to 
merge  themselves  completely  with  the  Conservatives  into 
a  single  national  party  based  on  the  defence  of  the  capitalist 
system,  the  two-party  arrangement  might  have  been 
restored  ;  for  the  independent  Liberals  would  in  that  event 
almost  certainly  have  either  disappeared  or  at  least  been 
reduced  to  an  impotent  fraction.  But  this  was  desired  neither 
by  the  Liberals  nor  by  a  great  many  of  the  Conservatives. 
The  Conservatives  wanted  the  spoils  of  office  for  themselves, 
were  fully  conscious  of  the  superiority  of  their  strategic 
position,  and  had  no  intention  of  accepting  permanently 
the  leadership  of  Mr.  Lloyd  George,  convenient  as  they 
found  it  in  the  immediate  post-war  emergency.  The  Liberals 
still  cherished  the  hope  that  when  the  immediate  turmoils 
of  the  post-war  period  were  over  they  would  be  able  to 
regain  their  position  as  a  united  party  and  oust  Labour 
from  its  status  as  the  official  Opposition.  Indeed,  the  leaders 
of  both  the  old  parties  for  the  most  part  agreed  in  desiring 


the  return  of  pre-war  political  conditions.  They  much 
preferred  the  prospect  of  a  continuation  of  the  gentlemanly 
battle  between  rival  capitalist  parties  to  the  prospect  of  a 
struggle  between  two  great  parties  standing,  in  theory  at 
least,  for  radically  different  forms  of  economic  organisation. 
Nothing  was  more  likely  to  turn  the  Labour  Party  com- 
pletely into  a  Socialist  Party  than  the  formation  of  a  united 
capitalist  bloc  against  it. 

Moreover,  the  Labour  Party,  as  it  emerged  from  the 
war  with  its  new  Constitution  and  programme  of  1918,  had 
become  a  good  deal  more  Socialist,  though  it  was  by  no 
means  yet  Socialist  in  a  thorough-going  sense.  Labour  had 
first  become  an  independent  party  in  any  real  sense  in  1900, 
when  the  tiny  group  of  Socialists  organised  under  Keir 
Hardie's  leadership  in  the  Independent  Labour  Party 
induced  the  Trade  Unions  to  join  with  them  in  forming 
the  Labour  Representation  Committee.  This  body,  which 
adopted  the  name  "  Labour  Party  "  in  1906,  was  at  the 
outset  far  more  a  Trade  Union  than  a  Socialist  Party  ; 
and  right  up  to  1918  it  had  made  no  formal  declaration 
of  its  Socialist  faith,  though  its  driving  force  came  largely 
from  the  Socialist — but  for  the  most  part  non-Marxian — 
minority  within  its  ranks.  But  in  1918,  under  the  stimulus 
of  war  conditions,  the  Labour  Party  radically  amended 
its  constitution,  so  as  to  base  itself  on  individual  members 
as  well  as  on  Trade  Union  and  other  collective  affiliations  ; 
and  at  the  same  time  it  produced,  in  Labour  and  the  New 
Social  Order,  a  clearly  Socialist  programme,  though  its 
Socialism  remained  evolutionary  and  gradualist,  and  was 
far  more  under  the  influence  of  Fabian  than  of  Marxian 

In  the  excited  atmosphere  of  the  period  immediately 
after  the  war,  when  men  were  looking  for  the  new  Heaven 
and  the  new  Earth  which  Mr.  Lloyd  George  had  been 
foremost  in  promising  them  as  the  fruit  of  victory,  the  basic 
institutions  of  the  capitalist  State  no  longer  seemed  so  firm 
and  so  sacred  as  they  had  seemed  up  to  1914.  The  Bol- 
shevik Revolution  in  Russia,  while  it  had  by  no  means 


converted  the  British  workers  to  Communism,  had  to  a 
substantial  extent  influenced  their  attitude  so  as  to  make 
them  doubt  the  stability  of  the  capitalist  State.  There  were 
times  in  1919  and  1920  when  the  British  Labour  Party 
even  began  to  look  like  a  revolutionary  Socialist  Party — 
for  example,  at  the  moment  when  a  General  Strike  was 
threatened  against  the  danger  of  British  intervention  in  the 
war  between  Poland  and  Soviet  Russia.  No  doubt  the 
leaders  of  British  Labour  remained  in  their  fundamental 
attitude  thoroughly  gradualist  ;  but  for  the  time  being 
the  situation  made  them  look  a  good  deal  less  constitu- 
tionalist than  of  old.  They  returned  speedily  enough  to  a 
strictly  constitutional  attitude  as  the  post-war  excitement 
died  down  and  Great  Britain  succeeded  in  rebuilding  at 
any  rate  the  fagade  of  her  pre-war  system.  But  even  so  the 
attitude  of  the  Labour  Party  was  radically  changed,  in 
that  it  thought  of  itself  no  longer  as  a  third-party  group  but 
definitely  as  a  force  aiming  within  a  measurable  space  of 
time  at  taking  over  the  government  of  the  country. 

Actually  the  Labour  Party's  chance  came  far  sooner  than 
it  had  expected,  and  long  before  it  was  at  all  ready  for  the 
responsibilities  which  it  was  called  upon  to  assume.  Mr. 
Lloyd  George's  coalition  broke  down  in  1922  and  \\as 
replaced  by  a  purely  Conservative  Government.  With  the 
Liberals  still  divided  into  two  contending  fractions,  the 
Labour  Party  was  able  to  maintain  its  status  as  the  official 
Opposition.  Two  years  later,  Mr.  Baldwin,  who  had 
succeeded  Mr.  Bonar  Law  as  the  Conservative  leader, 
presented  Labour  with  the  opportunity  to  become  a  Govern- 
ment by  fighting  a  General  Election  on  the  still  unpopular 
issue  of  Tariff  Reform.  Labour,  in  a  considerable  minority 
in  the  House  of  Commons,  could  form  a  Government  only 
if  it  consented  to  be  kept  in  office  by  the  votes  of  the  Liberals. 
But  the  Liberals  were  by  no  means  prepared  to  serve  as 
docile  allies  to  the  extent  to  which  the  Labour  Party  had 
so  served  them  in  the  years  immediately  before  the  war. 
The  Labour  Party  could  therefore  govern  at  all  only  on 
condition  that  it  did  not  attempt  to  put  into  effect  any  of 


the  major  proposals  included  in  its  official  programme.  It 
was  in  the  anomalous  position  of  a  nominally  Socialist 
Party  taking  office  on  the  strict  understanding  that  it  would 
take  no  step  towards  the  institution  of  Socialism.  Its  tenure 
of  office  was  precarious  even  from  day  to  day  ;  and  its 
presence  in  office  under  these  highly  restrictive  conditions 
could  have  no  real  effect  in  interrupting  the  continuity  of 
British  political  development.  All  it  could  do,  if  it  wished 
to  remain  in  office,  was  to  carry  out  a  Liberal  programme 
within  the  assumptions  and  limitations  of  the  capitalist 

It  is  of  course  a  moot  point  whether  under  these  conditions 
the  Labour  Party  was  right  in  assuming  office  at  all,  or 
whether,  if  it  had  decided  to  assume  office,  it  should  not 
have  courted  immediate  and  certain  defeat  by  putting  up 
at  once  a  challenging  Socialist  programme  which  it  could 
have  had  no  prospect  of  carrying  into  effect,  or  even  of 
getting  accepted  in  the  House  of  Commons.  In  fact  neither 
of  these  alternatives  seems  to  have  been  seriously  considered. 
The  Party  grasped  the  chance  of  office  both  because  it 
wanted  office  and  because  it  felt  that  the  holding  of  office 
as  a  minority  was  an  indispensable  step  towards  becoming 
a  majority  Government — and  also,  no  doubt,  because  it 
hoped,  even  as  a  minority  Government,  to  carry  through 
certain  secondary  social  reforms  which  would  do  something 
to  ameliorate  the  economic  conditions  of  the  workers. 

The  "  gradualism  "  which  the  Labour  leaders  accepted 
in  1924  and  again  in  1929  was  in  effect  only  another  name 
for  the  continuity  characteristic  of  British  political  develop- 
ment for  a  century  past.  It  implied  that,  if  Socialism  was 
to  come,  it  was  to  be  brought  into  existence  by  means  of 
a  slow  accretion  of  piecemeal  changes  in  the  social  and 
economic  structure  of  society,  and  not  by  any  sudden 
reversal  of  the  fundamental  assumptions  of  Capitalism. 
Even  in  the  long  run  it  did  not,  in  the  minds  of  most  of  the 
Socialist  leaders,  involve  any  radical  change  in  the  form 
and  working  of  the  Liberal-Democratic  State. 

After  the  enactment  of  a  few  useful  but  secondary  reforms 


the  Labour  Government  of  1924  ended  in  inglorious  fiasco. 
Symbolically,  it  was  brought  to  disaster  by  the  problem  of 
its  handling  of  Anglo-Russian  relations  ;  for  its  attempt  on 
the  one  hand  to  negotiate  a  working  economic  arrangement 
with  the  Russians  and  on  the  other  to  present  an  appearance 
of  firmness  in  the  handling  of  Communist  agitation  in  Great 
Britain  resulted  in  practice  in  placing  it  in  a  strategic 
position  difficult  for  a  Socialist  Party  without  a  majority 
behind  it.  Mr.  MacDonald  mishandled  the  incident  of  the 
Zinoviev  letter  not  out  of  sheer  muddleheadedness,  but 
because  he  and  his  Party  \\ere  really  trying  to  behave 
simultaneously  in  two  divergent  ways  in  their  handling 
of  the  Russian  situation.  They  reaped  their  reward  in  the 
Labour  debdcle  of  1924  ;  but  even  in  this  dc'tdclc  it  was  re- 
markable to  what  an  extent  the  Labour  Mt  e^  stood  firm. 
The  Labour  Government  went  down  noty  cfcause  its  own 
supporters  turned  against  it,  but  because^ me  fear  of  "  red 
revolution  "  brought  the  vast  reserves  of  non-political  voters 
to  the  poll. 

Thereafter  Great  Britain  experienced  five  years  of  Con- 
servative Government,  with  Labour  ranking  still  as  the 
major  Opposition,  and  the  Liberals,  despite  the  galvanic 
efforts  of  Mr.  Lloyd  George,  still  hopelessly  divided  and 
unable  to  frame  any  coherent  policy  on  which  more  than  a 
fraction  of  the  Party  could  agree. 

The  General  Election  of  1929  reproduced  the  situation 
which  had  arisen  in  1924.  Once  more  the  Labour  Party, 
though  stronger  than  it  had  been  at  its  first  venture  into 
office,  was  only  in  a  position  to  form  a  minority  Govern- 
ment, and  needed  the  support  of  the  Liberals  in  order  to 
make  its  measures  effective.  It  was  therefore  again  pre- 
cluded from  making,  even  had  it  desired  to  make,  any 
attempt  at  the  enactment  of  really  Socialist  measures. 
Once  again  the  Labour  Party  under  Mr.  MacDonald's 
leadership  accepted  these  conditions.  Now,  in  the  light  of 
after  events,  it  seems  clear  that  the  limitations  imposed  on 
Labour  policy  in  1929  were  to  its  leader  and  to  many  of  his 
colleagues  positively  welcome.  For  in  their  view  Great 


Britain  was  not  ripe  for  Socialism,  but  only  for  some  further 
instalment  of  social  reform.  Indeed,  in  the  minds  of  Mr. 
MacDonald  and  quite  a  number  of  the  other  leaders  of  the 
Party,  Socialism  evidently  held  a  place  not  as  something 
to  be  fought  for,  or  established  speedily  by  the  political 
action  of  the  workers,  but  only  as  a  vague  Utopian  pattern 
for  some  future  society  to  be  realised  either  at  some  distant 
epoch  or  perhaps  not  at  all.  Socialism  remained  theoreti- 
cally an  aspiration  and  an  inspiration  ;  but  it  did  not  take 
shape  as  a  practical  political  policy. 

Under  these  circumstances,  even  if  world  conditions  had 
remained  favourable  to  the  continuance  of  the  traditional 
policy  of  social  reform,  it  is  doubtful  if  the  Labour  Govern- 
ment could  have  made  much  of  a  showing.  For  even  before 
the  world  slump  a  situation  had  been  reached  in  Great 
Britain  which  made  further  instalments  of  social  reform 
very  difficult  to  carry  through  in  face  of  the  increasing 
embarrassment  of  British  capitalist  industry  ;  and  this 
difficulty  had  been  seriously  aggravated  by  the  unfortunate 
and  disastrous  decision  to  return  to  the  gold  standard  at  the 
pre-war  value  of  the  pound  sterling,  a  step  which  had  seri- 
ously embarrassed  the  British  export  trades  and  narrowed 
the  scope  for  the  further  redistribution  of  incomes  by  means 
of  the  social  services.  But  in  fact  the  coming  of  the  world 
slump  soon  after  the  Government  had  assumed  office  added 
enormously  to  the  difficulties  in  its  way.  Any  Government 
in  Great  Britain  would  have  found  itself  seriously  em- 
barrassed, and  would  have  been  bound  to  incur  a  good  deal 
of  unpopularity  in  consequence  of  the  adverse  effects  of  the 
depression.  But  these  conditions  were  especially  unfavour- 
able to  a  Government  which,  in  as  far  as  it  had  a  policy 
at  all,  based  this  policy  on  redistributing  some  of  the  surplus 
incomes  of  the  rich  among  the  poorer  sections  of  the  com- 
munity without  disturbing  the  fundamental  institutions 
which  permitted  the  rich  to  acquire  their  wealth.  Even  so, 
the  Labour  Government  managed  to  add  to  its  difficulties 
by  putting  at  the  Exchequer  a  Minister  even  more  fanati- 
cally devoted  to  the  maintenance  of  the  gold  standard 


than  the  bankers  themselves.  Thus  the  one  measure  of 
alleviation  that  might  have  been  applied  within  the  limi- 
tations of  the  Government's  changed  attitude  was  excluded 
from  consideration.  The  second  Labour  Government  ended 
accordingly  in  an  even  more  inglorious  debdcle  than  that  of 
1924 ;  and  on  this  second  occasion  the  real  contradictions  and 
inhibitions  inherent  in  its  attitude  were  openly  admitted 
by  the  secession  of  three  of  its  best  known  leaders  and  by 
the  reappearance  of  the  Labour  Prime  Minister  at  the  head 
of  a  Coalition  Government  consisting  predominantly  of 
Conservatives  and  Conservative-minded  Liberals. 

Abandoned  by  its  best  known  leaders  and  thoroughly 
handicapped  by  the  lack  of  a  constructive  policy — for  which 
the  rapidly  improvised  programme  of  1931  was  but  a  poor 
and  ineffective  substitute — Labour  went  down  in  the 
ensuing  General  Election  to  a  defeat  far  more  thorough  than 
that  of  1924.  Even  on  this  occasion  the  bulk  of  its  working- 
class  supporters  still  stood  firm,  despite  the  be\\  ilderment 
caused  by  the  defection  of  Mr.  MacDonald  and  his  col- 
leagues. But  once  more  the  non-political  voters  were  drawn 
by  panic  to  the  polling  booths,  and  on  this  occasion  a 
substantial  fraction  of  the  better  paid  workers  and  a  much 
larger  proportion  of  the  black-coated  element  which  had 
rallied  to  the  Labour  Party  abandoned  its  cause  and  gave 
their  support  to  the  so-called  "  National  "  Government. 
The  Labour  Party  was  left  after  1931  with  but  a  handful 
of  supporters  in  the  House  of  Commons,  and  with  the  task 
of  policy-building  to  be  done  all  over  again  under  new 
leadership.  For  it  was  manifest,  if  not  to  some  of  the  leaders 
of  the  Party  at  any  rate  to  almost  everyone  else,  that  it 
was  necessary  at  long  last  to  face  realities,  to  recognise  the 
failure  of  the  traditional  methods  of  gradualist  social 
reform,  and  to  devise  a  totally  new  policy  in  the  light  of  the 
changed  economic  and  political  conditions  of  1931. 

Meanwhile,  what  of  the  machinery  of  Parliamentary 
Government  ?  As  a  machine  Parliament  remained  intact, 
unchanged  since  pre-war  days  save  for  the  great  enlarge- 
ment of  the  electorate  under  the  Representation  of  the 


People  Act  of  1918.  But  the  reality  behind  the  form  had 
been  radically  altered.  For  this  reality  consisted  far  less  in 
the  formal  structure  of  Parliament  than  in  the  old  party 
system  which  sustained  its  practical  working.  This  old 
system  of  two  parties,  agreed  upon  fundamentals  and  differ- 
ing only  upon  secondary  issues,  had  gone  past  recall.  The 
eclipse  of  the  Liberals  had  indeed  created  a  situation  in 
which  ever  since  the  war  there  had  been  only  two  possible 
Governments — on  the  assumption  that  Governments  were 
still  to  be  constituted  on  party  lines.  But  this  assumption 
could  not  be  completely  fulfilled  when  one  of  the  two 
claimants  to  office  was  only  in  a  position  to  govern  with 
the  support  of  a  third  party  far  more  closely  allied  in 
attitude  and  policy  to  its  opponents  than  to  itself.  Under 
these  conditions  the  traditional  method  of  working  Parlia- 
ment could  be  maintained  only  as  long  as  the  Labour 
Party  consented  to  behave  as  if  it  were  a  direct  successor  of 
the  pre-war  Liberal  Party,  and  to  remain  within  the  tradi- 
tional assumptions  of  the  old  party  system — that  is  to  say, 
as  long  as  it  refrained  from  making  any  attack  on  the 
fundamental  institutions  of  British  Capitalism. 

What  has  been  said  is  not  that  Parliament  cannot  be  used 
as  an  instrument  of  radical  reorganisation,  but  only  that 
it  cannot  be  so  used  without  a  fundamental  change  in 
its  character.  The  present  Parliamentary  machine  is  so 
constructed  as  to  be  wholly  unsuited  in  its  working  to  the 
requirements  of  a  party  which  sets  out  to  achieve  a  radical 
change  in  the  social  and  economic  system.  For  any  such 
change  is  bound  to  involve  simultaneous  action  over  a 
very  wide  field.  It  cannot  be  a  question  merely  of  national- 
ising one  or  two  particular  industries,  or  of  passing  one  or 
two  measures  dealing  with  specific  issues,  while  leaving 
the  rest  of  the  capitalist  system  to  go  on  working  as  before. 
For  the  passing  of  a  few  measures  applying  Socialist 
principles  to  a  limited  part  of  the  economic  life  of  the 
country  is  bound  in  fact  so  to  dislocate  the  working  of  the 
capitalist  machine,  with  its  reliance  on  automatic  adjust- 
ments of  part  to  part  and  its  delicately  poised  equilibrium 


of  economic  forces,  as  to  throw  the  machine  out  of  gear  at 
many  points  not  directly  affected  by  the  immediate  measures 
introduced  by  a  Socialist  Government.  Socialism  and  Capi- 
talism are  not  two  systems,  each  dominating  its  own  distinct 
sphere  of  economic  activity.  If  Socialism  is  introduced  even 
at  one  point  on  any  significant  scale  it  will  have  to  be  intro- 
duced at  many  other  points  in  order  to  keep  the  system  as 
a  whole  working  at  all.  Moreover,  the  transition  to 
Socialism,  if  it  is  to  be  made  at  all,  ought  to  be  made  swiftly. 
For  the  period  which  intervenes  between  the  first  construc- 
tive steps  towards  the  establishment  of  Socialism  and  the 
creation  of  a  Socialist  system  complete  enough  to  dominate 
all  the  major  activities  of  society  is  bound  to  be  a  period  of 
considerable  economic  dislocation,  and  to  involve  a  tem- 
porary inefficiency  which  will  be  able  to  make  the  best 
neither  of  the  old  system  nor  of  the  new.  The  case  for 
Socialism  speedily  if  at  all  is  not  based  merely  on  being  in  a 
hurry.  It  arises  out  of  the  inherent  necessities  of  the  transition. 
It  is  obvious  that  the  Parliamentary  machine,  as  it  now 
exists,  is  an  impossible  instrument  for  any  such  speedy 
change  from  one  system  to  another.  Even  if  we  leave  out  of 
account  the  obstructive  potentialities  of  the  House  of 
Lords  and  of  the  Crown,  which  are  both  certain  to  be 
opposed  to  the  projected  change  of  system,  and  confine 
our  attention  merely  to  the  working  of  the  House  of 
Commons  as  a  legislative  instrument,  the  difficulty  re- 
mains. Parliament  is  a  body  which  works  onUhe  assumption 
that  the  measures  placed  before  it  are  to  be  debated  line 
by  line  with  the  fullest  freedom  of  criticism  on  points  of 
detail  as  well  as  of  principle  ;  and  this  involves  the  further 
assumption  that  the  body  of  legislation  placed  before  it 
will  be  sufficiently  small  to  enable  this  democratic  condition 
to  be  effectively  observed.  A  Government  working  within 
the  limitations  of  traditional  constitutional  practices  cannot 
possibly  hope  to  carry  through  more  than  two  or  three 
major  measures  in  the  course  of  a  Parliamentary  session, 
whereas  a  Government  setting  out  to  establish  Socialism 
may  want  to  carry  through  in  that  space  of  time  changes 


which,  if  constitutional  forms  are  to  be  observed,  will  need 
to  be  embodied  in  as  many  as  a  hundred  separate  Parlia- 
mentary bills.  Of  course,  if  all  discussion  were  ruthlessly 
stifled  and  a  Socialist  majority  made  the  fullest  use  of  its 
sheer  voting  strength  to  pass  through  bill  after  bill  prac- 
tically without  discussion  in  the  forms  proposed  by  the 
executive,  the  required  output  might  be  secured  from  the 
House  of  Commons.  But  this,  as  the  opposition  parties 
would  at  once  point  out,  would  mean  an  entire  break  with 
the  constitutional  practice  of  Parliamentary  legislation. 
It  would  be  to  do  with  the  House  of  Commons  what 
Mussolini  has  in  fact  done  with  the  Italian  and  Hitler 
with  the  German  Parliament — to  turn  it  into  a  mere 
registering  machine  for  decisions  made  elsewhere,  and  to 
remove  from  it  altogether  its  function  of  representing 
divergent  views  and  of  ventilating  grievances  as  the 
guardian  of  articulate  interests. 

Yet  it  is  clear  that,  if  Parliamentary  forms  are  to  be 
retained  at  all,  something  \\idely  different  from  this,  maybe, 
but  still  involving  a  very  great  departure  from  past  consti- 
tutional practice,  will  have  to  be  done  by  any  party  which 
sets  out  to  make  the  dilHcult  voyage  from  Capitalism  to 
Socialism  without  actual  revolution.  This  would  involve 
the  creation  of  extra-Parliamentary  machinery  for  the 
working  out  and  application  of  Socialist  schemes.  It  would 
mean  that  the  executive  would  be  clothed  with  very  much 
wider  and  more  authoritative  powers  than  have  been  con- 
ferred on  it  within  the  existing  Parliamentary  system  ;  but 
the  executive  could  in  practice  delegate  these  powers  to  a 
large  extent  to  the  functional  organisations  based  on  the 
organised  bodies — Trade  Unions,  Co-operative  Societies, 
local  authorities,  and  so  on — which  would  be  used  as  its 
agents  in  the  actual  execution  of  its  schemes.  In  this  way  it  is 
conceivable  that  the  transition  to  Socialism  might  be  ac- 
complished under  the  crgis  of  a  reorganised  Parliamentary 
system  ;  but  this  Parliamentary  system  would  have  to  be 
as  radically  different  from  the  nineteenth  century  Parlia- 
ment as  chalk  from  cheese. 


Nor  must  it  be  forgotten  that  even  this  use  of  the  Par- 
liamentary machine  for  the  establishment  of  Socialism 
would  be  practicable  only  if  that  machine  could  be  for  all 
practical  purposes  identified  with  the  House  of  Commons. 
For  it  is  utterly  out  of  the  question  to  envisage  the  House  of 
Lords  acquiescing  in  the  adoption  of  a  policy  designed  to 
facilitate  the  institution  of  a  Socialist  system  by  adminis- 
trative means.  This  is  true  of  the  House  of  Lords  as  it 
stands  to-day.  And  if,  as  may  yet  happen,  the  Conservatives 
were  to  use  the  opportunity  of  their  present  tenure  of  power 
so  to  amend  the  constitution  of  the  House  of  Lords  as  to 
make  it  irremovable  save  with  its  own  consent,  the  last 
avenue  for  the  attainment  of  Socialism  within  the  forms  of 
constitutional  action  would  be  definitely  closed,  and  any 
party  which  set  out  conscientiously  to  establish  Socialism 
would  have  to  become  definitely  unconstitutional  in  its 
attitude,  however  loath  it  might  be  to  do  so. 

It  is  not,  however,  proposed  to  follow  up  further  these 
implications  of  the  advent  of  Socialism  as  a  practical  and 
immediate  policy  upon  the  field  of  Parliamentary  activity. 
We  are  here  concerned  only  with  the  fact  that  the  basic 
assumptions  on  which  the  British  Parliamentary  system 
has  hitherto  rested  could  certainly  not  be  sustained  if  the 
Labour  Party  set  out  seriously  to  establish  a  Socialist 
system.  British  Parliamentarism  has  continued  to  work  with 
nothing  worse  than  creakings  and  groanings  of  the  machine 
during  the  past  dozen  years  only  because  thi  British  Labour 
Party  has  not  been  a  Socialist  Party  in  the  sense  of  aiming 
at  the  immediate  establishment  of  Socialism.  It  has  not 
been  a  Socialist  Party  in  this  sense  not  so  much  because  of 
the  attitude  of  its  leaders,  though  this  has  counted  for 
something,  as  because  there  has  been  among  its  rank  and 
file  supporters  no  insistent  pressure  upon  it  to  become 
immediately  Socialist. 

The  British  capitalist  system  has  not,  indeed,  succeeded 
in  re-establishing  its  old  position  in  the  world  of  Capitalism. 
Britain's  economic  supremacy  and  her  prospects  of  main- 
taining herself  in  the  future  as  a  great  capitalist  industrial 


State  have  been  seriously  undermined.  But,  although 
British  Capitalism  has  been  on  the  decline,  it  has  not  been 
overwhelmed  by  any  catastrophe  sufficiently  far-reaching 
to  make  the  drastic  reorganisation  of  the  economic  system 
an  immediately  imperative  task.  British  Capitalism,  with 
diminished  prestige  and  prosperity,  has  been  able  somehow 
to  carry  on  ;  and  it  is  even  true  that  Great  Britain  has  been 
affected  less  than  any  other  great  country,  with  the  possible 
exception  of  France,  by  the  adversities  of  the  past  few 
years.  The  British  unemployed  have  felt  the  pinch  of 
"  National  Economy,"  and  there  has  been  some  wage- 
cutting  and  a  good  deal  of  piecemeal  worsening  of  condi- 
tions. The  British  rich  are  not  so  rich  as  they  were,  and  the 
tribute  levied  by  the  British  investors  on  the  inhabitants 
of  less  developed  countries  has  substantially  fallen  off. 
But  according  to  the  standards  of  to-day  Great  Britain 
remains  a  relatively  prosperous  country  ;  and  accordingly 
the  mood  of  her  people  is  not  one  of  desperation  such  as 
would  encourage  the  growth  of  extreme  political  views. 
British  Communism  is  insignificant  in  the  amount  of 
support  which  it  commands  for  precisely  the  same  reason 
as  has  prevented  the  growth  of  any  substantial  Fascist 
movement.  For  both  these  movements  are  products  of  an 
advanced  stage  in  the  decay  of  capitalist  civilisation.  They 
do  not  spring  up,  or  at  any  rate  attain  to  any  considerable 
influence,  where  the  mass  of  the  people  continue  to  be 
fairly  well  fed  and  to  face  life  with  a  reasonable  degree  of 
equanimity.  There  are  Fascist  potentialities  not  only  among 
the  supporters  of  Sir  Oswald  Mosley,  but  to  a  far  more 
menacing  extent  on  the  right  wing  of  the  Conservative 
Party,  among  those  who  rally  round  Mr.  Churchill.  There 
are  potential  Communist  elements  within  the  ranks  of  the 
Labour  Party  as  well  as  among  the  followers  of  Mr.  Pollitt 
and  Mr.  Maxton.  But  neither  of  these  extremes  is  likely  to 
become  really  powerful  unless  and  until  the  disintegration 
of  British  Capitalism  has  gone  a  great  deal  further  than  it 
seems  in  the  immediate  future  likely  to  go,  save  as  the  out- 
come of  the  plunging  of  Western  Europe  into  another  war. 



SINCE  the  conclusion  of  the  Great  War  in  1918  seven 
Governments  have  held  office  in  Great  Britain.  Germany, 
up  to  and  including  the  Chancellorship  of  Hitler,  has  had 
fifteen  ;  and  France,  up  to  and  including  the  Radical 
Ministry  of  Daladier,  no  less  than  twenty-three — all  within 
a  period  of  less  than  fifteen  years.  Several  of  these  short- 
lived French  Governments  have  survived  for  only  a  few 
days  ;  and  not  one  of  them  has  held  office  for  anything  like 
so  long  as  the  Baldwin  Ministry  formed  after  the  General 
Election  of  1924.  Glemenccau  remained  in  office  from 
1917  to  the  beginning  of  1920.  Poincare's  second  and  third 
Ministries,  which  were  consecutive,  lasted  from  the  middle 
of  1926  to  the  middle  of  1929  ;  and  Briand  was  in  office 
from  1921  to  1923  without  a  break.  But  otherwise  no  single 
Ministry  has  been  of  any  considerable  duration.  As  far  as 
Governments  are  concerned,  the  administration  of  France 
has  been  even  more  discontinuous  than  those  of  most  of 
the  new  countries  which  equipped  themselves  with  brand- 
new  constitutions  on  the  morrow  of  the  war. 

Nevertheless  there  has  been,  despite  all  the  instability 
of  French  Cabinets,  a  considerable  degree  of  continuity 
in  the  conduct  of  French  affairs.  For  many  of  the  changes 
of  Ministry  have  not  carried  with  them  am  large  shift  of 
policy.  This  applies  most  of  all  in  the  sphere  of  foreign 
affairs  ;  for  after  Poiricare's  Ruhr  adventiire  of  1923-24 
Briand  successfully  and  with  only  occasional  set-backs  and 
interruptions  dominated  the  foreign  policy  of  the  French 
Republic  almost  up  to  the  time  of  his  death.  Nor  has  there 
been  in  home  affairs  so  much  instability  as  the  frequent 
changes  of  Government  would  suggest,  for  many  of  the 
changed  combinations  of  the  post-war  period  have  been 
shifts  of  personnel  rather  than  of  policy,  and  have  involved 
no  more  than  a  slight  edging  of  the  Government  to  right 
or  left.  There  have  been  in  France  since  the  war  Govern- 
ments of  the  Right  and  Governments  of  the  Left  ;  and  the 
distinction  between  the  two  is  at  the  extremcr  points 


sufficiently  marked.  But  no  Government  has  been  able  to 
exist  unless  it  could  command  the  support  not  only  of  the 
Left  or  Right,  but  also  of  a  substantial  part  of  the  Centre, 
and  this  necessity  has  been  an  important  factor  in  pre- 
serving continuity  of  attitude  even  between  Governments 
representing  predominantly  right  or  left  tendencies. 

This  situation  arises  from  the  fact  that  France  carries  on 
her  political  life  not  under  a  two-  or  three-  or  four-party 
system  but  on  the  basis  of  a  large  number  of  distinct  but  to 
some  extent  shifting  groups.  There  are,  indeed,  on  the  left 
clear-cut  fairly  well  organised  parties,  the  Socialists  and 
the  Radical-Socialists  ;  and  on  the  support  of  these  two 
any  Government  of  the  Left  is  bound  chiefly  to  rest.  The 
extreme  Right  is  far  less  clearly  organised  and  far  less 
important  from  a  numerical  point  of  view.  It  ranges  from 
the  anti-Republican  extremists,  divided  into  a  number  of 
separate  groups,  Bonapartists,  Constitutional  Monarchists, 
U Action  F'ranfaise  and  Les  Camelots  du  Roi,  to  so-called 
Moderate  Republicans  \\lio  are  themselves  divided  into 
a  number  of  separate  giuups  of  varying  degrees  of  Con- 
servatism. Between  these  parties  far  to  the  right  and  the 
left-wing  parties  which  have  constituted,  sometimes  form- 
ally but  more  often  in  effect,  a  "  Cartel  des  Gauches"  lie  a 
number  of  middle  groups  and  parties.  In  face  of  the 
weakness  and  impracticability  of  the  extreme  Right  these 
centre  groups  are  bound  to  provide  the  main  body  of  sup- 
port for  any  Government  of  conservative  tendencies.  For 
the  parties  of  the  extreme  Right  cannot  conceivably  in  the 
existing  condition  of  French  political  opinion  become 
strong  enough  to  provide  the  necessary  support  for  a  Gov- 
ernment of  their  own.  Most  of  these  centre  groups  are  in 
effect  Conservative  and  strongly  nationalistic  in  their  out- 
look ;  and  mainly  from  among  them  were  recruited  the 
forces  which  rallied  behind  Poincare  immediately  after  the 
war  and  behind  Tardieu  and  Laval  between  1929  and 
1932.  But  they  also  include  elements  which  are  prepared 
on  occasion  to  support,  at  any  rate  for  a  short  time,  a  Gov- 
ernment inclining  more  definitely  towards  the  left  ;  and  in 


the  uncertain  poise  of  French  political  opinion  during  most 
of  the  post-war  period  the  swing  to  and  fro  of  these  middle 
elements  has  been  the  chief  feature  in  the  making  and  un- 
making of  Governments.  Not  until  the  General  Elections 
of  1932  gave  the  Left  parties  a  clear  and  decisive  majority 
in  the  Chamber  was  it  possible  for  a  Government  of  the 
Left  to  exist  without  the  sufferance  of  some  at  least  of 
the  deputies  drawn  from  the  centre  groups  ;  and  even  to- 
day this  is  only  possible  provided  that  the  Radical-Socialists, 
as  the  largest  bourgeois  party  of  the  Left,  are  able  to  keep  on 
terms  with  the  Socialist  Party.  They  are  in  fact  always  un- 
easy bedfellows  ;  for  it  must  be  clearly  understood  that 
there  is  nothing  Socialist  about  the  Radical-Socialist  Party 
except  its  name.  It  is  in  effect  a  left-wing  bourgeois  party 
with  the  traditional  policy  of  anti-clericalism  and  individu- 
alist liberalism,  and  in  no  sense  a  Socialist  Party  as  the  term 
is  ordinarily  understood. 

The  Ministry  which  holds  office  in  France  in  1933  is  a 
Radical-Socialist  Ministry  drawing  some  of  its  support 
from  the  other  groups  and  parties  of  the  Left,  but  dependent 
for  its  continuance  in  office  on  the  toleration  of  the  Social- 
ists. The  policy  of  the  Socialist  Party  has  been  since  the 
war  that  of  refusing  to  take  part  in  any  Coalition  Govern- 
ment, but  of  giving  its  support  on  terms  to  any  left-wing 
Government  that  is  prepared  to  follow  a  reasonably  ad- 
vanced policy.  There  is,  however,  no  promise  that  this  sup- 
port will  be  maintained,  and  no  pact  between  the  Socialists 
and  the  Radicals  save  at  election  times.  Again  and  again 
overtures  have  been  made  by  the  Radicals  to  the  Socialists 
either  for  the  formation  of  a  Coalition  Government  which 
would  involve  the  Socialists  in  the  responsibility  for  Radical 
measures,  or  at  least  for  definite  pledges  of  support  from  the 
Socialists  to  a  purely  Radical  Ministry.  But  the  Socialist 
terms  for  any  pledge  of  support  have  always  been  higher 
than  the  Radicals  have  been  prepared  to  concede  ;  and  this 
situation  has  made  the  tenure  of  Radical  Governments 
continually  uncertain.  When  Herriot,  the  Radical-Socialist 
leader,  assumed  office  after  the  fall  of  Laval  and  the  sweeping 


left-wing  successes  in  the  General  Election  of  1932,  his 
failure  to  come  to  terms  with  the  Socialists  was  followed 
by  some  attempt  to  lean  on  the  Centre  for  support,  and  so 
to  dispense  with  the  aid  of  the  Socialists'  voting  strength. 
But  there  has  been  ample  evidence  in  the  past  of  the  un- 
satisfactory position  of  any  left  bourgeois  Ministry  which 
relies  on  the  Centre  for  support  ;  and  the  Daladier  Govern- 
ment at  present  in  office  has  swung  back  further  to  the  Left 
and  is  again  relying  on  the  voting  strength  of  the  Socialists 
to  keep  it  in  office. 

The  Socialists,  for  their  part,  despite  their  objection  to 
some  of  the  Government's  economy  measures,  have  been 
induced  to  support  it  because  there  is  clearly  no  alternative 
combination  on  the  Left,  and  the  fall  of  Daladier  would 
inevitably  mean  his  replacement  by  a  new  combination 
resting  upon  the  Centre,  which  would  be  likely  to  take 
advantage  of  the  world  economic  depression  for  an  attack 
on  the  social  services  and  the  working-class  standard  of 
life.  Nevertheless,  the  Daladier  Ministry,  no  less  than  its 
predecessors,  is  essentially  unstable,  as  any  Ministry  formed 
in  the  present  condition  of  French  party  politics  is  bound  to 
be.  There  is  no  continuity  in  the  Governments  of  the  French 
Republic  because  there  are  no  parties  powerful  enough  to 
keep  a  Ministry  of  their  own  in  office,  and  no  alliances 
sufficiently  homogeneous  to  have  any  certainty  of  lasting. 

The  Governments  of  France  aie  in  consequence  of  their 
instability  necessarily  weak,  especially  in  matters  of  finance, 
which  most  of  all  require  continuous  strong  administration. 
Finance  wrecked  the  Radicals  in  1 924-25  and  again  in  1 926  ; 
and  it  was  left  to  Poincare  to  carry  through,  by  the  strength 
of  his  own  personality  and  with  the  aid  of  a  Ministry 
supported  chiefly  by  the  Right  and  Centre,  the  long  delayed 
stabilisation  of  the  franc.  While  this  was  doing,  and  while 
Poincare  was  there  with  a  strong  personality  to  take  charge 
of  affairs,  the  French  political  situation  appeared  for  a  time 
unwontedly  stable  ;  but  after  Poincare's  withdrawal  the 
instability  returned.  Between  1929  and  1932  there  were 
seven  distinct  Ministries,  including  two  attempts,  which 


both  failed  at  the  very  outset,  to  reconstitute  Governments 
based  mainly  on  the  Left.  The  Ministries  of  Tardieu  and 
Laval  during  this  period  did  indeed  attempt  to  carry  on 
Poincare*'s  work  in  home  affairs  ;  but  they  were  never  sure 
of  the  support  of  the  Chamber  for  any  length  of  time,  and 
their  somewhat  aggressive  foreign  policy  came  to  be  more 
and  more  out  of  tune  with  the  growingly  pacific  temper  of 
national  opinion. 

While,  ho\v  ever,  France  changes  her  Government  oftener 
than  any  other  important  country,  there  is,  as  has  been 
suggested,  an  underlying  stability  in  the  French  Parlia- 
mentary7 system.  Weak  government  does  not  necessarily 
imply  the  weakness  of  the  Parliamentary  system  itself,  and 
no  more  than  in  Great  Britain  has  the  system  been  menaced 
since  the  war  by  any  fundamental  threat  to  its  continuance. 
The  French  Parliament  itself  is  less  probably  deeply  rooted 
in  the  life  of  the  nation  than  the  Parliament  of  Great 
Britain  ;  and  there  are  larger  elements  in  France  which 
object  fundamentally  to  the  whole  constitution  of  the  State. 
France  has  her  Royalists  on  the  one  side  and  her  Com- 
munists on  the  other,  whereas  Great  Britain  has  but  the 
barest  handful  of  out  and  out  opponents  of  the  constitutional 
system.  But  the  body  of  support  behind  the  French  Parlia- 
mentary system  is  nevertheless  solid  and  imposing  ;  and 
the  weakness  of  the  Cabinet  system,  so  far  from  being  re- 
garded by  public  opinion  in  France  as  an  argument  against 
a  Parliamentary  regime,  is  often  counted  in  its  favour. 
For  France  is  still  pre-eminently  a  nation  of  small-scale 
producers,  peasants,  small  employers,  independent  crafts- 
men, and  traders,  with  a  very  influential  middle  class  of 
rentiers  living  in  retirement  at  a  relatively  low  standard  of 
life.  These  classes  do  not  want  strong  government,  as  long 
as  weak  government  manages  somehow  to  carry  on  without 
taxing  them  too  highly  and  without  chivvying  them  too 
much — and,  of  course,  provided  that  the  economic  system 
continues  to  function  without  positive  breakdown.  They 
take  no  great  account  of  the  doings  away  at  Paris,  and  they 
are  not  even  particularly  keen  on  the  control  of  their  own 


local  administrations,  which  are  in  fact  far  more  dominated 
from  the  Centre  than  the  local  government  of  Great  Britain. 
The  French  are  a  political  people,  but  their  politics  still 
consists  very  largely  in  a  demand  to  be  let  alone  ;  they  have, 
for  example,  a  quite  astonishing  power  of  simply  refusing 
to  do  things,  including,  unfortunately  for  the  finances  of  the 
French  Republic,  a  remarkable  capacity  for  evading  the 
payment  of  taxes. 

This  description  of  the  predominant  temper  of  French 
political  life  remains  true  even  in  face  of  the  enlargement 
of  the  area  of  France  under  the  Treaty  of  Versailles  and  of 
the  rapid  development  of  heavy  industry  which  has  taken 
place  in  recent  years.  The  Comite  des  Forges  has  sometimes 
been  regarded  as  the  arbiter  of  French  economic  policy  ; 
and  its  attitude  has  undoubtedly  exerted  a  strong  influence 
on  those  Governments  which  have  drawn  their  support 
mainly  from  the  Right  and  Centre.  But  the  bourgeois  Left 
and  some  of  the  Centre  still  represent  predominantly  the 
point  of  view  of  the  small-scale  producers  and  traders 
hostile  to  large-scale  industry  and  in  the  last  resort  to 
imperialist  and  militarist  policies.  The  strengthening  of  the 
Left  at  the  General  Election  of  1932  represented  the  victory 
of  these  home-keeping  and  relatively  pacific  tendencies  over 
the  more  aggressive  militarism  of  the  Conservative  groups. 
As  long  as  the  French  are  not  unduly  frightened,  their 
political  life  tends  to  incline  towards  the  bourgeois  Left.  If, 
however,  they  become  nationally  frightened,  as  they  did  in 
1923  and  as  they  have  considerable  cause  to  do  again  just 
now,  the  balance  is  apt  to  tilt  over  towards  the  Right  with 
its  greater  stress  on  the  military  requirements  of  national 
defence  and  its  more  aggressive  policy  in  external  affairs. 
The  danger  is  that  the  revival  of  militarism  in  Germany 
under  Nazi  rule  may  cause  just  such  a  swing  back  of 
opinion,  and  so  upset  the  comparatively  internationalist 
policies  followed  by  the  French  Governments  during  the 
past  year. 

This  strength  of  the  bourgeois  Radical  parties,  which  get 
the  main  bulk  of  their  support  from  the  petite  bourgeoisiey 


serves  in  France  as  a  powerful  insurance  against  the  growth 
of  anything  in  the  nature  of  an  influential  Fascist  movement. 
For  the  Radical-Socialists  and  the  parties  closely  allied  to 
them  draw  the  main  body  of  their  support  from  precisely 
those  elements  in  the  community  which  Mussolini  in  Italy 
and  Hitler  in  Germany  succeeded  in  rallying  to  Fascism. 
In  both  these  countries  this  conversion  of  the  petite  bour- 
geoisie to  a  policy  of  revolution  arose  out  of  the  dissolution 
of  bourgeois  society  and  the  rapid  rise  of  Socialism  and 
Communism  among  the  working  classes.  Fascism  developed 
first  of  all  as  a  movement  of  petit  bourgeois  and  peasant  self- 
defence,  based  on  economic  and  political  desperation.  But 
in  France  the  petite  bourgeoisie  has  as  yet  no  cause  for  despair. 
It  has  been  hit  no  doubt  by  the  world  slump  ;  but  the 
comparative  self-dependence  of  the  French  national 
economy  and  the  pursuance  of  a  policy  of  protection  for 
French  agriculture  have  combined  to  maintain  relatively 
well  the  position  of  the  French  peasants  and  small-scale 
industrial  producers.  Large-scale  industry  has  suffered  as  a 
result  of  the  slump,  and  manual  workers  have  begun  to 
suffer  seriously  in  terms  both  of  unemployment  and  of 
reduced  wages.  But  there  has  been  no  suffering  in  France 
at  all  comparable  to  the  economic  distress  which  has  been 
the  regular  accompaniment  of  German  political  life  ever 
since  1929  ;  and  accordingly  the  middle  parties  between 
Socialism  and  revolutionary  reaction  have  been  able  to 
maintain  their  position  without  any  serioVis  difficulty,  and 
to  carry  on  without  any  immediate  threat  to  the  continu- 
ance of  the  Parliamentary  system. 

Fascism  in  France  will  become  a  dangerous  force  only 
if  economic  depression  goes  so  far  as  to  destroy  the  basis  of 
life  for  the  French  peasantry  and  the  petite  bourgeoisie  of  the 
towns.  What  has  been  said  of  the  conditions  of  French 
economic  life  also  explains,  though  to  a  less  extent,  the 
position  of  the  French  Socialist  and  Communist  movements. 
The  French  worker  is  feeling  the  pinch  of  the  depression, 
for  unemployment  has  risen  during  the  last  year  at  an 
alarming  rate  ;  but  the  workers  in  large-scale  industry 


form  a  comparatively  small  section  of  the  French  popula- 
tion, and  are  hardly  powerful  enough  by  themselves  to 
upset  the  stability  of  French  political  institutions  or  to  win 
a  majority  for  constitutional  Socialism.  French  Socialism 
possesses  a  considerable  degree  of  strength  and  has  grown 
substantially  in  recent  years  ;  but  there  seems  to  be  no 
prospect  under  present  conditions  of  the  French  Socialist 
Party  being  able,  either  by  itself  or  jointly  with  the  Com- 
munists, to  win  a  majority  in  the  Chamber  of  Deputies. 
French  Socialists  are  even  to-day  only  one-fifth  of  the 
French  Chamber,  and  Socialists  and  Communists  together 
not  much  more  than  one-fourth. 

Nor  does  French  Communism  show  any  sign  of  becoming 
a  really  powerful  force.  In  the  period  of  excitement  im- 
mediately after  the  war,  the  majority  of  the  French  Socialists 
actually  went  Communist.  But  many  of  those  who  declared 
for  Communism  at  this  stage  could  hardly  be  regarded  as 
full  Communists  in  the  Moscow  sense  of  the  term,  and  the 
minority  which  rejected  Communism  carried  with  it  a 
majority  of  the  Socialist  members  in  Parliament,  and  speed- 
ily regained  its  strength  as  the  premier  working-class  party 
in  the  country  as  well.  This  is  natural  enough,  for  Com- 
munism, like  Fascism,  is  only  likely  to  develop  as  a  really 
powerful  force  where  the  capitalist  institutions  of  a  country 
have  reached  an  advanced  stage  of  decay,  or  under  the 
influence  of  war  as  a  powerful  solvent  of  established  in- 
stitutions. France,  despite  her  revolutionary  history  in  the 
nineteenth  century,  is  to-day,  with  Great  Britain,  the  least 
revolutionary  of  countries,  and  therefore  the  least  favour- 
able ground  for  the  growth  of  extremist  movements  on 
either  the  right  or  the  left.  It  is  easy  enough  to  criticise  the 
inadequacy  of  the  French  Parliamentary  system  from  a 
constructive  point  of  view.  French  politics  are  unconstruc- 
tive,  and  French  public  finance  is  almost  always  in  a  mess. 
But  that  is  fundamentally  because  a  large  section  of  the 
French  public-  does  not  want  its  politics  to  be  constructive. 
In  home  affairs  it  prefers  the  relative  security  it  knows  to 
doubtful  and  dangerous  experiments  in  either  a  right  or  a 



left  direction.  And  it  is  not  likely  to  be  converted  from  this 
point  of  view  until  either  large-scale  industrialism  has 
advanced  a  good  deal  further,  or  the  European  anarchy 
so  infects  the  relatively  self-contained  French  economic 
system  as  to  make  the  continuance  of  the  existing  situation 
plainly  impossible. 


EVEN  WHILE  the  new  States  of  post-war  Europe  were  be- 
ginning to  build  up  their  constitutions  on  the  basis  of  sup- 
posedly democratic  principles  derived  from  the  experience 
of  Western  Europe  and  the  United  States,  the  fundamental 
principles  on  which  they  were  working  were  being  aggres- 
sively challenged  in  Russia  by  Lenin  and  his  fellow-Com- 
munists, who  were  working  upon  a  radically  different  set  of 
underlying  assumptions  and  with  a  radically  different 
conception  of  true  democracy  in  their  minds.  The  crumb- 
ling of  the  old  feudal  autocracies  of  Central  and  Eastern 
Europe  was  accompanied  not  only  by  an  extension  of  the 
methods  and  policies  of  Parliamentary  democracy  to  new 
areas  in  Europe,  but  at  the  same  time  by  the  emergence 
into  the  realm  of  practice  of  new  theories  of  Government, 
which  challenged  the  entire  basis  on  which  these  post-\\ar 
constitutions  were  being  built.  The  Russian  challenge  will 
be  discussed  further  in  a  later  section  of  this  book.  It  is 
mentioned  here  only  because  it  was  in  fact  prior  in  time  to 
the  other  rival  which  Parliamentary  democracy  has  en- 
countered in  its  attempt  to  take  charge  of  European  affairs. 
Fascism,  though  it  emerged  later,  is  treated  first  because  it 
involves  a  far  less  fundamental  cleavage  with  the  past  than 
Communism  and  seeks  to  alter  rather  the  political  structure 
of  society  than  the  underlying  economic  structure  on 
which,  in  the  view  of  Marx's  Communist  followers,  political 
institutions  are  bound  to  rest.  Fascism  is  in  effect  an  attempt 
to  change  the  political  organisation  of  society  without 
radically  altering  the  economic  system  ;  and  accordingly 


the  transition  from  Parliamentarism  to  Fascism  can  be 
made  far  more  easily  and  with  far  less  disturbance  to  the 
working  of  the  social  system  than  the  infinitely  more  drastic 
purge  of  economic  institutions  demanded  by  the  Com- 
munists wrould  involve. 

Marxism  in  its  Communist  form — it  is  a  matter  of  dis- 
pute how  far  any  other  form  of  it  can  claim  to  be  really 
Marxism  at  all — is  essentially  a  cosmopolitan  doctrine.  It 
aims  at  transcending  all  political  and  racial  frontiers,  not 
merely  in  the  sense  of  wishing  to  link  up  the  various 
nations  of  the  world  into  a  federal  unity  of  free  workers' 
republics,  but  also  in  setting  out  to  abolish  these  frontiers 
altogether  save  as  purely  administrative  divisions  in  a  world 
too  large  to  be  managed  successfully  under  a  system  of 
unitary  government.  Against  the  division  of  the  world  into 
separate  political  units — nation  from  nation — Communism 
sets  up  the  division  of  men  into  economic  classes  based  on 
their  differing  relations  to  the  powers  of  production  and  to 
the  productive  system.  "  Workers  of  the  World,  Unite  " 
is  its  slogan,  and  it  aims  at  bringing  together  the  whole 
working-class  movement  as  a  cosmopolitan  force  abjuring 
all  ideas  of  patriotism  and  national  loyalty  and  seeking  by 
its  united  action  to  establish  everywhere  a  social  system 
based  on  the  abolition  of  class  distinctions.  The  classless 
society  is  its  ideal  ;  and  this  classless  society  is  to  be,  not  a 
national  society  related  to  other  classless  societies  as  the 
capitalist  States  of  the  world  are  related  to  one  another  to- 
day, but  a  world  society  cut  up  into  autonomous  groups 
merely  for  purposes  of  administrative  convenience. 

Parliamentarism,  on  the  other  hand,  is  at  most  inter- 
nationalist and  not  cosmopolitan.  The  League  of  Nations 
is  an  attempt  to  group  the  sovereign  States  of  the  world 
into  a  loose  federation  of  co-operating  nations  without  any 
sacrifice  of  sovereign  independence  by  the  member  States, 
save  upon  a  few  clearly  defined  issues.  It  assumes  that  the 
various  States  which  make  up  the  federation  can  be  re- 
garded as  possessing  Governments  whose  views  can  be 
taken  as  in  some  real  sense  expressing  the  national  will  of 


each  country  ;  and  its  theory,  if  not  its  practice,  therefore 
'assumes  that  each  country  will  possess  some  form  of  Gov- 
ernment that  can  be  accepted  as  fulfilling  the  requirements 
of  democracy.  The  League  itself,  with  its  Council  and  its 
Assembly,  attempts  to  reproduce  the  structure  of  Parlia- 
mentarism on  an  international  scale.  Its  Council  aims  at 
being  something  like  an  international  Cabinet,  and  its 
Assembly  something  like  an  international  Legislature  ; 
and  its  affiliated  complement,  the  International  Labour 
Organisation,  has  been  created  mainly  in  accordance 
with  the  same  set  of  ideas.  If  Parliamentarism,  basing  itself 
on  the  recognition  of  national  sovereignty,  can  become  an 
international  force,  the  League  of  Nations  is  its  natural 
instrument.  But  a  federal  body  formed  upon  this  basis  of 
co-operation  between  sovereign  Governments  can  clearly 
never  pass  over  from  the  international  to  the  cosmopolitan 
ideal.  It  is  a  linking  of  nations  and  not  in  any  sense  a  denial 
of  the  ultimate  validity  of  national  or  racial  divisions. 

Even  so,  the  League  has  far  too  internationalist  a  tone 
to  please  the  Nationalists  of  post-war  Europe.  They  may 
be  able  to  dominate  the  League  Council  or  the  League 
Assembly,  or  at  all  events  to  prevent  the  League  from  taking 
any  effective  action  that  might  menace  the  absolute  self- 
determination  of  each  individual  sovereign  State  ;  but 
they  are  well  aware  that  much  of  the  public  sentiment  in 
each  country  which  supports  the  League  goes*  much  further 
than  the  governing  organs  of  the  League  are  able  to  go 
in  an  internationalist  and  pacifist  direction.  For  many  of 
the  League's  unofficial  supporters,  organised  in  bodies  like 
the  League  of  Nations  Union  in  Great  Britain  and  the  cor- 
responding societies  in  the  Continental  countries,  do  not 
recognise  how  thoroughly  the  structure  of  the  League  rests 
upon  an  assumption  of  the  absolute  sovereignty  of  each 
national  State.  They  are  trying  to  edge  it  towards  a  more 
far-reaching  internationalism,  based  not  indeed  on  a 
denial  of  the  reality  or  value  of  national  divisions,  but  at 
least  upon  3.  drastic  limitation  of  sovereign  independence 
in  such  matters  as  the  making  of  war  and  peace.  They  want 


to  limit  armaments,  to  promote  international  treaties  and 
arbitration,  and  to  build  up  on  the  foundation  of  the  League 
an  international  public  opinion  which  shall  be  effective  in 
checking  nationalist  or  imperialist  aggression  wherever  it 
makes  itself  felt.  The  League,  in  aspiration  if  not  in  fact, 
embodies  the  philosophy  of  liberal  Parliamentarism  ex- 
tended from  the  national  to  the  international  scale. 

Fascism,  however,  while  it  may  be  consistent  with 
affiliation  to  the  League,  as  long  as  the  League  does  nothing 
to  limit  ultimate  national  sovereignty,  is  by  no  means  pre- 
pared to  endorse  this  underlying  liberal  philosophy  of  the 
League's  rank  and  file  supporters.  For,  in  as  far  as  Fascism 
can  be  regarded  as  having  a  philosophy  at  all,  that  philos- 
ophy is  ultimately  and  aggressively  nationalist.  It  is  hostile 
both  to  the  pacifist  internationalism  which  underlies  the 
attempt  to  build  up  the  authority  of  the  League  of  Nations 
and  by  that  means  to  put  limits  to  the  national  self-expres- 
sion of  the  member  States  and,  even  more  thoroughly  and 
fundamentally,  to  the  whole  attitude  of  Communism,  which 
aims  at  nothing  less  than  the  complete  sweeping  away  of  the 
solidarities  and  loyalties  upon  which  Fascism  rests.  Fascists 
have  everywhere  declared  war  on  internationalism  in  all 
its  forms  ;  but  their  deepest  hatred  has  been  reserved  for 
the  Communists  and  for  such  Socialists  as  share  in  the 
cosmopolitan  outlook  dictated  by  the  Marxian  philosophy. 
Thus,  while,  as  we  saw  earlier,  Fascism  has  in  practice 
been  the  destroyer  of  the  Liberal  Parliamentary  State,  it  has 
really  been  for  the  most  part  marching  over  the  prostrate 
body  of  Parliamentarism  in  order  to  get  at  its  real  enemy, 
the  cosmopolitan  philosophy  of  Communism  and  Socialism. 

The  New  Nationalism.  Nationalism  has  thus  become 
in  the  twentieth  century  the  philosophy  of  new  authori- 
tarian groups  aiming  at  the  destruction  of  the  Parliamentary 
system.  This  is  of  course  a  complete  reversal  of  the  position 
which  existed  in  the  earlier  part  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
when  nationalism  developed  as  the  ally  and  inspiration  of 
the  very  liberal-democratic  movements  whose  destruction 


it  is  compassing  to-day.  Nineteenth  century  nationalism  is 
associated  in  our  minds  with  the  German  Revolution  of 
1848,  with  the  unification  of  Italy,  and  with  the  building 
up  of  Parliamentary  institutions  based  on  the  idea  of  respon- 
sible government  over  a  large  part  of  Europe.  It  was  the 
enemy  of  the  old  autocracies  ;  and  its  constant  demand 
was  for  the  granting  by  the  absolute  monarchies  upon  which 
it  waged  war  of  constitutions  embodying  the  principles  of 
democratic  self-government.  There  were  indeed  in 
Mazzini's  nationalism  large  elements  of  internationalism 
already  present  ;  and  Mazzini  can  fairly  be  regarded  as  the 
forerunner  of  the  ideas  which  the  more  advanced  adherents 
of  the  League  are  now  attempting  to  embody  in  its  collec- 
tive institutions.  But  Cavour  was  a  very  different  person 
from  Mazzini  ;  and  the  liberal  nationalism  of  the  nine- 
teenth century  was  in  practice  far  more  a  la  Cavour  than 
d  la  Mazzini.  For,  wherever  nationalism  established  itself 
and  succeeded  in  equipping  a  country  with  responsible 
Parliamentary  institutions,  it  easily  became  expansionist 
and  imperialist  as  well  as  merely  nationalist. 

Up  to  the  Great  War  these  tendencies  were  able  to 
develop  without  requiring  any  further  change  in  the 
structure  of  the  State.  For  it  was  found  that  Parliaments 
were  fully  as  amenable  as  autocracies  to  the  new  philosophy 
of  economic  imperialism.  But  there  were  in  the  expansionist 
and  imperialist  phase  of  nationalism  \\hich /set  in  in  the 
later  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  already  latent  the 
elements  which  were  in  due  course  to  prove  fatal  to  the 
liberalism  of  the  Nation-State.  The  more  successful  nation- 
alism was  in  consolidating  the  institutions  of  the  States  in 
which  it  developed,  the  less  liberal  it  grew  and  the  more 
it  tended  to  ally  itself  with  the  aristocratic  and  authoritarian 
elements  in  society  which  it  had  originally  set  out  to  fight. 
Side  by  side  with  this  gradual  conversion  of  the  liberals  to 
authoritarianism  and  imperialism,  there  had  been  going 
on  an  opposite  conversion  of  the  older  aristocracy  to  nation- 
alism. The  Junkers  and  militarists,  the  great  landed  pro- 
prietors and  aristocrats  of  the  old  order,  having  lost  their 


power  to  govern  society  autocratically  by  their  own  class 
authority,  set  to  work  to  master  and  turn  to  their  own  ends 
the  institutions  of  the  new  Parliamentary  States.  In  order 
to  do  this  they  had  to  find  allies  ;  and  these  were  soon  dis- 
covered in  the  great  industrialists  and  bankers  and  traders, 
who  had  appeared  as  a  liberalising  influence  as  long  as  they 
continued  to  be  excluded  from  an  effective  share  in  political 
power.  The  new  nationalism  brought  together,  if  not  into 
unified  parties,  at  least  into  alliances  of  co-operating  poli- 
tical groups,  the  'aristocrats  of  the  old  order  and  the  pluto- 
crats of  the  new.  And  this  process,  which  had  been  going  on 
for  a  long  time  before  1914,  but  was  still  incomplete  and 
largely  unrecognised  when  the  war  broke  out,  was  speedily 
completed  after  the  war,  when  both  aristocrats  and  pluto- 
crats were  confronted  with  the  fait  accompli  of  the  demo- 
cratic Parliamentary  State.  Nationalism,  which  had  been 
in  the  early  nineteenth  century  a  force  on  the  left  in  Euro- 
pean politics,  was  quite  definitely  after  1918,  and  to  a 
considerable  extent  had  become  even  before  1914,  a  force 
standing  on  the  extreme  right. 

This  is  not  to  say  that  the  Junkers  and  militarists  felt  any 
affection  for  their  new  allies.  At  any  rate  in  Germany  and 
Austria-Hungary,  where  State  constitutions  had  retained 
large  elements  of  autocracy  and  aristocracy  right  up  to 
1918,  the  old  governing  classes  retained  their  traditional 
ideals  and  continued  to  hold  that  the  only  appropriate  way 
for  men  to  be  governed  was  by  a  powerful  monarchy  up- 
held by  the  recognised  authority  of  a  privileged  aristo- 
cratic class.  This  Junker  attitude  was  at  bottom  a  class  and 
racial  attitude  even  more  than  a  nationalist  attitude  ;  it 
stood  for  the  national  State  not  so  much  because  it  was 
national  as  because  it  embodied  a  system  of  class  and  race 
privilege,  and  it  withheld  any  real  feeling  of  loyalty  from 
the  new  Republics  established  in  the  defeated  countries 
on  the  ruins  of  the  pre-war  Empires  of  Central  Europe.  It 
was  nationalist  only  in  the  sense  that  it  resented  external 
interference  with  its  right  to  struggle  for  the  regaining  of 
its  old  exclusive  authority,  and  in  the  sense  that  it  saw  in 


militant  nationalism  the  best  hope  of  re-establishing  autoc- 
racy and  aristocracy  as  the  pillars  of  the  State.  But,  while 
there  was  no  change  in  the  mental  attitude  of  the  tradi- 
tional upholders  of  class  privilege,  there  was  a  great  change 
for  the  time  being  in  their  power.  They  could  not  hope  to 
regain  control  by  their  own  unaided  efforts,  and  they  had 
accordingly  to  ally  themselves  with  any  forces  which  they 
thought  themselves  capable  of  turning  to  their  own  ends. 
This  meant  at  first  an  alliance  with  industrial  magnates, 
bankers  and  merchants,  fearful  of  the  rise  of  Socialism  within 
the  post-war  Republics.  But  it  came  to  mean  later  a 
willingness  to  join  forces  with  any  movement  which  seemed 
to  promise  the  overthrow  of  democratic  institutions  with- 
out, at  the  same  time,  involving  any  attack  on  the  central 
position  of  economic  privilege. 

Fascism,  though  in  both  Italy  and  Germany  it  has 
appeared  at  a  certain  stage  of  its  development  in  alliance 
with  the  older  nationalism,  rests  in  reality  on  very  different 
foundations.  In  Italy  Mussolini  and  his  Fascists  took  over 
and  used  for  their  own  purposes  in  the  early  stages  of  build- 
ing up  the  new  Fascist  State  the  remnants  of  Conservative 
nationalism  ;  but  they  never  allowed  their  policy  to  be  in 
any  way  governed  or  deflected  by  the  wishes  of  their  con- 
servative allies.  In  the  same  way  the  German  Nazis  made 
their  Government  in  coalition  with  Herr  von  Papen  and 
Herr  Hugenberg  ;  but  even  the  first  few  weeks  of  Herr 
Hitler's  Government  showed  conclusively  that  in  this  alli- 
ance the  Nazis  meant  to  secure  exclusive  domination  for 
themselves.  Captain  Goring,  and  not  his  titular  chief  vori 
Papen,  took  over  the  government  of  Prussia  ;  and  excluded 
Republican  officials  and  administrators  were  everywhere 
replaced  by  Nazis  and  not  by  Nationalists.  Moreover  in 
Germany,  as  in  Italy,  the  nationalists  were  speedily  dis- 
solved as  a  separate  party,  and  merged  in  the  new  move- 
ment which  they  had  helped  to  power.  Fascism  may  be 
able  successfully  to  absorb  into  itself  in  Germany,  as  it  has 
done  to  a  large  extent  in  Italy,  the  articulate  remnants  of 
the  old  feudal  nationalism  ;  but  it  is  a  great  mistake  to 


confuse  the  two,  or  to  regard  them  has  having  anything  more 
than  an  incidental  and  temporary  community  of  outlook. 

Fascist  Philosophy.  What,  then,  is  the  underlying 
philosophy  of  Fascism  in  post-war  Europe  ?  The  question  is 
extraordinarily  hard  to  answer  ;  for,  while  there  has  been 
no  dearth  of  theorists  willing  to  equip  the  new  movement 
with  an  appropriate  philosophy,  it  is  clear  that  the  move- 
ment came  into  being  first  and  its  philosophy  was  developed 
afterwards  as  an  explanation  and  a  justification  of  its  posi- 
tive doings.  There  is  of  course  nothing  unnatural  in  this. 
It  is  indeed  the  logical  order  of  development  that  forces 
should  arise  in  the  world  before  theoretical  explanations 
of  these  forces  can  be  put  forward.  Theory  interprets  facts  as 
they  arise.  It  is  only  creative  in  the  secondary  sense  that 
the  possession  of  an  articulate  theory  can  give  added 
strength  and  coherence  to  a  force  already  in  independent 
being.  If  Fascism  had  started  as  a  philosophy  it  might  never 
have  become  a  movement  ;  starting  as  a  movement,  and 
deriving  its  power  from  the  actual  state  of  mind  which 
existed  widely  among  men  in  the  years  immediately  after 
the  war,  it  was  bound  before  long  to  grow  a  philosophy  in 
order  to  give  theoretical  sanction  to  its  existence. 

We  must,  then,  if  we  are  to  understand  how  Fascism  has 
developed  into  a  powerful  force  in  the  life  of  post-war 
Europe,  begin  by  looking  for  its  causes  in  men's  state  of 
mind  in  the  years  immediately  following  the  war.  And  we 
shall  have  to  begin  with  a  paradox.  Fascism  is  essentially 
an  outgrowth  of  the  psychology  of  disillusionment  and 
defeat.  It  is  perfectly  true  that  it  developed  first  in  Italy, 
and  that  Italy  had  been  in  the  war  on  the  victorious  side. 
But,  while  Italy  was  the  ally  of  France  and  Great  Britain 
and  the  United  States,  she  emerged  from  the  Peace  of 
Versailles  with  a  sense  not  of  victory  but  of  humiliation  and 
defeat.  There  had  been  strong  opposition  in  the  country 
itself  to  participation  in  the  war  ;  and  the  volte  face  which 
brought  Italy  to  change  sides  and,  after  dissociating  herself 
from  the  Triple  Alliance,  to  abandon  neutrality  in  favour 


of  an  active  part  on  the  side  of  the  Allies,  was  brought  aboui 
by  lavish  promises  concerning  the  spoils  of  victory.  Itah 
was  to  be  allowed  as  the  reward  for  her  help  to  emerge 
from  the  war  as  a  great  imperialist  Power  with  a  colonia] 
empire  comparable  with  those  of  the  other  great  Powers 
and  unlimittd  prospects  of  expansion.  The  disappointment 
of  these  hopes,  and  the  scanty  rewards  which  could  be  an- 
ticipated from  the  exploitation  of  her  largely  barren  ter- 
ritories in  North  Africa,  caused  after  1918  a  revulsion  oi 
opinion  so  violent  as  to  threaten  the  very  foundations  oi 
a  flimsy  liberal-democratic  State  which  showed  no  real 
capacity  for  government,  or  for  the  handling  of  the  difficult 
economic  problems  which  confronted  the  country.  The 
checking  of  emigration  raised  up  a  surplus  population 
seeking  an  outlet  for  its  energies,  and  returning  soldiers 
found  no  means  of  fitting  themselves  into  an  economic 
structure  which  appeared  to  stand  in  no  need  of  their 
services.  Socialism  waxed  strong  in  the  industrial  centres  ; 
but  Italian  industry  was  too  little  developed  for  Socialism 
to  become  an  effective  force  unless  it  could  either  win  the 
peasants  over  to  its  side  or  make  up  its  mind  to  dominate 
them  in  the  Communist  \\  ay,  and  find  means  of  creating 
a  sufficient  mass  of  agrarian  discontent  to  enable  it  to  seize 
power.  Possibly  the  Italian  Socialists,  who  developed 
strong  left-wing  tendencies  after  the  Russian  Revolution, 
might  have  succeeded  in  doing  this  had  it/not  been  for 
Don  Sturzo  and  his  Popolan^  with  their  progressive  policy 
of  social  reform  and  their  wide  appeal  among  the  Catholic 
peasantry.  But  Don  Sturzo  and  his  followers  were  successful 
in  preventing  Socialism  from  permeating  the  peasants,  and 
accordingly  in  interposing  barriers,  which  seemed  to  most 
of  the  Socialist  leaders  to  be  absolute,  in  the  way  of  a  suc- 
cessful Socialist  revolution.  The  contest  for  popular  support 
between  the  Socialists  and  Don  Sturzo's  Catholics  thus  led 
to  a  position  of  stalemate.  The  Socialists  were  too  strong  to 
allow  the  bourgeois  parties  to  govern  effectively  without 
them  ;  but  they  were  not  strong  enough  to  assume  the 
task  of  governing  themselves.  Consequently  a  hungry  and 


disillusioned  population  found  itself  left  without  any  govern- 
ment at  all,  and  a  larger  and  larger  number  of  the  younger 
elements  within  it  were  soon  in  a  mood  to  turn  to  anyone 
who  promised  them  a  field  for  immediate  activity  and 
a  prospect  of  ending  the  deadlock  in  political  and  economic 

Out  of  these  elements  of  discontent  the  ex-Socialist 
Mussolini  proceeded  to  build  up  his  Fascist  following. 
Benito  Mussolini  had  been  before  the  war  an  active 
Socialist  leader,  belonging  to  the  extreme  wing  of  the  party 
and  influenced  largely  by  Syndicalist  ideas.  When  the 
world  crisis  arose  in  1914  he  opposed  strongly  the  inter- 
vention of  Italy  on  the  side  of  the  Central  Powers  ;  and  he 
soon  came  over,  after  a  quarrel  with  the  Socialist  Party,  to 
the  advocacy  of  intervention  on  the  Allied  side.  On  ceasing 
to  be  editor  ofAvanti,  the  official  Socialist  paper,  he  founded 
the  Popolo  d'liaha  for  the  expression  of  his  own  views  ;  and 
this  paper  became  one  of  the  influential  forces  in  driving 
the  Italian  politicians  to  intervene  in  the  war.  When  war 
had  been  declared,  Mussolini  joined  the  army  as  a  private 
soldier,  and  remained  on  active  service  until  he  was 
wounded  in  1917.  He  then  returned  to  his  editorial  work, 
urging  in  the  Popolo  cTItaha  the  continued  prosecution  of 
the  war  even  after  the  disaster  of  Caporetto,  and  the 
pressing  to  the  full  of  Italy's  claims  to  a  large  share  in  the 
spoils  of  victory. 

The  Rise  of  Fascism.  Soon  after  the  Armistice,  amid 
the  complete  disorganisation  which  had  overtaken  Italian 
economic  life,  the  rapidly  rising  prices,  the  widespread 
unemployment  and  the  general  discontent  with  the  policy 
of  the  Government  at  the  Peace  Conference,  Mussolini 
founded  in  March  1919  his  first  Fascio  di  Combattimento,  the 
forerunner  of  the  Fascist  Party.  At  this  stage  and  for  some 
time  longer,  his  policy  was  still  in  many  respects  aggres- 
sively Socialist.  The  Fascist  movement  began  as  a  force 
relying  on  the  support  of  the  ex-soldiers,  with  an  aggressive 
programme  of  economic  demands  combined  with  the 


advocacy  of  an  entire  reconstruction  of  the  Italian  State. 
It  was  republican,  democratic,  anti-clerical  and  even  to 
some  extent  internationalist.  It  demanded  the  convocation 
of  an  "  Italian  constituent  assembly  conceived  as  the 
Italian  section  of  an  international  constituent  authority  of 
the  peoples,  with  a  view  to  proceeding  to  the  radical 
transformation  of  the  political  and  economic  foundations  of 
social  life."  It  proclaimed  the  doctrine  of  "  popular 
sovereignty  exercised  by  the  universal  equal  and  direct 
suffrage  of  the  citizens  of  both  sexes  together  with  the  right 
of  referendum  and  popular  veto."  It  demanded  the  abo- 
lition of  the  Senate  and  the  institution  of  single  chamber 
government,  severe  limitations  on  the  powers  of  the  execu- 
tive, and  a  considerable  measure  of  decentralisation  in  the 
affairs  of  local  government.  With  these  demands  went 
others — for  complete  liberty  of  thought,  conscience,  reli- 
gion, association,  Press  and  propaganda,  the  dissolution  of 
joint-stock  companies,  the  suppression  of  all  speculation,  of 
banks  and  of  stock  exchanges,  the  nationalisation  of  credit, 
payment  of  the  national  debt  at  the  exclusive  expense  of  the 
rich,  redistiibution  of  the  national  wealth,  including  the 
division  of  the  land  among  the  peasants,  and  finally,  the 
exploitation  of  industries,  transport  and  public  services 
under  the  control  of  the  Unions  of  technicians  and  workers. 
Internationally,  too,  this  first  programme  of  the  Fascists 
reads  strangely  to-day.  It  demanded  the  abolition  of  con- 
scription, general  disarmament  and  the  prohibition  by  all 
States  of  the  manufacture  of  arms,  the  abolition  of  secret 
diplomacy,  and  similar  aspirations  of  the  political  left  ;  and 
it  laid  down  that  international  policy  should  be  "  inspired 
by  the  principle  of  the  sovereignty  of  peoples  and  their 
independence  within  the  confederation  of  States." 

Radical  as  these  demands  of  the  Fascists  were,  Mussolini 
and  his  friends  were  throughout  at  loggerheads  with  the 
orthodox  leaders  of  the  Socialist  movement.  Italian 
Socialism  immediately  after  the  war  had  taken  a  pro- 
nounced left-wing  turn.  In  July  1919  there  was  a  political 
strike  in  support  of  the  Soviet  Governments  of  Russia, 

FASCISM   IN   ITALY  62  l" 

Bavaria  and  Hungary  ;  and  throughout  the  latter  part  of 
1919  and  the  early  months  of  1920  there  were  constant 
strikes,  including  important  stoppages  on  the  railways  and 
in  the  Post  Office  in  June  1 920.  These  movements  led  up  to 
the  great  dispute  in  the  metal  industry  in  the  summer  of 
1920.  Strikes  by  the  workers  in  certain  establishments  were 
followed  by  the  declaration  of  a  general  lock-out  by  the 
metal  employers  ;  and  the  Trade  Unions  then  retaliated, 
as  they  had  previously  on  a  smaller  scale,  by  a  general 
occupation  of  the  factories.  Up  to  this  point,  Mussolini  and 
his  Fascists,  while  they  were  already  at  variance  with  the 
internationalist  attitude  of  the  Socialists,  were  generally  on 
the  side  of  the  workers.  The  Fascists  had  supported  the 
peasant  risings  in  1920  in  the  south  of  Italy,  and  they 
were  prepared  to  support  the  occupation  of  the  factories 
by  the  workers.  But  the  Socialist  leaders  would  have  no 
dealings  with  Mussolini  and  his  Fascists  ;  and  from  this 
point  the  quarrel  between  the  two  groups  became  open  and 
bitter.  The  Socialists  and  their  Trade  Union  allies,  having 
seized  the  factories,  had  to  make  up  their  minds  what  to  do 
next  ;  for  the  Government,  so  far  from  taking  any  step  to 
turn  them  out,  merely  left  them  in  passive  occupation  in 
the  hope  that  the  movement  would  collapse.  This  indeed  it 
was  bound  to  do  unless  the  Socialists  were  prepared  to  go 
further  and  embark  on  positive  revolutionary  action  ;  for 
they  had  no  means  of  securing  supplies  of  raw  materials  in 
order  to  work  the  factories  themselves,  or  of  disposing  of  the 
products  if  they  had  been  prepared  to  work  them. 

The  Socialists,  however,  despite  their  left-wing  policy, 
shrank  from  any  attempt  at  open  revolution.  They  had 
plenty  of  arms,  for  Italy  was  in  those  days  full  of  arms  in 
private  hands,  and  large  quantities  of  munitions  had  been 
seized  in  the  occupied  factories.  But  there  was  a  total  lack  of 
military  organisation  and  of  military  leadership,  and 
finally,  in  October  1920,  the  workers,  unprepared  to  take 
full  control  of  the  State,  evacuated  the  factories  and 
returned  to  work  on  the  basis  of  a  compromise  over  wages 
and  conditions. 


This  failure  to  seize  power  in  the  summer  of  1 920  proved 
in  the  long  run  the  undoing  of  the  Italian  Socialist  move- 
ment. It  caused  violent  internal  disputes  in  the  party  itself. 
In  June  1921,  after  the  Party  Congress  had  refused  to 
commit  itself  to  a  revolutionary  policy,  the  Communist 
wing  broke  away  and  formed  its  own  organisation  in 
association  with  the  Third  International  ;  and  even  so  the 
remainder  of  the  party  continued  to  be  split  between  a 
right  wing,  following  a  strictly  constitutional  policy,  and 
a  left,  or  "  maximalist,"  wing  differing  from  the  Com- 
munists only  in  matters  of  tactics  and  revolutionary  method. 
The  party  split  again  in  October  1922,  but  long  before  this 
its  chance  had  gone. 

Meanwhile  Fascism  had  been  growing  fast.  In  September 
1919  d'Annunzio,  at  the  head  of  a  small  unofficial  army, 
had  marched  on  Fiume  and  occupied  the  town  in  defiance 
of  the  decisions  of  the  Allied  statesmen.  There  was  deep  and 
widespread  resentment  in  Italy  at  the  treatment  meted  out 
to  the  country  by  President  Wilson  and  the  Allied  states- 
men at  Paris  ;  and  a  wave  of  nationalism  swept  over  a  large 
mass  of  the  people,  especially  among  the  upper  and  middle 
classes.  D'Annunzio's  dramatic  seizure  of  Fiume  helped  to 
fan  the  flames,  and  his  continued  occupation  of  the  city  in 
defiance  of  the  Allied  Governments  kept  the  excitement  at 
height  throughout  1920.  When  finally  he  surrendered 
Fiume  to  Italian  regulars  in  1921,  and  his  'forces  were 
disbanded,  most  of  his  men  speedily  went  over  to  the 
Fascists,  thus  equipping  Mussolini  with  a  powerful  rein- 
forcement to  the  groups  of  ex-soldiers  whom  he  had  already 
gathered  round  him.  Thereafter  Fascismo  spread  faster  still. 
Already  in  November  1 920  Mussolini  had  begun  the  form- 
ation of  armed  Fascist  squadre,  and  an  intensive  guerilla 
warfare  between  the  Fascists  and  the  Socialists  and  Com- 
munists had  set  in.  After  the  occupation  of  the  factories  had 
failed  Fascist  policy  became  less  and  less  revolutionary  in  an 
economic  sense,  and  more  and  more  aggressively  national- 
ist, though  it  still  retained  for  some  time  its  anti-clerical  and 
anti-monarchical  tenets.  In  November  1921  the  Fascist 


Congress  decided  to  create  a  definite  political  party  boy- 
cotting the  existing  Italian  State  and  demanding  its 
radical  reconstruction.  But  in  forming  the  party  the  Fas- 
cist Congress  laid  down  no  policy  for  it,  merely  announcing 
that  its  policy  was  adequately  expressed  in  the  utterances 
of  its  leader.  Mussolini  had  in  fact  succeeded  in  building 
on  the  basis  of  his  original  organisation  of  ex-soldiers  a 
powerful,  disciplined  and  armed  body  of  adherents  pre- 
pared to  follow  him  almost  blindly  wherever  he  might 
choose  to  lead. 

The  main  strength  of  Fascism  came  not  from  the  in- 
dustrial workers,  but  from  the  petite  bourgeoisie  and  the 
peasants.  Fascism,  like  the  Nazi  movement  at  a  later  stage 
in  Germany,  recruited  itself  primarily  from  those  elements 
in  the  population  which  combined  hostility  to  large-scale 
Capitalism  with  an  intense  fear  of  the  coming  of  a  Socialist 
and  still  more  of  a  Communist  regime.  Its  adherents, 
apart  from  the  discontented  ex-soldiers,  who  provided  its 
nucleus  of  active  members,  were  drawn  from  the  classes 
whose  position  was  based  on  the  ownership  of  small  property 
and  the  carrying  on  of  small-scale  industry  and  agri- 
culture ;  and  as  long  as  these  forces  felt  Socialism  rather 
than  large-scale  Capitalism  to  be  the  chief  enemy  threaten- 
ing their  survival,  they  were  willing  to  ally  themselves  with 
large-scale  Capitalism  in  order  to  overcome  the  Socialist 
menace.  Mussolini,  after  the  failure  of  the  occupation  of 
the  factories,  drew  large  subsidies  from  the  great  Italian 
industrialists  as  a  reward  for  the  intensive  warfare  which  he 
carried  on  against  the  Socialist  and  Communist  groups.  It 
was  with  the  assent  and  to  a  large  extent  the  positive  co- 
operation of  the  Italian  industrialists,  as  well  as  of  the 
aristocracy,  that,  despite  the  declared  anti-capitalist 
attitude  of  the  movement,  Fascism  actually  climbed 
towards  power.  Mussolini  showed  an  extraordinary 
talent  for  organising  the  intermediate  groups  under  the 
inspiration  of  an  idea  nazionale  which  often  seemed  to 
have  no  real  or  positive  content.  He  showed  how  the 
middle  groups  in  society  could  be  organised  into  a  force 


powerful  enough  to  compass  at  least  temporarily  the 
defeat  of  Socialism  ;  and  similar  adventurers  in  other 
countries  have  not  been  slow  to  master  the  lessons  of  his 

Meanwhile  the  Italian  State  remained  in  the  nerveless 
hands  of  the  old  governing  groups.  Civil  war  between 
Fascists,  Communists  and  Socialists  raged  practically 
unchecked  in  the  streets  of  the  leading  cities,  and  nothing 
was  done  to  improve  the  almost  desperate  economic 
situation  of  the  country.  More  and  more  the  old  liberal- 
democratic  order  in  Italy  was  dissolving  into  chaos  ;  and, 
since  the  Socialists  had  drawn  back  on  the  brink  of  revolu- 
tion, Fascism  remained  as  the  sole  effective  claimant  for 
political  power.  The  Catholic  Popolari  were  too  much 
involved  with  the  old  order  of  Centrists,  and  too  pacific 
in  their  methods  to  deal  with  a  situation  so  desperate  as  had 
arisen  in  the  Italy  of  1922  ;  for  it  had  become  plain  that  the 
Italian  State  lay  at  the  mercy  of  that  party,  and  of  that 
party  only,  which  was  prepared  to  appeal  to  force  in  order 
to  resolve  the  deadlock.  When  finally  in  October  1922  the 
Fascists  marched  on  Rome,  there  was  not  even  the  shadow 
of  armed  opposition,  though  the  army,  if  it  could  have  been 
trusted,  would  have  been  ample  to  deal  with  Mussolini's 
following.  But  the  army  made  no  move,  and  the  old  Minis- 
try yielded  up  its  power  without  a  blow. 

This  could  not  indeed  have  happened  hacKnot  Fascism, 
as  a  prelude  to  the  assumption  of  power,  made  certain 
definite  renunciations  of  its  earlier  policy.  In  September 
1922  Mussolini,  on  behalf  of  the  Fascists,  definitely  ex- 
pressed his  adherence  to  the  monarchy  as  the  symbol  of 
that  national  unity  for  which  Fascism  stood  ;  and  at  the 
same  time  there  was  a  pronounced  relaxation  of  the  anti- 
clerical propaganda  previously  associated  with  the  move- 
ment. The  King  was  won  over  to  the  Fascist  side  ;  and  it 
was  largely  the  King's  attitude  that  made  resistance  by  the 
old  Government  impossible.  For,  while  the  troops  might 
have  obeyed  the  King  if  he  had  given  the  order  to  resist, 
it  is  quite  unlikely  that  they  would  have  obeyed  the 

FASCISM   IN    ITALY  625* 

Government  against  the  King's  will.  With  the  King's 
support  Fascism  was  able  to  assume  control  of  the  State 
without  any  active  opposition.  But  at  the  outset  Mussolini 
and  his  followers  did  not  feel  strong  enough  to  attempt  to 
govern  alone.  Setting  a  precedent  which  was  followed  by 
Hitler  and  the  Nazis  a  decade  later,  they  assumed  office  as 
the  leading  element  in  a  coalition  Government  into  which 
they  admitted  representatives  of  the  old  nationalist  and 
bourgeois  parties,  trusting  to  their  own  superior  unity  and 
to  the  force  behind  them  to  render  these  additional  ele- 
ments impotent  in  effect.  In  the  event  the  old  nationalists 
were  speedily  absorbed  into  the  Fascist  Party,  and  the 
elements  which  were  less  capable  of  absorption  were  soon 
liquidated  when  they  had  served  their  original  purpose  of 
easing  the  Fascist  assumption  of  power.  Meanwhile,  Parlia- 
ment, with  only  a  tiny  handful  of  Fascists  among  its  mem- 
bers, found  itself  completely  dominated  by  the  new  ad- 
ministration. Against  the  will  and  opinion  of  the  great 
majority  of  the  members,  it  passed  in  1923  the  new  con- 
stitutional law  demanded  by  the  Government,  knowing 
that  a  refusal  on  its  part  to  acquiesce  would  simply  lead  to 
its  forcible  dissolution.  It  suited  Mussolini  to  cloak  his 
assumption  of  dictatorial  powers  as  far  as  possible  in  con- 
stitutional forms  ;  and  Parliament,  rather  than  provoke  a 
more  definitely  revolutionary  situation,  meekly  did  what- 
ever he  and  the  Fascists  ordered. 

The  new  electoral  law  of  1923  was  designed  to  ensure  the 
Fascists  a  working  majority  in  the  new  Parliament,  even  in 
face  of  a  state  of  opinion  in  the  country  which  would 
certainly  not  have  secured  them  that  majority  under  the  old 
system  of  proportional  representation.  Under  the  new 
system,  the  party  which  obtained  the  largest  number  of 
votes,  provided  that  it  secured  at  least  twenty-five  per  cent 
of  all  the  votes  cast,  was  to  be  allotted  two-thirds  of  the 
total  number  of  seats  in  the  new  Parliament,  the  remainder 
being  divided  among  the  other  parties  in  proportion 
to  the  votes  cast.  Under  this  system  the  Fascists  succeeded 
in  1924  in  securing  65  per  cent  of  all  the  votes  cast,  and 


therewith  a  Parliament  ready  to  carry  out  their  policy 
without  question. 

But  at  this  point  the  new  Fascist  State  was  almost  wrecked 
by  the  troubles  which  followed  the  murder  of  the  Socialist 
leader  Matteotti,  who  had  ventured  to  denounce  the  new 
electoral  system  as  unconstitutional,  and  had  advocated  a 
refusal  to  recognise  the  decrees  of  the  new  Parliament.  The 
murder  of  Matteotti  caused  a  great  revulsion  of  feeling 
throughout  the  industrial  centres  of  North  Italy  ;  and  the 
Fascists,  in  order  to  avoid  a  revolutionary  outbreak,  were 
compelled  to  make  temporary  concessions.  In  1925  a  new 
electoral  law,  based  on  universal  suffrage  for  all  citizens 
over  twenty-five  and  on  single-member  constituencies,  was 
enacted  ;  and  there  were  other  signs  of  the  impending 
liberalisation  of  the  Fascist  regime.  But  as  soon  as  the  difficul- 
ties following  on  the  Matteotti  case  had  been  successfully 
overcome  the  Fascists  once  more  changed  their  tactics.  In 
1926  the  opposition  was  expelled  from  Parliament,  at  which 
it  had  for  some  time  attended  but  irregularly  and  in  small 
numbers  ;  and  in  1928  the  electoral  law  was  again  changed 
and  a  totally  new  system  instituted  in  accordance  with  the 
principles  of  the  "  Corporative  State  "  which  the  Fascists 
were  now  setting  out  seriously  to  institute.  As  the  electoral 
law  of  1928  still  forms  the  basis  of  the  political  structure  of 
Fascist  Italy,  it  will  be  convenient  before  we  attempt  to 
describe  it  to  say  something  more  generally  of  the  nature  of 
the  new  corporative  society  for  which  Fascism  professes  to 

The  Corporative  State.  Fascism  as  a  theory  and  as 
a  political  policy  rests  essentially  upon  its  claim  to  embody 
the  "  national  idea."  As  we  have  seen  earlier,  the  theory  of 
Fascism  has  grown  up  gradually,  following  its  practice 
rather  than  giving  rise  to  it.  Indeed,  on  the  face  of  the 
matter  Italian  Fascism  has  completely  boxed  the  compass 
of  theory  since  it  originally  appeared  as  a  political  force. 
There  seems  on  the  face  of  the  matter  to  be  nothing  in  com- 
mon between  the  revolutionary  and  aggressive  economic 

FASCISM   IN   ITALY  627  ' 

and  political  policy  advocated  by  the  Fascists  in  1919 
and  the  programme  which,  with  the  support  of  the  Nation- 
alists and  the  great  employers,  as  well  as  the  small  middle 
class,  they  proceeded  to  put  into  force  in  Italy  after  the 
march  on  Rome.  These  obvious  contradictions  have  led 
many  observers  to  regard  Fascism  as  essentially  an  oppor- 
tunist movement  created  by  Mussolini  for  his  personal 
ends,  and  brought  to  power  by  his  personal  genius  for 
focussing  contemporary  discontents.  But  this  view,  while  it 
possesses  some  substance,  is  fundamentally  mistaken.  The 
Fascists  have  shown  a  great  capacity  for  changing  their 
minds  and  adopting  quite  contradictory  policies  at  different 
times  ;  but  behind  their  opportunism  there  is  a  real 
element  of  continuity,  and  it  is  upon  this  element,  rather 
than  upon  their  opportunism,  that  their  power  is  funda- 
mentally built. 

For  Fascism,  even  at  its  first  appearance  in  1919,  was 
emphatically  a  nationalist  force.  Even  when  it  set  out  to 
proclaim  universal  disarmament  and  the  federation  of  free 
nations,  it  was  already  thoroughly  nationalist  in  its  outlook 
and  stood  for  the  independence  of  each  sovereign  nation 
as  an  ultimate  element  in  the  constitution  of  an  inter- 
national political  system.  Mussolini  succeeded  in  building 
up  Fascism  into  a  force  powerful  enough  to  take  over  the 
government  of  Italy  because  he  realised  the  possibility  of 
working  on  emotions  in  the  minds  of  men  sufficiently 
powerful  to  create  an  effective  counter-force  to  the  emo- 
tional appeal  of  international  Socialism.  The  mobilisation 
of  discontent  with  the  low  position  held  by  Italy  among  the 
nations,  with  her  economic  backwardness  as  the  cause  of 
her  political  subjection,  and  with  the  supposedly  ungener- 
ous treatment  meted  out  to  her  at  the  Peace  Conference, 
was  the  first  task  which  Mussolini  and  his  Fascists  took  in 
hand.  There  were  many  other  elements  in  their  programme 
at  this  stage  ;  and  these  other  elements  were  important  as 
additional  means  of  enlisting  support.  But  what  gave  unity 
to  the  movement  from  the  first  was  its  aggressive  insistence 
on  the  unity  of  the  nation  as  a  whole  and  on  the  utter 


failure  of  the  old  liberal-democratic  State  to  achieve  this 
unity,  or  to  give  Italy  a  respected  and  secure  status  among 
the  nations.  There  was  so  far  not  much  philosophical 
background  to  this  idea  of  national  unity  ;  but  the  idea  was 
present  and  could  be  filled  out  in  both  theory  and  practice 
as  soon  as  necessity  arose.  Actually  Fascism  took  over  from 
Gabriele  d'Annunzio  a  great  deal  of  the  romantic  national- 
ism which  he  embodied  in  the  new  constitution  which  he 
drew  up  for  the  Free  State  of  Fiume  during  the  period  of 
his  occupation  ;  and  Hegelian  philosophers,  such  as  Gentile, 
who  rallied  to  the  movement  at  a  later  stage,  soon  filled  up 
the  gaps  on  the  theoretical  side.  Fascism  may  have  begun 
by  being  mere  nationalism  ;  it  soon  took  unto  itself  the 
character  of  a  mystical  Hegelian  nationalism  made  up  of 
elements  taken  from  the  Constitution  of  Carnaro  and  the 
Philosophic  des  Rechts. 

At  the  basis  of  this  enlarged  nationalist  theory  is  the 
conception  of  the  totalitarian  State,  that  is  to  say,  of  the 
State  as  taking  up  into  itself  and  unifying  all  the  institutions 
of  the  national  life,  private  as  well  as  public.  The  Fascists 
deny,  as  Hegel  denied  a  century  earlier,  that  there  can  be 
any  social  organism  more  ultimate  and  embracing  than  the 
national  State.  They  deny  the  possibility,  or  at  least  the 
validity,  of  any  real  international  State,  or  even  of  any 
federation  of  nations  embodying  a  supra-national  con- 
sciousness. For  them  the  national  State  is^the  ultimate 
being,  more  real  than  the  individuals  arid  groups  which 
make  it  up,  and  with  an  absolute  claim  upon  the  loyalty 
of  every  one  of  its  members.  But  the  national  State  is  at  the 
same  time  not  a  mere  absorption  of  the  many  into  the  one  ; 
for  it  finds  expression  naturally  and  inevitably  through  the 
multiplicity  of  functional  organisations,  each  playing  its 
essential  part  in  the  organised  life  of  the  entire  society,  and 
each  responsible  to  the  State  for  the  successful  fulfilment  of 
its  own  particular  function.  At  this  point  the  philosophy  of 
Fascism  has  obviously  certain  resemblances  both  to  the 
Syndicalism  which  had  a  substantial  influence  upon  its 
actual  development  in  Italy  and  to  Guild  Socialism.  But 

FASCISM   IN   ITALY  629    ' 

Fascism  diverges  sharply  from  both  Syndicalism  and 
Guild  Socialism  in  that  it  denies  the  existence  of  the  class 
struggle,  save  under  the  conditions  of  bourgeois  democracy, 
and  claims  to  remove  the  necessity  for  class  conflict  by 
assigning  to  each  class  and  group  its  significant  place  and 
function  within  the  structure  of  the  Corporative  State.  It 
is  at  war  with  Marxism  and  internationalism  because 
both  doctrines  set  up  claims  to  loyalty  which  deny  the 
claims  of  the  national  State  ;  and  it  is  especially  hostile  to 
Marxism,  because  Marxism,  far  more  than  bourgeois 
internationalism,  not  merely  denies  the  ultimate  validity 
of  the  claims  of  the  national  State,  but  sets  up  against  them 
a  counter-claim  to  allegiance  on  a  basis  of  economic  class. 

According  to  the  Fascist  theory,  classes  exist  not  inde- 
pendently but  only  as  the  corollaries  to  the  distribution  of 
functions  within  the  national  State.  There  is  no  true  com- 
munity of  class  extending  across  national  frontiers,  because 
the  class  as  it  exists  within  each  State  is  only  a  fragmentary 
expression  of  the  national  consciousness  of  that  State,  and 
has  no  claim  to  expression  at  all  except  in  as  far  as  it  is 
fulfilling  its  assigned  function  within  the  national  body. 
The  Fascist  State  recognises  Trade  Unions,  provided  that 
they  are  built  in  its  own  image,  and  repudiate  all  connec- 
tions with  Marxism  and  the  class-war  ;  but  it  gives 
equal  recognition  to  associations  of  employers  and  to  all 
corporate  groups  based  on  professional  solidarity.  More- 
over, its  recognition  is  in  all  these  cases  conditional  and  not 
absolute.  It  recognises  the  Trade  Union,  or  the  employers' 
association,  not  as  a  body  possessing  independent  rights 
against  the  State,  but  only  as  a  part  of  the  necessary  working 
machine  of  the  Corporative  State  itself.  The  Trade  Union 
and  the  employers'  association  thus  become  parts  of  the 
State,  each  with  a  definite  responsibility  and  both  subject 
to  the  controlling  power  of  the  State  as  a  whole.  The  Trade 
Union  may  seek  to  raise  wages  or  improve  conditions  of 
work,  and  the  employers'  association  may  seek  to  reduce 
wages  or  to  worsen  conditions  ;  but  both  must  bow  to  the 
final  judgment  of  the  State,  and  no  conflict  between  group 


interests  must  be  pushed  to  the  point  at  which  it  threatens 
the  security  of  the  State.  Compulsory  arbitration  in  in- 
dustrial matters  is  therefore  an  integral  part  of  the  Fascist 

The  Fascists  contemplate  a  far  more  complete  disappear- 
ance than  has  actually  been  secured  of  the  antagonisms 
between  employers  and  workers.  Under  the  Fascist  State 
employers  and  workers  are  to  be  organised  into  separate 
syndicates  on  a  professional  basis.  But  these  syndicates  are 
also  to  come  together  in  corporations  representing  the 
industry  as  a  whole,  and  upon  these  corporations  it  v*as  at 
one  time  proposed  that  the  responsibility  for  the  concbeg  of 
industry  should  be  largely  and  progressively  devolved. r  t»th 
a  view  to  the  building  up  of  this  new  autonomous  structure 
for  Italian  industry  the  Fascists  established  as  early  as  1923 
their  Ministry  of  Corporations  ;  and  in  1926  a  National 
Council  of  Corporations  was  brought  into  being  and 
strengthened  subsequently  by  the  legal  recognition  accorded 
to  it  in  1930.  But  in  practice  the  Council  of  Corporations 
has  so  far  worked  by  bringing  together  over  the  whole 
field  of  industry  the  separate  associations  of  employers, 
manual  workers  and  technicians  and  professions  ;  and  the 
unified  structure  for  each  industry  contemplated  in  the 
original  scheme  has  not  in  fact  been  brought  into  effective 
existence,  though  some  advance  towards  it  has  been  recently 
announced.  Strikes,  since  the  disturbances  which  followed 
the  murder  of  Matteotti,  have  been  few  and  far  be- 
tween, and  the  arbitration  machinery  has  worked  after  a 
fashion  ;  but  differences  between  employers  and  workers 
have  by  no  means  been  removed,  though  their  expression 
has  been  largely  prevented  by  the  complete  domination  of 
the  Fascist  leaders  over  the  new  Trade  Union  movement 
which  they  have  created. 

For  in  order  to  advance  even  as  far  as  they  have  advanced 
towards  the  corporative  State  the  Fascists  have  been  com- 
pelled to  create  a  new  Trade  Union  movement  of  their  own. 
Not  content  with  smashing  the  machinery  of  the  Socialist 
and  Communist  Parties,  Fascism  also  destroyed  the  existing 


Trade  Unions  of  the  Italian  workers.  In  their  place  Mus- 
solini and  his  colleagues  created  new  Fascist  Trade  Unions, 
to  which  alone  were  conceded  State  recognition  and  the 
right  to  enter  into  collective  agreements  under  the  auspices 
of  the  Corporative  State.  Workers  were  not  forbidden  to 
form  or  belong  to  other  associations  standing  outside  the 
Fascist  system  ;  but  they  were  compelled  to  subscribe  to  the 
Fascist  Unions  without  acquiring  any  rights  within  them 
unless  they  became  members,  and  the  other  associations 
were  reduced  to  impotence  by  the  refusal  of  recognition 
or  of  the  right  to  make  agreements  with  employers.  The  old 
Italian  Trade  Union  movement  was  thus  in  process  of  time 
almost  completely  liquidated  ;  and  the  new  Trade  Unions 
established  and  maintained  under  Fascist  leadership  were 
fully  amenable  to  the  will  of  the  Party  which  had  brought 
them  into  existence.  Much  working-class  discontent  re- 
mained and  remains  to-day  ;  but  it  was  left  unorganised 
and  without  means  of  expression.  The  Fascists  thus  success- 
fully realised,  in  form  at  least,  their  aim  of  making  the 
Trade  Union  movement  an  integral  part  of  the  new  State. 
There  is  clearly  no  more  than  a  superficial  resemblance 
between  a  Trade  Union  movement  thus  disciplined  and 
organised  under  the  auspices  of  the  State  and  the  inde- 
pendent self-governing  Unions  intended  by  the  Syndi- 
calists and  Guild  Socialists  to  serve  as  the  effective  basis 
for  a  new  industrial  society.  Fascism  took  over  from 
Syndicalism  and  Guild  Socialism  something  of  the  idea  of 
self-government  in  industry  ;  but  it  then  proceeded  to  apply 
this  idea  in  a  manner  totally  inconsistent  with  either 
Syndicalist  or  Guild  Socialist  aspirations.  For  although  the 
Guild  Socialists,  unlike  the  Syndicalists,  did  recognise  the 
need  for  a  political  State,  distinct  from  the  industrial  or- 
ganisation of  society,  they  thought  of  this  State  not  as  a 
sovereign  authority  dominating  the  whole  life  of  society, 
but  as  a  federal  body  emanating  from  the  independent 
economic  institutions  established  for  the  government  of  in- 
dustry. Moreover,  both  Syndicalism  and  Guild  Socialism 
contemplated  the  abolition  of  class  distinctions  and  the 


total  disappearance  of  the  employing  class,  and  stood  for  the 
conduct  of  industry  through  self-governing  corporations  of 
workers  by  hand  and  brain,  with  the  total  supersession  of 
private  ownership  and  of  the  profit  motive.  Fascism,  on 
the  other  hand,  recognises  and  seeks  to  stabilise  class  dis- 
tinctions, and  sets  out  to  maintain  the  principles  of  private 
property  and  production  for  private  profit. 

On  this  question  of  private  property  and  the  private  ex- 
ploitation of  the  means  of  production  the  attitude  of 
Fascism  is  that  the  State  should  only  interfere  with  the 
working  of  industry  to  the  extent  necessary  to  ensure  the 
stability  and  success  of  the  social  system  as  a  whole.  It 
recognises  that  there  are  cases  in  which  interference  is 
necessary  and  desirable,  and  that  there  may  be  cases  in 
which  the  State  must  either  directly  or  through  some  form 
of  publicly  owned  corporation  take  over  the  actual  admin- 
istration of  a  particular  industry  or  service,  especially 
where  it  is  in  the  nature  of  a  monopoly.  The  ultimate  claim 
of  the  State  to  interfere  in  any  field  of  industry  is  there- 
fore recognised  ;  but  it  is  also  laid  down  that  interference 
should  in  practice  occur  as  seldom  as  possible,  and  rest 
always  upon  exceptional  grounds.  Actually,  the  Fascist 
State  has  been  led  to  intervene  to  a  substantial  extent,  not 
only  in  regulating  the  relations  between  employers  and 
workers  under  a  system  of  compulsory  arbitration,  but  also 
in  the  actual  conduct  of  industrial  enterprise.  It  has  re- 
organised the  banking  system  with  a  considerable  degree  of 
public  participation  ;  and  it  has  created  for  the  financing 
of  Italian  industry  the  Institute  Mobiliare  Italiano  as  a  Public 
Utility  Corporation  under  the  supervision  of  the  Ministry 
of  Finance.  This  new  body,  set  up  in  November  1931,  came 
into  existence  largely  for  the  purpose  of  relieving  the  Banco. 
Commerciale  from  the  burden  of  its  large  holdings  of  indus- 
trial shares.  These  shares  were  transferred  from  the  bank 
to  a  new  company,  the  Societd  Finanziaria  Industriale,  which 
was  financed  mainly  by  the  new  Institute  Mobiliare.  The 
resources  of  the  Institute  Mobiliare  itself  were  drawn  in  the 
first  instance  half  from  the  Post  Office  Savings  Bank  of 


Italy  and  half  from  the  private  concerns  associated  in  the 
Consorzio  Mobiliare  Finanziario,  which  in  turn  owned  a 
majority  of  the  shares  in  the  Banco,  Commerciale.  For  addi- 
tional capital  the  Institute  has  power  to  raise  money  by 
means  of  debentures  and  interest-bearing  bonds  ;  and  it 
can  then  grant  loans  to  business  enterprises  or  participate 
in  their  share  capital.  It  is  thus  a  sort  of  semi-public  invest- 
ment trust  for  the  development  of  Italian  industry. 

The  creation  of  this  body — one  of  the  products  of  the 
freezing  of  the  Italian  banking  system  in  the  course  of  the 
world  economic  crisis — caused  considerable  misgivings  in 
the  minds  of  some  of  the  Italian  capitalists,  who  feared  that 
it  might  become  the  means  of  realising  some  of  the  earlier 
ambitions  of  the  Fascist  leaders  towards  the  nationalisation 
of  industry.  Reassuring  statements  were  thereupon  issued 
by  the  Government  ;  it  was  declared  emphatically  that 
there  was  no  intention  of  using  the  Institute  as  an  indirect 
instrument  of  nationalisation,  but  at  the  same  time  the 
ultimate  claim  of  the  Fascist  State  to  intervene  in  any 
part  of  the  industrial  field  in  defence  of  the  national  interests 
was  emphatically  re-affirmed. 

The  Fascist  Party  thus  combines  an  insistence  on  the 
ultimate  right  of  the  State  to  control  every  aspect  of  the 
economic  and  social  life  of  the  community  with  a  prefer- 
ence for  leaving  economic  matters  as  far  as  possible  in  the 
hands  of  the  private  entrepreneur.  Drawing  its  chief  support, 
as  it  has  done  in  the  past,  from  the  petite  bourgeoisie  and  the 
small  farmers,  Fascism  was  clearly  bound  to  insist  strongly 
on  the  rights  of  private  property  and  on  the  retention  of 
private  enterprise  as  the  basis  of  the  new  State.  It  was  able 
to  reconcile  this  insistence  with  its  totalitarian  conception 
of  the  State  the  more  easily  because  of  the  comparatively 
undeveloped  character  of  Italian  industry  and  commerce, 
which  still  rest  largely  on  a  basis  of  small-scale  enterprise. 
But  at  the  same  time,  in  order  to  ensure  the  continued 
support  of  the  larger  capitalist  interests,  it  modified  greatly 
its  original  bias  against  large-scale  enterprise  and  accorded 
the  same  freedom  to  the  large  as  to  the  small  employer. 


This  made  it  unable  to  satisfy  the  aspirations  of  the 
industrial  workers  for  improved  conditions,  and  in  fact 
wages  have  fallen  under  the  Fascist  regime,  which  has 
consequently  but  a  precarious  hold  on  the  support  of  the 
industrial  workers.  It  has,  however,  succeeded  in  domin- 
ating so  completely  the  organisation  of  the  Trade  Union 
movement  that  working-class  discontents,  even  if  they 
reach  a  considerable  intensity,  can  find  no  means  of  col- 
lective expression.  Nevertheless,  the  failure  of  Fascism  to 
meet  the  claims  of  the  industrial  workers  constitutes  to-day 
the  chief  danger  to  the  stability  of  the  totalitarian  State. 

The  Fascist  Party.  Politically,  the  control  exercised  by 
the  Fascist  Party  over  the  country  is  complete.  As  we  have 
seen,  the  new  electoral  law  of  1928  set  up  a  totally  new 
system  of  government.  Parliament  does  indeed  still  exist  ; 
but  it  has  been  shorn  of  almost  all  its  real  importance,  and 
so  reorganised  as  to  be  in  fact  only  a  subordinate  part  of 
the  Fascist  machine — a  mere  registering  body  for  decisions 
arrived  at  without  consulting  it,  and  occasionally  a  theatre 
for  the  "  Duce's  "  pronouncements.  The  real  power  rests 
with  the  Fascist  Party  itself,  and  the  real  legislative  body 
in  Italy  to-day  is  the  Fascist  Directory  appointed  by  the 
head  of  the  State  from  nominations  submitted  by  a  National 
Council  representing  the  local  organisations  of  the  Fascist 
Party.  This  Directory  works  in  conjunction  with  the 
Fascist  Grand  Council,  a  larger  body  which  includes,  in 
addition  to  a  number  of  Ministers  and  dignitaries  sitting 
ex  qfficio,  a  body  of  members  also  appointed  directly  by  the 
head  of  the  State,  together  with  four  permanent  members 
chosen  as  a  reward  for  their  services  in  connection  with  the 
March  on  Rome  in  1922. 

This  Grand  Council  to  all  intents  and  purposes  chooses 
the  Parliament.  The  system  under  which  this  is  done  is 
somewhat  complicated.  All  the  syndicates  and  industrial 
and  professional  and  cultural  organisations  recognised  by  the 
Fascist  State  are  allowed  to  submit  nominations  for  mem- 
bership of  Parliament.  From  the  nominations  thus  gathered 


in  from  the  various  functional  bodies  the  Fascist  Grand 
Council  then  proceeds  to  select  400,  and  these  400  then 
form  the  National  List  of  candidates  for  Parliament  put 
forward  with  the  approval  of  the  Fascist  Party.  No  other 
Party  is  allowed  to  nominate  candidates,  and  the  entire 
electorate  is  called  upon  to  vote  for  or  against  the  whole 
list  of  400  candidates  en  bloc.  If  the  voting  goes  in  their 
favour  they  form  the  Parliament.  If  it  were  to  go  against 
them  a  new  election  would  have  to  be  held  on  the  basis 
of  fresh  nominations  secured  in  the  same  way  ;  but  it  is 
highly  improbable  that  the  list  would  ever  be  rejected.  In 
the  election  following  the  adoption  of  this  system  90  per 
cent  of  the  electorate  voted,  and  nearly  98  per  cent  of 
those  who  voted  voted  in  favour  of  the  Fascist  list. 

What  else,  indeed,  were  they  to  do  ?  For  there  was  no 
prospect  of  securing  the  return  of  any  alternative  candi- 
dates. The  final  stage  of  the  election  of  candidates  for  Par- 
liament has  thus  become  practically  meaningless,  and 
Parliament  itself  has  become  a  body  of  little  or  no  real 
significance  in  the  working  of  the  machine  of  State.  Such 
value  as  the  electoral  machinery  does  possess  in  providing 
for  the  expression  of  Italian  opinion  is  derived  not  from  the 
final  voting  but  from  the  initial  nominations  sent  forward 
by  the  various  associations  recognised  as  integral  parts  of 
the  Fascist  State.  The  Fascists  claim  that  this  system 
secures,  in  place  of  the  outworn  forms  of  democratic  repre- 
sentation under  the  Parliamentary  system,  a  real  represen- 
tation of  those  functional  groups  which  have  an  important 
contribution  to  make  to  the  national  life.  In  place  of 
the  old,  and  in  its  view  outworn,  conception  of  Parliamentary 
democracy  it  sets  up  the  ideal  of  functional  representation. 
Repudiating  the  democratic  theory  that  each  should  count 
as  one  and  none  as  more  than  one,  it  puts  forward  instead 
a  system  of  functional  representation  of  constituent  groups 
within  the  State. 

But  in  practice,  as  we  have  seen,  the  real  control  rests  not 
with  the  Parliament  elected  in  this  way,  but  with  the 
Fascist  Party,  which  dominates  the  life  of  Italy  fully  as 


much  as  the  Communist  Party  dominates  that  of  Russia. 
There  are,  however,  important  differences  between  the 
forms  of  control  exercised  by  the  Communist  and  Fascist 
Parties.  In  the  first  place,  the  Fascist  Party  is  far  less 
democratic  in  its  internal  methods  of  organisation  than  the 
Communist  Party.  Built  up  largely  round  the  personality 
of  Mussolini,  it  has  conferred  upon  the  head  of  the  State 
enormous  powers  in  choosing  his  own  coadjutors,  including 
not  only  his  colleagues  in  the  Government  but  all  those  who 
are  to  have  an  important  voice  in  the  councils  of  the 
Party.  In  Russia  the  Communist  Party  is  a  democratic 
body  exercising  autocratic  authority  over  non-Communists, 
whereas  Fascism  reproduces  in  the  structure  of  the  Party 
the  authoritarian  institutions  which  it  has  impressed  upon 
the  Italian  State.  In  the  second  place,  the  authority  of  the 
Communist  Party  in  Russia  is  based  on  a  complete  control 
not  only  of  the  political  life  of  the  Soviet  Republic  but  also 
of  its  economic  institutions.  Russia  has  liquidated  private 
capitalism  and  abolished  class  distinctions,  whereas,  in 
Italy,  as  we  have  seen,  industry  remains  under  private 
ownership  arid  State  intervention  in  economic  matters 
continues  to  be  exceptional. 

Thus,  while  there  are  close  resemblances  between  the 
position  of  the  Communist  Party  in  Russia  and  that  of  the 
Fascist  Party  in  Italy  as  far  as  politics  are  concerned,  in 
economic  matters,  which  are  fundamental,  tnere  is  little 
or  no  resemblance.  That  is  why,  whereas  the  Russian 
system  appears  to  be  established  on  a  secure  and  per- 
manent basis,  it  is  not  possible  to  affirm  with  anything  like 
the  same  certainty  that  Fascism  will  endure  for  long.  It 
has  sometimes  been  suggested  that  the  entire  Fascist 
system  depends  for  its  continuance  on  the  personality  of 
Mussolini ;  and  while  this  may  not  be  true,  it  is  certainly 
true  that  any  weakening  in  the  leadership  of  the  Fascist 
Party  could  easily  cause  the  entire  system  to  crumble  away, 
for  the  simple  reason  that  it  has  not  superseded  but  only 
been  super-imposed  upon  private  Capitalism,  and  has 
therefore  been  compelled  to  leave  in  being  the  underlying 


antagonisms  between  economic  classes,  even  while  it  has 
successfully  checked  their  expression. 

By  many  critics  of  the  Fascist  regime  the  account  here 
given  of  it  will  be  deemed  far  too  favourable,  on  the  ground 
that  it  accepts  to  too  great  an  extent  the  subsequent  ration- 
alisation by  Fascist  advocates  of  the  policy  of  opportunistic 
violence  actually  pursued  by  the  Fascist  Party  in  its  march 
to  power.  According  to  these  critics,  Fascism  has  no  real 
philosophy  or  political  theory  of  its  own.  It  is  no  more  than 
a  creed  of  violence  and  personal  ambition  dressed  up  in  the 
borrowed  garments  of  a  belated  Hegelianism.  It  is  of  course 
perfectly  true  that  Fascism  only  found  out  what  its  philo- 
sophy was  when  it  had  already  begun  to  practise  it,  and 
that  the  appeals  on  which  it  relied,  and  continues  to  rely, 
in  enlisting  support  have  had  very  little  to  do  with  its 
philosophical  basis,  save  to  the  extent  to  which  its  philo- 
sophy has  been  influential  in  bringing  over  a  certain  per- 
centage of  intellectuals  to  its  side.  Fascism  secured  its 
adherents  in  its  early  days  by  appealing  to  the  resentment, 
the  fears  and  the  violent  passions  of  men  who  found  them- 
selves living  in  a  State  devoid  of  clear  purpose,  and  in- 
capable of  sustaining  either  public  order  or  private  wel- 
fare. It  appealed  to  the  discontented  classes  with  an  aggres- 
sive economic  programme  over  which  it  threw  a  glamour 
of  romantic  heroism  by  its  insistence  on  the  national 
destiny.  Though  it  repudiated  the  idea  of  class  antagonisms, 
it  nevertheless  recruited  its  adherents  largely  from  classes 
which  rallied  to  it  as  a  means  of  defending  their  class 
interests  against  the  Socialists  ;  and  it  was  only  able  to 
realise,  even  to  the  extent  to  which  it  has  realised,  the 
totalitarian  State  by  the  ruthless  suppression  of  the  organisa- 
tions built  up  for  themselves  by  the  largest  class  in  that  State, 
the  manual  workers.  Though  it  may  claim  to  express  the 
solidarity  of  the  Italian  people,  it  has  to  be  recognised  that 
this  claim  still  rests  on  force  and  not  on  positive  or  willing 
consent.  Hence  the  continued  necessity  for  rigid  censorship 
of  Press  and  opinion,  the  insistence  on  strict  tests  of  ortho- 
doxy among  the  teachers  in  schools  and  universities,  and 


the  continued  elimination  of  all  expressions  of  opinion 
hostile  to  or  even  critical  of  the  underlying  assumptions  of 
the  Fascist  system. 

Nevertheless,  Fascism  can  claim  to  be  a  philosophy,  even 
if  this  philosophy  has  grown  out  of  events  rather  than 
determined  their  course.  For  it  has  successfully  set  up  for 
the  time  being  a  society  based  on  the  philosophy  of  national- 
ism, and  thrown  back  the  attacks  launched  against  national- 
ism by  the  cosmopolitan  philosophy  which  underlies  the 
Socialist  as  well  as  the  Communist  doctrine.  Socialism  and 
Communism  are  philosophies  based  on  accepting  as 
ultimate  the  solidarity  of  class  ;  Fascism  is  a  philosophy 
which  attempts  to  combat  these  doctrines  by  appealing  to 
the  rival  ideal  of  nationality.  And  even  the  Marxists,  who 
believe  that  in  the  end  economic  forces  are  bound  to  exert 
a  predominant  influence,  do  not  attempt  to  deny  that 
nationality  is  a  force  working  in  the  minds  of  men  and 
capable,  because  it  is  in  men's  minds,  of  playing  an  in- 
fluential part,  at  least  in  the  short  run,  in  shaping  the  course 
of  history. 


SINCE  the  rise  of  Fascism  in  Italy  there  has  been  a  grow- 
ing tendency  to  apply  the  name  to  a  wide  variety  of  political 
movements  in  different  European  countries.  Wherever 
Parliamentary  institutions  are  abandoned  or  their  influence 
seriously  curtailed  in  favour  of  some  form  of  dictatorship, 
this  dictatorship  is  loosely  described  as  Fascist,  provided 
only  that  it  is  a  dictatorship  directed  against  the  influence 
of  Socialist  and  Communist  movements.  The  name  Fascism 
is  thus  loosely  used  to  cover  a  number  of  political  develop- 
ments differing  considerably  among  themselves.  For 
example,  in  the  Austria  of  1933  the  dictatorship  of  the 
Christian  Social  Chancellor,  Dr.  Dollfuss,  is  commonly 
described  as  Fascist,  although  it  is  at  present  in  violent 
conflict  with  the  Austrian  section  of  the  Nazis  ;  and  again 


the  dictatorship  of  Primo  de  Rivera  in  Spain  was  often 
regarded  as  a  Fascist  movement,  although  it  was  in  reality 
rather  an  attempt  to  preserve  the  Grown  against  the 
combined  onslaught  of  the  republican  forces  than  a  Fascist 
movement  originating  among  the  nationalist  sections  of  the 
middle  class.  We  have,  then,  to  make  up  our  minds  whether 
we  propose  to  use  the  term  Fascist  in  a  sense  wide  enough 
to  cover  all  the  post-war  European  movements  directed 
from  the  Right  against  the  institutions  of  Parliamentarism, 
or  whether  we  propose  to  confine  its  use  to  such  movements 
as  possess  a  closer  community  of  idea  with  Italian  Fascism. 

There  is  undoubtedly  something  in  common  among  all 
the  movements  of  the  Right  against  Parliamentary  govern- 
ment, for  they  are  in  all  cases  the  product  of  the  failure  of 
the  Parliamentary  State  to  face  satisfactorily  the  difficult 
situations  of  the  post-war  world.  As  we  have  seen  in  an 
earlier  section,  this  failure  of  the  Parliamentary  State  has 
been  most  manifest  and  complete  where  Parliamentarism 
has  had  the  weakest  tradition  behind  it,  as  in  Italy  and 
Germany,  and  has  been  made  the  more  unavoidable  by  the 
attempt  to  impress  a  national  democratic  character  on 
Parliamentarism  by  the  adoption  of  proportional  represen- 
tation. For  the  one  chance  that  Parliamentarism  might 
have  stood  of  successful  survival  in  Central  and  Southern 
Europe  rested  on  its  ability  to  create  instruments  of  strong 
and  coherent  government,  and  thus  to  pursue  a  steady  and 
continuous  line  of  policy  ;  and  the  possibility  of  this  rested 
in  turn  on  the  existence  of  parties  strong  enough  to  com- 
mand an  effective  majority.  France,  with  her  tradition  of 
democratic  self-government,  has  been  able  so  far  to  make 
shift  with  a  succession  of  weak  Governments  alternating 
between  the  right  and  left  of  the  middle-class  parties  ;  but 
French  methods  of  government  were  bound  to  prove  totally 
inadequate  in  dealing  with  the  far  more  difficult  problems 
which  confronted  post-war  Italy,  and,  still  more,  the  new 
German  Republic. 

While  however,  some  community  of  character  must  be 
recognised  among  all  the  non-Socialist  reactions  away  from 


Parliamentary  government,  it  is  both  more  convenient 
and  more  accurate  to  confine  the  use  of  the  term  Fascist 
to  a  narrower  group  of  post-war  movements.  Of  these  by 
far  the  most  important,  after  the  Italian  movement  des- 
cribed in  the  preceding  section,  is  the  Nazi  movement 
which  has  come  to  full  political  power  in  Germany  during 
1933-  For  the  Nazis,  or  National  Socialists,  while  their 
attitude  differs  in  certain  respects  from  that  of  the  Italian 
Fascists,  and  they  have  so  far  given  less  indication  of  having 
a  workable  political  or  economic  theory  in  their  minds, 
have  drawn  their  support  largely  from  the  same  elements  as 
rallied  round  Mussolini's  Fascist  organisations  in  the  years 
immediately  following  the  war.  Nazism  is,  like  Italian 
Fascism,  a  movement  drawing  its  main  strength  from  the 
lower  middle  classes  and  the  peasants,  though  it  has  also 
rallied  round  it  a  considerable  amount  of  support  both 
from  military  officers  of  the  old  regime  and  sons  of  the  old 
nobility,  and  from  workmen  feeling  the  pinch  of  Germany's 
desperate  economic  condition,  and  despairing  of  any 
succour  from  a  working-class  movement  sharply  divided 
between  the  rival  factions  of  Social  Democrats  and  Com- 
munists. Hitler's  Brown.  Army  has  been,  like  Mussolini's 
Blackshirts,  from  the  first  a  largely  military  formation, 
though  it  has  been  until  lately  far  shorter  of  arms  than 
Mussolini's  men  ever  were,  largely  because  of  the  steps 
taken  to  secure  the  thorough  disarmament  of  Germany 
under  the  Peace  Treaty.  Moreover,  attaining  to  its  full 
strength  a  decade  and  a  half  after  the  conclusion  of  the 
war,  it  has  not  drawn  its  support  to  anything  like  the  same 
extent  as  Mussolini's  Fascists  drew  theirs  from  the  dis- 
appointed ex-soldiers  demobilised  at  the  conclusion  of 
hostilities.  The  Nazis,  apart  from  their  leaders,  are  largely 
young  men — too  young  to  have  taken  any  part  in  the  Great 
War.  Their  fighting  quality  is  therefore  probably  substanti- 
ally lower  and  their  discipline  is  certainly  less  than  that  of 
Mussolini's  armed  Fascists  at  the  time  of  the  March  on 
Rome.  That  they  have  been  able  to  take  control  so  com- 
pletely of  the  situation  in  Germany  and  to  apply  force  on  so 


large  a  scale  with  so  little  resistance  is  attributable  far  less 
to  their  own  disciplined  prowess  than  to  the  weakness  or 
absence  of  military  formations  among  the  forces  opposing 
them.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  if  the  Reichswehr  and  the 
Stahlhelm  organisations  had  been  united  with  the  support  of 
the  police  in  stopping  Hitler's  Brown  Army  from  uncon- 
stitutional excesses,  the  task  would  have  been  well  within 
their  powers.  That,  no  doubt,  was  why  the  Nazis  needed  the 
support  of  President  Hindenburg  and  of  the  Nationalists 
in  order  to  establish  their  control.  For  as  soon  as  they  had 
the  Reichswehr  as  well  as  the  Stahlhelm  on  their  side,  or  at 
least  definitely  precluded  from  opposing  them,  there  was 
nothing  to  stand  in  their  way.  The  Republican  Reichs- 
barmer  was  too  weak  and  practically  without  arms  ;  and 
the  Communist  organisations  had  also  been  successfully 
deprived  of  their  weapons  under  the  previous  regime. 

Hitler's  Nazis  are  thus  a  far  less  effective  military  force 
than  Mussolini's  Fascists,  but  the  two  movements  spring 
largely  from  a  common  source.  Hitler,  like  Mussolini,  is  an 
ex-Socialist,  and,  unlike  Mussolini,  he  still  retains  the  word 
Socialist  in  the  name  of  his  Party.  Like  Mussolini,  he  has 
built  up  his  movement  on  the  appeal  to  national  emotion  ; 
and,  again  like  Mussolini,  he  has  sought  his  backing  chiefly 
among  those  elements  in  the  population  which  can  be  most 
easily  rallied  not  only  against  the  international  doctrine  of 
the  Communists  but  also  against  all  plans  for  the  socialisa- 
tion of  industry.  Hitler's  constant  denunciations  of  Jews, 
bankers  and  speculators  are  calculated  to  appeal  not  only 
to  the  nationalist  sentiments  of  his  hearers  but  also  to  the 
peasant  and  small  bourgeois  groups  from  which  he  derived 
his  original  strength.  Like  Mussolini,  he  began  with  a 
programme  embodying  large  elements  of  Socialism  ;  but 
the  Socialist  features  of  the  Nazi  programme  have  receded 
more  and  more  into  the  background,  to  be  replaced,  not 
so  far  by  any  clear  picture  of  the  Corporative  State,  but  by 
a  vast  outpouring  of  rhetoric  attributing  Germany's 
economic  troubles  to  the  injustices  put  upon  her  by  the 
Treaties  of  Peace,  and  to  the  machinations  of  the  enemies 



within  her  gates — the  Jewish  internationalists,  the  inter- 
national Marxians,  who  are  reputed  in  the  last  decade  to 
have  governed  Germany  in  alliance  with  the  Jews,  the 
great  stores,  which  are  accused  in  one  breath  of  profiteering 
at  the  expense  of  the  public  and  of  undercutting  the  small 
private  trader,  and,  finally,  even  the  Catholics,  who  are 
said  to  have  demonstrated  their  lack  of  patriotism  by  ally- 
ing themselves  in  a  succession  of  Governments  with  the 
atheistical  and  internationalist  leaders  of  the  Social  Demo- 
cratic Party.  Out  of  the  farrago  of  denunciations  that  makes 
up  Hitler's  speeches  it  is  difficult  to  make  anything  like 
sense.  But  it  is  quite  unsafe  to  conclude  that  an  inability 
to  talk  sense  is  any  barrier  in  the  way  of  success  in  governing 
a  nation,  especially  under  the  topsy-turvy  economic  and 
political  conditions  of  to-day. 

It  is  true  that  not  all  Hitler's  lieutenants  have  been 
content  with  a  mere  whirl  of  denunciatory  words.  Gregor 
Strasser,  for  example,  was  long  regarded  as  the  real 
intellectual  leader  of  the  Nazis,  and  the  chief  exponent  of 
their  economic  policy  ;  but  Strasser  parted  company  with 
his  fellow  leaders,  and  lost  his  influence,  in  1932,  when 
the  Nazis  were  confronting  the  choice  between  entering  into 
a  coalition  on  terms  which  would  have  made  it  impossible 
for  them  to  carry  out  the  complete  "  purge  "  of  Germany 
which  they  demanded,  and  holding  aloof  in  the  hope  that 
time  would  allow  complete  power  to  fall  into  their  hands. 
Strasser,  advocating  coalition  at  the  cost  of  compromise, 
was  driven  from  his  influential  position  in  the  Party  ;  and 
the  leadership  then  passed,  with  Hitler  still  as  figure-head, 
to  extremists  of  the  type  of  Goebbels  and  Goering,  whose 
policy,  as  far  as  it  is  at  present  known,  appears  to  be  purely 
destructive.  Conceivably,  now  that  the  Nazis  have  climbed 
to  power,  Strasser  will  come  back,  or  perhaps  some  able 
ally  such  as  Schacht  will  be  able  to  take  hold  of  the  dis- 
located economic  machine.  But  of  this  there  is  as  yet  no 
sign.  The  destructive  policy  of  the  Nazis  is  plain  enough  ; 
their  constructive  policy  remains  an  entirely  unknown 


The  Rise  of  the  Nazis.  Nazism  began  as  an  organised 
movement,  not  in  North  Germany  where  it  has  since 
attained  to  its  greatest  power,  but  in  Bavaria.  Hitler,  an 
Austrian  by  birth,  began  organising  his  National  Socialists 
in  Bavaria  in  1919.  As  we  have  seen  earlier,  the  German 
revolution  of  1918  actually  began  in  Bavaria,  and  it  was 
there  that  the  first  revolutionary  Government  was  estab- 
lished under  the  leadership  of  Kurt  Eisner,  the  Independent 
Socialist.  But  Eisner  was  assassinated  by  a  royalist  fanatic, 
and  after  a  short-lived  Communist  insurrection,  a  Govern- 
ment under  Social  Democratic  leadership  assumed  office. 
But  Socialism  in  Bavaria  had  been  fatally  weakened  by  the 
events  of  1919,  and  soon  after  the  Prussian  Kapp  Putsch 
of  1920  the  Socialist  Ministry  resigned  and  an  anti-Socialist 
Government  took  its  place.  At  the  following  elections  a  large 
anti-Socialist  majority  was  returned,  and,  with  the  support 
of  the  new  Government,  the  Communist  movement  was 
rigorously  suppressed.  It  was  in  this  atmosphere  of  revolu- 
tion and  counter-revolution  that  Hitler  created  his  Nazi 
organisation,  hovering  at  first  between  the  demand  for 
Bavarian  separatism  and  the  creation  of  a  powerful  pan- 
German  State. 

After  1920  the  Nazi  movement  became  more  and  more 
pan-German  in  its  attitude  ;  and  in  1923,  joined  by  Luden- 
dorff  and  the  most  extreme  section  of  German  militarists,  it 
attempted  a  counter-revolution,  designed,  setting  out  from 
Munich,  to  overthrow  the  Weimar  Republic.  The  Bavarian 
Government,  by  the  use  of  dictatorial  powers,  successfully 
repressed  this  revolution,  and  Hitler  was  condemned  in 
April  1924  to  five  years'  detention  in  a  fortress.  He  was, 
however,  released  within  a  few  months,  and  set  to  work 
immediately  to  reorganise  his  National  Socialist  Party,  which 
thereafter  spread  gradually  from  Bavaria  to  other  parts  of 
Germany,  although  it  was  some  time  before  it  achieved 
any  great  importance  in  German  politics,  or  came  to  be 
regarded  as  in  any  real  sense  a  menace  to  the  stability  of  the 
Weimar  Republic.  In  the  general  elections  of  1924  the  Hit- 
lerites, then  allied  to  the  Deutsche  Volkische-Fmheits-bewegung 


(German  People's  Movement  for  Freedom)  gained  32 
seats.  But  in  1928,  after  it  had  broken  with  its  late  ally, 
it  was  only  able  to  return  12  members.  Its  real  chance 
came  only  with  the  world  slump  ;  and  by  far  the  most 
effective  recruiting  agent  for  the  Hitlerites  has  undoubtedly 
been  the  economic  suffering  which  has  overtaken  the 
German  people  ever  since  the  withdrawal  of  foreign  capital 
began  towards  the  close  of  1928. 

Between  1924  and  1928  Germany  had  maintained  an 
illusory  internal  prosperity  by  means  of  heavy  borrowing 
of  capital  from  overseas.  The  withdrawal  of  this  capital, 
chiefly  on  account  of  the  American  boom,  left  her  for  the 
first  time  since  the  Dawes  Plan  faced  with  the  necessity  of 
living  upon  her  own  attenuated  resources,  and  at  the  same 
time  meeting  the  heavy  claims  both  of  her  late  enemies  for 
reparations  and  of  foreign  capitalists  for  interest  on  the 
large  sums  which  she  had  borrowed.  Conditions  in  1929 
were  bad  enough,  but  they  became  infinitely  worse  when 
Germany  had  to  face  not  only  the  withdrawal  of  foreign 
capital  but  also  the  effects  of  the  American  crash  and  the 
world  depression  on  her  export  trade.  The  Nazi  movement, 
a  product  above  all  of  disillusionment  and  despair, 
went  ahead  by  leaps  and  bounds  from  the  moment  when 
the  politicians  at  the  head  of  the  Weimar  Republic  ceased 
to  be  able  to  maintain  tolerable  living  conditions  for  the 
mass  of  the  German  people,  including  the  middle  classes 
as  well  as  the  manual  workers.  At  the  election  of  July  1932 
the  Nazis  returned  230  members  and  polled  13!  million 
votes.  Thereafter  came  a  reaction,  and  at  the  election  of 
November  1932,  on  a  reduced  total  poll,  the  Nazi  members 
fell  to  196,  and  their  vote  to  i  if  millions.  It  was  then  widely 
prophesied  that  Nazism  had  already  passed  its  zenith,  and 
was  certain  rapidly  to  decline.  This  prophecy  might  pos- 
sibly have  been  correct,  if,  as  many  people  then  supposed 
to  be  likely,  there  had  been  a  material  improvement  in 
the  economic  situation.  But  economically  things  went  from 
bad  to  worse  during  the  following  months,  and  in  February 
1933,  when  Hitler  had  already  become  Chancellor  and 


established  his  Nazi  dictatorship,  the  Nazis  polled  17^ 
million  votes  and  returned  288  members,  thus  falling  not 
far  short  of  an  absolute  majority  in  the  Reichstag,  and  com- 
manding, in  the  enforced  absence  of  the  Communists,  an 
effective  majority  in  conjunction  with  their  52  Nationalist 

It  was  upon  a  coalition  Government  headed  by  the  Social 
Democrats  that  the  first  brunt  of  the  great  economic  de- 
pression fell.  Divided  internally,  the  Government  had 
great  difficulty  in  pursuing  any  coherent  policy  in  face  of  the 
depression.  In  1929  it  found  itself  seriously  at  loggerheads 
with  Dr.  Schacht,  the  right-wing  President  of  the  Reichs- 
bank.  Dr.  Schacht's  public  denunciations  of  the  Hague 
Conference  settlement  led  to  the  resignation  of  Hilferding, 
the  Social  Democratic  Finance  Minister,  and  to  a  weaken- 
ing of  the  position  of  the  Social  Democrats  in  the  country, 
although  continued  differences  between  Dr.  Schacht  and 
the  Government  resulted  in  the  resignation  of  the  former 
early  in  1930.  Meanwhile,  the  financial  situation  con- 
tinued to  grow  worse,  and  the  differences  in  the  Cabinet 
over  the  best  means  of  meeting  it  more  pronounced.  The 
parties  of  the  Right,  including  the  People's  Party,  de- 
manded a  drastic  curtailment  of  unemployment  benefits 
and  other  social  services  ;  and  on  this  issue  the  coalition 
Government  broke  up  in  March  1930,  and  was  succeeded 
by  a  bourgeois  Government  under  the  leadership  of  Briining, 
a  member  of  the  Catholic  Centre.  This  Government,  in 
face  of  the  growing  severity  of  the  crisis,  was  compelled 
at  once  to  have  resort  to  emergency  powers,  using  the 
authority  of  the  President  to  put  through  its  measures  by 
decree  even  without  the  co-operation  of  the  Reichstag. 

As  the  depression  deepened  these  measures  became  more 
and  more  severe  ;  for  Germany  under  Bruning's  leadership 
was  making  a  tremendous  effort  to  build  up,  even  in  face 
of  adverse  world  conditions,  a  substantial  export  surplus 
for  the  payment  of  reparations  and  the  meeting  of  claims 
arising  out  of  Germany's  foreign  borrowing  since  the  war. 
This  could  be  achieved  even  temporarily  only  by  the  most 


drastic  curtailment  of  imports,  and  at  the  cost  of  a  severe 
and  progressive  fall  in  the  standard  of  living  of  the  German 
people.  Nevertheless  the  Briining  Cabinet  carried  on,  and 
appeared  for  a  time  to  be  meeting  with  signal  success.  But 
this  success  was  achieved  only  at  the  cost  of  engendering  in 
the  minds  of  a  large  section  of  the  German  people  a  mood 
of  desperation  which  boded  ill  for  the  future  of  a  Republic 
connected  in  the  popular  imagination  with  the  inflicting 
of  these  sacrifices.  Briining's  position  consequently  became 
more  and  more  difficult  to  maintain  ;  and  at  length  in 
June  1932,  in  face  of  the  tremendous  growth  of  the  Nazi 
movement  and  of  popular  discontent,  President  Hinden- 
burg  dismissed  the  Chancellor  and  on  his  own  authority 
set  up  a  non-party  Government  of  pronounced  Nationalist 
complexion  under  the  leadership  of  von  Papen.  Thereafter 
negotiations  began  for  an  accommodation  with  the  Nazis  ; 
but  Hitler,  after  some  hesitation,  refused  to  collaborate  in 
a  coalition  Government  in  which  his  Party  was  not  offered 
a  free  hand.  The  new  Reichstag,  elected  in  July  1932,  was 
thereupon  dissolved,  and  another  election  held  in  Novem- 
ber with  the  result,  as  we  have  seen,  of  a  temporary  set- 
back to  the  Nazis.  But  popular  discontent  with  the  aristo- 
cratic Nationalist  Government  of  von  Papen  continued 
to  grow,  and  in  December  1932  President  Hindenburg 
was  compelled  much  against  his  will  to  ge^t  rid  of  his  un- 
popular Chancellor,  who  was  replaced  by  General  von 

Von  Schleicher,  who  was  also  associated  with  the  forces 
of  the  old  Right  in  Germany,  attempted  to  appease  the 
discontent  by  following  a  more  moderate  policy  than  von 
Papen,  and  did  his  best  to  come  to  terms  with  the  Trade 
Unions  and  to  obtain  at  least  the  tolerance  of  the  Social 
Democrats.  But  his  Ministry  was  short-lived.  The  Nazi 
movement  became  more  and  more  menacing,  and  in 
January  1933  President  Hindenburg  at  last  sent  for  Hitler 
and  offered  him  the  Chancellorship.  The  precise  conditions 
on  which  this  offer  was  made  cannot  be  known  ;  but  it  is 
clear  that  they  included  the  association  with  the  new 


Government  under  Hitler's  leadership  of  the  old  Nationalists 
— President  Hindenburg's  friends — as  well  as  the  Nazis,  and 
that  the  President  relied  on  von  Papen,  who  was  included 
in  the  new  Government,  and  the  other  Nationalist  Min- 
isters, to  do  something  to  keep  the  Nazis  in  order.  In  prac- 
tice, however,  the  entire  power  passed  into  the  hands  of  the 
Nazis  ;  for  although  von  Papen  became  Vice-Chancellor 
and  Reichs  Commissioner  for  Prussia  (the  autonomous 
Government  of  Prussia  based  on  a  coalition  led  by  the 
Social  Democrats  having  been  superseded  by  a  Commis- 
sioner appointed  by  the  Reich  under  von  Papen's  Ministry), 
the  real  power  in  Prussia  was  exercised  by  the  Nazi,  Cap- 
tain Goring,  as  Deputy  Commissioner  of  the  Interior. 
The  new  Government  immediately  instituted  a  reign  of 
terror.  Jews  and  Social  Democrats,  as  well  as  Communists, 
were  remorselessly  persecuted  ;  and  a  thorough  weeding 
out  of  all  officials  unsympathetic  to  the  new  Nazi  regime 
was  begun.  The  Nazis  seized  power  and  installed  Commis- 
sioners of  their  own  with  dictatorial  authority  not  only  in 
the  States  in  which  they  and  their  allies  commanded  a 
majority  in  the  legislatures,  but  also  in  the  free  cities,  such 
as  Hamburg,  and  even  in  the  German  States  beyond  the 
Main  line,  including  Catholic  Bavaria. 

Since  then,  Nazism  has  carried  the  revolution  several 
stages  further.  It  has  successfully  edged  its  Nationalist  allies 
out  of  their  positions  of  influence,  merged  the  Nationalist 
Stalhelm  with  its  own  forces,  compelled  Hugenburg  to  re- 
sign from  the  Government,  and  the  Nationalist  Party  itself 
to  dissolve  and  join  the  Nazi  ranks.  It  has  pursued  success- 
fully a  vendetta  against  "  political  "  Catholicism,  which  it 
regards  as  the  ally  of  Dollfuss's  Christian  Social  dictator- 
ship in  Austria,  and  has  persecuted  and  broken  up  the 
Catholic  Bavarian  People's  Party  and  the  Catholic  Centre. 
It  has  set  to  work  to  eliminate  the  Protestant  Churches  of 
Prussia,  by  installing  its  own  nominees  in  ecclesiastical 
authority.  It  has  destroyed  the  largely  Socialist  Trade 
Union  movement,  and  begun  to  set  up  a  new  workers' 
directory  under  its  own  authoritative  control.  In  short,  it 


has  set  itself  to  dominate,  in  the  name  of  the  Nazi  State, 
every  aspect  of  the  life  of  the  German  people,  and  to  break 
up  by  violence  every  organisation,  secular  or  clerical,  that 
is  capable  of  offering  any  sort  of  opposition  to  its  complete 

Wholesale  arrests  of  Communists  and  Social  Democrats, 
and  in  some  cases  of  members  of  the  Catholic  Centre  as 
well,  have  been  carried  out,  to  the  accompaniment  of 
much  ruthless  brutality  ;  and  the  members  of  the  Brown 
Army,  enrolled  and  clothed  with  authority  as  auxiliary 
police,  indulged  in  an  orgy  of  domiciliary  visits  to  suspected 
persons,  in  the  course  of  which  a  number  of  Socialists  and 
Communists  were  brutally  shot  down.  Moreover,  in  the 
disorcfer  accompanying  the  imposition  of  the  new  tyranny, 
numerous  murders  were  committed,  and  arrests  made  by 
bands  of  Nazis  acting  without  a  shadow  of  public  authority. 
Citizens  hostile  to  the  Nazi  regime  were  kidnapped  and 
confined  in  private  houses  and  subjected  to  many  brutali- 
ties. It  is  indeed  impossible  at  present  to  estimate  accurately 
the  extent  of  the  reign  of  terror  which  the  Nazis  established 
in  Germany  during  the  first  weeks  of  their  tenure  of  power  ; 
but  enough  news  soon  filtered  across  the  frontiers,  in  spite 
of  the  rigid  censorship,  to  show  that  the  Nazis  were  going  far 
beyond  the  methods  practised  by  the  followers  of  Mussolini 
on  the  morrow  of  their  triumph  in  1922.  ^ 

Nazism  has  thus  assumed  completely  tyrannical  power 
within  the  frontiers  of  Germany  ;  for,  although  the  Nazis 
are  still  governing  nominally  in  coalition  \\ith  ex-Nation- 
alist upholders  of  the  pre-war  rfcgime,  they  have  in  fact 
completely  eliminated  and  destroyed  their  allies,  and  suc- 
ceeded in  having  matters  all  their  own  way.  Obviously  this 
change  in  the  internal  situation  of  Germany  is  destined  to 
have  far-reaching  effects  on  the  European  situation  as  a 
whole.  The  Weimar  Republic  is  clearly  doomed.  For,  al- 
though it  is  quite  uncertain  whether  the  Nazis  intend  to 
restore  a  monarchical  form  of  government,  they  have 
shown  that  they  have  no  use  for  the  bourgeois  Republic. 
And  it  is  hardly  less  clear  that,  even  if  the  Nazis  are  in 


process  of  time  overthrown,  the  new  organisation  of  Ger- 
many which  takes  their  place  will  be  something  very 
different  from  the  Parliamentary  Republic  established  on 
the  morrow  of  the  Great  War.  For  a  time  at  least  the  Nazis 
can  be  expected  to  remain  in  power  ;  for  there  is  at  present 
certainly  no  force  in  Germany  capable  of  standing  up 
against  them,  even  if  their  alliance  with  the  Nationalists 
should  be  broken.  The  old  Social  Democratic  Party, 
though  its  leaders  have  moved  their  headquarters  to 
Prague,  and  are  attempting  to  carry  on  underground  pro- 
paganda in  Germany  from  abroad,  is  clearly  dead  past  re- 
call ;  and  it  is  still  too  soon  to  say  what  new  force  on  the 
Left — whether  the  Communist  Party,  or  some  new  body 
born  out  of  the  ashes  of  Social  Democracy,  or  again  some 
revolutionary  force  germinated  out  of  Nazism  itself,  is  likely 
to  take  its  place. 

The  Nazis  have  been  brought  to  power  on  a  wave  of 
Nationalist  sentiment  and  profound  economic  distress. 
They  have  made  lavish  promises  of  their  ability  to  deal 
with  the  situation,  which  they  trace  primarily  not  to  the 
economic  disorders  of  the  world  as  a  whole,  but  rather  to 
the  hardships  inflicted  on  Germany  by  the  Versailles 
Treaty.  They  are  demanding  first  of  all  the  right  for  Ger- 
many to  rearm  ;  and  such  hope  as  there  ever  was  for  the 
successful  outcome  of  the  Geneva  Disarmament  Confer- 
ence has  largely  disappeared  as  a  result  of  their  assumption 
of  power.  Certainly  the  Nazis  mean  to  rearm  Germany  as 
far  as  they  can  afford  to  do  so,  and  perhaps  further,  and  as 
fast  as  they  feel  strong  enough  to  stand  up  to  the  political 
consequences  of  defying  France  and  Great  Britain.  But  re- 
armament is  desired  not  only  for  its  own  sake,  but  also  as 
a  symbol  of  restored  German  nationhood,  and  a  throwing 
off  once  and  for  all  of  the  enforced  repentance  exacted 
from  Germany  in  the  Versailles  Treaty.  Hitler  and  his 
followers  have  again  and  again  denounced  the  Treaty 
itself,  and  the  entire  territoral  settlement  embodied  in  it, 
as  well  as  the  disarmament  of  Germany.  They  have  never 
been  prepared  to  recognise  the  Locarno  Treaties  or  to 


accept  the  rearrangement  of  Germany's  frontiers  as  per- 
manent. They  mean,  if  they  are  strong  enough,  to  challenge 
the  entire  Versailles  settlement.  They  will  presumably  be 
wary  of  picking  a  quarrel  with  France  over  Alsace-Lorraine 
in  the  immediate  future  ;  for  France  is  bound  to  remain 
for  some  time  to  come  the  greatest  military  Power  in 
Europe.  But  they  have  already  shown  signs  of  a  readi- 
ness to  pick  a  quarrel  before  long  with  the  Poles  over  the 
Polish  Corridor  and  the  Silesian  frontier.  To  say  this  is  not 
to  suggest  that  there  is  an  immediate  prospect  of  armed 
conflict  between  Poland  and  Germany  ;  for  the  Nazis 
will  obviously  wish  to  reorganise  their  forces  before  they 
are  ready  to  begin  fighting  for  their  claims.  Germany  must 
rearm  before  she  can  venture  to  fight,  for  the  Polish  Army 
is  large  and  well-equipped.  What  is  meant  is  that  the  new 
movement  which  has  come  to  power  in  Germany  rests  on 
a  state  of  mind  of  aggressive  nationalism  which  will  cer- 
tainly not  in  the  long  run  refrain  from  challenging  by  armed 
force  the  territorial  settlement  made  at  Versailles.  Nor 
does  it  appear  possible  that  the  embargo  imposed  by  the 
Peace  Treaty  on  German  rearmament  can  be  maintained, 
especially  in  face  of  the  failure  of  the  Allied  Powers  to 
implement  their  own  promises  that  German  disarmament 
would  be  but  the  prelude  to  international  measures  of  dis- 
armament which  would  once  more  establish/equality. 

If,  however,  a  Germany  intent  on  rearmament  is  to  have 
any  hope  of  satisfying  her  ambitions  she  must  at  all  costs 
find  allies.  Where,  then,  is  she  to  seek  for  help  ?  She  must 
obviously  turn  to  Italy,  where  another  Fascist  Government 
is  in  power,  and  where  jealousy  of  France  and  serious  dis- 
satisfaction with  the  terms  of  the  post-war  European 
settlement  also  exist.  But  will  the  Italians,  under  Musso- 
lini's skilful  leadership,  be  prepared  to  respond  to  the 
German  overtures — at  any  rate  to  the  extent  of  threatening 
Europe  seriously  with  another  war?  Mussolini,  despite  many 
warlike  utterances  since  he  assumed  power,  has  never 
shown  in  the  last  resort  any  wish  to  take  up  arms,  at  all 
events  against  any  Power  that  could  be  regarded  as  Italy's 


equal.  The  question  is  whether  the  change  in  Germany  will 
bring  about  a  change  in  Italian  policy  as  well,  and  lead 
the  Italians,  now  that  they  are  in  a  position  to  find  allies, 
towards  a  more  bellicose  frame  of  mind. 

Clearly,  if  there  is  to  be  any  question  of  an  alliance 
with  military  aims  between  Germany  and  Italy,  the  position 
of  Austria,  placed  between  these  two  Fascist  powers,  comes 
to  be  of  vital  significance.  France,  in  resisting  ever  since  the 
war  the  repeated  attempts  to  bring  about  an  Anschluss 
between  Austria  and  Germany,  has  had  always  in  mind  the 
danger  of  an  alliance,  made  stronger  by  a  common  frontier, 
between  Germany  and  Italy.  If  Austria's  present  Christian 
Social  Dictatorship  were  to  yield,  as  many  people  think 
it  will,  to  a  Nazi  dictatorship,  based  on  an  alliance  between 
the  Austrian  Nazis  and  the  Heimwehr,  the  political  union 
of  Austria  and  Germany  would  be  virtually  accomplished 
even  if  they  remained  nominally  separate  States.  The 
triumph  of  Fascism  in  Austria  would  create  a  Fascist  bloc 
running  continuously  from  the  Baltic  to  the  Mediterranean, 
and  shutting  off  France  effectively  from  the  allies  she  has 
been  at  pains  to  create  for  herself  in  Central  and  Eastern 
Europe.  This  Fascist  bloc  would  have  on  one  side  of  it 
France,  Great  Britain  and  the  smaller  Powers  of  Western 
Europe,  and  on  the  other  Poland  and  the  Little  Entente, 
with  Russia  watching  anxiously  from  the  east  the  renewal 
of  hostile  alliances  in  capitalist  Europe. 

At  present,  the  chief  obstacle  to  this  development  is  to  be 
found  in  Italy  ;  for  the  Italians,  while  they  are  ready  enough 
to  rejoice  over  the  triumph  of  Fascism  in  Germany,  have  at 
present  no  desire  to  precipitate  a  European  conflict,  or  to 
have  the  fresh  complication  of  active  German  influence 
and  intervention  reintroduced  into  the  tangled  international 
politics  of  Southern  Europe.  Accordingly  Mussolini,  while 
he  has  shown  an  attitude  of  friendship  to  the  new  Germany, 
has  evidently  declared  for  the  present  against  a  Nazi  coup 
in  Austria,  and  has  encouraged  the  Austrian  Government 
to  adopt  a  firm  policy  in  resisting  Nazi  aggression.  How  long 
this  attitude  will  be,  or  can  be,  maintained  is  uncertain  ; 


but  while  it  lasts  it  undoubtedly  helps  to  preserve  a  pre- 
carious peace  in  Europe.  For  if  the  Nazis  once  get  Austria, 
there  will  be  immediate  and  powerful  repercussions  on  the 
political  situation  both  in  Hungary  and  in  the  countries 
which  form  the  Little  Entente — to  say  nothing  of  the  effect 
on  France  of  the  virtual  establishment  of  the  Anschluss 
which  she  has  been  resisting  ever  since  1918. 

At  a  time  when  speculations  such  as  these  are  in  the 
minds  of  every  student  of  European  politics,  Briand's  ideal 
of  a  United  States  of  Europe  on  a  capitalist  basis  seems 
remote  indeed.  The  Nazi  triumph  in  Germany  has  made 
dramatically  apparent  what  was  already  going  on  under  the 
surface — a  new  division  of  Europe  west  of  Russia  into  a 
number  of  armed  camps  dominated  as  in  the  years  before 
1914  by  the  threat  of  war. 


THE  FIRST  great  challenge  of  which  men  became  aware 
after  the  war  was  that  of  Russian  Communism.  From  the 
moment  of  the  Bolshevik  victory  in  the  second  Russian 
Revolution  of  1917  men  were  everywhere  conscious  of  the 
emergence  into  the  field  of  politics  of  a  great  new  revolu- 
tionary force.  For  the  Russian  Revolution  w>is  not  merely 
by  far  the  greatest  since  the  French  Revolution  of  1789, 
but  also  as  unlike  any  previous  revolution  as  that  of  1789 
had  been  unlike  anything  which  the  world  had  known 
before.  There  were  indeed  certain  features  in  the  Bolshevik 
Revolution  of  1917  which  recalled  the  events  of  the  Paris 
Commune  of  1871,  to  which  Socialists  had  always  looked 
back  as  the  example  on  a  tiny  scale  of  what  a  Socialist 
Revolution  might  be,  if  it  had  to  come  by  violent  means. 
But  the  difference  of  scale  was  too  vast  for  the  analogy  of 
the  Paris  Commune  to  hold  good  ;  and  outside  a  narrow 
circle  of  theoretical  Socialists  people  in  Western  Europe 
knew  little  of  the  detailed  history  of  the  Paris  Commune 
or  of  the  political  principles  which  had  found  expression 


in  it.  The  Russian  Revolution  appealed  to  them,  with 
whatever  feelings  they  regarded  it,  as  something  totally 
new  in  the  history  of  the  world,  something  fundamentally 
startling  to  a  degree  which  compelled  them  to  go  back 
to  the  first  principles  of  politics  in  determining  their 

The  Bolshevik  Revolution  was  fully  as  startling  to  most 
Socialists  as  to  men  of  other  opinions  ;  for  up  to  1917  the 
great  majority  of  Socialists  had  supposed  that  Socialism, 
when  it  came,  would  be  certain  to  come  first  in  the  most 
advanced  industrial  countries,  which  were  held  to  be  the 
ripest  for  it  because  they  had  advanced  furthest  along  the 
path  of  large-scale  industrialisation,  and  had  therefore 
created  within  themselves  the  strongest  working-class 
organisations  and  the  most  widespread  Socialist  movements. 
It  seemed  altogether  contrary  to  the  anticipated  course  of 
evolution  that  Socialism  should  come  first  in  a  country 
where  the  vast  majority  of  the  people  were  peasants  living 
on  the  land  at  a  very  low  standard  of  life,  where  the 
number  of  industrial  workers  was  insignificant,  and  there 
had  been  no  prior  evolution  in  the  direction  of  Socialism 
under  the  capitalist  system.  On  these  grounds  many 
Socialists,  including  the  most  prominent  theorists  of  Ger- 
man Social  Democracy,  held  that  the  Russian  Revolution 
could  not  possibly  establish  itself  permanently  as  a  Socialist 
Revolution,  and  indeed  that  it  had  no  right  to  have  hap- 
pened at  all.  It  was,  according  to  these  Socialists,  indispens- 
able that  a  country  on  its  way  towards  Socialism  should 
pass  through  all  the  stages  of  evolution  belonging  to  the 
capitalist  phase,  and  that  only  when  Capitalism  had  within 
a  country  developed  its  full  potentialities  and  come  to  be  a 
fetter  upon  the  further  advancement  of  the  productive 
forces  would  the  time  be  ripe  for  an  attempt  to  put  Socialism 
into  operation.  Many  Socialists  held  further  that  the 
adoption  of  a  complete  form  of  political  democracy  was 
no  less  indispensable  as  a  forerunner  of  Social  Democracy, 
and  that  in  a  country  where  the  vast  mass  of  the  people  had 
never  attained  to  any  share  in  the  government  it  would  be 


wholly  impossible  to  create  at  a  blow  the  conditions  neces- 
sary for  the  operation  of  a  Socialist  system.  These  Socialists 
— including  at  this  stage  many  Russian  Socialists — would 
have  had  the  Russian  Revolution  stop  short  at  the  phase 
which  it  reached  in  the  first  Revolution  of  1 9 1 7,  or  rather 
they  would  have  had  it  halt  there  on  the  basis  of  a  bourgeois 
Parliamentary  Republic,  and  then  develop  gradually 
through  the  stages  of  Capitalism  which  Russia  had  still  to 
accomplish  to  the  point  at  which  it  would  be  ripe  for 
Socialists  to  attempt  to  take  control. 

Over  this  issue  there  arose  on  the  morrow  of  the  Novem- 
ber Revolution  of  1917  a  bitter  controversy  between  the 
Russian  Bolshevists  and  the  Social  Democrats  of  Western 
Europe  and  especially  of  Germany — a  controversy  en- 
shrined in  the  literature  of  the  movement  in  the  vituperative 
volumes  of  Lenin  on  the  one  side  and  Karl  Kautsky  on  the 
other.  According  to  Lenin,  the  second  Russian  Revolution 
was  the  fulfilment  within  a  particular  sphere  of  the  course  of 
action  laid  down  for  the  proletariat  by  Marx  and  Engels  : 
according  to  Kautsky  it  was  an  impudent  attempt  by  a 
small  body  of  fanatics  to  seize  power  long  before  the 
conditions  for  the  coming  of  Socialism  had  been  secured. 

Nevertheless  the  Bolsheviks  made  their  revolution,  and 
made  it  with  immediate  success  after  waiting  for  a  number 
of  months  in  order  to  be  assured  of  striking  aj,  the  moment 
most  favourable  to  their  cause.  There  had  been  talk  of  a 
Bolshevik  Revolution  earlier  in  the  year,  especially  in  July. 
But  Lenin  had  been  firm  in  urging  the  Party  to  hold  its 
hand  until  the  conditions  of  success  were  present,  that  is 
to  say,  until  the  Revolution  could  be  made  under  such 
circumstances  as  would  place  the  Bolsheviks  at  the  head  of  a 
widespread  movement  among  the  mass  of  the  population. 
Lenin,  quite  as  much  as  Kautsky,  repudiated  the  idea  of  a 
revolutionary  coup  d'tiat,  to  be  carried  through  by  a  small 
minority  of  class-conscious  persons,  irrespective  of  the 
ripeness  of  the  general  body  of  working-class  opinion  for 
according  positive  support.  He  would  have  nothing  to  do 
with  the  purely  insurrectionary  theory  of  revolution  ;  but 


he  held  that  the  time  was  ripe  in  October,  as  it  had  not 
been  in  July,  because  by  October  the  Bolsheviks  had 
won  over  to  their  side  a  majority  in  the  Workers'  and 
Soldiers'  Councils  which  had  sprung  up  at  the  time  of  the 
first  Revolution,  and  were  therefore  in  a  position  to  use 
these  mass  organisations  of  the  working  class  as  instruments 
of  their  policy. 

This  was  indeed  the  essence  of  the  policy  which  Lenin 
and  his  group  were  attempting  to  follow.  Their  theory  was 
that  the  mass  of  the  workers  must,  if  revolutionary  action 
was  to  succeed,  be  brought  under  the  leadership  of  a  strong 
and  disciplined  group  which  knew  what  it  wanted  and  was 
prepared  to  be  ruthless  in  working  for  the  achievement  of 
its  aims.  But  they  held  equally  that  this  disciplined  group 
would  be  powerless,  however  much  determination  it  might 
show,  unless  it  could  get  on  its  side  the  mass  organisations 
of  the  workers,  and  carry  through  the  Revolution  with  their 
positive  support.  Thus  the  Bolshevik  Revolution  was  based 
on  the  two  forces  which  have  been  fundamental  ever  since 
to  the  Communist  regime  in  Russia — a  strong  disciplined 
party  bound  together  by  a  common  ideology  and  a  common 
body  of  revolutionary  strategy,  and  an  organised  mass 
movement  based  upon  the  workers  and  capable  of  being 
brought  under  the  leadership  of  the  far  smaller  party. 

Given  these  conditions,  Lenin  and  those  who  were  work- 
ing with  him  in  the  Russian  Bolshevik  Party  saw  no  reason 
why  the  Revolution  should  not  come  first  in  Russia  rather 
than  in  one  of  the  more  advanced  industrial  countries.  They 
repudiated  indeed  the  view  that  the  Revolution  could  be 
thought  of  at  all  fundamentally  upon  national  lines.  The 
Revolution  which  they  were  making  in  Russia  was  only 
part  of  a  world  Revolution  destined  to  come  in  all  capitalist 
countries,  and  to  carry  the  world  on  from  the  capitalist 
phase  of  social  evolution  to  a  new  Socialist  phase.  That  the 
Revolution  should  come  first  in  Russia  only  meant  that  the 
fighting  broke  out  most  hotly  at  that  particular  point  of  a 
firing  line  that  ran  round  the  whole  world,  and  that,  at  this 
particular  point,  the  defences  of  Capitalism  were  first 


broken  ;  because,  even  if  the  industrial  proletariat  was  less 
numerous  in  Russia  than  in  the  more  advanced  countries, 
so  also  was  Capitalism  far  weaker  and  far  more  easily 
exhausted  by  the  experience  of  three  years  of  war. 

The  Bolsheviks  were  not  making  a  Russian  Revolution. 
They  were  making  a  world  Revolution,  and  merely  begin- 
ning it  in  their  own  country  because  there  the  opportunity 
for  making  it  had  come  first.  Lenin  indeed  recognised  that 
the  less  advanced  character  of  the  Russian  economy  made 
it  impossible  for  the  Bolsheviks,  however  thorough  their 
seizure  of  power  might  be,  to  leap  straight  from  an  unde- 
veloped Capitalism  to  a  Socialist  system.  He  agreed  with 
Kautsky  that  Russia  would  have  to  pass  through  all  the 
stages  of  capitalist  evolution  before  she  could  arrive  at  the 
achievement  of  Socialism.  But,  unlike  Kautsky,  he  held  that 
these  later  stages  of  Capitalism  could  be  gone  through 
under  Socialist  instead  of  capitalist  control — and  gone 
through  under  these  conditions  much  more  speedily  and 
far  less  disastrously  for  the  workers.  What  Lenin  aimed  at 
building  immediately  for  Russia  he  always  described  not  as 
Socialism  or  Communism  but  as  State  Capitalism — a  State 
Capitalism  to  be  achieved  under  the  auspices  of  a  proletar- 
ian State  based  upon  disciplined  Communist  control.  Russia, 
according  to  the  Communists,  is  not  to-day  a  Communist 
country.  It  is  still  completing,  with  its  successive  Five- Year 
Plans  and  its  socialisation  of  agriculture,  the  stages  of 
State  capitalist  development  ;  and  only  when  this  phase 
has  been  completed  will  the  creation  of  a  Communist 
society  become  possible.  Then,  in  Lenin's  phrase,  the 
State — the  new  proletarian  State  created  by  the  workers 
in  place  of  the  Capitalist  State  which  they  have  destroyed 
— will  "  wither  away."  Government  of  men  will  give  place 
to  administration  of  things  ;  and  the  need  for  coercion  will 
disappear  in  proportion  as  the  new  classless  community 
is  brought  effectively  into  being.  The  Proletarian  State 
based  upon  the  working  class  has  the  object  of  abolishing 
itself  together  with  both  the  class  which  it  is  out  to  destroy 
and  the  class  by  means  of  which  it  wields  its  authority.  In 


the  classless  Society  of  to-morrow  there  will  be  no  State — 
even  in  a  proletarian  sense. 

Communism  and  the  State.  It  is  the  fundamental 
thesis  of  the  Communists,  as  it  was  of  Marx,  that  the  tasks 
which  the  State  has  to  accomplish  in  the  achievement  of 
Socialism  call  for  the  creation  of  a  totally  new  kind  of 
State  for  their  execution.  It  will  never  do,  Marx  and 
Lenin  alike  say,  merely  to  take  over,  by  the  capture  of  a 
Parliamentary  majority,  the  political  machinery  of  the 
bourgeois  State,  and  to  try  to  use  this  machinery  for  the 
achievement  of  Socialism.  For  the  bourgeois  State  has  been 
designed  with  quite  different  objects,  and  is  not  capable 
of  being  used  for  a  purpose  radically  different  from  that 
which  brought  it  into  being.  The  bourgeois  State  was  born 
with  the  coming  of  Capitalism,  is  suited  to  the  mainten- 
ance of  Capitalism,  rests  upon  capitalist  principles  and 
ideas,  and  is  therefore  not  merely  useless  as  an  instrument 
for  bringing  the  Socialist  community  into  being,  but  posi- 
tively destructive  of  the  Socialism  of  those  who  attempt  to 
use  it  for  this  purpose. 

For  deeply  embedded  in  the  whole  idea  of  the  capitalist 
State  as  it  exists  to-day  is  the  notion  of  private  property, 
and  the  defence  of  private  property  ;  and  no  less  deeply 
embedded  in  it  is  the  notion  of  individualism,  expressing 
itself  through  an  individual  liberty  which  is  also  conceived 
largely  as  a  property  right.  Individual  liberty  and  pro- 
perty were  chiefly  the  ideals  proclaimed  by  the  French 
Revolution  ;  and  the  world  importance  of  the  French 
Revolution  lay  in  creating  a  new  type  of  State  thoroughly 
adjusted  to  the  needs  of  an  expanding  capitalist  system. 
The  entire  code  of  law  which  capitalist  States  administer 
is  based  on  the  defence  of  individual  property  rights.  The 
police,  the  Civil  Service,  the  Constitution  itself,  exist 
primarily  for  the  defence  of  these  rights.  Even  the  army 
is  mainly  the  instrument  for  defending  the  property  rights  of 
one  group  of  nationals  against  the  claims  of  others,  or  for 
the  appropriation  of  property  rights  by  means  of  imperialist 


exploitation.  But  the  property  rights  thus  embedded  in 
the  Capitalist  State  are  not  rights  in  effect  belonging  to 
every  individual.  They  are  chiefly  the  monopoly  of  a  single 
class — the  capitalist  class — which  owns  by  far  the  greater 
part  of  the  social  property  which  the  law  is  called  upon  to 
defend,  and  uses  this  property  as  means  of  exploiting 
labour.  For  from  the  right  to  exploit  labour  the  value  of 
capitalist  property  is  exclusively  derived.  If  there  were  no 
propertyless  labourers  for  the  capitalist  to  employ  in  his 
factories  or  mines  these  giant  instruments  of  production 
would  be  of  no  value  to'him,  because  he  could  not  extract 
from  their  use  one  iota  of  profit. 

Accordingly,  in  pledging  itself  to  the  defence  of  property, 
the  capitalist  State  is  in  effect  pledging  itself  to  the  defence 
of  the  system  of  capitalist  exploitation — to  the  defence  of 
the  property  of  the  "  Haves  "  against  the  demands  of  the 
"  Have  Nots  "  for  a  share  in  the  fruits  of  social  labour.  It 
is  impossible,  the  Communists  say,  to  change  the  character 
of  a  State  pledged  to  the  defence  of  these  ultimate  capitalist 
rights.  Socialism,  which  challenges  the  entire  right  of  pro- 
perty in  the  means  of  production,  and  claims  that  the  entire 
product  of  man's  social  labour  upon  the  means  of  produc- 
tion ought  to  be  common  property  in  accordance  with  the 
essentially  social  character  of  the  productive  process,  must 
create  for  itself  a  political  instrument  based  upon  these  new 
ideas  of  socialisation,  and  therefore  actively  in  opposition 
to  capitalist  notions  of  property  and  individual  rights. 

In  seeking  for  a  basis  for  this  new  instrument  of  socialisa- 
tion Communists  repudiate  not  only  the  capitalist  concep- 
tion of  the  rights  of  property  but  also  the  capitalist  con- 
ception of  individual  liberty.  For  the  effective  liberty  of  the 
individual  depends  under  Capitalism  upon  his  possession 
of  property.  The  equal  liberty  which  the  law  and  the  State 
nominally  afford  him  is  to  a  great  extent  valueless  unless 
he  possesses  as  a  basis  for  its  use  the  economic  security  which 
in  such  a  society  property  alone  can  give.  Moreover,  the 
basis  of  the  new  society  must  be  sought  not  in  the  indivi- 
dual but  in  something  more  closely  in  accord  with  the 


growingly  social  character  of  the  processes  of  living.  More 
real  than  the  individual  in  a  political  sense  is  the  class — 
the  body  of  persons  who  fulfil  in  the  process  of  production 
at  a  given  stage  of  social  development  a  common  economic 
function,  and  occupy  by  virtue  of  that  function  a  common 
economic  status.  To  the  class  it  is  necessary  to  look  for  the 
instrument  which  is  to  serve  as  a  basis  for  the  new  State 
needed  for  the  building  up  of  Socialism.  In  place,  therefore, 
of  the  insistence  on  individual  rights — the  right,  for  example, 
of  each  man  and  woman  to  an  individual  vote — Communism 
seeks  rather  to  base  its  new  political  institutions  upon  the 
collective  rights  of  the  class  through  which  it  attempts  to 
further  the  coming  of  Socialism — the  working  class.  It 
wants  a  political  instrument  collectively  expressing  the  will 
of  the  working-class ;  and  the  question  of  individual  voting 
seems  to  it  quite  secondary  to  this  primary  desideratum. 

The  Communists  found  the  appropriate  instrument  of 
which  they  were  in  search,  not  in  the  pre-existing  organisa- 
tions of  the  workers — Trade  Unions,  Co-operative  Societies 
and  the  like — but  in  new  mass  organisations  arising  in  and 
out  of  the  Revolution.  For  Trade  Unions  and  Co-operative 
Societies  have  alike  grown  up  in  order  to  satisfy  the  needs 
of  the  workers  under  Capitalism,  and  have  accordingly 
taken  on  a  character  and  a  point  of  view  largely  influenced 
by  the  capitalist  environment  in  which  they  have  had  to 
work.  Co-operative  Societies  under  Capitalism  must  com- 
pete with  the  private  traders  and  the  Joint  Stock  Com- 
panies, and  must,  in  order  to  do  this,  behave  largely  as 
capitalists  behave.  The  Trade  Unions  must  bargain  with 
employers  or  employers'  associations  and  arrive  with  their 
adversaries  at  terms  of  accommodation  which  will  allow 
work  to  proceed  and  wages  to  be  paid  under  conditions 
which  capitalists  can  be  induced  to  accept.  Neither  of  these 
forms  of  working-class  organisation  therefore  possesses  a 
revolutionary  character,  or  at  least  can  retain  that  char- 
acter when  it  meets  with  success  and  establishes  itself  as  a 
recognised  institution  within  a  capitalist  Society.  The 
Trade  Unions,  and  to  a  less  extent,  the  Co-operative 


Societies,  have  been  invaluable  training  grounds  for  the 
workers,  and  have  performed  indispensable  tasks  in  bring- 
ing them  together  and  giving  them  a  sense  of  collective 
strength  and  authority  ;  but,  though  they  may  still  be 
needed  within  a  revolutionary  society,  and  may  indeed 
find  within  such  a  society  a  greatly  expanded  sphere  of 
work  and  influence  in  giving  collective  expansion  to  the 
social  life  of  the  workers,  they  can  hardly  be  used  directly 
as  the  foundations  for  the  building  up  of  the  new  revolu- 
tionary instrument  of  Government. 

For  this,  something  far  more  directly  expressive  of  a 
revolutionary  will  among  the  mass  of  the  workers  is  clearly 
needed.  In  the  earlier  phases  of  the  Russian  Revolution, 
as  in  those  of  the  German  Revolution  a  year  later,  this  in- 
strument came  almost  spontaneously  into  being,  as  indeed 
it  had  done  earlier  in  that  great  dress  rehearsal  for  the 
events  of  1917,  the  Russian  Revolution  of  1905.  The  Coun- 
cils (Soviets  in  Russia,  Rate  in  Germany)  of  Workers,  Sol- 
diers and  Peasants,  were  the  direct  expressions  of  the  gen- 
eral mass  of  the  working  class  in  its  revolutionary  frame  of 
mind,  and  were  therefore  the  natural  foundation  on  which 
the  initial  structure  of  the  new  proletarian  State  could  be 
built.  But  these  bodies — spontaneous  expressions  of  mass 
sentiment — had,  before  they  could  be  used  for  this  task,  to 
be  infused  with  far  clearer  and  more  conscious  revolutionary 
conceptions  in  the  sphere  of  policy  as  well  as  of  mass  feeling. 
This  could  be  accomplished  only  if  the  disciplined  revolu- 
tionary party  which  believed  itself  to  be  the  true  expression 
of  the  workers'  needs  and  aspirations  could  take  firm  hold 
of  them  and  make  them  the  instruments  of  its  will.  Through 
the  middle  months  of  1917  this  was  being  gradually 
achieved  in  Russia  as  the  indispensable  preparation  for  the 
second  and  conclusive  stage  of  the  Revolution.  That  it 
was  never  achieved  in  Germany  was  due  partly  to  the  far 
greater  hold  of  the  German  Majority  Socialists  over  a  large 
section  of  the  German  working  class,  and  partly  to  the 
absence  in  Germany  of  any  strong  revolutionary  party 
corresponding  to  the  Bolshevik  Party  in  Russia.  For, 


though  the  Spartacists  possessed  the  necessary  revolutionary 
will,  they  had  no  such  basis  of  common  preparation  as  the 
Russian  Bolsheviks  had  gained  during  their  years  of  exile, 
nor  were  they  nearly  strong  enough  in  personnel  to  make 
their  influence  felt  to  the  necessary  extent ;  while  the 
Independent  Socialists,  who  to  a  large  extent  acted  with 
them,  had  no  clear-cut  theoretical  ideas  at  all,  but  hovered 
between  a  half-acceptance  of  the  parliamentary  and  con- 
stitutional ideas  of  the  majority  on  the  one  hand  and  a  half- 
allegiance  to  Communism  on  the  other. 

In  Russia,  on  the  other  hand,  the  Bolsheviks  were  strong 
enough,  determined  enough  and  united  enough  to  accom- 
plish their  purpose  ;  but  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  they 
were  greatly  helped  in  this  by  the  comparative  weakness 
of  the  other  Russian  Socialist  Parties.  By  far  the  largest  of 
these  was  the  Social  Revolutionary  Party,  which  had  its 
main  strength  among  the  peasants.  But  this  party  had  little 
coherence  and  was  greatly  weakened  by  the  very  fact  that 
its  supporters  were  found  among  the  scattered  peasantry 
all  over  the  country  rather  than  among  the  highly  concen- 
trated, though  numerically  far  inferior,  groups  of  the 
industrial  workers.  When  the  time  came  the  Bolsheviks, 
with  the  temporary  aid  of  the  Left  Wing  of  the  Social 
Revolutionaries  led  by  Spiridonova,  were  able  to  sweep 
aside  both  the  far  larger  Riq[ht  Social  Revolutionary  Party 
and  the  Menshevik  Social  Democrats.  These  last,  sharing 
the  German  Social  Democratic  view  that  it  was  necessary 
to  build  up  the  Constitutional  Parliamentary  State  before 
advancing  directly  tow  ards  Socialism,  were  prepared  '  to 
ally  themselves  with  the  bourgeois  parties  of  the  Left,  and  in 
doing  so  largely  forfeited  their  support  among  the  main 
body  of  the  working  class.  For  the  workers,  amid  the  col- 
lapse of  the  old  Russian  system,  were  in  a  definitely  revolu- 
tionary mood,  ready  to  be  led  towards  the  complete  seizure 
of  power  at  which  the  Bolsheviks  were  aiming.  Above  all 
they  wanted  peace,  because  of  the  sufferings  which  war 
had  brought  with  it  and  from  total  lack  of  sympathy  with 
the  political  aims  of  Tsardom.  The  attempt  under  the 


right-wing  Socialist  Kerensky  to  continue  the  war  was 
fatal  to  the  hold  of  the  anti-Bolshevik  Socialists  upon 
the  main  body  of  the  industrial  workers. 

Communism  and  the  Peasantry.  Nor  was  it  less  fatal 
in  the  case  of  the  peasants  ;  for  above  all  else  the  peasants 
wanted  to  get  home.  They  were  weary  of  fighting  and  still 
more  of  being  half  starved  in  the  army,  far  from  home,  and 
often  no  less  far  from  the  scenes  of  actual  warfare  ;  and,  if 
there  was  revolution  afoot,  they  wanted  to  be  in  their  own 
villages  in  order  to  be  sure  of  getting  their  share  of  the  land 
in  any  redistribution  or  seizure  of  the  large  estates  that 
might  take  place.  Accordingly  the  Bolsheviks  were  secure  of 
the  support  of  the  main  mass  of  both  peasants  and  industrial 
workers  if  only  they  promised  peace  and  the  other  parties  did 
not.  "  They  have  voted  with  their  feet,"  said  Lenin  at  a  later 
stage,  in  defending  the  acceptance  of  peace  on  practically 
any  terms  ;  and  there  is  no  doubt  that  peace  was  one  of  the 
two  things  the  offer  of  which  by  the  Bolsheviks  definitely 
brought  the  mass  of  poor  men's  opinion  over  to  their  side. 

The  second  thing  was  the  offer  of  the  land,  for  the 
peasants,  even  if  they  had  for  the  most  part  no  political 
principles  and  no  conscious  interest  in  politics,  were  at  all 
events  strongly  interested  in  getting  more  land,  and  in 
acquiring  that  good  land  much  of  which  had  been  monopo- 
lised by  the  great  landowners.  Accordingly  the  Bolsheviks, 
adapting  their  policy  to  the  need  for  securing  the  support  of 
mass  feeling  among  the  peasantry  as  well  as  the  conscious 
backing  of  the  main  body  of  the  organised  workers,  were 
able  to  carry  through  the  second  Revolution  and  thereafter 
to  use  the  Soldiers',  Workers'  and  Peasants'  Councils  as  the 
basis  of  their  power. 

What  was  then  widely  said  in  other  countries  by  Socialists 
and  non-Socialists  alike  was  that,  although  the  Bolsheviks 
had  temporarily  won  power  with  the  aid  of  the  peasants, 
in  the  long  run  authority  would  rest  not  with  them  but 
with  the  great  mass  of  peasants  who  so  far  outnumbered 
the  industrial  workers.  The  peasant,  it  was  said,  might  be 


inarticulate  and  slow  to  move,  but  he  was  tremendously 
powerful  in  defence  of  his  interests  ;  and  in  the  long  run  the 
passive  resistance  of  the  peasantry  was  certain  to  compel 
the  Bolsheviks  either  to  build  up  a  State  in  accordance 
with  peasant  needs  or  to  yield  up  power  to  some  alternative 
Government  that  would  give  the  peasants  what  they 
wanted.  What  the  peasants  did  want,  it  was  said,  was  in 
the  first  place  the  land,  and  then  to  be  let  alone — let  alone 
to  farm  it  in  their  own  way,  however  inefficiently,  without 
being  called  upon  to  pay  large  taxes  to  a  distant  central 
Government  in  Moscow,  or  to  bother  their  heads  about  any 
problems  outside  their  own  village.  Russia,  it  was  predicted, 
would  in  these  circumstances  cease  to  be  a  political  unit  at 
all.  It  would  fall  inevitably  to  pieces,  perhaps  to  be  recon- 
stituted as  a  series  of  peasant  republics,  perhaps  to  fall  in 
part  under  the  sway  of  despots  wielding  arbitrary  power  in 
particular  areas — in  fact  it  would  be  thoroughly  and 
irretrievably  Balkanised.  Communism,  it  was  held,  could 
be  in  a  country  like  Russia  only  an  episode,  for  however 
strong  and  determined  the  Bolsheviks  might  be  they  would 
be  unable  for  long  to  stand  up  against  the  overwhelming 
force  of  peasant  numbers. 

The  Communists  for  their  part  fully  realised  the  serious- 
ness of  the  problem  they  had  to  face  ;  for  they  were  well 
aware  that,  though  they  had  secured,  on  the  immediate 
issues  placed  before  the  country,  the  support  of  the  mass  of 
the  peasants,  the  peasantry  were  not  Communist  in  any 
sense,  or  capable  of  being  made  Communist  by  mere  force 
of  oratory  or  argument.  But  the  Communist  philosophy  had 
an  answer  to  this  problem.  In  the  view  of  the  Bolshevik 
leaders  the  active  role  in  the  proletarian  Revolution  be- 
longed to  the  industrial  workers  ;  and  it  was  upon  the 
Workers'  Councils  that  the  primary  responsibility  for  build- 
ing the  new  proletarian  State  must  rest.  The  role  of  the 
peasants  was  bound  to  be  largely  passive  ;  but,  provided 
that  their  craving  for  land  was  adequately  satisfied,  they 
could  be  carried  along  upon  the  tide,  and  a  central  Govern- 
ment strong  enough  to  impose  its  will  on  the  country  as  a 


whole  could  be  brought  into  being  without  rousing  their 
collective  opposition. 

But  in  order  to  secure  this  it  would  be  necessary  to  divide 
the  peasantry  against  themselves,  by  bringing  into  relief 
the  antagonism  between  poor  peasants  who  had  either  no 
land  or  far  too  little  to  enable  them  to  achieve  a  tolerable 
standard  of  living  and  the  richer  peasants  who  in  some  cases 
employed  labour,  and,  even  if  they  did  not,  had  holdings 
large  enough  to  raise  them  substantially  above  the  general 
level  of  the  peasant  standard  of  living.  These  richer  peasants 
included  many  who  were  small  traders  as  well  as  cultivators 
of  the  soil,  and  often  small  money-lenders  into  the  bargain. 
They  were  thus  in  a  sense  capitalistic  in  their  way  of  living, 
in  that  they  exacted  profit  either  from  hired  labour  or  from 
buying  and  selling  other  men's  produce,  or  from  usury,  or 
from  all  these  things.  The  Communists  set  themselves  from 
the  first  to  build  up  their  own  support  in  the  villages  by 
rallying  to  their  side  the  poorer  peasants,  the  bedniaki,  and 
stirring  them  up  to  strong  antagonism  towards  the  richer 
peasants,  the  kulaki.  This  programme  of  action  was  inter- 
mitted for  a  time  after  the  institution  by  Lenin  of  the  New 
Economic  Policy.  But  this  was  done  only  when  the  civil 
war  was  over,  when  armed  aggression  from  abroad  had 
ceased,  and  when  the  power  of  the  central  Soviet  Govern- 
ment had  been  sufficiently  consolidated  to  remove  the 
danger  of  any  serious  Counter-Revolution  securing  peasant 
support.  Moreover,  the  New  Economic  Policy  was  con- 
ceived and  carried  out  only  for  the  purpose  of  according  the 
Communists  a  breathing  space  ;  as  soon  as  they  felt  strong 
enough  to  resume  the  offensive  the  class  war  in  the  villages 
was  taken  up  again,  and  a  little  later  when  the  Five- Year 
Plan  seemed  sufficiently  advanced  for  a  new  task  to  be 
attempted,  the  large-scale  socialisation  of  agriculture  was 
instituted  and  a  definite  campaign  launched  both  for 
eradicating  the  last  kulak  remnants  from  the  villages  and  for 
transforming  the  peasant  from  a  small-scale  individual  or 
family  cultivator  into  a  unit  in  a  new  socialised  system  of 
agricultural  production. 


For  according  to  the  Communist  theory  Socialism  can 
never  be  established  in  Russia  in  any  real  sense  as  long  as  the 
great  mass  of  the  people  continue  to  live  on  the  land  under  a 
system  of  individual  cultivation  which  is  bound  to  breed 
in  them  an  individualist  habit  of  thought.  Socialism  involves, 
in  the  Communist  view,  socialising  men's  minds  as  well  as 
their  ways  of  working  ;  and  their  minds  can  be  socialised 
only  if  their  ways  of  working  are  socialised  first  of  all. 
Accordingly  agriculture  as  well  as  industry  must  be  brought 
within  the  range  of  socialisation,  not  only  in  order  to  pro- 
mote the  improvement  of  agricultural  methods  but  also  in 
order  to  make  the  population  of  Russia  thoroughly  social- 
ised in  thought  and  attitude.  The  socialisation  of  agriculture 
as  well  as  industry  is  therefore  an  essential  deduction  from 
the  Communist  philosophy  ;  and  both  these  aspects  of  the 
Communist  policy  imply  the  socialisation  of  men  as  well  as 
things — indeed,  men  even  more  than  things  are  the  objects 
of  socialisation. 

The  Soviet  System.  The  Russians,  we  have  seen,  set 
out  to  build  up  their  new  State  on  the  basis  of  revolutionary 
organisations  created  by  the  workers  themselves.  This  is 
the  Soviet  system,  which  is  not  fundamentally  a  method  of 
voting  different  from  that  of  Parliamentary  democracy, 
but  the  logical  outcome  of  a  different  form  of  social  organis- 
ation, arising  out  of  the  working  class  as  the  inevitable 
expression  of  its  collective  consciousness  as  a  class.  The 
Workers'  and  Soldiers'  Councils  of  the  Revolutionary 
period  have  indeed  now  given  place  to  a  regular  system  of 
local  Soviets,  extending  over  the  whole  country,  and  it  is 
from  these  local  Soviets,  which  have  now  become  organs 
of  a  new  form  of  constitutional  government,  that  the 
superior  institutions  of  the  Federated  Soviet  Republics  and 
of  the  U.S.S.R.  as  a  whole  are  drawn.  To  those  who  have 
been  brought  up  to  think  in  terms  of  pre-existing  forms  of 
political  organisations,  the  outstanding  feature  of  the  Soviet 
system  often  seems  to  be  the  method  of  indirect  election, 
that  is,  of  choosing  the  delegates  or  representatives  who  are 


to  sit  upon  the  higher  and  larger  organs  of  government  by 
indirect  election  through  the  smaller  local  organs.  But 
though  this  method  of  indirect  election  does  arise  naturally 
as  the  means  of  making  the  Soviet  system  effective  over  the 
larger  areas,  it  is  not  the  fundamental  thing,  which  is 
rather  that  the  whole  scheme  of  governmental  institutions 
emerges  from  class  organisations,  and  is  based  upon  the 
conception  of  class  unity  rather  than  upon  the  casting  of 
individual  votes.  The  Soviet  system  is  essentially  a  system  of 
class  government — though  that  does  not  prevent  it  from 
being  based  upon  a  franchise  quite  as  wide  as  that  of 
nominally  democratic  countries  under  the  parliamentary 
system.  The  difference  between  the  two  systems  is  not  that 
one  enfranchises  more  and  the  other  less  people,  but  that 
one  is  conceived  in  terms  of  individual  voters  and  their 
rights,  and  the  other  in  terms  of  the  collective  rights  of  a 
dominant  social  class. 

Of  course,  this  class  system  of  voting  and  the  method  of 
indirect  election  which  arises  out  of  it  make  it  far  easier 
than  it  could  be  under  the  parliamentary  system  for  the 
highly  disciplined  Communist  Party  and  its  local  branches 
throughout  the  country  to  establish  an  effective  control  over 
the  working  of  the  entire  machine.  For  the  Communists, 
being  the  one  recognised  class  party,  with  their  own 
organisation  of  cells  and  branches  extending  to  practically 
every  area,  are  able  to  exercise  a  tremendous  weight  in 
elections  of  every  sort.  They  do  not,  and  they  do  not 
attempt  to,  monopolise  all  the  seats  upon  the  local  Soviets 
for  Communist  Party  members  ;  and  when  the  Central 
Congress  of  Soviets  meets  for  the  Union  as  a  whole  it 
consists  to  a  considerable  extent  of  delegates  who  are  not 
members  of  the  party.  But  the  Communist  Party  is  usually 
in  a  position  to  secure  the  election  of  any  individual  whom 
it  particularly  wants  and  to  ensure  that  enough  seats  are 
everywhere  in  its  hands  to  enable  its  members,  with  their 
coherent  habit  of  acting  together,  to  dominate  policy. 
Moreover,  the  higher  up  the  scale  of  indirect  election  one 
moves,  the  greater  becomes  the  influence  exerted  by  the 


Party,  and  the  greater  the  proportion  of  Party  members 
sitting  upon  the  governing  bodies.  The  key  positions  in  the 
Soviet  Union,  apart  from  those  technical  posts  for  which  it 
is  still  necessary  to  call  in  outside  help,  are  practically 
monopolised  by  Communists  ;  and  the  Communist  mono- 
poly is  likely  to  extend  further  and  further  as,  with  the 
growing  solidity  of  the  new  regime,  Party  influence  and 
membership  become  more  widespread  even  than  they  are 
to-day.  For,  despite  the  recurrent  "  purges  "  engaged  in  by 
the  party,  the  membership  is  likely  to  grow  much  larger  as 
industrialisation  is  extended  not  only  by  the  expansion  of 
industry  but  also  by  the  progressive  socialisation  of  Russian 

The  socialisation  of  agriculture  is  undoubtedly  a  factor 
making  for  a  large  increase  in  the  direct  participation  of 
Party  members  in  the  local  working  of  the  Soviet  system. 
But,  let  it  be  clear,  there  is  no  universal  Communist  mon- 
opoly. For  example,  it  is  fully  recognised  as  necessary  to 
give  effective  representation  and  a  large  degree  of  local 
autonomy  to  national  and  cultural  minorities  within  the 
territory  of  the  Soviet  Union.  Of  course,  Communism  is 
fully  wide  enough  to  appeal  to  these  minorities,  though  at 
present  its  hold  on  many  of  them  is  less  strong  than  in 
Russia  proper.  But  the  Bolsheviks  have  felt  strong  enough, 
and  sure  enough  of  the  pervasive  influence  of  their  doctrine, 
to  grant  autonomy  to  these  groups  within  the  Soviet  system. 

There  has  been  since  the  Bolsheviks  assumed  power  a 
great  deal  of  discussion  in  Russia  concerning  the  proper 
relationship  between  the  industrial  workers  and  the 
peasants  within  the  new  system.  On  the  one  hand,  Lenin 
and  the  Communist  Party  have  constantly  described  the 
Soviet  system  as  a  government  of  the  workers  and  peasants, 
and  on  the  other  they  have  spoken  of  the  dictatorship  of  the 
proletariat  as  involving  the  dictatorship  of  the  industrial 
workers.  How  are  these  two  statements  to  be  reconciled  ? 
Are  the  peasants  part  of  the  new  ruling  class  in  Russia, 
or  are  they  not  ?  The  answer  given  by  the  Communists  is  in 
terms  of  the  distinction  between  the  foundations  on  which  the 


new  State  is  built  up  and  the  character  of  the  leadership 
under  which  it  is  controlled.  The  workers  and  peasants 
together  form  the  foundation  of  the  new  Communist  State  ; 
industrial  workers  and  peasants  alike  have  created  this 
State  and  now  maintain  it  under  the  leadership  of  the 
Communist  Party.  The  party  represents  primarily  the 
industrial  workers,  and  is  to  be  regarded  as  above  all  the 
expression  of  their  point  of  view.  The  peasants'  role  is  not 
merely  passive  ;  but  it  is  definitely  secondary  to  the  role  of 
the  industrial  workers.  Peasants  as  well  as  industrial  workers 
are,  of  course,  increasingly  found  in  the  ranks  of  the  Com- 
munist Party,  but  the  broad  character  of  the  Party  con- 
tinues to  be  industrial  ;  and  its  declared  object  is,  by 
industrialising  agriculture  as  well  as  industry,  to  bring  the 
peasants  into  an  attitude  of  mind  in  which  they  can  become 
full  partners  in  the  exercise  of  the  dictatorship  and  in  the 
new  Socialist  society  which  is  to  arise  out  of  it.  The  separate 
peasant  attitude  is  to  disappear,  and  in  its  place  is  to  come 
a  new  attitude  based  on  the  abolition  of  the  difference 
between  town  and  country  and  the  comprehensive  social- 
isation of  all  economic  processes,  agricultural  as  well  as 
industrial.  But  until  this  has  been  brought  about,  the  role  of 
the  peasantry  is  to  serve  as  allies  of  the  industrial  workers 
in  the  maintenance  of  the  new  State,  but  in  this  alliance  to 
be  brought  under  the  effective  leadership  of  the  industrial 
workers  through  the  disciplined  organisation  of  the  Com- 
munist Party. 

This  clear-cut  theory  of  revolution  and  of  proletarian 
action  in  the  period  following  the  success  of  the  revolution- 
ary effort  of  the  proletariat  is  based  throughout  on  Marxism. 
The  Russian  Communists  conceive  themselves  as  funda- 
mentally Marxists,  not  in  the  sense  of  following  blindly 
what  Marx  and  Engels  said  of  the  very  different  circum- 
stances of  eighty  or  ninety  years  ago,  but  rather  of  applying 
the  fundamental  principles  of  Marxism  to  the  new  situation 
which  has  arisen  with  the  advance  of  Capitalism  to  a  new 
phase.  At  the  time  when  Marx  and  Engels  were  writing, 
Capitalism  was  still  at  a  competitive  phase  of  development. 


Great  Britain  was  the  only  really  advanced  capitalist 
country  ;  and  there  had  not  developed,  as  there  has  since, 
an  acute  rivalry  in  world  markets  between  a  number  of 
developed  capitalist  countries  all  trying  'to  sell  their  goods 
and  to  assure  themselves  of  the  required  supplies  of  raw 
materials  and  other  products  needed  for  the  expansion  of 
the  industrial  system.  In  other  words,  Capitalism  had  not 
then  become  Capitalist  Imperialism. 

Lenin  and  Imperialism.  The  contribution  of  the 
Communists,  and  above  all  of  Lenin,  their  outstanding 
thinker,  has  been  that  of  carrying  Marxism  a  step  further 
than  it  was  possible  for  Marx  and  Engels  to  carry  it,  by 
re-stating  it  in  terms  of  the  new  phase  of  capitalist  develop- 
ment with  which  the  working-class  movement  has  now  to 
deal.  Lenin's  most  important  theoretical  work  is  entitled 
Imperialism,  the  Last  Stage  of  Capitalism,  and  it  is  above  all 
in  working  out  afresh  the  strategy  of  the  Socialist  Move- 
ment in  face  of  the  problems  created  by  the  rise  of  Imperial- 
ist Capitalism  that  Lenin's  new  contribution  to  the  Marxist 
philosophy  lies. 

According  to  Lenin's  analysis  the  coming  of  Imperialism 
brings  to  an  end  the  peaceful  and  even  development  of 
Capitalism  as  a  system,  and  substitutes  for  the  steady 
technical  and  economic  progress  of  the  earlier  period  an 
uneven  process  of  growth  marked  by  the  outbreak  of 
serious  crises  and  by  a  growing  clash  between  the  rival 
Capitalisms  of  the  great  industrial  countries.  This  clash, 
leading  inevitably  to  great  imperialist  wars,  makes  possible 
in  Lenin's  view  the  victory  of  Socialism  in  particular 
countries  in  which  Capitalism  breaks  down  under  the 
strain  imposed  upon  it  by  the  imperialist  struggle.  The 
strategy  of  the  working-class  movement  has  accordingly 
to  be  directed  to  the  building  up  of  an  organisation  capable 
of  seizing  the  opportunities  created  by  such  imperialist 
struggles  for  achieving  the  revolution.  This  involves  an 
attitude  radically  different  from  that  of  the  orthodox 
Socialist  parties ;  for  it  contemplates  the  coming  of  Socialism, 


not  as  a  result  of  a  gradual  evolution  of  the  Parlia- 
mentary system,  but  rather  by  means  of  a  sharp  revolu- 
tionary uprising  under  proletarian  leadership. 

Lenin  does  no*,  hold  that  a  Communist  or  Socialist 
Party,  however  strong,  can  make  a  revolution  merely  by 
organising  and  preparing  for  it ;  he  holds  that,  in  order  to 
achieve  a  successful  revolution,  it  must  await  the  coming  of 
a  situation  in  which  the  temporary  weakening  or  break- 
down of  the  capitalist  forces  gives  it  the  chance  of  acting 
in  such  a  way  as  to  command  the  support  of  the  great 
mass  of  the  workers  in  the  country  concerned.  But  he  holds 
equally  that  in  the  absence  of  a  strong  and  determined 
revolutionary  party  this  chance  will  be  bound  to  pass,  or  at 
any  rate  to  be  so  used  that  the  instinctive  revolutionary 
struggles  of  the  workers  will  merely  become  the  means 
whereby  the  more  democratic  elements  among  the  middle 
classes  will  succeed  in  re-establishing  Capitalism.  The 
proletariat,  Lenin  insists,  through  the  disciplined  working- 
class  party  which  makes  itself  its  class  representative,  must 
seize  the  leadership  of  the  revolution  when  the  moment  for 
action  arrives,  and  must  push  ruthlessly  out  of  the  way  all 
those  bourgeois  or  moderate  Socialist  groups  which  cannot 
be  relied  upon  to  press  the  revolution  through  to  its  con- 
clusion in  the  establishment  of  a  State  under  full  proletarian 
control.  Consequently  the  strategy  of  preparing  for  the 
revolution  must  be  that  of  building  up  this  disciplined 
party  ;  and  ruthless  warfare  must  be  waged  against  all 
those  Labour  Parties  which  seek  the  support  of  the  working 
class  on  the  basis  of  a  programme  of  gradual  Parliamentary 
evolution  or  of  conciliation  of  the  bourgeoisie. 

From  this  conception  of  revolutionary  strategy  arises  the 
virulence  of  the  Communists  when  they  arc  speaking  of  the 
Social  Democratic  and  Labour  Party  leaders.  For  they 
conceive  these  leaders  and  the  parties  which  they  control 
as  the  chief  obstacles  in  the  way  of  the  creation  of  the 
revolutionary  parties  which  alone  will  be  competent  to 
seize  the  moment  when  it  comes,  and  to  put  themselves 
at  the  head  of  the  entire  working  class. 


It  is  obvious  that  this  theory  was  worked  out 
terms  of  the  situation  existing  in  Russia 
Lenin's  conception  of  revolutionary  strat 
put  forward  as  universal,  was  really  a  p 
arily  for  the  Socialist  Movement  in  Ri 
for  the  Socialist  Movement  in  coun 
was  struggling  against  a  semi-autocrai 
substantial  section  of  the  middle 
opposed.  The  insistence  that  in  the  al 
tionary  leadership  of  the  proletariat  the1 
the  fighting  for  a  revolution,  the  fruits  of 
be  seized  by  the  middle  class,  is  clearly  b; 
such  a  situation  as  that  of  Russia,  or  to  a  less 
war  Germany,  where  the  middle  class  was  still  largely 
excluded  from  political  power.  In  Great  Britain  or  France 
it  is  inconceivable  that  the  middle  class  would  want  to  make 
a  revolution  side  by  side  with  the  workers  against  the  Gov- 
ernment, and  thereafter  to  throw  over  their  working-class 
colleagues  and  submit  them  to  a  new  subjection,  because 
already  in  these  countries  the  middle  classes  constitute  and 
control  the  Government.  They  are  already  for  this  reason 
not  a  revolutionary  force,  but  a  force  on  the  side  of  the  con- 
servation of  the  status  quo.  In  so  far  as  they  assume  a  revolu- 
tionary attitude  at  all,  this  will  be  only  by  way  of  counter- 
revolutionary action  against  the  threat  of  a  Socialist 
victory.  They  will  begin  by  taking  sides,  if  a  revolutionary 
situation  arises,  not  with,  but  against  the  working  class.  In 
Russia,  on  the  other  hand,  and  to  a  less  extent  in  pre-war 
Germany,  the  situation  which  Lenin  envisaged  did  in 
effect  exist ;  and,  but  for  the  Bolshevik  seizure  of  leader- 
ship in  November  1917,  the  revolution  of  March  would 
have  become,  in  the  hands  of  the  bourgeois  parties  and  the 
moderate  Socialists  such  as  Kerensky,  an  instrument  for  the 
establishment  of  a  liberal-democratic  capitalist  regime. 
This  is  what  actually  happened  in  Germany,  where  the 
Spartacists  and  Independents  failed  to  seize  control. 

As  soon  as  we  begin  to  think  in  terms  of  the  liberal  par- 
liamentary democracies  of  Western  Europe,  the  problem 


of  revolutionary  strategy  has  to  be  envisaged  differently  ; 
and  it  is  largely  the  failure  to  realise  this  essential  differ- 
ence that  has  so  far  made  it  impossible  for  Communism  to 
secure  any  considerable  hold  in  either  Great  Britain  or 
France.  Moreover,  in  post-war  Germany,  with  its  far 
higher  degree  of  industrialisation,  the  situation  was  so 
different  from  that  in  Russia  that,  when  once  the  revolu- 
tionary moment  of  1918  and  the  early  months  of  1919 
had  passed  and  the  bourgeois  Republic  been  definitely 
brought  to  birth,  the  Communist  strategy  was  radically 
inappropriate  to  the  conditions  of  the  new  Republic  and 
therefore  failed,  though  in  less  measure  than  in  either 
Great  Britain  or  France,  to  rally  the  workers  to  its  side. 
The  question  which  Communists  seem  never  to  have 
thought  out  is  how  Marxism  ought  in  the  twentieth  cen- 
tury to  be  applied  in  those  countries  which  are  already 
equipped  with  liberal-democratic  Constitutions,  and  have 
already  large  middle  classes  exercising  the  predominant 
influence  in  their  political  affairs. 

Communism,  thus  basing  itself  upon  Marxism,  repre- 
sents a  far  more  fundamental  challenge  than  Fascism  to 
the  institutions  of  capitalist  Europe.  For  Communism  puts 
forward  only  incidentally  an  alternative  form  of  political 
organisation  to  the  parliamentary  State.  Its  fundamental 
purpose  is  not  to  state  a  new  political  theory,  or  to  suggest 
new  or  improved  means  of  working  out  the  implications 
of  political  democracy,  but  to  accomplish  a  radical  change 
in  the  conditions  under  which  political  and  economic 
institutions  alike  arc  to  operate.  It  aims  at  the  complete 
socialisation  of  the  powers  of  production,  the  complete 
destruction  of  social  classes,  and  the  establishment  of  a  new 
type  of  society  to  which  the  old  political  conceptions  will  be 
totally  irrelevant. 

Of  course,  Communism  will  be  under  no  less  necessity 
than  any  previous  system  of  reconciling  the  claims  of  liberty 
and  authority,  and  of  finding  scope  for  the  individual 
within  a  system  of  institutions  making  for  the  greatest 
happiness  of  the  greatest  number.  The  old  problems  which 


have  been  argued  about  ever  since  men  began  to  argue  at 
all  in  political  terms  will  continue  to  concern  it.  But  these 
problems  will  take  on  radically  different  forms  because  the 
underlying  structure  of  the  new  society  will  be  altogether 
different  from  the  old.  Take,  for  example,  the  question  of 
liberty.  So  far,  men  have  always  been  concerned  with  the 
safeguarding  of  human  liberty  within  a  society  based  upon 
and  recognising  the  economic  and  class  inequality  of  men. 
A  large  part  of  the  claims  of  libertarians  in  hitherto  exist- 
ing societies  has  in  fact  consisted  either  of  claims  which, 
even  if  they  were  granted,  would  only  in  practice  accord 
real  liberty  to  the  possessors  of  economic  security  at  a 
fairly  high  standard  of  life  or,  on  the  other  hand,  of  claims 
designed  to  give  those  lacking  this  security  some  sort  of 
guarantee  against  the  extreme  pressure  of  exploitation  by 
their  economic  superiors.  Within  the  framework  of  a 
society  based  upon  economic  equality,  or  at  least  upon  the 
complete  destruction  of  class  divisions,  the  problem  of 
liberty  will  assume  a  new  aspect. 

Critics  of  Russian  institutions  in  capitalist  countries  are 
apt  to  dwell  very  greatly  on  the  alleged  suppression  of 
liberty  in  Russia  to-day,  and  to  base  their  arguments  on 
the  disappearance  of  the  characteristic  liberties  associated 
in  their  minds  with  the  liberal-parliamentary  State.  But 
though  the  Soviet  system  in  its  present  working  does  un- 
doubtedly restrict  individual  liberty  very  seriously  in 
certain  directions — above  all  in  the  expression  of  political 
views  hostile  to  the  system  itself— it  has  resulted  in  other 
directions  in  an  enormous  extension  of  the  liberties  of  the 
great  mass  of  the  Russian  people.  Observers  who  come 
back  from  Russia,  unless  they  are  too  prejudiced  to  notice 
what  they  see,  practically  all  report  that  there  exists  among 
the  Russian  people  of  to-day,  in  non-political  matters,  a 
sense  of  freedom  and  of  self-expression  quite  unknown  among 
the  mass  of  the  people  in  any  capitalist  country.  They 
report,  moreover,  that  the  Russian  workman's  attitude 
even  to  the  hard  discipline  of  the  Five- Year  Plans  differs 
radically  from  the  typical  attitude  of  workmen  in  capitalist 



societies,  and  that  the  Russian  workers,  or  at  least  the 
younger  generation  among  them,  feel  that  the  industries 
in  which  they  are  working  are  their  common  possession. 
They  have  therefore  towards  them  an  attitude  of  respon- 
sibility which  makes  hard  service  in  forwarding  the  success 
of  the  plan  not  a  form  of  servitude  but  an  expression  of  col- 
lective freedom.  Liberty,  under  the  restrictions  imposed 
on  its  political  expression  by  the  necessities  of  the  proletar- 
ian dictatorship,  is  finding  new  forms  and  new  substance 
within  the  Russian  Workers5  State.  This  is  not  to  say  that 
the  restrictions  imposed  upon  it  in  the  interests  of  the  dic- 
tatorship are  good  ;  but  in  setting  them  down  as  criticisms 
of  the  Soviet  system  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  there  are 
very  large  extensions  of  liberty  to  be  taken  into  account  on 
the  other  side.  Above  all  it  does  appear  that  Russian 
society  is  permeated  by  a  real  hope  in  the  future,  and  that 
a  large  proportion  of  the  Russian  workers  do  feel  themselves 
to  be  engaged  upon  a  really  worth-while  task  of  social  con- 
struction, in  strong  contrast  to  the  spirit  of  disillusionment 
which  pervades  all  classes  in  the  capitalist  world. 

We  come  back  now  to  the  question  which  we  left  unan- 
swered some  time  back.  If  Communism,  thought  out  in  and 
for  Russia  and  taking  account  primarily  of  the  conditions 
existing  in  Eastern  Europe,  has  failed  to  create  a  strategy 
effective  in  the  very  different  conditions  of  Western  Europe, 
does  this  failure  imply  that  Communism  is  itself  inappro- 
priate to  Western  Europe,  or  only  that  its  strategy  needs  to 
be  thought  out  anew  in  West  European  terms  ?  If  by  Com- 
munism is  meant,  not  the  precise  system  which  the  Rus- 
sians have  successfully  instituted  in  their  own  country,  but 
rather  a  thoroughgoing  system  of  Socialism  to  be  instituted 
by  means  of  a  radical  transformation  in  the  class  structure 
of  society,  the  arguments  against  transplanting  Com 
munism  in  its  Russian  form  to  Western  Europe  are  beside 
the  point.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  Communism  means  that 
the  policy  and  strategy  of  the  Communist  International 
are  to  be  rigidly  applied  by  working-class  parties  through- 
out the  world,  then  Communism  is  most  unlikely  to  become 


the  instrument  of  social  transformation  in  the  western 
countries.  But  this  question  can  be  dealt  with  more  easily 
in  a  separate  section,  in  which  we  shall  be  discussing  the 
position  and  prospects  of  Socialism  primarily  in  Western 


EUROPEAN  Socialism  as  an  organised  movement,  as 
distinct  from  a  body  of  theories,  dates  effectively  from  1848. 
Before  the  year  in  which  Marx  and  Engels  issued  to  the 
world  their  famous  Communist  Manifesto  Socialism  had 
already  a  considerable  history  behind  it,  and  there  had 
been  many  great  Socialist  thinkers — Saint  Simon  and 
Fourier  in  France,  and  above  all,  Robert  Owen  in  Great 
Britain.  Socialist  ideas,  too,  had  played  a  part  in  many 
organised  movements  in  both  Great  Britain  and  France, 
for  example  in  the  Owenite  Trade  Union  movement  of 
1834  and  in  Chartism.  But  not  until  1848  did  there  emerge 
in  Europe  a  continuous  agitation  based  on  a  clear-cut 
Socialist  philosophy  and  programme  of  action.  Ever  since 
1848  the  Socialist  movement  of  Continental  Europe  has 
been  based  mainly  upon  the  doctrines  contained  in  the 
Communist  Manifesto. 

The  revolutions  of  1848  and  the  following  years  con- 
tained everywhere  Socialist  elements  ;  and  in  both  Ger- 
many and  France  Socialists  attempted  to  wrest  the  effec- 
tive leadership  from  the  middle-class  revolutionaries.  But 
these  attempts  were  beaten  down  ;  for  nowhere  except  in 
Great  Britain  was  there  yet  a  proletariat  large  enough  to 
form  the  basis  of  a  considerable  organised  movement,  and 
in  Great  Britain  the  power  of  Chartism  had  been  broken 
before  1848.  With  the  defeat  of  the  Liberal  revolutions  in 
the  years  after  1848,  Socialism  underwent  persecution  and 
the  Socialist  movement  was  to  a  great  extent  eclipsed.  But 
it  was  not  long  before  the  work  of  rebuilding  had  begun  ; 
and  especially  in  London  there  continued  after  1848  to  be 


a  body  of  revolutionary  exiles  from  Continental  countries 
who  kept  Socialist  thought  and  agitation  alive.  Karl  Marx 
was  the  dominant  figure  among  these  Socialist  exiles,  as 
was  Mazzini  among  the  non-Socialist  revolutionaries  in 
London ;  and  in  1 864  Marx's  chance  came  to  re-create  an 
international  movement  similar  to  that  which  he  and 
Engels  had  hoped  for  in  the  "  Year  of  Revolutions." 

In  1864  the  International  Workingmen's  Association, 
better  known  as  the  First  International,  was  born  ;  and 
Marx  at  once  assumed  the  leadership.  Under  the  auspices 
of  the  First  International  the  work  was  taken  in  hand  of 
building  up  organised  Socialist  movements  in  the  leading 
Continental  countries,  and  especially  in  France  and  Ger- 
many. From  this  period  dates  the  effective  beginning  in 
Germany  of  the  Marxian  Social  Democratic  Party,  which 
had  at  this  stage  for  its  rival  the  German  Workingmen's 
Association  under  the  leadership  of  Lassalle.  In  France  the 
International  also  established  its  organisation  ;  but  here  it 
found  itself  opposed  on  the  one  hand  to  the  semi-Anarchist 
followers  of  Proudhon,  who  believed  in  a  solution  of  the 
social  problem  by  means  of  Producers'  Societies  and  a 
reform  of  the  credit  system,  and  the  followers  of  Blanqui, 
much  nearer  to  the  Marxist  point  of  view,  but  differing 
from  the  Marxists  in  that  they  advocated  the  tactics  of  revo- 
lutionary action  by  a  class-conscious  minority  even  in  the 
absence  of  support  from  the  mass  of  the  workers.  In  Italy, 
Marx's  movement  took  less  strong  root,  for  there  it  was 
opposed  not  only  by  the  followers  of  Mazzini  but  also  by 
powerful  Anarchist  influences  which  brought  it  more 
under  the  sway  of  the  great  Russian  leader,  Michael 
Bakunin.  In  Russia,  Marxism  at  this  stage  had  relatively 
little  hold  ;  for  the  main  mass  of  the  Russian  Socialist 
movement,  attempting  to  base  its  agitation  on  the  peasantry 
in  a  country  as  yet  quite  undeveloped  in  an  industrial 
sense,  found  more  to  meet  its  needs  in  the  doctrines  of 
Anarchism  than  in  the  "  Scientific  Socialism  "  of  Marx 
and  Engels. 

The  First  International  reached  the  culminating  point 


of  its  career  with  the  creation  of  the  Paris  Commune  in 
1871,  after  the  defeat  of  Napoleon  III  at  the  hands  of  the 
Prussians.  But  this  short-lived  experiment  in  practical 
Socialism  was  wiped  out  in  blood,  and  its  defeat  was  fatal 
to  the  immediate  prospects  of  the  Socialist  International 
in  Europe.  Yet  it  lived  on  in  the  minds  of  Socialists  as  the 
one  actual  working  pattern  of  the  Socialist  revolution  in 
action.  It  profoundly  influenced  the  later  thinking  both  of 
Marx  himself  and  of  his  successors  who  built  up  the  Com- 
munist movement  in  Russia. 

After  the  collapse  of  the  First  International  the  Socialist 
movement  in  most  parts  of  Continental  Europe  underwent 
a  period  of  repression.  Great  Britain  indeed  was  unaffected, 
as  she  had  been  amid  her  growing  economic  prosperty 
practically  untouched  by  the  wave  of  unrest  which  had 
brought  the  Marxian  International  to  birth.  There  was  no 
rise  of  British  Socialism  after  the  fall  of  the  Chartist  move- 
ment until  it  was  born  again  in  the  course  of  the  industrial 
depression  of  the  late  'seventies  and  early  'eighties.  But 
on  the  Continent  the  movement  remained  alive,  though 
it  was  driven  underground.  In  France  many  of  the  leaders 
were  in  exile  or  in  prison,  and  in  Germany  too  the  move- 
ment, after  a  period  of  growth,  had  soon  to  undergo 
Government  persecution  under  Bismarck's  anti-Socialist 
laws.  In  the  meantime,  however,  German  Socialism  had 
undergone  a  highly  significant  change.  At  the  Gotha  Con- 
gress of  1875  the  Social  Democratic  Party,  created  on  a 
Marxian  basis  by  Bebel  and  Wilhelm  Liebknecht,  united 
with  the  Workingmen's  Association,  which  included  the 
followers  of  Lassalle.  This  unity  was  achieved  on  the  basis 
of  an  agreed  programme  which  was  a  compromise  between 
the  views  of  the  rival  leaders.  The  draft  of  it  was  sent  by 
the  German  Marxist  leaders  to  Marx,  and  Marx  replied 
in  the  scathing  criticism  now  known  as  Comments  on  the 
Gotha  Programme.  So  fatal  would  the  publication  of  these 
comments  have  been  to  the  prospects  of  German  working- 
class  unity  that  the  German  Social  Democratic  leaders  sup- 
pressed them,  and  they  were  not  published  till  long  after 


Marx's  death.  For  Marx  saw  in  the  terms  of  unity  accepted 
by  his  German  followers  a  surrender  of  the  revolutionary 
policy  which  he  had  laid  down  in  the  Communist  Manifesto 
of  18483  and  a  definite  compromise  with  a  form  of  Socialism 
which  he  regarded  as  essentially  reactionary. 

The  differences  between  Marx  and  the  Lassallians  were 
many  ;  but  for  the  purposes  of  this  brief  study  it  is  neces- 
sary to  mention  only  one.  Lassalle  had  always  worked  for 
an  extension  of  State  intervention  in  industry,  for  the 
development  of  social  legislation,  and  for  securing  the  help 
of  the  State  in  the  organisation  of  working  men's  co-opera- 
tive societies  and  similar  bodies.  Thus,  the  Lassallian  pro- 
gramme embodied  a  policy  of  gradualism  based  on  an 
extension  of  State  control,  and  demanded  for  its  execution 
a  Parliamentary  Socialist  Party  adopting  an  evolu- 
tionary and  compromising  attitude.  The  German  Social 
Democratic  leaders,  in  order  to  achieve  unity,  had  swal- 
lowed a  large  part  of  the  Lassallian  programme,  contenting 
themselves  with  producing,  side  by  side  with  these  clauses, 
slogans  drawn  from  the  revolutionary  philosophy  of  Karl 
Marx.  Thus  from  the  very  moment  of  its  union  with  the 
Lassallians,  the  German  Social  Democratic  Party  embarked 
in  principle  upon  the  evolutionary  course  which  was 
characteristic  of  its  actual  achievements  when  it  was  called 
upon  after  1918  to  assume  a  part  in  the  Government.  The 
real  cleavage  between  Social  Democracy  and  Communism 
in  Germany  goes  right  back  to  the  controversy  over  the 
Gotha  programme  in  1875  I  f°r  at  tnat  time  few  even  of  the 
Marxist  leaders  saw  the  real  implications  of  the  com- 
promise which  they  were  adopting  in  the  interests  of 

From  the  'eighties  onwards  Socialism  began  to  grow 
rapidly  in  most  of  the  European  countries  ;  and,  with  the 
passing  of  the  repressive  movements  which  had  followed 
the  Paris  Commune,  Socialist  parties  emerged  and  were 
able  openly  to  put  forward  candidates  for  election  to  the 
various  national  Parliaments.  At  first  these  candidates 
met  with  little  success  ;  but  gradually  the  electoral  strength 


of  the  movement  increased,  and  in  the  early  years  of  the 
twentieth  century  the  Socialists  were  already  a  respectable 
fraction  of  the  Parliaments  in  the  leading  Continental 
countries.  Thus  in  Germany  immediately  before  the  war 
the  Reichstag  had  1 1 1  Social  Democratic  members  out  of  a 
total  of  397.  In  France  the  Unified  Socialist  Party  had 
1 02  members  out  of  a  total  of  602,  and  in  many  other 
countries — Italy,  Belgium,  Holland,  Switzerland,  Denmark, 
and  Sweden — Socialist  parties  had  risen  to  positions  of 
considerable  influence. 

In  Great  Britain,  the  course  of  evolution  had  been  some- 
what different.  An  attempt  of  the  Social  Democratic 
Federation  to  create  a  Socialist  Party  in  the  'eighties  met 
with  little  success,  and  it  was  not  until  1900  that  the 
Labour  Representation  Committee,  later  re-named  the 
Labour  Party,  came  into  being.  This  new  party,  brought  to 
birth  mainly  under  the  influence  of  Keir  Hardie  and  the 
more  advanced  of  the  Trade  Unionists,  differed  from  most 
of  the  Continental  parties,  except  that  of  Belgium,  in  being 
based  not  upon  the  membership  of  individual  Socialists, 
but  mainly  upon  the  Trade  Union  movement.  Keir  Hardie 
and  his  group  aimed  from  the  first  at  what  they  called  the 
"  Labour  Alliance  " — that  is  to  say,  at  an  alliance  between 
the  comparatively  small  body  of  conscious  Socialists  and 
the  mass  of  the  workers  organised  in  the  Trade  Unions. 
They  succeeded  in  persuading  the  Trade  Unions  to  join 
with  them  in  setting  up  a  political  party,  in  which,  by  virtue 
of  their  greater  numbers,  the  Unions  possessed  the  ultimate 
control,  and  for  which  they  found  the  greater  part  of  the 
funds.  This  party  was  not,  like  the  Continental  parties, 
definitely  Socialist  in  principle.  It  accepted  a  number  of 
Socialist  doctrines,  and  found  its  leaders  largely  among 
Socialists  ;  but  it  was  not  until  after  the  war  a  Socialist  Party 
in  any  clearly  defined  sense.  Even  when  it  became  a 
Socialist  Party  by  the  adoption  of  distinctively  Socialist 
resolutions,  the  Socialism  which  it  took  over  from  the  Eng- 
lish Fabians  and  the  followers  of  Keir  Hardie  was  of  a 
non-doctrinaire  and  largely  non-Marxian  sort,  stressing 


social  reform  rather  than  Socialism  in  its  immediate  pro- 
gramme and  aiming  at  the  achievement  of  its  objects  by 
means  of  gradual  and  constitutional  evolution  through 
Parliament  and  not  by  revolution. 

On  the  surface  the  differences  between  British  Socialism 
as  it  existed  in  1914  and  Continental  Socialism  were  there- 
fore considerable  ;  for  Continental  Socialism  was  in  all 
the  countries  of  Western  Europe  for  the  most  part  strongly 
Marxist,  at  least  in  phraseology.  But  in  practice  the  differ- 
ences were  far  smaller  than  they  appeared  ;  for,  although 
the  English  Socialists  and  the  Continental  Socialists  were 
accustomed  to  use  different  phrases  and  the  Continental 
phrases  sounded  by  far  the  more  extreme,  neither  German 
nor  French  Socialism  was  really  more  revolutionary  in  its 
methods  of  action  than  British  Labour.  The  International 
Socialist  Bureau,  better  known  as  the  Second  International, 
had  been  constituted  in  1901;  and  in  this  new  international 
organisation  the  British  Labour  delegates  found  no  diffi- 
culty in  associating  quite  harmoniously  with  their  Marxian 
Continental  colleagues.  Indeed,  there  was  in  matters  of 
policy  a  much  sharper  cleavage  between  the  Italians  and 
Spaniards  on  the  one  side  and  the  Germans  and  French 
and  British  on  the  other  than  between  those  who  thought 
themselves  Marxists  and  those  who  did  not. 

In  Russia,  the  situation  of  Socialism  before  the  war  was 
radically  different,  because  Russian  Socialists  continued 
to  be  subjected  to  the  extremes  of  persecution.  Most  of  the 
best-known  leaders  were  either  in  Siberia  or  in  exile  abroad, 
and  after  the  defeat  of  the  Russian  revolution  of  1905 
persecution  had  been  intensified.  The  Russian  Socialists 
had  to  conduct  their  agitation  from  abroad,  and  do  their 
thinking  largely  on  foreign  soil.  They  were  divided,  apart 
from  minor  fractions,  into  three  considerable  parties.  The 
largest  of  these  was  the  Social  Revolutionary  Party,  based 
mainly  upon  the  peasants  and  thinking  mainly  in  terms  of 
a  peasant  revolution.  This  party  was  in  reality  more  Anar- 
chist than  Socialist  in  its  fundamental  doctrines,  and 
looked  back  to  Bakunin  rather  than  Marx  as  the  inspirer 


of  its  policy.  It  was  also  strongly  Slavophil,  and  therefore 
followed  an  individual  national  line  of  its  own.  The  two 
remaining  parties  both  professed  to  be  Marxist ;  they  were, 
indeed,  two  rival  groups  into  which  the  old  Russian  Social 
Democratic  Party  had  split  in  1903-4.  Of  these  two,  the 
Bolsheviks,  who  became  the  Communist  Party  and  carried 
through  the  second  revolution  of  1917,  upheld  Marxism 
in  the  revolutionary  sense  of  the  Communist  Manifesto  of 
1848  and  of  Marx's  Comments  on  the  Gotha  Programme  of 
1875.  On  the  other  hand,  the  Mensheviks,  the  smaller  of  the 
two  groups,  had  assimilated  their  doctrines  to  those  of 
the  western  Social  Democrats  and  especially  of  the  German 
Social  Democratic  Party.  They  claimed  to  be  Marxists  ; 
but  their  Marxism  had  become  evolutionary  in  the  sense 
that  they  believed  that  the  way  to  the  establishment  of 
Socialism  in  Russia  must  lie  through  the  setting  up  in  the 
first  instance  of  the  bourgeois  democratic  State,  and  the 
development  under  its  auspices  of  Russian  industrialisa- 
tion to  the  point  required  for  the  creation  of  a  working 
class  capable  of  assuming  power.  The  disputes  between  the 
rival  Russian  parties  were  acute  in  the  years  immediately 
before  the  war  ;  but  naturally  the  group  most  closely  in 
touch  with  the  Social  Democrats  of  Western  Europe  was 
the  Menshevik  group,  which  had  most  completely  adopted 
the  revisionist  version  of  Marxism  current  in  western 
Socialist  circles. 

Post- War  Socialism.  The  war  broke  up  the  Second 
International.  This  federation  of  European  Socialist  parties 
had  in  1907  pledged  the  constitutent  parties  to  use  every 
possible  effort  to  avert  war  if  it  should  threaten  to  break 
out,  and,  if  it  actually  broke  out  in  spite  of  their  efforts,  to 
employ  the  situation  created  by  it  for  the  purposes  of 
advancing  the  cause  of  Socialism  in  their  own  countries. 
But  when  war  did  come  in  1914,  although  there  were 
Socialist  demonstrations  against  it  in  each  country,  the 
Socialist  parties,  or  the  majority  of  them,  rallied  in  the 
moment  of  crisis  to  the  support  of  their  several  "  national 


causes."  The  German,  French,  and  British  Socialists  alike 
voted  in  favour  of  the  war  credits  demanded  by  the  respec- 
tive Governments  ;  and,  though  there  was  in  each  country 
a  Socialist  minority  opposed  to  the  war,  this  minority  had 
at  the  outset  no  means  of  common  action.  Everywhere  the 
main  mass  of  the  working-class  movement  was  drawn  in  to 
the  support  of  its  own  nation  in  arms.  Indeed,  some  of  the 
Socialists  on  both  sides  were  among  the  most  jingo  of  all  the 
supporters  of  the  war.  Right  up  to  1918  not  one  of  the 
leading  Socialist  parties  had  withdrawn  its  support  from 
its  own  national  Government ;  and,  in  both  Great  Britain 
and  France,  Socialists  had  been  members  of  the  respective 
Cabinets  during  the  greater  part  of  the  war.  Only  lack  of 
opportunity  prevented  the  German  Socialists  from  enjoying 
a  similar  doubtful  honour.  Before  long  the  anti-war  minor- 
ities in  the  various  Socialist  parties  attempted  to  draw 
together  on  international  lines.  At  Zimmerwald  in  Septem- 
ber 1915  the  first  international  conference  of  anti-war 
Socialists  was  held  ;  and  this  was  followed  up  a  little  later 
by  a  second  conference  at  Kienthal  in  April  1916.  To 
these  two  gatherings  came  Socialists  of  very  different 
complexions.  On  the  one  hand  there  were  Socialists  whose 
opposition  to  the  war  was  based  mainly  on  pacifist  grounds, 
and  whose  main  object  was  to  bring  pressure  on  the  various 
Governments  to  make  peace  at  the  earliest  possible  moment. 
But  there  were  also  Socialists  who  were  to  be  subsequently 
the  leaders  of  Communism,  and  among  them  Nicolai  Lenin. 
This  second  group  did  not  care  a  fig  for  pacifism.  What  it 
wanted  was  to  take  full  advantage  of  the  opportunity 
created  by  the  crisis  in  world  Capitalism  for  furthering 
the  cause  of  revolutionary  Socialism.  For  the  moment  it 
suited  the  second  group  to  work  with  the  first,  in  order  that 
the  agitation  for  peace  might  be  used  to  undermine  the 
morale  of  the  various  national  forces.  But  there  was  really 
nothing  in  common  between  the  two  groups  of  delegates 
at  Zimmerwald  and  Kienthal. 

A  new  phase  began  with  the  first  Russian  revolution  in 
the  early  months  of  1917.  For  even  the  moderate  Russian 


Socialists,  though  some  of  them  were  prepared  to  continue 
the  war  in  response  to  the  demands  of  the  Allies,  passion- 
ately desired  peace,  and  were  well  aware  that  their  country 
could  not  stand  the  strain  much  longer  without  absolute 
collapse.  Accordingly,  in  the  course  of  1917,  Russia  became 
a  new  force  appealing  to  the  workers  of  every  country  to 
agitate  for  a  negotiated  peace.  Out  of  this  agitation  came 
the  project  of  a  great  international  conference,  to  be  held 
at  Stockholm,  at  which  the  united  working-class  demand 
for  a  negotiated  peace  was  to  find  expression.  When  the 
Bolsheviks  came  to  power  in  Russia  they  were  fully  prepared 
to  take  the  lead  in  this  crusade  for  peace.  For  they  had  even 
less  desire,  as  well  as  less  ability,  to  carry  on  the  war  of 
nations  than  their  predecessors  in  power.  Accordingly 
they  took  up  strongly  the  demand  for  international  working- 
class  action,  and  the  later  agitation  for  the  Stockholm 
conference  became  in  effect  the  beginning  of  the  world-wide 
appeal  of  the  Russian  Communists  for  support  among  the 
workers  in  other  countries.  The  Governments  were 
successful  in  suppressing  it  ;  but  their  very  success  was  one 
of  the  causes  of  a  great  strengthening  of  Socialist  feeling 
among  the  working  classes  in  the  belligerent  countries. 

Meanwhile,  the  Bolsheviks,  holding  power  by  a  pre- 
carious tenure  in  their  own  country,  were  by  no  means 
disposed  to  rest  content  with  a  merely  pacifist  movement, 
or  to  remain  upon  the  defensive  until  world  Capitalism 
was  ready  to  launch  a  combined  attack  upon  them.  They 
regarded  the  revolution  which  they  had  made  as  merely 
the  forerunner  of  a  world  revolution  which  was  to  usher  in 
the  new  Socialist  system  for  the  whole  capitalist  world  ; 
and  they  promptly  set  about  drafting  a  great  new  appeal  to 
the  workers  of  the  world  to  follow  their  lead  and  to  join 
with  them  in  the  making  of  this  world  revolution.  Empha- 
sising the  continuity  of  their  movement  with  the  earlier 
Marxism,  they  created,  in  order  to  further  the  cause  of 
world  revolution,  a  new  International  as  the  successor  of 
the  ill-fated  Second  International,  which  in  their  view  had 
shown  its  incompetence  and  unsoundness  at  the  outbreak 


of  war.  This  new  Communist  International,  better  known 
as  the  Third  International,  was  created  at  Moscow  in  1919, 
and  from  it  a  new  Communist  Manifesto  was  launched  upon 
the  world. 

Meanwhile,  after  the  war  the  inter-allied  Socialists  took 
the  lead  in*  re-creating  the  old  Second  International,  this 
time  with  the  new  name  of  the  Labour  and  Socialist 
International.  There  were  thus  two  rival  Socialist  Inter- 
nationals, each  claiming  to  represent  the  working-class 
movement  of  all  countries  ;  but  these  two  bodies  stood  for 
exceedingly  different  policies.  For,  whereas  the  Third 
International  was  definitely  calling  upon  the  workers  to 
make  a  world  revolution,  the  parties  associated  with  the 
Labour  and  Socialist  International  were  for  the  most  part 
attempting  to  bring  about  the  reconstruction  of  their  owrn 
national  economies  on  the  basis  of  further  instalments  of 
social  reform,  and  to  extend  their  influence  on  strictly 
constitutional  and  parliamentary  lines.  But  not  all  the 
Socialist  parties  were  prepared  to  associate  themselves  with 
either  extreme  ;  and  for  some  time  there  was  great  con- 
fusion in  the  camp  of  international  Socialism,  with  a 
"  Two  and  a  half  International,"  as  it  was  called,  attempt- 
ing to  mediate  between  the  "  Second  "  and  the  "  Third." 

Especially  in  Italy  was  there  a  sharp  division  of  views. 
The  majority  of  the  Italian  Socialist  Party  had  throughout 
opposed  Italian  participation  in  the  war,  though  a  minority 
had  broken  away  and  supported  intervention.  After  the 
war,  the  Italians,  apart  from  Mussolini  and  his  group, 
who  had  broken  with  the  Socialists,  were  split  into 
three  significant  factions — the  Communists,  who  had 
definitely  gone  over  to  the  Moscow  doctrines,  the  Maximal- 
ists, who  also  proclaimed  themselves  revolutionaries  but 
were  not  prepared  definitely  to  throw  in  their  lot  with 
the  Third  International,  and  the  moderate  Socialists,  who 
aligned  themselves  with  the  constitutional  Socialist  parties 
of  Western  Europe.  We  have  seen  in  an  earlier  section  how 
these  differences  in  Italian  Socialism  prepared  the  way  for 
the  triumph  of  Fascism. 


Almost  everywhere  in  Europe,  as  things  began  to  settle 
down  after  the  war,  it  was  realised  that  numerically 
Socialism  had  become  much  stronger  than  it  had  been  in 
1914.  Everywhere  the  Socialist  parties  had  been  able 
substantially  to  increase  both  their  representation  and 
their  voting  strength.  In  some  cases,  as  in  Great  Britain, 
the  real  increase  of  strength  did  not  become  manifest  till 
some  years  after  the  war  ;  but  as  soon  as  there  had  been 
time  for  the  immediate  excitement  to  die  down,  the  gain 
in  Socialist  voting  strength  became  everywhere  apparent. 
It  was,  however,  equally  clear  that,  while  Socialism 
had  increased  its  numerical  influence,  the  constitutional 
Socialist  parties  were  in  most  countries  unlikely  in  the  near 
future,  if  at  all,  to  gain  clear  majorities  in  their  national 
Parliaments.  This  prospect  was  especially  remote  in  those 
countries,  including,  as  we  have  seen,  practically  all  the 
new  States,  which  had  adopted  in  their  Constitutions  the 
principle  of  proportional  representation  ;  for  proportional 
representation  is  a  system  admirably  calculated  to  prevent 
any  party  from  getting  a  clear  majority  save  under  the  most 
exceptional  conditions. 

The  Socialists  were  thus  faced  with  a  new  situation.  Before 
the  war  they  had  been  accustomed  to  take  their  exclusion 
from  office  as  a  matter  of  course  ;  and,  although  they  had 
at  times  to  decide  whether  to  support  one  bourgeois  Govern- 
ment against  another  and  thus  keep  it  in  office  when  it 
would  otherwise  have  fallen,  no  question  arose  in  most 
countries  of  their  actually  sharing  in  the  responsibilities  of 
government.  Socialism  was  before  the  war  almost  exclu- 
sively a  critical  force,  standing  outside  the  machine  of 
government  and  aiming  at  pressing  upon  it  the  claims  of 
the  working  class.  After  the  war,  on  the  other  hand,  Social- 
ism had  become  powerful  enough  in  a  number  of  countries 
for  the  constitution  of  any  Government  of  the  Left  to  be 
virtually  impossible  without  its  aid,  and  for  the  question  of 
its  willingness  to  take  office  inevitably  to  arise.  It  might  be 
called  upon  either  to  enter  into  coalition  with  the  left 
bourgeois  parties,  or  to  give  these  parties  indispensable 


support  for  their  own  tenure  of  power,  or  itself  to  face  office 
as  a  minority  Government,  relying  on  getting  its  measures 
adopted  with  the  aid  of  left  bourgeois  votes.  The  first  of  these 
situations  arose  above  all  in  Germany,  the  second  in  France, 
and  the  third  in  Great  Britain,  where  the  break-up  of  the 
great  pre-war  Liberal  Party  turned  the  Labour  Party  into 
the  leading  opposition  group. 

What  were  the  Socialists  to  do  when  they  were  faced  with 
this  new  situation  ?  To  the  extent  to  which  they  were  social 
reformers  aiming  at  the  improvement  of  social  conditions 
within  the  capitalist  system  it  was  clearly  illogical  for  them, 
when  the  opportunity  came,  to  refuse  to  take  the  chance 
of  improving  the  quality  of  current  legislation,  whether 
this  involved  actually  taking  office  or  only  entering  into 
some  sort  of  agreement  to  support  the  bourgeois  parties  of 
the  Left.  But,  as  we  have  seen,  the  Socialist  parties  of 
Western  Europe  had  long  been  in  their  essence  social 
reform  parties  rather  than  Socialist  parties  a  Uoutrance. 
Accordingly  even  if,  as  in  France,  they  refused  either  to 
enter  coalitions  or  to  take  office  by  themselves  in  a  minor- 
ity, they  were  only  consistent  with  their  earlier  attitude 
when  they  pursued  the  path  of  compromise,  and  made 
the  accommodations  necessary  for  the  furtherance  of  a 
policy  of  social  reform,  in  preference  to  declaring  open  war 
upon  the  united  bourgeois  parties  and  making  an  immediate 
attempt  to  establish  Socialism — an  attempt  which  most  of 
their  leaders  regarded  as  both  impracticable  at  that  stage 
and  in  itself  highly  undesirable.  For  these  leaders  were,  as 
we  have  seen,  by  no  means  revolutionists  ;  and  they  were 
for  the  most  part  even  more  bitterly  hostile  to  the  Com- 
munists and  to  left-wing  elements  within  their  own  countries 
than  to  the  more  democratic  elements  in  the  middle-class 

In  the  period  immediately  after  the  war,  attention, 
especially  in  Great  Britain,  was  for  the  time  concentrated 
rather  on  the  Trade  Unions  than  on  the  Socialist  parties. 
Trade  Unionism,  even  more  markedly  than  Socialism,  had 
emerged  from  the  war  with  greatly  added  strength  in  the 


leading  countries.  Side  by  side  with  the  official  Trade  Union 
movements,  which,  like  the  Socialist  parties,  supported  the 
war,  there  had  arisen  unofficial  movements  among  the  Trade 
Union  rank  and  file  in  the  factories.  These  movements,  led 
by  unofficial  shop-stewards  and  workshop  agitators,  became 
the  chief  voices  of  industrial  unrest  during  the  later  years 
of  the  war  ;  and  when,  after  the  Armistice,  the  Trade 
Unions  were  released  from  their  self-imposed  loyalty  to 
the  cause  of  national  unity,  there  arose  among  their  mem- 
bers a  strong  demand  for  aggressive  action  to  raise  wages 
and  improve  conditions  of  labour,  and  movements  came 
into  prominence  with  more  definitely  Socialist  objects 
centring  round  the  demand  for  workers'  control  in  industry. 
At  the  same  time,  the  industrial  situation  was  complicated 
by  the  demobilisation  of  the  returning  soldiers  ;  and  in  the 
early  months  of  1919  the  Trade  Union  movements  in  the 
Allied  countries  took  up  a  strongly  aggressive  attitude  and 
put  forward  many  projects  of  socialisation  in  industry, 
coupled  with  the  demand  for  workers'  control.  The  French 
Confederation  Gintrale  du  Travail  came  forward  with  its  plan 
of  nationalisation  industrialism.  In  Great  Britain  the  Trade 
Unions  took  up  the  Guild  Socialist  demand  for  industrial 
self-government,  and  both  the  miners  and  the  railwaymen 
pressed  for  the  socialisation  of  their  industries  and  their 
transference  to  representative  bodies  chosen  largely  by  the 
workers  themselves.  But  in  both  countries  the  Governments 
were  able  to  gain  time  by  the  granting  of  immediate  con- 
cessions ;  and  with  the  successful  completion  of  the  process 
of  demobilisation  the  revolutionary  moment  passed,  and 
the  Trade  Unions  found  their  opportunity  gone,  especially 
when  the  brief  post-war  boom  gave  place  to  the  industrial 
depression  of  1920-21. 

Thereafter,  the  Trade  Union  movements  of  the  various 
countries  had  to  face  serious  difficulties.  From  1920  on- 
wards, the  centre  of  interest  tended  to  shift  back  from 
Trade  Unionism  to  political  Socialism.  The  shop  stewards' 
movement  and  the  unofficial  workshop  committees  which 
had  been  influential  under  war  conditions  disappeared  as 


these  conditions  passed  away  ;  and  the  employers  were  able 
by  selective  dismissals  to  weed  out  the  more  active  "  agita- 
tors." Guild  Socialism,  with  its  demand  for  industrial  self- 
government,  ceased  to  command  widespread  support  as  the 
possibility  of  aggressive  strike  action  by  the  workers  grew 
less  ;  and  in  the  chief  western  countries  Trade  Unionism 
settled  down  again  to  the  familiar  routine  of  collective 
bargaining.  It  was  stronger  numerically  than  before  the 
war  ;  but  there  was  no  fundamental  change  in  its  policy 
or  in  its  relation  to  the  employers. 

Syndicalism  and  Guild  Socialism.  This,  however, 
applies  less  to  the  south  of  Europe  than  to  Great  Britain, 
Germany,  and  France.  For,  in  the  south,  Syndicalist  and 
Anarchist  influences  were  far  stronger  inside  the  Trade 
Union  movement  ;  and  the  Syndicalist  tendency,  which  had 
been  strongest  in  France  in  the  early  years  of  the  twentieth 
century,  had  persisted  in  Spain  and  Italy  after  it  had  lost 
its  original  momentum  in  France  and  been  partly  overlaid 
by  the  development  of  large-scale  Capitalism.  Small-scale 
industry  tends  to  breed,  in  contrast  to  the  strong  centralised 
Unions  of  the  more  highly  industrialised  States,  a  localised 
and  spontaneous  type  of  Trade  Unionism,  which  relies  far 
less  on  the  building  up  of  large-scale  permanent  organisa- 
tions than  on  keeping  alive  through  a  relatively  small 
membership  a  militant  spirit  among  a  minority  of  the 
workers,  in  the  confidence  that,  if  this  minority  gives  the 
lead  at  the  right  moment,  the  unorganised  majority  will  be 
prepared  to  follow. 

This  type  of  Syndicalist  unionism  was  especially  strong 
in  Italy  and  Spain.  In  Italy  it  was  crushed,  together  with 
the  Socialist  Party  and  the  Socialist  Unions,  by  the  Fascist 
revolution  ;  but  in  Spain  it  remained  alive  even  under  the 
dictatorship  of  Primo  de  Rivera,  and  it  played  an  important 
part  in  the  Spanish  revolution  of  1931,  surviving  thereafter 
to  give  a  good  deal  of  trouble  to  the  orthodox  Socialists 
who  were  collaborating  with  the  Radical  parties  in  the  con- 
solidation of  the  new  Spanish  Republic.  In  the  stimulation 


of  sporadic  mass  movements  among  the  workers  this 
type  of  Syndicalist  Trade  Unionism  is  highly  efficient ;  but 
it  lacks  sustained  power  and,  above  all,  the  capacity  for 
creating  a  coherent  and  disciplined  movement  over  any 
wide  area.  It  is,  therefore,  far  more  effective  in  carrying  on 
a  guerilla  warfare  against  established  institutions  than  in 
setting  up  any  authority  capable  of  taking  over  control. 
It  lacks  precisely  those  qualities  which  enabled  the  highly 
disciplined  and  centralised  Communist  Party  to  establish 
itself  in  power  over  the  vast  territory  of  Soviet  Russia. 

Syndicalism,  like  Industrial  Unionism  in  America,  was 
from  the  first  essentially  a  movement  of  agitation,  aiming  at 
the  stirring  up  of  the  general  body  of  the  workers  and  at  the 
creation  among  them  of  a  continuous  revolutionary  temper. 
Guild  Socialism,  which  bears  certain  superficial  resemb- 
lances to  Syndicalism,  was  a  movement  of  a  widely  different 
character,  in  that  it  was  not  primarily  an  agitation  at  all, 
but  rather  a  theory  developed  among  a  relatively  small 
number  of  Socialist  intellectuals  and  radiating  outwards 
from  this  small  group  so  as  to  influence  the  more  active 
spirits  in  the  Trade  Unions.  Having  this  essentially  theo- 
retical character,  Guild  Socialism,  although  it  profoundly 
influenced  the  development  of  Socialist  and  Trade  Union 
thought  and  policy  in  Great  Britain — the  only  country  in 
which  it  ever  developed  an  organisation  of  its  own — never 
became  a  movement  of  the  workers  ;  and  when  the  con- 
ditions which  had  favoured  its  development  passed  away 
it  speedily  lost  its  wider  appeal  and  disappeared  as  a  distinct 
form  of  Socialism.  Its  effects  remained  in  a  permanent 
modification  of  Trade  Union  and  Socialist  policies  ;  but  the 
Guild  Socialist  organisation  itself— always  very  minute  in 
comparison  with  its  articulateness  and  the  spread  of  its 
influence — dissolved  with  the  coming  of  unemployment 
and  industrial  depression. 

Socialism  and  Social  Reform.  We  have  seen  how, 
when  circumstances  became  adverse  to  aggressive  Trade 
Union  action,  the  interest  in  the  West  European  countries 


shifted  back  from  industrial  to  political  activity,  and  the 
hopes  of  the  workers  came  again  to  be  centred  upon  the 
Socialist  parties.  These  parties,  as  we  saw,  had  by  this  time 
resumed  their  pre-war  attitude  of  pressing  for  a  more  de- 
veloped policy  of  social  reform,  and  had  added  to  their 
demands  for  reform  proposals  for  the  socialisation  of 
certain  particular  industries  as  a  first  instalment  of  an 
attempt  at  Socialist  construction  within  the  framework  of 
capitalist  society.  Their  policy  was  thus  twofold,  and  their 
appeal  to  the  workers  had  already  this  dual  character. 
They  relied  for  the  getting  of  votes  largely  on  their  promises 
of  immediate  social  amelioration,  while  they  appealed  to 
the  more  active  elements  in  the  working  class,  and  the 
middle-class  sympathisers  with  Socialism,  with  their  more 
constructive  Socialist  proposals. 

But  in  practice  in  both  these  fields  the  carrying  out  of 
their  declared  policy  presented  considerable  and  increasing 
difficulties.  Social  reforms  cost  money  ;  and  it  was  becoming 
harder,  in  face  of  the  growing  pressure  on  public  finance  in 
consequence  of  the  enormously  increased  burden  of  debts, 
to  extract  additional  revenues  to  be  spent  on  a  further 
extension  of  social  reforms.  The  hopes  of  the  workers  had 
been  raised  by  the  lavish  promises  made  to  them  during  the 
war  ;  and  the  Socialist  parties  after  1918  had  embodied  in 
their  programmes  ambitious  schemes  of  social  amelioration. 
Even  before  the  coming  of  the  world  slump  it  was  doubtful 
how  far  the  Socialists,  if  they  actually  took  office,  would 
be  in  a  position  to  implement  their  promises  without  so 
taxing  the  richer  classes  as  greatly  to  diminish  the  incentives 
on  which  the  capitalist  system  depends.  This  difficulty 
became  immensely  greater  after  1929,  when  the  ability  of 
Capitalism  to  stand  increasing  taxation  was  diminishing 
just  at  a  time  when  the  maintenance  of  the  growing  body  of 
unemployed,  even  at  a  very  low  subsistence  standard,  was 
imposing  large  additional  burdens  on  the  national  revenues. 
Most  of  all  did  the  difficulties  of  the  German  financial 
situation  make  it  out  of  the  question  for  the  German  Social 
Democrats  to  press  for  any  considerable  advances  in 


social  legislation  in  the  years  immediately  before  the  Hitler 

Nor  were  the  British  Socialists  much  more  happily 
placed  in  respect  of  the  constructive  part  of  their  pro- 
gramme. It  was  being  borne  in  upon  them  to  an  increasing 
extent  that  they  could  hope  further  to  expand  the  social 
services  and  further  to  redistribute  wealth  only  if  they  could, 
in  order  to  secure  the  necessary  resources,  make  a  real 
beginning  with  the  socialisation  of  industry,  and  thus 
transfer  to  the  State  some  at  least  of  the  sources  of  national 
wealth.  But,  commanding  no  independent  majority  in  the 
national  Parliament,  and  depending  for  their  ability  to  get 
measures  passed  into  law  on  the  support  of  a  certain  number 
of  middle-class  Liberals  or  Radicals,  they  were  quite 
unable  to  bring  forward  constructive  measures  of  socialisa- 
tion with  any  real  hope  of  carrying  them  into  effect. 

Accordingly  in  both  aspects  the  policy  of  moderate 
Socialism  suffered,  especially  after  1929,  a  visible  check.  In 
the  countries  where  the  Socialists  were  strong  enough  to 
make  it  difficult  for  the  government  to  be  carried  on  without 
them,  something  like  a  stalemate  ensued  ;  and  where  the 
Parliamentary  system  was  not  strongly  rooted  this  led 
easily  to  the  virtual  abrogation  of  the  powers  of  Parliament 
and  the  substitution  of  more  or  less  complete  forms  of 
dictatorial  government.  In  Great  Britain,  where  the  hold 
of  Parliamentarism  was  far  stronger,  the  crisis  of  1931 — 
which  made  clear  once  and  for  all  the  impotence  of  gradual- 
ist Socialism  in  face  of  the  world  depression — drove  the 
Socialists  from  power  and  reduced  them  temporarily  to  a 
mere  fraction  of  the  representation  which  they  had  pre- 
viously held.  In  France  the  Socialists,  not  having  been 
subjected  to  the  test  of  office,  were  still  able  to  maintain 
their  position,  and  in  1932  to  instal  and  keep  in  power  a 
new  Government  of  the  Left  under  the  successive  leadership 
of  Herriot,  Paul-Boncour,  and  Daladier.  But  this  Radical 
Government,  hardly  less  than  the  more  reactionary 
Governments  in  power  in  other  countries,  found  itself  under 
the  necessity  of  economising  at  the  expense  of  the  social 


services  and  of  the  wages  of  public  employees  in  order  to 
avoid  a  hopelessly  unbalanced  budget. 

The  Communists  regard  these  difficulties  of  post-war 
Social  Democracy  in  the  western  countries  as  a  decisive 
exposure  of  the  futility  of  the  entire  policy  which  the  non- 
Communist  parties  have  been  endeavouring  to  pursue. 
According  to  them,  there  is  no  way  of  improving  the 
condition  of  the  workers  save  by  the  institution  of  a  Socialist 
system,  and  no  way  to  establishing  Socialism  save  by  a 
violent  revolution.  Socialists  who  think  otherwise  are 
merely  beating  the  air,  and  in  effect  are  serving  the  interests 
of  Capitalism  by  standing  in  the  way  of  the  development 
of  the  revolutionary  consciousness  of  the  working  class. 
But  it  is  exceedingly  doubtful  whether,  in  the  circumstances 
of  the  western  countries,  this  analysis  will  bear  examination. 
For  the  proletariats  of  France  and  Great  Britain  and,  even 
to  a  less  extent,  of  Germany,  differ  from  the  pre-revolution- 
ary  proletariat  of  Russia  in  that  they  certainly  have  some- 
thing to  lose  besides  their  chains.  There  exists  in  certain 
especially  depressed  areas  in  the  advanced  industrial 
countries  a  poverty-stricken  proletariat  which  has  used  up 
all  its  savings  under  the  pressure  of  prolonged  unemploy- 
ment and  now  subsists  meagrely  and  with  diminishing 
physical  efficiency  upon  some  form  of  dole.  But  this  sub- 
merged section  of  the  working  classes  in  the  western 
countries  is  by  no  means  typical  of  the  working  class  as  a 
whole.  For  in  neither  France  nor  Great  Britain  has  un- 
employment of  this  type  affected  more  than  a  small  section 
of  the  total  industrial  population. 

It  is  mainly  among  these  victims  of  a  depressed  capitalist 
system  that  Communism,  at  least  in  Great  Britain,  has 
found  its  rank  and  file  adherents  ;  but  upon  such  a  basis  it  is 
quite  impossible  for  any  effective  nation-wide  Communist 
movement  to  be  built  up,  unless  and  until  depression  over 
the  country  as  a  whole  becomes  infinitely  deeper  and  more 
widespread  than  it  has  shown  any  sign  of  becoming  even 
after  four  years  of  slump.  Except  in  these  abnormally 
depressed  districts,  which  form  only  a  small  part  of  the 


whole  industrial  area,  the  majority  of  the  workers  are  still 
either  regularly  employed  or  subject  only  to  short  spells  of 
unemployment,  which  produce  upon  them  nothing  like 
the  same  psychological  or  economic  effects.  Many  of  them 
have  savings,  own  their  own  houses,  are  in  relatively  good 
jobs  which  they  have  no  desire  to  lose,  and  so  far  from 
being  prepared  to  make  a  revolution  because  it  may  better 
and  cannot  worsen  their  situation,  hope  strongly,  even  if 
they  hold  Socialist  convictions,  that  Socialism  can  be 
brought  into  being  painlessly  and  without  an  intervening 
period  of  chaos  and  civil  war.  So  far  from  responding  to 
Communist  propaganda  based  on  the  idea  of  the  inevit- 
ability of  revolution,  they  react  strongly  against  this  type 
of  propaganda  and  give  steady  support  to  the  moderate 
Socialist  leaders,  or,  if  they  despair  of  moderate  Socialism, 
are  more  likely  to  react  against  Socialism  altogether  than 
to  go  over  to  Socialism  of  a  more  extreme  type. 

Doubtless  the  Communist,  if  he  accepts  this  diagnosis, 
will  answer  that  his  policy  is  not  in  any  way  affected  by  it, 
for  it  is  his  business  10  create  in  Great  Britain  and  France, 
as  in  the  more  distressed  countries,  a  nucleus  of  revolu- 
tionary working-class  opinion  in  preparation  for  the  time 
when  the  further  worsening  of  economic  conditions  will 
make  a  far  larger  proportion  of  the  total  working  class 
ready  to  listen  to  his  appeals.  He  regards  world  Capitalism 
as  in  definite  process  of  dissolution  and  decay  ;  and,  while 
he  does  not  say  that  there  can  be  no  revival  from  the 
present  world  depression,  he  does  hold  that  even  if  a 
revival  occurs  it  can  be  only  temporary  and  is  bound  to 
give  place  to  a  still  worse  depression  in  the  not  distant 
future.  If,  then,  he  recognises  that  he  has  little  chance  at 
present  of  winning  over  the  mass  of  workers  to  his  point  of 
view,  he  holds  only  that  the  time  is  not  yet  ripe  for  the 
realisation  of  his  hopes,  without  in  the  least  giving  up  his 
conviction  that  his  time  will  come,  and  that  it  is  his  business 
to  prepare  the  workers  for  the  coming  accentuation  of  class 


Class-Divisions  in  Modern  Society.  This  diagnosis, 
however,  leaves  out  of  account  the  radical  difference 
between  the  composition  of  the  occupied  population  in 
Great  Britain  and  France  and  in  such  a  country  as  Russia. 
In  Russia  the  great  mass  of  the  people  were  deeply  impover- 
ished peasants,  and  even  among  the  industrial  workers  the 
proportion  of  relatively  well-paid  and  skilled  workers  was 
very  small  indeed.  Broadly  speaking,  the  whole  working 
class  was  bitterly  oppressed,  and  suffered  in  common  the 
social  stagnation  of  a  downtrodden  class.  But  in  the  western 
countries  of  Europe,  and  especially  in  Great  Britain,  this  is 
not  so.  The  workers  are  far  more  differentiated  among 
themselves,  and  include  a  far  higher  proportion  of  relatively 
well-paid  craftsmen  holding  fairly  secure  jobs.  The  black- 
coated  proletariat,  as  it  has  been  called,  is  infinitely  more 
numerous  ;  and  above  the  ordinary  ruck  of  black-coated 
workers  stands  a  very  large  and  rapidly  growing  body  of 
professionals  and  technicians  enjoying  salaries  very  substan- 
tially above  the  ordinary  working-class  levels.  It  is  true  that 
many  of  the  lesser  black-coats  are  very  badly  off,  and  that 
unemployment  is  fairly  severe  among  the  clerical  grades  ; 
but  there  remains  a  formidable  body  of  middle-class 
workers  who  live  not  on  interest  or  dividends  but  on 
salaries  earned  in  the  professions  or  in  the  technical  and 
administrative  departments  of  industry  and  commerce. 
These  intermediate  grades  are  closely  connected  by  ties 
of  family  and  marriage  with  the  upper  strata  of  the  manual- 
working  class,  as  well  as  with  the  classes  above  them. 

Class  differentiation  in  advanced  industrial  societies  is 
thus  far  more  complex  than  the  familiar  expositions  of  the 
doctrine  of  the  class  struggle  usually  allow  for.  Above  all, 
the  petite  bourgeoisie  can  no  longer  be  characterised,  as  Marx 
and  Engels  quite  correctly  characterised  it  in  1848,  as  an 
essentially  reactionary  class  in  process  of  disappearance 
before  the  onset  of  large-scale  industry.  This  bourgeoisie 
which  Marx  and  Engels  described  still  survives,  is  still 
numerous,  and  still  lacks,  as  it  lacked  in  their  time,  the 
power  of  organising  any  coherent  or  powerful  movement  of 


its  own,  or  of  doing  more  than  hover  in  its  allegiance  between 
the  classes  above  and  below  it.  But  the  whole  situation  has 
been  transformed  by  the  development,  on  the  basis  of 
modern  industrialism,  of  a  new  and  quite  differently 
situated  petite  bourgeoisie,  which  grows  in  number  and 
strength  in  proportion  as  the  technical  development  of 
industry  advances.  For  this  new  intermediate  class  possesses 
precisely  the  qualities  of  initiative  and  leadership  which  the 
older  petite  bourgeoisie  so  markedly  lacks  ;  and  it  is  capable, 
by  placing  itself  at  their  head,  of  transforming  them  from 
a  merely  confusing  element  in  the  struggle  of  classes  into  a 
powerful  and  aggressive  force. 

This,  as  we  have  seen,  is  precisely  what  has  happened 
in  those  countries  in  which  Fascism  has  risen  to  power. 
But  it  has  happened  under  the  guise  of  Fascism  only  where 
these  intermediate  classes  have  found  themselves  threatened 
with  economic  ruin  by  the  disintegration  of  the  economic 
system.  Fascism  arises  where  there  is  no  sufficient  scope 
within  the  industrial  system  for  the  new  middle  class  to 
exercise  its  talents  and  to  earn  an  income  which  it  considers 
appropriate  to  its  economic  and  social  status.  As  long  as  an 
advanced  industrial  country  is  able  to  provide  its  growing 
middle  classes  with  these  opportunities,  they  will  not  go 
Fascist  ;  but  if  in  any  country  Capitalism  shows  serious 
signs  of  dissolution,  and  Socialism  threatens  to  displace  it, 
they  will  be  likely  to  take  a  very  active  hand  in  the  conflict 
between  the  Socialist  and  the  capitalist  forces. 

On  the  analogy  of  what  has  happened  in  Germany,  and 
to  a  less  extent  in  Italy,  it  may  be  regarded  as  inevitable 
that,  when  these  groups  do  organise,  their  action  should 
take  a  counter-revolutionary  form.  But  this  is  only  because 
in  both  Germany  and  Italy  the  capitalist  system  had  fallen 
into  such  decay,  and  was  suffering  under  economic  diffi- 
culties so  extreme,  as  to  threaten  seriously  the  position  of 
the  industrial  middle  class.  If  to-day  Capitalism  in  Great 
Britain  or  in  France  went  the  way  of  German  and  Italian 
Capitalism,  doubtless  Fascism  would  appear  as  a  powerful 
force  in  the  two  former  countries  as  well ;  but  if,  as  seems 


more  probable,  the  power  of  Great  Britain  and  France  to 
stand  up  against  even  a  long  continuance  of  the  present 
world  depression  remains  considerable,  there  is  no  reason 
to  anticipate  this  outcome,  and  the  question  is  rather  what 
the  attitude  of  these  middle-class  groups  is  likely  to  be  in  a 
struggle  between  capitalist  and  Socialist  forces  carried  on 
under  a  capitalist  system  still  comparatively  healthy  and 

Under  such  conditions  it  is  by  no  means  a  foregone 
conclusion  that  the  rising  industrial  middle  class  will  throw 
all  its  weight  on  the  capitalist  side.  Doubtless  some  of  it, 
by  virtue  of  snobbishness  and  a  desire  at  all  costs  to  preserve 
a  superiority  of  status  and  income,  will  go  that  way.  But 
there  are  other  things  besides  these  desires  that  count  in  the 
minds  of  this  section  of  the  population.  Consisting  largely 
of  technicians  and  professional  people,  it  is  more  than  any 
other  group  interested  in  its  job  and  keen  to  get  the  greatest 
possible  scope  for  carrying  on  its  work  under  conditions 
ministering  to  the  fullest  efficiency.  Some  of  its  members, 
at  any  rate,  will  be  inclined  to  throw  their  weight  on  the 
side  of  Socialism  to  the  extent  to  which  they  are  persuaded 
that  Socialism  is  really  working  in  the  interests  of  technical 
progress  and  is,  in  the  Marxian  phrase,  in  accordance  with 
the  requirements  of  the  advancing  technical  powers  of 
production.  Many  members  of  this  class  have  been  deeply 
impressed  by  the  conception  of  Socialist  planning  in  Russia. 
Doubtless  many  of  them  think  that  the  Russian  experiment 
would  be  very  much  better  if  only  it  were  not  Socialist, 
and  would  greatly  prefer  a  planned  capitalist  economy  to 
any  form  of  planning  under  Socialist  control.  But  some  of 
them  have  been  led,  by  observing  the  Russian  situation,  to 
realise  that  Russian  planning  has  been  made  possible  only 
because  the  Russians  have  concentrated  in  the  hands  of 
their  governing  authorities  the  ownership  and  control  of 
all  the  vital  means  of  production  in  Russia,  so  that  they 
have  been  able  to  direct  the  material  resources  available 
to  them  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of  their 
general  economic  plan,  whereas  no  such  coherent  direction 


of  industrial  effort  is  possible  where  the  ownership  and 
control  of  the  means  of  production  remain  in  the  hands  of  a 
large  number  of  private  capitalist  groups  which  claim  the 
right  to  do  what  they  like  with  their  own. 

Western  Socialists,  in  making  their  appeals,  have  there- 
fore strong  reason  for  making  them  on  a  basis  calculated  to 
attract  at  any  rate  a  proportion  of  the  technical  and 
professional  workers  as  well  as  the  manual  wage-earners. 
Nor  does  this  involve,  as  some  suppose  it  does,  any  watering 
down  of  Socialist  programmes  or  policies  ;  for  there  is  no 
reason  to  suppose  that  the  technical  or  professional  worker 
is  less  ready  to  accept  an  advanced  Socialist  programme 
than  a  large  section  of  the  manual  workers,  who  have  also 
something  to  lose  besides  their  chains.  Indeed,  the  techni- 
cians and  professionals  are  likely  to  be  more  attracted  to  a 
Socialism  sufficiently  advanced  and  drastic  to  hold  out  real 
hopes  of  successful  planning  than  to  a  continuation  of  the 
moderate  and  unconstructive  policies  of  previous  Labour 
and  Socialist  Governments.  Socialist  parties  are  more  likely 
to  succeed  in  winning  over  a  majority  of  the  electorate  to  a 
Socialist  policy  if  they  do  look  as  if  they  mean  to  embark 
upon  a  businesslike  attempt  to  instal  a  Socialist  system 
than  if  they  bear  the  appearance  of  having  no  more  than  a 
half  belief  in  the  efficacy  of  their  own  doctrines. 


1.  Disarmament  and  Security 

2.  The  League  of  Nations 

3.  The  International  Labour  Organisation 


BETWEEN  1914  and  1918  the  leading  countries  of  the 
world  were  engaged  in  what  was  commonly  described  to 
the  peoples  on  both  sides  as  a  "  war  to  end  war."  It  was 
promised  by  each  Government  to  its  own  nationals  that,  if 
they  would  but  consent  to  prosecute  the  war  to  the  bitter 
end,  so  that  the  causes  for  which  they  stood  might  com- 
pletely triumph,  the  world  would,  when  once  the  victory 
had  been  secured,  be  set  free  for  ever  from  the  threat  of 
future  wars.  Above  all  was  this  promised  as  a  consequence 
of  the  victory  of  the  Allied  Powers  over  Germany  and  her 
associates.  For  these  Powers  professed  to  stand  for  a  settle- 
ment in  which  self-interest  should  have  no  part  and  every- 
thing possible  should  be  done  to  build  up  a  friendly  and 
co-operating  fellowship  of  nations.  The  League  of  Nations, 
of  which  President  Wilson  was  the  most  enthusiastic 
advocate,  was  offered  to  the  world  on  the  morrow  of  the 
Allied  victory  as  the  means  whereby  these  large  promises 
were  to  be  made  good  ;  and  in  the  Treaties  of  Peace,  side 
by  side  with  punitive  clauses  which  plainly  violated  the 
principles  for  which  the  Allies  had  professed  to  stand,  there 
were  other  clauses  promising  disarmament  in  a  world  to  be 
freed  henceforth  from  the  danger  of  war.  Disarmament,  or 
rather  a  drastic  limitation  of  armed  personnel  and  of  war 
material,  was  enforced  upon  the  defeated  Central  Powers 
by  the  Treaties  of  Peace  ;  but  side  by  side  with  these 





(1913  and  1930)  in  dollars 





•  245 



1 375 




1930  1913     1930  X9I3      I93<>  1913     I93<>  1913     1930  1913     1930  1913     1930  1913 
U.S.A.        U.S.S.R.  G.B.         FRANCE         ITALY  JAPAN     GERMANY 




U.S.A.  17  AS  A  PERCENT- 

„  7  AGE  OF  THE 




11  (dollars)  1930 


4  4 

I  I  i 

FRANCE          G.B.          ITALY         U.S.A.        JAPAN       U.S.S.R.     GERMANY 


enforced  measures  of  disarmament  there  were  clauses  under 
which  the  victorious  Allies  themselves  undertook  speedily 
to  disarm.  It  was  clearly  contemplated  that  the  compulsory 
disarmament  of  Germany  and  the  other  Central  Powers 
should  not  place  them  permanently  in  a  position  of  in- 
feriority in  relation  to  the  victorious  nations,  but  should  be 
the  first  step  towards  comprehensive  and  universal  disarma- 
ment, based  on  the  assurances  of  peace  under  the  new 
League  system. 

It  has  sometimes  been  contended  since  by  Allied  states- 
men that,  whereas  the  disarmament  of  the  Central  Powers 
under  the  Peace  Treaties  was  a  compulsory  measure  having 
legal  force,  the  undertakings  entered  into  by  the  victorious 
Allies  were  purely  voluntary  and  conditional.  They  had,  it 
has  been  urged,  no  legal  force  behind  them,  so  that  no 
sanctions  can  be  invoked  against  the  failure  to  carry  them 
out  ;  and  they  were,  moreover,  conditional  on  certain 
other  things  being  done  in  order  to  guarantee  the  security 
of  nations.  According  to  this  contention,  the  League 
Covenant,  even  with  the  additional  pacts  and  treaties  that 
have  been  concluded  since  1919,  is  not  enough  to  satisfy 
this  implied  condition  of  disarmament.  Before  the  nations 
can  be  expected  actually  to  disarm  there  must  be  positive 
security  against  an  attempt  by  any  nation  to  appeal  to  arms 
for  a  solution  of  international  differences.  Pending  such 
complete  assurances,  disarmament,  it  has  been  held,  must 
remain  in  abeyance,  or  be  at  best  a  matter  of  mutual  bar- 
gaining, in  which  each  Power  will  scrutinise  carefully  what 
each  other  Power  is  prepared  to  yield,  and  give  up  nothing 
of  its  own  right  to  arm  save  in  return  for  a  fully  adequate 
quid  pro  quo. 

It  is  of  course  perfectly  clear  that  the  terms  of  the  Peace 
Treaties  and  of  the  League  Covenant  cannot  really  bear 
this  interpretation.  It  was  definitely  intended  in  1919,  at  any 
rate  by  President  Wilson,  and  it  wai  definitely  understood 
by  the  peoples  of  the  world — by  the  Central  Powers  above 
all— -that  the  Allied  nations,  in  forcing  immediate  disarma- 
ment upon  their  vanquished  enemies,  were  also  making  an 


unequivocal  promise  of  early  disarmament  in  their  own 
countries.  Indeed,  any  other  interpretation  would  make 
nonsense  of  the  entire  system  for  the  guarantee  of  peace 
which  it  was  proposed  to  set  up  ;  for  to  make  security 
a  prior  condition  of  disarmament  amounts  to  a  contradic- 
tion in  terms.  As  long  as  all  nations  are  armed  to  the  teeth, 
no  nation  can  possibly  feel  secure.  It  is  an  absolute  condi- 
tion of  security  that  disarmament  should  have  already  taken 
place.  It  can  doubtless  be  contended  that  the  two  processes 
ought  to  go  on  side  by  side,  and  that  while  the  nations  are 
disarming  they  should  proceed  simultaneously  to  build  up 
the  framework  of  a  system  of  mutual  concession  and  co- 
operation, in  order  to  realise  not  merely  security  in  a  negative 
sense,  but  the  removal  of  thecauses  of  quarrels  as  well  as  the 
prevention  of  the  attempt  to  settle  them  by  war.  But  the 
idea  that  security  can  precede  disarmament  is  sheerly 
fantastic,  and  as  long  as  it  persists  it  is  evident  that  no  real 
progress  in  the  direction  of  disarmament  is  likely  to  be 

Fifteen  years  have  now  passed  since  the  end  of  the  Great 
War,  and  throughout  these  years  the  Powers,  both  through 
the  League  of  Nations  and  in  other  international  con- 
ferences, have  been  continually  discussing  the  cognate 
problems  of  disarmament  and  security.  As  early  as  1920, 
the  League  of  Nations  set  up  a  Permanent  Advisory  Com- 
mission to  discuss  the  question  of  disarmament.  The  Soviet 
Union  and  the  Baltic  countries  met  in  a  special  disarma- 
ment conference  of  their  own  as  early  as  1922.  The  Wash- 
ington Naval  Treaty  between  the  United  States,  the  British 
Empire,  France,  Italy  and  Japan  was  entered  into  in  the 
same  year,  and  was  meant  to  be  the  first  step  towards 
a  drastic  programme  of  naval  disarmament  over  the  world 
as  a  whole.  Since  then  there  has  been,  up  to  the  Disarma- 
ment Conference  which  is  still  meeting  as  we  write,  an 
infinite  amount  of  discussing,  reporting,  presenting  of 
plans  and  counter-plans,  argument  about  the  respective 
merits  of  absolute  and  partial,  qualitative  and  quantitative, 
unilateral  and  general  disarmament,  and  an  infinite 


amount  of  propaganda  in  favour  of  one  project  after  another 
for  the  guaranteeing  of  peace.  But  what  has  it  all  come  to  ? 
How  much  nearer  are  we,  after  these  fifteen  years,  either  to 
any  sort  of  security  against  the  occurrence  of  further  wars, 
or  to  any  real  disarmament,  or  even  to  a  substantial  reduc- 
tion in  the  number  of  men  under  arms,  in  the  size  and 
equipment  of  fleets  by  sea  and  air,  or  in  budgetary  expen- 
diture, open  or  concealed,  upon  the  fighting  services  ? 

Armaments  and  Expenditure.  Let  us  begin  with  a  few 
of  the  outstanding  facts.  According  to  the  calculations  made 
by  the  staff  of  the  League  of  Nations  for  the  purposes  of  the 
Disarmament  Conference,  world  expenditure  on  arma- 
ments amounted  in  1925  to  just  under  3,500  million 
dollars,  and  in  1930  to  4,128  million  dollars.  These  figures 
are  calculated  by  aggregating  in  terms  of  dollars  the 
annual  expenditure  of  62  different  countries.  They  cannot 
pretend  to  complete  accuracy  ;  but  they  are  certainly  near 
enough  to  the  truth  to  give  a  realistic  picture  of  the  situa- 
tion as  it  exists  at  present.  This  hardly  looks  as  if,  despite  all 
the  conferences,  real  progress  were  being  made  in  the  direc- 
tion of  world  disarmament ;  for  although  the  cost  of  main- 
taining a  given  quantity  of  armaments  was  undoubtedly  to 
some  extent  higher  in  1930  than  in  1913,  it  was  also  un- 
doubtedly lower  in  1930  than  in  1925  ;  so  that  the  real 
increase  in  armaments  between  1925  and  1930  was  con- 
siderably greater  than  the  totals  of  expenditure  show. 

No  comparison  with  1913  is  possible  for  the  world  as 
a  whole  on  the  basis  of  the  available  figures  ;  but  a  com- 
parison can  be  made  for  certain  of  the  leading  Powers. 
Thus  if  the  expenditure  on  armaments  in  1913-14,  when 
preparedness  was  at  an  exceptionally  high  level  in^view  of 
the  general  expectation  that  a  great  war  might  break  out 
in  the  near  future,  is  compared  with  the  expenditure  in 
1930-31,  it  will  be  found  that  the  three  leading  Allied 
countries — Great  Britain,  France  and  Italy — together  spent 
on  armaments  in  1913-14  just  over  900  million  dollars, 
whereas  in  1930-31,  despite  their  complete  victory  in  the 


war,  and  their  success  in  disarming  their  late  enemies,  the 
same  three  countries  spent  about  1,250  million  dollars,  an 
increase  of  nearly  40  per  cent,  which  should  be  compared 
with  a  rise  of  about  18  per  cent  in  dollar  prices  between  the 
two  dates.  It  is  true  that  this  increase  is  very  much  less  than 
the  increase  in  the  United  States,  which  was  compara- 
tively lightly  armed  before  the  Great  War.  The  United 
States  spent  on  armaments  245  million  dollars  in  1913-14, 
and  728  million  in  1930-31 — an  increase  of  practically 
200  per  cent.  Japan  increased  her  expenditure  by  142 
per  cent,  from  96  million  dollars  to  232  millions.  The 
U.S.S.R.  showed  an  increase  in  armaments  expenditure  of 
29  per  cent,  from  448  million  dollars  to  579  millions  in 
1929-30  ;  but  in  this  case  the  rise  in  internal  prices  was 
very  much  greater  than  in  the  other  countries  concerned,  so 
that  the  figures  exaggerate  the  real  rate  of  increase.  On  the 
other  hand,  Germany,  compulsorily  disarmed  by  the  Peace 
Treaties,  spent  in  1930-31  on  armaments  only  170  million 
dollars  as  against  463  millions  in  1913-14,  a  fall  of  63  per 

Put  the  position  in  another  way.  In  1930-31  Germany 
was  spending  only  5  per  cent  of  her  total  budgetary  out- 
goings on  armaments,  thanks  to  the  compulsion  laid  upon 
her  by  the  Treaty  of  Peace.  Great  Britain,  on  the  other 
hand,  was  spending  14  per  cent,  and  the  United  States 
1 7  per  cent,  while  France  was  spending  no  less  than  22  per 
cent,  and  Italy  24  per  cent.  France  had  the  highest  per  capita 
expenditure  on  armaments  of  any  country  in  the  world  ; 
for  in  1930  her  armaments  cost  her  no  less  than  13  dollars 
per  head  of  population.  Great  Britain  came  next  with 
1 1  dollars,  followed  by  Italy  and  Holland  with  8  dollars  ; 
the  United  States  spent  7  dollars,  the  U.S.S.R.  4  dollars, 
and  Germany  only  3  dollars,  while  in  Austria  and  Hungary 
expenditure  was  only  2  dollars  a  head,  and  in  Bulgaria  only 
i  dollar.  Certainly,  compulsory  disarmament,  whatever 
stigma  it  may  be  felt  to  convey,  has  its  compensations  from 
the  point  of  view  of  its  effect  on  the  national  budget, 
though  of  course  these  effects  were  in  practice  neutralised 


during  the  period  after  the  war  by  the  Allied  demands  for 

It  is,  however,  in  some  respects  misleading  to  compare 
national  armaments  in  terms  of  budgetary  expenditure 
alone  ;  for  a  great  deal  depends  upon  the  nature  of  the 
armaments  upon  which  the  money  is  spent,  and  upon  the 
different  forms  of  military  service  adopted.  Conscript 
armies  are  much  cheaper  per  head  than  long-service 
standing  armies  recruited  by  voluntary  enlistment.  Naval 
armaments  cost  in  these  days  of  vastly  expensive  capital 
ships  more  than  corresponding  land  armaments  ;  and  the 
different  standards  of  life  in  the  various  countries  affect 
considerably  the  cost  of  maintaining  armed  forces  of  any 
given  size.  It  is  therefore  necessary  to  consider  not  only  the 
amount  spent  on  armaments,  but  also  the  number  of 
effectives  enrolled  in  the  various  armies,  and  the  material 
equipment  of  their  naval  and  air  forces.  It  is,  however, 
extraordinarily  difficult,  as  the  World  Disarmament  Con- 
ference has  already  discovered,  to  obtain  from  countries 
any  really  adequate  or  comparable  account  of  the  numbers 
and  equipment  of  their  armed  forces.  Many  of  the  Euro- 
pean countries  have,  in  addition  to  their  regular  armies, 
numerous  auxiliary  forces,  variously  denominated  frontier 
guards,  citizen  guards,  irregulars,  and  various  other  ambi- 
guous descriptions.  It  is  hard  to  know  how  far  trained 
reserves  ought  to  be  counted  in  estimating  the  size  of  the 
national  forces,  or  what  account  should  be  taken  of  part- 
time  armies  such  as  the  Territorial  Army  in  Great  Britain 
in  comparison  with  full-time  soldiers.  Again  there  is  the 
question  of  the  colonial  forces  maintained  abroad  by  the 
various  imperialist  Powers.  Is  a  statement  of  the  British 
forces  to  include  the  Indian  army,  or  only  the  British  troops 
stationed  in  India,  and  is  the  number  of  the  French  army  to 
be  reckoned  by  including  the  large,  and  from  a  military 
point  of  view  undoubtedly  valuable,  army  raised  and  for 
the  most  part  stationed  in  Africa  ?  These  questions  admit  of 
no  uniform  answer  likely  to  command  unanimous  agree- 
ment ;  and  because  of  them  it  is  exceedingly  difficult  to 


present  any  comprehensive  picture  on  a  comparable  basis. 
All  that  can  be  done  and  all  that  we  have  attempted  to  do 
is  to  extract  such  relevant  information  as  can  be  extracted 
from  the  special  tables  prepared  on  the  basis  of  returns  from 
each  nation  for  the  use  of  the  Disarmament  Conference,  and 
to  set  side  by  side  with  these  figures  certain  figures  for 
earlier  years,  which  unfortunately  cannot  be  made  fully 
comparable  with  the  Disarmament  Conference  returns. 

Let  us  confine  ourselves  in  the  first  place  to  a  compara- 
tive table  for  1913,  1925  and  1928,  published  in  an  article 
by  General  Sir  Frederick  Maurice  in  the  issue  of  the 
League  of  Nations  periodical  Headway  for  December  1929. 
All  these  figures  are  derived  from  documents  published  by 
various  bodies  connected  with  the  League  of  Nations.  The 
1913  figures  were  originally  issued  by  the  Temporary 
Mixed  Commission  on  Armaments,  while  the  figures  for 
1925  and  1928  are  taken  from  the  League  of  Nations 
Armaments  Year  Book.  On  the  basis  of  these  figures,  we 
see  that  there  had  been  in  Western  Europe  between  1913 
and  1928  at  best  only  an  insignificant  tendency  towards 
the  reduction  of  armaments.  Italy  appears,  indeed,  to  have 
a  slightly  smaller  army,  and  France  a  substantially  smaller 
army,  than  before  the  war.  But  for  Great  Britain  there  has 
been  an  apparent  increase,  which  is,  however,  largely  if 
not  wholly  due  to  the  figures  being  compiled  on  a  different 
basis.  Taking  the  figures  for  France  and  Italy,  we  get  a 
total  force  of  1,050,000  comprised  in  their  combined  peace 
establishments  before  the  war,  as  against  920,000  in  1928, 
surely  a  most  unsatisfactory  percentage  reduction  for  the 
ten  years  after  the  conclusion  of  the  "  war  to  end  war  "  ? 
Naturally,  the  Central  European  countries  show  a  much 
larger  aggregate  reduction,  as  they  have  for  the  most  part 
been  compulsorily  disarmed  ;  and  certain  of  the  Scan- 
dinavian countries  and  also  Holland  have  greatly  reduced 
the  size  of  their  armed  forces,  which  were  always  small.  It 
is  to  be  observed  that  for  the  European  countries  as  a  whole 
the  total  reduction  in  the  peace  establishments  between 
1913  and  1928  amounted  to  less  than  one  million  out  of 




















(and  police) 






















Civic  Guard  29,000 




Civic  Guard   100,000 




,000  including 


1  8,000 






Great  Britain 



Territorials,  etc.    153,000 

















Irish  Free 

6>°°°  Reserves  underlining  Clvic  Guard  7'°°° 



























1  1  ,000 

Roumania     . 




Spain  . 








Switzerland  . 

1  2,000f 











U.S.S.R.       . 




Yugoslavia    . 




*  Heimwfhr  not  included.          |  Average  daily  number  in  training. 


3f  millions  in  arms  in  1913,  and  that  there  were  still  in 
1928  not  far  short  of  three  million  men  regularly  under 
arms,  apart  from  those  included  in  the  naval  and  air 
forces  of  the  countries  concerned. 

Turn  now  to  the  approximate  figures  for  1931,  and  con- 
sider the  absolute  numbers  under  arms  in  the  various 
countries,  again  excluding  naval  and  air  establishments. 
Three  countries — France,  Italy  and  the  U.S.S.R. — possess 
armies  of  over  half  a  million  men,  Poland  has  over  a  quarter 
of  a  million,  and  six  other  European  countries  have  armies 
exceeding  the  100,000  permitted  as  a  maximum  to  Ger- 
many under  the  Treaty  of  Peace.  Belgium,  with  her  rela- 
tively tiny  population,  is  not  far  behind  Germany,  with 
90,000  men  ;  and  all  the  neighbours  of  Austria  and  Hun- 
gary, with  their  permitted  maxima  of  12,000,  and  Bul- 
garia with  20,000,  still  have  armies  many  times  larger  than 
those  allowed  to  their  defeated  rivals.  How  can  these  vast 
forces  still  under  arms  in  every  danger  spot  of  Europe 
possibly  be  compatible  with  any  sense  of  security  on  the 
European  Continent  ?  It  is  indeed  sometimes  contended 
that  the  larger  the  army  the  greater  the  security  that  it  will 
not  be  used  ;  but  we  have  yet  to  find  any  reasonable  person 
who  really  believes  in  this  fantastic  doctrine  after  the  ex- 
perience of  the  years  leading  up  to  the  outbreak  of  war  in 
1914.  We  were  told  often  enough  in  those  days  that  a 
thorough  preparedness  was  the  best  guarantee  of  peace  ; 
but  it  would  need  some  credulity  to  hold  any  such  opinion 

Turn  now  from  the  military  forces  of  Europe  to  the  navies 
of  the  leading  maritime  countries.  Navies  are  expensive 
things,  and  only  rich  and  powerful  countries  can  afford 
the  luxury  of  large  and  up-to-date  naval  forces.  But  every 
important  country  that  possesses  an  outlet  to  the  sea  still 
desires  to  equip  itself  with  a  powerful  navy,  and  there  is  still 
fully  as  much  rivalry  in  naval  as  in  military  armaments. 
It  is  true  that  the  relative  strength  of  the  Great  Powers  in 
capital  ships  has  been  regulated  to  some  extent  by  inter- 
national agreement  since  the  Washington  Naval  Treaty 


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of  1922  ;  and  the  process  of  agreeing  upon  ratios  was  car- 
ried somewhat  further,  among  some  only  of  the  leading 
countries,  at  the  Naval  Conference  of  1927.  But  both  the 
Washington  Naval  Treaty  and  the  subsequent  Three-Power 
Pact  were  effective,  in  as  far  as  they  were  effective  at  all, 
rather  in  preventing  a  race  to  increase  naval  armaments 
above  the  existing  levels  than  in  actually  reducing  the 
armaments  already  in  existence  or  preventing  the  replace- 
ment of  obsolete  vessels  by  new  and  more  powerful  engines 
of  destruction.  Arrangements  for  naval  parity  between 
Great  Britain  and  the  United  States,  with  Japan  only  a 
little  way  behind  and  ever  anxious  to  catch  up  and  achieve 
an  effective  equality  in  capital  ships,  are  no  assurance  at 
all  against  naval  warfare  ;  for  the  permitted  naval  equip- 
ment is  still  large  enough  to  leave  each  of  these  countries 
armed  to  the  teeth,  while  the  maintenance  by  each  of  them 
of  a  powerful  navy  not  unevenly  matched  with  each  of  the 
others  serves  both  as  an  inducement  to  the  warlike  spirit 
and  as  a  perpetual  challenge  to  those  nations  which  are 
behind  in  naval  armaments. 

France,  which  comes  next  after  the  British  Empire,  the 
United  States  and  Japan  in  capital  ships,  has  a  powerful 
enough  navy  to  play  an  important  part  in  any  war  based 
on  rival  alliances  of  Powers  ;  and  Italy,  which  comes  next 
after  France,  is  only  willing  to  accept  measures  of  limitation 
provided  that  she  is  conceded,  in  theory  at  least,  the  right 
to  build  up  to  whatever  tonnage  France  may  be  allowed, 
though  her  financial  power  actually  to  do  this,  unless  the 
French  substantially  reduce  their  existing  tonnage,  may 
legitimately  be  doubted.  It  was  on  this  issue  of  Franco- 
Italian  parity  that  the  attempt  to  make  a  new  Five-Power 
Naval  Pact  in  1927  finally  broke  down.  It  had  been  hoped 
to  supplement  what  had  been  done  at  Washington  in  1922 
in  the  case  of  capital  ships  by  a  further  pact  including  other 
classes  of  vessels.  This  proved  to  be  impossible  in  face  of 
Franco-Italian  rivalry,  except  for  three  countries — Great 
Britain,  the  United  States  and  Japan  ;  and  even  their 
agreement  was,  as  we  have  seen,  rather  a  promise  to 



Great  Britain 




France    . 


Portugal  . 


Italy       . 


Greece     . 




Albania   . 




Bulgaria  . 


Poland   . 


Turkey     . 




Austria    . 







627  +  263 












78  (reducing  to  24) 

Estonia   . 


Sweden  . 


Luxembourg     . 




Irish  Free  State 




U.S.A.    . 

i>752  +  599 

Japan     . 


A  plus  sign  ( + )  indicates  aeroplanes  not  fit  for  active  military  use 
where  these  are  distinguished  in  the  figures. 


abstain  from  fresh  competitive  building  on  a  gigantic  scale 
than  any  indication  of  a  willingness  actually  to  reduce  their 
existing  tonnage.  The  size  of  the  armed  fleets  still  main- 
tained by  the  leading  countries  in  1932  is  indicated  in  the 
table  on  page  709,  and  while  the  figures  are  inevitably 
to  some  extent  misleading,  in  that  they  group  together  in- 
discriminately vessels  new  and  old,  they  are  startling 
enough  to  indicate  plainly  the  narrow  measure  of  success 
that  has  so  far  accompanied  all  the  output  of  conversations 
and  agreements  on  naval  disarmament. 

As  a  complement  to  fleets  and  armies  there  has  come  into 
existence,  for  the  most  part  since  1914,  a  new  arm  ;  and 
every  country  now  considers  it  essential  to  its  nationhood 
to  maintain  not  only  a  powerful  army  but  also  a  large  fleet 
of  fighting  aeroplanes.  Owing  to  the  newness  of  this  arm, 
no  comparison  with  earlier  dates  is  of  much  use  ;  for  obvi- 
ously the  aeroplane  has  come  into  existence  not  solely 
as  an  addition  to  previous  forms  of  armament,  but  also  to 
some  extent  as  a  substitute  for  them.  When,  for  example, 
it  is  suggested  that  fighting  and  bombing  aeroplanes  should 
be  totally  abolished,  the  reply  is  at  once  made,  especially 
by  Great  Britain,  that  aeroplanes,  provided  they  do  not 
exceed  a  certain  range  and  carrying  capacity,  are  to  be 
conceived  rather  as  agencies  of  police  than  as  offensive 
military  units.  Are  they  not  far  cheaper  and  more  con- 
venient means  than  soldiers  of  keeping  recalcitrant  tribes- 
men in  order  ?  Cannot  a  native  village  be  far  more  effec- 
tively terrorised  by  dropping  bombs  than  by  punitive 
expeditions  by  land  ?  Great  Britain  is  prompt  to  protest 
against  bomb-dropping  upon  people  whom  she  regards  as 
civilised  ;  but  mere  natives  are  another  matter,  and  it  is 
even  argued  that  the  aeroplane  is  a  merciful  weapon 
because,  humanely  used,  it  strikes  far  more  terror  than  it 
does  material  or  human  damage.  In  any  case,  the  air 
fleets  of  the  world  have  risen  to  a  prodigious  size  in  recent 
years  ;  and  aeroplanes  have  from  the  standpoint  of  countries 
struggling  with  serious  budgetary  difficulties  the  supreme 
merit  of  being  reasonably  cheap. 


Moreover,  apart  from  fighting  planes  built  directly  for  the 
service  of  the  various  States,  it  is  always  possible  in  the 
event  of  war  to  press  planes  built  for  civil  aviation  into 
military  use  ;  and  it  is  a  notorious  fact  that  comparatively 
few  of  the  regular  air  roads  which  now  run  over  a  great 
part  of  the  world  could  be  maintained  as  purely  commercial 
ventures,  and  most  depend  for  their  existence  on  subsidies 
which  States  are  prepared  to  grant  in  aid  of  civil  aviation 
on  account  of  its  potential  military  value.  Germany,  denied 
all  military  aeroplanes,  has  naturally  taken  up  civil  flying 
with  enthusiasm.  But  the  Germans  are  not  alone  in  this. 
The  figures  on  page  711  showing  the  approximate 
strength  of  the  air  fleets  of  Europe  in  comparison  with  those 
of  the  United  States  and  Japan  give  unhappily  far  less  than 
an  adequate  picture  of  the  potential  force  that  could  be 
put  into  the  air  by  the  various  nations  in  the  event  of  war. 

The  Traffic  in  Armaments.  So  much  for  the  actual 
forces  under  arms  by  land,  sea  and  air  in  a  Europe  supposed 
to  be  bound  together  in  a  League  of  Nations  based  on  the 
guarantee  of  perpetual  peace,  and  further  safeguarded  by 
a  host  of  general  and  bilateral  convenants,  pacts  and 
treaties  of  every  sort  and  kind.  No  account  of  the  armed 
camp  which  Europe  still  is  could  be  complete  unless  some- 
thing were  said  in  addition  of  the  means  of  making  the  tools 
with  the  aid  of  which  war's  mischief  is  carried  on  ;  for  now, 
as  before  the  war,  the  armament-makers  stand  behind  the 
statesmen  of  Europe,  egging  them  on  to  arm  and  counter- 
arm,  and  drawing  their  toll  of  profit  from  the  mutual  fears 
and  suspicions  of  the  nations.  On  the  eve  of  the  war  much 
had  already  been  written  by  way  of  exposure  of  the  arma- 
ment rings  which  had  been  a  powerful  factor  in  stimulating 
war  feeling  in  all  the  leading  countries,  and  in  persuading 
each  country  to  buy  more  arms  in  order  to  get  even  with 
its  neighbours.  For,  as  has  often  been  pointed  out,  the 
sellers  of  armaments  more  than  any  other  class  of  traders 
have  a  natural  instinct  and  interest  to  combine.  Almost 
every  other  commodity  is  produced  in  response  to  a  limited 


demand,  so  that  the  sale  of  a  dose  of  it  by  one  producer 
means  that  less  of  it  remains  to  be  sold  by  others.  But  with 
armaments  this  is  not  the  case.  If  an  armament  firm  suc- 
ceeds in  selling  to  one  country  some  new  and  deadly  engine 
of  destruction,  that  is  a  reason  why  all  the  other  countries 
which  are  its  rivals  in  the  armaments  race  should  seek 
immediately  to  possess  themselves  of  a  quota  of  the  same 
engine  of  destruction,  or  if  possible  of  some  newer  and 
more  devastating  engine,  the  purchase  of  which  will  in 
turn  set  up  a  fresh  demand  from  other  countries  for  some- 
thing newer  and  deadlier  still.  Adam  Smith  said  once  that 
all  capitalists  were  in  a  natural  conspiracy  against  the 
public  ;  but  of  no  group  of  capitalists  is  this  true  to  any- 
thing like  the  same  extent  as  of  the  purveyors  of  armaments. 
The  more  they  sell  the  more  their  products  are  in  demand  ; 
and  they  would  be  more  than  human  if,  as  capitalists,  they 
did  not  seek  in  these  circumstances  to  sell  as  much  as  they 
can  possibly  induce  the  Governments  of  the  world  to  buy 
or  if,  in  their  endeavours  to  sell  as  much  as  possible,  they 
did  not  resort  often  to  methods  which  even  the  current 
standards  of  business  morality  condemn. 

As  many  writers  have  pointed  out,  the  armament  firms 
have  shown  themselves  throughout  their  history  singularly 
free  from  merely  nationalistic  prejudice.  They  have  been 
perfectly  prepared  to  sell  to  anybody,  and  never  happier 
than  when  they  have  been  in  the  satisfying  position  of  sell- 
ing to  both  sides  in  some  jolly  war  which  has  created  a 
gratifying  demand  for  their  products.  They  have  been 
perfectly  prepared  to  sell  implements  of  war  which  have 
been  used  for  blowing  their  own  countrymen  to  bits.  For 
nothing  is  more  profitable  than  to  sell  to  a  potential  enemy, 
since  such  a  sale  almost  inevitably  creates  an  additional 
demand  for  armaments  from  the  home  Government.  In  the 
Great  War  many  thousands  of  British  and  Allied  soldiers 
were  killed  and  wounded  by  British  rifles,  British  bayonets, 
British  guns  ;  and  in  the  next  war,  if  it  comes  in  the  near 
future,  it  is  quite  certain  that  the  same  will  be  true.  For 
despite  all  that  was  known  of  the  armament  rings  before 


1914  and  all  the  experience  men  had  of  them  during  the 
Great  War,  they  are  still  left  free  to  pursue  their  old  games, 
and  have  even  increased  their  power  and  degree  of  com- 
bination in  the  post-war  years.  One  great  name  indeed  has 
ceased  to  be  prominently  associated  with  the  manufacture 
of  armaments  since  1914  ;  for  the  disarmament  of  Germany 
and  the  prohibition  of  the  manufacture  of  war  material 
within  her  frontiers  has  caused  the  disappearance  of  the 
great  Krupp  concern  from  among  the  leading  armament- 
makers  of  the  world — though  in  face  of  recent  changes  in 
the  German  situation  it  would  be  quite  unsafe  to  prophesy 
that  this  disappearance  is  more  than  temporary.  But,  if  for 
the  moment  Krupp  has  been  put  out  of  the  game,  plenty 
of  other  giants  remain.  The  two  pre-war  British  giants, 
Vickers  and  Armstrong  Whitworth,  with  their  countless 
subsidiaries,  have  now  joined  forces  as  far  as  their  arma- 
ments business  is  concerned  ;  and,  though  they  fell  on  evil 
days  after  the  war  as  a  consequence  of  grossly  inflationary 
finance  in  the  course  of  the  immediate  post-war  boom, 
financial  reconstruction  has  now  set  them  free,  with  the 
continued  support  of  the  Bank  of  England,  to  go  on  with 
their  familiar  business  of  supplying  the  needs  of  any  country 
that  is  prepared  to  order  their  goods.  It  is  true  that  arms 
can  only  be  exported  from  Great  Britain  under  licence  ; 
but  this  does  not  apply  to  many  semi-manufactures  which 
can  be  worked  up  into  armaments  abroad.  Nor  is  any  at- 
tempt made  under  normal  conditions  to  prohibit  or  even 
to  limit  the  export  of  arms  ;  for  would  not  any  such  policy 
result  in  throwing  skilled  British  engineers  out  of  work, 
and  in  lowering  the  profitableness  of  British  business  enter- 
prise ?  Our  rivals  sell  armaments  to  all  comers,  and  so  do 
we  ;  for  in  these  matters  a  number  of  blacks  are  always 
reckoned  as  making  a  white. 

It  is  not  suggested  for  a  moment  that  Vickers- Armstrong  is 
any  worse  than  the  corresponding  armament  firms  of  other 
countries.  France  has  its  famous  Schneider-Creusot  combine, 
with  a  history  extending  back  to  the  French  Revolutionary 
Wars  in  the  eighteenth  century ;  and  Schneider-Creusot, 


it  is  well  known,  is,  together  with  other  French  arma- 
ment firms,  the  great  power  behind  the  ComitS  des  Forges, 
the  political  representative  of  French  heavy  industry 
and  the  close  associate  of  every  reactionary  Government 
that  has  held  office  in  France  since  the  war.  Schneider- 
Creusot,  moreover,  is  closely  linked  up  with  the  armaments 
industry  in  Central  and  Eastern  Europe.  M.  Eugene 
Schneider  is  a  director  of  the  Banque  de  I' Union  Parisienne 
and  president  of  the  Union  Europlenne  Banque  ;  and  it  is  no 
accident  that  the  first  of  these  bodies  finances  an  important 
credit  institution  in  Hungary,  while  the  second  plays  an 
important  part  in  the  control  of  the  Skoda  works  in  Czecho- 
slovakia. France  has  not  been  backward  in  assuring  the  new 
States  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe  of  an  adequate  supply 
of  arms.  The  Skoda  firm  has  its  factories  in  Poland  and 
Roumania  as  well  as  in  Czechoslovakia  ;  and  Schneider- 
Creusot  together  with  its  associated  concerns  has  been  most 
active  in  the  munitions  trade  in  the  Balkan  countries  as  well 
as  further  north.  But  even  here  internationalism  is  not 
absent  ;  for  the  Schneider-Creusot  group  does  not  hesitate 
to  supply  arms  to  the  Hungarians  as  well  as  the  Czechs, 
although  these  two  countries  are  obviously  arming  largely 
against  each  other.  We  say  nothing  here  of  the  giant  Mitsui 
armaments  concern  in  Japan,  which  ranks  after  Vickers- 
Armstrong  and  Schneider-Creusot  as  the  third  greatest 
armaments  concern  in  the  world  ;  for  there  is  enough  to 
occupy  our  attention  in  Europe  without  considering  the 
position  in  other  Continents.  Germany,  owing  to  the  Peace 
Treaties,  can  to-day  put  up  no  armaments  giant  to  rank 
beside  these  three  ;  but  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that,  since 
Germany  has  been  forbidden  to  manufacture  armaments 
herself,  there  has  been  a  remarkable  growth  of  armament 
firms  in  her  immediate  neighbourhood,  in  both  Sweden 
and  Poland,  or  that  the  Bifors  concern  in  Sweden  has  close 
associations  with  Krupps,  and  has  been  afforded  full  per- 
mission to  use  the  Krupp  patents.  Dutch  armament  firms, 
too,  have  German  associations  ;  and  the  fact  that  they  are 
also  associated  with  Vickers-Armstrong  is  assuredly  no 


guarantee  of  any  unwillingness  on  their  part  to  fulfil  Ger- 
man orders.  But  there  is  no  space  to  pursue  in  this  book 
the  ramifications  of  the  European  armaments  firms  ;  those 
who  are  in  search  of  further  enlightenment  must  be  referred 
to  the  exceedingly  useful  booklet  published  by  the  Union  of 
Democratic  Control  in  1932  under  the  title  of"  The  Secret 
International"  From  this  booklet  have  been  taken  many  of 
the  facts  and  illustrations  given  in  this  section. 

Armament-makers,  if  they  are  to  be  successful  profit- 
makers  as  well — and  of  what  use  would  it  be  to  make  arma- 
ments if  there  were  no  profit  in  the  game  ? — must  have  the 
ear  of  statesmen  ;  and  they  have  always  been  on  the  alert  to 
ensure  the  respectful  attention  of  statesmen  to  their  intelli- 
gent anticipations  of  the  danger  of  war.  No  sooner  does  an 
armament  firm  secure  an  order  from  any  one  country  than 
its  representatives  are  off  in  haste  to  tell  the  Ministers  at  the 
head  of  the  war  departments  of  all  the  other  countries  of  the 
sinister  intentions  of  their  customer  ;  and  these  representa- 
tives are  sure  to  be  able  to  return  with  a  refreshing  stream 
of  additional  requisitions  for  the  means  of  destruction.  In 
order  to  ensure  the  needed  attention  in  high  quarters,  arma- 
ment firms  are  usually  very  careful  in  recruiting  their  di- 
rectorates. While  a  mysterious  "  genius  "  such  as  Sir  Basil 
Zaharoff  may  remain  in  the  background,  and  prefer  the 
reputation  of  being  the  mystery  man  of  Europe  to  taking  a 
permanent  part  in  the  activities  of  the  businesses  which  he 
controls,  the  Boards  of  Directors  of  the  great  armament 
firms  are  usually  so  chosen  as  to  include  a  sufficiency  of 
persons  likely  to  find  favour  in  high  places.  Retired  army 
officers  with  good  connections  in  the  War  Offices  of  the 
various  countries  usually  play  a  prominent  part  in  the  high- 
class  commercial  travelling  of  the  armament  rings.  But  the 
rings  have  also  found  it  useful  to  offer  a  lucrative  home  to 
retired  civil  servants,  or  even  to  ex-politicians  possessing 
the  necessary  official  connections.  The  overhead  cost  of 
selling  armaments  is  considerable  ;  and  it  is  said  that  in  the 
years  immediately  before  the  war  certain  of  the  leading 
firms  maintained  in  the  principal  Continental  capitals 


private  missions  of  their  own,  with  no  other  functions  than 
those  of  hospitably  entertaining,  and  on  occasion  suitably 
rewarding,  important  personalities  in  a  position  to  influence 
the  placing  of  orders  for  their  wares.  Nor  is  there  any  reason 
to  suppose  that  this  practice  has  ceased  to-day,  though  re- 
publican statesmen  are  perhaps  in  some  cases  less  open  to 
direct  bribery  than  the  predatory  hangers-on  of  the  pre-war 
Russian  and  Austro-Hungarian  imperial  courts. 

The  industry  of  warfare  is,  however,  by  no  means  con- 
fined to  the  firms  which  make  guns,  rifles,  armour-plate 
and  the  other  familiar  products  of  the  metal  and  engineer- 
ing industries.  It  is  also  becoming  more  and  more  an  affair 
for  the  firms  manufacturing  chemicals  and  explosives  of 
many  different  kinds  ;  and  these  firms  are  no  less  strongly 
organised  and  hardly  less  successful  in  influencing  national 
policies  than  the  armament  makers  in  the  metal  trades. 
Great  Britain's  solicitude  for  the  maintenance  of  an 
effective  dyestuffs  industry  was  not  mainly  due  to  the  im- 
portance of  an  adequate  supply  of  dyestuffs  for  the  textile 
trades  ;  and  the  willingness  of  the  British  Government  to 
purchase  nearly  two  million  shares  in  the  British  Dyestuffs 
Corporation  was  an  illuminating  comment  on  its  belief  in 
the  achievements  of  the  "  war  to  end  war."  Since  then  the 
chemical  industry  of  Great  Britain  has  been  reorganised  on 
a  broader  basis,  and  the  British  Dyestuffs  Corporation  has 
been  merged  with  Brunner  Mond,  the  United  Alkali 
Company,  and  the  great  explosives  concern  of  Nobel,  into 
Imperial  Chemical  Industries  Limited,  with  its  issued 
capital  of  over  £70,000,000,  its  control  over  practically  the 
whole  chemical  industry  of  Great  Britain,  and  its  ramifica- 
tions in  other  countries,  especially  Canada  and  the  United 
States.  I.C.I,  has,  moreover,  a  holding  in  the  famous 
/.  G.  Farbenindustne  of  Germany,  on  whose  pre-war  experi- 
ence it  was  largely  modelled.  The  chemical  trade  has  the 
advantage  over  the  armament-makers  that  the  plant  which 
it  uses  to  make  ordinary  commercial  products  in  time  of 
peace  can  be  readily  adapted  for  the  manufacture  of  ex- 
plosives, poison  gases,  and  other  more  patriotic  products 


in  time  of  war  ;  and  though  the  one  considerable  paper 
achievement  in  lessening  the  horrors  of  war  that  has  been 
made  by  the  nations  of  the  world  since  1918  is  the  agree- 
ment of  1925  forbidding  poison  gas,  it  requires  an  optimist 
to  believe  that,  if  a  great  war  once  breaks  out,  nations 
equipped  with  large  chemical  factories  able  to  turn  out 
poison  gases  of  unprecedented  virulence,  will,  if  they  feel 
their  backs  against  the  wall,  for  long  stand  out  against  the 
temptation  of  using  the  forbidden  weapons.  Each  of  the 
Great  Powers  has  set  up  a  special  authority  for  the  study 
and  organisation  of  chemical  warfare  ;  and  chemical  re- 
search is  in  every  country  subsidised  to  some  extent  by 
Governments  in  view  of  the  possibility  that  it  could  be 
turned  to  profit  in  case  of  war. 

What  can  be  done  in  face  of  the  menace  to  the  con- 
tinuance of  civilisation  represented  by  these  powerful 
vested  interests,  which  have  the  strongest  possible  motive 
for  inducing  the  nations  to  arm  one  against  another  ?  The 
danger  which  threatens  the  world  from  this  profit-making 
traffic  in  the  implements  of  destruction  is  certainly  far 
greater  than  the  menace  of  the  trade  in  opium  or  the  White 
Slave  Traffic,  which  special  international  institutions  have 
been  established  to  suppress.  It  is  surely  clear  that,  even  if 
armaments  ought  to  be  made  at  all,  their  manufacture 
ought  to  be  so  controlled  and  regulated  that  it  is  impossible 
for  anyone  to  have  a  financial  interest  in  making  them. 
They  ought  not,  at  all  events,  to  be  made  under  the  induce- 
ment of  private  profit,  or  under  conditions  which  foster 
powerful  private  concerns  with  a  direct  interest  in  stirring 
the  nations  up  to  mutual  hatred  and  to  actual  war.  In 
other  words,  the  manufacture  of  armaments,  as  long  as  it 
continues  to  exist  at  all,  ought  to  become  a  public  monop- 
oly ;  and  this  system  of  socialisation  ought  to  be  applied  not 
only  to  the  direct  manufacture  of  munitions  of  war  in  the 
narrower  sense,  but  certainly  to  an  industry  such  as  the 
chemical  industry,  a  large  part  of  whose  productive  re- 
sources is  capable  of  being  applied  to  the  ends  of  war.  If  this 
were  done,  there  would  no  longer  be  hawkers  of  armaments 


and  private  scaremongers  with  a  direct  interest  in  selling 
war.  Governments  would  no  longer  have  contracts  for  war 
supplies  to  let  out  to  the  citizens  of  their  own  or  other 
countries,  and  the  necessity  of  manufacturing  all  arma- 
ments under  public  auspices  would  give  at  any  rate  some 
greater  assurance  of  publicity  than  exists  under  the  present 
conditions  of  an  authorised  private  trade  in  armaments. 

But  the  socialisation  of  the  industries  producing  the  in- 
struments of  war  would  not  solve  the  entire  problem.  In- 
deed, it  might  even  raise  new  problems  of  its  own.  For  the 
smaller  countries  at  present  depend  for  their  armaments 
largely  upon  factories  located  in  the  greater  countries,  or 
at  all  events  upon  companies  organised  and  financed  by 
groups  of  capitalists  belonging  to  the  great  imperialist 
Powers.  If  the  production  of  war  material  were  made  a 
public  monopoly,  the  sale  of  armaments  outside  their 
country  of  manufacture  would  obviously  become  to  a 
greater  extent  than  it  is  to-day  a  matter  of  political  policy  ; 
for  States  could  hardly  follow  the  example  of  private  firms 
and  sell  munitions  of  war  to  other  States  with  whom  they 
contemplated  the  likelihood,  or  even  the  possibility,  of 
armed  conflict.  To  a  great  extent  this  would  be  an  advant- 
age, in  that  it  would  tend  to  diminish  the  international 
trade  in  arms  ;  but  it  would  also  place  many  of  the  smaller 
countries  in  the  position  of  depending  for  their  supplies  of 
arms  upon  the  Great  Powers.  This  dependence,  while  it 
would  strengthen  the  influence  of  the  Great  Powers  in  pre- 
venting minor  wars,  as  long  as  these  Powers  were  able  to 
act  together,  might  become  a  source  of  danger  in  as  far  as 
the  Great  Powers  were  working  one  against  another.  France 
for  example,  instead  of  supplying  the  new  States  of  Central 
and  Eastern  Europe  with  the  money  wherewith  to  buy  arms 
from  the  Schneider-Creusot  combine,  would  be  in  a  posi- 
tion to  supply  these  countries  with  arms  directly  from  her 
own  munitions  factories,  and  to  refuse  to  supply  countries 
of  whose  policy  and  aspirations  she  did  not  approve.  Great 
Britain  might  find  herself  supplying  another  group  of 
countries  and  refusing  supplies  to  other  countries  in  the 


same  way,  while  Germany  would  have  an  even  more  power- 
fill  motive  than  she  has  to-day  for  demanding  an  equality 
of  treatment  which  would  allow  her  to  resume  the  manu- 
facture of  war  material  on  the  grand  scale. 

The  socialisation  of  the  armament  industries  might, 
moreover,  induce  more  of  the  smaller  States  to  set  up  arma- 
ment works  of  their  own,  and  to  give  high  protection  to 
those  industries  which  are  capable  of  being  turned  to  the 
production  of  armaments  in  the  event  of  war  ;  and  it 
might  thus,  over  a  wide  field,  especially  in  the  heavy 
industries,  encourag£  still  further  the  growth  of  economic 
nationalism.  The  socialisation  of  the  armaments  industry 
is  certainly  not  by  itself  a  sufficient  means  of  checking  the 
growth  of  armaments,  or  of  preventing  States  from  arming 
one  against  another  or  ranging  themselves  in  imperialistic 
groups  and  rival  European  alliances  ;  but  the  dangers 
involved  in  a  policy  of  socialisation,  while  they  are  real,  are 
very  much  less  than  the  dangers  of  leaving  things  as  they 
are.  For  it  is  better,  if  dangers  exist,  that  they  should  be 
brought  out  into  the  open  and  that  the  responsibility  for 
guarding  against  them  should  be  put  definitely  on  the 
Governments  of  the  world,  than  that  they  should  be 
covered  up  from  public  view  because  they  are  under  the 
control  of  private  profit-making  concerns  for  which  the 
Governments  which  encourage  their  operations  are  in  a 
position  to  disclaim  responsibility. 

There  is,  indeed,  one  very  difficult  problem  of  the  present 
time  which  is  intimately  connected  with  this  question  of  the 
socialisation  of  the  armament  industries.  At  present  the 
largest  importer  of  arms  from  die  rest  of  the  world  is  China, 
which  draws  supplies  from  practically  all  the  countries  in 
which  important  armament  works  are  situated.  China  has 
practically  no  armaments  industry  of  her  own  ;  she  depends 
almost  entirely  on  supplies  brought  in  from  abroad.  On  the 
other  hand,  Japan,  as  we  have  seen,  has  a  very  powerful 
armament  industry  under  the  leadership  of  the  Mitsui 
combine.  Japan  also  imports  arms,  and  imports  to  a  much 
larger  extent  semi-manufactured  materials  out  of  which 


arms  can  be  made.  But  she  is  in  a  far  better  position  to 
dispense  with  external  assistance  in  the  equipment  of  her 
forces  than  her  chief  rival  in  the  Far  East.  If  the  European 
countries  were  to  socialise  their  armaments  industries  and 
then  refuse  to  supply  arms  to  China,  they  would  in  effect 
be  putting  that  country  at  the  complete  mercy  of  Japan. 
On  the  other  hand,  if  they  continued  to  supply  China  from 
their  socialised  armament  factories,  this  would  at  once 
involve  political  complications  in  their  relations  with 
Japan,  though,  since  Japan  has  announced  her  withdrawal 
from  the  League  of  Nations,  she  would  no  longer  be  in  a 
position  to  raise  the  issue  before  the  League  even  if  she 
desired  to  do  so.  In  face  of  the  League's  recent  judgment  on 
Japanese  intervention  in  Manchuria,  it  would  be  obviously 
and  grossly  unfair  to  refuse  to  supply  the  Chinese  with 
arms  if  Japan  were  to  launch  a  further  attack  upon  them — 
and  it  would  be  in  practice  no  less  unfair  to  impose  an 
embargo  on  the  export  of  arms  to  both  combatants,  as 
Great  Britain  did  for  a  brief  period  early  in  1933 — for 
Japan  can  get  along  without  the  imports,  whereas  China 
obviously  cannot.  But  in  this  case  too  it  would  be  worth 
while  to  face  the  political  complications  involved  in  the 
socialisation  of  the  armament  industries  in  order  to  do  away 
with  the  sinister  influence  upon  world  affairs  at  present  em- 
anating from  the  vested  interests  of  the  great  armament 

Projects  of  Disarmament.  We  have  seen  that,  ever 
since  the  Peace  Treaties  were  concluded  and  the  Covenant 
of  the  League  of  Nations  drawn  up,  the  countries  of  the 
world  have  been  continuously  engaged  in  the  discussion  of 
proposals  for  disarmament.  Ever  since  the  Permanent 
Advisory  Commission  on  Armaments  and  the  Temporary 
Mixed  Commission  on  Disarmament  were  set  up  in  1920 
discussions  have  been  going  on  either  among  technical 
experts  or  among  statesmen  themselves.  As  long  ago  as  1925 
the  League  Council  created  a  special  Preparatory  Com- 
mission of  twenty-six  members  with  instructions  to  prepare 


the  ground  for  a  World  Disarmament  Conference,  and  this 
committee  reported  in  1927,  shortly  after  Germany  had 
become  a  member  of  the  League.  In  this  year,  the  U.S.S.R., 
invited  together  with  the  United  States  to  take  part  in  the 
discussions  on  disarmament,  brought  forward,  for  the  first 
time  in  a  general  assembly  of  the  nations,  a  proposal  for  a 
draft  convention  based  on  universal  and  complete  disarma- 
ment. The  practically  unanimous  rejection  of  this  scheme 
by  the  larger  countries  induced  the  U.S.S.R.  to  try  again  ; 
and  in  1928  M.  Litvinov  came  forward  with  a  proposal  for 
partial  disarmament,  which  met  with  no  better  success. 
Not  until  February  1932  did  the  World  Disarmament 
Conference  finally  begin,  under  the  presidency  of  Mr. 
Arthur  Henderson  ;  and  as  we  write  the  World  Conference 
is  still  in  session,  and  seems  likely  to  remain  in  session  a  long 
while  yet. 

In  the  meantime,  as  we  have  seen,  there  have  been 
separate  discussions  on  the  question  of  naval  disarmament, 
beginning  with  the  Washington  Five- Power  Treaty  of  1922 
and  leading  on  to  the  Three-Power  Pact  of  1927  between 
Great  Britain,  the  United  States  and  Japan,  to  which 
France  and  Italy  were  also  signatories  in  respect  of  certain 
of  the  clauses.  But  the  failure  of  the  negotiations  of  1927 
compelled  the  advocates  of  naval  disarmament  to  recognise 
that  little  progress  could  be  made  in  this  field  unless 
military  disarmament  were  also  taken  into  account.  For 
the  two  problems  cannot  in  effect  be  separated  ;  and  the 
obstacles  to  success  are  in  both  cases  to  a  great  extent  the 
same.  Accordingly  the  World  Disarmament  Conference  of 
1932  was  called  to  deal  with  the  naval  as  well  as  the  military 
aspects  of  the  question  ;  and  in  the  long  succession  of  rival 
plans  which  have  been  laid  before  it  during  the  past  year, 
questions  of  naval  and  military  armaments  have  been 
constantly  considered  in  relation  to  each  other.  The 
problem  of  naval  disarmament  is  indeed  technically  the 
simpler,  in  that  it  is  for  the  most  part  of  vital  concern  only 
to  a  small  number  of  Great  Powers  ;  for  the  navies  of  the 
smaller  countries  are,  in  relation  to  the  fleets  of  the  Great 


Powers,  of  very  little  importance  or  fighting  value,  whereas 
the  armed  forces  even  of  the  smaller  States  constitute 
potential  contingents  in  the  military  forces  of  great  rival 
European  alliances,  and  the  complications  of  military 
disarmament  are  far  greater  because  of  the  difficulty  of 
defining  the  permissible  number  of  effectives  on  a  uniform 
basis  for  different  countries  with  widely  varying  military 
systems  and  conditions  of  service. 

In  all  this  succession  of  discussions  on  the  question  of 
disarmament  it  has  been  impossible  to  isolate  this  one  issue 
from  other  problems  arising  out  of  the  relations  between 
nation  and  nation.  Thus,  discussion  on  disarmament  has 
been  constantly  mixed  up  with,  and  affected  by,  the 
simultaneous  negotiations  over  such  matters  as  security, 
arbitration,  mutual  assistance,  and  the  renunciation  of  war 
as  a  means  of  settling  international  disputes.  The  draft 
Treaty  of  Mutual  Assistance,  which  came  under  discussion 
in  1922,  arose  out  of  the  work  of  the  Temporary  Mixed 
Commission  to  which  reference  has  already  been  made. 
In  the  revised  draft  of  this  projected  treaty,  presented  to  the 
League  after  an  accommodation  between  the  French  and 
British  points  of  view,  it  was  proposed  to  limit  the  assistance 
promised  by  all  the  signatory  States  to  any  country  which 
found  itself  in  the  position  of  resisting  aggression  by  another 
State,  to  those  nations  which  had  actually  reduced  their 
armaments  in  reliance  upon  the  promise  of  assistance  given 
by  the  Treaty.  The  two  questions  of  disarmameni  and 
security  were  thus  linked  together  at  an  early  stage  in  the 
discussion  of  the  problem  ;  and  they  have  throughout  been 
very  closely  connected,  especially  in  the  minds  of  the  French, 
who  have  continually  insisted  that  they  cannot  be  expected 
to  disarm  save  on  the  basis  of  some  firm  assurance  that  other 
countries  will  come  to  their  help  in  face  of  any  threat  of 
invasion  of  their  territory. 

The  Third  Assembly  of  the  League  in  1923  recommended 
acceptance  of  the  revised  draft  of  the  Treaty  of  Mutual 
Assistance  ;  but  there  was  no  readiness  to  accept  it  among 
the  leading  countries  included  in  the  League,  and  its 


rejection  by  most  of  the  countries  concerned,  and  especially 
by  Great  Britain,  which  was  not  prepared  to  involve  herself 
in  any  obligation  binding  her  in  certain  circumstances  to 
go  to  war  on  behalf  of  another  State,  called  for  the  making 
of  a  new  start. 

The  next  attempt  came  from  certain  of  the  smaller  States 
of  Europe,  which  at  the  fifth  League  Assembly  in  1924 
brought  forward  the  Geneva  Protocol.  This  project,  most 
closely  associated  with  the  name  of  Dr.  Benes  of  Czecho- 
slovakia and  with  the  short-lived  British  Labour  Govern- 
ment of  1924,  was  based  on  an  explicit  renunciation  of  war 
by  the  signatory  States,  and  on  the  recognition  of  the 
compulsory  jurisdiction  of  the  Permanent  Court  of  Inter- 
national Justice,  set  up  at  the  Hague  in  1920  as  a  part  of 
the  new  post-war  machinery  of  international  collabora- 
tion. The  Geneva  Protocol  did  not  involve  the  submission 
of  all  disputes  to  the  Hague  Court,  for  it  was  recognised 
that  disputes  would  arise  which  it  would  not  be  possible 
to  settle  by  judicial  methods  ;  but  it  did  involve  both  a 
definite  renunciation  of  war  and  an  agreement  to  submit  to 
the  compulsory  authority  of  the  Court  all  matters  admitting 
of  judicial  decision.  Eighteen  States,  including  France, 
Belgium,  Czechoslovakia,  and  Yugoslavia,  signed  the 
Geneva  Protocol  ;  but  the  fall  of  the  British  Labour  Govern- 
ment at  the  end  of  1924  was  followed  by  its  rejection  by 
Great  Britain,  largely  on  the  ground  that  its  acceptance 
involved  obligations  over  and  above  those  contained  in  the 
Covenant  of  the  League,  especially  in  the  provisions  for 
applying  economic  sanctions  to  States  which  the  League 
Council  held  to  be  in  the  wrong.  Great  Britain,  as  a  naval 
Power,  held  that  the  burden  of  these  economic  sanctions 
would  in  practice  be  placed  largely  upon  her,  and  was  not 
prepared  to  commit  herself  to  an  absolute  undertaking  to 
blockade  any  State  designated  by  the  League  as  the  aggres- 
sor in  an  international  dispute.  This  British  attitude  was 
fatal  to  the  prospects  of  the  Geneva  Protocol,  since  without 
British  participation  it  could  be  of  but  little  value,  especially 
in  view  of  the  absence  of  the  United  States  from  the  League 


and  their  refusal  to  recognise  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Inter- 
national Court. 

The  rejection  of  the  Geneva  Protocol  involved  yet  another 
fresh  start ;  and  this  time  the  initiative  was  taken  by  the 
Great  Powers,  and  especially  by  Great  Britain,  which, 
having  refused  to  accept  the  system  proposed  in  the  Pro- 
tocol, was  compelled,  in  view  of  the  continued  demand  of 
France  for  guarantees  of  security  after  the  end  of  the  Ruhr 
struggle,  to  put  forward  some  alternative  proposal.  This 
alternative  was  worked  out  in  the  Locarno  Pacts,  which 
became  effective  in  1926  after  the  admission  of  Germany  to 
the  League  of  Nations.  Under  the  Locarno  agreements 
Great  Britain,  France,  Belgium,  Germany  and  Italy  all 
bound  themselves  by  guarantees  against  any  attempt  to 
alter  by  force  the  territorial  settlement  set  up  in  Western 
Europe  by  the  Peace  Treaties.  Under  the  Locarno  settle- 
ment all  war  between  Germany,  France  and  Belgium  was 
to  be  abolished,  and  no  changes  could  be  made  in  their 
respective  frontiers  in  Western  Europe  by  an  appeal  to 
force.  This  mutual  settlement  was  further  guaranteed  by 
Great  Britain  and  Italy,  which  bound  themselves  to  go  to 
the  assistance  of  any  State  suffering  as  a  result  of  the  viola- 
tion of  the  pledge  given  by  the  three  countries  directly 
involved.  In  addition  to  this  the  Pacts  concluded  at  Locarno 
included  a  series  of  arbitration  treaties  between  Germany 
and  her  neighbours  in  both  east  and  west.  Such  treaties 
were  signed  not  only  with  France  and  Belgium,  but  also 
with  Czechoslovakia  and  Poland  ;  and  at  the  same  time 
France  signed  treaties  of  mutual  assistance  with  Poland 
and  Czechoslovakia.  But  in  these  further  treaties  Great 
Britain  was  not  involved,  as  she  was  not  prepared  to  give 
any  guarantee  of  the  integrity  of  the  eastern  frontiers 
established  under  the  Treaties  of  Peace. 

The  Locarno  Pacts  were  acclaimed  at  the  time  by  Sir 
Austen  Chamberlain  as  the  "  real  dividing  line  between  the 
years  of  war  and  years  of  peace  "  ;  they  were  to  remove  for 
the  future  all  danger  of  any  attempt  by  Germany  to  regain 
her  lost  territories  in  the  West  by  an  appeal  to  arms,  and 


they  were  intended  to  be  the  foundation  of  a  new  friendship 
between  the  French  and  German  peoples.  In  order  to 
secure  a  settlement  on  these  lines  Great  Britain  gave  up  her 
objection  to  entering  into  any  commitment  that  might 
conceivably  involve  her  in  going  to  war  on  the  Continent 
of  Europe  ;  but  the  chance  of  the  obligation  which  she 
undertook  having  actually  to  be  fulfilled  seemed  in  1925 
to  be  relatively  small.  Thus  France  secured  under  the 
Locarno  settlements  some  part  of  the  international  guaran- 
tees of  security  which  she  had  been  demanding  ever  since 
the  conclusion  of  the  war.  But  in  fact  the  Locarno  settle- 
ments, though  they  remain  in  force,  have  by  no  means 
succeeded  in  establishing  the  cordial  relations  hoped  for 
between  Germany  and  France,  or  in  diverting  permanently 
the  current  of  either  German  or  French  foreign  policy. 
France  has  not  felt  the  security  given  to  her  under  the  Pacts 
to  be  complete  enough  to  remove  the  need  for  asking  for 
further  guarantees  ;  and  while  the  German  Republican 
Government  renounced  on  behalf  of  Germany  any  attempt 
to  alter  the  western  frontiers  of  the  Peace  settlement  by 
force,  propaganda  for  frontier  revision  continued  unabated 
inside  Germany,  and  it  by  no  means  follows  that  German 
Governments  of  a  very  different  complexion  will  be  pre- 
pared permanently  to  honour  the  signature  of  the  German 
Government  of  1925.  While,  therefore,  Locarno  undoubted- 
ly did  something  for  a  time  to  settle  the  acute  unrest  which 
had  accompanied  the  Ruhr  struggle  of  1923-24,  it  by  no 
means  removed  the  danger  of  war  in  Europe  or  established 
any  effective  system  for  the  guarantee  of  future  peace.  For 
one  thing,  the  problem  of  the  Eastern  frontier  remained 
open  ;  and  for  another,  no  one  was  at  all  certain  how  much 
the  signatures  appended  at  Locarno  would  really  be  worth 
if  the  European  situation  underwent  any  considerable 
change.  Accordingly,  there  was  no  real  change  in  the  policy 
of  France  ;  and  before  long  the  return  of  more  national- 
istically-minded  Governments  in  France  caused  the  French 
demand  for  further  guarantees  as  the  indispensable  con- 
dition of  any  approach  to  disarmament  to  be  quite  as 


loudly  expressed  as  it  had  been  by  M.  Poincar^  in  the  days 
of  the  Ruhr  occupation. 

For  the  time  being,  however,  the  chief  centre  of  European 
unrest  shifted  from  Western  to  Eastern  and  Central 
Europe.  Ever  since  the  end  of  the  war,  France  had  been 
building  up  there  a  system  of  alliances  and  pacts  for  mutual 
defence  and  political  collaboration.  Hard  upon  the  heels  of 
the  Franco-Belgian  military  pact  of  September  1920  came 
the  Franco-Polish  Treaty  of  Mutual  Defence  concluded  in 
February  1921.  Meanwhile,  the  succession  States  bordering 
upon  Hungary  had  been  drawing  together  in  the  series  of 
pacts  which  developed  into  the  Little  Entente.  In  August 
1920  Czechoslovakia  and  Yugoslavia  formed  a  defensive 
alliance  directed  against  the  possibilities  of  Hungarian  ag- 
gression or  a  Hapsburg  restoration  in  Hungary  ;  and  later 
in  the  y^ar  a  looser  agreement  was  made  between  Czecho- 
slovakia and  Roumania  on  the  same  lines.  In  March  1921 
the  ex-Emperor  Karl  made  his  first  attempt  to  establish 
himself  on  the  Hungarian  throne  ;  and  this  at  once  led  to 
action  by  the  Little  Entente  countries,  and  was  followed  by 
the  conclusion  in  April  of  a  definite  alliance  between 
Czechoslovakia  and  Roumania,  and  in  June  by  a  similar 
alliance  between  Roumania  and  Yugoslavia.  Karl's  second 
attempt  in  October  1921  further  cemented  the  alliance  of 
the  three  Little  Entente  Powers  ;  and  France,  in  pursuit  of 
her  policy  of  alliances  in  the  east,  began  to  build  up  a 
system  of  mutual  engagements  with  the  Little  Entente 
States,  as  well  as  with  Poland.  Thus  in  June  1924  France, 
which  had  already  made  an  arrangement  with  Roumania, 
entered  into  treaties  of  alliance  and  mutual  help  with  both 
Czechoslovakia  and  Yugoslavia,  the  treaty  with  Yugo- 
slavia following  upon  the  agreement  reached  between 
Italy  and  Yugoslavia  in  the  same  month.  Poland  and 
Roumania  had  also  made  a  defensive  alliance  in  March 
1921,  so  that,  in  the  absence  of  an  Eastern  Locarno,  the 
countries  which  felt  themselves  threatened  either  by 
potential  German  aggression  in  the  East,  or  still  more 
by  any  attempt  to  restore  the  Hapsburgs  and  lay  the 


foundations  of  a  new  Austro-Hungarian  Empire,  were 
bound  together  in  close  connection  with  France  into  an 
East  European  system  closely  corresponding  to  the  Western 
system  which  underlay  the  main  Locarno  Pact.  But  these 
agreements  in  Eastern  Europe  were  far  more  in  the  nature 
of  military  alliances  than  of  attempts  to  bring  together  into 
a  system  of  security  countries  with  opposing  interests  and 
attitudes  ;  and  accordingly,  while  they  might  be  tem- 
porarily effective  in  keeping  the  peace,  they  were  clearly 
aimed  at  achieving  this  result  by  the  threat  of  force  rather 
than  by  the  establishment  of  any  sort  of  international 

Accordingly  the  League  of  Nations  was  before  long  back 
at  its  work  of  trying  to  promote  some  more  intensive  agree- 
ment for  ensuring  peace  and  promoting  disarmament  all 
over  Europe.  In  1925,  as  we  have  seen,  the  League  Council 
created  a  commission  to  prepare  the  way  for  a  Disarma- 
ment Conference  ;  and  in  1927  it  set  up  a  Special  Com- 
mittee on  Arbitration  and  Security.  Numerous  agreements 
for  arbitration  by  the  Permanent  Court  of  International 
Justice  at  the  Hague  had  been  reached  between  particular 
countries  from  1921  omvards  ;  but  these  referred  only  to 
disputes  turning  upon  juridical  issues,  and  they  were  often 
hedged  round  with  a  great  many  reservations  which  con- 
siderably limited  their  value.  The  question  primarily  before 
the  League  after  Locarno  was  that  of  so  amending  the 
League  Covenant,  or  so  reinforcing  it  by  pacts  or  treaties, 
as  to  build  up  real  and  effective  guarantees  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  peace,  and  thus  to  make  possible  some  substantial 
achievement  in  the  field  of  international  disarmament. 
It  is  not  proposed  in  this  book  to  follow  through  their  suc- 
cessive stages  the  countless  negotiations  and  projects  of  the 
next  few  years — from  the  proposal  of  the  U.S.S.R.  for 
universal  disarmament  in  1927  and  its  more  limited 
disarmament  proposals  of  1928,  to  the  General  Convention 
for  Improving  the  Means  of  Preventing  War  which  was 
passed  by  the  League  in  1931,  but  has  not  yet  reached  the 
stage  of  extensive  ratification.  It  suffices  to  make  a  general 


review  of  the  main  problems,  achievements  and  failures  of 
the  years  between  the  Locarno  Pacts  and  the  Disarmament 
Conference  of  1932. 

Means  of  Preventing  War.  This  discussion  is  bound  to 
turn  mainly  upon  three  instruments  designed  to  improve  the 
chances  of  world  peace.  These  are  the  Optional  Clause,  the 
General  Act,  and  the  Kellogg  Pact — the  first  two  emanating 
from  the  League  of  Nations,  and  the  third  from  the  inde- 
pendent initiative  of  the  Government  of  the  United  States. 
It  is  simplest  to  begin  with  the  Kellogg  Pact  of  August  1928. 
This  American  proposal,  which  has  been,  on  paper  at 
least,  universally  accepted,  involves  the  nations  of  the  world 
in  a  complete  renunciation  of  all  wars  save  wars  of  defence. 
It  is  meant  as  a  symbolic  and  declaratory  agreement  indi- 
cating the  determination  of  the  countries  which  sign  it  to 
keep  the  peace.  But  it  is  unaccompanied  either  by  any 
sanctions  in  the  event  of  its  violation,  or  by  any  definition  of 
what  constitutes  a  defensive  as  against  an  aggressive 
war.  Indeed,  the  United  States,  standing  outside  the 
League  of  Nations  and  also  refusing  until  1930  to  adhere  to 
the  Court  of  International  Justice,  could  hardly  propose  any 
international  agreement  involving  either  sanctions  or  the 
setting  up  of  machinery  for  the  determining  of  the  ag- 
gressor in  face  of  a  threat  or  actual  outbreak  of  war.  It 
could  only  propose  that  the  nations  should  consult  to- 
gether when  the  occasion  arose,  and  be  guided  in  their 
action  not  by  any  pledges  given  in  advance — for  the 
United  States  Government  would  have  had  no  power  to 
give  any  such  pledges,  and  Congress  would  certainly  have 
refused  to  place  any  such  authority  in  its  hands — but  by  the 
actual  circumstances  of  the  moment.  This,  of  course,  con- 
stitutes a  fatal  weakness  in  the  Kellogg  Pact,  in  the  opinion 
of  all  those  who  believe  in  the  League  system  of  endeavour- 
ing to  preserve  the  peace  by  means  of  an  organised  asso- 
ciation of  States,  and  with  the  aid  of  machinery  and  rules 
created  in  advance  of  the  actual  situations  with  which  they 
are  intended  to  deal.  All  the  Governments,  including  that 


of  the  U.S.S.R.,  signed  the  Kellogg  Pact ;  but  the  append- 
ing of  their  signatures  to  it  made  little  or  no  difference  to 
their  attitudes  or  to  their  beliefs  in  the  effectiveness  of  the 
means  available  for  the  prevention  of  war. 

At  the  time  when  the  American  Government  came 
forward  with  the  proposals  which  resulted  in  the  Kellogg 
Pact,  the  League  of  Nations  was  already  engaged  in  the 
discussions  which  led  up  to  the  formulation  of  the  General 
Act ;  and  this  new  instrument  filling  out  the  terms  of  the 
League  Covenant  was  actually  adopted  by  the  League  in 
September  1928,  the  month  after  the  signing  of  the  Pact. 
Before  the  drafting  of  the  General  Act,  the  chief  instrument 
existing  under  the  League  Covenant  for  the  preservation  of 
peace  was  embodied  in  the  Optional  Clause.  This  Clause, 
which  had  been  accepted  in  full  at  the  beginning  of  1928  by 
fifteen  States,  involved  the  recognition  of  the  power  of  the 
Permanent  Court  of  International  Justice  to  make  binding 
decisions  on  all  disputes  of  a  legal  character  concerning  the 
interpretation  of  treaties  and  on  any  question  of  interna- 
tional law  arising  between  States  accepting  the  Clause.  But 
the  Optional  Clause  dealt  only  with  disputes  in  relation  to 
which  a  decision  could  be  arrived  at  by  the  legal  interpre- 
tation of  existing  treaties  or  in  accordance  with  the  estab- 
lished principles  of  international  law.  The  General  Act  was 
designed  to  fill  in  the  very  large  gaps  thus  left  in  the  frame- 
work of  the  system  of  international  arbitration  and  judicial 
settlement  of  disputes.  Under  it  signatory  States  were 
given  the  alternative  of  sending  disputes  of  a  justiciable 
character  (i.e.  arising  out  of  the  interpretation  of  existing 
treaties  or  turning  on  questions  of  international  law)  either 
to  the  International  Court  or  by  agreement  to  a  special 
arbitration  tribunal.  But  provision  was  also  made  for  dealing 
with  non-justiciable  disputes.  These  were  to  be  sent  in  the 
first  instance  to  a  conciliation  commission,  which  might  be 
either  a  standing  body  or  constituted  ad  hoc  ;  and  a  failure 
by  this  commission  to  settle  the  dispute  was  to  involve  its 
reference  to  an  arbitral  tribunal  of  five  members,  of  whom 
two  were  to  represent  the  States  directly  concerned,  and 


three  were  to  be  appointed  from  the  nationals  of  other 
countries.  This  arbitral  tribunal  was  to  have  power  to  give 
a  binding  decision,  and  any  State  adhering  to  the  General 
Act  entered  into  an  obligation  to  accept  the  decision  so 

The  General  Act,  unlike  the  Optional  Clause,  thus  aimed 
at  establishing  a  complete  framework  of  arbitration  in 
disputes  of  all  kinds  arising  between  nations.  But  it  was 
open  to  States  to  adhere  to  it  not  only  generally  but  also 
subject  to  such  reservations  as  they  might  choose  to  make  in 
respect  of  their  national  sovereignty  or  of  any  particular 
class  of  disputes  ;  and  although  France  and  Italy,  as  well  as 
Great  Britain  under  the  second  Labour  Government, 
accepted  the  General  Act,  the  acceptance  was  made 
subject,  especially  by  France  and  Great  Britain,  to  so  many 
reservations  as  largely  to  destroy  its  effect.  For  example, 
France  felt  that  the  reservation  excluding  from  the  obliga- 
tions imposed  under  the  General  Act  disputes  already  in 
existence  before  it  was  signed  removed  the  entire  range  of 
differences  arising  out  of  the  Treaties  of  Peace  outside  the 
new  machinery  of  pacific  settlement  which  it  laid  down  ; 
and  France  would  certainly  have  refused  to  sign  the  General 
Act  if  she  had  thought  that  there  was  any  chance  of  the 
question  of  territorial  revision  of  the  Peace  Treaties  of  1919 
and  1920  being  successfully  raised  under  it.  Great  Britain 
also  made  a  reservation  in  respect  of  disputes  arising  prior 
to  her  accession  to  the  General  Act  "  or  relating  to  situa- 
tions or  facts  prior  to  the  said  accession  " — an  exception  so 
wide  that  almost  anything  might  be  held  to  come  under  it  ; 
and  the  British  adhesion,  like  the  French,  was  subject  to 
a  whole  string  of  further  reservations,  of  which  the  most 
important  were  those  which  excluded  questions  which  by 
international  law  lie  within  the  domestic  jurisdiction  of 
States,  disputes  between  Great  Britain  and  other  countries 
within  the  Empire,  and  disputes  "  in  regard  to  which  the 
parties  to  the  dispute  have  agreed  or  shall  agree  to  have 
recourse  to  some  other  method  of  peaceful  settlement." 

Thus  the  General  Act,  almost  equally  with  the  Kellogg 


Pact,  amounted  in  face  of  the  reservations  which  the  lead- 
ing States  attached  to  their  signatures  to  little  more  than 
a  gesture.  No  more  than  the  Kellogg  Pact  could  it  be  re- 
garded as  any  real  guarantee  of  the  maintenance  of  peace 
among  the  nations  of  Europe.  Yet  even  in  this  truncated 
form  it  is  doubtful  whether  it  would  have  been  signed  had 
not  the  second  British  Labour  Government  remained  hi 
office  long  enough  to  carry  it  through.  Moreover,  it  is  signi- 
ficant that,  even  before  the  ratifications  of  the  General  Act 
had  begun  to  come  in,  the  League  was  already  engaged  in 
discussing  the  draft  of  yet  another  attempt  to  promote 
European  security — the  General  Convention  for  Improving 
the  Means  of  Preventing  War. 

While  these  discussions  on  the  question  of  security  were 
proceeding,  the  League  was  already  engaged  in  a  some- 
what desultory  series  of  preparatory  conversations  and 
negotiations  in  preparation  for  the  projected  Disarmament 
Conference.  As  we  have  seen,  attention  in  this  field  had 
from  the  Washington  Treaty  of  1922  been  concentrated 
largely  upon  the  question  of  naval  disarmament.  The 
Three-Power  Naval  Pact  of  1927,  with  its  failure  to  secure 
agreement  between  France  and  Italy,  had  left  the  situation 
in  this  field  extraordinarily  unsatisfactory  ;  and  the  Five- 
Power  Naval  Conference  of  1 930  was  a  renewed  attempt  to 
secure  agreement  between  the  principal  naval  Powers.  At 
this  Conference  the  French  at  once  brought  up  the  question 
of  the  interdependence  of  naval  and  military  armaments, 
and  demanded  the  right  to  increase  their  navy  on  a  very 
large  scale  in  the  absence  of  effective  guarantees  of  security 
by  both  land  and  sea.  Great  Britain  proposed  an  extension 
of  the  naval  holiday  which  had  been  agreed  upon  at 
Washington  in  1922  for  a  period  often  years,  up  to  1935. 
The  proposal  to  abolish  submarines  was  strongly  opposed  by 
the  French,  while  Italy  demanded  parity  with  any  other 
Continental  Power.  Thus  the  failure  of  1927  was  repeated 
in  1930  ;  for  no  method  was  found  of  accommodating  the 
French  and  Italian  claims.  A  Three-Power  Treaty  between 
Great  Britain,  the  United  States  and  Japan  was  indeed 


arrived  at,  and  this  definitely  fixed  the  relative  quotas  of 
cruisers  and  submarine  strength  as  well  as  of  capital  ships, 
subject  to  a  saving  clause  allowing  the  signatory  Powers 
to  increase  their  fleets  if  other  countries  actually  increased 
theirs.  The  provisions  for  a  further  naval  holiday  in  respect 
of  capital  ships  were  signed  by  France  and  Italy  as  well  as 
by  the  three  Powers  which  signed  the  main  part  of  the 
Treaty  ;  and  an  attempt  was  made  to  regulate  and  human- 
ise submarine  warfare.  But  the  naval  armaments  allowed  to 
the  three  principal  Powers  still  remained  at  an  exceedingly 
high  level,  so  that  the  Treaty,  like  its  predecessors,  was 
rather  a  conditional  guarantee  against  a  new  race  in  naval 
armaments  than  any  assurance  of  effective  reduction  ;  and 
in  any  case  the  failure  to  reach  a  Franco-Italian  agreement 
far  overshadowed  any  success  which  was  reached  in  the 
negotiations  between  Great  Britain,  the  United  States,  and 
Japan.  The  whole  question  of  naval  armaments  was  left  in 
an  exceedingly  unsatisfactory  position,  to  be  handed  over 
to  the  General  Disarmament  Conference  of  1932  along 
with  the  still  almost  untouched  problem  of  armaments  by 
land  and  air. 

The  Disarmament  Conference.  After  the  years  of 
preparation  to  which  reference  has  been  made  already,  the 
World  Disarmament  Conference  at  last  met  on  February 
and,  1932,  with  Mr.  Arthur  Henderson  in  the  chair — for 
Mr.  Henderson  retained  the  presidency  of  the  Conference, 
which  had  been  offered  to  him  personally,  despite  the  fall 
of  the  British  Labour  Government  in  the  previous  Sept- 
ember. After  the  opening  formalities  it  did  not  take  long  for 
the  assembled  delegates  to  make  plain  the  profound 
divergences  of  view  which  still  existed  among  them, 
despite  all  the  preparatory  work  that  had  been  done  on 
most  of  the  major  issues.  No  review  will  be  attempted  here 
of  the  long  series  of  proposals  and  counter-proposals  put 
forward  in  the  course  of  1932  and  1933  on  behalf  of  the 
various  delegations,  or  of  the  successive  attempts  which 
were  made  to  produce  compromise  drafts  on  which  some 


limited  agreement  could  be  based.  It  seems  more  useful  to 
try  to  set  out  in  the  broadest  possible  way  the  attitudes 
adopted  at  the  Conference  by  the  chief  Powers  and  to 
attempt  to  draw  from  these  differences  of  attitude  certain 
conclusions  about  the  prospects  of  world  disarmament  as  a 
result  of  international  negotiation. 

Although  the  lesser  Powers,  whose  most  frequent  spokes- 
man was  the  Conference  Reporter,  Dr.  Benes,  took  at 
times  an  important  part  in  the  deliberations,  most  of  the 
attention  at  the  Conference  was  inevitably  concentrated 
upon  the  divergent  views  of  the  Great  Powers.  Great 
Britain,  France,  Italy,  Germany,  the  United  States  and 
Russia  had  their  distinctive  points  of  view  as  well  as  their 
mutual  jealousies  ;  and  each  of  them  was  prone  to  insist  on 
the  abolition  or  drastic  limitation  of  those  forms  of  arma- 
ment which  favoured  its  rivals,  while  maintaining  its  own 
right  to  keep  the  almost  unrestricted  use  of  those  armaments 
which  told  most  in  its  favour.  This  difference  of  view  arose 
most  obviously  over  the  discussion  of  what  is  called  qualita- 
tive disarmament — that  is,  over  the  attempt  to  ban  certain 
weapons  and  forms  of  warfare  as  contrary  to  the  inter- 
national code  of  civilised  warfare.  But  the  differences  were 
by  no  means  confined  to  these  points.  They  went  so  far  as 
to  involve  in  the  minds  of  the  different  delegations  totally 
different  conceptions  of  the  way  in  which  the  question  of 
armaments  ought  to  be  approached,  and  of  the  appropriate 
relationship  between  disarmament  and  security. 

At  the  one  extreme  stood  the  Soviet  Union  with  its 
proposal  for  complete  disarmament  by  all  nations.  It  has 
often  been  suggested  that  the  Soviet  Union  put  forward  this 
proposal  only  because  it  knew  that  it  would  not  be  taken 
seriously,  and  hoped  to  gain  the  support  of  pacifist  opinion 
throughout  the  world  by  a  gesture  which  it  would  not  be 
called  upon  to  implement.  Soviet  Russia  is,  indeed,  inevit- 
ably in  the  existing  state  of  her  foreign  relations,  a  heavily 
armed  country  ;  and  it  is  not  likely  that  she  would  agree  to 
disarm  unless  she  were  sure  that  other  countries  were 
disarming  too.  But  there  is  no  doubt  that  Russia  has  a  very 


strong  interest  in  being  allowed  to  pursue  her  internal 
policy  of  building  up  a  Socialist  system  without  the  danger 
of  foreign  military  interference,  and  that  accordingly  she  is 
as  deeply  interested  as  any  Power  can  possibly  be  in 
forwarding  the  cause  of  international  disarmament.  Even 
if  the  Russians  had  no  anticipation  that  their  proposal  of 
complete  disarmament  would  be  accepted,  and  even  if  they 
meant  to  put  this  proposal  largely  to  propagandist  use, 
there  is  no  reason  to  question  their  profound  desire  for  the 
largest  possible  measure  of  international  disarmament  that 
there  is  any  hope  of  securing.  The  Russians  are  certainly 
prepared  to  go  as  far  as  other  nations  can  possibly  be 
induced  to  go  in  the  direction  of  general  disarmament, 
and  in  the  complete  prohibition  of  special  types  of  warfare 
or  forms  of  military  equipment.  Moreover,  the  U.S.S.R. 
took  the  lead  at  the  Disarmament  Conference  in  pressing  for 
a  plain  agreed  definition  of  what  constitutes  "  aggression  "  ; 
and  in  the  summer  of  1933  the  Russians  signed  pacts  em- 
bodying a  far-reaching  definition  and  thus  implementing 
the  earlier  "  pacts  of  non-aggression,"  with  a  succession  of 
countries  including  the  Baltic  States,  Poland,  the  Little 
Entente,  Turkey  and  other  "  border"  States. 

It  is  most  convenient  to  take  next  the  attitude  of  the 
United  States  ;  for  in  this  case  again  there  is  no  ground  for 
questioning  the  desire  for  a  large  measure  of  actual  reduc- 
tion of  armaments,  and  not  merely  of  agreed  limitation  on  a 
basis  which  might  enable  countries  to  retain  their  present 
armaments  and  even  to  increase  them.  President  Hoover's 
proposal  of  a  cut  of  nearly  a  third  in  all  armaments,  subject 
to  certain  minimum  provisions  for  the  preservation  of  order, 
was  undoubtedly  made  sincerely  ;  and  its  unfavourable 
reception  by  some  of  the  other  delegations,  and  notably  by 
the  British  Government,  was  one  of  the  worst  setbacks 
which  the  Conference  encountered.  The  Americans,  more- 
over, were  prepared  to  go  a  long  way  in  order  to  meet  the 
point  of  view  of  other  countries.  For  example,  whereas 
they  were  in  the  first  instance  opposed  to  any  system  of 
budgetary  limitation,  on  the  ground  that  this  would  react 


unfairly  upon  them  in  face  of  their  higher  level  of  costs,  they 
expressed  at  a  later  stage  their  willingness  to  accept  the 
principle  of  budgetary  limitation  side  by  side  with  that  of 
quantitative  limitation  of  effectives  and  equipment,  and 
the  qualitative  restriction  of  permitted  types  of  warfare. 
The  Americans  did  undoubtedly  try  hard  to  make  the 
Conference  a  success  ;  and,  while  they  were  not  prepared 
for  unilateral  methods  of  disarmament,  they  did  try  their 
hardest  to  push  Europe  in  the  direction  of  an  actual  cutting 
down  of  its  armed  forces. 

Italy  put  forward,  next  to  the  U.S.S.R.,  the  most  drastic 
proposals  for  disarmament.  Italy  was  prepared,  according 
to  her  spokesmen,  to  go  as  far  in  the  direction  of  disarma- 
ment as  other  nations  could  be  induced  to  go  with  her  in 
practically  any  direction,  quantitative  and  qualitative. 
But  there  was  one  condition  which  accompanied  all  the 
Italian  proposals,  whether  it  was  stated  openly  or  only 
implied.  This  was  that  the  disarmament  of  France  must 
proceed  as  fast  as  the  disarmament  of  Italy,  or  even  faster, 
through  the  abolition  of  certain  types  of  armament  in  which 
France  has  at  present  the  advantage.  For  instance,  Italy 
wished  to  abolish  all  capital  ships  ;  for  to  do  this  would 
have  given  her  a  far  better  chance  of  making  actually  effec- 
tive the  parity  with  France  which  she  claimed  at  the  Naval 
Conference  of  1927 — when,  it  will  be  remembered,  the 
claim  was  the  principal  cause  of  the  failure  to  arrive  at  a 
Five-Power  Naval  Pact.  Yet  it  is  not  necessary  to  question 
the  sincerity  of  the  Italians'  desire  for  an  actual  restriction 
of  armaments,  provided  that  France  restricts  hers  to  at  least 
an  equal  extent.  For  undoubtedly  the  burden  of  armaments 
expenditure  presses  very  heavily  on  a  country  which  is 
endeavouring  to  carry  an  international  weight  beyond  her 
internal  economic  strength. 

Great  Britain  appeared  on  the  face  of  the  matter,  and 
was  largely  in  reality  as  well,  the  country  least  willing 
among  the  Great  Powers  to  accept  a  drastic  scaling  down. 
The  British  spokesmen  claimed  that  Great  Britain  had  to  a 
large  extent  disarmed  herself  already,  and  that  in  the 



military  sphere  and  in  the  air  her  forces  were  no  longer 
more  than  barely  sufficient,  and  perhaps  not  even  barely 
sufficient,  to  enable  her  to  maintain  her  imperial  commit- 
ments and  connections.  She  was  prepared  to  go  some 
distance  further  towards  disarmament  provided  that  she 
could  be  sure  that  other  countries  would  disarm  as  well, 
and  that  she  would  not  be  asked  to  reduce  her  arms  below 
what  she  regarded  as  the  necessary  minimum  in  those 
fields  in  which  her  imperial  commitments  were  greatest. 
She  was  prepared  in  naval  disarmament  for  considerable 
further  reductions  in  capital  ships,  but  inclined  to  maintain, 
again  on  imperial  grounds,  a  stiff  attitude  in  face  of  attempts 
to  secure  a  drastic  limitation  in  the  smaller  types  of  craft. 
Again  and  again  the  British  stressed  the  point  that  Great 
Britain  could  not  be  regarded  as  a  nation  at  all  heavily 
armed,  and  that  accordingly  special  consideration  ought 
to  be  given  to  her  claims  in  relation  to  any  proposal  such 
as  President  Hoover's  for  scaling  down  all  armaments  by 
one-third  or  some  other  fixed  proportion. 

But  these  were  not  the  only  points  on  which  Great 
Britain  took  a  line  certain  to  breed  dissension  in  the 
Conference.  For  example,  her  spokesmen,  together  with 
those  of  the  United  States,  Italy  and  Germany,  advocated 
the  complete  abolition  of  submarines  ;  but  they  were 
unwilling  to  accept  the  complete  abolition  of  bombing 
from  the  air,  although  they  wanted  a  limitation  on  the 
number  and  size  of  military  aircraft,  because  they 
demanded  as  an  exception  the  right  to  use  bombing  aircraft 
for  police  purposes  in  outlying  districts.  Again,  while  Italy, 
Russia,  Germany  and  the  United  States  all  wished  to 
abolish  the  tank  as  an  undoubtedly  offensive  weapon, 
Great  Britain  refused  to  accept  this  proposal  unless  she 
were  allowed  to  keep  tanks  up  to  a  maximum  size  which  in 
fact  included  practically  all  the  effective  tanks  which  she  at 
present  possesses.  The  British  spokesmen  insisted  throughout 
on  the  importance  of  qualitative  disarmament,  not  only  in 
the  sense  of  protecting  the  civil  population  against  aerial 
bombardment  and  chemical  warfare,  but  also  in  the  sense 



of  limiting  armaments  as  far  as  possible  to  means  of  defence, 
and  excluding  those  implements  of  war  and  those  methods 
of  warfare  which  are  most  susceptible  of  being  used  for 
purposes  of  offence.  But  when  it  came  to  definitions,  and  the 
question  which  were  mainly  offensive  and  which  mainly 
defensive  weapons  was  referred  to  expert  commissions  for 
report,  it  soon  appeared  that  each  country  was  inclined  to 
regard  as  defensive  those  weapons  in  which  it  enjoyed  a 
superiority,  and  as  offensive  those  whose  unrestricted  use 
was  more  likely  to  favour  its  rivals.  This  applies  particu- 
larly to  the  French  unwillingness  to  abolish  the  submarine 
and  to  the  British  unwillingness  to  abolish  the  tank  ;  and  it 
also  applies  to  the  British  insistence  on  the  need  for  restrict- 
ing the  size  of  land  forces  as  against  their  less  oncoming 
attitude  in  the  matter  of  naval  armaments. 

The  German  case,  as  it  was  stated  at  the  Disarmament 
Conference,  turned  mainly  upon  the  question  of  equality. 
Under  the  Peace  Treaty  German  armaments  had  been 
subjected  to  severe  quantitative  limitation  ;  and  the  use  of 
certain  particular  forms  of  armament,  including  tanks, 
heavy  guns  and  military  aeroplanes,  had  been  totally  for- 
bidden. Germany's  civil  aviation  and  her  manufacture  of 
substances  which  might  be  turned  to  military  use  had  been 
placed  under  control,  her  navy  had  been  taken  away,  and 
her  right  to  build  fresh  vessels  had  been  restricted  as  to  both 
size  and  number.  The  Germans  wanted  to  escape  from  the 
stigma  of  inequality  which  all  these  special  restrictions  had 
placed  upon  them.  They  were  prepared  to  accept  the 
continuance  of  certain  restrictions  on  condition  that  the 
Allies  would  implement  the  promises  contained  in  the 
Treaty  by  applying  the  same  restrictions  themselves.  That 
is  to  say,  the  Germans  would  not  insist  on  rearming  with 
the  forbidden  weapons  if  their  abolition  could  be  made 
an  agreed  international  measure  ;  but  if  other  countries 
intended  to  go  on  making  and  using  the  forbidden  forms  of 
armament,  the  Germans  claimed  their  right  to  do  the 
same,  and  the  refusal  of  this  right  caused  at  one  stage  the 
withdrawal  of  the  German  Government  from  further 


participation  in  the  Conference.  The  crisis  thus  created  in 
the  affairs  of  the  Conference  was  finally  ended  by  the  agree- 
ment reached  by  Great  Britain,  France,  Italy  and  the  United 
States  with  the  von  Schleicher  Government  in  December 
1932.  Under  this  agreement,  the  claim  of  equality  was 
conceded  in  principle,  on  the  understanding  that  it  could 
not  be  fully  applied  at  once,  but  only  by  stages,  but  that  the 
special  restrictions  imposed  on  Germany  by  the  Peace 
Treaty  were  at  once  to  be  replaced  by  limitations  to  be 
included,  for  Germany  as  well  as  for  other  countries,  in  the 
convention  to  be  drawn  up  by  the  Disarmament  Confer- 
ence. Germany  would  thus  no  longer  be  subjected  to  any 
form  of  restriction  different  in  kind  from  those  applying  to 
other  countries.  Having  gained  this  point,  the  Germans 
returned  to  the  Conference  ;  but  the  von  Schleicher 
Government  did  not  last  long,  and  its  replacement  by  the 
Nazi  regime  soon  raised  fresh  difficulties.  The  concession 
to  Germany  had  come  too  late  ;  for  it  is  quite  possible  that 
if  the  claim  granted  in  December  had  been  granted  earlier 
in  the  year,  the  Briining  Government  would  never  have 
fallen,  and  the  advance  of  the  Nazis  might  have  been 
checked  or  reversed.  The  late  Allies  had  therefore  largely 
themselves  to  thank  for  the  growing  difficulties  in  the  way 
of  disarmament  presented  by  the  German  attitude  of  1933. 
For,  though  the  Nazi  Government  subsequently  withdrew 
its  wrecking  proposals,  and  agreed  to  accept  the  terms 
endorsed  by  its  predecessor,  the  fears  aroused  by  the 
militaristic  temper  of  its  leaders  remain. 

Among  the  Great  Powers  we  come  last  to  France, 
because  the  French  attitude  to  disarmament  differs 
radically  from  any  of  those  so  far  described.  France  has 
throughout  insisted  upon  the  close  connection  between 
disarmament  and  security.  She  is  willing  to  disarm  only 
to  the  extent  to  which  she  feels  that  the  need  for  armaments 
is  reduced  by  the  provision  of  some  effective  alternative 
means  of  national  defence.  Moreover,  unlike  the  other 
countries  described,  she  conceives  of  national  disarmament 
as  consisting  not  solely  in  a  reduction  in  the  quality  or 


quantity  of  the  military  personnel  or  implements  of  war  at 
the  disposal  of  each  individual  nation,  but  also  in  the 
possible  provision  of  an  armed  force,  at  the  disposal  not 
of  any  one  nation  but  rather  of  the  League  of  Nations 
itself,  as  an  instrument  for  the  forcible  preservation  of 
world  peace.  Both  the  Tardieu  Government's  plan,  put 
forward  at  the  beginning  of  the  Disarmament  Conference, 
and  the  later  plans  favoured  by  the  Radical  Socialist 
Governments  which  succeeded  it,  have  embodied  this 
project  of  an  international  security  force  to  be  used  exclu- 
sively for  the  preservation  of  world  peace. 

Briefly,  the  French  plan  of  November  1932  proposed  in 
the  first  place  that  the  guarantees  against  war  embodied 
in  the  Kellogg  Pact  and  the  Covenant  of  the  League  should 
be  strengthened  by  actual  guarantees  of  action  against  the 
aggressor.  The  French  held  that  any  violation  of  the 
Kellogg  Pact,  or  of  any  of  the  other  undertakings  entered 
into  under  the  League  Covenant  or  under  separate  treaties, 
ought  to  involve  the  breaking  off  of  economic  and  financial 
relations  with  the  aggressor  by  all  the  other  signatories.  They 
advocated,  in  addition  to  the  general  engagements  to  ensure 
peace  entered  into  through  the  League  and  under  the 
Kellogg  Pact,  that  there  should  be  within  the  League  a 
distinct  pact  of  European  Powers  defining  the  conditions 
under  which  each  State  would  have  the  right  to  the  assist- 
ance, military  as  well  as  moral,  of  the  other  signatories. 
They  held  that  all  countries  entering  the  European  pact 
must  adhere  to  the  General  Act,  and  that  the  guarantees 
of  mutual  help  should  come  into  action  as  soon  as  any  one 
Power  was  attacked  or  invaded  by  another. 

As  a  basis  for  this  proposed  European  pact,  the  French 
proposed  a  uniform  type  of  army  in  Continental  Europe — a 
short-service  army  with  a  limited  personnel — and  the  limita- 
tion of  the  equipment  to  be  provided  for  this  army  so  as  to 
make  it  more  effective  in  defensive  than  in  offensive  war- 
fare. All  heavy  war  material  capable  of  serving  as  a  basis 
for  offensive  warfare  should,  the  French  held,  be  kept 
under  the  control  of  the  League  in  separate  dumps  set  up 


in  each  country,  and  should  be  earmarked  exclusively  for 
the  use  of  the  States  which  found  themselves  the  victims 
of  aggression.  At  the  same  time  there  was  to  be  international 
control  of  the  manufacture  of  war  material,  and  each 
country  was  to  set  aside  a  special  armed  force,  to  which 
alone  the  heavier  types  of  armaments  would  be  reserved, 
to  be  placed  at  the  League's  disposal  for  use  against  an 
aggressor.  Aerial  bombardment  was  to  be  wholly  forbidden, 
and  bombing  aeroplanes  totally  suppressed  ;  but  these 
measures  were  to  be  conditional  on  the  effective  inter- 
national control  of  civil  aviation  through  a  European  Air 
Transport  Union.  For  naval  disarmament  a  further  special 
pact  between  the  chief  Powers  interested  in  Mediterranean 
affairs  was  proposed,  on  the  basis  of  leaving  intact  the  rela- 
tive strength  now  existing  between  these  Powers — that  is 
to  say,  the  Italian  claim  for  naval  parity  was  again  rejected. 
In  addition,  each  State  possessing  a  navy  was  to  agree  to 
place  a  part  of  its  navy  at  the  disposal  of  the  League  for  use 
against  an  aggressor  by  the  same  method  as  was  suggested 
in  the  case  of  military  forces. 

This  ambitious  French  plan,  linking  together  the  two 
questions  of  disarmament  and  security,  was  conceived  on 
totally  different  lines  from  the  plans  put  forward  by  the 
other  Powers  ;  for  none  of  the  others  was  prepared  to  con- 
template either  the  creation  of  a  special  international  armed 
force,  or  the  earmarking  of  certain  armaments  and  con- 
tingents for  the  service  of  the  League  under  the  direct 
orders  of  an  international  authority.  It  was  obviously  im- 
practicable to  secure  any  sort  of  agreement  on  the  basis 
of  the  French  plan  in  face  of  the  hostile  attitude  of  the 
other  Powers  ;  but  the  French  were  equally  unwilling  to 
give  way  and  to  agree  to  any  considerable  limitation  of 
armaments — though  they  did  in  fact  under  the  Radical 
Governments  of  1932-33  take  some  steps  towards  a  reduc- 
tion of  military  expenditure — unless  countries  not  only 
bound  themselves  to  the  preservation  of  the  peace  by 
stronger  covenants  than  they  had  been  prepared  to  enter 
into  as  yet,  but  also  provided  for  the  definite  use  of  armed 



forces  against  any  country  held  guilty  of  breaking  the 

There  was  thus,  among  the  major  Powers,  a  complete 
deadlock,  which,  by  successive  compromises  and  agreed 
resolutions  evading  the  main  issues,  it  was  vainly  attempted 
to  conceal.  By  the  end  of  1932  it  had  become  obvious  that, 
despite  the  temporary  removal  of  the  immediate  obstacle 
to  a  convention  caused  by  the  German  demand  for  equality, 
there  was  no  real  prospect  of  a  convention  which  would 
bring  with  it  any  considerable  advance  in  the  direction  of 
general  disarmament.  All  that  could  be  hoped  for  at  that 
stage  was  some  practical  progress  in  the  field  of  qualitative 
disarmament,  especially  in  respect  of  the  abolition  of  gas 
and  chemical  warfare,  and  of  severe  restrictions  on  aerial 
bombing,  including  the  prohibition  of  the  use  of  aircraft 
deliberately  against  the  civil  population.  But  it  remained 
very  doubtful  how  far,  in  face  of  the  continued  mainten- 
ance of  general  armaments  at  a  very  high  level,  covenants 
prohibiting  or  restricting  the  use  of  particular  weapons 
would  in  fact  be  adhered  to  if  war  actually  broke  out,  and 
a  country  found  itself  facing  the  prospect  of  defeat  through 
the  denial  to  itself  of  some  particular  prohibited  form  of 
war.  In  1933  the  Conference,  recognising  the  futility  of 
trying  to  agree  upon  any  inclusive  general  convention  in  the 
immediate  future,  settled  down  to  consider  a  less  ambitious 
draft,  dealing  largely  with  qualitative  disarmament,  and 
decided  to  leave  the  major  points  of  difference  for  discus- 
sion at  a  later  stage,  creating  for  this  purpose  some  sort 
of  permanent  Disarmament  Commission,  and  agreeing  to 
resume  the  discussions  later  on  in  the  hope  that  some  way 
of  overcoming  the  obstacles  might  before  long  be  found. 

Throughout  the  Conference  there  was  considerable  dis- 
content among  the  delegates  of  the  smaller  Powers,  which 
found  themselves  continually  pushed  into  the  background, 
while  the  Conference  adjourned  in  order  to  enable  the 
major  Powers  to  hold  private  conversations  of  their  own  in 
the  hope  of  bridging  their  differences.  Some  at  any  rate 
of  the  smaller  countries,  particularly  those  of  Western 


Europe,  are  keenly  anxious  to  press  disarmament  to  the 
furthest  possible  lengths  ;  and  these  countries  resented 
strongly  the  domination  which  the  Great  Powers  were 
attempting  to  exercise.  Nor  was  this  the  only  serious 
diplomatic  cause  of  offence  which  occurred  at  the  Con- 
ference ;  for  again  and  again,  especially  when  the  German 
claim  to  equality  was  under  discussion,  Great  Britain, 
France  and  the  United  States  adjourned  to  negotiate  and 
discuss,  to  the  exclusion  not  only  of  the  smaller  Powers, 
but  also  of  Italy.  Italy  had  been  prepared  from  the  first 
to  grant  the  German  claim  to  equality,  whereas  France  had 
not ;  and  Great  Britain  had  been  unwilling  to  take  any 
clear  line  except  in  agreement  with  France.  It  was  natural 
enough  under  these  circumstances  for  the  British  and 
French  to  meet  together  and  discuss  their  attitude,  and  for 
them  to  desire  to  have  the  co-operation  and  countenance 
of  the  United  States  ;  but  the  result  of  excluding  Italy  was 
unfortunate,  for  it  tended  to  align  the  Italians  more  defin- 
itely with  the  Germans,  and  also  to  give  the  Italian  Gov- 
ernment a  strong  desire  to  take  the  first  opportunity  of 
asserting  its  claim  to  be  fully  consulted  in  the  deliberations 
of  the  Great  Powers. 

In  fact  the  exclusion  of  Italy  from  the  conversations  of 
1932  over  German  equality  and  the  general  question  of  dis- 
armament was,  it  is  to  be  feared,  the  immediate  cause  of  the 
use  made  by  Mussolini  of  MacDonald's  visit  to  Rome  early 
in  1933  in  quest  of  a  Four- Power  Pact  ;  for  at  Rome 
Mussolini  turned  the  tables  on  the  British  and  French  by 
raising  openly,  for  the  first  time  since  the  war,  the  issue 
of  Treaty  revision,  and  thus  stirred  up  all  the  smaller  States 
of  Europe,  which  had  acquired  their  present  territories 
under  the  Treaties  of  Peace,  to  a  strong  antagonism  to  the 
attempt  to  create  a  Four-Power  Pact  among  the  great 
western  countries,  and  so  keep  in  check  the  dangers  to 
European  peace  created  by  the  revival  of  militarism  in 
Germany.  MacDonald's  attempt  may  have  been  perfectly 
well  intentioned  ;  but  in  allowing  Mussolini  to  use  the  occa- 
sion in  order  to  proclaim  the  doctrine  of  Treaty  revision, 


so  far  from  helping  to  further  the  cause  of  European 
peace,  he  stirred  up  fresh  sources  of  discord  and  created 
additional  antagonisms  between  the  smaller  and  greater 
Powers,  besides  making  the  entry  of  France  into  any  pact 
of  the  kind  contemplated  far  more  difficult  than  it  need 
have  been.  Even  though  the  difficulties  were  smoothed 
over,  and  an  emasculated  Four-Power  Pact  initialled  by 
the  four  States,  this  did  not  undo  the  damage. 

Treaty  Revision.  For  France  cannot,  without  forfeit- 
ing her  position  of  ally  and  protector  to  a  number  of  the 
smaller  States  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe,  enter  into 
any  pact  in  which  the  revision  of  the  Treaties  is  proclaimed 
as  one  of  the  principal  objects.  Throughout  Central  Europe 
Treaty  revision  means,  in  the  minds  of  most  people,  the 
loss  by  the  new  States  of  the  position  which  they  gained 
at  the  end  of  the  world  war,  the  renewed  aggrandisement 
of  Hungary,  and  the  possible  reconstruction  of  the  Austro- 
Hungarian  Empire.  In  Poland  it  means  the  threatened  loss 
of  the  Corridor,  and  of  her  rights  in  Danzig  ;  while  in  the 
Balkans  it  means  the  threat  of  a  renewal  of  the  military 
power  of  Bulgaria.  Moreover,  the  Great  Powers  which 
were  thus  speaking  of  Treaty  revision  showed  no  sign  of  a 
willingness  to  give  up  any  of  their  own  war  conquests.  They 
might  be  prepared  to  concede  territorial  readjustment  in 
favour  of  Germany  or  Hungary  at  the  expense  of  the  smaller 
Continental  States  ;  but  they  did  not  indicate  that  they 
were  prepared  to  hand  back  to  the  Germans  any  of  the 
colonial  territories  which  they  acquired  under  mandates 
in  1919.  In  these  circumstances  Treaty  revision,  as  it  was 
put  forward  in  the  early  months  of  1933,  seemed  to  the 
smaller  States  of  Central  and  Eastern  Europe  a  barefaced 
attempt  by  the  Great  Powers  to  compel  them  to  make 
sacrifices  in  the  interests  of  Germany  and  Hungary,  without 
giving  up  anything  themselves. 

Nevertheless,  it  is  undoubtedly  true  that  the  Peace 
Treaties  ought  to  be  revised,  and  that  many  of  the  territorial 
settlements  made  in  a  spirit  of  vindictiveness  and  of"  spoils 


to  the  victors  "  after  the  conclusion  of  the  world  war  were 
palpably  unjust  as  well  as  inexpedient.  Hungary  was  re- 
stricted within  frontiers  far  too  narrow  on  either  national 
or  economic  grounds  ;  Austria  was  left  in  an  impossible 
economic  situation.  There  is  no  logical  or  rational  defence 
of  the  continuance  of  the  Polish  Corridor  under  the  existing 
conditions  ;  Poland  has  no  right  on  national  grounds  to 
retain  territories  inhabited  largely  by  Ukrainians  ;  nor  can 
the  present  frontiers  of  Bulgaria  be  upheld  on  any  principle 
of  national  justice.  There  are  all  over  Europe  countless 
wrongs  crying  for  redress — wrongs  created  by  the  Treaties 
of  Peace  in  the  attempt  to  make  a  compromise  between  the 
irreconcilable  spirits  of  national  self-determination  and 
"  spoils  to  the  victors."  Nor  is  there  any  valid  grotind,  if 
other  countries  are  to  be  allowed  to  possess  colonial  em- 
pires, why  a  Germany  readmitted  to  equality  of  status 
should  be  denied  that  right.  In  Europe  it  is  arguable  that 
the  frontiers  created  in  1919  and  1920  did  far  less  violence 
to  the  principle  of  national  self-determination  than  the 
frontiers  which  existed  in  1914  ;  but  the  degree  of  violence 
which  they  do  to  this  principle  to-day  is  a  sign  not  only 
that  the  principle  of  national  self-determination  was  not 
carried  out  so  completely  as  it  might  have  been,  but  also 
that  in  face  of  the  intermingling  of  European  populations 
and  the  interpenetration  of  national  groups,  it  is  impossible 
to  make  any  satisfactory  settlement  of  European  frontiers 
that  will  not  hopelessly  violate  at  many  points  the  nation- 
alist principle,  even  if  no  account  is  taken  of  the  highly 
important  factor  of  preserving  the  unity  of  coherent 
economic  areas. 

In  effect,  nationalism  as  a  basis  for  the  territorial  organi- 
sation of  Europe  is  bound  to  break  down  if  and  as  long  as 
the  attempt  is  made  to  carry  it  into  effect  on  the  principle 
of  the  absolute  independence  and  sovereignty  of  each 
national  State.  Each  national  minority  is  acutely  conscious 
of  its  grievance,  not  only  because  it  is  often  persecuted  by 
the  representatives  of  the  national  majority  which  dom- 
inates the  State  in  which  it  is  included,  but  also  because 


it  resents  being  shut  up  absolutely  and  finally  within  the 
frontiers  of  a  national  State  regarded  as  finally  self-govern- 
ing and  sovereign  in  all  respects.  The  grievances  of  national 
minorities  are  greatly  aggravated  in  many  areas  by  delib- 
erate persecution  ;  but  they  will  exist  even  in  the  absence 
of  persecution  as  long  as  States  are  regarded  not  merely  as 
convenient  territorial  divisions  of  the  European  Continent, 
but  as  absolute  national  entities  with  full  rights  of  disposal 
over  the  lives  and  means  of  existence  of  all  their  citizens, 
with  regard  only  to  their  own  interests  and  with  no  regard 
at  all  to  the  claims  of  a  wider  pan-European  or  world  unity. 
The  multiplication  of  independent  sovereign  States,  which 
the  attempt  to  establish  the  principle  of  national  self- 
determination  in  Europe  involved,  has  in  effect  brought 
with  it  problems  insoluble  within  the  limited  conditions  of 
State  sovereignty — problems  which  can  be  solved  only  by 
the  universal  admission  that  States  have  only  limited  rights 
in  relation  to  their  subjects,  and  must  admit  the  claims  of 
some  authority  transcending  merely  national  boundaries. 

This  great  issue  of  nationalism  and  internationalism, 
which  will  have  to  be  discussed  more  fully  in  a  subsequent 
section,  is  inevitably  raised  here  because  it  is  closely  in- 
volved with  the  whole  question  of  disarmament.  The  French 
demand  for  security  is  by  no  means  unreasonable  or  to  be 
rejected  out  of  hand,  however  much  the  methods  by  which 
the  French  propose  to  realise  security  may  be  rejected  as 
impracticable.  Nations  will  not  disarm,  though  they  may 
agree  within  narrow  limits  to  restrict  their  armaments  or 
their  armaments  expenditure  on  an  agreed  basis,  as  long  as 
they  continue  to  be  nations  in  the  sense  of  claiming  com- 
plete national  sovereignty.  For  the  whole  idea  of  absolute 
sovereignty  involves  in  the  last  resort  the  right  to  do  any- 
thing which  may  be  held  to  serve  the  interests  of  the  nation 
regarded  as  an  ultimate  unit,  irrespective  of  the  conse- 
quences which  the  doing  of  it  may  have  for  the  rest  of  the 
world.  This  right  includes  necessarily  and  inevitably  the 
right  to  make  war  in  the  national  interest.  For,  as  long  as 
nations  continue  to  exist  as  nations  in  the  sense  just  given 


to  the  term,  there  will  continue  to  be  causes  of  war  between 
them,  if  only  because  there  will  be  territories  to  which  more 
than  one  nation  considers  that  it  possesses  an  indefeasible 
national  right.  Under  these  conditions  no  territorial  settle- 
ment can  ever  be  permanent,  and  no  security  of  peace  can 
ever  exist.  But  where  there  is  no  security  there  cannot  be 
any  real  measure  of  disarmament ;  for  the  sense  of  insecurity 
will  lead  inevitably  to  the  endeavour  of  each  nation,  save 
those  few  small  countries  which  see  their  best  protection 
in  being  completely  defenceless,  to  make  itself  strong  enough 
to  ensure  its  own  safety.  In  fact,  no  nation  ever  is  or  can 
be  strong  enough  to  achieve  this  object  ;  for,  even  if  it 
is  stronger  than  its  immediate  neighbours  or  than  any  other 
single  Power,  it  can  never  be  strong  enough  to  be  sure  of 
resisting  successfully  any  combination  of  Powers  that  may 
be  formed  against  it. 

There  is  accordingly  no  limit  to  the  quantity  of  arma- 
ments that  a  country  may  hold  itself  to  require  as  the 
necessary  minimum  for  its  own  defence.  For  no  nation  can 
tell  against  how  many  other  Powers  or  with  what  allies  it 
may  be  called  upon  to  defend  itself.  Under  these  conditions, 
even  if  limitations  of  armaments  are  agreed  upon  inter- 
nationally, nations  will  inevitably  tend  not  only  to  create 
armaments  right  up  to  the  permitted  limits,  but  also  to 
evade  the  spirit  of  the  limitations  by  devising  new  and  more 
powerful  means  of  warfare  within  the  letter  of  their  engage- 
ments. There  will  be  a  qualitative  if  not  a  quantitative  race 
in  armaments  ;  and  in  these  days  of  invention  the  qualita- 
tive factor  is  coming  to  count  for  more  and  more.  It  may 
be  worth  while  to  hold  disarmament  conferences  in  the 
hope  of  achieving  at  least  some  limitation,  and  of  checking 
from  time  to  time  the  armaments  race,  much  as  the  World 
Economic  Conference  of  1927  did  check  for  a  time  the 
upward  movement  of  European  tariffs.  But  it  is  out  of  the 
question  to  expect  much  more  than  this,  save  as  a  result  of 
a  far-reaching  change  in  the  en  tire  structure  of  the  European 
State  system.  For  this  there  is  no  sign  that  either  states- 
men or  peoples  are  as  yet  prepared. 


For  it  is  difficult  indeed  for  those  who  have  grown  up  in 
the  tradition  of  national  sovereignty  to  think  in  any 
different  terms,  and  the  whole  idea  of  sovereignty  is  so 
deeply  embedded  in  the  political  ideas  of  the  modern  world, 
and  in  its  economic  as  well  as  its  political  relationships,  that 
it  will  hardly  be  driven  out  save  as  the  result  of  some  sharp 
and  desperate  shock  to  the  existing  structure  of  European 
society.  Nor  should  it  be  forgotten  that  this  idea  of  State 
sovereignty,  inconsistent  as  it  is  with  the  conception  of  any 
real  League  of  Nations  as  an  organ  of  effective  international 
co-operation,  is  deeply  embedded  in  the  Covenant  of  the 
present  League,  which  has  been  based  throughout  on  the 
attempt  to  bring  together  sovereign  States,  and  not  at  all 
designed  to  break  down  national  sovereignty  in  the  interests 
of  a  wider  conception  of  world,  or  even  of  European,  unity. 
The  League  of  Nations  is  in  fact  a  League  of  Governments, 
each  of  which  regards  itself  as  representing  an  altogether 
independent  and  self-determined  sovereign  State  ;  and  no 
Government  feels  itself  entitled,  or  is  prepared,  to  give  away 
anything  that  might  result  in  an  abrogation  of  any  part  of 
its  sovereignty.  Hence  the  unanimity  rule,  by  which  many 
of  the  most  important  functions  of  the  League  are  con- 
ditioned. For,  as  Lord  Cecil  said  in  the  course  of  the  original 
discussions  at  which  the  form  of  the  League  Covenant  was 
decided,  "  all  international  decisions  must  of  their  nature 
be  unanimous,"  a  sharp  and  unequivocal  proclamation  of 
the  doctrine  of  national  sovereignty,  and  at  the  same  time  a 
plain  declaration  that  the  new  House  of  Nations  at  Geneva 
was  being  built  upon  the  sand. 


THE  LEAGUE  OF  NATIONS  formed  at  the  conclusion  of 
the  Great  War  and  as  a  part  of  the  Peace  settlement  consisted 
at  the  end  of  1932  of  fifty-seven  member  States.  Of  these, 
twenty-seven,  or  rather  less  than  half,  were  in  Europe, 
and  eighteen  in  America.  The  total  included,  besides  Great 


Britain,  the  great  self-governing  Dominions — Canada, 
Australia,  New  Zealand,  South  Africa,  and  Ireland,  and  also 
British  India  ;  so  that  the  British  Empire  collectively,  if  it 
chooses  to  act  together,  is  able  to  exert  a  considerable  voting, 
influence  within  the  League.  The  most  notable  absentees 
from  the  League  are  the  United  States  and  the  U.S.S.R., 
and  next  after  these  Egypt  and  Brazil.  Brazil,  which 
was  at  one  time  in  the  League,  resigned  some  years  ago 
without  at  the  same  time  relinquishing  her  membership 
of  the  International  Labour  Organisation.  Otherwise  the 
membership  of  the  two  bodies  is  the  same ;  but,  in  both  cases, 
States  not  members,  and  especially  the  United  States,  are 
often  asked  to  send  delegates  or  observers  to  particular 
conferences.  The  European  countries  included  in  the 
League  range  from  the  Great  Powers  to  Albania  and  Luxem- 
bourg ;  but  certain  tiny  independent  States,  such  as  Monaco, 
San  Marino,  and  Liechtenstein,  are  outside  the  League. 
Most  of  the  South  American  States,  with  the  exception  of 
Brazil,  belong  ;  but  Costa  Rica  and  Ecuador  are  two  further 
exceptions.  Japan,  which  had  been  in  the  League  from  the 
outset,  gave  notice  of  withdrawal  in  1933  as  a  result  of  the 
League's  action  over  the  Manchurian  dispute  ;  but,  of 
the  other  Asiatic  Powers,  China,  Persia,  and  Siam,  as 
well  as  India,  are  inside  the  League,  while  Afghanistan, 
Arabia,  Nepal,  and  Manchukuo  are  non-members.  Thus, 
with  the  important  exceptions  of  the  United  States,  Japan 
and  the  U.S.S.R.,  the  League  can  be  regarded  as  fully 
representing  the  countries  which  play  a  leading  part  in 
the  world's  international  affairs. 

It  was  of  course  intended,  when  the  League  was  first 
created,  that  the  United  States  should  be  a  member  of  it. 
Indeed,  the  whole  idea  of  the  League  largely  came  from 
President  Wilson,  who  took  a  larger  part  than  any  other 
man  in  pressing  the  idea  on  the  Great  Powers  at  the  con- 
clusion of  the  war,  and  in  formulating  the  principles  under- 
lying the  Covenant.  But  President  Wilson  found  it  beyond 
his  strength  to  induce  the  politicians  of  his  own  country  or 
American  public  opinion  to  accept  the  commitments  which 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  751 

they  conceived  to  be  involved  in  membership  of  a  League 
inevitably  centred  upon  Europe  and  involved  in  the  tangled 
mutual  relationships  of  the  European  States.  Nor  did  a 
clause  specially  inserted  in  the  Covenant  to  affirm  the 
continued  validity  of  the  Monroe  Doctrine  reconcile  Ameri- 
can opinion  to  the  possibility  of  League  interference 
between  the  United  States  and  its  smaller  neighbours  in 
Central  and  South  America.  The  United  States  stood  aloof; 
and  this  by  itself  sufficed  to  make  the  League  much  less 
than  a  representative  international  organisation  for  the 
world  as  a  whole,  and  greatly  to  increase  its  concentration 
upon  European  affairs.  For,  with  the  United  States  outside, 
the  remaining  Great  Powers  associated  with  it,  with  the 
exception  of  Japan,  were  all  European  Powers  ;  and  in- 
evitably the  League  was  from  the  outset  largely  concerned 
with  complications  arising  out  of  the  peace  settlement  of 
1919  and  with  relationships  along  the  new  frontiers  con- 
stituted in  Europe  under  the  Treaties  of  Peace. 

The  exclusion  of  the  U.S.S.R.  is  no  less  important  than 
that  of  the  United  States.  At  the  time  when  the  League  was 
formed  the  Soviet  Union  was  still  widely  regarded  as  certain 
to  disappear  in  the  near  future,  and  civil  war  was  still  in 
progress  on  all  the  Russian  frontiers.  Statesmen  in  capitalist 
countries  were  entirely  unwilling  to  recognise  that  the 
victory  of  Communism  in  Russia  could  be  permanent,  or 
that  a  country  basing  both  its  internal  and  its  external 
relations  on  principles  so  widely  different  from  their  own 
might  have  to  be  accepted  into  the  comity  of  nations.  They 
hoped  for,  and  were  actively  engaged  in  fostering,  the 
victory  of  the  counter-revolutionary  forces  upon  Russian 
soil ;  and  the  admission  of  Russia  to  the  League  was  re- 
garded as  no  more  than  deferred  pending  the  establishment 
of  a  settled  and  acceptable  form  of  government  over  her 
vast  territories.  Nor  were  the  Russians  in  1919  in  a  mood 
that  would  have  made  easy  their  acceptance  of  the  obliga- 
tions involved  in  League  membership.  For,  while  capitalist 
opinion  was  still  looking  forward  confidently  to  the  over- 
throw of  Communism  in  Russia,  the  Russian  Communists 



were  still  hoping  for  a  rapid  victory  of  the  revolutionary 
forces  all  over  Europe,  and  regarded  their  own  revolution 
as  only  the  first  instalment  of  a  world  revolution  which  was 
due  speedily  to  arrive.  In  these  circumstances  their  desire 
and  aspiration  were,  not  to  ensure  the  maintenance  of  the 
status  quo,  but  to  forward  as  rapidly  as  possible  the  triumph 
of  the  world  revolution  ;  and  for  this  reason  the  League  and 
Russia  were  not  merely  incompatibles,  but  from  the  first 
antagonistic,  in  that  the  Allied  Powers  inside  the  League 
were  in  their  several  ways  actively  forwarding  the  cause 
of  the  various  counter-revolutionary  generals  who  were 
overrunning  one  part  or  another  of  Russian  territory. 

The  situation  has  changed  since  then,  and  the  Soviet 
Government  in  Russia  is  now  recognised  de  jure  or  de  facto 
by  a  considerable  number  of  Powers,  though  this  recogni- 
tion remains  precarious,  and  the  deeply  rooted  hostility  of 
the  capitalist  States  towards  Russia  retains  undiminished 
force.  But  the  recognition  of  the  Soviet  Government  by 
one  after  another  of  the  capitalist  Powers  has  not  made 
the  way  plain  for  the  entry  of  Russia  into  the  League, 
though  Soviet  representatives  have  participated  in  a 
number  of  the  special  conferences  held  under  its  auspices, 
including  both  the  World  Economic  Conferences  of  192  7  and 
1933  and  the  Disarmament  Conference.  Russian  states- 
men no  longer  hope  for  the  speedy  triumph  of  the  revolution 
all  over  Europe  ;  and  they  have  largely  modified,  as  the 
indispensable  condition  of  being  let  alone  to  pursue  their 
own  economic  development,  their  attempts  to  stimulate 
revolutionary  movements  in  other  countries.  But  they  have 
not  in  the  smallest  degree  abandoned  their  hopes,  or 
reconciled  themselves  to  the  maintenance  of  the  status  quo. 
World  revolution  remains  in  their  view,  now  as  much  as  in 
1919,  the  only  solution  of  the  world's  economic  and  political 
problems.  The  Russians  have,  however,  shown  themselves 
willing  to  recognise  that  this  end  cannot  be  gained  by  the 
maintenance  of  unfriendly  relations  with  their  capitalist 
neighbours,  or  by  any  attempt  to  impose  their  revolutionary 
ideas  by  force.  They  have  accordingly  been  fully  prepared  to 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  753 

work  for  the  maintenance  of  world  peace,  and  to  conclude, 
with  any  country  that  is  willing,  non-aggression  pacts 
based  on  the  renunciation  of  all  attempts  to  overturn 
Governments  or  make  territorial  changes  by  armed  force. 
By  July  1933  Pacts  of  Non-Aggression,  usually  amplified 
by  further  pacts  so  defining  the  aggressor  as  to  exclude  all 
forms  of  military  action,  had  been  signed  by  the  U.S.S.R. 
with  nearly  all  the  border  States,  including  the  Little 
Entente,  Poland,  most  of  the  Baltic  States  and  Turkey. 
They  have  perforce  reconciled  themselves  to  a  far  slower 
pace  than  they  once  hoped  for  in  the  development  of  the 
world  revolution  ;  but  to  defer  hope  is  not  to  abandon  it, 
and  the  gulf  between  Russia  and  the  capitalist  States  of 
the  world  remains  as  impassable  as  before  in  terms  of 
ultimate  ideals,  if  not  of  immediate  policy. 

The  absence  of  Russia  from  the  League  has  had  serious 
consequences  on  its  claim  to  speak  with  a  voice  representa- 
tive of  world  opinion  ;  for  there  has  been  a  constant  danger 
that  the  European  Powers  included  in  the  League  might 
attempt  to  use  it  as  an  instrument  not  merely  for  the 
preservation  of  the  status  quo  in  their  own  countries,  that  is 
to  say,  as  a  guarantee  against  revolution  at  home,  but  also 
positively  against  Russia.  At  one  time  the  French  especially 
were  full  of  the  idea  of  a  sanitary  cordon,  to  be  drawn  across 
Eastern  Europe,  shutting  off  the  territory  of  the  Soviet 
Union  from  those  of  the  Powers  west  of  the  dividing  line. 
Of  late  this  idea  has  fallen  into  the  background  ;  but  even 
to-day,  when  plans  are  put  forward  for  a  European  Union 
such  as  Briand  advocated,  there  is  a  constant  danger  that 
the  union  may  be  less  a  means  for  the  preservation  of  world 
peace  than  a  league  of  capitalist  States  directed  against 
Socialist  Russia. 

The  participation  of  the  States  of  Central  and  South 
America  in  the  League  was  largely  an  assertion  on  their 
part  of  their  independence  in  foreign  politics  of  the  United 
States.  But  in  practice  the  League  has  not  dealt  either  very 
much  or  very  effectively  with  American  affairs.  The 
United  States,  as  we  have  seen,  secured  in  the  League 


Covenant  a  recognition  of  the  continued  validity  of  the 
Monroe  Doctrine  ;  and  in  pursuance  of  this  policy  the 
Americans  have  remained  suspicious  of  League  interven- 
tion in  American  affairs,  and  the  European  Powers  which 
have  dominated  League  policy  have  seen  the  need  for 
walking  warily  where  America  is  concerned.  Thus  League 
intervention  has  been  largely  ineffective  in  checking  the 
outbreak  of  little  wars  on  the  South  American  Continent, 
even  when  the  attempt  has  been  made  to  join  forces  with  the 
United  States  for  their  prevention. 

Nor  has  the  League  been  happier  in  its  dealings  with  the 
affairs  of  the  Far  East.  In  this  case,  indeed,  the  great  Euro- 
pean Powers  are  all  far  more  closely  concerned  than  they 
are  with  what  happens  over  the  greater  part  of  South 
America.  But  the  League  countries  cannot  move  in  the  Far 
East  without  the  full  participation  of  the  United  States, 
which  is  quite  as  deeply  concerned  as  any  of  them — indeed 
far  more  deeply  concerned  than  any  other  country  save 
Great  Britain.  Moreover,  Japan,  though  she  has  been  up  to 
1933  a  member  of  the  League,  has  been  determined 
throughout  in  the  last  resort  to  have  her  own  way  in  Far 
Eastern  affairs,  and  by  no  means  to  accept  European  dicta- 
tion in  her  dealings  with  China.  The  attempt  of  the 
League,  tardy  and  hesitant  as  it  was,  to  interfere  in  the 
Manchurian  dispute  of  1932—33  only  served  to  drive  Japan 
into  open  revolt  against  the  public  opinion  of  Europe  as 
expressed  in  the  League  declarations,  to  the  extent  of  ac- 
tually severing  her  membership.  It  is,  indeed,  more  than 
probable  that  if  the  European  Powers  had  acted  more 
promptly  and  decisively  than  they  did  in  the  case  of 
Manchuria,  so  as  to  make  their  joint  influence  and  deter- 
mination felt  before  Japan  had  taken  the  step  of  recog- 
nising the  so-called  independent  State  of  Manchukuo, 
their  action  might  have  been  far  more  effective  ;  for  Japan 
was  at  that  time  far  more  open  to  influence  than  she  is 
to-day,  now  that  the  weakness  of  League  action  has  been 
plainly  shown. 

The  real  truth  is  that  the  Western  Powers  were  not 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  755 

prepared  to  act  unitedly  on  behalf  of  China  against  Japan- 
ese aggression,  however  clearly  the  Japanese  action  violated 
the  principles  laid  down  in  the  Covenant  of  the  League. 
Some  of  the  European  statesmen  more  than  half  sym- 
pathised with  Japan  ;  while  others,  who  took  what  is 
called  the  "  League  view,"  were  unprepared  to  involve 
their  countries  in  the  risk  of  open  conflict  with  the  Japan- 
ese, especially  as  they  felt  no  assurance  that  their  League 
partners  would  act  solidly  with  them.  Consequently,  Japan 
was  allowed  to  flout  the  League  in  the  Far  East ;  and  the 
demonstration  of  weakness  thus  given  to  the  whole  world 
not  only  undermined  its  influence  in  Japan  and  in  Asia 
generally,  but  also  went  far  to  undo  such  authority  as  it  had 
managed  to  build  up  for  itself  even  in  Europe. 

Despite  the  fact  that  nearly  half  the  member  States  of 
the  League  are  situated  outside  Europe,  the  League  is 
predominantly  a  European  affair,  and  concerns  itself  pre- 
dominantly with  European  relationships.  It  is  in  fact  to 
a  great  extent  a  loose  association  of  the  Great  Powers  of 
Western  Europe  to  which  the  smaller  Powers  of  Central, 
Southern,  and  Eastern  Europe  are  admitted  upon  a  footing 
in  which  inferiority  and  equality  are  curiously  blended.  In 
one  sense  all  the  League  Powers  are  formally  equal,  since 
they  have  all  an  equal  voice  in  the  League  Assembly,  which 
is  the  body  wielding  in  theory  the  ultimate  control.  But 
real  power  in  the  League  resides  far  more  in  the  Council 
than  in  the  Assembly,  and  upon  the  Council  there  is  a  sharp 
differentiation  between  the  greater  and  the  smaller  Powers. 
In  the  original  Constitution  of  the  League,  provision  was 
made  for  the  five  Great  Powers  which  were  then  expected 
to  be  included  in  it  to  have  direct  representation  upon  the 
Council.  These  were  the  United  States,  the  British  Empire, 
France,  Italy,  and  Japan.  All  the  other  States  together  were 
to  have  only  four  representatives  upon  the  Council, 
selected  by  the  Assembly  from  time  to  time  at  its  discretion. 
In  the  first  instance  the  four  representatives  from  the 
smaller  Powers  were  selected  from  Belgium,  Brazil,  Greece, 
and  Spain  ;  and  in  view  of  the  withdrawal  of  the  United 


States,  this  meant  that  the  League  Council  had  from  the 
first  an  overwhelmingly  European  composition. 

Since  its  original  constitution  the  personnel  of  the  League 
Council  has  been  substantially  modified.  First,  in  1922,  the 
number  of  members  to  be  selected  by  the  Assembly  from 
the  Powers  to  which  direct  representation  was  not  given 
was  raised  from  four  to  six,  and  later,  in  1926,  this  repre- 
sentation was  raised  again  from  six  to  nine,  and  at  the  same 
time  Germany  was  nominated  a  permanent  member  of 
the  Council.  In  theory  the  election  of  Council  members  by 
the  Assembly  to  the  seats  not  reserved  for  the  principal 
Powers  is  an  entirely  open  matter  ;  but  in  practice  an  un- 
written rule  seems  to  have  grown  up.  Since  Canada  secured 
a  seat  on  the  Council  in  1927  one  seat  has  been  in  practice 
reserved  for  the  British  Dominions,  the  Irish  Free  State 
having  taken  Canada's  place  in  the  election  of  1930.  Three 
seats  have  been  given  to  Latin  America.  Spain  and  Poland, 
despite  the  original  understanding  that  there  should  be 
rotation  among  the  States  not  granted  permanent  member- 
ship, have  been  continuously  represented,  while  the  re- 
maining three  seats  have  been  scrambled  for  by  the  other 
European  countries  and  the  Asiatic  States  other  than 
Japan.  This  has  meant  in  practice  that  the  representatives 
of  the  small  countries  have  stood  little  chance  of  securing 
election  unless  they  have  been  able  to  build  up  a  kind  of 
electoral  bloc  by  some  form  of  agreement  to  support  one 
another's  candidates  at  successive  elections.  With  the 
exception  of  Germany  the  States  defeated  in  the  late  war 
have  stood  virtually  no  chance  of  securing  representation. 

Some  sort  of  inequality  was  of  course  inevitable  if  the 
League  was  to  be  made  to  work  at  all  ;  for  the  Great 
Powers  would  certainly  never  have  accepted  a  League  in 
which  their  rights  were  to  be  no  greater  than  those  of,  say, 
Albania  or  Siam  or  Luxembourg.  They  were  bound  to  insist 
on  some  form  of  inequality,  despite  the  theoretical  prin- 
ciple of  the  absolute  independence  of  sovereign  States  on 
which  the  League  has  been  built  up.  But  in  reality  the 
element  of  inequality  in  the  League  has  been  far  greater 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  757^ 

than  the  representation  on  the  Council  shows.  The  Great 
Powers  are  in  a  minority  on  the  Council,  and  in  theory  the 
small  Powers  might  combine  so  as  to  out-vote  them  on  the 
Council  as  well  as  in  the  Assembly.  But  what  happens  in 
fact  is  that  the  decisions  of  the  League  are  very  often  taken 
as  a  result,  not  mainly  of  discussions  in  the  Council,  but  of 
private  consultations  held  among  the  Great  Powers,  and 
apart  from  the  recognised  machinery  of  the  League.  Again 
and  again,  when  some  important  issue  has  come  up,  the 
Great  Powers  have  first  met  and  endeavoured  to  decide 
what  their  attitude  was  to  be,  and  have  then  gone  to  the 
League  and  secured  the  acceptance  of  the  policy  upon  which 
they  had  already  reached  agreement. 

This,  too,  is  impossible  to  avoid  in  the  present  state  of  the 
world's  international  relations.  For,  as  long  as  force  poten- 
tially counts  in  international  affairs,  the  last  word  is  bound 
to  be  with  the  Great  Powers,  which  alone  are  in  a  position 
to  employ  force  in  matters  of  primary  importance.  It  would 
be  of  no  use  for  the  smaller  League  countries  to  out- vote  the 
Great  Powers  on  any  issue  on  which  the  Great  Powers  were 
able  to  agree  ;  for  they  would  have  no  means  of  making  their 
vote  effective,  and  if  they  persisted  in  their  attitude  the 
only  possible  result  would  be  to  destroy  the  League  alto- 
gether, and  therewith  remove  such  protection  as  it  docs 
give  to  their  frontiers  and  such  guarantees  as  it  provides 
against  their  being  the  victims  of  aggressive  war.  Accord- 
ingly, though  the  smaller  countries  often  grumble  at  the 
attitude  assumed  by  the  Great  Powers,  in  the  last  resort 
they  have  to  take  what  the  Great  Powers  please  to  give 
them,  and  the  League  inevitably  becomes  more  a  piece  of 
machinery  for  registering  the  decisions  of  the  Great  Powers 
associated  with  it  than  a  real  organ  of  world-wide  inter- 
national collaboration.  This  is  not  the  fault  of  the  individuals 
who  dominate  the  Council,  though  it  doubtless  expresses 
pretty  accurately  the  point  of  view  of  those  of  them  who 
sit  there  as  representatives  of  the  larger  countries.  It  is  not 
primarily  anyone's  fault ;  it  is  simply  the  outcome  of  the 
existing  condition  of  international  politics  and  of  the 


continued  acceptance  of  State  sovereignty  as  a  basis  for 
the  government  of  the  world's  affairs. 

It  is  even  misleading  to  think  of  the  League  as  pre- 
dominantly a  federation  formed  to  bring  together  the 
nations  of  the  world  with  a  view  to  co-operative  action  in 
the  interests  of  the  world  as  a  whole.  It  was  not  created 
primarily  as  an  organ  of  world  government  even  in  the 
most  rudimentary  sense,  but,  as  the  terms  of  the  Covenant 
and  the  discussions  which  accompanied  its  formation  alike 
make  sufficiently  clear,  as  an  instrument  for  the  prevention 
of  war,  and  the  peaceful  settlement  of  disputes  between 
nation  and  nation.  These  functions  are  primarily  arbitral 
and  judicial,  and  only  to  a  quite  minor  extent  those  of 
positive  collaboration  in  constructive  tasks.  The  League  has 
indeed  developed  through  its  economic  and  financial 
organisation  some  activities  making  in  the  direction  of 
a  more  constructive  form  of  collaboration.  But  these  are 
still  in  a  very  rudimentary  stage  ;  and  even  the  influence 
which  the  League  exerted  in  persuading  the  countries  of 
Europe  to  return  to  the  gold  standard  after  the  war  could 
only  take  the  form  of  a  gentle  suasion  made  effective  far 
more  by  the  action  and  attitude  of  the  great  Central 
Banks  than  through  the  instrumentality  of  the  League 
itself.  The  League's  economic  activities  are  still  largely 
statistical  and  informative ;  and  the  World  Economic  Con- 
ferences  of  1927  and  1933  have  demonstrated  the  difficulty 
of  translating  into  positive  action  even  those  recommenda- 
tions upon  which  the  representatives  of  all  the  assembled 
countries  are  able  to  agree.  The  I.L.O.  has  gone  somewhat 
further  in  a  constructive  direction ;  but  its  achievements  and 
shortcomings  can  be  more  conveniently  discussed  in  a 
later  section. 

Positive  collaboration  in  dealing  with  world  problems 
through  the  League  has  gone  furthest  in  the  fields  most 
remote  from  the  major  issues  of  politics  and  economics. 
It  is  in  the  sphere  of  public  health,  of  the  suppression  of  the 
traffic  in  drugs,  and  of  the  White  Slave  Traffic,  in  the 
improvement  through  suasion  of  the  standards  of  hygiene 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  759 

and  public  morals  in  the  more  backward  countries,  that  the 
League  has  so  far  done  its  least  spectacular  but  most 
efficient  work.  But  the  success  achieved  in  these  fields  is 
the  result  of  the  ability  to  handle  such  matters  without 
raising  large  political  complications,  or  stirring  up  vested 
economic  interests  too  strong  to  be  interfered  with  without 
provoking  political  reactions.  In  these  fields  the  League  is 
undoubtedly  useful  and  doing  excellent  work  ;  but  however 
important  what  it  has  done  in  these  respects  may  be  in 
itself,  clearly  it  is  but  secondary  in  relation  to  the  main 
objects  which  all  believers  in  any  real  form  of  inter- 
nationalism have  at  heart. 

The  League  Covenant.  The  fundamental  weakness  of 
the  League  of  Nations,  as  it  exists  at  present,  is  that  it  is 
based  upon  a  full  recognition  of  the  absolute  independence 
and  sovereignty  of  the  States  composing  it,  or  at  any  rate  of 
the  Great  Powers  which  in  practice  dominate  its  activities. 
Or  perhaps  it  would  be  truer  to  say  that  this  is  not  so  much 
the  weakness  of  the  League  as  a  fatal  defect  in  the  existing 
system  of  international  relationships — a  defect  from  which 
no  international  body  constructed  within  the  prevailing 
system  of  ideas  about  the  rights  of  nations  can  possibly 
escape.  It  would  be  unfair  to  blame  the  League  for  embody- 
ing the  principles  of  national  sovereignty  and  independence 
as  long  as  these  principles  continue  to  be  firmly  insisted 
upon  by  the  States  which  make  it  up.  But  it  would  also  be 
mere  self-delusion  to  imagine  that  the  League  can  become 
an  effective  instrument  of  positive  international  collabora- 
tion as  long  as  these  principles  of  autarchy  remain  intact. 

That  the  League  is  based  firmly  on  the  idea  of  State 
sovereignty  appears  again  and  again  through  the  successive 
clauses  of  the  Covenant  in  the  stress  laid  on  the  unanimity 
rule.  There  is,  indeed,  some  departure  from  this  rule,  but 
only  at  the  expense  of  the  smaller  States.  As  far  as  the 
Great  Powers  are  concerned  it  is  insisted  upon  throughout  as 
the  very  basis  of  the  Covenant  save  in  mere  matters  of 
procedure,  in  relation  to  which  any  organisation  that  is  to 


work  at  all  must  have  some  power  of  determining  its  action 
by  a  majority  vote.  Thus  Article  5  lays  down  that,  except 
where  it  is  otherwise  expressly  provided,  "  decisions  at  any 
meeting  of  the  Assembly  or  of  the  Council  shall  require  the 
agreement  of  all  the  members  of  the  League  represented  at 
the  meeting."  This  clause  plainly  proclaims  at  the  outset 
the  doctrine  of  State  sovereignty,  subject  only  to  such 
modifications  as  are  introduced  by  the  terms  of  the 
Covenant  itself. 

What,  then,  are  these  modifications  ?  We  need  not  con- 
cern ourselves  with  those  which  deal  purely  with  matters  of 
procedure,  but  only  with  those  which  may  involve  import- 
ant issues  of  international  policy.  The  most  important  of 
these  are  embodied  in  Article  15,  which  deals  with  the 
action  to  be  taken  by  the  League  in  handling  any  disputes 
which  are  not  actually  submitted  for  arbitration  or  judicial 
settlement  to  the  Permanent  Court  of  Justice  or  to  some 
specially  constituted  tribunal.  Under  Article  15  the  mem- 
bers of  the  League  undertake  to  submit  any  disputes  not 
so  referred  to  consideration  by  the  League  Council,  and  it 
is  open  to  any  member  of  the  League  to  bring  a  dispute  to 
the  notice  of  the  Council  and  to  insist  on  investigation  by 
the  Council.  When  a  dispute  is  thus  submitted,  the  first 
duty  of  the  Council  is  to  endeavour  to  effect  an  amicable 
settlement  ;  but  if  this  cannot  be  done  the  Council  must  take 
action  in  the  form  of  making  a  report,  not  only  reviewing  the 
facts  of  the  dispute,  but  also  making  recommendations  for 
its  adjustment.  This  report  can  be  made  by  the  Council 
either  unanimously  or  by  a  majority  vote  ;  but  unless  the 
report  is  made  unanimously  by  all  the  members  of  the 
Council,  except  those  who  represent  actual  parties  to 
the  dispute,  no  obligation  rests  upon  the  members  of  the 
League  to  carry  out  the  recommendations  embodied  in 
the  report.  They  are  left  free  under  the  Covenant  to  do 
precisely  what  they  like,  with  only  the  academic  recom- 
mendation that  their  actions  must  be  taken  in  such  a  way 
as  to  further  "  in  their  own  opinion  the  maintenance  of 
right  and  justice."  If,  however,  the  Council  is  able  to  make 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  761 

a  unanimous  report,  or  one  in  which  all  the  member/ 
other  than  those  who  represent  States  directly  parties  to 
the  dispute  are  prepared  to  concur,  a  definite  obligation 
is  imposed  upon  all  member  States  ;  for  all  the  members 
agree  under  the  Covenant  that  in  these  circumstances  of 
unanimity  "  they  will  not  go  to  war  with  any  party  to  the 
dispute  which  complies  with  the  recommendations  of  the 
report."  Observe  that  even  in  these  circumstances  they 
are  not  committed,  under  Article  15,  to  take  any  action 
against  the  State  which  fails  to  comply  with  the  recom- 
mendations of  the  League,  but  only  to  refrain  from  hostile 
action  against  the  State  which  does  carry  out  the  League's 

The  Council  may,  however,  instead  of  taking  the  respon- 
sibility itself,  refer  any  dispute  with  which  it  is  called  upon 
to  deal  to  the  Assembly  of  the  League,  upon  which  all 
States  are  represented  and  all  have  alike  one  vote,  irre- 
spective of  their  size  and  importance.  If  such  a  reference 
to  the  Assembly  is  made,  the  power  to  issue  a  report  and 
to  make  recommendations  for  the  settlement  of  the  dispute 
is  thereby  transferred  from  the  Council  to  the  Assembly. 
In  this  case  the  unanimity  rule  is  not  insisted  on  ;  for  it 
would  clearly  be  out  of  the  question  to  rely  on  unanimity 
among  the  large  number  of  separate  nations  included  in 
the  League,  especially  as  one  or  another  of  them,  without 
being  directly  a  party  to  the  dispute  in  question,  would 
almost  certainly  be  in  such  close  relations  with  the  offending 
State  as  to  back  it  up  almost  automatically,  or  at  least  to 
abstain  from  voting  so  as  to  destroy  the  unanimity  required 
for  League  action  against  it.  A  curious  procedure  has 
therefore  been  worked  out  for  the  application  of  Article 
15  where  a  dispute  is  referred  by  the  Council  to  the  Assem- 
bly. The  Assembly  can  take  a  decision  in  such  a  case  by 
a  majority  vote  ;  and  the  decision  so  taken  can  become 
binding  upon  all  members  of  the  League,  but  only  on  one 
very  important  condition.  This  condition  is  that  the  repre- 
sentatives at  the  Assembly  of  all  those  States  which  have 
members  on  the  League  Council,  except  the  States  which 


Ure  directly  parties  to  the  dispute,  must  vote  unanimously 
in  favour  of  the  Assembly's  report  and  recommendations, 
and  there  must  be  also  a  clear  majority  of  the  other  mem- 
bers of  the  League.  Thus  each  great  State,  unless  it  is  itself 
a  party  to  the  particular  dispute  which  is  under  considera- 
tion, maintains  its  absolute  right  of  veto  upon  any  action 
which  it  is  proposed  to  take  under  Article  15. 

There  is  doubtless  some  invasion  of  the  principle  of  State 
sovereignty  in  the  fact  that  under  Article  15  a  State  which 
is  itself  a  party  to  a  dispute  can  be  overriden  by  the  verdict 
of  other  States,  even  if  it  is  one  of  the  Great  Powers  repre- 
sented on  the  Council.  But  this  is  as  far  as  the  Great  Powers 
have  been  prepared  to  go  in  limiting  their  absolute  sov- 
ereign rights  ;  and,  as  we  have  seen  recently  in  the  case  of 
the  Manchurian  dispute,  the  attempt  to  put  the  machinery 
of  Article  15  in  motion  against  a  Great  Power  has  merely 
caused  that  Power  to  give  notice  of  withdrawal  from  the 
League,  and  has  not  induced  the  remaining  Powers  to  take 
any  action  which  would  compel  the  recalcitrant  Great 
Power  to  observe  the  recommendations  embodied  in  the 
League's  report.  The  exception  in  these  circumstances  in 
effect  confirms  the  rule.  Even  the  small  invasion  of  the 
claims  of  absolute  State  sovereignty  embodied  in  Article  15 
is  hedged  round  with  so  many  restrictions  as  to  make  its 
operation  very  difficult  under  the  League's  rules  of  pro- 
cedure ;  and  if,  finally,  these  difficulties  are  overcome,  it 
remains  open  for  a  Great  Power  which  finds  its  sovereignty 
invaded  to  regain  all  its  rights  by  withdrawal  from  the 

It  is  true  that  Article  i  lays  down  that  a  State  may  only 
withdraw  from  the  League  after  giving  two  years'  notice  of 
its  intention,  and  subject  to  the  proviso  that  all  its  inter- 
national obligations  and  all  its  obligations  under  the 
Covenant  shall  have  been  fulfilled  at  the  time  of  its  with- 
drawal. But  what  are  the  obligations  of  a  State  under 
Article  15  ?  Article  15  does  not  say  that  any  State  is  com- 
pelled to  carry  out  the  terms  of  the  recommendations  issued 
by  the  Council  or  the  Assembly.  It  only  lays  down  that  the 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  763 

members  of  the  League  will  not  go  to  war  with  any  Stat<? 
which  does  comply  with  the  recommendations.  It  says 
nothing  about  their  going  to  war  with,  or  employing  any 
lesser  sanctions  against  a  State  which  does  not.  Therefore, 
as  far  as  Article  15  is  concerned,  it  is  perfectly  open  for 
Japan,  or  any  other  Power  which  may  find  itself  in  a 
similar  situation,  to  argue  that  in  refusing  to  accept  the 
recommendations  of  the  Council  or  the  Assembly  it  is  not 
in  any  way  violating  the  League  Covenant  or  impairing 
even  technically  its  right  to  resign  from  the  League  under 
the  terms  of  Article  i. 

This  question  of  sanctions  is  dealt  with  in  Article  16. 
The  governing  words  of  the  Article  are  those  with  which  it 
opens.  They  run  as  follows  :  "  Should  any  member  of  the 
League  resort  to  war  in  disregard  of  its  covenants  under 
Articles  12,  13,  or  15,  it  shall  ipso  facto  be  deemed  to  have 
committed  an  act  of  war  against  all  other  members  of  the 
League,  which  hereby  undertake  immediately  to  subject 
it  to  the  severance  of  all  trade  and  financial  relations,  and 
the  prohibition  of  all  intercourse  between  their  nationals 
and  the  nationals  of  the  Covenant-breaking  State,  and  the 
nationals  of  any  other  State,  whether  a  member  of  the 
League  or  not."  This  sounds  drastic  enough  in  all  consci- 
ence, since  it  envisages  the  complete  boycott  of  the  offend- 
ing State  not  only  to  the  extent  of  the  severance  of  rela- 
tions with  it  by  all  the  other  League  States  and  their 
nationals,  but  even  to  the  point  of  blockading  it  com- 
pletely against  all  intercourse  with  the  rest  of  the  world. 
But  under  what  conditions  can  these  drastic  obligations 
upon  the  League's  members  arise  ?  We  have  seen  already 
that  the  only  circumstances  in  which  they  can  arise  under 
Article  15  is  the  action  of  a  member  of  the  League  in  going 
to  war  with  a  party  to  the  dispute  which  complies  with  the 
recommendations  of  the  League's  report.  Doubtless  as  a 
matter  of  plain  common  sense  most  people  would  hold  that 
Japan  is  at  present  at  war  with  China.  But  the  Japanese 
firmly  maintain  that  this  is  not  the  case.  There  has  not 
been,  and  is  not  likely  to  be  in  the  circumstances,  any 


formal  declaration  of  war  :  there  are  merely  certain  opera- 
tions of  a  military  character,  designed  primarily  for  the 
suppression  of  brigandage,  and  any  act  involving  a  formal 
state  of  warfare  can  doubtless  be  carried  out  under  the 
convenient  auspices  of  the  new  State  of  Manchukuo,  which 
is  not  a  member  of  the  League.  The  art  of  wholesale  murder 
without  making  formal  war  thus  acquires  a  new  political 
significance  ;  and  as  there  is  no  authority  entrusted  with 
the  duty  of  deciding  what  does  constitute  making  war  and 
what  does  not,  the  Japanese,  or  any  other  State  similarly 
situated,  can  easily  put  up  at  least  a  technical  case  for 
urging  that  the  obligations  envisaged  under  Article  16 
cannot  be  invoked  in  consequence  of  anything  they  have 
done  to  violate  the  terms  of  Article  15.  Doubtless  if  the 
League  chose  to  declare  through  the  Council  or  the 
Assembly,  with  the  required  degree  of  unanimity,  that  the 
Japanese  were  engaged  in  making  war  on  China,  and  that 
China  had  complied  with  the  recommendations  of  the 
League,  the  obligations  envisaged  in  Article  1 6  would  then 
arise.  But  the  Council  is  not  under  any  compulsion  to  do 
this,  and  is  in  practice  most  unlikely  to  do  it  at  the  expense 
of  any  Great  Power. 

There  remains  to  be  considered  the  reference  in  the  words 
quoted  from  Article  16  to  disregard  of  covenants  under 
Articles  12  and  13.  Article  12  binds  the  members  of  the 
League,  if  any  dispute  likely  to  lead  to  a  rupture  arises 
between  them,  to  "  submit  the  matter  either  to  arbitration 
or  judicial  settlement  or  to  enquiry  by  the  Council  "  ;  and 
the  members  of  the  League  agree  "  in  no  case  to  resort  to 
war  until  three  months  after  the  award  by  the  arbitrators 
or  the  judicial  decision  or  the  report  by  the  Council." 
Here  again  the  sole  obligation  is  not  to  resort  to  war,  and 
there  is  still  no  definition  of  what  constitutes  a  resort  to 
war,  so  that  the  same  difficulty  arises  as  in  the  case  of 
Article  15.  Article  13  relates  only  to  disputes  which  the 
members  of  the  League  concerned  "  recognise  to  be  suit- 
able for  submission  to  arbitration  or  judicial  settlement  "  ; 
and  it  is  left  to  the  parties  themselves  to  determine  whether 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  765 

or  not  a  particular  dispute  does  come  within  this  definition, 
subject  only  to  the  proviso  that  "  disputes  as  to  the  inter- 
pretation of  the  Treaty,  as  to  any  question  of  international 
law,  as  to  the  existence  of  any  fact  which,  if  established 
would  constitute  a  breach  of  any  international  obligation, 
or  as  to  the  extent  and  nature  of  the  reparation  to  be  made 
for  any  such  breach,  are  declared  to  be  among  those  which 
are  generally  suitable  for  submission  to  arbitration  or 
judicial  settlement."  But  the  value  of  this  proviso  is  largely 
destroyed  by  the  word  "  generally,"  which  clearly  leaves  it 
open  to  any  State  to  declare  that  in  the  particular  dispute 
in  which  it  is  concerned  an  exception  should  be  made  to 
this  general  proviso,  even  if  the  circumstances  are  such 
as  to  bring  the  dispute  within  the  broad  terms  of  the 

Under  Article  13  the  members  of  the  League  agree  "  that 
they  will  carry  out  in  full  good  faith  any  award  or  decision 
that  may  be  rendered,  and  that  they  will  not  resort  to  war 
against  a  member  of  the  League  which  complies  there- 
with." But  this  obligation  refers  only  to  disputes  which 
they  have  themselves  agreed  in  advance  to  submit  to 
arbitration  or  judicial  decision  in  accordance  with  the 
terms  of  Article  13,  and  therefore  does  not  constitute  any 
invasion  of  their  independent  sovereignty,  or  impose  upon 
them  any  obligation  to  carry  out  the  decisions  of  the 
League  upon  any  question  which  they  do  not  regard  as 
suitable  for  arbitration  or  judicial  settlement. 

The  conclusion  to  be  drawn  from  this  somewhat  compli- 
cated review  of  the  most  vital  clauses  of  the  League 
Covenant  is  that  in  setting  up  the  League  of  Nations  the 
Powers  which  agreed  upon  the  draft  of  the  Covenant  most 
carefully  refrained  from  subjecting  themselves  to  any 
obligation  to  carry  out  the  decisions  of  the  League,  even 
when  these  decisions  have  been  unanimously  made  by  all 
the  League  Powers  which  are  not  direcdy  parties  to  the 
dispute.  The  most  they  bound  themselves  to  accept  was  that 
they  would  not  go  to  war  with  any  party  to  the  dispute 
which  did  comply  with  the  recommendations  made 


unanimously  by  the  League  Council.  Even  this  would  of 
course  be  a  very  valuable  concession  if  there  were  any 
means  of  securely  implementing  it  ;  but,  as  the  Japanese 
dispute  has  plainly  shown,  it  is  possible  for  a  Great  Power 
to  violate  quite  openly  the  decisions  made  by  the  Council 
or  the  Assembly  in  full  accordance  with  the  terms  of  the 
Covenant  without  incurring  any  of  the  drastic  penalties 
laid  down  against  offenders  in  Article  16.  The  most  that 
can  be  said  is  that,  if  all  the  Great  Powers  except  one  were 
really  determined  to  take  action  against  the  remaining 
Great  Power,  and  this  one  Great  Power  did,  in  spite  of 
their  determination,  go  to  war  with  a  League  member 
contrary  to  the  terms  of  the  Covenant,  the  remaining 
Powers  could,  by  declaring  that  the  offending  Power  had 
taken  this  course  and  thereby  implicitly  defining  the  act  of 
going  to  war,  bring  into  force  against  it  the  sanctions  of 
Article  16. 

It  is,  however,  clear  that  the  extremely  drastic  character 
of  the  sanctions  contemplated  in  Article  16,  and  the  failure 
to  provide  for  any  less  drastic  sanctions  as  an  alternative 
form  of  pressure  upon  the  offending  State,  make  it  impos- 
sible for  the  League  to  invoke  the  Article  unless  all  the  Great 
Powers  not  directly  involved  are  prepared  actually  to  go  to 
war  with  the  offender  and  to  place  their  forces  at  the 
disposal  of  the  League,  not  only  for  the  carrying  out  of  a 
universal  blockade  but  also,  if  necessary,  for  the  actual 
levying  of  war  at  the  League's  orders.  Indeed,  this  levying 
of  war  is  clearly  contemplated  under  the  second  clause  of 
Article  16,  which  lays  down  that  where  the  obligation  to 
enforce  a  boycott  under  the  first  clause  of  Article  1 6  arises 
"  it  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  Council  to  recommend  to  the 
several  Governments  concerned  what  effective  military, 
naval  or  air  force  the  members  of  the  League  shall  severally 
contribute  to  the  armed  forces  to  be  used  to  protect  the 
Covenants  of  the  League  "  ;  and  it  is  further  laid  down  in 
Section  iii.  of  the  same  Article  that  the  members  of  the 
League  "  will  afford  passage  through  their  territory  to  the 
forces  of  any  of  the  members  which  are  co-operating  to 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  767 

protect  the  covenants  of  the  League  " — a  provision  which 
incidentally  raised  considerable  difficulties  in  the  way  of 
the  entry  of  Switzerland  into  the  League  on  account  of 
the  determination  of  the  Swiss  Government  to  maintain 
inviolable  the  historic  neutrality  of  Swiss  territory. 

Short  of  the  readiness  actually  to  make  war  upon  the 
offender,  or  at  all  events  to  threaten  war  and  be  prepared 
actually  to  make  war  if  the  threat  is  not  effective,  the  League 
is  unable  under  the  Covenant  to  apply  lesser  sanctions.  It 
seems  clear  that  this  insistence  that  sanctions,  if  they  are 
applied,  must  take  so  extreme  a  form,  must  have  been 
deliberately  designed,  by  excluding  the  employment  of 
less  extreme  sanctions,  to  make  the  use  of  Article  16  as 
difficult  as  possible,  and  thereby  to  prevent  the  League 
from  taking  measures  of  a  less  forcible  character  by  way  of 
pressure  against  an  offending  country.  For  it  is  evident  that 
sanctions  which  can  only  be  applied  by  the  threat  of 
actually  making  war  and  involve  the  handing  over  by  the 
individual  Powers  of  their  armed  forces  to  the  control  of  the 
League  for  this  purpose  are  exceedingly  unlikely  to  be  used 
in  practice,  in  face  of  the  insistence  of  national  sovereignty 
which  marks  the  Covenant  as  a  whole,  and  is  deeply  rooted 
in  the  attitudes  of  the  States  which  make  up  the  League's 

Sanctions  and  Armaments.  This  question  of  sanctions 
is  of  course  very  closely  connected  with  the  attitude  which 
successive  French  Governments  have  consistently  taken  up 
in  relation  to  all  proposals  for  disarmament.  The  French 
have  recognised  the  inadequacy  of  the  provisions  of  Article 
1 6  and  of  the  Covenant  as  a  whole  for  the  purposes  which 
they  have  in  view,  and  desire,  in  pursuance  of  their 
policy  of  insisting  on  adequate  guarantees  of  national 
security  as  a  condition  precedent  to  any  substantial  measure 
of  disarmament,  to  add  to  the  Covenant  fresh  international 
obligations  within  the  general  framework  of  the  League 
binding  the  League  States  together  for  the  common 
enforcement  ot  a  peace  based  upon  the  territorial  status  quo. 


The  French,  as  we  have  seen,  want  not  only  additional 
promises  that  the  other  League  States  will  come  to  their 
assistance  against  any  aggressor  who  attempts  to  upset  the 
existing  territorial  arrangements  in  Europe,  but  also  the 
definite  establishment  of  an  armed  force  composed  of 
national  contingents  under  the  control  of  the  League,  and 
the  setting  up  of  a  number  of  internationally  controlled 
"  dumps  "  of  those  heavier  munitions  of  war  whose  use  it  is 
proposed  to  restrict  in  the  disarmament  convention — these 
"  dumps  "  to  be  guarded  for  the  exclusive  use  of  the  League 
itself  or  of  national  contingents  operating  under  the 
League's  orders  and  in  defence  of  the  conditions  embodied 
in  the  Covenant.  But  no  other  Power  has  shown  any 
willingness  to  accept  this  broadening  of  the  obligation  to 
use  the  collective  force  of  the  member  States  in  support  of 
the  status  quo,  although  in  the  absence  of  some  such  scheme 
as  the  French  Government  put  forward  to  the  Disarmament 
Conference  of  1932  the  sanctions  provided  for  in  Article  16 
of  the  Covenant  are  likely  to  remain  ineffective. 

How  far,  then,  is  any  scheme  of  the  sort  proposed  by  the 
French  at  the  Disarmament  Conference  really  practicable  ? 
If  certain  types  of  armaments  are  either  prohibited  or 
drastically  limited  under  a  Disarmament  Convention,  is  it 
practicable  or  desirable  to  maintain  a  supply  of  these 
forbidden  armaments  to  be  used  exclusively  under  the 
League's  control  ?  These  armaments  would  have  to  be  kept 
somewhere,  that  is  to  say,  upon  the  territory  of  some  State 
belonging  to  the  League.  The  French  suggest  that  there 
should  be  a  number  of  separate  "  dumps  "  for  the  keeping 
of  these  armaments  ;  but  in  practice  would  any  State  in  the 
event  of  a  resort  to  war  refrain  from  using  all  the  arms  at 
its  disposal,  even  if  some  of  them  were  nominally  reserved 
for  use  at  the  orders  of  the  League  exclusively,  and  were 
forbidden  to  it  unless  it  were  actually  making  war  on  the 
League's  behalf?  It  seems  most  unlikely  that  if  war  had 
actually  broken  out  any  great  State  would  in  fact  accept 
such  a  limitation  upon  its  effective  fighting  force.  But  if  one 
State  seized  and  used  the  armaments  contained  in  the 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  769 

"  dump,"  other  States  would  obviously  follow  its  example  / 
for  it  would  be  out  of  the  question  for  them  to  deny  them- 
selves the  use  of  a  type  of  armament  which  was  being  used 
by  their  adversaries.  In  practice,  therefore,  the  reserved 
arms,  if  they  were  allowed  to  remain  in  existence  at  all, 
would  certainly  be  used  ;  and  the  proposal  to  reserve  them 
exclusively  for  use  at  the  orders  of  the  League  would 
inevitably  break  down. 

Nor  does  there  seem  to  be  any  greater  hope  in  the  pro- 
posal that  each  country  should  establish  a  special  contingent 
of  heavily  armed  troops  to  be  used  only  in  the  service  of 
the  League  ;  for  the  conditions  which  apply  to  the  establish- 
ment of  special  "  dumps  "  of  armaments  subject  to  this 
condition  apply  with  even  greater  force  to  national  con- 
tingents of  soldiers,  sailors  and  airmen.  It  would  be  impos- 
sible in  the  event  of  war  to  restrict  the  use  of  any  such 
contingents  by  the  nations  to  which  their  members 
belonged,  and  therefore  to  prevent  them  from  being  added 
in  effect  to  the  armed  forces  of  the  belligerents.  The  French 
answer  to  these  objections  would  doubtless  be  that,  even  if 
they  are  valid,  the  establishment  of  the  proposed  "  dumps  " 
and  contingents  of  men  would  nevertheless  equip  the 
League  with  an  armed  force  upon  which  it  could  call  for 
service  against  a  State  guilty  of  serious  offence  against  the 
comity  of  nations.  In  the  French  view  the  League  is  nothing 
as  an  authority  with  power  to  apply  sanctions  as  long  as  it 
has  no  armed  force  of  its  own.  The  logical  deduction  from 
this  view  would  be  that  an  international  army  should  be 
established  for  the  enforcement  of  peace  under  the  direct 
auspices  of  the  League,  and  not  responsible  in  any  way  to 
any  national  State.  But  even  the  French  recognise  that  the 
establishment  of  such  a  force  would  involve  the  abroga- 
tion of  the  principle  of  national  State  sovereignty,  for 
which  they  stand  equally  with  other  nations,  and  that  it  is 
quite  impracticable  in  the  present  condition  of  national 
opinion.  They  therefore  advocate  a  half  measure  which  is 
plainly  unworkable.  Their  proposal,  so  far  from  furthering 
the  cause  of  disarmament,  would  in  practice  add  to  the 



armed  forces  at  the  disposal  of  each  State  concerned,  and, 
instead  of  excluding  the  use  of  certain  weapons  which  it  is 
desired  to  abolish  by  agreement  upon  qualitative  disarma- 
ment, would  perpetuate  the  existence  of  these  weapons 
and  make  their  use  inevitable  in  the  event  of  war  actually 
breaking  out.  The  French  proposal  will  not  work  ;  but 
despite  its  unworkability,  it  has  to  be  recognised  as  the 
nearest  approach  that  any  Great  Power  has  been  prepared 
to  make  towards  a  real  attempt  to  render  the  League  an 
effective  instrument  for  the  enforcement  of  peace,  and  to 
transcend  the  limitations  imposed  upon  its  action  by  the 
insistence  on  national  sovereignty. 

There  is  in  the  last  resort  no  halfway  house  between 
absolute  national  sovereignty  and  the  recognition  of  a 
supra-national  authority  with  the  right  to  issue  decisions 
upon  which  individual  nations  are  under  an  obligation  to 
act.  Nor,  as  long  as  the  use  of  armed  forces  continues  to  be 
regarded  as  a  final  resort  when  persuasion  and  non-military 
sanctions  have  failed,  is  there  any  halfway  house  between 
the  recognition  of  the  right  of  national  States  to  make  in  the 
last  resort  war  without  limit  and  the  setting  up  of  a  supra- 
national armed  force  under  supra-national  control, powerful 
enough  to  apply  coercion  to  any  national  State  or  combina- 
tion of  States  which  attempts  to  resist  its  authority.  As  long 
as  war  is  still  to  be  contemplated  as  a  possible  contingency 
by  the  Governments  of  the  separate  nations,  no  inter- 
national authority  can  be  assured  of  the  power  to  prevent 
it  or  to  override  the  limits  of  national  sovereignty,  unless 
that  authority  is  so  equipped  as  to  be  able  to  make  war 
itself  with  a  convincing  superiority  of  force.  But  there  is 
absolutely  no  possibility  of  a  supra-national  force,  armed 
with  power  of  this  order,  being  brought  into  existence.  For 
if  the  States  of  the  world  were  prepared  to  allow  such  a  force 
to  come  into  being  this  could  be  only  because  they  had 
already  given  up  the  claim  to  resort  to  national  war,  and 
were  already  prepared  to  recognise  the  right  of  a  supra- 
national authority  to  override  their  national  views. 

As  long  as  States  continue  to  insist  upon  State  sovereignty 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  77! 

they  cannot  agree  to  the  creation  of  a  super-State.; 
As  long  as  they  continue  to  believe  in  the  necessity  for 
national  armies  capable  of  making  war  they  cannot  agree 
to  the  creation  of  a  supra-national  army  strong  enough  to 
defeat  their  own  forces.  If  the  conditions  existed  for  bringing 
into  being  a  supra-national  military  power  strong  enough 
to  enforce  peace,  those  conditions  would  of  themselves 
have  made  the  existence  of  any  such  supra-national  power 
unnecessary.  The  French  policy,  which  attempts  to 
approach  the  idea  of  a  supra-national  armed  force  without 
going  outside  the  limitations  of  State  sovereignty,  is  self- 
contradictory  ;  but  any  attempt  to  remove  the  contradic- 
tion by  proposing  the  establishment  of  a  real  supra- 
national authority  would  be  doomed  to  defeat  because 
within  the  nations  the  conditions  required  for  the  accept- 
ance of  such  a  proposal  do  not  yet  exist. 

If,  then,  there  is  no  real  question  of  arming  the  League 
itself  either  with  a  supra-national  force  powerful  enough  to 
coerce  the  national  States  or  with  a  force  based  on  national 
contingents  restricted  to  use  under  the  auspices  of  the 
League,  what  advance  is  possible  beyond  the  highly 
unsatisfactory  situation  which  exists  under  the  terms  of  the 
present  Covenant  ?  The  most  obvious  answer  is  that  the 
League  can  become  a  real  organ  of  international  govern- 
ment, even  in  the  sense  of  preventing  war,  only  to  the  extent 
to  which  in  each  country  and  above  all  in  each  of  the  Great 
Powers  the  spirit  of  nationalism  can  be  conquered,  and  so 
strong  a  spirit  of  internationalism  substituted  for  it  in  the 
minds  of  the  peoples  as  to  compel  the  Governments  to 
abandon  the  idea  of  national  sovereignty,  to  accept  the 
principle  that  national  rights  and  claims  should  be  subject 
to  the  overriding  rights  of  the  world  as  a  whole,  and  accord- 
ingly to  give  up  armies  and  navies  as  the  logical  conse- 
quence of  the  abandonment  of  the  idea  of  national  sover- 
eignty and  of  the  thought  of  a  resort  to  war  in  support  of 
national  claims.  In  other  words,  the  obvious  answer  is  that 
the  League  can  be  made  effective  as  an  organ  of  interna- 
tional government,  even  in  the  limited  sphere  of  preventing 


war,  only  in  as  far  as  public  opinion  in  the  great  States 
turns  pacifist  and  internationalist,  and  is  prepared  to 
subordinate  national  to  world  considerations  and  to  accept 
the  overriding  authority  of  some  body  representing  not  one 
nation  alone  but  the  comity  of  civilised  peoples.  When  we 
speak  of  pacifism  in  this  connection  we  are  thinking  not  of 
that  extreme  form  of  pacifism  which  repudiates  altogether 
the  resort  to  force,  but  only  of  a  pacifism  which  definitely  re- 
jects the  idea  of  international  war  under  any  circumstances. 
Accordingly  we  are  not  suggesting  that  public  opinion 
must  reach  a  point  at  which  it  would  refuse  to  tolerate  the 
maintenance  by  the  Governments  of  any  armed  forces  at 
all,  but  only  one  at  which  it  would  definitely  insist  on 
disarmament  down  to  the  point — already  reached  in 
Denmark — of  preserving  only  the  minimum  forces  required 
for  the  preservation  of  internal  order  and  only  those  forms 
of  armament  required  for  this  purpose,  to  the  exclusion  of  all 
forms  of  armament  designed  for  other  than  police  purposes. 
Is  it  possible  to  contemplate  in  the  near  future  so  great 
an  advance  of  pacifist  sentiment  in  the  leading  countries  of 
the  world  as  this  large  approach  to  complete  disarmament 
would  connote  ?  The  answer  clearly  is  that  it  is  not  ;  for 
the  conditions  required  for  the  development  of  such  a 
pacifist  attitude  on  the  part  of  the  peoples  of  the  great 
States  are  not  fulfilled  within  the  existing  framework  of 
European  society.  In  the  first  place,  the  peoples  of  Europe 
are  not,  in  the  existing  State  system,  prepared  to  accept  the 
present  frontiers  of  the  various  States  as  permanent.  It  is 
true  that,  under  the  Locarno  Pacts,  Germany  joined  with 
the  other  Western  Powers  in  guaranteeing  not  to  resort  to 
war  for  the  alteration  of  her  existing  western  frontiers — in 
other  words,  not  to  make  war  for  the  reconquest  of  Alsace- 
Lorraine  and  the  smaller  areas  taken  from  her  under  the 
Peace  Treaty.  But  she  has  given  no  similar  guarantee 
concerning  her  frontiers  in  the  east — that  is  to  say,  in 
relation  either  to  Upper  Silesia  or  to  the  Polish  Corridor. 
Nor  have  the  other  Powers  defeated  in  the  Great  War  given 
any  guarantees  corresponding  to  those  given  by  Germany 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  773 

at  Locarno.  Hungary,  for  example,  is  certainly  not  pre- 
pared to  accept  as  final  the  manifestly  unjust  territorial 
settlement  forced  upon  her  after  the  war.  Turkey  may  be  ; 
for  Turkey  has  successfully  reconstructed  her  State  on  a  new 
basis  within  her  amended  frontiers,  and  the  exchange  of 
populations  has  done  much  to  remove  the  menace  of 
Turkish  irredentism.  But  Bulgaria  is  no  more  prepared  than 
Hungary  to  bind  herself  permanently  to  the  acceptance  of 
the  territorial  status  quo. 

Moreover,  it  is  highly  uncertain  whether  the  undertakings 
entered  into  by  Germany  at  Locarno  can  be  regarded  as 
preserving  their  value  in  face  of  the  dramatic  change  in  the 
German  political  situation,  and  of  the  wave  of  nationalist 
sentiment  which  has  swept  over  the  German  people  during 
the  past  year.  Everyone  knows  that  the  existing  territorial 
settlement  in  Europe  is  inherently  unstable,  and  that  no 
peace  based  upon  its  absolute  and  unqualified  maintenance 
stands  any  chance  of  being  so  accepted  by  the  peoples  of 
Europe  as  to  be  compatible  with  the  development  in  their 
minds  of  a  pacifist  spirit  that  can  serve  as  a  basis  for  a  real 
internationalist  attitude.  Nationalism  will  continue  to 
menace  the  peace  of  Europe  and  to  sustain  the  idea  of 
State  sovereignty  as  long  as  the  existing  States  of  Europe 
remain  in  being  with  their  existing  frontiers  and  their 
existing  political  relationships. 

It  must  not  of  course  be  forgotten  that  in  an  exceedingly 
cautious  fashion  the  League  Covenant  does  recognise  that 
the  necessity  for  territorial  readjustments  may  arise.  It  is 
not  based  on  the  absolute  assertion  of  the  permanence  of  the 
existing  European  frontiers.  Thus,  Article  19  of  the  Coven- 
ant lays  down  that  "  the  Assembly  (not,  it  should  be 
observed,  the  Council)  may  from  time  to  time  advise  the 
reconsideration  by  members  of  the  League  of  treaties  which 
have  become  inapplicable,  and  the  consideration  of 
international  conditions  whose  continuance  might  endanger 
the  peace  of  the  world."  But  these  cautious  words  clearly 
contemplate  the  reconsideration  of  treaties  and  the  readjust- 
ment of  frontiers  only  by  mutual  agreement,  and  subject 


to  the  unanimity  rule  which  is  the  basis  of  the  League 
Covenant  as  a  whole.  The  Covenant  provides  no  means 
whereby  frontiers  can  be  readjusted  or  the  Peace  Treaties 
reconsidered  save  on  this  basis  of  unanimity.  Article  10 
binds  all  members  of  the  League  "  to  respect  and  preserve 
as  against  external  aggression  the  territorial  integrity  and 
existing  political  independence  of  all  members  of  the 
League  "  ;  and,  in  the  absence  of  any  special  provision 
permitting  the  reconsideration  of  existing  treaties  or 
frontiers  by  a  procedure  not  involving  unanimity,  the  clause 
of  Article  5  which  lays  down  the  rule  demanding  agreement 
of  all  members  of  the  League  represented  when  a  question 
is  under  discussion,  clearly  precludes  any  such  reconsider- 
ation in  the  absence  of  unanimity  among  the  States  con- 

The  League  is  thus  tied  not  absolutely,  but  in  default  of 
agreed  revision,  to  the  existing  territorial  settlement  of 
Europe  ;  and  the  fact  that  it  is  so  tied  means  that  States 
which  are  determined  to  bring  about  a  readjustment  of 
their  frontiers  will  be  unwilling  to  bind  themselves  to  a 
greater  extent  than  they  are  bound  already  under  the 
Covenant  to  observe  the  decisions  of  the  League.  The 
difficulty  which  arises  over  this  issue  has  come  out  very 
plainly  in  consequence  of  Mussolini's  action  in  raising  the 
question  of  Treaty  revision  in  connection  with  the  pact 
proposed  between  the  four  Western  Powers  in  the  early 
months  of  1933.  For,  as  we  have  seen,  Mussolini's  dictum 
at  once  led  to  an  insistence  by  certain  of  the  League  States, 
and  notably  by  France,  Poland  and  the  Little  Entente,  that 
any  pact  which  they  could  agree  to  recognise  must  be 
arrived  at  "  within  the  framework  of  the  League  " — in 
other  words,  that  it  must  be  of  such  a  sort  as  to  preclude 
territorial  revisions  of  the  Treaty  except  on  the  basis  of 
unanimity  provided  for  in  the  Covenant.  This,  however, 
by  no  means  suits  Germany  or  the  other  States  which  are 
desirous  of  territorial  readjustment  ;  for  these  States  are 
well  aware  that  their  claims  are  not  in  the  least  likely  to  be 
accepted  voluntarily  by  the  Little  Entente  or  Poland  or 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  775 

any  of  the  countries  at  whose  expense  the  territorial 
readjustments  are  being  sought.  The  fact  that  the  League 
is  in  its  conception  an  instrument  not  merely  for  the  pre- 
vention of  war  in  general,  but  specifically  for  the  prevention 
of  any  attempt  by  war  to  alter  the  territorial  settlement 
embodied  in  the  Treaties  of  Peace,  has  been  brought  out 
very  plainly  indeed  by  the  discussions  which  have  centred 
round  the  Four- Power  Pact  of  1933. 

Thus,  while  some  members  of  the  League  see  its  chief 
value  in  the  guarantees  which  it  gives  them  for  the  preser- 
vation of  the  existing  frontiers  of  Europe,  other  members 
regard  it  as  valuable  only  if  it  can  be  used  for  the  purpose 
of  altering  these  frontiers,  and  regard  it  as  a  positive 
nuisance  to  the  extent  to  which  it  stands  in  the  way  of  their 
desire  for  territorial  readjustments.  But,  it  may  fairly  be 
asked,  if  the  existing  frontiers  of  Europe  carry  no  authority 
which  the  nations  of  Europe  are  prepared  to  accept,  would 
any  alteration  of  frontiers  be  likely  to  improve  the  situation  ? 
Are  such  problems  as  that  of  the  Polish  Corridor  or  the 
drawing  of  frontiers  through  the  territories  occupied  by 
inextricably  mingled  national  elements  in  Central  and 
Eastern  Europe  capable  of  solution  at  all  on  a  basis  of 
mutual  consent,  or  on  any  basis  at  all  that  will  prevent 
fresh  attempts  to  alter  them  by  war  when  occasion  offers  ? 

The  answer  is  that  within  the  existing  system  of  sovereign 
States  there  is  no  possibility  of  a  territorial  settlement 
which  will  remove  the  danger  of  wars  aiming  at  territorial 
readjustment.  For  there  are  numerous  areas  to  which  more 
than  one  State  can  put  forward  a  claim  which  is  bound  to 
seem  valid  from  the  nationalist  point  of  view  ;  and  as  long 
as  States  continue  to  be  regarded  as  ultimate  sovereign 
entities  claiming  the  final  allegiance  of  their  subjects, 
there  is  no  arbitrament  save  that  of  war  to  which  in  the 
last  resort  these  rival  claims  can  be  submitted. 

It  does  not,  however,  follow  that  the  desire  to  abolish  war 
is  merely  Utopian,  or  that  no  political  system  that  would 
remove  the  danger  of  war  from  this  cause  is  possible  on  the 
European  Continent.  What  does  follow  is  that  the  danger 


of  war  can  be  removed  only  by  changing  the  character  and 
the  mutual  relationships  of  the  States  of  which  Europe 
must  continue  to  be  made  up.  It  is  of  course  out  of  the 
question  to  propose  that  all  Europe  should  be  merged  into 
a  single  State  governed  from  one  common  centre.  The  needs 
and  situations  and  the  national  traditions  of  the  various 
peoples  are  far  too  wide  apart  to  admit  of  any  such  simple 
solution.  The  problem  must  be  solved,  if  it  is  to  be  solved 
at  all,  along  federal  lines,  under  some  system  which  will 
allow  each  country  to  retain  its  internal  autonomy  in  the 
management  of  those  affairs  which  are  vital  to  its  national 
culture  and  traditions,  while  providing  a  common  govern- 
ment for  the  whole  of  Europe,  or  at  least  for  a  large  part 
of  it,  in  respect  of  those  matters  which  require  co-ordinated 
action  over  a  wider  field.  There  is  no  real  impossibility  in 
looking  forward  to  a  European  federation  powerful  enough 
to  take  over  from  the  separate  States  the  administration  of 
many  vital  services,  while  leaving  to  each  individual  country 
a  degree  of  autonomy  amply  sufficient  to  safeguard  its 
special  national  needs.  But  the  creation  of  any  such  Euro- 
pean federation  involves  that  it  must  be  built  round  the 
fulfilment  of  common  services  for  the  peoples  of  Europe, 
and  not  concentrated  upon  purely  political  issues  or  upon 
the  attempt  to  prevent  war. 

The  Foundations  of  Internationalism.  Take  for 
example  the  position  of  the  European  system  of  transport. 
Europe  has  already  the  nucleus  of  a  system  of  international- 
ised waterways  ;  and  common  action  in  respect  of  those 
rivers,  such  as  the  Danube,  which  serve  the  needs  of  a 
number  of  separate  countries  has  been  forced  upon  these 
countries  by  the  impracticability  of  treating  each  stretch  of 
the  river  that  flows  through  the  territory  of  a  particular 
State  as  its  own  special  property,  and  still  more  by  the 
necessity  of  providing  some  form  of  common  administration 
where  the  river  is  itself  the  boundary  between  two  States. 
The  Danube  and  a  number  of  other  rivers  have  accordingly 
their  international  commissions,  which  have  now  been 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  777 

brought  under  the  auspices  of  the  League  of  Nations.  But 
in  no  sphere  save  that  of  river  transport  has  the  process  of 
internationalisation  even  begun,  unless  account  is  to  be 
taken  of  the  safeguarding  of  the  rights  of  a  number  of 
different  nations  in  certain  particular  ports.  It  is,  however, 
clearly  desirable  in  the  common  interest  of  all  the  European 
peoples  that  the  co-ordinated  control  of  transport  should 
be  pushed  much  further.  Air  services  in  particular  are 
clearly  unsuitable  for  independent  national  control.  Even 
apart  from  the  obvious  danger  that  aeroplanes  built  for 
civil  transport  may  be  turned  to  military  uses  in  time  of 
war,  there  is  a  very  strong  case  for  the  complete  internation- 
alisation of  civil  aviation,  at  any  rate  as  far  as  the  main 
European  airways  are  concerned.  This  has  been  actually 
proposed  at  the  Disarmament  Conference,  with  the  object 
of  preventing  the  use  of  commercial  aeroplanes  in  time  of 
war  ;  but  this  is  the  wrong  way  of  tackling  the  problem. 
It  ought  to  be  envisaged  from  the  standpoint  of  equipping 
Europe  with  a  common  system  of  air  services  linking  every 
quarter  of  the  Continent  together. 

Or  take  again  the  question  of  the  railways.  There  are 
necessarily  arrangements  between  the  railway  systems  of 
the  various  countries  for  the  regulation  of  through  traffic, 
both  for  goods  and  passengers  ;  but  at  present  each  country 
maintains  its  entirely  independent  railway  system,  usually 
under  public  ownership,  though  in  some  countries  the 
actual  administration  is  entrusted  to  one  or  more  private 
companies.  Many  of  the  newer  States  are  exceedingly  ill- 
equipped  with  railway  facilities  ;  for  the  railway  systems 
built  before  the  war  were  designed  in  relation  to  the  pre-war 
frontiers  and  are  often  both  unsuitable  and  inadequate  in 
relation  to  post-war  economic  and  political  needs.  Clearly 
it  would  be  very  much  to  the  advantage  of  Europe  as  a 
whole  if  a  unified  railway  system  could  be  developed,  and 
if  capital  for  the  building  of  new  lines  and  the  improvement 
of  those  already  in  existence  could  be  provided  on  an 
international  basis  against  the  security  of  the  railway 
receipts.  For  under  present  conditions  the  countries  which 


stand  most  in  need  of  improved  railway  facilities  are 
precisely  those  which  have  the  greatest  difficulty  in  raising 
the  capital  necessary  for  financing  the  construction  of  new 
lines.  Apart  from  this,  if  the  whole  railway  system  of  Europe 
could  be  co-ordinated  under  international  control  it  would 
be  possible  greatly  to  improve  the  efficiency  of  services  for 
both  passengers  and  goods  ;  and  the  certain  consequence  of 
this  improvement  would  be  to  make  it  harder  for  the 
separate  States  to  maintain  many  of  the  restrictions  which 
they  now  impose  upon  the  free  movement  of  goods  and 
persons.  Nothing  would  have  so  great  an  influence  towards 
the  unification  of  Europe  as  the  internationalisation  of 
the  main  transport  services  by  rail  and  air.  At  the  same 
time  the  existing  international  postal  convention  which 
links  together  the  national  postal  systems  of  the  various 
countries  could  be  made  the  basis  for  a  corresponding 
internationalisation  of  the  means  of  communication. 

Any  real  advance  towards  European  collaboration,  and 
incidentally  towards  removing  the  possibility  of  war 
between  nations,  involves  above  all  the  development  of 
common  economic  services  over  the  whole  area  of  Europe, 
or  over  as  large  a  part  of  it  as  can  be  brought  within  a 
comprehensive  federation  on  these  lines.  Bnand's  famous 
project  of  European  union  was  faultily  conceived  and 
certain  to  prove  abortive  in  that  it  attempted  to  bring  about 
a  political  union  of  the  European  States  without  giving  it 
any  firm  basis  of  common  economic  service.  The  French 
plan  was  to  begin  with  political  unification,  in  the  hope  that 
some  form  of  economic  unification  would  follow — at  least 
to  the  extent  of  the  mutual  lowering  of  tariff  barriers  and 
the  encouragement  of  trade  between  European  countries. 
But  to  begin  in  this  way  is  to  take  hold  of  the  wrong  end  of 
the  stick.  Collaboration,  if  it  is  to  be  fruitful,  must  begin 
in  the  economic  field  ;  and  if  it  can  be  made  successful  in 
economic  matters,  political  collaboration  will  follow.  Even 
the  Committee  for  European  Union,  set  up  by  the  League 
as  a  consequence  of  Briand's  project,  soon  ceased  to  talk  in 
the  barren  terms  of  political  unification  and  set  itself  to  the 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  779 

consideration  of  certain  of  the  major  economic  problems 
facing  the  European  States.  It  began  to  discuss  the  pos- 
sibilities of  lowering  tariff  barriers,  of  creating  an  inter- 
national Agricultural  Mortgage  Corporation  in  order  to 
relieve  the  indebtedness  of  the  farming  communities,  of 
taking  steps  for  the  revalorisation  of  cereals,  through  the 
preferential  admission  of  European  wheat  into  the  import- 
ing countries  and  the  creation  of  an  international  guarantee 
fund.  These  plans  have  so  far  proved  no  less  unrealisable 
than  the  original  project  of  political  union  ;  but  is  not  that 
largely  because  they  have  attempted  to  take  hold  of  the 
economic  problem  precisely  at  those  points  at  which  the 
apparent  interests  of  the  separate  European  States  are  most 
divergent,  instead  of  trying  to  find  common  services  which 
could  be  developed  under  unified  European,  or  at  least 
Continental,  control  ? 

It  is  not  suggested  that  it  would  be  at  all  easy  to  persuade 
the  European  States  to  agree  to  hand  over  any  of  their  vital 
services  to  the  control  of  an  international  authority.  How 
difficult  this  is  has  indeed  been  illustrated  by  the  discussions 
at  the  Disarmament  Conference  of  the  proposal  to  establish 
an  international  control  of  civil  aviation  ;  and  any  plan 
for  the  internationalisation  of  the  railways  would  certainly 
encounter  even  stronger  resistance.  Yet  railway  inter- 
nationalisation  does  offer  to  all  the  Continental  States  the 
possibility  of  very  great  positive  economic  benefits  and 
offers  these  most  of  all  to  those  smaller  States  in  Eastern 
and  Central  Europe  whose  economic  difficulties  are  most 
acute,  and  whose  political  antagonisms  constitute  a  no  less 
constant  threat  of  war  than  the  mutual  hostilities  of  the 
greater  Powers.  Yet,  despite  all  the  advantages  that  projects 
of  economic  unification  may  offer,  they  are  not  at  the 
present  time  in  the  least  likely  to  be  accepted.  National 
hostilities  are  just  now  too  strong  for  any  of  the  States  of 
Europe  to  agree  to  allow  any  vital  service  to  pass,  if  it  can 
help  it,  out  of  its  exclusive  national  control. 

If,  however,  a  solution  of  the  European  problem  is  at 
present  impossible,  even  on  diese  lines,  are  we  not  compelled 


to"  go  deeper  and  to  question  the  entire  validity  of  the 
European  State  system  as  it  at  present  exists  ?  If  States, 
organised  as  they  are  to-day,  cannot  overcome  their 
national  antagonisms,  or  agree,  in  spite  of  obvious  economic 
and  political  advantages,  on  any  constructive  measures  of 
political  unification,  must  there  not  be  something  radically 
wrong  with  the  entire  European  State  system  ?  There  is 
something  radically  wrong  ;  and  the  wrong  is  that  each 
State,  with  the  possible  exception  of  Soviet  Russia,  is 
governed  to-day  not  in  the  common  interest  of  the  entire 
community  for  which  it  professes  to  stand,  but  rather  in  the 
interest  of  certain  limited  classes  which  rest  their  claims 
upon  vested  interests  and  traditional  rights.  Jn  effect,  as 
long  as  States  are  governed  either  by  autocracies  based  on 
hereditary  privilege,  or  by  plutocracies  arising  out  of  the 
development  of  modern  Capitalism,  the  vested  interests 
created  or  sustained  by  their  existing  constitutions  are 
certain  to  prove  too  strong  for  them  to  be  induced  to  agree 
to  any  real  measure  of  internationalisation.  Only  if  States 
are  administered  in  accordance  with  the  interests  of  the 
whole  body  of  their  inhabitants,  and  under  the  control  of 
Governments  representing  this  communal  point  of  view, 
will  real  internationalism  become  possible.  For  only  so  will 
forces  be  created  in  each  State  sufficiently  powerful  to 
overcome  the  sectional  interests  which  look  askance  at  all 
efforts  to  promote  real  international  collaboration,  because 
the  success  of  these  efforts  would  prejudice  their  power  to 
administer  the  national  affairs  in  accordance  with  their 
sectional  point  of  view.  This  means  that  the  essential 
prelude  to  any  real  collaborative  commonwealth  of  Europe 
is  the  establishment  of  some  form  of  Socialism  in  each 
European  country,  or  at  least  in  all  those  which  are  import- 
ant enough  to  influence  the  general  movement  of  European 
affairs.  For  Socialism,  putting  first  the  interest  of  the 
common  people,  would  necessarily  bring  with  it  a  willing- 
ness to  carry  out  those  measures  of  economic  unification 
which  are  plainly  calculated  to  make  Europe  as  a  whole 
wealthier  and  better  governed. 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  781 

But  at  this  point  comes  the  objection  that  the  very  forces 
which  have  of  late  destroyed  the  Socialist  movements  of 
Italy  and  Germany  claim,  equally  with  Socialism,  to  put 
the  class  point  of  view  behind  them,  and  to  bring  into  being 
Governments  which  do  stand  essentially  for  the  point  of 
view  of  the  nation  as  a  whole.  The  claims  of  Fascism  as  a 
doctrine  of  national  solidarity  have  been  discussed  in  an 
earlier  section.  Here  we  are  concerned  with  it  solely  in 
connection  with  its  effects  on  international  relations.  The 
most  profound  difference  between  Fascism  and  Socialism 
is  precisely  the  difference  between  nationalism  and  inter- 
nationalism which  we  have  just  been  discussing.  For, 
whereas  Fascism  bases  itself  absolutely  and  without 
qualification  upon  the  idea  of  the  Nation  State  as  something 
ultimate,  with  a  right  to  command  the  entire  and  undivided 
loyalty  of  its  subjects,  Socialism  is  at  its  very  basis  an 
international  doctrine,  affirming  the  solidarity  immediately 
of  the  working  classes  throughout  the  world,  but  also,  from 
the  moment  of  its  successful  establishment,  of  all  peoples. 
For  Socialism  recognises  class  differences  only  for  the  pur- 
pose of  abolishing  them.  There  could,  of  course,  arise  a 
bastard  "  National  Socialism  "  Which  denied  this  funda- 
mental doctrine  of  world  solidarity,  and  sought  merely  to 
socialise  the  conduct  of  the  essential  economic  services  of  a 
particular  State  in  order  to  strengthen  that  State  as  an 
absolute  authority.  Nazism  in  Germany,  for  example,  claims 
to  be  National  Socialism  ;  and  though  the  Socialist  part  of 
its  doctrine  was  little  stressed  during  the  later  stages  of  its 
rise  to  power,  undoubtedly  the  Nazis  are  capable,  as  the 
Fascists  have  been  capable  in  Italy,  of  increasing  the 
amount  of  State  intervention  in  industry,  and  of  affirming 
the  right  of  the  State  to  take  over  essential  economic  services 
for  the  purpose  of  strengthening  the  nation  in  relation  to  the 
outside  world.  But  this  type  of  National  Socialism  is  not 
really  Socialism  at  all.  It  is  based  not  on  the  attempt  to 
abolish  social  classes  and  to  establish  a  classless  society, 
but  rather  on  the  principle  of  admitting  class  differences 
and  recognising  class  privileges,  provided  they  are  made 


subordinate  to  the  claims  of  the  nation,  which  is  regarded 
not  as  a  means  of  promoting  human  welfare,  but  essentially 
as  a  metaphysical  being,  with  power  as  its  most  valuable 
attribute  and  its  highest  achievement  in  the  attainment  of 
supreme  military  strength. 

This  bastard  "  National  Socialism "  has  nothing  in 
common  with  Socialism,  which  is  fundamentally  interna- 
tionalist and  pacific,  seeks  to  link  together  the  workers  of  all 
countries  for  the  establishment  of  a  classless  international 
community  broken  up  only  for  convenience  into  territorial 
divisions,  and  is  totally  uninterested  in  the  conception  of 
national  power.  "  National  Socialism  "  is  merely  the  so- 
called  Bismarckian  "  State  Socialism  "  of  the  nineteenth 
century  re-written  in  terms  appropriate  to  the  class  divi- 
sions and  political  perplexities  of  the  twentieth  century. 

If  these  contentions  are  correct,  the  one  hope  of  making 
the  League  of  Nations  into  an  effective  instrument  of  inter- 
nationalism lies  in  the  victory  of  Socialism  in  enough  of  the 
countries  which  make  it  up  totally  to  change  its  character, 
and  to  convert  it  from  an  instrument  designed  to  prevent 
war  between  sovereign  States  into  an  organ  of  interna- 
tional government  actually  in  charge  of  those  vital  economic 
functions  which  need  for  their  efficient  conduct  adminis- 
tration upon  an  international  scale.  Just  as  the  Nation- 
States  of  Europe  have  gradually  taken  over  from  the 
smaller  communities  out  of  which  they  have  been  built  up 
one  vital  function  of  economic  organisation  after  another, 
and  have  been  compelled  to  do  this  because  the  evolution 
of  the  economic  powers  of  mankind  has  irresistibly  de- 
manded the  creation  of  larger  administrative  units,  so  now 
in  the  twentieth  century  the  time  is  ripe  for  the  creation  of 
still  larger  organs  of  economic  administration.  Nationalism, 
with  its  cherished  doctrine  of  State  sovereignty,  may  once 
have  been  an  instrument  of  economic  progress,  in  that  it  did 
help  to  bring  about  the  unification  of  territories  too  small  to 
stand  by  themselves  under  the  economic  conditions  of  the 
modern  world.  But  Nationalism  in  its  turn  has  now  become  a 
fetter  upon  the  developing  productive  powers  of  mankind  ; 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  783 

and  it  too  is  destined  in  due  course — not  to  pass  away 
any  more  than  localism  has  passed  away  with  the  coming 
of  the  Nation-State — but  to  be  superseded  in  a  large 
number  of  the  functions  which  are  at  present  organised 
on  a  national  basis  by  larger  forms  of  administration  more 
suitable  to  the  conditions  of  our  time. 

How  this  will  come  about  it  is  of  course  impossible  to 
predict.  If  Socialism  is  able  peaceably  to  conquer  power  in 
each  of  the  great  States  of  Europe,  it  will  be  possible  for 
Socialist  Governments  to  turn  the  League  of  Nations  from 
what  it  now  is  into  an  effective  organ  of  positive  economic 
collaboration,  or  to  create  within  it  a  real  European  union 
having  this  object.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  Socialism  comes 
not  by  a  process  of  peaceful  conquest  of  power  in  each 
country,  but  as  the  result  of  a  further  world  convulsion 
brought  about  by  the  inability  of  one  nationalism  to  live  at 
peace  with  another,  the  course  of  evolution  will  probably  be 
quite  different ;  for  the  coming  of  such  a  convulsion  will 
certainly  sweep  away  the  League  of  Nations  and  all  the 
elaborate  structure  of  pacts  and  treaties  built  up  since  the 
conclusion  of  the  Great  War.  Europe  will  then  have  to 
make  a  new  start  ;  and  this  new  start  will  have  to  be  made 
far  more  in  the  sphere  of  economic  realities  and  far  less  in 
terms  of  obsolete  and  obstructive  nationalist  ideas  than  the 
attempt  to  which  President  Wilson  pinned  his  faith  but  not 
his  country  in  1919. 

We  have  spoken  so  far  of  Europe  in  an  inclusive  sense,  as 
if  we  were  envisaging  the  advent  of  a  single  federation  wide 
enough  to  embrace  the  entire  European  Continent.  This 
may  indeed  be  the  form  in  which  European  internationalism 
will  be  realised  ;  but  not  even  an  approach  towards  an 
inclusive  federation  of  this  type  is  possible  under  existing 
political  conditions.  For,  apart  from  the  difficulties  which 
have  been  considered  already,  two  countries  stand  in  so 
different  a  relation  to  the  rest  of  the  world  from  the  remain- 
ing States  of  Europe  that  their  position  raises  special 
difficulties  and  calls  for  special  comment.  These  countries 
are  Great  Britain  and  the  U.S.S.R. 


Great  Britain  and  the  League.        The  position  of  Great 
Britain  is  obviously  complicated,  because,  while  on  the 
one  hand  she  is  linked  up  with  Europe  by  close  ties  both  of 
economic  intercourse  and  of  cultural  relations,  she  has  also, 
by  virtue  of  her  possession  of  an  Empire  scattered  over  every 
Continent,  extra-European  connections  which  she  cannot 
afford  to  sacrifice  as  long  as  this  Empire  remains  in  being. 
Whenever  the  question  of  European  collaboration  comes  up 
she  is  divided  between  her  deep  interest  in  European  affairs 
and  her  desire  to  strengthen  as  far  as  possible  her  existing 
imperial  connections.  When,  for  example,  the  European 
countries  meet  in  order  to  discuss  common  action  for  the 
lowering  of  tariffs  and  other  barriers  in  the  way  of  trade, 
Great  Britain  has  a  deep  interest  in  getting  these  tariffs 
lowered  and  the  strongest  possible  reason  for  wishing  not  to 
be  excluded  from  any  preferential  arrangements  which  the 
European  countries  may  make  among  themselves  for  the 
admission  of  one  another's  goods.  But  Great  Britain  is  not 
prepared  to  admit  the  goods  of  other  European  countries 
on  more  favourable  terms  than  goods  coming  from  Empire 
countries  ;  nor,  since  the  Ottawa  Conference,  has  she  been 
prepared  or  able,  in  view  of  her  imperial  commitments,  to 
admit   European   goods  even   on   the   same   terms.   The 
Ottawa  decisions  in  fact  commit  Great  Britain  for  a  period 
of  years  to  imperial  tariff  preference,  and  thereby  shut  her 
out  from  even  the  possibility  of  becoming  a  member  of  a 
European  tariff  union.  This  may  seem  to  be  the  less  im- 
portant because  there  appears  to  be  no  early  prospect  of  the 
European  countries  agreeing  to  create  such  a  union,  ready 
as  they  may  be  to  discuss  it  from  time  to  time.  But  if  the 
European  States  did  show  some  real  disposition  to  lower 
their  tariffs  against  one  another's  goods,  so  as  to  grant 
preferential    treatment    to    European    products,    Great 
Brtain   would   inevitably  be   torn   between   her  fears  of 
exclusion  from  the  European  market  and  her  desire  to 
maintain  the  preferences  accorded  to  her  by  the  Empire 
countries.  She  was  so  divided  in  mind  at  the  time  of  the 
World  Economic  Conference  of  1927,  and  again  when 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  785 

Briand's  plans  for  European  union  were  under  discussion'; 
and  the  fact  that  she  has,  under  the  National  Government, 
committed  herself  temporarily  to  a  thorough-going  policy 
of  Empire  preference  by  no  means  proves  that  the  question 
is  settled  once  and  for  all. 

For  Great  Britain,  despite  the  decline  in  recent  years  of 
her  trade  with  the  European  Continent,  still  sells  a  highly 
important  proportion  of  her  exports  in  the  European 
market,  and,  what  is  more  important,  looks  to  this  market, 
even  more  than  to  the  Empire  market,  for  an  expansion 
of  her  exports  in  the  event  of  any  substantial  recovery  in 
world  trade.  It  is  arguable  that  in  the  long  run  the  sparsely 
populated  Empire  countries  may  so  increase  their  demand 
as  to  afford  a  sufficient  outlet  for  British  manufactures  ;  but 
no  one  in  his  senses  supposes  that  this  can  be  true  in  the 
short  run,  and  it  is  with  the  short  run  that  British  commer- 
cial interests  are  inevitably  most  concerned.  They  are  quite 
prepared  to  make  concessions  to  the  Empire,  to  the  extent 
to  which  these  concessions  can  be  made  without  involving 
exclusion  from  the  markets  of  Europe  ;  but  if  such  exclu- 
sion did  really  threaten,  there  would  be  a  considerable 
cooling  in  British  commercial  circles  of  such  enthusiasm  as 
at  present  exists  for  the  Ottawa  agreements. 

Somewhat  similar  considerations  arise  when  the  coun- 
tries of  Continental  Europe  begin  discussing  any  system  of 
mutual  guarantees  of  peace  on  the  lines  of  the  French 
proposal  for  mutual  pacts  of  security.  For  in  this  case  again 
Great  Britain  is  torn  between  her  desire  not  to  lose  her 
political  and  economic  influence  in  Europe,  and  not  to  be 
faced  with  a  bloc  of  European  countries  from  which  she  is 
excluded,  and  her  equally  strong  desire  to  keep  free  of 
Continental  entanglements  and  to  maintain  close  political 
connections  with  the  countries  of  the  Empire.  The  French, 
recognising  the  impossibilitity  of  inducing  Great  Britain  to 
join  in  any  comprehensive  European  pact  involving  mili- 
tary guarantees,  proposed  in  their  second  scheme  laid 
before  the  Disarmament  Conference  in  1932  that  there 
should  be  a  Continental  Pact,  which  Great  Britain  would 


fact  be  asked  to  join,  as  a  complement  to  a  wider  and  looser 
pact  based  upon  the  League  as  a  whole.  But  this  project 
was  only  less  unwelcome  to  Great  Britain  than  the  request 
to  join  a  Continental  Pact ;  for,  if  she  does  not  wish  to 
become  involved  in  such  a  pact,  neither  does  she  desire 
a  pact  to  be  made  without  her,  on  terms  which  might 
possibly  result  in  an  alliance  of  European  States  detrimental 
to  her  special  interests. 

Thus  both  politically  and  economically  Great  Britain 
stands  poised  between  a  policy  of  full  collaboration  in  the 
affairs  of  Europe  and  one  of  imperial  unity  in  an  exclusive 
sense.  She  has  been  enabled  so  far  to  walk  this  tight-rope 
successfully,  in  the  first  place  because  she  is  an  island,  and  in 
the  second  because  the  Continental  States  have  not  so  far 
succeeded  in  reconciling  their  own  differences  sufficiently 
to  present  a  united  front.  If  they  did  this,  she  would  have  to 
determine  her  attitude  one  way  or  the  other  ;  and  at 
present  she  would  almost  certainly  decide,  however 
reluctantly,  to  remain  outside  a  bloc  formed  in  Continental 
Europe,  while  endeavouring  to  make  the  best  terms  she 
could  for  her  commerce  with  the  countries  forming  the  bloc. 

Thus  for  the  present  at  least  the  idea  of  a  confederal 
Europe  has  to  be  conceived  in  terms  which  leave  out  Great 
Britain  on  the  west ;  but  this  is  solely  due  to  the  continued 
existence  of  the  British  Empire  as  a  political  and  economic 
unit.  If  Great  Britain  lost  India,  if  a  number  of  her  colonies 
fell  away  or  were  taken  from  her,  if  the  self-governing 
Dominions  pressed  somewhat  further  their  established 
right  to  take  their  own  line  in  international  affairs  as  well  as 
in  matters  of  internal  government,  Great  Britain,  reft  of  her 
imperial  sovereignty,  would  be  inevitably  drawn  into  the 
circle  of  the  Continental  system.  There  is  no  likelihood  of 
these  things  happening  at  the  moment ;  but  if  another 
world  war  did  break  out,  no  one  can  prophesy  that  Great 
Britain  would  be  able  to  come  through  such  a  war  with  her 
Empire  intact  or  even  surviving  at  all. 

Moreover,  Socialism  is  inconsistent  with  Empires  as  they 
are  now  conceived.  It  is  not  in  the  least  inconsistent  with  the 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  787 

existence  of  federations  of  self-governing  countries  bounci 
together  solely  upon  a  basis  of  mutual  consent  ;  and  to  the 
extent  to  which  the  British  Empire  can  survive  this  test 
there  is  no  reason  why  Socialism  should  modify  in  any  way 
the  relations  at  present  existing  between  Great  Britain  and 
the  self-governing  Dominions.  But  in  such  a  reformed 
Empire  India  would  have  to  be  a  member,  if  at  all,  on 
terms  of  political  and  economic  equality  ;  and  the  other 
colonial  possessions  of  the  British  Grown  could  be  retained 
only  to  the  extent  to  which  their  retention  could  be  justified 
in  the  interests  of  their  own  inhabitants.  In  Africa,  for 
example,  the  victory  of  Socialism  in  Europe  would  almost 
certainly  bring  with  it  the  sweeping  away  of  the  separate 
colonial  administrations  at  present  maintained  by  the 
various  European  countries  in  favour  of  some  sort  of  inter- 
national administration  within  which  the  existing  colonies 
and  mandated  areas  would  be  re-grouped,  irrespective  of 
their  present  imperial  affiliations.  The  British  Empire 
might  survive  ;  but  an  Empire  so  reconstituted  as  this 
survival  would  imply  would  no  longer  possess  the  character 
of  an  exclusive  political  or  economic  unity,  or  bar  out 
a  country  belonging  to  it  from  entering  into  the  closest 
political  and  economic  associations  with  countries  standing 
outside.  Great  Britain  might  be  a  member  of  the  British 
Empire,  and  yet  at  the  same  time  belong  to  a  European 
group  of  States  ;  and  Canada  might  retain  political 
affiliations  with  Great  Britain,  and  yet  build  up  close 
economic  and  political  relationships  with  the  United  States. 

The  U.S.S.R.  and  the  League.  At  the  opposite  end  of 
Europe  from  Great  Britain  is  the  Soviet  Union,  stretching 
across  the  Continental  frontier  without  a  break  to  the  Far 
East.  The  mass  of  the  population  of  Soviet  Russia  still  lives 
in  Europe  ;  but  the  larger  part  of  Russian  territory  lies 
beyond  the  Urals,  and  the  development  both  of  Russian 
industry  and  of  Russian  agriculture  is  being  so  carried  on 
under  the  Soviet  Government  as  to  remove  the  centres  of 
economic  activity  further  from  the  western  frontiers  and 


nearer  to  the  huge  undeveloped  tracts  of  the  east.  Russian 
industries  are  being  developed  in  and  beyond  the  Urals,  and 
a  steadily  increasing  population  is  being  settled  in  Asiatic 
Russia.  It  will  inevitably  take  a  long  time  for  this  great 
shifting  of  the  centre  of  Russian  economic  and  political  life 
to  produce  its  full  effects.  But  there  is  no  doubt  at  all  that  it 
is  going  on,  or  that  it  is  being  done  deliberately  by  the 
Soviet  Government  as  a  means  both  of  opening  up  the  vast 
new  territories  remote  from  western  Europe,  and  of  lessen- 
ing the  danger  to  the  Russian  system  from  war  upon  the 
western  frontiers.  Russia,  confronted  by  a  hostile  Europe 
determined  to  maintain  the  capitalist  system  and  protect 
itself  from  the  infection  of  Communism,  is  reciprocating  by 
such  withdrawal  from  European  complications  as  lies 
within  her  power. 

The  Russians,  of  course,  cannot,  and  would  not  if  they 
could,  disinterest  themselves  in  the  affairs  of  Europe  ; 
they  are  inevitably  interested  very  closely  in  the  settlement 
of  European  affairs  and  in  the  maintenance  of  the  peace  of 
Europe,  as  well  as  in  finding  outlets  for  their  exports,  and 
the  means  of  purchasing  manufactured  goods  in  the 
markets  of  Western  Europe.  Nor  can  the  western  countries 
afford  to  ignore  Russia,  both  because  they  too  are  interested 
in  the  Russian  market  and  because,  even  apart  from  their 
unwillingness  to  disarm  as  long  as  they  feel  the  menace  of 
Communism  in  the  east,  Russian  ideas  can  percolate  across 
their  frontiers  even  without  the  aid  of  Russian  soldiers. 
But,  though  Russia  must  interest  herself  in  the  affairs  of 
Europe,  and  other  European  countries  must  interest  them- 
selves in  the  affairs  of  Russia,  though  Russian  delegates 
must  be  invited  to  attend,  and  must  actually  attend,  inter- 
national conferences  on  questions  of  disarmament  and 
economic  relations,  there  is  no  real  possibility,  as  long  as 
the  rest  of  Europe  remains  capitalist,  of  the  entry  of  Russia 
into  any  closer  union  with  the  European  States.  The 
difference  between  the  Communist  form  of  Socialism  which 
is  now  dominant  in  Russia  and  the  Capitalism  which  still 
holds  the  field  over  the  rest  of  Europe  is  far  too  profound 

THE    LEAGUE    OF    NATIONS  789 

to  be  bridged  by  any  merely  mechanical  union.  The  Rus- 
sians, as  we  have  seen,  do  still  stand  for  the  idea  of  world 
revolution,  though  they  have  abandoned  the  notion  of 
fostering  it  by  active  intervention  in  the  affairs  of  the 
European  States  ;  and  the  capitalist  Powers  still  hope  for 
the  disappearance  of  Russian  Communism,  though  they 
have  abandoned  for  the  time  at  least,  in  face  of  their  own 
troubles  and  antagonisms,  the  idea  of  trying  to  overthrow 
it  by  force.  Between  these  two  divergent  points  of  view  there 
can  be  no  accommodation  ;  and  it  would  be  impracticable 
for  a  Socialist  Russia  to  be  administered  under  the  same 
international  control  with  a  capitalist  Europe.  Socialist 
Russia  could  not  hand  over  any  vital  service  to  an  inter- 
national control,  to  be  operated  mainly  under  the  auspices 
of  a  federation  of  capitalist  States  ;  nor  politically  could 
Russia  join  in  guaranteeing  the  integrity  of  a  State  system 
and  of  State  frontiers  whose  validity  she  denies.  Of  course 
the  triumph  of  Socialism  in  Europe  would  alter  this  situa- 
tion so  as  to  make  collaboration  possible.  But  for  the  present 
Russia  is  bound  to  go  her  own  way  in  the  East  to  an  even 
greater  extent  than  Great  Britain  in  the  West.  Such  imme- 
diate approaches  as  can  be  made  towards  closer  European 
union  have  therefore  to  be  thought  of  in  terms  of  the 
Continental  States  which  lie  between  the  Russian  frontier 
and  the  Atlantic  Ocean. 

It  has,  however,  to  be  remembered  that  the  U.S.S.R., 
under  its  existing  Constitution,  is  not  a  closed  but  an  open 
federation.  The  draughtsmen  of  the  Russian  Constitution 
deliberately  left  the  way  open  for  fresh  units  to  join  the 
U.S.S.R.  if  they  were  prepared  to  accept  the  principles  of 
Communism  and  the  overriding  control  of  the  Soviet 
Union  as  a  whole  in  matters  of  general  policy.  It  is  there- 
fore quite  within  the  bounds  of  possibility  that  the  result 
of  any  upsetting  of  the  present  European  State  system 
would  be  among  other  things  the  voluntary  linking  up  of 
new  territories  in  Eastern  Europe  with  the  U.S.S.R.  ;  so 
that  Russia  might  on  a  federal  basis  regain  part  at  least  of 
the  territory  which  was  lost  to  her  through  the  creation  of 


hew  States  at  the  conclusion  of  the  war.  Just  as  the  small 
Republics  of  Georgia,  Azerbaijan  and  Armenia  have  dis- 
appeared and  been  merged  into  the  Soviet  Union  as  one 
of  its  constituent  Republics,  so  some  of  the  border  States 
might,  if  they  underwent  Communist  revolutions  of  their 
own,  prefer  to  forgo  their  present  independent  status,  and 
link  up  with  Soviet  Russia.  For  there  is  no  essential  element 
of  permanence  in  the  existing  frontiers  between  the 
U.S.S.R.  and  the  rest  of  Europe.  Peasants  on  the  Russian 
side  of  the  frontier,  especially  in  the  southern  part  of 
Poland,  are,  as  we  have  seen,  much  the  same  as  the  peasants 
of  the  Ukraine  ;  and  if  the  smaller  States  of  Eastern  Europe 
went  Communist,  without  a  similar  change  to  some  form 
of  Socialism  in  Europe  as  a  whole,  they  would  be  com- 
pelled to  seek  the  support  of  their  great  eastern  neighbour, 
probably  to  the  extent  of  accepting  some  form  of  political 
unification,  subject  to  autonomy  in  the  management  of 
their  own  local  affairs.  In  that  event,  Communism,  even 
if  it  did  not  fulfil  the  hopes  of  the  Third  International  by 
conquering  Europe  as  a  whole,  would  be  brought  far  more 
closely  into  contact  with  the  West  by  the  disappearance  as 
separate  entities  of  the  smaller  States  which  at  present  bar 
off  Soviet  Russia  from  the  Great  European  Powers. 


was  set  up  in  1919  as  a  part  of  the  Peace  settlement ;  and 
the  statutes  by  which  it  is  governed  form  Part  XIII  of  the 
Versailles  Treaty.  This  part  of  Jthe  Treaty  opens  with  a 
preamble  declaring  the  motives  which  have  led  the  "  high 
contracting  parties,  moved  by  sentiments  of  justice  and 
humanity  as  well  as  by  the  desire  to  secure  the  permanent 
peace  of  the  world,"  to  establish  the  Organisation.  The 
preamble  declares  that "  conditions  of  labour  exist  involving 


such  injustice,  hardship,  and  privation  to  large  number* 
of  people  as  to  produce  unrest  so  great  that  the  peace  and 
harmony  of  the  world  are  imperilled  and  the  improvement 
of  those  conditions  is  urgently  required."  The  International 
Labour  Organisation  was  established  as  a  means  of  remedy- 
ing these  evils.  In  amplification  of  these  objects  certain 
principles  which  are  to  govern  the  action  of  the  I.L.O. 
are  set  out  in  Article  437  of  the  Versailles  Treaty.  First 
among  these  comes  "  the  guiding  principle  .  .  .  that  labour 
should  not  be  regarded  merely  as  a  commodity  or  article 
of  commerce  "  ;  and  further  principles  are  designed  to 
safeguard  the  right  of  association  by  both  employers  and 
workers.  These  include  the  payment  of  adequate  wages 
and  the  limitation  of  the  working  day,  the  abolition  of  child 
labour,  equal  pay  to  men  and  women  for  work  of  equal 
value,  the  protection  of  the  rights  of  foreign  labour,  and 
the  setting  up  of  an  adequate  system  of  inspection  for  the 
enforcement  of  industrial  laws. 

It  is  nowhere  clearly  laid  down  in  the  statutes  of  the 
International  Labour  Organisation  how  wide  the  scope 
of  its  activities  is  meant  to  be.  Thus  there  arose  at  an  early 
stage  the  question  whether  the  regulation  of  conditions  in 
agriculture  as  well  as  industry  came  within  its  province. 
The  French  Government  among  others  desired  to  exclude 
agriculture  ;  but  in  the  end  this  objection  was  overridden, 
and  the  conventions  and  recommendations  adopted  at 
subsequent  International  Labour  Conferences  have  dealt 
with  the  condition  of  agricultural  workers,  seamen  and 
other  special  classes  of  labour  as  well  as  with  industry  in  a 
narrower  sense.  A  further  question  arose  at  an  early  stage 
about  possible  overlapping  between  the  International 
Labour  Organisation  and  the  Economic  Section  of  the 
League  of  Nations.  The  I.L.O.  was  established  in  order  to 
deal  with  questions  of  labour  and  employment.  It  was 
clearly  impossible  to  isolate  these  questions  from  other 
matters  relating  to  industry  ;  and  one  of  the  earliest 
activities  of  the  International  Labour  Office,  the  permanent 
machinery  set  up  within  the  Organisation,  was  to  institute 


in  ambitious  "  Enquiry  into  Production."  To  this  strong 
objection  was  taken  on  the  ground  that,  in  the  questions 
asked,  the  Office  was  travelling  far  outside  its  limited  terms 
of  reference.  But  the  matter  was  never  settled  by  any 
formal  decision,  the  I.L.O.  agreeing  to  restrict  its  enquiry 
in  order  to  avoid  a  ruling  which  -might  have  seriously 
limited  its  future  work.  Since  then  on  a  number  of  occasions 
the  International  Labour  Organisation  has  collaborated 
with  the  Economic  Section  of  the  League  in  particular 
pieces  of  work,  notably  in  the  attempt  to  deal  with  the 
coal-mining  situation  in  Europe.  Where  necessary,  confer- 
ences are  convened  jointly  by  the  two  bodies  ;  and  the 
I.L.O.  is  called  into  consultation  when  the  Economic 
Section  of  the  League  is  dealing  with  matters  of  direct 
concern  to  Labour. 

In  general,  the  International  Labour  Organisation  con- 
sists of  the  same  States  as  are  members  of  the  League  of 
Nations,  and  membership  of  the  League  automatically 
carries  with  it  membership  of  the  International  Labour 
Organisation.  But  there  is  nothing  to  prevent  the  I.L.O. 
from  admitting  countries  which  are  not  members  of  the 
League.  Thus  Germany  and  the  other  Central  Powers 
belonged  to  the  International  Labour  Organisation  for 
some  time  before  their  admission  to  the  League  ;  and  when 
Brazil  withdrew  from  the  League  she  retained  her  member- 
ship of  the  I.L.O.,  to  which  she  still  belongs.  With  the 
single  exception  of  Brazil  the  membership  of  the  two  bodies 
is  at  present  the  same. 

There  is,  however,  a  very  notable  difference  between 
these  two  related  international  organisations.  The  League 
is  in  form  purely  an  association  of  Governments,  whereas 
the  International  Labour  Organisation,  though  its  mem- 
bers are  States,  includes  provision  for  the  representation 
not  only  of  Governments  but  also  of  the  organisations  of 
employers  and  workers  in  each  country.  Each  State  which 
belongs  to  the  I.L.O.  has  four  representatives  at  the 
International  Labour  Conferences.  Two  of  these  are 
appointed  by  the  Government  as  its  own  representatives  ; 


but  the  other  two  have  to  be  appointed  by  the  Government 
"  in  agreement  with  the  industrial  organisations,  if  such 
organisations  exist,  which  are  most  representative  of  em- 
ployers or  workpeople  as  the  case  may  be,  in  their  respec- 
tive countries."  The  Conference  as  a  whole  is  thus  made 
up  as  to  one  half  of  Government  representatives  and  as  to 
the  other  half  of  representatives  of  employers  and  workers 
in  equal  numbers. 

Usually  no  difficulty  arises  in  carrying  out  the  provisions 
for  the  appointment  of  employers'  and  workers'  represen- 
tatives ;  but  a  peculiar  problem  exists  in  those  countries 
in  which  there  is  no  Trade  Union  movement  in  the  ordinary 
sense.  Thus  there  have  been  difficulties  over  the  appoint- 
ment of  Labour  representatives  in  Japan  ;  and,  when 
Fascist  Italy  destroyed  the  largely  Socialist  Trade  Union 
movement  and  substituted  for  it  a  system  of  Fascist  Unions 
as  an  integral  part  of  the  "  Corporative  State,"  the  workers' 
representatives  at  the  International  Labour  Conference 
challenged  the  right  of  the  delegate  appointed  from  the 
Fascist  Union  to  serve  as  a  working-class  representative 
and  refused  him  admission  to  the  discussions  of  the  workers' 
group.  This  protest  was  overridden  at  the  Conference  itself; 
for  under  the  Statutes  of  the  International  Labour  Organi- 
sation it  requires  a  two-thirds  majority  of  the  votes  cast  to 
exclude  anv  delegate  who  has  been  duly  appointed  by  his 
Government,  and  this  majority  could  not  be  secured.  But 
the  workers'  group  has  maintained  its  position  of  refusing 
to  select  an  Italian  representative  upon  any  committee,  or 
to  act  with  the  Italian  "  workers'  representative  "  in  any 
way.  A  similar  situation  has  now  arisen  in  the  case  of  Ger- 
many, and  obviously  it  is  bound  to  be  reproduced  in  the 
event  of  any  other  country  passing  under  Fascist  domination. 

The  Governing  Body  of  the  International  Labour 
Organisation  reproduces  the  structure  of  the  Assembly,  in 
that  it  too  consists  as  to  one  half  of  Government  representa- 
tives, while  the  other  half  is  appointed  by  and  from  the 
employers'  and  workers'  delegates  at  the  Conference. 
In  making  these  appointments  the  representatives  of  the 


eihployers  and  workers  vote  as  separate  groups  ;  so  that 
their  representatives  sit  upon  the  governing  body  not  as 
national  representatives  but  as  representing  the  employers' 
and  workers'  groups  as  a  whole.  A  significant  departure  is 
thus  made  from  the  principle  adopted  in  the  League  of 
Nations  that  the  whole  structure  should  be  built  up  on  the 
representation  of  separate  sovereign  States  ;  for  the  consti- 
tution of  international  groups  of  employers  and  workers 
inside  the  I.L.O.  involves  the  recognition  of  claims  of  class 
solidarity  cutting  across  national  boundaries.  In  practice, 
both  on  the  Governing  Body  and  at  the  Conferences  of  the 
International  Labour  Organisation,  the  workers'  and 
employers'  groups  do  as  a  rule  take  collective  decisions 
and  vote  solidly  for  or  against  particular  resolutions  or 
conventions,  though  occasionally  a  particular  delegate 
dissents  from  the  views  of  the  majority  of  his  class  colleagues 
and  casts  an  opposing  vote.  In  the  composition  of  the 
Governing  Body,  apart  from  this  question  of  the  special 
representation  of  workers  and  employers'  interests,  much 
the  same  problems  have  arisen  as  in  the  case  of  the  League 
of  Nations.  In  the  International  Labour  Organisation  as 
in  the  League,  a  differentiation  is  made  between  the 
principal  and  the  less  important  countries  ;  but  in  the 
I.L.O.  the  countries  to  be  accorded  special  representation 
on  the  governing  body  are  selected  in  accordance  with  their 
industrial  importance  rather  than  with  their  position  as 
Great  Powers  in  a  political  sense. 

The  Governing  Body  consists  in  all  of  twenty-four 
members.  Twelve  of  these,  as  we  have  seen,  are  selected  in 
equal  numbers  by  the  employers'  and  workers'  groups 
acting  internationally.  The  remaining  twelve  seats  have  to 
be  allotted  to  the  Governments.  Eight  of  these  seats  are  at 
present  reserved  for  the  leading  countries.  In  the  list 
originally  drawn  up  at  the  Washington  Conference  of 
1919  the  countries  selected  for  special  representation  were 
Belgium,  France,  Germany,  Great  Britain,  Italy,  Japan, 
Switzerland  and  the  United  States.  The  United  States,  how- 
ever, was  no  more  prepared  to  join  the  International  Labour 


Organisation  than  the  League  ;  and  in  order  to  secure 
American  representation  on  the  Governing  Body  Canada 
was  accorded  a  seat  in  its  place.  India  also  put  forward 
strong  claims  for  representation,  and  succeeded  in  dis- 
placing Switzerland  from  the  group  of  countries  enjoying 
special  treatment.  With  these  two  changes  the  original 
suggestions  were  accepted,  and  these  eight  countries 
accordingly  are  always  represented  upon  the  Governing 
Body.  Only  four  seats  are  therefore  left  to  be  allotted  among 
all  the  remaining  Governments.  These  are  at  present  occu- 
pied by  Brazil,  Denmark,  Poland  and  Spain.  At  an  early 
stage  strong  complaints  arose  from  the  smaller  countries, 
and  especially  from  the  countries  of  South  America,  that 
they  were  accorded  no  adequate  representation  ;  and  at 
the  Conference  of  1922  it  was  proposed  to  amend  the 
Constitution  so  as  to  increase  the  membership  of  the 
Governing  Body  from  twenty-four  to  thirty-two,  thus 
allowing  four  extra  seats  for  Governments  and  two  each 
for  the  employers'  and  workers'  groups.  Moreover,  it  was 
proposed  to  do  this  without  increasing  the  number  of 
countries  granted  special  representation,  so  as  to  give  half 
the  Government  seats  on  the  Governing  Body  to  the  smaller 
countries.  This  amendment,  however,  required,  in  accord- 
ance with  the  Constitution  of  the  I.L.O.,  the  ratification  of 
no  less  than  forty-two  separate  States.  Forty-one  of  these 
ratifications  have  now  been  received,  but  up  to  the  end  of 
1932  Italy  was  still  blocking  the  amendment,  which  has 
therefore  not  so  far  come  into  force. 

The  International  Labour  Organisation  is  often  loosely 
described  as  a  body  for  the  purpose  of  passing  international 
labour  laws.  But  in  the  true  sense  it  has  no  legislative 
powers  ;  for  in  labour  matters  as  in  political  affairs  each 
State  insists  on  reserving  its  separate  sovereignty,  and  is  not 
prepared  to  surrender  power  to  any  international  body. 
The  International  Labour  Conference  can  only  propose 
and  cannot  enact.  It  can  pass  recommendations  and  urge 
their  adoption  by  the  various  States  ;  and  it  can  draw  up 
Draft  Conventions  which  the  Governments  of  the  member 


S fetes  are  under  an  obligation  to  submit  to  the  competent 
legislative  authorities  in  their  countries  within  a  definite 
period  of  time.  But  the  obligations  of  the  Governments  are 
limited  to  this  act  of  submission  ;  and  if  the  legislative 
authority  in  a  particular  country  does  not  choose  to  ratify 
the  Conventions  proposed  by  the  International  Labour 
Organisation  it  is  perfectly  free  to  reject  them,  or  to  take  no 
action.  Indeed  any  Government  is  itself  perfectly  free  to 
advise  the  rejection  of  a  convention,  even  if  its  own  represen- 
tatives at  the  International  Labour  Conference  have 
previously  voted  in  its  favour.  On  a  number  of  occasions 
Conventions  formally  adopted  by  the  International  Labour 
Conference  have  been  subsequently  rejected  outright  by 
certain  of  the  member  States.  But  more  often  what  happens 
is  that  either  the  Government  merely  submits  the  Draft 
Convention  to  its  Parliament  or  similar  body  without  any 
recommendation,  and  no  action  is  taken  either  to  accept  or 
reject  it,  or  else  ratification  is  postponed  or  adjourned  or  made 
conditional  on  prior  ratification  by  those  countries  which 
are  most  directly  in  competition  with  the  State  concerned. 

The  Work  of  the  I.L.O.  Between  1919  and  the  end 
of  1931  the  International  Labour  Conference  adopted  31 
separate  Conventions,  apart  from  recommendations  and 
resolutions  ;  and  all  these  have  been  submitted  for  ratifica- 
tion to  the  member  States.  Of  these  3 1  Conventions  there 
had  been,  in  June  1933,  505  ratifications  by  member 
States,  less  than  9  ratifications  per  Convention  as  against 
a  total  of  58  member  States.  It  thus  appears  that  a  large 
number  of  States  have  failed  to  ratify  any  considerable 
number  of  Conventions.  Actually  20  States  are  not  recorded 
as  having  finally  ratified  even  a  single  Convention.  But  all 
these  States  are  non-European,  unless  Turkey  be  counted 
as  a  European  State,  no  less  than  14  of  them  being  situated 
in  Central  or  Southern  America.  Thus,  Great  Britain  and 
France  have  each  ratified  18,  Italy,  Poland  and  Roumania 
17,  Germany  and  Sweden  16,  and  Holland  15.  Spain  has 
the  highest  record,  with  30  ratifications,  but  is  apparently 


soon  to  share  this  record  with  Uruguay 

agreed,  as  we  write,  to  ratify  30  convenjjDriSftJfHn  a  lump^ 

having  previously  ratified  none  at 

Bulgaria  come  next,  with  27  each,  fd 

Yugoslavia  and  the  Irish  Free  Statef 

Slovakia,  with  12  ratifications,  comes  l\ 

list,  level  with  Japan.  Denmark  sur 

only   10  Conventions  in  all,  Switzerlaft 

Albania  only  four.  The  Swiss  difficulty 

the  federal  structure  of  the  Swiss  State.  

Lithuania  are  also  low,  with  only  five  ratifications;  but 
most  of  the  remaining  European  States  have  ratified  much 
the  same  number  as  the  greater  European  Powers.  Natur- 
ally the  number  of  ratifications  is  as  a  rule  greatest  in  the 
case  of  the  Conventions  adopted  during  the  earlier  years  of 
the  International  Labour  Organisation's  existence  ;  for  it 
often  takes  a  long  time  to  get  a  Convention  embodied  in 
the  national  law  even  of  a  State  which  is  prepared  to  ratify 
it.  But  some  of  the  earlier  Conventions,  even  of  those 
adopted  in  1919,  still  fall  very  far  short  of  complete  ratifi- 
cation— notably  the  Convention  on  hours  of  work  in  in- 
dustry, under  which  the  establishment  of  a  universal  maxi- 
mum working  week  of  48  hours  was  proposed.  This  is  by  far 
the  most  important  Convention  yet  adopted  by  the  Inter- 
national Labour  Conference  ;  and  the  difficulties  over  its 
ratification  have  been  the  most  serious  setback  encountered 
by  the  International  Labour  Organisation  during  its 
fourteen  years  of  activity. 

The  Washington  Hours  Convention  was  the  first  measure 
adopted  by  the  International  Labour  Organisation  at  its 
inaugural  conference  at  Washington  in  1919.  After  many 
years  of  effort  only  nine  European  countries  and  two 
outside  Europe  have  definitely  ratified  it.  The  only  impor- 
tant industrial  countries  included  in  this  list  are  Belgium 
and  Czechoslovakia,  the  others  being  Luxembourg,  Spain, 
Portugal,  Greece,  Roumania,  Bulgaria  and  Lithuania. 
The  non- European  countries  are  Chile,  the  Dominican 
Republic,  and  India.  In  this  last  case  ratification  does  not 


iihply  the  adoption  of  the  48  hours  working  week,  as  special 
provision  was  made  in  the  Convention  for  the  recognition 
of  an  appreciably  longer  working  week  in  Asiatic  countries. 
Four  other  States — France,  Italy,  Austria  and  Latvia — 
have  agreed  to  ratify  the  Convention  only  on  condition  of 
its  acceptance  by  the  other  leading  countries.  A  number  of 
other  countries  have  approved  the  Convention,  but  have 
not  yet  brought  it  into  effect  ;  while  five — Great  Britain, 
Germany,  Poland,  Denmark  and  Estonia — have  reserved 
action,  and  five  others  have  either  rejected  the  Convention 
outright  or  in  some  other  way  successfully  shelved  it,  the 
absolute  rejections  being  those  of  Sweden  and  Switzerland. 
Since  the  Convention  was  adopted,  there  have  been 
numerous  attempts  by  the  I.L.O.  and  also  by  certain 
Governments,  under  strong  pressure  from  the  workers' 
group,  to  secure  general  ratification  ;  and  on  several  occa- 
sions special  conferences  of  the  Labour  Ministers  of  the 
leading  countries  have  been  held  in  order  to  see  whether 
agreement  for  simultaneous  ratification  could  be  secured. 
The  employers,  on  the  other  hand,  have  been  for  the  most 
part  strongly  opposed  to  ratification,  even  in  those  coun- 
tries in  which  the  existing  working  week  does  not  in  most 
trades  exceed  48  hours.  Just  before  the  coming  of  the  world 
slump  a  further  attempt  at  ratification  was  being  made, 
largely  on  the  initiative  of  the  British  Labour  Government  ; 
and  the  employers,  backed  by  certain  of  the  Governments, 
were  pressing  for  modifications  relaxing  the  severity  of  the 
clauses  relating  to  overtime.  These  modifications  were 
strongly  resisted  from  the  workers'  side  ;  but  the  world 
slump  swept  away  the  hope  of  securing  early  ratification 
in  any  form.  For  although  it  meant  that  in  practice  a  large 
proportion  of  the  workers  in  the  various  countries  were 
working  much  less  than  48  hours  a  week,  the  employers, 
with  the  support  of  most  of  the  Governments,  became 
increasingly  reluctant  to  see  the  Convention  passed  into 
law  because  it  would  have  meant  difficulties  with  the  Trade 
Unions  over  the  readjustment  of  wage-rates  in  accordance 
with  the  shortening  of  the  working  hours,  and  in  some  cases 


payment  for  overtime  where  this  was  not  already  being 
made.  Thus,  at  a  time  when  the  countries'  situation  made 
possible,  and  even  imperatively  called  for,  a  reduction  in 
working  hours,  it  became  paradoxically  far  more  difficult 
than  when  industry  was  busier  to  secure  an  agreed  limitation. 
An  attempt  was,  however,  made  in  1932  to  approach  the 
question  of  the  limitation  of  hours  in  a  somewhat  different 
way.  Among  the  workers  especially  it  was  being  urged  that 
in  view  of  the  world  depression  steps  ought  to  be  taken  for 
a  fairer  sharing  out  of  the  available  amount  of  employment 
among  the  employed  populations  of  the  various  countries. 
For  this  purpose  it  was  proposed  that,  at  any  rate  for  the 
duration  of  the  slump,  a  maximum  working  week  of  40 
hours  should  be  accepted  by  all  States  in  accordance  with 
the  terms  of  a  new  Convention  to  be  drafted  by  the  Inter- 
national Labour  Organisation.  The  Italian  Government, 
with  a  few  others,  gave  its  support  to  this  proposal,  which 
came  up  for  consideration  at  a  special  International  Labour 
Conference.  At  this  gathering  the  employers  strongly 
resisted  the  proposal,  on  the  ground  that  it  would  have  the 
effect  of  raising  costs  of  production  and  thus  further 
hampering  industry  at  a  time  when  it  was  already  labouring 
under  considerable  difficulties.  For  it  was  strongly  insisted 
by  the  workers'  group  that  the  reduction  in  hours  must  not 
involve  any  reduction  in  earnings,  and  that  accordingly 
wage-rates  must  be  left  intact  where  they  were  fixed  on  a 
weekly  basis,  and  scaled  up  where  hourly  payment  or 
piecework  is  at  present  in  force.  The  majority  of  the  Govern- 
ments, while  they  were  not  prepared  to  accept  the  workers' 
proposal  that  no  reduction  in  wages  should  be  permitted 
in  any  case,  gave  a  general  endorsement  to  the  workers' 
point  of  view,  to  the  extent  of  urging  that  if  an  agreed 
reduction  of  hours  was  brought  about  steps  must  be  taken 
to  safeguard  wage  rates.  Finally,  by  the  joint  action  of  the 
Governments'  and  workers'  representatives  and  against 
the  opposition  of  the  employers'  group,  it  was  decided  that 
further  consideration  should  be  given  to  the  whole  proposal, 
and  a  resolution  was  passed  referring  the  matter  for  inquiry 


by  the  International  Labour  Office,  with  a  proviso  that 
the  inquiry  should  include  the  problem  of  safeguarding 
wages  as  well  as  that  of  bringing  about  a  reduction  in 
working  hours.  In  the  middle  of  1933  the  project  came  up 
for  further  consideration  at  the  International  Labour  Con- 
ference ;  but  with  the  British  Government,  backed  by 
Nazist  Germany,  taking  the  lead  against  it  with  the  full 
support  of  the  employers'  group,  the  requisite  majority 
for  carrying  it  further  could  not  be  secured,  and  it  was 
shelved  for  another  year. 

There  the  matter  now  stands.  It  will  presumably  come 
up  for  consideration  at  subsequent  meetings  of  the  Inter- 
national Labour  Conference  ;  but  in  view  of  the  divergence 
of  attitudes  and  especially  of  the  strong  hostility  expressed 
by  the  British  Government  to  any  Convention  at  all,  it 
seems  most  unlikely  that  an  agreed  solution  will  be  reached. 
Indeed,  even  if  a  Convention  is  in  the  end  drafted  the 
situation  which  arose  over  the  Washington  Hours  Conven- 
tion of  1919  seems  likely  to  be  reproduced,  and  the  British 
Government  may  perhaps  be  again  the  principal  obstacle 
to  its  adoption  by  the  leading  industrial  nations. 

The  Conventions  adopted  by  the  International  Labour 
Organisation  are  of  very  unequal  importance.  Some  of  them 
relate  only  to  particular  classes  of  workers,  or  to  industrial 
problems  of  secondary  importance.  In  especial,  the  prac- 
tice has  grown  up  of  devoting  special  sessions  of  the  Con- 
ference to  questions  affecting  seamen  ;  and  two  confer- 
ences have  been  largely  specialised  to  dealing  with  agri- 
cultural questions.  After  the  Washington  Hours  Conven- 
tion the  most  important  general  Conventions  are  those 
dealing  with  unemployment  and  the  minimum  wage.  The 
Unemployment  Convention,  which  provides  for  the  setting 
up  by  each  State  which  ratifies  it  of  some  form  of  provision 
by  way  of  insurance  or  otherwise  for  the  maintenance  of  the 
unemployed,  has  been  ratified  by  25  States,  including  most 
of  the  leading  industrial  countries.  But  the  Minimum  Wage 
Convention,  which  was  adopted  in  1919  and  provides  for 
the  establishment  of  some  sort  of  minimum  wage-fixing 


machinery  in  each  country,  has  so  far  received  in  all  only 
10  ratifications,  though  its  obligations  are  by  no  means 
onerous.  In  general,  while  the  output  of  Conventions  has 
been  considerable,  very  great  difficulty  has  been  experi- 
enced in  securing  their  acceptance  by  the  member  States  ; 
and  even  where  they  have  been  adopted  this  has  often  been 
because  they  went  no  further  than  the  States  concerned  had 
gone  already  on  a  basis  of  purely  national  legislation. 

The  actual  influence  of  the  International  Labour  Or- 
ganisation in  improving  standards  of  labour  legislation 
in  the  more  advanced  industrial  countries  has  been  ex- 
ceedingly small.  Such  valuable  results  as  it  has  so  far 
achieved  in  this  field  have  been  mainly  in  pulling  up  certain 
of  the  less  advanced  countries  to  a  standard  somewhat 
nearer  to  that  of  the  more  advanced  nations  than  they 
would  probably  have  reached  if  the  I.L.O.  had  not  existed. 
But  even  in  this  field  the  achievements  up  to  the  present 
have  been  disappointingly  meagre,  especially  outside 
Europe  ;  and  there  is  no  doubt  that  the  principal  cause 
of  this  slow  rate  of  progress  is  to  be  found  in  the  unrespon- 
sive attitude  of  the  leading  industrial  countries  to  those 
Conventions  which  would  involve  any  improvement  in 
their  own  national  laws.  In  particular  the  failure  of  the  ad- 
vanced countries  to  accept  the  Washington  Hours  Con- 
vention has  immensely  weakened  the  prestige  of  the  I.L.O. 
among  the  lesser  States,  and  has  made  the  task  of  securing 
ratifications  far  more  difficult  than  it  need  have  been. 
Moreover,  the  refusal  of  the  United  States  to  enter  the  I.L.O. 
was  almost  as  serious  a  blow  to  its  prospects  of  effective 
work  as  the  corresponding  refusal  to  enter  the  League  of 
Nations  was  to  the  wider  cause  of  international  collaboration. 

Nevertheless,  it  is  beyond  dispute  that  the  I.L.O.  has 
done  much  useful  work,  though  this  has  been  rather  in  the 
field  of  promoting  international  discussion  and  spreading 
information  about  the  various  countries  than  in  the  direct 
improvement  of  industrial  legislation  by  means  of  its  Con- 
ventions. Undoubtedly  in  such  fields  as  inspection,  factory 
legislation  and  administration,  the  regulation  of  child 



labour,  the  prevention  of  night  work,  and  the  promotion 
of  industrial  hygiene,  the  existence  of  the  I.L.O.  has  been 
an  important  factor  in  inducing  countries  to  make  at  least 
some  elementary  provision  in  their  own  national  codes  of 
law.  In  addition  the  existence  of  the  I.L.O.,  with  the  dis- 
tinct recognition  accorded  to  the  international  solidarity  of 
interests  among  workers'  as  well  as  employers'  representa- 
tives, has  to  some  extent  helped  to  promote  common  action 
by  the  Trade  Unions  in  the  various  countries,  and  thus  to 
supplement  the  activities  of  the  International  Federation 
of  Trade  Unions.  It  would  be  foolish  to  expect  that  action 
in  the  sphere  of  labour  legislation  by  international  agree- 
ment could  advance  much  faster  than  international  con- 
sciousness among  the  nations,  or  that  the  I.L.O.  could 
successfully  transcend  that  spirit  of  insistence  on  national 
State  sovereignty  which,  as  we  have  seen,  has  been  so  fatal 
an  obstacle  in  the  way  of  the  development  of  the  League  of 
Nations  as  a  real  organ  of  international  government.  More 
clearly  than  the  League  of  Nations,  the  I.L.O.  is  worth 
while.  Even  if  its  achievements  are  small,  they  make  de- 
finitely in  the  right  direction  and  have  some  effect  in  im- 
proving the  condition  of  the  workers  in  those  countries  which 
are  most  backward  in  safeguarding  the  interests  of  labour. 
Like  the  League  Covenant,  the  constitution  of  the  I.L.O. 
makes  provision  for  the  application  in  certain  cases  of 
sanctions  against  a  State  which  fails  to  comply  with  the 
obligations  of  membership.  The  case  for  sanctions  can  arise, 
however,  only  if  a  State  fails  to  comply  with  obligations 
into  which  it  has  voluntarily  entered.  In  joining  the  I.L.O. 
a  State  undertakes,  as  we  saw,  the  definite  obligation  to 
submit  for  consideration  by  its  own  legislative  authority  any 
Convention  adopted  by  the  International  Labour  Con- 
ference, whether  its  own  representatives  at  the  Conference 
have  voted  in  favour  of  the  proposed  Convention  or  not. 
Failure  to  submit  a  Convention  is  accordingly  an  offence 
against  the  constitution  of  the  Organisation.  But  in  effect 
this  obligation  can  be  easily  complied  with  in  such  a  way 
as  to  procure  the  rejection  or  shelving  of  any  Convention 


which  the  Government  in  question  does  not  like  ;  and  there- 
fore no  Government  is  likely  to  be  particularly  anxious  to 
evade  it.  A  State  cannot  become  guilty  of  any  sort  of  default 
by  refusing  to  accept  a  Convention,  for  there  is  no  obliga- 
tion upon  any  State  to  accept  any  Convention  unless  it 
wishes  to  do  so.  In  practice  therefore  default  is  only  likely 
to  arise  where  a  State,  having  voluntarily  ratified  a  par- 
ticular Convention,  thereafter  fails  to  secure  its  enforcement. 

If  this  happens,  a  complaint  can  be  lodged  by  any  other 
State  concerned  against  the  offending  State.  The  matter 
has  then  to  be  referred  to  a  special  commission  of  Inquiry 
constituted  on  the  suggestion  of  the  Governing  Body  of  the 
I.L.O.  by  the  Secretary-General  of  the  League  of  Nations 
from  a  panel  of  representatives  of  Governments,  employers 
and  workers.  This  Commission  may  report  to  the  Inter- 
national Labour  Organisation  what  its  recommendations, 
if  any,  are  in  respect  of  the  complaint,  and  may  include  in 
its  report  a  proposal  for  the  application  of  sanctions  of  an 
economic  character  against  a  defaulting  State.  When  such 
a  report  has  been  made,  it  is  open  for  the  Government 
accused  of  default  to  refer  the  question  to  the  Permanent 
Court  of  International  Justice,  which  can  then  issue  a 
binding  award.  The  Permanent  Court,  moreover,  may 
itself  recommend  the  application  of  economic  sanctions 
against  a  State  guilty  of  breach  of  its  international  obliga- 
tions. But  the  enforcement  of  these  economic  sanctions  is 
left  purely  to  the  voluntary  initiative  of  the  other  member 
States,  any  of  which  is  free  if  it  so  chooses,  but  is  in  no  way 
compelled,  to  put  into  force  the  economic  measures  sug- 
gested by  the  Commission  or  by  the  Permanent  Court. 
Clearly  these  hesitant  provisions  are  not  very  likely  to  be 
invoked  in  practice,  and  there  would  be  extreme  difficulty, 
even  if  sanctions  were  recommended  in  a  particular  case, 
in  getting  them  applied  by  agreement  between  the  countries 
which  are  members  of  the  I.L.O. 

We  have  seen  in  the  case  of  the  Washington  Convention 
that  special  provisions  were  included  for  the  modification 
of  the  48  hours  week  in  its  application  to  Asiatic  countries. 


This  was  in  accordance  with  the  general  scheme  laid  down 
in  the  Constitution  of  the  I.L.O.  Article  405  provides  that 
"  in  framing  any  recommendation  or  draft  convention  of 
general  application  the  Conference  shall  have  due  regard 
to  those  countries  in  which  climatic  conditions,  the  im- 
perfect development  of  industrial  organisations,  or  other 
special  circumstances,  make  industrial  conditions  sub- 
stantially different,  and  shall  suggest  the  modifications, 
if  any,  which  it  considers  may  be  required  to  meet  the  cases 
of  such  countries."  It  is  further  provided  in  Article  421 
that  the  member  States  must  apply  those  Conventions 
which  they  themselves  ratify  to  their  own  colonial  posses- 
sions which  are  not  fully  self-governing,  subject  to  similar 
modifications  to  those  laid  down  in  Article  405.  This  last 
provision  is  one  of  the  most  valuable  embodied  in  the 
International  Labour  Organisation's  Constitution  ;  for  it 
does  at  least  make  a  beginning  of  applying  some  sort  of 
industrial  legislation  to  the  colonial  empires  of  the  Great 
Powers.  Unhappily,  this  has  not  so  far  meant  much  in 
practice,  owing  to  the  very  slow  progress  which  has  been 
made  in  getting  Draft  Conventions  accepted  by  the  leading 

It  may  seem  remarkable  that  a  large  part  of  the  opposi- 
tion to  Conventions  proposed  at  the  successive  International 
Labour  Conferences  and  to  the  ratification  of  Conventions 
actually  approved  has  come  from  the  more  advanced 
industrial  nations,  in  which  economic  conditions  are  on  the 
whole  more  satisfactory  than  in  the  less  developed  countries. 
This  arises  partly  from  the  fact  that  these  countries  have  for 
the  most  part  their  own  codes  of  industrial  legislation  and 
that  sometimes  a  Convention,  even  if  it  does  not  in  general 
lay  down  standards  as  high  as  those  already  in  force  in  the 
country  concerned,  differs  in  certain  material  particulars 
in  the  methods  which  it  prescribes  from  the  provisions  of 
the  existing  national  legislation,  so  that  it  seems  to  involve 
inconvenient  changes  in  national  law  without  any  corres- 
ponding advantage.  But  the  objections  raised  by  the 
advanced  countries  are  also  influenced  in  many  cases  by 


their  fears  that,  even  if  a  particular  Convention  is  generalfy 
ratified,  there  will  be  great  differences  between  one  country 
and  another  in  the  extent  to  which  it  is  actually  observed 
and  enforced.  The  more  advanced  countries,  and  especially 
Great  Britain  and  Germany,  have  had  higher  standards  than 
most  other  countries  in  the  actual  enforcement  of  the  laws 
which  they  place  upon  their  Statute  Books,  though  even  in 
the  most  developed  countries  labour  inspection  still  leaves 
much  to  be  desired.  A  country  like  Great  Britain  may 
therefore  express  a  fear  that  other  countries  which  agree  to 
ratify  a  particular  Convention  will  not  in  fact  enforce  its 
observance  to  anything  tike  the  same  extent  as  it  will  be 
enforced  if  Great  Britain  embodies  it  in  her  national  code 
of  law.  Again,  the  advanced  industrial  countries  are  often 
unwilling  to  accept  a  particular  Convention  unless  there  is 
an  assurance  that  it  will  be  simultaneously  ratified  by  their 
chief  industrial  competitors  ;  and  these  fears  are  apt  to 
result  in  each  country  waiting  for  others  to  act  first,  with  the 
consequence  that  in  the  end  no  one  acts  at  all,  and  the 
Convention  remains  a  dead  letter. 

But  these  excuses  are  by  no  means  sufficient  to  explain  the 
extraordinary  attitude  adopted  by  Great  Britain  in  relation 
to  the  Washington  Hours  Convention  of  1919  ;  for  Great 
Britain  had  of  all  countries  by  far  the  most  to  gain  from  the 
acceptance  of  a  limitation  of  hours  which  had  been  secured 
in  the  great  majority  of  her  own  industries.  There  is  little 
doubt  that,  if  she  had  promptly  ratified  the  Washington 
Convention,  most  other  countries,  including  her  leading 
competitors,  would  speedily  have  followed  suit,  and  that  the 
48  hours  week  would  have  become  a  general  standard  at 
least  over  Western  Europe,  with  the  safeguard  of  national 
legislation  behind  it  in  each  of  the  leading  countries.  It  was 
indeed  suggested  in  support  of  the  refusal  or  ratification  that 
the  drafting  of  the  Washington  Hours  Convention  was  such 
as  to  make  difficult  its  reconciliation  with  the  industrial 
agreements  reached  by  certain  British  Trade  Unions  with 
their  employers,  and  particularly  that  acceptance  of  its 
terms  would  upset  the  railwaymen's  agreements.  But  this 


difficulty  could  in  fact  easily  have  been  overcome  within 
the  framework  of  the  Convention  ;  and  it  seems  clear  that 
the  real  opposition  to  ratification  came  from  the  British 
employers,  who,  though  they  had  conceded  the  48  hours 
week  in  the  period  of  industrial  unrest  immediately  follow- 
ing the  war,  were  not  prepared  to  regard  this  victory  of  the 
Trade  Unions  as  permanent  to  the  extent  of  allowing  it  to  be 
embodied  without  opposition  in  the  national  code  of  law. 
This  attitude  on  the  part  of  the  British  employers  was 
extraordinarily  short-sighted  ;  for  by  their  failure  to  secure 
the  ratification  of  the  Convention  by  Great  Britain,  and 
thus  to  make  easier  its  acceptance  by  other  countries,  they 
have  imposed  on  themselves  competitive  handicaps  which 
have  become  more  severe  in  the  course  of  the  present  world 

Throughout  its  career  the  International  Labour  Organ- 
isation has  owed  a  great  deal  to  the  forcible  person  who  was 
placed  in  1919  at  the  head  of  the  International  Labour 
Office.  M.  Albert  Thomas,  a  former  French  Socialist  leader 
who  had  been  Minister  of  Munitions  in  France  during  the 
war,  showed  extraordinary  energy  and  resource  both  in 
developing  the  authority  of  the  I.L.O.  and  in  beating  back 
assaults  upon  it  by  Governments  and  employers'  associa- 
tions desirous  of  diminishing  its  influence.  To  him  is  due  to 
a  great  extent  the  authority  which,  in  face  of  much  opposi- 
tion, the  International  Labour  Organisation  has  actually 
succeeded  in  building  up  ;  and  his  death  in  1932  was  a 
serious  blow  to  the  cause  of  international  action  for  the 
safeguarding  of  the  rights  and  conditions  of  labour  in 
accordance  with  the  principles  laid  down  in  the  Treaty  of 
Peace.  For  it  is  clear  that  under  less  energetic  and  skilful 
management  in  its  early  years  the  I.L.O.  might  speedily 
have  been  reduced  to  insignificance  in  the  slump  of  1921 
and  the  following  years,  and  that,  although  M.  Thomas 
often  provoked  criticism  by  his  outspoken  and  autocratic 
methods,  his  presence  at  the  head  of  the  Organisation  'was 
one  of  the  chief  factors  compelling  Governments  to  respect 
its  activities. 


ONLY  FOOLS  venture,  in  the  present  situation,  upon  con- 
fident prophecy  about  the  economic  outlook.  So  far,  among 
those  who  have  ventured  upon  prophecy  since  the  world 
depression  began,  the  pessimists  have  always  been  right, 
and  it  is  tempting  to  assume  that  they  will  go  on  being 
right,  and  to  say  that  there  is  no  prospect  of  an  early 
recovery  from  the  slump,  or  even  of  any  sustained  upward 
turn.  But  we  are  not  prepared  to  make  so  confident  a 
prophecy  even  about  the  immediate  future  ;  all  we  will 
venture  to  say  is  that  there  is  as  we  write  no  clear  sign  of  an 
improvement  calculated  to  lead  directly  to  a  real  world 
recovery.  It  is  true  that  there  has  been  a  big  improvement 
in  prices  and  production  in  the  United  States  since  the 
suspension  of  the  gold  standard,  that  some  small  reduction 
has  occurred  in  the  surplus  stocks  of  raw  commodities,  and 
that  agricultural  output  has  begun  in  some  measure  to 
decline  in  response  to  the  sharp  fall  in  prices.  There  is 
probably  a  greater  reduction  in  the  volume  of  stocks  of 
finished  and  semi-finished  goods  held  by  traders  ;  and  to 
this  extent  the  situation  is  more  favourable,  in  that  the 
stimulus  given  to  production  by  any  favourable  conjuncture 
would  be  more  rapidly  passed  on  to  the  producing  industries 
and  would  lead  to  a  more  rapid  expansion  of  employment 
than  at  any  time  since  the  slump  set  in. 

This,  however,  is  only  to  say  that  the  conditions  would  be 
more  favourable  if  forces  making  for  durable  recovery  were 
present  and  able  to  assert  themselves.  We  look  in  vain  for  the 
clear  emergence  of  such  forces.  Indeed  the  last  few  months 
have  brought  in  Europe,  largely  as  a  result  of  economic 
adversity,  political  complications  and  new  threats  of  war 
which  make  strongly  against  that  revival  of  confidence  on 


Which  the  upholders  of  Capitalism  rely  for  an  improvement 
in  world  trade  and  production.  Moreover,  although  the 
United  States,  where  the  world  depression  began,  has 
emerged  without  positive  collapse  from  the  banking  crisis 
of  the  opening  months  of  1933,  and  has  been  able  to  en- 
gineer, under  President  Roosevelt's  astute  leadership,  a 
considerable  upward  movement  of  a  speculative  sort,  the 
effect  of  this  crisis  and  of  the  measures  taken  to  deal  with  it 
is  still  too  uncertain  for  any  confident  prediction  to  be  made 
either  about  the  future  course  of  American  economic  policy, 
or  about  the  long-run  repercussions  on  the  American 
economic  system.  Great  Britain  indeed  has  escaped  far  more 
lightly  than  most  other  countries  during  the  later  phases  of 
the  world  slump  ;  for  her  departure  from  the  gold  standard 
in  1931  did  give  her  a  substantial  measure  of  relief.  But  such 
advantages  as  she  enjoys  are  purely  relative  ;  and  there  is 
no  sign  of  the  coming  from  Great  Britain  of  any  force  lead- 
ing in  the  direction  of  world  recover)'. 

Nor  are  the  hopes  once  based  upon  the  World  Economic 
Conference  now  anywhere  confidently  held  ;  and  although, 
the  Conference  is  actually  in  session  as  we  write,  and  a 
whole  series  of  discussions  about  the  economic  future  is 
taking  place  between  the  representatives  of  the  leading 
countries,  it  does  not  appear,  at  any  rate  on  the  surface, 
that  the  participants  in  the  conference  are  equipped  with 
any  agreed  or  workable  plan  for  promoting  a  general 
revival.  In  these  circumstances  there  is  assuredly  no  suffi- 
cient reason  for  prophesying  a  speedy  end  of  the  slump  ; 
but  we  hesitate  to  say  with  any  assurance  that  it  is  bound  to 
continue.  What  we  are  prepared  to  assert  is  that,  even  if 
recovery  does  come  in  the  near  future,  that  will  be  by  no 
means  the  end  of  Europe's  economic  problems  ;  for  any 
such  recovery  as  is  foreshadowed  by  the  measures  at  present 
proposed  is  likely,  so  far  from  being  permanent,  to  lead  on  in 
the  not  distant  future  to  a  new  depression  fully  as  disastrous 
as  that  through  which  the  world  is  passing  to-day. 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          809 

Capitalist  Combination  and  State  Control.  To  tMs 
point  we  shall  recur  ;  but  before  we  attempt  to  discuss  the 
future  of  European  Capitalism,  it  seems  best  to  deal  with 
those  tendencies  which  have  emerged  during  the  post-war 
years  both  before  and  after  1929.  If  the  present  organisation 
of  the  capitalist  system  is  compared  with  its  organisation  in 
1914,  certain  very  large  differences  at  once  come  into  view. 
There  has  been  in  the  first  place  a  very  great  increase  in 
industrial  combination.  Employers  were  drawn  or  driven 
together  into  large  combines  or  associations  during  the 
years  of  war  because  such  combination  was  absolutely 
necessary  in  order  to  secure  a  co-ordinated  effort  for  the 
supplying  of  war  needs.  The  organisations  thus  brought  into 
being  to  a  great  extent  survived  the  emergency,  and  were 
reconstituted  after  the  war  as  private  combinations  and 
associations  of  business  firms.  But  the  large  element  of 
control  which  had  been  exercised  over  them  by  the  various 
States  between  1914  and  1918  was  for  the  most  precipitately 
removed  under  suspicion  that  it  was  tainted  with  Socialism. 
Since  1918,  combination  in  industry  has  been  the  rule  rather 
than  the  exception,  though  the  forms  of  combination  differ 
widely  from  case  to  case,  and  are  of  very  varying  intensity, 
from  the  great  trusts  under  completely  unified  financial 
control,  through  the  cartels  which  are  the  characteristic 
feature  of  the  German  economic  system,  to  much  looser 
trading  associations  among  firms  which  preserve  their 

But  this  growth  of  combination,  while  it  has  sometimes 
created  organisations  of  international  scope,  has  for  the 
most  part  proceeded  along  national  lines  and  even  on 
a  basis  of  nationalist  and  imperialist  policy.  It  has  resulted 
in  the  creation  in  most  of  the  leading  industries  of  powerful 
national  or  imperialist  groups  of  producers,  often  in  sharp 
rivalry  one  with  another  throughout  the  markets  of  the 
world  ;  and  these  combined  groups  of  producers  have  been 
able  to  a  far  greater  extent  than  before  the  war  to  rely  on 
their  respective  States  for  support  in  their  commercial 
adventures  and  antagonisms.  Thus  business  combination, 


stf  far  from  unifying  the  world  and  making  more  remote  the 
danger  of  national  wars,  has  become  for  the  most  part  an 
ally  of  nationalism  and  imperialism,  and  has  helped  to 
increase  national  antagonisms  by  binding  them  up  more 
closely  with  private  capitalist  interests.  This  tendency  has 
both  strengthened  and  been  strengthened  by  the  movement 
towards  higher  tariffs  and  increasing  restrictions  upon 
international  trade  ;  and  the  two  forces  combined  have 
helped  to  create  a  series  of  State  systems  administered  by 
Governments  more  directly  responsive  than  before  the  war 
to  the  economic  claims  of  large  vested  interests  organ- 
ised upon  a  national  scale.  Such  tendencies  towards  inter- 
nationalism as  do  exist  in  the  capitalist  world  have  been  far 
too  weak  to  stand  up  against  these  nationalist  forces.  They 
have  been  for  the  most  part  either  inclusions  of  smaller 
countries  within  the  spheres  of  influence  of  the  industries  of 
the  great  imperialist  Powers,  or  arrangements  almost  in  the 
nature  of  commercial  treaties  between  great  national 
capitalist  groups.  The  Continental  Steel  Cartel,  for  ex- 
ample, is  an  arrangement  between  a  number  of  groups  of 
steel  producers  each  organised  upon  a  purely  national 
basis.  The  Royal  Dutch  Shell,  with  its  ramifications  in 
many  parts  of  the  world,  represents  rather  a  penetration 
of  British  imperialist  influence  in  the  petroleum  industry 
than  any  movement  towards  international  capitalist  action. 
Side  by  side  with  this  growth  of  capitalist  combination 
upon  a  national  basis  there  has  gone  a  great  increase  in  the 
amount  of  State  control  over  industry  and  of  State  inter- 
vention in  the  economic  field.  The  countries  which  pre- 
cipitately abolished  in  1919  the  forms  of  control  over 
industry  which  they  had  established  during  the  war  have 
been  compelled  by  force  of  circumstances  to  reintroducc 
them  to  a  substantial  extent,  or  to  impose  new  controls  in 
the  interests  of  more  efficient  industrial  organisation.  In 
Great  Britain  a  large  part  of  the  electrical  industry  has  been 
socialised  in  the  hands  of  the  Central  Electricity  Board ;  and 
the  industry  as  a  whole  has  been  brought  under  public 
control.  Railway  rates  have  been  regulated  on  a  more 


comprehensive  basis  than  before  the  war  ;  and  a  substantial 
beginning  has  been  made  with  the  State  control  of  road 
transport.  The  mines  have  remained  in  private  hands  ; 
but  the  mine-owners  are  now  organised  into  State- 
controlled  associations  for  the  fixing  of  output  and  prices. 
The  British  agricultural  industry  is  also  passing  under 
a  form  of  State  regulation  through  a  whole  series  of  market- 
ing schemes  for  particular  products.  Sugar-beet  growing 
and  wheat  growing  are  subsidised  by  the  State.  The 
import  of  dyestuffs  is  regulated  by  a  licensing  system 
designed  in  the  interests  of  maintaining  an  industry  sup- 
posed to  be  vital  for  military  purposes  ;  and,  finally,  the 
new  British  tariff  is  being  used,  at  any  rate  to  a  certain 
degree,  as  an  instrument  for  bringing  about  the  compulsory 
reorganisation  of  industry.  There  is  a  Commission  with 
compulsory  power  to  amalgamate  coal  mines  ;  and  it  looks 
as  if  there  would  be  another  soon  for  the  compulsory 
regulation  of  iron  and  steel.  Yet  Great  Britain  is  one  of  the 
countries  less  affected  than  most  by  the  post-war  movement 
towards  State  control  in  industry. 

This  movement  has  gone  further  in  Italy,  where  the 
Government,  through  the  Institute  Mobiliare  Italiano  and  the 
Socictd  Finanziaria  Industrial,  has  taken  a  large  share  in  the 
task  of  financing  Italian  industry  ;  and  large  schemes  of 
land  reclamation  and  improvement  have  been  undertaken 
by  the  Fascist  State.  But  it  is  in  Germany  that  the  process 
has  advanced  to  the  furthest  point.  There  the  threatened 
collapse  of  the  entire  banking  system  compelled  the  Govern- 
ment to  come  to  the  assistance  of  the  banks  and  to  put  up 
new  capital  for  them  under  conditions  which  involved 
bringing  them  under  a  drastic  form  of  State  control.  The 
Prussian  State  was  before  the  war  a  large  colliery  owner  ; 
and,  since  the  war,  State  ownership  and  operation  of  coal 
mines  has  been  supplemented  by  many  other  ventures  of 
the  State  into  the  field  of  industrial  ownership,  either  as 
sole  owner  or  as  part  owner  of  "  mixed  "  enterprises  in 
partnership  with  other  agencies.  The  great  German  steel 
industry  has  passed  to  a  substantial  extent  under  State 


cbntrol  ;  and  almost  the  entire  German  economic  system 
has  come,  during  the  past  few  years,  to  be  regulated  by  a 
most  drastic  system  of  emergency  decrees  to  which  the 
Nazis,  with  their  doctrine  of  "  National  Socialism,"  have 
now  fallen  heirs.  In  the  smaller  countries,  too,  there  has 
been  a  substantial  amount  of  taking  over  by  the  State, 
especially  in  the  sphere  of  banking  and  industrial  financing 
and  of  the  disposal  of  agricultural  produce.  If  State  control 
of  industry  were  Socialism,  Europe  would  be  to-day  a  far 
more  socialistic  Continent  than  before  the  war. 

Nor  has  State  intervention  spread  only  or  even  mainly  in 
this  field  of  the  control  of  industry.  There  has  been  also 
a  very  large  development  of  social  services  and  of  the  use  of 
the  tax  system  as  a  means  of  redistributing  incomes.  State 
after  State  has  been  compelled,  usually  much  against  the 
will  of  its  Government,  to  make  provision  on  a  large  scale  for 
the  maintenance  of  the  unemployed  ;  and  there  has  been  a 
considerable  extension  also  in  the  sphere  of  public  health 
services  and  of  insurance  against  sickness  and  incapacity. 
Far  larger  sums  than  before  the  war  are  paid  out  now  in 
the  budgets  of  most  European  countries  for  the  social  ser- 
vices. But  this  form  of  redistribution  of  the  national  income 
by  taxation  is  by  no  means  the  only  form  of  which  account 
has  to  be  taken  ;  for  over  against  it  as  a  factor  tending  in 
the  opposite  direction  there  is  the  enormous  increase  in  the 
volume  of  national  debts,  which  compels  States  to  levy 
greatly  increased  taxes  and  to  hand  back  a  large  part  of 
the  product  of  these  taxes  in  the  form  of  interest  to  the 
debt-holders.  Thus,  whereas  social  service  expenditure  tends 
to  redistribute  incomes  through  taxes  to  the  poorer  sections 
of  the  community,  national  debt  interest,  despite  the  diffu- 
sion of  holdings,  has  on  the  whole  the  opposite  effect ;  and 
the  pressure  of  the  debt  burden  upon  the  national  finances 
has  been  one  of  the  factors  aggravating  the  tendency 
towards  high  protective  duties  in  order  to  raise  larger 
sums  from  the  poorer  sections  of  the  community  by  means 
of  taxes  on  commodities. 

The  burden  of  national  debts  is  of  course  very  unevenly 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          813 

spread  over  Europe,  in  accordance  with  the  terms  on 
which  the  post-war  stabilisation  of  currencies  took  place. 
Thus,  whereas  Great  Britain  by  the  terms  of  her  return  to 
the  gold  standard  involved  herself  in  an  enormous  burden 
of  interest  to  the  holders  of  the  debt,  Germany,  by  practi- 
cally wiping  out  her  old  currency,  largely  released  herself 
from  this  burden  ;  while  France,  by  reducing  the  franc  to 
one-fifth  of  its  pre-war  value,  also  largely  relieved  the 
budget  at  the  expense  of  the  debt-holders.  In  1930  the 
National  Debt  of  Great  Britain  was  more  than  ten  times, 
and  that  of  the  United  States  nearly  fifteen  times,  as  great 
as  before  the  war  ;  whereas  the  French  National  Debt, 
allowing  for  the  depreciation  of  the  currency,  was  less  than 
three  times  as  great,  and  the  German  debt  only  twice  as 
great,  and  in  Italy  the  increase  was  only  6  per  cent.  This 
German  figure,  however,  makes  no  allowance  for  repara- 
tions, which  had,  up  to  1 93 1 ,  taken  the  place  in  the  German 
economy  of  the  debt  burden  displaced  by  inflation  and  the 
change  in  the  currency  system.  In  absolute  terms  Great 
Britain  had  in  1930  by  far  the  heaviest  debt  per  head,  not 
far  short  of  twice  that  of  France,  more  than  six  times  that  of 
the  United  States,  and  more  than  seven  times  that  of 
Italy,  while  Germany's  burden  in  pounds  per  head  was  less 
than  one-twentieth  of  the  British  burden. 

All  these  changes,  whatever  their  social  consequences, 
involved  increased  State  intervention  in  the  affairs  of  the 
individual  citizens.  The  individual  taxpayer  became  more 
conscious  of  the  existence  of  the  State  as  his  burdens  in- 
creased ;  and  the  individual  recipient  either  of  debt  in- 
terest or  of  social  services  also  took  an  increased  interest  in 
the  problems  of  public  finance.  Moreover  the  State, 
through  its  intervention  in  industry  both  internally  and 
through  the  regulation  of  foreign  trade  by  tariffs  and  by 
other  methods,  far  more  directly  and  constantly  affected 
the  position  of  both  employers  and  workers  than  under 
pre-war  conditions.  Many  people  have  regarded  these 
manifestations  of  increasing  State  interference  as  forms  of 
Socialism  ;  and  it  is  perfectly  correct  to  say  that  they 


foreshadow  a  transition  from  a  system  of  private  enterprise 
to  one  of  national  planning  under  the  auspices  of  the  State, 
and  thus  anticipate  the  entry  of  the  capitalist  world  upon 
a  new  phase  of  development.  But  they  certainly  are  not 
Socialism  in  any  sense  in  which  it  is  advocated  by  Socialists, 
but  only  in  the  sense  in  which  men  spoke  in  the  nineteenth 
century  of  the  State  Socialism  of  Germany  under  Bismarck. 
For  although  they  extend  the  power  of  the  State  they  give 
no  guarantee  that  this  power  will  be  used  in  the  interests  of 
the  working  class  ;  and,  so  far  from  being  based  on  the 
internationalist  principles  on  which  Socialism  rests,  they 
have  been  for  the  most  part  aggressively  nationalist  in  their 
conception  and  administration.  State  intervention  is  not 
Socialism  :  indeed,  up  to  a  certain  point  it  is  the  very  nega- 
tion of  Socialism,  for  the  State  needs  to  intervene  in  the 
affairs  of  industry  and  commerce  at  many  points  precisely 
because  these  affairs  are  in  private  and  not  in  public  hands. 

Where  industry  and  trade  are  socialised,  as  they  are  in 
Russia,  there  is  no  need  for  tariffs.  Indeed,  the  entire  tariff 
system  becomes  meaningless  ;  for  the  State,  if  it  did  impose 
tariffs,  would  only  be  taxing  itself.  Similarly,  if  industry 
were  carried  on  under  a  Socialist  system  a  large  part  of  the 
existing  codes  of  industrial  legislation  would  come  to  be,  if 
not  unnecessary,  at  any  rate  rather  internal  acts  of  State 
administration  than  legislative  measures  to  be  enforced 
upon  employers. 

Moreover,  even  where  industries  are  actually  taken 
over  by  the  State  either  wholly  or  in  part,  their  opera- 
tion under  present  conditions  is  usually  so  organised 
as  to  make  them  minister  as  much  as  possible  to  the 
service  of  other  industries  which  still  remain  in  private 
hands.  The  British  Central  Electricity  Board  has  been  so 
designed  as  to  involve  the  minimum  of  actual  public 
operation,  and  to  leave  both  the  generation  of  electricity 
and  its  retail  distribution  in  the  hands  of  private  concerns 
where  they  were  not  already  publicly  owned  by  municipal 

To  a  great  extent,  the  State  intervention  of  recent  years 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          815 

has  been  not  a  step  taken  because  those  who  took  it  actually 
desired  or  thought  it  desirable  to  increase  the  element  of 
State  control  in  the  economic  life  of  society,  but  because, 
much  against  their  will,  they  were  driven  to  its  adoption 
by  the  threatened  breakdown  of  the  institutions  of  private 
enterprise.  Governments  have  advanced  towards  State 
control  unwillingly,  and  often  regarding  it  purely  as  an 
emergency  measure  on  which  they  would  like  to  go  back 
at  the  earliest  possible  moment.  Consequently,  driven  to 
administer  a  system  in  which  they  do  not  believe,  they 
have  often  administered  it  very  badly,  and  this  has  tended 
to  give  State  control  a  bad  name.  Nor  is  this  the  only  cause 
tending  to  make  it  unpopular  ;  for,  as  it  is  usually  intro- 
duced in  order  to  deal  with  a  serious  breakdown  in  some 
part  of  the  economic  system,  it  is  commonly  regarded  as 
responsible  for  the  bad  condition  of  the  enterprises  which 
it  has  taken  over,  even  if  this  condition  would  in  fact  have 
been  much  worse,  or  the  enterprises  have  ceased  to  exist 
at  all,  in  the  absence  of  State  action.  Above  all  in  the  field 
of  the  regulation  of  international  commerce,  the  increase  in 
State  intervention  has  obviously  had  the  effect  over  the 
world  as  a  whole  of  strangling  and  not  of  stimulating  indus- 
trial activity  and  the  exchange  of  goods.  For  here,  too,  its 
object  has  been  essentially  the  combating  of  an  emergency  ; 
and  each  country  has  found  itself  driven  into  expedients 
for  which  there  was  no  defence  save  that  they  were  neces- 
sary measures  of  self-protection  against  similar  steps  taken 
in  other  countries,  or  against  the  complete  collapse  of  the 
national  currency. 

It  is  in  these  circumstances  not  surprising  that  there  has 
gone  up  from  a  considerable  section  of  the  middle-class 
public,  with  the  backing  of  many  of  the  theoretical  econ- 
mists,  a  loud  demand  for  a  return  to  laissez-faire,  not  only 
in  the  sphere  of  external  trade,  but  over  the  whole  indus- 
trial field.  Economists  in  many  countries  have  argued  that 
if  only  the  nations  of  the  world  would  remove  their  restric- 
tions on  international  trade,  repeal  their  minimum  wage 
laws  and  much  of  their  recently  enacted  social  legislation, 


and  leave  economic  forces  freedom  to  assert  themselves,  the 
disequilibria  which  exist  in  the  economic  world  to-day 
would  speedily  disappear,  and  industry  and  trade  be  every- 
where re-established  before  long  upon  a  sound  footing. 
This  would  involve,  in  the  view  of  those  who  advocate  this 
policy,  a  drastic  scaling  down  of  wages,  which  would 
speedily  come  about  if  the  protective  social  laws  at  present 
in  force  were  swept  away.  For  the  pressure  of  unemploy- 
ment, in  the  absence  of  any  public  system  of  maintenance, 
would  cause  such  a  scramble  for  jobs  as  to  compel  the 
workers  to  accept  lower  wages.  In  an  earlier  chapter  we 
have  examined  the  fallacies  involved  in  this  doctrine,  and 
we  need  not  repeat  the  argument  now.  What  concerns  us 
here  is  that,  even  if  this  policy  were  sound  in  itself  and 
not,  as  we  believe  it  to  be,  radically  unsound,  there  would 
be  very  formidable  obstacles  in  the  way  of  its  adoption. 

Rentiers  and  Workers.  The  two  outstanding  obstacles  to 
the  return  to  pure  laissez-Jaire  are  the  creditor  classes  and 
the  working  classes.  The  creditor  classes  would  put  up  a  most 
formidable  resistance  to  any  attempt  drastically  to  scale 
down  their  claims.  But  in  the  absence  of  such  a  scaling 
down  the  laissez-faire  system  could  not  possibly  work  out 
to  a  new  equilibrium.  For  it  involves  an  even  further  fall 
in  prices,  and  would  thus  make  the  burden  of  debt  even 
more  intolerable  than  it  is  to-day.  The  creditor  classes  are, 
however,  an  exceedingly  influential  element  in  practically 
every  State,  and  above  all  in  France  and  in  Great  Britain  ; 
and  it  would  need  a  Government  very  different  from  any 
which  has  yet  held  power  in  either  of  these  countries  effec- 
tively to  challenge  their  determined  opposition.  The 
second  obstacle  lies  in  the  working  classes,  who  would 
strongly  resist  both  any  drastic  reduction  in  wage-rates  and 
any  attempt  to  go  back  on  a  large  scale  upon  the  social 
services  developed  since  1914.  The  resistance  of  the  work- 
ing classes  to  lower  wages  might  perhaps  be  overcome; 
for  this  would  have  to  express  itself  through  industrial 
action,  and  the  effect  of  depression  and  rationalisation  alike 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          817 

has  been  to  weaken  the  Trade  Union  movement.  Bdt 
really  drastic  economies  in  the  social  services  would  call 
out  the  determined  opposition  of  the  working  classes 
not  merely  in  their  Trade  Unions  but  also  as  voters.  It 
would  therefore  be  exceedingly  difficult  to  carry  through 
in  any  country  working  under  a  system  of  Parliamentary 

Both  Great  Britain  and  France  as  well  as  many  of  the 
lesser  countries  have,  it  is  true,  had  their  "  economy  cam- 
paigns "  during  the  world  depression,  and  have  scaled 
down  the  social  services  to  some  extent ;  but  the  amount 
which  they  have  dared  to  do  in  this  field  is  infinitely  smaller 
than  would  be  required  if  the  policy  of  a  whole-hogging 
return  to  laissez-faire  were  seriously  in  contemplation. 
Even  the  National  Government  in  Great  Britain,  though 
it  came  to  power  with  large  ambitions  of  "  national 
economy,"  has  of  late  shown  a  growing  tendency  to  go 
slow  in  this  field  of  retrenchment. 

Largely,  the  relative  decline  in  the  power  of  the  workers' 
industrial  organisations  is  in  the  democratic  countries 
balanced  by  the  growth  of  their  political  power.  In  as  far 
as  European  countries  remain  under  a  system  of  Parlia- 
mentary democracy,  the  pressure  from  the  working-class 
electors  for  improved  social  services  will  be  maintained  ; 
and  it  is  even  bound  to  increase  to  a  substantial  extent, 
especially  as  rationalisation  in  industry  advances,  and  there 
is  growing  need  for  new  protective  measures  in  the  in- 
terests of  the  older  workers  who  are  thrown  upon  the 
industrial  scrap-heap. 

Capitalism  and  the  Standard  of  Life.  Can  Capitalism, 
in  the  countries  where  Parliamentary  democracy  exists, 
meet  these  increasing  political  claims  of  the  poorer  sections 
of  society  ?  There  is  clearly  no  reason  in  terms  of  the  power 
to  produce  wealth  why  it  should  not.  For  the  power  to 
produce  in  all  countries  has  increased,  is  increasing,  and 
in  the  opinion  of  many  capitalists  ought  to  be  diminished. 
But  this  is  of  course  no  answer  to  the  question  ;  for  events 


have  already  abundantly  illustrated  the  truth  that  an 
increasing  power  to  produce  does  not  necessarily  mean  an 
actual  increase  in  production.  In  fact,  the  ability  of  Capi- 
talism to  grant  an  improving  standard  of  life  to  the  workers 
depends,  however  much  productive  capacity  may  increase, 
upon  international  co-operation.  For  no  one  capitalist 
country  can,  under  the  existing  conditions,  easily  advance 
its  working-class  standards  far  beyond  the  others,  either  by 
raising  wages  and  so  directly  adding  to  the  costs  of  produc- 
tion, or  by  improving  the  social  services,  which  will  have  to 
be  financed  partly  at  least  by  the  imposition  of  add- 
itional taxes  upon  the  capitalist  producers.  International 
competition  between  capitalist  countries  at  present  bars 
the  way  to  an  improvement  in  the  standard  of  living, 
and  indeed  impels  each  country  to  set  about  reducing 
wages  where  it  can  in  order  to  improve  its  competitive 

What,  then,  are  the  prospects  of  international  capitalist 
co-operation  for  the  common  improvement  of  living  stand- 
ards among  the  working  classes  ?  The  road  to  this  obviously 
sensible  course  of  procedure  seems  to  be  increasingly 
blocked  by  those  countries  in  which  the  institutions  of 
Parliamentary  democracy  have  been  destroyed.  One  fruit 
of  Mussolini's  power  in  Italy  has  been  the  maintenance  of 
an  exceedingly  low  wage  standard  among  the  Italian 
workers.  Italy,  it  is  true,  matters  comparatively  little  be- 
cause her  products  do  not  enter  largely  into  competition 
with  those  of  the  great  industrial  nations.  But  Germany 
matters  a  great  deal  ;  and  the  new  German  Revolution 
may  easily  lead  to  an  intensification  of  the  efforts  which 
Germany  has  made  in  recent  years  to  improve  her  com- 
petitive position  in  the  markets  of  the  world  by  lowering 
the  standard  of  life  of  the  German  people.  The  Nazis  have 
no  doubt  made  large  promises  of  economic  concessions  in 
the  course  of  their  climb  to  power  ;  but  now  that  they  have 
got  the  German  working  classes  by  the  short  hairs,  nation- 
alist feeling  will  probably  be  used  to  justify  low  standards 
of  living  in  the  interests  of  the  extension  of  German  overseas 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          8ig 

trade.  Political  rivalry  with  the  other  great  industrial 
nations  will  moreover  probably  accentuate  this  tendency 
towards  lowering  the  German  cost  of  production  at  any 
expense  to  the  working-class  standard  of  life. 

The  Outlook  for  European  Socialism.  One  capita- 
list country,  we  have  said,  cannot  afford  to  advance  far  be- 
yond its  rivals  in  improving  the  standard  of  living,  and  can 
therefore  find  no  way  of  escape  from  the  present  economic 
impasse.  Nor  does  there  seem  to  be  much  prospect  of  capi- 
talist countries  combining  to  find  a  way  out.  What,  then, 
would  be  the  position  of  one  advanced  industrial  country 
if  it  went  Socialist  ?  Gould  it,  by  applying  Socialism  on  a 
national  scale,  escape  from  the  limiting  conditions  of 
capitalist  competition  and  raise  the  standard  of  living  of  its 
people  in  accordance  with  the  growing  magnitude  of  its 
productive  power  ?  To  a  certain  extent  it  could,  provided 
that  its  Socialist  system  was  introduced  under  conditions 
admitting  of  its  efficient  operation  and  not  as  the  result 
of  a  devastating  civil  war  involving  large  destruction  of 
economic  values.  For  there  is  no  reason  why  Socialism  in 
some  countries  and  Capitalism  in  others  should  not  exist 
temporarily  side  by  side.  The  experience  of  Russia  in 
recent  years  has  shown,  despite  the  extreme  challenge 
which  Communism  presents  to  the  capitalist  world,  that 
this  can  be  done  ;  and  both  Russia  and  many  of  her  neigh- 
bours have  recognised  the  fact  during  the  past  few  years 
by  the  mutual  signing  of  pacts  of  non-aggression.  Of  course 
any  Socialist  system  applied  within  a  single  nation  could  only 
achieve  this  raising  of  the  standard  of  life,  up  to  the  level 
made  possible  by  its  productive  power,  on  condition  that  it 
worked  with  the  aid  of  a  complete  monopoly  of  foreign 
trade  in  all  essential  commodities,  and  developed  in  place 
of  the  existing  methods  of  restricting  trade  new  methods  of 
bulk  purchase,  international  barter,  and  regulated  ex- 
change of  commodities.  But  these  controls  would  not  need 
to  be  merely  restrictive,  as  tariffs  inevitably  are,  but  could 


be  made  the  foundations  of  a  system  of  regulated  inter- 
national economic  co-operation.  Clearly,  then,  the  success 
of  any  one  country  in  escaping  from  the  impasse  of 
international  competition  by  applying  Socialist  measures 
will  depend  on  its  adopting  not  merely  a  few  socialistic 
measures  but  a  thoroughgoing  Socialist  system ;  and 
nothing  short  of  thoroughgoing  Socialism  will  enable  it  to 
go  far  ahead  of  other  countries  in  improving  the  standard 
of  life. 

Thoroughgoing  Socialism,  however,  does  not  imply 
Communism  in  the  Russian  sense.  We  have  given  reasons 
in  earlier  chapters  for  holding  that  Communism  in  its 
Russian  form  is  unlikely  to  prevail  in  Western  Europe, 
though  it  might  extend  much  further  than  it  has  yet  done 
in  the  countries  of  Eastern  Europe — for  example  in  Poland, 
Roumania,  and  the  predominantly  agricultural  States  of  the 
south.  Perhaps  the  destruction  of  German  Social  Democ- 
racy may  now  have  made  it,  over  at  any  rate  a  large  part 
of  Germany,  the  sole  alternative  to  the  Nazi  dictatorship. 
There  is  only  one  condition  on  which  Communism  would 
be  likely  to  prevail  in  other  western  countries  without  a 
radical  change  in  its  form  and  methods  of  action.  That 
condition  is  the  coming  of  a  new  world  war  sufficiently 
devastating  to  break  up  the  capitalist  economy  of  the  West, 
and  leave  no  other  alternative.  What  is  implied,  then,  in 
the  insistence  that  only  a  thoroughgoing  Socialism  could 
achieve  the  desired  result  is  not  Communism  in  the  Rus- 
sian sense,  but  a  thoroughgoing  Socialism  appropriate  to 
the  conditions  of  Western  Europe. 

The  Danger  of  War.  Something  must  be  said  at  this 
point  about  the  possible  exception  just  indicated.  Is  a  new 
world  war  likely  ?  It  is  clearly  impossible  to  base  much  hope 
of  an  assured  European  peace  upon  the  League  of  Nations, 
or  upon  those  separate  pacts  and  treaties,  such  as  the 
agreements  made  at  Locarno,  which  have  been  designed 
to  prevent  war.  For  the  Peace  Treaties  and  the  European 
settlement  which  emerged  from  them  in  the  first  place  were, 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          821 

and  remain,  unjust  in  themselves  in  many  of  their  mdst 
vital  features,  and  in  the  second  place  have  created  ex- 
ceedingly powerful  vested  claims,  both  political  and 
economic,  whose  consequences  it  is  bound  to  be  exceedingly 
difficult  to  undo.  It  is  certainly  out  of  the  question  in  the 
present  state  of  European  feeling  to  seek  to  remedy  the 
territorial  abuses  created  by  the  Peace  Treaties  by  any 
method  of  agreed  readjustment  of  national  frontiers  ;  for 
countries  are  far  too  jealous  and  fearful  one  of  another  to 
admit  of  any  increase  in  one  another's  national  strength  if 
they  can  possibly  help  it.  Accordingly,  both  the  injustices 
created  by  the  Peace  Treaties  and  the  vested  interests  and 
nationalistic  sentiments  which  they  have  entrenched  have 
permeated  Europe  to-day  with  a  spirit  of  militarism  far  too 
strong  to  yield  to  the  treatment  prescribed  for  it  in  draft 
disarmament  conventions  and  draft  treaties  of  international 

Moreover,  the  Nazi  revolution  in  Germany  does  almost 
certainly  mean  German  rearmament  ;  for,  though  the 
Germans  profess  their  willingness  to  remain  disarmed  if 
other  countries  will  disarm  to  an  equal  extent,  there  is 
obviously  little  chance  of  this  condition  being  satisfied,  and 
the  inevitable  concession  of  equality  to  the  Germans  there- 
fore means  that  Germany  will  be  allowed  to  rearm.  Nor, 
if  rearmament  in  Germany  does  begin,  is  there  likely  to  be 
any  effective  way  of  keeping  it  under  control.  In  these  cir- 
cumstances, German  rearmament  is  practically  certain  to 
lead  to  a  renewed  demand  for  the  increase  of  armaments 
elsewhere.  A  straw  sometimes  shows  which  way  the 
wind  is  blowing  ;  and  it  is  significant  that  in  the  French 
Socialist  Party,  which  has  been  strongly  pressing  for 
disarmament  for  some  time,  a  crisis  should  have  arisen  on 
this  issue  in  April  1933.  A  majority  of  the  French  Socialist 
Deputies  on  this  occasion  voted,  against  the  wishes  of  the 
leaders  of  the  Party,  in  favour  of  a  modification  in  the 
proposals  for  disarmament  put  forward  a  month  or  two 

But  after  the  experience  of  the  years  before  1914  no  one 


is  fikely  to  doubt  that  the  greater  the  armaments  the  greater 
the  danger  of  war.  The  danger  of  a  new  European  war  on 
the  grand  scale  is  not  perhaps  immediate,  for  the  com- 
batants are  not  yet  ready  for  it  ;  but  it  is  very  real.  More- 
over, the  next  war  looks  like  being  even  more  terribly 
destructive  than  the  last,  especially  to  the  civilian  popu- 
lations and  to  the  industries  of  the  belligerent  countries — 
unless,  of  course,  the  use  of  the  more  destructive  weapons 
can  be  limited  in  advance  by  some  effective  form  of  inter- 
national agreement.  But  how  much  prospect  is  there  of 
qualitative  disarmament  being  agreed  to,  or  of  any  such 
agreement  being  actually  preserved  if  war  does  break  out  ? 
As  we  have  said,  when  countries  believe  themselves  to  be 
fighting  for  their  national  existence,  conventions  limiting 
the  use  of  arms  are  likely  to  be  speedily  overridden. 

The  course  at  present  adopted  by  the  statesmen  of  Europe 
is  to  play  for  time  in  the  hope  of  something  turning  up,  and 
of  European  countries  somehow  settling  down  again.  But 
what  signs  are  there  that  this  is  likely  to  happen  ?  It  is 
perfectly  true  that  a  substantial  economic  recovery  would 
for  the  time  being  greatly  reduce  the  danger  of  war,  in  that 
most  countries  would  be  too  busy  trying  to  take  full  advant- 
age of  it  to  think  quite  so  much  about  national  glory  or 
national  grievances.  But  in  the  present  state  of  Europe  this 
would  be  only  a  respite  ;  for  economic  recovery  would  have 
the  effect  of  making  it  easier  for  the  nations  to  rearm,  and 
in  the  present  state  of  European  relationships  only  poverty 
prevents  them  from  being  far  more  heavily  armed  than  they 
are  to-day.  If  we  are  successfully  to  prevent  war  we  must 
remove  the  causes  of  war,  which  lie  fundamentally  in 
capitalist  nationalism  and  capitalist  imperialism.  By 
removing  these  causes  we  may  succeed  in  separating  the 
question  of  territorial  rearrangements  from  questions  of 
national  prestige  and  power  and  national  economic 
advantage.  This  involves  the  establishment  of  Socialism, 
not  merely  as  a  national,  but  above  all  as  an  international 
force.  But  how  can  we  set  to  work  to  bring  this  force  into 
effective  operation  ? 


Nationalism  and  Internationalism.  Evidently,  although 
the  Socialism  which  is  needed  must  be  international 
Socialism,  it  will  have  to  be  worked  for  largely  along 
national  lines.  The  international  spirit  is  vital  to  it ;  but  the 
Socialists  of  the  world  are  under  the  necessity  of  acting, 
until  they  achieve  power,  largely  within  the  framework  of 
the  existing  national  States,  with  the  object  of  conquering 
power  in  each  country  as  a  means  to  breaking  down  the 
isolated  sovereign  independence  of  each  national  group. 
An  immense  mass  of  cosmopolitan  feeling  exists  in  the  world 
to-day,  especially  among  the  younger  members  of  the 
European  community.  It  is  true  that  a  vast  mass  of  nation- 
alist feeling  exists  as  well,  and  that  internationalism,  or 
rather  cosmopolitanism,  as  a  world  force  cannot  expect 
an  easy  victory  over  militarist  nationalism  and  the  capitalist 
imperialism  with  which  it  is  intimately  connected.  But  this 
mass  of  cosmopolitan  feeling  can  become  a  most  important 
ally  as  well  as  a  driving  force  for  the  international  working- 
class  movement,  for  it  is  potentially  Socialist,  and  will 
become  actually  Socialist  as  soon  as  it  can  be  convinced 
that  Socialists  mean  by  Socialism  a  force  making  definitely 
for  world  peace  and  international  collaboration. 

The  working-class  movements  of  the  world,  which  alone 
can  provide  the  necessary  instruments  for  the  achievement 
of  Socialism,  are  not  at  present  giving  an  effective  lead  to 
these  cosmopolitan  forces.  The  Communists  are  trying  to 
give  such  a  lead  ;  but  their  methods  are  self-destructive 
because,  by  working  for  a  revolution  of  violence  in  each 
country,  they  positively  increase  the  strength  of  nationalist 
feeling  and  create  an  ever-increasing  danger  of  nationalist 
counter-revolution  in  the  shape  of  Fascism.  What  is  needed 
is  the  permeation  of  the  working-class  movement  with  die 
cosmopolitan  spirit  of  Socialism — in  other  words,  a  new 
cosmopolitan  driving  force,  Socialist  in  its  aims  and  basing 
itself  upon  the  working-class  movement  in  the  widest  sense 
of  the  term  as  the  necessary  instrument  for  the  achievement 
of  its  purpose. 

Mr.  H.  G.  Wells  has  done  good  service  by  stressing  the 


vidal  importance  of  cosmopolitanism  as  a  basis  for  thinking 
in  terms  of  the  new  world  order.  But  he  has  so  far  shown  an 
inadequate  sense  of  the  need  for  something  more  than 
thinking  and  personal  devotion  to  the  cosmopolitan  cause. 
Thought  and  idealism,  if  they  are  to  be  effective,  must  find 
a  body,  must  embody  themselves  in  an  institution  strong 
enough  to  enable  them  to  count  in  the  world  of  practical 
affairs.  Mr.  Wells's  cosmopolitanism  wanders  round  the 
world  to-day  as  a  disembodied  spirit.  But  clearly  the  one 
body  in  which  it  can  hope  to  find  an  instrument  to  its 
purpose  is  the  international  working-class  movement, 
broadened  and  deepened  so  as  to  bring  within  its  range  not 
only  the  manual  workers  but  also  all  those  among  the 
technical  and  professional  groups  who  put  constructive 
activity  before  profit,  and  are  prepared  to  ally  themselves 
with  the  manual  workers  on  the  basis  of  a  cosmopolitan 

Production  and  Consuming  Power.  The  building  up 
of  such  a  movement  requires  firm  economic  and  philo- 
sophical foundations.  In  an  earlier  section  we  have  attempted 
an  analysis  of  the  fundamental  doctrines  of  Marxism  with- 
out there  essaying  any  criticism  of  these  doctrines.  Broadly 
speaking,  we  believe  the  Marxian  philosophy  to  be  essenti- 
ally true,  though  its  expression  needs  at  many  points  to  be 
modified  in  the  light  of  later  thinking  and  of  practical 
experience.  Above  all,  it  is  true  that  in  the  world  of  to-day 
the  "  powers  of  production  "  upon  which  the  whole  Marx- 
ian conception  depends  are  fast  advancing  beyond  the 
possibilities  of  the  economic  system  within  which  their 
operation  is  still  confined.  The  plain  evidence  of  this  is  in 
the  failure  of  the  system  of  distribution  characteristic  of  the 
present  economic  order,  and  based  on  monopoly  and  class 
privilege.  For  the  present  economic  order,  pursuing  above 
all  things  the  profit  of  the  owners  of  capital,  is  compelled  to 
seek  scarcity  and  not  abundance,  because  out  of  scarcity 
alone  comes  the  value  of  which  the  capitalist  is  in  search. 
Manifestly  the  overmastering  need  of  our  time  is  to  release 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          825 

the  powers  of  production  from  their  present  thraldom  by 
means  of  a  new  and  more  adequate  system  of  distributing 
wealth.  The  world  must  have  a  system  of  distribution  which 
will  enable  it  to  make  full  use  of  all  the  opportunities  for 
production  which  lie  ready  to  its  hand. 

This  must  involve  changes  not  only  in  the  distributive 
system  but  also  in  the  control  of  production.  For  to  alter 
the  system  of  distribution  without  altering  the  control  of  the 
productive  forces  would  be  to  establish  a  new  and  irrecon- 
cilable contradiction  in  the  working  of  the  economic 
order.  If  distribution  is  to  be  arranged  on  such  a  basis  as 
to  make  plenty  and  not  scarcity  the  object  of  men's  econ- 
omic activities,  the  powers  of  production  and  distribution 
must  be  brought  under  a  co-ordinated  control  in  the  hands 
of  the  entire  community.  Incomes  must  be  distributed  and 
production  arranged  for  so  as  to  establish  a  balance 
between  consuming  power  and  the  volume  of  goods  that 
can  be  made  available  for  consumption.  Ihis,  however, 
clearly  cannot  be  accomplished  in  a  satisfactory  way  upon 
a  merely  national  scale,  for  to  shut  up  each  country  within 
a  rigidly  drawn  economic  frontier  of  its  own  is  to  deny  the 
basic  principle  that  the  object  of  social  organisation  must 
be  plenty  and  not  scarcity.  Economic  nationalism  is 
essentially  based  upon  the  maintenance  of  scarcity,  because 
it  involves  denying  men  the  greatly  increased  total  pro- 
ductivity which  arises  out  of  international  exchange.  Not 
merely  Socialist  control  within  a  single  country,  therefore, 
but  international  or  rather  cosmopolitan  Socialism  is  the 
logical  next  step  in  the  evolution  of  the  economic  order — the 
step  corresponding  to  the  point  which  the  powers  of  pro- 
duction have  already  reached. 

Parliamentarism  and  Revolution.  Evidently  the  next 
question  is  that  of  means.  If  cosmopolitanism  is  to  be  made 
the  basis  of  the  new  economic  system,  the  capitalist  State 
must  be  broken,  for  the  capitalist  State  is  essentially  nation- 
alist in  its  foundations.  If  Socialism  is  to  be  achieved  the 
capitalist  State  must  be  broken  no  less,  for  it  rests  upon  the 


assumption  of  monopolistic  property  rights.  The  coming  of 
the  age  of  plenty  demands  a  new  way  of  organising  the 
communities  of  the  world.  The  Soviet  system,  as  it  has 
developed  in  Russia,  may  be,  and  we  think  is,  largely 
inappropriate  to  the  conditions  of  Western  Europe.  It  was 
not,  even  in  Russia,  something  thought  out  in  advance  by 
the  theorists  of  Communism,  and  then  applied  to  the 
practical  circumstances  of  1917  in  accordance  with  a 
preconceived  theory,  but  something  which  arose  spon- 
taneously, and  even  to  a  large  extent  unexpected  by  the 
Communists  themselves,  in  the  Russian  situation  of  1917. 
Not  for  some  time  after  the  first  Russian  Revolution  did  the 
Communists  raise  the  cry  "  All  Power  to  the  Soviets." 
They  were  thinking  in  the  earlier  stages  far  more  in  terms 
of  factory  committees,  and  were  even  in  the  midst  of  the 
Revolution  largely  unconscious  of  the  new  forms  which  the 
State  was  destined  to  assume  in  their  hands.  If  Socialism 
comes  in  Western  Europe,  the  appropriate  forms  for  the 
organisation  of  the  West  European  sections  of  the  new 
cosmopolitan  society  will  have  to  be  developed  in  the  course 
of  the  change  itself :  they  cannot  be  worked  out  in  advance 
with  any  certainty. 

If,  for  example,  Socialism  comes,  as  we  hope  it  will  in 
Western  Europe,  not  through  violent  revolution  but  by  a 
transition  devoid  of  bloodshed,  the  first  stages  towards  it 
will  in  all  probability  be  parliamentary,  in  the  sense  that 
the  Socialists  will  begin  by  using  the  parliamentary  machine 
built  up  by  capitalist  democracy,  and  applying  this  machine, 
unsuitable  as  it  will  doubtless  prove  to  be  in  the  long  run, 
to  the  achievement  of  their  immediate  purposes.  This  may 
not  now  be  the  case  in  Germany,  where  the  parliamentary 
machine  has  perhaps  been  too  utterly  shattered  by  the 
events  of  the  past  two  decades  to  serve  or  to  be  needed  as 
the  instrument  of  constructive  change.  But  unless  the 
dissolution  of  parliamentary  institutions  in  Great  Britain 
and  France  and  in  some  of  the  smaller  western  countries 
goes  much  further  than  it  has  gone  as  yet,  the  coming  of 
Socialism  in  these  countries  is  likely  to  take  in  the  first 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          827 

instance  the  form  of  a  parliamentary  change.  The  apprfi- 
priate  organisation  of  the  new  States  of  the  transition  period 
and  of  the  new  Society  which  is  to  arise  out  of  this  period 
will  have  to  depend  on  the  circumstances  under  which  the 
transition  actually  occurs,  and  not  on  any  preconceived 
theory  of  the  detailed  strategy  of  the  advance  towards 

The  Devolution  of  Functions.  Nevertheless,  certain 
elements  in  this  new  Society  can  be  foreseen.  It  is  clear  that 
under  the  new  conditions  there  will  have  to  be  much 
devolution  of  powers  ;  for  otherwise  the  new  functions 
collectively  assumed  by  the  community  will  involve  an 
impossible  degree  of  congestion  in  the  working  of  the  central 
administrative  machine,  which  is  over-burdened  already 
with  the  tasks  which  fall  upon  it  under  the  existing  system. 
This  devolution  of  responsibility  will  have,  however,  to 
proceed  even  more  upon  functional  than  upon  local  lines. 
It  will  have  to  consist  largely  in  entrusting  the  conduct  of 
particular  services  to  responsible  bodies,  appointed  in 
accordance  with  the  requirements  of  the  whole  Society 
and  then  left  free  in  the  detailed  working  out  of  their 
administrative  methods.  Within  this  system  of  functional 
devolution  there  will  have  to  be  a  very  large  element  of 
workers'  control,  not  merely  in  the  sense  of  entrusting  wide 
powers  to  chosen  leaders  of  the  working  class,  but  in  the 
fuller  sense  of  permeating  the  entire  body  of  workers  with 
a  sense  of  responsibility  for  the  successful  operation  of  the 
new  regime.  This  will  be  indispensable  ;  for  the  bad  in- 
centives upon  which  the  world  has  relied  for  getting  work 
done  under  the  capitalist  order  cannot  be  simply  swept 
away  :  they  must  be  replaced  by  new  incentives  more 
powerful  in  getting  men  to  give  of  their  best.  These  new 
incentives  will  have  to  rest  upon  the  principles  of  communal 
service  and  responsibility  ;  and  there  can  be  no  sense  of 
responsibility  without  a  large  element  of  self-government. 
At  the  same  time  there  will  have  to  be  strong  central  co- 
ordination ;  for  all  the  different  industries  and  services, 


afcd  indeed  every  branch  of  the  new  system  of  socialised 
industrialism,  will  have  to  be  closely  related  to  every  other, 
and  there  will  be  required  a  very  close  relationship  between 
the  working  of  industry  and  the  financial  mechanism  as  a 
whole,  if  the  indispensable  adjustment  of  production  and 
consumption  is  to  be  secured.  Thus  the  banking  system  and 
public  finance  will  have  to  be  closely  linked  up  with  the 
industries  and  services  supplying  consumers'  needs  in  order 
to  achieve  the  correct  balance.  Moreover,  while  each 
country  will  doubtless  retain  administrative  autonomy  both 
in  general  and  in  the  operation  of  each  industry  and  service, 
there  will  have  to  be  a  very  high  measure  of  international 
co-operation — nay  more,  an  actual  breaking  down  of 
national  barriers  and  an  administration  of  an  increasing 
number  of  services  under  international  control.  Finally,  in 
the  new  order,  means  will  have  to  be  found  of  removing 
from  democracy  the  reproach  that  it  involves  the  govern- 
ment of  the  old  ;  for  the  new  Society  will  have  to  base  itself 
upon  the  control  of  those  whose  powers  are  developing  and 
whose  minds  are  receptive  to  new  ideas  and  methods  of 

If,  however,  this  is  the  Society  which  is  clearly  needed  for 
the  building  up  of  a  \\orld  Organisation  corresponding  to 
the  stage  already  reached  by  men's  productive  power,  there 
is  still  an  arduous  road  to  be  travelled  towards  its  establish- 
ment. We  have  said  earlier  that  we  do  not  predict  as  a  neces- 
sary outcome  of  the  present  situation  the  immediate  break- 
down of  the  capitalist  order,  or  even  an  indefinite  prolonga- 
tion of  the  present  world  slump.  We  have  then  to  ask  again 
whether  Capitalism  cannot  in  fact  so  reconstruct  itself  as  to 
meet  the  demand  for  plenty  in  place  of  scarcity,  and  so 
bring  itself  into  adjustment  with  the  growing  productive 
powers  of  mankind.  This  involves  attempting  to  answer  two 
questions  :  first,  what  stands  in  the  way  of  immediate 
capitalist  recovery,  and  secondly,  how  far  is  Capitalism, 
even  if  it  can  recover  from  the  present  slump,  capable  of  so 
altering  its  character  as  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  coming 

THE  EUROPEAN  OUTLOOK          829 

The  Obstacles  to  Capitalist  Recovery.  The  immed- 
iate obstacles  to  the  recovery  of  Capitalism  have  been 
stressed  in  earlier  sections  of  this  book.  The  first  and  most 
obvious  of  them  is  the  burden  of  debt  :  indeed  debts  occupy 
so  large  a  place  in  creating  the  present  difficulties  of  the 
capitalist  world  that  one  is  tempted  to  say  that  nothing  else 
really  matters.  Secondly  there  is  the  problem  of  prices,  of 
price-levels  too  low  to  enable  production  to  be  carried  on 
upon  a  sufficient  scale  under  capitalist  conditions.  But  the 
fall  of  prices  during  the  past  few  years  is  essentially  a  symp- 
tom rather  than  the  disease  from  which  the  capitalist  world 
is  suffering.  It  is  true  enough  that  by  concerted  action  the 
capitalist  countries  could  take  steps  which  would  be  effec- 
tive in  raising  the  levels  of  world  prices,  and  that  the  gal- 
vanic effect  of  these  measures  would,  at  any  rate  if  the  debt 
problem  were  also  successfully  dealt  with,  bring  about  a 
substantial  recovery  of  capitalist  industry.  But  it  is  no  less 
clear  that  such  a  recovery  would  be  highly  precarious,  and 
that  the  measures  taken  in  order  to  raise  prices  would  be  of 
such  a  nature  as  to  lead  on  to  a  new  world  crisis,  to  be  fol- 
lowed by  a  new  and  prolonged  depression,  unless  steps  were 
taken  to  bring  the  distributive  system  and  the  consuming 
power  of  the  world's  peoples  into  harmony  with  the  mag- 
nitude of  the  world's  productive  forces.  The  only  way  sug- 
gested for  the  effective  raising  of  world  prices  is  some  form  of 
monetary  inflation  ;  but  monetary  inflation  under  Capi- 
talism, while  it  may  achieve  its  immediate  objects,  results 
inevitably  in  rebuilding  industry  upon  unsound  founda- 
tions and  will  bring  into  operation  again  the  very  forces 
which  led  in  1929  to  the  outbreak  of  the  world  depression. 
Thirdly,  the  capitalist  world,  as  a  step  towards  even 
temporary  recovery,  will  have  to  get  rid  of,  or  greatly  to 
reduce,  the  present  obstructions  in  the  way  of  international 
trade.  The  tariffs,  restrictions,  quotas,  embargoes,  exchange 
controls,  and  all  the  other  manifestations  of  economic 
nationalism  which  have  been  discussed  earlier  in  this  book 
are  also  symptoms  of  the  disease  of  Capitalism  rather  than 
the  disease  itself.  They  would  disappear  or  be  greatly 


modified  if  any  revival  of  capitalist  prosperity  were  to  take 
place  ;  but  it  is  no  less  certain  that  they  would  be  speedily 
reimposed  if  a  new  crisis  developed.  Fourthly,  there  is  the 
problem  of  the  relations  between  Europe  and  the  United 
States.  But  this  is  only  the  problem  of  debts  and  the  problem 
of  tariffs  over  again  ;  for  it  is  manifestly  impossible  for 
European  countries  to  go  on  making  large  payments  to  a 
creditor  who  is  unwilling  to  receive  his  due  in  the  form  of 
goods.  Fifthly,  there  is  the  question  of  peace  ;  for  manifestly 
even  a  temporary  capitalist  recovery  could  not  be  en- 
gineered under  the  permanent  threat  to  confidence  in- 
volved by  the  constant  fear  of  the  outbreak  of  a  new  war. 
Capitalism,  then,  in  order  to  achieve  even  a  temporary  re- 
vival, would  have  to  succeed  somehow  in  damping  down  at 
least  for  a  rime  the  threat  of  war.  If  this  could  be  done  even 
for  a  brief  period  the  existence  of  more  favourable  economic 
conditions  would,  as  we  have  seen,  at  least  for  a  short  time 
tend  to  diminish  the  war  danger  by  diverting  men's  thoughts 
from  national  grievances  to  immediate  economic  opportu- 
nities. Yet  in  the  long  run,  in  the  present  condition  of 
Europe,  greater  economic  prosperity  would  probably  lead 
to  still  heavier  armaments,  and  thus  recreate  the  danger  of 

It  will  be  admitted  that  the  obstacles  in  the  way  of  a  suc- 
cessful tackling  even  of  these  immediate  problems,  which 
must  be  successfully  tackled  if  Capitalism  is  to  achieve  even 
a  temporary  world  revival,  are  very  formidable.  But  formid- 
able as  they  are,  they  are  not  finally  insuperable.  Let  us 
assume  that  they  have  been  overcome,  and  that  by  a  variety 
of  methods  co-operatively  pursued  by  the  leading  nations, 
Capitalism  has  got  back  to  where  it  stood,  say,  ten  years 
ago.  What  is  to  happen  then  ?  If  economic  forces  are  al- 
lowed to  develop  as  they  developed  between  1923  and  1929 
the  world  will  merely  be  heading  towards  a  new  crisis  based 
on  the  mal-distribution  of  consuming  power  and  the  in- 
ability of  the  present  system  to  find  means  of  distributing 
the  volume  of  commodities  which  it  is  equipped  to  produce. 
Can  Capitalism  find  any  remedy  for  this  situation  ?  There 


are  numerous  voices  now  upraised  in  favour  of  a  planned 
national  economy  still  retaining  the  salient  features  of 
Capitalism.  Each  industry,  it  is  urged,  or  at  least  each  vital 
industry,  should  be  organised  into  a  closely  knit  national 
corporation,  while  remaining  under  capitalist  ownership. 
All  industries  should  be  closely  knit  together  in  terms  of 
a  general  plan  drawn  up  under  the  auspices  of  the  national 
State,  and  through  the  instrumentality  of  capitalist  repre- 
sentatives from  each  industry.  Both  national  States  and  the 
organised  industries  within  them  should  make  with  other 
States  and  with  similar  groups  in  other  countries  collective 
arrangements  for  the  sharing  out  of  markets  and  for  the 
carrying  on  of  international  exchange.  There  should  be 
international  combinations  governing  the  operations  of 
world  Capitalism  and  dealing  in  particular  with  the  steps 
necessary  for  opening  up  fresh  markets  in  the  less  devel- 
oped countries  by  means  of  international  lending.  In  other 
words,  there  should  be  a  sort  of  Bismarckian  "  State 
Socialism  "  in  each  country,  linked  together  by  means  of 
international  arrangements  between  capitalist  States  and 
capitalist  industrial  groups. 

Is  world  Capitalism  likely  to  adopt  such  a  system,  or  at 
all  events  to  adopt  it  in  time  ?  There  have  been  abundant 
illustrations  during  the  past  dozen  years  of  the  slow  progress 
made  by  capitalist  rationalisation  in  face  of  the  obstruction 
of  individual  property  owners  and  of  the  pronounced  in- 
dividualism which  is  characteristic — which  has  indeed  been 
in  the  past  the  strength — of  the  business  world.  To  achieve 
the  collective  organisation  even  of  a  single  industry  is  a 
painful  process  involving  intense  opposition  among  those 
whose  position  is  to  be  disturbed  by  the  change.  It  is  some- 
times possible  to  achieve  this  in  a  single  industry,  where  the 
interests  of  capitalists  in  other  industries  lie  in  getting  it 
done  ;  but  to  achieve  it  for  the  whole  world  of  capitalist 
industry  is  surely  a  task  far  beyond  the  powers  of  any  State 
under  capitalist  domination,  let  alone  of  all  the  leading 
States  of  the  world  acting  in  unison. 

Moreover,  even  if  capitalist  planning  of  this  sort  could  be 


achieved  both  nationally  and  internationally,  to  what 
purposes  would  it  be  applied  ?  Where  industries  have  been 
closely  combined  under  Capitalism  up  to  the  present  the 
chief  use  to  which  they  have  put  their  new  power  has  been 
that  of  restricting  supply  in  order  to  maintain  prices.  In 
other  words,  they  have  continued  to  act  in  the  spirit  of 
the  gospel  of  scarcity  and  to  seek  the  value  which  comes  of 
scarcity  rather  than  the  plenty  which  the  world  requires. 
Planned  Capitalism  under  the  auspices  of  capitalist  States 
would  be  likely  to  press  this  policy  still  further.  More- 
over, Capitalism  and  nationalism  are,  as  we  have  seen,  close 
allies  ;  and  it  is  far  more  likely  that  Capitalist  States 
adopting  a  planned  economy  would  then  proceed  to  com- 
pete and  dispute  bitterly  one  with  another  than  that  they 
would  join  together  in  any  widespread  system  of  economic 

Capitalism  and  Imperialism.  For  Capitalism  in  its 
latest  manifestations  is  imperialism  as  well  ;  and  the  last 
thing  an  imperialist  is  willing  to  believe  is  that  an  empire 
can  prosper  save  at  the  expense  of  its  rivals.  Above  all,  we 
find  it  inconceivable  that  even  the  most  intensely  planned 
Capitalism  would  take  the  indispensable  step  of  setting  to 
work  deliberately  to  raise  the  purchasing  power  of  the  mass 
of  the  peoples  of  the  world  in  order  to  secure  an  outlet  for 
the  highest  possible  production.  For  this  course  simply 
could  not  be  made  consistent  with  the  active  interests  of 
the  capitalists  in  whose  hands  ex  hypothesi  industries  would 
still  be  left.  Planned  capitalism  on  a  world-wide  scale 
seeking  plenty  rather  than  scarcity  and  abandoning  im- 
perialist rivalries  in  favour  of  cosmopolitan  co-operation 
is  a  contradiction  in  terms.  Yet  only  on  a  basis  of  cosmo- 
politan planning  can  the  world  hope  for  a  permanent 
escape  from  the  contradictions  in  its  present  situation. 

The  world,  then,  can  recover  temporarily  even  under 
Capitalism  ;  but  any  such  capitalist  recovery  as  is  at  present 
projected  will  sow  the  seeds  of  new  depressions  and  new 
imperialist  and  nationalist  rivalries  in  the  future.  Capitalist 


reconstruction  gives  no  assurance  of  any  recovery  that  can 
be  lasting,  and  no  sign  of  any  ability  to  achieve  world 
peace.  But,  some  people  will  say,  is  Socialism  in  these 
respects  any  better  ?  Is  it  not  fully  possible  for  Socialism 
to  establish  itself  on  a  national  basis,  and  to  pursue  on 
such  a  basis  the  policy  of  economic  nationalism,  thus  deny- 
ing the  world  the  plenty  which  is  within  its  grasp,  and 
perhaps  sowing  the  seeds  of  war  and  imperialist  rivalry  as 
surely  as  Capitalism  has  sown  them  during  the  past  fifty 
years  ?  We  agree  that,  if  Socialism  could  be  conceived  as  a 
purely  national  movement,  arising  simply  as  a  change  in 
the  mechanism  of  particular  national  societies  and  not  as 
a  change  in  the  mind  and  spirit  animating  the  peoples  of 
the  world  in  which  it  arises,  Socialism  in  this  sense  would  be 
no  cure  for  the  world's  ills.  But  Socialism,  in  the  minds  of 
all  those  who  believe  in  it  and  are  prepared  to  work  for 
it  in  all  countries,  is  essentially  and  absolutely  an  inter- 
national doctrine,  repudiating  the  limitations  of  the  national 
sovereign  State  and  aiming  at  the  creation  not  of  a  limited 
system  of  collectivism  within  one  country,  but  of  a  world- 
wide system  of  economic  and  political  collaboration.  There 
is  and  can  be  no  real  and  sufficient  cause  of  quarrel  between 
the  workers,  or  between  the  main  masses  of  the  people, 
in  different  countries.  The  conflicts  of  nationalism  and 
imperialism  arise  not  from  real  causes  of  quarrel  between 
the  peoples  of  one  country  and  another,  but  from  a  playing 
upon  the  passions  and  ignorances  of  the  mass  of  the  people 
by  powerful  economic  interests  cloaking  their  search  for 
wealth  and  power  under  national  and  imperial  forms,  or 
from  that  sheer  despair — the  product  of  economic  adversity 
— which  arises  in  men's  minds  when  everything  seems  to 
be  going  wrong  and  they  must  ease  their  spirits  by  finding 
someone  or  somebody  whom  they  can  blame  for  their 
misfortunes.  The  passions  of  nationalism  are  fed  on  the 
one  hand  by  imperialist  Capitalism  and  on  the  other  by 
economic  adversity.  Displace  imperialism,  and  set  the 
world's  feet  firmly  on  the  path  towards  a  fuller  use  of  the 
productive  resources  at  its  command  ;  and  the  main  sources 


oV  national  hatred  and  suspicion  will  at  once  disappear, 
setting  the  world  free  to  embark  upon  a  course  of  con- 
structive collaboration.  This,  to  our  mind,  is  the  moral  of 
the  present  situation  in  Europe  ;  but  whether  the  forces 
making  for  cosmopolitan  Socialism  will  be  strong  enough 
to  build  up  the  new  Society  before  sheer  disaster  overtakes 
the  peoples  of  Europe — that  remains  to  be  seen.  We  can 
only  hope  and  strive  to  bring  this  about  :  we  cannot  con- 
fidently predict  success. 


Needless  to  say,  this  book-list  is  highly  selective.  Those  who  want 
further  references  may  be  referred  to  the  bibliographies  contained  in  : 

(a)  for  the  History    The  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  the  Cambridge 
Modern  History 

(b)  for  the   Separate    Countries    The   Statesman's   Year  Book,   the 
Encyclopaedia  Britannica 

(c)  for    the   Economic  Section     G.  D.  H.   Cole     The    Intelligent 
Man's  Guide  through  World  Chaos 

(d)  for   the   Political  Section     Works   there   listed,   by   Headlam- 
Morley,  Laidler,  and  as  under  (b) 

(e)  for  the  International  Section    Works  there  listed,  by  Bailey,  Woolf 

The  most  useful  atlas  is  The  Times  Atlas.  See  also  the  valuable  maps  in 
I.  Bowman,  The  New  World,  Philips'  Historical  Atlas,  Bartholomew  and 
Lyde's  Atlas  oj  Economic  Geography,  and  the  Plebs  Atlas. 


H.  G.  WELLS     The  Outline  of  History     revised  edition  1923 

M.  M.  KNIGHT    Economic  History  of  Europe    n.d. 

W.  CUNNINGHAM    Wrestern  Civilisation  in  its  Economic  Aspects 

(Vol.  II.  :  Medieval  and  Modern  Times)     1904 
P.  BOISSONNADE     Life  and  Work  in  Medieval  Europe    lysj 
J.  W.  THOMPSON    History  of  the  Middle  Ages    1931 
D.  OGG     Europe  in  the  Seventeenth  Century    79*5 
G.  N.  CLARK    The  Seventeenth  Century    1929 
G.  SLATER    The  Growth  of  Modern  England     1932 
H.  SEE    Esquisse  d'une  Histoire  du  Regime  Agraire  en  Europe 

aux  1 8  and  19  Siecles    1921 

C.  DAY    Economic  Development  in  Modern  Europe    1933 
L.     KNOWLES    Economic     Development    in     the    Nineteenth 

Century    1932 

F.  A.  KIRKPATRICK,  ed.    Lectures  on  the  History  of  the  Nine- 
teenth Century    1904 

S.  HERBERT    Modern  Europe,  1789-1914    1916 
J.  A.  HOBSON    Evolution  of  Modern  Capitalism    revised  edition 

A.  VIALLATE    Economic  Imperialism    1923 


P.  ASHLEY    Modern  Tariff  History    1910 
H.  FEIS    Europe  the  World's  Banker    1930 

[Reference  can  be  made  throughout  to  the  Cambridge  Modern  Histoiy, 
the  Histoire  Generate  of  Lavisse  and  Rambaud,  the  old  and  new  editions 
of  the  Encyclopedia  Bntannica,  and  to  old  editions  of  the  Statesman's  Tear 


C.  DEI  ISLE  BURNS    A  Short  History  of  the  World,   1918-1928 

R.  L   BUELL     Europe,  A  History  of  Ten  Years 

A.  J.  TOYNBEE     The  World  after  the  Peace  Conference     igsfi 

I   BOWMAN    The  New  World     revised  edition  1930 

S.  D   SCHMAI.HAUSEN,  ed.     Recovery  through  Re\olutiou     1933 



The  Statesman's  Year  Book 

The  Statistical  Year  Book  of  the  League  of  Nations  (and  the 

Monthly  Bulletin) 
The  Europe  Service  (loose-leaf) 
The  Annual  Register 

The  Survey  of  International  Affairs,  annual  (ed.  A.  J.  Toynbee) 
Documents  on  International  Affairs,  annual  (eel  J.  W  V\  heeler- 


The  Encyclopaedia  Britannica  (old  and  new  editions) 
Department  of  Overseas  Trade,  Reports  on  Economic  Conditions 

in  the  various  countries,  published  at  irregular  intervals, 

annual  for  the  leading  countries 

[See  also  the  Statistical  Year  Books  published  by  the  various  Govern- 
ments, also  the  Guide  Books  such  as  the  Guide  Book  oj  the  Soviet  Union 
and  numerous  others  ;  numerous  publications  of  the  League  of  Nations, 
the  International  Labour  Organisation,  the  International  Institute  of 
Agriculture,  the  United  States  Department  of  Commerce,  the  Royal 
Institute  of  International  Affairs,  and  the  (American)  Council  on 
Foreign  Relations;  the  volumes  of  the  Carnegie  Social  and  Economic 
History  of  the  World  War,  H.  W.  V.  Temperley's  History  of  the  Peace 
Conference.  Of  special  value  for  current  information  are  the  Economist 
(London),  Monde  (edited  by  H.  Barbus&e,  Paris),  Current  History  (New 
York),  the  Monthly  Summary  of  the  League  of  Nations  (Geneva),  the 
Board  of  Trade  Journal  (London),  the  International  Labour  Review  (Geneva), 
the  Federal  Reserve  Bulletin  (Washington),  Notre  Temps  (Paris),  and  the 
Manchester  Guardian} 



O.  RUTTER    The  New  Baltic  States  and  Their  Future 
F.  WESTERINEN    Agricultural  Conditions  in  Estonia    79.23 
P.  MEYER    Latvia's  Economic  Life    1925 
E.  J.  HARRISON    Lithuania    1928 
H.  SPAULL    The  Baltic  States    1931 


COUNT  SKRYNSKY    Poland  and  Peace    1923 
F.  BUJAK     Poland's  Economic  Development    1926 
W.  K.  KOROSTEWITZ    The  Re-birth  of  Poland    1928 
R.  MACHRAY     Poland,  1914-1931     7937 


V.  CLARK     Greater  Roumania     1922 
T.  W.  RIKER     The  Making  of  Roumania,    1931 
J.  L   LVANS     'I  he  \grarian  Revolution  in  Roumania     1924 
D    MITRAN\     The   Land  and   Peasant   Reform  in  Roumania 


J.  BUCHAN,  ed.     Bulgaria  and  Roumania    1924 

L.  PASVOLSKY    Bulgaria's  Economic  Position     1930 


J.  BUCHAN,  ed.     Yugoslavia    1923 

BFARD  and  RADI  N    The  Balkan  Pivot  —  Yugoslavia    1929 


W.  MILLER     Greece     1928 

A.  ANDRE  ADES    Les  Effets  Economiques  de  la  Guerre  en  Grece 

JOHN  MAVROGORDAI  o     Modern  Greece    1931 


W.  T.  LAYTON  and  C.  RIST     The  Economic  Situation  of  Austria 


C.  A.  MCCARTNEY    The  Social  Revolution  in  Austria    1926 
J.  D.  NEWTH    Austria    1931 



O.  JASZI    Revolution    and    Gounter-Revolution    in    Hungary 

B.  KALMAN    The  International  Position  of  Hungary    1931 


R.  C.  BROOKES    Government  and  Politics  of  Switzerland    1920 


J.  C&SAR  and  F.  PARKENY    The  Czechoslovak  Republic     1922 
T.  G.  MAZARYK    The  Making  of  a  State    igs6 
J.  O.  CRANE     The  Little  Entente 


H.  STROEBEL    The  German  Revolution  and  After    n.d. 

W.  H.  DAWSON    Germany  under  the  Treaty    1933 

M.  SERING    Germany  under  the  Dawes  Plan     1929 

J.  W.  ANGELL    The  Recovery  of  Germany    1929 

H.  R.  KNICKERBOCKER    Germany,  Fascist  or  Soviet  ?    1932 

H.  G.  MOULTON  and  C.  E.  McGumc    Germany's  Capacity  to 

Pay    1923 

H.  G.  DANIELS    The  Rise  of  the  German  Republic     1927 
J.  KING     The  German  Revolution,  its  Meaning  and  Menace 



P.  DRACHMANN  and  H.  WESTERGAARD  The  Industrial  Develop- 
ment and  Commercial  Policy  of  the  Three  Scandinavian 

G.  G.  HARDY    Norway    7925 

D.  HEATHCOTE    Sweden    79.27 

H.  JONES    Modern  Denmark     1927 
K.  GILMOUR    Finland     7,937 


T.  H.  REED    The  Government  and  Politics  of  Belgium    1924 

E.  MAHAIM    La  Belgique  Restor6e    1926 


A.  J.  BARNOUW    Holland  under  Queen  Wilhelmina     1923 
L.  NEMRY    Les  Pays  Bas  aprcg  la  Guerre 



A.  SIEGFRIED    France,  a  Study  in  Nationality     1930 

R.  H.  SOLTAN    French  Parties  and  Politics    1930 

W.  F.  OGBURN  and  W.  JAFF^    The  Economic  Development  of 

Post-war  France    1930 

D.  S.  SAPOSS    The  Labour  Movement  in  Post-war  France     1931 
A.  FONTAINE    French  Industry  during  the  War    1926 


S.  DE  MADARIAGA    Spain    1930 

F.  B.  DEAKIN    Spain  To-day    1924 

H.  R.  G.  GREAVES    The  Spanish  Constitution    1933 


F.  L.  FERRARI    Lc  Regime  Fasciste  Italien    1928 

C.  HAIDER    Capital  and  Labour  under  Fascism    1930 

C.  E   McGuiRL     Italy's  International  Economic  Position     1926 

G.  SALVFMINI    The  Fascist  Dictatorship  in  Italy    79.27 
T.  SILLANI,  ed.     What  Fascism  Is,  and  Why     1931 

L.  VILLARI    The  Expansion  of  Italy    1930 
L.  VILLARI    The  Fascist  Experiment     1926 


A.  SIEGFRIED  England's  Crisis  1931 
A.  SIEGFRIED  Post-war  Britain  1923 
G.  D.  H.  COLE  British  Trade  and  Industry,  Past  and  Future 

G.  D.  H.  COLE    A  Short  Historv  of  the  British  Working-Class 

Movement    re-issued  1932 
W.  DIBELIUS     England     revised  edition  1930 
F.  A.  OGG    English  Government  and  Politics    1929 


J.  MAVOR    Economic  History  of  Russia      revised  edition  1925 

C.  B.  HOOVER    The  Economic  Life  of  Soviet  Russia    1931 

G.  T.  GRINKO    The  Five- Year  Plan  of  the  Soviet  Union    n.d. 

M.  H.  DOBB  Russian  Economic  Development  since  the  Revolu- 
tion revised  edition  11931 

M.  S.  MILLER  Economic  Development  of  Russia,  1905-1914 

L.  TROTSKY    History  of  the  Russian  Revolution,  3  vols.     1932-3 

M.  HINDUS    Humanity  Uprooted    1929 

M.  HINDUS    Red  Bread    ? 


M.  HINDUS    The  Great  Offensive    7933 
M.  I.  COLE,  ed.     Twelve  Studies  in  Soviet  Russia    1932 
A.  W.   FIELD     Protection  of  Women  and  Children  in   Soviet 
Russia    1932 


G.  D    H.  COLE     The  Intelligent  Man's  Guide  through  World 

Chaos  1932 
G.  D  H.  GOLF,  ed.  What  Everyone  Wants  to  Know  About 

Money  1933 
G.  D  H  COLE  British  Trade  and  Industry,  Past  and  Future 


A.  L.  BOWLEY    The  Economic  Consequences  of  the  War    2930 
J.  M.  KFYNES    The  Economic  Consequences  of  the  Peace    1919 
A.  LOVED  AY    Britain  and  World  Trade     1931 

J    H.  RICHARDSON     Economic  Disarmament     1931 

LFAGUE   OF   NATIONS     The   Course   and    Phases   of  the   World 

Economic  Depression     revised  edition  1932 
LEAGUE.  OF  NATIONS    World  Economic  Survey     1932 
SIR  A.  SALTLR    Recovery    1932 

SIR  A.  SALTER  and  others     The  World  Economic  Crisis     1932 
SIR  A.  SALTER    The  United  States  of  Europe     1933 

World  Survey    1933 

LEAGUE  OF  NATIONS     The  Agricultural  Crisis,  2  vols.     1931-2 
H.   G.   MOULTON  and   L.   PASVOLSKY    WTar  Debts  and   World 

Prosperity     1932 

J.  W.  WHEELER-BENNETT    The  Wreck  of  Reparations    1933 
L.  PASVOLSKY     Economic  Nationalism  of  the  Danubian  States 


R.  G.  HAWTRIY    The  Art  of  Central  Banking    1932 
D.  T.  JACK     The  Restoration  of  European  Currencies     1927 
T.  E.  GREGORY    The  Gold  Standard  and  its  Future     1932 
F.  W.  HIRST    Wall  Street  and  Lombard  Street     1931 
C.  H.  KISCH  and  W.  A.  ELKIN     Central  Banks    revised  edition  1932 
H.  H.  TILTMAN    Slump,  a  Study  of  Stricken  Europe     1932 
H.  R.  KNICKERBOCKER     Can  Europe  Recover  ?     1932 
F.  HENDERSON     The  Economic  Consequences  of  Power-Produc- 
tion    1931 

H.  V.  HODSON     Economics  of  a  Changing  World     1933 
R.  F.  HARROD     International  Economics     1933 

B.  WHALE     International  Trade    1932 

R.  A.  HODGSON    An  Introduction  to  International  Trade  and 

Tariffs     1932 


lems in  1931     1931 

[There  are  many  important  reports  published  by  the  League  of 
Nations  and  the  International  Labour  Organisation  in  addition  to  those 
mentioned  above.  Among  the  periodical  publications  of  these  bodies 
may  be  mentioned  the  annual  Review  of  World  Trade  and  Production 
(League  of  Nations).  See  also  the  Year  Book  of  the  International 
Institute  of  Agriculture,  and  its  yearly  Reports  on  the  Agricultural 
Situation.  There  are  also  many  useful  supplements  published  by  the 
Economist,  especially  those  dealing  with  German  Debts  and  with  the 
World  Economic  Conference] 


A.  HEADLAM-MORLEY    The  New  Democratic  Constitutions  of 

Europe    1929 
M.   W.   GRAHAM    The  New  Governments  of  Central  Europe 

H.  J.  LASKI    Democracy  in  Crisis    1933 

H.  J.  LASKI     Liberty  in  the  Modern  State     1930 

H.  J.  LASKI     Communism     1927 

J.  S.  BARNES     The  Universal  Aspects  of  Fascism     1927 

F.  L.  FERRARI    Le  Regime  Fasciste  Italien     79.27 

J.  STRACHEY    The  Coming  Struggle  for  Power    1932 

A.  ROTHSTEIN,  cd.     The  Soviet  Constitution 

N.  LENIN     The  State  and  Revolution  (various  editions) 

J.  STALIN     Leninism,  a  vols.     1932  and  1933 

H.  W.  LAIDLER    A  History  of  Socialist  Thought    1927 

KARL  MARX     Capital  (ed.  G.  D.  H    Cole)     Everyman's  Library 


SOCIALIST  LEAGUE     Problems  of  a  Socialist  Go\ernment     1933 
H   DL  MAN     The  Psychology  of  Socialism    1928 
G    D.  H.  COLL    The  Next  Ten  Years  in  British  Social  and 

Economic  Policy    1929 

F.  DELAISI     Political  Myths  and  Economic  Realities     1925 
L.  S.  WOOLF    After  the  Deluge    1931 
[See  also  under  the  various  countries] 


The  Peace  Year  Book 

LEAGUE  OF  NATIONS    Armaments  Year  Book 
L.  BLUM    Peace  and  Disarmament    1932 
P.  J.  NOEL  BAKER    Disarmament    1928 

INTER-PARLIAMENTARY  UNION    What  Would  Be  the  Character 
of  a  New  War  ?    1932 


D.  P.  MYERS    World  Disarmament    1932 

N.  ANGELL    The  Unseen  Assassins    1932 

N.  ANGELL    The  Great  Illusion    new  edition  1933 

J.   W.    WHEELER-BENNETT    Disarmament   and    Security   since 

Locarno    1932 
UNION    OF    DEMOCRATIC    CONTROL    The    Secret    International 

H.  N  BRAILSFORD    The  War  of  Steel  and  Gold    1914 

H.  N.  BRAILSFORD     If  We  Want  Peace    1932 

LEONARD  WOOI.F,  ed.     The  Intelligent  Man's  Way  to  Prevent 

War    1933 

S.  H    BAILEY    The  Framework  of  International  Society    1932 
R.  L.  BUELL    International  Relations     1931 
P.  B.  POLTLR     Introduction  to  International  Organisation     1928 
LEAGUE  OF  NATIONS    Ten  Years  of  World  Co-operation    1931 
F.  V.  MORLEY    The  Society  of  Nations     1932 
J.  L.  BRIERLY    The  Law  of  Nations    1928 

Decade     1931 


Abyssinia,  1 1 3 
Agadir,  1 1 8 
Agricultural  exports,  441 

—  Mortgage  Corporation,  779 
Agriculture  in  various  countries, 

i39ff.,  409  ff.,  437  ff.  See  also 

under  each  country 
Air  Fleets,  7 1 1  ff . 
Albania,    188,  206  ff. 

—  agriculture,  206  f.,  451,  453 

—  armaments,  707 

—  Fan  Noli,  208 

—  history,  52,  118,  126,  207  f. 

—  l.L.O    and,  797 

—  politics,  1 29,  1 30,  566 

—  population,   1 37 

—  religions,  207 

—  William  of  Wied,  207 

—  Zug,  King,  208 
Alsace-Lorraine,  30,  31,  103,  125, 

129,  245  f.,  303,  304,  306,  314 
America,  discovery  of,  60  ii. 

—  South,  and  I.L.O.,  795  ff. 

and  L.  of  N.,  750  If,  756 

monetary  conditions,  497 

Andorra,  129,  138 

Argentine,  349,  441 

Armaments,  14,  478,  480,  698  ff., 

821  f. 

—  expenditure,  699,  703 

—  socialisation  of,  720  ff. 

—  traffic,  7 1 3  ff. 

—  See  Disarmament 
Armies,  size  of,  706  ff. 
Arteveldes,  van,  50 

Australia    and    British    Empire, 
349,  350 

—  financial  crisis,  481 

—  wheat,  440,  441 
Austria,  216  ff. 

—  agriculture,  450,  452 

—  Anschluss,  2 1 8,  2 1 9, 65 1  f. 

—  armaments,  141,  703,  707,  708 

—  balance  of  trade,  458  f. 

Austria,  conditions  after  war,  399 

—  Constitution,  568 

—  Credit  Anstalt,  274 

—  debts,  457  ff. 

—  Dollfuss,  220,  638,  647 

—  economic  position,  457  ff.,  746 

—  Fascism,  638 

—  foreign  exchanges,  462 

—  Germany,  relations  with,  241, 
651  f. 

—  Heimwehr,  220 

—  history,  46,  49 

—  imports     and     exports,     217, 
428  f.,  439,  459  f.,  517 

—  industrial  production,  51 1 

—  industrialisation,  140 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 

47 i  >  474 

—  Nazis,  220,  651  f. 

—  Peace  Treaties,  2 1 7 

—  political  conditions,  129, 218  ff., 
566,  638,  651 

—  population,  137,  2i6f. 
occupations,*  142 

—  prices,  431  ff.,  441 

—  public  finance,  217  f.,  459 

—  railways,  517 

—  Socialism,  218  f.,  220,  566 

—  tariffs,  539,  544,  546  f. 

—  unemployment,  509,  510 

—  Vienna,    54,    126,    131,    141, 

2l6f.,  2l8f. 

—  wages,  552 
Austria-Hungary,     break-up     of, 

125  ff.,  188,  193  ff.,  208  f.,  218, 
240,  248,  565,  745 

—  history,   76,   77,  90,   92,    100, 
101,  102,  103  f.,  105,  117,  n8f., 
121, 123 

Austro-German   Customs  Union, 

Avars,  32 
Aviation,  civil,  742,  778,  779 

BAKUNIN,  M.,  676 

844  INDEX 


Balkan  States,  27,  103  f.,  H7ff., 

—  Wars,  118  f.,  180,  181,  i88ff. 
Baltic  Barons,  49,  1 58,  1 60  f. 

—  States,  147,  753 

Bank  for  International  Settle- 
ments, 489 

Banks,  Central,  150,  478,  489, 
491  ff.  See  also  Monetary  policy 
and  under  countries 

—  State  control  of,  81 1  f. 
Barley,  445  ff 
Belgium,  291  ff. 

—  agriculture,  293,  450,  452 

—  armaments,  707,  708,  7 1 1 

—  Bonus,  Dr.,  295 

—  Communism,  566 

—  conditions  during  war,  295,  396 

—  Congo,  113,  296 

—  history,  76,  92,  99,   100,   292, 
293  f.     See  also  Flanders 

—  import  restrictions,  467 

—  imports  and  exports,  293,  429, 

438  f-,  455,  517,  523,  534 

—  industrial  development,  1 04  f , 
I39f>>  292  f.,  520  ff. 

production,  406,  51 1 

—  I.L.O.  and,  794,  797 

—  machine  trades,  526  f. 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 

47i,  497 

—  nationalities,  129,  294  f. 

—  Peace  Pacts,  723 

—  Peace  Treaties,  125,  294 

—  political  conditions,  129, 295  ff., 

—  population,  137,  292,  344 
occupations,  142 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  Socialism,  295  f.,  366 

—  steel  trade,  524  ff. 

—  tariffs,  539,  540,  544,  550 

—  transport,  517 

—  unemployment,  508  ff. 

—  wages,   551  ff.,   554  ff. 

—  wealth,  national,  345 
Bentham,  J.,  80 
Bergen,  Treaty,  7609,  58 
Berlin,  Treaty,  1878,  104,  112,  117, 


Bessarabia,  92,  103,  104,  125, 
179,  1 80,  182,  183,  1 86,  375 

Black  Bourse,  469 
Bohemia,  48,  59,  76,  225 
Bosnia-Herzegovina,  52,  104,  118, 

126,  1  88,  193,  194 
Bourgeoisie,  petite,  302,  607  f.,  694 
Brest-Litovsk,  Treaty,   1918,   123, 

153,  160,  163,  379,  565 
Bucharest,  Treaty,  1913,  1  1  8 
Bulgaria,  188  ff. 

—  agriculture,  139,  189  f.,  438  f., 

—  armaments,  703,  707 

—  balance  of  trade,  459  f. 

—  Communism,  192,  566 

—  debts,  457  ff. 

—  Dedeagatch,  189 

—  economic  position,  457  ff. 

—  foreign  relations,  745,  773 

—  history,  27,   36,  104,  117,  118, 
124,  126,  i88f.,  191  f. 

—  imports  and  exports,  190,  429, 
459>  4^0 

—  I  L.O.  and,  797 

—  Liupchev,  192 

—  minorities,   1  92 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  471 

—  political  conditions,  129,  1  92  f  , 

—  population,  137  f 
---  occupations,  1  42 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  public  finance,  459 

—  refugee  problem,  128,  191 

—  religions,  192 

—  Socialism,  192,  566 

—  Stambuhski,  132,  192  f. 

—  tobacco  trade,  474 

—  Tsankoff,  192 
Butter  trade,  450,  454  ff. 

CALVIN,  59  f. 

Canada,    agriculture,    412,   441, 
444,  445 

—  and  British   Empire,   7$.,   349, 

—  British  investments  in,  367 

—  I.L.O.  and,  795 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  756 

—  prices,  412,415,431 

—  wages,  552 

Capital  movements,  109  f.,  421  ff., 
457  ff.,  464  f.,  489 

Capitalism,     growth     of,     63  ff., 
104  ff.,  io8ff. 

—  outlook  for,  817  ff.,  829  ff. 

—  planned,  831 
Catholic  Parties,  260,  566  f. 
Cattle  trade,  452,  454 
Cecil,  Lord,  749 
Charlemagne,  26,  27,  29  ff.,  32, 

Charles  V,  46,  58 

—  Martel,  26 
Cheese,  450,  455 

Chemical  industry,  527  f,  718  f. 

—  warfare,  7 1 8  f. 
Chile,  797 

China,  armaments,  721 

—  cotton  industry,  529 

—  and  gold  standard,  537 

—  and  Great  Powers,  114,  115 

—  and  L.  of  N.,  750,  754 
Church.     See  Papacy,  Greek,  etc. 
Class-divisions,  692,  694  ff. 

Coal  production,  51 1,  513 

—  stocks,  4 1 7 

—  trade  competition,  305 

—  wages,  555 
Cobbett,  W.,  89,  95 
Coffee,  417 

Combination,      industrial,      434, 

531  ff.,  809  ff. 

Commercial  Treaties,  542  ff 
Communism,      14,     145,      504  f., 

568  ff.,  592,  601,  652  ff.,  751  f. 

See  separate  countries 

—  and  peasants,  662  ft. 

—  and    Socialism,    670  ff.,    684, 
692  ff. 

—  and  the  State,  667  ff 

--  and  world  revolution,  665  ft. 
Communist  Manifesto,  100,  675,  68 1 
Communist   Parties,    566  f.      See 

Constantinople,    26,    27,    28,    32, 

46»  52 

Constitutions,  post-war,  565  ff 
Co-operative  Movement,  659 
Copper,  41 7 

Cosmopolitanism,  823  f ,  832  ff. 
Cotton  industry,  527  ff. 

—  raw,  417,  447 
Credit,  477  ff. 
Crimean  War,  103,  106 

INDEX  845 

Crusades,  35,  36,  47,  51  • 

Currencies,   movements   of,    433, 


—  stabilisation,  311,  400,  433,  536 

—  See    Monetary    conditions    and 
under  each  country 

Cyprus,   104 
Czechoslovakia,  224  ff. 

—  agriculture,  140,  229,  450,  452 

—  area,  224  f.,  226 

—  armaments,  706,  707,  711 

—  balance  of  trade,  459 

—  Benes,  Dr.,  225,  230,  725,  735 

—  Communism,  232  f.,  566 

—  Constitution,  568 

—  debts,  457  ff. 

—  during  war,  123,  124,  225  f. 

—  economic  position,  457  ff. 

—  foreign  policy,  226  f.,  728 

—  Germany,  relations  with,  241 

—  history.     See  Bohemia 

—  import  restrictions,  467 

—  imports  and  exports,  228,  229  f., 
428  f.,  459  f.,  517,  520  ff.,  534 

—  industrial    development,     140, 
228  f.,  520  ff. 

production,  406  f.,  51 1 

—  I.L.O.  and,  797 

—  Masaryk,  123,  225 

—  minorities,  148,  230  f. 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 


—  Peace  Pacts,  725 

—  political  conditions,  129,  231  ff., 
566,  578 

—  population,  136  f.,  224 
occupations,  142 

—  prices,  41 5,  43 1  ff.,  435 

—  public  finance,  459 

—  railways,  517 

—  religions,  230 

—  Socialism,  232  f.,  566 

—  steel  industry,  514 

—  Stefanik,  225 

—  textile  trades,  530 

—  unemployment,  508  ff. 

—  wages,  553,  555,  556 

—  wheat    trade,    438,    439,    441, 

545  ^ 

846  INDEX 

Dalizig,  126,  129, 137,  138, 170  ff. 
Dawes  Plan,  266  ff.,  276  f.,  408, 

426,  644 
Debts,  European,    14,  278,  419, 

424  ff.,     436  f.,     456  ff.,     469, 

470  ff.,  480  f.,  484,   495,   779, 

812  £.,830 

Deflation,  399  f,  485  ff. 
Defoe,  D.,  69,  70,  85 
Denmark,  280  f.,  287  ff. 

—  agriculture,  140,  289  f. 

—  armaments,  707,  709,  7 1 1 

—  bacon  prices,  449 

—  butter,  449,  450,  454  ff. 

—  Canute,  35,  281,  288 

—  Communism,  566 

—  Co-operation,  289  ff. 

—  economic      conditions,      348, 
454  ff. 

—  Grundtvig,  Bishop,  289 

—  history,  92,  100,  102,  124,  125, 

—  imports    and    exports,    290   f., 


—  I.L.O.  and,  795,  797,  798 

—  meat  trade,  452,  454 

—  monetary  conditions,  290,  433, 


—  politics,  129, 291, 566 

—  population,  137,  288 
occupations,  141  f. 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  religions,  288 

—  Socialism,  291,  566 

—  Sweyn,  288 

—  tariffs,  539,  540,  544 

—  unemployment,  509 

—  wages,  553,  554,  556 

—  women's  suffrage,  573 
Devolution,  827  f. 
Dictatorship,  129,  412,  565,  569 
Disarmament,  698,  701,  748,  767 

ff.,  821.    See  Armaments 

—  Conference,  14,  704  f.,  723  ff, 
734  ff.,  752,  768  ff.,  777,  779, 


—  L.  of  N.  and,  722  ff. 
Dissolution,  right  of,  575 
Dominican  Republic,  797 
Dorpat  Treaty,  1920,  154,  158 
Drug  traffic,  798 
Dyestuffs  Act,  528 

Economy,  public,  478  ff.,  503,  60 1 
Eggs,  trade  in,  450 
Electrical  industry,  512,  515 
Engels,  F.  See  Marx 
Entente  Cordiale,  117,  361 
Estonia,  157  ff. 

—  agriculture,  139,  157,  451,  453, 


—  armaments,  707,  709,  7 1 1 

—  Communism,  1 58 

—  Constitution,  571 

—  foreign  relations,  147,  159 

—  history,  127,  157 

—  imports  and  exports,  157,  428  f. 

—  I.L.O.  and,  798 

—  monetary  conditions,  1 59,  433, 


—  nationalities,  148,  157 

—  politics,  129,  159,  566 

—  population,  137  f.,  157 
occupations,  1 42 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  Reval.  See  —  Tallinn 

—  Socialism,  566 

—  Tallinn,  151,  158 

—  wages,  553 

Europe,  agriculture,  20  f.,  23,  105, 
107,  139  f.,  149,  152,  410,  437  ff. 

—  area,  135 

—  armaments,  698  ff 

—  coalfields,  22 

—  Constitutions,  post-war,  565  ff. 

—  description  ot,  17  ff.,  124  ff. 

—  Eastern,  143  ff.,  148,  362,  402, 

404,  457  ff.,  790 

dictatorships  in,  569 

monetary  conditions,  469  ff , 

498  .... 

—  economic     conditions     during 
and  after  war,   13,  23  f.,  362, 
396  ff. 

—  Governments  and  parties,  566  f. 

—  history,  25  ff. 

after  Waterloo,  90  ff. 

Dark  Ages,  27  ff. 

Medieval,  35  ff. 

—  industrialisation,  104  ff,  519  ff. 

—  industries  during  slump,  598  ff. 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  755  ff. 

—  monetary      conditions,      433, 

467  ff. 



Europe,  overseas  expansion,  72  ff. 

—  political    status    of   countries, 

—  population,  1 35  ff. 

occupations,  22  f.,  139  ff. 

—  prices,  433 

—  production,  post-war,  401    ff., 

—  railways,  1 50  f. 

—  trade,     post-war,     402,     408, 

427  ff.,  520  ff. 

—  transport,  21  f.,  150  f,  776  ff. 

—  United    States    of,    proposed, 
143  ff.,  366,  778  ff.,  785  f- 

European  Union,  Committee  for, 
143,  547  ff.,  778 

—  War,  1914-18,  121  ff. 

FASCISM,  14,  132,  145,  333,  336, 
504  f.,  569,  584  f.,  781  ff.  See 
Germany  and  Italy 

Federalism,  139 

Feudalism,  39  f.,  47,  50,  64 

Finland,  152  ff. 

—  agriculture,  139,  155,  455 

—  armaments,  156,  707,  709,  711 

—  Civil  War,  1918,  153 

—  Communism,  1 53  f. 

—  Diet,  152,  i53f. 

—  eastern  frontier,  147 

—  foreign  relations,  1 56 

—  history,  76,  92,  127 

—  imports    and    exports,    1 55  f , 

428  f. 

—  lakes,  1 9  f. 

—  Mannerhein,  Gen.,  153  f. 

—  monetarv  conditions.,  1 56,  433, 


—  National  Strike,  /ooj,  1 52 

—  nationalities,  148 

—  political  conditions,  129,  566 

—  population,  137 
occupations,  141  f 

—  prices,  431  f. 

—  Republic,  proclamation  of,  153 

—  Russia,  relations  with,   152  f., 

154  .. 
• —  Socialism,  153  f.,  566 

—  Swedes  in,  155 

—  tariff,  155 

—  timber  trade,  1 55 

—  wages,  553 

Finland,  White  Terror,  153    • 

—  women's  suffrage,  573 
Flanders,  29,  40,  41,  43,  46,  50  f., 

58.  See  Belgium  and  Holland 
Flax  trade,  447 
Foodstuffs,  demand  for,  416  ff.  See 

Foreign     exchange,     control     of, 

461  ff.,  538  ff. 
Four-Power  Pact,  1933.  775 
France,  299  ff.,  602  ff. 

—  Action  Franfaise,  576,  603 

—  African  possessions,   114,   117, 
1  1  8,  303,  305,  367 

—  agricultural    conditions,     140, 
301  f.,  305,  459,  452,  454 

--  co-operation,  303 

--  imports,  438  ff.,  450,  452, 

—  Alsace-Lorraine.  See  Alsace 

—  armaments,  699,  701,  702  ff., 
706  ff. 

—  and   Austro-German   Customs 
Union,  547 

—  balance  of  trade,  430 

—  Bank  of  France,  309 

—  birth-rate,  303 

—  Blanc,  L.,  101 

—  Blanqui,  A.,  676 

—  Bloc  National,  3  1  3 

—  Bordeaux,  301 

—  Bnand,  120,  143  f.,  313,  602 

—  Camelots  du  Rot,  586,  603 

—  capital  exports,  367 

—  Cartel  des  Gauches,  603 

—  Charles  X,  99,  300 

—  chemical  industry,  305,  528 

—  Clemericeau,  602 

—  coal  imports,  305 
--  industry,  304 

—  Gomitf  des  Forces,  301,  607,  716 

—  Commune,    Paris,    1871,    112, 
300,  652,  677 

—  Communism,    300,    566,    606, 
608  f. 

—  C.G.T.,  687 

—  Constitution,  133,  573 

—  cotton  industry,  304,  306 

—  currency,  310  ff. 

—  Daladier,   E.,   309,   314,  602, 
605,  691 

—  debts,  308,  313,  813 

848  INDEX 

France,  depression,  effects  of,  306 

—  disarmament       policy,        3 1 2 
723  ff.,  733,  740  if. 

—  electricity,  305 

—  Empire,  Second,  300 

—  foreign    policy,    116    f.,    143, 

—  Germany,  relations  with,  3 1 3  f. 

—  gold,  309,  311 

—  Governments  since  war,  602 

—  Henry  IV,  57,  75 

—  Hernot,  E.,  313,  604,  691 

—  history,  29,   32,  39,  44  f.,  49, 
54,  56,  57,  74  f-»  76  ff.,  90  ff., 
98,  99  ff.,  102  f.,  299  f.,  360  f. 

—  Huguenots,  57 

—  immigration,  303 

—  import  restrictions,  467 

—  imports  and  exports,  305,  306, 
428  f.,  517,  520  f.,  523,534 

—  industrial  development,  104  f., 
1 08,  140,  301,  304,  520  ff. 

production,  406,  510  ff. 

—  inflation,  310  f.,  399 

—  I.L.O.  and,  794  ff. 

—  iron  deposits,  304 

—  Joan  of  Arc,  45 

—  Laval,  313,  603  f.,  6oG 

—  Lille,  306 

—  Louis  XI,  45 

XIV,  57,  75,  314 

--  XVI,  77,  78 

XVIII,  84,  90,  92 

Philippe,  99  f.,  300 

—  Lyons,  41,  300,  301 

—  machine  industry,  512,  526  f. 

—  Marseilles,  301 

—  monetary   conditions,   310   ff., 

policy,  484,  486  f. 

—  motor-car  industry,  306,  527 

—  Napoleon  I,  48,  75,  77,   82  ff , 
90,  104,  105,  243,  292  f.,  299 

Ill,  101  ff ,  106,  300,  677 

—  Parliamentarism,  Go6  ff. 

—  parties,  603 

—  Paul-Boncour,  J  ,  691 

—  peasantry,  302  f. 

—  petite  bourgeoisie,  302,  607  f. 

—  Poincare,   R.,    133,   313,   602, 
605,  728 

—  Poland,  treaty  with,  726 

France,  political  conditions,   129, 
I31,  S6^,  575  ff.,  602  ff,  691 

—  population,    136  f.,   300,   303, 

--  occupations,  141  f.,  301 

—  potash  deposits,  303,  304 

—  prices,  310,  415,  431  ff,  435 

—  Proudhon,  P.  J.,  676 

—  public  finance,  308  ff. 
--  works,  307 

—  Radical-Socialists,  313,  603  f., 

—  railwavs,  5  1  7 

—  rentiers,  302,  310  f,  606,  816 

—  Republic,  Third,  300 

—  Revolution,  77659,  67,  68,  77  ff  , 
299,  302 

--  1830,  300 
--  1848,  300 

—  Royalists,  606 

—  Ruhr,  occupation  of,  313,  602. 
See  Germany 

—  Russia,  investments  in,  311 

—  Saar.  See  Saar 

—  Schneider,  716.  See  Schneider- 

—  security,  demand  for,  312,  314, 

—  shipping,  517 

—  silk  industry,  306 

—  Socialism,  300,  566,  603,  604  f  , 
608  f,  676,  682,  691  f.,  821 

—  steel  industry,  304  f.,  524  ff. 

—  sugar,  305 

—  Syndicalism,  688 

—  Tardicu,  313,  603,  606 

—  tariffs,   1  06,   1  08,  308,  539  f., 


—  tax  system,  309 

—  textile    industries,    306,    512, 

529  *• 

—  Thiers,  300 

—  Trade  Unions,  in,  120,  687 

—  unemployment,    304,    306    f., 
508  fl  ,  608 

—  wages,  551  ff,  554  ff. 

—  water-power,  305 

—  wealth,  national,  345 

—  wheat  production,  305 

—  wine  trade,  305,  306 
Franchise    in    post-war    Europe, 

573  ^ 

Franco-Prussian   War,    /5/tf,  103, 

1 08,  112,  245,  300 
Frederick  Barbarossa,  47 
—  II,  Emperor,  48  ff. 
Free  Trade,  94,  97,   105  f.,  245, 

351  ff.,  521  f.  See  Tariffs 
Frontiers,  political  and  economic, 

Fruit,  production  and  trade,  447, 

450  f. 

GENERAL  ACT,  730  if 
Geneva  Protocol,  725  f. 
Genoa  Conference,  546 
Germany,  233  ff.,  638  ff. 

—  agricultural    imports,     438  f., 
450,  452,  454  ff. 

—  agriculture,   107,   140,  236  ff., 
239,  243  f.,  245,  450,  452,  454 

—  Alsace-Lorraine   Sec  Alsace 

—  Anschluss,  651  f. 

—  area,  238 

—  armaments,  1 16,  699,  700,  703, 
705,  706  ff ,  716,  721,  821 

claim  to  equality,  649,  739, 

744,  821 

—  Armistice,  233  f. 

—  Austria,    relations    with,    241, 
245,  647,  651  f. 

—  Axelrod,  257 

—  balance  of  trade,  270,  430,  463, 


—  banking  crisis,  274  ff.,  466,  81 1 

—  Bauer,  G  ,  256,  258 

—  Bavaria,  92,  98,  24 o,  263,  269, 


—  Bavarian  People's  Party,  271, 
273»  647 

Revolution,  131,  256  f. 

—  Bebel,  677 

—  Bismarck,  102,  103,  106,  117, 
245,  814 

—  Brandenburg,  49,  65 

—  Brown  Army,  640 

—  Bruning,  133,  273,  274,  645  f. 

—  Brunswu  k,  239 

—  capital,  export  of,  367,  464 
import  of,  267  11  ,  270,  277, 

422,  425,  464  f.,  644 

—  cartels,  809 

—  Catholicism,  240,  642,  647 

INDEX  849 

Germany  Centre  Party,  254,  £56, 
260  ff.,  271  ff.,  645,  647 

—  chemical  industry,  527  f. 

—  coal  industry,  239,  246,  513 

—  colonies,  1 25,  247,  294,  367 

—  Communism,   257   ff.,   261    f., 
270  ff.,  566,  640,  643 

—  co-operation,  237 

—  Cuno,  261,  263 

—  Danat  bank,  275 

—  Dawes  Plan.  See  Dawes  Plan 

—  debts,   265,    267   ff ,   463    ff, 


—  Democratic    Party,    254,    257, 
259  f.,  271  ff. 

—  Deutsche  Volkische-Freiheits-bewe- 
gung,  643 

—  Ebcrt,  250,  255,  273 

—  economic  conditions,  post-war, 

270  f-,  399>  464  ff. 

—  Eisner,  K.,  256 

—  Elbe,  237,  243 

—  emigration,  238 

—  Empire,    pre-war,     102,     103, 
114,  234,  242  ff. 

—  enclosures,  244 

—  Erzberger,  262,  263 

—  Evangelical     Church     Union, 
240,  647 

—  Farbemndustrie,  I.  (7.,  718 

—  Federalism,  139 

—  Fehrenbach,  258,  261 

—  Franco-Prussian       War.       See 

—  Frederick  the  Great,   76,  243, 

—  Frederick  William,  243 

—  French  Revolution,  effects  of, 
243  f. 

—  General  Strike  of  1920,  257 

—  geography,  236  ff.,  240 

—  German  Working  Men's  Associ- 
ation, 676, 677 

—  Gessler,  269 

—  Gilds,  242,  244 

—  Gobbels,  642 

—  Goring,  642,  647 

—  Great  Britain,  rivalry  with,  36  r 

—  Hamburg,  240 

—  Hilferdmg,  645 

—  Hindenburg,    251,    273,    641, 
645  f. 

850  INDEX 

Germany,  history,  36,  46,  47  f., 
49  £>  55  f-»  59,  76,  92,  102  f., 
116, 117,  118,  241  fF. 

—  Hitler,  130,  131,  269,  640  ff., 
644,  646  ff. 

—  Hoover       Moratorium.       See 

—  Hugenburg,  647 

—  import  restrictions,  466,  646 

—  imports  and  exports,  239,  246, 
247,  270,  278  ft,  409,  428  ff., 
463  ff.,  517,  520  ff,  523,  534  f., 


—  industrial    development,    1 05, 
140,  238  f.,  242,  245  f. 

production,     406,     408    f., 

510  ff. 
resources,  239 

—  inflation,  ^64  ff,  399  f.,  813 

—  I.L.O.  and,  792  ff,  796,  798, 

—  iron  resources,  239,  245,  246 

—  Jews,  and  Nazis,  642,  647 

—  Junkers,  237,  246 

—  Kahr,  von,  269 

—  Kapp  Putsch,  257  f.,  259,  262, 


—  Kiel  Naval  Mutiny,  249,  252 

—  Lassalle,  676  ff. 

—  Lausanne      Agreement.       See 

—  L.  of  N.  'and,  726,  756,   772, 


—  Liebknecht,  K.,  251   ff. 

-       W.,677 

—  Lipp,  256 

—  List,  F.,  1 06,  245 

—  Locarno.  See  Locarno 

—  Ludendorff,  269,  643 

—  Luther,  267 

—  Luttwitz,  von,  257 

—  Luxemburg,  Rosa,  252 

—  machine  industry,  513,  526 

—  Marx  Government,  262,  267 

—  Max  of  Baden,  249,  250 

—  military  strategy,  247,  252 

—  monetary  conditions,   264  ff, 

—  motor-car  industry,  527 

—  Miiller,  258,  272 

—  Munich,  256  f.,  262,  643 
•"•  municipal  reform,  244 

Germany,  Napoleon,  influence  of, 
243  f. 

—  National  Assembly,  254  f. 

—  Nationalist  Party,  254,  271  ff, 
646  f. 

—  Nazi    coup,    1933,     234,    361, 

646  ff. 

—  Nazis,  growth  of,  261,  269  ff., 
569,  643  ff. 

policy  of,  279  ff,  640  ff., 

647  ff,  781  f.,  818,  821 

—  Noske,  249,  254,  256  ff. 

—  Otto  I,  38,  48 

—  pan-Germanism,  643 

—  Papen,  von,  646  f. 

—  Peace  Pacts,  726  ff. 

—  Peace  Treaties,  255  f.,  262,  263, 
268,  426,  649  f. 

—  Peasants'  War,  55 

—  People's  Party,  254,  261,  263, 
271  ff,  645 

—  Poland,  relations  with,  167  ff. 

—  Polish  Corridor.  See  Poland 

—  political        conditions,       1 29, 
250  ff,  566,  579  f. 

—  population,  136  ff,  238,  239 
occupations,  141  f. 

—  potash,  239 

—  Preuss,  255 

—  prices,  264  ff,  415,  431  f. 

—  Prussia,   65,   76,   77,   92,   234, 
238  ff,  242  ff.,  260 

—  Raffeisen  banks,  237 

—  railways,  516  f. 

—  Rapallo  Treaty.  See  Rapallo 

—  Rathenau,  262  f.,  264 

—  rationalisation,  267  f.,  270,  276 

—  Reichsbank,  264,  274  f.,  466 

—  Reichsbannery  263 

—  Reichsmark,  266 

—  Reichstag  Peace  Resolution,  248, 

—  Reichswehr,  641 

—  religions,  239  f. 

—  Rentenmarky  266 

—  Reparations.  See  Reparations 

—  Republic,  post-war,  133,  234, 
237»  250  ff,  255,  258  ff,  271  f., 
568,  643,  648  f. 

proclamation  of,  250 

—  revolution    of    /p/#,    249    ff., 
252  ff,  261,  565,  660  f. 

Germany,  Rhineland,g2,  240,267 

—  Ruhr,  industries,  239 

occupation  of,  263  ff.,  267, 

269,  727,  and  see  France 
rising  in,  258 

—  Saxony,  48,  239,  269 
rising  in,  262 

—  Schacht,  642,  645 

—  Scheidemann,  250,  255,  256 

—  Schleicher,  von,  646 

—  Seeckt,  von,  270 

—  serfdom,  105,  242  ff. 

—  shipping,  516  f. 

—  Social     Democrats,     250     ff., 
257  ff.,  270  ff.,  660, 677  f.,  681  f., 
690  f. 

—  Socialism,    252    ff,    255,    566, 
640,  643,  648  f.,  676  ff. 

—  Socialists,  Independent,  252  ff., 
256,  258  f.,  271,  661 

—  Spartacists,  252  ff,   255,  259, 
66 1 

—  Stahllielm,  641,  647 

—  Standstill     Agreements,     275, 
276,  466 

—  State  control,  275  f ,  81 1  f.,  814 

—  steel    industry,    245    f.,    514, 
524  ff.,  811 

—  Strasser,  G.,  642 

—  Stresemann,  261,  267,  426 

—  strikes,  wartime,  252 

—  submarine  campaign,  248 

—  tariffs,    1 06,    107    f ,    244    ff., 

539  f-»  545  ^ 

—  territorial  losses,  124  ff.,  238 

—  textile  industiies,  512,  328  ff. 

—  Thirty  Years'  War,  56,  59,  243 

—  Thurmgia,  239 

—  Trade  Unions,  1 1 1,  252,  257  f., 
566  f ,  647,  793 

Catholic,  258,  260 

—  unemployment,       276,       279, 
501  f.,  505,  507  ff,  560,  645 

—  Upper  Silesia,  150,  239  f.,  262, 
264,  650 

—  wages,  265,  279,  551  ff.,  818 

—  war,  internal  conditions  dur- 
ing, 248  f.,  396 

policy  during,  121  ff.,  247 

—  wealth,  national,  345 

—  Weimar,  255 

—  wheat  prices,  441,  442 

INDEX  851 

Germany,  wheat  production,  ^.41 

—  Wilhelm    II,    103,    114,    117, 

—  Wirth,  261,262 

—  Workers'  and  Soldiers'  Coun- 
cils, 255,  257,  259 

—  Young  Plan.  See  Young  Plan 

—  Zeii^ner,  269 

—  Zollverein,  102,  242,  244.  f. 
Gilds,  medieval,  40  ff,  64  f.,  245 
Gold  Exchange  Standard,  497 

—  Standard,     488  ff.    See     Cur- 
rency and  Monetary  policy 

—  supply,  496  ff. 
Goltz,  von  der,  158,  160 
Gradualism,  593  ff. 

Great  Britain,  344  ff.,  585  ff. 

—  agricultural  imports,  438  ff. 

—  agriculture,    86  f.,     140,    346, 

352,  44i 
regulation  of,  357,  81 1 

—  Alfred  the  Great,  30 

—  area,  136,  344 

—  armaments,  699,   701,  702  ff., 
705,  706  ff. 

—  Asquith,  H.  H  ,  589 

—  Baldwin,  S.,  592 

—  balance  of  trade,  354  f. 

—  Boer  War,  1 14 

—  Capital  exports,  367  ff. 

—  Chamberlain,  J.,  353 

—  Charles  I,  57,  69 

—  Chartism,  96  f.,  695 

—  chemical  industry,  347,  527  f. 

—  Civil  War,  56  f. 

—  class  divisions  in,  69  ff.,  694  ff. 

—  coal  industry,  305,   347,  513, 

—  Communism,  586,  60 1 

—  Conservatism,    353,    358    ff., 

587  ff. 

—  Constitution,  574 

—  deflation,  408 

—  disarmament,     723     ff.,     733, 

737  ^ 

—  Dyestuffs  Corporation,  718 

—  economic    conditions     during 
war,  395  f. 

—  Edward  I,  43,  44 

—  Egypt  and,  100,  1 14,  1 1 7 

—  electrical  industry,   347,   810, 

852  INDEX 

Groat  Britain,  Emergency  Powers 
Act,  133 

—  Empire  trade,  348,  349  ff.,  433, 

448  f-,  455>  784  f- 

—  Fascism,  586 

—  Foreign  policy,  360  ff. 

—  George,  Lloyd,  589  f. 

—  Germany,  investments  in,  466 

—  gradualism,  593  ff. 

—  Hardie,  Keir,  591,  679 

—  history,  43  f.,  56  f.,  68  ff.,  73  f., 
78  f.,     85  ff.,     35  iff.,     359  ff, 
366  ff. 

—  Imperial  Chemical  Industries, 

—  imports   and    exports,    346  ff., 
428  f.,  517,  520  ff.,  523,  534,  535 

—  Imperialism,  349  ff.,  353,  362, 
364  f.,    366  ff. 

—  I.L  P.,  580,  589,591,679 

—  industrial    development,     1 39, 
140,  345  ff.,  520  ff. 

production,      406  f.,      408, 

510  ff. 

—  Industrial  Revolution,  85  ff. 

—  I.L.O.  and,  794,  796,  798,  800, 

—  John,  King,  39, 44 

—  Labour  Go\  ernments,  593  ff. 
Party,     in,     359  f,     574, 

587  ff.,  591  ff.,  679,  691 

—  Liberal    Party,    353,     358  ff, 
587  ff,  590  f.,  594 

—  loans  to  Europe,  367,  423 

—  MacDonald,  J.  R.,  594  ff 

—  machine  production,  347,  512, 
526  f. 

—  Maxton,  J.,  60 1 

—  monetary  conditions,  357,  433, 
469,  47%  4?7,  488  ff. 

—  Mosley,  Sir  O.,  60 1 

—  motor-car  industry,  527 

—  National  Debt,  69,  813 

—  Parliamentarism,  565  ff.,  596  ff. 

—  Peace  Pacts,  725  ff. 

—  political  conditions,  1 29,  566, 
574  ff.,  585  ff. 

—  Pollitt,H.,6oi 

—  population,  136  f.,  344 
occupations,  140  ff. 

—  prices,   119,  414,  415,  431  ff., 

Great  Britain,  railways,  517,  810 

—  Reform  struggle,  88  ff.,  94  f. 

—  Russia,    relations    with,    362, 
379  f.,  382,  386  f.,  592,  594 

—  shipping,  517 

—  Socialism,  in,  360,  566,  677, 
679  f.,  682,  686  ff,  691  ff. 

—  steel  industry,  347,  81 1 

—  Stephen,  King,  44 

—  tariffs,  107,  1 08,  350  f.,  351  ff, 

537,  539>  540,  541,  543>  592, 

—  textile  exports,  346  f. 
production,  512,  528  ff 

—  unemployment,     408,     501  ff., 
508  ff,  560 

—  wages,  1 19,  357,  551  ff,  554  ff. 

—  war,  gains  in,  1 25 

—  wealth,  national,  345 

—  wheat  prices,  43 1  f. 

production,  346,,  441 

quota,  357 

—  William  I,  43,  44 
Ill,  69 

—  working-class     conditions      in 
nineteenth  century,  95  fl  ,  1 1 1 , 

Greece,  199  fl. 

—  agriculture,    139,    204  f.,    450, 


—  Alexander,  King,  203 

—  area,  200  f. 

—  armaments,  707,  709,  71 1 

—  Constantine,  King,  202  ff. 

—  Crete,  117,  1 1 8,  202 

—  debts,  457  fl. 

• —  economic  position,  ^57  ff. 

—  George  I,  202 
II,  204 

—  history,    26,  52,   98,   117,  118, 
200  ff. 

—  imports  and  exports,  429,  450, 

452,  459 

—  industries,  205 

—  Italy,   relations    with,    199  ff., 


—  minorities,  201 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  462, 
469  ff. 

—  Pangalos,  Gen.,  204,  205 

—  peace  settlements,  125,  199  ff,, 

Greece,  political  conditions,   129, 

—  population,  137,  201 
occupations,  141  f. 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  public  finance,  205  f.,  459 

—  Refugee  Loan,  205 
problem,  128,  201,  203 

—  tobacco  industry,  474 

—  Vemzelos,  E.,  202  f.,  204 

—  wheat  imports,  439 
Greek  Orthodox  Church,  27 
Gregory  VII,  48 

Group  system,  575  ff. 

Guild  Socialism,   120,  687  ff. 

HAGUE  COURT,  725,  729,  731,  760 
Hansa  towns,  49,  51,  65 
Health,  public,  798 
Henderson,  Arthur,  723,  734 
Henry  IV,  Emperor,  48 
Holland,  291  f.,  296  if. 

—  agriculture,    140,    296  f.,   450, 


--  -  armaments,  703,  705,  707,  709, 

—  butter  trade,  454  f. 

—  colonies,  298 

—  Communism,  566 

—  history,   62,  73  f.,  75,  99>  !<*>, 
124,  298.     See  also  Flanders 

—  import  restrictions,  467 

— -  imports  and  exports,  297,  429, 

45°>  452,  5*7 

—  industrial    development,    140, 

-'97,  520 
production,  51 1 

—  I  L  O.  and,  796 

—  investments  in  Germany,  466 

—  machine  industry,  526 

—  meat  trade,  455,  456 

-  -  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 

47^497  or 

-  -  political  conditions,  129,  290  1., 

566,  581 

—  population,  137,  296,  344 
occupations,   140  ff. 

prices,  431  ff.,  435 
—-  religions,  299 

—  shipping,  517 

—  Socialism,    566 

-  tariffs,  539  f.,  544»  55" 

INDEX  853 

Holland,  Trade  Unions,  299  ' 

—  unemployment,  508  ff. 

—  wages,  552,  555 

—  wheat  imports,  439 

—  William  of  Orange  (III),  298 
I,   298 

the  Silent,  58,  298 

—  women's  suffrage,  573 
Hoover  Moratorium,  276  ff.,  466 
Hours  of  labour,  797  ff. 
Hungary,  2 1  o  ff. 

—  agriculture,  139,  213  f.,  445  ff., 

45i,  453*- 

—  area,  2 1 2 

—  armaments,  703,  707,  708 

—  balance  of  trade,  458  ff. 

—  Buda-Pesth,  215 

—  capital  imports,  422 

—  Communism,  2 1 1 

—  Constitution,  568,  571 

—  economic  position,  457  ff. 

—  foreign  exchange,  462 

—  Hapsburg  restoration,  attemp- 
ted, 211  f.,  728 

—  history,    pre-war,   49,  51,    76, 
93,  100,  101,  208,  210 

post-war,  131,  2 1  o  ff. 

—  Horthy,  1 30,  2  u 

—  imports  and  exports,  214, 428  f., 

459  f.  A      . 

—  industrial  production,  51 1 

—  Karolyi,  210 

—  Kossuth,  100,  210 

—  Kun,  Bela,  2 1 1 

—  L.  of  N.  loan,  2i4f. 

—  minorities,  2 1 2  f. 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 

—  Peace    Treaties,     I26f.,     128, 
212  f.,  215  f.,  773      • 

—  Peidl,2ii 

—  political  conditions,  129,  566 
position,  1 30,  746 

—  population,  137  f.,  212 
occupations,  142 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  public  finance,  214  f.,  457 

—  Socialism,  2 1 1 ,  566 

—  tariffs,  539,  541 

—  unemployment,  509 

—  wages,  553 

—  wheat  trade,  438  f.,  441 

854  INDEX 


129,  566 
status,  127,  280,  287 

—  population,  137,  142 

—  Socialism,  566 

—  Socialist  International  boycott, 

Imperialism,  24  f.,  108  ff.,  366  ff., 

669,810,  832  ff. 

Import  restrictions,  467  ff.,  536  ff 
Imports   and   exports.    See   under 

separate  countries 
India,  armaments,  706  f. 

—  British  Empire  and,    113,  349, 
364  ff.,  787 

—  cotton  industry,  364  f.,  529 

—  I.L.O.  and,  795,  797 

—  Nationalism,  365  f. 
Industrialisation  in  various  coun- 
tries, isgff. 

Inflation,    264  ff.,    310  f.,    399  f., 

421,  493,  813 
Innocent  III,  39 
Interest  rates,  478,  481 
International,  First,  112,  676f. 

—  Labour  and  Socialist,  211,  684 

—  Labour      Organisation,      758, 
790  rf. 

and  wages,  552,  555 

—  Socialist  Bureau,  120  f.,  681 

—  Third,  385,  386,  683 

—  "Two  and  a  Half,  "684 

—  Working    Men's     Association, 
1 12,  676  f. 

Internationalism,      747,      776  ff., 

823  ff. 
Ireland,  362  ff. 

—  agriculture,  107,  139,  363,  451, 


—  armaments,  707,  71 1 

—  butter  trade,  455 

—  de  Valera,  363  f. 

—  Free  State  Constitution,  362, 


—  imports  and  exports,  263,  439, 


—  I.L.O.  and,  797 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  756 

—  meat  trade,  453  f. 

—  political  conditions,  566 
status,  100,   121,   129,   138, 

362  ff. 

Ireland,  population,  137,  142 

—  Socialism,  566 

—  unemployment,  363,  509 

—  wages,  553 
Italy,  336  ff.,  6ioff. 

—  Abyssinia,  1 1 3 

—  afforestation,    340 

—  agricultural    conditions,     1 39, 

337,  34i,  450,  452 

development,  338,  342 

exports  and  imports,  338 

—  Albania,  relations  with,  207  f. 

—  anarchism,  344 

—  armaments,  699,   701,   702  ff., 
706  ff. 

—  Avanti,  619 

—  balance  of  trade,  340 

—  Banco  Commerciale^  633 

—  Gaporetto,  619 

—  Catholics.    See  Popolan 

—  Cavour,  101,  614 

—  colonies,  336  f.,  618 

—  Communism,  622,  623 

—  Consorzio    Mobihare  Finan&ario, 


—  Constitution,    before    Fascism, 

under      Fascism,      625  ff., 

634  ^ 

—  Constitution  of  Carnaro,  628 

—  Co-operative  Movement,  341 

—  Corporations,  Fascist,  630 

—  Corporative  State,  626  ff. 

—  Dalmatia,  125,  126 

—  d'Annunzio,  G.,  622,  628 

—  debts,  813 

—  disarmament,  attitude  to,  723, 

733.  737 

—  Dodecanese,   118,   199  ff,  336 

—  Dopo    Lavoro,     Institution     di, 

—  di 

rainagc  schemes,  338 

—  Emigration,  339 

—  Fascism  and  Guild  Socialism, 
628  f.,  63  if. 

and  Nationalism,  620,  627 

and  Socialism,  628  ff.,  631  f. 

and  the  class-struggle,  629, 

637  f. 
economic  policy  of,  629  ff., 

early  programme  of,  620 

Italy,  Fascism,  policy  of,  339,  340, 
342,  6i6ff.,  624  f.,  781  f. 

philosophy  of,  6 1 7  f. 

rise  of,  569,  6ioff.,  616  ff., 


supporters  of,  342,  619,  623, 

633>  637 

—  Fascist  coup  d'Jtat,  132,  343 

Grand  Council,  634  f. 

Party,  619,  623,  633,  634  ff. 

Trade  Unions,  341,  630  fi. 

—  Fiume,  occupation  of,  125,  622, 

—  Florence,  46,  47 

—  Garibaldi,  101 

—  Gentile,  628 

—  Giolitti,  584 

—  Grain   Commission,    National, 


—  Hegehamsm,  628,  637 

—  history,    28,    32,  40,  46  f.,  76, 
99,  100,  joi  f.,  1 16 

—  Idea  Nazionale,  623 

—  illiteracy,  343 

—  imports  and  exports,  337,  338, 
342,  428  f.,  450,  452,  454,  517, 
521  ff.,  534 

of  capital,  340 

—  industrial    development,     139, 
520  ff. 

—  —  resources,  337 

—  industrialists,  attitude  of,  343, 
623,633  t 

—  Institute  Mobiliare  Italiano,  632, 

—  I.L.O.  and,  793,  794,  796,  798, 


—  King,  attitude  of,  to  Fascism, 

—  March  on    Rome,    343,    624, 

—  Matteotti,  murder  of,  626,  630 

—  Mazzini,  94,  99,  614,  676 

—  metal  factories,  occupation  of, 

—  Milan,  46,  47 

—  minorities,  1 25,  1 28 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 

471  '    .   j 

—  motor-car  industry,  337,  527 

—  Mussolini,  B.,    130,    131,   343, 
344,  619  fi.,  636 

INDEX  855 

Italy,  Parliament  under  Fascism, 
625  ff.,  634  ff. 

—  Parliamentarism,  343  f.,  584  f. 

—  Peace    Treaties,    attitude    to, 
124,  125, 126 

—  political  conditions,  1 29,  566 

—  Popolari,  584,  618,  624 

—  Popolo  d*  Italia,  619 

—  population,  growth  of,   I36f., 
338  ff. 

occupations  of,  142 

—  prices,  415,  431  ff.,  435 

—  railways,  517 

—  Rhodes,   118,   199  ff.,  336 

—  Sardinia,    76,    92,    100,    102, 

—  shipping,  517 

—  Sicily,  28,  32,  46,  100 

—  Socialist  movement,  343, 621  f., 

—  Societ^    Finanziaria    Industrial, 
632,  811 

—  strikes,  post-war,  621 

—  Sturzo,  Don,  584,  618 

—  Syndicalism,  344,  631  f.,  688 

—  tariffs,  340,  545 

—  territorial  gains  after  war,  336  f. 

—  textile  industries,  337,  528  ff. 

—  trade  disputes  under  Fascism, 
341  f. 

—  Trade    Unions,    341    f.,    564, 
629  f.,  793 

—  Tripoli,  1 1 8,  337 

—  unemployment,  342,  508  ff 

—  unification  of,  336 

—  Victor  Emmanuel,  102 

—  wages,  341,  629 

—  wealth,  national,  345 

—  wheat  imports,  438  f. 

prices,  441  f. 

production,  441 

JAPAN,  ARMAMENTS,  699,   701  ff., 
706  ff,  72  if.,  723,  733 

—  cotton  industry,  364  f.,  529 

—  development,  108,  1 14  f. 

—  I.L.O.  and,  793,  794,  797 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  722,  750,  754  f., 
764,  766 

—  U.S.S.R.  and,  1 15, 375,  376  f. 
Jenghiz  Khan,  5if . 

856  INDEX 

KAfl  rsKY,  K.,  654 
Kellogg  Pact,  730  ff.,  741 
Keynes,J.  M.,  125 
Kienthal  Conference,  682 
Krupps,  715 

Laissez-faire,  815  ff.    See  also  Free 


Land,  re-distribution  of,  409  f. 
Latvia,  1 59  ff. 

—  agriculture,  139,  159,  451,  453 

—  armaments,  707,  709,  711 

—  butter  trade,  455 

—  Civil  War,  160 

—  Cdurland,  36,  49,  123,  160 

—  history,  127,  160 

—  imports  and  exports,  1 59, 428  f., 

45 i» 453  , 

—  industrialisation,  1 59  f . 

—  I.L.O.  and,  798 

—  Latgaha,  160 

—  Livonia,  49,  66,  160 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469 

—  nationalities,  1 48,  1 39 

—  political  conditions,  129,  160  f , 

—  population,  137,  159 
occupations,  142 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  religions,  1 59 

—  Riga,  151,  159 

—  Socialism,  161,  566 

—  tariff,  161 

Lausanne  Agreements,  1932,  277  f. 
League  of  Nations,  749  ff. 

—  and   armaments,   698,    700  ff., 
705,  722  ff. 

—  Austrian  loans,  2 1 7  f. 

—  Covenant,  759  ff. 

Optional  Clause,  730  ff. 

—  Estonian  loan,  159 

—  and  European  agriculture,  440, 
442,  443  ff. 

—  and  Great  Britain,  784  ff. 

—  Hungarian  loans,  214?. 

—  and  Japan,  750 

—  and  Manchuria,  722 

—  membership,   749  ff. 

—  and  minorities,  1 29,  1 48 

—  and  refugees,  201 

—  and  security,  729  ff. 

—  and  Treaty  revision,  773  f. 

League   of  Nations,  and  U.S.A. 
750  f. 

—  and  U.S.S.R.,  385,  750,  751  f., 
787  ff. 

—  and  United  States  of  Europe,  1 43 

—  and  war,  763  ff.,  820 
Liechtenstein,  129,  220 
Linseed,  447 
Lithuania,  161  ff. 

—  agriculture,  137,  162 

—  armaments,  707,  711 

—  butter  trade,  455 

—  history,  36,  49,  51,  123,  127 

—  imports  and  exports,  162,  429, 

451,  453>  455 

—  I.L.O.  and,  797 

—  Kovno,  163 

—  Memel,  126,  149,  162  f. 

—  monetary  conditions,  469 

—  politics,  129,  164,  566 

—  population,  137 
occupations,   141  f. 

—  religions,  1 62 

—  Russia,   relations  with,    I45f, 
163  f. 

—  Socialism,  164,  566 

—  Valdemaras,  1 64 

—  Vilna,  1 49,  i  (>2 

Little   Entente,    i8jf,   212,   215, 

226  f,  728,  753 
Litvinov,  M.,  547 
Livestock,  449  f. 
Locarno  Pacts,  267,  362,  726  ff., 

772  f ,  820 
London,  as  financial  centre,  488, 


—  Treaty  of,  1839,  99,  121,  294 
/<?/5,  122,  125 

Low     Countries.    See     Flanders, 

Belgium,  Holland 
Luther,  Martin,  55,  67 
Luxembourg,  armaments,  707 

—  Customs  Union  with  Belgium, 

—  I.L.O.  i 

and, 797 

—  politics,  129,  566 

—  Socialism,  566 

—  steel  industry,  524,  527 

—  wages,  554 

MACEDONIA,  117,  118,  125,  130, 
190  f.,  192,  200  f.,  204,  206 

Machiavelli,  66  f. 
Machine  industry,  511,  512 
Maize,  445  ff. 
Manchuria,  722,  750,  754 
Marx,  Karl,  94, 100,  1 12, 654, 657, 

668  f.,    675  ff.,   680  ff.,   694  ff., 


Maurice,  Sir  F.,  705 
Maximilian,  Emperor,  46,  51,  293 
Meat  trade,  452,  454 
Metternich,  90,  133 

Mill,  J.  S.,  579 
800  f. 

Minimum      Wage      Convention, 

Minorities,  138,  148,  159,  185  ff. 

See  also  League  of  Nations  and 

separate  countries 
Mitsui  combine,  716,  721 
Mohammedans.  See  Moslems 
Monaco,  129,  138 
Monarchies,  129,  571  f 
Monasteries,  29,  33,  36,  49 
Monetary  policy,  433,  462,  466, 

467  ff.,  476  ff.,  488  ff.  See  also 

Currency     and     under     separate 


Monroe  Doctrine,  98,  751,  754 
Montenegro,  104,  126,  188,  193 
Moratona,  436  f. 
Moslems,  26,  27,  28,  29,  31  f.,  52 
Most    Favoured    Nation    Clause, 

541  ff. 

Motor-car  industry,  527 
Mutual  Assistance,   draft  Treaty 

of,  724  f. 

NAPOLEON.  See  France 
Nationalism    in    Europe,    98  ff , 

i32f.,  139,  148,  746  ff,  823  ff. 

See  Economic  Nationalism 
Navies,  strength  of,  709  ff. 
Netherlands.    See    Flanders    and 


New  Zealand,  exports,  349,  456 
Non- Aggression,    Pact*    of,    152, 

1 86,  736,  753 

—  Economic,   proposed   Pact  of, 

Norsemen,     30  f.,     32,     35.     See 

Norway,  280  ff. 

—  agriculture,  140,  282,  451,  453 

INDEX  857 

Norway,  armaments,  707, 709,^71 1 

—  economic  conditions,  281  f. 

—  history,  92,  1 24,  283 

—  imports    and    exports,    282  f , 

4.29>  439,  45i»453 

—  industrialisation,  140,  283 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 

—  Mowinckcl,  284 

—  political  conditions,  129,  283  f., 

—  population,  137,  283 
occupations,  142 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  religions,  283 

—  Socialism,  284,  566 

—  tariffs,  544 

—  wages,  553 

—  women's  suffrage,  573 

OATS,  445  ff. 

Olive  oil,  447,  450  f. 

Open  market  operations,  476 

Oslo  Convention,  1930,  544 

Ottawa  Conference,  1932,  350  f., 

364,  443,  448,  784  f. 
Over-production,  419,  824  f. 
Owen,  Robert,  96,  675 

PAPACY,  26,  30,  32  ff.,  35,  36,  38  f , 
40,  42, 46, 47, 48  f.,  54  f.,  61, 102 

Paris,  Treaty  of,  1816,  90,  92 

Parliamentarism,  565  ff,  585  ff, 
598  ff,  638  ff,  817,  825  ff. 

Peace  Treaties,  124  ff.,  233,  255  f., 
426,  and  see  under  countries 

—  and  disarmament,  698  ff. 

—  and  nationalities,  I28f.,  148  f. 

—  revision  of,  732,  745  ff.,  773  ff., 
820  f. 

Peasants  during  slump,  497,  498  f., 

and  see  Agriculture 
Philip  II,  293 
Pig  trade,  452,  454 
Plebiscites,  126,  128,  I7of.,  262 
Poland,  1640°. 

—  agriculture,  139,  I74f.,  438  f., 
441,  445,  451,  453,  455 

—  armaments,  169,  706  ff. 

—  balance  of  trade,  459  f. 

—  capital  imports,  422 

—  Communism,  1 70,  566 

858  INDEX 

Poland,    Corridor,    Polish,    126, 
130,  lyiff.,  745,  746,775 

—  Danzig.  See  Danzig 

—  debts,  457  if. 

—  economic  position,  457  ff. 

—  France,  relations  with,  728 

—  frontiers,  164  ff. 

—  Galicia,  165,  167 

—  Gdynia,  1  72 

—  history,  36,  49,  51,  76,  90,  93, 
99,  102,  123 

—  imports     and     exports,     1  75, 
425  f.,    4381:,    451,    453,    455, 

459  ff-,  517  . 

—  industrial  production,  407,  51  1 

—  I.L.O.  and,  795,  796 

—  Korfanty,  1  50,  1  70 

—  Lemburg,  165 

—  Lithuania,      relations      with, 
161  ff. 

—  machine  production,  5  1  3 

—  meat  trade,  454 

—  minorities,  165  ff.,  746 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  462, 

469,  471 

—  nationalities,  148 

—  partitions  of,  77,  90,  166  f. 

—  Peace  Treaties,  124,  127,  262 

—  Pilsudski,  130,  133,   167,  168, 

—  political  conditions,   129,   130, 

»  -f 

—  population,  1  36  f. 
--  occupations,  141  f. 

—  prices,  415,  431  ff. 

—  Pripet  marshes,   19,   147,    164, 

—  public  finance,  459 

—  Russia,  relations  with,  547,  753 
--  war  with,  127,  148,  165,  168, 

380,  382 

—  Socialism,  177,  566 

—  steel  industry,  514 

—  tariffs,  175,  540,  541 

—  textile  industries,  512 

—  transport,  151,  176  f.,  517  f. 

—  unemployment,  509 

—  Upper  Silesia,  150,  i7of.,  175, 

—  Vilna,  seizure  of,  149,  162  f, 

—  wages,  553,  555 

—  wheat  prices,  441 

Poland,  wheat  production,  441 
trade,  438  f. 

—  Zeligowski,  163 
Portugal,  334  ff. 

—  agriculture,  1 39 

—  armaments,  707,  709,  7 1 1 

—  Carlos,  King,  1 19 

—  Fascism,  333,  336 

—  Henriques,  Dom,  6 1 

—  history,  45,  58,  60  f.,  72  f.,  98, 
99,  119,  121,  334  f. 

—  imports  and  exports,  335,  429, 
439,  450,  452 

—  industries,  335 

—  I.L.O.  and,  797 

—  monetary  conditions,  469,  47 1 

—  political  conditions,   1 29,   1 30, 
335  f;  566 

—  population,  137,  335 
occupations,  142,  335 

—  Socialism,  566 

—  wine  trade,  450 

Postal  system,  international  con- 
trol, 778 
Potatoes,  447 
Prices,  agricultural,  411  ff.,  449 

—  during  and  after  war,  395  ff., 

399  ff- 

—  during  slump,  427  ff.,  431  ff., 

485, 538 

—  industrial,  413  ff. 

—  of  materials,  412  ff. 

—  raising  of,  475  ff.,  495  ff. 

—  regulation  of,  493 

—  retail,  413,  415  f. 

—  in  U.S.A.,  419  ff. 

—  wholesale,  413,  415  fl. 
Production,  400  ff.,  510  ff. 
Property  658 

Proportional   Representation, 

568  ff.,  579  ff 
Public  works,  482  ff. 
Purchasing  power,  420  f.,  824  f. 

—  international  control  of,  777  f. 
Rapallo,  Treaty  of,  igast,  262 
Rationalisation,  409,  532,  560  ff., 


Reflation,  483  ff., 
Reformation,  48,  54  i 



Refugee  problem,  128,  191,  201, 

203,  205 
Rentier*,  attitude  of,  310  f.,  486  ff., 

518  f.,  816 
Reparations,    262,    263  ff.,    271, 

276  ff.,  424  ff.,  464,  645 
—  Commission,  263 
Republics  in  Europe,  129,  571  ff. 
Revolutions  of  1848,   ioof.,  300, 

Rhodes,  1  18,  199  ff.,  336 
Riga,  Treaty  of,  1.920,  168 
Roman  Empire,  26,  27 
--  Eastern,  26  f.,  36,  51,  52 
--  Holy,  26,   31,  38  f,  47  ff., 

51,  82,  241 
Roumania,  1  79  ff. 

—  agricultural     exports,     445  ff., 


—  agriculture,    139,    i8of.,    182, 

45  1  >  453 

—  armaments,  706  ff 

—  Averescu,  1  83  f. 

—  oalance  of  trade,  459  f. 

—  Balkan  Wars.  i8of. 

—  Bessarabia.  Ses  Bessarabia 

—  Bratianu,  183 

—  Bucharest,  182 

—  Carol,  King,  130,  183  ff. 

—  conditions    during    war,    123, 
181  f. 

—  debts,  457  ff. 

—  dictatorship,  130 

—  economic  position,  457  ff. 
-  —  Ferdinand,  King,  184 

—  foreign  exchange,  452 
--  relations,  185  f.,  728 

—  history,  52,  103,  104,  118 

—  imports  and  exports,  429,  451, 

453,  459  £ 

—  I.L.O.  and,  796  f. 

—  monetary  conditions,  467,  471 

—  nationalities,  148 

—  Peace  Treaties,  125 

—  politics,  129,  182  ff.,  566 

—  population,  1  36  f.,  1  79 
--  occupations,  142 

—  public  finance,  459 

—  religions,  1  80 

—  Russian     frontier,      147.     Sec 

—  Socialism,  566 

Roumania,   transport,  151 

—  Transylvania,  I79f.,  213 

—  Vaida-Voevod,  183 

—  wages,  553 

—  wheat  exports,  438 

production,  441 

Royal  Dutch  Shell,  810 
Rubber,  world  stocks,  417 
Russia     and     U.S.S.R.,     369  ff., 

652  ff. 

—  agricultural    conditions,     139, 
3?i >  45i»  453 

exports,  445ff->  45 '»  453 

socialisation,       149,       152, 

384  f.,  444,  667  f. 

—  Alexander  I,  90,  99 

—  area,  I35f.,  369 

—  armaments,  699,  703,  706  ff. 

—  and  Border  States,  145  ff. 

—  Brest-Litovsk  Treaty.  See  Brest- 

—  butter  trade,  455 

—  Cadets,  377 

—  Catherine  II,  76,  80,  374,  375 

—  Cheka,  381,  392 

—  climate,  20 

—  "  collectives,"  389,  391 

—  Communism,  566,  652  ff.,  and 
see  Communism 

—  Communist   Party,    131,    386, 
389  ff.,  655  ff.,  661  ff.,  668,  681, 

—  conditions  during  war,  396 

—  Constitution,    U.S.S.R.,     131, 
37i,  387  ff. 

—  Counter-R  e  v o  1  u  1 1  o n,     133, 

379  ?; 

—  Denikm,  133,  379  f. 

—  disarmament,  723,  729,  735  f. 

—  electrical  industry,  5 1 6 

—  engineers*  trial,  1933,  382,  386  f. 

—  Estonia,  relations  with,  157  ff. 

—  Finland,  relations  with,  152  f., 

J54,  375 

—  Five-Year   Plans,  151,  383  ff., 
408,  515,  696 

—  foreign  intervention,  158,  160, 

379  ff-»  736 

—  G.P.U.,  392 

—  history,    pre-war,  27,  36,  50, 
5'f-»  56,  65  f.,  76,  77,  84,  92, 
98  f.,  101,  103  f.,  105,  374  ff. 

86o  INDEX 

Russia,  illiteracy,  393 

—  imports    and    exports,    428  f., 
437  ff.,  455,  517,  520,  535 

—  industrial  development,  151  f, 
376.  See  Five-  Year  Plans 

--  production,  406  f.,  408,  511, 

5.1  5  f- 

—  infant  mortality,  373 

—  international  relations,   151  f., 

379  ff-,  385  f-,  73i,  7B7  ff. 

—  Ivan  III,  52,  374 
--  IV,  66,  374,  375 

—  Japan,    war    with,    115,    375, 
376  f. 

—  Kerensky,  377,  378,  570 

—  Kharkov,  151 

—  Kiev,  27,  32,  36,  151,  374 

—  Kolchak,  133,  380 

—  Kornilov,  378,  379 

—  Kulaks,  384,  386,  388,  664 

—  land  nationalisation,  379 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  385,  750,  751  f, 
787  ff. 

—  Lenin,     377  ff.,     382  f,     388, 
654  ff,  662,  664,  667,  669  ff, 

—  Leningrad,  152,  374,  377,  378 

—  Lithuania,       relations       with, 
161  ff. 

—  livestock,  449,  454 

—  Lvov,  570 

—  Mensheviks,  66  1,  68  1 

—  Moscow,  152 

—  nationalities,  128,  370  f. 

—  New  Economic  Policy,  382  f., 
384,  388,  664 

—  Nicholas  I,  1  03 

—  Nijni  Novgorod,  32,  66,  374 

—  Peter  the  Great,  76,  374,  375 

—  Petliura,  379 

—  Poland,    relations    with,    127, 
165  f.,  i68f.,  380 

—  political  conditions,   129,  566. 
See  Communist  Party  and  Soviet 

—  population,  1356°".,  369  f. 
--  occupations,  141  f. 

—  Pripet.  See  Poland 

—  production,  371  f.,  406  ff.,  511, 

—  Pskov,  66,  374 

—  Red  Guard,  378 

Russia,  religions,  370  f. 

—  Reval,  151 

—  Revolution,  7005,  119,  152,  157, 
160,  163,  376  f.,  660 

March  /o/7,   123,  160,  377, 

570,  826 
October  19/7,   123,  132,  160, 

377  ff,     565,     570  f.,     652  ff., 

660  ff,  671 

—  Riga,  151 

—  Roumania,  relations  with,  1 79, 
185,  1 86 

—  St.  Petersburg.  See  Leningrad 

—  Social     Revolutionary     Party, 
661,  680  f. 

—  Socialisation.  See  Agriculture 

—  Socialism,  66 1,  676,  680,  682  ff. 

—  Soviet  Congresses,  377  ff.,  388 
Petrograd,  377,  378 

system,  388,  665  ff.,  826 

—  Spindonova,  66 1 

—  Stalin,  376,  386,  389 

—  steel  industry,  514 

—  Stolypin,  377 

—  territories  lost  in  war,  126,  127, 

—  transport,  372 

—  treaties,  152 

—  Urals,  152 

—  Vesyenka,  381 
-  wages,  553 

—  War  Communism,  380  ff 

—  western  frontier,  147  ff. 

—  wheat  exports,  437  ff. 
production,  441 

—  Witte,  376 

—  Workers'     and     Peasants'    In- 
spectorate, 391  f. 

—  —  and  Soldiers'  Councils,  655, 
660,  663,  665,  674 

—  Wrangel,  133,  380 

—  Yudemch,  133,  380 
Rye,  445  ff. 

SAAR,  126,  137  f,  305,  524,  555 

Saint-Simon,  100,  675 

San  Marino,  1 29 

Sanctions,  767  ff.  See  also  Dis- 

Scandinavia,  51 ,  280  f.  See  also 
separate  countries  and  Norsemen 

—  proposed  tariff  union,  543,  544 

Scheldt,  292,  294,  298 
Schleswig.  See  Slesvig 
Schneider-Creusot,  104,  715,  720 
Scotland,  44,  57,  141  f. 
Security.  See  Disarmament 

—  Pact,  proposed,  741  f. 
Separation  of  powers,  574 
Serbia,  51,  52,  68,  103,  104,  1 18  f., 

Serfdom,    28,    40,    50,    64,    105, 

242  ff. 

Shipping  during  slump,  5 1 6  ff. 
Silesia,  76,  225.  See  under  Germany 

and  Poland 
Silk,  artificial,  447,  450 

—  raw,  447 

Skoda,  munition  works,  716 
Slesvig-Holstein,    102,    125,    280, 


Social  services,  479  ff.,  812,  817 
Socialism,  growth  of,  578,  591  ff. 

—  "National,"   781  f,   814,   831, 
£33.  See  Germany,  Nazis 

—  outlook  for,  Sigf.,  823  ff. 

—  policy  of,  591  ff.,  658,  685  ff., 
780  ff.    See    also    under    separate 

Socialist  attitude  to  Russian  Revo- 
lution, 653  ff. 
war,  682 

—  parties  in  Europe,  566  f. 
Spam,  3 1 5  ff. 

—  agricultuie,  139,  317  ff.,  327  f., 

450,  452 

—  Alfonso  XIII,  320,  321  f. 

—  Anarchism,  320,  331  ff.,  688 

—  area,  315 

—  armaments,  706  ff. 

—  Azana,  319,  326,330 

—  Aznar,  324 

—  Berenguer,  322  f. 

—  Besteiro,  332 

—  Caballero,  L.,  332 

—  Catalonia,  129,  323  f.,  326  f. 

—  Catholic   Church,     320,    321, 


—  Communism,  333 

—  Constitution,  324  ff 

—  Cordova,  31 

—  de  los  Rios,  328 

—  economic  conditions,  315  ff. 

—  education,  328  f. 

INDEX  86l 

Spain,   Ferdinand    and    Isabella, 

45  f-,  61,  319 

—  Ferrer,  329 

—  geography^  1 5,  316  f. 

—  history,  29*29,  3*  f-»  45  **•»  52, 
56,  58,  6 1  f.,  72  f.,  75,  84,  92, 
93>  98,  99>  Joo,  103,  319  ff. 

—  imports    and    exports,    31 7  f., 
428  f.,  450,  452 

—  industries,  317 

—  Inquisition,  45,  58 

—  I.L  O.  and,  795,  796 

—  Jesuits,  45,  58,  326 

—  Lerroux,  329 

—  Loyola,  58 

—  Maura,  326 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 


—  Philip  II,  58 

—  political  conditions,  1 29,  566 

—  population,  136  f.,  315 
occupations,  1 42 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  Revolution,    1931,     130,     132, 
316,  324  ff.,  688 

—  Rivera,    Pnmo   de,    1 30,   320, 
32  iff*.,  639,  688 

—  Romanones,  324 

—  Sanjurgo,  327 

—  Socialism,    320,    322,    325  f., 
328  ff.,  566 

—  tariffs,  539,  541 

—  Trade  Unions,  320, 331  f.,688f. 

—  wages,  552 

—  wheat,  441 

—  Zamora,  319,  324,  326,  330 
Spending  and  saving,  482  ff. 
Spitzbergen,  280,  282 
Stabilisation.    See    Currency    and 

Monetary  policy 
Standstill       Agreements,     275  f., 

436  f.,  466 
State  capitalism,  656 

—  nature  of,  657  £ 

—  sovereignty,        749,        759  ff., 
770  ff.,  780  ff. 

Steel  cartel,  525  ff.,  810 

—  industry,  511,  513  f.,  524  ff. 
wages  in,  554 

Stocks,  commodity,  4i7ff. 
Stresa     Conference,     1932,     311, 
443ff->  457ff->  474  £>  487 



Sugar,  417,  447 
Sweden,  280  f.,  284  ff. 

—  agriculture,  140,  285,  451,  453 

—  armaments,  707 

—  Bifors  concern, 

—  Branting,  287 

—  butter  exports,  4^5 

—  Charles  XI J,  76,  281,  286 

—  Communism,  566 

—  Gustavus  Adolphus,   59,   281, 

Vasa,  286 

—  history,  58,  59,  76,  92,  286 

—  import  restrictions,  467 

—  imports  and  exports,  285,  429, 

451,  453,  5i7 

—  industrial  development,  140 
production,  51 1 

—  I.L.O.  and,  796,  798 

—  Kreuger,  285 

—  machine  production,  526  f. 

—  Match  Combine,  285 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  469, 


—  political  conditions,  129,  286  f., 


—  population,  137  f.,  284 
occupations,  141  f. 

—  prices,  415,431  ff. 

—  religions,  287 

—  shipping,  517 

—  Socialism,  287,  566 

—  tariffs,  539,  540,  544 

—  unemployment,  509 

—  wages,  553,  554 

—  wheat  imports,  439 

prices,  441 

Switzerland,  220  ff. 

—  agriculture,  450,  452 

—  armaments,  707  ff. 

—  Communism,  566 

—  Geneva,  59 

—  history,  50,  59,  101,  221  f. 

—  import  restrictions,  467 

—  imports  and  exports,  221,  429, 

439,  450>  452,  455>5i 7 

—  industries,  140,  221,  224 

—  I.L.O.  and,  794,  795,  797,  798 

—  investments  in  Germany,  466 

—  languages,  223 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  223  f. 

—  machine  industry,  527 

Switzerland,  monetary  conditions, 


—  political  conditions,   1 29,   1 30, 
131,  222  f.,  566 

—  population,  137,  223 
occupations,  142,  221 

—  prices,  431  ff,  435 

—  religions,  223 

—  Socialism,  222,  224,  566 

—  tariffs,  539,  540 

—  tourists,  221 

—  unemployment,  509 

—  wages,  553,  554 
Syndicalism,     120,     331  ff.,   631, 

688  f. 

Tariffs,     post-war,      14,     423  f., 

435  f-,    467  ff,    52  if-    530  ff, 
536  ff.,  778,  784,  810 
agricultural,  410,  545 

—  pre-wai ,  1 05  ff. 
Tartars,  51  f. 

Taxation,  effects  of,  479  ff.,  519 

—  growth  of,  812  f. 

Textile  production,  511,  512    See 

separate  countries  and  industries 
Thomas,  Albert,  806 
Three-Power     Pact,     1927,     723, 

733  ff 

Timber  trade,  155 
Tin,  417 

Tobacco,  447,  474 
Trade,  post-war,  402  ff.,  427  ff, 

457  ff.,  516  ff. 
Trade    Unions    after    war,    399, 

561  ff,  817 

—  during  war,  686  ff. 

—  under    Capitalism,    659  f.    See 
separate  countries 

Transylvania,  I79f.,  213 
Trianon,   Treaty   of,    1920,    124, 

212  f. 

Triple  Entente,  117,  361 
Turkey,  and  Balkan  States,  i88ff. 

—  armaments,  706  ff. 

—  economic  position,  457 

—  history,   51  ff,  68,  92  f.,  98  f, 
103 f.,  114,  ii7f.,  125,  126 

—  imports  and  exports,  429 

—  Kemal,  Mustapha.    126,    131, 
1 86 


Turkey,  L.  of  N.  and,  773 

—  Mehemet,  AH,  98  f. 

—  monetary  conditions,  469 

—  Peace  Treaties,  1 24,  1 25 

—  political  conditions,   129,   131, 
132,  566 

—  population,  137  f. 

—  revival,  post-war,  286 

—  tobacco  trade,  474 

—  U.S.S.R.,  relations  with,  147, 

736,  753 
Turks,  Ottoman,  52  ff. 

—  Seljuk,  36,  51 

U.S.S.R.  See  Russia. 
Unemployment,  Convention,  800 

—  cost  of,  481 

—  during     slump,     14,     498  ff., 
692  f. 

—  insurance,  307,  500  ff.,  561 
Union  of  Democratic  Control,  717 
United   States,   agriculture,    107, 

409  ff.,  412,  420  f. 

—  armaments,  699,  701  ff.,  706  ff. 

—  balance  of  trade,  424 

—  boom     and    slump,    /pstf-s-p, 

419  ^ 

—  -  capital  exports,  421  ff. 

—  chemical  industry,  527 

—  disarmament,  723,  733,  736  f. 

—  economic     conditions     during 
war,  395  f. 

--  outlook,  807  f. 

—  European  debts  to,  424 

—  gold  reserves,  424 

—  immigration,  238 

—  imports   and   exports,   428  ff., 
5.i  7>  520,  523 

—  industrial  production,  407,  409, 

[on,  426 

—  I.L.O.  and,  794 

—  investments  in  Germany,  466 

—  L.  of  N.  and,  725,  730,  750  f., 

754,  783 

—  monetary    conditions,    4193., 

433*487,491      B 

—  political  conditions,  586  f. 

—  population,  1  36 
--  occupations,  142 

—  prices,  41  5,431  ff. 

—  Roosevelt,  808 

United  Stat< 

—  tariffs,  i 

—  transport 

—  unempl 

—  wheat 
Utrecht,  Ti 


VENICE,    28,    32! 

1 02 

Vickers- Armstrong,  715! 
Vikings.  See  Norsemen 


396,  4i9>  55i  ff- 

—  and  prices,  558  ff. 

—  real,  551  ff. 

—  reductions,  485  ff.,  500,  555  ff. 
War,  danger  of,  820  ff. 

—  economic  effects,  395  ff. 
Washington    Hours    Convention, 

*9*9>  797  ff-»  803,  805 

—  Naval    Treaty,    1922,    701  ff., 

723>  733 

Wells,  H.G.,  823  f. 
Westphalia,  Treaty  of,  56,  59,  67, 

68,  133 
Wheat  problem,  437  ff.,  779 

—  production  and  trade,  437  ff. 

—  stocks,  417 

White  Slave  Traffic,  758 

Wilson,  President,  123,  149,  233, 

248,  250,  750,  783 
Wine  trade,  447,  450  f. 
Wool,  raw,  447 
Woollen  industry,  530 
World  Economic  Conference,  19*7, 

~  *933>  445»  549,  752,  758,  808 

YOUNG  PLAN,  276  f. 
Yugoslavia,  186,  193  ff. 

—  agriculture,  139,  195,  446,  451, 


—  Alexander,  King,  1 97 

—  armaments,  706  ff. 

—  balance  of  trade,  459  f. 

—  capital  imports,  422 

—  Communism,  igoT. 



Yugoslavia,  debts,  457  ff. 

—  economic  position^  457  ff. 

—  foreign     relations,     728.     See 
Little  Entente 

—  history,    104,  id!,  127,  193  f., 

195  £ 

—  imports  and  exports,  429,  451, 

453»  454»  459  ff- 

—  industries,  195 

—  I.L.O.  and,  797 

—  minorities,  1 94  ff 

—  monetary  conditions,  433,  462, 

—  nationalities,  148 

Yugoslavia,  Pasic,  197 

—  Peace  Pacts,  725 

—  political  conditions,  1 29, 1 95  ff., 

—  population,  I36f.,  194 

—  prices,  431  ff. 

—  public  finance,  459 

—  Radic,  1 96  f. 

—  religions,  194 

—  tariffs,  541 

—  transport,  151 

—  wheat,  439, 44 1 


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